Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1835-1839, October 03, 1838, Image 3

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    zealot condemnation upon their shallow,
We are pleased that the proper steps
are being taken to bring Judge AdAms. C,
Garber, andlite rest or the rioters before
the proper trllinal.
The Receipt Again.
Much has been said about Stonebraker's
Receipt for money titi the lastiliond. Be
low will be found the whole matter ex
plained. The Pittsburg "Gazette," ob
tained it from Mr. Allison; and :the'
statement proves the truth of Old Mr.',
Stonebraker's affidavit. It does, more.
It must convince every reflecting man,'
that Porter's own friends see and know
his GUILT. Else why Would they, re
sort to such a miserable and paltry trick,
to deceive the people; and say that Stone
broker received money on the Bond
when he was the mere collector or agent
of Davis. They might with the same
propriety charge Mr. Allison With being
the recipient of the pay tor that land.
Nor is this all. Mr. Allison shows the
truth of what are said that there never
was but two payments on that Bond, the
first Stonebraker got for Davis, the last
Porter got himself. Now, if what they
themselves say—if what Owens says,
but dare not swear, is true--Stonebra
ker never got one cent. Thew say Da
/is borrowed money of Porter to be paid
..9trr OF THAT BOND W 114 N
COLLECTED;"' now if that was.. tr e e,
it Will be seen, that bit . ►tri'a did t t Use
money Stonebraker obtained for him of
Allison: Every body can see it, 14
king at the dates, that Davis paid Ptlrter
the money : in a few days after, R was got
and brought to Davis by Stonebraker.
Then if Davis ...slid pay Porter out of the
11,n I; Stonebraker got more of the money
—to that they lie either way.
The truth is, every .00 sinks them
deeper in disgrace and more clearly pro
ves Stonebrakers Voneety sod Porter'.
PERJURY. But read the following
from the Pittsburgh Gazette.
From the Pittsbure Gvzttte.
But all the additional information ticcis
nary to clinch the last nail in the coffim of
Porter's fame has been outained from Mr.
A lison.
The first additional item of evidence is the
the order of Geo Davis, directing Jas Allison
to pay to John Stonebraker any money which
had been t eceived on the last bond. It is as
••Spruce Huntingdon Co. /
May 22n It 2";
• “JAmits Al.Ltsow Esq.. Beitvertowo.
Plenso pay to John Stonebraker any
money that yeti have ci fleeted for me on the
bond from James Kiddo and Alexander lus
t set, for three hundred and 100 y-three dollars
made payable to. David R Porter, and as-'
signed by him to John Stonebraker, and :bin'
to me, which bond I forwarded td you dome
Ono ago for collection.
(signed) GEO. DAVIS.
Then follows the following receipt eudoised
on the order. _ . _ _ _
"May 27, 1825—Received from las Alli
son one laundered and sixty—two dollars and
nine three cents on within order.
;• (Signed) • JOHN STONEBR AKER.
Daniel Warnock." .; .
. .
add to this the receipt of David R.
Porter, of which we have before given the
foe simile; but will now give a copy.
'Received sth July, 1825, of Ggorge Davis
Esq., one hundred• and: t Nenty-five dollars,
in part of bond from Kiddo and .Russel; of
Beaver county, assigned by meto John Stone
brakei & by him to George Davis
8125 00. ,DAVID R. PORTER.
Now what becomes of the allegations of the
Loco Foco papers, that this.reaeipt was fur
"borrowed money and ineereaf:''.'• Is it not
blnwn to the winds? AS it' not plain that this
$125 paid to Porter is part of the vary money
paid to Stonebraker fur Davis five weed - a
' On the 27th of May, 1825, Mr Allison paid
to Stonebraker, on Davis' order, :162 . 93.
On the sth of July following, 'Davis paid
to Porter one hondre•d and twenty five dot=
lark in part of bond.
It so happens, too, that the receipt of
Porter is iris written, agrees precisely with
the fact as they really took place. Stone
braker paid nyer the money received•by him
as a mere messenger to Davis, and immedi
ately afterwards Davis pays over part of it to
Porter. There remains between the :16293
and the :125 but "37 93 unaccounted tbr,
and as Porter and thivis were very intimate,
and it is said that Porter Netts indebted to
Davis, this ;37 93 may have been retained
)11 account of that debt.
