a4c. !Ito- Wethig (903-ertstr,. thN.l. F. .LOAN TAME 29. ERIE OBSERVER. ol I `Il! 11 ERI 3 A IIRILIY BY Editor and Proprietor MEI -r Tlik. DUST OFFIOS. A :sal/mr. or . u6lO ,1 mouth., t/ 60,11 I=l t.k la" eltl-rt the . ear, the paper oral t,oL , L ft • u. • proper officer for col- is or AciN7for-tlasizia. -4.. ulf make a k,cure 3... 1 vt ; "1"; 1 _ 111. 450 aOu - '1; 00 - 115 00 3 4 1 .1 ow Xuo 1100''1*00 •..t•pr, at SS per 111.111111. rr nil, in,: Under ...tekt, WE! • • •• 1 ,,, ,. •41 1111 line , but nu Ldv.rtult•- rtio,' 4 u, \ • •• trou. than one ••• fr...,uent iliaagro to t6•-,r t tt., ..,.11111t. paper, %XI d for $l6 • ••• •••• • t'n•, n• ' -;I 1\11•1-tit v.i•ettamonane.utoreiusred gin ft. r at f 1,..f M/Alx• n 1.11 f•Lat'Yt .. .. 1 la adtanco• I.tr , .II I n 4 In•qr Adr.rtuoftments t!., 4 Or It t . 4., pare.: at (.4:: rate. nnato fa.ri.lawohltn.ll and nth . •. 0 their lA.. annex, ESS DIRECTORY. 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( HUG. r • •u —• .l, • ,14 st H (.8A currier of Perri:, T. It. lII.Ah F. r tt .. , k •••• L►re.. klatithh troutung the Park, nr.A. ra f•n•-a, (.(.1/11(•1-. 11. ( 1 TI.tR. tre! F n. COUP' f. Pit C oertions and 1.; stk h I ()tr., .wpr.vv. _ _ • [•••.•••, • ur En. bill•• II E %ICY & CO.. N.r-ha Flour, a a . 1.. I r I ak. Public %I I.IIF. I d CI. OM. horn.nttr and Import..l Wines a 7", y -,,.t, nab, hit, nod Agents tii,n /Lock. stree.t Erie, 1!1M21 =I •nor .1 it. tali : , /bl.O, to all kuact• of Taney z, • ;ttlemr.iu: baling 4 aairs, No 4 Key ( 111 R( 111 lA.. • I , I nret.fl..l Vlitl,key, 11l lb. I 1.. It 11L It ( 0., e , . 1 V% 1.,• • and Retail, •t No. 10 =l3l • ••• • • nWe 16n4: 1, 11., ch..afArt an.! twat now In '• • • rotrh. rie, Ya .•• • r am.l', mwehani 1.) _E INT 1" I S 'FRY_ Di[. 0. 1.. KLLIOTT. ' • 111, In wrathl'art Row, drat r July 10,11158 .1 I II K I ISIII#T111:11.14. - _ _ .k • - k, - .LI. or, Bet ttautauk and Plated aot •‘..1 taut. Cutlery. Fancy Goads t•. ri t , -,:o *tripe( krt. Pa. 24 (a It t a, - • 4.1.! .41 I.3u GvaKIR. 14 ‘ , • ,1 * , k 1.. ohaet•• Cigars, IF vil, Jct., te, St, tro•t P.. Ell fl k." 44.4111 Jr.. - •..11 1111,1putl. and Het i • ....,• -sole !weather, reurtA and American F".'. •.1 ,•••• nn .I,llto,Tbrm.l . a..1.•,,0t. (Nallocaa, RILL/N.lg, Hamm•ra, he lic s w Block, Slats - - • 1 1.1)1 I it i• ir.ii El , ace., ••liotie•ro, Coartn.L.Agrteul -,-.••• May hi•.• -Mi.., L. I. ItIlOpt:S M 11.11• at ! Ag, of f , r a b..t.r k W Coon' l', •u • •f• ti .le% 'try Ptons,Viest • rjr •••••• d••1e to ()NC•r . I-a CP • • I • am.,rua•nt arid, flit • a • ! Chi -..,ugy, Candlesticks, aerl 4RTICLES, • :As. Pt.Tant Baskets, Tea Aets, htcli ••••n. lartkot, N•piclu Rico, itwantatal r WM. bey, and Fat., Lamm at touch moo, Morino. and MI cool firm* I.aa MAO rultng prkaa• Mlt" run 13—.27 BSI 1 en. 6 at. i 1 7 1 4. , 400 I 600! 1u CK) 0) , 11:00 10 0012 0 00 MMIEMI 40 10 75 00 =EI n. , 1,e41 to the le¢lUlna tr bu.,ne. qpoona, Plated \ t U. I . •L •.It, i 4 & lIENS=3ID Dryb..0d...0. ♦v Fri saxtincar) Till A SACYDZIUI Lug Ireot of stat« k Metcalf. Ex- lEEE MEM m=;a PARODY. Row deer to my heart are the emote of my childhood, When fond recollection presents them to view Ago cheeerprees, the goose-pot:t, the pie to th• wild wood, And every old damp that my infancy !maw. The M i r litigant basswood, with wide-lipmainng shadow , The hones that framed when my grandmother fell ; The sheep on the monntain, the calves In the meadow Act all %be young kittens we drowned In the well, The meek little kittens, the milk-loving kittens, The poor little kittens we drowned In the well remember with pi assure my grandfather's goggle., Which rode so majestic astraddle his noise , ♦md the harneaa, oft mended with tow-string and "toggles.' That belonged to Old bolly, now free from her woes. And fresh in my heart la the fresh maple wood pile, Where often I've worked with beetle and wedge, Striving to whack ap enough to last a good while. ♦nd grumbling because my old ate hod no ,edge, ♦nd there was the kitchen, and pump that stood nigh It , Where we sucked up the drink tdrungh • q mill In the ;Taut , And the book where we hung up the pumpkin to dry it And the old cider pitcher„....no doing without" The oid brown earthen pitcher, the nozzle-cracked pitcher The pain-easing pitcher, " nQ doing without " ♦nd thore was a mhoolhouse, away from mai dwelltog, When the nolzocl ma'ame would govern with alwolute P way, Who taught me my 'rithmotie, reading and spelling And "whaled me like blase►" about every d►v, I remember the ladder that swung in the posaagv, - Which led to the loft lathe peak of the holm., Where my grandmother hang up her " pumpeln and eu safe To keep them away from the rat and the mouse But now, far removed from that nook of creation, k:motions of grief big aa tea-kettles •well, When Fancy rides back to my old habitation, p And thinks of the kittens we drowned in the well, The meek little kittens, the milk•loeing kittens. The poor little kittens we drowned in the well. MIRIAM DAY. AND so they parted; and' the two years rolled down the void of time The two years they had been so happy, dreaming, and thinking only of each other, waiting, watching, talking of that . coming time when there 'rabid be no more part. tag for so long a period as the twenty-four hours; and the two years duriug which they had lain all this to their hearts gaped like a great grave, s ere lay buried the dearest thought and firstqresh bloom of their lives. ~Why was this parting r A hasty word, my friend, nod each too proud to own the error And they really loved? Really loved Let me tell you all about it; a common story ; it is happening about us every day Miriam Day was a good girl, not an accom. plished or brilliant one. She had a pretty fate, a neat hand, and a quick but quiet movement; there %Iraq no bustling about Miriam, and yet it was impossible.to surprise her s with her house. hold work undone or her person in dishabille.— She was like the good business man, who sits at his deft, or quietly moves about his duty. per forming more by his mere presence than the blu't. serer, who is everywhere, doing everybody's work Miriam Day was young—only seventeen—and like all young people had more than a just idea f her own sagacity: and so it was, one day, that ,'he met Harry Voorhes upon Broadway, walking, and talking closely with a lady w.d pveasy Wtten the brat sharp pang .1 jealousy was over, she saw nothing but deceit in the two long years that Harry Voorhea had been pouring into ber ears the declaration that be loved her better than all the world—better than he ever had loved—better than he ever would love,main. Harry had not seen Miriam; and so Miriam p ire. d on, nursing her wrath, and turning over in her own mind what she would say to him that evening when they should meet. That he was a bade, deceitful man, she made no doubt The lady was apparently an old acquaintance, or should hav•• been, was plain from the familiarity with which he treated her; and yet he had ire. quently declared to Miriam that since Lib engage went to her he had dropped all lady friends, ev• n now, to the bowing ones• And, therefore, when Harry Voorhes came in that evening the conversation ran about this way Miriam did not wait long : "Did you have a pleasant walk, Mr. Voorhes?" This was said with an assumed quietness, which immediately instructed Harry in all the particu lars, • lie knew there was jealousy, and as it was a new thing he determined to indulge it for a while. Very pleasant, thank you," said Harry.— " Did you ?" for he suspected Miriam had seen him. " And pleasant company?" said Miriam " Very," answered Harry. " Did you? ' " Yes ' " abe said, with well-acted carelessness, " I met Morgan upon Broadway " " Morgan?"„ Harry threw an emphasis upon the name that needs explanation. John Morgan had been a friend of Miriam's brother—a brother wild, in the recklenese of his 'associations, those associations that degrade the finer feelings, bad not scrupled to bring to their bumble home this John Morgan, a wealthy, but disgraced and wharaeterleas man; he had come seeking Miriam as a wife, from the belief that such a marriage Would tend to elevate himself in the eyes of the world, while he should be get ting a young, nd pretty woman. Beyond this John Morgan did not think. He was willing to buy, and on that ground only he placed the trau 'motion. What was hisagreement with Miriam's brother was a portion of the matter which re• meined between these two. He came, saw, quietly made his offer, was refused, and as quietly withdrew. His diplomatist after this was Miriam's brother, who lost no opportunity of setting before her, in the most glowing colors, the great advantages that would accrue to them both from such a marriage, And this was the John Morgan whom Miriam bad met upan Broad way But Miriam had spoken wrong. She had met John Morgan, but no word had passed between them, not even a recognition; and eke bad yield ed so far to that find of jealousy that she had given Harry to believe she had walked Broad way with John Morgan, the man of all men he most disliked; and this was why he had said with so mach emphasis, " Morgan!" "Of course, Morgan," Miriam retorted "W - hy should I not walk Broadway with a gentle man as well as you with a lady?" " With a gentleman, Miriam John Morgan Is not a gentleman." ; " Do you think you,_ would dare say that to Mr. Morgan's facer How the words stung! "Dare!" What could there be worse than call him a coward? Miriam did licit understand this, or, in the insanity of woman's jealousy, she did not care, and Harry gasped under the imputation, and sat silent No passion eau au•burry a woman to sacrifice as that accursed one of jealousy. A man under the influence, listens, sees, and waits; a woman strikes prematurely friend or foe, and the blows recoil upon herself. Miriam bad struck a dead ly one at Harry's pride, and he sat silent; man like, he would not give a weak answer, and so he gave hone; arid Miriam, woman like, followed up her victory " I presume Mr.' Morgan is u much a gentle. man u some who profess to be, and strew their way with falsehood, and tkmeit." " Meaning me," said Harry. " Heating you," answered Miriam. [From "no CoustelLation "] Harry arose quietly hat, and speaking no won the room Miriam watch , heart. It was their first I thought herself wronged, • he hadlbeen. She eat eta ati t d then, when too late, call him back She had every step. He need not II should have explained; be ceitful, aid he was- 41 — all the rest; and Miria,nl chair, and burst into teen away with a cutting word; l so she thought 1 , And‘flarry,—to be Ihd a coward, and s— well the word should no ho spoken—by the wo• man who professed to lo him. He would never approach her again; she did not love him, it was lo impossi le; and theu in a few boars be thought, if she oyes me, and regrets her .treatment, she can send and say so; she knows where I am And so Miriam thought: if he love' me, he will come again and admit himself wrong; if he does this, I will forgive him,—not without. And the time went on. and Harry did net corn 4, and Miriam did not !send. And so they part d. The weeks flew bl , the months flew by, Mirittm grew paler, and mo ed about less lively i than ibeforc. ,She lacked t at smile that once sat .4 well upon her Her tether, even, looked at Miriam in sorrow, and oeised to press the suit of Mi John Morgan. Some good natured friend woula occasionally open the wound afresh by telling Miriam how they had Seen Harry Voor I hes, Ind how they thou , ht him much altered; hcisr he was not so part .ular in his dress, and lurked as though he mig . t be dissipated. Though al this probed the woun., yet Miriam lial to at r, for the time had an: anger in her heart .gainst Harry Voorhes; an' many a day now sb. held long debates with be self whether P e shodd not summon him to he . Ah! but—if he onld not come;—and th re came in the woma.'s pride, stern to death; an: •he lived on, living way her heart piece by pi..e, until one bright ' claimer day she heard tb t Harry Voorheshad sold out his business, an left New York A.d then Miriam felt that it as all over, and that f sbe eould have died, thin) was no lack of will ogness on her part.— Bdt she lived on, with a dead mind, no longer the sprightly pretty Mi am of the days gone by, but a quint, pallid girl, shunning society, and thinking, thinking all ay long, how, for the gratification of one m... nt of willful passion, she had sacrifioed a wb. e life It is a common story ardly worth the telling, that Miriam went on ke.ping aloof from all those things that would have 4istraeted her desire to brood over the result oflher folly, and seeking within herstilf compensation in thought and study fur the society she ignortd And in the course of years she began to locilt back upon it all as a - dream, and feel that Abet had done wrong to visit upon the world what wai alone her own fault, or hi.; and gradually with this, she brought about her some chatty friend, and opened again the heart tharthad been so long shut to the felliwt, ebip of feeling adrie;eino.. nre.nns- nen Ile away, allured by the golden e:einn held out on the 8 r ie.....—... !for years she had beard bo ttling of him, and long since had settled in her mind his death in some of the remote mining districts. Miriam was all, alone; she was fast verging to more than old tnaidism. Thirty years had passed over her, bile time and intercourse with herself had stamped a serenity of beauty far surpassing that of tli , •4ziri .1 s, genteel' It would be a hard sequel t,' a love like Miriam's far llarry Voorties, do say that now sometimes 4, lo .k..d batik upon the viastvil )ears of her life and regretted that Ptil had no found some one soul to whom she cAllil he Inked iu the bond t.f reepeet an i sympathy, if riot love. But we fear :he world is all alike, and Miriam Day way but a type ~ f every woman, who, with a heart I.) hie°, find- ner•elf at that critical age alone; sou.whing there must be on which to laii.t the wealth of affection, if it be only that inw2h-je , red at p't of a§ hid maid, a poodle-dog. Miriam was poll. / cointiaratively poor, and yet rich. No embroidery wse like Miriam';; and several lashiohablestaotishinents rivalled each other in the bids fo her work; Miriam, there. I fore, did well with er labor She was a pet of old Mr. Alison, who had been a_ friend of Miri atn's mother, and with whim Miriam now lived, feeling it home, as (eras one eo alone could have a home, frt. Mr. Alilion was a good, motherly woman; and Miriam sat in her little back room, neat as a pin, and worlced away all day trying to think of everything as pleasantly as possible, and learning herself once more to sing and smile. lu the altered ins. good Mrs Alison would coal in end chat, and then they would call over a I the oldeuittint when Miriam was a little girl, an they wonld laugh at the droll memories of those days,and" look sad and sigh over the more mature recolectiins of later ones; and the good old lady would de ail to Miriam all her domestic affairs, and ask her advice as to what she should do with thatltwopair front rooms! which remained so long [Wet, and whether she did not think the first hall Wonld look better with an oilcloth than a carpet, and SII those little nothings that go so far toward making pp a life. And so, as I said, ttie ticqe slipp . ed away for Miriam, and she was no longer young. Thirty is an important ige for a Woman; she mutt make ber mark in life at or before that period, or her opportunity is small; and, therefore, Miriam had quietly settled down into what might with certainty be called an old maid. Mrs Alison iad come in that identical after noon to tell how she had let the two pair front to a gentleman, with tt little child, ajsweet little girl, said M e l,. Alison, five years old, i with black curly [ism, nd full board, without ally cavilling. Mrs. Alison!bad not shen the gentleman yet.— But be wasqnquestintiable; she had' referred to the highest folic in the city, and one mouth paid in advance; the gentleman was an invalid, and wanted ever attention, for which, he was willing to pay, and o the Lord be praised. And Mr Afison was pleased; why should Toe geotleman was to oome the Ithrlsm nit M next day, a. • esme accordingly. There was a carriage, . . nastity of trunks, the little girl, dark eyes, .21= i Hog out all. . Miriam saw the tall dark mao,.well , . • up, arlaisted by the coachman , partaking the common instinct from the oar!'" Ada of her sex, 4odborropring the front parlor win dow for -thig occasion,' end from the moment ifiriam New that little dark-eyed girl she loved ber, not tha it could be 'possible that any one should see the little ono without admiring her, but something better than this crept over MtriN am, and she thrilled with the thought, standing there at that parlor window, that here, in that 41e fairy creature, was the love for which the taut had yearned so many years, and it was but the impulsive following df this thought that led Miriam to the door, as the stranger had passed up stairs, to take her fro the arms of Mrs. Alison, and 'with just the . mere t little bit of a tear, to prim the child to her lam:up, and, while kissing, to ask her name; she swered, first in Spanish, to the utter surprise, . almost terror, of Mrs. Alison, who made no itation in openly ex praising her astonish ant that one so young should be able td kipea foreign language. And when Miriam hd su ed in drawing from her ila few answers i very i.. perfect English, Mrs. Alison's sa i t;i i rmen as redoubled, that she should not blotto ~ ' . .. li vu soon ERIE, S his best, taking his , passed sway out of • • him with a falling arsh words, and she hila Harry knew that idly for ten minutes, ran into the entry to F ault to find with his aye been so but;; he was false, be wu de• : .ne. That covered threw herself into .a . She had sent him but—be deserved it; when there was " 4002NniMITALIPLID." TURDAY MORNING, MARCH 5,1859. *hob_ her ease was Marie—Marie Boreal Her papa, Senor Boreal, was sick; so Marie said. He was good, and she loved him very mueh. Maze na was dead; mamma died at home. Where was home? Home was at Lima; and this was the little Marie's information to Miriam, and the commencement of their acquaintance, or rather say love; the child instinctively clinging to her, and looking up in her face with an immediate confidence. It was a delightful little affection that sprang up between those two. Marie spent all her time with Miriam, even as Mrs. Alison declared, to the excitation of the jealousy of the father, who, daily sending his respects to Marie's newly constituted friend, hoped that she would not let the little romp make herself too much at home. And such panegyrics as Marie poured out upon the head of Miss Mary, as she called her. This being her oonstruotion of Mirry, the name Miriam bore with Mes. Alison. Snob a mixture of English and Spanish, laugh, and baby talk. A rambling dissertation upon the beautiful playthings. Miriam bad put the child in possession of all the hoarded stores of toys which, in girlhocid, hadlbeen her own. What a capital hand Miss Mary was at playing hide and•go-seek ; how well versed she was in all the extraordinary tales about "Hey diddlirdiddle, the cat and the fiddle," of which, until this time, Marie had never heard, and all those other won derful things that Miss Miry Gould do, and of which little Marie entertained her father in a con tinuous rattle, and then she flew to join her friend again. And Mrs. Alison brought to Mire lam the compliments of the Senor Boreal and his request that as soon as he should be able to leave his room, that be might have the honor of paying his respects to the fair friend of his daughter; all of which, Mrs Alison declared, was evoke° in tiptop English, with which no fault cold be founi, uncommon as the thing might be, and so, bleu the men, if be was a foreigner, and that dear little baby girl, which so muob reminds me of my pelr dead and gone Lizzie, for shortness on Elizabeth Ann, who would be forty years old, come next March, if she had lived; and he paying a month in advance, just as if she had no confidence, which the Lord forbid. Marie under Miriam's tuition was improving in her English. She could now begin to tell Miriam about her home at Lima, and how she once had a little brother who died, and a black nurse, who wore such large ear rings, and who cried so when Marie came away and went upon her knees and begged to go with Marie, but papa said no ! For why, Marie did not know, and all this little prattle was delightful to Miriam who grew younger under the companionship of Marie, and always declared that hoe needle flew faster through the silk to the musks of Marie's voice, than when alone. Miriam too, became much in terested in the invalid upstairs, even to a gene eral superintendence under the seal of secrecy of the numerous little jellies, and soups, that were prepared for him, and an inquisition occasionally of Dr. Wilson when they met, on the state of his patient There was nothing the matter with the gentleman the doctor declared, but the debilitir fever, which time, and good nursing would bring him over, with (of coarse) the professional skill of Dr. Wilson Mr. Foresi would do himself the honor if per fectly agreeable; (and why nod) said Mrs. Ali son of calling on Mrs. Mary that afternoon, when he would be presented by Mrs. A. He .was much better, looking Anise prink, and not so bad looking to begin with, to say nothing of his being mighty nice spoken,- and as beautiful linen as ever she saw on the back of mortal man for which them Spaniards was well known as they deserved to be, for they had -plenty of money, and no thanks to the kings, and queens, which couldn't help the same, nevertheleii And therefore the gentleman was to call upon Miriam that afternoon, and Miriam east one' two glances in the glass, and jest touched up her hair the least bit, and then another dress, and a small tura of quiet embellishment, and she sat at the embroidery frame looking, as said Mrs. Alison, "A perfect picture," though not so young as she was onee't, and therefore more to be thought on as approaching the gentleman's age, for which happy consummation no one wish ed so much, as herself, and would pray night and day, gracious knows, for Mirry deserved all the good luck an.old woman to whom she was more than a daughter wished, and so Lord bless 'em all. And Miriam looked very solemn over all this, and bent down over her work, and ran her mind back through all the vista of years, and thought, and gave one little sob internally to the memory of Harry Voorhes, as a tap came to the door and the gentleman came in leading lies tie Mary, who dropped his band on the instant and ran to Miriam. Mrs. Alison had but just began her introduction in most flowery firm, when she was startled to such a degree that her spectacles flew, as of their/own violation, half across the room, for Miriam had startled from her seat, overturning the embroidery frame, and with half a scream, half an exclamation, said— " Harry 1" While the gentleman, with both hands for an instant clenched, and held to his breast, repood ed "Miriam," and before Mrs. Alison could con• elude whether it was best to feint, or call the po lice, they were in each other's arms, Miriam cry ing aa though her heart would break, and the gentleman saying, "What do you think? Why just the funniest thing iA the world, and yet the moat natural." 81 Miriam darling, it was my sister, my sister Miriam whom I had not seen so long." And then Miriam cried, and sobbed worse than ever, and so did Mrs. Alison, and Marie, though it was all (}reek to them. And Mrs. Al. icon picked up her spectacles, and wiped them instead of her eyes, sad took up little Marie io her arms, and commenced an immediate search in her pocket for something to give the child, and finding nothing else bestowed her ancient silver thimble on Marie in a great hurry with many kisses. The nest hour, when Mrs. Alison took little Marie down stairs on a promise of unlimited nuts and raisins, was a marked hoar in the life of Harry and Miriam. All those thirteen years, a lifetime, passed away like a mist, and they stood together again as they had stood in the early days; still Harry, and still Miriam; older, but wiser, ohasteued, but true. A love had come between Miriam in a far distant land, but Miro ism though she might herself have loved Marie. the mother of little Marie, though Harry had loved her sad made her his wife, Miriam thought this, because she so dearly loved her child, loved her as she had loved nothing else but the mem. ory of Barry ; and now loved her as she had laved-nothing else but Harry ; for Harry had pleagibat all that olden time love should come back, and the one dream of those days should be renewed, and Miriam eoneentedL-more than eon. seated; and when Marie was asked, Marie eon • seated, wildly with a shower of kisses, and a jabber of Spanish English, and English Spanish, frightful to listen to t for all its music. And Mrs. Alison when asked, consented; declaring that the mercies of Providence was everywhere, for which it was impossible to account. And to think that be wasn't a Spaniard after all—an other thing to show Providence has its eyes every where—but a satire born man, which was exiled. And the old lady thought a cry would do her good, with which she wouldn't interrupt the har mony of the company ; and so she would retire to her own room, first asking the queetion,—if not too bold, as she was only an old Tose% sad brought up in them day" when girl's didn't have much education,—bat would like to know how his name came to be "hanged to Poresi. Spanish way of pronouncing it was it? Witll, it wasn't mach of as imprormaikt, any more than °hanging Many to kicy, and that's a heti or all this might Wme oome a month ago, and no thanks to Spaniards, for all whiob Providenoe no doubt had a damp A few months his passed away, and Mr. ead Mrs. Voorites are established in a pretty house is the upper part of the city. Mrs. Alison is the house-keeper, and that beautiful ebild you see on Broadway, Bitting about like a humming bird, whoa you ha's so often remarked for the bright. ness of her eyes, is little Marie. "Always Forward." In the terrible battle of Moline del Bey, which immediately preceded the fall of Kazin, Colonel Graham was ordered ap from the reserve to ferry a battery, from which a column of .Amerion troops had already ben repulsed. The pliant eleventh, at their leader's ory of "forward," raised a hurrah, it is said, and dashed ahead. As they dashed along over the bodies of their fallen comrades, the butt hies opened, tearing their ranks frightfully, and obscuring the prospeet with smoke. "Forward ! Forward I" cried Col a onel Graham. Again the grape and minister nine crashing from the Mexican parapets. Si: bullets struck the Colonel. Yet still be shouted "forward !! At last r_seventh shot proved Mal. But as be reeled before be fell, be waved his e7ord, sad cried spin, "forward ! my word is alweys forward !" His men swept on like • Olaf• rest, the story goes, serried the enemy's wins, ;tented the stars anal stripes on the disputed walls It is possible that those pliant words, "Fervent 1 forward ! always forward I" alone nved the day . No am knows what danger he sin safely pass, what difficulties hs can °venoms, what apparent impossibilities he can achieve, on il he has thrown himself, heart and soil, into his task, determined to snowed. _ Would Washington have conquered at Tren ton if he had shrank back at the wildly running iee that threatened to impels his peuage of the Delaware? Would Napoleon have been victo— rious at Artois if he had stopped, despairing, on the hither side of that awful bridge ? Would Wellington have won at Waterloo if he had not said, when the French cuirassiers swept round him like a whirlwind, so that he had to throw himself into a pure for personal protection, " Hard pounding this, gentlemen, but we will see who can pound the longest I ' A strong will, believe us, is often better than intellect itself.— There is a talisman in "Forward 1 .• alwayir for. ward !" Often in life there occurs crises when every. thing soespires to dishearten us. The nervous system itself becomes worn out by the severe tensions to which it has been subjected ; • mor• bid state of feeling ensues; the poor, half-drusru• ed squaws/E. is about to give up is despair : That is just the ti.,. so-say so oneself "forward, ways forward." To triumph under smooth skies and when the wind is fair is no honor. It is the tempest that proves who-is strong-hearted. Had Col. Graham, in that terrific rush at Molino del Rey, thought only of the defeat which bed preceded his attack, be would have tailed in the assault; liesieo, perhaps, would not have falls . It was the "forward, forward, always forward " ringingin the soldiers' ears, that carded them n its hurricane of high-hearted courage up to t muzzles of the enemy's guns, over the parapet, triumphant into the fort. Never despair. Bc4r ward. Ay ! always forward ! How A PouczmAN was Dors.—They hate got a sharp "City Marshal" in—an enterpris • g village on the line of the Cleveland, Wain. bus & Cincinnati Railroad. He was called upon by a roughslooking but .sweet-spoken man, the other day, who said he knew where Fanlhaber, the great railroad robber, had secreted a large amount of booty. It was near—, and the sweet-spoken man said be would aids the Mar. shal to the exact spot, only he didn't wish any one to aocompany them for reasons which he was not at that time prepared to give. The Marshal was elated at the idea of mslrtng a ten strike and immediately harnessed his horse and started off with the sweetsepoken man to the place where the plunder was " horrid." The place, according to the guide, was in a lonely piece of woods, about four miles from Arriving there the Marshal commonest:l digging down into the earth, with a piolyeas, in accordance with the guide's instructions. When he had got down a few inches the guide knooked him over, rifled his pockets of considerable ready money, one or two bank cheeks, and a valuable silver watch. He then bound the vigilant official hand and foot and started for the opening where the horse was hitched. He got into the buggy and drove to the nearest station where be took the can for Columbus and turned the horse loose. The animal trotted home ih a very praise worthy manner. A farmer, searching for a stray cow, came across the unfortunate Marshal and untied hint. The Marshal concluded to keep the incident to himself, bat it leaked ont—things will leak out —and his neighbors are laughing at him •We know him " excellent well"—he is a firm friend, a faithful husband, a kind &tiler, and a splendid judge of Whiskey—and so we won't tell his name or that of the place in which he lives.— But he must be sharper next time. —Cleveland- Plain Dealer. Tag Artarrric TiLZGRAPH.-A novel pro position for the construction of a Transatlantic Telegraph Cable is made in the Observer by Mr. Sidoey.B Morse, the senior editor of that mfr. Hs proposes to "plus, at proper intervals, along the ocean telegraph line, air-buoys, submerged to the depth of ten or twenty fathoms from the snrfaoe, and held at that depth by eables Wad. ed to seams on the bottom; small buoys, at short intervals, to be used as props for the tele graph_ wire, rendering it easily accessible for rat newel or repair, and large buoys at long inter• vale, to be made the foundation of a platform or frame from 'bleb pillars, rising above the tops of the waves, will support there telegraphic sta tion beams." The advantage of inch a plat would be a great reduction in the risk otiose-, reduction is proportion to the number of props provided—mach greater rapidity in the maw , mission of words tolugh the able them divided, than if the whole length were to be traversed, and the prevention of a British monopoly of the line, sines, wider moth a plan, the telegraph could be castrated at a4y part of the ocean as as wellalong the plates between Inland sod Newfoundland. Hr. Hone submits a variety of considerations to show that this plea is Wifely pasitinbit hoarding to the beet authorities, the storms and warrants which agitate the Ms extend only a short distance below the scrims, and air-buoys could, therefore, be anchored permanently and sward, at a diatoms, of tea or wont, fathoms, and made capable of sustaining a very heavy weight of eablc Oar wash buoy would sustain a tan and a 644 eo that four such buoys would sustain firs miles of the able. He also submits estimates to show the feesib<, of building station house upon such submeegd buoys, at a east of min than $lO,OOO each. I) I 4 ') II Dow 1141118., and brit.llhoommode ail Iforfuoli liolina. Thies vie lune tAss A* trouble to liok weir due adrictimias eigtmaas at Ills Sew York Arai harl Osumi saverthowatle soder Ike Wiwi St " Is shie poems it both axes mamma thearalvt, as imadab•s. tad Wale alenspisadsee: Vita eltis view. If vs Wine ikon aaanaseimmiv, sinitisits, slant wishes's esseepeies,ar• patinesal asillit *toe, boast. sodistaligneia raseelly, tee, radar meat, mole. pealdea. Is is sob very Ist= uses e,,y adsertheassal 'a larmed sk- pablie Ass a peas ladyat pad eds. 'ado* sad sesastplisked maim; bawl seavia. «4 skim site birsselisisa stesaival us 11 10 1 .7 ab' sari sad rossiesive et flee iadividasii develop nest, would like se eervespead with a eau at isdepeadease sad lease, with s virr Is =Ms mousy. Sim was sweaty yam et age,' is respeoisble 'solely, sail believed As weld sake a good use hem Any mat puma seas WI. M4l kr address Isasy Wise, alike Oates %awe Pessedies. • yoing . 11441 ausind Ms advertismet, Roder the avatars of JOON I. Defoe, as M. lows: "ILlas Ism Boman: Hove read year ad vortisoual in this morning's Ewald, sad kayo sot tke hesitation in ming that I an a sun of seam That lan•we of Wages_ dam would (dearly appear to yes if we shoal/ over is married., for I witeld ales promise gs pap any son ateentges to a wife this I. &esti and if I wasted to go to the theatre or open with anaebody else, esl ircolsably should, I should do it in spite of her. Is short, ska staid do as she pleased, if oho shoee to, and if she didn't I'd ado hay, and I should do as I pleased, whether she was willing or set. It AU is not loupes dent enough for you, I hog yen net to answer this latter. "That I am sensible, elearly frost my mods of life.. In the brit opsaioss apartmosto with • private family ia JIM swans ad manage lay Whir, is Wall atreat--with about font hoar. labor por nth a Ima m that I have as amok mosey M I wet to spend or give away, go *hare I 6mi • =lad to, smoke in the parlor wheat hoes, sad gm /mak se cases ads I am dispead• "If this osite yea, wile std Addams FlO O lb. Broadway Patois,. If it don't, do what yes like. "I will my, however, that I should be happy to see you, aid think yeit will net find ae• sw age. Ifyou are dispoied to gratify me, state whoa and where we an have en interview. Yours respeotfally,' Juuvs B. Dine' Three days after &pinking the Mews letter in the Union Square Poodle% Mr. Defoe sailed at the Broadway 'Bee sad' found a reply awaiting him. Is was written in a nest, plata hand, and the purport of it was, gam Ems Belly wee oarl ess to see hie : but was coassisen tif the Imre, prissy elan - bag a stranger S. sag epos her.— If,-hewever, he wield he al Tnyier's Bakes at two o'clock on a aortae day, he would meet hex there. "Go as far back as yea sea," said the letter, "on the left hand side, take • newspaper in your hand and read; so I may knew yen.— When I enter, I will teeortise yea with • sod; then, please, some and sit by me." A few minutes before the sppolated time, Mr. Defoe, having provided himself with a newel paper, west to the place designated, took a seat as requested, and sommensed - reediag. He SOP observed a yeas, ma eater, walk DIM him, and look annoyed at his preemie. Filially, however, the stranger sat down immediately to front of him, and with many looks expressive if "what • usineas have you hair alms took est • paper sod commenced reeding. "Unfortunate," thought Mr. Defoe. "If this fellow keeps on reading, she may mistake hiss for myself. However, when she sees he does not recognise her, sbe will try me." While these thought' were passing through his mind, an elderly gentleman, with a very red nose, also earns up, and polit ely requested Mr. Defoe to go forward and give him the lest he oesupied. "I would not ask It, sir," he added, "had I not partiealar reason, whisk - I need sot explain, for doing so." "And I," rejoined Defoe, "would not deny so reasonable a request had I sot particrelar reasons which I need net explain, for doing se." The elderly patient's seemed a good deal disappointed, but taking the last meeeipied seat back, also took oat a paper and oommeneed red nothing remarkable,".. soliloquised Mr. De foe, "in three men reading papers at the sane time, in a taw; yet, under the swennisteeees, it is a singular eoineidenoe." And this ingrain derived - additional weight from the feet that fhw other persons in the *shoos were at that time reading. But Mr. Befee's astonishment was emeidere bly iscredeed whoa a third, a fourth, a fifth, • sixth, and finally, a math, entered, and sub in his tarn seemed 'miens to pie a reer seat, bat failing is this, took the last one untweepied, cash at the same time ',maiming immediately to react. Mr. Defoe thought there wi.s somethiagemage in this, and as mystery always pious. him, could not *oppress a smile at the anxiety and distress of the literary strangers, who, while they held papers is their hands, looked armed the saloon. " I think the girl has sold me," he said so him self, and good.ostaredly dropping the paper from his hand, was shims at order a beef-desk when he saw a ming lady enter the tight deer. as was tall, ioefal ie her movements, bad keen Waal eyes, and was richly though not gaudily dressed tlihe passed down the opposite meta with a manner somewhat banghty, east a turtles glans along the line of gentlemen whet held pa• pert in thew hands, and billy me lit. Defoe an unmistakable nod of rengoisits. He returned t h e saintatkl, as if he led mal an old friend, and immediately )(Used her. " Mr. Defoe, I presenter said she pretty lady. • Ths same, and happy to yea Min Bal. Liu," he repl ied. " Tell me Mr. Defoe, what yes thought of my adrertiaimeat." .‘ I thought it very siagahir that a female should waatLa man of sense and fedepeademe for a hatband—so I answered it. What did you think of my reply?" " I•thoaght numb. Is she fleet plaits, that you were not handset*, and I am sot &appoint. ed. Also, that yon ,did not Seen what - yeti said, which of course is true." " Then why did you answer ••• u Boasts I thought too. You do sot a sensible womb would *dm*. s 11 1 = with an hosed motive • sod I bow shot no hos. at sass algid write se ek War as you did. I I did sot some to tospliessi posy as yes dad" " I will sot tomphis that yea tatter me." Ittfreshuitato were sorred up, and she tomvet tatioa, though noossoatily tartlet is is a law toos,_tisane anbnatid. if Pray tell me," said Mr. Dohs, " the pre s oiss milts pa MO is publishing 111111 k ea elm. tiassalat t sat in issthyi hoe" 6, I &Infer fan: TO woo shays m7disposi. ties. DO you see that Mt se lass fist them, soar O' AIA yu you wen Mb& mush with a sew M ' TERMS: $1 50 IN ADVANCIL !ft Ti.." 44 Well, Mass diehard pedesses all UMW hese et lay solieitaties. They all simmered mi stmt 1 • I wrote so thus praised; ea did to you. I wrote the team yea ■ sister made twelve amiss el lb, whisk um 4Mpatehed to as sissy gistleessa. asms al 414 a, it seems, hare steepled the iseitatissoml waiting for me." ," hid what will you do?" 1 0 Nothing. I did not ripest to meephie Aim I Sims to eijoy the sport of wain *Eh vie =to feol me, fooled iesteed; 10 wet& tie t l is espreasioss ef misty mid dlespe polemist. They are &booed, stash, leered ass, I am sere, or they wish, sot hternittes as they did. le faot, lam Mire lila is besot ens would not have writhe at ell. ; /few me theta 1 They look over ski top ef Behr psi as if a sheriff was after them." " AM you Gams to laugh a. ewer " aertsialy. This is ~ sassaprie gem, susimois. hook theist ; but; holy 116 dissipruss will domesticate thew" " Why is it that you have houorsd Ms shows all *wrest, mid do not laugh al my Wu* . hs cams= with theirs r" " Because you wrote an aboard least. I sew at ones you did not intend to have m• believe you. But those annuals sapped I was hash slough to think they meant whit they said.— I would not trusts soul of thins with my dinaeri They thought to &smiles me, perhaps get sow of my property, nod at any rate et illllo thsasdhj I sieve in." " And bow did you know I was dui pans who wrote over the name of Daher "The lumpiest thing in the world, Yes sat there wish broad grin on your fame, with a look el perfect indilfiwnice The paper lay betide you an the table, as I knew it woald if T wee Sr* minutes behind time. You were thinking you bad been sold, and that Batty Hallos had played you a good trick. The others were &seises sad uneasy They were meditating the soitetnan which brought them here." " Your name, of course, is est Bello% r' gusted Defoe " No more than yours is Daft," • repljed The "menagerie" was by this time to e, state of disorder. The “animals" gummy at A. tbs. lay of the eriseeted, celled for dilterent artialas of diet and drink, and one by one withdrew. Hr. Nhus also expressed regrets at perting e bai said he must go. " Mast oar acquaintance end karst" iis asked: " Tea, yams you shoukfelianee lopes isertaiwt• god with my husband, and he Amid lath* you to his house, in which 811111 I shall ha bospipy to see you sa his friend. He doss bulimia in street, No. —. I should not like to have kin knew of this adventure ; has I nest lase same amusement. If you ever know him you stillest mention it." 1 1fr. Defoe pledged hie bettor not to rem& the feet to him, had hede her schwa tam Ur Mrsisia AptedbubilL The " Honey Blois Grua" Swindle 1 I We have already &du/so:Lour own readers to be eared about parchasing any mdeseedly new plant or seed, for which extraor elnints are pat forth, until they see it waned or at let.t ad radioed in these edam& Ws Oa kap, they hare so fir heeded this advice thatimminfiliem have been " takes in and done ter" aims lesseamy now abroad in thirlessi.. I es. fee to sidling Samaria' Grass seed # 2117i pries' under the assamed Hasse of Grass." We regret to find that any oar re• speetable ootemporaries have given it so much countenance to admit this deeeption Into even their advertising oolunsus. It most certainly hare bees done unwittingly, for we 01111 bus be. here that no respectable publisher wouhd know. ingly allow his readers, in whom he Mould ham a personal interest, to be cheated eat of their hard earned dollars, for the sake of the paltry few cents he may get for as advertisement. {The, advertisement was offered in this olio% anCerse instantly rejected with the reply that it ewahi; not be inserted for a thousand dollars a Haiti With regard to this " Honey Blade Gras,"' we will make a statement or two, sad hereafter, if it be necessary, show up the parties who in, engaged in it, particularly the prime movers is' Bt. Louis, and this city. It amounts te simply this: A species of Millet, said to have originals ly oome over from Hungary in theof as "exile," has been propagated at s he west for several years under the name of “Hangariest Grass." This last name has bemuse so common that we have used it in designating the article. It is grown like the old millet from whisk it does not materially differ, and like the okl kinds may be cultivated for the ripened used. or est sp green and cured as hay or straw for feeding. If ripened for seed, the straw is probably about as good for feeding as well cured oats straw--per haps a trifle better. We have for many years advised farmers to grow the ordinary millet fee seed, and especially as a soiling estop---that is, to be cut green and fed either green or is a dried state. The "Hunpriad Grua" has become so 'rids. ly disseminated, that the seed is sow abundant and could reoently be obtained as low as it a bushel. Wishing some to distribute to swab et our distant subscribers as might desir' • to try a little of it, we engaged a dealer is this city to procure a lot of as pure and good quality as be could get in the country After paying hip tot his trouble io additiod to a profit, it cost us only two dollars a bushel (of 51 lbs.) deriertwed at our tan. Scarcely had our likit number gone to prole be fore a host of letters came in from subscriber and others making inquiries as to a wonderful new seed offered as "Honey Blade Gram" We immediately invystigated the matter. Oar Ana movement was to send two outside poetise who would not be inspected, to the bead quarters or "agency" in this city The seal obtained whisk (we have now iq possession) proved to be precise. 1y like the Hnegarian Grass we had previemily obtained at the wove. Further investigation has shown that,one or more parties, having Bt. Laois as head quarters, have secured a !err supply of the Hungarian Grass or Millet, dubbed it "Bose Blade Grass," Lamed some hundreds of of pamphlets to farmers, setting forth mom. put properties and merits, and pat/wising!, offering ato 13 bags (no less quantity.) We have one of thole bar now in oar oilloe preowned directly from the "agency" in this eity. It weighed just 101 lb., including bag, tad mes• sures 91 qts. This we purposely pwrehosed for examinatioo, and paid the regular prise et 43 per bag This is at the rate of ever 910 per basks) (lt was bought for as by oat of oar associates who chanced to be unknown at the uspeesy.") Aoy . one eau sell and compare this with the 'Magma Grass. The Neu" was moistly shown a sample of each laid upoa two similar pions of paper, sad could pisk oat his owe " How Bl ade." We nesaistrated with him for attempting to gall the esomeesity by the assumed sass sad extravagant shim— He unwittingly ecofeased that the arse Haw Blade Gna t was merely a Numb seerk," and attempted to justify his Kum, by this..d edam sahterfers. Bat wish oa this :ablest now. If what we bane dated Its sot mot* to utterly esederea this attempt to iyis $lO per bushel for a eessiesa artiele, of whisk the market prise is WO sad downward, we will gin It esolior an t " awl sot soars 1111 a *bort i~~~~~ I: ;1.1