And those who of riches are fully possess'd, Are not for that reeson exempt; If they give themselves up to an indol , nt, rest, At our late races an incident occurred which may serve to show the effect of temptation to gambling. A man was en gaged in "trying his luck" at one of the thimble tables, but at every [nave he hap• pcned to be the loser. Closely watching' him stood a poor woman with a young! child in her arnts, and fancying she could easily trace the pea, she expressed her ,surpriie that the silly man could not win, 'exclaiming " I wi,ti I had some motley— be bound to win:" The cuuning.fel low who managed the thimbles hearing this, proposed that the woman should Public Aleecting. stake her child agait:st his half soveteign. At a large and respectable meeting held I T° this she readily agreed, tally persua in Todd township, en Tuesday, -the 19th !tied that she should be a half sovereign of November, JONATHAN LIAS was !!icher in the twinkling of a thimble. The plant was handed to one of the bystand called to the chair, and MORDICA era, a colleague of the thimble master, ems and S. HOCCK appointed Vice Pres- and the pea was instantly on the move. ideuts, and Rue Smith and Philip Tay'or The mother's eye was anxiously on the —appointed ; , .ecretaries. In the course of watch during its progress from thimble to the meeting, Julio Williamson, Esq. gave thimble. At length the conceited gamb ler in petticoats was desired to expose the an eloquent exposition of the abuses of the pea. She seized the thimble on which present administration, and the impnr- her eager eye was fixed; but no pea was! tanee of a change to the people. The there; the toaster gambler instantly told his colleague to take the child off the following resolutions were offered, and course and dispose of it as his fairly won unanimously adopted. prize. Then the woman was surrounded Resolred, That we are the uncompro- by the crowd, and was only allowed to mising enemies of Martin Van Buren, witness the departure of tier child, she politically, and look upon his tnanner of knew not whither, without being, able to administering the Government as anti- get within reach of it. lit vain did she weep and entreat that her " clear baby" Democratic, and fast merging into an might be re,tored to her. During a short elective Monarchy. time she was kept in suspense, bewailing Resolved, That the Sub Treasury is a her thte, when the child tea , at length re plan devised by tyranny, and sought to storedt:,essoip to her arms, and elm hastened from ot, after havinived a suffic be palmed upon freemen; which, it prati n in gambline.,g werece should hope, ient for tally carried out, must forever subvert the remainder of her life.— 11 artvick Ad. the freedom of elections, and bury in the vertiser, dust the last glimmers of independence They are objects of real contorni t, '1 hs plmures, that constant employment create, By them cannot he understood; Aud tho' they may rank with the rich and the great, They never can rank with the good. M. A. S. Closer Creek, Nov. 1839. Resolved, That we are in favor of a! protective Tarill, which will ensure the' honest, hard working mechanic, the man ufacturer of all our staple commodities, and our agriculturist independent of the monopolizers of Europe, and protect the free labour of the free States from havieg to compete with the pauperism of Europe. l Resolved, That in Gen. William 11. 1 1 Harrison, the Hero of Tippecanoe, we, discover the true patriot anti sage who, in our country's deepest and gloom iest hour of trial, stood by her, in the cabinet and in the field, and never Shea• tiled his sword until our enemies were' driven from our shores; a General who fought tonne battles than any o7h?r, and never lost one. Honored be his name. Resolve.!, That in supporting Gen. James Irvin for Congress, in this district, we are supporting the Hero of the Thames, and will use ull honorable means to elect him, because, we consider the prin ciples and the cause the same, and the election of Gen. Irvin will go far to secure the nomination of Gen. Harrison, in the National Convention which is to be lield at Harrisburg in December neat. Resolved, That the thanks of this meet. ing be tendered to John Williamson, Esq. for his very able exposure of the Sub- Treasury scheme, the able manner he has exposed the doctrine of the Federal Gov ernment, his explanation of the necessity of a tariff—and manly %indication of Gen. Harrison, the people's favorite, and their candidate for the Presidency in 1840. JONAVI AN LIAS, President, NORDICA C 1 