Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, February 26, 1859, Image 3

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OBSE It V R . StPTICEL TO Mimi' Couammer, FAQ —Oo
Timidity ',ewes last the irteads of our late esteemed
1 ', . ttl: 20 : , ',ll e : towastoan, Mr. Courrratase, gave him • domplimentary
'''''si . t !upper a brown's 'Souk Quite a large 'Maher of our
1.1 Ar (1 MnYcet,Lak&i:Ous. hu,iig,te taro and prouticeot citisens were repent to ex•
-it '' - - 1 prres their appreoistiotawsid bier regard (or two who has
.e le ails at the 'I'LL( .61Ree. 1 1 beet) so actively identified with our most itoportaot poblto
, i
--4.1. , improvements.
r? 1 lfAtt. : 1
' About bat( past Lime o'clock the comae sat sat done to
A 61.•0), . .. V V U 11: tP.U, :
41... w. 114 t 0,~...
I. , ~, 0 E. 1 , nest 1, 4 4 ., 4 . 0 0 P M...
. ty creditable t. those who prepared it. mod Woks .K.1 , 7e 4
_. . ....: P. Ili with a relish by 6,11 pretreat.
, \
Altar sits•waseiag the good things of life in a manner
I. i worthy of the ocosaloa, the wine was brought ow. Jao
"JulM k7P. IL p. ytacen , , I
E•1:1, alter a brief and appropriate speech.
, It u.-:trig iP u propooamt tbe health of MILTOX Conatatoar, Et. , and
ritriN 411 *poke in high terms of hi, worth as a man,—he regtetted
! the ClTGataStatiCell that ioduesd lltr. C. to remove from our
city,and expressed the hops Used St some future day be
- I• , •:is!••,..!ists, 7A It
C ought return to dwelt MODS sut. Bet whether absent or
Preaeht he believed Mr. C. would .outlaws to take a lively
, intrust is the welfare of Poi*, sad *Aid eroatione his beet
-,•t • • , t• - •,, • •itutiott.e of Fri,. C4uto
• A PASO , to al..mbleatitbeir 1 effort. to advance those public Improvements to which all
• - •" ..140,, `• th t 4sl- h da, ~ur citizen, are Co deeply betereeted.
; , of it. 4. %Ay
teirriugh. to I Mr. .'or ev.;...1 t responded in • brief epeech In'Wl , kctt
• 0 'I " `.! ' 1 " be reler to bus couleeetrao WWI the railroads stud .sue'
• "•• Nirte•se • ,te,..t0,; tre.• qrpre
,.,t. o , u. t :tort. r.l counts, one Stated ,
which tie, to 1 , 4e1 Of SIP mach edsantage to out do, end
" ' ~tut,'" the nett r"D l r " th et . );lissad tits weeniest wishes for the successful completion
Er vntst *1 Sunbury t Erie, the Brie •Pittsburg sod the Er"
I (AMU" , FI f noon! Moak,
• r .1,, e+ty itadrs•ad. For twenty yeses be bad been actively
engaged in the Insprossinsents of North Western I s enoryls
A natlVSWoksi , .
HF-NJ I.IH.ANT, 1 vacua, and whether a eitisse of Erie or of New York he
t.I should loot to the advancement of our beaswful city With
pride coil pleasure. Us shaded to his association with
warty of those around him in the public improvetnebts,
.1 :it< g,ready beert "rder" and etprensed bis thankfuloess for the untfAut courtesy
1 • tt, awl Er,s r ,s•t I aud friendship be had received at their bisode, his high
`''term fur theta a. cud lat. gratitude fur the boor
t bee had done him on this occasion. Mot remarks were
Ito thi,ugh life et the i
well toned, mud were received with great applaais by the
• I rto au.l
.11 blhl
- - -
2tAt 11 to tlats a iv.'ll.tittiaPtlt. file salusions to the Pittahurk I Erie %ad Eno City
~,,,,,. 1,,
~ , ,liwi, 15 , hi , 1 RAIifOLD celled out 800. JSo. IL WALKEN. Ur spoke of
the impoetenoe of thumb Roads to Erie rod the entire
arl Ctll'AP
1, twit:lg mule in sumo of (ho
gTrad Juries on the ground that
\ A I*.rk EVCllt ' oeg Post says DIAN
. r..a Gtrnrl, Erie• Co., Pc" Iv re:at
. . lary ut $6OO per week, and latth
t the St. Nioholae
- - announces that it mach aPPIA"e'
The health of Geo Esau, the P arid , at of tho Erie
In,to tile pen of Geo. " . -
Capita uompsoy, waa proposed, and he made a happy re
. v r i zo ha! been de•o , 4me years,
sponse. He spoke of the obataclos which had to be over
pub Laker obtain the tosouseript. •
route to the construction of the Canal, the valuable eer..
urg Dally Post, otti m ot the •wet of Mr. COVITRIIIII7 tionowstion with the w or k, th e
it ram. t,, M o at, la a s frequent Matson ragstasenta which had been thrown aroutid 4
" ari„ grad to is coee the managers, cud the indefatigable and suoressfull labors
i Pore " of Cot. CuLT, the •zeellent Superiotendent.
Col. Cott ulna toasted and loudly calied for, but etc dity
de•tined to mike a speech. If there was • break anyi
where in the Canal be was ready to perform Lis duty, but
speech 'making we. out of his line. Ile hoped, however
t beat groom Maj„ WohlitYl.l., the I....upertutenderit of %ti e
I tt'e•tero lltritrion of the Sunbury and Erie R. R,
sitoteLat „
of Ms) kronaer..t replied in his u.uel telic,tou, w a nner
Ile s poke of the lea waerisw Importance of the Santiory
ttt , o •o'tt"r” P*Per. Can "" t toe State as well as to Erie, hut thought it a work of
• t.rther icon this! Ws k
Fap, reroguuon fur him to attempt to gild rr Cied gold. No
; • n • ~rod leron• "e r, " jutted the importance of that road any more than
t rh hh "'" ir they doubted its certain completion in a brief peri..d r
1- a 1,..t t laid a uovetirt ,tf I time. tie •Iluded to toe tong acquaintance will, r
•I ikgbt merature , tut is (cry C cxitTRIGHT, and their no operation many year* ago ao
in , ni g r engineers in the eunettliellon the Erie Elienrion Celia •
„ y „ the „ f the ' and spbhei lu glowing terms of Mr. as a elllloll 1104 ot
it r" a 'am.). nuasard " "1""" man.
Mr. WILTYOa* reminded tbs company that this was in,. .n, l•Licogiog to 22.1 of Fenruary —the birth-day of the Father of Da
, , f, r higher C U Iry —and ttoagtit It proper that on
r tt I t f ugh il,e principal (t eying a juts compliment to our former tO.Volttaata, w.
r t wore in. spinners, stsuu\ Ado honor to the Memory of Wa.hiogi.ic. H ar r iet t e .
t,ttej "Tt t an PaT pose fore proposal " The Memory of (awn Ws.sgiyoros "
The t war drunk vending. tad respond td t, oy iii ti•
l.+sa, E• q Ills remarks were brief, eloquent and part If ,
•ati . liere loudly applauded.
Tuarots 'Rae drank to the Pro.. ft Erie,-- the Eu•ineas
Mao or Erie—the Ladies of Erie, to, but we ha.o e „„,
„ _ _ .. _ . . ...- u - roptarr the
. (Lat an Lff.rt t± waking In the '
e y 9101.8 Of Clll•tnrd
Irl Lir read.. tr bare I.ery, Irl '
r , IO.ITIS - ,i It ik .r , ..f Rill. 2,11b1,.
kt.l u, unit
1 f 17,,bruary.—
. r It rw
r •,21 a rot, get
n Ore the Vl•ry (or adger
nt .1 0 hilot tAbett,
3 ay if.rif INA) at.“.l w../•
er, • itl • n , 11 , 1 tip it the water
%,, ar u, I :".“ yla ei tUITIVII
ur read -r• are 4.. gre N 1S t)
frr theta (4.
,t ,trru a (!ert'ar.ct paper, rv!-
Lt. , N ; at that place fitr thu haw
z-tatt ('corral G,tumittee
It thr Merehhot's Hotel
ti up. % ., Nr rdcestliy, the 16th de,
1,04. to ii•••etriblo to name
b-ota T.% gating their
a C t ; r, there do n•Jt
',I) UK •' 1$ •U:q.l 44
41 , 7. • "tigilt to
1./i r ;„,, F spar'
41, . n y , n r hrshg the
uu.• • f V..r u(
•nort.itAg, I .a4t week, a
Mr /. Th..apts..t West Spring
t,,,;:uttt ty Crc V1 , ,t11-$Ol u. C ,Clte.ats
f IL ,. :e.ruoT iinUttlle, Ti
I' •.i, oLe Uwe )4,
rv-r!,n. people and a
r.t the 13.)fi.i1 , , ! ',111:13e!
• .•et, cr bt.crt de-troy.
may 1., It e vatet to Near
k t• t• r,
trir na •1 1 11, 111 Ng bleb he
r,.. ” 1 , ft 6 *. h.• dad ovl (iodate
" ft,cne F,utcrtainmeut "
1• •• r va. t ;ir e n si Part Ild/Ilaat In
-411'1• ILc *MD MAX rOallz,d fqr
ut $.l ICI Thd pertioalsoes
h . h) era!, uz al Pali nth. Ab
r , .•^ r , he toot The um ,no] Ir
, rt,r •AULs ...11 List poor of oar
•i ‘,/* flead 6, f r F'bruary,
up the veer eures (ter
tetth the •ecabhe reomart,
• n nod ail (woe of coo
tat 1 ,, 4, sod out of door
ro. 16L4 that , withmat theoe,
r w. rrrr rr-en ror,reirefuli)
1 1 I g "r ,11.41
ur i•.. protelits
..r ntic• bon.lsAle
v e•y 1 w Wl , ek fOr 110(hing
.i,mo .tr • If .tttl #orne
A n iu•.r •buuid b•rt be
,r,, t, 41, f. .4 Litt( , CoLtNI. They
• 6.1- bu idlug the aiew F,rst
, • twat , le,l co MePHIL W A
svr of c I:ILLL a Co. TWO Work
' , et prowecuted with prompt.-
22.- - 71. The stableriptiosto
kI I ,I, I .4 l .lleriflll , ne Ire yet to
•a the pro-ei•t Pqy of the
/ $ • A "; if al toe rage for Part ,
' i• ,nom fdtanto coca
.r. I Mlth 4 , $ AJIIIIMILMEI fur tho
•r,•[ P11;111 u troubled
, • , ond tbe mud—of
U t4U: ‘ I,. Z /LJ bAki y tbere
, n... • new
• •r. no* it:already obberved,
' - ~ ,rt a. tU fu'ly exp..° the
•- • to II 10 pit., ►1 ate
.r.r. ~ . .n damp dry goods
.• .Jrg, colk. at
t' , 7 •. .11d .'t..1...1 tHf loodies 41e N.?
);••rmugaron of tie GM
wary UsUall mr,lb 01111414111
..6. , k/ wr
'. Lt 011 tLpuet
44 Jl3e the
t'r , m} , i AA) the Wu',
A friend
arawer .1 Lt.
, f I • e Bonk
Atat ts and clued bin well ground boiler that both would
completed ere lung. The Pittsburg road, be ss3d, wer
already 14 SO Ldlr111:11brd state, and there were element, t
work *bock would owlsioly oemplete the toad to' Wei'
Greet:tel.'s the comics swoon, and most probably notab it
to (.w Castle during the nest two years. Re believed
there were also elements at work which woad ensure ibr
eompletion or the Erie City Road at an early day. Ws
speech was !teemed to with matted attuntlon, sod elicited
yarty res,tted tv the large parlors, and spent the reataindet
qt the e% ehlog to tuCtel intercourse. !Shortly of er 12
ck the company separated, sit tk ,gO y pleased wall tt,
4 , -41E4 , the eveulOS.
mil. The Plank Road Express nine of Coaehc.
h.tween this place and M•ad•ille U Jong a pro•pot. -, us
b and by the promptness of its Managers And the
r,,mfor: and speed with whirh it le run has been ' t wose
tat in obtaining the larger proportion uf the vasaanger
travel b•tween two pninta The general supers 1111 . ,2 t t
toe r , at to under Mr LAIWILEAtAt. and we d übt Jan4 , ther, be secured who would nil the poet v u wt•ii aL
got the satisfaction of the traveling public rn e
average time of matting jbe tripe is less, by several our
than by any other route,--"Nivog less than .earn bnarr,an.l
often lea* than six
k. R —The Loudon Time. of the 26th *AR 111,cal.k
this project says . *. The survey of the AOAntic and ..rear
Western line, whiet is intended to complete a Nue 411
ookroken brueyi•gstage route from New Y , rk 1, •u..
by the eonstruetiott of w holt of 37s aide. hooves'. the
New Yurk and Una aoJ the W 011.011) rosSe,harl bY- c o la .
pieted by Mr. KVIAtlf of Loodun, wad very fav o rably r ,
ported upon. There are two other router to the We•t,
b,th cf which pay largely, altboufb they have•no.
tages of elevatiot acid of interruption of singe, fr
*bleb the new Rue will be free. The opposition to it.
e...ers.tetion bee therefore been severe, but the putemet.te
,far to bare been borne out
vllle I,
pen )r
.u't profitably to the coJrvration if properly conducted
t• is a matter of surprise to tie that oar Erie eatatelistp
h , 1•45 not ere this engaged largely in the Iron brudova
Oar stvaotages in getting the Ore are not eseclied by any
o , ecr my on the Lake,. All that is °verses?, is for men
wb., understand the bosinees to 01 it setlvely A
y of hums market e,,uld be found for a vast pettily of
I , un. We hope oar business wen will give this matter a
c..refol consideration, and embark to en enterprise ~1
hind u speedily as possible. Erie bed a d‘abiap.
meoufsetorieg Iron far ahead of airy cities or tootle re,
awls from the Lates, and are!, noparallelled indleceattet
enterprising espetalista. The Iron noblesse could
b• tendered enretininfly pr,fitible it this point.
CRAW/VOLD COUNTY ITCH'S —At the C,,titt ~f
Quarter Stamina'', lan wonii, McCann 104 •tfe, alleged
er'lla the tmardar of Stiorart, vereiegauted on the ground
,'net the 111,1114 wu ooluntue4 to d.Nnee of tbelt dJai
In the case of CADmossweehb Prorsig. f r poisoning
b.‘ wife, no action was taten hy the tirand Jur7. A
ulti examination before Jamie* Chapman, of Spring, rt•
suited to alb cusuatituti of Pruselisto )•11. We understand
that he was released on Monday no giving hail to the rtttn
of 43000 for his appearance at the Apt )1 torn.
The Crawford Coeoty Bank presence a fair exhibit, and
e•ideutly in a healthy condition. The new ttionngeuarni
appoars to bairn the confidence of the 'mouses* rotnnin.
M. Ptsic DAVIS his heen lappointod X.,tery Nitato Sa
place of M U BaaLtir, rest/toed. The al pointtneot Is a
good one.
1016, The most tfLictnal way iii killing a wan.
t ot 'autumn either) it ones happens, is sub flattery
Many a man who by withstood the thefts ..t so vy ar.d
the alums of aujamiea has Won completely orer , owe by
the itittratteige4t lau lotion* of protested frauds They
ousts him ridiculous by ther futetiaie outparing praiies
A cue in polot, which is at ouggitaitt• aa ludostout.—
Shendan aspired to become a *gramma, but bed the Its
baton all knocked out of him by the " blarney" of his
trials 1111•041141 at. eZperianee of the attempt rune Char:
" Shot fins—tbe birds an getting away:—.'Mere power
to yost honor !' Did you too one hide fellow drop his leg
as be went oft He'll stand on bis tin toes again.'"
'• Shot woord—teat birds folio. awe; " rare an' alters.
/here they gar l Bit didn't your boeoe hear the shot apt
Us eatose them Ilk* peas agin a windy t pray
erect to tee your boiler •iplua on thin ode of the euuntryt.'
" Shot third—birds all off again : " Thunder an"onee
bet tatty'', ostotuld It 1 - ---teetter wasehiali theta awhile.)—
There's dire* erusaded. anyhow, but they bad hardly
stringtb to Sy over you kedge; the dirt! • wink of elrep
boll sot Lbw bleared night"'
" .41601.fuara--s Sao passes/kr earawee ; 'WWI. I Deter
'meet a poor gestleassa manta sway like hits ; he'll Mmrm
bee yout'hoator many a loaf Jay feeLth_at. The spalpeen
to currying away more shot than met up so Iron
astenget at Skibberees.'
