srof ES D MI Zit (V) IP • THE Subscriber respectfully informs tht public, that he has removed his shop to tilt corner of Market Square, in the house for merly occupied as a tavern, by Alex. CAILMJN where he has on hard gen eral assortment of GOOD TIN WARE, which he will sell ehesp at whole sale or retail. House spouting trill he put on at the shortest notice. lie also has on hand ■ general assortment of Sheet Iron ware. stove pipe, Drums, Dripping pans, Coal Scuttles etc. He has also a general as sort:nent of DULLoW - WARE, every size of Pots, Wash: Kettles. teakettles, and oval boilers. Of STOVES he has a great variety—of all sizes of wood cook. tug stoves, and coal stoves with Sheet Iron tops, all of handsome patterns, and of superior quality of casting, and are fin-, ished with tin or copper, and in finish are not inferior to any in the county. All orders will be punctually 'attended to, and thankfully received. Every ar ticle theap for cash. /It: hopes by punctuality, and careful' attention to business, to merrit a good share of Public Patronage. WILLIAM 0. ZIGLER. Huntingdon June 19, 1939.-1 Y. VERY IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. The Subscribers offer offer for sale their improved celebrated Thrashing-Ma chines, at their Shops in Iluntingdim and Lewistown. By application, made by mail or otherwise to John Switzer, Hun tingdon--or Arthur B. Long, Lewistown, farmers can be accommodated on the most reasonable terms. For running easy, doing the work wall. . for durability; they defy the State of Piiiinsylvania to ex ceed them. Those who wish it, can have ' a straw carrier attached to their Machine, which will be:a great a?.1. - antage in thrash ing, one hand le , ,s will. !.ie respired to take away the straw, -. riA the caving much more easily 'perfor l med 2ty an agreement with the Patentee's, w- heve the Exclu sive Privilege of bull iing mid selling, in the county's of Peri : iota, Huntingdon and prt of Camsria. II Farmers, will cense.' their own Interest, and keep free 1, . t.•::.trble—they will beware of buying Al ;f:7.,e9, of any kind, with the Strap pare' r the Horses feet unless made L no by us, as thr ?Went Laws, will enforced. S. LONG ,84 Co June, 4.189 To the Public. Nhy inkrnird, thatl zu ptinted agent'. irmr the sale ,of Dr,' f,nily aperient pills, 1 medicine, can be ways t 3 have a sup- THE I.kCO _ _ _ for lik_nti,,4 TAPans' arumnile viher!4;).ll th , 3e that *applied a 3 he into, fly on hart'. IFE AND HE Il,—Persons whose ALEgb nerves have b by Calomile, or excessive grief, g, 10,, of blood, the sup pression of accuston• ••.I•d,3charges or cuta 'MOW., intemperate ! ~:nts, or other causes which tend to relax d c ii,rvate the ner vous system, will fi! • fir!mcl to soothe and comfort them, in I VA'!'!!i' CAMOMILE PILLS. Those affl; ted with Epilepsy or Failing Sickness, Pa Serious Apoplexy, and organic affectirn , • , f tie heart, Nausea, Vomiting, pains in • .e sid,, breast, limbs, bead, stomach or , , will find themselves antnediately relieve ny ohingi ZVANS' CAMOM' 7ND APERIENT 1, Ls, DR. EVANS doe, lot pretend to say that his medicine will cu all diseases that flesh and blood are heir . ';at he does says that In all Debilitated an. impaired Constitutions --in Nervous diseas...s of all kinds, particular ly of th.e DIGESTIVE ORGANS, and in Incipient Consumption, whether of the lungs or liver, they will cure. That dreadful dis ease, CONSUMP'rION, might have been checked in its commencement, and disap pointed its prey all over the land, if the first symptoms of Nervous Debility had been counteracted by the CAMOMILE FLOW ER chemically prepared; together with many ether diseas2s, whemi other remedies have proved tatal. How many persons do we daily find tortu red with that dreadful disease. SICK EEADACHE, If they would only make trial of this invaluable medicine, they would perceive that life is a pleasure and not a source of misery and abhorrence. In conclu sion I would warn nervous persons against the abstraction of BLOOD, either by leech es, e.upping,'or the employment of the lancet. Drastic purgatives in delicate habits are al- Most equally improper. Those ,are prac tices too often resorted tc in such cases, but they seldom fail to prove*highly injurious. Certificates of cures are daily received which add sufficient testimony of the great efficacy if this invaluable medicine, in relieving af flicted mankind. The above medicine