I.COTE, V. Nest. S. Ilorca, Eliel Smith, Secretaries. Philip 711ylor, Public .Mecling. At a large and respectable meeting held on Monday the 18th of November, at the house of• John Montgomery,. in Chilcatts - town, Union township, on motion, Major JOHN STEEVER. was called to the chair, and Major DAVID LAUGH ERY and Geo. VDiON, Esq. were appointed Vice Presi dents, and Naliatdel Greenland, 11 al. R. Hamps9n, and `Lrlavel Green were ap point Id Secretaries of said meeting. Resolved, That we give oar best says• port to that party who support the supre ell au of the laws, and who go against limb law, or in other words, against all those who go fur taking the law in their own hands. • Resolved, 'I hat we give our best su2- port to that party who go for a judicious tarifY, and nho support our honest anti indc,trious mechanics at home. Resolved, That we owe the thanks of this meeting to John Williamson, Esq. for excellent, open and candid exposition of the principles on which that p'trty who now support the election of illiam Henry Harrison. Resolved, 'That the thanks of this meet ing be tendered to John Alontgemery, for Iris frank and hospitable reception of the freemen of Uuion township, assembled here this night in public meeting. JOHN STEEVER, Preident. DAVID Y, V. E' it. Unuitcu II uu.stnt, rm. 11. Ilamxon, Nath. Greenland, Secl'& Lonuel Grren, RACE COURSE INCIDENT. SALE OF A WOMAN.—On Monday a ,woman, respectably dressed, was offered ,too sale in Rotherham market-place. She came forward with a halter round her waist underneath her gown, the end of which was passed thrim zit her pocket-hole. !There were several bidders, wid the wo man bade fair to fetch a good price. When the bidding had raached 4s. t Od., boa ever, the const,bles made their appearance, and the woman Iled and took refuge in a house up the Crofts, leaving the auctioneer no' other resource than to dispose of her to the last bidder. We understand that he had gone from Sheffield to make the pur chase, and she, understanding that the constables were only there to prevent a , disturbanoe or the peace, sari endered her• self to her new master, and they pi (need ed together by the railway to Sheffield.— Rotherham indepc,d nee. :~.:.~ l'elzterntt liocritN WITIT An o.—Some. years since there lived in New York a lawyer of considerable distinction, nainei Ogden, who having one trimming hired an Irish servant, sent him to the post offteel Ito enquire it' there were any letters. Say=, Pat to the clerk, 'is there any letters her ler Mister linden?' The clerk looked ( ever the ll's, and finding none, sent the servant away; and this was repeated two' lot. three morninings in succession, CH the master, surprised, as ha was daily in the custom of receiving a considemble num ber of letters, went to the post office him self; when he found on hand a large bun tile of letters which had been waiting two or three days for hint. On returning home, he called his t,trvant, nitd gave him a se• vere rating, fur thus neglecting his busi ness, 'An SUIT,' "Jays Pat, ‘did'ut I bask for letters for Mister Itogden, and ditl'eti he tell 'tie to 10 about my business, furl there waran't any? Sore enough, your! honor's tame to Mister llogden,"Pooh, nooh,' exclaimed the 'neater, 'not Ilogden but Ogden—not llogden with an II but Ogden with an O. Now see ifytm can do better next time: The servant went next morning saying, 'ls there any lette's for Nlisther flog ten?' The clerk larked over the It's again, answered, •Sure now,' says Pat; 'it's not Misther Ilogden with a Haiich, but Misther log lien with a Ho. This explained the mat ter, oral Pat got his letters and highly de lighted took them to his toaster, liYIIIENJ.AL, The silken tie that binds two willing hearts. MARRIED -tin Thursday the fast inst., by the Lieu. Jo!;;4 Peebles, Mr. Samuel R. llogp, to Miss Hannah Campbell, all of thus co -At Perrysvill, Mifflin county on Thursday evenitie; 21 , 4, by the Rev. Ja tiles Noursl•, Ma. J. B. Luden,lll. D., of Hun tingdon county to Miss Sarah P. daugh ter of John 11.1'Dowell of the cornier place Thursday the 26th inst., by the Rev. John Peebles, Mr. Henry Africa to Miss Rode Hazzard, all of this borough -On the 2Sil by Thomas Read, Mr. G,o. Cunthridge to Mrs. Nan cy Uafy both of Henderson township, this Wanted. A good study, and industrious boy, to come well rectimmen.:ed, to learn the tilunsinith business; one that understood a -litt!e about the Blacksmith busioess would be prolcred. None but a good stu ,l3- and well recommended boy need op r TaOMAS DOUGLAS'S. ArConneitown Nor. 2.7", 1Q DOZILORS REIM .2RIP•I 3TOLEN ci Falun% v the 23 inst. in the house of Mercy Don;;I aye, a red tno.l 'roc co pocket beck, containing twenty dal 'ars in Bank notes on the folloning Rank , i —one ten dol'ar note on the Bank o• 'Lewistown; one five dollar rote on the v.xchange Bank of Pittsburg; and one five 'dollar note on the Bank of ehambersburg —There were also two promisary notes, one on an individual residing in the btu-- ough of Huntingdon for S2O, and the oth er on an individual in If aynesbnrg, Co., for 815. 