The journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1839-1843, December 25, 1839, Image 3

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    Public Sale,
WILL be exposed to public sale on
Wednesday, the eighth day of
January next, at Chester Furnace, in
Cromwell township, Huntingdon county,
the personal property late of Joel Pennock
at said Furnace, viz:
Eighteen Horses, 2 Mules, 1 yoke of
Ocen, Waggons, Carts, Harness, Furnace
Mining, Coaling, and Smith Tools, a lot
of run out plates, a large quantity of coal
baskets, wheelbarrows, copper pipe for
but blast, blooms, and pig metal, a large
quantity of charcoal, and wood in rank,
stone coal, wash and lump ore, a superior
stoves, shingles, timber, and aft number of
other articles used about Iron Works, &c
nut here enumerated,
Also at the same time, at Orhisonia, in
the same township, the stock of store
goods, consisting of
_ _
Dill' GOODS,
Hardware, Groceries, Shoes
Pc. Pc. Pc.
The above are new goods, some having
been lately purchased, and the packages
yet unopened, they will be sold in lots to
suit purchasers.
The SAFE may be seen upon applica
ti in to Mr. Thomas Ayres, at Pollock's,
landing on the Juniata, a short distance
below Drake's ferry.
The sale will commence at 9 o'clock,
A. M., of said day, and continue until all
are sold.
The conditions, which will be accomo.
dating to purchase's, will be made known
at the sale.
December 25, 1859.—ts—p.
Located on the Pennsylvania Canal,
nearAlexrndria, Huntingdon county Pa.
These works are now active operd
tion, manufacturing every variety of 'nail
leatile Iron such as
Boiler Sheet, Flue and Tank
Round And Square.
Ali made out of the best Juniata Brooms
and at the must favorable rates of the mar
The following are the sizes of the bar'
iron. viz! 4 inches, 5 sa
2, 11 —1 and scollop; Horse shoe
Bars. and carriage Tire, and all sizes of
Round Bei s.
Manufactured from the Bar—Warranted,
All orders from a' distance punctual•
ly attended to.
• • Samuel Hatfield
Alerandria, Ilyntingdon Co. Pa. l
Dcc. 26, 1839.-1 y.
Bargains for Cash
On and after the first day of January
the Subscriber will sell at cost his stock
Hardware, Queensware,
Dry Goods arid
at his stand in Peterhburg, where the pub
lie are invited to call and examine lot
;Fin. Walker.
N. B. Persons li . a;in;acco7nis --- I;ith the
Suscriber will please call and settle them
on or before the 20th of March next.
W. W.
Dec. 26th 1839--St
Pamphlet Laws.
IN conformity with a resolution of the
General Assembls of Pennsylvania,
passed the 2nd Alakh 1837, Subscrip
tions for copies of the Pamphldt Laws of
the next S!:AS;011 of the Legislature of Peon
Sylvania, n ill be received - at this office un
111 %pithy the 13th day ofJancary 1840
Price, fitly cents per copy, to be paid
at the time of subscribing.
P. S. The Pamphlet Laws of last ses
sion, and the Colonial Records have been
received, and are ready for distribution to
those who subscribed for them.
Treasurers' ollice Hun- D. BLAIR.
tingdon, 4, Dec. 1833.
Administrator's Notice.
ALL persons interested in the Es'
tate, or having claims against the
Estate of Jacob Miller, late of West town
ship, Huntingdon county, deceased, are
requested to present their claims to the
undersigned, who is duly authorised to
administer; anti Ml . persons indebted are
requested to make immediate payment.
Said deceased has a brother, Samuel
Miller, supposed to reside in Union Co.,
and a sister, now married, residing, it is
believed, in Philadelphia, who are inter
ested in said deceased's E,tate, and this
is to notify them, that the accounts must
be settled berore the coining spring.
West township, Huntingdon t
county, Dec. 4, 1859.
(John Davisons' Estate.)
Tke notice that we the undersigned'
Auditors, appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute
the assets remaining in the hands of Ja
cob Dopp, Administrator of said Estate,
among the respective claimants, will meet
for that purpose at the house of Christian
Gouts in Huntingdon, on Thursday the
26th day of Decenther inst., when and
where all persons interested may attend.
JAMES GWIN, iluditora.
Dec. 4, 1839.
I N pursuance of an order of the Or
phans' Court of Huntingdon county,
Pa., John Bumbaugh, administrator of the
Estate of Jesse Jolla's, late of Union town
ship, in the said county, deceased, will
expose to sale by public vendue on the
premises, on Saturday, the
2Sth day of December,
next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, five
cei Liiit tracts and parcels of land situate
in Union and Henderson townships, in
said county.
No. I. One certain tract and parcel of
the said land situate in Henderson town
ship in the said county, adjoining lands of
on the north, the Juniata
river and Canal on the south, Jacks moun•
lain on t!'e east, and lands claimed by the
heirs of Abraham Vandevander it all on
the west, containing four hundred and
thirty-seven acres and forty perches, be
the same more or less, about ten or fif
teen acres of which are cleared. The
turnpike road and Juniata canal cutting
the same, including the improvement in
the name of John Long—on which is erec
ted the three story
. T. 9.73111111
now occupied by Thomas Wallace; with
other improvements, known by the name
!of Jackstown.
No. 2. Another tract of woodland,'
situate in the same township, adjoinging
the shove described Jacks mountain, the
Juniata river, and lands of James Drake,
sr., containing thirty-two acres and nine
ty perches. and allowance, more or less,
and patented.
No. S. Another tract and parcel of
land, pi incipally woodlan.l, situate in
Union township in said county, adjacent
of the easterly side of Jackstown
duct, adjoining land in name of Same!
Drake, or land now claimed by Thomas
Airs jr., the Juniata river on the north,
land in name of or claimed by Wiliiam
Brewster, Young or Camp
bell, and Campbell and Corbin nn the
sauth and west; containing three hundred
and eighty acres, and twenty-six perches,
and the usua! allowance.
No. 4. Another tract in name of Ro
bert Irvin, situate in said Union township,
containing four hundred and forty-seven
acres, one hundred and forty-five perches,
more or less, being woodland.
No. 5. Also another tract of woodland
sirveyed in name of Frederick Bell, sit
uate in said Union township, containing
four hundred and thirty-eight acres and
thirty-nine perchei. On the first descri
bed tract is situate the valuable tavern
stand at Jackstown,
By order of the Court,
T. P. CA PBELL, Clerk.
The sale will commence on the premi
ses at Jackatown, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
where due attendance will be given, and
terms of sale made known by
I.Administrator of Jesse Johns, deceased.
A. P. WILSON, Attorney.
November 27, 18S9.
Executor's Notice.'
ALL persons indebted to the Estate
of Win. Love, late of ILoodbury tp.
Huntingdon county, deceased, are re
quested-to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said Estate
are requesteJ to present them properly
authenticated far. payment to the under.
S 1 UEL DEAN, t Executors.
October QS, 1859.-6 t.
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of
Anthony Beaver, deceased, late of
Hopewell tp Hunting►lon county are re•
quested to make immediate payment,and
those having claims against said Estate
are requested to present them properly
authenticated, for payment to the under
Hopewell tp. Dee, 4, 1859.
ALL persons indebted to John Savage will
please immediately settle their accounts with
the subscribe•. And those haying claims
properly authenticated against him will pre-
sent them for settlement to me at Mary Ann
Forge, Trough Creek Huntingdon Co.
A. B. citEwir, Agent for John Savage.
117'N. B. Bar iron for sale at Mary Ann
Trough Creek, Oct 1839.
stray Heifer.
AME to the residence!
,'AIR A fk of he subscri her in Um.
...1 1 10A on township, about the 25th
'of November last, a Black Heifer, with
:some white on her face, belly and legs,
supposed to be rising of three years old.l
The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges and take her
away, otherwise she will be disposed of
as the law directs.
Union township, Dec. 4, 18C9.
EkM to the re
-4*411 si lence of the
C .
th*.. , W 4.! subscriber, living iro
Vallir Henderson township
sometime in Septem
ber last, a Steer, supposed to be about 2
years old. He has two white feet, and a
small white streak on his back; no other
marks discernible. The owner is reques
ted to come forward, prove properly, pay
charges and take him away, or he will be
disposed of according to law.
