Voioe of Autumn. Ftoll the Lost/gill* Democ:st Lot tlis Autumn wines ara witting Over beauty fled: Ltlis• /••• 1 .1. stricken neither Weeping e'er bin dead Throne' U. lof• I•ant.ts bram - bes Ut the statoly tr•+. i~A' cnoiarn ta Ily COO unkfully tb. sittdton bmese oht how strangely speeketh stature to the saturna's So the lonely dreaming spin: Of the 'tient tomb Age. s the sweet n 14.1 tlowers . ill blo.to Reightls on the pima, And the immortal soul oub.ltir , Thus shall her afrm Low the autumn 'node are erblepertn, 'Maw a palming by.' Cdbl beauty !troth but a day Than prow. to die The Stolen Secret The main distinction between iron and steel ie that one holds carbon, or the matter of char eoal, whereas the other does not. The amount of carbon is trivial, and it is imparted by heats leg bars for a long period together, surrounded bt powdand, broken charcoal in a box Having regard, then, to this operation, it seems natural enough that thtouter portion of each bar should become more Ittftlitleti" (if I may be allowed to coin an expressive word) than the internal portions. Now, steel of this sort, though per feetly good for many purposes, is objectionable for others. To give an example: it is by no means good fer the manufacture of watch-springs; nevertheless, before the invention of cast steel, to which the reader's 'attention is shortly to be directed, watch-spring had to be made of .t There lived in Attercliffe, near Sheffield, about the year 1769, a watchmaker named Huntsman He was very much dissatisfied with the quality of steel of which watch-springs were made in his day, and he set himself to the ta-k of thinking out the cause of inferiority Mr Huntsman cor rectly inferred ay.' tee inipetfeotton of such watch spring- as came in tits way was referable to the fact of the irregular conversion or "eteelifioation" of the metal of their manufacture -If," thought he, "I can melt s piece of steel and cast it into an i n sor, •he composition of the latter should be r -we .neous " IT tried, and mic e—. .; I Iluntermsi. steel became widely ,pitsu, t.O the .seoverer took care n ' to designate it by the name of cast steel, under twltieh it is now familiarly known. -That was his t. *botit the year 1770, a large Manufactory of thlt.peonliar steel Wal , estt.bliebed at Attereiiffe. Viiftprooess vas wry, ped in secret ,- by every which the inventor could rommand.— • but workmen of credit and ele..acter were sad they were forbidden to disclose the d the manufactory by a stringent form gtia At last Huntsman's secret was stolen following manner: One night in mid winter as the tall chimney of the Attercliffe steel Wititin belched torth its smoke, giving promise of i'reittring fire within, a traveler to whom the de sire of placing himself near a roaring fire might seem a reasonable longing, knocked at the outer door of Mr. Huntsman's factory It was a bitter night; the snow fell fast, the wind howled across the moor; nothing, tben, could seem more La il-Aral than that the tired wayfarer should seek a warm corner, where he might lay his head. He knocked, and the door was opened A workman presented himself, who the wayfarer adtkres.ing, 'humbly begged admission "No admittance here, except on business." Feigning to be completely worn out with cold and fatigue, the wayfarer sank upon the floor of the comfortable factory, and soon appeared to have goneas_ I eep Tn gn to sleep, hnwev. r, was far from his intention. The traveler closed Lis eyes, all bat two little chinks. Through these two little chinks he saw all that he cared to see. He saw workmen cut bars of steel into little bits, then place them into crucibles, with enormous tongs, pour their liquid contents into a mould.— BegilaDilei factory had nothing more to Ingleleest, This was the secret of cast steel It Would be easy to extend the list of menu faceared secrets disclosed to the d,shonest way inanity* above. The subject, however, is so .-=llt to dAll upon, that 1 am sure the 112 will rejoice with me that the eireumetan- Cteliudir which manufactures are now mostly Sittig on, neither afford the opportunity nor the ihd nent to theft, such as I have described issiatws Leisure Hour. =1:Z::1 XSTICKY 01 THE AMERICAN LAKES —Lake is only 60 or 7" feet deep, but tip. bottom ortaite Ontario which is ;:,92 feet deep, is 230 feet below the tide level of the ocean, or as low E 2 a t parts of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and the of Lake Huron Michigan and Superior, their surface is so much higher, are all, from their vast depth, on a level with the bottom of Lake Ontario. Now, as the discharge through the river De troit, after allowing for the full probable portion carried off by evaporation, does not appear by silty means equal to the quantity of water which the throe upper great lakes receive, it has besn eonjectured that a subterranean river may run from Lake Superior and Huron to Lake Ontario This conjecture is by no means improbable, and accounts for the singular fact that_ salmon and herring are caught in all the lakes communicat. ing with the St. Lawrence, but in no others As the Falls of Niagara must have always ekis ' ted it would pilule the naturalists to say bow these fish got into the upper lakes without some subterranean river; moreover, any periodical ob struction of the river would furnish a not impro bable solution of the mysterious flux and reflux of the lakes. • Upon this the editor of the ,S4;te.n t 'fir: A mer t can remarks: •i "Are salmon and herringfound in the lakes end riven; above the Falls of Niagara? If so it aortas string grounds for supposing there is n subterrate..us emmunication b .a. en Outar: , and the upper lakes; if not, we can -ee no grounds for such conclusion " - A BOY-BUSUAND COMMITS SLICIDT..— p,.rter—a boy• husband, 18 years old—com mitted suicide as Jackson, Tenn., dam weck, by -.4llowing stryebniet He was the son of the Col. Porter, who commanded a oompany in the Mexican war from Memphis. The Jackson Whig of the 27th nit , sail Porter came to Jack. eon some five days ago, since which time he has been passing about the streets in a melancholy mood, and occasionally alluding to a purpose of self destruction; but as he was most of the time under the influence of liquor, no one paid any serious attention to his declaration On the morning of hie death, he wrote and mailed a letter to his wife, took strychnine, and then sent for his landlord, who said to him: "Potter, you surely have not done that:" "Yes," be replied, "I'll be d—d tf I haven't I have a wife and nothing to support her on— r they wont let me have my estate, and I am un willing to lite say longer " He was Oaly about 18 years old, and quite rookies.. DEATH AND LITZ —Directly after the "31u risge" hied is newspapers comes "Ohttus7." Typical of the wedding of happiness and griefs in Otis life. The shouts, and songs, and glee of merry ones to-day will be broken by wails of sorrow tomorrow, for the sod will be piled on the breasts of some we thought not so near the cram Ire raid who are married and wish them joli-s Hie below is the reoord of deaths and we my mournfully +me to their ashes! Sorrow trade os the heth of joy, songs are bushed by the feot.falt of death—laughs are broken rudely —void,' ea, so matter how musical, ire still in a moment. air__" B "be P 4 0 0 14" said a red-nosed indiVi- Inifillipun three nr four by standers, f4eiste their imeary la °Laxity, oaken squander