Tin: mi.: OBSERVER. B. f SLOA r,rroß AND PRoPRIETOR. TRIM., *I DV, P12.1L 1 EUL. IN ADVANCE., SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2.6 1859 News of the Week. Among the don:in:toots soot to the Senate by the War Department, on last week, Cu one purporting to be an authentic *mutat of the murder of the Methodist Mission art. Dr Rittman, woo errissed the plains to the yeas 1838, and settled in the valley of the While Wails, where he won had around blin Ili the comforts of rural life, and ethers, with ►ts interesting famliy, he owl:cooed his ef forts to Matron' and enlighten the savages of that reg,on. The email p. a ba•iog broke oat among the radians, spread with great rapidity, hundreds of their Dumber falling vie- isms to the disease. The (mail of the missionary did all to their power to mitigate and assuage the ',offerings of these eave4ges by nursing and distributing medioines. The family of the missionary not being efteteid with the pea. Wean* created a suspicion In the minds of the lodises that the pestilence had been brought for the purpose of destroying the red race and obtaining their lands. With a view to test praetieelly the troth two Indians were sent over to the mission farm that bad not been 'dieted with the malady, In order that the missionary might prescribe for them, obtob CM kindly done, and the red patients roe earned to their friends to await the issue. By some strange fatality both of those Indians died, which totilirmed ib the naiads of those savages the troth of the suspicion, and the next step was revenge. A stalwirt savage was select ed fur the bloody deed, who stule into the chamber of the sleeping family, and buried his tomahawk in the brain of the missionary and that of his wife, and then other In dians seabed is, and helpless children, male and female employees, were butehered, the boom rased to the ground, looses destroyed, and every restage of a once happy home disappeared.. The Dsetinport Oramotre giros the partieulars of a blvody shalt womb occurred at Brooklyn, Powesbieh eounty, LOCI, on th. evenicig of the 11th of February. It opposes that on the evening. bawls, a mats got oat of tb. stage at Br.,okiyo. lir said be hold the poet of Bocioad Learsoaat u P.n I,OIICCIIOO, sod wu no his way to Wash legion City on furlough. He stopped at Dr. Coairay's, and said bs wu afraid to go on to the city as some men were of tir aim to tate his life. It wu auertaioed that b. bail the debris,* omega. He stayed there ail day, and about S oioek to the stewing, Bea. Hawu, Cornisliiu Purism, and one or two others were sitting to Ounsray's barroom with him. He wu waiting shoat the room when; with or saying a word, the Lieutenact drew a pis tol aid oboe Ilswes through the beam. ll•wes exclaimed "O. my God !" and died lostatitly. Putnam immediete• ly caught the stranger around ail, arms and pughed him our toe, the wrest, when lb. officer put a pistol to his own heal and Woes his brain. out.. He died without uttering a word. The papers fmtod on his b.idy showed that_ he war all he rispreisoi himself to be—ittiat his name was J B. Roans, sad that he was a widower and has a daughter about Motu years old, who Is residing in Richmond, V. 11e appeared to be about thin., frse years oil A VIIIII ro , Cti olte0)1. at., of polcuning rloairr 0 , 1 io 13 0 ,0, e„on. 7 16.1 week. by which a man and hi. wit-, two • to d en at.d Lt. al ife'a r. Lad 'heir Imre placed in ial gy ,ut damp, sung a Mil we b"1.• rsa.ab •nd I• r, it. 1 t. 3 tier •11 taken t.ry etelt atser eat, Ir .upper, nub a flu el:it •• rur• bit re•rtablt.ii o• u C N•ltoaal hu el, Wait," g ". ion tit l r vi • up. I, ea, b caber A r , t d Iu t.. lei drr a••Uoaver, partook of the IPD• 11 el tit fod iL• WI •r• I,d Ls• sad et.“ r r.. v 1,1.1 i .. r L rto. Fr. to b. rot..i p • L.,.n a ;Tear a .:u. t!r 1..1 A. ....r SS I te.4 ,1 , a f.vm It. 114 et , pr / ihry owl t • , ri .I. ti , • tt l 1401 • 1111,14.,,i. ei....1 .ogrtb tor IC. a •• • t t 'Le el 1 . , na.L.dn.aluled tb• T. 4.1 441 d • d velt.r•r. tb•q • i.ur....41 .otor• 11$. r • •tr f b.or.• r.. .b that ha I n••t been grao4.4.•eat dt• • ..,•,r94 IL.( 4,441 of to• roou we. p‘ s he I. w•. k Lsol l ll. (tilt e.g. or 1.1, .ty.•l float,/ Of yoke grew up Is, g.rJeo 1.. t 011111•Lf . , u•►r the r•ti•pb bed, ►od to uo. Jcn b.J Inn..cruc y and tb due all up together, ...d itrwed it INlth,ut biaug cup•cous of tbv dan.S.l It may b• • warning to otbdra. • may at• all it, • fa ,/ •s 7 to ftrOtet TO, Pelt-horg CA.lowtele 'aye it bat Jost Metz dieeo• ortd tit at ...elate !puede leaned by Allegheny county, Pa.. v• been freudui,.ntly dupi , catrd, and that the tag.pay. ors b.•. f r 7.srs beet. pap, g interest on trio snout, atm— tra ry to all Ttgbt sod itutlev. It Fir "The eoanty Sadit.,, ba•e et..cott r. tea the to r•ligatioo of Lb° Mattel' and s ~.srly q the a ounh-r of •Mll bare given Witt at at) before them W. are not sit liberty to state the NO *rani of the developments that have thus far been made, bat that they ere of such a sloaranter as to justify Mr Bar too 's suspieione, our readers may rest assured. That one bond. 'No 28: has been duplicated has been tally proved, and that it is hot the only one that has been thins Illegally Issued, the evidence, it to ei►imed that is yet to ba beard, wilt demoo•trate beyond either doubt or cavil. The neat move will be to aiieertain by whom these illegal boada were issued, who recei.ed them, mid what was the cooed •snitch, if •ay, Lar which they were exebanged These are questions watch the Baird is determined to hive any looted satisfactorily, no matter whit the labor their elaol dati.o may entail, or who suffers by the exposure. Two years ago, till wife of John Rain, • then res• peotable meotianio of Ckariricati, died, sod he took to &tot to twitere hie ..lrrqw. Three danetters thus left to contend with poverty, and without the sled advice and **amyl* of a father, became a prey to vicious men sod Ticino, thoughts. Ao improper Intimacy sprang ep be. twee,. • man pawed Mitchell and the &drat daughter, and We father, in a in Anent of eel:times appreciation of the wrong done her, slew the paramour, and for Me will tried and sent to the Peuttenttary. The downward cootie of the dortighterfpwai then rapid Two have just been eon. ♦letstt of rood Issroenb_and will be sent to the State Prison. The remaining 'one—the yoangest--le now fo the Bona. of Refuge. A Wl6OOOlllO paper ?words the ease of a man wbo, by the failing of a tree upon him, had his bead crashed, and a eonsiderable portion of 114 brain. literally knooked eat, Co that tb•rurgeoor had to cut away the exuding por tlon, sod bis oars oat deemed entirely hopeleea But be OPeSpeetedly improved, and has poorly ripooversd. Frr aloes to tbta aeoldeot be had Darer beet known to whin. tie or slog, or display the lower musical talent; but as soon as he wow able to 'peas, after lotting his brain., be began to slog vita eurroetaoss, and now displays cisme for ma 1110 licouilutiol la 4 passion. Tbe infor•nos to be drawn front ibis w• Is, tbat those/ wbo bete a natural gift for buttliog or tousle are defiot•nt sont•wbat to bralaa. At Caulked, Olio, a ()omit disoortery of a law tun f .to:oo property Sao been mad& Not 100/ eines an •liipl. , ye• of tke Cioeinnati and Columba. B,..iroad .