Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1835-1839, November 13, 1839, Image 3

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    ...lies°teed, That all tht ut irks
banking system end b, I ;i4 n lull
with exclusi , : • u,
of their credit or their easlt. •r , •
ly fraudulent, at ti•ril -
structive or i•• I die ft e.l pro
ducing class or , Imo
obvious . • • a coauu. G,
whose indepentle:., o r roll-1A . 1.1S h. u.l,
and bled, iiga a uud r t he virimil dniiiin
lon of Great IS,
"Remlne.i. l' lit ;11 the
• xpressly prohibit • Ili, stairs Cum
money--en Hit b Ils dit, u.
making anything bn a Id and r
a tender in pal nt e nr 4,1 ' and as uo
State can proi,,,ly wecti I !): oiler;
what it cannot on ihrecilv we out
sider all State linik Charters as uncon
stitutional and defic , o .nid,"
In 1836, the !4,11111. ‘lr. Prayer M.
Wetmore %v,. a member of the I...ligh
ters. By a reference to the As,eitthly
Journal tor th aye tr, we 81 1 hie
II tine
recorded in favor of the pa.t.age of the
following HANK C I.NItTERS.
An act to incorporate the
do do Cty batik of litiFf,lo
do do l'oollourci:.1 , :losweg,o
do d 3 'rl k hank
do do Ctly bank
do du 'Bahl( f Lyon.'
do du Canal wok of Lockport
do d of litolso.o
do do Clinton county batik
do do Pacific batik
do do Porta:re b
do do Kopto:i bunk
do du Bank of th,• D nlc of N. Yin.]:
do do firor•soe Valley bank
d o d o %Vool 111 I)Wel'A I) Silk
do do arti,i;l3er county uaiik
do du N'ulervlit•t batik
do do Aihintic batik, n
To it,cr ,. ose die cajtil.i o'
do the Merchants wink in
the city of N,w Y..rk
do do tinion hank or city of N. V.
do do 011911'1;mo rountc bank
do do Jerrerifill convoy batik
do do Alktny coy balk
do do Caird . batili ,if
.1., di,
do do OglietiOuirglt bank
do ill; lit;tuiir•s c‘oulity bank
do do batik
du do Geeenviiull litt:k
do (1., Saratts4:l c .unto batik
litre is an exhinition 4.1 Vrn Ilarenism!
Mere is a full length portrait of a Vat.
11 tree politician I I ere is at glass through
Ocli Van IS•iren e M wry. ('roswel. 4...
")..)N sac thou...lees! In 18 6. 1....
:•••.; Ni. Werotor • VW/Eh 1%011 TIII.V.
.11 I .Vli In I
rr sate Treater M. Wetto.a toed
re , ol tang) .1i1•1111611 . 0 .. tto I) u,k .
as,— ere:
tel 1 by his %on., " .V /
;'I.7?L'U IN ANIII11.41.1.9111:1:Nfr
i,s 1337, Prosper Nf. %oted for
a resilution (lee! wow, t! , t t'.e So!) l're..-
noes 47h.,•ne m.E.V I) ei GE It
I.: 1.181:11TIEN ( '1'1.1: LE
l'UBLIC!" In I ' , S), I' u,she•r. M. k%..t
-!nor,. Ville(' la n •a reoout at) tleciarittz that
dr. tiro" Treasury r •11 on • Is ••tt pot
trio:ic mid in?* im • sf 1p npothfo
'twenty Days Later.
AURIVAL or• Tait (:,t .%r WP.•r :,
601113 Ni w
Since the forcgting wis preparod
Great Western hit% or ived at Nets York
which port s!te enter .1 o t Sword ty 14-',
bringing o.:tober 18th.
i • 111.• . 110,11 . 1.4 mre is favorable.
The harvests it, 1 t. I ....I torte been in icl.
better it'll) ed. st..l coin, io -in ill
q ,‘,13 he:liaising t . veto ti .w
111 • C0:11 ., it is 41..1 ; 1 .. 11 e
Bank of Eital.trol w.II h.. spilled toe lie
cessAy of s'e-p fig spec:, pariseuts.
Mr. Juadol ht,
thfficulties u oler o i h the U. ti. Batik
Labored by effic Log a loin for th, I..sti , u•
ti in of 4,000,0(10, ho-e.I on Pennsylvania
five p-r cent. stocks. The Niessrs. Bor
ings have, it is said, become regular
agents for the b tusk in tot:idiot.
V. subjoin o few Is:v.:m.los on Vari
ous subjects.—lna. T.ll.
Suspension of Cania Peeve p
have reason to believe that an oilier io
council would before this have been issu
ed at the request of tlte, Bank, fur the sus
pension of c: oh payments, and the issu
ing again of one and No pm.... 1 • ores,
had it not been discove.ed, 1,.
got authority. that pt liametii must first
have been a,settihi..l to give its sanction;
a reason. ~. .1,, , cpite sufficient im
port:toe:l to to hice the Alelbmirtie
try to refuse the sugestion of the Bank.
Bristol Journal.
Gold, it ai•pears, is returning r mt o th e '
continent to this co intry ; a remittance
was received yesterday at the of
England of seventy •five to one hundred
thousand pounds, in specie ; a :166011
to the above, within a s'otrt period,
some large amounts in specie have horn
received from Mexico and the United
Mtates, and farther tari4e remittances are
expected daily from other ill:triers ul the
globe. '1 hese supplies will greallv
to spec:e in the coffers at the of
England, ILA the issuin; of one and two
pound nines w,ll q t more be thought al.
Zreado, Su u.
Bank of Digland vv. Ike antrery Banks
—ln conseyetice of the refo,4l of the.,
Bulk of K tgland to tliNcount bilk hearing]
the en,lorseinent of country bank.; of is
sue, a deputation of bankers from L• n.
cashier hail an interview with the Batik Of
England 'D.rection,' at which they repre•
rented the enibarreatonent which would
ensue If the bank were to preeist in the
Tle dire. t0r..., liens evcr,
their 1111' .!t•
'...tit the rate•; th•v liavu
.11.•trtlite pre...r hell tor heiu . elvea, and
the itta ter
The Coin bra ard the Cr Me:
stu,l4.• ti(' 11.1 . .1,44111m, ne ;heti 111,1111.
CiiCti•hr oli U. PAM!' I Oai
• rile H. 1 1111.11 a 1111111 Men! Viir:s 111 1.11.
II (I'oll 4 , 1.111 . 1:Inily ill the 1 11111 , ,111 lEm•
I ESi luld luld ill Ireland. In
few cuntitie. it appear: I key to [wave
,le‘r an user ge. asul on the who , e th
be InAder :row
the etnnhitiot Di the weather Lualti
wen ex heel. 4.
rif Cup: or Scog'aird.—A great ilea
of grant ut ~cutlitod set r..m.oht, expo.,;.
To the went of t: I. oho% au I betm,
tilmtgow atoll St.i I tug, halt of •he grain
dope air out, and malty 'kids to cut
•—The !Mattc tool tormit clop are boll.
alintolttot : notl of t.ttc,lleto tri.,l4ty.
1 ,rrest an Sct.tlttn . d. in sonic
of Co. cooo,:cs the hail est has been ni
inierropteil by the rain. Ite•
porta are htvurable
. froin the Clilltatie,i of
Nleatii, N%'•,,tnivatli, Antrim, Louth and
Down. Complaints still prevail as to the
trying weather, Ii oin I.nui rick, Derry anti
Donegal. Connemaugh with the excel.-
tan of :flip, seems 10 have been this pe
culiarly exempt...4l from the heavy rains
which Eell during the last two months.
The Otis crimp ill lialaway will, we learn,
be aliutiilant.
Lond:n 2)1 ney Marka.--Nery easy
t mg the ell cumstatices of the,
Ext cortliiicry the Queen—
Some . ...11,11:iCNi • 4, • 11U111114 . 1 tluew (011 I. rat.
mtwicii at the head of the Q teen. In but I
,tale apii mien tat Windsor. The allairl
dad created great s.ois4tion but the I er
petrator lIaJ escaped. Tile talk
ed id 'hushing it up.'
The q'le..ll has been mach anonyed by
man named Bryan who i SISIVA inar
ryin; her.
Vao Autbtirgts was wounded by a young
witii whirl, lie ,%:174 going throuon the
wail pet form:ince at the Porte St Martin
Theatre, in Paris. Ile accidentally i,ori
the which turned uplis him and
clawed Or Lit IVA leg. Nevi rit •I••ss Van
iiir g h went tluu , t ;ii the pet I'i:lin:ince,
an . p it ins head ia the same lion's mouth.
