The journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1839-1843, January 29, 1840, Image 3

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    the people, in Wm. HARRISON—
The lieutenant of of aid
de-camp of Anthony Wayne; and the
tried and faithful officer of Thomas Jet
person. He, in the days of our darkest
trial and of peril to the frontier settler,
drove back the savage allies of the Brit
ish tyrant, howling to their wilderness;
and when the segacity nt Jefferson saw
in him the sale recipient of almost on•
limitee power, and placed him to rule and
guide the destines of the western Terito-
IT. He told the world that he was hon
est and capable; for Jefferson knew Nil
well that he who would lay down his life
for his country, would never pollute his
`hands with the corruptions which sap the
foundations of all free governments.
How different would be our govern
ment, it administered by such hands,
from what it is now under . the tyrany
and corruptions of Van Bureitisin—a ty.•
rany which has invaded the doine:3tie cir
cle--which has palsied the business and
.hapriness of imp; and sent the grim fi
gure ot.want, like a spectre, to settler
- beggary and despair upon the hearth stoneof the industrious mechanic. It has pro
.ved the desolation of our lend— the de:
structien of credit—and its blighting in
fluence has fell like a milde.v upon our
home manufactures.
It is time that the hand of the destroy
•or was stayed; and the people, the whole
people, from the cold hills of !Maine, to
the burning sands of Florida---and from
the soil of New Jersey, sodden with the
Aloud of her herds, slam; to the rich pre
raries of the far distant west. to call ot,
him who has thrice saved their frontiers
from the desolating hand of a savage lee,
to preside over the destcnies of that na
tion which he has so faithfully eased iu
the field, and the council chamber.
It is meet then, that we the people of
old Huntingdon, should be among the first
to join the general acclamation, and lest
the damning stain of ingratitude shotild
rest upon oar skirts, for slighting the
claims of that hero and statesman. Tnere
fore we
Resolve, That we hail with joy, the
opportunity thus presented, ut paying a
debt of gratitude to 1% in. H. Hsrri,,un,
by giving to him, at the ballot boxes, a de.
monstration of the value we set ui,on his
errvices, which Intro been ollen celebra
ted with bonfires and illumillations, and
width were written in blood, upon the
forces of Tecumseh, and the inure ruth
less and savage Britian, Procter, at tire
river Thames.
Resolved, That in 'Harrison, we have-a
soldier, to whose abilities and bravery in
the field, the Journals or the legislature
et our own state; the states of Indiana,
Ohio, and Kentucky, and the records of
Congress, bear ample testimony; and a
soldier, whose conduct wea!a no stain of
cruelty, and whose success and braver:.
are attested by the written testimony of
the venerable Shelby :of lcmtucky; of
Richard M. Johnson, of Simon Snyder,
of James Maddison, and Thomas Jear•
Resolved, 'chat in Harrison %tc have a
statesman, possessed of more than cum,
iron sagacity, foresight, tallent and hon
esty, as illustrated by his.countils in Con
gress, and his wise and sound policy,
while goVernor of the North Western
Teri torics.
Resolved, That in Harrison, we have a
democrat of the old school, whose love of
the people and the welfare of the country
made him oiler his life willingly upon the
altar, dedicated to the rig its of man, a
kind of democracy too little known and
too little honored, in these our days;
when democraery means utiiichment to
party, regardless of principle or the wants
of the people, •
Resolved, That in Harrison, we have a
politician in the true meaning of the term
—one who is at all times ready and able
to serve the people, for the good of the
people and the country, in prefference to
the benefit of his party and.himself; as ex
emplified in his conduct, when governor
of the vast teritory of Indiana—superin
tendent of Indian affairs, and when ves
ted by Congress with the so't' control of
the public domain; and with these vast
powers in his
.hands., Thomas Jellerson
made him sole commissioner for treating,
with the North NVestern Indians, with .
power to draw any amount of money he
might deem necessary; and again when
ex•ofliceo governor of Upper Louisiana;
,yet from all these offices, though clothed
with unlimited power, he came unpolluted
•hy the corruptions of party or the plun•
vier of place.
Resolved, That ►n such a soldier, states
man, democrat, and politician, we see the
only man to whom the people can appeal
with safety to bring back our government
to its days of patriot purity.
