SERVER. I: 4)B V, sl\ .. bi knefi ... 14M• 1,A1,1 AN hiItieELLAZILOVb t L e Mails at the Post Office =EMIT@ • , , , t A il.anv ::•30 P. Y. L P k•1,11,1 , .13 st”: Ma:timore., 7 P. M wo.q. Era* awl lauftw o .3 P , b.. . 1 . .11.11,1 •VI II •u.l 2 34, l' ttttoP a &7P ..110.% , t •.111, • VAII mt. 11, ,er 13==ZEIE utl inturdaya, 7 A 3e of NeW York, is , ,••• rho, „u Wednesday u•Jan of Nobility oi 1 pipor4 mow-mace that p .. the Mel , deort to that aNy un iq April .1 ,, 1 - '4 title, Or • very , e.ii , el and publia• thv M'CREA •n ' t•• tO 'large ate. Pqwer 11,Also• ,•; .r itihz the Pregque !Age ..t. I the t.egt•latur+ Nut having *panic advleedly i 1,••• I;; Mor . • ••••• I M.• II H Bitr•VT wt-lb t w , th approprtate TM .1.111( 40 , tikat tbl'dnal will ,Jr aid 3.5 th ul Apni :ct *gement it is in excellent order— vry B i 1 wer e Intinues to rage ,neering held In Greenwood A re.,kati. , n wet &d .pted re. r«.tgn -‘I Elirp.r Woekly , • , an l ot her °home lot •t CiLALIZR . I News • I Pr , f. II t I "it u t p 1 • P•rs p ,tp trtei to Mt.tttlay Etta ne y t,• g'ven 0,- • •i• • , lauzhter uf Mr A V. sy.og Ar4,l glass It• P %.4, 415 t/ toe it )4 r v.. I JQ =ZEE B it! t, I' .nivarrei , ll chronicler the r tu u.,x wed taking uo a rang , on I l ea s e Wednesdiy morning expe,;ed to fallow suit a few oiti r 714 sap that Captain ' ei,ia h.,ir steamier he ts Dew - „., L. ilsero BONI(' and Cleve:and.— lIMMEI rrght and day line •.' •,f the Muadvllle Express • , ,•• v • ••1 ti)norable men. ' . l. mr..enger+ l.•wnarci fii. thy p.. •e+ the/ occupy =I liN ,rotri4 tb« Lew anottte .. t11(1.,L1 'in too Iti‘ur Dirtott)n A 1. R , Wew up, t,lling the 1111 I•I 1 s 'lf • u coglne w/1,1 '•..-•; t.y bir.n{ oci,uo water at wt, Aa Tr , u o,‘ 0 I E ‘4,' We',l3er th 6 VP, EMI w ,n( nue his "blab ~ ip ..LI/N I tri • ic.t Bolter w I v.l g; A n.I that la MEM (Neu f. wh i deitre to • , "111'lgr 1 d 14tiid in copy 1,•• • r • the not: , Mterrer •L• rn I .hall Issue a large er.ra . i r u t, , n Th,,se wh understand t • a need la g,..1 tuna with thou ad Jima 'lays : Al! tip , di4tin 12 I ifichlanders. Mr. Cherie, Dick K,seath, Moatalem kr. :ul,l t., remain where they are ly . r .mlnS the Vetted Suttee— i nary patriot --except Mr Smith • remember whether we have .t that Mr. HARPIR IS the agent of C , at t hip place. If we did it when we add that a more worthy gen. hart' beer selected for the post. The rtunete one for the Elprees Co., Ili win u who want Job Printing in the &lent r fne44 hou I d send their orders to W. are AII ng a ehou• assorictiest 1 r baring the best of stoma t• f ' , pared to ON orders on terms u reasons ••t AB -es in the large cities. Our facilities for ‘r k are not surpassed by any Ace in Worth- \.• !earl] from the Dineaster Erpress the broken Laaeaster Bank Dotes •.'u. _in, and that the prospeet for their al n Is very slim indeed. The Szpcsisistbat - •ldtngendorsed Liinauter Bent notes rr 11,•oute n ,t only the offloere sad directors of n but will bold the stookboldors to a strict AO • rttpeetire •mounts of notes they have en .134 the arrivals is New York on the F•tday of lilt week was Wimuas •rnioeut Irish patriot. Ile was one of the o the ciosueewssfol revolution in Ireland in .S. recei,ed with cordial web:wine by a larse • • , uotr)m•n Ile oncost, to tills 000stry to . -sr 'nit:Rations, and alter a brief wish to •T.eod some month• in traveling Arnett - At e% sod Canada*. v I) •,r..)it Tribune says that a new a• slewport la a few days by E , h.. '2lO feet _hog. sod IA tar as soul ") An 1 e‘ery droirable rbaraoterietie of I NO •• • , - • 1 by no rrat ever lannehed aa the t•• "he will be finished and ready for eer ^ 15 , 12 of April, when she will tamed'. 4.1 the route between Cleveland sod Bat, :APER'S WEEKLY has a circulation of I.servlng tribute to the enterprise and teat •e pablt•Gere have conducted it We may in aray reepeete the best literary paper is • k•t fr.,m the choice articles which ill ha with beautiful engravings got . r'.• tbo •rt The paper Is oats that ..x iti.r ito be without. Term, $2 per • 11- New York. ti t of Rsilrnad managers iv Y•wic last wswk closed its labors C .n•mtv t rgosoral szpsetstios tilers - • • wo•-• r.val intirrttota sod 1448 , 011 were • ,'• y t e•noral redaction of tee per anal. .4ht •., Now York was agreed apes. The .e-t retusto as before. 1114 soaves. on the 16th instant, to .•u time fabie, and sattle wait other Wilton I f rr .r..lloralkoo at that Wile • . , tamp trAry very aptly tad truth- , - 'hat MR RTRIWIT b oat • 54•W•p•p•r , an h. With all hi. hilliness' talent lee , •Lt y paper lore tie mouths. aglega maid • by weans *aside or its Intelsat* la • o• re mgr., • II apply to Preebiagtoe • , •0,...t5..r well knows lutararr gentle. "'" Tie lei.t readable daily paper isle • •• rv I • tin palitioblid at Beetiairecio by er` , .(l , - , 14 V• 1 1 1 4.4l SW a wtt, labeler, and yet he could DO 010,11 sake a lie /paper thaaas (koala oviortara tbio Pyraaails." an. FANKWII ; or the San Jaointo in the 1 tho Mail Train fir Tinffato went rtrrwo Seas of India, China and Japan, lty Wit uaa Mal watt o n Tja .. le l , two rho etty, a heal, hem Wu", M. V. U. S. N., Late Surgeon of 1"t "' I".'t the rqs "" +pi.: fit k ',quo, pa, United States Nast India Squadron • Anther " Wander tog Sketches in South America, 1'0130...ix; etc it,oge t Jo., .ti,r Lh_ tritst ta, , itt, , ht'ttl ers• of shoulder to the wheel of Prugrefe," et , New York• et by -o t.• A o• It t't ,A I (4, It H•rku d BR , railla, Franklin square, 15.,1) 1.1„roi no I a ., A 11, e • rt.. ,1 a titan to hied) We are told to Holy Writ that tb.. meluluda of t, there is no end,” and each year the torrease t, grttAler Until one almost wonders what becomes Ail the I,euki , Jail as the juveniles often query " what becomes of a,11141., pins." Amon the drat books of the present year is that of our friend and townsman, Dr Woou, the title ,1 Is given above. It is a neat volume costiog ooty and is certainly one of the most entertaining Wale:twat., we have come across to a lung Mae A I..ems.tvit travels is always a luxury, ant th,s i. „ii" tautest to be met with among Ii iolte ,f the tied. 1: is '2 r _ "s li entertaining, amusing, instructive, There I. a ri.•b %len of bosu,r in many parts which ex •ite. the ri. bil•lirs the reader and will be appreciated by the I_ % cid genur-ie fun. The descriptions of foreign lends and .ea•, nt cus toms and people, of all that the accomplishei writer seer, are drawn with a master-hand. " Fankwei" is the celestial term for "foreign ileril • ' or Western man—henee the Doctor gives ht• bools;that title, and gives In.. views of the celestial. as an Indel• •• Fans wet" Ile Ices Oct deal simply w itli • lie however, hint bleats% a portion of his pig. , to our faAtl,.% al naval code and customs. Ilis long service and r,.•.,e observation of men and thing. qualify him t speak un derstandingly of the system. As there 14 ireuers.ty jealoisy between the "stuff" and ell •ers ..'"th •' Lon it may be that the writer's ere 'Nati It.; f. rim e in treating of life on board. No: being p-ste•l Dave, metiers, of °nurse we axe not competent to pe.c juigai•nt on this point. We are delighted with the hoult, w.,n .t. pleasing style and espital atieeduta, and ec ,wm o L.l al, our friends. For Sale et ENsloN'a Park 11, w U 1.. Sore 110" The " forcing prooeqi — in mental lion of children, the operation of over,cram , ng their bra,- Inth study, has kceoa the cause of ao tm tantll• euffaring, ant has attraetel Coa attoolton ani enli•to I , ho efferts of many good medical in Iv Perentd have been warned so frell-nry the• r premature manta] rie,valop...teftn! 1.:14t it ~ utett t • h • • stdoroti a opcotei of infariticiJo to overw•,ra ' the little ones. " The recently puii.i4h , ‘l the Pennsylvania Lunatic Asylum, at in terms of just reprobation to the f .r Ikl e. 1.1 cation whioh seeks to make paragons of I.nrnthg t i a 4 eiblidrOtt• It u a foolish par, mai pride •...11,11 1 • by hot be I eulture, the fseultte. of w pree , ., I a. et,; t, e puinog t attach stuly and giving ca-r•.• , t the physical e , ostitntiort a ism, i, ind t h.. •ti r.• ba•tore,y ezhaurted The girt:, a t .real ,o t : to wake bra child a healthy, lig ,ruu.. an.ul4,, r t, t r :y bra constltution that be wull ba ca.pab.a applinatton ►t ►n age when st , i Iv pr resuite. The *upertntendent the ,s: goys that amt,ng his poncho , . 12 crcr, uo Jor ten var. 0. air. 12 betwoch ten and twenty and 2.t . . d tw,n'y •ad tbitty excints'{•* stimulation it in, int o • I physical sports In a cmajorvy o*••.. 0 - 1.• in•!•ri , '• .t Young America 6,1 deelsncP t., tr,ju.v L , m , stall, but taut ,rtueetely, the et:lC...lre:a c'ined t., hoalthfu, sp..rte, are the 'her ab •r f•el the )et fqnlish I.,ndeess to .e.eing them a rau i iiti Information DEMOCRANC COUNTY Utis: k. 11 , ,st Parstihnt tll the cell of the Llouvwratt: CoL.•r,i Committee, the County Detnerati, C .u% outl C../111113011 Council room iu the •y •f Er February nth, at 2 P M Robert Cochran, Eso , , s dent, and Beniatnin grant of Erie c at, After stating the object, .1 the molt Spauiding moved that this -C,uvenr , ri I u w 1,1 punt. to meet at this tr'll • t on Friliy t,, I 1 March, Itid l at 2 P tl •ii B an 1 War Is that Lore 13./I this Convention. be regnested to tneet p t of holding ale t'. ms at: u'e:".•l‘ I' , 1 ,Ir•/.\ Af•r• 10, I npil, and each elect two delegate. t .n. • except the city of Erie, and that the lien ...rot,- t ••• the West M'srd of said city inset tbo se'set a.• r An at 7 o'clock P. M. of acid loth 5 f Marco, Ent Ward at the common Council rduak at ale 0.,00 1115 , , and ed,-11 elect two delegates to said ...7on•ent ,,, n which waa adopted. .......• _% tillA.T, t404'1 lel RICHARD UosDEN, 11/0 tql)/En.CII Eon t•lt ft-t .rm writer sod f .rmer ruetuher of I'L,:, ut err tel at 13 , .5t0n on Saturday. He comes to this c tr, a tour of observation and wtil remain ae...ral it •. tog a straightforward business man erh • r about him" he will devote his time an 1 atte.,ti• h:r cog information epocern,og the g , ,0 ernna , ut t • n of the cottony, tosteivi pay 10r 11 . 4 1 , t•k tog to the stristune ,f t,a ty tem lining pri,tt, , il,. ,, tn mon sense man with m ,re truth than I t,• is *Verve t., d,nnering acid lying and .y • , t to make a decent report of his travel, n h.• r to Brittannts., and not repay American hosiont n.O I.v tie Intstrepreseolatton cud abuse, as 2- sy, and too many other Engltahtnennb., have i .urne.ll.lo 111, hare dune when oa,-, tu..y hal p acrd it... A between them and tunic America'. trlenda lit , 1,, Come!' / sik. We do not reinernbt.r harm.: • •i:i :,. • subjoined anecdote in print, but di•rox it t,o g o.d .. i., lost. We give Il Al narrated by a friend I u l J , hn Bull and Jonathan hive been the eub j eete of env funny as well 1141 many *evert things. J ,Olthan. ~ g. lank and awkward strayed Into one of the lin i nee machine chops of London, and true to hie nature b gen to question John Bull, the "boss," about the kind, q u Illy and quantity of work turned out (rum his establish eLt John was impatient of Yankee Inquitotiveness and re ,iv ad to take Jonathan down a peg or two, lie Item ered badly but made oat to ask " oan you telldne why Belli:List's ass spoke?" Jonathan pretended not to understand and the question was repeated with no better success. O f of the workmen came to the relief of the "busk" and +led the question, when Yankee drawlingly and with of quiet triumph replied, " Becolue Bahasa stuttered aid got AU ea kr imak /or him I N` HARPER'S MAGAZINE fur March kis a choke number. This model monthly giver more re►dtng mutter than any other magazine in the country, and Ite utioles ►re always intereatiog, healthful or instructive.-- % The No. before ne contains "Mount Vernon aa it le, Croton Watemed Its Inhabitants; Joy to the Bride ; Vas 00 Nonery di Balboa ; Twilight , Single Life among us , What wu it I—A mystery , The Cleat spectre , My In mate Enemy ; My Valextioes ; A matter of Life and Death ; The Nast of Nightingales ; Mr. Sharply Again ; Wanted—St. Patrick ; The Virginians ; Monthly Record orOurrant Events; Literary Notices; Editor's Table; Editor's Easy Chair; Our Foreign Bureau ; Editors's Drawer ; Substance and Shadows ; Fashions for Msrob. Harper A Brotbers, Square, New York. sop- The Sewing Machine blthinttat has grovin up very rapidly In this country, though in England, it apt pears by the London Baineirer, they scarcely know any thing yet about It, notwithstanding it was Introduced there al early as in the United Buates. In this country the amount to Armen hundred machines weekly. The Seiew tiftedwericaw says, Wheeler A Wilson have sold 4,700 machines In the last three months, and are getting them et the rats of 100 per day; Grover I Baker manufactured last year 14,000 machines; Singer sells 350 per nook. The highest priced imachinee, those telling from $75 to $125 are the soot is demand. The machine a bet intruder,- ed into *very establishment is the country, when stitch' log I. required. ge. The new Canadian silver soma—five, toe, sad toasty east. plow —save been exatained by the ameayinot at the U•itod States Waal, and a report of 'Judy COMIPSnItire vase to oar silver nein ham boon published Ttio iatrinsio Tithes of a Canadian twenty rent ',woo Wit below that of two American diatom. nearly tilt**. fourths of a Net. And snob places will sell at tbe Mint for bal. 1104, at Ist caws. The sato. rotative - vain* sitteiebiss rn the mailer soles. It is to be regretted that tit* Irritish Mist did not lie the value of time, eoiam at 'WI otapdatti, so thatt b ayovoid rsadily etreeleosid on both tides of list Ile*, sad there weld be as sod to all dispute atom Aturreemsy. sig h . J L. Mini A Co, of Detroit, ad w..ttitia , for tlio otssrtor of toosty first-elan roma. for uto er'ittsti Wait lloodoors sod B.tauh ports. 1 . 110 ....el. aro to Imo rowdy try t i 1301 of Apnl, so as the St. Lowlife°, a soon so Om bee di...lppon'. ?boy slit load at Doereit with stow... t tabor. , and ratan wttb roger. soaps. atakiaoos. (waits and ommutofse UM. The Detroit pigpen wean that this totowprtao to hat the eesseseeseet of • &tees triads beturee• t'ta halos and foreign !sada, that will liplike the foresee tadopondaat of ; ror Now Tort. • teal, do. A A row dap nu. sistatyar viva an insult to the Judo 19a• of A* Court of Cowman Pleas at Logaseport, otalo on the tonal, wboreapeo tit/ Judy got at oaait from his 1 1 4 sad, pies IM. tba bar, give t h a *bap a 'mad **Wag. Much or thi• early y Ltr 0 t t a i e olt it Ar4T 0 tier I niter ra,..1 .1. Ir t•Jk.rk .11.1 t•..k I .k.a g t. the 1 . a It ~t.t I , r Now York. P. .7 . 5 --:!..hoti the abuse Wl4 to type we learn that the babe We.loo..tay 1/I&"*Wt.. r \lay ,r 9 This questiou be koDb. r t tt , Dirt, gantleolen bAsv 60011 n. I : : wt.• to W.,1114 t,il tbo rtiair wttt dtg• are 13 1.1 Vi Ktvt.l)•• ME WM nay et C" 4t.1 • •• K We might add we oacue I Ctierl Rt. tLe Ile. The °Mee we are •WIL/0 IN a tt,arAle•i vue, Lut n use uu.s Las to fiu tt, wad tur the ru jit J t he eity we hope it w it'. be a men a nerve knd INIG Es: Tn.. C,inn...aut leyorter sayi "an Irish ontue ut Keatlng. tho Railroad, jus a lp th , • D• at that place, was robbed on Thursday , t • .•, g 1 , 1 Keattog IRA hie wife wore guno, ,nq 411 se i w.,tuan, In, to •ther ui Keating. at home al. Tar • n•• har.u.; to g. t a neighbors on an erran it •Ated the key. On her return in a teas =motel, be found a hack window open, a swot eac•l • ,tatutc.,: toe wouay broken Itlto rod tLe eunteati tsp,cion rp,ste up.,n s couple netnot )/,her, the ke.t.rss .I. , repn'able shanty near by Keating reps.......nted as briny bereft nod laciest:low, as b robl,rw are loran akin th.evish. The Tanury taken WWI the hard frne.l davitiol f the io,•t two years. !Pair L[-T (.1 TRAVER., JI:ItuRS for a SperMl C,ur r! ~ , ••L • r /%3 13:11 at 4I•1 tile 14,1 11 lor n '.lar.:h A D. 1,. : Ntatthew Anclertoo, Belo. Uurt.R'n, 1) I Si Artio, J A. Wi:Air:l;6n, Utrwrt, Aloras, Butt. 1:1 ki•vlio, 0. St! ‘l' t , :4%41, N ,rth Wa t W r • .1.11, \V :tour. Wt‘tv.ngt,n, Jxt4vt Ft 1- L. S M 1. Lvov. Charlos 11 r 1: . r L• • U 4 1 I, Sprinele .1. ILI yrnrc,, H trr tIEI Park. C .nr,ean'. Wtn II I 11L, 1 W. ink,,n, Poor Halarramn, J Y. I tt,te. r Km. yen. 1.. 13, u 9 \V W. L vo, Jare IF. Manly', -Mir-reek. 14tori • l• al I. I, Z nal A Paraor, Po . er In rtit • n. nJt thaeodold, Jamen Nr.• r tireen ; ME T rrrrr se Jurt.trs for the Curt of tPttt, •tn the 31 Nlttridiy Mareh t.s.rt A. tit rs , n, A ntkew J Caughey, Thts J. bturgetio, I• C‘ d M . ,,0t0r, It M Festr , tew A Beeutln, err—.loll , ' I .J I. C kenos. Uro Ntar:tr. IV tr., Venank, IL R Campbell' WA,Lit gt,.t. r.. • l.rra, t,-vtl:e Crane, Jilll.oll r k, • Miltoreek , U T E , 11.41, llarbor• cr k F 0•1•,, La.. tr. J •hct irent2h, JtAtti Qtr 1 F .• I I. . irir 4 k t Al, I •,, nrar 11-11,1, Henry M.ll r ;„ F rz..k• ••prlgti 1. t haurry Jos: n. ‘I . F. it SR, M , K• 4[l. ItAwrt 11 4.1 1 • 1, • t• rrist or•o Jur rd f the Curt h F.s fat ,ully Si*ret 1' 1-M•Cr.ty, C ihe.tter Ba A 13 1.11, li , orey I If Mal., R b' r ‘‘ c r. .e. M . r'.. -1 W.L.' 4xk Delo. WAy ~.. 1t...h .r.l ‘1 , 1 0 ; .., • ' ~' M n.,,{ `; M .1...... 1. 'v ~.) l• I: .4 rie.c 2'...1 • k a .l V.. n I .. • I ii• I, i, , I "I I •.. ,ask M.1•0r. , I. li .-y 1... 4 , HI :.t , • . lt. 1. , v.. Fra. , u. , ‘V...allburo M •Is. il ' I:1 NI 1.,14L1 it., J•,bri MX iv... 1.),.. I It I, 4•. 11 , .-. r. reek ,- lit • ot.ll ki.lng K ,t,tit.,a, :•uulaist 11 i' •• MEI 1 M c 1,, (lir y N4trlhn r. P,w.- , .y, k r. Watt,burK, liorAce L ,n, Pn•,,. , n.•: \V 1. r •', 4''. " 1 ty • I • .r k , • ,f,r,l •• r 1 v. Kr... .11• 1, r v t I.r • t. ...CO V Le OM • r. Is • 0 a • X , 1 IN 11/. X • ‘%tti...k2V N W I SP Wl'Pr.r/ SO A lsi 111 C1.01. , Ug . i vi C .4 311 es. Lae. r C.ty ii.tuv v t •.a p t V 1 WI , • I.or v. Sat tea. use of F 01 aolgre.t et a, vs: •12110 et al •e SI oster ve Reed, ,hnson if C /C.. co et el, ".son A R bert vs More A Johnson, Ung4l:l E.I . Td a LA, v. the E rie ca na l c o .. "oton Sunsuit I.),etriet vs Wade, ennedy vs Keriubsiy A Wheeler, tiepin •s Hays. et al, ~a n , Es'r, ke,, vs Osborn, (*.ark ef.. ILL4WITI vs Faulkner, W. 1.., sr A Express Co , Kline A Carrull vs Frey, Pones vs Starr do Payee et al, (Bowes vs MrEnteer, Brown I Barr vs Corn hist:rum Co., Bensur's Ez'rs vs Csher, Wi,rt.h es Erie A NEKR Co., Aldrich A Co vs Barr A Bro, Adrian vs Knerr, Sennett, Barr A Cu. re State Fire tr. Mar. Ina. Co., Confth Xs. Rol R. B Zuok vs W. Goodhan, ter to., Smith A Useva •s Meyer, Kiainedy is Kennedy A Wheeler, Kratnei is Jarvis, Caldwell va breiszaker, Millburn vs honey A Atwater, Cook vs Knowlton, Guard and wife vs Swaney, Halt vs Oakley, Bond •s Maynard, Know ve Bangers, Sneers vs 0111210. NEW TREATMENT! Private AND CO Nif bES 7AG .1161,JCAL ADVICE' AT /Till E BUM FA LO rittv I T lit HOwiPITA L—Eistablithed T for the caret Sy plata, Manual Wealoros, and the must In ttiolitirt of Youth sad ll•turity, by Dr MUM it oUN, Buffalo, N. 1 . talks torusof Nun and Quay streeta, ropstsits i 4 OST SeItATIFiC INE .V RIVTIO. i t de iortrumea ;or tld cue of attnita/ lhhility, or Nocturnal Elpirolona, utorapraporly kaolin as Seminal Weakness. kr. Can bd. F i rmaott/v to from citron dale to two months ty the old this lost nt, ohm' used osaluiatly with medicine. , , TOCNG BEN TAE* PARTICCLAR NOTICE. *ed ta, Laita AN l Od a, li t iNflt take plies t orels ... aa t ro t ating that they bay, C sZr '. ' E as " T . st " l4ite4 "' to test '' S he the cur :oss ol t the en it " p j ottuota• in adun. Par Philadelphia nod New York; tt n haa nt dittlorad t ~sly uty• I 'l.u - 01nel:it ever invented for the ro dr Semi Weakness, ior any dumps of the genital organ .4 hy tit• habit* df youth.. Prom slo,by mail oresprem. .NE It[ML.Di 5 Alm QVICI CtIXES. Dr Amos a ... n may be salted from 11 o'clock in the tooro i g until Vat II lit, In ever stasarand symptom of disease, Sec odun,@sutras :seminal toluts, impotence and Strictures oit • I nets., ' d all th dread atlectioot arising from tba Meryl baba. of youth, a h proration conotitutional dOitilty, raw:Was ma . Import , and as the mid destroys both body .ht 0a,..• Tbe treatment y adept is the result of upwards of t1,./...1 yards' item.. 4 .age sful practice la &Mps sod Atitorless A CUlti.. W **WANTED, 1/ Aldred k rfl haw. salivated thou attention esclunintly to it '. prostasfy melerate, and thra Mari they haat tearoom/at as. onatsied • reader to their follow trostareo Is fully testified tad /ovation, • clod by MD t patsents and cabers dal tp radiator, in n from all parts t the country, for t h e espross p.- 1 ,... only o ...Italia., . their el•Tt10.• have born etotonsid otth - most signal ad Ingest Tot tram chat they ra bort . sport s to loggias( Into caw e of tile Wittiest. eons -0.„A„ ital..' sr moot ottani* co ties to that of the moat don gas. and is ts,) they have (Ways entertained the bil ity of tare pre 11105 sat mans* tad Ilkoarlai lavadakly lomat 's a t tat oast utribt• slate noolsalosal forme of Mamas could a 1.... .... saray• tomcod to tube of OM following causes: 'planners, onhart, or Om I ellorto of attekUVIII treatment, timelier* Dr. gaits. a raid; is,. stit 15 discotartng, in the selettiOn of a l pha matothea, ea i t, o and cautious swam; omitting all ....Nat ttatmo kor 1... Utah bear an equivocal ammeter, so wolf •• Up..• lora. prmakatarn and taludadosts arida:stases might be p r ,,, ‘ „wer. et at ott••••papoev• in the boon. of private tathatda o • la whorl,•• loadapar cad of their remedies 11l the lamoniag of . ry,st ba gel h human fakery by the alastiatioa, relief tad pr.- airodia of t asetiont that are is totality the 'start foe of lit., and .barb, a lo lb., •• estensiroly surround DA, Cali alood for our 0.01 tad latertvratiao for their *sterwrination I . ..UNTR I ' Mt-AI/IDS flora in 6.07 ;art rat tbe woad assy Iw doer•••fully treated toy , rthet • o•kroort uf atom, case, orlth • reauitt•••• for UN*. e. 4r/ma h r. £llOl I BON, comer of Lan and Quay r u nt, 1 0 . N Y. Feb 19, 7lt6p —ly3S atrl4, Oet. & BANYLIWS . 'ORS oat • Nomil elly Il to ol.tvkl that U.. Fr rbltrn. J Abu graham, M II Er:, M. T. C \.,u',rrs NI ) llu• I. J ,ne• J.En E KV; n 4”, • M t is. -.lrlng-i• .Yrti I .r tr.! OEM M V. •h . 9 N. R. .1 .1. lan, ❑eldeP, R 'y, r,,e, M ee• • Itel• e of r 'I rr t I \ r rl)rvf •‘l.i I=o=l I ATICM., lleuroLue EOM MIMI COM apman, ~,frr, A Eno wL.ct tt, rk, JA , • • r• r, k ey, vet Cooper,' V.l.orurtb, • er4r..l et al. flumotiopizir, Wads, as Joy W • WALIER. .11701NEY, 47 . LAW, /4//://i. .Wo tellboutut.t ottootion to the to ot l.sool ornate on I the poyeweet of Taloa In the Wtotoo ol kilwoout 1 sod low'. will al•• all order. f r the rureissile of kl./.ooYri `la amp IwL, Re Recollect the Time and Place. t IL , .t in.q.ted 111•1.••• Br.o net IV earne•tly A `,riled to tail 110.1 pay lA.!' hour.% thurg, tolorr the bib of %tiAr• ueli All who do wet hor.t tA,e ltnd tnvitAtlcti w.ll be tow 1....1 extra,.a I 01,01 not *Mt forr.ver et, VA, 18.59 r R HI 4K F. t•rnprittur ... .-, - ..-0 3 7 ..r2 , ~. ~4t , Li?..',;:f...,..... iirUkfiEil"...—'E—T,^l,l•sz,:; a a:ig•;..;:::;:i71-7,.?4,;:::, . .Y, E ; . sill.l- 41 . 7,-- ; ..--'77-,:‘:-;:; i01.1.7',..7.7;;,f ,i-;7.5.1- t....r...--.• ----,..-:,E,v,, ; ,2 =- - -- , -..- Tzt, ;, -e-71,171!%:1,,it.t.--1,...-: ;.-f-7-4,;at.-,, iffy . _ ;...- :Efill'..:- f liltil: .. r _ . .,,-;...;,:i. t . ..7%i- =7 ~--5 -.;.= 7.--71-1 :2 -,'4-c-- 2-5,17“-.A7i7c- F).7,—...... si, ..:Ir—lr"*F wli.-_,S4ll‘• 1. ,:!,-17i111-7,1 -'''-• 4 fit - C - n 4 J () * e t:, • I V lr 'll,4Cat 1 B E F 46 : *V' 1 , . • H t YES & JORDAN, HAVE ISM. GURATED Tll ca a ng, L.. J. urtitiisPd, Zumg/e Entry tanned to aitui.ut a larW Ott AA hooka t uAIMEAL /IL t /LC ULJ 1"/ CO S.—Business and Oruszusla .4 A ;lung. kur parl.l,llars ..0.1 fur l.trcular. TUITION. For full Collatrres4 t wars!, 130 UU ..... M fo 00 t, to L.,...tuna, 3 Oh.) *tug. I tit?. I.l”..k•Krepip,,,. 6 oPo Loypto.u.o , ftsbi4g to writ. ...:1111p only, until tloo 11.1. ..t May, • l rO.ll L to lA. pal , l Li , alfio , alier. (so. , ttdi tee ha,l for $1 00 pet week, StatloDery j 5 00 Atky pers. t, t00.. - abi:ities ins), by thiligently the up . VII. red, • • znputte in all the above; I, , Al.onwi a go,el titing in I or S weeks. tual.liag Lbw wbo,e I.Lowt /1,0141 I es,er the ecteplikr atid u4ry nailed •) stem of ',M t,. ,•••• bete. 'Le I...test •uketta wen. • ety I. the 'Junto.e y. 01.4,1 a eau,/ bead +ntluk in about 3b tt01.1.19.11 rlebtArre usluk ut,, • t Lei 1 ••i. Kee, er-r in ens in noteln to decency IL Me lif t , bate to lof erte•Sa, neerstane seer) uilneulty '1 krobt.. •LC. pc, vr I/L.IOW. VO rllll4ll 14C103.• Ir.aLui. AL.:.:,: ree 11 IskUktbk., • • • pre used lo %but Institution Lrte, t a., Dm" „: the stto‘• . esti ration for as%a St :De s • . • thee ie • C I.; I ' LA.N'D 4- ERIE RA IL ROAD 11_11141RIE MO_ Miti 0 NI, , U7c iz tt La 0 11/ tru r ....lace .L.E.VE CLEVELAND 12 IoU Y M MALI, o at an Way Stations czar? , wiautk, ,iajtayok, sod arrtv• at rl* 4SO 1' ; J. Y M burtsth. M. (y. Y. M Nl,;ct• ■ !rasa it.q..a at Yatnea , lll., ”al , , stu ILITIVes at b al e 12 4.5 AM . hs.';a,,,, A It I H An I.il3,l , l;At•ten 7 Rag, 0t4411, at all stt„tior.s,al7l , • St , LEAVE EltlE. • 2 . A •,„L• ,- Train e. , •p• •1 Girtnl, t Onn"ltt t • Aoit . ♦, ar-,•ett (-/O.e/Aod 4 441, It 1; ..t t• a. ...taittou• bat ta...•lt. L. r, Ir I u; N.ickllCa,u4 &try,' ill le••• ..t. at' J., r J A 11 I Apra... I ral •topsat Coneaut, Aal.tabala uld au.; arn •at lcrvtlaual 11 c.lO, A A :L. Lt aiLr ‘0113( H e•tward, cono•ct at ( Levalapti tra.c., 11., lultlLLtotalt, lilactlaitattt, AC. At., A. the t.aasliW I rot,. •t at UtaLikl/ ' tut, .1 'L.: 1 A Lti• hal.loact awl at Butlalu vettkc the tata auttt A Y Lit; Il N Cl:* I:UAY, SupurtatArtulont ,er•:anc. IH.. sLi I b 3. BUFFALO and HUE RAILROAD sIiNAIFINAIROLWIN AilliduEM.LNT Ayl.4 -•,, \s.. 4. MA until furtlarr outer,s.b.rr , :a • U. as 101 i . ,” L hIE „• EA 1.0., •;.• at NWPatfleld, Dunkirk, -k rt. , a, a r ova lo l•ul s t 4 EA) A .14 4b, , • 1 r a.l •acept V. taley•lllt, Moor - ,s. t, , • • a .a. it •rr,•-11.11. 0 3W. A it AL U. [La , . 111,i plUd at 1•4/ atauor a, AL.r/t•.s it .. • 1 (Y., A 11 , ? • e •ct Dunklrk awl Catta:o arith Exprasa ULI \ t \rr Y. k entral Hal. Road LLAVE bI:FkALU. • • ••R at a z•t•ati,t os except Saa•Xi:: ••- " ••••':a‘1.•••• •, Elm at b 41 I M a. II klvmr Creel,► kitl b.••• at d 50 A X otationt, arntes at En. IBM ♦., A M • : A •••cti4. 4 1 fl , Good Furture at Low Prices TAt tt BRISTOL'S Fur n itn& Looking WAREROOMS, Cutkr rF LeFurue.) Bltiatu. , 31.51 n street Dk.‘ OTI M. AT - rroerioN TO TILIEMANt rk. rna Ime•LeCU•Dir wd Iftkille Car stuck ..ttt tit rota.: custom tra.irs wt are mauled t•• . Sir S. •4 art.lch. o: Fu nature oupeng r ...a..tags. ,t,,ava L.; . ..IA twat at ywaja . .y,s...l•aratleintala,• rat t.. re• beat quaoltv, highest each, latest sad nes' ca: I et • ••• ..1 FIIILIII AND MIRRORS 11 • . • . ..n I,•ud • lArge snort. L I, ~A J• Kw; MAN, „, ,• U' I:: 0 T.l nLI VY 11.1 T NI r, t k I• HAIRS, t. KEF t ItTrl e r, • r I ( Ana( fl ',1..: • IS r'- I. X 11 , "TABLES, rr}lLr k. DESIO, 1 AND -. 11.}.(.E.1•T10N It. -1 .rl. • EN (11E1 ED ( HASIBLICSET7 , ,. , ..•1 !- k. • :r WI , 1....1Lta1,. lr.L4.Lg 1.W•110 Fr I NITt AR. .1 L. war u L.w 2 sea-gria , o, bu•k, palm .r. Mattresses and Spring Beds V 1 u• 11 ,1 • • =HE EAGLE FOUNDRY. ACHESON• & HENRY • . • f • tLeta•l baN• ;..t alaat a rualoilc oa eraCa ut rte t L.. al.. Mal.,l 4 lar a•tir • %/1 •01u... • Mat . , to their lineal' low.— 4J, IMI! Min= S'To ITS _l-VIP PLOWS, • It 4i/ •. a: ft, I. 10111.-• AC .1 Thy . ha.... to,. • 1, t ant: a lar k • tnki ~,:let•tion • I' 'F 0 1 E S , I ft It t r. %awl the Ktyst. OP, Yartritr's F stunt., t. ~ a,F .. , ak. ,tar • • • ...••••••••• k•t I ill, f.•l A...., • rptatr r t• •• Itta o.totry I • Ll. ~ Lott it to to:tarot to g N i.•. '.• •L5r.,,.. • Mineh.n.• , )3.15 in eunn.,t,ou v , nl4 rs . wherPt•lnvvv. k ozints well i.e built and repair - l S, r nat t.t•"ed flr in bin lltt • K, • Loqullt.lnF on the /: •N.L A At Hit, os, -• ---IS IBS EINEM MEM JUSTICE IN THE FIELD AGAIN- OULD MAY to my friecnia and tba public In gen•ral that I •i• —mtneneed the Tailoring and Beady Made Clothing Business, 1:11 t.rAnCiall., to the Store lately occupied by lir ae. ~n e ,449•/•, I.eitanen Brosnli Hotel and tb• R,,cl 11 u•e, • hr, I :.061.11, , 1 . to barn .1 all tirne• a choice aelee• to o , Cloths, Cass'mares, and Vestinga, rpt ti t.“ to order upon Mort Dottie.. and we/11E1i K. git • outl•fa.:n nor on Pale Pomona 10 west of azyttling 0:1] no n tv-iev fairly dealt) with, ea I am determined t m‘kv rinds hut sold) as rr 111 give setietioetion. I AID 1t...1111n . A rood am. rtrenrOt of Ittabti itiDttfingt •toch .ill le of limns :sake and irlinjintect b b• as repreesated or tr,,,r.• 0tuw 444 : 1 port taxing for CARE( are witrd to wall and examine h icon, as 1 am &tem to sell cheap for Cash. Cr - c t TT! 7..17 don* on abort n Hat sad warranted r r lr. (Jet 4 15511 JOHN H. JUSTICE. GOING ! GOING ! GOING I . • 110,000 Woith of BOOTS ANt) SHOES to be *old at eery 4,1 , prices c• EL CZI MI . T . G. BARR has sow received his PaLI Meek to fall, of BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, and evetylling to Mk line, which he will sell at ricee to suit the times. .tack to to tarp tettIMIIISIStiI artileles,and I tbnrefore ask all 3111( OLD CUSTOMERS end the PUBLIC gene? Bi . ) tu mil and examlo• article end prices, at 80. 10 Brows*. lock [Oct 30.] J. G. BARR. DRY GOODS tipi dI N C. O- : lail --hi±tUL,j4E' Nettlitrgn & Naha ARS NOW NEcrinNO TRIER Fall and Winter Stock Dry Goode, Clothing, &a., acc. Which will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPES2 1 PARTICULARS IUIRSAN'TEIL GIVE TEEM A CALL Remember the place Nl7StlitOra E f =ES NEW .5 TORS, directly ooitits DTOWII . II Rotel, eti*. _ Erie. Sept. lg. 1168.-111 AL nAms VANaa.—Tab ilaca tor the Wan to iget lasbiamlale I - FLEW, la at the Pamela Build/Jag. T. Y. AL VITEN. Dec VI. Cl Deost4 as the 1 1 / 4 LW (.CCD, at the f avariA Ilhatldha* . g. N BROW N, %pt Mn.: t,„t, 11ij TAI NT k BRISTuI AND PERUVIAN SYRUP., P?cH 7 E: === Y A „„6,..., she 1,11 r,.. Dr pay. Nerrelsrlft, Bramehide, Calawampilir I'. nAt uclr.. I.ol•Aldered MAIA Of [be Blood. Nuil.. ...'41)), the pto.trntlue of• lees. 01 I rut) Al NI), cur). t.rneral A‘l , ), I Ph , 1:•)L.4 HliilFl htte IRI6 A T 0.% Ir AVl# A E 71 rfr; By ft, • h,4 .-ya mix* d illucod, owd ittleOeliev le the tod•r i .te•at,i• of /eta% until- Oaf u 4.. h •occe fie wortrelotuell. Tbu pr.. f, alit, rcrimev an SO Illtalettolle, and of such pecurirse r, • 6 rt rut: ...ten (aslant tesaanably •s • µl.4terett r • , l' •rr out rotted. to , L a 01 , Lit Pitt be ,. a.,41 ., at I atrutiy uallb , are 1. /X (../. uu..l prra,Yr.tlagfrom ore• na L 1 1,2{..0.0 •a.. • for atuch the 3yrnp I. 1.••• auelr tLat elatelx has I al The facts at. .1 • and t•lticary ul 110 Of • AeD . .- 0 4 1 . • • L• A./Al..' • Tl. " •II IJ r•sio.ctiug •• • r Io I•e• with IL,. c•I ll•••• A 7.1 tIV • • • „Vf • l• klll.ll/111 , • ,; • •-bj.• J:b.. .i - t m) . The undere , gh... r, f • r • I.l*. rr 1, , .• Dr. V' • \ • IM! =I „ 'llOO 911 , .71{ - A I zAIII. r. 11 5 It i. wr . r Is tort t , , .‘rr, b ekt, • I D k, re DINA T • 1., all ll.' ria Mr 41c. =II I Y P•I. 91 M .1 1 . • 'II, Kw! YIaR ; ti• • lAtt, BEEMIC GREAT ARRIVALS ItLILLINERY AND FANCY DRY (:)-00r) 8 rE . A 11 RT BLAKE'S BONNET ROOMS, NM 1E: 1.11:4.1^T. !' u:( I ANO CLIKAPEST 1. .1. Ca • - • • • , ei• In• Importers, .t.• n. tft.(61,1: h r Y ly•• " • L:ts ` C.ST Slo Of)() WORTH BUUT~,~IIUi.~, BBE Leather and Findings, Tv 6t- , f.,(mh, and Uaih Unty , Fick Hari '• l'« 1 Shoe Store, .laft ter.. betykrl.ll ibe Park mud Seseall, St 3rt EMI • . I,I4_III..NLAT ANDDEAF BLIND_ OCULIST AND AURIST, No 230 Main street. 1c .v I ;remit:Dent of Jig ly C or (i t , N I 113 11It 1 . 1\"1 TO Dwelling Howe Gwners and Occupants THE .1."1. .1 I. -V 1;A Nt cONIPANY, ii'kook to _ MEE I r :t • • v th• n 'at Ju I. . I: • • , 4. 7 L • • • IMII Wllt.-,1 • rat •. , I n%, Laci ,•,••• to IL. •••• I lit ME )1 1 ' 1;01 E 1 LW LH Tt4Ak- AT VIKRI LOW auras • • • /•••4 J k lOA N;:st.. Attorney $t Lan, AGENT " ' ' • Itx • "'g towns, Wilt nieet !Sy! I 11. I • A • it, a rir An, • pr . r.m;,t 14, I. - ELECT A 41.1 Nt. l kr, at l_r I'I.ATPAT VA }II • I, • , .• Waiter,., Ciao • •, 0,, • 4. toe Arricle or Christmas Arr. 91....apr T M. AUSTIN. DItCLUIIOR .4, - °Tick: .• . ' •• • 11. rrso of Marsh k Compton • „,, ua Boolo,•Kotaa and it .•• ••.• %; A 1.0.11 for rollectlos, a•ftb r .ri ze d t,, ..• r gni vrtli pay all d•loaeds a i rgi os t the late brut A T. MAILia. trio, No. 13, JOHN COMPTON. NOTICE. ri HK burin... t e I,llpor b.:mit:tem will be I IUrItIOUt U VI: ,K 111.1.4101,: at tLe uld stand, ISco cm Lt 13,155 a }: —lb sr mi.., AA I A.. 1 f . n • c+. to von ot h ( ossirisagro. 1: Env t. L. I• . 1 11, ' L.) IA) tn) customorg •IQ wa ratitaqi It. 4r, a. ch•al ar the •hrapt Jl3l, .I 4 k alm, A Fine Heavy All Wool Slants Cloth AT . rwu bULLA IL , . 14 (At TH THREE. The eery thlua for itagatek &e.• /Wit r . " 1 " 4 Auctt. u at the BEE HNC. SC/,AR: ,—G on , . •p•-. 1-1 T 141,.1 o and Brazed Stipa an ki o d, mind pv Irt fr,,, cb. ap. Joky S. EL STSSRXTT. c ,, AT Eti si w: , getting Rotatter Him w CI am: / 0 , •10 • Eno, At, I• • - coAL OIL. F:\ r at LILDWIN'S Dry 0 6 F'rf. Dia _ _ LL who koow thrills/elves Indebted to Blakey Boast Noosigai will plea. pay Ulf iamn w 1 thal 30 days and save aorta. Dee. b. T. N. BLAK_ Proprietor. Paragon Ballduag, opposite tbe Park Idle Pie XTIKA SILAICV ASSET )113CALD AND lIIJROWN -CoIn:KED 1'A.1:11113t.5., at lees than %mai st ra rn. _ Juat afa,• , ' .t :tat _ _ _ HEALTH IVITHOUT PHYSIC. A Prize Epay OD !YerTOIN/ MODDIeD. Just publiabod. the 2:412 thousand, in a sealed auvalopw, price 10 carats: or sent, lost paid, by the Yablarberi, for 3 stamp. ♦ 1111tDicn.l. LOMAT 08 TOO POTon :AL CaInCETIO:II ASV DICAT of the frame from todolgroor. fulrctina and lb. inpuiona anise loaners of Mercury. S'LIA tAa eseekro seam d Clan. By it. .1 lllk kkeVi ELL, IL D., • lig e .e,e, Of the Royal Cisitege of SOTriOtiO, &e., be, he. Spermatorrboet, or tirtutual gousetona. Nervous Debtlay Impotency, 1.0.4 of Lorriry, LArprvaason of Bpirlta, Tiodatity, Tiaof eases of the Sexual Orirsze, sod Iropedltoedit* to JIIISTIne gaunt ly, aro pr. mptiy sod teratnnily cured by the author's cowl and moat i.e,tui made of treatorrot, by means of arida lb. tort. lid an rtiginn pesttne health without hurts; recourse to anger. W 1 and expiLiusty• prom the I.opdoo I...neet —"Th. hat meows sose melsossl, Al a Nakpla qf east romertAscs to .a, oaf stiellA, esietiod 'crumbles." Address the Publishers, C. J. Huss t Co., hi UNION tor.l9th Strest, Post Box 43b. NOW Tea City. Dec. 26, 1868.-32D33,... ELEGANTillsoay of Wool., irt a kt iaadi A c h m , w tutor C•lora, at lie sad 40e; keel Stases Plaid at do; tat/ 0 m anti Raw Silk In groat eatleti t i s st lb§ no, 13—in RITZ. jiLL Ueda of ail Toll WORE. la dare es the abetted Ml** and beat amid seat atilas, at J. mcworLavis, T. M. AtmTrig MAsrrAntrus sheer @poems, no. illiouroad sad %hi Jeviolry; lispsas all kmde i I Jam. mid Watsbui wave best maser, it "f 1 low Prilwc Edgy Dec" I'ABIGU4 BlitimUntkliftheabetnot. :i ..: I.:.xir - i .i rl,c:Q a. Cisibtereeted periOng t/ • Int, to be ennined .Arttal•, lb. Lauds eoeeta of the ' 4 l , '• 1 [pony rata '1..1 • yo• •.• I I.lfl I 14.241: Lit...... • 44, tvrr utnpli•lot, if( but ~• ttwm, mak: 4,1,, 1 , . /.44111l0f111.1••• • ',• V 1 - IN"IcT 'llkll. 'lArt • t.Y, - r 4 • \ iIITTKY4.I* =I lEMIEM I r loud, of Iron z t: cnniate:a •r irda IP claln.:l by COY • ..•11,01. c ccuy • 411. ••e• of lb. Maly 11).S, 1.1 U, ..: ll'a.aacbturnitta I • • , I ,, yrter,rk t•e r o tneet. Beet,. •,64,ec. epee -21 1,!...e. , -25 bm. •'' '•• ca.flainalt..l gra:chew, ,•:4. • yr -km*, Ctit • firs'a , itkd axed al •1, • 4U-et otyles. of • .71:W4,14/Vol' • ras-^a. ocla.ors, I s.smont k.ftela of lIMMEI M A (Anti, tra.rott II silting r 9 Pr, not be B .01 ±LAKE, I":4pt Wur m art. a rood aa•ortrotrat t•T MI 113 6 - 41 ATSI7§ MIMI ` f,-.., aNn ding au _ • ...bin the rs. lu. l. 4, 1,, ..vrciar, of •. L.•. • f soot • • ..•• tl,roufh •t.. witL .• • • 4 uu•rds. ikt! • • 1- I.erlvd. t Isa• trap ..• :,u.lta - unque. l• • U iltteDdlO( • •• 111 i) 04.10• I k itt•l to of e . eee.c.tak. of real '3 I MILL lick. 1.,01.1,1111' MO ‘.1./sT -AF L.. ("Alta taste, or 1.11• •!.. o d 001 be per : en. hider:At:lay, Wheel partially immure =ME BY FIRE ♦.. MAILISH P P STP.RP.CIT 111.N‘10 k BASTARD'S VRIV. err IRON WOX Xft Stan, N• ISIS.