The journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1839-1843, November 20, 1839, Image 3

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    "The Third Sober Thought."'
New York has done nobly and stands
forth shining like a pillar of fire amid the'
darkness which overshaddow the other
States. Borne down, disheartened and
destroyed, by the mivsrule of Loco Foco
ism, they rose in their strength, cast ow,
the manacles of party, and rallied around
the flag of their country, resolved to pre
serve her institution from the assaults of
the Jacobins, or fall themsele es, amid
their', ruins.
They are free ! Every link it that cur_
sed chain of Loco Focu Regency, is bro
ken. She has a Whig, Governor, and
Lieutenant Governor; If hig heads of the
Departments; a Whig Senate, and a Whig
Assembly. New York is true to herself.
Though the tide waiters, and Postmasters
gathered in their shoals of wandering
Gipseys, to vote for their ticket, and thus
cheated the city out of their Whig mem
bers. s Stilt the freemen of the country
came to the rescue. The Ball has been
stopped ! anti that too in the native
State of the Magician. His grand pro
cession from IVashington to Saratoga, has
availed him nothing, and his triumphal
entry into his native State, has proved as
disastrous as Napoleon's entry into Mos
cow. The home of his "boyhood's days . '
has deserted him. Columbia county ;
our old home, as well as his, we rejoice to
see, no longer submits to the galling let
ters of Loco Focoism. She records her
vote on the side of the people. Albany,
the scene of Van Buren's public life, has
spoken, and that loudly, Against his miss
rule—well done New York—well done !
_ .
People of this State ! friends of this
county, will you still cling to the car of
the Demagogue, when his own State dis•
cards him ? Is he worthy of your suf
frages, when the citizens of his birth
place declare him unworthy of support I
Can the decendants of honest Penn, be
so recreant to the cause of their country?
So neglectful of what they owe to theii
children, to still, with blind partisan zeal,!
adhere to the'falling, and exposed for
tunes of did Kinderhook politician ?
New York has set her sister States a
proud example. Let them follow in her
footsteps, and our word for it, the disas
ters which have assailed our currency,
will soon Vanish and we shall see the
palmy days of olden time. ,
The yellow fever has ceased in the
Southern cities. A black frost has wrought
the changed
The "Gt ashington Reprice has passed
into the hands of J. Bausman, formerly
editor of the Philadelphia Evening Star
We wish him success in his new under-
In our coltiions -will he found a letter
of Gov. Porter's, in answer to the coal•
mittee of the Yolk melting.
Richard P. Robinson, the supposed
murderer of Ellen Jewett, is now a clerk
on a Mississippi steamer, under the name
of Robert P. Richardson.
There js a mnn living in Huron, Ohio,
who has twenty-four children by one wife,
all living,—eighteen sons and six dough•
ters. "He has detig the State some act'.
The Methodist church has increased
8,700, in the State of Indiana, during the
last year.
The Pension office has given notice, that
old soldiers cannot be paid their pensions
fur six months to come.
NER and HERALD" will please to des
continue the sale of Robert Dean's Real
Estate for the present, and forward bill
to this office.
WILL be received at the Commi4-
sioners' office in the Borough of
Iluntingdon on Friday i the 22d day of
November next for making alterations in
the wall ot the yard ot the county jail,
agreeably to the recommendation of the
Grand inquest at August Sessions last.
The plat ot the proposed alterations
can beseen at any time in the Commis
sioners office aforesaid:
JOHN STEEVER Commission-
PETER. S WOOPE era of H unt-
S AMES MOORE 7 1 " ""
I N pursuance of an order of the Orph
ans' Court of Huntingdon county,
'will be exposed to public sale, on the
premises, on Wednesday, the 25th day of
December, next, at ten o'clock A. M.,
the following described Real Estate, situ
ate in Hopewell township, in the county
aforesaid, on the Raystown Branch of
Juniata river, to wit: Four several tracts
lot* land adjoining. each other, marked in
the diagram to the inquisition and writ of
partition in the Orphans' court of said
county, nw.excil A, B, C, and 1). The
part marked 'A' adjoining the said river,
and the part marked 'B' containing 160
acres 72 perches, and allowance. The
pirt marked 'B' adjoining the said river,
and the parts marked containing
225 acres 89 perches. The part marked
'C' adjoining the parts marked 'll & D,'
containing 144 acres 28 perches and al
lowance. • The part marked 'l)' adjoining
said river, and the parts marked ' B& C'
containing 175 acres 95 perches and al
lowance. Also--One other tract, called
the mountain tract, situate in the said
township, on the opposite side of the river
from the four above described tracts, at
the feot of Terrace mountain, containing
416 acres 101 perches aml allowance; late
the estate of John I). Norris,•deceased.
Terms of Sale. --One third of the par..'
chase money to be paid on confirmation
of the safe—one third in one year there:,
after with interest; and the remaining one
third to remain in the hands of the pur
chaser during the life of the widow, he
paying her the interest thereof, annually
to her as it becomes due, and the princi
pal to those legally entitled thereto nt her
death; all to be secured by the bond and
mortgage of the purchaser. Attendance
will be given by the undersigned, admin
istrators of dec d.
DAVID SNARE, ? A d - i i, e s
By the Court,
T. P. Campbell, Clk.
Nov. 20, 1339.
100 Mills Reward
A NAWAY from the un•
dersigned, living in Mc
GonnellstoWn, Huntingdon Co
(84 on or about the 24th of Octo•
ber, an indented apprentice to
the Gun Smidung business, na
Its had on when he went away, a brown
coat, dark cassinett pants, red silk velvet
vent, art! I,lnck fnr hat. The above re
ward oin be gived for his apprehension,
hut no expenses paid.
McConnellstown, Nov. 13,
THE Subscriber will let for a term of 3
Years or longer, his tanning cs tablish
went, situated in Germany Valley, Shirley
township,' Huntingdon county, on the public
road leading from Shirleysburg to Newton
Hamilton, consisting of a Bark house, Cur
rying Shop, 12 lay-ways, 1 Leech, 2 Lim es ,
2 Bates and Pool. Likewise a large Bark
Stone. !.!
Theie is connected with it one acre of
ground, a Cllll fortable two Story house, and
a large stable; the, whole in complete order.
A hill set of tanners tools can be had cheap,
by applying to the present tennant.
'Possession given Ist April 2840. Any fur
ther information can be lrx.l byapplying to
the undersigned, at, his residence on the
plantation adjoining the tanyard. .
Shirley township,l
Nov. 13, 1839. ')
Valuable Farm,
In pursuance of the last will and testa
ment of Matthew Cresswell, late of lest
Township, in the county in the county of
Huntingdin dec'd, the subsbribers will
sell on the premises, on Wednesday the
9, 7 h day of Nov. next, at public vendue
the valuable Farm of limestone land, on
which the said Matthew Cresswell, resi
ded, consisting of
more or less, about 200 Acres of which '
are cleared and under a good state of culJ
tivation, on the premises are erected a
M LINGEO T. 7 7,11
One Tenant House,
Two Large Barns,
one of which is a bank Barn,
and all other necessary out buildings.
Situate in west, township aforesaid id
joining lands of the heirs of Patrick Gwin,
I deed, Josiah Cunningham, B. Dearment,
and others, six miles from the Pennsylva
nia Canal, and eight miles from the bo
rough of Huntingdon. The farm is sec
ond to none in Huntingdon county in pro
ductiveness, and is well worthy the atten•
tion of Farmers and others, who want an
investment in real estate. Sale to com
mence at 11 o'clock A. M. when the terms,
will be made known.
Surviving Executors
of M.Cresswell deed.
Oct. 23, 1839.
'WHEREAS, the Governor of the Com
nionwealth by a writ to me direc
ted, bearing date the 2nd day of Novem , '
'bee 1839, commanding me to hold an e-'
leetion in the county of Huntingdon on;
Wednesday the 20t1; day of November
inst., for the purpose of choosing a Repre
sentative of this commonwealth, in the
House of Representatives ,of the United
States, to fill the vacancy occasioned by!
the death of William H. Potter
i; Esg H
who was elected in the fourteent h di str i ct, !
a member of the twenty sixth Congress.
And, whereas, I am required to - give pub
lic notice of such eleetion. 1 Joseph
Shannon, Sheriff of said county of Hun
tingdon, do therefore, hereby, make
known, and give this public notice, to the
electors of said county of Huntingdon,
that a .. penal Election will be held in the'
said county on Wednesday the twentieth
day of November inst., for the purpose of
voting tor, and electing one person to rep
resent the said [fourteenth distric, in the
said twenty sixth Congress, and thereby
fill' the vacancy which has happened as
afaresaid;in the several districts compo
sing said county, in the following order:
tat District composed of part of Hen
derson township, west of the line begin
ning at thence, west so far as to exc lude
the farms owned by Michael Speck and
the heirs of James Kelly, to Mill Creek,
thence up the said creek to Hest town
ship line, thence along the said line to the
line of Mifflin county, and also a part of
Potter township; and all that part of If si
ker township nut in the 20th district, at
the Court House in the Borough of Hun
2nd District composed of Dublin town
ship at the house of Mathew Taylor, Jr. in
said township.
ail District composed of Warriorsmark
township and parts of Tyrone and Antis
townships, at the house now occupied by
Christian Buck, in Warriorsmark.
4th District composed of the township
if Allegheny, at the house of Jacob Black
sth District composed of that part of
;he township of ftoodbury, not included
the 6th district, and part of Morris, at
Jie house of .Chris. Hew it, in ft illiams-
6th District composed of all that pat
of Hoodbury township, laying south ut a
line to commence at the line of said tp.
on the summit of Tussey's mountain,
thence to run westwardly, so as to include]
the house of Joseph Everhart, and south
of the house of Aaron Burns, John. Ditch,
'and Peter SorricY, so as to include the
power mill at Pitney creek, and thence to,
the line of said township on the summit of
Canoe mountain, at the house of Casper
llellmg,,jr, in said township.
7th District composed of the township
of Hopewell, at the house of David Si
mouton, in said township.
8111 District composed of the township
of Barree, at the house of John Horper,
in the town of Salesbury, in said township
9th District composed of the township
of Shirley, at the house of John . Lutz, in
10th District composed of that part of
Antis township not Included in the 2nd
district, at the house of John Bell in An•
tie township'.
11th District composed of Porter and
l ,part of Henderson township, at the school
house in the town of Alexandrm.
12th District composed of the townthip
of Franklin, at the house formerly occu
pied by Um Lytle.
13th District composed of 'l' ell town
ship, at the Union school house near the
Methodis meeting house in said township.
14th District composed of Springfield
township, at the school house near s
ter'S Mill.
15th District composed of part of Uni•
on township, at the house formerly occu
pied by L. S. Lagoon] in said township.
16th District composed of that part of i
Henderson township not included n the
Ist District, at the public school house in
the village of Roxbury:
17th Districttcomposed of that part of
Tyrone township laying cast and south of
the following describebonds, beginning at
the bridge opposite the paper mill on
Spring Run, thence alon,,r; the road to the
house of John Clark, the south of the
house of the said Clark, and the house
now erected at Tyrone forge, to the An
tis township line, at the house of James
Crawford in Tyrone township.
18th District composed of Morris town
ship, at the house of Frederick Kuhn in
said township.
19th District composed of part of the
township of best, at the school house on
the farm of James Ennis in said township.
20th District composed of those parts
of the townships of Hopewell and NValker
in the county of Huntingdon, within the
following boundaries, to wit: beginning
at Hartsuck's Gap in Tussey's mountain,
thence down Gardner's Ruin, so as to in
clude the house of Mathew Garner, Isaac
Bowers and George Brumbaugh; thence
in a straight line through Forshey's Gap
to the Union township line, thence down
the saute to a point opposite David Cor
bin's, thence down on a straight line, in
cluding the house of David Corbin, to the
corner of Porter township, on the Hun
tingdon and Woodcock Valley road;
thence along the said summit to the placed
of beginning, shall hereafter be a seperate
election district, and that the general elec
tion for said district be held at the house
occupied by Jacob Magahy, in the village
of McConnellsburg.