&. tad for • motes of boll burglaries, and eireiraskeoes ru•ins of bts &Trost lad to as toreeti if i ailoo at the premises, No 64 Poltoo et. lo the yard, the oeirs - found s suspicious ebietse soap ; throwiug whieh abide...they Dame upon a bidden dapo.it of wsioabla stolen prowriy Torre were found. bailed to tae ground. a boo fired atilt hat dill/rebuff*. ao inmost* lot of bed eethee, ready made clotairg of sill hiodo, • last. and splendid sairrig, some jJoiiiri. railroad lamp', and other artielet. At Lyaortile. Oregon. a few deye ay. a oho.. esker eased Os al O Ediott uas armed on the °bap •t' ba•isi murdered bit rife, abr.', body was frond bur fed ander aii•lrri• V• e,rell 6,1 wbota b . b a d si. tree , y 1111,rated the e•.r were h.o.tifig an h qae trh the body, pripoccr woe att tak ei to th• bole •Ltre be was tr, by a nambrr of fortittre W n.vo, Duro Out heir sad bard rd Wt. r• , 00re y tl.at bar life Was in in ger 11. was then Ir.ea ed r.jr en aplse r•••• 111 by the of keep r,,co t r i o . The ;ury f the • , •men, and whit. heirs be Juioped set o , the d A J 1804,4 sd re luit, Al.e"n•in, In d ibrbi bi g itto destlveowl, bkal Were b 111• 11131•1 oleos kvic,. • err b • irg 1.4 bread. At s I üblie mecum t 1,44 o. to u tt *•11 stated cher a p.m' men Deceit s Ilex •c nr sof the rosiest' s d•t tar ie. f•re for his start.in. 11..” f..11..wed to ON, h.wwe. so I hit wild and eh Arse were f.imee dev.erins the raw liver, there betas so lire or Nessus of eookleg Au elderly srAstso west to • eletrisaati Junk" re, «potty tsc Anete:re the beet sembod of divereiag her Ought* , from a Mau 10 whom the went. objected to es as %matting pingo. The roues of the mottle?' desire fur bariag tbe %wets di v ided woe lime the boomed bad promised her us: dram whoa be married her daughter, and. os them. towitsiotion of the wept, bad withheld the gift Tb• Boralists Connell rf Pottsville made as ap. prooriatios of twenty dollars moody to pay the ex peeve• of a be.w to go to Ilatriaborg sod assist to pose tog s bill to walla\ the tows WS. ititsreensa. This, webs, Dose, is the first instance on record of a teem corporosioa °pertly saattiootag the Iport'ag system. my five hundred members of the Order of the Son. of Mali*, 1• As Marie% of Columbia, celled upon floo. Jo. Lane. Whoa Sanorday avataag, to congratulate/ hint Ore tba 8 11 • 1 11111.1 0 d Olviol4 and Ida eonsequeot elev., the to Ow PAM limo hoot* Om Liao to a anew of &Ms oars EXPULIEirf lriato Ooe of the sti arga ev:4tio of thetimes, and one which ought to teach our Nirthern politi' Mans of the “opposisioa" school a lesson, is the failure of the sable government of Hayti On that island the capacity of the negro race for imperial government, or for self-govern. unlit, has been fully tried. With the natural elements to build up a prosperous and happy State—with perfect liberty in the first place, and after its failure, with imperial power vested in one individual,—the experiment has been tried to the bitter end, and the result is as every man not carried away by abstract dogmas knew would be the case, the promblem of negro capacity has been solved adversely It is true, tLat while his sable majesty, Peustin, has been driven from the island, and his imperial males will no longer dis gust the world, another government has been instituted; but is there any reason, either to be derived from the past history of the negro race on that island, or in any other quarter of tho globe, that gives us any hope that the history of the past will not be the hi4tory of the future.— A writer in Harper's Weekly, for the current week, thus sums up the histoty of the island no• der negro rule, acid also the history of its last ru• ler : "Faustin Soulongue, a negro whoee first step in life bad been an appointment as varlet to a ne • gro officer, Om, it will be remembered, elected President of the Haytian Republic in that year of revolution, 1848. For half a century previous the island bad known no peace. Wars—ioces sant, bloody, exhaustive, merciless wars—Lad desolated Hayti from the day when the French proclaimed the emancipation of the blacks. A long series of negro rulers, sometimes called Presidents sod sometimes Emperors, had wield, ed an watbority which, for the lime it lastedowas generally •Friolute, and often tyrannical and fe rocious. Etch in his turn bad been subverted and pet out of the way by some bolder or new aspirant to power. In the *nurse of these never ending contests the island bad been dismember• ed; the eastern end—D• teinice—whicb is more Spanish than Freaoh, had separated from the western end (Hayti.) and bad organ .d a sepal rate government timer a republican form. B,th ends were shockingly misgoveroed; the people were disorderly, agrienliure was aeCeoted, the taws derided, property and e continually me naced. It, was tinder these airmen •aces that Fau4tin Souloaque, a soldier of fortune, was elected ?roe ident of Hayti. It appears that, ootwitbstsodiog the crimes of Souantique's later admititstratioo. Os earlier poi icy was creditable to him mod beneficial to his ~u otry, He proceeded with oon•tder■ble vigor ao I skill to restore order to the &atom s, and to uforce the laws. He put down several revolu •touary movements wi b • atroeg band FL f otre to carry out the tradown•l p) icy f no , par . '', and to4da peace with DADiusca. A kw ba of ibis wire c-ur.e. 4 , ow,ver. lsbauated 114 kof vivito. In 1860 be follou.d zateple of hot predecerdiora atA ov.rourutd tbe pr claimed Ittro.eit E uperm; sod couple of ear. aft erward he dad hirtemdf tz ,t ) .r..ettedl by the H. Into Preuu4te of the I.lmA The eerewou) eta. Wo-t fatildully ettp f.otra that ot bleb II d she t•ee.tai u rf tb.. eurooattoo of the eid• a was wan iug, thou‘h, of e •utr•e,ai h 'he exception 14 a le■ •owir4orn, ail tlae pvr• 4434 w. re u. s. The f.rce cone u led with the ppm° t (neat of a large array of ur•Ltemrn, duk. s, wartiniee•, etc • among whom the Mars /11118 oe la Marmalade and the Duke de L; moat .de have 'chit:Yid general notoriety." F7om this, which 'lBst:trail:Eel by every reli*. b'e source of information, it is evideot that ever since the island fell wader negr ) rule us condi•' stun has been steadily growin4 warse. Aid yet nature has done every thing to make it a par sloe. The New YJrk News says it has more mountainsthan Cuba, and mire space than J a• maids, bat makes less use of both. Its valleys are the noblest, and ita vegitatioa the mo.t per fact None of the tropical districts are so favor able to the growth of tropiosl products, yet in none are they less cultivated In spite of all its decided natural advantages the country is suffered to decline apace, under the sable shed, ow which damps its development sod damns its prosperity. Coffee, which it once produced in great abundance, is ill eared