1 have made no assign ment of any notes, on any individual, to . any pet son. o* - I therefore caution those whom I hold their notes, to pay to no person except myself. The above reward will be given to any person that will return the pocket book and its contents, and twenty for the ap , prehension of the thief. DANIEL APCARTIVEY. huntingdon Nov. 27, 1839 Auditor's Notice. VTDAKE notice that the nudersigned, IV Auditors, appointed by the court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the monies arising from a Sher iff's Sale of the Real Estate of Maxwell lair dec'd, to and among the respective laimants, will meet l'or that purpose at le house of John Mcconnell, in Hun- tingdon, on Tuesday the 10th day of De• cetriber next, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons interested may at tend. JACOB MILLER, VIONI AS FISIIER, Auditors. WILLIAM DORMS. linntingdon, Nov. 27, 1839. fake l otice. Partnersnip existing between John Brewster and Josiah Engler, in the Tanning business, is not dissolved as represented by John Brewster, in a (notice of the Slat of October, as it was dune without my consent. JOSIAH ENGLAR. Shirley township liontio!r don Co. I. , ;•Jv. 27, I k 3 9. 31*1 0110 E, Is hereby given to those interested it the guardianship account of Elijah Mor rison, as guardian of Abraham, Lydia , Barbara, Joel, David and Joshua Morn' son, minor children of Samuel Morrison, lateol Shirley township Huntingdon CQUII ty, deceased, that the undersigned ap pointed Auditors to decide upon the Ex ceptions filed to said Account ; will meet at the house of John M'Connell in the borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday the lath of December next, at one o'clock P. M., for the purpose of decidihg on said exceptions to sold account. JACOB Mh.LER, JANII , IS CILhS. NEWINGHAM. 27th Nov. 1839. ORPHANS" COURT SALE. "ITN pursuance of an oilier of the Orph ans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to public sale, on the iiremises, on Wednesday, the 25th day of December, next, at ten o'clock A. M. the following described Real Estate, situ ate in Hop, well township, in the county aforesaid, on the Raystown Branch of Juniata river, to wit: Four several tracts land adjoining etch other, marked in di. , diagram to the inquisition awl 'writ of imrtition in the Orphans' court of said 'county, atmexed A, B, C, and D. The ! via marked 'A' adjoining the said river, and the part marked 'll' containing 160 acres 72 perches, and allowance. The part marked 'B' adjoining the said river, and the parts marked 'A, & C,' containing 225 acres 69 perches. The part marked 'C' adjoining the parts marked & containing 144 acres 28 perches and al lowance. The part :narked 'D' adjoining said river, and the parts marked &C' containing 175 acre; 95 perches and al. lowance. Also—One oilier tract, called the mountain :viler, situate in the said township, on the opposite side of the river front the four above described tracts, at the feat a Terrace tnountain, containing 416 acres 101 pc rches and allowance; late Me estate or John D. Norris, deceased. Terms of Sole.--One third of the pur chase money to be paid on confirmation 01 the sale—one third in one year there after with interest; and the remaining one third to remain in the hands of the par chaser during the life of the widow, he paying her the interest thereof, annually to her as it becomes due, and the princi pal to those legally entitled thereto at her death; all to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. Attendance will be given by the undersigned, admin istrators of dee'd. PETER OOPI'SNARE, E, Adair's. By the Court, 'l'. I'. Campbell, Clk. \Tai•. 20, 1559. Notice. ALL persons indebted to John Savage will plc tat: immediately settle their accounts with the subscriber. And those having claims properly authenticated against him will pre sent them tot settlement to me at Mary Ann Forge. Trough Creek Huntingdon Co. A. B. CIWAVIT, Agent fur John. Savage. il7 N. B. Bar Iron for sale at Mary Ann Forge. Trough Creek, Oct 1939. TAN YARD FOR RENT. gr iliFl Subscriber oils ltt for a term of 3 1 j•- years or longer, his tanning t stablish-1 meat, situa_ . ,t ed in Germany Valley, Shirley. township. Huntingdon ccunty, on the public rna d kading fern Shuiryshurg to Newtunl Hamilton, consisting• of a Hark house. Cur rying Shop, 12 lay-wnys, I Leech, 2 Limes. 2 Rates and Pool. Likewise. a :urge Bark Stmt. . . . ..... There is connected with it one ncre ofl ground, a comfortable two story house, and a hirge stable; the whole it) coniplcto order. A full set of tanners tools can be had cheap, ' by :114,13111g to the present tennant. "Possession given Ist April 1840. Any fur ther information can be ha,. by applying 61 the undersigned, at his residence on the plantation adjoining the tan yard. GEORGE SWINE. 'Shirley township, Nov. 13,1839. I St P' Dr. Brandreth's, GENUINE VEGITAIiLE UNIVERSAL, PILLS. The following are the only authorized agents in Huntingdon county who have for sale, Dm BaANDIIETII'S Genuine Vegi table Universal Pills. II inking Strwart, Huntingdon. Robert Lowery, Hollidaysburg. I I A. Patterson, Williamsburg. Jams Campbell, MeConnelleville. J. 11. Moore, - Fr nkstotvn. Messrs. Thomas M. Owen S. SOn, Messrs. Cornier 4. Johnsen, Salsburgh. F. A. ‘VILLIAMSON, Travelling Agent for Brandreth. Huntingdon net. 16, 1 tB9. 6m. p. E]xecntor s T otice.l A LI, nei.,ons ind,ltetl 71)' totlie Elate of 212 - Robert. Dean, late or Morris town-! ship, Huntingdon county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment to Samuel Dean, near Gittliansburg, or Wm. Caldwell, near Birmingdam; and those hav:ng claims against said Estate arc requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement. SA ARIEL DEAN, Wit. CA Id) WELL, Executors, October 23,1839.-6 t. `Native. ,ffltS hereby given to the Ftockholders of the Hollidaysburg and lip Itord Torn pike company that a farther instalment of twenty dollars per share is hereby re quired to ue paid to .7. W. Duncan, Bed ford; or Robert WNamara or Alexander Knox jr. Newry, on or before the let day of November next. Punctual and prompt payment is respectfully reques- By order of the board. ✓. 11. BUNCSN, Secy Octo. 30, 1239 Worm Eogs. Mamthoth Sulpher, White, Peanut, Two Crops Mammoth White, do. do. Peanut. Pert3ons desirous of getting the best tock for feeding, at fair prices, can hay( them put up and sent to any part of th€ United States, S. DAVIS. thintitplon, October s, 1839. Kr - All necessaty directions furnished if req•tired. S. D. Executor's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Wm. Love, late of /Yoodbury tp. Huntingdon county, deceased, are re quested-to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said Estate are requested to present them properly authenticated tar payment to the under• signed. SAMUEL DEAN, Exceutors, JOSH. ROLLER, October 28, 1839.—efit. INTotivr. 11§ S hereby given to those stockholders g of the "Hollidaydburg and Bedford Turnpike-road Company," who h ;re up to the present time neglected to comply with the requisitions of the board, for the payment of instalments heretofore order ed; that the said instalments to fifteen dollars per share, shall be paid on cr be fore the 15 k of Noremser, to J.W . Dun-, can. Bedford; or to Robert Nl'Namara, or Alexander Knox jr. Nen ry. In failure whereof, suits are to be brought against all such delinquents. 13y order of the board J. 11 DU.VCAN, Sery. Ort 30, 18,-)9 ACH n WANT D. A good teart,er of a public school is wan. ted in the borotKli of Petersburg, to whoa liberal wages wilt he given By the school committee. BIANRS OP ErERY DEScRIP TION FOR S.iILE AT TM.: it lls°, in the enlargement ol the spleen. ,p l l a -4 p. ~,,*- chronic disease ol the hs or, sick head-ache ft, cl.s-- filiA7r - ,, , general debility, ird in ::11 cases have ~ ~‘ ‘ .. ,.i \ .. , ',:,.-- "t,D s ' !cowl them to he let%; cf roll% e J 1) Tcyd \ ',...4,, \ CL4... ,, ,L -4 . , ' Mecklenburg Co, • Va: Fob. • 7, 1837. '-'- *-:' ' / I ;11 iiving used Di. Peters' Pills in my prac -16*-2 , .40, cr.. ' 41 " . '' -e, -' s -- - -ii-f a 10\ ' liter the last 13 months, 1 take pleas i ure'n givin my testimoy of their good vf . .(VF , . ..1 . ! feels of cases of ilyspersiii, sick headache , N \l f lp . .V,i, .:- .. // _I L ; billious ferers, and other diseases, produ i i , cod by inactivity of the liver. They are 0.4,6* trsate and mild aperien t, . being the :,i T t2 O. 4 ,6* , 'VrGE A LE . ~ hole of the hind 1 ct•c I 1100(1. G. a Shaft M. D. Those inuch7approNed andrjustly cele brated Pills, ore for sale by the following agents JACOB AIiLLER, Huntingdon, Pa J - J MILLIKEN, Mill Creek. Pa GEO DIiEILAIAPi, Waysburg,. 