Resolved, That in John Tyler of Vir
ginia, we see a true, faithful, and intelli
gent son of the "old Dominion," to whom
can be confided with safety, the second
office in our! gift.
Resolved, That the National Conven
tion deserves the thanks of every Ameri
can freeman for its patriotic course, in
selecting such men as guardians of a free
Resolved, That Henry Clay deserves a
monument imperishable as time, tor his
disenterested and patriotic conduct rela
tive to the nominations; and his fearless
and irrisistible strife against the plunder•
'ors of the people, and the violators of pub
lie confidence and faith.
Resolved, That in the avowal of Gem
orison, that under no circumstances to
4.,Avet ,but one term. Wo see the safest,
guarantee that he will administer the gov
ernment for the best interest of the whole
people, instead of wielding his power and
patronage, to secure, either his own or his
successor's elevation to office.
I Resolved, That the thanks of this meew
Ming be presented to John Williamson Esq
for his able, and efficient exertions [as,
our delegate to the National Coliventionp
to secure the nomination of the hero, pat
riot, statesman, and sage—Harrison.
j The following. persnns were appointed
delegates to the National Convention to
meet at Harrisburg 522 d February.
• - -
Robert Lowry
Jacob CresF.wril Rig Rep. Delegates.
David 11We, Esq—Senatorial IJel
The following were appointed as a Ceti
trel Commitime z:
David M',svlartr . te k..Tas Steel Esq, W.
P. Orbi.rin E-,q, Dr. Charles Cowell, 'nes
M'Calmn, I/1$ id Blair Esq, A. Bene
[Signed by (he ,Oeers]
0k5... ' " , ,„,,.cr - ' - 7,'•;: ,5, ; 7 11. , / '' .l
' l - .1 ., i;' : 4,-.
A . 7, '' )P - ,.-,: . ,•,..T . ?- : . ' : ' ,?ir , ,..5( 4 i, ~
One country, one constitution, cite treatiny
Einvitinn•dokn, Zan. CO, 1840.
c ail;,:),111:
GoEl rl V Fr'''ll''
v., viiv,, ..a fleitaii . a 6-•ii'd
FLit.Z4 (1-)ii? ';171°E23 EDE4DPLE:
V. A single term for therresidenev, and
the office . - .dmini,tercd for the whele PEO
PLE. and not fora PARTY.
re A naiad, Ludlum and convenient Na
tional CURRENCY, adapted to the wants GI
the whole COUNTRY, instead of the SHIN
PLA.S 1 EItS brought about by cur preset.
Rue Ens.
, r - rECONOPT RETRExcumENT, and itE
FOtiDt iu the admitustrittion of public affairs,•
a'rired of Experiments and Experi
menters, Republican gratitude will reward
tumbstrusive merit, by elevating the sub
altern of WAsutNc-Tcx ::nd the slet,ciple of
SEFFERS')N. and thu, re:m ming the safe and
beaten track of cur Fatlters,—L. Gazette
Etectorial Ticket.
JOHN A. SHULZE,lSeleto'i
RITNER cluctors
Ist Disirict LEVIS 1 3 . , l'i'MORE,
do Cll.\ 41,1:, WA UERS,
3 , 1 do JON. GILLINGHA M,
4th do ANIO, AKER,
sth do ROtu.!rts sTiNsoN,
10th do JOHN HARPER,
13th do JOHN M'KEEHAN,
14th do JOHN REED,
19th do Gy.x. JOSEPH MARKLE,
25th do JOHN DICK.
Several editorial articles have been o•
in itted, which shall appear in our next pa.
The People's ifleeihm.
.In an Cher column will be found the
voice of old Huntingdon, upon the subject .,
of the nominations. Never was there
more emphatically a meeting of the people.
