%, OITA!. r DECTSION -In !he U n i te d • ,1 4 ..irict Court held at Pittsburg, a verdict titliitt. , l tigttiust the Coatkly of W ~ , h114113g the liability of that c o unty t, 1 •tid. tn>uttil in pay tut tit i.l n tub •he Ilemptield Ratironal The Su ,• Ptoanaylvania not ' iug, since de , ta t the county of Atiegticuy was ha l' au! 1.-u if a iti•atidautu. di• l'iorituotsiituer. to I. t) Lai fit the I. interest Oft:root In it, a . ease .ti Dailly ot municipal subs.rip•iitus Judge arit•r, in hni charge to that wai hound to submit in ot the Supreme Court ,it this State, Is committed the high funciiou of enn•oltutional powcrt of the Logi,. In aettordance with hi. iustruutiuta , , be rr fouuti a verdict for the plaintiff it•A.he. the tali I mimitty 01 the e.4.th lel% 11.11. 13•tt6 iL , Stele Courts Late dech1....1 against lu ttic later tL -Cebd- NM , it r' t:it• bald Berstie•, J•wres.t.l f la 0 1J tis-• tmce,,rtal Magna l'hart , Jr, J..rt• ~,,Ju r y tnrl, as they deualudr t, and s. 1, tit re 1 Will 11 , a ecutd•te the reket u, thou - more tunnedtatv ahr,J, ,f" Ititnortality —Harrisburg.Um'o, CC2 '14,1 IAL OtTRAGE —We eit raet tt,r 1 wing ~u to I an atrocious crime commit!. a lb OM IJ .oaz county, from tt.e McKean (:‘,/utty ..rr.es '4/ The date is giveu : W. i zlssti th 4 following particular- • .1 y brit , committed pear the S.e ud F 11; Sitioatnaboaiug, frow It, r t :::•13ippen —A girl tit log with U. U . --Ali adopted dtiugtilvr—about . I Wall found in a barn in an in.en- Id -dowmg aisrk• of haste% beet uae of Or B3y.tr bad be. t. r,cr . tin t.• ; d i lomarlf and 12wIly were vtayitg t tt, t a neighbor, shout a mile froni ht. old ;,cc-, where the girl wa..Ltit t. ttit,6 (hie tt fore part of the present vrea, -it, did rwrn al usual, which caused r..:n ;he part itt . Mrs 11 The Dr it b-ing u() search was wade until evenitts:. witto s arm was given, and the neighboi turned .:1; an I , yarebed all night without ...tire,. T„,. ,lay, attracted by tue barkiutvtf Ur 11 , 1er's ssoned the barn, they searettt it, for tho riuwr, when they found her to r et e ll in the :1 ; !It The nudttion above statt.ti It 1- snp drof“rtn was used w reader h. r 1..”: pi. 4. exettetneut, prevails ift the n wit -r Two persons have h..en urrt0....1 Lila fu WlDovies ---The NV., .r.role..nelent ett tht Cburlei.l .t. -tA ‘, • Attnrl.o . ) ti,uLrel CI e , I • \ ulion , tbi• subyet ..t Le+) po.ve Inter...it to ee.nie• ..1 1.11 It ban been eustotnar iii , re ill receipt „(a pen-. •il 111. ill 6 ,, C tniirried • -eeniirt I.to .11... .1 f,er nUtwal r 4 thii iti .i. tl, . t 11. , to grant t nein eti. he, 111:I. at It period roc, t• 01, 11,, \° 'they fitment' -ity? 'Lott -It 1. ink ti.l, t knoll titt-e-n•trUt". 'he T.. if 'Io• C 11 , 1‘ ti' tile, Ind- d, wi.14.4 , 4 'not' in pr br! rrng :Dair:"l w.:trian xpplying r-r pt nioo, It ItiU•L . te en tweed( 10.30 1,, I.r. elk& her ri-It - =I ConQ, yuctif 1,. tt. .t, • t t , ‘ cAnd nun. Li paid Intaial ail A% at.,cr rp ..r ' r. ~, Ir .th tl.t ••ate A t hu•ban,l4 'chi- . 1 101.11 11/111 1••• n ~.ii ;t . ./ 1, 11 ruse :a.• 1 ' 4111111 , -1 %WI And Wl ,, r .101 I, a r •11-1 , 1• , ht T 1 1,, 311, }lto NI t!11. ( ' AMANLIII••• I. 1.