Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1835-1839, November 13, 1839, Image 4

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    MIC JIIaNCI-3 1311,15T1 VALUABLE REAL To the Public. .
r HI: i ithlic are liert by intoi nit tl, tiro
ruori?K'ry rwit lii i LE. • lA.. OB MILLER 1... tt ri p intt d art I.
ea PI .1 G * 11.1 STI T II TlO.l Tartu F. SUBSCRIBERS will i ff, r t t f, lln .ti.w. u.. c. mite, for the sale • t 1)r.
Nil. 66 S )nth 4th Street, 11. - ra...Csli-..1. the ityrinis., on S it. Evans' Cam. mile .. hit It rally ;petit lit pill,'
111(1 , 1' the 16.11 tl .t. ..f N. ven.'h.r next. where all th• sr that it, II mi divine, Call lit
Plelindelphia. he f 1 .•a ing valuable real pe.pei ty. sitirt- supplii.d he intends t.l.vat sto have a sup
' 101 l in %Vest t iwtkitip 11t0tt0.g,1,.. count% P.. ply ... haw..
late the estate t 1.1 los Craw f..rd, Es :. dec'.l. ir s irm AND HEAurri,-P.isona wl. st
.i.kai ii t erns have hr. It i: jUl'i (1 10 , eitlothi I ,
1. ER AC I. C I . x ND coht lining eh , tit or • xcesaii e grief, is, eat 1. s• of blot id, the I . I T
130 acres, stir.. t. tl it . 611. Oct la r 1762, pr,,i 111 .1f acett,..tcaa il disclihrge- or cuta
In a w trr wt iii the 1.4111. , f %/Loa I t .i. e , ihtemperate Italits, or other CHllibth
we.ce. (1 AC I .:Fil Jiie A. I). 1762..4nd paten a hich tend 11l relax and enervate the her
t (thy patent Itearin K date the 26th clay 111 r ak sy,tein, will find a friend to ...unlit' and
Jam try, A. 1). 17E9. This tract • f Lahti is ravidort tilt 111, in EVANS' CANKEMII.F.
tdmirab y situated mid :ttlaiited for the pur- I'll .1.,5. Those a ffl icted with Epit, I.) ill
Pitt , ' 11 1 . tigriculture-h-iiic al nost 1, vt 1-ot E tiling Sickness. Palsy. Seri. 111 Alit pit Icy.,
i first rate cpi till y of Limestone, a. din a .i.l organic affections (*J . the heart, Naugea,'
high state . t cultiv 'Co I. It is situated in a Vomiting, pains in the side, breast, limbs.,
highly fertil • a d thickly settled reginn of head, stomach OEII ick, will lino them. lycs
etha t try, %atilt, sight of the Poitisylvani•t .diately r, li, vet', I,v ti,
C imil, by which, easy access and evvry E.' ' EVANS' CA NIONI I I.F. ''N 1) A PERIENT
deity are ,ffocclutl to an E•sterii ni. t k • : awl I PILLS.
loot oat tt d oil it , t h t eg e and c I 'lli its I Da. EV.ANS (Ines not pined to a y that
....... *tette . Din et if II IS hi, 111. dit'liii: Will Clll.r :ill (lisedst s that fl.slt
. 4 , . , , ~ i . ~ blood are rein t .hut I.t. does ha, s that
_ . ,
' 1 1" k HOUSE, ii. 4.1 De .ihttttt d and Impair, d A.Amstittittotis
- ' ..• .1.. '
-- ill N. Evotisdis...aa. a ~ f all kinds, p .rticular
A Batik Barn. a teat. t house and all ittlit•r Ily ~t tle DIGE.S FIVE ORGA 'Ns, and In
n,c,,sary out 111...:, The c.littnpli t ted 1,4)11111 Cilliblitillitlltii, Will lilt 1. 1.1 the lun g s
philip,hur, ..;,,i road all termimite alt the of 11..1., the% alit cme. That dry: eful tits
atned' •te vicinity ..f it, aid the Hollidays• ease. CONSUNIP I lON, in Olt bare be. n
,burg til II imitiedmi rail road (It. lag a con ch. eked in Its commt wen. id, and (lisap
ititmati..l. of the Allecit. hy and P , Atige rail punted its pr. v all Vol 111 r latal, it the first
r,itil), wli p 1.4.4 within SiV l, ' Or 1.. I SYII.I/1 , Ills 14 Nerv, us Debility had 1....
ALSO--A 'FRAC I' OF 11'001)I., AND c not. I ct. il by the C.AMOAIII.E mow.
cont.thung Ii• In GO to 1(0 ace 5. .111 111 . 11 ' Flt C.I. 11111,411 wed:tr.:l.; n
,5511. r with in my
within thereml sof the tam r. 1 111. lan , l , other tliwases, wilt re taal r Is nivtlit s have
i.cover , :tl wlth lIP'St 1 XeCll 111 Pine and 0 ik 1 fatal.
, imber, 4.111 sh , alld be suit with the forego- 11 ov in oir persons do we daily find torn
ing tract. i , rl with t' , t dreadful disease. SICK
Elle tile to the f tregoing property is in. 11E 11) ACHE. If they woidd
clisputahle, Tel in. will he m the kunwn (1. li 4, f this ihr .14 dile . medicine. tin y w till
the day of sale. awl will Ihe s ich t. 3 will snit perc. ire that lif, k a 1/1( . 111411 . 1! 4111.1 101 a
mirch 1111 . 1.1. I . $N,S,il I will be given on the c•airce i f misery mid ablinrremce. In cohc hi
first day ill April .1, xt. shi t I won't, W. 4 1 .11 11t 1 .1 / 1 /119 persons sophist
Attend nice will be ylven or inf .rm ition the abstraction of BLOOD. eith , 11 lie ch
furnished by t sth , . of the •a'... ,, ..h i.. es, enplane, or the empt t mew t f the lance t.
It'll./ 11A1 11:41.KER. I)..a..tic pty•gativea in 111. heat.. habits are al-
I I lIES CR.IIVFORD. ill 15( eq•t •Ily impr per. Those are prac-
Antrim 28th 1839,
tiers too .. ten r. s It. ii 01 in such cas• c. but
they s. 1,1 111) f til 10 pr.ale Lighly i n i., ', it ,
C it•ti , t I, of curs are daily r c iv... which
d.lstifli...ieht testimo. y 1f the gre ,1 . fficac y
• f this ilovalit .1,1, tio cbcit,.., iii r• lit vihg :A
-ll •tted mankind. The above tin-tilt-Me is f. 1.
',Alt. at J mob Mill t•'.i, store, Ilaiitingil..n.
0.1.7V2.:::, 0250,0:0.
0,)(91 for the tr.-um-maim of bu assess,
fru 9 t. M. t ; P. M.
1) p tars of 31 .itev reevivecl. for which
the fAlowing r of interest will be alluw
1 yen , 6 per cent. per annum.
6 in 6 ‘". •6 4•
3 .6 4 .4 SS 46 If
"`" IfinnessDmnsites, to be drawn at the
of the Uep nn interest will be
The current Not, of S••lvent '
inks. in ev,ry part of the United States,
wi I ne received as Special s, terms 311 in ry be agreed in In each par
ticular edit..
J. I)l , .`iiAA, Cushier.
Phi iul , loi.t D. c. 19, 1838.
O TOT rSrv..i D
31 .
lIE Subscrilivr respect t illy i.iforms th,
public, that he has remove / 1 his shop to the
curlier of M irket Square, in the 113.• for
merle occupied as a tavern. by 'Vex
CARNIJN where he lots on hart A gen
eral assortment of 000!) TIN %V ARE.
winch he will sell cheap at whole sale or
retail. House spouting will he put on at
the shortest notice. Ile also has on hand a
general assortment of Sheet Iron ware.'
Stove pipe. 1111 , 114. Driop'ng pan., Coll
S. tittles etc. He has also a g •neral as
sortment of HOLLOW-WARE, every
size orP its. Misht Kettles. teakettles,
anti oval by lers. Of STOVF.S lie has a
treat variety—of all sizes of wood cook
tog stoves, awl coal stoves with Sheet
tifi ) 4, all ul haa.lsimie patterns. and
of superior quality of casting. still ar•• fiii
ished with tin or collier, and fi iisb are
not iof -rior tunny the ction'y.
All orders will he punctually attended
tn. and thank'ully received. Every ar
lid , . Oral, for cash. ,
tie hopes by panctuality, and careful'
attention to business, to merrit a 6uot. l
shire of Public Patronage.
nvitinvlo n i tie 13, 1939.-1 Y.
New notabliNliment.
IR nn.l •rsigneil bep leave respect•
filly to intern the firmer.' of Filo•
ting ton, Redford, an l the Adjoining colt*
ties, that he is man sfacturing lila new ly
M 1 ItT A
Nlartin•lurg, Bedford county, where
ha will be happy to furnish any who in "'
RAW a auperim article in that line. a
Vt. II trio. Paive•• is new, and m errial y
di,fereoe from any hirterio 4, And
the un leraiene,l a steamer to moat of toe
fir tiers in tht, part of the State, he ha.
14,1 ic e I to pracu e a certiti lite from
the follawing gentlemen oho have por
ch:l%e.! 111.1,11'n a of biro last winter, an 'l
have tries' them to their own 4ati.illictioa.
Their certificate will be soffizient to an-,
lily any re a nt'ile p rams ho may b&'
di-pm:of to 10 h., twit they are hut a
user, 4 ex.yerinsent, but that the%
have been well teveil here ail well as .
her of Cie Slate. The char
Icier of the getitletn,n aanie4 ar
attvlie I to the fillow.o4 certificate (1.4 e
ad of 114! in te 'ne), neeila no ieh r rec
coamian.lation 7'il.Y TO DE !CVO iir.V
N.. 1. No ntlwr p,rion amh , irizell ,l
to sell the above Oar., Power in this or
any of the adjoining couniies.
We thA nn lersi.;tieil, f.trmers and eiti;
71e0 of Bedford and coml.
tie*, do It r. by certify we have
thriihe. l our 1111..41.5 the pat winter
with 111111.4 P. !toss' improved pitent
Horse Po ver and l'hreshing Alachine.
and i i j i st c. I. the inventor, we cheer
fully am! itinely pronounce it in
our estim4timi fir s iperior to any machine
for that wirpose we have hitherto n.
We would therefire recimmmen I them
to soy firmer. who wish to avai. then.
aelve4 of the opportunity of izettinx Ilia
elities in which me ai ri hare teen ainabb
&leave 4e amalleat . espion.
Jihn `loner. David Nt.ak . y.
haw B seer. Join Ari• adensipt,
G oge Plied )
G o•g- Gear. C. E Kinkead.
LIVER COMP!. 141,71
Cured by the use of Dr Hartich'aCnnivinet
Ap.teit lit I..its
w. t ., , Pitt.ou , K, entirelt
c _1,4 .4 4 le 4 cllv.res Oog tliarn e:
no u t M.% wcr. , p w. 14.4 i the lett
mot i.m.; of .pp. the, t. mitiug , ac.i.t ruct
tuns. a di...e11l o of the mom telt. *lc.
h hire. ~ ...b u .., C; ch..,
rd to a t.itron y
d a 4r. ti rem, It,t tiled v.. It a couih, vet,
debility, with other synitnms indicnting
der.thlreillut to the fu/Wilco.. of the urn
Mr. lt.o t trd l a.l the advice .4 s..v r.. 1 p .•
a.CI3 11. b received $l,l relit f, U-1(11 u .ttiK D.
li's m dteiae , which terminated is et
f.ctina a part et cure,
Priucipdl oalza. 19 North P.'ght are,
at Jamb 11 , 114 e's stare Mastcts
That the claims of Jacob . H. sr 7v.r.
leo of Morris town4hip, are due shortly
—Being his age, t, I wish prompt p
meat, or :agree to other requirements on
*hat day; or said claims will be left in the
hands or another. Ilis orders are per
moptoiy, I will obi v them.
Morris tp. Sept. 11, 1833.
Jahn G ezery. who i 4 ptoriole.' to
elite •ly in to, an I 4oppit4eil to
ea'Jr.o•tewhere in the North %Ve4.ern
tort ot II intinglon Color v, (.4 1 1 at
nv ()Tice in the bortriz't of ituitti!ix.i..,
:with iiro4 of hist id n.ity, a• irly he re
kvirel, he will receive i•if vim ) of
14 , 41 le to hint. DAVID El, 11R.
Sept., 21. 1831.
T7l; IP iIF. V7'.
The r.cincipb liiejs . t.:l)e . k. lit 11 view
ire Ist, t.• fr, the it -m ch and s
f Dill &online in iteii.,l%. 21, tii iiiipc
the tone 44 th , di<• wive rgaits and .el*
If the Iyatem .ci Ie ii• xi. mg•ees
fe.i n the st itivich. in I Owl .tine c••stive,suss
Vr‘lelit dr :c•ir Nir,tatir, s he Rvni.l d
tnrl th , ,se ape: i las sh• h•• which
VelltiV and r ither by s“liching the p...r
-ist:.l:r rittiti•ms•if the •s eu-
I v•itv h •alth, thin i r . t t t..
•ri iii. exciteihrid. l'h• r, is im In •eittine
vi t • th • c f
I)A•. 0. P. II tßitcit's (,milts tst ‘PKRIENT
I'tLLs. ho ill" firitt!i .Ili tar
41: i.ivig r ite Oa, s s t, nl
(1 1 • 1 11.• It IS Pt . r ',
?IP min , lIIIV • ffir ci . a. 1)4 If
C nip iino i'n tie litre•tzth,atig • who,
s I it.try fl In t••••.t hint the
1,14, h • dthy 41, awl •st .hlish
inn nal ci.;•n• enf • h'
h g th
e 1•• re • f •he
t„,lncm ewe t it
• i • D.. I-1 .rticti', C., i.l
Ow, are lint up in xnal
ir.ekeNwit, f i I dirertiw w.