111ifli ) 1 • W 4/. CITIZENS of Pennsylvania, you ` l, -'have now before you DR. PLTELS' CELEBRATED VECITABLE PILLS. These Pills are no longer among those of doubtful utility. They have passed away Irma the hundreds that are daily launched upon the title of experiment, and now stand before the public as high in rep. utation, and as extensively employml all parts of the U. States, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico, and the west Indies, as any medicine that has ever been prepared for the relief of suffering man. They have been introdficed whereverit has been found possible to Larry them; and there are but few towns that do not contain some re• markable evidences of their good effects. The certificates than have been presented to the proprietor exceeds twenty thousand upwards of five hundred of which are from regular practising physicians, who are the most competent judges of the merits. Often have the cures performed by this medicine been the subject of editorial 'comment, in various newspapers and jour nabs; and it may with truth be asserted, that no medicine of tl.e kind has ever re ceived testimonials orgreater value than lare attached to this. They are in general use as a family medicine and tilt re are thousands of fami lies who declare they are never satisfied unless they have. a supply always on hand. They hove no rival in curing and pre venting Bilious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick !lead - ache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheu matism, Enlargement of the Spleen,- Piles - , Cholic, Females Obstructions, Heartburn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence, habitual Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Complex ion and in cases of torpor of the bowels, where a cathartic or aperient is needed. fitey are exceed Mgly mild in their opera tion, producing neither nausea, griping nor lehilr y. Extract of a letter written by Dr. Fran , - cis Bogart, of Providence, R. r I. Dec. 17, 181.9.---Peters' pills are an excellent ape rient and cathartic medicine, those effects Len% produced by the differences of the quantity taken, and and are decidedl; su perior to Lee's, Brandreth's or Morri son's Pills. Extract from a letter by Dr Hopson of Bangor, Me. Jan. 9, 1839. T hey area peculiarly mild, yet efficient purgative . mediaine, and produce little, of hnygrip ing or nausea. 1 have prescribed them with much success in sick headache and slight billious fever. • Extract of a letter by Dr Joseph Willi ams of Burlington, Vt. July 9, 1837.—1 cordially recommend Peters' Pills as a mildly effective, and in no case dangerous, flintily medicine. They are peculiarly in costivenenss arid all the usual diseases of the digestive organs. Extiact via Ictter from Dr Edw. Smith of Montreal, U. C. Sept 27, 1836—1 nev er knew a single patent medicine that I could put the least confidence in but Dr Peters Vegetable Pills, which are really a valuable discover 2. I have no hesitation in having it known that I use them enten sively in my practice, for hit complaints, (and . they are nut a low) winch have their source in the impurity of the Hood. Extract of a letter from Dr. Dye of Quebec, L. C., March .6, 1837. For bit. .hutis fevers, sick head-ache, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of the spleen Dr. Peters' Pills are an excellent medi cine. Exiract of a . letter from Dr. Gurney N I Orleans, 1.a., Oct. 9, 1837; 1 have receiv ed much assistance in my practice; esp.. 1 1 601 y in jaudice and yellow fever, from the usl of Peters' Pills. I presume that, lon an average, 1 prescribe 100 boxes in a month. Extract of a letter from Dr. Prichard of Hudson N. Y. June 3, 1836; I was aware that Dr. Peters' was one of the best chew ists in the U. States, and felt assured that he would some day (from his intin ate knowledge of the properties of herbs and drugs) produce an efficient medicine, and must.. acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectations. They are indeed a superior medicine, and rellect credit alike upon the Chemist, the Physician, and Philosoper. Extract of a letter from Dr. Wains of Cininnati, Feb, 2, 1858; your I ills are the mildest in their operations, and'yet most powerful in their effecst, orally that have. There action on the chyle, and hence on the impurities of the blood is ev idently very surprising. Extract of a letter from Dr Scott of Baltfiuore, Dec. 17, 1836; I um in the daily habit of prescribing them (Peters' Pills) and they in nearly all cases answer my I purposes. have