-v t'l , % , TI iu lu 'tlart h. 156, )1r Le itcct.mp, Joe,' by '27 wie. vt , • wh" Lis wit ) fr. m 'at if..rma, aitbcfo-d ihe Citut.tnott, Lutvllrro•ti i I,t Al‘r uutaluer on the field, hid 1. , 01 wo •urrlc, r• the da,) r the hglo Wm Ark in. one ..f rhu two, Rh• rnif t. trite, and 11r ~it, ctu.t. C , lll,lll.4ll,l,inajgC r• r. .1 i n ); w „ 1 , witlo,ut his aid ILI the t awl 111, , 1111%e wiute women and r 10 , 1 ,, rm. r, Anna Hoskin. wn- I tut mur.i, led tinting his captivity While ace..nip g 1f... die It v a distant budge, e taint +get' ti. Lit .11 it• and mounting Le+ [wt...., after ses. r. •ul :et wg, Le rtactied )Ic.ticu, wh. rt he wa. 'rented, and lot ni.hed with mean+ to reach Lt.. or The lion J S Hurri., prominent at the last s.s.i di of C ttp: Lecompton hattk, . a r , r adent of the N Y Times , dangyr,usl ) .;Let his death may he expee ed any du:, He all last Pes•wo, but u r rear li , rid Congress (pan 'uhgutot.h.,(l di. aft, r Linooln hail lost hi., seat by ppos.ns \hales° war and supportiug r NVilinot aequir , d a de,. t p. pularity tt 441 .ttung the trod gunk! a hielt ,t,l to tt,e of the r.a I, nod :r •( two )ears ag \Vh.ult,t Lee..fhp 6i.. came up b•• t ur.d ail I) ugla , 1..p...5iti90 to it, and his rut. int) Lt I tl,. C ot ar. I I. r g t.• reructu ..ne of 'Le aides: iii iu.p• rt•int en. tits tout.etted with !hat 1.11 uggi, fie hew nt %cry en ,nar. us'y ow:Dingo. I. 1 , 4'1 11 IMES I‘N ,:` , TEAI,I CAHRIAI,I.. 'I II ' 1. ." WC , blot cit 11$ 0 er-I , nord r) l ., 'rintiog al) eau .per any iurnpme r goJd country mid in be propelled by steam The first is in ?•tqcd tor himself to nil, out and In n place Of i/t1.,010,—, , sod Lir 1 oUDI ry ' , eat , 'TP.rP milts from the ei? N'w I'•.k LL ti •Itscted that ttle carriage auk" propelling pow. r a, not coif inure than a good pair'or bor sea and IL and travel over a fair ro a d at th e rate ~f thirty' per mile This will pi..ve a great pub nt air Doe, besides the saving or horse flesh auk 0614 lIINti DITTI IN PROSE —Wilel)Setti ' • 11, .• from IMlCktrilbg, be monglll hi. ;karst' .cl bond that Nile, the heartt , t, Ut. , , ball ' )(A another wan. And then awful tight anti 'btu he went away, and iptutt)i htw '" • • •It Itro oak all down in Florida -- !LP th, I. t.ak land, he murmured to the a z ., grew heavy to hi• hand, all to .t. tri,l a , ..I glades M ,dquitor a till him evyry -11%,!' , ri,rutort It , get, atot .th' how tt r r lor , rl whet.evvr h ct int At •f• ;m i ..t relief, atttl wi.htog hi to•elf dead, h.: 4- ( 1 ' .w • the Noce and eh .prwd tiff 1. 1 , -wn hoad "IL .1• a i• , I , etitte.•twi u, %u Nuw y Ltr k a .rt to the 7', ihnft. -1 1 to loon ugh s ulug it nom w..rtb r« 11) forward our toteroms and .ccure uur vo• th an all th e literh-3 iu the world Gree -) -IN au atitoo politictitt), Mad &diva polittelaUtt 4)t , . 10 hi kj W MUNI, 00t. be than, pitilatithr,in.l. There hat rt :V cra dog, 1 Optia rd frOM our L.^ but • we hove got none of lite pr-Gus, and t•hould fru, be dumb before the theaters soy "otter ift„. It 14 an actual feet that a luau 14110 at totLpft•ti t hlg a beautiful young Winllatl. timed has sued her for t“ nit tug hi:u to tue t) , He I. aihiget hi r uurea.onahl.; why should ' , l oo t as a L..110101/111Lilevl he waut• a putsch? MOP' The ttuoir atonal of Mohda) ,u pian. to flare tote pretty gent ta.l throughout ate oouutry, as rate deppateht r from N. w York Oswego 2111 ‘Vasbingwts, otatiog that souw had colutiseti- I , 1 tadaig at lbtnt pails •liout the rathe tithe 11,ht it Ran ••130W1/1/4 Lt re - lir Pt i..alllNAkt V CONMUMPTION.-Ihe 10ell/Ily :,..oar... • , loop. lb %la fatal thee..., I. eta emir. ' • ..' • P.'11..1.. , .. l...u.umpttoo 'Aug priatati.j sod ri le • , ... •,. 1711.51 I. I 111 ....1a11iati44 WI du...orderer{ nutritua - v itt ~ 0 Lat.) St , • .... .1 .alt boa W!. ~.e • 41.1:1 ' , saturate be ...,'.' ..}...... 'act, a we:theme la the i't 1 , 11 - 11a.1, syßtyr, .E. re rhertib 11... pl altadlreelly sad immolate!, on the blued, .ad &tarts the /lees*. *alai, asd swirly. ••benoviat tend to pm- Etti. 1.11--It AEI _ eirQt. 11111t1011 COD ILli EU 01 L J 141.161( ap p-vve..l tt,e Amlesu ) ..1 alethettua In tbel a,t ttag i t? 4 14 St he r n or t. re u L g od e l oi tv:or t t Oi re tuna ail lbu t,rtues of the panel Cud keel' t , ,, >•l4;l.l, CrIL• •nd it.e our stockthorough laapieetteo TIBBALS, BATES A CO. war I.:- 27 No. 1 and 2, Brown's Hotel SUPERBLY I'EAULIT:fOI;! JLItiT OCT, THE COSMOPOLITAN AZT JOURNAL ~ paAel• t6r. 10k artiele•- - ei.X&olly Illustrated—splesk !..1 stosl Ebirra rips* Price 60 cents Specimen copy sent on re celpt of In ,cats, In stamps nr coin. Addams Is. 1 , 16 S C L. DERBY, 643 Brosdway, r. Y DEAF AND•TE)_ GILXICCI7OI.33 OCULIST AND AURIST, No. 230 liin street, BUFFALO, N. 1. Cut,Lne- 14 attebti,n excltiolyttly to ih. Lumilimiet of die east. the Eve god Lar Erie, Nor. t.. I 19.-116 11 vi:k.,l44.*toP:4:4;=sie'4oo:lb4l.ll Cosmopolitan Art Association ! .s'ITERB gSGRAVI,SUS BEALrfiruL ART JOURNAL ! N Al.l , ABLE 1•111.MIUMS, I L.. 4 All Akan , toO. to It. 1.1t6 sear .•1 L 11,1•1.1 4.1 V , •, 4 • hewing purchnos.d, and engrarr4 no onkel, Herring's r.t pinet.ns, Vit I At..l BLACII 3 / 1 1111," llogilsaae enpuu t.....ll.ernber • . 1. iOO fires piste part', 35 c3B Ilbebn oar lbsi esne . . . 'f Kit-h$ OF P. , LlizoCitiPTlONl. s cry roen atm( Ihr re 40111011, will receive s k 1.1.• I ragrartog, after Morrow's celebrated Palatio,i. THE VILLAGE BLAcKsirrrs. ;v f tbr tresuldu: Cosmopolitan Art Journal, elegantly Musty - 24A .itaarl‘• M4glailse A u., live,ateason tick I a lutLealon to the Eastern ~t Pultreld.,rto and G.l of the Asvociatnln Theta •iii also he wen to the oulearribets saa,,,il hundred sal ushle .or \t t Art„ cothpristugtine Dil Keutp t k,- kr from relthrated - American sod forstiru Artist,. r.pt ohs v. ill he moored up to Jan. A, 1t49. On ltbr .0•0- it of that .use the pi, umlaut till hit awards.] to subscribers. lor tall nutteu Mrs, sere December AA? Jot lts•l., price to COMA ...p.• sent to those Avarice to substerihe, (tie recaopt 77 11 a 1..- p...•see stamps or coin Address DkRRY, AcTrAin C .4 A lEEE IMMIE Eantern Office, 64.6 Broadway, A .•.-, Western ORles. 166 Rater-fit., Santlt:sky, i) DIOLUT I ON. VUTI l E berwby glyyn tbat the firm of Marsh A Compton as, doksolrod Una day by mutual ronarbt The Rooky, Note• sod acroootY sr, 611 Atli) A T MARSH for eorection, who at th,,rtrod to collect th.. nod *Ol lay all demands ogulogit tbr lit. t , r7n A T. MARSH Ire,N. IVA JOHN t.,,MYTON. , i ilk , •11•11..1. 1.1 tho• J ,eoutizempti by the MEI DM L. bL 1:1:3 li Fong oft, ti . I : ga pi r- T - 1 4 CC z Of) C.) .1.0 i' 3 o E mi l Cf. r.,.'4 P•" 4 E El 13 IE El gg nom • mi 0 , or , MO 4) 41.) lia al o t.. 00 TAKE NOTICE. ull.l. rtAgned baring purchased the liotare stook of BuOTi sitoks Nimptorore oiruea by B. K. rothirtoo, will c a r ry D e Ilw Engines at lb. old ataxia ' No. 3 Demises Mock, State same*, kirk, Pa. Having part returned hews the East with a fresh supply ei 11007'10 AND MDO YM tirsctlptious, warded espressis for this musket sad bought ftCush. sist soubted to WELL •T 11• TIS TII•T WILL •41TOXISD arts e'en in theme hard tames. C 114 7 40111 WORK.— Partiecbtr 11IttlIflOY will b• paid to th• custom department, employin• none but the twat workmen, find roondest gteing tattdaetton. hare alun on band • Ttp Toe stack of French calf and kip and oiled Dated kip for Goatterrien's wear, Franeh kid. FRO & and American monrooto for Ladies wear.— Prompt attention will be paid to the LAMER CIIITOM DEPART. giENT—dl winch of Ladies near made to ogler and warranted. A rholc• selection of floating' constantly -on hand. I respost -4411y solicit the patronage of the citizens of Erie sad intrronadtag onontry, hoping by strict attention to business to merit the rune. Kilos Nov. 6, - 16411,--26. WILLIAM t MITA. HAVE YOU BEEN TEEM'? Thst maps& g gravist , .Tds V mt. Ant BLACISIITII," u d the beautiful ass JCV11314.1, which ototoroishott to subooribors of the Cootoopolitta Art Association, out bo• be tees t SNSIGN k ARBUCIturs for • abort tittle ..sly Ste adtrotttwoopot otomboto headed—New Feature*. EDINBORO NORMAL BOZOOIi TB WINTICK TIMM of this institution will open lON DAY, N... lot- COM" OP INIOTILECTOIIO. J R. LEHRMAN, A W., teacher of English Grammer and Lite. telex., and Manual, Mental and Moral Sciences. S SHAM, A. M, teacher of Mathematic* sad Clamant. Mrs O S WOODWARD, teacher of Vocal Haste, Penmanship and Book• Keeping. we M. S. 14.1 tr EY, ta ocher of History, Geography, Penciling and toting Wow C H. SRAM, tench, of Plano Font. and French Lancoage Boast wes• he had In It. Inslatutton tied In private families for . 'rem St 24 b. St 75 per work, fuel sad lights lechedrel. MOOD .thtlieg to board themselves east net the school build ings • tingle room, famished with a stove, table and bedstead for the seeommodatioe of two pupils for $3 per quarter, or twee roams faratabed with s stove, two tables and tea bedsteads, which will acconesiste folar papas tor $3 Tuition per quarter from $3 to U. to be settled la advance. Vocal Mask, Penmanship sad Boob Keeping taught w Sheeted .Ittional charge. Any desirous of fortber iniortnatiou coo address J. IL IaILILIJUN ifAliboro, O. le, 116 S. S. I. RAM, • FOR" DECEMBER OF THE N 0 'l' 1 c two I.lq out aMtr•• will to Ilia 014 stand, Co. 3, F 4 orry A T .bon. n... 4. . ooaer•10oed .1 1 El igl I 9 g 11 4 11 . 111 01Mr E 101 El ER • 0; N Win. 4. GRISWOLD'S. 0 OT.XntXN _ - LABOR .. 1 . :T. ' DRY GOODS AND CARPEIINGS. TERMS CAISH I Merrimac and Cocheco Prints for 9 cts., Pacific Hamilton and Manchester De- Lames best quality for 181 cut. 75 pa. English 'Merinos 5-4 wide worth fif ty cents for twenty-five. 10 cases 4-4 Bleached Muslins worth 16, for 121 cts. 15 Bales Brown Sheetings best brands in Market, selling from 7 to 8 cts., And all best Gingham' made in the United States for 10 cts., per yd., Determined to Continue LEADING BUSINESS, I HAVE FILLED The Three Large Spacious Rooms EMPIRES TORE, k koz•va , 4 : v ..I•..1 • , Lel W b ich and Seasonable Car CZO 4CI 13 151.51 WHICH WILL BE SOLD WITHOCI [1 in same proportion, as those enumeiated pc z 4 ME SECOND FL( X )11 Contains an the Latest STYLES II IlthWil ti%1,1 OF MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED Different Styles. Lupins, Plain and Figur'ed 62; cts., to $1,25 per yard. Plain and Figured Wool de Lair's, All Wool Merino Plaids from 25 to 50 cts, PARIS CLOTH CLOAKS, English, French, Scotch, and American Shawls, from 11,50 to $4O. DRIBS AID CLOAX TRLIKIXOS. et . 4.4 o:°. A. 6 .. Esti 4t B c LYONS CLOAK VELVTES, 'Dix fireqc4 giOto ia a ie,s, !LEAL LACE .s . , ic.• d• . , THE BASEMENT Is filled with choice Styes of Carpetings in Velvet, DRUNEL,g3 9 \\JY/Cio@iL, AIM COTTWN AND 1:17130.L. DRUGGETS 4ND OIL CLOTHS OF ALL WIDTHS, Etiaiips, odbet- a 30.; Together with all Kinds of 11111 1111111111 GUIS, I:7III..M6XALES .IEC.SI , Window Drapery, ee. Lo., Befog wort folly ettariteeed thee ever, of the beeellu be eleHrad hew the CASH system t shaft atattaae it, sad regain( is earty eettleasoat of all who ace t• an *S•• TM. A. 811111 WOLD. MI6 aavA la: /114.—1 A SALE OF TO DO THE Or THE EXCEPTIO.I ABOVE OF AND PARAGON 0 rMV - 1 - 1 - 7C 77 1 KILLIXER Y AID FANCY DRY OKDODS orrNINQ TULILT at MrMW. 7 17 1 = 1 11.71! Paruyon Hai!ding's, Erie, P. rplIE LARHIOsT, CHOICEST ASO COSA FEST 1 gook of Goods mt. bets* offered, fresh from the importers, eonettinly arrleieg , end to be eohl low. for CABB. Coon one, coos all 1 sad judo for onior/ To, awl not be breselient 11, treaty 1111 inert supplied .t who/role prices Masebini and preeeini done se usnal T R. BLAKI.. ProPrkA'r• Prfs fiept It, 16401 —l9 THOMAS /1117 - KUITIN - : k Late ef lisfres el GP Lesestis 4 , cc, ) Dtahan in ( lucks. Watch... J.../r), Mr*. Spoonit, Ilmaical .trximenta, I:oohing Glaser., [Amp. sad Fumy Goode wholesale and .411 J. 14'. DOVOLAPIN, ATTOIXIIT •T L• w r►mo.,d to o.w Lnlldfng west of Mists :street, as the oath aids of the Put. weer els* k Mutealts change abbe ALLAN A. CRAW. It .11 , , or rot P►.tc.--01Aa in New Block earner ut Puck Street ttud the Putritc : 7 4,1e.te, Eats T. U. sLiKie MANC7A.CTOXVI and Wbolosals aarl R.talj Dealer to Fortier see Domestic etre. Go,,ts, A • 10 , 44 Ttomena,Bibbotit, Saki. Lama, and Pub beeebie Willie,cry. Parma* Bundles, fronting the Park, Eris, Pa. Particular attcotirm paid to Ortiars. A LL 'oho know themselves indebted to Slakes Bonnet Le „ttpiesi T. R. SLAKE, Prossic.r, Paraeoe BWldles.opposite the Park, &fa. Pa Moo ROUTH W ORTH , Cc;wort 0 W. CROCKETT. CH.A.:LEz. SCRUM, THOMAS fot:NN ENGI43H, st. HENRY LLAPV, Jcx, GEORGE £KNOLL). AlliaL YOUNG. Mts. ANNA WHELPLEV, Lrr VIRIENEI VAUGHAN. xarON O , X S3LO) T. oily tat Um GOLDEN PRIZE. IR:OLDEN PRI ZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE LLLUBTRaTXD. ItK )1 1 .4 1 .tII.TEIt, lAreaersoini" to Becket & ('• The Net , 1 I k Week' ttut.nr.e Pattie is one of the ...gest cod beet Meru" prpers of the day—att Imperial Quarto. containing rig AS ger., or ferry esternies, of tee most interesting and festi nating mning nutter. trout the pens at the .es?. cost rotten of the der, SKLItILIMSTLY ILLUiTII.A BO EVERY Wiliabs... A P T, woran FRum r 0 CENTS TO $5OO 00. Wok to lumen to Nett aubtoriber ttetoedistolv oI ,I pt 44 We outo4olotioo moo” ntl4 a proonot.4l ea 1 !lemmata 01 Vll•nd not IndtlerlDeel I. obtain to.torntor. TEINL2I4IIII _l2 uo iu.ll 50 sad Y Prrvestt 4 du 804 1 ' 8 UV and 4 " Otte t vpf for OUP year ~ I. l e 1 up! far two .ware eat,. Color tut three par% qa. 1.... p) for toe 'oar. Tt, _ Tlinr• Copies, cot year... . .... $.3 00 and 3 " Viler Coyles, out) tar . .. 0 1 00 and b " Test Cos its, one year.. . . . . 14 00 and 10 ;went root topset, 01:1• p.m. ~ 30 00 and 21 bearttcle• to be Kis to away are cotopritstd to the 10110. to 6 11.1 2 He, bete of Gold, contain lag .. -- • - - $!0000 "tbe h• J Ito do . 200 00 teth I o do do d 0.... 100 OU oath. 11 Pntrot Levin. Hooting Caned Welch,. 10010 each .:, 1...10 W•tt he• . .. .. _ 7:.. 00 tech 50 do 1110..0 .50 la each - . 00 I • it.: 1...1,1 Watt Le...... 34 00140) '..410 t-llNtr ilontlng r0...1 W•1,i.n. - 30 00 each btu St I• cx Watcloto .... -.. . $lO 00 to ZS 00 each. 1000 Gold Guard. Vert, sad I ~ t r thala• $10..00 to 30 00 each 601.1 I,e,cliPto. Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Plot ( utf 11o►, Rleele Buttons, Rings, ,Thirt Studs, Watch Key►, Gold and '(!,.r Thimhlra and a rarirtt ot uthFr •rtirira, ar,.rtb frbr o ta) coot• to sih.acti tt". rtery pwr.no sending us . .ick subsitribrr., sl b 9 each, a 11..1d worth $4 to •11, one sending us lOU star scribers, at 4.: ra. h, a G. 1,1 Nso b , worth SVO Ytrry ...barriher alan rrer.... a yr...rot Imme.halets nu neeipt of the tn. , the subeenhar•• tune. • 111 entered 0r,,,n our book and the prevent •ol be forwarde4l with in one aleok, by Sandi or arprres, peat pea rir syn....at t.,r, Should be stl.lrssood DEAN do PALTKIL, Pitomintro out. Bro•dway, New Turk 3E'11t.0 , [7 - 3111 er33IN Carei. DR. H. W. WADSWORTH ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND sl'il4iEt , S Ca is be C'aa ailed as fellow. I I . M., I! roan- I lot,' t.trard, Martin • Conneaut, ri , 1,1 i• win F non, Itrawb, • 1101., = t, .1. , '111' Fail Olga la fall, of Js sail everything in 61e Ime, which ha will sell at prime to salt the Woes. Iffy 'soca Is too hop to Inamorata and 1 therahne aak all II if OLD CUMIIIMS, Re sad the C gener ally to mil awl curate* article and WON, at. 0.10 Drone's Meet pet. 10.3 a. G. eves. 1 000 YDS. rich printed French Merhuse an it wool Sousa inaohota at much last than ruling parlays. VOry cheap U.. oda. at the nor 11-27 UK SITE. NEWS FOR THE LADIES 1 PIT received at Min Hat otors, s will Silsetod stook of • UAW. Joss, CO& will los* at prim le tall the list ,xti f " aft-tb t• I) W t lUt t Nt1.141.0. LS THE- I'arly Copies,--How Mindy tie poEncAL WORLVI or $lO,OOO Worth of BOOTS nws4 AMEBA 0 in: CD I =l CD = PD ....• 5