for, and the wild and neglected trees "are the chief source of the present supply which the indolent fellow, who are in possession of the charming fields care to collect. So it is with the cultivation of sugar cane, and, indeed with every commodity in which the country could be made to excel At ono time all Earope took its sugar supplies from this very island which now sends to Jamaica for Its own sweets. The shipping in its ports have fallen off immensely and steadily, and all that indicates true prosperity tau sickened in Hayti well nigh to death. Take the trade in mahog any and other sorts of woods as an example : It fell from 1105,322 in 1853 to 819,507 to 1853 So of other things. There is another side to the Haytieu asib . pet, which closely concerns us. No oommercial re. lotions have formally been made between nur Government and the indefioable A r.l ion of ffayti. Trade has anffsred materially ou th it laceouet. Toe eaprioioasness of !I sytiets legie iluon, ant its total dtaregar I of principle, often Derma our ship-masters. Tale w )uld be a baaall wetter were it not that we oould run a brisk trade with the island, even in its pre*eot stare ofdeorepituds. Our ships need never, If rehi tiwaa were well managel , vii its ports without a valuable cargo of tioff,,e, or attaj .u, or eampo she, or petre. Wu exprt cotton there largely, even under present disadvantages. In 1857 we sot there 1293 00) wrih of cotton; while , Ca. b* only took f 26,00) worth for the same lime Nese darkieq. c-anted by tbou4ands, took no 1.. s than 1 928,682 boxes of our soap i 1657; vials the whiter fo.ks of Cuba, counted by mil. Loos, only took 389,748 for the 3stn. time We send twine al conc., fbur au! six times v.. , nleh salted p irk to Hayti as to Cub*, and the re likely to be U'l increa.e of trado awn Ce,At vlade ale remain. under Sptni.6 e ye cannot at the pi-exec to kan,nt eseroi , ,, / a, beet philactitiopy, by eartug ' the •gn oetvot and dtwrlerly negrovie the tr l bw and I•ng•r of adatinis'-eriog tblir uwo affa..rs, to the letritneot of their vital iateres'e, wn have Do 'l i ght to let the opporrtraity . slip improving .or i•operfeet commercial r elations. L,t tbo.e whose dory it iv, look to it is time. Ilgti oeed• •)or beet attestios jkot now, socniaereitlly, politi ically sad strsiesioally, ia sore nuns than are at coos avparest. A NEW MovE.—Jadge Nilf, member of the Judiciary Committee, reported a bill to the [louse, a tow days ago, relatio:i to the collection of taxes in the several oonnti is of the Common wealth. The bill provides Nat the County Treasurer shall collect the taxes, by visiting every township at oertsin advertised periods— designating time and plane; wad that the inhabi tants shall then and there assemble and pay up. If there are soy that refuse or neglect to pay, then tho Treasurer shall head the bills to a Con stable who shall proceed to levy awl distress for the manse. The bill =maim fifteen sections but &he onus of tie bell, is is we stets it. PLRLltaki oP. Tit: LAWIL—Mr. ZOLLER. 1 of Allegheay, reel:toil hub a bill in the House providing for the publication I of the laws vin newspapers in the' !various o.'uoties of shti State The Philadelphia Inquir er strongly commends the measure, and 4thore it will receive prompt and favuratle emiiidora• , tion " It rays : ) " (Lacier too eXisting system, not one•uboth of the community are able I to asoertain tnelnature of the laws under which live, and bi which they are governed Tb .defect is a serious one, sod it should be corrected as speedily as pfissible. The subject has heretofore been urged upon the attention of the Lerslature, bat withott effect Ever session an immense total of busi ness is transacted, and laws and resolutiolos thatmount in the egyega c to a formidable 1 sr, are dnactecl And yet, strap e a•- , it me) , appear, but few ob tain a wide or general circulation. Itlis diffi , cult even for tiic members themselves Iv keep thoroughly informed of ,all that is done towards :i the close of the session, and how, there re, can the community at large,'unless some dial. l author ised publication he made, be expected to 'suer lain the nature of all the 'l4-gielative enaletments that are passed at Harrisburg ? We repdat—the movements of Mr Zoller is one that is Wen's , ins soh to give very general satisfaction, ina soh ss it is intended to keep the public at lar advised of what is finally determined upon at t seat of the State Government," The Editorial Union which recentli met at Harrisburg passed resolutions approving of the publication of the laws at half the usual rates of advertising This would not be very etpensive, and there is no intelligent tax payer in the State who would not give the measure a hearty endorse metit. The people, as well as the press, demand as icon in this matter, arid we trust oar Legislators will not disband without peering a law to this t ff. ot. lar- The Gazelle oppoeed- the admission of Oreg..° as a State on the "ground that it is lay• tug down one rule for Oregon and a dtff•:ront one for K one " Admitting the "rule laid down fur Kansas" wrong, then it is evident the Ga zette favors the eoincniasion of another wrong in regard to Oregon• ! But again, says the Gazette, "Trickery, fraud and quibbling of a most die greet ful kind, are res.iried to to prevent Kansa. from getting into the Union, sod on that ground, .f fur no other, every Republican vote should have been east against" the Oregon bill. If these charges are all true, it seems tq us, that applyiog to the case of Oregon the simple rule of right and wrung, they do not justifyihe vote of the R-pniiheaus ■g+tnst her admission. Io other words, we do nut believe two wroiSgs ever made one right. Nor do we think, looking at the queuti,n fr. in a political poiet of view, that it wai g iud policy in the It ruhlicauti..."‘n havt roe-J egaiu,t her atidAuwoon. To base male b telling p out against toe Democrans—alway ',fielding they rea ly believe their Kansas stori, sot u'd Late s+id—t-S.e, here i- Oreg..o, Ler people a,•k due'. know whether the re air, just 93,000 pi , pulation or tm, Low( et r, ?Lit her cousitiuilui a b. re—:approved by the people—we don't op prose 4f il-tue of its provt.tour, but se we voted ro l l the adwissiou bf . Kaciarui, so we will vote fur her Such a positivu would have been a sound toe—an honest oni.,—and would have been a bright r, curd I,r 1860 As it is, the ft..puhit etas have thrown sway a chance as they always WUAT Fug ?