Tile ii e•terti 1....f1As ~ti: 128 pa%
sell 4 IA "!litrig ulifitti are tile B1 , 11(1.1 It'
I eer.lif Ili, :,I:ei al Vein it Wen (-au al 'he
i sysi , l ii!) .tial Lilt, Ili. lisced nry /1,..
ut 1 Iticttne, Mr Viit.ll..rpti.ll, ( Oeitilt r 111
einigi it- ) 1' , .f ., • , 4 , r,i, ,`.ll. 1',1.11,.
1 31, of ii., , l`wX N. S. a c..ii ',Lim. 1.. r ll.e
.', c is yinee ul Ike mails it s , e, Ile, nisi a
I qe , al iislidiee of !AIL,. Sill, :list. lii
.sit sio. e it eci . I% wit flit Bail; ill Eti;4l..i. ,
a iii has .1 g.. 11 •Eal .....;:.t. 01 ilit g....,, N 11•,
tic. Tae la, it iS hi' B - 0
i,;l sei vi. e ,II
Ca quia, alt4,iii rig it, W.,. ,se u:w coo.
lii P...fict• it • s , 7l'e of ,ta.l 1•• g ..t4 . 11
lla. I. id .cud iiiol , im,ilite i jr-. IS, !it'll
ex'st., hit ain't, s owe it brlgh , te Utle, I.
ili • lit ice of 13 et.l tutu It is r (lilted, and
aitito.ig , die recus'iiuti is trifling, it wilt
irl.i• a te.eitil I•11.C1:,.
ME.: t I lU.i II It'll l! 1 13112;eA 111
Cit'i•ll.•t werc ant, .1 la P.p.,. 'l'm.%
•r, Its It .ve hvoi
.10,E, I). 1,), iari.),.l .1 . Al. t ‘vis
II nf ni ! ". • - alt. trim,
14- .tail grit, rail)
1,0„1 t;,, 1••, :II •() t. 14.11
the p .1111.,:11141 . . 111 pr.C.
1 irt the ma, k,
••.e i• a. (•;overtimittit
r tete,l at rt..,
the kilw,z...,,stme.
Claida.-- It
Ih t' tart !tateut ih , the ti, spat, h
Mittoght the Ari I. has
r leue:l t at Cotton be p1.,ce,1 tit a
Of the te:etioe of Enghtnil tat the yea.
.•n lii 1011, ();.,. I ..s
'he year e (Fog 19 a Oct. I.S.q/, time i•
att iuct•r,t,c of 4,1 13,971.
eAp. rztle, , ‘ c.
- - A.: : • t '. ' N''':. , :-., - . 4 1 'i rt- -
'Such is the strength of art, rough things to
And of rude cmumnns rich cnclusures make,
Jr un the Genes ce
Mr. 7'ucher.—l lime been a long time
inipreisce,l with the idea, that sheep can 4e
wlutere,l clittaperowl as well, o - 1
hce,,hed 03t4 att.! a 4 airy Call
on hay. '!". Is tn.ty seem sirang,e, anti
st:li•tle not a lew, but nevertheless, it may
be true.
I mildly winter, on an average, about
400 sheep ; aml from an experience of
nta•ty tear, m she..? hal) intlry, I 0111 sat
i-ti that a took of 100 canalit be oin•
treed oil leAs than 14 ton, of gam! hay, it
i fed th it exclusively. If ilo , , were so itl 6 .
It 1111 t pet hope rett tit e so much ai of full
sae. I all•tw in ordintry winters, 15
'tuna to the h indeed. On the other hand
I would ttilitt:t that there are those who
could be found. who could Steep them on
11 or 12 tons, and (Altera on even a less
rptat,fcy 1 preautne, also, that they would
not deny, that th , •y occasion illy lost a
few, and that many were poor, Botuetimeb;
they complain of light lite.:es.
I have ettrefully drawn up the follow -
• moimate ot the expense t.f wintermi
sheep, which, ho+tt ver, cireumstan
ei tory %my a little either way.
I think that 8 sews is nrcosuy
y:eiti hay ,uffietent to kip them, for if p ,
e rmitice little than 100. and three-Imm)
0 us to the awn., 1 d a nut cotts,4l, , r it e.t
'ertly thy rig t Lisa 4,1 14. r alicei
• 11.1 they al..(ays I rel. I , and Ii
. )4,•
,el,ll to t5 , •41.4 them 30 6.441 nmmit 44,,
. ear room!. ( coitietitteatty th ,
lily and (Flaunty Ed alit
0111 . sheep 0, a Ilea' iFy and (hilt itig 4_oll
- :1 r be forted to cal
.s hist key du lof reltph.
•4tY 1.1 (ms, al $6 00, iY
•fist of cutting tile saute,
at 73 1 Is. pre acre,
i cuoiO4, iticlud,tig stir
tiag, raking, (limning,
Liu:. ut least $1 per acre.
l'he cost of the Om. hing
8 acres, fur otts, say,
.iced loi the same, 15 bu.
34 et.. per bu.
_ .
• nil tit tig. , ing,
n e;,; :; shucking, 84
cts per ticre,
Estimating it to yield 40
bushels per acre, is 820
bushels, at 37} cts. per
Cost tit' threshing with
machine, say
They would require I bushel per day,
,fur 5 montit4, bin, is 150 bushels, which
trio, t‘oultl leavo a surplus ITO bushels
.1 371 cis. is $.213 25. We see the ex
Ids winter in theta on thits and straw
amounts to /PA 75. The ditto Nice is
, etainly ery tr:iiiiig iu comparrismi.--
.5 VrOilllek'd from 8 acres l si7oultl
oeent instal. ..lent for food 111rut1 ; „1) the
winter, but huts many are they, who can
keep that minibus. of : heap that could
y make up the tleticieticy in wheat
,raw, trhitch cotilll Hill he convertel it'.
in a cheaper and better it ay, than
keilsiig it to sheep.
The dill'oretice, you will ',receive, is No
tilling. the that it
'hardly be till lir
: ism, at 'oast Ira tl I r per e--
rimani 11, lit• v,111,e or ma tun.,
th,t. o
Y%trttild:•tt lee if het Attu a wa:Lalat he trot
1 1 . : 1:'; • 5
ut, tV 1. Me.
' LIAM FAD F.No: It to s
itAWN, 11,411 ts aikt lo
(JO Filtirstiot tuonlintr, ttt• 7th i
the lit,. (, a. ii . owo, Itherlt r J"ax
sON. to Miss ELIZABItTII MILL). It, t lit •l
attiglitel 0: Air. I)itt lo ; .Lll 14,
The. arms ►l6u I it‘e h.. n 411111111 11 •
to at flit•: 1111 the 1811. init.. are
h.l the pallid 1.34 beru t rs'ital, un•
trii•re:o e their a tetelatice will be nee-
No% 11, 1839.
URI:1118 fftewardi
, \‘. from 'he un
( 1 ...4 cu or a1.4)(11 the f.74.1t of Outu
ker, an iilent,il opprerilee
t e Gun Sink lorg nosiness, n.i•
«'1141.1A :v1 DAv
1),,t1 on when he heal, itwa,, brow',
coat, lint k cossinett rams, red s•t; %de. I
v,st , 11711 hi.:ek rm., The ahive re
wa. d will be or,' For hia apprehenbion,
tut no expenses paid.
MeConnellstown, Nov. 18, 18.39.
OAY & FRIDAY. 28t1t & 29,11 Nov
Of this c: unty ;nal vicinity are informed,
that they.• will lyt a sho , ,tin.; match on the
shove days, at the house of Wm. McMur
trie, near the public house of J fines Maine
. tie on Shavers Creek. Where a FINE
shot for.
Nuvember 13, 1839.
Suhscribt r lit for a term or to t,rr, his t owing. est.iltlish
meta, situ ,t .(I in G y, Sale!,
tiomi,gtt et c mute., on tit , . ',Mine
ir ro Slitrlvysiturg to 14 , t.t .11
. ' ‘l,lilltl 11 r, lions
in„ toll p, 12 lity-ways, 1 Lerch, 2 1, nt s
B rtes and Pool. Likewise. a :urge Bill
There is connected with it one ncre
ground, it c .nifitt table two story nous... and
.1 l' , rge stable; the who., in complete cutler.
A hill set of turners to Ise in be had Cheap,
by applying to the twoielit toinant.
P soossion given Ist April 1840. Any Ne
at'. r inft.rmati..n can be ha . by applying te ,
the undersirned, at his residence on the
pl.mtatiun ar j tilting the tan yard.