It was not a 'meeting of party. The un.
bought, unbribed, and unpolluted freemen ,
were there ; and in a language not to be'
mistaken, tell the tale of wrong which has
been enacted 'ay their rulers, and their
determination to awake from their slee p
of danger, and come to the rescue of their
country and its treasure. The honest til..
ler of the soil, the industrious mechanic,
and the toiling laborer were there—inl
truth it was a meeting of the multitude--
who assembled to proclaim their
ness to be first in the cause of that old
Rero, who was first in the bloody strife fur
f•eetlonr and equal rights. It was a glo•
Howl assemblage, and every face beamed
with enthusiasm and joy. The language
of their resolves speaks for itself--it is
the language of an insulted, abused, and
oppressed people, who conic to declare
that their " foes shall oppress them no
Our county was first in the fight, and
last in the field for OLD TIP, and she is
sworn to tell the people of other sections,
that the slang of the vile, the falsehoods
of the corrupt and venal partisan, nor the,
malignity of the hired traducers, whose'
love of place and plunder cause them to
(heap their bitterness upon the head of him,
whose life has been one of danger, sufrer
'irig, and patriotism—will never make
them desert him, who never deserted the
stars and stripes, whether assailed by the
Wiley savage, or the disciplined subject of
England's King.
We ask every candid, truth-loving cit•
izen, to examine carefully the doings of
our citizens, and then ask himself if their's
is not the language of soberness and truth.
e meeting was severally addressed
l b y Isaac Fisher Esq., John Blanchard Esq
„nd John Williamson Esq., our delegate
to the National Convention. The addres•
ses were all characterized by patriotism
and eloquence; and the speakers were
;reefed by the hearty plaudits of the as
'Mc Loco Foco Meeting.
The litithful held a meeting on NVed_
nesday night, the 15th inst.; nothing of
any importance took place. The same
'course was pursued there as elsewhere.—
Every epithet which refined blackguard
ism could invent, was poured out against
that scarred and war-worn old Hero—
Harrison. Let them go on ; the more
they abuse the man who has not only
fought, but won the battles of the free,
the closer will that people who enjoy the
benefits which his valor and bravery won
cling to him. Clo on, we say! go on!
call him granny—prVicoat general—su
perannuated old dotard—miserable cld
bet*!" His history is the history of the
frontier war. His glory is inscribed upon
the institutions of our country—and his
brtivery will be rementb2red so long as the
waters of the Thames flows toward the
ocean, and his de?ds of valor are written
with a pen of steel upon the heart of eve
ry American freeman, who loves his coon.,
try more than lie loves his party.
The cit:zens of this county were no lit-1
tie astonished to hear epithets of detracH
lion and coatempt cum,: from no less a'
roan that Joseph B. Anthony, and burled
at a pt.triot like Harrison. Judge Antho
oy may rest assured that be forgets the
dignity of a tnan at honor, when he min. I
files in the tilt! , of party's pool, and hopes,
to dim the brightness of Old Tip's name,
i ny at erupting to give character to it be.
cause it emanates from an c:,..CongressH
One word more. Huntingdon county
is no place fin. him to endorse the charac
ter of David R. Porter. We know him;
and if lie is anxious to keep his own char
acter untarnished, let his associations bed
as limited and marked by as little intima
cy as possible.
it was not a little laughable to see the
effect of the declaration In favor of taxa-
Lion, when made in the erecting. It soun
ded like an echo in the damp walls of a
cavern. Where there was before some
little show of excitement, all was hushed
as the grave; and should have convinced
the speaker, that the people are net anxi
ous to pay any heavier taxes than at pres
Executor's Notice.
LL persons indebted to the estate of
Smmel ifirnish,late of Morris town
ship, Huntingdon comity, deceased,
are requested to make immediate payment;
and all those having claims against said es
tate, arc requested to present them properly
authentieated for payment to the undersign
CinusTlAN HARNISH,Exees.
1011 N KELLER.
January 22, 1840.-6 t.
THE partnership heretofore existing
between Alexander Stitt and Robert
Lytle Jr._, was dissolved on the ls t
January 1840, by mutual consent. The
books and accounts are is the hands of Alrx.
Stitt, where all interested arc requested to.
call and settle. Mr. Stitt carries on the bu- j
siness at the old stand.
Alexandria, Jan. 22, 1840.—Stp.
x 4. AME to the residence of
e1 e404,
7 77 I C the subscriber, at the mill
hear Alexandria, about
the 16th Dec. 1839, a white anti
red spotted spotted heifer, about 23 years old, no ear
marks. The owner of the same is reques
to come forward, prove property, and take
it away, otherwise it will be sold according
to law.
Gemmill'a Mill, near Alex- '?
r an d", I" on toAn
Reec!pts Expencliiures
, :zrz
County of Huntingdon
From the 10th day of January AD 18:39 up to and including the
9th day of Janury A 1) 1840.
Years Collectors Townships
1827 Aiexarder Ewing Franklin 918 91
1835 John Potts Shirley 9 37
Charles Cummins flame 42 9t.
1836 William Corbin Springfield 9 th
Charles Montgomery Franklin 73 41.
Jacob Eberly West 15 51.
David N Carothers Cromwell 25 Or
Valentine Fir k Hopewell 15 To ,
James Saxton Sr Henderson 50 (a
1837 John F Lowry Frankstown 225 it
Richard Glasgow Aantes 92 7e:
' Samuel Sprenkle Porter 22 00
Mathew Taylor Dublin 13 a
James Gmoe Warrioasmark 5 6F,
Robert Thompson AB( gheny 20 01
John Stonebraker Franklin 100 00
Samuel Royer Woodberry 274 43
Isaac Bombaugh Hopewell 77 95
Joshua Green Barree' 149 2fe
Abraham Wright Union 32 61
John Lon„; Shirley 41 00
James Myton Jr West 179 19
1838 Jahn Bollinger Cromwell 170 OC
David Ake Woodberry 330 0(
William M'Mallen Tell 121 7c
Mex'r Richardson Springfield 100 01
James Reed %Vest 20 50
&mud Harnish Morris 112 81
John H Stiller Frankstown 150 OC
Jacob Nearhoof Warriorsmark . 2o2 3',1
Philip Taylor Union 215 0(
John Keith Hopewell 331 3 .
John Keogh Allegheny 290 0(
David Beyers riates 50 01
James W Culbraith Shirley 92 15
Joshua Green Barren 318 a.
James Ewing Franklin 100 0(
limes E Stewart Tyrone 112 11
Robert Lytle Porter 43 9C
William Clymans Dublin 50 0(
Daniel Africa Henderson 455 01.
1839 Jacob Estep Union 80 OC
Andrew Huey Henderson 540 56
John Ingrain Franklie 125 00
John Cutshall Syringlield 20 00
Abraham Myers Allegheny 70 OC
Hiram Williamson West 410 OC
Wiliam Smith Warriorsmark 300 00
John Hyle Morris 195 OC
William Robb Walltar 336 95,
George Fought Woodbury 350 00
11.,b,rt Lytle Porter 445 OGI
George Shiarra Tyrone 460 0t
James Smith Frankstown 100 00'
Abraham Henry Barree 125 00
Ilezekiah Rickets Shirley 140 00
Daniel Teague Cromwell 5. 06
John Anderson Hopewell 160 00
Daniel Irwine Antes 260 COI
Hcnty Horton Tod 50 001
Weilliuni Sham° Blair 210 001
James Paulson Tell 37 90
F flutchison in full of Judgement 9
John Williamson Esq du do 26 31
Joseph Murrel do do 52 00
✓1 Clark & J P Snare on forfeited
recognizanCe S 5 OC
Isaac Cook on account of note 15 OC
James My ton jr part of Mne accru
ing to the county on pros'n un
der arbitt ation law 12 5(
D Witzel Ic E Clarke on forfeited
recognizance 365 Of•
D Africa proceeds of sale of estreys 31 0(..
Samuel Frampton Esq fine of peddlar 25 01
Sundry persons for land rhdeemed 54 00
Abraham Smyers fine for refusing
to serve as collector of Spring
field township 20 00
l Owners of unseated lands county tax 105 14
, do do Road tax 78 2'.
John Bumbausih for house on 'Cad
wallader lots' 30 or
Jos Shannon fines and Jury fees 145 0C
'Frustees of the Methodist E Church
' for Lamps
10 OC
'Commissioners, proceeds of sale of
Unseated Lands 15 1`;
Balance in the hands of the Treasu
tit last settlement 5103 48
WE the undersigned, commissioners of )h
ness of the above account have hereunto set of
WE the undersigned, two of the Auditors of Huntingdon county, do hereby certify that
we have examined the drafts of the commissioners of said county and the receipts for the
same, for the past year, and we find a balance in the hands of David Blair Esq, Treasurer
of said county, of four thousand six hundred and ninety , two dollars and ninety-seven cents.
Given under our hands at the commissioners office, in the borough of Huntingdon, this
10th day of January A D 1840.
JOHN SISLER, Auditors.