Pt i te.i., ti fn- the II tit. , 1 St itt.s. is
19 N rrtlt 1 . 7. , i,th ',trete Ph 1 i1...11).dt.
.viers 411 coital:l:tit:Won! must 1)4 addres
Alsn far (RiP It the at , ,rp •)f J irml)
Wh I. agrnt fit TUtatingthas County.
'fo illarkesmen.
n f.'%initl).
n..„,,ectf,..:, it.f rat,. lii. frtt nd.. to the
e•tt.r.,lly, that hr still C utit.utsthe
ahoy, • •
Al't ;ON N I.l,•vr()WN.
Ind Is prep.-trill to otaruf,,i tun. all kind
, 1 gnus or pita It, or ttt make :my ;meet,. t.
ry 11;1,11 ..y at tit'lt rt . lit k ind.
c •refitl ittria.i..ii ..ucct.s.., It. It 1,1
to seen, t,ir p•itr it tite f tilt. ~11,trii -
trrs of this c 11 , 1 r. %fly ' , flirts It ft watt
ivit, tail, lit pitet,rilly ;min& CV'.
Tiuntinadoa Nut ratite: 21, 1t.133.
Dr. Erandreth's,
The Inns " Jug .11, oly authlrize I
.t• in 11. , nring.lson y W4O I •Ve
outle. Iht B (Am) G.nuine Yegi.
'ibis Lia per,. 1 / i
IS Maim S tut la Huntingdon.
Rohe t we y, llolloloysburg.
4. P.l ter.o.t, Williamsburg.
dons r C ,top. MeConftel!oville.
J. 11. hlo re, Fruik.arown.
Mews. 111. Owen gm, Bit
;sin Is tin.
.ars. C .nder S.l.byr 4 h
F. A. %t 11.11 OelmON,
Tra%elling Avnt for
Dr. Brandrefh.
II ustialukfa Oft. It I, fal). iw. p.
VERY 111111POR T.% 1"111
The Subscr.bers otter °West far wale
twit improved cel,thritied Thradin,r
r.;titiet, at ilie.r , s 11 1 1111111211 in and
Le is is, Ail. Hy application, made bt
aEal or ouarrwa,e tto.lolll SAIII. .
thur ii. lotoz, I. wistown,
rarinet a cats tie ileelililmitiliateti on the
ina,t reason elate terms. For running
dninx the work well. and far itiiraiiilitytl
they del) , the State oil' Pennsylvania to ex
(Ted them. Those who %vial it, can hovel
4 straw carrier attached to their Machine
which will he a Crest advantage in ilirash•
og. tme han I less will be reipiired to
take :sway tile anew. and the caving much
mare ea•ily performed. By .111111:41 . 1 . e.I. 1 1t .
wit's the I'vesits•e',s, w e h ave th e R ee t t .
xire PriCil,e it h.,alding s.•ll.itttin
roe couiii Os of p..:rey Atijisn
II , ntiardln and part of Cam rift. It
Pirate-a, will coos it their spoil Interest,
411:1 ken!, free leo it Volble .—lliev n.II
ieware of iiityinz Mirc'itoca nisi kind,
.vitli the S rap p:Navig under the II n•Aes
feet st tl a, matte an.l a d I by use, as the
Patten; L tea, will he Vlriclj (Von el.
' •
A. B. I.o.;iti:&. Co,
JOOO, 4. I 839. —Y.
Ir S
T.., Cl:tr4oo Ind .S's p•e,
ols of 1 add I Terr y.
nos, . trop j, Mg sly 1t.,11.41,A.1 I iss ull pee".
c.. 1 stnetiono: al,a. in slisea,ea of the ciles ,
ft which the lung, do not perform Owls
;Hopes. offi •e from west of slue siert sou•
isergy: such .14 , as'11.1.1S..110111,1I1:11 . V elm
-mas t s' illll, recent or 011'0111C,
wh sisping co ills, whret.isitL and tI
1 1.1.1ty of 4re:tilling, croup and spitting so .
doss I, 4'c. Ilow many sulferes s do we'
•laily bels•slti opium selling to All outing It
Wi 1,1. ed in the !shams of youth from
their dear relatives and frien-ls, sifil ctrl
with that common and de , truciive rava
ger, calle.l rots touption. a hick soon o MU!,
111141.rahle suffer r until they become
'sexismd the power of human skill: tl Noel ,
-alf•resx would rely make a vial Of Dr.'
•:w.sysse's int/41031,1e medicine, they would
sit fi ni them-elves Imtmlitte th a n hy
t h e co ji.lll 1111 . 11 " ediVe Cl•I'li1116
of which our neo.papers dads
itnntelliately lse 4 iss,
to •ie4l the • littsg,, stopping pi..
tt .. e n i g ht .w. alt , mititigating th•sh,t re,
AM.; co igh at the s lose thin- inducing a
qt. slihy ►II I natural expeetor stints, ul,u rr
;ieviis2; the sit orine-s of breath and p sits
th • chest, w tjrh Is tent: , the imillirer on
-I gh:e,t exercise, and timely the hec.
ti e 11 ...Is in the pallid itts.l mnaciated cheek
will , ,on he_ in to vanish, and the su'rei er
w II ti re peeeiv., Is , suself •mstchell lsout a
weal mire erove, into the enjoy somt
•if rq.lirortaible health.
F.or sale at .14coob 11illsor 9 4 store II oht
Coughs and Colds.
11 •w i. iny sulTvrers we daily I With thl•tt c....iianan and
! 1) we eiot I. id tit it :dm •st a eve)
per, si 0 • Irt•'n.l we with
4 h 4,1 (MLA) tbr a distre,ihK COUGII? W,
tls li of .1 ...iririlitioe...l4ll shed, tit it there
.4 .4 i , lll 41 c nlguiug, hy which we pi rceiv,
t nt th ry is oue halt of the i
Micte 1 with that tr• , u Nnu • inseasc. 111
th .se toittorers w•nil 1 unit' make n t• I 1
Ur Swdyite's Syrup or wild cherry
the r w mid ni Iv.,
rod by 4ittoluing the us, .1 the h 101 .
few day, it will elf ct n permanent cure.
liunclrrit4 c•tn te.tifv t..ul.s fact...b. tll.
short space nf tw t m‘lths, upwards ul nta
hundr. d aattles have been sold
Th, syrup far said at Jactt 34,11er's stay
liutdingdou Pio
Otr - The article published below. ern
,t,rning the new and poi War doctrine ad
valicesl by the illustritunt Goelicke of Ger.
na v, t nun rt lail of ticciting a deep and
ng intetest throughout our cuun•
Trans/teed from the German.]
Citizens of .i'orth and South
I .lnierica,
Germany, [hump.] beltnip the impel..
ishaole honor of adding It netvand precious
ducirine to the Sciences of Al eilicnie—
doctrine which, thotudi vehemently op
posed by many oldie liiculty, (. r whic h
he is a taluable member,) he proves to lit•
as well founded intru;ll au any doctrine of
I I oly N rit—a doctrine Nam; the variety
of which are suspended tne lit es of to:I
-lion. of our race, and which lie boldly
liallrnges his opposers to 'elute, viz:
Consuint.tion is a disease always orca-,
shined hr a disordered state of Vis Vitte
(or Itle urii( iple) of the human body: O
len sic,illy in the ribstern tor !oars
belore 1 1 .eri is the /east complaint of the
Gangs—a which may be as certainly
though tint so quickly, cured as a cum
mon cold ir• a tomple headache. An in
valuably I !Tennis itoctrire this, as it ini
parts alt important lesson to the apparently
health of both sexes, teaching them that!
this insidious foe may sJe an unobserved
inmate of their ..cflyey houses" even'
while tilt y imagine inelitselt es secure!
h im , i ts filth b.i, teachitiu them that the
ire, t seeret io the art of p•eserring heath
is to pl-rk out the di. ea.‘e to.g.i'e in 'hr
lr'nd-, mid 03, tea e till the fall grow.
illustrious benefactor of In in is al•
so eutitted to y . our unfeigned gratitude
.. ....
and the gratitude lila work!, for the in•
Iverition of his matehlPsx ha nalire,—whose
healing. fiat ' , unjustly claim Itor it such u
title• since it lias so signally triumulied
liver our great munition enemy c nsi'mp
fort • both in the first and lust stages,—
Imetlicine which has thormighly lilted the
i n , ,cuum in the Nkterta Nlmlica.atil there
by proved itself the ('o-q-cror of P!! yNi •
, inns —a medicine, for watch ;111 inankinil
will have abundant cause to lilrss the
•ienefictent hand of a kind Providence,- -a
mi,divine, whose wondrous virtues loVr
nem' so glowingly inn tra‘ed even by Millie,
of our clergy, in their p . astoi al visits to
•he sick chamber; by which means they
•,1: 01 become Ike hippy instruments 1,1
eliangine: slespimileney into hope, sickness'
tito health, and sii,lness of friends int,
• oyfuLess.
medicine of tune io? man than the
vast mines n 1 .%us'ria, or even the united
Itera.i t t oh 0 , 11• globe.—a medicine, which
to ont•iined equally front the vegetable,
i•nal a nd mineral kingdom., and
th tt f Id lower.—;t ntetliciue.
which that igli ileopied as a remedy lot
consumption shlely , is possessrd of a tnvs
!eriims influence over many diseases il l
he 'tomtit systeitt,--a inediciiie, wit CI
begins to be valued by Phys . ciatts, v t
tie dailt oit lit ssing its astimishing cu.