The following is. Mr, Allison's statgment
of his account with Davis: •
"Dr. las Allisrin in acdbunt Oath Geo. Davis.
assignee of John Stonebraker, assibmee of
D R Porter.
lstJanuary, 1824, to cash from
Alex Russel.
28th November, 1826, to cash from
Cr. May 27, 1825. by cash paid on
order to John Stonebraker,
y commission,
1830, By balance paid Mr
Yorter •
:382 08
"idly 22d„ 1830, Receired from lames Al
lison the ahbve bdlance of two hundred dol
lars and six cents.
(Signed) , D. R, PORTER.
"'Here arc but two Payments—one to Sfone•
breaker on Davie,' order. snd one to David
R. Porter himself; and . Porter by this last
receipt admits the the coireetiiess of the pre
vious payment to Stonebraker.,
The charge against Stonebraker of false
hood is unfounded, and whether true or false
is immaterial to Porter, his knavery is con
clusively established.
In cone.hrion. we ask the attention of 921
renrierro to Mr,Allitre,',i rodoeo f e
first item of his credits.. It is not hr east
nnid 'on bond,' but 'cash paid on order.'
t ~~
The tvark gloritinsly bee gadl
The first skirmish has been fough the
enemy has been driven into. the ju .jes
Let every : freemen. come uirtti tit last
days strife„ivith renewed confidence.
.I , nspectora election's throughout
the §tgie, have resulted better :than the
hopes .of the most sanguin imagined.
lie caune, of the criminal, and his cor
ruption, and crime, hat everywhere been
tnetand overthrown, -;
One more effort--anil Pennsylvania
,w 11 set the seal of 25,000 majcrity, itpun l
the honest conduct of Joscpb Ritnei-...• •
If then you would preserve your Sate
'from the iniquities ache roamoth Tux All
of D: R. Portri'i—that wont 6; increase
the State debt, to 40 millions of thillars
'---Go to the pulls and vote tor Jo Ritner.
flu vetoed ,that same bill 4 •
If itilf ate in favor of pi•eierving your!
licit* and neighbors from exerbitant taxa
tion, Ipte.against David R. Porter, he
supported the Tai Bill. .
If you are opposed to the Sub Treasury
a plan hi,gine the Prßsident power to use
all your National ti•easury, to pay .'venal
and ; earrupt paraides, vote for Jeseph
Ritner and James /rvi,n. The fernier
has used.all his power :and iaftuence to
put it down. The latter will, if sent -to
Congress, use all his energy to put down
that ihiquitious scheme of fraud and cor
• ... •
If you do not wish to see the presitlent ,
of the United States Presideht, Director,
and Cashier of a big monied institution,
with power to make its Receivers and dis
burners, and witis.the will to corrupt the
fountains of our Free Instituti .us, go
ext-ry inari, to the polls, and vote against
David B. Porter, and W. W. Putter. On e
voted for it in the Senate, the other in
s t
If you 'arc a bemocrat, and loVe the ,
; good maxims of the times of 98, •gct
to the polls and vote for Old Joe "He
is honest! capable.!' •
If you.regard that LI d intuits; 'ask yOur
tell ; if D. It. Porter is htinesti 'Pis the
Furst question*Then pOittler.well on your
vote. Is the wicked and willful cheat
ontst—esk Samuel Sturgeon, who is. to
cheat, Is the: guilty perjurer honest?
ask the Stonebrakersi ask the Records
of Rea ver, Futter, and Northumberland
counties. Ask Porters own :hand wri.
ting who is afr'etjurer—auswer these
questions, then vote against •D. R. Por
ter, "lie Ts n ot honest."
If you are a Farmer, and have learned'
that your interests are hest sustained by
upholding Domestic Manufactories, Wd
thus increasing the tleiiiiind :for your Pro
ducts; vole against Bill Potter, he says
the men thatbuy and consume your pro
ducts, are your enemies.
Are you opposed to Governmen4"Shin
plasters; vote against Porter and Potter,
they both have voted for them, and Rit
ner and Irvin, are both opposed to all
kinds. of shinplaster Trash.
Are you opposed to Amalgamation,
vote against ppr . lpF and Potter, th, both
helongto the party of Dickey Joliption,
whose paternal blood creeps thr'ough the
cooty carcase, and wooly pate of a score
of children, whose mother is his negro
bavy R's ,Advocate says, that Jem
Nl'Donald has,ecti "lai en• the Oaf,'
by their in alicious assault upon his char
We desire the people
~the Stite to
mark that fact; that the persecution •of
Mr McDonald, has reused . the indigna
tion of his neighbors, and he has been elec
ted inspector in his township, a township
we never carried an inspector beH
Fore, where they had a majority -• 'B5, and
Porter in '96. on the shelfindeed:
:iti sof
system praCtiecd since the corn•
mencernent of this campaign is still
kept up by the enemy., to tell no truth.
214 38
XB2 08
;162 93
8 57
In order to carry out the thing com
plete, to the end. They have circulated
reports, that in this county Porter has
carried every township but two; and fina l
Stonebrakers township, he also succe•,
ded. Now the truth is almost the di
rect opposite;and in order that our friends
may know, that we do not desire to de
ceive them; we tell them all to giie the
Loco's a little Of their own game "bet It
banter," it is e,safe .btliiness; we have
carried sixteen townships, without Hun
tingdon; and iu Huntingdon we Polled
ewe votes thaithey did—dare then*
1700 061
10 321
to bet on it; and you will see that they
are lying.
The sante oourseeis 'pursued in, and of,
every' county; they c'rculate for effect,
false reports. The truth however
Abe learnt, and their eitoct will be etafnst
._ •
Stonebraker was gloilously"auilaine(l.
The Ritner Inspector was elected by a
large majority 7 4-altoough Porter always
(before the People 'know him') had a larg e
majority there.
The Repairs.
Exasperated at the malicious falsehoods
manufactured and circulated' by the
friends of: Porter abinit the mal-practicei
on the canal Pepairi, the hands employ.
ml on some of the jobs, have sent their
Aims to this office attached to the fob
lowing certificate; and their i 3 not one
amcingthem, that is not More worthy of
belief thati.tbe hal - Atha' liars whO surround
the footstoOl. of Honest Dary, Wa ? baye
not room to insert one half of the .natUbs,
furnished us; such who 'wish to see the
originals can see them atinnrOffice.
. .
The Truth is tin every day conductof
Davy R. and his party, is to oppress and
sneer at the t poor laborers. If an honest
loborer is paid 51,<45 per day, they call
it corruption. It that poor man elaims
the right of voting, thercall it corruption
and cell the poor la borers worthless out
law:, and not entitled to a vote any wherel
H hat say you hoLest laborerS,.because
you worko.most you loose your vote, be.
cause some of you have joined in the
shout of ".Mri It go bragh," are you to
he called Irish and foreign vagabonds by a
arty, that cliarOs with aellipg . yourl
s ell for 1,25 per day, and Alley say Putt it
is too much. Go :to.the polls every maw
of you and remomber , the pasty, and the . ,
.men who want to cut down your Wages.'.
. The undersigned, labOuftrs on the
breach of the Pennsylvania Canal be
t wkun Huntingdon and Hollidaysburg,
'hav'e heard and seen with astonishment
the chiiitek th• rrocriptien,,Rxtrayigance,
land Corruption, Math: against those who
have the control and management of the
work to disabuse the public mind, and in
justice to these who superintend and
conduct the repairs, we feel bound to de
clare that we know the charkes prefered
are not true, arid are the contrary. We .
know that nien.e i f both pollemal partiefi
are employed imaiscrindnately, the great
object of the employers viebelieve, is-in
trying to get good• hands. We have n4v-.•
er been 'asked by any of them :Tor whein‘
we intended to vote, nor has any attempt
been made to interfere with our political
opinions., Wei , know 'of Mo individual
having been employed on the work, or
discharged from it on politcal grounds,
the progress and completion of the re
pairs, we believe to be the content aim
and elturt uf. the Supervisors. The .