theirs in supporting airs* sad I'l=ll,er—but as for me, I save mine to hay spirit,." , . .1.1:0111,ffil. A t ! • DlPLoita. •W•IIDEo i dr.. e., fiti)ItAADA raexits. •triaiDaz, ELL , } 1 ANOTHICR, ARRIVAL BY CARS, NOV. Ist. rra iumewo SmizA easel ell . lAA.; 1 r Elaa• it., f C"gbrt and ebt*Plierrit,.ptemssiailsoo re adveriteues basettolore brutillst berOxe tits public—xavairing roustklensio) Wallas and odd roe one thi.r.r.tim, pure T. 4 h'``• r.r the Old &Monad spring IfiNtressesi Stiod to •," aad .11 Stride of bedsteads, portarle *wasp •6. lf e 6, crtila, birtbs of steemeri, aryl See tits hundreds of testimonials Lad recom cos octet so oe fn m i / I Tate failialliefa, sues, bated teapers nod °neer. le•ohn i i, 111 Tour own city and other plaere, .one haring w.ll tested !tom r.r the past Suer seam and having proved them to be steonit euomuti for ties hanker sod pied...hog swam& for thist lightest- luxurious, economical, conducive to bealtb, igvaloaLle to tbe to e= free from [Wise, next to appearance, elfale restioe and try{ p_ . T hem spring S.d.unand upon lbetr aro swift, ■o,l bol .I.Ero.x to all compilation 1 bar. alfra.:y been sold In lbr l3 C Blo otten :naves up to Sept•lnbcf last. 1666. Paelod and sent to 411 pans on 'vaunt of the pa y Pnce for EDO. hecls, $8 SO any ma above, $7 :0, aridly ankh. $ 0. •thlbition and for sale daily by thenolv airesit (or this Slots. G. Nir ttp.,LiEY. - - BKD MATTRESF.E.9 PR011 . 113 i'PWARTA: ILOVIZVE. Hero &damsel of bed Furattore coo be euppliot with & complete styinsh mat-ont, complicit% • Diploma. Sprtog Bed, & Perdu= Bed stood In walnut or ogorrry, with Bed, liatreaa dad Moira, fee at sae assoury you hare Peen paying for old-faablonod spring mat treamos Call and lodge tot yoartelrea, at theTuratturs, dale and Vounnurion Stone of (I. W. ShLSEY, Botweec Perry Stock sad Eighth street, OD State' Nee; Oct 110, 1064. J M.AHLSTRAND AJ. 8. BEEBE S- BLOCK,' A Manufacturer and Dealer in Hats, Caps;land Pals. H A o r t i:lo iteree4 lial s 'i,eppreen eedeat ttettir aroma pears a ln Fu tt c ap ity d haring worked awe years lit tide country at entg.ing and :wilting Flare endOapa I now return from the East With a new and ema• piety stook of Haft, Cape ke, and will during the coating ese..de, amodectaabFon. total aapor•d that I m ll/. general mat li fa relien, remmethelly noel t a wall Lad waesd>te fen of my etork an, prime Imu bound not to be beat west of New York. member the pew, No. ',Beebe', Block. A Great Secret. To keep your Pure from the moths, or :Toiling ofherwiee,, take theta to J. M. ahlattand's KM Store No 3, Beetwe'a block .hen be kum a mom for tie purpose and will guarantee them as good, our: and bright-next hal as when brought All of wboth he will do for a moan esespensatlon. Erie, April 21,1658 fem 30 - Prof. 00LBY'ai_ CHEAP .41. 31E3311.0 Trviri:!3M PICTURE GALLERY, 'KAB BRIM REMOVED To the Sky I.ight Rooms in Rosons weir's N ego , Elorl. .Let. 1,.. prepened to .iecnte PHuree of all style* kn.. April 10 1649 • New Arrival of • Biggs A ill on: TUST RECEIVED st No 2, Rood Houma, o• .M 1 k g) M a large aunt DRCGz and MEl)fr • cINI, which are .arrsoted to be of the 'Srst cinalitx and which Iwo are willing to dispose or At Tore In. ternt, FOR CASH Opium Pip, h Acet .11o:),L o MA 1..\,1 Ch/OfUtorta fur Mrs. Allan's !sat: neek•••Mt, Fiteh's Anti-Bilileum Mature 7y I. 1111.14121•0. Hoottand't BoHunk. Coeds' Wean, Hair Iteal....rer, Hembold's Er tact Battle Enieraon's Hair Iteetoter, Tbotopson's Lye 'Water, l'holon'a Haar ineverater, Kaman Lye Walla?, Ara Whit.'. El." Restorer, I , erley's Arabian Heart Ileieedy Lynn'. Lathe:too, tn., bc. Bert y's irleoptieroa A, Trask', Magnetic Ointment, Bad. Hyperian Fla .1. y Osborn's' Golden Climax :tales, " McAllister.ltoir•r. Livirmort zIV, ' Tanner a .• 3tiannan a Olean° n. 11011 r— -.• . r ...noway'. - Ayers Cherry Peelineal, `40.135 W. 141....• Flaw! ICsusct Bache, 'Roasts Salee, Rushton • Cod Lire, OIL De ley'. Fein f xtrioto: Sloan'. Coraditiom Powders Kenneth'■ Medial fil.cooor• angina ' , model. n (....,fteo, Whitcomb. eiett.ma Itomeidr, rhseste'si Anclyo..('eerli.l, I Mr.. Vi. ins,. lei Soot/ALS :` I Map. y sod other Staadamt Icedlnto.. w Web ine lei:: sr,. • t who:es/L' ... .ow a. uir hove welt 0. Nes ) ork tare us s eat. tr I w -t For twin, slarerbero. I I fiALDWVS li -io, Aril, ID, IltMl MESSRS. SHANNON & RYAN co. 0 CMC3O44.3POXIJ3EI. Haw just returned jeratn M.w ror/. With a large and 'well sidected stock of FRESH GROCERIES, wincu WILL BE DISPWEL) OF ( I C CASH. J w RYAN, En., J . a. 19, 1h...50, -r COAL, SALT, &C. JAMES KFNNEDY & CO., u4uoreiwori to V M Thulupkr): I VORWAILDING %ND C0M111.91.4 VlLlttlit NTlh: itilwlesate athl !total: tttes.wrs in teal, holt, l'imoler oter Lhoe, Fife Brick, dc. Nra , LCUNt 4.n ^ln. ttroito Tt h had hth meet. C,C)0 4 11 6. 1 4 ,,,—‘t e rale aJ, kJli I• ,1 In Curtin k clAnniten fpL hauling unit ver Tun L. en• part of the ei•Tii -• Blacksmiths' Coal. Ir e are prep.:oil to tii•clensilitta with trit c as! c.a. fur B.eirknualtb• pcirpese• •t the Inweint tearkpt ; rive, et n' SALT! SALT! Sift tnyers suppl,4l • .114 any 4 t llacto , A.lt, at ti.. Wl,oleside prices at street or at t. urtce d hu. to ( tr. 0.1, ura the Piahle Duck. 1411 , 11.1 g. the f‘allitle• r d ~ qf a large boalifesa, 111/1.1 oti• tt Oa , Hi Uar and Coal Ifni le..ag COC‘eciloct and central fart of the city, offermi great •twk.cernecta t, cal. On of More gulag elsewhere. J.t. 4 KINN:F.OT 6. CO JAN fistfaxwe.lorwaarly of the dm of Froi - Kreng-41. Jae. H Tax•se. with Lustia & /Joyce Lrte, r .et 24, 14f.8 —4t24 L. I. BALDWIN HAS JUST RtcgirEi. A T NO f), REED HO (*SE, A LARUE ASiORTMENT OF FANCY ARTICLES, Perfumery, Pomades, Colognes, HAIR OILS, Hair Brushes, Tooth _Brushes, and Combs, OF £VK&T OBACRIPTION oring 100 000 f feet `l-1"1" Flo ''' . nwrt.R & MALI,EkY • Lnir?Oct. 2, 11164. IS tam YLstang M stir THE GREAT LLNIDIENT! FOR lAN AND BEAST. IT HAS TRIUMPHED Tiff trial has been fmr, and the people have mown.: a ..1„, 1 J.-At verdict 1 4 11.1tk3rn head: F LCW, the world's great besuedy steads forezunot cod without a rival in the /amen* catalogue of ilediehoes, and its able in unprecedented lu the &anal. ihstory. Una,Bled by Suers "it...nib/WWI," r by IOCOEIT rein , La. by Ile 11JUILIT slope taker the lead of all other like remedial, and stands trivial; bent It Lea met 3 the approval of many of the must eminent of the medical Far ulty , the piers are loud Sr its prate. , and the greatest bonesova, alibi* keeper; sad stage proprietors in the tnion M .ill rev zio other atelletna. .1 Will yea—can you doubt Its mere t U an, give Ili. m ita. a feu trial, . a rasa tass,,Letli convents the meet skep- P `ve total. S-Iling by .11 Dealers throughout the estion. J b. C•RTIO., sole Agent for Krt.. Sept. It. 186 0 1.-1 y 9k TONS IiILINDSTOPIES, with ILIA ,iGINGIS of the most approved kinds, at ri.sx:4 —hood samortmeat of Brown ainor /Wined Sugars all 0 km.* packs eattl pnoos Nile tbeap, by Italy IL S sTERIIIm Mali 011. Materei strained. bY the btl or gallon at Br* Jame 111. SINCLAIR'S irl A3iPMENE at Pruir Nture Noe, itet.c. Boum, ut 10 Mardi II 1., it BA 1 iI , WIN A: lads of CY - tit - 0 - 1.1 WORIC ;dote on Lb; - alartaat noticeA sad art aud peat style*, at J. LICIIENLACH. Jr. ____ _ EW mu HONEY--At reeesoroi MINNIO it AN YkLUPP4 I , 11111.11.. d I EJ4, dlces—A 4 CI net. 6D.—?A. - MINNIG l Eta NYARIi'S. INT ErVi7 F i XPL2VE AT THE OLD FOUNDRI. M W. Miser, Mats mid itieressib Mir., Erie, 11111111 ateeeeseore lett, Earl ki Co. haring torpid& hip itabrillta yle of Duo k Joiureoe at ertathrtre sissafseture softiies - sale, at Wholesale mod Retail, •aaeortmeat of PARLOR & COOII2VG STOVES to the uW Maadard,aoddrope entin!lj pea palter as st. re h !Lao., Molt hers, Wane Wan, 4attarni wad Raditoo Heater.. Mitred:mg and Reaping Machine*, news. Cailitraisrs e Cars settareire. ale had are prepared to p as te With Idetoptzwea orders for Ma sai midi or other cerium.. 13 ) close •ttip t u oa to poem.% seed • to skiesksaimisii is iseeVe, Uri 'streams, whieh Las arrays extended to the "Old FOoodrr eaßibleameot All orders t.ltl esistretbe tam Idtvetioa so U tiej partwe WINO pest. W R BARN, Crie, J1,1714,1116*-1. dation H. JOEN:4Ov PLOWS 1 PLOWS! E here et, haw!, r•f our elm mannherur•, Clary swore. mo n of now, which I.* will dispose of et ebobseele or re tatl of loge Spree. iistrdele ghost to webs.. would do tc *Weise our Woe* We dare the following te the 'Wee it ate, •tr Klirortb, 1. Loam Dsteber, littok.urg, ba., Poulta,rough and palliated, Land Priem neold 8.4n1, he. gnarl an hand at the raued±7 sad War* flooina, ,'% err Bests andraariatl st.„ Fait, Per UNA a Jl,Ue., ltria, tla& Anereasora to fterifilikt r Co I D RIED Pl a fA CHICS.— A lot of abe4feliallinniAprikeboarat CFI CR CAM and SEGAR DEPOT J. B. PEBILINt4, Agent , "r , 'iht4 BbAl, Slat, .Strot, . bloods a nAltlo: X 1 lir oLat t.. I,asn. t a L•1..1 kr,. ataottearot or has 1 , .1-. FAN , V .11 , t IA • rti-rs al 1.4,1, • /". tk • IiORPLI•MA: . ..ON , * I llt 1. %A 411( I , SAllarLilat elet.t ivtivi, itamada Wat fOr FN.1.1/4d. 411, (Obis as or PrOlite Vulva H. cr It E ttoo tit; • ,h 4 t oe tot bidb he it rat . the tt.st, beets of t , ..: .rtelin %1., keep oven during the eoni..••awn, .nd tornt-1, :ce a t..atn un patione 4 410 us‘tal ea•l am In a6w dn.* he *lll be to reoetpl o STILAD HENRIES. PINE APPLE*, Lemony Hanna( and every varlet,' et Foreign and bu m...tic Prints the amaagetneuta with (Anticlinal and other Votatlwru markets, enables bun to ...ler VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS e•cnpri•fne Cucumbers, Ael.nrincia Lettuce. nnlona, Pie Plant, I en.. Le.....T.M1 greet( earlier than they eau he bad In thu rnar art, au.: as fresh as wistn taken VMS ite garde, il l, Is of the latest style, ► o d the lovers of this delectable hevernre nn have My nn tlndlnir a coat, tool clean and pore article ►t thu oetahliehineut LOBOTIIO4, 0 VSTERS. CLAMP', sod era, delicacy Ow N.. York marks% affords, foroistrid .t the shortest pollee. MAMA:irk cir domestic IMPORTED PIE GARS la large and aro:aortae* eeer; brand and flavor, ranging in taloa from 86 to pa, per thousand, to width be Invites the &halation of Hotel &ad-Saloon keepers, and the users of the wood caporal', at abort cones with is. Cream, 9trawbernes, Cakes of every Avg. Emptier; cad every rarity the ma:heti agrert Public gemmoar, lerespeeteally solicited. Erie, May 22, leZeS 2 Betweeen Brown's Hotel and the Reed House, 11 , , S FURNIBIIINhi (WOOS. COOK STOVES. ac., A! a large and opper, and w' ..., c P . on, bete asurrinietit of Sheet Iran ware. A 1., a large shone/tent ..1 • -- L ii Cutlery and Pot k e t " v . , Ac. Brit .,. ..... ....1 _ -- Tani, Castors and 'Tea pots, also, Tea and Ta- I llk hie Spoons, limas, Cure per, Porc•lsio and ...---- Ground Kettles, ftlec, • large saeortment of Ja• - pan Ware of all kinds. and the beet amortnient w of Tres Trays, in Erta o all "Shapes and Signs alan,, Lanterns, toilet Rills, Corn Peppin „wires,Choi Kahan. nab 1 Shovels and loom pok e r. Hale,CoaHale,a Whored Hose, Potato Hooka, Flab Hook', Re.., Foot rubs, and Bathing Tuba, Rafrig- Hi a .ratnra. jiln Patent amen f ,slat., Pumps of all descrip tions LAW Pipe, Sheet Load, neap Chains, and Tubing Store Pipe and Elbows. Canal Pump", assi Lampe, Water Coolant, and biters, Fluid !Amp of all kinds. Stales and Stil) arch, Zink and 4 heat Iron, Wire, Dish Covers, Candlestick, and Lamps, Table Mats in risks, Hammer, SYscreel and Tonges stand, and Wilk Pan. and Palls, To. let Ware The 13.11 N Tumbler ()minors, Snuffer,. and Tram, Louse and Ratraps, Nails, Screws, Tacks and Oil Fonder., F, islet Dunters,pree Etas, Lied Boxer, Dog toilers, Frrorb Lose Pota, Stew rana, rind Stones and Hangings , with Screens t r All of which trUl be soil damp foe Cash only Jobbing 11.01:10 011 the shortest notice Copper, 11 , 11•11., PYlrlPllltlti 144510“..21 to .2• change forgooli. Please call and examine my ',lock, and nati.fy °anvil,. Kris. may lA, 1845. Your. N. 1111*RPilY BUFFALO AND GREEN BAY. rytitE ruivehLiasu. WABAPILI VALLE Y ' - apt. J R. CHILDS,wiII 0013:101012C0 Mirtliar - tripe. On the opetrleg of navigation, between But- e falo and 'Green Bay, regularly atopping at Elie, Cleveland. Detroit, Mackinaw eau all intermediate po DI a) of sailing will he annoutiewei hereafter Eno. Mud, SI B Is6B • H - b t FAR MERS! Bsun, to re tiar 11UCKLYE ROTATLNO HARROW Mau ulaeturod and *bid b. Aug 2a I.IDPELL II k C., =1 - .. - FURN/TURE ! ! _ _ rIIifLAPYR than over, how selling at tb• Store of G IV l ELLSKY, St.J. 4u..; between Parry 'block. and } lea -41.4• 'Nay, la IS.G. -- - __ __ -_ c -A 7 kn*,10.2,Z1 Erie County Mutual Insurance Company Incoryn frri n 1 ( 'homer Per, 'du al PMPert) Immured Albalmot Lora by Fire for soy Term set meetediset aye pear.. DOLICI BA lamed lapel] the deposit oe Primittm upon tLr payment t,t . the Uinta, StOti bates to MODON wit brtal the 11.etlItt Premilm Note - I,tetee JAW! oitbout (day suit t r al:s Mut ever I.4reD brouktit •paDAt (List ompant 7Au Cattipant u eahraly /Tea from debt, tad LP a redo Amu tatitUatten bIhECTIt Jame. I Narahsll , t. M Tlbbais. Wm F itiodortie Sauth, John Ltieuarrly, Jo. 11 Atorr.r, iCepire, Tbo. Mourbe.4, Jacul Hamm°, Goorge A Clliot, E. Babbitt, Wm. it Bays, J. If Jostle. OFFItER; tt•RETT. Piw•it %I TI otrce, in licougrirtanni.. R litCrwa.r)'• Law ..Row, Eno, April 23, 18M. ERIE CITY GENICIUL INaIIRANCE AGENCY' 0). F:. h la Em ii.nr4 r.,rt:er of .-tw:w and lOU ...trtwtw, neat, v .tare. Jo F. DOWNING. T) E PRE 4 F.STISI, 1410 am( I nu,' antes of tht boriyurt ye•ad fl I letliartrrest by Ks .State ef Posaiviramaa HO \VAR!) FIRE and MARINE Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Frunklus Brach uys. No. 412, Wayrut Strati. CAPITAL, •kreu lavested. $OO,llOO. The Quaker City Insurance Co. Fi C. roHANNuN O F PII I I. A I) EI. P H I A Buildr•osre, 11 - cll. o :Wee, lash ettpltal clad .4 urPhis, • • - Manufacturers' lusuranct• Comp:in\ , CAPIT \L. k.rl-. Aar ust I. ! Fire!! Fibm!!! 0 TO A. BENISE,TVA luaurazio , (Ike. corner . ..l 'tale and Fifth std..t, Wrght'• 141,, , ek, up glum-a, saw rat ,•,r property 11,ut... lie tyl.r.l-..-ut• :be follow mu rellutsle uloo ItERcHANTtt' TIRE ksn +(Ants} IN 4 CRA.NCE 0.1.11rA. , . 1 laledephla Auth , ..12,1 otpl•al f1410.,0011) A.cur.l• fn• vrelAnifflOtl t ooo lAILLIBRie CNION I,O4FRAFI'R I'ONPA.Y. firt.!• ford L., P.. 444141,t100 Ali lAA up &nu 4.11, vpate4 Rate... for as i....tarlt) I • tbr Insured 1r..; permit Erie, De , 13, 106 G. A. BENNE:NT k L THE DELetWARE MCTI:AL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA, . . tHE DOw doing business ,In Sim Mutual plan, gr• log t h.. .n sured a parttelpatuak in the progita .f the Comps r...•hout lialatt, leryon4 the premium paid. Rua, upon the Laks and t anal& in•uro.! ,:I rho no,•t 1,. r,t,10 tarsus Loans will be llborall, and prnmpt • a.l, Q.V.: Pr. Hot tioAtibc r a and o t n•r pro pt. rt r, ,o • .r. (sr eounirk , . .. tr e anectly TORS .lbseph 11. Eat imilimanizd, Edmot...l Aloud.,, ribeophllu&PitOdisir, hklll o,:Eirle, H. Jour. Brookw Robert Buell., j itath . ?1 .1 , John li Your..., Hugh Craig - , . • illikaulli art.., 4.00nr. 9 rrn.ll. Maury Lavoie*, 4 i ttare, Edward Julius'. u, Charts, II via, .1 fl Johnson, Walhalla lilli, , liar, John J N•w ha, Tlr S Th , , * A.M. li uston. John Toner, Jr • ..., . tirtellesce. ...? " W. 11•Kriv, Pres , Iticuillg it .. •, . ! . v - • .• . ' •-- - - KELLO6I - •. Agent. F.-. -- - - :II ' • " . PERSONS TEAT THERE IS ON SALE ('HEAP A T HANSON'S PF Cherries. Currants end Tomat..., m (nevi. as New Fruit, preservvd m dlr Ttgl.l t.KUCEftY cent Fith.4ll RAISINS, Currartia, Citron, Flit% POT Lemont and Nuts id tallow, kinde YEdiltT CARES, ifur Dried Yeast.,) weekly by as English Lady of Lbw city, war ranted the best Yeast on see AT HAN 4 (IN . ,: 'ALRICATUN Cream of Tartar, Carbonated and Sal. Soda, Gimbel', sad Babbitt'. Baiting Power ) &RUA Macearuot, VerMlC3lit, Vliattaa., Coroc Its. ('hoeullate and Bream, rap and Oatmeal, GROCERY waled Os! to bay and small bqtrJes, Piekbew Peper Sauer, Catsup, Worcestershire hawse and Flevoring Estraete T H ks:;:r)VA lIANDILLIAN COFFEE. Essence of Coffee., pure ground Jara Coffee in b pound Cana or by the stogie pound, Jars, Mocha, lUo and other Coffees. also, Roasted Calve; Imperial than Powder, Young klyeort, Old Hyena, Hymn. A 7 if ,NON' S sale, I mien, and other Meek Teas, of superior quillty, by the boa or on retail. SUGARS—Crusbed, Granulated. Powdered a* bite and Telloer Coffee, New Orleans and Porto Rim, Ss 211: RA}:SOVS ST lir PS tIIOLASS9.--Nsw °tisane and Porto Hier Molaases and Sugar House Syrup TOBACCO —Superior Floe Cut Chewing sac iutoktut ( h ia2dlsh and Natural Leaf, Ander- Re, but try mut slop—the Prtn A T HANSON'S /1 7'a So Mu' ulla't In More epee Mw—but the unthietb part lira nit bee V 314 you. Per , habe we may resume the "object sett week AT but don t wait for that but eons and lee. NSOs and with the Queen of the Routh you will be led to exclaim, "Tb. half has Oct been to.d yea." DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. in., Jan. 80, 114/17. - - H AY AND (MAIN FORLAN, 26 dos two Hoe hay forts 20 • three., 26 • four • Zaswire " Plot sale at saanafaciurtrs prices by J i r l I.DYK Ik4VLICY AND GRAPE Ifl,ol l'il:ADl7lkA AND 2c7th• Rooth*, for sal. chusp by J C -4:LDILN Pell Millenary and Fanoy Goods. MLIIRI El, lea warped tram Now Twit, Lodi, soy rawly int %be FALL STYLES of Bilsress. Bibb's*. Plow.rvi, Caps, Heed Dresses Reelsea, Aco. de. ! Also, Carmtu. Gloves, llottom,. Ereseb Work Callan , Mourning Collin arid Yells Lace Vs and Elyiroat, Stan:T.4 Work Fm broidtry Cotton. Zuphyr W«rsted Patterns., Crotchet Noudlrr n , NAHA* miaow«. As., he A very folloeurtment of Colored sod Whit* ! 4 traw BULOWtA and Gimps, Montour*, b Wier Hoods, Can. sad Wirra, Bonnet Fram.w, Ac A superior article of Patent :skirts led firwrp« AlL.LDiatfi fMnetaimlS mith gal &Aldus to (boor Itoi at whointale. YRS 61 CURTLi mrpt.14.1.9. roI.ASIMR sod •;YRUP.--A good assortment will b. kept sad ba clarD s• the ebeapert by A ATURRKTT. I O 0 RNICES AND CURT — A - SWPINA: A LARGE sod botottts! antertenest of Winder. Corefewsasd Pine may hp bend at tiILIDELIVIPL [`liens kna than ip.tarr mid In Um market Wane. Apoil $,, laea 'Goose Feathers. FEJLTURPI Boned nod gold by o.lr ELLRZY 25, 11Lfin Erio, Welraein•, Whird •I ert t..reettro w ropy of tIMIt alegalit AFlSTavkig, "Tax s u.nea Maxi an arm." and Ow AR? J60111X414 PIO the ninon. pre nth! 111.1111 ant anbacrib• $3 bdon ti.lat od Jan. IMO. Spec- Was a**. aUm album and nal grimy anparing to J. J LI!. TS, pot. Say adinorlanuornt thew be t e beaded— Now Folitang, As. 60.Sf_$4)NARY! .00A FOUNTAIN PARTIES SUPPLIED 0:311J , (1):):c4 AT THE OLD STAND',' S ON RAND A LA LW E ASSORTMENT OF 9: :1: : . GEt). J .11ORTuli Agent Erie UAY THOMAI, Air•ntai.nri, Bay UP PHILADELPHIA e lU, Mitrc.hiante Errhave Subscribe at Once ! tt T trill BRASS FOUNDRY AND GIIISHOP West J'ide of Siete, t,tscorou Rtstiaik and Nsnth Street., EltrE. M, ,J,AißiOiKi. AILINGS, IRON rh"StE, PIKE 4ROOP DOORS AND SHUTTERS., AWNING FRAMES, Lc., TSYS Mute o; Stud, Loam repsiseti,,sad 13•11 Bang. lag ptomptiy attoutiod to. Al: kind, t BLACKSMITH WORE dm Ma ttee -ear 01 ties SL %rya Aug 21, 18418 —l5 CASH! CASH! CASH! WANT D ! SAMU Z . M I 7 11, u. 3, Heed'. Black, tttato rtereet. ►or whicii tlllkdtq,. PLAIN AND FIiiNCY Boots and Shoes of the Latest Styles AT PANIC PRI ES! LA UI BS am how obtain s Superior article of both PIED and Fancy Galtors, Boot* am! Shoo* without haring to mod to tho ',Astern cities liartag a full asoortanont or tLe Finest klaterlals, I am prwpare4 to do work whloh will , stiets the most tsatldlow. 4. Z SMITH, Erie, Dec No 6, Rood's Block 1858. 1858. - # l oPtit44r l DEKT NELKCTED 111.0401OTMONT OF PAPER HANGINGS IN ERIE, CAN 1M F9IIND AT Them, tm.oda are frt.ln the BEiT lIANt FACTOILILS to the I nitoet F.t.ates and France, and Include every rarietr • t ano Pry t, and will he offered Lower than they can be Bought Tony oristrr "INSTITUTION" in this city w, April 10. 1,469 ,t LL kinds ut Cnuntrf Pralines, tw. wkodi the bigh•rt mark,. pr to- pail by BARR At - - G • : Gee /K T , rPliststlog or WOPPVII 1: 1 1i 1 .;;.* 4 6: art ": than not be tuadstrogi ?L ,. an, • • r f lour P4I•IP ' NEW t • P .) ! F/SE GoODS: t'Lli.Al) BARGAINS: JARECKI BROTHERS, Alahlt AN 8L. , 4 ti, :zTATt , KEET ItitlE. PA. I I ju.t return*, trove the r.tuptrt ttr where tlikt hut Nebeeted i s hot Lod ric.4 Stock JF. SVIIR , H Al 4 H 1 4 KICP, MLA EK, nasal mid 4141 Ipatt..k., 111ver, Brtuum r. 0. Plated 1% ire. and Table t utlery, LOOKING. GLASSES, law Crlir circa 03Z111111. eye, ec_. sq. 10 Mutt , . tp 1.1.• cit.. tonne, Vw, pay Csah, bettett lamb tale" ster 1124 cluspiWbat tiook) ••• been bought 4 ttt regard to out hese, twast4feetervarr, the Pahhe le ieforne-i workrd tor the put aloe rear. It. ties Clll, eh I es.e.l all er44re le Jeie.lt, ..l LegleLeieg. tb the mum eon. *Wadi stattklVlD (Pin ~iattrbr CT DON'T Ealourt tin PLACC . —AIIabiIStAN iil.4l€ K. -us JARELKJ EtttLiTHIEliS !_..ne, Oct Iff, 1267.- 24 New Arrival of Fall and Wintei Goods ♦T TB/ BUFFALO LOTHING STORE ! • Von • Ur•ro.ati., Br I'll orProatto, Nee'. Under Coats, Bore Under CO4ll, Ben's Vesta. Boy'a Vests, Ilen's Pants, Boy a Psots. of DteenaLind 11n4 4ut4iY: 1144 •ttovnt of 11,entlemea's Taro" istriny tiaods. •1113.0 I% . tpj b te, -4 4 e tt 40 14 i g .Up. FA Lila =2 .~~ u t! t It; t ot t. a .. ul:, , r r t r ,t i tt r rt i t i ntti ie Bug Uttrtu L I. ILALL4I4t 2' - - - ILLIN FE I.TIIIIOI. lihLN, anti } u rtatu re, tattoo It. fur ,to. .0 I r. , 1, ~ r t t munition, 1 uruttury rep& red aud.Uit , "rUt-r 'ls. Marl& 1948 G. W LLIE Y 13300.004) orn Sheller.. c L luau gat lurt ',holler for ONE. DOI.A•Afig. A.., larger {ln'aii ',r a lazor ;atm at di* 1,-1., Jan. W. 1a:14. ERIK ZITS !RUN w.rdrs 500 DOZ. freah Areal..: aa.;• ha W L F KIN DERN/A:HT frvo. Iy, IYSb .§MO Kap ttot:Lb %Lomat); of my niesia3 allellMebagpir tltaa7ork Frio, Map 30, ISt" J . _ - IRJEKMED Flooring and Siding, Lath,Shinglen, 1 one.. Bowl*, If Building Lotobrr, kr., Always on hand and for wile by LH. J.l. JO Lit) LL, Nr.R.SHEY k(o Zll4O ante/4 be mai,. b Fns, April 17, 11:A qir rollr tltait Boot and au aotfit .r. roa afr . j Jr A Mjlt.":.. A. ". . -- I C AllO 10. 1 0 •••• l'ul , ?' ,l lrae li tithlk. , . B••••t*, ‘t. ,l Ii erg., fling rn a vrnut, twat awl eboap, at April 17 J. EICHLNL 11. B. Jr. B' .. ". 11t1 ‘. ~.,,,i.,.. ..• • ClAill 2 / 1 11/ . 1 Eit•ots, and Sb , W., Gut i N Tr J. le i ' "PP."' of ill 4..emPti° it Ap ICHENLJI*II Jes. .L11....1ALE Lad .0411 Dealer Is • and Hemlock Lea*sr French add AJNOlitliti CalihNsaa, Vorroeao, I.iula Bled• tugs, Kips and Slips, Thread*, Web*, Card*, Lareta, Lsat isp, Gal i.,ons, Hammers, Machete, Rap, Tacks, l'agm Da/la, to etc. April It. ISM .1. UNOMMLACR, Land s Rcgir - AF. 19 sad tasty artist*, now tasking .ad will soon 1.. soak at the IJWF . CITY IRON WORKS I.I*HUCM NO I'LL I U b th. bbl or gallon by Erie, Jut. 19. TI:INCLAHL the Dtu r. 1 : "111 gbr 1.. 1. aniriam calf 17. tt . : 0. 6 , num, m BAILLET AND OWL, Tsobetother tato:lQ:lmM SAILLJCY to Tate for OA loot otightoos pars to more bio tlralts to the *m ew • of Ent C'ewetT b ler the preforoncee they bare Oren him, end also tne bare to say Thas Yr Is Mw peplos fir soy ssiasth, St gitok !LULLS 1, Ind w bile he eanoot make a high prim when t h e prime too low Emit sod Walt, still the raiment of trio , Conn nlll eve bbtil• c.lll of eWrh x+* *'4 . Yr tramholw od totmeoho„tot moo teithltiOr. .-ortoodating sad sad my ladlltseo for weights% Slid- Hog, elevatin mid obrlzo me mom I am sow rood,' to pay CASH tot =HUNDISH THOUSAND BI.'SHILf3 Or GOOD 2[, Y. A. LI Wk. Sept. n. 11149-11. bet . Stoves, Plow and Casdm_of ! £ JO :=MON, (Sacessari to Samoa, Barr if C 0.,) A Ij.B on hood sad aro oosetootly oraostraettutog a great • ► H rlety of Elevated sad Low Orem, Plulag Room, Parlor, sad • Cook gloves , also, Parlor, Ball, °See and Store Stoves, for N cod or Coal , also Portable Fornaore, Tallor's and Sad boa Rioter', sod ever, thing col:mooted with that Roe o( boalooes at W holesole or BagalL Aloe, bare us hood Plows,irtHlti•secrigt, og sod Mewing , Ilsehirero Coro libellers, Road Scrapers, gle hoes, gad Irons, Waal/ Irmo Wacota Rose% Pota, (WI it to 125 Gallon* er„ ao.„ We are sloe prepared to execute all orders for Mill, Maddnory, and Building Castlogs erttb prompts's& titre oa a toll at the Old eetabliabed Foundry sad Ware Rooms, Ii W. carom of State and A la pastilt aa. Srave Pa Lac Sopa IL lasa,—lL • • • , _ Insolvent Notice,_... _ T N tb. matter of the seplievitioe et Mow Oliver, U. Overt of 1 Colosimo Near or trio Comity du Ite hesellted U. lasolvomt La .. B , tb• Coen b.. sod. Übe Wields% order of idea er/ *nib' •.,r • will talc toffee og. tauf lo opt* emit. and the Court of eves the r !Pt cAy St U stun to •fet lA Ifisodke V Nergasier Mat tot beer - log, ssd require perrogal notice to be gives, or prieigigitgell In uov onrepaper publialstd o Kvie city for Orme eseelerelire Welke sorenttog I* Oforlt'egiLgtv... k k , Frio. sept 96, t Mgt —3l. Stilk nAMMIAII 13116 Mad tabs Citiurs, tbr no/I madam tor Übe' 1./ prposo. that saltalleo inet7 tooth Manufactured aed Mold netneale and &mail. by LiDDELL„ filteflelf C. smark.... A LARGE stock !!..1 41111111 2 11 0050s rs a nd ultact. at CARTER it MAURO'S+ Oct.?. 11104. gusto Malaise MIL _ FRESH ARRIVAL OF WHITE FISH vow I.aalo .mitt o Up. L II White nab from Misoltlaaw, ' Mill i Lod, oaf 141 j 111.110 N, ift ,14 wi 11h mp bc•• Ps ' le S it l itiar 4 t 344 " 4 14 tita. Erie; • 2 °roma SWIDa Co._elltloo Poi/dors - - 1 " Ploakis Ointment ,/ 6 .2 1 ‘ ARE llirltr y 1 " Wris4is button Veeohts Pill.. Just r ir.l e tb•Mholiptle alpd-pitsit.rag &Da haat it•4l. eh)* £1 ni • L. I. RAI. minx. Jatv 11,11011 IP 11 la hal th• rbeepoll fit I Baal 110111.. abet. 'nary than la o r 114 w can Ise obla had "Inbada abova 8441.. March 11 L Windows I '•-• r • • 1 . 1 10,000 Lights Iliadinnosi 04111101. A MALL/WM aim flaidag WU Mr P1331'31" 8. , Z. 61 Za-a 7:11111V '0 : WANTED Sv 7. Bruien . • 3loak &rie rd Lumbei No. 6, Rad Raw. Wip - 67 - LiWiT. 6 sod Illadlalaa pat ß riralil s erbOr r th 3 RT TORE. -- 114 the boat p:sice to Airiarica to buy Hardware, i.r..ckery, Gnu*. ware, Loolgu Ulanatists. ' iron, Prithrtaplings, Azle-Anns, ,t tFLAV -- 4 . .. _ :;: . cm* , », i t morklaikb H. Naimoli& A sirs, •ti -. 7ro ' 14.8111.9iL ilo gle rse d. 1 . o.A. - Vl* Foam land &.,..., Wildp - 14* Sk.n 111;1011, .lyiners obi*, Coot er• 10 is, alt intligui Butts, •cretrii, I...c.kii, Vittehrt, and a!I linuis ul I ,/, - i;AVELF sIIARDWARE , Saddlery a.,,,,. and Coirtings Trinuntnipi rd n:i-trokii.n at thnvokr li,u nit pi.estille ratan Crockery and Glassware. A larire asanritamit which nth be sold at • , err email iv'eatiii• Silver Plated Ware. LW Baskets, Ci.tors, Rutter inane.. Candie .ticks, Spoolia. ri n k & a...1...1t ...1 1 , 4 40,,,At v 4 Apnoopy kc.. An_ Wernutted k.llinithis beat illYninaudadiinnil !alba an,ted Stater Glasses. W. CAS& 410300, beat au, WOF LAI ont I.o..zing I.3.2kases It la Tllir loss to talk 'bond rompetition this aide of Nee' York Hers is th , place . bap Looksag Wasma dna? , We than 'pare no paths Is keeping up our assortment 4 Good. to supply the anitresiung demand of our ontnerous eturtutoor• Kris, r•ept., a init. RCiiiEbri & iii s•vyT • . Gittta Perot's-Belting . .. • tas superior ankle to the India Rubber Baiting b.r iale _,Lfr 1 ROGri.o.B a iiii.NNET7 LAL' id ANL GESTLEHEN": 4 Giotto, 11.1atl Healer, th e largest asearheeedt ID the (- at, le new *dewed at urrpre.xtiett Low pnoel at BARR R BRol NYE'S, lilrle, Dee. 6, 1667.—U1 Hughes Block Ye 800 tines Crowd, owns and Get ,8007 S FUR ~BOOTY," And Shoes' for Beauty Unsurpasaud:! Veragog gal trade dr auTaw*/ vlobesiikirt a" JO laror odious . old map note ut orta.nt, E r '''the old; ar; and commence th jej suer gves: with sot and jcs oPt i ort Wt. B.aa ote Ba an_ _ot Sna p= nub and be ...}wark ,g 3 to Baer at Ilistls a COW T od get Ws, Imolai yom head ®and be boatitifal..,o sir Come to Bala & Bali's &ad et .01 BRAWLS, GLORIES, ROODS, COMFORTS, Ito, wd dtiontutortable, - • .4000 tu N.aa d Bade Mid soled you clove• ?moo tbe iarisdt and finest ■took ever drought into Ws market and •tp•ar r•u dry' Como awl Qo yoamelees Justice Lod set weer) tbi oil rnu vent Come in yonr onions loaded .ith every Mod Cl Countr, Prn.!..ee and etekaap for imeelmodlae. Co Me ia you makes, coma 10 year burgle*, come nu hum back, C. 1941 by railroad, come on toot Cu BARE k . 1111•111 p. rots CASH for geode atoms ylni wtl err pow , a,,,,e ) Lack Come one, come al!! we can topp, the calltloo, and. .Ikt " and Martin" •te alwavig on Land. Don't forrr BARR it- BROTHER kAa v Dee. 19, 194. Datiltal• Street, ika,o( LOOK lIERE EVLRY 130I)Y! LOU , . OU .. ca. bud, for Cash or Ready raj. Groc•rte. ,at L . lirucory more et Wm. 1. liludatuar.lo.,( u State Striwt... .. p num. hew 1 )dean. Sup; It 9 rents p•r mun .! Coal.. Sugar, B liar n - • " A for 11 li " Crushed Sager lot - 1'24, " Pulverised a Granulatevt 12Vi " Gael RAO Coils*, 12X " Neat " " 14 " Melamine for Beat " 60 • • BeetB2 New I r a g e• litieuia, 1$ " Uld " 10 •• Cursests, 14 •• 'Vous e Ninon 'reds helm ile to ,b eta I vr al: tree- Beet ialust Ile 8 ~..r 1.1.1/.. Curlew/1c 'soda, IC " •• CAWS. lOU " And everyttu/g e!.e iit ..r , ru riles Can itd see were r / 'eek. le kl I Ii.II4DILFL'iI r:sV ' bee. 26. Gllareb "'"" 1 64 I"" " 4 4 4 " t at t 1.149 Drut tor,. nf L Tqueliaou irn up 1 u d... 101 l unt g4.la: SCOPE al th• atom of I v 11 1 167 --II FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! Wm._ Riblet, Himself Again. IC gut...sera., would tokrm • all„, that ha him rein.rned for CABINET. MAKINt., ,s 111. i Hoing.ar.tbs Oto -tea) . bib stra.t.. to psi , to it time wrid t. • r L.O Apar, no retorts. Arlt,re natisfatinn, l.e rr0,.., iibrra.: share of public patrocwo. k ur cub, end typsitl tog pruinpt.l clot, t.. ~r lJ•ir Erie, :•• r 2:, %i WEENLY AIiR:VAI-‘•; at SEI,I)E.VS The I. road biro tar lln- 4,4 al.. Hardware, Iron and Nails, - Saddler y, Caxpentora Tools RUBBER ,BELTING ok'PACKINei :{A FL\ F-•• :1; .k. •• 1) - 414 CI U .S tv el. .0 ODE L D F. Zr • exaMlLte rce o! the lor,:e• ' i.•••• se att.. • and . 4.0..11e111 T.. 0:, in mallet LIiFN to ns • rear!) turn.: t r •nit •11.2) tool r•Nutzed In Ste Sr H A% E uu 14 ,, ste•, i ^ kpel I. • pers• • • OIL : .§dit 7- •'. - • i g g e E ILS e•r. . W It\ I.hAl - Lt ur. 111 ,, FLIC LI% n., le'.' ILAT • KILAT 411Thorap at • Protect your Money and Valuable Papers TIIEIt .1.: of 1.1:U.11. . 1. . Tin • 11., nt , t nrrlrrogr r• , -.0., soirol,r to •I of for kind 1, • r t • th 4 •ert tto to 1 ,4 ' Ivirly 4. I Save Your Money I7LAID SAL trrar Oka—. 1 . r taaa• - Uraha•l33 Lirpeaer.ors a... Proof. , :1r.1.p al latar4l4.ah , toro+4 'AIL 1, ts:N . : - T.t : t' I' 13 1106.51 A irstth &tee rip/km I , t I , lere• it.bd I.n, .. -04-,: f.r .411 , ': •• 4' Win .4bil•WbfrP , at the N. tins.: 7., '..1 LBW ITS PREMATURE DECLINE Ju•t Pu -rw4, th. 20th f...tts., I aip- . A hr. tinltltB ON Tlilli it.lr4P4A... MEN r, ,tr, , ,rip..lctr„_lll "4" , T0" .4 LOCA' W.11111.,01. \ nett:rual t mi...lona, ... Nerroua L./16,111v, imp° eUCF, %.-1 imp' =MEM MaiWOO a. DI. i The important iart that tile. man) IL'a•taang . then tile. =prude, re an.: ...Alt tid• • f 1.13111. 141 • •WP moved %MHO!, T , t. ,••• etU. if Ir* A. I` • irLad • Ault tne rnurell Dew and i, x o, s u o,en, Uhl by the Author. I,.ll,spluapl, . rural • pvitiry uu• a enabled to curs liIMAELF portratty le•st posidble cost, ttoerrby avotaing •Li tn• aattrtx-i asion m• LI lb. 1 6.1 •ls, • kfires, grails sad pn,t free In • 1•11'...!. c. e:. r. - ng !post piudi ta ,, postage It3Mril t. P. 10, t ANTI 8/11 street, Nair Yni k lit. t`f.e, Ma, 1. Ibbi Ll ADEL :'7ltlA thritatolont btattiaavy%, e.tnhUehed Mly •poe.rat t 7/4, relief .Ic4 .rJ dr.4 acted t.ettA V.rimetst 0.. d Ejobei.mtc 44/1”... - - all Jerson. sit toted elth +01°4.1 rA,..•u. a , wary piATURakICKA, ' , FAUNAL W ae 1.11 T'E \ t'i , .461. BiItHIZA, °LEST, 1-vertit.l4. the vlo , of oNANIve.. , AK'S!, 3e.., ,TbeHUWARI}IASSOCIATION•to.terof-theawful to. trL•u glife, caused by Sexual dt end the decei tior.• pn the anfortune victim of eoch •to *lea& Maio darted thair Coluolllos migrant. co. • t HARII 111. r orthy Of they' name. to open a itiepenne.r for the treat ote, *We of diaesete, to all their forum, awl to Live ADVICE GRATIS, telo AL Who appty by letter. • id) a 3. *rim 111410,DoodlUon, (age, occopellun. babaseitSliv. esit,e •nn: In nen.. rfeztrme pooviorty, FC/c.'s J0...014-INE , I Kaia k tHAht.F It tit lailiedleoa to add that the As..oetattno contutet.de the his h,••• MestitlifiU of the see, and will furnish the moollopprovrl elinoem I. The DirceSore, on • review of the put, $04 , 1 semi,' that iti•ii labor. ID ttellephera of benevolent erh.rtrAmire been t p...• benetit be the alllieted, espoehtnrilet the yOubc.•1110 the ••• • • A t. devote theineelvee, with Rowe,; th 17tH •.• 00. much SNTileee muse Just PtiOnehed by the Aleoo/Atloe, ►lagort on pet - mat...l bun, or Bensinal Weakness, the Tice of Oofo Maett4ll...toin r Solt Aimee, Lad ether thseases of the Sexualgilletta 1. the t onsult.og someen, eyOub will be Dent b) Sued, mi l a. 1.1 letter •b•eir l e.,) FR OF MARGE, on receipt of an k ,Ml"." for pcatag• Addroser. for Report or treatment , Dr. SIZORGE R l.fl 11( N Committee flurireon, Coward Aseoont•pi No 2 lout?, Ninth PlWadelphPa. Philadelphia, Pa. 111 order of the Iflrvetors • USA D HEART% R L 1., Prescadoer 0110. FALIIICSILD, Seeman, Dia 111,'17,411y. Stool' of Yarrbaso, PAIlt lam dons, sod Coo kiliGir, t°' to b° my low -JAR& TLLENOIS AND WISCONSIN CURRENCY taken at par in ea- J.. ei wbr Goads or on belts, by 11167.--10. C. SICLDEN. ENT Portrait sod Picture Frames, Gilt SionAlinga, GI: Oral sod Square Mimes, now *posing at tbe Parecoa Building. by T. S. wE oder ter you inspection. splendid reketion of Barium Clocks, Hem* Gloves, Trimmings, be. He. D ue li, HARR is 100111i:1i 11:171 1 1.-4 cewy oboes; wilds of CincinitettiangsrCured Cso• mod ass" new imposing endier sole st LI 30, 1411? . HANSON'S. rERA d our= atamtst Cigars ICatlin ! ! !re alflentbil, flora wart-islass Keepers; and r Ur "dm" destrlog a bra ankle o( . t,Tars, •ro oe -Ispwalally Mortised that I hays a Lary ssenrtra.r , mins 1 oa load. of ahrsostirvery beasd, at Drift. mil tnK ISOII $6 TO $6ll n.ll. TROUSA NI , • OXIARS , t. , I I- WO oittredeort Oita I :caw twit w e. ( Le,. I s wholes.% BO theas as no be porthrwed elev. h•ro. MARS ' = . ill do .ell to call sad .x.ilome 031 et.ek pneelsoloir.ilwot hen Cheeipsidie, ES% Ps., June 19,-6 1656. Insolvent II °tie - i lc OTIOE 44 hereby giver) to the ert ditore 0 L v EMI F. TAXI. Lod Tics Etna . that said I'd. In E Tsar bika eutered by peUlloa to the Court of Conurs-a thus, nt hrw Cotasty, for the Waren of the I rivds eot laws it thus COISIODULIVVII , t b. sad ISM the Old Court has Used the 4th Moody 01 .blob. f M y, kW Marla' the eppleratiee el add petztsoser, .ad all perukes In Ilereetoti 14 the odd epplicatiou. E. I. T. 1.43 K. Mrs. NW- U. 111614--I9hw. - P LAIN AND — rA NY — trirE - 1241 - -G• tICTXtts ' Jl l /.3:10E18 LORD At his old Residence, French street, N 4413 UPPU R. ROAD BRIDGE , . yes. 11 UMW ISM iltNiU RALDWIN , V AI , K t Cloverand Timothy - Seed ON MANHOOD, HOWARD ASSO-CUTIOI, 9 REAL 'ptiahimai 113TATII rtlEtt: 1 grit e t i t i r hi rts L': IlaiLLot Lott ao Puy 1 BLI/45. Out loot South a Oantooa 1 Farm! OKI ammo AO &Ana Rosie d Boras lila& le &e, tout crIll•• !Foal Nortlamt, low rim of us oar set. 1 Path AO acme nf men from Cris rb 5 Ft,*aim Out Lao Cita a Lour m Iflocooatos In 48 to City onAimesi Ido • • ••• 8,000 set of orti *oleo Snort* Wok lifteholl coliii4 ‘ also. DV iostaMibbd Warmibetwrism mtubffskomot PO itor Quasi In ErMeotahrtfog oft Wurobovemo. Parr Mott Bona, Iftlao-Duat. 2 lots &e. 4 ite . Th • st4ostfber harlot Jelostsseloed iv •4010 la lb? 8 44 / 68 1 Business ,In tae City of Kite, own the espltottoo of lam most To: of Witte es Peothoubtszy, bep /•••• to mg the attsattoo of those esjittlygrral t ows to the Wu.. Jaminta• worsts—Me mannteetOrr &bore with its Widow If as toslagemeat eeldimo sm.! offehea, loins one of the mama, pool mad mit prodtaa• lama:tumuli tbat &Rad be toad. Ms enbscrTher will mill abaci et than others awl as the Me &Tomb's timing and gin as most naeu,PUatahleilitlaw—M et the ',actin's. money required dos u ce:o_l_r tm esse e. eel pay aunts. I ld, Owner Arvin Erie City Oanlage, Manufactory. :Wm.' YALE& BREESE Nik- 01.1.11 regretful/7 announce to thetr friends and the public generally, that they have lenewl thinitUtahlimbenent_brloort., xeupl.d by F. Wittich i z State attest, heat liiewatllkit Tar aae• and hare now on d. a lanai and bottom tunihrlheane of all kinds v: U. eror ertateh, for style, durability Led derinessnub, are superior to as, thlag hcreWfwi °>l to thli Pity. of Boy employ s humbler of the beet motion In wood and Iron that the rovntry re...whore, and from their long esperlepp to the bed. new, are e.tiethe: her coo oiler the host yeahtif of work. me BEBf ILATEitaL of all Ittods that am be bad Sty pat tato •11 their work Remnant of all kinds ibe PAINTING AND T iw itNIING, 3. n.• oh short hetior and re.swonsbio terms. Eir ?croons iouillurg orYers my soot assured of liaviag thou executed t. tbeir otitis* satiotaoticia, sai ilatahrd to tivaty particu lar as well a II thipy attcoiloil la parson. Moat iriattlag twat sod Surat.. wort Omit arivatitavat to g i ro them call Its.. Maw la. 1.144. ERIE CITY IRON WOE 88. EV( lb. 71st of Oat„ 1868, we the subeeribe_re bought the UTOCIf J arid TOOLLe ol the above Works from Liddell, Kepler k sad associated ourselves In btuttnem under the passe of - LIDDELL liFPs.ll}lr - k Co.. and are now supplying the treats of a few, sad are natty and wilting to do muck more In our Ilse. "cliuseriavci-ms,P , are recap made by us of a superior quality for `'l ACkiINERY," Plows, Sleigh Shoes, Plow Points, &.c As It Is isspesni4 to wake god Carting for and States at the same time, we have therefore built a new Cu To tad Foundry, and no!, Iron exclusively for ilachiner7. W mereedy mar that gro cannot be beat ta that Ilse Therefore4BM ma all ye that want rot, Steam &gine', Boilers. Mill Gearing, Agri cultural Implements, AT A LOW PRICY. POE RXAD II 44AY. . Lath, :Loess, all blade of Produce, OW Imo, Copper, Leal, ht , talc, u exchaace, bat smut is irmanqhtmilsa ha reek di/leered WALTER J. F BibiJakini JOLIN p•r cello., per posed } ..: ~, , !an 84. 1 b,,d WHO lIADi - tOtrit COATI f PI EAT •ND 1T1:1 A perfect beauty, 1 WI wane FRANK. WAGICEIt. America/1 r.tst• Lreret tee kerne list the home sod morn tub. Wziable igoo,lw in this market Led besides Is the best wetter kn town If yes stint 'wort. • coat, flats, ow•r-coet or SC • Furnishing Goods, -spier, ho will sett Ned eye y rra Ats tirrale r , • f• supra etow.k ( LIITIIn, CASSDIERS AND VEATINGPII co: lus Mott wil. prise. profltahl• As well Al tr, Dva'• ro• th• FkASK A. t G \ ER'S CLUTHIN'. "Tnr:l .t, c i O ':; 4nr, prt, 11 1.3E1 —49 T 9..41.. vtiar' . ~,, 4 ,10,E J J. .•, 1•14,7 A NSON'i • - and Dent.% boo, , tuck asid mart" o .75 Ya, ir. grup• , ' ltt•ty, at SELDILN'S • , •11. I t -71. e T. Gre.n h o ( utfee tau la f‘ounkl Ca Beatty 8.,• , t And tr r BRIO by W Y. RINDEB;O7CT !IL • Barrel or rite! ;Jot liale at Apr. JOMASTON ir RRC/: , - 110( I. TE.—Yr.parod Fro•seb asi.l .‘ HANSON'S. I )0 ere Niguro•issa w 1............—ena.•.4Teit0k0mj1eaim, 61, It. Cial sad boy of 4/ Z 4/, 14/t/7.-4-/ 200,000 FEET HICKORY LOGO. ri` .•• • •t I . la ytho hlgbrot market price In Cub too . , t Log• den.errd at tnelr Ford on SIMI t• tneb.r must L. good, I‘Jugh sod dram fit ••t• P,Ah. tuoter via an; b. taken. • I^- , 7 :+k..LLIEN k RATHER. NS - 111. I -A eery ‘ai.ertor article of i•-y. tat FL H, e, sad cud by to etperiesood Load, os. &Ale t .n:.l rat =EI Mr /2211 - - Look Here! ri- / L • Informtb. puteic that by has reoloviltl to t r : ~ o trkrr .n.rller of Ekrbtl, and Mate et/Yeti, where by • t • 0, ..`• , •ceri , .., Frusta, end teem"Bang-np" hes. In • • ,• ' "zoo.: L., coming"—that Is, the F.u.elyary end t nook,' to replenish hi, shelves with the alines/ • ./ ty I ri•s"ewory body and/puny body's child," 4:,r hiCl H. BALDWIN r. 3 . r. 16.• •IT • -• ' ‘4l Planing Mill. - I,` 118 .- • on Mort notice, 'ill. Kitl6. CITY IttoN WORLS MET= 2101 k• 01. ND% •- i t Vre..trekl &ad far ..le •• h L•re fur t &AL at tbe Dew Story. of WM. f. RLSDERNKCIIT =BEM - -- PRO VI It S C, I NCINN Ti urr4 firmer. do do Dned Beef, Horn loot% %-rreet oru, • very Lice article prepared by the t.r. I.•rit, butter, Flour, t urn Meal. 11 F. tni !ru r, broom nod ottut 'flirty/gm A.. }top,. Bed I °nix, Clotho. Linea, kr-, le., ' A" E. , ", In great katirt.y. lllyd aae.l,Cage Glaser Lad [ attp. Fld, 0 , 0,, Irk mi. , I i IT - Apples, E'rarkes, Pears, Pumpkin. lllaekberri• m0•,1"....rni, ire . 2' ENS =MEG MEI New Arrangements. - 31elf 1. HT it. dart us purchased tbe actin Interest a D.'9. pi . ; ; Brio or Clark k licCartar th e Grocar7 i. ! • Is: 'u 111.6..1111. the BuilD(.11 Will herea fter be coultatied u.m s• the ui stood when be will be reedy and wit ling to wait b• : ustunicni. of the late arm sad will be pleased to re • .•11_ ant ones SC wlll favor h:m with • call. irs7 C) EL 'llO PA One of ibe saiortaient evertdrertati in t ITT, !ij cat cheap at ' • :.•.•• •• !•••1 livlchems Celebrated Noloin Nadi Mtd I Com!. mcd J!,,, er aad Reaper.. H. th th . e m Aytk i c; . : a era t aa= l. ll. Friar ut .l.4g trsu.p..ttAU.., paaae tall wad esaaala Sample Madan* at i".1.1Ie! StA Erte, J Oa: J. iIeCARTER. BM., P vittur4 rt RPR]TISR tav wale be -- _ e) Jul, 11 STkw ART k :SINCLAIR I FLUID— A supenor article at No. 5, heed House On:,„: f L I BALDW IN. fIItAMEIII 4 ili , tora t t lai .rt rtzt4 4 . teo.ll Also Calif's \ ,!;:.7.4.: ' ,.1 . 711..7 ;ME CITY IRON RORK,. VI NI DO LAW* foe )net m oot red M T. S. gliPle LAM. 1,1/. .Jusholinl3. REMI:CT! CLLY into, on, the public *Mt he btu egalit r m., , into tlito Grocery and Provision Business, •t ,b‘. t , lb.-4 bide, where he will be pieeibed to we all wbo will ta•nr him with tbeir patevirMi• AU b Wm is to mai aed eicaar t... S reel I 114C1.21 tielore purebas/ogalwewbete—b a matt. , will be to well um dump as Ohs etwapPort„ 'eel bur areamale- WIDE AA say PAW VOYCM sad try Me All quads don renwl roe f .ibarp eltbio the lit, Amite July 24, VW& - DOZEN ILA E J. C. BCLDelle G EN-11:1:4111 ILINAR 0 S DTI. to Da ha..l at the Drog_Btone of L. I. BALDWIN. _ I) UV lour N►trot Leather Roots, Patera Leather Gattsta, Jet,. eta Leather Otto"' Ties and Patent Pumps, at April 17 J IitIYLJXI, liltintl9llrlN baiag Ley Barboolofed pilot will god Ibis the most Ourablv and anapest tb. see we t squall `body, depth ,us ricantsi'vf abad , to say moabetozed. Au assortuest of cr lon enables tae to soli the taste of all. rah., Jo-mall T. 8. 81X ( .1.811t. JU•st ILECKIV2D—e beat supply of Tarpratls• sad QM Own*. for sale by tb• band or piles, at No. & Reed Boa" ) Juba 19 L. 1. BALDWIN. L. , • Tiik t0T4.2.‘1101. Loses haw Pond authe stoney 90 plus .eytbo . tlekbosibr alb by J. C. RUME(. IiTiT3EICIAB3EL.33OrIr. POUBLE RECTIFIED WARRANTED PURE. T 9 R CHUCHILL! HUD RCVS: OR RIUCHCiI ifiLURV BRANDI% at CHURCHILL'S. herr) for tordtoal use, .t CHURCHILL'S. mother of al, kit" at CHURCHILL'S. N' nava of all ktoda, et CHURCHILL'S. ,;,• of all kinds. at CHURCHILL'S, • purr article, at Crimson:Li: s. hot. tsaboo for biedlcinal parpoops. cßuitcHiwit, Lrta„ Nor. 7, 1.8.99. Rood Bowe oft nisch St. lieflN offers to our 47,7 tr Tip ti want of pod seechiattal In aiskins new or repairing say part of clocks, watches, t r or -river Wart, the services of eotapeteat aartarsa. CT*. ai aura 00 watches sad ithadtry at the trade is Donated midst , 1024 leaer price, the tomerly shamed. .411 tip4atsiot stykke Sr Blocs., vertebra , Jewelry grill, Poirollol4los, IRA aiiiasiskos,elleee •tui Manna Guude, silver Isla and fruiting's+. mom, sehaars, sad • s little at everythlag ao be bosiht /at. sod 411 10 0 41111 !dab Sr ts.i.nry WV. be r*.a.4...t at par. Call sad IN. me, h ay. 14, 1144,-41, T. M. AUSTIN, !"mow FLt " —1 i • awl* arratben•st. red us C001110‘1.060 I[o. (boot. $10011" 11.11 1,111 frailly trip cowri e s, with.. r.a I.d Flour, as cheap as the eheaperC lull M. 8. S. MIMI% P. A RECKER 2.5 B II Ltd. LI 70.411 D 01 L to atom sod for earl, LAN., Apra IT; T. a. STUCLAP. fia TONI Waal. who w 3111%m0r Wan, Sa . ist uirr. Paw bs had at. 9. CA RRLAGR,S, BUGGIES, &c - - t m.o. mows ••••• .... Immoirmam mom= mon.. NEW FIRM AT TEN i; Cle•ren, Win;l241 7 •:•I at S o• Yd SE.LDEk'S. HANSI/S:9 GROCERY DEPOT, Che►pude, Ens _ _ UMB FARMERS. Cultivators. Groceries and Provisions. SAMUEL S. STERRETT Metallic Paint. Wholesaie AT 10 7 BONIELL BLocz, Bolo; Outwore Old Sta.d Poor Offica. Wa HE Wale weal rameeltalty w our ret7 harp eat OW) rime: • Ltit~WET AAD DRY GRo:Ek it Itoeightter CA9II, from BM blinds th• J,t,_ .1 t % balleetag that er can can lb. Tiede, ere UMW you ALL to rat; acc Thewii are niaftiani iirtlC44l . =ern production, which roes 1.4 i. It is obvious tido that In , alt u,, ASSORTED STOCKS of ( ( i iir at thia polat, at less prices then th. 7 , dtlea. Ballot wow base lA% L." thot, 3 SAVES latotect sad lararsil,.., A andlinefts6llllll34... SAVO leakcp. • " fccallue• .44 1 / 7 •&04 ut river., 4 nous 'mous other ecostinrucl,. wbir!, TO this witssisin we bring sun, that as so pains or a:U*lM's shall ,"•• • with sawing and filspisteti, 1/1. kaal. 16.1. • •,, chasms. Erie, Anis 1.14, 1167. SA y LOCATED ,AT Bag* I. co:. Zaino and Bfti tek iti=ituy., 448 arid 448 Broadway C 0, COr. Boperior arid 48 War street. a rc T'itick, 70 • se Wood wihm u ard Lvenz e nkt, bawd Qom' ore Conarwill i r lAtt 44,1 . DIRK( Hoc. A. H. ?7 c 7, G. •• Goo Vl 4* Cilatoo, V. Voroistaelt„ a TlieL " Vie Cook, " Victor IL Bk Wm. A. 111 A, riaS ,o, Jobe 111 Leo, 4 1 Ti JoLu' I Peter A . P. R. !, pet. THA: DP POI. It Is the &slip of the proorle ton o f 4 there (*,!,• chain of Hamner School. &um the Lae k the t the moot smile facilltmf for toting men and young as themselves for resporodbie forltlons In lite Their Pointa shove am established on s nits Gut; and t:e prosperous eondttlou The teachers In the ear% 61 are tbom'ollblY ecoomplisheel.paetionsi !nuttier nee Th. ennesisito Course. Comprbes every department of htudneee Ise lc tart:notion In the Wow* and Yonne of Mcictest. Manufacturers, Blushing, Printing and ,cfL, boat mad Mafirasel Meelm, all arrange.: b e expressly for this Collage, and any Agit eclat, TIM Willits. Deparunesn. The Spencerian Primus of Pr1311:111.12d. le •'I and ernamsesdal, mill be taught. The combination of talent broor I.* U. A, , Is a me poranseif that tie lalltroCl,3ll ...I 1, tba the highest order G. LOOKI.S. lIANSuN'A Gnx,ery Devot Bata ag BROTILER. 67(dh,, of TM Lecturer. Are all stlaeteti with the melee oat., en :I. 4 ~., hr. be proes,l4l. •' The Ladies Department. le entirely separate bete the Gent..-¢, • peat and convenient manure._ ?t_. of Commeoehig, Al Lbws are no terms and no vs.:aunts, 5,,c,„,, u , any time and prosecute tbeir studles By this arranrunent every student u. te,srle• rapidly as big enterpriesand abtl.ty et., ...an DAILY LIMTCREs WTI be dolfrorell oo the Sotenee of •,ot• PoMimi tecosoloy, Cosoalete.uu Ca.:w.", assails C➢stame, Commercial Carnspoadeac*,lLLning,t ampere. TO TifaCOLlie. Teachers or Acadelalea , t.Gloa and their Taaatione here very Meer tidy •ca pr Tint IfVITY OVILUONS. The ROOl3O We lair, airy, ebegetal t orroti s Fil for PUTIMI11( departzo.c• t I liermat For ftrther information send : • r ust published, rhieb •', be Fasanio' Address BI[VA\T t Butrat,A'tot . • '- March. 2U . INA —45.1 v - • LUt An; i•'ltir.. it t cos smw ( I .nar•ntle yi wetting the largritt Stock of intrOitn to 1.1.1 1 L ~ ,n Erie. Purchase...! for Carl" at loenat mtna, Wholreal• or Retail, eorreepontlinal• tall arc no charges for 'bowing rs- Erie Cit• Boni. taten to ul. Apr t ZS, ISE -200 i‘BG/6linrtE LhAL), Erie, April 1. INA 1111Crair4C6P1114 for rnorni - r t•st.lt •.. for •virrybody, 10.}.0.ix01 .0 11. , ••• • • July II 16:4 —l. - COATS ! OAT'S ' BI SICELN oat a n. ea JVIN Ware/ •-; rir I I mile at Je.y .1. itruaho. - 111DAINT SCRIM, .4101, Vt , WHIIE WASH, TA\ • FA, amoortment of all kinds , r OF 'sHF .• - Fai.r. June 19 IKOP.. SI YLRl , rt. F.C,11 .tL : • t2,►n YOrk •‘ '•'. Steno, Nn 5, }teed fluu. Erie, J. 3, 13611 - - POTATO DIGGICIII.- 54 • • I •ton BU!411E1.1'.1 PATENT K.. Ali. I caealo art: •t__ a k t7K.E ha . R .4 1.1 ,; ..—Ne 61• E ! lv .. DAcTin4 (retire tuedtcane for f..t.1 . • Wealuesies, tad all Ilkove d••• sr. • •-l• •• u . • the Mtnruaeb. Or An impure rata. N o 6, Kee.: House, ()nig .11, tree, June d, Va6B WINDOW SHADES, VIEW STI LKIO wipdo. 'l4 1.1 Cords and Taps at SC 'ninon BA KI Nu PON Mai, t, • Stacutt, Griddle 11.414 r• procega. Bold nr.0..7 at Jr , Reed H, Joao Iv, KEY.MISE ASI) AI , EI PE. 3P.A.12.1333R. MWAN WTATION, ABti liktiL. Pt THElutaalbar having leased and ru• Eatabltahmenta. Legs to 4.9011 lc Imo golden, and to tka• g. • to reecho ordwro for Book & News Printing, White and Colored, Glazed and 1: Candle and Starch Papers; Stray Rag Wrapping, Manilla arc ' Tea Papers; • col pretfltliy 1011ettd O. allat. , The brumes* will be cinder tlae euperlie: , e• my sem RUFUS L. PERK.M.'S and all Ef c . w ... 11 us:nett:ld Ape of B L. I'EALINS, Abe,: July In, 16b6F Upholstery DIU bliShlnen rT subscriber. elver pervin, eeeerel ears u r ot the best wad most popular t..{D• troadsrav, Ns. York. Das rotoorod to Erie. 1 0,, wo o the basseseet of Geashetroer's Mock, on oar'• •. supplied oat Sofas, Chairs and Natrasto of the soot appramal styles and beat ktoyr. •telt LOW PRICSO FOR CASH. lie ... • al dent!, annere families and others. that •.-e..t anything ut this Use as attractive lo at, ty uthey eta be procured In Nan y • • trial hots the ettinetne • f Vie and Et,. t _ The would, furthermore. 'tato that 6. • t - artmlea of fartllturt that inlay hat a b. '•an'..a - dent or Uinta Remember the plate— tT. ' Midi, State tilennat, a It taie4 July ft, IVA. rnr. To Phpicians. T WOULD setary the Phy• 4.• j 1 bites put fettelVett • Mob ncipp,) Q ta- V/ XE, ORPHI.\ • 'hauls, Calomel, Lupshue. lodine ' r .3.‘•' Wyoming, Os Ilk Add, Poaopkit ho, Iron, liltrat• of Silver Leptinorio, Smagstnarls. Gerazims, Xisethozytin I n - , rr' • tat. ladles Hemp, Talestamite of LTV, • Mercury Lod • reseral assortawst T, •• ' in Yasuo, sad ahio other preparation , &c Ott to smith:on. Won purchasing r mJ amorhsest srtil 1» found the Garet July 17,11161. I. I. ital.Liwi • / ILL.—Lamp sad Tannin 011 for Oale:11^.1 . , " s .- : i.:r ky July ILL T 1 _____ t t jet A AlLirt..Utia..... , --,4t .NU CLANNIPS, &e., w,,h o r .....,rcl -,.' ea lartromeeta, or werriees of the or . .ro ~-, TERMS MODERA ' l _ 1 1 , r s: s Jrai•• • 141 , M. Mea• _ _ 1 - „.• MOS.Prgit. Ably.lok, Nstus•TA, Oranges, Lemons, Extiso rnkr •• !neat of Nuts, all fresh as sake., (or bale July 34. NOTICE. rugUndaratilltad haying purcbko ,` • ary, beratallan artmod 1. Ltot. k ben. • ' buskins. at th. ald stand. 'Part Roa 1 ;• k• P t % ESN Pt. &apt 111,111316-19 it vv r ..—E—BLA--NEinv.L lOU flor•y b H Prim and quality BE 'OFF AT COST. At the Buffalo Clothing THIS DO Humbug, a. I I Tit the" t' " (s . Maus tuatintiy I. a kw month°. , Nock of ready made clod:limb rn. • • s eonsi birti tto ck. g L oa f Col u lars,.. si torm a. Thom wishing to bay • syc...! e' lawn. Vest, or in tact anything ~ • parell, will do well to glv. me • '"• 1 ~t say thaw lamy local Cola Pro*. Brosn's Bloat. Brat Story north •,' Cer .• 4 • trie , B•Pt- t 6. ISM —2O Notice! - Don'tFa - 4 CALLk This. AN) SSC O.:V IN NINITIOri .4 11. ICK2,;,'t THE INDIA RUBBER SPILII O w yQc win Denw ~,r,, , it ...rct. ..., ~,.. lama, trilthluttlits 11E4 Bag I.roof A r ea , .• L: ~ 13. Ir.•s• Eno, Oct. s. 186,, rrniirilal:YEUPl 1;17.d-utberl11:1::.:'!7. L : % JOY SI. iur —ll _ _ 1---NT4--.t.--li;i r.-..,.;4 iiS ALW s B A" ' •1' E. a,,;' .. A I • 1 e nal