17th District composed of that part oI Tyrone township laying east and south of, the following described bonds, begining at the bridge opposite the paper mill on Spring Run, thence along the road to the house of John Clark, the south of the house of the said Clark, and the house now erected at 'Fyrone forge, to the An-, tie township line, at the house of James Crawford in Tyrone township. 18th District composed of Morris town tihip, dike house of Frederick Kuhn in saidto township, _ . . 49th Distiict composed of past of the 'township of gest, at the school house on the farm of James Ennis in said township. 20th District composed of those parts of the townships of Hopewell and Walker in the county of Huntingdon, within the following boundaries, to wit: beginning at Hartsock's Gap in Tussey's mountain, thence down Gardner's Run, so as to in clude the house of Mathew Garner, Isaac Bowers and George Brumbaugh; thence an a straight line through Forshey's Gap! to The Union township line, thence down the same to a point opposite David CorH bin's, thence down on a straight line, in cluding the house of David Corbin, to the corner of Porter township, on the Hun tingdon and Woodcock Valley road; thence along the said summit to the place of beginning, shall hereafter be a seperate election district, and that the general elec tion for said district be held at the house occupied by Jacob Magahy, in the village of McConnellsburg. 21st District composed of that part of the township of Union, in the county of Huntingdon, now comprising the town ship of Tod, beginning on the line of Bed ford county where the line of Springfield and Union townships meet, thence by the line between the townships to a point on said line, nearly opposite John Caufman's so as to include his farm, thence by a stiaight line to Hopewell township line at Forshey's Gap, on Terrace mountain; thence by the line of Hopewell and Union townships to Bedford county line, thence to said place of beginning, shall hereafter .be a seperate district, and the electors thereof shall hereafter hold their general .elections at the house now occupied by J. Henderson in said district. 22nd District composed of that part of West township on the south east side of Warrior ridge, beginning at the line of West and Henderson township, at the toot of said ridge to the line of Barree township: thence by the division line of Barree and West townships to the sum mit of Stone mountain, to intersect the line of Henderson and West townships; thence by said line to the place of begin ning, shall be a seperate election - district, to be called ..Murrey's Run district," and that the electors therein shall hold there generd elections at the house now occu. pied by Beojam►n Corbin on Murrey's Run. 23d District composed of Cromwell township, shall hold their general elec tions at the house now occupied by Win. 111Tarrell in Orbisonia. 24th District composed of all that part .of Frankstown township, lying east of the following lines viz: Beginning where the Allegheny township line crosses the Brush run, thence down said run, thence down the Beaver dam branch ltf the Juniata to the Forks above Lowly's mill ; thence up the south fork of said run, to where the great read crosses the same, leading from liollidaysburh to the Loop, thence a straight line to the Woodbury line on the north end of the Cove of Loop mountain,' shall hereafter be a seperate election dis• . trict, and the electors thereof shall hold their general elections at the house lately occupied by David Ditch in the borough of Frankstown. 23th District composed of the town• ship of Blair, constituting a seperate elec tion district, to hold their elections there fore at the public school house in Holli daysburg. "That every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall I.old any office or appointment of profit, or trust under the government of the United States, or of this state, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or agent, who is, or shall be, employed under the legislative, executive or judi ary department of this State, or of the United States, or of any or incorporated district, and also, that every member of Congress, and of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of and city, or commissioners of any incor porated District, is by law, incapable of holding or exercising, at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, In spector or Clerk of any election of this commonwealth, and that no Inspector, fudge, or other officer of any such clec iion, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for." And the return judges of the respec tive districts are required to meet at the ciourt house in Huntingdon, on the third 'ay succeeding the said da y of election, which will be on Saturday the 23J, No. vember. Given under my hand at Huntingdon, the sth, day of November 1839, and of the Independence of the United States the sixty-third. JOSEPH SHANNON, Sheriff. [God save the Commonwealth.] Money Found Between Colrain Forges and John S. 'setts Mill. The owner can get it by giving satisfactory description of the same, and paying for advertising, at the office at Elizabeth Forge. ROBERT MOORE, Elizabeth Forge, October 30,1839. Notice to Delin quent Collectors. THE collectors of County Tax fcr the year 1838 and former years, who have not settled up their duplicates,' arg requested to do so without delay. The heavy drafts on the Treasury for building bridges renders a compliance with this notice necessary; and those who neglect it will he certified into the Pro thonotary's office and proceeded against to execution. By order of the Commissioners of Iluntingtlon county, November 6, 1839. 'Native. S hereby given to those stockholderss, of the Hollidaysburg and Bedford' Turnpike-road Company," who have up to the present time neglected to comply with the requisitions of the board, for the payment of instalments heretofore order ed; that the said instalments to fifteen dollars per share, shall be paid on or be fore the 1.5/h of November, to J. W. Dun can. Bedford; or to RUbert M'Namara, or Alexander Knox jr. Newry. In failure whereof, suits are to be brought against all such delinquents. By order of the board J. 11 DUNCAN, Secy. Oct 30, 1859. 'Notivr. I S hereby given to the stockholders of the Hollidaysburg and Bedford Turn pike company that a farther instalment of twenty dollars per share is hereby re- ' s quired to be paid to J. W. Duncan, Bed-, ford; or Robert M'Namara or Alexander Knox jr. Newry, on or before the Ist day of November next. Punctual and I prompt payment is respectfully reques ted By order of the board. J. O. DUNC.IN, Secy. Octo. 30, 1839 Riflemen Attend!! The Mai ksmen of Huntingdon, and the adjoining counties, are respectfully invited to attend the House of John White, near Hunt ingdon, on Saturday November 9th, as A LARGE STEER, WEIGHING 6001bs. Will be shot for, A fine sight, will be ex pected, as the owner of the Steer holds full on the paper, now, he anticipates a large company of "sharp shooters," and he as sures them that he will be in the centre—of them at least. Huntingdon, Oct. 30, 1839. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursnance of an order of the Orphans Court Hnntingdon county, will b exposed to public sale on 'the premises, o' Friday the Isf day of November next, twe thirds of a lot of ground situate in the Bon rough of Alexandria, in said county, as thu property of Henry Isenberg, dec'd; bounded on the east by a 40 feet street, and a part of , the said lot now owned by Samtel Isenberg, by the tnrnpike road nn the north, and a lot of the heirs of Henry Willehrand, dec'd, on the west; the lot of which this is a part, be lug numbered 14 in the plan of lots laid out by pr. James Trimble in his lifetime. 'Terms of Sale:—One half of the purchase money to be paid on the conhrmation of the sale, and the residue in one year thereafter with interest. 'F. P. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Attendance will be given at the time and place of sale by the undersigned Adminis trator. HENRY NEFF, Adm's. October 9. 1830. DISSOLUTION OF PA It TN ERSHIP. ALL persons interested will please take, notice, that the partnership heretofore exis- ting between John Brewster and Josiah Eng lar, in the Tanning business, in Shirley tp. is this day dissolved. All debts due to the firm are to be paid to the undersigned, who continues to carry on the business at the old stand. JOHN BREWSTER, October 30, 1839. Notice. ALL persons indebted to John Savage will please immediately settle their accounts with the subscriber. And those haying claims properly authenticated against him will pre sent them for settlement to me at Mary Ann Forge, Trough Creek Huntingdon Co. A. B. CREWIT, Agent for John Savage. B. Bar Iron for sale at Mary Ann Forge. Trough Creek, Oct. 2, 1839. Executor's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Robert Dean, late of Morris town ship, Huntingdon connty, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment to Samuel Dean, near trilliamsburg, or Wm. Caldwell, near Birmingdam; and those having claims against said Estate are requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement. Executors, S W A Ii /3 1 1 . 1 C IF: A L LD DE W A E N I:L,t October 23, 1839. —6t. TEACHER WANTED. A good teacher of a public school is wan ed in the borough of Petersburg, to whom iberal wages will be given By the school committee. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. IN P URSUN CE of an order of the 1 1 O. phan's court of Huntingdon county,l will be exposed to Public Sale on the premises, on Saturday the second clay of November next, at one o'clock P. M., a tract of land situate in Tell township, Hun tingdon county, containing fifty acres more or less, a few acres of which have been clea red, and cultivated, late the property of Andrew French deceased. Terms of sale, one third of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, one third in one year thereafter, with interest, to be se cured by the bond and mortgage of the pur chaser, the remaining third to be paid on the death of the widow, the interest to be' paid yearly and every year, to he secured by the baud and mortgat e of the purchaser. Attendance will be given by JOHN BLAIR, Guardian of the minor childred of Andrew French, deceased. DAVID BLAIR, Attorney. September 25, 1839. Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of sundry writs of Vendi• tioni Exponas and Levari Facias, issued out of the court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, awl to me direc ted, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House in Huntingdon, on the 11th day of November next, at ten o'clock A. M., the following . property, viz: A two story brick dwelling house, with a stone basement story, twenty four feet in front, by thirty-five feet deep, erected, built, and situate on lot No. 210 in Juni ' ata street, in the new town plot of the Borough of Hollidaysburg, which said lot fronts on said Juniata street thirty feet, and extends back at i ight angles to said street one hundred and sixty feet. Seized and taken under Execution, and to be sold as the property of George Cul tebaugh. ALSO—A tract or piece of land situ • ate in Cromwell township, containing 23 acres, more or less, adjoining- lands of John Shope, heirs of Daniel Colgate, John' l Flasker and others, on which are erected a Forge, known by the name of "Augh- I wick Forge," and a number of dwelling 'houses connected therewith, to wit: five houses for forgemen, an office, and other necessary buildings. Seized and taken under Execution, and to be sold as the property of Hezekiah 'Crownover. SAO— LA certain messuage in two certain lots of ground situate in the Bo rough of Huntingdon, one numbered in plan of said borough 31, and the other 136, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances. Seized and taken under Execution, and to be sold as the property of Stephen I Drury. ALSO—A tract of land situate in West township, adjoining lands of Robert i Armstrong, Andrew Stewart, Grafibr's l heirs, and others, containing 111 acres, more or less, about 80 acres of which are cleared, on which are erected tr..° d we'. ling houses, a barn, and blacksmith shop. Seized and taken under Execution, and to be sold as the property of James Ennis. ALSO—A tract of land situate in Al legheny township, adjoining lands of Ja cob Miller, Abrm. Beal, E. Baker & Co., and Henry Glass, containing 130 acres, more or less, of which 22 arc cleared, and having thereon erected a log house, and small cabin barn, and a small orchard thereon. Seized and taken under Execution, and to be sold as the property of Daniel Ginter deceased. ALSO--Several parcels or parts of ail tract, formerly composing one tract of land situate in Cromwell township, the part or parcel marked A in the schedule, 91 acres; the part marked B, contains 78 acres; the part marked C, contains 100 acres; in all 269 acres more or less—ad joining lands on the south and east by oth'r lands of the heirs ot Benjamin Cor nelius dec'd, and bound on the north and west by Aughwick creek. About 200 acres of which is cleared, on which is erected a two story house weather boar.. ded, and also a double log house, one and a half story high, a log barn, and an apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken under Execution, and to be sold as the property of Benjamin Cornelius decd. ALSO--One lot of ground situate in the new town plot of Hollidaysburg, and numbered in the plan of said town, ex , tending in front feet on Juniata street and 160 feet back at right angles thereto to Bank alley, on which are erected a two story frame house, and a two story brick house and a stable. Seized and taken under Execution, and to be sold as the property of Joseph Ad ams. ALSO—Seven acres of land situate in Allegheny township, adjoining lands of F. Smith on the south, James Alexander, on the west, Daniel Allbaugh on the north, and lands of the heirs of Willis Gibbonv dec'd, on the south and east; on which are erected a two story flame plastered house and a stable. Seized and taken under Execution, and to be sold as the property of George Cul tebaugh. ALSO—A lot in the new town plot of Hollidaysburg, fronting GO feeton Juniatal street, and extending 160 feet to al ley, and numbered 210 in the plan of said town. on which is erected a two story brick house. Seized and taken under Execution, and to be sold as the property of George Cul-, tebaugh. ALSO—A lot of ground situate in Duncansville, Allegheny township, Iron. ting 60 feet on Market street, and exten ding back at right angles ISO feet to 8.12.1 e alley, numbered 21 in the plan of said town, on which is erected a one and al half story frame house; also another lot in said town, numbered 14 in the said plan, fronting sixty feet on Bedford street, and extending back at right angles to sa id street, 180 feet to Balm alley, on which is erected a warehouse. Seized and taken under Execution, and to be sold as the property of John M. Gib-, bony Esq. ALSO—A lot of ground situate on the north corner of Mulberry and Wayne st.l in the borough of Hollidaysburg, number-' ed 49 in the old town plot, fronting 60 ft. on Mulberry street, and extending back 180 feet on Wayne street to alley— also the lot adjoining the said last men tioned lot on the west, fronting 60 feet on Mulberry street, and extending back 180 feet to alley, on which is erected a two story weather boarded house, Seized and taken under Execution, and to be sold as the property of John Martin. JOSEPH SHANNON, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Hunting don, October 23,1839. S Proclamation. MpHEREAS by a precept to me direc ted dated at 'Huntingdon, the 17th day of August, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine under the hands and seals of the Hon. Thomas Burnside, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv ery of the 4th judicial district of Pennsyl vania, composed of the counties of Mifflin, Huntingdon, Centre, Clearfield, and Jeffer son, and the Hon. ,Joseph Adams, and John Kerr his associate Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, ap pointed to hear, try, and determine all and every indictments, and presentments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital or felonies of death and all other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall be committed or perpetrated within the said county, or all persons which are or shall hereafter be committed or be perpe trated for crimes aforesaid—l am comman ded to make. Public Proclamation. Throughout my whole' bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Ter miner, of Common Pleas and Quarter Ses sions will be held at the court house in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Mon day and 11th day of November next, and those who will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it' shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner, and Constables within the said county be then and there in their pro- per persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, witk their records, inquisitions, examinations' and remembrances, to do those things which their offices respectively appertain. Dated at Huntingdon, the 17th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine and the 63d year of American Indepen dence. JOSEPH SHANNON, Sh'ff. Sheriff's Office Hunting don, October 17, 1839. 5 Proclamation. WHEREAS by Precept to me direc ted by the Judges of Common Pleas of the county of Huntingdoa bear ing test the 17th (lay of August, A. D. 1839, lam commanded to mace Public Proclamation throughout my whole baili wick that a court of Common Pleas ~will be held at the court house, in the borough of Iluntingdon, in the county of Hunt ingdon, on the third Monday and 18th of November. A. D. 1839, for the trial of all issues in said court which remein un determined berm e the said Judges when and where all Jurors, Witnesses and sui tors in the trial of all said issues are re quired to attend. Dated at Iluntinudon tne 17th day of August A. D. one thousand eight hun dred and thirty nine, the 63d year of A.- merican/nde pendence. JOSEPH SHANNON, Sherif. Sheriff's office Hunting• don Oct. 16, 1839 ORPHAN'S COURT SALE IN PURSUANCE of an order of the, Orphan's Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to Public Sale on the premises, on Saturday the 26th day of Oc— tober, next, at one o'clock P. M., all the interest of Jane M'Williams, late of West moreland county, deceased, being the undi vided third part of a certain tract of land, situate in Henderson township, Huntingdon county opposite John Armstrong's land, near Miller's Branch, adjoining lands of Alexan- M'Connell, John Fee,jr. and Isaac Armi tage; containing four hundred acres, with the appurtenances. Terms of sale.—One half of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, and the residue in one year thereafter, with interest, to be se cured by the Bond and Mortgage of the pur chaser. Attendance 'will be given by DVID SNARE, DAVID BLAIR, Attorney, September 25, :839. Silk Worm Eggs. Mammoth Sulpher, White, Peanut, Two Crops Mammoth White, do. do. Peanut. Persons desirous of getting the best, stock for feeding, at fair prices, can have them put up and sent to any part of the United States. S. DAVIS. Huntingdon, October 2, 1859. 0:TAII necessary directions furnished if req.iired. S. D. BL.4NKS OF EVERY DESCIIIP TION FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. TO CONTRACTORS. THE undersigned, Commissioners of Huntingdon connty, give notice that they will receive proposals at the Court House in the Bourough of H unting. don, on Friday the 22d day of November next for the building of A NEW COURT HOUSE, in the said borough. The building is to be of brick with stone foundation. The plan and the specifications can be seen during the November Court at the Com missioners' Office in Huntingdon. Persons proposing will state distinctly in their proposals, the whole amount for which they will furnish and complete the same in accordance with thelplan and specifications . _ _ JNO. STEVER 4. g PETER SWOOPE 0 B .t 1 g JAME MOORE. Oct. 16, 1839 Tie Harrisburg Intelligencer will pub lish the above three times and charge this office. PROPSALS WILL be received at the Commis sioners' office in the Borough of Huntingdon on Friday the 22d day of November next fur making alterations in the wall of the yard of the county jail, agreeably to the recommendation of the Grand inquest at August Sessions last. The plan of the proposed alterations can be seen at any time in the Commis sioners office aforesaid. JOHN STEEVEIt ) ersCo omritiussionnt: ty gdon Conn PETER SIVOOPE in SANIES MOORE ) Oct. 16, 1839 ORPHANS' COURT SALE. i N pursuance of an order of the Or phans' Court of Huntingdon county, there will be exposed to public sale on the premises on Saturday, the 2d day of No vember 1839, the following described real property, belonging to the estate of John Kimberling, deceased, situate in the Town ship of Frankstown, in said county, bounded as follows, to wit: By the lands of Daniel Kimberling on the South, Step en Hammond on the West, Harry Miller and Lingafelt's heirs on the North, and Conrod Geesey on the East, containing one hundred and fifty•seven acres, 106, 160 perches, with a LARGE FRAME MERCHANT MILL, th twenty acres of land and water privi leges. The land is in a fine state of cul tivation. Terms of Sale. One half of the purchase money to be paid in hand on confirmation of the sale, to be secured by bond and mortgage or Judgement. T. P. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Attendance at the time and place of sale will be given by the undersigned. D. H. MOORE, JESSE CRUMBECKER, Adm'rs ' October 16, 1859. rAum POR SALE. W ILL be exposed to public sale on the premises, on Wednesday the Ist day of January, 1840. All that iitantation, and tract of Land, situate in Morris town ship, Huntingdon county, about one mile from Pkaterstreet, and within sight of the turnpike leading from Harrisburg to Pitts burg, and about one mile fi om the Penn sylvania Canal, adjoining lands of Frede rick 'lileman, on the east, Samuel liar nish, on the west, and John Shaffer, on the North ; containing about ISO ACRES, of which about 135 Acres are cleared, ten or twelve of which are good meadow, and the uncultivated part is well timbered. The buildings on the said premises are a good two story squared Log House and Kitchen, a bank BARN, and other necessary build ings. There are 7'wo large Springs that rise on said Farm, which are sufficient to turn a Grist Mill, or any like machinery. Possession will be given on the Ist, day of April next, The terms of sale will be made known upon applying to either of the undersigned. SAMUEL DEAN, Executors. W M. CALDh ELL, Oct. 9.3, 1839. N. B. “liincaster Examiner," will please insert until tale, and send bill to this Office. Tiustee. Public Sale. r HE subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the .Vednesday of the No vember court, in the Borough of Hunting don, a IBRIGIET BAY COLT. rising three years old, fifteen and a half hands high, and is considered by good judges, to be one of the handsomest colts to the interior of this State. P EDIGI?BE Ills sire is the John Marshall, and his dam the Betsey Baker. Persons wish ing further information concerning this young horse's pedigree, can be satisfied I t.) , perusing the Turf Register. MORRIS I'. HICKS. Tyrone Forges, Oct. 23, 1859. COMMISSIO.YER S &ILE Of Unseated Lands, in Hunting don county for 1839. 11EREAS by the 7th Section of the ' act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth entitled "an act to amend an act directing the mode ut sel ling unseated lands for taxes and fot oth er purposes," passed the 13th day of March A. D. 1815, the Commissioner's of the respective counties within this com• monwealth are directed to make public sale of all lands bought by them at Treas urer's sale, which shall remain unredeem ed by the respective owners thereof, at the expiration of live years from the date of such Treasurer's sale, and by a further supplement thereto passed the 29th day of March A. D. 1824, such laud is directed to be sold for the best price that can be obtained for the same, and that the Com missioners shall have full power to make and execute a deed or deeds of convey ance to the purchaser or purchasers in fee simple, and such deeds are declared to be (good and valid for such title as the corn missioners had a right to convey. There fore we the undersigned Commissioners of Huntingdon county, hereby give notice that in pursuance of the aforesaid act of Assembly and supplement thereto, we shall at the Court House, in the borough of Huntingdon, in the county of Hunt.. ingdon. on Monday the 11th day of No vember next, commence the PUBLIC SALE of the following tracts of unseated lands, purchased by the Commissioners of Hunt. ingdon county aforesaid, at the Tmeasu. rer's sale of June 1834, and remaining unredeemed by the respective owners thereof, and continue such sale by ad journment until all the lands below nam ed are sold, viz: A. Per. War'tee names. Townships. 406 " Margaret flunter, Allegheny, 406 " James Blackford, " 97 12 John Chambers, 433 163 Jesse Well, Antes, 132 " Alexander M'Hatton, 433 163 Patrick W' bite, 433 163 Jesse Rex, 433 163 Martin Boreland, 433 163 Patrick Bush, 433 163 Jesse Bush, 433 163 Patrick Davis 433 163 Jesse Peters, 433 163 Jesse Wells, 400 Samuel Marshall, 400 Robert Caldwell 400 Mathew Simpson 400 James M'Cune 400 Joseph M'Cune 400 Samuel Steel, 400 John Fulton 400 John Galbraith 400 John George 438 124 Edward Horn 428 Eliza Horn 447 James Elder 450 James Old 415 140 John Pay well 450 101 George Ebert 30 Peter Cornelius 388 94 John Boggs 431 60 Gabriel Bell 409 145 Anthony Bell 288 18 Amos Laughery 301 106 James Coleman 391 141 Daniel Bell 400 68 John Ltughery 409 114 Matthew Simpson ';;; " 426 15 Stephen Drury 478 31 Andrew Drummond 425 b 3 Peter Shank 402 132 John Vandyke 400 Samuel Riddle 400 Samuel Riddle 400 Samuel Riddle 300 Samuel Riddle 41 300 Samuel Riddle 300 Samuel Riddle 415 159 John Marshall al 332 Charles Green Woodberry JOHN STEVER, PETER S WOOPE, Comm'rs. JAMES MOORE. Comm'rs. Office, Sept. 24, 1839. Springfield, Tyrone, Union, VD 0 EtiJ CHIE lo =OWL WAKE notice, that we I ave applied to the Judges of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Huntingdon County for the benefit of the laws of this Commonwealth made for the relief of Insolvent debtors; and the said Court has appointed the 2nd. monday (11th day) of November next for the hearing of us and our creditors at the Court house in the borough of Hun tingdon, when and where you may attend if you see proper. GEO. A. PA LM ER. CHRISTIAN MYERS, HENRY ARNOLD, DAVID LONG, GEO. BRUMBAUGH. DAVID MILLER. ISAAC WOLVERTON, KENZEY KEITH. Oct. 16, 1939. Executor's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Win. Love, late ut ll'oodbury tp. Huntingdon county, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said Estate are requested to present them properly authenticated fur payment to the tinder. signed, SAMUEL DEAN, Excotters JOSIL ROLLER, 6t. October 23, Antes Barree
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers