. TIIRERIE OBSERVER. b SLOAN, EDITOR AND PRoPHllirolt TERM* RI M PER YE/Lit, IN ADVANCE SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1859 New', of the Week. - Law new. frwa California and the south American &taloa bat boon received in Now York. Some of the la- Nrinetion is interesting Ecuador is represented to be in a deplorable state, every branch of industry at a dead lock, and her principle port blockaded by a Peruvian fleet. Peru is big with inearrso tion, though far the present, matters were quiet. The French legation had wised its intercourse with tit* govern. ment seciountecif the illegal imprisonment of a French , man Chill as in a state of revolution. The Southern Provinces are in arm., and martial law prevails every. where. The alleged confirmation of Cass-Yrissari treaty with Ntaavegna announoed shortly since, is doubted. The English treaty was accorded • oonfirmationjent the Atiteri men had Dot yet been ratified at the latest dales. It is sad that tb• French hare secured • treaty similar to that obtained by Sir W. G. Onseley. The news we have from the Paraguay expedition indicates its departure for Awn sten on the last day of last year. Before leaving Monte. video, Mr. Bowlin and Corn. Shubrlck applied to the goy' ere meat of trugnay fur some place of deposit for coal, and for permission to land some of the troops. Both requests were denied. The Commissioner expected but to remain • few bona at Buenos Ayres. The Paraguayans, assisted by several British officers, had placed their river in so thorough a state of defence that it was believed to be im• possible for the Americans to even effect an entrance from the Parana.. The President, however, was said to be ready to concede any reasonable demand of our Commissioner. At Montevideo much excitement had been produced by the hute of govereinent in its preparations for war. With out exterisal enemy, or observable danger from internal outbreak, it was mustering and equipping men ; and the moment the steamer sailed, the troop!' were kept under arms night and day. From California we have intelligence of farther Indian trouble. in the Mohave country.- - A bat, tie between the 49th Dragoons and the Indians resulted in a repulse of the latter with 10 killed, and no loss on our side. Gen. Clarke will take the field with 600 men, and teach the redskins a practical lesson. By passengers from Lebanon, Sy., the Louisville Clouser learns of a molt distressing affair which °marred near that place. Miss Susan Shunt, daughter of John Shnok, Req., was to have been married to Mr. John Thomas at 19 o'clock. Bat • few minutes prior to the time the ceremony was to be performed her dress ac cidentally °aught on fire, and the wedding dress, whloh was of a thin material, was instantly in a blase, and the young lady was fatally burned. Her sister, Mts. Burr Harrison, in her ',trots to saw, her, grad her own dress, and was, perhaps, even more severer burped. There is bat little hope of her recovery, It is feared. Mr. Shuck, and other nnamball of the fomily, who also tried to relieve the young lady from her perilous situation, were burned, but not eerioasly. The scene was terrifying beyond the expression of language. The bride was badly burnt from the waist up, sod the hair badly burned from het head.— After her wounds were dressed, sod white she lay upon her cowls', suffering the intensest agony, the marriage ceremony was performed. Rooms bad been prepared at t be National Hotel, In Louisville, for the bridal party, and they were to leave by the evening train. —, A number of Italian vagrants are under arrest in Pittsburg, ("barged with soliciting aid ander false proton, *ea. They carry forged papers, setting forth their claims upon the elnipathy of the public , . The Mayor learned from an intelligent and respectable Italian that there is a regular system, which hu its head quarters in New York, by which this swindling tll carried on. There these papers are prtoted by out-loads. The tibias have the whole Caned States districted oft, and solicit consignmegG of Italian beggars, to wit= they farm out counties at so much per cent, on the collections made. The moneys eoli lected are deposited to the credit of the depositor, anti then sent on to an Italian banker in New Tork, whole name we do not know. Prom there it is taken by the beggar, when he gets as much ae he wants, to Italy, where be invests it to cult Mosel(. The above and other simi. lar facts having appeared, Mayor Weaver thought it best nof to let it off aaeardiag to their request, so he bundled them all off to jail for ten days each, as vagrants. We find the following, under date of the Bth, In the Lawrence correspondent of the Leavenworth Tietee:-- " Council bill to abolish and prohibit slavery was then taken up, with,eenly two hours to insure the Governer's signature or codipel him to return it. None like it has oc• ourred this session. The friends of the Rotas admitted tbst Council bill was not what they wanted in all respects, but that pr. Root should not be allowed to carry their bill I n hie pooket for four weeks as the confidential agent of the Govetnor, for the purpose of defeat. The most per sistent efidrts were made to prevent final action by a few members ; but the matter was passed through, and a final rote was taken at 11 P. M., when, by • large majority, slavery was abolished and forever prohibited In the Territory o Kaasas." Richard Randolph, a mash% of John Randolph of Ro evoke, died in bilanit township, Ohio, on the net January The dotoessed, who was as eviontrto as his more celebrated °ousts, was an old bachelor, and bad resided on the Randolph tract., Ohio, for twenty B,e years. fit leaves a property, mostly in land, valued at el),000, to be ex• pended in the purchsee and freedom of the slaves now owned in the Randolph family, and those, with those Off. spring, formerly owned in the Randolph family, which slaves are to bo set free ; and if the estate is not exhaust, ed in this purchase, the balance is to be applied to the use and benefit of said slaves. At Comminsville, near Buffalo, on Saturday night, a man entered the graveyard, removed a corpse from a grave, and placed it in a seek. In leaving the graveyard he eras compelled to climb a high fence, and the feat wu undoubtedly difficult with the dead weight the resurrec• tionist carried. It would seem that the man had placed the cord of the sack over his shoulders that he might climb the easier, the sack hanging at his bank. At any rate, ha was found in the morning, dead—hanging by the nook on one side of the fence and the pendant corpse on the other. Governor Morgan. of New York, appears to be a very beasible man. Seeing the growing evil of asking pardon' for convicted criminals, he has issued a circular to all the Prisons and Penitentiaries o?the State, cautioning them against aignlog or making in person, applications for par. don of eonvists under their charge. Be gives them very iiistanotly to understand that all such petitions from theta will be returned, and that any interferstioe of this kind, oc their part, will be prejudicial to those whom they are de. stilted to serve. Thu is proper and right. All violaters of law, when proven guilty, should be made to suffer its penalties. The Pesseylvosiolt says some time linos, Mr. Michael Brady, residing in Washingtou street, above Jefferson, to the Seventeenth ward, was bitten by a white pet fox, at Foist Breese. At that time nothitig serious was expected to result from the bite. Reeentiy, however, Mr. Brady was attached with quits a serious illness, and exhibited un mistakable symptoms of hydrophobia. On Thureday eye, at ag he suffered the most intense agonies, sod his snood. fag physiotao stated that death most speedily terminate ►is tortures. A great row agitate. Quincy, Ili. A mum Duped Henry Ti. Johnson, wu murdered at, a house of infamy by Thomas Cassidy, the keeper, and a young smut bused Thontoo, who hare been committed fur trial. As soon as tae *►aminatiun was concluded before the Cormier a Dumber of bop and wee proceeded to the boos* of Cass idy sod "riddled - it inside and out. Tboy then p roeii .d., ed to other buraci f 1:1-fame, "cleaning oat" tea of thus, ►►d learning one to the ground Yr & Lee, an aged lady of Columbus, Ohio, hoe se cured the arrest of a mulatto named William Polley on the glowed that be bee destroyed her happiness, by mar rying her daughter Mary Ann, a very pretty white girl. See deoleired that the man made oath to the effect that the gal was eighteen year* of age, when she was but sisteeo. The girl, however, sppears to be satisfied with her Volley, wad is determined nut to abandon her lord, —t& terrible swami:mat explosion occurred at Conrad's Point, near SIAM Runge, above Nem Orleat.s, oe Saturday morning last. The steamboat Princess from Vicksburg to ileur.Orleatis was blown op. Four hundred persona ware ea board, of whom two hundred are lost wad missing, mostly reeldeete.of Mississippi and imeisimia. A large number of Ladies were on board, ailing Ore ladies' and part of the gentlemen? cabin. The number of penitentiary convicts, in the western put of the State, la gradually increasing. There Sr. now saisarcrorsted in the Western PerritentinriAire hundred and tweltrthres oonviota—a higher number than nee be fore entbniced within its Wells. The esse;o Yet Allison it Pittakeitt who sued kiss lulls a c. Mrs: Brett for slander, in charging her with un ooducit, has reisultsid is • verdict of $1,L15 for plauLue. President Get Gard, the now ruler of Hayti, was In augurated on the 23d at January, and took the onetomary ealikit_oace. It he keeps the pa, the people will prob. \ ..t ~ A C 4 . - _ T.. suet of the of "Ake% c: itumg ukase/ to read the roes libel ea, .'• a • ' it, a dhieepot able paper in this el last weak, we .' u this card - Deeitir The enures from whmtee that story °owe* Is well known to us—at it the ooncootion of • couple of vtllians who at. tempted to swiriaa as ..at of our intereet in the 064#•7 tor printing establisbateeat—foiled in that, however, by the legal resistanoe to wrong of Judges GLLSILAITI and Dew, mum*, they have resorted to this toque to revenge them, selves. The oharenter of the sewer through whieb the falsehood hada; its way to the public oar, preerudes all re. ply. We never have, and never shall, lower ourself to the level of replying to anything from that source. Having ansoolated with gentlemen Oasts, ingte we ouuuot now stoop to notice a vagabond and loafer. Bat, if we have say aubscriben upon our Books wbo believe this tole, they will oonfer a epeeist favor upon RI by ordering their papers discontinued. We don't want a man who believes the label to read • paper we publish. As for the ahem, itself. it is simply rates : That there can be a witness produced, ready to perjure himself, we do not doubt, but that any genuine paper, eonneoting oar name with Boob • transit°_ uon even. in the remotest decree. eon be produced, we em phatically deny. We neater Aimed no, never saw snob a paper. We Deter bad a word of eouversetiotrwith • Di. rector of the Brie and North Rae Railroad Company, nor any other Railroad Company, upon the satOeet We Dar er received • dollar of money from them for any such pur pose. Thus multi we have doomed due to such friends in the country who may not be posted as to the Maim* from whence the falsehood emanates, nor the motive, of its prop. ligation. Here in the oity It is laughed at as the impotent ra vings of o couple of totted scoundrels, who having received favor after farot-at our hands, ue now meeting the Fan of the serpent wormed In the bosom of its benefactor. PROTEC'TION TO .4311111 CAN arm ass Janos°, We laid before our readers last weak the mes sage of the President, asking that means be placed ip his hand during the recess of Congress to en. ale him to protect our rights as a nation abroad. All have doubtless read that paper ere this, and also the stricturimeOle opposition presses upon its suggestions. Many of those strictures are not only severe, but unjust in the highest de gree. In saying this we hope we lay aside all partisan feelings in the ease. Were Mr. Boon. ANAN ten times the Republican he is a Demo , orat, we would ohectrfully give him countenance in the proposed measure. It is one which the exigency of the times demands, and which, if the country could for a brief period be divested of the curse of partisanship, would receive an affirmative response at the hands of the entire country. What is it that the President asks! Nothing more nor lees than that his hands may be strengthened so that he esti protect the lives and property of our citizens in their transet through the territories of the South American States on the routes to our Pacific possessions. Is there an American citizens, be he a Democrat or a Repub lican, who does not desire this should be done! But, say the opposition, this would be conferring upon the Executive the War Making Power, and this would never do. We think it would be con• ferring .no snob thing. It would only be placing in his hand.s means of defense and redress, to be used in case it became necessary through the bad faith and treachery of the imbecile and worth. less governments of the South Amerietn States. Ai it now stands, in OW the traueet routes are obstructed, u they have been, and our citizens are murdered and their property pillaged by the half civilised savages of those countriesi'the oral means of redress is that of diplomacy. This may be sufficient with a civilized nation, but it will hardly avail with the half savages of South Am. erica. They understand and appreciate the di, plomaey of the rifle and the musket better. They only know that you are in earnest when they fled their towns bombarded, and the grape and canister of forcible "diplomacy" rattling about their ears. In short, our flag and our commerce can never be respected and protested in the States alluded to until the Executive is authorized to resort to force first and "diplomacy" afterwards. Thus much by way of introducing to our readers the following well timed and judicious remarks upon this subject from the columns of the Phila. delphia Journal, a paper by no means a partisan of the Administration. After adverting to the too common practice of looking at all measures in a merely partisan point of view, the Journal eaye: "This mode of .passing judgment on the eon , duct of a ministry, is prolific of evil, and it forms. in onr opinion, one of the most serious iources of official recklessness and perversity in our gov ernment. We are specially prompted to make this remark, at this time, by what we consider the disengennons manner in which the President has been charged with bad motives, in his late message to Congress. That document was a plain and reasonable appeal to the legislature, for a most necessary provision against probable or possible contingencies, in which the lives and property of American citizens might require the protection of the military forces of the republic. Such exigewies had arisen repeatedly, and greet and grievoul' wrong had been suffered besatme there was no power to prevent or avenge it on the spot. This absence of any actual defence against outrage done to Americans, when beyond the jurisdiction of their country, has long been a standing complaint on their part, and a humili ating reproach to the government. In every one of the inatanoes in which a naval commander up on a foreign station has been called on to inter pose on behalf of his oonntrymen against vio lence or injustice of any kind, he has either de. olined to do so, on the ground that his authority was deficient, or he has dared to take the re.• sponsibility under a fear of reprehension and dis. grace at home. The consequence is, that the subjects of no government are so unproteeted when abroad, and so abused and insulted without sufficient redress, as those of the United States; and an American citizen, when in foreign lands} suffers the mortifying consciousness that, how— ever his personal or political rights may be in. vaded, the representatives of his nation are pow-- erless to afford him prompt and effectual relief. It was to obtain provision against this ahameflrl weakness of our government, in an extraordina exigency that Mr. Buchanan asked Congress to strengthen his hands during their approachixig recess. He saw that, in the unsettled and tte.• tmlest, state of affairs on the Isthmus, and the *canal inability of the authorities of the CentUal American States to enforce respect for their ono laws and the laws of natiorrs, our citizens wotild probably be exposedovithont defence, to spolia tion and even massacre, and he desired., very humanely and patriotically, as we think, to have some better resource igiinst such an emergency than that of calling Congress together from the extremities of the Union, to declare war upon the aggressors. The language in which he ex , piained the reasons that impelled him in the matter, and the request itself, were too explicit and in telligible to be misunderstood. His obvi ous purpose was not only a harmless, inoffensive one, bat it was .eminently judicious and benevo lent. But partisan enmity wilfully misconstrued it. In seeking simply to give to American oil setts sojourning is, or penult through eertatn foreign territories, a more immediate proteetiOn from violence than they would otherwise enjoy, he has been accused of coveting the war-making power with a view to provoke or originate hosti lities with friendly States, and denounced as en tertaining the ambition of a military despot.— Having read the message carefully and without prejudice, we ;maims that we cannot discover in it anything that should either alarm Congress for the security of its prerogatives, or the public for the safety of their liberties. state paper, how ever, may be very differ ently interpreted, accor ding to the light in whi eb it is seen, and we ste nos surprised that the recent message of Mr. Buchanan is regarded as atrocious when beheld tkrongh the jaundiced vision of his political *nes miss.' The Cineinnati PreN Bays test the Work engine by which their paper is worked of, a a permanent niece.. - It runs Hoe'e lightning double cylinder press, thriving ..d three thousand Impressions an hour, and the expense fur fill 4 mar a oast &ad a *a lust. A MD We hope oar reader* egottsre in tenertt ii the, f columnr It was uut,4t publication, but the 4 learned sod eloqn i t 06:43 nod has known cul person many yearp, we h e thon4l of greeting" ma not in 1101 in offset to thl gross s return to the chair editor , at not sOcUt.e tp , a ' , flowing letter ici uur ;isps, desitned fur er-i.t one of the most men itiltew England, y and intimately for t that his "ki,nd words ppropriately ti. given enders with which 'our 0 has been greeted by c li our few tsialignan enemiss. It is a pleasure to know thet the fri ndship and esteem formed in boyhood twith th writer of this letter has been eemented end eon lolled in riper years, and that although our pa s in life have run in separate channels ? there is no such separation in our senti ments, ;,olitioal or otherwise. And here, en passesst, let us edd, that our fieriest friend's can. tion is timely. In the heat 'if political strife ' the Editor is apt too often to Iforget that there' may be honorable, and high isiinded, and chris lien men in every patty, soot, or profession. The fact that three thousand New England clergy men pronounced a malediction upon the Demos 'ratio party for the passage of the Nebraske bill, should not blind our eyes to the other fact scate ed by him, thal " not all Calvanistio, or Con , gregatiOnal, cir Presbyterian, or Baptist, or Methodist clergymen are disloyal to our Union." We know they are not. We know many., very many,' who, although differing widely with the principles of the party we are identified with, would scorn to usel the name and influence of their high and sacred calling to the base purposes of politioal deniagoguen. We know others, like the writer of this letter, who see with n.a.in the Dsmooratio organisation, covered as all suelbor. ganisations more or lea must be with the filth of party corruption and blurred with the angry passion.jt of over heated partisans, the great lever of eivilization and. progress on this oceitinent.— They see that whatever has been accomplished for this country in the past has been by the ci, measures, and through the ' efforts of the states, men of the Demoorati party ; and seeing this they are willing, thong walking humbly in the path of th eir choice , give their voice, not in noisy acclaim, but in iet approval, to the ad vancement of the en and aims of that party Of this class is the titer of this letter. All honor to such men. he friendship of one of them ',oil:optimum for arrows, 'burled by the ed with the voltam at DLLS FaIIIND Si your announcement with feelings of slum is himse i lf again," a Wuhington's Birth which has been celebi a zest unknown for one of the " egtongl and I and others are My present oommi view First, to eon' craoy of Western PI once of the Eria 01 °ratio Paper—one and law, and order abroad. Border rt to be rebuked. Th expressed, are to be The forms of law rors are to be corn DAN :—I have just read the Observer of Feb. 19, I gratification. " Richard Id I am right glad of it.— )sy, which is just put, and .ated in New England with be last fifty years, reminds ng allianoes" is which yob exposed. initiation has sere objects in ratulate you and the Demo lansylvania on the confirm , server as a National Demoi rhich sustains government, enerally, both at home and ffianism, wherever found, is rights of the people, laical y maintained at all hazards.— re to be observed. Civil er eted by civil means. Moral errors by moral meas. Caesar's kingdom is not to be governed by be laws of Christ's kingdom The Constitution f the United States ss it is, and not as it ough to be, is the present rule of political *conduct. The disloyal, unfraternizing li citizen is brother?to the traitor. True patriot ism merges the pivate into the public good True philanthrop regards the white man and 1 the black and th red man alike. Nor is the Chinese or Iris an to be disfranchised. Our tlbrethren of th eutonie Stock are to be gladly welcomed to ou shores and homes furnished them on our nati nal domain. Sectionalism is to be guarded sgatUt, white the rights not vested in the central goiernment remain with the sever al state gayer= tits respectively and are to be sacredly observe . These are the principles of the Ob s erver as of yourself daring your politi eal career. My second object in writing is to administer a word of oautiin in respect to your treatment of the profession to which I belong. NA all oalvioisticor congregational, or Presbyterian, or Baptist, or Methodist clergymen are disloyal to our Union. The political preachers of alt per. suasion' are. Those who preach Christ and his Cross in the true spirit of their office meddle aq little in politics as our Saviour did in the midst of Roman despotism. The noisy political prea obers of the day are not true exponents of the religion of all the fraternity. Those who feed upon the spiced poisons weekly served up in the Independent and Tribune have no patience with the wholesome diet of the Sacred Scriptures.— Fanaticism and political hate form no part of the true Christian character. Love is the fulfillment of the law. My caution is simply this. That in the beat of attack upon these christians mil itant, you distinguish between friends and foes . Yon may set ' down as a safe general rule that those clergy n who read the New York °beer-. oer are good d loyal citizens You.never hear them denon ing their brethren for thinking differently fr themselves. These are not the I se ones who r their vials of wrath upon the President, o Constitution or Congress. They are not fowl using contemptuous epithet' and shimeless . towards the Supreine Court of the United ft,tatee t the moat dignified and august tribunal in obristendom. Trusting that you will ever prove faithful to your present high position and that the true democracy will rally around you with fresh en thulium and sustain your hands and encourage your heart I subscribe myself, Your Friend. Talk BOttritosaus 07 ORIOON —The lot of Admission defines the boundaries of this new State to the ocean on the west, the Columbia River to its intersection with the 46th parallel, and drat parallel on the north; the Snake River to the arauence of the Owyhee, and a line due south from thee point on the east, and the 43d parallel on the south. The area thus designed clovers a trifle mor e than 1 half of Oregon Territory; in square miles about 115,000; a surface far 4zceeding that of any of the older States yet failing very much short of t)re extent either of California or of Texas. gaum., if admitted, would bring with 1 an area greater by :3,000 square miles, than at of Oregon.: A floras FILL.—The St, Charles Hotel at 'ew Orleans, for the first time since it sal erect ei, %els brimful on the Bth ult., and not a bed !to spare-r-containing the large amount of eleven hundred and sixty nine gnaw. A moan town: • 1 OZZETING: be wound' Pf a thousud hind of euvy and poisons - alignity : Mau. Feb. 23, 1859. FROM RARRISSTIRG. iore.mpowiesee of tie °burro%) HABAIRBURG, MAROS 1, DM Ma. EDITOR : —March certainly came in like s lamb this morning, let it go out like whatever other beast it may The sun is shining clear and bright., and although there is a little snow left in spots, the weather is mild and spring like. While all is so joyous and bright, in the Capitol of the Keystone State, the scene is far different at the Capitol of the Nation. There a gloom is impending that no sun be it ever so bright oan cheer. Today all that is now left of an able lawyer, a man of brilliant talents, and a shining light in dab fashionable circles of the city of magnificent distanoes, who less than forty-eight hours ago, was life, hope . and animation, will be consigned to the narrow house appointed for all. A gray haired,fond mother,will take from the gay and fashionable scenes, where she fell so low, her ruined, disgraced and heart broken daughter, while in a gloomy cell of a dreary prison, may be seen the emaciated face of the brain racked and hesit tortured Sickles, who, in a moment of frenzied madness, to avenge his wounded honor, hurried, all unprepared before his Maker, the immortal spirit of P. Barton Key. The details of this fearful tragedy show the moral oorrup• don in Washington, where so much politioal di.. honesty is constantly being carried on. It is a sicknening theme to contemplate, and as you will receive the full !Articular, from other sour, tree, I will leave it. In the way of legislation hero this winter, the record will boar me out in saying, that two months of the session have been consumed, and very little, if any business of a general character has been transacted. Oa Friday last the appro priation bill went through the Committee of the Whole in the House, but when it comes up on second reading there will no doubt be various amendments offered, and any amount of speech making indulged in The House some time since passel a resolution fixing the final adjourn ment on the 15th inst., but has since then dist covered this date was slightly previous, and an effort was made yesterday afternoowto fix a later day. The motion to reconsider the resolution naming the 15th carried, but before another date could be agreed upon, the hour of adjournment arrived, and no time was settled upon. Young members of the House freqhently indulge in the bnnoombe flourish of advocating early adjnorn ments, in the beginning o$ the session, to show tfieir constituents that they are very anxious to save time and money, but I have always noticed that they were just as willing as any one else to draw their pay and lengthy mileage. This being private bill day, the House this morning took up bills in their order, which were not disposed of on the test lily; among which was one to charter a bank at Lewiston, Hain county. Pending the consideration of which, the hour of 1 o'elook having arrived, the House adjumed until 3 this aftertrvon. In the after, noon the bank bill was again taken up, and pas sed finally by a decided vote. It still has to go through the senate b y the (iov• ernor, so that the danger or having soothe r rag. mill opened is not st all alarming, as it is pretty well understood that the Senate and the Gover nor are both opposed to such institutions. "An act relative to foreign insurance compa nies-in the county of Erie," has just been passed to second reading, end will doubtless go through, but will not be reached again to day. It pro. vides, I believe, to treat foreign companies that may wish to locate in your region, more liberally than has been the ease heretofore, especially in the way of taxes. Your members, Messrs LAIRD and CAMPBELL, are ever watchful of the interests of their con atituents. Mr Laird, especially, seems to nn derstand the ropes, and bids fair to make a very useful representatiVe lie is a young man of decided ability, of pleasing address, and is admi rably calculated to make friends wherever he g The people of Erie county will show their pod sense by continuing him here, as long as he is willing to coma. lie has not yet made a set speech, but has on several occasions address% ed the chair, briefly, in such a way as to show all that whet deems it proper to do so, his constituents will have no reason to be ashamed of him in that respect. As matters transpire worthy of note, I will try and drop you a few lines once A week, during the balance of the ses sion Yours, truly, JIM ---~- lifir Elsewhere we give an account of the startling tragedy at Washington. in which [lon. Daniel Sickles, member of Congress from New York, shot Poilip Barton Key, U. S. District Attorney for the District of C on Sun day afternoon The particulars are taken from the Washington correspondence of the N. Y. Tribune, a paper that would not be likely to give the matter a coloring in favor of Mr. Sickles. If the facts are as stated, there are few who will blame Mr. Sickles. Certainly if anything eta justify or palliate the taking of human life, the offence of which Key is accused would. That a high minded man should slay the destroyer of his happiness, the invader of his domestic rights, the seducer of her whom be had sworn to love and protect, is not to bo wondered at-••.is it not rather to be approved, for courts afford no ads quite redress for such a crime? What a fearful load of responsibility and shame rests upon the guilty woman who has been a principal iostrn• meat in this tragedy. Her conduct was as per. fidious and shameful as its cionsequenoes have been terrible and ignominious. It is heart-sick ening to read the particulars of this degrading pros. titration in high life. In all mach oases we are almost inclined to believe the - revolver is the most speedy avenger and most effective remedy When unprincipled and licentioue men are a■. cured that their criminal assault. upon dismantle peace and purity will imperil their live*, they ma y le a rn to respect the sanetlty of wedlock and refrain from their work of ruin, and not till then. FAILIIRS Or WZITIMI FRUIT MR141.-I,IIWIII Ellsworth, one of the most sueessoful sod into). ligcot fruit growers in Illinois, says in a com munication to the Prairie F'arster, that the loss in fruit trees in our State within the last three years, is millions of dollars—sod is attributed to the cold winters and dry summers. But be as serts that to a great extent this result has arisen from their standing unprotected in a soil under laid with a retentive clsyeysloam subsoil, which characterizes most of the prairie lauds, Ile has adopted the pratioe of ridging his land, by re peated plowings commencing at the same ridges and ending at the same furrows,and where nursery trees were formerly thrown out by freezing, since ridging they stand throughout the winter with out injury, and makes better growth in the sum mer. lie recommends the ridging system for all orchards, each row of trees being placed on the center of the ridge. —The steamer Quaker City was burned at the wharf at Nashville, Tenn., oa the 17th inst. CIE DREADFUL AFFAIR AT WASELEGTOI. Prom Special Correopoudeace of The Taboo. WAsHINOTON, Fab. 27, 1A59 This city has been thrown into an unusual state of excitement this afternoon by the shooting of Philip Barton Key, United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, by Daniel E Sickles Member of Congress from the Ind ' Die• triot in New York, resulting in the almost instant death of the former. The circumstances, as I have learned them from the parties on both sides, including Mr. Sickles, with whom I have had an interview in the District Jail, are as follows : For more than a year there have been floating rumors of improper intimacy betvreen Mr. Key and Mrs. Sickles. They have from time to time attended parties, the opera, and rode out together. Mr. Sickles has heard of these reports, but would naver credit them until Thursday evening last, On that evening, just as a party vie about break' ing up at hie house, Mr. Sickles received among his papers an anonymous letter. ,Without open• ing his mail, or knowing the oontenn of the let. ter, he accompanied his wife to shop Oa his return home at midnight, Mr. Sickles opened the anonymous letter, which informed him of the infidelity of his wife, of her intimacy with Mr. Key, and stating all the details of the manner of their meeting, and naming the plane of rendezvous. The letter was so plausible in its statements, and gave such precise directions for the detection of the parties in their assign*. uon meetings that Mr. Sickles decided to investi' gate the facts. Accordingly he placed the letter in the hands of two of his most intimate friends, who last evening possessed themselves of the evidence satisfactory to Mr. Sickles that Mr. Key had rented a house of a negro in Fifteenth street, which be Used as a place of rendezvous with Mrs. Sickle,. This morning, being in great agony of mind, Mr. Sickles, in the presence of two witnesses, charged his wife with having had illicit inter ' course with Mr. Key. Ai. first Mrs. Sickles de. olared her innocence. Mr. Sickleas / then para ded before her the evidence of her guilt. She became overwhelmed with the sudden arraign. ment, and fainted, and finally confessed her guilt. Mr. Sickles was not satisfied with the verbal con fession, but desired Mrs Sickles to make the cou• fession in writing. She complied. She also in formed him how often Mr. Key had been in the habit of seeing her, and his mode of telegraph; ing to her„by a wave of his handkerchief when he wanted her to come out. Mr. Sickles' residence is No. 7 President'.., square, in view of the Jackson statue, which is opposite the White House. In full view of Mr Sickle's residence, on the other side of the square, Firceen•and.a-half street, is the Washington Club-House, where Mr. Key frequented, and from the windows of which Mrs. Sickles says be was in the habit of telegraphing her with his white handkerchief. If Mr. Sickles was absent, she was in the habit of returning the signal About 2 o'clock today Mr. Sickles raw Mr. Key wow out of the Club House and go round the square and walk past his (Sickle's) house two or three times. He made the signal for Mrs Sickles once or twioe, when Mr. Sickles, arming himself with a five-bore six-inch revolver and two single-barrel Derringers . , which carry a ball each-double the size of the revolvers, went out of his house and walked down past the Presi. dent's, and met Mr. Key. The latter greeted the former, and was about offering him his hand, when Mr. Sickles, refusing to take Mr. Key's hand, said, "Sir, you have dishonored me; pre , pare to die !" Mr. Key started back a few feet, exclaiming, "What for? What for' Don't: don't !" and made a movement as if seeking for a weapon in au. t, e. I...mat. but which proved t., be au opera' glass, which he threw at Siekl.•s. Mr. Sickles then drew one of r , „d shot Mr. Key, who staggered some ; shot at Mr. Key again, with hiasecond Derringer, which sent him reeling against • tree; be cried out "murder," when Mr. Sickles tired a third time, from his revolver, and Mr. Key f •Il Mr Sickles, believing him dying, desisted, and did not tire again. Mr. Samuel F. Butterworth, Superintendent of the Assay Office, New York, was couversing with Mr. Key when Mr. Sickles came - up, and witnessed the affair, and then went with Mr Sickles to the office of District Attoruey r• al Black. He expressed a desire to sumeder himself. and accordingly sent fir the Mayor, the Marshal of the District being absent, and, in company with that magistrate, rode in hi- car riage to the D.striat Jail, where he has be• ii vi ited by a large number of his friends, from , lif• ferent sections of the country, all of whvm pressed grtat sympathy for Mr Sickles After learning the facts, Mr Sickles e.inv. r-zcd freely on the subject, and justifies bitusulf II said to me, "He has dishonored me, sod w e ( . Al ll not live together on the same planet " Since writing the above, I learn that aftr Mrs ',.;tekles confessed her guilt, her huibaul , h.sua au I od her to return to bun her wedding ritia, au I desired her to write to her father to send for h. r and take her in charge. Ihr father is Autio Bigioli, an Italian music master in New York City, where be has resided about toirty years tier mother's name was Cook, and was him iu New Ynrk. Mr. Sickles married his wife when she wa; but sixteen years of age. Ho took her to England with him when he was Secretary of Legation under Mr. Buchanan; introduced her to th( Queen ; carried her to the Continent and intro duced her into the most fashionable society Mr Sickles loved her with great devotion, and lavish• ed all his means upon her. They lived inelegant style here, occupying a house of $3,000 rent Mrs. Sickles rode in a splendid carriage with out. riders; wore jewels to the value of $.5,000, and seemed to want nothing that she did not have. Immediately after the shooting, the body of Mr. Key was pioked up and conveyed into the Club-House, from which he was in the habit of telegraphing to Mrs. Sickles. Ono shot took effect in the groin, the ball pass. log through the body to the skin at the back, where it remains Another catered the right chest, and the third grased the skin immediate ly outside where the first ball lodged. A coroner's inquest was hold, and a veriliet returned that "Mr. Key came to his ilcath by two balls fired from pistols in the hands- of Dan. iel E. Stales, and that- either would prove fatal " Mr. Key is nephew of Judge Tan e y, and brotber•io►lsw of Mr. Pendleton, Member of (lingua* from OA°. The father of Mr. hl4 was ►ho author of "Thu Star Spangled Banner." Key *ad Sickles were Loth the intimate friends of the President. Ai.Mr. %Ales has killed the District-Attor ney, (t will be neoessary for the President to ap peal- &bother to fill bt. place. An attempt will be made tormorrow to issue a writ of habeas eorpus, and bring Mr. Sickles be fore Judge Orawford, in the hope t 4 release him OD bail. Mr Kay'■ friends are quite indignant, - and tea about shooting Mr. Sickles at sight. Mr. laiekles will be examined to-morrow It is stated that Mr. Butterworth, who was is eonversatiou with Mr. Key when Mr. Sickles °ante up, was in the house of the latter lamed' ►tely before the shooting affair happened. Mr. Sickles has one daughter six years old, and Mr. Key leaves tour motherless children, one a daughter a►out fifteen years of age. The affair creates a good deal of excitement [ From the Oorsespoodenee of the Newt WASHINGTON, Feb 2S Last Thursday evening Mr. Sickles received a bundle of letters addressed to himself. Among them was an anonymous commtivicatiun, which he either overlooked or did not open until Friday morning. This letter charged infidelity to her an d sew. tproirr.tyr To vratAt.s.s. DR. CRZRSItiI merriage vow on the part of Mrs. Sickles, stated further that Mr. Key bad i p ll g n hired a home 1,•• k " •y . TZ ga r T i r bi t ' io e cu l " . ,, of md";...Ctir,,r,„ h on Fifteenth street, between K and L street s ; the " lona l e ln i extends. prvtie. fry Il ere sand le thMr that Mr. Key's motive in hiring this availing mix Itir t ),tru e : wu for the purpose of meetitng Mrs. $' les ; 'A t ,'""""' headsche ' Pa'a In the n it., . nervo u• p.sb ln h lb. and that Mrs. Sickles was id the habit of- beet r . d t,, l , l 7 tas, ttiaturiod sleep, which a ri se fr om interruption of Mr. Key at certain hours in the day h ) MARRIED LADIFS, hr rbeesoman's Pills are Invaluable, lass etlt t•rtng on the monthly period ttinlaxity. Ladies Mr. Sickles vas, as would naturally be sup. as 1 who here be ta dtsepPohtoll4 la the alle of 9 . %/ 1 / 1 1 01141 pVq the posed, at first inclined to treat de asouyhiows firebrand :..., the work of maimi Hut the air ountatanove being detailed with each preftioni, hie suspicions were aroused, aid sioordiaity he requested Mr George W. Wooldridge, a mutual friend of himself and his lady, to itstermin the truth or ' faliebood of these assertions, affecting, as they did, his own honor and.that of his family. Mr. Wooldridge undertook the mission, and viaited the neighborhood indicated itr the 'pony. mous missive, to see whether such a house had betqi lot last summer, and under what cireum • stances the lease bad been granted. He there learned that Mr. Key had hired such a dwelling, ad the time alleged The landlord ass a colored mian named John Gray, whostated that he r cSivel fifty dollars a month rent fortis bouse, he hiving furnished it, ik.e The bou.se was a two story brick ; no one else occupied it. Mr. Key ebromeneed going there with Mrs. Sickles in the Month of Janu.yry last ; Key generally entered first ; and going up stairs, would hoist the first endow ovrr the dour, and hang out a towel or a bite h4ndkerchief as a signal to Mrs. Bickel. bat all was clear lie then would leave the door ajar for Mrs. Sickles to enter. The last time Jiro. Sickles sod Key had been at this house was on Wednesday the 2.3c1 ultimo. On that occasion they entered in the back way, through an alleyway leading from Sixteenth street On this Wedeeadoy night there oame along a man closely maned in a shawl. He asked 11001. tired woman standing on the pavement whether the h.mse was then occupied or not? " Yes, sir," was the response. "Very well, that's all I want," the mysterious gentl. man rt plied, and turning around, walked away in the direction of K. street.. lie was observed, however, to hang around the neighb. , rho,d a good part of the evening. Event ualty Key was seen to leave the dwelling, and the strang..r muffling his face still closer, spoke a few word.; to Key and then hurried off. It is supposed by many that he was the author of the anonymous letter. _Yr. Sickles knew of an intimacy existing bei tween .Mr. Key and his wife. He supposed it simply an innocent but incautious flirtation, and, on account of the scandal that it excited in many circles, be remonstrated with her. She did not pay aoy heed to these entreaties of her husband, but continued uninterruptedly her singular, but (by her busbaud) unsuspected intercourse. Key was known to be in the habit of attending the theatre, opera, balk, soirees, and other places of gaiety and fashion, and was almost invariably accompanied by Mrs. &Alas. He, indeed, foL lowed her everywhere. It is said that Key was accustomei to boast of his attentions in this quarter, and that et the National Club House the criminal intercourse between himself and Mrs. Sickles was well known, and formed the topic) of conversation. Mr &cities dwelling was opposite the Club House, and Koy was accustomed to go up stairs to a window iu the latter building, overlooking Sickles house, and hang out signals - to Mrs. Sickles He would also go in Lafayette square, wave his handkerchief at her, throw out kisses, and make profuse demonstrations of attach. men t. Before the fatal denoument of this unhallowed intercourse, Key had been time and again warn ed by his friends that something dangerous would grow from his criminal attachment. He was act eustomed, however, to treat these friendly ad. monition- with an air of haughty bravado. lie would listen to no remonstrance from any quar ter. He had been known to boast of his amours in s .ciety, anti it is said that Mr. Buchanan, being informed of Mr Key's character, had made out hi dismissal, and was only waiting to select a sueoes=or, previous to sending in the document to the Senate, when Mr. Key met-his death. I visited Sickles to night in the prison. He aPPe."-- 1 —• " °ft a‘l4)llsplrits i and has been vie. lied during the day by many la C ingression:xi c )11eagues. lie positively refuses another examination and declares his determina tion to remain in prison till the day of trial. He asks no favors from the law. A desp,itch was received to-day from New- Virk city, fr ,te tip friends of Mr. Sickles, spa pitbizing with him in his sorrows. Public opin ion in tb‘t city said to sustain Mr. Sickles in hi c_induct S,ckics' affection for his daughter weighs heavily updu Lo w jle feels that his hopes are bi a .... 0 1, and that his home is broken up. The m other if Airs. Sickles, (Mrs. Bagioli,) and the mother of Mr Suckles arrived in the city t ,-night Mrs. Bagtolt will take charge of her daughter, while the mother of Mr. Sickles will take under her charge his daughter. Paula. opinion is universally in favor of Mr. : 4 ,ek.e". The council retained by him embrace the f nimed gentlemen:—Messrs. Stan t Callum and Magruder. David Paul Br , win, , of your city, is not retained, ken reported. ' Tne remains of Mr. Key will be taken to Bal. sini,re to morrow afte...!l )3con, at three and a half and will be interred from that city. This evening's train brought many friends of Mr Sickles from New lark. The greatest ex. eitemeut still prevails It is not regarded here that the tenor of the de-patekie, from the Paraguay expedition is such as to warrant the conclusion that war between tile United States and Paraguay is inevitable, thuugh it is presumed that such an inference has Well drawn trom articles in the Seminrrio, pub , itched at Aseuneion, which are to be taken with large allowance for Spanish hyperbole, and Para gnarl bravade. PIIILADELPIII A, Maseh S .1 fire broke out at 1 o'ciock- tilts anorniag. cleatr.,ying two tarp: building* on 2,1 street be low Dock, and a court of orawn bosses in the rcer A dozen families or more are rendered home' less There were some narrow escapes, and a barkeeper in a lager beer saloon, which was doss troyed, wad severely burned. Logs $20,000. ,Urp. Ilartung is sentenced to be executed on the 221 of April. It is understood that no forth er attvcopt will be made to continue this matter before tbe courts, but ber friends will aak Gov 'rpm fora commutation of the punishment. ANTICIPATED TROUBLE BETWEEN FRANCE AND 13alizit. —Fiance 18 said to be disposed to quarrel with Brazil. Tha Brazilian Government has refused to pay the demands of a French sub ject, wh) established a hippodrome at Rio Jan' tiro, which was so obnoxious to the populace that they set fire to it, before the police, who had been ordered to pull it down, could complete their work The French Ambassador demanded an indemnification of £B,OOO, and being refused, is only waiting further orders to persist in his course. —The Senate of Missouri have appropriated 82.000 to Ito Mount Vernon fund. The solo was unanimous. Qr. CO "oiT \ 0 I.R.—To Tits rorou or er EastWiitix, C TV ur LIU 1.-1 our omiloptf i. 1111 iadraidoat eau. dictate Tor C. , iietobie ick the Sart Word, sad if sheet sed g e tar *elf to perform the duties of said officer tattbfally. \\arch r,, 15159 Anal' sqatums. - To the Voters of the West Wstrd. oarTV 8 outwerbor Marrs Wood! to to. Toter+ of to. We.t Ward... candklohts for Constobto at ttio Korth tog utettietpal Ileetion, pledgin g 151oltolt. it :I,: . to the & tladiet of the plat* with losporllty SW 44611 Krie, llargb 5, 1459, CU Justice of the Pete& S . LO A .—Pleuo saapaaal JOHN A. MAY, 0.9 06aaladidaa0 fur Justice of the Team In 1,190 Wiwi Mani* Ena, March 6, 1839 OXI OT Tait PROTLI. CZ= elliNterAtt LlK.—lre are teyeeete4 to somene* X CA r OHL! NT, M • Candidate for Constable, to the fa st tc.rd, .t the election in Novell. • hrte, Fro 20, 13.50 i ... WASHINGTON, BUPA 8 ALBANY 'March 3 stead osoldoses is Dr. Clisoormsn'a PUI. /loth/ ASS ft., pros/rot to do NOTICE. Tier. u rear ron•httoot of It. tonal' 19 , 11 :114 Ir Whim 311 LT The eanaletsem referral to pREt,..% 4 MISCIRR//at. .S.sta *Me trrosssablo tens'. •I • 1. 1111.111 IM 0411 sad firm:.... to • stoma! eoottttio. • prow of moor/ csms...4 ruin sl Vl lldi n:r . ttod pointy serrtabl....stut fr.. fr. .... et, V n b:yltdtdtnettoss, which sbuttht be Primo et. Bat by mad on towlatung $1 to tb. g. otta Dranist in *very town In the Unit.' i? ,„ Wawa Agoatlin t s Uoitod Atttos, Ib6 C Lau, To whore all Wbolosol• orSon *boob! be address.,(. T. 8. aurcLaa, Ag.t, Lite; J E F FUN , : kr, u. oarW 1 Uri— Wl 4 / 6 . /1.1 Tc /ILL ~k AIVL) TOCIPIab surpass all Tie, sr, easi tt r ue nd durable. to a ennts—sio turning up behind—a. ..4r ...o. twin; indeed, Urie is Lite only setennironnut properly uailatstood and isindea , £7,11. WirL'EiLL' 8 COP LIVEN (111. Ji 1 I proved by the N. Y. nearletur t trog ut June 34,1361, manilas 54 per rout t . lnts dense/ma Yelly impetuous , . the e.ut, tains ell the virtues of the purest 0:41 La‘.l.„ table tuna, and *Teo skald/en .111 eel it e te,.. Yruleld Clay It Co., ei buneale Amens, Tort • nroutalr sod Carter t ins., Arresui, rlip• HAIR D YR—HAM BATCH/il.Okt'd HALe. ' ltr r. orkl All older. Are mgr. moitaw,o. .‘... 4KI you Irtati W taupe ORA Y, /WD, Olt AL:STY HAlft bp-.1 • awl Natural ilrowu or Black, nLI the 81W. 11117.1.:f IIItDALS AND DIVLoiIAr, have , . Wm. A. Doebetor 8.1000 ISJO, emit over bO.tos, been merle to the Hess of Me par.. of L. . WM. BACHILLOWS ILA'S a , distiovristred from notmoe, end is Vi at 1 A L., the team., /weever long It may be bad Dyes remedied, the Hatt tat worst., r. _ Dye. Mods, sold or applied ifa e private rfpnra et • .13.3 Broadway, N. Y. Sold la all Lae 'Stied sad towns of th.• rata sad Yam, (boos 12r The impalas boa the name ar! engraving oa &sr sides of each iJO 1, a VaLLiA/1 A, HA 44 0 .. IE3 MrA MEILI CAI 4 MEDICI NA Lllh./1 kt A toadictoal petits with whici, ~,r w. purer kolnagy Nally valuable prop,. tuft hissert W eed, or Water Pepper, uo keg tqg which It ie found, and the sue and ot, ai ,,,u. a s w 1,0 • , M o4rtatahad. it haa tutbarto been aaeli7 „ or rooked. other articies have U. frel i tseul. ) .., ttua was doubUese the Sastre appropriate reams+, . lair It anis ealealied worth nothing, ,s , come Into eery poem! use, as au lantract toute.t. • • medicinal iill.illalei,SCltOW,Mi t le4l wiw p aaa LA 1.11014 1 . Sousa proparerl by !burs. L4l4i pi. a. t. , City, which we /earn wives great asietact.ou tries' it, and It use Is Highly lemma:nude, to uii i. doubt it will yet become &a article 01 extexsith use . place of other and More expenstve preparaliut. ad•the those that vale the It a rt, 1 0 try J a• Curacy Eric Yeti. 19, 14611. "WHY AXE WE POCK f , '••sti ti or t ad,' t they are called, U cuaUrenean sdur ',unt e‘us,, eta., al VINO laps led U eau. Watteill 1/,‘L.st neeerthereee trtattallulas uZ ileraugerti s Lt, sL,sj, .Li reetl/Lll3 gsUeral Ulesaat Lt lLs • Lt,,b Osttru its ooze piently so loin ea the actun.l a, laruu i or au ) , aust ed, that alualeUt Cur.:m.o.a denueennot, • a, uL. remedied by • remover a the ceuee, •ta tea,: led w e b • of teaser ate lad WAIN to Lever ...Latta, Lt)lttni,s.s, 014 ft* tad Death. 1114 lautparat a toe , vitteons ts dintmed rlOUrtelteueet, Led lvr tad LO the elatire .)Item , it as all truputtaLt, tre kept healthy, and treo trual etc') tt.t.t.g LA, , illsosaerl luttauu, end butter the prrturthatme le IMAM , earl atom thivugh utmmetauu, a. Lt4,..1..t stances, the energies ut ate kruetists,l, 11+, V aid utter parte uf the antroal st.t.USLI.) tie 6..4..1,41, 1.1. eat Lc the performance at their dolt., • e , ova:anima, thou it torcUtass Leraceaary to re s ,..rt t., s , whose altaraclee and canadthot yyailut way roe. r • .duos LOU s health) LOOS. A seat.« opens., al., A.,. Perhaps mere Utah arlY other Ustellettle, scsoll..teL a L. as Ude character, of • 1,1141.1, grotto., and sttn.,, , Ll stare arid eurreetant, that ktALD 0, o LAI It A t..t oa.rri to ULU putdic. eirkag gliatirtor or getat. Lion, Uley May be edirtinie.efed sale[y el. vial to the tzthuat aaau depute lemaut, ,L•• ler A. Speedy Cure of Grotassaw, iladegesteux, fir "he, Dmiarr.a, Amamihoe, brckmee. 14. M... Leber, 4114.11 Lenutresersto of 1A• bilkuva ...,varne cannot b. steeps/awl. Tbeve rtiu ere eac.:) , aa ono of the beet Gad most etlectual rt•uaciaa, perfect. oosia_pound Irtue. has over been Own.rd dooms. Miry ers roarrentsd to rise satutwe, I 26 ets , per boa, mil is remota bulk' to WIN:S Dna; 4tore, No. 6, trees Hoare ~ . In g.munt, on the 20th nit , liter .i ICOLNZ, youngest son or A. and L.. and tonrtsen days. 14. IVEWTON PETTI., AITOLIST ♦t on lbettou . . ..t.r.rt, Feb. 26, 11169.-Iy3B 'IrOTICE to hereby given that Jiih etuint Tnilor, has tare &a 4filalliumes.• e A. Davenport, for the benent of hi c•c , : k•• 41.1.11311 Air Ain't Yr Go•lding r,re r. y • nodereigned, and thyme whoa tr rattle Urdu siihately Erie, March 6,16616.-3 t Indigo and Madder To cot NTRY MERCHANTS .I:Nt tlt - a quantity, ',lath V. wilt biri,l9'. r r • Ilarch Logwood. X bar* a /arra •tock of , ••• . 2 v.., rata b.l t r Statement of the liana if •• • =1:22 BIEN Reoelrable, Sreeoe, Due by other awoke and Ranker-. Office Furniture, Not., of other Banks, IC:pease aceockot, I=lll2l Capital Stock, Circulation, Ceriaficatee Diposti., Individual Depottta, the •bona ■tatemant ta cornet, to it)... t..-.. belief. Sworn and eutocrintwi Worn n* BAlLRkattettErtß, H Avis lnat reonved from Platia...le,ptka a , STAPLE DRY GOODS Which they will San at the Lowest tV t. • • duce ‘erestst =repot) or Erie County 0 - t abore the highest cash rates r bey ha 'VAIN" a good stock of Root. Clothittg. /r.c. &t, tor 111.1 e oo the aim.' Groceries as cheap sa the cheapest s• Erie, March 5 14.59. GRAPES ! GRAPES ][.wort D all attention 4 , 1' •• ulg rare varieties of the t;itark. w..r - Npritig plaattas, taro, Anna, Rebecca, Csneord, Delawara, Hartle,' Prolate, To K►lon, Caine Village, Kerbemnat, York Madeira, El.o►bnrer, Enter, Carricaae, Lenoir I[►reh IS, ISM). w hlte MM Gable's New Shoe Stun! SELLING OFF . ! ! SELLING sooret. ^Boas AND RUDDER!! : 01 Li DESCRIPTION FOR Wise, Gentlemen, Youths and ClLir GABLE'S NEW SHOE STORE Ow SW.. at., beret", ,StA and 9,4 JILi.TR, E. eItBeCR d IBIP • . R lag... '.° ilsal be has lukt opt. C. • ' tott. 11110•111 littteles, as, wt .. Sa, 14%14 to 41111 IMO Oki "butt 5,.t1,, . ',- as tb. ebonies'. Call and ladliellSie yua.. a Crup, F.b Se Ilke.-211.85n. BOOKS, Magazines, Paper, Stati( WALL-PAPER, &..c Park Row Book Store. D. P. EN:410.1 EA*, Fib. 11, IMO. Prospective Remora N and after the lint of March • - • • O *MOMS, •borsi no shalt t, avid eastonsara, Location, N. oral •• • Rocoosiretii Block and the store Ena, Alb. 26, le 29 Go to J. G. BARKS. Nu• 10. BROWN '8 BLCK K, au, 1 3 . • .VETALI(' Tor routbs and children it Is • pair . irtil out wear throe pairs oft Feb, 88, 110111. CAULDRON and POTASH Ki lll - 1 ' Hl' saboeribers bare constant . ... . J. . .mi tail, all sites of t Iron !set t• • lona, at their story and Inune.r., !•• Also on hand two I. prigt,t Ft • ' which wo will sail cheap. Stores, Pion" aid flow Cart/to. 7, f , 3 w ay' on hand at low ..... 1 -• •'• Kris, l'a., ripe. 184i1 • - _ Steam Planingrein . ," WOOK AND BLIND II I MPilit7 Tt CAliTElt M 1 1 . AVE A I-4 lii/E b.Tik jl Ash and roplar .2 ed Fins. W Window Teases, Door 1 r%ne • fnr Cash flaring too %I chimps .11111 eOO:4O.tY 1,1 t to do custom Planing: 1:a 11.013113ct0r7 Wanner. A Sept 211, /Abb. ....." . "v".. , I 6 .., i 1 , , SAM' r 4," FM