charge of extrivigance and -corruption, is
also. false and fabricated: • - We earnestly
believe Oat pndcr the 4 same:eircumstances
to wit, the scarcity of provisions and tim
ber, and the: high prizes of labour', no
business could have been,menaged with
more economy, and with greater advan
tage to the interest of the commonwealth
than the repairs on this breach:• We fur
ther believe that those 'charges wett i
made and published in certain Hunting- 1
deo paperoolery for political elreet, and
without any regard to the truth of the
ehilip Braniff Anton shmitx
Dhniel orewn ratrick mart'
John Buck Thomas o wine
Hugh Donal prom stewa ns •oowen
Horace paddock James Moore
willitm Gay. John zoo '
ratrick Braniff Francis sanbach•
Henry streight Joseph woodcock
Jas: airkpatrick _nelson Male •
Levi swore.. •;, naniel Mc thine
William cang_ James Brown '
Thomas owens Patrick Regal'
eeorge rung John rrigsen •
John owens Oeorge Bo iiingsbn
Abick Higgins Thomas Burett •
aobert earn
Jehn Turomas filanick
Joseph Smith
ratrick Kelly James Crawford
John abrairie ,P Owen Alines . •
Thomas motile William Grimly
Peter aedewalt • Hugh Couple
George sacker • s John Hillhouse
Hugh mcccrinick' Michael Rogers
Robert sac mania John walker
John ware George Richardson
ratrick moyer. Joseph Rainey
David Barribk oeorge Brune
David stevens John crolly
John soyle George roster
Michael Hannan Joseph Block
Beman Litspatrick Daniel colgan
Prawns M'Manah John 'connelly -
Samuel Hullesun Thomas Conway
Peter Drigon John Taylor • •
James Moran stilton Donaldson
Thomas Welsh Bang
Thomas Goodlin sarias nonalson
Geo►ge Dohey • Nicholas Egan
Thomas Beale .patrick me oormlea
James Barron ivil liana Taylor
Stephen Narris Thoutas Magon' •
w williams David
Hugh seolhearan martin smith •
John ,Till. • . Jonathon /cans t
Robert lawny Joseph Regens
. .
Hugli . tr!psnah Thomas monally
Gerry nonolly., John Bradley .
solinang nolle Thomas Tougbles
A m'connell tionack conack
Jonas nbbest Jacob Banner,
curris bate : vrilliam Lewis
Joseph *siker Ali wimlly
martin fFightal• Jobe Rally
John nov John James
nonalil m'nonalti David Hale
James stutitgomery Richard Jones
williatn watchet James: need .
rata& !racket spaniel william
paterick oegan Win cues
James bean coo AIUDO
wm M'caug hey Lizis mins
main r h ielchant John witers
James,tarren James brown
wiliiiittinesen Earl wilhams
James Bradley srephen m'oritle
Daniel campbell m w Tricorn
solomon Flud % , illiain Llird
John curt patrick Bovlon
williaM Tackpy George miller
Hugh norboy John Kurtz
John caltif I John 'Lucken
Roily Gitlin william sannecken
Henry Coin John Bradley
John nrith Jos m'Farland
peter ?merit ' Alex Henderson
Robert carr loe Helsey
william Ebunts James Patterson
James' Broom John ttenderson
Antri7Ow Gu illin - williluff Fielton
william Haney Win
John Ertg,un senr. /4in Altman
John m'nerite . Jos Gray. .
Eilithmabing Henry Hoover
John it'Laughliii Barnett need
storms newlin Jahies iriiiitill
lICOry slenly James G:liaspie
John butler John bittS
pavicf Johnson Samuel Evrit
Thos Johnston Joseph skilly
? John Golabger A Hendricks
.tohn Cyrin John Lockard
John m'olin • Thomas Loqcord
.161 in cuminips John murpliv
Barnahas Jurgeson Patrick Kellen
•1 hos youner. WilliOm Hill
chai4 Henderson• Nicholas Evan•
Thos rttimpliga Patrick German
Gm:ram:trey • Leassidy • ~
Thonias macklin John /1/11illIn
Win chapinaG /tin callgn
mason Fulton J. neele '
T Tru ap Wm Delany
Hinson cumons John mean
John m'Franis John Berlin
George idlers mathew m'Gatighey
John• Shaper Win Hoffman
Albert nail Benj Beatty
sines Kiley Jacob Hill:
lohnsallan •PPter Buharn finer
v , set . -='-'"'
Read! 110 ad!
Tie following letter front Rev!d•Mr.
A%WY, will satisfy - every unprejudiced
nyind.,that John Stonebraker is a worthy
ofd gentleman, and that he is basely
slandered by the Porter party, for politi
cal. Putiposes, What is ToM Owens'
"Refutation" worth, when it is contra
lipted• by prelidingElder. Campare the
Aftiesses. is an exemplary pi
pits'inan—the, other has been arrested by
his neighbors for passing cog:to:frit aeon
sip Read and judge.
Letter front the Rev. John Maier, Presi
ding Elder of the Methodist Episcopal
Oturch,:in answer to a communication
front citizens of Berwick.
r Mwtore, Srrr. 17,
' , GENTLEmEN-'-'Yours of the:oth inst.
has_this day been received. It is not my
Wish' or intention to engage in the politi
ail agitation of the day. nothing in
duceme to do So.: .8s a minister of the
Gospel, lam employed in another and
.I,greater work: ' Yet - circumstances over
which I have no control—by the cit . cutn','
stances alluded to, f refer to the use of
my name in the "Atiltonian," itithout my
knowledge or consent—as well as a dis
position to gratify you, seem to oblige
me to furnish a reply. •
• d ant 'of Huntingdon county, and for
more than twenty years -HAVE KNOWN
John Stonebraker, , Senr., and can have
no helitationt'in saying, that up to the
time of his testifying in relation to the
cale'ef Mr. Porter, I NEVER HEARD
ever hear his honesty or veracity ties
tiOned-;-of Jo hn Stonebraker I know
. ,
nothing, •
tours respectfully, f •
;To Messrs. R. McCurdy, A. B. Wil
son, W. S. Evans, and A. B, Sherman. '
- Mkt B Republican.
711 DialaTIGTIAZD3.1'3
ietirr. •
A LL persons indebted to the Estate 'Di
Emanuel C. Stuk, _late of Tyrone'
Township in the County of Huntingdon
dec'd, are requested to make payment
w ithout • delay, and all persons having
claims againd-said estate, are requested
to present them to the undersigned :re
licity% in Tyrone Township •tforesaid,
'properly authenticated for , settleinenti
Sept. 1116, 1838.-6 •
. ,
WHEREAS,. Wand by an act of the
General Assembly of • the Com,
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled,
'An act to regulate the general election
within this Commonwealth,' enacted on
the 1 - 6th deygf Feouag. 1799 itis rejoin
eel on me to give public notice of such
. ..
•;election to be held, and to enumer- West towlis' ii.; en the well asst ii a of
. such notice, what officers are to i Wari.ior edge, lim.g.riii , iig ,at the line of
be elected, I, JOSEPH HItsGINS Sitel!• NVi st mail Henderson tae nehip, at the
N I X the county of Huntingdon, do fher.' foot of said ridge to the line of flame
f i h e reby make .knOwn and give tole townsh:i b then, e I.y'the division line of
I) n ,
PUBLIC NOTICE !Barre nut, we4t to tlibbil sto the summit
•ul Stuoe .iiiiiiri.iii;:i, to inrersect the line
to the electors of the said county of Hun- ,
of II eudei PIM . ii:111 If ca township. thenc e .
tingdon theta
. . - 'by said line to rite Were of beginning,
' - ' shall be a sci:erate electiraNlistrict, to be
I called 'Mull xy's run district,' and that
will be held in the said . county un the
. i . u . te elector's therein shall hold their genet--
SECOND TUESDAY IN OU'r° "''''`` al elections at the house of new occapied
next (bring Ille.9th day tof the month) -gal
Benj Corbin on M unlit seen.
h l by 23tl District compose:l of . Croinweli
the several districts composed in the I
lowing order
r * . township, shall hold their gensral e'er..
;one at the house now occupied by 11 il
-Ist District composed of part of mien
derson township, west of the line begin- lir„,,, M. clime , lo orbi.inia,
ning at thence west so far as to include ''''
of Frankstown ownship, lyinr, eastirt the
24th 'District composed . 0' all that pert
tile farms owned by Micheal Speck and
following . lines viz.- kog:llniriki -wdiTe the'
the heirs of Jimmies Kelly to Mill Creek
Allegheny township line crossex the Brush'
thenre' up the said creek to West town ;
ship line, thence along said line to th
run, thence doe n said rata. ' thenee• Alown'
line of Mifflin county and also a part of
Porter township, and all that part of wal-
the Beaver darn branch of time J
ker township Obt in the 20th district, at the Forks 41‘ove Low rv's mill, thence up to
the south fo: . e of said 'run,, to ' whfre the ,
the'Court House in the borough of Hun
rota T . - s die saiiii. I i'iiling froot
great. i i b. . . . . . , l ,
• -•
Hollidaysburg to the Leep„ the, re it
straight line to the IV oodiscrry line on the
ship at the house of Melte* Tiller, jr nd District comdosed OfOnblin town
•, .north end of the Cove of Loop niountein,
• , • i shall hereafter be a impel ate election dis!
in said township.
trity, and the elec tora l thereof shall I tr!ri
tow 3d nsi D )ip is a tr n ic d t
p C a o . i . i t t s po o s f e T d ) .o r f on W e a a rri n o d is il m i lL. B
littely Ocetipied• by David Ditch in the
tlfeirgetteral election at the house row or
townships, at the house now occupied by
Christian Buck. in Warriorsmarle,‘ . Arrough of Franksteivn.
4th. District composed of the tewnOrto
a te of Fraaksttiwn, censtituting a sepee.
9.5 th Distiiict
,eifinpeised of the lovers
of Alleglieriy,at the house of./acob Black
sth District composed of that part ot
ate'elrfAlon distriale hold their election.
the township of Woodbury. and part of therefore at the Pilblic s school house in
Morris at the house of Christian Hewit.
in Williamsburg.
At which time and place'will be elec.
H ellidaysburg.
tith District composed ofall that art led,
of WoOdburytownship, layin South ufa
For Governor of ibis commonweaftli.
line to commenceat the line ofsaid town.
on the summit of l'ussey's inountairi ONE PERSON -
thence to run westwardly, so as to inCltide To represent this ongressional die-•
the house of Joseph Everhart, and south trict in the congress of the United States.
of the house of Aaron Burns, John Ditch„ ONE PERSON.
ro represent this Senatorial 'ditrict in
and Peter Sorrick, so as to include the :
the senate of Pennsylvania, for the terra
of four years. T/P 0 PERSONS
t P lit Iliie nt a ill f S .6 a ° irrt iti oW ir ti c sh e il e i k an in - d th t e h : e s n ti c i,u e i • ri t i o t .
of Crutch; mountain, at hese ot Casper
o represent
the county Of Huntingdon
011ingjr in said townsh,p.
in the. houseof. Reproentatives of Penn
7th Distr i ct composed of the township silt:a:int.
of Hopewell. at the house of David Si-
monton, in said township. .
Bth District composed of the township
of Barree, at the house of John Harper,
in the brill tit , stalesbery, in said township
9th D,strict composed of the township
of Shirley, at the house of jiiitu Lutz, in
shirleysburg,.: . •
10th District composed of that part.
of Antis township not including in the
2d district, at the house of John Bell in
Antis township.
p 1i th District composed Porter and par
of Henderson township at the school house
in thetown of Alexandria.
12th Ustriet, compose of the township
of Franklin, at the house of Win Lytle..
13th DistriettOmposed of Tell .'town.
ship at the house of:Jacob Gooshorn, now
occupied by James Orr.
14th DistriCt composed of Springfield=
'township at the school house near Hunters
. .
15th District composed of part of Uuion I
township at the house occupied by L, 3
Lagoond in said township.
16th District composed of that part o
Henderson township not included in the
Ist District at the public schoolhouse in
vilia.,o:e of Ito:stgy. e
17th District cm/lofted of that part of Tv
roue 'township laying east and south of
the following dhscribed .boundS, begin
ning at the bridge osposite the paper mill
Spring Run, thencenlong the road to the
hose of John Clark the south ofthe house
of the said Clark and the house •now eree.
ted at Tyrone forge to the Antis town-
slip line at the house of James Crawford
its TyrOne township.
19th District composed of Moreistown.
ship at the house of Frederick kidin in
said township. • • •. • .
19th District composed of the township
of west at the school house on the farm of
James Dnnis in said township.
20th District composed of these parts
of the townships of Hopewell and walker
in the' county •of Huntingdon compose
within the following boundaries, to wit,
'beginning at •Hartsock's pap in 7'ussey
mountainm thence 'down tiardnefs' Run,
so as to include the houswof Mathew Gar
uer, Isaac Bower's and• Geo Brumbaugh;
thence in a straight (tae through Forsheys
(.00 to the Union toWnship line, thence
down the same to a point:opposite orvid,
Cothin's, thence down on a straight line,
including the house of David • Corbin's
thence down on a strainght line, Inch',
ding the house of David Corbin, to the
corner of Porter township, on the Iluntin•
gdoit and
yalley road; thence
along the said sumnait , to the place of be
heittofoCee be a•seperate
election district and th tt the general e
lection for • said district be held, at the
' house occupied by Jacob Magaliy, in the
village orlllcConnellesburg.
21st District coinposed,of that part of
the townshih of Union', in; the bounty t)
Huntingdon. beginnitig hrt the line of Heil'
ford County where the line of Springlienl i
and UniotutowtiShlps meet, hence by thel
line between the township to a ;paint on
' said line, nearly Opposite JAI, Cau!'mans
so as -to include his farm thence by a
straight line to hopewell totchship line at
Forsheys Gap on'l'errace mountain, thenc
by the line of Hopewell and Union town
• ship'', tbßedforn county line, thence by
said place of beginning, , shall hereafter
be a seperate district, and the electors
thereof shall hearafter bold their general
elections at the house now occupied hs
J ftenderson in said district.
22 District, cempssedof that pa. t st
To act as Sheriff of flantiniqlon county.
For the county of fluntinkdon.
To settle the public accounts of the
said county.
And wheras by virtue of a writ direc
ted to me by the speaker of the Senate
of Peiiiispvitnia, I hereby make known
and give this public notice to the electors
of the said counts , of Huntingdon, that at
the same time and places above mentioned
they elect one Senator for the term of two
years, to represent theStli senatorial dis
trlct in the Senate of this Commnion
wealth in the room and stead and for the
unexpired term of David It Porter Esq.
who has resigned his seat in , the said
• ,
And whereas also by virtue Of;a wit to
me directed by the honorable John Ser- .
4eant, president of the Convention to pro
pose amendments to the constitution or
the state to be submitted to the people.
thereof for their ratification or rejection,'
I hereby also make known and give this
public nolice to the electors of the mid
county .of Huntingdon, that at the some
time and placeS, above and before tneniion
ed,and election will be held for the ratifi- .
cation or rejection of the amendments pro- ,
ptised',by the said conlentioo. to the con
stitittien of the state : • •
And in and by an act of the general
assembly of : this siate.., passed the tai dry
of March 1809 it is directed that the In-
Ispecters of said election shall be chosen
on • the second Frfday pre . ceeding the first
TUesday of October, (which will 1 e the 28
of September next) & the election for cads
Inspector, shall be held at the proper pla,
es 'in mint towh. - township, ward, or ills
ttict, by the respective constables, (who
are required to give at least one weeks
not,ce of' such election) 'assisted by Iwo
qualified clerkre; tv Vote as shall then be
present. ,A•fidit i% also in and by said act
that 'the inspectota aforesaid meet et 9
o'clock in the flirenoon, to do and per tot to
the seVet'al deities required and eajc:ncd
on themby said act.
And it is further directed by and in the
att' of assembly Of this state, passed the
18th day' of March 1806, that one of the
Judges of each of the different districts
aforesaid, who shall lins'e charge of neer•
tificate, of the number of votes which shall -
have been ti'v&l for each candidate for the
different offices; then and ttien voted as'
theie respective districts, shall meet on the
third day offer the election (which mill be
bn Friday the 12th day of October next)
at the in the borough of Hunt
ingtlorn then and there to make out a cer- •
titicate of the number of votes which shall .
have been given at the different districts in
if*. different distriois in the county or
lfinitingdon, for any person or persons fur
the different offices aforesaid.
And by an act of Aisembly, ppcsed the
2nd day of April 2821, it is enacted that.
every person whit thall hold any office or
appointment of profit or trust ander the 11
States whether a commissioned officer or'
l otlferwise, a subordinate offitei or agent
1 who shall be employed under the legntlh
tive. executive or ludidiciary department'
of the United States, and also that every
member of Congress is incapable of hold-'
ini or . extreitung at the same time the'
office or appointment of Judges or isispec-•
Ifor orclerk, of any election in this State.
Given under My hand at Huntingdon .the
, sth day of Sept'ber 1858 and of the hi
I dependence of the United States the 59d.
JOSEPH figiGlNs.l, Sheriff.
[God SAN t; the Commune ea Ith.l A