Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1835-1839, October 03, 1838, Image 2

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Ow country, one constitution, one destiny
Huntingdon Oct, 3 1 S3S
Democratic 4 .llntiniasonit
litstirVb ittirte
Watt/tut OlartilsOn
OP 1111/0.
grand's et/inset,
James Irvin. OF eFrf TIE OM
Robert P. .iiincitty
James .1/1 nett
John Morrison, os intLEV,
Jer. Cunningham OF PORTER.
JOSEPH SHANNON, of Alleghenr,
JAMES MOORE, of Walker,
JBSSE MOORE, of Frankstowti
A number of Letters have been receiv
ed in this town, stateing th at a Govern—
ment understrapper was in the stage on its
14) , from here !Pest, on the night of the'
Inspectors election, and from one ex
treme to the other, asserted that Porter
had carried every township in this coun
ty but two. In order that the people Of
this State can see what means are taken
to keep up the flagging spirits oftheir sin
king party, and in order that their own
friends may see that they are just made
the dupes of the political knaves; and if
they believe them they will loose their
money. We are authorised to make the
Bf - 11. E I'AE4
550 that we carried • Ritner Inspector
50 do do IS romwell -
50 do do Springfield
50 do do Shirley
03 do do Union
sO dti do Hopewell
50 do do W'msburg
50 do do Woodbury
50 do do FrankstoWn,
50 do do . Hollidaysib'g
50 do do Allegheny
50 do do Antis
50 do do Tyrone
30 do do Franklin
50 do do Morris
50 do do sturmys sun
50 do do Huntingdon
53 That the man that circulated this
story to the West IS A LIAR•
50 That Porter had a majority in 'B6
of 53 cotes in Franklin township.
50 That Stonebraker is the most res
pected there at this time.
50 That Putter had a majority 'n Shir.
ley township in 36.
50 That lam M'DoeALD," beat
Porter in that township.
03-Any person can take three or more
of the bets, if they choose.
in order that the PdrteiiteS may have
a chance to teat their belief of their Own
reports: we are directed to offer the fol•
lowihg bet
10 dollars, that Ritner has 100 mai.,
do 800
16 do
10 do
10 do
10 that every bet w•on,
Any person desiretng to loose the above
Sum, can be aeconunlated be apelying at
(bit office.4l.)
Glorious Victory!
"The Banners they're a flyiak, that lead to victory.'
The verdict of guilty proved by Poeter's
The Friends of ititnet have carried their Inspectors
in seventeen townships out of 244 In 1€435 we carried
but fifteeen.
i .
'. '
Antis township theßitner '..
- d
Porter had 97 majo ri ty , . •
In Dublin, Croinwelli, Union, and .Hopewell• 9 eve beat
them so easy!
r :- JIM IrD ON ~
AL D . S
township Sh i r ley ,
In this township we have beat them I'4 the first time. The friends of Ritner took up for Inspector.Mr James 111 Donaki, the gen,
tleinan whose affidavit we published sonic tine since—and who the Porter papers pronounced a Murderer. in order to destroy his
testimony abroad. Jem as they sneeringly call him, was nobly sustained at home—he was elected, by a handsome majority This
tell's the people, the estimate of the people upon, honest Jam and dislione# Dace. Oar majority in this district will he at least 30.
SPRING FIELD. In 1836, for Senator, Porter had 32 majority: Ritner Inspector elected: our majority on the 9th will be at
least 70.
Stonebra er Sustained, Franklin township; Ritner
. 4
InspeCtor elected.
This is the toWnthip, that is pardded in the Porter papers, as one that gava Porter large majorities on former occasions: The
People did not know him then. In 1836 he had 55 majority, noW he is liateti. The Stonebrakers Hie there and the people wore
bxasperalted at the abuse heaped on them by lying knaves, who supported Porter.. Ritner will now have at least 50 majority.
- ln Frankstown- Allegheny, Tyrone, Holidaysbilig, Woodbery, and
Morris Ritner Inspectors elected,
In 'Williamsburg, Murray's Run, andnUntingthM, Porters own resi
dence, we beat thetn.
Dauphin county— The Ritner ester ha,e been elected, in tit town.
ships, and Porter Inspectors in only 5.
lifurrah for German PtitiontOilis and Mete Parineie.
Mifflin County: For the first, we have elected a Ritner Inspector in the borough of Lewistovin. The wave of publiC opinion Will
soon bury the criminal, and his erimos in oblivion. Four Ritner inspectors in thie county
Our new a from this county is of the most cheeiing character—ln two townships, our gain has been, f 7 votes; Old mother Cumber=
land MIST do her duty.
In Delaware the Ititnor Inspectors were elected in every township but no. ~The Fraudulent Insolvent has been too well exposed by the IL publican—Perjo
ry has few supporters there.
In the Borough of York, for the first
time we have carried both'inspectors.
In Chester County; the Ritner men
swept every thing before them; set down
Chester for 1200 majority for the old far-
men ty we elected nor inspector in every dis_
fitIR.RH FOR OLD LAACASTER trict but one. The honest gentians, cant
The Ritner men have carried 32 town help the cause of dishonesty. Ihsaza
hips, out of 39: keep the ball moving. - for Lebanon, Put her down 1000 for
500 Guns for the J--
More Glory!!
Old Berks.
If ell Monte Allegheny County. In Al
legheny County, where in 1835 Ritner li e have returns from 9 districts; and
had but 616 majority—we now have 900 the cause of the Old Fanner has gained Glory enough for
majority for Inspector. Allegheny i s gloriously. In Robeson towtsship Rit
good for 1500, on the 9th—mark that. tier was heat in '35. Now lie has 26 ma- 10 days.
Washin ton Co
jority. In Union he has 10 majority now. _ •
g In '35 beaten 36. In Haniburg, Ritner PORTER RIAIT 1.711 HIS
The home of honest Joe, has done nobly Inspector. Brecknock ditto. In Car- 0 Fra' DISTRICT.
they have carried one mere district than narvron Ritner inspector elected. In '35 Never was dismay, thrown more into
usual. See the difference, dishonest Da- he was beat. In Pike the Locu #ocos the ranks of our oponents, thin, at the
Ivy is beat at home, and dispised by his succeeded. In upper Penn. Ritner in- Inspectors election in Huntingdon Bis
neighbors, and hohest old Joe, is loved spector elected: in 35 we were beat. lit trict.
and honored by his. Kingston, Longswamp, and Schuylkill At the time of meeting to chtmse 4tid-
Beetiforti CO. Haven Ritner inspector. ges; the Ritner men carne forward in
Schuylkill Co: In Pottsville Pane r throngs, The Porter men were dismay-
The''• friends of Ritner have carried it Inspector elected. ell, terror-stricken. The constable was
townships out of 19, nothing less than Franklin Co. Eleven townships heardc alled on repeatedly, to come forward 4'
unt botat the majority
600 majority in tedtord. Irons, S of which has gone for Ritner; rind
night select roes, thds, but he would
it is tholight Porter cannot get more than
, not but either neglected, or refused
Somerset County 4 two more. to allow the people to choose their Judg-
A letter just received from this county ' es—but collected about hint, a dozen or
says "we have carried every township A young friend of ours, who lett clear_ two of porter's friends, and in an under
but three in the county for the old far- field since the election, informs Us tha. tone selected two out of their number,
men Set down Somerset at nothing lea's Ritner has carried a majority of the dist without even allowing, the 300Ritnet men
than 1700 majority." /Tell done Som- tricts in the County. a voice in that selection. Undismayed
erse t. CENTRE COUNTY. the Ritner men stood their ground in a
Well. done Adams We have even done better than tre alt - regular line. The Constable was called
ticipated. Our friends lay Porter earl- on again, to count each party.
In this sound old county the Ritner not get more than 600 majority in thil When the friends of Ritner found that
inspectors are elected in every township, County they were not to be allowed a voice, they
but two. Adams is sure for 1200 for the
old Democratic Farmer. Victory abroad!!
according to law troclainted aloud their
Vn. „ .
..ingriesi to go
More Victories: GLORIOUS
inspectors have been elected in 30 dis
tricts—Porter in 0.
LEBANON COUNTY. In this cowl-
eeeded to choose bgally two Judges—and
upon a regular vote, proceeded to the re.:
gular place al holding the General elec
tion; and polled their votes. The friends
of Porter, holding a seperate election in
the Court room. VICTORY has perched
upon our Banner—the result is given be
low. When Porter run for Senate. he
had 148 of a majority, and his Inspectors
elected without opposition—now ho is
beaten at home.
"Hurrah for Old
And good by to the
prospects of
The People here
know him.
We have been credibly informed, that
all kinds of votes were taken in the Court
km,se; the holders taking much pains to
swear those they knew to be entitled,
liotit Il would net do; they were beat;
gloriously beaten at home; Porter can.
hot get a majority in inure than 5 dia•
tiictb in the county.
Never was there a baser fraud practi
sed upon the rights of the people. Be
cause there were a nu ntser of the honest,
laboring men, who are toiling on the ca..
nal, who have left their native townships
and counties. in attendance. The Porter
men say the election would have been it
legal. Laborers, ate you outlaws; are
you to be disfranchised, because you are
poor. Your residenct is here. Had the
Ritner men quietly submitted to this
outrageous fraud upon their rights, you
Would have lost pent votes,. remember it:
your were td be stopped becao-e
you worked for your livng--The Const 71-
,ble acted illegally, and we und,rstana
has been piOsecnted. lie was repeated
ly call fOr.. The Supervisor was called
for—but for fear of defeat— Your rights
ware iu;tilied, and trampled on. Remem
ber it, we say! Let insulted people
say they will not submit to it—and any
honest tribunal will say your votes
are legal—an cast 'out the others, as no
votes at all.
Old Huntingdon Will do her duty. Set
her down fur 12 or 1500 majority for
R S Ut.,
(Ritner,) at the legal election 264
at the illegal election 253
Rittier Win! ity
rrom the Hollidaysb'g itegnter—Ertra,
Loco iPaca Mob a4ii Outrage.
Attack upon the Polls—the windows
broken; the doors thrce& the house enter
ed and the desk aiid tables at which the
officers were engaged :olently taken from
them and broken to pieces, and themsel
vPs threatened; insulted, and abused, by a
Loco Foco Mob.
It becomes our duty as chronieleis of
the times,.to record one of the most out
rageou,s Riots - ever perpetrated 'in the
ICtitirity of Huntingdon. It is with fee
lings of the de:l:est sorrow for the char
acter of ore citizens that we do so. We,..
would much rather, that &felt men were,
not among us ; and their places filled with
orderly, upright, sober citizens. Ile are
pleased however, that not more than one
house became the object of molestation by
these despeeadees, that one was the scl.ool
house, in which the election for Inspec
tor and Assessor .was being held yester
day, by Mr. Constable Stiller. and the
judges appOilited by the people present,
when the usual hour arrived fur opening
said election. After the board was thus
fairly and lawfully organized, one of the
judges of our Court, Joseph ./dams, Eaq.
trade his appearance and impudently
commanded the Constable to change
the board. He very properly refuse d,
and told the Hon. gcn'leman tkat lie was
amenable to the laws, and that if by his
hands they were violated, he was willing
to abide 111,. consento,,ces, and that he
would proceed to hold the election law
,fully and justly. The Jude and C. Gar
ber, Esq. then called upon all the follow
ers of David R. Porter and mobocracy, to
parade in the street, in front of the house
!•—they did so—and after counting them,
C. Garber proclaimed their number to he
one hundred andfifiy•three. They then
marched in a body to the house, arid corn- •
tnenced their hellish work 01 demolition
& destruction: They simultaneously at
tack-id the doors at windows, smashing
the: latttr to itoina, with clubs, stones, and
brick bats, gained an entrance through
them, acid forced the doors—the mob then
rushed in, seized the (leaks on which the
officers of the election were discharging
their duties, anti broke them into !rag-
merits, and strewed them over the floor;
Judge Adams and C. Garber being the
first to lay hands on them. 'I he nest
most conspicuous gentlemen in this Riot,
were George R. M'Farlane, a true fit ow
er of Fanny Wright— . -a real destructive
Argrarian of the worst kind, anti Henry
L.Patterson, John Dearmit, Jacob Tay
lor, Michael Kelly, Thomas Robeson art
unnaturalized foreigner, a nd a host of
others fresh from the British soil. Next
these villians threatened violence on the
officers of the election. and but for the
timely and determined interference of
some of the friends of the supremacy of
the Laws, it would have been hard to tell .
where these desperadoes would have stop
ped. But the officers were protected, arid
the COWARDLY VI LLIANS compelled to de
sist ere their hellish designs were ^fully
completed. The rioters succeeded in
preventing the receiving of votes about
two hours, but they were given to know
that the election window , would be kept
open until twelve o'clock at night, if votes
should be offered, and that any attempt . .
to prevent or detain the election, would".
avail them nothing. They then desisted,.
and the election continued. And oh, the
result! the glorious result!! Tell it in
the streets, publish it at every corner—
proclaim it in every villitge, c it'y and town
in our State, that the Loco Foco, Fanny
Wright Agrarians nave been beaten in
ilollidaysburg!! !—that the people—the
honest, industrious, sober-thinking, friends
of Equal Right's boldly stepped forward,
proclaimed their detestation of the princi
ples of the mobocrats. Yes, they were
routed--completely and entirely routed
—horse, loot and dragoon. The result
teas for taspector
Joh it B. Royer, (Ititner,) 183
John Barr, (Porter,) 171
Ritner majority, 14.
In this district the mobocrats claimed
one hundred a majority. David R.
Porter in the senate last winter, had the
“Big Distriel" so divided into small
ones, so as to g,lve his party, as he thought
a large irl;ority in the "ilollidaysimrg
District" treat they might trumpet forth
throughout Pennsylvania the result of
elections iu their favor. But the people
understand honest Davy and his cringing
menials, and lia%e determined to rut tho