is for axle at Jacob Miller's store, Huntingdon. Dr. Brandre ties, OINVINE YEGITABL r: 1.7 N 'VERSA*, PILLS. The following are the wily authorized agents in Huntingdon county who have for sale, On. BIZANDRETH'S Genuine Vegi- Sable Universal Pills._ _ _ filliamSteuart, Huntingdon. Robert Lowery, Hollidaysburg. A. Patterson, Williamaborg. James Campbell, Nlceonnelleville, J. H. Moore, Fran k s tow n Messrs. Thomas M. Oaten Son, Bit , ininghtm. Miura. Conder Johniln, Sitleburgh F. A. WILLI •kmSON, TraAeliing Agent for 1)r. tienndrett‘. Runting , lqn Oct. 1.6, 163'). fitn. p. lIR. S wavne's Compound Syrup of pro nus of Virginian(' or wild Cherry. Phis syrup is highly beneficial in all pectu ral affections; also, in diseases of the chest n which the lungs do not perform their ;roper offiee from want of due nervous energy: such as asthnias, pulmonary con gumption, recent or chronic coughs, hoarse leas, whooping cough, wheezing and.dif iculty of breathing, croup and spitting of )14)(0, 4 c. flow many sufferers do we laity behold approaching to an untimely ,rave, wrested in the bloom of youth from their dear relatives and friends, afflicted ,vith that common and destructive rdva ' ;et., called consumption, which soon wasts the miserable sufferer until they become ')eyond ,the power of human skill; if such itarrets would cnly make a trial of Dr. Swayne's invaluable medicine, they would soon find themselves benefitted; than by gulphing the various ineffective certain remedies of which our newspapers daily 4bountl. This syrup immediately begins to heal the ulcerated lungs, stoppintg pro ruse night sweats, mititigating the distres sing cough at the same time inducing a healthy and natural expectoration, also re lieving the shortness of breath and pain in the chest, which harrass the sufferer on the slightest exercise, and finally the hec , tic flash in the pallid and emaciated cheek will soon begin to vanish, and the sufferer will here peceive himself snatched from a premature grave, into the enjoyment again of comfortable health. For sale at Jacob Miller's store Hunt Coughs and Colds. How many sufferers do we daily behold afflicted with that common and distressing disease! Do we not find that almost every person or friend we meet with complains of a bad COLD or a distressing COUGH? We also find in assemblies of all kinds that „there is a continual coughing, by which we:perceive that then is one halt of the human family afflicted with that troublesome disease. If, those sufferers would only make a trial of Dr Swayne's Syrup or wild cherry they would soon find themselves relieved, and by continuing the use of the same for 'R few days, it will effect a permanent cure. Hundreds can testify to this fact, as in the short space of two months, !upwards of five hundred bottles have been sold. The syrup for sale at Jacob Miller's storm Huntingdon Pa. RICHES NOT HEALTH. Those who enjoy Health, must certainly feel blessed when they compare themselves to those sufferers that have been afflicted for years with various diseases which the human family are all subject to be troubled with.— present themselves in various forms and from vai':9uS circuinstanwts, which, in the commencement', may all be checked by the use of Dr. 0. P. liar:let's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient 'Pills, —such as Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Pain in the Side, Rheumatism, General De :P.!!!) Female Diseases, and all Diseases to which human nature is subject, where th Stomach is affected. Directions for using these Medicines always accompany them. These Medicines eau be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate Female, as they are mild in their operation and pleasant in their effects. Principal Office for the United States, No. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. ' Also for sale at the store of Jacob Miller, who is agent for Huntingdon county. DYsPFPNIA! DYSPEPSIA!! ( More firoofo of the efficacy of Dr. Harlich'e Medicinee. Mr Jonas Hartman, of Sumneytown, Pa. entirely cured of the above disease, which he was afflicted with for six years. His spmptoms were a sense of distension and op pyession after eating, distressing pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, loss. of appetite, giddiness and dimness of sight, extreme de bility, flatulency. acrid eructations, some times vomiting, and pain in the right side, depression of spirits. disturbed rest, faint ness, and not able to pursue his business without causing immediate exhaustion and weariness. Mr. Hartman is happy to the pub lie and is willing to give any information to the afflicted, respecting the wonderful ben efit he received from the use of Dr. Harlichs' Compound Strengthening and German ape rient pills. Principal office No. 19 North Eighth street Philadelphia. Also for sale at the store of Jacob Miller, Huntingdon. TREATMENT. The principal objects to be kept In view are Ist, to free the stomach and intestines from offending materials. 