directed other meth nines,, some of theta very good ones, In Ithcir favor. Charlotte, N C., June, 1, 1837. Deer sir: 1 hie e frequent use of your Pills in the incipient stage of bilious fever 'and obstinate consunist'on of the bowels, DYSPFP,SIA ! BYSPEPHA !r More !Imola oj thsrfficocy of Dr. Harlich's ar<<„~;►,«, Mr Jonas Hartman. of Sumneytown, Pa. courtly cured of the above disease, which he was afflicted with for six years. Hil spmptoms were a sense of distension and op pression atter eating, distressing pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, lost of appetite, giddiness and dimness of sight, extreme de bility, flatulency, acrid eructations, some times vomiting, and pain in the right side. depression of spirits. disturbed rest, faint ness, and not able to pursue his businesv without causing immeditite.eXhiitistio% and weariness. Mr. Hartman is happy to state to the pub lic and is willing to hive any information to the afflicted, respecting the wonderful ben efit he received from the use of DA Harlichs Compound Strengthening and German ape rient pills. Principal offlce No. 19 North Eighth street Philadelphia. Also for sale at toe store of Jacob Miller, Huntingdon. Notice to Delin quent Collectors. HE collectors of County Tax for k the year 1838 and former years. who have not settled up their duplicates, are requested to do so without delay. The heavy drafts on the Treasury for building bridges renders a compliance with this notice necessary; and those who neglect it will be certified into the Pro ' thonotary's office and proceeded against to execution. By order of the Commissioners of Huntingdon county, November 6, 1839. SHOOTING MATCH, ON THURSDAY & FRIDAY, 28th & 29th Nov. THE MARKSMEN Of this county and vicinity are informed, that there will be a shooting match no the above days, at the house of Wm. McMur trie, near ie public house of James McMur trie on Shavers Creek. Where a FINE FAT STEER, & TWO HOGS will be shot for. November 13, 1839. RICHES NOT HEALTH. Those who enjoy Health, must certainly feel blessed when they compare themselves to those sufferers that have been afflicted for years with various diseases which the human family are all subject to be troubled with.— Diseases present themselves in various forms and from various circumstanctts, which, in the commencement, may all he checked by the use of Dr. 0. P. Harlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills, —such as Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Pain in the Side, Rheumatism, General De bility, Female Diseases, and all Diseases to which human nature is subject, where the Stomach is affected. Directions for using these Medicines always accompany them. These Metticines can be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate Female, as they are mild in their operation and pleasant in their effects. Principal Office for the Ur.ited States, No. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. Also for sale at the store of Jacob Miller. who is agent for Huntingdon county. lIVNTERESTING CURE PERFOR da MED BY Da. SWAYNE'S COM— POUND SYRUP OF PRUNES; VIRGIN lANA, OR WILD CHERRY. Having made use of this invaluable Syrup in my fate ily, which entirely cured my child. The symptoms were Wheezing and choking of Flegm. difficulty of Breathing, attended with constant cough, Spasms, Convulsions, &c. of which I sad given up all hopes of its' recrvery, until I was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the wonderful effects it had upon my child, [ concluded to make the same WO upon my self, which entirely relieved me of a cougl. that I was afflicted with for many years. Any persons wishing to see me can call at my house in Beach street. above the market li!psington,Phila.Jonw Wittcox. _ _ OBSERVE—The only place where this med icine can be obtained, is at Jacob Miller's store Huntingdon. ~~~~~t FOREIGN LITERdTURE SCIEACI, Aivo Is published every month by E. Little & Co., 212 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. ft r six dollars a year, sayable in advance. Dis tant subscribers are requested to remit a Is ..Aute on account. _ _ 7 With the year IEI3B begins the Fourth Vo time of a New Series, complete sets of wh,ch cut be furnished at Two Dollars and a halt bound. The New Series is begun because we are no longer able to supply orders for complete sets of the old. 0::7-1'he "LANCASTER EXAMI NER a:id HERALD" van please to dis continue the sale of Robert Dean's Real Estate-for the present, and forwsril hill to this alice.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers