Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1835-1839, October 03, 1838, Image 1
UIUNTINO ii:..:. ON JO WHOLE No. 157. E TIRES OF T4E 'Z3t7gTINGZOI4 I .7017S.1\TAL. The "Journal" will be published every .Wednesday morning : at two dollars a year if paid IN ADVANCI., and if not paid within six months, two dollars and a half. Evet y person who obtains five subscribers timid forwards price of subscription, shill the f trmsbed with a sixth copy gratintiously fur one year. _ . . received for a IeSS period thm six months, nor any paper discontnnied unti arrearages are paid. • All commuhications must he addressed to thowEditor, post paid, or they will not be - cr headed to. Advertisments not exceeding one squat' ball be inserted three times for etc dollar fa every subsequent insertion, 25 ficents pe square will be charged:—if no detnite order are given as to thn time an adveristnent is t e continued, it will be kept in till ordeed ° out, and charge accordingly. OF • - . FLAG OF THE . PEO PLE 17.' A single term for the Presidency, end the office administered for the whole PEO PLE, and not for a PARTY. ir7 A sound, uniform and convenient Na tional CURRENCY, adopted to the wants of the whole Country, instead of the SHIN PLASTLRS brought about by otir jires c•nt rulers.. , , . 1,17 'ECONOMY, RETRENCHMENT and a OR tit in the administration of public affairs: J 7 fired of Experiments and Experi menters, Republican gratitude will reward unobstrnsive merit, by elevating the sub altern of WASHINGTON and the disciple nt JEFFICasoN, and thus resuming the safe, and beaten track of our Fathers.—L. Gazette. Sub-Treasury Locb.Foco TICKET. DAVID lt. PORTER. FOR GOVERNOR Who voted for the Sub :freasury in the Senate. Who voted to increase the State Debt. Who was supported at the 4ih July Convention because he was a Van Buren 'Who wrote the Lo co Foco letter to Perry County, when a candidite for Senate. • . . i afraid to resignhis seat in the enate. IVho mime td piy door men their just DEBTS J. Williamson Esq Interesting Correspondence—Below we publish a Corresptihdence between Mr. Williamson and t a committee from Schu ylkill; county. }or the purpose of show. tug the weight th.,t must. be attached to his opinion, we quote the estimate put upon his charact , tv frOtn, Mc American Sentinel, a Porter paper in the City. "John Williamson, Esq: whose name is signed below, is a respectable attorney at the Huntingdon bar, was One of the first antiitiasonS in the county, and was'presi dent of the first antimasonic meeting ever held in that county,: He was elected by that party in the fall of M3i to the Leg islatures was the antimasonic candidate for congress in '36, and has always been a prdminent letilltw in their ranks. He is a gentleman of high attainments, knowledge and talents, and withal a truly exemplary man, being a local prearher in th 6 Metho dist Episcopal church." Iluntingdozi Scp.24 leas. • • To Jo HN WILL/ ANISON Much importance, and credit, has been atticli'ed to your statements,' mid your position in the present contest. The un dersigned. knowing you from the opinions expressed by the friends of David R. Porter, as a man of honor,' . and knowing too that you have heretofore been an se nent of the Present, and late Admints tration of the National Administration, have been induced to rropound to you the following queries, and ask of you a candid, and definite answer to each. Ist IVas you at one time an advocate of the election of David R. Porter to the Gubernatorial chair? If aye, why? 2nd Are You now an advocate of his election? It is said by some you are nut—lt so, what has changed your views? 3d Are you acquainted with John Stone brake', and his son John H. Stonebra ker? It aye, what is their characters, as men of 'veracity, add integrity. 4th Has their statements in the case of Porter's assigning certain bonds to the Elder Stonebraker, had any weight in changing your opinions of the integrity of Mr Porter's conduct. sth, Tl e have seen your name attached to certain certificates, published to sus. tain the character of Mr. Porter as a n upright and just man. Did you Efig n those. certificatesl If aye- —do you still adhere to the opinions therein expressed 6th Is the elder Stonebraker a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in good standing—was he ever expelled there— from; and is he generally considered man of "sound mind and disposing memory?" 7th Have you ever seen any thing which convinced you that the tieneral Gov• ernment was using its influence to se cure the election of David It. Porter. If aye—what is it? Bth Are you acquainted with the charac. tern of Michael Wallace, M. Kinkead and other signers to certificates of the Stonebrakers? If ave —what is their character and standing in society? A definite answer is requested to tit* 4nestions, because we dobbt not the candid and correct supporters of D. R. Porter, will accord honesty of purpose to you; as they always hate on all occasions avowed their belief in your itateinents. 'ery Respectfully Ytiurs &.c ANDREW RUSSELL. REN.T. BANN AN • •• . Huntingdon, September 24, 1838. GSNTLEMEN:- - Your note has just been pla ced in my hands, containing several definite questions, and asking equally definite an swers, I am ever ready to avow, openly, my sentiments upon any subject, ),et on the pres ent occasion, - where the enmity of small Min& may charge me with being an unsta' ble and wavering caterer for public favor you will do mt, the justice to say, I do so more throu3h a sense of injury inflicted upon the public mind, than through a desire to place myself conspicuously before that public. I shall then answer your queries as briefly and efiaitely as possible, conscious of recti tude o itiy:oviiicourse, neither tile sneers of the envious, nor the lowering brows of the malignant, shall deter the. To your first inqUiry, I answer, I was a a supporter of Mr lister, because t had for years been intimately acquainted with him, ! he was my neighbor; and Ithetqaelieved him' honest, upright anti conscious in his dealings, and he professcily was the opponent, or at least not the friend, of the flub-'Treasury scheme; a measure which I then, & still think fraught with touch injury to the people, it engrafted upon the institutions of the country. I answer yobr !reit query, by saying,, I am not, now, an advocate or supporter of D. 11. Porter, Because I found the party to which Mr. Porter is attached, distinctly declaring their determination to Make his 4.1,,cti0n the test of the people upon the sub treasury. If there had been no other reason, I was thrced to leave his support then. Fur I never could give my sanction and my vote to paralize ev ery enterprise of my country, and to estab lish any official power eqalled only by that of the Autocrat of Russia:- I shall consequent ly vote fcir tkc SuppOrx Joseph Ritner, because lie is the friend of Pennsylvania, and opposed to the above scheme. To your third, I reply, I am and always have been. long: and intimately acquainted with both the Messrs Stonebrakers. Their) character fur truth and integrity is itim peached, and I believe wholly unimpeachable they have been free from even the suq'icion of want of honesty or truth, their statements have always been considered as good as their oaths, and there is not a man who regards his own character would say that their oaths were not entitled to the fullest credit. For years they itat'e resided where they now do, and their characters stand without ;blemish or reproach., . To yoUr 4th question, I must acknowledge it is difficult to make a definite answer. The great amount of testimony which has been brought to bear, and with convincing weight upon the reflecting . portion of the communi ty, renders it difficult to saY .any one part of it had a particular effect. It is the whole, united and Combined. all verging to the same fdcts, which convinces, and must convince all candid inquirers, at least of a want of moral rectitude in the course of Mr Porter. lam free to admit that I believe every word tit tered by them (the Stonebrakers) to be strictly true,..and had I doubted theist the documentary evidence prodtieed; fully sus tains them. Others who have examined as lhave, with a desire to do justice to Mr. Voter, yet free from prejudice, must be con— vinced,as I have been, of his wilful desertion of the path of virtue. To me fifth, I say I never signed, neither did I authorize my name to be signed to a Certificate signed by 84 citizens of this county saying that all the charges in the celebrated Union county Letter were false, ).did -sign a certificate that Mr Porter was not a Was. phemer, I did not believe he was a blasphe , rder, for I considered btasphemy the highest grade of implotis profanity: I did certify that there. were no judgments on the'docket agtiinst Mr Porter because they were of more than twenty years standing, and in law were not against hint, I did not certify that they had ever been Mid. To your sixth interogatory . l must say I re gret that the first clause is introduced, it is with feelings of mingled sorrow and surprise that I see the name of any christian sect in troduced into any political discussion. The sphere of the professed worshipper in any form is around the altar and sanctuary of his God, to him lie must render his account for the deeds done in his body, and whether a man is attached to any sea, is a matter of small moment, if he be a sincere and worthy member he will meet his reward. I cannot violate the pree.erits of him who says "juge not." I can only say that Mr Stone braker has been for many years and is now a nieniber of the Church you nitrite Ids contin- "ONE COUNTRY, ONE CONSTITUTION, ONE DESTINY." A. W. BENEDICT PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR. HUNTINGDON, PENNSYLVANIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1838. wing so is evidence dins st coding, & I never heard Olathe imdbeen expelled therefrom. In auoVer to the last clause. Vlsay, his mind is as sound and as capable of recollecting and re citing transactions now, as in the days of his more youthful vigor. . To answer your 7th, query, I can brief I,y say, that since the Mr. Stonebrakers, have.. given their testimony, to the public; tlie marshall of the U. S. Irak served a writ upon Samuel 11' Stonebrakee; the son and brother, of the others, for an al • leged defalcation ,of nine dollars; and that too, without previously making any call on hini. The execution of Whteh pro cess must add coat to the amount of trot less than 50 dollars, on a poor, young, hon nest and correct man—who was :prepared at any time to adjust the claitn,..epon the government giving !inn the credits to which he was entitled.. I conaider this an insult and injury upon the peopi" when hundreds, who owe thOuSands of dollars snuoaq ki.inatn pun frialiapituun msoa they belong to the dominant party. • tu answer, to year last enquiry, I say lam acquainted with nearly all of the signers to the certificates fur the Stone• beakers, and know . them to be :nee of d character and correct habits; many of; them are among our oldest and best citi zens. But as )Ini have selected. Mr., %Val Ide (4 Tin d Kinkead —I , must add my I testiiniiny to their character something more at large. Mr. Wallace served iu the Senate of this. State, and was elected from this, district; and he has ever been respected, and honored by his neighbors. Mr. Kinkead has been for many years a prominent leader of the old Democratic party; and is still, a firm unyieldihz sup— porter of Jelfersonian Dennicracy. He was appointed Post master at Yellow Springs, by President Madison, and has held that • appointment ever since, until lately, when he was removed by Mr. Kendal. Thus I have answered as briefly and as candidly as possible, your inquiries. You are at liberty to make what use of it you deem prudent. Willi expressions of Regard I am Respectfully 1 ours,&c. JOHN WILLIAMS ON. A. Russel, and B. Batman Esqrs. More Friends We the undersigned citizens of Hun tingdoii County. having seen or heard of publications, in a news-paper called the "Advocate Sentinel" published in Hun. tingdon. Whereby it is attempted to ins press on the public mind the opinion, that Jchn Stonebraker of Franklin Township in this county; is dishonest, and hiS decla rations on oath are unworthy of belipf feel called upon as his neighbors, and fel low citizens to disabuse the public mind, to contradict those imputations. and de— clare to the world our knowledge of the man. «e have known him for a number of years, many of us fin' the, greater part of a life time; and do solemnly assert and believe, that his character has been hereto fore, and is yet, without a stain; For many years he ha.; been u rnethhetv. of good standing in the Methodist Epis copal Church; and all who knew him can not but be grieved; that the virulence of party excitement should have .produced such a wanton and unfounded attack upon him. Knowing him to be a man of strict truth and veracity, we can assure the peo ple of Pennsylvania, that we, verily be- Neve he would not assert dr swear to that, about which, ;there was, or could be a shadow of doubt. That although lie is about, or near sixty-years of age, he is yet an active man, and we believe his ideas of rightor Wrong, are so strictly correct, that wherever he had or ought to have any doubts in relation to a matter, he would make no positive assertion about it, much less would he swear to such as sertion . John Aurtindt Robert Lytle John Lytle A. J. Stewart I)• H. Moore Wm Hammond Peter Hewit Maxwell Kinkead Benj. Williams . Jacob H, Stover William Donaldson W. R Hampson Jacob Snyder John Johnston J, W:M'cord H. H. Shorn° . Wm Shorty) Abraham Vantries James. Coffee Henry Neff E Galbreath Mathew Garner Alexander Knox S. Davis John Fleck Philip Roller James ,Dysart James Morrow Michael /I allace Wm. Spear Robert Alendcr John R. Neff Elias Hoover Joseph Roller Same McCalister Samuel Dean Joshua Porter William G. Huyett John Larkins _ . George Sehmoker John James Joseph Roller Daniel Conrad Wm Alexander John M. Leech Math. Dean John Conrad Samuel Royer James M'Citaid Edward IVPKiernan Win Burley C eo W. Smith Joseph ;HoPiti'na Thos Patterson Thos Butler A. Burns Robert Keith - Henry Reigart Hugh Sha:p Robert Moore Joseph Sloniker Nathaniel Lytle Beni Pawling From the Susquehanna Spectator. MAKE ROOM FOR SUSQUEHANNA SW/ .411 ore Coming!! • We believe that it can be clearly shown that the popularity of no man has - ever in creased so rapidly, and so justly, tab, in this County, us has Joseph Ilitner's since he became Governor. lle commends himielf to the plain, honest, independent, laboring men, of all parties, and effectual ly too. Gentlemen have made partial ellints us a few townships. the result of which will be found below, while they as• sure us that inure names are forthcoming, and that there are others, still, who do not chose to make their support of Gov. Rit— ner public. Several of these signers, were among the first men in the opposi tion ranks in 1835, and several are on the Porter Vigilance Committee of 1838. We ask those who hear the blustering and braggings of the Loco Focus about Por— ter's majority of 25,000: to look at these tactg, and ask theme& ves, are those who make such assertions "morally" or politi cally "honest?" Gentlemen who have papers, are requested to circulate them thoroughly, and send the names obtained at every opportunity. . . The undersigned citizens of Susque hanna county, concurring in the views. and opinions expressed as above, by our fellow citizens of Allegheny county, unite with them in a public expression of the same. C L Ward Wm J Turrell Benj S Bentley Rufus Rose A B Pritchard Albert Merriman it Stage Gee V Bantley A R Potter Norman Mitchell B G Grover William Ward Daniel Searle John W WalLer James W Chapman Alex'r Allen Warren Lung A L Post . Jonas Mack . lliel Tupper , Chapman Baldwin Ansel Hill David Post John L Kite Loami Hinos Horace Bliss Abraham Fordham jr Horace Bliss. Win Jessup Samuel Spaffurd George Keeler S P Spofford Henry Drinker M R Spafford it II Little • Elijae Baxter Philip Fraser S II Spafrord Wm Foster D L IS .xter Charles Avery James Gould Henry Clemens Wm Fennel Wm L Post Mlles Baldwin Cormock Cushman J T Birchard George Frink L Trow trridge Harvey Patrick Jahn 114 • Kinney S I' Keeler k A Johnston Francis Perkins C 11 Trowbridge James N Lldridge Abrahani Dubuis Alfred Baldwin David Johnston J Etheridge Seely Trowbridge Avery Frink Wni Dayton J C Richards Jeniel Dayton Samuel H Dayton Oliver Thomas Merl it Mott James Newman Asa Park Asa Bennet Benjamin Russell James Brown Cyrus Messenger Warren Kung John's 'l' Jacksen Ames Crandei Samuel. Warner Sewel B Farr Ezekiel C Babcock Hiram C Baker Samuel Gregory R 6 ben Ives !Samna Newcomb Avery Bolle s Abraham Chamberlinithe. Upson Oliver-Helme . John Bolles Bli Mills , Isaac Babcock Rie.hard Fancher Alason Co Joseph Backus Rollin Ho Jaman H Phelps W idio ytm Kerr Manson Yarington I) S Robistm iticlu r ir t AdMr.eertedith Daniel Kathrc. Robe Frecl'k Foster p D Yaringtyn Sohn Trumbull Henry Johnson JohteLord Thomas Kelly I R l Samuel Payne Kent Solomon Arnolphomes Oak ly Joseph Chiipman Benajah . Millard Harvey W'Kent A C Phelps Samuel B Blake Abel Flynt Stephen C riffis John J. W eitman Gov. Ritner's Address, on Presenting the ,Sisord to GEN:BitADY! GENERAL:-It affords me true pleasure to present to you this mark of the appro bation of your native State. The services thus intended to be com— memorated are those rendered to the country during the last war With Great Britain, in that contest it was the pride of Pennsylvania to behold you and her other heroic sons, standing among the foremost in the rank of duty and of glory, and only leaving the geld when the bat tle was won, or when honorable wounds disabled you from further action. Throu. ghout the whole of that war, and especial ly in those sanguinary but glorious battles which protected the Niagara frontier du• ring the campaign of 1814, and kept its horrors on the enemy's territory, you bore yourself as became an American soldier and true son of Pennsylvania. The bloo dy field of Niagara, from which you were carried wounded, Wire ample testimony that you and your gallant comrades nobly sustained the reputation of your native State. Throughout the whole war your bearing was that of a brave and honorable soldier, and now, General, at the end of twenty-four rats, on this anniversary of the brilliant sortie from fort Erie, so en— during is the gratitude of your fellow citizens, that you receive the testimonia l ,of their ad miration and of your services, .. - , /1 -4 ~, . d %V 4 .,; t, .~,.:,~ . /Jut General, your claims were nut ear-1 ned in tine battle, in ore campaign, or io one war. Prom the moment ,a hen you' joined the gallant Wayne, an En Sign ui 1792, your country has beheld you course with pride. At the victory achieved by that daring chief on the Man mes, on the memorable 20th August 11 . 9-1 —at the battle of the Falls on tl a 25th of July, 1814—and recently as Brigadier General •at Detroit, where your energy and pm ; denee aided so materially in Freserviog I the peace of the Canadian frontier, your conduct has reflected honor on the Corns monwealth. • Many a hill and stream in the western country already told of the daring and prowess of 4 Brady; She, now adds another to this brotherhood in fame as well as blood, and by a solemn • I act of legislation perpetuates its merits. I In other lands the gallalt soldier Or the I ictorious sailor is rewarded with titles , and posessions. Such are mit the honors thatour plain and equal Institutions confer Imitating the simplicity of the ancient time the gifts of our country to her defenders derive their chief value from the merit which they acknowledge,and thegratitude they represent. Like the laurel crown, the voted Swot.] ennobles Without corrupting its wearer, rewards without injustice to others, and incites all to renewed devotion to the country. The gift of the trophy is, however, not the only mark of merit. It this were thc'aase, either the number of the meritorious must be few, or the charge of Republican ingratitude well founded:Nei ther is the case. Merit is also discovered by other si.ns.. Let Tippecanoe or Fort Meigs, YOrktr4ii or Sandusky, Chippe ,va or Niagara, Erie or New Orleans, bu nam ed, and then let one who fought for his country appear, and the. flash of pride and gratitude nOtich mantles on the cheek and sparkles in the eye of his fellow-citizens, declares that his merit is registered deep in the heart. Let the gallant, tars of the Censtitution, the Essex and the United States, of the Wasp, the Hornet and the Enterprize, of Erie and Champlain—let every American sailor that fired a shot from the first broadside poured by the lamented Rogers into the little Belt, till the last one that struck the Penguin.— Let everyone of these be named, or the glorious survivors appear ' and the glad shot of happy freemen tell that their mer its are felt. . . I This feeling of . love and. gratitude which long clustered round - tne head of our patriot sires of the Revolution, now, General, nearly all centres in the gen eration to which you belong. Yo are the heirs to their glory. You, too, have act ed nobly your part.. You are worthy of your sires. The country honored them. She now honors you. All she asks is that you transmit to your successors on land and on the wave, the same spirit of cour age and honor which yonr soldier fathers be vaathed to you. From_the people—from the hard hand ed farMers and mechanics—from the manufacturers and professional men of, the land, they sprang forth to free and de fend it. Fnith the same honorable start ing podia the American soilder and sea man.s ill commences his career; and it is the chief boaSt of our system that to the same point he generally returns when pea e strips If m of his arms. - - • This starting point—this origin of the sailor and the soldier, is as honorable as pure, and respectable :low as it ever was. Pile young generation of the country's defenders have the example of as .bright names, and the guidance of as brave and accomplished chiefs, as ever graced our history, or trained the youthful candidate for glory. Thev must be, then--they are —as brave, as high spirited and as hon orable as theirpredecessors. They labor, it is true, under the disadvantage of youth and the want of actual se.vice, but let it be borne in mind that while they, have been passing their days in inexperience, their fellow citizens are living in peace and security. Dastardly must: be the tongue. and ignoble the pen, that would seek to darken their rising fame. General, 1 , vilt ! not detain you longer. Your native State, by the unanimous vote of her represekatives, presents you this weapon, blazoned with your honorable fields ; in acknowledgment of your servi ces, t affords me unfeigned pleasure to be her agent, and to say that while your conduct in action has been brave and !skillful, your private 7tlcportnient. which is no less praise, has !peen that of a worthy son of Pennsylvania. GEN. BRADY'S ItErLv. This valuable testimonial award 'to my military services by my native State, ac companied as it is by your Kind and com plimentary address, excites emotions in my breast the intensity of which places a suitable return of thanks wholly out of my power. Indeed it is impossble for me to convey any 'idea of the state of my feelngs on this occasion, or to express the sense of gratitude by which I am [ Vol,. IV, No. 1. r ected for onrtt•a','e of et r en• seer in arm:,.• Althodgli l'iocn the number of c ear,: that I have been cif alit eiiited S. Army, it could not he oilier, I,!it than that 1 mild hare e•vaitce it , : -1 Cie coeiny, anti . shared largely in the toils arc! priratloos incident to tic iirof.;s,icin of arms, std!, sir. clicc.e %ta t ., ak‘aya accor d , panied y, iih rt e clce tiny rdiection, that if duties pm formed by the soldi. IJ lustained the linear r,if I dignity c!iuntry. nod the repulat.on of its arinP, the approbation nt met country, the only. reward the soldier desires, or has any reason to eipect; would rot be witihrld. Flom the testimonial I now hold in my hand, ,I learn with pride and gratitude that those services !:n hich the pnrtiality of friends supposed not to have been suf ficiently recognzed at the proper time in arother quarter, have 1 sun most am ply appreciated at home. To my fellow !citizens gene rally; and especially to those warm personal friends, whose active a gency on ibis occasion I cannot but s cowl:se my debt of gratitude is boundles3 This day (A clay justly noticed in the his tory of the:late war) witnesses an act truly magnanimous is the people in this state, and pecurarly gratifying to tho proud ambition of the soldier. In conclusion, permit me to return my 'grateful thanks to the people of this com monwealth, and to their Representatives fur the honoi:conferred on me, and to ex - press my sincere acknowledgments to you sir, for the gratifying manner in whirls you have been pleased to express their sentiments, with an assurance, to all that during the short time 1 may be permitted to wear and use this sword, it.shall be my sole aim so to wield it, • that when time shall have seperated it and. its owner, there may nor be left a lel,Mish ou . ..the blazonry of the scabbord. Or a stsinio the blade. From the Wheehig (Va.) Times %IMO is Joseph Ilitner. . . He is the present Governor of P.,rm, sylvauia, a man who by honesty. invaritt-. hie rectitude If conduct anti an appttca tion of his capat;:tier, has raised hims,',; l from the station of an indigent toy to IL., highest office in the gift of the people the Keystone State, and whe by his tat vial conduct has planted himself more deaply in the affections of the people nil c: have made him their thief than have any of his predecessorg, His official acts haze resnited in the relief of the State from taxation, have sill air large sums of the Slate Debt have so organized the State Works under his control, that they have yielded .a rc venue to the Treasury, .while they have answered the full purpo se for which t:.ey were constructed in enriching the people and prospering business; have raised the standard of popular Education throughoe the State to an eminence never btfore tained; and the last, not le: st el his ofli. cial acts has been to call upon the monied institutions of the state, in behalf of the • Laws and the_ people, to rcecrin their promises against all opposition; end the currency upon its former lbw i og. all cases, I.e has evinced an inteiiigetwe, statesmanship, and independence rarely found in a public man. For this he has been honored, and hie course approved by a large mass of the most intelligent men of the State, who are determined on sus taining him for the high office he now holds in opposition to—whom? David P. Porter. And who is David R. Porter? A law yer of eminence! No? he has been rarely heard of out of his own county, until he became a candidate for Governor. Th ou sit engaged in a profession the best of an calculated to give him emmmence and a name; he has lived in obscurity. Ile are told that for ten years lie lias been in public life, put there by the citizens of his county, yet what has he done? Has he in the public station been the originator of any scheme for the public good? has he ever achieved aught for the prosperity of the State, or has he ever given evi dence of abilities beyond those of the, common herd of men thrust before the public tor party purposes? Never, and yet his fr iends think to thrust him on toe. intelligent people of this State in oppo :-itiOn to a tried and faithful public ser vant like Josedh Ratner! The idea is.absured, Pennsylvanians will never brook it more than ;they . will brook the insults lately heaped by his op ponents upon their wt r.hy Governor. A FIT :INSTRUMENT. The Loco Foos have otanlSTrii .James Templin, who was confined in the Dauphin Comity jail three months last spring for a hrrach of the peace, to peil:•, ,dle their pioture book ridiculing the Gov-, eruor, Ibis is paving the farmers of tho, state a high compliment, as the twok t , dicules the Governor because he %AtA german farmer.' .90* ,„ 212122tRe