:If ma ti vof they had res geed to
Dosit of the Sanative, for adults, to
•Irop; for children a hall (hop; and
p i r ah N, a patter drop; the dirt ctions ex
plain;4 the manner of taking a half or at
quarter drop.
PRI ( .. .-11tree and one third rix dal
(V 2,50) per BALI , OON CE.
*A German coin. value 75 cents
A certificate from three members of
the MEDICAL PROF E5.". 4 10N in
fiertnany, in Europe.
We the owlets': tied, practitioners
Hooeolicine in ()enmity' are well aware'
hat, by nor course, we may forfeit'
he triend , hip oilstone of the faculty, but!
nut of it 4 b,o,•ettlent milobers, who are
moirilluenced by selfish motives. Though'
we shall tel from an expression of
-our opinion, either of the soundness or
otoominoluess of Dr. Goelicke's new dot:-
Nine, we are happy in say that we deem
his Sanativ too valuable not to be general
}' known—for what out eves behold and
our ear, hear, we most believe.
W e lie! ebv state, that when Dr. Louis
thoelitke first came before the Ger-,
oat, 'public, as the pi et ended discoverer'
.ot a new doctrule and a new medicine, we
oel on iii the highest cootempt, believ
ing and openly pi onautiring him to be a
•.a.e imposter and the prince of quacks.
,at.o.a hearing no touch said abeut the
4 amitive, against it and for it, we o ere
educed, ham !motives of curiosity mere
., to make wit of its reputed uirtotes,
ipou a nutnber of our wog hopeless pa •
tieots; and we now deem it our bounden
luty ( 'sets at the expense of our self iii
,erest) isublickly to arknoulellge ffi
',icy in curing not only consiimpt:on,
Jut tither restful maladies, which we have
therctetere behead to be 'Ramble, Or
:it rempt for the disci Teter of this nu d Iran lam, intermittent and avasmodic afro
ine sins at once awalloWYd up in our ut-;‘i. us of i 1 ,7 ,i ' i t e 4 7, C ! l i . 74 s b ,„ " t eh i t g e
'er astonishment at these unexpected re- .'„,l',.Utu. frequent use L.t spirduss liquors.
gilts; and, as a writds for ouraituse of him, .s.
redo frankly co o t, ss to the tt to lei. that) SYMPTOMS.
kie 1)01 eta him a 1 hilautheouist who does' Dyspepsia may be descri':ed from a want
tuner to the profession, and to our cotta- e lapin tic or an unnatural and voracious one
try, u hich gate him bit tit. nausea. sometimes hilteus vomiting, sudden
The recent adoption of lid,' medicine in -
and transient distensions of the stomach
m E eau hos af-
Mcacid and prutrescent eructations.
to note of our utnpitals is a
. t ve t : l pt e eAr'a.:,ll, pains in the legion of the atom
sufficient guaranty that it pet lia ins a ll Its ach, costiveness palp'tation ot the heart, die
promises: I i need not our testimoy, for zinesA and : imness of sight, disturbed rest,
wherever it is used it is its own best silt • teem , rs, mental despondency, flatulency.
ness. (spasms, tlet vstis irritability, chillness,' sal-
Germany, December 10, 1E:10.
The above precious medicine Vise orig.
inal discovery id Dr. LOUIS O. GOEL
[UK E, of Ge many) is fur sale. who!csalc
.ind (Aid!, by,
AGENT FOR Mill reek.
Agent lur Ctiity Run.
Agent fur Culi4in Forges.
I.). — STEWAnT.
Huntingdon County, Pa.
hnporlant Diecovcry.
Th e public are hereby direct, d to the me
dical tid,y;lisements rat Dr. II RUCH'S
Ceitbratttl COMPOUND S'l RENGI H.
F.NING 'I ON IC, and GERM/1.4/41'ER
IEJVT PILL.S . , which tire a Mtdi,..ine of
great value to the aliii.ted, ciscoven d by
0. P. 14ARLICH, a celebreted physician at
Which has b, en used with
ii ,•Dara le.ed MICCt SS throughout Gel many.