Shirt y township, 'Z...
Nov. 13, 1839. 5 4 ' en
Ilan and 1' ur 18!li Dis;rict compaed of Mitrris town
-hip, at the house ut Frederick Kuhn in
sai I township.
19th District composed of past of the
• 1 e - tuo riship of /Lest, at the school house on
the farm lir JUILei Ennis in said township.
sTan.E. 1 0,1, District composed of those ',its
I of the too fiships of I topewrll and Walker
.iti t h e county of Huntingdon. within the
511111.‘ VII) sN I:twit a hON, resprct following boundaries, to wit: beginning
/6ff , 111:y .0 ono tii,.r trieottS and the at liartsock's tap in Tu:sey's mountain,
„oldie ,ener..l'y, that they lone just re. 'thence down tiartinei's Itun, an us to ill
,r6Vvil I clude the house at Slathew Gainer, Isaac
I A New &, handsome assortment]
of articks in their line olbusiness.,
'Which they . Efts. to the public CHEAP, for'
Ca Ii 4 l' chuntoy produce, consisting of the
f 011,,,, nig ai ticl s, vz:
Best q i tiny o: Ow r Caps, latest fashion,
(;,aio ii do
City inrol , • II its ,1 the latt•st fashion, and ,
also ~ i t!:eir own ~,actitacture,
. Vlicarnak's and I‘l,l's Fur Ginvc ~
'• Cothrs and 'IA p is for L , :ili , s.
The whole of which they will cell at city
Country tw:rclisies will be supplied with
HATS of their t , .11 inanW ,CIUIT, lin a reas
onable crt (lit, :unl at as I w a in ice as they
can be purchased i n Pi t ii; a l,l,.lo;,
liuutingdon, Nov. 13, 18S9.
wiEREAS, the Governor of the Coln
l anatwca:th by a wait to me direc
ted, bearing date the .5.1m1 they of Novem
ber 1859, caminandia.g me to hold an c
, ieetion in the county t,l 1.1ta•.hin.4.1,41 MI
Hedoesday Cie 20.1, day tii. - Navember
inst., fur the purpose of ehoosi lig a Ita-pre
sentative of this commonwealth, in the
House of 11epieselindices of ihr United
States, to fill 1; e vacancy occasioned by
the tle,:th of WI, iitai I/. Palter 1.1 , ,q.,
who nits elected in the fourteenth district,
a member of the twenty sixth Congress.
Ana, whereas, I am 1,1/tailed to give pub•
' lie notice of .446 eleetion. 1 Joseph
1 Slianno.i. S'aerid* of siiii entity ur tliiii
lioltatin, do ilicec:.ire, heresy, mike,
' known, am I give thi, public oo",ce, lo die!
clecti,r; of said cou.:ty of Huntingdon,
that a 4 pe,:iiit Eli., lion will be held in the
said count . , Oa 11 . 1',. Itiestlay the twentieth
day of Noventb, nisi., fur the purpose of
i, ion% lan, mid electing one person to reli•
1 re,ent the said liiurteendt ilistrw, in Chu
'slid to en'y sixth Congress, and thereby
''llllll illy , a,ancy which ha, happened its
'l,li resa.a; in in ~ ' venal dis!ric , a &Initial
•l-i : ~,' ~.ii 1 (11111r . 1, i,, I:,e f:01,,, , , in older:
'litl -J llistrie cam,' .-ed ‘.l part at /ion
, 1: 1.1 to., 01.
da , we-t of tli, I lie neAln-
Inorj, a• gi •oc,•, n,•,1 all I,l* i. Ito t'Xi . l , liit•
Ilio kr so, it,lll. tl y XI oh iel :ip'... k and
$B4 00
G 00
8 00
$9B to
so au
6 03
2 50
7 00
120 00
12 00
$157 50
, it• 11 , 1. - .1..mv5 . 1 , :u11, ld :11:11 k,
e.,t, ..t k to 11,4 to.
s ti 1 liue t,
111 • ul %IICI II t:11.1.i V. it .1 rtrt i
{..1,,6.p: r I II [L.( ttl , 1,1-
rf,tf t.,
t.ta L 110.1,0 in iIIC Of
I) .trtt t enuel used 414011 in lown- 1
ih at the illl./Se “i * INhith....w nip or, k. nt
3 i I) stru, runtpostul .1 IV.O
." u,h p -nd 1 . % to ir aud
.111 , 1111 , 14. lt Ilia 1 , 0(1.0 WON 0. eililiell
in ai rior4usaik.
A. a own . • , oi J Ivo', It tack
:itli t iatt p tri oi
'lO ttm 11,111 4!!!.1 nut ...chided
.. diquict, :mil t or Nlorri,, at
telt.ame ut Claris. Hotta, in it
. .
hih I):strict comoosed or all that pa!
I/ los h s , laying south of :1t
li. to cwommit . .h.• lune tll saitt t;.-1
.•i the sommii moutitn it.'
;mite ton w , s a. s 3 as t , ,
he isooie Es hart, nod molto
.1 lie noose o, jII.I/1 DI eh,
tod Peter :in so as to inclute the
'timer mill at .ey crs "k, and thence to
he line of s till toss oslop un the summit oi l
n u e ni.uotaio, at the house of Clipper
0.11 1144% ,t 1 S.llll township.
11 of the township
: I :h,. 01 I).tvid St
; , 'tribe townshipi
of . th. Jahn Hos per,
111 the toa ..i uul ton nnliiit
9th Ihhtt t c,sept,Nell It the town,hip
It y, at the house of John Litz, in
Siva Icy • t,rg.
Oth 111httiM coursed of that part of
Antis townshil: not no:tutted in the 2nd
.fistrict, at the 11.3 of John Bell in At.•
tts ton nship.
11th I);,triet c••••Itt. tell of Porter and
part of 11,orlersun • so -Ishii), at the school
hot., in the town t,. examlrto.
12+11 li.striet con -,.(1 ofthe towntiiip
of Frank nt ;he lorinerly occu•
pied by Ii in I :11e.
13 li 1):8:1 own+, 'or i eII town
'...hio,nt the t. +ll near the
Nlethoilis ®t+ tog house in sa , .: township.
14th 1)i-tut co.opiisc+l of Springfield
township, at ski .01 house twat, Hun
tees Mill.
5 sth or part or um•
Hin tow 1,411111, t•L lin' house runnerly occu
oit.ri by L. S. LILL twill in said township.
1601 Llist.- , t; of that port or
L in thel
4 1)14:1'1C 110 a i 'C school house in
I kr viitogi• u t
17th ic.;coinviiseci of that tart oil
Tyrone I iimili.ll;!) laytt.g east and Ffillth of,
the toliowin: Minds, beg:Ming at.
he bridge oppti-ite the piper mill on
Sprin; Rao, them c along the road to thel
John Clai lc, the 8 0(1010r :tie
iimse of the said CI nk, kni t h e house
HOW ere..7tt 'tyl•Pne !loge, to the Nit
towne••:!) lin., at the house of James
'Crawford ra Tyrone toe aship.
Bowers and George Brumbaugh; thence
in a straight line through Fortthev's Gap
to the Union township line, thence down
the same to a point opposite David Cur
bin's, thenee down on a straight line, in
cluding the house of David Corbin, to the
corner of I'm.ter township, on the Hun
tingdon and \N'tioticock Vald-y road;
thimce along the said summit to the place
of beginning, shall hereafter be a seperatc
electum dist r:ct, and that the general elec
tion Ins saitl district be held at the house
occupied by Jacob Niagaliy, in the village
'of Mceininellaburg.
gist District composed of that part 01
' the township of Union. in tl. e county of
Iluntingdon, now comprising the town
ship of foil, beginning on the line of Bed
ford county where the line of Sprittefield
and Union townships meet, thence by the
line between the townshil a to a pilot on
said lute, nearly oppu.ite John Caufman's
so as to include Ilk farm, thence by a
sit aigh , line to Hopewell township line at
Forshey's Gap, on Terrace mountain;
thence ny the fine of Hopewell and Union
townships to Bedford county fine, thence
to said place of beginning, shall hereafter
be a seperaie district, and the electors
tlimeof shall hereafter hold their general
elections at the house now occupied by J.
Ilenderstri in said district.
2111,1 District composed of that part of
West township on the sauth east side of
\V Itrrior ridge, beginn:ng at the line of
\Vest and Henderson ~ utvitship, at they
foot of said ridge to the lins of liarreel
liowtiship: thence by the division line of
Barree awl ent townships to the edit/
mit or Stifile Illil 1111;1111, to iiversect the
ilium of Illendersait and \‘ est townships ;
thence by said hoe to t've place of begin
fling:, shall be a seperat, e idiot/ district,
to tb• called t. ,I.irrey's It in 411-Itiet, " MIA
that the elven,. s Ciereiii shad hold there
l e,-eo .r il elections at the Iloiloe no• . men.
pel by B •iij omit Corbin on ,Nlarrey's
it ;n.
, I. -.1 Dl•tr;ct ea IQ to of Cram v.ll
tawaiship, sit ill It iii their get -r ti elec
i toms at li:e noise Wax ll..:Ctl,be I b; irie.
: q 'C,,,,,:l in thu-on ~.
D.itelet c ~hposo,l of a'.l..h tt ply
„r Ul
i 111,4 VIZ• tie6111.1,,,4 W;I !rt: the
•*.nletlieliv r. vn, nll hoe Cros
r a a I, n,
th • .I.tin 4,1 rt 1.1
the I'l, so, 4./.1, i..llVl)'s 111. i. ; C
the :•.o Ath I.,rk ul a.ut. rao, io
greai r./ cro•i, the hit ow, 1e.,,t4.4 It Li .1
Et, iy truer .t
r 11 . “ tl e!iii •11 • . I 1 1, Oa 01.,
113,111 ui Ill.• tol 111 , 141,.111,
,i la 11, I neilleral, Mt. Cila•
ti let, it:l,l ,lie 1.. ttic,c I No.• 11 hull
their 4ent•ral elections at ihe hun,c
.o::cll,;iv‘t oy D.t.Cll to the but•Jug.t
of Fraiikila ,
DI,II.Lt composed of the t .wa.
slop a 'tau . tog a sepeett , e eke.
tioit deiatet, to ti tlif I. rfee.ioni t.tece•
to e at the itub.N. bchuJl hou3e ill Ilulli•
day,b irg.
"l'iiiit uvery person, excepting justices
if the pl!,lCi., WM) stilt i OW 4111 j tollLe 01
Appoattmeotul proli , , or trust wider the
~o vernmetit of the United States. or of
illiA %Vitt., or of any city Or itworporateii
listrict, w.nolter ei'Lllilllill•SitIllkll officer
or sviir, who is, or stud be, employed
Limier the legislative. exert' tat: or
•,. department al this state, or ill the
U:iiteil S ates, or orally Or iiictirpiirateil
listrict, and also, that every mei:lot:rot
' C•inziCiA, and Of the Stout Legt•laitire,
;:iiil of the select or common ILIILIOCiI of
anti city, or commissioners ol any incur
()rated Ilistrict, is by law, incapable ul
I Iding or exercising, at tile same time
die ultioe or appointment of Judge, In•
vector or Clerk of any election of this
commonwealth, and that no inspector,
Judge, or tatter offizer of any suJi elec
tion, shall be eligible to any office to be
then voted for."
And the r .thrn judges of the respec
tive districts are required to meet at do.
Court house in Huntingdon, on the tl'irtl
day succeeding the said day of election,
which will be out Saturday the 23.1, Nu
l;i'vett under Inv hand at Huntingllnn : thi
501, day of No% e nber 1839, and al th,
Indi•peoden., rf :!te United State* tin
pad save the Commonwealth.]
EL otirr.
IS hereby given to those stockholder,
It of the burg and Bedford
Turnpike-road Company," who h
to the present time neglected to comply
with the requisitions of the board, for the
payment of instalments heretofore ortit'e.
etl; 'hot the said instalments to f i f teen
doll., I per share. .hall he loncr be
fire the 13•/1 of No"•':',:ier, to J. W. Dow
coo. ISetlf trill, or n Robert M'Nootara, of
1 A l ''colkr Knot jr. N 0 ..% re. I s failure
whereof, suits are to be bjuwilit a4ainst
all much tl, I:invents.
By order of the board
J. 0. BUSCAY,Sry.
Oct 30. 1859.
Valuable Farn,
In pursuance of the last will and ttwta•
ment of Matthew Cresswell, late of If est
Township, in the county in the county of
Huntingil in dec'd, the sub•bribers will
sell on the premises, on Wednesday the
27th day of Nov. nest, at public endue
the valuable Farm of limestone land, on
which the said Matthew Creauwell, rest
ded, consisting or
more or less, alicut 200 Acres of which
are cleared and under a good state of col•
tivation, on the premises are erected a
One Tenant House,
Two Large Barns.
one of which is a bank Barn,
and all other necessary out buildings.
Situate in west, township aforesaid ad
joining lands of the heirs of Patrick G win,
deed, Josiah Cunningham, D. Dearment,
and others, six miles from the Pennsylva
nia Canal, and eight miles from the he
rough of Huntingdon. The farm is sec•
end to none in Huntingdon county in pro
ductiveness, and is well worthy the a tten•
tion at [•armers and others, who want an
investment in real estate. Sale to cont
inence at 11 o'clock A. M. when the terms
will be made known. •
SurvitinT Ereeurors
of M. Cresswell dec'd.
Oct. 23, 1339.
Notice to Heflin.
quent Collectors.
ritlE collectors of Catt,ity Tax fnr
the year 18 38 and 1,1; flier years.
Mil) have Ml' AO tied II p 111'11' duplicatos,
ire req iested to do s without delay.
The he.►vv drafts on the 'rreasury tar
ouildin4 ()ridges renders a compliance
u•uh this notice oeussiary ; ;tad dm.; wan
neJect it wit brt ceriifl,l into the Pro.
lb motary's oflice and proceeded against
to election.
By oiler of the Comm:A.ifrier4 of
111 cowry,
6 11331
00.44 - T11,1: 1 -020.3.S.
7111111 EC .111:11;,ioneri of
_r_ con , ity, give notici
it r ,ev %ell receive pe tp , sais tit 1113
t; Jeri If vt:e iu the B-it trugl of
Fri lay the 2i I dby of Novvaiber
n 3t 1,1:• the of
,n lit. ii:l tooroolo;11. "I'he• building to
ht. hri.k with • , ni, f . ntad loin. Thu
111 , 1 th.. Ca't
lar ii Nos .,, ltt!l, Co. ort at the Co:n
-rii—loooorr,' (rm., in Ilotootin:;tine.
proliodm , ,rate distinctly
in iii" t. 1;111 . ,1 , 1-114. Ir while amount fur
which they w . ,11 fu n ah aucl r nnice the
same in accordance the'plan and
iNO. s rEvEtt :,...?
.I_kNIE 1110011 E. 2 ii-r
Oc'. 1 6, 1231
I'. eII trri •b , l'g toell'gencer will pub
tie thiee tia,e, an:l charge this
WILL. be received the Commis
sioners' office in the Borough of
ilutitingdon on Friday ; the 22i1 day of
November nest for making alterations in
the w.ll of the yard ilt the county jail,
ot!reealily to the recommendation of the
Gr.i it!. fogitt...t at August Sessions last.
The plat of the proposed alterations
can be seen at any time in the Commis
sioners office :dor
sPAE s r, w io o o o ll pE E s,Frs,,
ingdon f Huta
Oct. 16. 1839
IN PURSUANCE of an order of the
Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county,
will be exposed to Public Sale on the
premises, on Saturday the 26th day of Oc
tober, next, at one o'clock P. M., all the
mterest of Jane M'Williams, late of West
moreland county, deceased, being the undi
vided third part of a certain tract of land,
..ituate in Henderson township, Huntingdon
coma v t.ppositeJohn A rmstrm,g's land, near
•r' a Branch, adjoining lands of Alexan-
M'Connell, J thn Fee, jr. and Isaac Armi •
Cage; c•mtaitting hair hunched acres, with
I T S appurtenances. Terms of sle.—One
ill of the purchase money to be paid on the
confirmation of the sale, and the residue In
41. year thereafter, with interest, to be se
cured by the Bund Mortgage of the put,
Attendance will heiiven by
DAVID ntAIR. AttArney
tim ternlwr 25.:839
ALL, perset t isittrit I,t a to J•whn &wage wi'l
pit• 1 . 11• thrir liCCllllls with
stittscril)er. And tit, t•or hi, illy cl •ima
pr. poly atuthenticat• tlattitiont him will pre •
• ot them fir aettletneto to me at Mary Alin
r4e, nuglb erct k 11.1taiordon
A. I'. CR EW I', Ag nt far J ,11
117'01. a Ballo.' fin bah: to Mary AAA
Tough Creels, Oct 1829.