21st District composed of that part of
the township of Union, in the county o
Huntingdon, now comprising the townf
ship of Tod be , •innin on thelino,.!4_,.!nz:t.
ford county where the line of Springfield
and Union townships meet, thence by the
like between the townships to a point on
said line, nearly opposite John Caufman's
'so as to include his farm, thence by a
straight hue to ilopewel I township line at,
Forshey's Gap, on Terrace mountain;
thence ny the Itne of llopeweil and Union
townships to Bedford county line, thence I
to said place of beginning, shall hereafter
be a separate district, and the electors
!thereof shall hereafter hold their .general
'elections at the house now occupied by J.
Ilendcmin in Raid district.
22nd District composed of that part of
West township on the south•east side of
Warrior ridge, beginning at the line of
West and Henderson township, at the
loot of said ridge to the line of Barree
township: thence by the division line of
Barree and West townships to the sum
mit of Stone mountain, to intersect the
line of Henderson and ‘l' est townships;
thence by said line to the place of begin
ning, shall be a seperate election district,
to be called "Murrey's Run district," and
that the electors therein shall hold there
general elections at the house now occur
'pied by Benjamin Corbin on Murrey's
23d District composed of Cromwell
township, shall hold their general elec
tions at the house now occupied by Wm.
M'Carrell in Orbisonia.
24th District composed of all that part
of Frankstown township, lying east of the
foll Owing lines viz: Beginning where the
.allegheny township line crosses the Brush
run, thence down said run, thence down
the Beaver dam branch of the Juniata to
the Forks above Lowly's mill; thence up
,the south fork of said run, to where the
'great road crosses the same, leading from
Hollidaysburh to the Loop, thence a
(straight line to the Woodbury line on the'
north end of the Cove of Loop mountain,
shall hereafter be a seperate election dis
trict, and the electors thereof shall hold
their general elections at the house lately
occupied by David Ditch in the borough
of FrankstoWn.
25th District composed of the town
ship of Blair, constituting a seperate elec
tion district, to hold their elections there
fore at the public school house in Holli
..That every person, excepting justices
of the peace, who shall hold any office or
appointment of profit, or trust under the
government of the United States, or of
this state, or of any city or incorporated
district, whether a commissioned officer
or agent, who is, or shall be, employed
under the legislative, executive or Judi
ary department of this State, or of the
United States, or of any or incorporated
district, and also, that every member of
Congress, and of the State Legislature,'
and of the select or common council of
and city, or commissioners of any incors
orated District, is by law, incapable of
holding or exercising, at the same time
the office or appoikment of Judge, In
spector or ClMc of any erection of this
commonwealth, and that no Inspector,
Judge, or other officer of any such elec
tion, shall be eligible to any office to be
then voted for s ." •
And the rsiturn judges of the resikc
tive districts are required to meet at the
Court house in Huntingdon, on the third
day succeeding the said day of election,
which will be on Saturday the 23d, No
liven - under my hand at Huntin'gdott, the
sth, day of November 1839, and of the
Independence of the United States the
[God save the Commonwealth.'
. ,
S hereby given to those stockholders
111 of the "Hollidaysburg and Bedford
Turnpike-road Company," who have up
to the present time neglected to comply
with the requisitions of the board, for the
payment of instalments heretofore order
ed; that the said instalmenti to fifteen
dollars per share, shall be paid on or be
fore the 151 of Noremher, to J. W. Dun
can. Bedford; or to Robert M'Namara, or
Alexander Knox jr. Newry. In failure
whereof, suits are to be brought against
all such delinquents.
By order of the board
J. H. DUNCAN, Secy.
Oct 30, 1839.
Notice to Delin
quent Collectors.
rwE collectors of County fax fcr
the year 1838 and former years,
who have not settled up their duplicates,
are requested to do so without delay.
The heavy drafts on the Treasury for
;,wilding bridges renders a compliance
with this notice necessary; and those who
neglect it will be certified into the Pro
thonotary's office and proceeded against
to execution.