[The list of ontstatirlimt debts is nmmitted this week for want of room.l
Dissolution of
T HE firm heretofore existing under the
name of Steevens & Griffin,
was dis
solved on the lot January, 1840, by
'mutual consent. All persons interested iii
said firm, are requested to come forward for
immediate settlement. The books are in
the hands of Samuel R. Steevens,
The business will hereafter be carried on
by Samuel R. Steevens.
' ••• • `'2. 1840.-3t.
. —...e • e....-
Attorney General et a on criminal
prosecutions 313 31
I:.rand and Traverse jurors 1791 87i
Meriff Shannon, boarding prisoners
conveying convicts, summoning
jurors and COMITIi9AOII on fines
collected 777 28
iundry persons cleaning court house
and washing for prisoners 56 50
Do. killing wolves w. cots & foxes 404 50
:onstables fur returns and mileage 158 64
tssessors 1006 00
;'Ages, clerks and inspectors of
!fridge and road viewers
John & Gobert Madden od account
of Blacking Bridge
James Burke on account of bridge
over Frankstown Branh
William Bell & Thomas Patterson
on account of tha !midge at
Franklin Forge
Joseph G Watson on account bridge
at Ennisville
L'hos. Bender on account of bridge
a Williamsport 400 GO
aobert & James Stitt on account of
bridge at Union Furnace
iuddry persons for rep Ars to court
house and jais
Inquisitions on dead botlias
Printers, A W Benedict
J P Jones
Jones & Williams
P S Juslin
W M'Cay
kuditors 1)-•••'d Ila• ~A lorn in f,
Jesse Moore
,onts'rs Joint Steever in full St 5Sg FULLING MILL AND
Peter Swoope 70 50
James Moore 75 00
Spanning Machin e
;Joshua Roller 24 00
John Armitage clerk to coms'rs 250 00
dell & Orbison counsel for 1838 40 00
Sundry persons road tax on unseat- `-:k : , ,
ed lands . 83 62 4 .,
3unclry pet-sons refundiug orders 65 18 ,
,-. `liii.., 4 . . , ,!:•,, 1' 14,•.,
Robert Campbell stationary fur 'tW,;77 -, --7 , ',4,-.•• t..-- ''' - ''''4 ,, -,-
, court in 1838 24 19 • • , --...••••1 :. i t ...t i r,,4: 4 ,
'John Cresswell do do 1839 & fees BS 87 ;17 77. , - ,A 7 ",,, , ...1,, , ,„‘ 4 . ,i . i.:F,, qr. , , i4i, ,
Wood at court house and jail 155 00 :1fir14.44 " "',.' "i :, ;-4 . ,;. ,, ,P,' ,
John Reed Esq recordin Treasurers p i: ,
~ ...- iir A .,:...,.. ',., -- .:4-rVsg--^2.
- ,;' , .c..--?•7,1,
Bonds 193 ' - .4t . iii i .::;T::;.X - .:. A.1.417.:, - ,..
.Do making double index to cons- .
m .,..,,. ~p , a „ ,..,, . ..,,4.,,itL
ty records 175 00 -' 1".!..,, t..-!= , t',&,•••"•'''t
Constable Hackedorn fees in case of
commonweath vs Thompson & FOR RENT .
Peebles 2 65
S S Wharton Esq fees in the case of HE above named mill and machine is
forfeited reconizance of 1 - 1 situated on the forks of the little Juni-
M'Murtrie 10 00 ata river, in Porter township, Hunt-
John ,rmitage cash paid by him for ingdon county. It is calculated to manufac
assistance in comparing asses- ture Satinets, Cloths, Blankets, &c.
ment lists 500 Any person desirous of renting the above
rhos Reed and Swoope & son for named establishment, or for further particu
sundry articles for premises 33 07 lams, will please call upon
Nitnecses in case of Entriken vs. HENRY NEFF
Huntingdon county . 14 03 Alexandria, January 22, 1110.
Jolts Armitage carrying assessment
John Lutz on account of expendi
tures as commisioner on state road
from Drakes ferry to Cham'burg 118 50
ias M Elliot Esq for procuring re
lease of Stepen Drury to the co.
commissioners of certain lots in
I' P Campbell for record book and
copies of Mortgages &c 24 06
sheriff iili,amon tees in the sale of
Cadwallader lots
liztac Dorland postage
.William Barr and Sheriff of Dauphin
covnty for conveying back Stephen
Nelson a fugVive from justice
Chotnpson Burdge crying comms're
st.le of unseated land 1 50
dicheal Buoy seals for commissioner 2 5 25
David Snare for administering oaths
to commissioners 37
' rhos Read for taking ackdoweldge
-1 meats of commissioners deeds' 5 62
Sundry persons redemption money pd 12 12
'John Armitage for his expenses in
1 relation to bridge at Hllidaysburg 600
'Sundry persons election boxes and
stationary 15 50
D B Porter for filing constables re
turns, swearing township officers
filing election retu ins &c for the
year 1830 126 30
do do do for the year 1831 69 24
do do do for the yaer 1832 55 32
do do do for the year 1833 1 07 9 4
do do do for the year 1834 93 17
Peter Swoope in full of his bill for sun
dry articles furnished county jail &
court house 48 54
Treastirta-s commission on $20716 37
' al the rate of one yea cent 207 16
Ballance it treasnrers hands at set
$15359 99!
intingdon county, in testimony of the correct.
hauls the 10th clay of January A. D. 1840.
PETER 81100 PE,
J4,IIES AfOORE, Comers.
Last Notice.,,,
L L persons who know themselves
indebted to the estate of Pater
Swoops, deceased, are i equested to ca II
and discharge their accounts, as the ac
counts will be left thP hands of prop
per officers for collection, if not settled
before the lst slay of February next,
without respect to persons.
fluntingdon, Deo, 25, 1830.
EtN all payments hereafter made by the
Collectors of county talc TEN PER CENT
will be required in suvEa. This rule
Iris been adopted through uhiolate necessity
and will be dispensed with only in casse
'where a compliance with it would be of
serious inconvenience to the tax-payer or
Treasurer's office Hun-i
tingdon, Dee.ll. 1880 J
Located on the Pennsylvania Canal.
near Alextudria, Huntingdon county Pa.
These works are now active opera
tion, manufacturing every variety de 'mal
leable Iron such as
Bailer ,Sheet, Flue and Tanis ,
Round And Square.
614 70
176 50
All made out of the best Juniata Bloom!
400 00 and at the most favorable rates of the mar
639 00 The following are the sizes of the bar
Iron. viz: 4 inches, 5 34-3-2i-2k--
2, 11--li—ii and scollop; Horse shoat
Bars. and carriage Tire, and all sizes of
Round Bai s.
900 00
300 00
300 00 Manufactured from the Bar--Warranted
11 56 All orders from a distance punctual
-19 37 ly attended to.
113 7
66 Samuel Hatfield. .
9 11 g o o Alexandria, Huntingdon CO. P. /
12 00 Dec. 26, 1839.-1 y.
12 00
al 7
4 50
usi nes s;
THE subscriber !laving just put the
house under a complete repair, for the
reception of Grain, and all kinds of
Merchandize, for forwarding either east or
west, would respectfully inform the public
that the strictest attention will be paid to all
kinds of the above busini,, and all articles
forwarded according to orders, at the very
lowest rates.
10 00
34 89
14 06
52 47
per ton
Pig metal,
Bar Iron, if stored,
For weighing the above ..
Wheat, for 2 months, per bushel 21
if longer, " i 3
Merchandize, per ton 75
Smaller quantities, per hundred S
Fish, per barrel 121
Flour, I it 8
Rye, per bushel 2
Corn & Buckwheat, 2
Oats, e, 2
Selling, collecting, &c. .. 25
All freights and storu , 7e to be paid when
the prop..rty is removed.
a7•Flour for sale at the warehouse.
4692 97J January 15, 1840.
$15359 99
That the notes and accounts of A. B.
& Geo H Long, and also the notes of
Straub and Long, are in the hands of Tr
I cad Esq, for collection. Immediate at
tention %.111 save cost.
'taunt, January 22, 1840
Bargains for Cash
On and after the Gnat day of January
the Subscriber will sell at cost his stock
Hardware, Queenstoare.
Dry Goods and
at his stand is Petersburg, where the pub
I ;ie are invited to call am! examine for
:fin. Walker.
N. 13. Persons having accounts with the
Suscriber will please call and settle the , *
Im or before the 26th of March next.
_ W. W.
Dee. 26th 1841—St