2d. to improve the tone of the digestive organs and energy of the system in removing noxious matters from the stomach, and obviating costiveness. Violent drastic purgatives should be avoided and those aperients should be used which act ently, and rather by soliciting the per istalic motions of the intestines to their inn tacky of health, than by irritating them to a laborious excitement. Cleve is no medicine better adapted to the completion of this than DRr. 0. P. HARLICII'S GERMAN APERIENT PILLS. To improve the functions of the de bilitated organs and invigorate the system generally, no medicine has ever been so prominently efficacious as DR. Hat Compound Tonic Strengthening Pills, whose salutary influence in restoring the digestive organs to a healthy action, and re-establish ing health and vigor in enfeebled and dys petic constitutions; have gained the implicit confidence of the moat eminent physicians, and unprecidented public testimony. Re member Dr. Harlich's Compound Tonic Strengthening Pills, thay arc put up in small packets with full directions. Pi incipal office for the United States, is No. 19 North Eighth street Philadelphia where all communications must be addres, sed. Also for sale at the store of Jacob Miller, who is agent for Huntingdon County. TAKE NOTIC E That the notes and accounts of A. B & Geo II Long, and also the notes of Streuh and Longa-aro•in the hands of T. ricaa Esq, for collection. Immediate at ',rutin?) sill save cost. ictont, January 22,1841 COUGh, ASTHMAIIND SPITTING B I, 0 0 I) Cured By JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16,183 F Mr. Atkinson—Dear Sir: A few weeks ago I noticed in your paper, an account of the surprising effects of Jayne's Carminative, in restoring a great number of passengers oh board of aMgsissippi steam boat to perfect health, who were affected by violent Bowel Complaint• I was glad to see you notic it so kindly; you may rest assured it deserves the praise bestowed upon it. The benefit I have veceived from his medi cine, more especiallyhis EXPECTORANT induces me to state my case to you. for the benefit of those who are afflicted in the same way. It has been my misfortune, sir, to las bor under a Cough and Astlintatical oppre sion, for more than half a century. ',hen a soldier in the American Camp, in 1778, I, with many others, (owing to great expo sure,) had a violent attack of disease of the lungs, by which I was disacled from duty for a long time. Since that period, until recently, I have never been free from a vio lent cough and difficulty of breathing. Yeari after year, I have expectorated over a gill a day. Often much more, and sometimesmix ed with blood. For months together, night' after night, I have had to sit or he bolster ed up to obtain my breath. The werkness and debility caused by such constant expec toration, frequently brought me to a state' bordering on death. It has been a matter of astonishment to my family and frie.:ds, that lam here to write this to you. I have had skillful physicians to attend me, and ev ery thing done that was thought likely to give me relief, without nny beneficial Effect. Last winter I had another very seveee at tack of inflamation of the lungs, which I ful-' ly expected would be the last. I then con-' sidered my case as past the aid of medicine. Whep I was persuaded !to call *kin Doctor . Jayne—with the assistance of Divine Provi dence, througn him 1 was once more raised from my bed: but the cough and whet zing wearied me day and night. He advised me to use his Expectorant. I did so, with a strong hope, that, as it had cured many of my acquaintances of various diseases of the lungs, it might, at least mitigate my suffer ings. Need I say how satisfied I feel—l IT •HAS EFFECTUALLY CURED Mg' As soon as I commenced taking it, I found it I reached my case, and I began to breathe with more freedom. My expectoration be came easy, and my cough entirely left me. I now feel as well as I ever did in my life,' and better than 1 have been for the last six-1 years. Last summer I spit a great deal of blood; now thank God I am perfectly cured. Now sir, after suffering so long, and finding at last, such signal relief from Doctor Jaynes Expectorant. 7,1 :feel anxious to inform my fellow citizens tOtere relief may be had. If you think this worth »lace in your paper, you will oblige me by noticing_ it. NICHOLAS HARRIS, Sen. No, Ss Lombard street. The above valuable medicine may be had wholesale and retail at Jayne's Drug and Chemical Store, No. 20, South Third street Philadelphia. Price $l. Sold, also, by lACOB MILLER, Agen Huntingdon Pa. O'TThe article published below con cerning the new and popular doctrine ad vanced by the illustrious Goelicke of Ger. mary, cannot fail of exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout our coun try. LTransiated from the German.] LOUIS OFFON GOELICKE, OF GERMANY, THE GRE.ITEST OF HU. .711.41 X BE.i EFaCTORS. Citizens of Xenia and oath Janet-Ica, To Louis OFFON GOELICNE, M. D., o Germany, [Europe] belongs the imper ishable honor of adding a newand precious , doctrine to the Sciences of Medicine—a doctrine which, though vehemently op• posed by many of the faculty, (of which he is a valuable member,) he proves to be as well founded intruth as any doctrine of Holy . Writ—a doctrine upon the variety of which are suspended the lives of mil lions of our race, and which he boldly challenges his opposers to refute, viz: Consumption is a disease always occa sioned by . a disordered state of Vis Vitae (or life principle) of the human body: of. ten secretly lurking in the systernfor years before there is the least complaint of the Lungs—and which may be as certainly though not so quickly, cured as a com mon cold or a simple headache. An in valuably. precious doctrine this, as it im parts an important lesson to the apparently ' health of both sexes, teaching them that this insidious foe may be an unobserved inmate of their "clayey houses" even while they imagine themselves secure ' from its attacks, teaching them that the ' great secret in the art of preserving health is to pluck out the disease while in the blade, and not wale till the full grown ear. This illustrious benefactor of man is al so entitled to your unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, for the in• vention of his matchless sanative,—whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it has so signally triumphed over our great common enemy consump Lion, both in the first and last stages,— medicine which has thoroughly filled the vacunm in the Meteria Medica, and there by proved itself the Conqueror of Physi cians—a medicine, for which all mankind will have abundant cause to bless the beneficient hand of a kind Providence,--a medicine, whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly pot trayed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they often become the happy instruments of , changing despondency into hope, sickness nto health, and sadness of friends into yfulness. GOLLICK'S. MATCHLESSSANA TIVE, medicine of more value to man than the vast mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of our globe.—a medicine, which is obtained equally from the vegetable, ,animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a three fold power,—a medicine : which though designed as a remedy for ( consumption solely, is possessed of a mys terious influence over many diseases of the human system,--a medicine, wit ch begins to be valued by Physicians, v are daily m itnessing its.astonishin. cut • of many whom they had resigned' to t grasp of the Insatiuble Grave Dosz of the Sanative, for adults, of drop; for children a hall drop; and infants, a quarter drop; the directions ex plaing the manner of taking a half or a 'quartet. drop. Pat or—Three and one third rix dol lars* ($2,50) per lIALF °ONCE. *A German coin, value 75 cents. —....... A certificate from three members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION in Germany, in Europe. We the undersikned, practitioners of medicine in GerMany' are well aware jthat, by our course, we may forfeit the friendship of some of the faculty, but I not of its benevolent members, who are uninfluenced by selfish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expression of 'our opinion, either of the soundness or lunsoundness of Dr. Goelicke's new doc trane, we are happy to say that we deem ibis Sanativ too valuable not to be general ly known—for what our eves behold and lour ears hear, we must believe. Ve hereby state, that when Dr. Louis ' Ofron Umelicke first came before the Ger man public, as the pretended discoverer of a new doctrine and a new medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believ ing and openly pronouncing him to be a base imposter and the prince of quacks. But, on hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, from motives of curiosity mere ly, to make trial of its reputed virtues, upon a number of our most hopeless pa-, tients; and we now deem it our bounden duty (even at the expense of our self in• terest) publickly to acknowledge its effi ;;lcy in curing not only consumption rut of.herfearful maladies, which we hay, heretofor ehelived fto be incurable. 0 attempt for tftt discoverer of this med sine was at once swallowed up in our ut ter astonishment at these unexpected re sults; aud, as amends for ourabuse of him, we do frankly confess to the world, that. we believe him a philanthropist who does honor to the profession, and to our coun try, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of this medicine in to some of our European hospitals is a sufficient guaranty that it performs all its promises: It need not our testimoy, for wherever it is used it is its ow►► best wit ness. HERMAN ETMULLER, M. D. WALTER VAN GAULT, M.D. ADOLPHUS WERNER, M. D. Germany, December 10, 1830. The above precious medicine (the orig inal discovery of 1)r. hOUIS O. GOEL IC KE, of Germany,) is for sale, wholesale and retail, by, _ L. G. KESSLER. AGENT Fox Mill ( reek. JAMES ENTRIK EN, Jr. Agent for Cary Run. Agent for Colrain Forges. D. STEWART. Huntingdon County, Pa. Important Discovery. The public are hereby directed to the me dical advertisements of Dr. HARLICH'S Celebrated COMPOUND STRENGTH ENING TONIC, and GERM/IN./11'ER IENT PILLS, which are a Medicine of great value to the afflicted, discovered by 0. P. HARLICH, a celebrated physician at Altdorf,Germany, which has been used with unparalleled success throughout Germany. This Medicine consists of two kinds, viz: the CERMAN AAPERIENT, and the COMPOUND STR.ENETHENING TO. NIC PILLS, They are each put up in small packs, and should both be used to effect a permanent cure. Those who arc afflicted would do well to make a trial of thi invaluable Medicine, as they never produc sickness or nausea while using. A safe and effectual remedy for DYSPEPSM OR MDIGES7ION, and all Stomach Complaints; pain in the SIDE, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Loss of t ilipelite, Flatulency, Palpitation of the Heart, General Debility. Nervous Irritabi lity, SICK HEADACHE, Female Disea ses, Spasmodic Affections, RHEUMATISM Asthmas , CONSUMPTION &c. The GERMAN APERIENT PILLS are to cleanse tile stomach and purify the BLOOD The Tonic or STRENGTHENING PILLS are to STRENGTHEN and invigorate the nerves and digestive organs and give tone to the Stomach, as all diseases originate from impurities of the BLOOD and disordered Stomach. This mode of treating diseases is pursued by all' practical PHYSICIANS, which experience has taught them to be the only remedy to effect a cure. They are not only recommended and prescribed by the most experienced Physicians in their daily practice, but also taken by those gentlemen themselves whenever they feel the symp toms of.those diseases, in which they know them to be efficacious. This is the case in all large cities in which they have an ex easive sale, It is sot to be understood the these medicines will cure all diseases mert by purifying the blood—this they will not do; but they certainly will, and sufficiew authority of daily proofs asserting that those medicines, taken as recommended by the di. rections which accompany them, will cure great majority of diseases of the stomach, fubgs and liver, by which impurities of thi (blood are occasioned. _ _ _ Er Ask for DR. HARLICV'S COMPOUND STRENGTHENING TONIC, AND C. ERAIAN APERIENT PILLS. Principal °lice for the sale of Mil. Medicine, is at No. 19 North EIGHTH S'ireel, Philadelphia. Also—For sale at the Store of JACOB MIL LER, in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pa., who is agent for Huntingdon county. RHEUMATISM. Entirely cured by the use of Dr. 0. P. Harlich's