By order of the Commissioners of
Huntingdon county,
November 6, 1859.
ALL persons interested will please take
notice, that the partnership heretofore exis
ting between John Brewster and Josiah Eng
lar, in the Tanning business, in Shirley tp.
is this day dissolved. All debts due to the
firm are to be paid to the undersigned, who
continues to carry on the business at the cid
October 30, 1839.
TILE undersigned, Commissioners of
county, give notice
that they will receive proposals at the
Court Ifouse in the Bourough of Hun ting.
don, on Friday the cad day of November
next for the building of
- -
in the said borough. The building is to
be of brick with stone foundatiOn. The
plan and the xpec;fications can be seen
during the November Court at the Com
missioners' Office in Huntingdon.
Persons proposinr , will state distinctly
in their proposals, the whole amount fair
which they will furnish and complete the
same in accordance with the'p , an and
specifications .
SNO. STEVER c• -.g'
PETER SWOOPE I :.- 3 , 2
.1 AM E MOORE. ;17 ?:, 1839
; -
The Harrisburg Intelligencer will pub
lish the above three times and charge this
ALL persons indebted to John Savage will
please immediately settle their accounts with
the subscriber. And those haying claims
properly authenticated against 1601 will pre
sent them for settlement to me at Mary Ann'
Forge, Trough Creek Huntingdon Co.
A. B. CREWIT, Agent for John Savage.
lU ,- -/s/. B. Bar Iron for sale at Mary Ann
Trough Creek, Oct 1839.
ON THURSDAY & FRIDAY, 28th & 29th Nov.
Of this county and vicinity are informed,
that there will be a shooting match nn • the
above days, at the house of Wm. McMur
trio, near the public house of James McMur
trie on Shavers Creek. Where a FINE
shot for.
November 13, 1839.
These who enjoy Health, must certainly
feel blessed when they compare themselveA
to those sufferers that have been afflicted for
years with various diseases which the human
family are all subject to be troubled with.—
Diseases present themselves in various forms
and from various circumstances, which, in
the commencement, may all be checked by
the use of Dr. 0. P. Harlich's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills,
—such as Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints,
Pain in the Side, Rheumatism, General De
bility, Female Diseases, and all Diseases to
which human nature is subject, where the
Stomach is affected. Directions for using
these Medicines always accompany thesis.
These Medicines can be taken with Verfect
safety by
. the most delicate Female, as they
are mild in their operation and pleasant in
their effects.
Principal Office for the United States, No.
19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.
Also for sale at the store of Jacob Miller,
who is agent for Huntingdon county.
. •
made use of this invaluable Syrup in my fam
ily, which entirely cured my child. The
symptoms were Wheezing and choking of
Flegni. difficulty of Breathing. attended
with constant cough, Spasms, Convulsions,
&c. of which I oad given up all hopes of its
recrvery, until I was advised to. make trial
of this invaluable medicine. After seeing
the wonderful effects it had upon my child,
' I concluded to make the same trial upon my
self, which entirely relieved me of a cougl
that I was aMictedwith for many years.
Any persons wishing to see me can call at
my house in Beach street. above the market
Kensington, Phila. JOHN WII.LCOX.
OBSERVZ—The only place where this med
icine can he obtained, is at Jacob Miller's
store Huntingdon.
Dr. Brandreth's,
The following. are the only authorized
agents in Huntingdon county who have
for sale, Do. BRANDRETICS Genuine Vegl
table Universal Pills.
William Stewart, Huntingdon.
Robert Lowery, Hollidaysburg.
A. Patterson, Williamsburg.
James Campbell, McConnellsville.
J. H. Moore, Frankatown.
Messrs. Thomas M. Owen & Son, Bit
Messrs. Contler 4 Johnson, Salsburgli
Travelling Agent for
Dr. Brandreth.
Huntingdon eel. 16, 1839. 6m. p,
Executor's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of
Robert Dean, late of Morris town
ship, Huntingdon comity, deceased, are ,
requested to make immediate payment
to Samuel Dean, near if illiamsburg, of
Win. Caldwell, neta 13irmingdam; and
those having claims against said E4tate
arc requested to present them properly
authenticated for settle►nent.
IVA'. CALDWELL, S Executors.
October 23,1839. —6t.
A good teacher of a nuhlic school is wan
ted in the borough of Petersburg, to whom
liberal' wages will he given
By the school committee.
ILS hereby given to the stockholders of
the Hollidaysburg; and Bedford Turn
pike company that a larther instalment
of twenty dollars per share is hereby re
quired to be paid to .1. W. Duncan, Bed
ford; or Robert AnNamara or Alexander
Knox jr. Newry, on or before the lot day
of November next. Punctual and
prompt payment is respectfully reques
By order of the board.
J. ft . DUNC.I.V . , Secy.
Odo. 30, 1539
Silk Worm Eggs.
Mammoth Sulpher,
Two Crops Mammoth White;
do. do. Peanut.
Persons desirous of getting the best
( stork for feeding, at fair prices, can have
themput up and sent to any part of the
United States.
Huntingdon, October 2, 1839.
CCTAII necessary directions I urnished
if reglired. S. D.
Executor's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the Estate
of Wm. Love, bite of fl'oodbury tp.
Huntingdon county, deceased, are re
quested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said Estate
are requested to present them properly
authenticated fur payment to the under
SAMUEL DEAN, Excetttors
October 23,1839.-6 t.
New Establishment.
im undersigned begs leave respect.,
-a. fully to intbrin the farmers of Hun-
tingdon, Bedford, and the adjoining coup ,,
ties, that he is manufacturing his newly
in MartinElurg, Bedford county, where
he will be happy to furnish any who may
want a supertoi article in that line. As
the Horse Power is new, and materially
different from any hitherto invented, anti
the undersigned a stranger to most of the
farmers in this part of the State, he has
been induced to procure a certificate from
the following gentlemen who have pur
chased machines of him last winter, and
have tried them to their own satisfaction.
Their certificate will be sufficien to sat
isfy any reasonable person who may be
disposed to doubt, that they are not a
mere liveried o.rperinzcia, but that they
have been well tested here as well as in
other portions of the State: The char
acter of the gentlemen whose aames are
attached to the following certificate (like
that Of the metehirie), needs no other rec
'cominendation THN TO BE KNOWN
N. B. No other person is authorized
to sell the above Horse Power in this or
any of the adjoining counties.
We the undersigned, farmers and citi
zens of Bedford and Huntingdon coun
ties, do hereby certify , that we have
threshed our grain during the past winter
with James P. Ross' improved patent
Horse Power and 'Threshing Machine.
And in jdstice to the inventor, we cheer
fully and unhesitatingly . pronounce it in
our estimation far superior to any machine
for that purpose we have hitherto seen.
We would therefore reccommend them
to any farmers who wish to avail them
'wives of the opportunity of getting ma
chines in which Ire as yet have been unable
to diseoeer the sandiest deception.
John Stoner,- David Stuckey,
Jorin Niccidenins,
Maxwell Kinkead,
Isaac Bower,
George Awe!,
C. E. Kinkead
Gorge Geqr,
Is published every month by E. Little &
Co., 212 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, for
six dollars a year, payable it , advance. Dis
taut subscribers are requested to remit a $9
Note on account.
With the year 1838 begins the Fourth Vo
ume of a New Series, complete sets of wh,ch
can be furnished at Two Dollars and a half
.pound. The New Series is begun because
we are no longer able to supply orders for
complete sets of the old.
GINIAN A, or WILD CHERRY: This is de
'cidedly one of the best remedies for Coughs
And Colds now in use: it allays irritation of
Ithe Lungs, lo Ise' s the cough, causing the
plegm to raise free and easy; in Asthma.
Pulmonary Consumption, Recent or Chron
ic Coughs, Wheezing & Choking of Phlegm
Hriarseness, Difficulty of breathing, Croup,
Spitting of Hood, &c. This Syrup is war
ranted to effect a permanent cure, it taken
according to directions which accompany the
bottles. For sale only at Jacob Miller's store