Henderson township, Dec. 4,1839.
WILL be exposed to public sale on
Thursday, tht 26th inst. on the
premises of Michael Wallace, late
f Morris township, Huntingdon county,
deceased, the following personal property,
to wit:
Horses, Cows, Young Cattle, Hogs, two
Carriages, Wagons, Ploughs, ' Harrows, 1
Threshing Machine, Horse Geers, 2 setts of
harness, Grain in the bushel, Grain in the
ground, Hay by the ton, Lime by the bush
el, Brick by the thousand, 1 complete set of
Black Smith Tools, 1 set casting for a large
hammer Forge, Sawed Lumber of every de
'scription, about 10,000 Shingles, Old and
New Iron by the hundred, Molasses by the
barrel, Nails by the keg, a large set of diffe
rent kinds of Books, 1 set Surveying compass
and instruments, 1 cooking Stove, and a
general assortment of Household and Kitch
ea Furniture too numerous to mention. _ _
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.
precisely, and to continue from day to day,
till all are sold.
Due attendance and reasonable credit will
be given by
Morris township, Dec. 11, 1839.
ALL persons knowing themselves
indebted to the Estate of Michael
Vs allace, late of Morris township, Hun
!,7hon county, dec'd. are requested to
mak,: pz,7 meat to the undersigned; and all
thoso ha,ing , claims against said estate,
will present the;.•% properly authenticated
for settlement, on or' before the Ist day of
February, 1840. 'The Woks are in the
possession of henry Nett, oCe of the Ad
ministrator, in the Borough o Alesan•
Henry Neff,
Ad mr's.
Samuel P• Wallace,
Morris tp. Dec. 11, 18S9.
11N all payments hereafter made by the
. Collectors of county tax TEN PER CENT
will bs required in SILVER. This rule
has been adopted through absolute necessity
and will be dispensed with only in casse
where a compliance with it would be of
seri° us inconvenience to the tax-payer or
Treasurer's office Hun -1
tingdon, Dec. 11, 1839 j
NOTICE is hereby given to the Stock-
holders of the Hollidaysburg and Bed
ford Turnpike Company, that a
fmrth instalment of fifteen dollars per share
(making the entire balance of the stock re
maining to be called tor) shall be paid on or
before the 9th day of January next, to J. W
Duncan, Bedford; or Robert McNamara or
Alexander Knox, Newry.
The board of Managers have also made
it the duty of the President or Secretary, to
bring suits in the name of the Company a
nainst all delinquents who shall have failed
to comply with this and other like requisi
tions heretofore made. _
wiwraQaihe Board,
J. W. Duncan.
. . _ Secutary,
Dec. 11. 18S9.
STOLEN on Saturday the 23 inst. in
the house of Piercy Douglass, a red mos
rocco pocket book, containing twenty dol
tars in Bank notes on the following Banks
—one ten dollar note on the Bank of
Lewistown; one five dollar note on the
Exchange Bank of Pittsburg; and one five
dollar note on the Bank of Chambersburg
—There were also twopromisary notes,
one on an individual residing in the bor
ough of Huntingdon for $l2O, and the oth- 1
m• on an individual in // aynesburg, .
Co., for $l5. 1 have made no , assign
went of any notes, on any individual, to, ,
any person. 0::TI therefore caution those'
whom I hold their notes, to pay to no
person except myself.
The above reward will be given to am;
person that wiil return the pocket boo
and its contents, and twenty for the ap
prehension of the thief.
huntivdon Nov. 27, 1839
For Rent.
TH E smail brick building now occupi
ed by Thomas Reed Esq., as a store
room, nearly tiq osite the apothecafy
can be rented the ensiongispring for one or
more years, on reasonable terms. The buil
diug and the situation are well suited for
business of ANY KIND. Apply to
Hunt, Dec. 11th 1839.
Auditor's Notice.