—We see by the proceedings at Harrisburg, that a till has passed the flutise rai.3tog the tax upon moneys at interest and real estate one oent on the hundred dollars. What a this fot ? Are not the people of the Common, wealth already taxed to the aimott? And if they are not, why atiould their burthens be in creased when we are told the financial affairs of the State are in good condition and yearly im proving under the present rate of taxation. The public works are disposed of, consequently there is no longer a call from that quarter upon the coffers of the State. We are ,not engaging in any new enterprises There is no extraordinary emergency, so far RA earl be seen by human eyes, about to arise to increase our expenditures. Why then should real estate, a species of property al ready taxed more than its proportion, be aubjeo ted to more oitterons burthens! Besides, if more revenue must ,be raised, why not be just, and levy it upon property now exempt from taxation. A farmer may have .a thousand sheep, and yet he pays no tax upon them. He may have a thousand bead of young Tattle, and still esespe the visit of the tax gatherer; but woe to the poor man who only has his cow or his horse,—the tax gatherer, like death, is sure to find him out. All this is wrong Taxes, like the dews of heaven, should fall on all alike. The rich man with "beards upon a thousand hills," should p.ty a tax upon the cash valuation of , his property— while the poor man, with his one cow and horse, should be rut jected tothe same unerring rule MI?. wou.d be even and exact justice to all. Bat we art not bbout toenrer into a discussion of the questioc of InatloD—the justice or injtiatics of the pre, sent laws upon that sut jest—tliat would .quire more time end room than we hive to spere—wf merely took up our pro to ask ,ksty reacm fur the proposed increase Can any due tell? NOT A BLD or Rusas —The otheitl career of k . . 1 Gov. iftLarrt.sosi, of IlltnoLs, does not appear to bave been a ••bed of roses," added to which the penple of that S ate appear determined to k.ep him w hot water now that he has re. tired to trivaie life Ho no sooner gets out of use so ape that/ they contrive to ecr . pe him tu to 90 e a l thiag elem. When be vacated th e o.v ernot ip ho turned up s little "abort' with chi State, rumor sap, but he contrived in a short ime to lengthen himself out into a railroad from entoago to Sc 1, , t114, WhiCti 11 .ii giVell him a mighty sight of tr..uble. He undurto •k to tones' &i n r .v. lat Thi., or tonmeilsiov eke, frighte,oett lily emp4) . yeel rod they ",true.:" 11..) hAd baldly r c , vexed from this blow, when sometbiu,l Ale two hundred thoo4loti d 'llan of hawk! , lir S •te etoella et.tetrubteti the totrPptki man Ae.l the worst t.f it the whole of tbia frau luleht script W0i3•11 04 :1 by some wretch, or wretche l t during Miitteeon'e adaituiptretiou. He its., cited iereoirstioo—ic would autiookktecily bate comic. witiboot inciting—end time sod witnesses Kill wortihi the tale—either bobtail or switch. mg, The Republican party is a queer instity. tion. some of its leaders advocate Free Treclf: some of them are rampant for a Protective Tariff. Some of ; them want Cuba; some of them don't Most o4the Republican members of Congress voted a inst. Oregon—a portion voted in favor thereof ! Helios it is evident they have no t - t t tied poliOy OD any subjeet,—not even the " n g er" question, for members advocate agreselve ami sereit airing, Slavery, while their moot poli tic champions disclaim any intention to interfere with ihe institutions of the South. If this be cot ~ s house divided against itself," where shill In aid Olie. . Ar 4ralua ..LO Tams. —No have observed io Opposition papers various stories of clomp• clue among Federal officials, with ea occasional inciutietiati of complicity ou the part of the Preeideut Charges so contradictory of the uni• form tenor of Mr Buctrauan', public life, which through ali its vici4.itudcs h•is never contracted so much as the stain (21 suspicion, are too pre. posterons to require formal reftitarioo. But the absurdest rumor gains a sort of credibility from perpetual repetition. Tn. following statement, for instance, having be' propagawd without denial, now cirealate9 a± accepted truth iu the Opposition journal.- The Spatnan Printing Investigating Conar mittee is slowly progreasiug with their testimony, Yesterday .own developments, regarding the election in Pennsylvania, were made. Mr %Wendell, of the Cri,;iit, -ays he distributed large sums (or political purpo,s, especially when the public printing was under his charge; and that he received a le'isr from Mr Buchanan request ing him to expei.il 81,000 tc• defeat John C"vode, which he refused to do " The States says a more shameless calumny never originated in the mallets of political foes Mr. Wendell has testified to no snob Charge; nor oou.ld be without cimmittiog the basest perjury. Indeed, the accusation is palpably false; aline the person for whom Mr, Buchanan is represent ed to have employed his influence, was the op ponent of his Administration or its leading mea sure. liu:s ELI TUATLII, wh } voted against his Republican assoeices, to tivar of the admix +inn of Oregon, is not incliciod to take the blows which hie oolleagths inflict upon him without some cimplitneots of the 11111:111 Port in return In his speech in the Hous3 Representatives we frail the following signifwact paragraph. We think somebody is hit by the plain language of the lion. Member fr). - I.llVorcestur : " And, sir, I think this i• a strange neocasity which o.impels the North, ru It •prus , •utatives upo this fl to give Lhe r,asuns for their vuices tar the admission of autithr r free State into tbii , oonfederacy. Sir, I shall v,te for the admission .if Uregau without besttati ie, with,ut reluctance, and without reserve. So far as my voice can go, 1 would extend to her such a welcome as becomes tier history, as bee males her promise fur the future, and such as becomes our own high renown f a justice and magnanitnity—a welcome not based on cuotemptible p,aacal calculation, or still more coutemptlble pArtisan expedient)); but such a welcome as sj 'apathy and friendship sod patriotism abould e•xteud to another ocw Slat.; -uch, sir, as bi comes the birthday of a clarion. Tbt, pe, c imes before us iu tieeordAttoe with he furors of law, and upon the invltatioci of tbi• House, and it is t. o 'ate to apply a party teat up n that. triestiiit i U, toe 19 nof )19 , lon vote wits lakeu iu ttie S nate up in the adwia ,iuU of 0. - egan, and 'en RI ut, ice/ Srustnr• voted I r b. r wine -ii R putniean ieuators uu v“ied ugalullt b.r dtlwas.iuc; and, I have out °turd ~f any a'i.•u.pt .o the part .it the all S• uat.•r. wtit. voted fir the it. j ,f U egstt to r at! •ut , he It pub man p.r• . ‘ be tel. S-ustors wt,o vuie,l f.r nut ,u.l tf to.a.: attempt as o t.) hs made, we wilt -s:o ',hewer at 1.3 .0 the p rof a miu•.riry of he people to read a tuajdrity out of the party. DECREAseu Aso.. • • rat:mg.-00 Ibis rutj ct tLe New Yuri; Lori.v fdruisttes a p.ausible and pretty Well established timer , ' far the great fialiug off in arrivals The Post says: 4 , The tables published by the Secretary of State coueerning the oationshrlea of ituwigranT, from Europe to the United Ststca during the It tit year, show a marked ii.crea‘e as compared *lOl former years TIGoi reazeos f‘f this fact are various Oao of them, and one which for years to come may prevail, wrs bud in the law and per mauent ebaraccertaticv ruling the European im migration According to the tables, tiortnany and Ireland, forming together about fitly millione, are the principal sources from wh,eh have flowed hith erto to our shores the current of tmmigratinn.— The whole population of Europe const,ta of over two hundred and ,ixty millions, comprising three principal races. Out of them the Teutonic, in e.uiling England, and the Celtic, from Scotland and lreiaud, form the principal fountains of itucuigrutiou,. con.tituting in the aggregate, not wore than eighty millions—lca:l, in abort, than a third of the entire European population. The tables show pow altogether insignificant is the immigration from the two other raves, and above all, the tribes from the eastern aide, such as the Sciavic, Russian, including Wallachians, Mot daves, .I.l,!lgrarians, Greek+, who amount to more than one hundred millions. Equally inconsider able is the number of immigrants furuished by the Latin and Gallic race, forming near eighty millions in the European family. The conclusion we draw from these fees is, that Germany and Ireland have sent to our shores the disposable surplus of their population; rod that this surplus must therefore diminish yearl) more and more. The other two members of the European faintly, compo,ing more than two.th.rde in number, seem for some reason or other not to inaothst the same roving and migratory propea but are more attached to their birthplace, or • crier, and are not, in the future, likely to swell the population of America " VS. Tiu :4ExT PRO- 11)111}1.11. —The A:bany Argus tak ,. .• he pueltiou tbra toe I)•tnurravc eandldate fur the nix P ••ole , ,ev rhuu'd be from o. , ine one of the Southern EleAanfie. And thereby the Albany Argus takes a very paition The he:oton of the candidate. whether it is in the South, the North, the Ent. or she West, is a matter if very little moment. What we want is, first—ii he true and tried; and steno& is he available With inch qualifications we can defry the " opposition" let them take whatever shape they way But if the question of locality to to decide, and easetionial feeling is t ) usurp ;hat cf patriot -co, then indeed may we loubt our Access in 1800. No 1 no ! the eat dtdate should he not a southern man, nor yet a northern wan, but a Colon man ! PIKE'S PEAK—A CLEVLI.AND CoMPANY AND A eLtVLLAND STEAMBOAT Gol —Au etitet ott party "' L i . v. landrra are making arran g e. Wroth to ...Ism f tr Pike's l'e'ak ah lit the middh. f u. it by way t•f trio 0 i, Canal and h. 0.. Al 1.)31., , pi.0, 31i-soari x... 1 K .e.-g They have charter. d't be •Ibunuti little steam. r which iu Spring -Tages ~f water, will pr ihab'y hi• able to run within one r two hu , .dred f ti e cilibrattd Gold D Cap% Jo.. p ~Gree b-r owner NUJ I,IW IFYYI r •winaild b. r , is *ell posy, .1 to re , .111. n t, the Webteru eituutry, having run on the Maid of (ILL), the 11.0 Rover .•.il the Grey E.igleuo several of Luc We.tero Rivers se Li- up as he c...ald find MOIST tittouND, and on he dry land by a pair of dogs acid wag .13 for went of a better team. Ile was at lowa City in 1844 when there were only about half a d. sin white inbab, itenti. It took about three weeks to make the trip, on account of obstrnetionx in the river which they had to clear away. From this it will be seen that he is the man to undertake such an expedition. As soon as the organization of tit company shall be completed, the boiler and ma ()bung of the Niagara will be thoroughly over hauled and put in the best order, at the Cuyahot p Steam Furnace, and the boat will go into dry duck for thorough examination and repairs if any are found necessary. Sbe is partially iron frame, which renders her stronger than any of the small boats on the Western Rivera. But a limited number of persona will be adt mitted, and great care will be taken to admit into the company only penona of good character, a. the Preieetere of the elpedition addits this plan important MOSSie fres the .Pteildeilt as a means of selecting thitir bompsny in prefer. noes to taking tnair °liana' in a promiscuous I /iviscti" this Lim and 14 4 V* of air crowd, such- as usually Ararat on the River Bost Cal/Iml Abroad. for that Cleveland Plain Denier The State Editorial Union. Thie body met at Harrisburg on the 16th in slant. The proceedings are too lengthy to ho given in &urns°, bat we present the Report of the tiosinos Committee, as a matter of general interest : The Committee appointed at the last tueetiog, of the Eltorial Value hold in tho city of Phil& delphia on the let day of October. 1858, to pre pare business for the consideration' of the pres ent CJUvention, beg leave to report, That the primary - object of the Assooiation is to °rest° good fellowship between the members of the profession in Pennsylvania, and to pro. mote the common interests and general welfare of the Elitorial fraternity Thu very assembling of Editors at different points of the State on stated occasions, cannot tail to make them be acquainted with each Witt er, and their private intercourse alone, at snob times, will make them more familiar with the best moles of conducting newspapers and peri- odioals. In addition to this, however, the Committee have thought that a publio discussion while this body was in convention, might elioit still more important information in regard to many sub. jects connected with the business of printing and publishing, and they have therefore deemed it proper to state briefly several matters which in their ju lgment can be examined now or hault ter with decided advantage to the craft. 1. What means, if toy, can be taken whereby the circulation of welt cut Elated newspapers may be eztendei, and what is the best plan to be ad .pied to guard against losses and subscriptions. 2. Whether it is practical to adopt the ussb ;ye teal —what and its advantages and dist Ivan. tags, and whether such a system is as well adapted to the rural districts, as to the citie., where it is now in some oases in euooe.sfut ups ration 3 %VI/ether it is practical, and if so, is it cot to the beat interests of printers and pubtiah •re who occupy the same locality to have a similar scale of prices fir j , b work and advertising 4 A lvertising agenoies—sheuld they - be en o wraged ? The evils and benefits of these agen cies as now established ? Whether this ent•lo might not employ or appoint agents in the t. .v eral cities to procure advertisement on better terms fur publishers than they are no* made for them. 5 Whether newspapers and the public are injured or benetted by advertising the variuu• aostruens or patent medicines now in use, or which aro contionally coating into use, G Whether encouragement may nut be held ou• for the marinfocture of a substantial an I w li constructed power press, sap aiaily designed I 4 -ountry new•papers, at a less price than ch a se now off •red by the best makers 7 T l'i retching am' proper education of ap preutices lo pr tying utßted, 11) as t, Gt I houa t , tie, nit only tb•trough inetabautes, but pr qi.ea, ed....ra of their owu papers What are the e,- ements requ site for an edit trial equowion 7 What p trimular studies should it embrace as le. lig iu'e‘t pr•mitia in th- capietty of an edit .r X •)4t, 01 .u l .l be the term tit apprenthe•hql ...1 8 We Meru tie that the pro). s•iou is degraded in 1 the plille it jured by the fr• qu of p..tr, , ,T1-, slities indulged in by the l a'. a., p.,rii..et.r.:. when leveled at each other. Can ittey uut h avoided in the main with decided advauNg o t,. thine 11 3-e advocate& D, nit oppr • , brtou 4 pr - .. a 1 e* am05tre......i........ ...it- rar.iy Clad j 1 Wall tic. that evrry pesos shun '1 eitort.,.. RI LI contuuniti in which tt is estatuisio.Av 9, What responsibility attaches to the tdit , ,r 1 for the sentiments of big correspondents? if ,A , far is he biund to publish cornmunteation, a' his o.cn exp.mus 1 10 11i,v tar a political paper is jo•ttfi•-•1 iu refu-ing to be controlled by the dielttiou .1 !lie politicAl party whose views it arieneate-' 11 . f h, pre.. be the organ of a party, in what manner shall it arrive at the party will, and wh , i" , em • powered to nuke known and dictate the prine l . plc. and policy of the party under the oirctim stances wbtch may from time to time arise' I. no' the party press more or less in .hackl ~. : , politicians, and should it not he mfire free' 11 Orvinizitiuu —what lire it. advatil4m.. ' • the press? What its dangers? 12 The c .de editorial—its origin—its 1., ,i..• fit , .—it hi.tory--hosr far it is oh...creed q - r, I 1 Cogn 'I 3 ized net (he craft. k n roller. 14 Wont is the most approved ,y,r,•til Cr, collecting debts? , 15 The postal system ' If. The secrets of the printing otliec, • , r the violation of professional confidence SINGULAR AND Antocfors %'ILLIANY --The dwelling of Henry Stowell, of Shutesbury, )1,,,.. , was entered on Monday night, Jan. 21,t, It ) some desperate, reveageful villain, who stealthily proceeded to a bedroom in which Mr Str,oreli . :. • daughter, Ellen, a young lady of 19 year:, and another young lady were sleeping, in separate beds, admiuistered to both sufficient ehlor.•l•rm to render them utterly helpless and uncons, mu., tic then, says the Amherst Express, mod Sent - ral cuts with some sharp instrument upon lhi forcheod of Miss Ellen, extending from the ri stn 61 the hair to the eyebrows, and also upng her chin From these wounds the blood 11 , Wtti freely, but they are not serious. Ile also wade a gash of some three inches in length upon to r i br, ass, and pr , bably committed other rerroge• I)ti retiring, sh. , had taken the rings trotu her tinges and placed them upqn the table neer her bed; these were found upon the floor, nr-keii :too useleas_ tier clothing of all kinds, 113 well tie whatever else belonged to her, including even her papers which the villain obtained by break t ing,tpen her trunk, were carefully selected in the room where she slept, and also in adjoining rooms, and oirried away As - other ario.les. I many of them of value, belonging to other mew 1 bera of the family, were left undisturbed, it is obvious that person il revengn uvn Mt— S:otv..l ' was the of jest , f the wicked depredator )1i— Stowed r, covered her consciousness about d sy li laid ta.:Jollowiog morning, and found her face out bed clothing covered with blood, and herseit su ering greatly from her wounds . The (aunt) w re at once aroused, and diligent search Ins i • u ed, hut no certain clew to the perpetrator hid 1 n discovered at last accounts, although the faintly have strong aosremos of the guilty one , I'4, victim of this inhuman nu'rige is an totelii pct young lady, of much amiability of chime ter, greatly esteemed by all who knew her, sod Is not conscious of having Made any on. her enemy. The Time•' correspondent B a y.' a g•Liticaviii recently returned from England, now in Wash , ington• brings intelligence which he asserts can he relied on implieitv, to the efLi-t that Great Britain, list hog ago as last 121,:toher, u.igoitat.d a .reset Tr . e r,y with Guatemala, by which she cibi taioect sbolute sovereignty over a pnrtitio of (be territory filtmerly claimed by her, under cover of the right to cut. dye.woods at Balis••• The Sewage was engaged until midnight in an animated debate upon the political issu.ss grow ;rig out of the ttneltingnishable Kansas question. The point 'under Anonsideration was an amend ment to the general appropriation bill, I?ffereti by Mr. fiale,,to repeal the restriotive clause of the Kansas admission act. the deumeratie Smitten whose political tenets are regarded as Lacking iii orthodoxy, availed themselves of the opportunity to define their positions. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 19 to 27, sod the bill finally passed. Watmittovort, Feb. 24 —A caucus of dated. armlet Senators was held yesterday, and it wu agreed upon that no more private bills shall be passed. It was also decided to take up the Cuba bill on Friday, and continue in session until s vote la Stw faux, P,-b. 0 I WASHINGTON, Feb. 18.—Tbe President to• day transmitted the following Message to Con• grew . T. the Senate and Howe n/ Represeatat;ved Thu brief period which remaips of your pre , sent session, and the great urgebey and impor iance of legislative action before its termination for the protection of American citizens and their property Whilst in transit aeroaa the Isthmus rowel between our Atlantic and Papilla posses sions, render it my duty again to recall this sub. j..et to your notice. , I have heretofore pitsonted it in my Annual Mesiiagoa, both of Dectember, 11357, and Ddoecn ber, 185 , 4, to which I Leg leave to refer. In the latter I state that the Ezeontive Government of this country, in its in reourse with foreign na tions, is limited to the mployment of diplomacy alone. When this fa ait can proceed further. It cannot legitimately resort to fore. without the direct an h l arity of co geese, ezeept in resisting and repelling hostile stacks. It would have no authority to enter th territories of Nioaragua, even to prevent the estruotion of the transit, and protect the lives and property of our own &mans on their passage It is true, on a sad deuiemergency of this character, the President would -direct any armed force in the vicinity to march to their relief,, but in doing this he would act upon his own responsibility. Under these circuinsumee* I earnestly recommend to Congress the passage of an act authorizing the President, under such restrictions as they may deem proper, t, ourpiriy the laud and naval forces of the United Suit,* iu preventing the transit from being ohs ~tructed or closed by lawless violence, and in protectiu4 tee lives and property of American ciiivon Magelling thereupon, requiring at the same time that these forces shall be withdrawn the cuoincot the danger shall have passed away Without such a provision, our citizens will be cons.antly exposed to interference in their pro ivess au..l t,i iswle,s vialcoo". A similar neoes soy I' zi3t3 fat the passage of snob an act for the protection of Panama and the Tehuantepec roaie• Another sul,jNit equally important, oomman lel the att, t.ti rci of the Slnate at the last seas • , -1-in of C ,ogres=. The Republics south of the S ates on this,enntinent, have antenna -4telyr been frequ..ntly in a ,tote of revolution and elvi, war Qv. r since they achieved their indepeo A.: I !,e or the other party has prevailed Aoki obtained possession of the ports open to for e gu c Kumoreo, they have seized and confiscated vossels and their cargoes in an arbi trary an - ,llawless manner, sod exacted money fr t n Amer,c‘u citivos by fixed loans and other viat. , l3• i.r,we.. , dings to enable them to carry co il ...chow.. Th.. Esecutlve governments of Great Bet; 1 ~ a.: countries, possessing Lac pT.Y...r, can promptly employ the uo e , ru:su, to enforce immediate redress t)r • r o,iira4e4 'upon their subjeoes Not ; til • EXeCIVIVU Government of the United a.c• It the ['fest lent orders a vessel -of war to qty _f Rim.; to demand prompt redress for -0 rag s d, the offinding parties are we I sway_ that in ca•e of refusal the commander cook] .1,, u , us'ire than remooetrate. lie can re s)rt t ;1, ac . The question must then r 1 J .1 p 1 'many, and in many cases &de -It, e n irk-- can n,v• r be.biained Thus Aro ; t n• are de, rived of the same protec t , 1 uu ler .1.1 , fl , g of their country which the - , c.• t i•her nation, erij .y. The remedy for this ,:ate of things can only be supplied by s.uce the Constitution has cmfided to u hI ) ne the power to make war With • autt.oti.y of Congress the Executive can direct auy (tree, however near it secue of difEwn4ty to enter the •7 ta.s.,,,iyu, Nicaragua or New Grenada, lor 01. p trp-e utteciatug , per y ~t .I,nerican citizens, even though they %. , :ently a.sailPd whilst passing in peace. ,1 irm-i• Jr.: the Tehuantepec', Nicaragua or I'ol3 r lie cannot, with•At transcend ing 'be Constitutional powers, direct s gun to be tie port or land a seaman or marine to !fie hr countrymen on shore or I,tsiu retire., I .r an outrage on their proper— TO h Lnditti Lich invest our neighboring lt•• a; , v.ys claiming to belong t, ore r the other of the hostile parties, might to 0l e a -u iden descent on Vera Cruz or the Te. r ,use, and he would hive no power to cm pi i) the fired on ship board . in the vicinity, r their relief, either to prevent the plunder of our losrebaws or the destruction of the Transit In relerence to countries where the local au. th, , ritie , are strong enough to enforce the laws, the diffieu:ty bare indicated can seldom happen; but whs re this in not the case, and the local su thorities do not possess the physical power, even if theypo..,ess the will, to protect our citizens within their limits, recent experience has shown thaj the American Executive should itself be au thorized to render this protection Snob a grant vt authority thus limi'od in its extent, could in just s:nse be regarded as a transfer of the war making power to the Executive, but only H an appropriate exercise of that power by the body t wheat it exclusively belongs. The riot at Panama, in I'.?5G, in which a great number of ur c,t'zeus lost their lives, furnishes a pointed ,f the necessity which may arise for th- ex, rfi f this authority '1 therefore earn estly recommend to Congress, on whom the re+ sp orsibility exelu-ively rests, to pass a law be , t , re lb yr aij , urn nr..nt conferring on the Prom& . 'lent the powcr to protect the lives and property .1 .lotencau cot z os iu the cues which I have iulica.ed, under such rca'netione and conditions is they m.ty deetu advisable. The knowledge •urli a sew w .u:d of itself go far to proveut outrages which it is intended to re .tr and render the employment of force unne ‘eesary Without this the President of the Ufflied States may bq placed in a painful poei , nun he f ire the mee'ing of the next Congress.— In the present disturbed condition of Meroo, sod one or wore of the other it ‘publics South of us, uo prrs iu out foresee what occurrences may take idg•l•Te that period In csse.of emergency, eir et. z las seciug that they do not enjoy the pr,,iection with suljecis of European goy ernint Ws, will have just cause to complain. Oa the other hand, should the Executive interfere, I sh Rikd the result prove disastrous to l s—durld-- I,v, be lost, he might subject him s, It t severe cewsure for baying assumed a power u.it eltio.:11,1 to him by the Constitution. It is t gnarl against this contingency that I now ap peal t .l C.Ligre.e4 II v.r g thin ri clean:waded to Congress a mea sure l deem uoces..try and ezpedtest for the in• t• thm. , r .1 the country, I leave the AhUae su'j .•r t I their wisdom and discretion. JAM ES BUCHANAN • AN ACT RELATING TO ETIDENCT..—Judge Rcit, trim/ tLe Juneau C.,totuittee of our State Seoato, It a, hportrd a bill relating to evidence, wi,ieli ,s of great importance, a, it proposes to sit, r, rvilly, the rules'which hertofore •I‘tc. ? d ,vernA the admission of evidence in our C urts. T _first S, otiose of the bill pro. c. it•-, use co r,citi shall be excluded from ter. tifyiug as a witness in any judicial proceeding by reas.m of his having been convicted of felony, after he shall have. undergone the judgment in Meted for the same, or Abell have been pardoned by the Exectftice. The second, enacts that tto person shall be exelndcd froth testifying as a wimif,s 1U any such proceeding, by reason of soy in_ rest he may have in the admit thereof, but prOcides that this section shall not apply to a parte to the record, or any other for whose bene- fit the action may be brought—the Third de clares, that when an assignor is examined as • witness in behalf of any person deriving title from him, the adverse party may be examined as a witness in his owallbalf, but ouch assign'. shall not Je admitted. to testify in behalf of any person deriving title through him, against an other assiwil or eseotor lidMigliStrittor, use less the original party thus represented and his testimony can be procured nor unles reasonable notice Of the intended examination 'ball be given in wriiisi to the *drape party, Section Four provides, that a party •-) eord, or a person for whose beutti prosecuted, easy be ezamioed al if un r szaatibstioa, at the instance of the but the party calling fur such cot be coucluded by such testimony, tar c„ ) but it by couuter statemeuts—by S ch,, t , it is enacted that snob ezamtnatiurt — l u ny t ,„ .1 previous to the trial of the cau•st , r , „.. Judge of the proper Court or COO:1 1 / 1 1•..1 Abet pointed fur the purpose, with such nut., i • party to be catenated as to now ur tu.iy after prescribed by the rule ut the pr p. r but the party to be 43111.11110e1i 611111 Li palled to attend in any eouety than tor. . residence or where the proceediog to. ) I iug. Section Sixth prov.dee th.L a p..; tenet may testify in his own lichen o, ; , , matter pertinent to the issue, tf, 0,N,,,,; testify to any new matter, then the (there" , ; may be ezalaisitod as a witness in in respect to such new matter but re-p,u z inquiries propounded by the adverse two 'Seventh sets forth that a party wsy•". on behalf of his co-party plainiiff Uf L as to any matter in which he la not , ILI:.) rested or liable with such co -party and a, • which a several verdict and judgintut wa y gaily be rendered. Section e4yht a party proposing to examine • party auv interest may have the same prove tLitl wcaL,e compelling atiendanoe and response, as rue pv• provides in the case of ordinary wituu,,,, benator Coffey, from Indians, has ititrAucta a bill relating to the same euti :t:t lie pruvii Mona are substantially the sani,., With tae eta, p Lion that the bill from the Judicuiry e provides that the plaintiff can Laity be esall+4l.d., under cross ellelnatiun, while sir CA ), e t ,„.. enacts that a plaintiff may be exatutntu.e a lio:• Gess in his own betutiti but if he dins ti,tt the party in intereet may offer hieneeit be b. 14.1.• noes andsaball be received. Lie piuvolqu. these biila are highly important, and thvy abu. receive the moat pfutOlatid alttLiLivti tr,tai :L Who are called to act upon tt.etu —Pcr,,, .~.r•t. iliac. PROLAPSTIS UTERI —Thus prevalent tkieltee U mauttoetly uue ut general and twat debilu), and feqturca (or ate allavtat4uo tan a/Lenitive ut,LI Louie 11/144 ut iron. The P ( k.;lit- Vt A offer*Una element to U) ouiy tutu, *L.cu it auk safer the blued. ite autntatetrativa ta bete, °crash, and free from the disagreeable tii.cts ut oiler preparritoua of iron. • ie. Tb• defeicaues at O.car I , iiiiide., the ebre.,o a tog te.tiet ad the Aueatto ileac I:truer/b. lent awa.....,1,4 t $611,090. liessabtaug wea Lee CAW*. iIaraCONEsTA Ls. --We are requested to CIIIDOVIC , e totalAisii.ll4, es • t.aricuttate Ler.atitt.e, :-.. V% *AI{ at tree election to Itareb Este, Fea Yd, lettre. KirA CA @D.—lt having coma to the khearled is • uutterrialgtzeKt, that MLahl 1,1 tba ‘O,l irrupts a! L 1. _ e0....•41, hare gut tug L11111.1111.601l that In A. •• MU are 0041 &AO the WM*•1.11AAO, I 1L•5c.1.4• 4.1.• • • _ OI 1/44111 1 / 1 4 j.erclALc, " lbw ft Al o. W.L. • . cuett Is Wlt WO tae4 aa Wry oral raci I y t. L. Lk.... L. L • CALLA*ar au .541 ht•uta • hut... • Lt.., L, ark, Jt. t, hu4O Of Aril pfic.C.., the) •••• I. 01/ 11/ is DO L. huer•ver, truth •DI atuarettatet a larch& L.a. C It. SIAIIisSIII I I, that 1 pututah 11.1. &Liu, wrtwl 1 aeu,t .L •. Injury tits /ileum. neputatrack, lux 1 BLOW hutL.Lb L BOIL 1,111 41.110 WI • t 1.1... ILLt tt j • LeY LIMO Of LIIC 14•6111 10 We LAO that at a:a • 4-4" 1.1•4, Sid 14• AA • •••••• 00 6/Clic to Le ltribl, t I / 0 mamma opus APT U.. i•Aftacci.l....: Lle . I VIII auu here 04... lot 11.1 loCLctil • • • sell, 144151 mayor witty tartar uo.) LL tL UDC araao.g Woo .4 . 1..•L0.•'• ficLeicols• l . ....• . "t unlit WI two tat, - vt /1•60 1 /L., 15.0,./.4 /Ls _ •." 1 . 01 .1. • •• , • ,,,, t inamlio, • uit 1. Is. • 61. _ Ll pau, ageol.ll 10 Lio• 10 Lla• isiVit rot 0 • , • 1.0 a...,/trll/111 t 0 1.00. a ILL. 1•41 ,LL1.33/0 ...11.a...111. I tia.l •setit .••1.• • - • • 1 Lia [l3Olll ..D0 jtl IL. ELI rl i.,•, . .L 61:1141 14 AS twl • auk. La ‘1,.. IOW „t 1 „ Llaakire, • Lift. •1 L 1 1. U. 110 y Ws' • . •' at. •tat•rdy o.‘ 01 t'• . • Cava , . /00..-31..... L. AS. 3 IslLsa.- 11. Lir: , :3 O. L't I*, .0: I.ow 4.0...• • • • Arts • MC. now, • 1 16•1% 1./atly I. Lit L.• - 5. 1. Ulm 0I •II• 01 11: , ,,L 151, .u, A DIED -li:l9p:diglied toiropLlpon the . . tAld•/../Nk.lo/...1.11, tl. btu ,••• • t la McKean. on we fnat %;/ /••N ••• I ainol 1.4. A • ten, •.•-••• , Pl. NEWTON ewrri ATTORWIT •T LAW -.4/thc• utk l4clot•u• ,t'• L t• I , •b —1,39 Gable's New Shoe store. SELLING OFF !I SELLING Orr! BOOT', tiHHO6tl AND It ÜBDIIILLS OF LWELL DROCIUFTIONI FOR Ladies, Gentlemen, Youths and Children GABLE'S NEW SHOE STORE Os Slats, sL, hetlaten WA and Vdt erett.. lim a ri. THIS g h t.."ll l l4 , lrlß . E u it th 8 X 1. , i1l 1 ~. 4 that be bar ;art op.atu a 1,1 1,.. .. the shot. artier% Led etti meLe. • sty Lbib, I bre Iwo on short notice, which L. , r se the theepeet (all and examine . 4 0.11 t eali Erie, Feb 951L.9.-38 6th . BOOKS. Magazines, Paper, Statiour WALLPAPER, &c., Park Bow Book Store. D P. ENSIGN, Pi int Erl*, Fob 26,1966 Prospective Removal. ON and aft or th e tast t /tar( h *4 GI, . t :t • : I,TO kt. D, .Liflo Ire •148t.t t. tit • t ana GIGOLAIIIII ',Gat. r • 11.4- Kt h., 14,vraivrelt 01011 .ad the /soy of v , m r Ens, P.E. SO, WA. k. Art: L.. Go to J. G. BARR'S, N .. iY, BifuW:b b aao 1.3 - ifETALIC T 11111) 6110E.\. For youths and children 1%4. found, Cy mt.... ..?, pair .UL out *ear three pain of U. oda .4, • 0.0 1:13, 1069. CAULDRON sad POTASH F..I.'ITL is Q. subscribers bore com•tont,y OD lIILL6 aIL. O. tall, a I tiara et caw Iron 5" Iv ~a; tars, .tote acu •s• P C“/.. ,. • AI. OS hao . [ Wu LL 510*. l/ t •Lt. to 01.1 NaL 1 . 10.111 500 l ' itta T. .cd Ct. Ira). 10 band at lob fates. flirt Ls • • hrie, Ya., tee aIS, lal% NEW TREATDIENT! I ::P riV r ekt AND CO.V.PhArb,NIAL. sithit,AL .tl - pus BUFFALO PALLY tTB ILP•I'Vr% • .A. lor tbo Th.. •• - L1.0,11[100 w 1 opts auck 111.1usit), 0, Ur wry n Y. °Mc* cor - 4or at Mats .DD Qua) .4; Ai 0s T zOLAnitc t s? lustaiLmOlt DA lb. ,uag w utni • i roctra properl3 kDO• D DI be ye rams. Ur, cured to tu•zu ,a, - • . owe uJ ..b4a taatrustiout, brit word ri TUC..' Tait& PAltnat LAI. • Dr. &kWh •StP:i take pleasure /0 Attaw Writ...it a matt important .batitai t dices. • 1 , /ha. Ivan aubjetied a., • pro alrlaa• In Loni.on l ul.. 161 110,1,1 I/1 / 6.442 4111,a.11 , 0 ;ale 00.3 us. • • enrol of tstollin.l • salsa, vs. waned by te.• leveret babel. )outb tri •• r . • if Lir RAIILLD/A7.5 4.‘D QG , t 6 L L Dr Amos Magri Mai bs eyW Y.MY • • o • log mat. a as 5.404 an Amery my. u.O . ;/$ 011.14.1, 09144 1.. t•f/a.14.44 • • • of I.b• L r. rbtn, amid. 1.1 m.. firsaalul L.• lerset Gaut. 4f ). uth, • btel • • • b motley , marrisp IZakttillellAr, a 1..: it/ • • atti rind.lite tars anent the) tultil t It 'l,e • • =wee: oatobert• u.at DUG. 1•11,1 A CURE WAXYANTI . •J Dr. ANIZ Ai SON bars oievt.eit to. a e 1.,. • thin ;newt Mem Lima/ears, sad toe r•,4.1 ly been letOilir %bet/ • • atti gratefullfiseanowkd tl )6 gat t /. 17 artlrlta Lai towa from ad parts ot the a. Duly of 111.11141111.1.. 1 1, while tb.lr es• erogrueld with !the Wen eigDol meleaste.e. , • t ham •apeeterti toristiraor Into the eau•e LI ro .ala Ir moat sample conaiiinn to • reruns and liateterete,) Use, ai• ay .• rut. • • Ity of their paPeentioa an, !SIDON al, and 4. that the mod homble and malignant 10.0 • " • mots alts aye be track to one of the 10.1, aeglect., or Ira 11l egrets of oriskiiiin.....•to t •Mthd fr. son bare succeeded .1 .1...• •t • •I't their remedies, a We, eti•cteal AL.) • • • • combination of mmedie• wbl, b ••• • r •-• an tboell whose rtADltUtv and an app prodnettee of OW camellia IU It e 1• 5 1,:••• { • •a: la abort. the laoriable el/.1 la of a rat Ws of humeri n.lier. by the • notion .rtboseskillettock• • bah err m :al ,•, - and .thielb, white fl•ey ••• r 00 OW skill and tawformice for it. lr ra:e. lD C4INTRY IS VAI lit• Pers..lls to any part of the VOW rll4 • fb ewardltm s • or,. detail of . Medicare, ate Address Dr. AMOS & core. 1111049, N. Y Q IN =I itARk A .. -