Compound Strengthening and Ger man Aperient Pills. Mr. Solomon Wilson, of Chester co. Pa., STORAGE, FORW ‘RDINO , , AND afflicted for two years with the above dis tressing disease, of which he had to use his Conunission Business crutcliss for 18 months, his symptoms were I T lIE undersigned having erected a excruciating pain in all his Joints, especially new and extensive warehouse, on n his hip, Shoulders and ancles, pain increas ithe Public basin at Petersburg, are prepa ng al ways towards !eyeing attended with !red to receive all kinds of grain or met'. heat. Mr. Wilson, was at one time not able , tomove his limbs on account of the be- j . and upon the opening of the ill have a convenient wharf le so great; he being advised by la friend of Lavigation, w his to procure Dr. Harlich's pill of which he erected. sent to the agent in West Chester and pro cored som; on using the medicine the third day the pain disappeared slid his strength increasing f•.st, and in three weeks was al)le to attend to his business, which lie had not done for 18 months; for the benefit of others afflicted, lie wishes those lines published that they may be relieved, and again en joy the pleasures of a healthy life. Principle office, 19th North ;,Bth Street, Philadelphia. ALSO—For sale at the Store of Jacob Mil ler, Huntingdon, Pa. SYMPTOM S. Dyspepsia may be described from a want cf appetite or an unnatural awl voracious one nausea, sometimes bilicus vomiting, sucklei. and transient distensions of the stomach af ter eating, acid and prutrescent eructations, water brash, pains in the region of the atom ach, costiveness palpitation of the heart, die ziness and dimness of sight, disturbed rest, tremors, mental despondency, flatulency, spasms, nervous irritability, chillness, sal lowness of complexion, oppressing after eat ing, generaLlangour and cfebility; this disease will also very'often proclu7e the : sick head ache, as proved by the experience of these who have suffered of it. DR. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT We consider it a duty to call public tention to this admirable preperation for Pulmonary Diseases— Especially Coughs Colds, Consumptions, Spitting blood, Asth ma, Broncial Affections, Hoopm; Cough, &c It is used and very highly approved by per suns of the first respectability, but we feel confident in saying that a trial of its efficacy will be its best recommendation. DR. JONATHAN GOING, PRESIDENT OF THE GRANVILLE COLLEGE, Ohio (late of New York), in a letter to Dr. Jayne da ted New York, December. 1836. says:— “He was laboring under a severe cold, cough and hoarsens so, and that his difficulty e, breathing was so great that he felt himsel lo imminent danger of immendiate suffoca tion, but was perfectly cured by using th Expectorant.' —Mrs. Delks, of Salt m, N. was cured of Astlitsni Of twenty years stan ing, by using two bottles of this medi i Mrs. Ward, also of Salem, was cured of t same complaint by one bottle. Ayeung la dy, also of &Am, who was believed by het friends to be far gone with consumption was perfectly restored by three bottles.—Dr. Hamilton of St. James, South Carolina, was greatly affected by a cough, hoarseness and soreness of the lungs, and on using a bottle of this medicine found permanent relief. Mr. Nicholas Harris, sem, one of the Des icons of the First Baptist Church in this city, has been pertectly cured by it—after having suffered fur sixty years with Cough, Asth- I ma, and Spitting of Blood, which no remedy before could relieve. The Rev. C. C. P. Crosby, writes as fol lows: New York, June 15,1838 To Dr. Jayne:—Dear liave made use of your Expectorant, personally and in my family for the last six years, with great benefit. Indeed I may consider my life pro longed by the use of this valuable medicine, under the blessing ofGod, for several years. I may say almost as much in the case of my wife, and also of the Rev. Mr. Tonsmi, of the Island of Jamaica. For all cases of cough, mfiamation of the chest, lungs, and throat, I do most unhesitatingly recommend this as the best medicine I have ever tried. My earnest wish is, that others afflicted as I have been, may experience theisame relief, which I am persuaded they will by using your Expecto aut. C. C. P. CROSBY. The following Certificate is from a practi sing PHYSICIAN and a much respected Clergyman of the Methodist society—da ted Modest Town, Va. Augnst 27, 1833. Dr. JAYNE, Dear Sir:-1 have been using ,four Expectorant extensively in my practice for the last three months, and for all attacks of Colds, Coughs, Inflamation of the Lungs, Consumption, Asthma, Pains and weakness of the Breast, it is decidedly the best medi cine I have ever tried, Very respectfully yours, R. W. 'W ILLIAMS. Dr. Jayne's Office is No. 20 South Third street. Philadelphia. where all orders will be promptly attended to. Sold also by JACOB MILLER, agent. Huntingdon, Pa.—Price $l. To Markesmen. THOMAS DOUGLASS. (I'4 ttitt Respectfully informs his frtends. and the public generally, that he still continues the above businnss in M'CONNELLSTOWN. And is prepared to manufacture all kind of guns or pistols, or to make any necessas ry repairs upon any article of the kind. if careful attention will mer,t success, he hopes to secure the patronage of the sharp shoo ters of this county. Any orders left with Isaac Davis will be punctually attended to, Huntingdon NoyerabeY 21, 1838. ru BNITUR E, xt*r; F 1 R SALE. The sal:scriber residing on second street inthe" Borough of Alexandria informs the public ingeneral that he has as hands a large. and good assortment of all kinds of Furniture, not inferior to any in the county ,:which he will sell cheap for Cash. GE(). WILSON.. Alexandria, Sept. 25, 1839. The following will be their mica of Storage. :Merchandise per. 2000 114 75 Smaller quantity 100 " 5 Fish per barrel 8 Salt . Ge Flour " 4 Wheat per bushel 3 • Rye & Corn . 0 Oars it 2 Commission es per agreement WIIARFA9E. Blooms }:er toa (9.210 lbs) Plaister 37+ Pig Metal 12+ Bar Iron DMO lbs t do stored Weigh ng per ton 12+ All charges to be paid before the reuta val of the goods. All persons entrustiong filci . business into their hands,. may feel confident that it shall be attended to with care and punctuality; end any goods directed to their care, shall be forwarded as pei order Su:evens cs• Morrison. Petersburg, hunt. co Pa. Jun. I, 1840.3 w ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE• ALL persons knowing themseli es indebted to the Estate of Nlichael Wallace, late of Morris township, flue tinglion county, dec'd. are requested t make payment to the undersigned; and at thoso having claims against said estate, wi I present theni propetly authenticated Cc: settlement, on or before the Ist day of February, 1840. The books are in the possession of Henry Is one of the Ad ministratur, in the Borough of Altman. I]fenry Neff, Samuel P. Wallace, Admr s. Morris tp. Dec. 1 I, 185.9. STRAY STEER. dei ANE to the re sidence of the subscriber, living in y p ; 'Henderson township sometime In Septem ber last, a Steer, supposed to be about 51 years old. Ile has two white feet, and a small white streak on his back; no other marks discernible. The owner is reques ted to come furwartL prove property, pay harges and take him away, ur ha will be capused of according to law. di A. JACOBS. Ilderson top, Dec. 4;1859. ESTATEOF Joel Pennock. The Subscriber, appointed by the cool t of common Pleas of Chester county, Trustees, in the place jof Jesse Posey, and tothers assignees of Joel Pennock. under a deed of voluntary assignment for the benefit of creditors, hereby gives notice, that the books of the aid Joel Pennock, are in the hands of Mr. John Taylor [At cheater Furnact] Who is authorized to make settlement and receive the balances which may be found to be due to the said estate. All persons therefore who have unset tled accounts with said estate. are re quested to cull immediately on Mr. Tay lor, that they may be settled, P. FRAZER SMITII. Dec. £O, 1359.--7 t. TpNTERESTING CURE PERFOR ias MED BY Da. SWAYNE'S COM— POUND SYRUP OF PRUNES; VIRGIN lAN A, 0 R WILD CHERRY. Raving made use of this invaluable Syrup b my fans ily, which entirely cured my child. • The symptoms were Wheezing and choking of Flegth. difficulty of Breathing. attended with constant cough, Spasms, Convulsions. &c. of which I sad given up all hopes of its recrverv, until I was advised to Make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the wonderful effects it Itad upon my. child. I concluded to make the same triA upon my self, which entirely relieved me of a cough. that I was afflicted • with for many years. Any persons wishing to see me can call at my house in Beach street. above thelnarket Kensington, Phila. • Ram Wita.cox. Onsy.av r—The only place where thismcd icine can he obtained, is at Jacob Miller's store. Himtidgclea.