HE undersigned auditors appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon co
to examie the accounts of Jesse Johns
and Mary Johns, who administered on the
estate of David Johns, late of Shirley town
ship, deceased, will meet for that pnipose in
the Register's Office in Huntingdon, on
Monday the 30th day of December at 2 o'-
, clock in the afternoon, of which all interes-
I ted will take notice.
James Steel,
Wm, Dorris,
David Blair.
Dec. 11, 1839.
You will par
ade on your usu.
al ground in the
borough of Hunt
ingdon, on Wed. Ocy
nrlllaeYcemtiL i2snts"t
at 10 o'clock A.
PO' „.
By order of !if
I Your Coptain.
- W B Zeigler O. S.,
A good study, and industrious boy. to
come welt recommended, to learn the
Gunsmith business; one that understood
a ;Mee about the Blacksmith business
would be pretered. None but a good stu
dy and well recommended boy need ap
.M'Connelstown Nov. 27', 1839.
Auditor's Notice.
TAKE notice that the nudersigned,
Auditors, appointed by the court of
Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to
distribute the monies arising from a Sher
ill's Sale of the Real Estate of Maxwell
Blair dec'd, to and among the respective
claimants, will meet for that purpose at
the house of John McConnell, in Hun
tingdon, on Tuesday the 10th day of De•
cember next, at 10 o'clock A. M., when
and where all persons interested may at
11'!30M A'S FIBI/ER, Au (Mors.
Huntingdon, Nov. 27, 1889.
THF Subscriber will let for a teral of 3
years or longer, his tanning establish.-
mod, situated in Germany Valley, Shirley
townt-hip, Huntingdon county, on the pnblic
road lea:ling from Slur . rg to Newton
H am iit c , :h c.onsisting of a Bark house, Cur- i
rying Shop, 12 lay-ways, 1 Leech, 2 Limes,
Bates and Nof. Likewise a large Bark
There is connected With it one acre of
ground, a comfortable two story house, and
a large stable; the whole in complete order.
A full set of tanners tools call be had cheap)
by applying to the present tcnnant.
Possession given Ist April 1840. Any fur
information can be had by applying to
the undersigned, at his residence on the
plantation adjoining the tan yard.
Shirley township, /
Nov. 13, 1839. s"` P•
Unntingdon academy.
The Trustees having procured a suita
ble school room and competent Teacher,
pupils will be received at the following
rates of tuttion a quarter, via;
Greek and Roman Classics, 84 60
Philosophy, Mathamatics, Geog-
• •• -
raptly, 300
Arithmetic, English Grammer,
2 50
Reading, writing and spelling attended
to by all the classes. No subscription
taken for less than one quarter. A strict
adherence to the regulations of the Acad
emy, will be required, and expulsion for
misconduct rigorously enforced. Pay
ment of tuition at the end of each quar
ter will be exacted. The price of tui..
tion is above stated will commence the
hrst of next month. Any of the pupiis
now in attendance, who intend to with
draw at that time will please give pre.
%ions notice. Application for admittance
to be made to the teacher, or to Dr. John
Henderson, John 0. Miles, and Wm. Or
bison, a committee appointed for that pur
By order of the board.
Attest Wm. Orbison, Secretary
Nov. 27 , 1839.
':Katice *
IF John Gregery, who is presumed to
be an elderly man, and supposed to
reside somewhere in the North. Western
part of Huntingdon County, will call at
my Office in the borough of Huntingdon,
with proof of his identity, as may be re
quired, lie will receive information of
value to him. DAVID BLAIR.
Sept., 25, 11189.
VITIZENS of Pennsylvania, you
‘—'have now before you Da. PETERS'
These Pills are no longer among those
of doubtful utility. They have passed
away from the hundreds that are daily
launched upon the tide of experiment, and
now stand before the public as high in rep
utation, and as extensively employott lit
all parts of the U. States, the Canatlas,
Texas, Mexico, and the west indics, as
any medicine that has ever been prepared
for the relief 01'84i:ring man. They have
been introduced whereverit has been lound
possible to tarry them; and there are but
few ton ns that de not contain some re
markable evidences of their good effects.
1* he certificates thaa have been presented
to the proprie' or exceeds twenty thousand
upwards ut five huudred of which are
From regular practising physicians, who
are the most cuepetent judges of the
Often have the cures performed by this
medicine been the subject of editorial'
comment, in various newspapers and jour-'
nals; and it may with truth be asserted,
that no medicine of tie kind has ever re
ceived testimonials of greater value than
are attached to this.
They are in general use as a family
medicine and tilt re are thousands of fami
lies who declare they are never satisfied
unless they have a supply always on hand.
They have no rival in curing and pre
venting Bilious Fevers, Fever and Ague,'
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Head:
ache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rhe-n
matism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Piles,
Cholic, Females Obstructions, Heartburn,
Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the
Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea,
Flatulence, Habitual Costiveness, Loss of
Appetite, Blotched or Sallow
ion, and in cases or tot por of the bowels,
where a cathartic or aperient is needed.
They are exceedingly mild in their opera
tion, producing neither nausea, griping nor
Extract of a letter written by Dr. Fran
cis Bogart, of Providence, R. I. Dec. 17,
1828.—Peters' pills are an excellent ape
rient and cathartic medicine, those effects
being produced by the differences of the
quantity taken, and and are decided' su
perior to Lee's, Brandreth's or Morri
son's Ms.
Extract from a letter by Dr Hopson of
Bangor, Me. Jan. 9, 1839. They are a
peculiarly mild, yet efficient purgative
medicine, and produce little, of any grip
ing or qausea. 1 have prescribed them
with mhch success in sick headache end
light billious fever.
Extract of a letter by Dr Joseph Willi
ams of Burlington, Vt. July 9, 1837,-1,
cordially recommend Peters' Pills as a l
mildly efiective, and in no case dangerous,
'family medicine. They are peculiarly in
costivenenss and all the usual diseases of
the digestive organs.
Extract of a letter from Dr Edw. Smith,
of Montreal, U. C. Sept 27, 1836-1 nev- '
er knew a single patent medicine that I
could put the least confidence in but Dr ,
Peters Vegetable Pills, which are really a
valuable discovery. 1 have no hesitation
in having it known that I use them enteu
sivelv in my practice, for all complaints,
(and they are not a few) which have their
source in the impurity of the blood.
Extract of a letter friiin Dr. Dye of
Quebec, L. C., March 6, 1837. For bit.
lious fevers, sick head-ache, torpidity of
the bowels, and enlargement of the spleen
Dr. Peters' Pills are an excellent medi
Exiract of a letter from Dr. Gurney N
Orleans, La., Oct. 9, 1837; I have teceiv
ed much assistance in my practice; espe
cially in jaudice and yellow fever, from
the us't of Peters' Pills. I presume that,
on an average, I prescribe 100 boxes in a
Extract of a letter from Dr. Prichard of
Hudson N. V. June 3, 1836; I was aware
that Dr. Peters' was one of the best diem
fists in the U. States, and felt assured that
he would some day (front his intin ate
knowl ,Ige of the properties of herbs and
drugs) produce on efficient medicine, and
I mu , t acknowledge that his Vegetable
' Pills ;aliv respond to my expetatioas.
They are ind .rd a superior . ardieino, and
refte. t credit ar'.e upon .e Chemist, the
Physician, and Pl , ilasope r .
Extract of a letter om Dr. Within or
Cininnati, Frb, Q, 1838; your 1 "a are
the miltlest in %heir opetations, and yet
mosi. powerful in their cftecst, of any that
I have. Toere action on the chyle. and
hence on the impurities of the blood is ev
dently very surprising.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott of
Baltlinore, Dec. 17,1836; I ant in the daily
habit of prescribing them (Peters' Pills)
and they in nearly all cases answer my
purposes. I have directed ()Liter medi
cines, some of them very good ones, in
their favor.
Charlotte, N.C., June, 1, 1837'.
Dear Sir: 1 have frequent use of your
Pills in the incipient stage of bilious lever
and obstinate conisitnstion of the bowels,
or, in the enlargement of the spleen,
shronic disease of the liver, sick head-ache.,
general debility, and in all cases have
found them to I,e ,et."l. flec live. J I) I? rild
Mecklenburg Co, Va. Feb. 7, 18 E.
Having used 1:1-. Petri,' Pills in my prac
'tice r the last 13 motitlia, I take pleas
urein givin my testitroy of their good ef
fects of cases of dyspersia, sick headache
billions ferers, and oiher diseases, produ
ced by inactivity of the liver. They are
a sale and mild apes lent, being the best ar
ticle of the kind lever timed.
G. C. Skull Al. D.
These much spproted and justly cele
brated Pills, are for sale by the following
JACOB MILLER, Autitingdon, Pa
GEO DREIIMAN, Waykberg, Dli
Is hereby
. given to those interested in
the guardianship account of Elijah Mor
rison, as guardian of Abraham, Lydia,
Barbara, Joel, David and Joshua Morn-
son, minor children of Samuel Morrison,
late of Shirley township Huntingdon coon
ty t deceased, that the undersigned ap
pointed Auditors to decide upon the Ex
ceptions filed to said Account, will meet
at the house of John M'Connell in the
borough of Huntingdon, on rueeday the
10th of December next, at one o'clock
P. M., for the purpose of deciding Oa
said elceptions to med account.
27th Nov. 18:19.
114 pursuance of an order of the Orph
ans' Court of Huntingdon county,
will be exposed to public sale, on the
premises, on Wednesday, the 25th day of
December, next, at ten o'clock A. M.
the following described Real Estate, situ
ate in Hopewell township, in the county
aforesaid, on the Raystown Branch of
Juniata river, to wit: Four several tracts
of land adjoining each other, marked in
the diagram to the inquisition and 'vrit of
partition in the Orphans' court of said
county, annexed A, B, C, and D. Thy
part marked 'A' adjoining the said river,
and the part marked 'll' containing M.
acres 72 perches, and allowance
nnFt ....A—A .1,, toe said river,
and the parts marked 'A, & C,' containing
225 acres 89 perches. The part marked
'C' adjoining the parts marked-. B & D,'
containing 144 acres 28 perches and al
lowance. The part marked 'IV adjoining
said river, and the parts marked & C
containing 175 acres 95 perches and al-.
lowance. Also--One other tract, called.
the mountain tract, situate in the said .
' township, on the opposite side of the rive
from the four above described tracts, at
' the foot of Terrace mountain, containing
416 acres 101 perches and allowance; late
. ihe estate of John D. Norris, deceased..
Terms of Sale.--One third of the per
t chase money to be paid on confirmation
of the suit—one third in one year there
' after with interest; and the remaining one
third to remain in the hands of the pur
' chaser during the life of tho widow, he
paying her the interest thereof, annually
to her as it becomes due, and the princi
pal to those legally entitled thereto at her
death; all to be secured by the bond and
mortgage of the purchaser. Attendance
will be given by the undersigned, admm
istiators of dee'd..
By the Court,
T. P. Campbell, 01k.
Nov. 20, I BS9.
- 11 S hereby given to those stockholders
11. of the "Hollidaysburg and Bedford
Turnpike-road Company," who have up
to the present time neglected to comply
'with the requisitions of the board, for the
payment of instal mentor heretofore order•
ed; that the esaid instalments to fifteen
dollars per share. shall be paid on or be
fore the 15'h. of November, to J.W W. Dun
can. Bedford; or to Robert M'Nantara, or
Ale sander Knox jr. Newry. In failure
whiereof, suits are to be brought against
'P II such delinquents.
By order of the board
J. fl . DUNCAN, &est.
Oct 30, 1839.
Notice to Delhi
!quent Collectors.
THE collectors of County Tax for
the year 1838 and former years.
wit °have nut settled up their duplicates.
.requested to do so without delay.
The heavy drafts on the Treasury for
building bridges renters a compliance
with this notice necessary; and those who
neglect it will be certified into the Pro
thonotary's office and proceeded against
E v order cf the Commissioners or
II u niingtlon county,
November G. 1839.
Take Notice.
THE Partnersnip existing between
John Brewster and Josiah Englar,
in the Tanning business, is net dissohed
as represented by John ilrewster, in a
notice of the 31st of Octobec, to it was,
done without my consent.
Shirley township Hunting-
dau Co. Nov. 27, $