(lichee consists at two kinds,
NIC PILLS. art- each I.ut up in
small packs, and idlotilcl la th be us. d to
etc Ct a llnfa: alto sire
ni tin! do well to make a t cal of thi
v.thiable dir.ine, as tit yntvt r itri.duc
li:Litcss or nausea n tale using. it safe and
. n in. dy f r
nd alt SI, mach C.n.l.laiutspith in the
511)1 , ,, LIVER t. ONII'LAIN tS. Li.. of
Appetite, haute, cy, l'alkitiit i.f the
Heart, Gi•ot.i al Debility. Nervous Irrlabi
;ity. Sit K HEAIDALHE. Female Disra
ta11...,. , ONZ,UNIP I lON . &c. The
G NI A 2 ,1 AVER I b.l 4 iT PILLS are to
alai punt', tile BLOOD
are b.SI RENG I HEN and iißigol ate tur f
note,aid dike,. lye organs HMI give Haw to
till . Si. as all diseas, a origon,te from
unl:uliti,s at the BLOOD and di...m.1,d
So ti,ch. This dr of treating &sea s. s
pu out d by all practical PHYSICIANS,
which experience has taught Olt HI to b. the
only rent Aly lei rff.:ct II care. Tiny are
luny etc-,mm nth d and !in scribe 1,1 the
most txperieocycl Physicians in their daily
practice, !nit also takt it by tht , se gentlemen
,h, flise iv cs te!.eitt ver tiny feel the nip
toms or those aiseasts, in Which they kimw
the ii to be t s. Th s is the case ill
I. Illarge cities ut whicb they have an , x
unite sale. It is WA to
these medicines will cure ml diseases inertly
by purifying the !Maid—this tie y tti.l not
rL ; but they certainly a ill, and sufficient
authority ..f pr , .; 1., asserting that th, , se
in dlella:S. t ,k,:n as EtCO untzlicli.a by the di
n ctiolis Which aCCIThp my them, will cure a
Cleat in jitei , y if dis,ses of tar sit 11l .cli,
longs mid liver, by n hiCil impu eat, S of lilt I
Id., d are a CCUSIOned.
ire Ask for Da. llARLicies CnTTP. CND
iacipnl Offi e f r the sale nt thts
Medicine is a No. 19 aY.,e•l'e EIGHTH
A r s ..t tile Store if JAC , a MIL
-1.11.1t, in the I I 111111Illigt.0ii.
ahuis agent 1.. r littothg Wit c,,usity.
14111'0117 . .1 N 2 TO I1::11.11,17.S.
Dr. 0. P. Il:u•lic•h's Con.p. and S rength
.ning Tonic, and Ge rinan Apt lit nt Pills.
I'li se hills 1 . . move all those tustressing dis
•ases which Fe.initle s are liable to be .affiic
t, d with. TiltV remove those morbid sec
t tti. us which when retained. scion inducl si
. umber of diseases and oftentimes render
I emales unhappy and miserable all their
leles. Those pills used according to direc
ions, immediately create a new and hea'thy
etion tiirouglieut the whole system by /lun
ging the blood, and giving fitrenigth to the
d. mach and bowels, at the same time t•e•
Loving tl e psin in the side, back. and loins,
giving shpt the and iovig• rating the iystem
gill to its prover fulicti..hs and res;ul•iug
trailpi. 1 I en. se.
Ass f I D. . liarlich's Cotnpi and Strength
et log Tome, and G I.lllftll Am tient P.I s.
Principle I flier, 19 N. rill Eighth street
Philad. Iphia. Also ht. sole at JaCUb
store liwitinguoi, Pa.
nEu .1/A 77SAL
Entirely cured by the use of Dr. O. P.
rlici.'. Compound Strengthening and Get
'llan Aperient 1)!1;„
_ _
Mr. golomon Nilson, of Chester co. Pa.,
:.fflicted for two yews with the above tith
e ssin disease, of which he had to use his
crutches for 18 months, his symptoms were
excruciating pain in all his Juitns, esp daily
in his hip, Shoulders and slides, pin lincreas
log always towards towing attended with
heat. lklr. Wilson, was at a e time not able
to move his limbs on account of the poin
ing so great; he b, my advised by a friend of
his to pr. cure Dr. I - I, , ick's pill of which he
sent to the agent in West Chester and pre -
cored a .ni; e.O using the medicine tie third
!lay the pain distil p ..!red sod his strength
increasing fist, alai in three weeks was "Ole
too attend to his businese. which he had not
lie foe 111 minit los; fir the bee, fit of others
afflicted, he a islies thaw lima published
th et they may be re Le ved, and again en
j, v t h e phos s uo•i, e f a healthy life.
Princopl • affix, 19th North Bth Street,
ALS ..For tile at the Store cf Jacob Mil,
ler, Hui.tingdun, Pa,
This Miginates front a habit
.1 0 %vrin .ding r di.t. siding the stomach by
•xcessive eating iT drinking. or v. t v pt otrac
d peri f f: sting. an indnlent ne a. den.
in "hick an et erciae is pff Mid to
I e muscular fibres or mental faculties, fear
<lief. and dete *mut ty , taken too frequent. ]
y Ann purpnienedtipsee. demean. rain.j
lowness of complexion, op Pressing after cat
lag. general langn u r and debility; this disease
will also vt t y often produce the sick head
ache. as proved by the experience of these
who have sta.:red of it.
We consider it n duty to call public at
tention tie this admirable prepe rant is for
l'u nit nary Dise Especially Ce uglis,
Colds, Cotisumptiens, Spitting blood, Asth
ma, Broads! AIL ctions. &c
It is used and very highly appi,ved by per
sems the first rl Spl ctahility, but we feel
confident in saving that a ii ial of its efficacy
will be its best r. CC0MM1,,(1.0,1,
1)11. JON Al HAN 601 NO, PaEsiprwr
or THE (;RANSILLK C LUCE, Ohio (late
f New York), in a letter to Dr. Jayne da
te New York, December. 1836. says:—
"He was laboring under a tevere cold, cough
and hoarseness, aid that his difficulty of
breathing was so great that he felt himself
in imminent danget of itnmendiate suffoca
tion, but was nerfectiv cured by using this
Expe ctorant."=-Mrs..D. lks, of Salem, N.J.
was cured of Asthma of twenty yearsstand
ing, by using two bottles of this medicine.
Mrs. Ward, also of Salem, was cured of the
same complaint by one battle. /voting la
.ely, also of Salem, who was be lieved by her
'friends tube far gone with consumption was
perfectly restored by three battles.—Dr.
on of St. Jame., Si toll Carolina, was
greatly if ctrl by a c• ugh, hoarseness and
sat eness of the lungs, and on using a bottle of
this ~,, t h e found pernoment r. lief.
Mr. Nicholas Harris, sem. ore of the Des
cons of the First 1$ ptist Church in this city.
has been pertectly curt d by it—after h av i ng
I stiff red sixty years ei nth Ci ugh, Asth
!ma. and Spitting of Blood, which no remedy
brio', could relieve,
The Rev. C. C. P. Crosby, writes (mid
i lows:
New York. June 15, 1338.
To Dr. Jav'•e:—Dear Sir,-1 have mad•
use of y to Exit, cuirant, pers. aslly and in
my C.mile for the last six years, with great
!beta fit. Indeed I may consider aty life pro
, 1 tigtd by the (the f this vain .ble medicine.
r the blessing 4.1 - Coul, for st vend years,
or y almost as much in the case of my
wile. and also of the Hey. Mr. Tonsoo, cf
t'o• bland of Jamai, n. F rub cases of cough.
mil un .tion of the chest, lungs. and threat. I
do most unloxitatingly recommit-ad this as the
best um 'Heine I have tt er 41. My earnest
w i s h i s . th t ~titers afflicted as I have been.
m .v experience the same relief, which 1 am
persuaded they will by using y 4 ut Expecte
The foll-winx Certificate is from a pracd
sitiK PHYSICIAN Niel a much resin cted
Clerevman r f the Methodist society—da.
ted god. St Town, Va. August 27, PM.
Dr. JAYNE. Dear have been using
kuar Expects rant extemively in my practice
' f r the three months, and for all attacks
of Colds. Cou4hs, Wain:aim of the Lungs.
Coosumptum, Asthma, Pains and weakness
of the Breast, it is decidedly the best medi
ciete I have ever tried.
Very resp crully yrun i .
Dr. 3 ivne's Office is N... 20 South Third
s•reet Philadelphi 4, where all orders will
b , Pr. ll Pt v ,tteilded tr..
` . 111(1 illsn by JACOB MILLER, agent.
Trun:i.igtion, Pa.—Price 6 1.
Stray • ' Cows
girl %ME to the residence of the sub
scriber at Mill Creek on, or before
the middle of Septen ber, Three Cows.
One a red and white cow about Bor 9
years old One ni them is a brindle about
the same age. The other a red cow about
sor 6 years old. The owner or owners
will please to call, pay charges, and take
,h em away ; otherwise they will be sold as
the law drireets.
fiLli Creek Oct, 16,1839—5 t.
The silt scriber residing on second street
in the Borough of Alexandria informs the
public in general that lie has on hands a large
and good assortment of all kinds of
not inferior to any in the county, which he
will sell cheap fur Cash.
Alexandria, Sept. 2S. 1839.
rrui undersigned is desirous of (btaMing
inform al a relative to Adam Slams
era, who left his fmnily sometime during this
month of lint June, for the avowed purprep
f see W..: a plat e fi.r himself and
Tile tool rhig o ve (his %cif.) (Awe this gue.,
thod to tell I hat she ; S Wi II as his chike
drat, are in eircumstat ces whick need the
ntteat; on of a husband i.tul father. this
meet taxi v e, she hopes, that the love
he hears his children will at least induce
him to cone to their assistance. Any per,
ti k nowing where said blowers may be,
will co kr a h.vcr uta ti auxi , Ili wife by
cumin u tcating surli information to her a*
the ma alt of Spruce Creek, Huntingdon
county, Pa.
October 2. UAW —lst