Shat AttA--ik mit• Bete " Botha: you may .-ry
"realty" my dad ladodr—yea may 1U your lung bt:l to
the otbor world. You Indio to-marrom amusing Ind% a
lumbago to your.ak hood."
Tim lust .. adaelt "Wooed dove Shoddy.% V.
shouldered his pima sad dlsobered his partisidd
orming at Wevt Green
otgre Irma Cr , IL Like
to tbat tbo pr , jact may re
;yet feeling io Meadville, is
oat. Road roattoverty, N iadle►ted
i se. If the et
c*gara.. , theAr u6f,•r
f ber papers, we v0u,13 not he tun.
• sre Wit er, lb •• ri Weidd b e NV.rsl
bis th, t.. 1 cLI
if re J..g LtA
I •. For' inu•neo, • ootte.pandent,
, h.fig • int.r,..t in • Delbbotiog
,f ydraphob
that e,.crl
ct,uuly a ui ttaders, tout the liberty of
Irtttog us 4 / 1 ,,t wecli au account of outs of Oleg • bond
tit wit ( t ot Or a fool wowid fot a mo
q4ent re.l.oo.lble for üby of lb., otatetnetti of that
lvrrstri+ut.eilt Wr cc* nothing, and eared lost, of the
Wert..,f its r•) r!,tch CllllO , l tie tueettug treated
togetio,r; Lot tl, think, beoaa.e
thvs t• or, that t .brr Lis* tyllcll attlef wttb one of
tut parttt s. tut - (.. a • !rt.. , Lally therefor, We
ihalt octt re4 , j to la , ,lto. Ictiy—totleed IA I dullet tut. d
t reply to ti:e Age ebollition of ill flialisig
is u .a. (thy f ► reVy —unworthy of • tresepaper; sod
sos,rthy nI ut cdn , ,r, N. , came can be bent6tted by
su , •h n. tartki”, and r.o R•mtlemlr( Cab be raataiatail by
sruott nu advocate
IttlltAr f•f querti.o. el 11411.1 in that evonty,
we rvp..4t, we hare in, knuerleage,'arl a we wish to reraiio
In •nu‘t 1 , 1 , •411 igooraricr, 4ut we give fair nu t
ti.e , g,q,tir!.ititi aeries it pr,jpet tk , write es a letter
tr t.. Nindville. Jetalliag the ptoorediegs of a -bond
meet ung„ - ,NL 11 a 1...11‘, in Aolog ro, he shall
thiuk proper tu pia ID reopetlful tenni of Pattie, or
Church, or ~ r ldeVriland. br even out trots friend
of she .4,,•-wr shall Lauri terui.iotir publish It. We
vria • a ..e.• • purer. And 0 - ery (wing that interests Our
read,r , . or to tkitiat will iaterestltheto. we 'hall insert is
11/ , 011111104, Cothe - ifo4l wbateter outer it may.
tog. Wt. 11;sr it stated Os* in ease a new Clint
As domed to (31 1,33 , ,f,rft• Four. Itio case will be carried
up t.i it e : . ....ulkr• tut 1%,411rt on a wit of error, or that the
vet,ll, t irflt 1... , t I.tie Itn Ahe giound that Judge Dan•
1.1,0 , has no 34r1• It.`tt4 , ll to Critslicai Cases. What may
be the rect.( we are n‘a proparad i r preliot, but the °WM
tilnaitty Id rettrtnly deeply, tote &tett la ttas abetter.—
rocev had a fs , r trial ,ill admit. !rho evidence was clear
ens i1,1:•IliV" kl' :be , te.iiMony tidicated that the mailer
sk. a defitierAt , , e 101 b4oo.ltoi 3ti , atrocious affair. There
i. ro.t to .h • i .s . I is doubt of thi min:inlete justice of the
ver.i,ct tic is '4l , hovel gr.iuudi then shall this criminal
escape the lost pua,htnent of his(crieue ? He is a harden..
led,l,r, lie adotts the twirler. Yea, more, be as
Aeash at ihree'ened the lives of the wttn who testi
Eel egsln.t. a by soy possibility be should obtain bill
t‘bettl. Is t,,t•ti a erreten etttatle4 to ettber sympathy or
mewl' It be t., go unrunisiaell because of a trivial
techoiaalii? Agato, if Judge Diniosses Is Dot Competent
t t try the ease, is be ootopetent 14 try any eritninal case 1
•33 101111 nil the crootosil basic tille *blob has been soin•
pl,..ed u oder 1,1, , j,,,,,d,e1,00 be set aside to tined an out
law 41.1,1 I murderer an opportualty to go toot free' It
this 1116.0101 t to .parea, then we may as well ountilud• chat!
i Courts and !awe are made not to protect society, - but to
Onlol4 toe gii.,•y—a,t to imolai% crime but to favor Its
outou,Lii n. Ines ,, ti a deep feeltug among all cruses ul
Or 4.tltene on tilts atahjeot, and there is a weighty reopen
d4billry recing it, tll the Coal The result is looked re
w ens iry. 0.4 e pevple sit to sac, ruin distiiimi
(whottrfr Justine is a worker lied whether the law wit
afford ti. rut adequate proteltion tgalnst blood slain
1 mitnit.sis
sift_ \V" e wager by the Philadelphia papers
!bat f/ .1 f , be new b..ard of Dore...tors of the
:..gtA , ory R4l ro9 Company elm, held at the office
t lie C. ti , l auy, ,to tt it city, Ism Week Mr Witt. 0.
Not relied c...uree 111.w:or:Douai, re elected lu lb,
•i ttt Mr J , ht. Lthdesy end Mr. Spofford
etle watt) the eatue re-n:octed to the reepeettre
,3 y 7 itcasUrer ILI•1 S,Crislwry lo new of Ilia kn.
crowed laburi ne,•y faittog on the Yrsittattut, by raw
atm f the act,re pr. grert of tt,e work of CunarlttiCtlOc, the
.t expe'llent to ehoose *Vies Yrts debt, the
ett.,.ce t.r WL.CI. uu Mr. EJeatd F G,y.—
m, v ic Le, r of t wry ierge, and ar an
.; It•Ct to 'l , , f'res dent, Kill 1301 fall to render velueb.e
rc r.x . It al 1,4 n u• gr SI 1,41,11T0, says the Neves, Ow
•1.. t• t wb, r ft, taror of thts great fLo,I impnrtant
0,0 rat :re tai.a ab,e IL• .ay 11, our rrad..ta that Us
.Ir. iy .e educed to a 6,5t,1 Jut, *DJ that
r-okit,LeLle ttao, x t pr per aiaLogomea , ,
,ur yw, pr s re•k, 14ifilard
att 14.4 , . loi oUll,eflpt tll , ql 111 04.1
• 01:146ess .tattrrot
bq u tv b 2.'9. ilrl If. r I , t
(• •- -
sm. A •• i:l„,,t
•put, ieu t whu ts aftic
• re.l a ceatifor Die "Ismra,
uront of the Oheoirer. We greet
that A' ail our r,lP.i.ori e.ll agee•
14 t 1,0 O u r , ta..:l 'LI'
6 1, r re,
evrrreily 401.Cnt,cti in
mr•11110. oh'• .I'. toes vs
tt.ft 1 , tit ~ I it,
IL llLik•
T 3 artl
it nntrllted
Jo r ta‘o.l.
I :.4, ~ ~
hit ',•,.•( crau
f 1 it .elf • tO•s , +ts w 4,10.1
P2L •
ttt Fitt( 'A It 1E Ili 1 41. 11 tatur+.-- Atm 44; 'be
.1 • • • • / 1 1. • 1 1.,. ••14://tri 3111041/1:11.
1,. . • a.. .41/.11 1 Si . . 1 1 , . I rvq••••rti..- •1•••-•.h.,,,,min,„.
••■ fig It• the tbitodatttl. 1 ,, .•
• • .• 1...111'. ...a•••• .tt••I,••• situ Stitch II alan
I •• • /: J. lb. It. vt • 4471 ,45
ko . •• u . ed
• • • • 11, • I,• it.AI • r.pproprtz.. , ••••-mt,.., 4,1 c.,1.144.1( uoth
• • - •r• • • r 11/ .u< at •.1, Ls,
• .a. • ••:, •• • ••• Si' F•rt...4.1 It* acttre
.••• st ae •sppr..prtato .74rt,••••
• •••• • .. •••,4 0. 4 .11:1111: Itltl/THEIt of t) •••
• • t, l • trt• , 4 .0.•••• 4 ,•,•1 ..1411.1*.q.1nt• t 4 the•r... watt° Lave
.4, 1111/•• I/ •• ••• /11.11, 1111 /1111•• r de / // to others. W. lass. too
VI • •/ • 1111 pen •r .• f• • 1.111.1%., i.e tad unki. the
0,, "I t (Or4o . • 41. , 0.41,'t•r•rrationa.. Wi. would
J. 14; a, . 0 •'.• 11. •h ' t to lAr J tul
11'.h. t • .l 1". ' - • -• 7 '
-- - - .
"WM" %fa E 110 P. 4 1('h C".......11.61 indloposo twin
~. T n . • .-« 1,, k .1.. 0 , ,.11,..11..A., .our I , .,tnn,h, Haan
, 0., .tr , 1 ti..„ 'I r• ,;;5r.1.1 3... *Mall 'Latter. in lb.-motives, gra,
4. serth• .c.- - 'ff.', ,11. ,, i•ci .ferangetne•t. 'flitch if all.,ned to eon
• into_ a ill r. , 0.. .0 ~.... gal ctaesosi of the l. bole .y.t.m With all
„...,,, Sit ~ , ~,, - in ti ,, ~,,,,,n 1., tbrougb any range Linder
i.l, tent Li, if. t • .r i 7,, • • c1, , ,.......,11, • lit. bif , : , o , .p.,..a i i,
11-10,11.-.lil. A I 1., 1, t f 11:w cants, wit( Waft through a long Ito.
.11 ~... r 1 I. Ant r 1,, • 11. 1,1 , r complaint, th , Pl w"4 "; P r"U"re
a.,, a AI tits h IL , •I. utatit a the grand faservolr 11.003
%Utter ....,,,,,A, 0 ..riAl.ulel..l. cud 1111.11....1 ~ gim'm'e .soparlocl
1 . 1:,, .. •i .-. . m t J. sf int pot Leal, then, th at the MattalarA
b.• 01,1 , tstlib! , .n.. 1 I ee Wool r,.., toms eftleulAttrti I. ea, it a
11...... 4 Al i .0, ALAI t. 1.,. r the I.ll.•flualat , r nlr 0.5 I r y Op u ,L,,, No,.
1. , 1. , mild • ...Is If.nftgf. 1.0.1.—Qt1. nou-tri.l..n. or other eire,w•-
••5t,a , ... 11. t , ,, , 10.. A• : Luc le.ilf are 1,, Vt.% and thr At...pleb
~..i .
sod •ti, , ,, p•rt.4,l In, an.iima. tt, , n , ..1. ; •r. ...ogiorb and irtealci
~„, i o tu n r,,,,fogrnm.c. of tnetrldlatnra.. or W hen Inert 11l an e11en...11
1.,.......11..1., tut .It I owes ceta-uary to ',sort t4.,..15te Mosl3,os,
afl . filter.' IA a • rot • iire,tat.t ~114.1.14.. may restore a tian t,ll.
~,410r, I,ooi n nes.tnir olfc.. A gentk /without and iaffatire, rehl
~,rna,• 14 ,, .. ("au at ", Ihrr amolitints acenmplipb ibis end—And
r I. is 144 eb , radrr, l 4 a wifd, groat, lad otbrient sp'ri'nt, tot
ally.. sod c• trr‹..ton,, ltsat /.41.414115'n I. Atli Akill. PILLS are
.4r/ ila AU. , limos rntiel.4) oartablo in flaotr cnmpral
li il, It. 7 MS., 1.... • 1 , 1,11;11 r1t.:111.4,y Co All, .4 V.v./ .4. and sea,
a. se, iul tn. l a, dettrate fototio, a. 1,.. the •terwont DAD
ft,,, .1,... if, c,.. e Iff twalftseacos,. imolgyutioa. fisortimra, N. d,
ryMoopmam. Jo.. .4. .sw-boom .1.1-4* 5te... 4 , , t/.w... , t/.w... mi LA.
4,00 r, •mo Lograege .1.0. of tat bats... <4.411111. 'amorally Way
~,,,i,, t t..... r val. lad f l
Urn. ratigarealztrady b. gin. lag to 41110..0
in,, 4,, , f in, m.-, an 10....., .11. cli,, r. is, d 1.., a 1,,1 a. t h.. 0,,,51
Ifert.ll. C.11314 ,, r. , 1 ...+:1, Imo. tint linen dr.1m...1 for the ssasi•r y of
,1.0 ,0 0. 1 icy or. yorrartrd la grays •444444110 , *, or bier prou
.3 as, per box. tali lOs rejwalowi 3.,id to bi - *, null, at BALD.
.. 1• - 0 , 4 .I,i .. I,llt, 4. 4,1,...,1 ii01:14 tstroid, 111 C. Ey . 23
101. 6 .1 1 1PU1i1 %.11T TO YllaYA LEA. I,,it c itis,sEx,,,N.,,
r 1.1.-, rt,• , ....1 L. t.i.fri,eatie L t Itees,rnan. 111 U,
„ . ~, ~so CR. 1$ wan tualloO of ingredients it llosoe }ilia ore
b o ~,,,I. 'its 141.4...1 tilAllll.l74l.•ClUat. lbai •re mild on th«tr
ral r :8 1 r ) 4 "4 ::; 11 ' .7 . 1. 4 '' ' ' ,4 - gt i • n l /l i f n al t l .. O r takl.l " rrUOLAJ, ali U l. I.l:th "Lr e ," ;r ‘ ,‘. 0:13 V MS 6 in o
r '
tie. rt.., 1....45.,.1, lain im tbm aide, palpitation of Lk,. bss.rt,
.lima. IL,; !,...g ....,,, 5.,... otos , . ii.) ite4 Ira , fatigue , ba th in the bleb
..1..1. +.a.t.A. ire , " , ..L..lbed sleep, 1 1'4.121 snot truly town/piton of
, ,µ„I.
To Act RRILD 641)(CS, Dr- tbooovionts's Mils ors iovolosido,
,0 toe, a.... talus on cur ..unrittal perm* cub orifolanty. Lodi.
, qt... bats IX, n dila p I.o.aut. i.: to ilso see of Other l'illt can p)4(yellie
j ,alsn-,.1 eusvhdt new ii Lir lit...Kagan a Pill* 4..n0i all that the” re
-1 d ,...l of to no
I if, L. rilverg to tn. cusd4.. u 1 11. frzuale se basal
earm.ll4 1.• 1..0 Imiriowa priaLuake • PILLJJAk RE.
4(../..1 Tee e et .bboe relwrit4 .• PAAGA.4IIICY—Iko swat,
All't,dßßrdt.dar , e te tee tereesweetebeedeeey obeeLease
tilt serval taratuks tail Loma eimetrom, feat tM
.4,0414 , 415 t, pus. , us 0.0,1•11, •01.4.1.
.% • (r•u o Lee firOce sa - Thins Injurious.—
Vaptioit dtroettoba etaleb ibbuld be raw, liCtigapliny fade 6,1.
Pytte tat Lt bb ettc.osboi 41 to the lournil afteol Sold by
41 ., • .fugg , t: wO L t iel tt 0 Stabs. H. b. hirrcirmift,
tar ).11,14 `141.., Jebt Letot•re St., Nes Knelt.
t, • u , tr. 5.,1 N Iwo embra Le actdite.b d.
r LA I re, *OW" bile; J.6.rkLANCLR, Bufieler,
1.. •-
tAllt DYl—ltAllt. DYL—WW. A.
• AM DTE ! The Orlicinal and Bee in
fuer, isiltatioas, %DA eboald be aeoid •
It ten lb.
IA Alit Dyed leutiatlv to a beautiful
ifille aiti.•-•1 tA• boat tiory to nab or
D W 1.021,0 bawl boon awarded to
••••., and 0... r ao,ooo lipplieintions bare
Alitfnnii Of MI fam• pro.
DTF. produce• . coke wot to by
awl la grasaaxwaa but to Wart to
t *nay be continued, and the 11l wawa or
at: tortivraNmd fur life by Oils pliesiltd
n six nv
Net i• kiELOker
)• nA.n.4 • attiegi
1 1 a toy wiell to
61j), y, Hti O , UK NUJ t,l Brows or .6
iTai A. Bad:dolor sin!,
bres wade tulip. Ralf nt
ellniorulahod from with
ILO , Lewd, r..*.... IDLE
bil 4 10) et rcurair4, tut 1
—l.l or ati (
133 Y.
a 9 yri , atu room.) at Quo Wflg thetery
4 towns of the United autos, by e rr
Sold In all the cities
end F►nq Cieweas
nr Thr got:lntl:se hee
Po/y*o4lg on f.,0 'wits
he OM, sad adhe re opal • steel plate
bleu a.a. k,t
743 Broadway, N. 7
I 11u .n n : F t j u e!, i' c ' cip .
i rt.— . 1
•aO.l, 0.0044, t 444, is tb
14.11.641)( q10444-stc• 1
-1 ' -
FE rt.'
pf..roa t, t
Lug of J J 111.344 11567, C
I 1, 4444-4,44.41)011) 01
14%4001U tb.,4 0140 •04 I
I'LlitaP Nam, itnl 0,4 a ..It
Ntk , :d Clay 0 C.v., '
To*: bisolstr And
ri-W11,06.--3.0 Taal. OSt S 0711$
S.Vspaas all. They •re
t*reatsg toe4.ll4—n. •ariellos oil time
ottl, ...ital.ll.l4nrwitt • taw. three thing,
anot liroadway, Ns York.
A ead..tny of liodirio*, in their nit
. ntiktn, .5 per rent. nt Net Cnd Liver on.
peisi de. the no, Clan, t tylnl oIL
p.itvet Sant till In.perilv* pain
;Urn e Mt it 'titbit:4,i 'tarsi tj
Airtati tr
, No: Fletcber-st io Nore
• AY Bro., arose, io I*,
Dr, r arr I arta,
4 ',nu', sr,flu
r,...* %.- 14.
IMAM 47 1.411 r, Sr Luau Me.
4th give pm * seseettee to the lealiMie oLlaveed Warrants
sad %b. Wilma a Texas le the States oi I..eis slid Lena; will
also 41141 (Wm kir OM prelusive of aware Swamp Last, I*.
• -
Recollect the Tine almtiottee.
ALt. tiros tattebaot to Wakes Damao guava, urt eusedat
loaned to call aqd pay tiotr bout ditto, wary Um Nth or'
4 , 11 OW- An who do oot bead dila tied tetttatisia %ILI is
truhked TM , tolas , Woos I doll tot soh brewer.
Li* Feb. 10, T. IL BLAU; horietor.
.trliA".Plil)fil ? li t
. gvtie .• sit 3l
H l.i r Cillii. ISA tf. a
fi l ftl A II tip & Vi m gati i to
i.g. ~. 4 rrri ;vtt EP 1 1 : 1 F.
.... it„....1 4gysk:a.or
i tO% IF - .1.!: fit /.5.1A11
: 1- 'l,- 0 15.41 % foril
__P•4l4:ll Sii- 5 - .o ' 1
-v4rierfr.s.----V-ri•tg.t .4
- :,?r , 14 r4Elgiajtjtilri7ll
f,.l4't .1?=1;4 (Poliz2
t l I c 5 594 r.g - f fecogi : 0 , ...
Pir"i'i.l!!.i titililliji!P
Tisl - - if ° g ritirtiatle:E,lo,
4 y. 418448 44 311. ppt....ilrfmci
- esl.:l,T•r ir 4 :?;
i 51..0116. 7 rE !Ig.F.--0 . 4.-
i . ,Ps. •, %
15 GTT RA . 71
. 7 '
♦f Tan 1.6'4V
k ..e
- . N 4... ...
VI 11, 4 4
BEE 4,1_, T l c",
-:„,-...- e
;'-'l'i:"--* -'' Ja- 1, VL.
r-- •".----=`.--71
-A- - ... . - • -
by olustog, deriog the poet week, a shots* selective
et hierent OItESS M[l3, Ostest style* imported)
RICH 111:11=1 DUBS 000D$
YR,ROSBLZ sad IGatitla SA A IS, CLOAKS a p d R A GLAxs
d•taatt! mad. 'Lad trimmed; as 1,.".
A Peculiarity of Style
That distlagrishes than tram 0 Others.
CJAFITRZR, !Mauna, CAM virrtk, curi.gre-rs,
P/CCOLOMPI StITS t. M ama st tN
A complete Kim of G.M.' sad Ladlof 1.144 We bays added
largely to oar stock of
Fano/ and Btape Goods.
Weed every arparialseat bsa had proper`al...lMOD ba Our poi*
wu Dow oar Ow astir, stock at prices that ettinot fall to On
tatishiutios. Cohuound give oar 'loch a thorough inupuetios.
No. 1 sod A lirown's Hotel
no, 11-27
r-- ;
• mg
,- 05 ••
WI " A
R 114 W 8 04 w
•''' 4t
-.1 4?
EN ck
;II 404'1
%NI 0
illi El______
("1 Has. ws.4 )
New, True, Intelligible and Important.
pU. Jaca.soa & WV ARMEN. rat New ort., have tally
is rooms Ida. so, SS gott e n, at the Brown's Hotel, Erie city,
~ hots
tbay latroducing their new and Unportant discov
err for the core of the wort otetiuste Chronic. Mamma. nay
make no complicate" with the rloinseb, la the way of iniaticit
Untie, hot retie eniely open the most mahtile, powerf u l and Iw
portent of al/ agentn—lillectriclly The tweet dlecoteriee In the
epphetitiou of tbiattialittuir Mts. *blow tail to mdinn • nyin.-
dy and permanent cure la Dyspepsia, Lkair complsint. Paralmlia,
of Palsy, Ccomatopton to the tort!' and middle mare, ithoonsa•
Mena hrorailyta, Heart halputation; all classes of uterine dmemina,
general every *now of nervous chronk Madames.
To those .ho an deaf. WS& ertpoloO, peleiret and given op
die, still there m hope, as • large - portion of oar cures are per.
Witted ups Mom considered beyond the reach of itimiloti aid
° operating rooms at Brown. 110.1. litnitoess hours from
11l A. 101 to s P.)l
- would hirtbor day to them wallerieg from amain of body of
mind, rail and witness the astootsibing =Me elbowed. boaltiestly is
One. applkottors.
kW A Lad , wilt be in atteedalms to sestet to lb. treatment et
&maim. 411 &mama of a Ovate Chancier yoopimaly curse
Pore toot. eateedial ootbse see sirealara.—Feb
choke rarurties, fruwu upon our Lila Shore 011.
Trait Tree. and Evergreeula
A in a. !Eno el:ink% 6 to,b feet WO.
Peach 20 - 6 to{6
Pear 00 6 to 6
Cherry " 30 eartetieb.
leabbettn and Cnts.obe Grape Viagra, bentinn,
Concord end Diens do early vsnetiee.
Lentos Mark Berry.
OW. Rasp berry, free lessnere.
Evergree:mot various kinds.
Ilerse Chewy*, boastala Aids, teteriu Pa Mat, Cherry
Currants, be.
orders for say of the abort bray be let at the Hardware Pture e 4
J C. etr.i,M, Cr*. at swot to the subset-Wet at Seratia 'lithos, rate,
County, 1%.
Feb.l9, 1606.-31.3ut SAMUEL BELDEN.
ty and County Bonds at Par.
itstawas sobeeriber, eroding • ha CI "Jr
County Boons, win sell tbe tolknrisni sad
able property sad nag Bonds at Par
Om Farm 60 isms 2.56 mints Irvin Eels, price
Iluu per sere.
One Farm 76 mre% m 3) Inns ftsie, ea ideterford taropike,i26
per sere.
144 114.14 Oot Lots, on Mlle Sod, south of Cemetery I per
Irive sere Oat Lot % •AjoiWaft Fete °musk $llO6 pr
lEree Howe* sat Ima ea Omit La*, "
tight Lout istick "
trw, U. 10.,
mug Co-PartarrAdy hiertalare ailstiag saber td. Imam sad
era of 14/1 1 / 1 12. MAY= t Cu, is dip day diaiadaymi b
'W. P. WAYS&
I" Am.. ION& W. A. WDAN.
The Watson vitt to Intootta toodortod oosiot tin saws old
Om of Et 0190111401104.11, slot avid, antbodiod to watts sU
elatesa of eh* old drag. All womb karggisog tigreartrgge brdorbted
to tbr ens of Ttbbals, Hogyw Ob., by sot& beesaat sr otbaryddigg
rill Owls call and. Nand grtibegat.lardper agoUce.
Ise. S. WOO. W. A. JOIWAk.
la whim Irma tho * of Mira k Co., I take plasm+
to reossaaprodloo to ttot sosaffss*ist Ovablia soy asoossrso
pasas", W. P. HAYS fund W. A. JORDAN. Wltig thole lowa-
Wks of for bashais, sat shinty to amlthill Iftlase ointibsb'
foaamod (octane., ea wansatad fa winotas doom to tilt
old lamases" of tif• basso sod ill otbanrrefo any am* Upon at&
their pav C. Y.
Sets, lob. /1. 0140.--47
Two CASH t
Merrimac and Cocheco Prints for 9 cts..
Pacific Hamilton and Manchester De
bibles best quality for 18t cts.
75 ps. English Merinos to-4 wide worth fif
ty cents for twenty-five.
10 cases 4-4 Bleached Muslim worth 16,
for 12i cts.
15 Bales Brown Shootings best brands ►n
Market, selling from 7 to 8 cts.,
And all best Gingham , made in the United
States for 10 cts., per yd.,
Determined to Continue
Tb. Vim Lap Swims Row
With Rich and Seasonable
ir• CO CO 13 151 ,
In same proportion, as those enumerated
Contains ail the Latent. STYLES
1%%%1 %%! %R
Different Styles.
Ecl. a t -'
Lupins, Plain and Figured .Merinos. from
621 cts., to $1,25 per yard.
Plain and Figured Wool de Lain,
All Wool Merino Plaids from 25 to 50 cts,
English, French, Scotch, and American
Shawls, from 111,50 to $4O.
fine fterpeil
Carpetings in Velvet,
AND COTTON AZ33 'creel.,
3Ftwazar,- cbt> 0,04
Ilisi 11111SIIII 01111,
Beat Mrs fan, ooarlsool tbso nor, of the bombes
bo Aseivol from Me CASK gyms. 1 ahsfl nation
1 4 1 14 refool aa arty national of all Pb. are 1$ hr
'belt. A. WASSWOLD. -
Oki* Lk sua—u.
0 01.4trItier2•7_
84L1 Of
REAL LACES, &e. &t.,
Is filled with choice Styes of
Together with all Kinds of
Wiador‘ Drapery, 40. Ow.,
ID ar S .1.--) .P.: P s I A..
Affihists....,....,l,lwrr. Oropsty, Neit,,,i,h,, ji,,,, c hith .
4041.6111111/118Ve I* itm4 amlin, I.4ewr de. e d r.le le 41 the
/bawd. 154atie, Prot YN.1.11,1••,, 111 110114)•11110/1 11.
foto 0 1.4 1 0.4 at heredity. Utar tai Debuity,
*NO ALL t)L-t A.q.a 6$ Ill( kl HAW. 114 A
KM CITY COMERJUILu. COLLXO2, , /11 .1?•4 11•Voirifitp Ike iit•orgowlseti hiosed. treed /VeelorlseV NV
the Cirevototatei tie .lect..k. neol.G. woottry ro
Drateeso ar row Irtretaa Stoat, 111•1111 St tataausassa lax. a...-1 .. . A .4 of
1 n'
out tr....e. ...aut._ e 11.... _e e•e• oats , aed.,
teas. tat •too•sols in etweeeenta Jolt, 1 , 14, sad Nor, Itor tan, t 6., f It* ,- 111t4c1 4, - n 50 • SEAMS;
as 4 Dave etiolate, ,be omit healttlee la 'oat% tom, ot soy taboo) • Att go ~ ..11 • fltbnatmeatnd, 040 01 .00h weather
to toe woes, for ooyoSsUtg 4 practice! nor ot taile eel
tee betry hove /tektog. Lioaroteeren Pastas*. J•4pl Mack "'
b'' 'et. th"6".1'"""'""'";°""'"'"bil
M eech., :,12: 14 ,7 41 H . 1 . P. l'jn'b..9,ll° " ...t tAll1 = 4 11 44111 4 11810 1. 1 : 10- . _ re .e 14 71.: 1" 1 nrUv r. Ot e r :7) top
L ivos l 7 l n . u .i l s‘ p C rh * fess
s•h• to
a„ e .
et Nook . I'll 11.... 1- • _ u• • 1.., 4,,,,i 41 ,",,, lAt .. !..ate um rr, bn•
.1 Wri -
• AL I A /. CAL.CtILet TIO Pt 9...-Beafetese anal Oreaawa.
Tow.o c t ur .i tn 7 tr i.s.... Co r. lo tsL u. 9"l" or..,
Hiatt, to Lamm, " ,
dtAgle tatty book-i.• 114,
Aay proem otablag to CC
1 / 1 1 AM or May, will ter
. '' ': °"1 .7..... 11 177171 ‘ 1• 11"314" . .
%alba to be pal 4 liTzsiably 11/ 1 •11 6 mai. Ilatii • , tee. Ineorete••••• a ej.jA.reetay wall., •11/
Ift. ' . 4 t 1011 , 140,1 1•141441,1,11 , pfnOntalni from nb•
a5....e, cove be estre•l 1 , 1 oat nmsdf
PO ,
0 : „ Jo
sx ,
„ wt ..' twiwill6 tb.l, 3 o,: o il e ,d er , o " f t ;m0% 1 7; r e::: 13 1 74 b e t:::• 1 • 4 :0
peothoot •, t• Am. 411.1 . , that 1 , 144 bee
tangible the witneneee sercessibie, old the ItAil 1) awn elf.....key 01
6co AOO the Oyette Lotootn sertlble
Mew Who ossy hush lor aa °platen treat shembseeeslell pcnosot
' nesppalog the character of the by ro p; (abbot bar to be aeuetto
! Good Board asey be ba4 far 1 2 WS' ...... • 94/ with the Sollow nes, est...os 4414tf./..1 , 010 114411.11/a, In 1 / 4 110/10 , 15
Ayky versos of good elaithes may, by Illt• al the /011114. 'Me V/P•14111, 4,0 the
y e,
time. eta., Show°
0 ..„....w...,....4 ... 4 0.0„ to ail tisek Madman $.6 00.— It the oeSksZionity, cos, of tits blot st r. •te , 4.4101 y
0041411111 haild - V711114 us ior 9 11401111, An seaprerrhay *hoop-
tweet 1140 SO, 1 1; odor the seiontlec sad 1111•11,1101 1 1 1 11riir limed C , ...1%. Wit. NZI .
um, wad aw.-the luttaset etattettl him " 1, 7 n ia wbu'l° t'•/t 1% Onshrshipled, baytntexpertennect tb, behalclal tlletli of Eta
wurliatt 1 writing lo about IS teettoott. htleita 0( *el - elpenivii,h b,,h4, , eft, / i t , the sleet,
from otbfte Calmea, atter labortss in ••,to 10 0101 4 / 1 14 W tlon of p.b,,e
ip t u:n uirdia. ,,,z i e Lit tri d : ireci or S izw ereette• a
of o • B l4 : o . 4. =*"% eitit.
1 7 111 =f svituth.
biers. r
: I , o w.
f as ohr t:n o l lo l,: e is ~ p e, rtr
. 4 . .
,7 , ,
i e
; 1 ~, • 11,5 e : e tr 1 ,,, ,... ,uci t . • 7 , 7 ..,:t.u.( 12 , t .,1n • t L eiti p , t,, .., ,0 4 .,,, ,, , e 7.,,,.. : 11 !,: ,.... .1,
:so wt pee used La this Institution
e Lanige cud ktrotket.t... 1'5....4... It • ti• eta I ,r.r (1,11(4101/1,
Nnufnillll4. an [tonne , ,t• nikket• soul. b• moveable. but
l ITIP nta . e .".' j bipecrfbe ebot • seetttntioa for We et the °beer .
t''''. high •ak411111.1 . 41 11,.... u lot D•I• • ~,,,. ,: th e ., "d
vet Wise Ares.
more red their teetto...,t.) .w• a. .. He, to Ite teetotattv,
16, 61. KbekEß,,,si .
121u)1 1- y 14 6 1.1,
SAIIV AI Weerga . i t - tht II WA - ICY.
t 'in, JAL) a f DI \ . 4,
f 4. , '1
1,- 1411/174 tr , )1.3
It le will lin. e o tt .
il (oat by even* ttr/ br ' - •• . i• '.l: 4; t 1 }:•+
is 0 0 / 11110 . a }', .'" l.l ' ' ~. .0.., t 1'rnt ,,, x1,4. 41 P.,.
410 deemed =possible it" at, at .“
bln th e Pererhte tqtlie, Cut t0 4' ,, "" '*""'„ , d . h, .
11541105 15 • Ir• 1 ••• 1,1 11 ( sto l '''
art " . I ' ,l, .
O w* In to. P ro ' " '''t'''''."' " .
' """" A i , ..u.t..,,i 1,, c o o
rta ll•thce
,la rtmv ..--
" ''''
. ' I.
" . ''' ''," :. " .„6.. ii.t.
. ' Is 1. A tti . '‘,. II It,
, „ 1% ‘1.., 5 , A 111111134
17. “, t'..r. t,.. 4,.. .14 I.H • el. ~, a.. ' , rni,.
• . i 7.'4.- .
O s ano nvi e r r itoo ra tty i , fl Uur... m. idintt io lat, mad until rtberaeti ea
12 SO P. X Nall Train atone at all Way Stations stors Wtekries,
Perry, U 11600,410 and Saybrook, and astir* at V. tie 4 in P.
Uankack 7 SO P. X. Sneak 920 P. Y.
110 WP. hight Esprit.' haus stops et Panning* X
Conneaut, and tiltar4, any, and arrives at trio 12 t ri 411 4 .1
Buffalo, 4 hlti A. Y.
A P. it. A.oorantedatkon Train ALAN, it AU eta •rtt Art At
Shit 30 so, P. 11.
U. P. It{ Sight Express Train stops at Girard, Conneaut, Ash:
tabula, sad Paine-pill* only, bad arrive at tnaveland♦ 14
311 Y. .t. liailTrals *top* at all Ws," Stations amyl Snybittok,
12 blooville. Parry,llantar awl anieestitOsvab
lane at 7 :Xi, P,
u A. It Kt prvie Train steps at Girard, Conneaut, Aabtaaula an t
i'yarveriale only, and arrtves at Clevabued 11" 41.
All U. tin °bill+ tt - alutt sown W.atutard. Ceiltlett at Clotreland
,rtth Wane tut Toledo Chicago, Colusatraa, Cincinnati, id. M,
Al: toe tat tango 11;11.* sown kastaarn, noun. <A at Dania& en
tit* trains of lA, S. Y k Fwi. HattriAd, szoilit Nail. Rttb the ti
Y. Cruttal 111M1 ktaaalo and N. Y City Hattivadn.
NortiNt.tiAll, Superintendent
Neve/And bee. 1.1,5"
Id h, 0. , sizatio.thatill:b T.
ON and afterllon , tu;, :Net. and until turtluer notice, PUS.
waver lining *tit ruu as follow.:
1 00 • W., Night E. at. , 14 at Reattatad, Dnokirt, hat'
bitttl st tt.A. at Lutist." at 4 SO A. M.
4 40 P. '4 , Ron eon" st aLI Ats•toot asorot Wastarrtila, Root
kaans, t,try sad MI.. arm... at 949a10 at 929 r..u.
4 00, A A • w , mam.eattup, stooping at on atationa, ante.. at
battabo 4 , 41, t U.
The &44,f 1,*,n0 ,unmet at Dunkirk tad Badge wtth Elmo
Walla on \ t 1.., •pa \•o Yntk Oentral Rail Root.
/1 40 A )1 )foil, ...., , pous ot, atl t•ta4ono aserpt 95.111 1 1. R 41441,
xt.orth,s , ..,,,1 % 0,1,..•,, 0Tt..... st Alio* 3 IA Y. X.
2 44, A xt N , g at Axon yr oioto at 4.11 w
amok, thialkirk sad
%,µ40 , , orti e•sitt Erse at 6 60 A Y.
4 P. NI , omoommoooLoo, M all motion; snivel, harsh
9, P a
lino ( iv, 15.5*
' R. R. BROWN. Bopt.
Good Funds* aq..ow Prices
=Furniture SL'i Looking'
.4. 213 Yam street tforiter4 L Ary• it Atfororee) Barski.
L'i ILT 011% 1 1; OUR ATTU T 1 !RA IL? Irl It c.
.LJ IN. e 01%, at cork , sad ap Viri 14 , th d " 11—-- - 7 - ti ti
I of.. fel. ftlaat to Li, e ratan trade, int 6411 Ileatned %0
our. tO WOK 1..11.ALL .1 ramOrat rtsclt at Faninum saporlbor
o .soolork• tor ot.iolutal, ttot be st of *all ty,stylo and Dal* ohboii
I .• 0.,., ot /ow /...,.11.
W. olio to homy tan best quality,
loft FD
don oat oanortinen
1 Str t ...) 21D2R088
to Le .4...1L.. au iilaL4.l.l
%t inas,alafitato sad keep coal tly oa Pond a largo impart-
Wes tof igAtica.a:% I, a ALI 4 11, AA sad wax W wiry maio
ut,k; ..4 wow) I , IP IslitLA .S. TA/3 1 .3:3. WRAT-NOMi
,/ 0., US and sliJk. 110,411. W.... Al
bk.u,ILAL,z, .....,, A.
't 3 1 - 3›, HALOS,
huCA.F.RS, 41. A RTETTS.,
• 8 k..C.S.k. T A kli:• 1 , 80(iii. LAMM
I Y AituktoilLe Lot, liGte.,
i I. AN Cr COMER air:IDS, ItglAterlON 11114.115,
Rca.a. .. VOL, e tar, All , l. 414 W BMA
i PAIL:. r 31.ILLN DIG oattall.l3ll.Arte l"
aad an artHita ,1 Parlor, t.biaaboc, Mating Roma sad Latham
PAO, lli AR,
W o Icaunfactore sad Love as hood .es-graos, bask, palm kW
and b.l
Mattresses and Spring Dods.
t Alap v a 4...nd10 t.rtatd of Miblau), ittos 16 osd aa4(illt SIR
hi)IQ, (..1 rTery am ona • tr I,
tiutlii.o, Jane M. 1066.-.7.1y 1 _ _
EAGLE . F 017 ND
W (Pt 1.1) mir to thols ftioado .ad the pabfle, that thy hate
1.4 as] put ‘a halal a foundry PO reach Btrort, south
of tae hallroad Ik-pott alpy will tosatvuthetat* tad Imp on
hand all ouch (amine as aro ;lousily road* la their of bola
noes, tool odu.g
tb. thefirent Undo, tlletsh hbara, Ca•t /MCI lietU.s , bo.ic.
ttw. hale Labd • isrye sod cbskiP• coDectten of
n tt,e Re.r.tour, Fartnrie. Favorite., 14-
• .•
10110Desota„, /.onest 00, W. ster n Star ItAd YwkreVooeilc—
• onsfaot lAtterns of l'ulnr Stores fnr Cnal and Wood, all
of vrOreti User .11, srbolesale ur /tun!, amyl. f, , r CASH, or
too.• frou. Popper, Brans Or Country Produce.—
sJour ," , i4aa r ie .11 , 11111 g it to their ititevrmt to et,. Oa •
J1)11\ r arAT ha...tartesl a Machine ?bop In connection
♦icy ry, where ;new P:uginels will be built and repair•
U. and w.p of bee w.,rk dore as may be called for in bie 31ne.
kit W 11-01.1 t K . , la engage-0 ro blackennabing , on the mu•
Gite bans cat! . A. ACE/ L' , o V,
pt 11 I.—ltt,js6 WM. FlgNitr.
J. M. Jr STI CE _
/ 'O I.4, I:I•AKA V to up irtendit anti the patella /A re:arra] that
a t hav•conido.,! the
Tailoring md Ready Made Clothing Business,
in 111 it. 'ln . '" i,ettee. in the Rote lately occupied by lir.
tear, no the PO'''' .4,, nett., n ism., n't lit tel and tha Recd lieu., , a - trt , I vt‘,l
~,,,, 1 ,, t,,,,, r at t ,N tint,/ a choice orlet
ti..r nt
Cloths, 0410 ems, and Vestiniph
t. Up " Upon alinrt Wolter, *O4 iirnrrant to
I " Y.-mon. in want of an) ti.tpc 1 0,
ant- n dealt stth. nia lam dmernninoci
nut.. np at r 0.:"0,10 f„IC r,h OA 1 11}} OW' LatiPtSCUOU i 1441
nwnt ~f
frati 4.l.iit\Cll4ingl
allot+ wt:l 11...sart. oval. •0.1 wart
r motley rt
purcLaamt for CA rgtil are in to call and
me G 1.1.• and le,a I am deternattert „
Er- (-Lyrist,. ,10„, ....Lott notice
krw,llct..., 11. "` • U. Jr ICE.
_ -
slo,ooo Worth of
to be .o:.1 at very low pH***
ago ci ms *le -
JT ti. U.4RR hag (Olt P'Yeret4 Wig Fig/ Meek ii• WI.
sad everything in his late, which be will all bit prim to mutt the
- tholes. My atts-k to kw la tip 4 , *11•101,111* Witch!. end 1 ibeffibe.
uk sli 0 EP trriTo3l}3lll, and the PUBLIC r we
ally to rate sod •csesic.• artists and pekes, at No. 10 Broerver ,
Mart. (net. 30 I J. 161. DAM
Anibtryi & altior
Fall and Winter. Stock
Dry Goods, Clothing, &0., ft.
Which will e. .old
11.soember the place—MtPrialtailt &tear s aim
sdur,4cr.etty appa 19. Inowies Wolk sto.assest.
Ilept- 111, 14111.—d.
let I' ANlll.—Tats plea Ibr Ota tadtaa to gat •
Yana. le at the Paragon ItaThiltg. ALUM
IQ!I L sad gee Abe GOODS, at the 1140
Dm IA Mar
-err►, toill mot rmi4l
TkChT k nraToL.
PEPTICTID SOOVON CP 1?.-Tliti L 7 20.0
coit 7H6 ct:rg uF
for so. than coo 11,41 r $1 3. r • to 2
to 6L per lb at \,1% \ , ANY.11;1,"4
T Y. AIATLN ..Geri t,...•• —• • •it •• . g.... 4 LT . .. Th/14W Id
et ,,,,
. limili lib icontitts orlokttit, all, ; art ..1..C.4 ,, c.i.1.. Al CANS,
lige.aln Of billref WWI., 1 - 1...., ... • . Li.. •. L.', •r tit
its.% work On *litchi., line. )rwra + Of •T.e t• 4.1., Is k.4101...1 ahtt at
teach lower prier* than f‘•rill , rl , L.lais'l. , :. A . ' lle ..5...4at ••).... of
clocks, watcht4,),••••tri ...- t ••• i'• • • ' 14 • ~,• ~ ••• • • ran.. ~,,,,,,,,..,1,..„
and Mated G 0 ,41, fi/TPT t.a at.: I. J/I lo It .., rA.1. , ,, /, and
a 'MUa of wry:lLl:Ling elan he tx u}!, • •• • , .t.. waim•st al. i.lhito of
money wLI/ Or revived at ja - I-'• 4, i ••-
lrais, No, 14, 11147 --" 1 NI 41' 4 'ri:".4,
i araci•t•
" 1 4414,N15 , 1 V A.
ray,. 11,, .1,1,, ~, 1,, , P's
;'L! r. ( 11(11(1 fl CU ft 4P.V.15T
AI ever V. Lill rt 11, I,• •:1 It e In :;1.6 111.Torttr1,
Mock of 6,x
ow:sots:0) .LM , I
Lou,. no., rt
irosepod I, syr
prewiti r doo•
Elie Stpl. It,
l)WIA WA ~ Www&a. sau,t,,< w ,oixt wwortrocra
to but at - sTIII.IREIIII.
$l.O 000 AVOI-ITI-1--
Lattier and Findings)
to Sold (21 Cosl, /or (-u.•h, an./ Cush (hdy
Shoe Store,
tigage vt.. teetseeru the Purl. nud roily
3FL /MI.
The attention of t!en:rro p4l. 0• •• • •
Nos. :41 ‘ 1a4,5 ' k.:OllE‘T,Acr,
No. 230 Maul greet,
Cu ties h s attCL •r, • 1 , • s
••I tl••• F• I n•-
11,1 T F,lktA',l' 0:1 F. 01 ii[•••••tlt . v. uuut
INOILIIig •••• •1, ./ t, • • e N • 1 •••
t ri.r14,11 111 g,
(Pte 14, le..
hlltr' trt„l. _
lw is t tt At r,~, t .
I lit ilti rwr
Dwelling House Owners atd Occupants.
.fl r fir w liC 4, ; L: •' ; 1 . ! • I :
11.1.**, pat-Lieu:4r I •L 43.. It . Mt. , . •
tht 'Tett. tn. RI nri ,„ It tt r.
141, Thr nu..< e rrt Intlant •I 4
-17 tt•ltrt r'tct• tilt. it. It.. „ , •
1.4 , ••Ltt , t1 • ( t ttt • r
YRn rbv•,..t,, ,t I. IF. 11 . .1. .1
`l'o •
• U.l*./W. r
mon , that. rstt •
^SU! T. 113
'Mt, Th. r.,11,1 ,
at •t
t. rriiint n,.
...II AU, rtitPl
'AF-. .1 a H.n•. r.
~ WI Mit RIO: •
attof et 666 r • s
qsetrlll 6t1.61M1.6 t 6 6. 6 re,: •1., I
inkIALA , JAW , • w,,., • •t •
ti/ilAidolt• • •
thaw C 61.1 ;11E140 A ~„
• t•-•. • • A r. r • •
tue l (..,t ••t1 ti • • IS
lostitilbre• 1 I .41 4 ,1 41.
1 . ka, an . • ,
.lui, 1,1 1 -. A, •
)IMTF:cI• Tilt /1(.1f t. t,i,,FEurAtn„
If you Darr cement: the,. 11... R, ~t,, ~r 1„1,.
b. . I t eb,r, r, r, t tstr•
mitt,/ to Le .err foto: 11,c1e,,5ti!,,,,11.011 .40 0•1• , to "i ~t. . ~ 1.1)
lt• tlit• 1 , 1 - 144 /4. 1. 1,
AGOIN:i•T I i , „ j„,l j
.I,at 1 ,, P rIAS A ri , i. V (,1 , 414.- 1, •. „I { ..A 1... A k A
Aftft\Cy 0115 me at f.r,•. fi,s.,. . . 1 AI.,Z. ...,., , . t,,-1,. ~
Any tA41111( A i ~. , . k , . A s. Aln meet
VILInt AM fa to L
4 , ,
PAC 4. 1 . 40 .
t t‘ t 1,
LEGA N ' J l' I'l.A11.:1) WAIt.E.
h . ,
Ba4lto k•• ~ n , .. \%,, I g)...,.
at , • • :••.••• \I I ' * '— ' - ' .• , r.‘ , : , ' ••• I I , r;Ottnt.
14, -. •" • ' I 1, +I. ,TIN.
:1, 01. ... 1( d t . , 1 , , ,N, ~,..ff,,, .Lt t.:„ 4, 1ia , 148: C4•l3iptull
az .,
. 0 ,.....•
~,,, 1. ..., vI. ~, C remit 7b. Soaks, \ ttee
eatbeette4 I 0,,.n t , , , l it b A. I. NA kt:,ll for C l, lltCtiOta, 1.110 ,1
tb• bite fine ' vegm, ri.d ‘l:' i•y an..rtnLol.lll liftilVa
Erie. N 0 ,4, 16LS.-21., A T. MARSH.
J um:: co.uncys;
A GT I c E
T ELS b° ,..,.. " ( 5_ t
14 *L.". f` - e. Ls the latitvor busing". will a.
Bl e°11 " 41 b) t at, andelltifbebtt the old etan4, No ,E, Von"
Itrie. Nov
Te n4L ;,;-111..L (:1) C 0 1042145T0.
/MO. • nd, rupply my enAtrmaers will lira
bap u the ebe&p,st.
triOCT: 1
11. th Co
rotted Flo ar,'
A Me
1213112 E
Black Cloth
• Ail Woo l
OC. LAitl4 wokra THREE.
mar, C ituot h irred from
The very this' 0)
Aeettea et. lb.
Q ETGAild—Good
lal lita4a, grudes
Jidy li.
militia Brown and Estimd ail
den du 'al* per, kr
cod Potato Of
Edo. Ma• St 1
I. Mowry, by raise ► ROMA. Banc w
t thw
tart crr IRON won' P.
JD$ REcuctil
a, Mood Dos" it
w'bo boot
.E.l MUM) VI Ma
Tut eilard it lA*
• • Iry end
T it .e.L.4.61.., Jriota.eior
I I di,
. • -
n . , 1 ,6c t r r,. e(
• t.. . • I a
• • • rt • •••
Pr d
, , , •vx I
t 4 t It. s Of Aittpr
• • Xll.l
•• N.LA
l•ff APR
t b
imile t At lIALDWIICS Drug Stet* No
. • bled to BI Ho smkbo aii
l 'ittA nt 4 Vatt, 6l =bia k
lig,opposti• ha, lb*
I , It Wm Mostimulaitisiceskoz