0 X . 1i()ORE, I'UBLISHERS. k! 29, ERIE OBSERVER. hi / , // ED6VERYa/TCRD4 YRI ' l. I. 0 t .tau n. M. :1100ItK, uertiall 111 (Piq N. F. g 1..0 A N, Editor : 14 skl‘en , e, or elthin 6.1 fr will be cherry-0. ~ • , ' l • , t pay wILLux ear, th• pawl a in t the scrount Itft .titb a propor io• e.,: 4)} . 1115-, t•r 1a.,4 make • oquare I 75 Oar aquailo b m00t1,4 fa 00 On. •• It •• •rt•A • IIS I s loe 9 ' ENS saro a rear, ckUsorsobir at ;arousal, 410 - $.O . 0 suoottla, u In 44.1,1 ur lu synares—.olo yew'. $6O . 0 1 0 40%00. 1 33 . 3 . nor rted In the Bo•lnetee Dirsetory. e• 11•6 per •outo tur • Card, ors: all, end uudsr eider, l; • E Mortal ootiers,lo cents a Hut but ftlyerti•e -t ,estrtedsaaotig the Spade! Nutkes for tees tilt% ooU :b. - .ta rod •.thers r•-qulrlo, !reploot g•hanie• lb.. r , oti rt[,W allusred twv syuaron6 •.4..0rd• t sLt. fa, apace, tar coargen w UV to I rvimortt,s, rat Ukc Cat. valet bin strictly suiseine.l .0 the le,rittioats. busloeso. 'rumor 41' rwjawint Wr traawwwssi 6.l.wrti.w.taaula relutrild Bill. La yearly a.ll"..rthing will L. prwAentod Lai! of 10 per seat will b. wade cal wl I ...Ain't vordsouaes. la, .Lan VA ACP. INEBB DIRECTORY. W. A. DA VSNIVILT. ! •r.—Vtbas sa Central ,ct Neeterier Store. Eetra, ee oa State t - to WK. A. I,IA LOALAITIL I,_-ornea oo sw stteet, best// .1•10.1t° U. T. Po. 5.111keL.111.1. C.lrtfllllol to 51mart ¢ Jg.rtno 1, e1•0. Da V4lOll/I', (.0111c1 01 31+1, aiSJ 7tl ties, , , oL,•, Pvt. blott% durt.ift, W. A it OTti r.zier artail Dealer izoliancr inu,lbt.spt• La i ....Ls lied , Ir, t, a 11,t•s1 11 LI.ICK a HEP4III 4, 11u1f.b, l• • raSL klro*, „• 11 r (chi K. E‘ttabie UIS r., Er ... I'6 WILLIAM W. L.tNE. t46C2lliLio.baL a 7 Law ---021Ine removed to Iwrsuirr • e•,.rrier 4 -.l', • URIC:DUN Si ill. TCtil NSW',. • I Li. —Uttict, Au litouutrini 1,, ••, 11..0.4Le !1.4.' ..n!rpnr , AU. rkri, Pn 41 . Y.. NI-1\4;11.1, 1 , 4 • t 1,2 .1 at", K.... 11.• t • 1..., ui the. Part I. H. P. :•,•• 1%4.7 c. B. wiLitarr. to.. Collectors and uticyy ay,. !And Wiirronts Certlt ates a Iltpoet ft, an the principal attar in awn, alai all part‘ of o try for able LAM e, to t, EH*, Ph .1 I . $ ii: I. IJ k.:11, _ ___ c...,..1 I:, tl: . Ir.. rr In all It in.:. of Kri.ol,ll, iliefautt i.rol ii t 0.0.1......., Anvil... Ott.., Iron, 'Nu..., '4..1, /Pa %oil i.ar - ros,„ ti I I .initiii.4- Nlr i , L.. tie itio l / 4 .iti 1 ......i.., ....., . ono.. it ti,. itioiol 11..4.110, brl.., t'llt }C.111431K11 ,1,1 1 & rr, • • • •.•• Rfl ALL tale.. IG ilaryllorart 11:4•16/111 , are , • \ 11 ... I V i Lm.., FM,u L .nl4, } ltth 'le, Pa to 800 - 1r( v .( 6/10111. 411:111an ILO 1 A DIN LAO fill I.low 411+4 , •thr Cr. IV) ' I Kee. =CM J I.I TLi • n•r. tat I) 0, Li I J 4.1. • t- , ; LP • • . • • u,• n S . ,/,% K•ad n.. 14r. 4 n . tiGs, =I %10 t••‘1.1• J V. ORD 0., 1.• a , hr pc it. II 1-r,- - - 31 k.!. HOOK d. (0.. s mt. a ,^4, b •t - formerly w MY* h JorN • T. ilititKUN sq't %UT. I our,,i Roma of 'Mi. GSA A Tontlb•Pir. 1,1.'1 & BA\ YARD. I;rt , oetioni, Pro, • Jura. .1 J. A, / lrh ruttw, \ at, ww, [tr. Pal St"oe Ware, a , ll w • ==l LI ('E A itATtiiit ~ er4ed, .)Awra 4 14.4 t . • 0 . 4 . I • I atiwnro. 'UM,- • 11., 1, 114011 & 11'...0rt w.,444.,.t.. 4 J. 310iiii),a. au, onnnlvtiott 34er<6atit .. r.rw, I .our sod haste r _ _ .vaet r ...ealet lu ,Itne.tto., Stu • A : Sat A. • .141• rrr H. K. FL L MirIYVV. Mv:b.. H 1 , mato Stn...t. J.t(UB H. FILANK, •nL. }£ryp Lee :oltlll4. trot. the 11 rat• Erie eui 10 1k lett :hone Wielalhg Lao a t Lt• Atha l nrocLrL liiiPiktit :4TOlthiro, Joao—, au,: llttal. Dv% 10 every 1100. a and thogantla Dr, C.o. JP., Cati•tiug, 'taste atreet, uorner of Ert.. Pa. St 14'.1 LO 41.:LUT/t/N4. »TULLE, •r •,•1 44111.1ii..t14,1 rul 111 1.:%; ~.1,1,,ty }ty ilwet,entteci. fur, atins .104.1 a. 7, hr..., - rll WILLIAM ViiOII.NTON, "R% Dormla, %v....m..15t avt.4. am•! , t rutattfy t•Andult drawn 11/11., on c• • It. ♦ St. • r..lt, Gr. • Ext., ra„. J. F. IJOVCNING. .r / aIT AND Jo ITT ITM GYI MIN C WU I practtoe a 1 LTIr (TULA!, Ali , : .1a • prot•ei.t flattllftel • t , u•euraa detruate.. iv la ae , tasc,da, as 40 At. /NA ,trety. P\,nr+ hi , .►,n rner etL Lne, ra. A/A I Aver Wl, 0g.4 woo 4 Go, ••. • •oo r• of ,art. awl Pr* G 0. • •4 -I 4/ arr.-tt •tr. • ; h , ro - 11.LL, rii•ALti • 1111,Y8Ll t.l.4.barla •. CE=T! TIBRALS MIA V & u y .t 4. Z . :44.04.14y isOo•la, •, ..rs alt e t lotto-s C. I R1 , M1.1• 81. L, EU$ .4 u. et ?T'la Ekt. vr 4 ;Frit t.r toustj 1....410cUut0b .od •-•• wt 44.1.4 to with promplee**so.lCi.palcla J Itl% Y 6 6 /11. A. a, Odkr to Liev.ity's 11011.11 u 4, up stairs, kris, JURY HE %UN dic et.misfoules Ifinvluint., Joel*. In C.al, Flour, tar a datly ppor take stowabara, Public NM t .S; I. LARK. ocsu, Lodltnh Is Demotic sod lauportyd Whoa ma in! , 1. tan,. Fruit. Flan, in:, and Aeuta atan atue, Ali V. , 7 Phan/i Bradt, Mate +trent Ertel lil JOHN W. 1 4 r , b04441e uol nett II Nolo". 1 , , AM kind.; orrabey ra, aloß, ~ 1111 o• ah.l Dints, ltain. No- 4 Kcy 3 t 'ON Ni.titMii.t 'or —6111..p..ta1r. S• Talinsaanse Halt Itaildlng %. IL. C U U SLCUILL. [4.1». it, 11...11.1• Roet 111 «I It. t•l k r n t Ino• =I 111=211 J. BAKU & CO.. .0., •I en I+l , al No 10 •trrnt, Erie I . PtKK BALL. H.,1 4 , r Cita•vrto.. I,.....etures. bed Put•Ht :A. Lao. th. Park 0:11 , 00.n. • t Banktsg *, Roo., Nner, Brie, Ps. 4 )LD .A . ac LbW. -"" n.l VA nolo...tip and Waal. •Its3on-n In iVoll sad •‘ , p.rwr tb. rt.sprot 61t.i 114W to - •t rv.2.1 pear Pr•aet, P ~,i rarrrang wator We- !Nulty. IWD or annebull --• . r Jo4Eril R. FKRGILI.LON, • ANT , i rl lu thr noir of s.. y kutt • troet. 6nr , l'a AD baugaaraa In to 1" , 11 —I DENTISTRY. DII. 0. L. AiLLIO77, 41. sad Date in month l'ath, B.r. first at ' •. J ale 10, ItSR . - RHeIC 1 isiliffkik•E. _ —• • watebea,Cloals, athrain. Etrittannts and r 1.1.1 1;......., Puelat and tablel:ntM•n. F any thnote ~—•. an ttio , e - 1, 'taste +trent Leta Pa = •.t.•. rrt. , slot tipsier, to Nom ladle 4... tic l'ent der, ,44 . 4 4 4 4 ore. Tobacao. ll an, 14 of.. oat, kr., Le., No. t.t...t feet, }lei.. Jr., •" lineuleyd She•a, awl Vilk..l..ale and Retail 'O4 Leetner, read, ► in4 American • -• inteca, 11i mituc.,l, fTe an 4 sphte,Thnean • • laA•ta laattage. Aratlaaaa. ittbateia, /ienisaark , "••o. Pegs. N•tla. ke Nee 131.. ck, State IV') H(V. re.. nuegiu k. *Warr, Ualt tioartng,Avicui - - - , IIAftY. X. KU 0 DE K • ••• : • 11A X .1.1.•, !ILL, A rent for b. hoiwr Wilaaelk huumi wet Ataatia's Joeugry tlWe, W•se Erettitatett don. In 0rder...43 - - - 4„ - ' ,' _- 4 1 : I - a . _ -44110" . . Nat . . . . _ - . , • 1. . ....ILIH‘ . --. 1111 i . . . :1 - . .1 , . iheo totttla-on ltl ht.-dont', cause, Sacco.* vtll crown thy high ehdra,u tad hooott won, had tightoou• taw, Shutt guide's I rule the earth I..re• ri tact .1141 rine out thy uttrrtog strain.- Thy lone lOU I Can slog no oilier,- tll jaattce rood, each bundinau 'tad plenty greret• Tarn t• •,' • . Co. In, A STORY OF ISHIPWRECK. FROM CHIMIIER'S EDINBURtiII JOrItNAL I John Sing* r's name was n houtigho4d wort* wish us in the days of frocks and seeks, when we steno under the dominion of the nursery-maid— Ito John'• farm and feast nu curds and emu', being one ti grand delight of those uu eloutird days John tified a pinail holding in I= Wittiihire, and intght have until it to th. day of hi. death, as his father did, had lie had, like tit fattier, hut one child; hie tiffmprings, however, oticultt red st veu before be bad bet li wedt.l-ti ti it year., cud ai the land remain( d the sano• whil. , the family increased ciceetlfugly last, lie 1.0 , 1 1.• cast abort for a hf•lfer firOVIAIon for [hen' Ito fi4illitr of mime i xperllni.nts which, ut.t.i• e i hi rres..ure, h. watt driven to make up. .n hew and 44 101.b(.111 rail, ti prived litin of a good part of hi. Capital, and iltaheartf nett haw (trite any renew, ,I at , nips to that direction lie now began t ii ?hulk of emigrating Ills wale, a I nay, right. minded, active woman, made no otjt.ctiou , i ilic -. li--if piirerty WA., to come upon diens. .1.• 0 r ti, she irould rather fact • it abroad than at ! 10e Juiiit then the newspapers were tit LuiLig with pr,sper.ms accounts conceintug setrl, r. , to the tit ya, .1 ut North America. wh• re land, it win. •ft,il, was to he had for a nonfatal prici.. and the trout. e.•l clourtng The Singers made up ;heir muds It. go; and that point being dret , ltil, .1 hu lost no time in disposing ...t. o_ I h i, am., ht. 1.7 wing...lock, produce, and triapleru.ta-, and I siting looney in hof pocket ' lin re W 61.4,011.4: .. ,-.4lomotta.o in iii. .O.trint when , lbe new.. git i 4 , 1 1 (A. VIA, il.- 11:•11ii, a &V. ratty it opinsoor vu 1 I.a -11b)e , C , S 'rue ,alit ii was the te-4 thing that Singer could do, seotng that he had such a large family; while otbers said it was flying in 1 thi hive 44 Provideore, to throw op the lama on i which Ito. fi.ttor had 1! ii ti .it tog for hit) parr The Singer. paid ~watt b11.1, 4 1,i0 to ti,-. %tiri lia, ‘ordtet., Litt buried the Mme, - of -iii , sag .heir affair•, il I. .1 an the 4 . 4 , 111••• ..1 . a 10..4. 1 i ~ , 1 ...1‘ Wi t 10• from the taut . 1 t-tming their 1 , - :11!.• 0, a- re reads f-r their d. parturc p.,ir,. u . , f i•t4aiffiug ati irtiwi. iii, ; a--4 .:• ,nr hi. Ltuiiiit U. ftinfils. Joliti P.• 1 i n 11 , li-. --- ---. f• • 111 • 111 nlyl Lrgah h t.•r L..t, lit, • 6411. 10.1( I. V..11,.1 r qv. !I,r , • Luucl, Lig! ..r , hen thi t o .1..1,11, w L. tx rtql.r.riS 1 r , 1•• •tt , Li wY, Wu- ettlV. t• ntqt 1,.‘• atr. t".• t , -I.) t.. p Not IL lit •L.l tn I LII d I ULtlr 11111. rd try ti nimult, for OW It( nalb , It•r• 1 , . wan't-t!--ti p•U111 i•r Cutl , l3 DOI b.11..td, to 03- t Lthittt , g • t cuailtig *WY) tr)tbg ou, IP r port, wb. I/ /JO trU 11/ W/Ib au alit lii Who offered to toirt4l4.et• km to the captsou u! C'unulen, %lan. he raid, would take him IILI , I bet family ou his own terms John followed tbr luau to tbe basin, and li.tsid• it the (umilre She was but a sat3ol verm-1. mid was ,ihigular,) dirty ,end disorderly; but tilt e.rptain assured him she watt stood and ate owl b ) . and would Is in heat and tidy truo beb.re she gut lob' blue stater The terwe the captain t ffere,l wire ricuptiug:, advvotageou-, and h• further proffeitd for the use tut Singer and be, tautly a strip ..1 ushtti ut the middle it the virsei, in which they would be -epat toed trove all interecurre with the Atter' age passengers This latter cotitildtration duel• ded the bargain • John paid halt the stipulated sum as eat oral; and as the vrasei would positive ly sail t•o that day week, Ito lost no time in cool eluding his preparations, and getting his family on the spot, ready to embark when tha moment of departure should artiste. Whitt follows is a matter of such nitlntotols interest that we btiall decline narrating n io the (bird person, sod allow Jubn Singer to tell the slot) bimmetf, as we shudderlogly beard it bout his own month "It was on the 25th of July," said John, "when with my wile, seven childttn, and my weft's niece, I went on board the Camden in ll— harbor We bad never been to sea - before, and we knew well enough that sea-sickness awaited us, and that we should moat likely be all ill tt, nether for a day or two. I bad made what pre. paratton I could for this bad time, by providing some simple medicines, a small stock of spirits, and the means of procuring hot water at two minutes notice. Sure enough, the sickness came, and a miserable time it was. The wife and chit dren w, re all laid up in their berths before we were oat of the channel, and were unable tc( help themselves I was sick, too, and could have fol lowed their example; but in that ease we should base been all helpless together; so I forced a re solution, and patted uo the rest as well as I could through it all. "The youngest of the obildren gut user it brat; wy wife suffertd mold, sod we bid been five dap at sea before rbe was authoiettily recovered to be able to come ua deck. When at last she gut tot to the fresh sea air, it revived bar at once—bet appetite sod tarter b returned, sod ber old obetr• spirits and activity as well. She set to 'mirk to put things in s comfortable trim, and made our little cabin quite a parlor. )4 T. I.ow "We had 'casein io be thankful that we were separated to all respects from the etei rage pas sengers They ouaibert d about fifty er sixty to all, cod were not only of the poor and taliwrable, but of the dirty and degraded class. Nearly all were Irish, and about a third of them were wo men, who—l will say that fur them, poor cool's —were much better than the men, aod did a good deal to metre's] the violence of their coo. duet ■nd language. 1 don't think the whole ster•rt age could have mustered five shillings among them, cud the greater part had nothing but rap for clothing They subsisted entirely uu the ra , twee dealt out to them, and about tbere, and a email Noel of tobacco which seemed to be coup mon property, they were quarrelling day and tight. Soon after earldom die captain rent =I rMi' . 74:VM7:rM I= "Tls analog moths steep to Timms, And tbiteld , worid U Bros brighter: irs , may tot ist• its &aura seNfi, Yibt bops' M. itss liaarVklirob •Itra.esbaget at' the towing tbn•,' Cb aOO4 of %Wools deeply trvightbd ' ,ta :, , ,rda that burn, tritEt thoughts subiiw t env eonaitersted, them bread-east o'er the land. 1 oo 50,14 is toady for trio oroding, kat boom wall, with room band flay stand no . ,nior vainly ploadtuz .1 better time Li cocain; h 0.0.— ♦ taighter and al wie gerslai soorsains A Witter ilbt—that prtolpes• boon, to on the totllng mums dawnlnr Tu:•very luny strain of thine, Humanity shall T.suie and liotet , 101 MI a thrill of , •aw Myth., tud hoar** +l'l thruN uo i e”.• .h.l i..4te6 Whet thoogh the I. •yri f..r which you Wree Mow to resell tbetr full fthitooh. Thy modest ps,,-e tboag l it laborws,leo, aniatiee teeth the tetise• deep petttioh utak, tee--s wttl dbm the poor =We eye While slmac.og o'er thy .tuts of I.e•uty That 1../T• Wm on, to lire end di* In erorh• of lore, ausl deed, of U , Nt I. o• tit. 1114 . them all below, and shut down the grated corersswinging is their places, one over the side, the ing of the hatchway; but t noticed that be took I other at the stern. continual care to ventilate their quarters, for be ' "It Must have heed about an hour after sunset. was afraid, as he told me, lest some virulent dis, i when the captain began oomplaisiag of the thy , ease should breakout among such a dirty get, 1 state of the decks, and declaring that he aid end we without a doctor on board. , have the. twilled at one., ordered all s- "Our cr.w consisted of eight men beside' the I gers to their berths. There was soul d ur, , mate and three boys; there were no cabin pee. I among the rough Irish fellows at this ma to, sengers, nor; was there any sooommodation for j but he quieted them by the promise of a kettle any — t h e Camden carrying a good deal of uteri of rum-punch , which be ordered the wok to pre --,,0 ,andi,,,, principally of rough Baromegbem i pare and stave est to them. They wen now all gods, such as are in use and demand among ses. obedience; were soon in possession of the grog, tiers led oolooists I was no sailor, es l' said bet and we heard the. singing lustily in chorus fore, aneilllitalified to jade of sea matters; yet while it lasted. Meanwhile, the pump w 444 I could hot -help ducking we made but slow harder than ever, and some show of ,willing the progres., oompsiedwith other vessels. We were i decks was made; bet I sat like a oat on the in the track of shanfboond to New York, and I watch, with my i gun loaded in my hawk' . s knife had uotieetl that one or - hiee whiob hove to sight in my girdle, and ready to set at the decisive in i , ur re•ir -ha I overtakeu 'tau& passed us in the moment. It IMO moonlight sight, and I could oilar.e if a day When I mentioned this to the see plainly all that took place emend the long. ~,,e, he +sap chi).r ves4eht were Ii built for boat. From. time to time things were brought ailing and a ,t for trade. Irk , the Cal;kien—we 1 and pet into 14 among the rest, the ship's cote were doing well enough. ''N, pass and chronometers. "From the position of our cabin, I could bisf s ,"Before midnight, the Boise in the steerage 4 a , I lay in toy berth at night. not only every' of ed died away, and the whole the emigrants ~,,, v etheat of the crew, but also, when the watch- ; w)Tts probably buried in sleep. The mate same r ws. n..t r,,ugh— nod it was too.tly floe—every 'oo tiptoe down to our cabin door, and Listened to ward that wu. said To tbistdrentustance I owe ascertainif,say of na were awake The breath , it that'l am a living man, and that I and mine ing of the okildninideseived bin, and he return , are II it Iyirig fathoms deep in the devouring sea ,ed to the deek;edsen be immediately signaled l Oue uigio us I lay awake listening to the lap, Lap of (Le wlter against the side, the voices of the .•,. I ,talit ,n.l mate conversing in an under• tine thee etc ittt, hlittri Some wordA that pass, leeet we le the m uromod my fears; I sprang out f btd, and -tea:iug to 'Le door, overheard enough of the parley to make in) blood run cold L gathered that the vessel was leaking at all points through the strain of the cargo—that in spate of pumping to the utmost, the water gain 041 upon thew, and that it was the state's opts' ion she would founder, do what they might, within twenty tour hours. The crew, of coarse. were not tguerruut of their condition, and they would mutiny and seize the boatf. and abandon the ship unless relieved by some vessel in the colirse of the following day The eaptatn was plainly at his wits' end, and knew not how to act To make the passengers aware of their po sllll,ll he orrtion destruction to all on tt turd. a • nothing else could be expected but a desperste fight for life, in which the boats, hard• rvahie of containing two dozen peopte,would to s i•,•rtainty be all swamped. A groan from the captain was the hit ft °and I heard, as they turned away from the spot. still conversing to. (tether "You way i-uppnse the treuhle of my wind s. this f.'artul discovery I thank goodness it ti a allow( ti to unsettle my wits, and so pre % ut in. fr,au ding what was best to be dune I di it right o.d to oppress tuy wife and fam w •!li this bit ter knowledge, so king as it could be avoid( d, and as I lay awake and liattncd to at 1r breathing, I prayed to !leaven for gag!. once, and turtad over in my mind evarything tl,at it was possible to do. I came at last to the my c Liclutouri which se. mad lo prugnse us a ibrinco of lite; and what that was will appear he: lore loug. I could aot sleep, and yet towards morning I fell into a doze, from which I was ruus.d by a frightful dream of a wild storm, and 611 my little outs swailuvrid up in tL. v..rtel of the pea. uod none to save them at day I went on deck, and enduavured .o behave as tliuugh ignorant of everything; it w a.. a hard task, for I Was never wiled to dextrin. I watched narrowly evorytkitag that tuck place, stol k now tug whet I did, saw but too plainly ma to ma• . n of what I {staid is tholatlOUS, dogged ot , Le w I beard the noise of the 1 g• t,r eol•tinual;}, an ugh I could to., see hn, .Ibont true it muse un to rain, I •I the w hot if tho nay •• bud, Inat w LI ~11, ,• ua. uu d. ck, at d those on , -I rt du, 'fro ran) wss areompsno tick mi.!, will , ti ts•undi-d our ,r,o l a to a at most I bid Lulls. 41 that a sig• for t. I hwhich I hsd u.. doubt ,t 1 It. but what chance OR z t., t, f I,OllJg 11•..1.1 u. 'LC [hit k rnin.iniat?— T: • i wen- •. brio— E on on dick, and LK Ut noun ,t, .I , tutit gate ordt rs to bate it sealed and c dup by use of the buys it was lirt d seri oral timer and the ti-port brought up a lot of the iii, tel who (nate wet - . d for wore dis• enar g es, v, tifth the captain, ski It tOgialliy 'thew, sh,ow,ll 1 kipoit wui e...ugt, that likese 4,0 IV ie • ;gt,s,. of distress; but they were nut beard, and the .las passed away, and nothing bore in s•ght EINE "About hall au bout beton, sunset., as mist blew I ft, iiii•riouthiitliv..-r/-d, awl the whole sea. v,ew an- clear 1" the horizon on •11.tlidta I wry, VIA the fart .4 of tho ct ew as they anal. iwy round; he mete hirnaelf ran Xl4. tht h. hit tele-olte, and rearmed they. toad Funk F and cull a long steak of ); light shone in that direction Th e fi ne ev ,, Dong hiid brought alt the passengers on deck, au . l Ib. y 14, r• incline , ' to dance and be merr) All my little ..tits, too, ran out tutu the audehtne, and gauthnkti playfully among the cordage. It made my heart alwoat [teak to look at them My wife was about to call them in to put them to hid; then It was that I beckoned her into the cabin and abut the door I took both her bands in mini , and looking her sorrowfully and solemn ly in the faec, said: "'Bet:l, my uiviog wife, can you, for the dear thildreo's sake, bau►rh all ■ tromati's feats and weakoes,es, mud be him to act atil a bill bid you•' "It war but so much the words 118 the tone of my voioelwbich made htr shrink back, anti, in a manner, gasp for breath; but she recovered her. self with a great effort "'John,' oho replied, '1 kut w it, I have know■ all day there was something dreadful on your m tad Lt tme Aare it; I have a right w abate i ; with God's help I can and will bear deed, indeed, you shall not have to reproach me with weakness.' "'lt well,' I said: 'remember what you have protuked, and that the lives of all yen love may depend upon your keeping your word.' "I then told lur the dreadful tidings, and how Le knowledge bad come into my possession. She heard the whole with more fortitude than I bad expected; but abe turned stone.oolur at my words, and from the calmness with which abe poke afterwards, you might have thought her heart bad turned into a atone. " , What are wo to do, John?' I will obey you in all things. Is there any hope of lifer My I children my children " 'Remember,' I said, 'sot a word of grief or oomplaiut, lest you destroy what !Atte Amps , there is. Tress in Providence, sad do,iskiat.l toll you.' "1 then gave her direcuoic--first, to put the children to bed without un4ressing them, then with the help of her niece, to pack op some 111=01 peroele of preserved meat and sweet bilk icons, ■nd to have outer clothing ready for the children at a inotnent'i notice 1 gave her as conch to do u I could think of, to keep bcr mind from running on the horrors of oar sill uatku, winch, as the crisis drew near, were bard ly supportable to myself "1 then 'artist on deck, petit the girl in with the children, sad walked up and down with my eyes wide open. I observed that the long boat, which, the day before, had cilmtaihed all sorts of rubbish, had been cleared out, and that some bar rels and boxes had been stowed under the thwarts while two pair of new oars had been brought up from below. The two satallsr bats remained 50 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ERIE, SATURDAY - MORNING, NOVEMBER 10,1858, the lowering of the Ate The whole Grew were but too ready to usist-s4 this service. ' three of them sprang into the boilt,st the side,' which touched the water the nest minute; and then the kmg.bs s t, was hauled towirds the go, and was in the set of being suspended, wh I felt the moment was come, and, rushing out, need myself to the astonished crew. "They paused In their work, and glancing sly lent!) , at. one soother, began to gather mind me "hat is the matter, Singer?' said the cap. 'you seem alarmed; has anything disturbed tame', you?' "I had taken my station against the bulwarka,! under the slings, before I replied. " a am not a man to be alarmed without rea son,' 1 said. 'Von know whether L speak the truth, when I teU you there is reason enough ono.' oe are dreaming; he retailed; 'but I have no time to parley vita you; be so good as to re. tarn to your cabin.' bi 'That's of no use, captain,' I replied; 'pray, understand at once that 1 know everything I don't intend to ri to the bottom with my wife and children, so long at a chance remains. You don't lower that boat tulle's you take my family on Loard ' As I spoke, I tapped twice on the Ride rail, and Betsy came out on deck, with the girl and seven children, as I bad bidden her,— 'Refuse my demand,' I went on, 'and we raise the passengers, and let them know the truth.— Who will escape then, you can tell better than "Agaio the mess I , scikad at each other, mid tho Ugh De aural of them guide ea if they would •peak, each checked himself, mid for a misstep tiot,a worst wait wand•, As Salsa au old issmanso stepped forward— " 'lt's oo use and disputin' uow,' he said. 'Mr. Singer's right; and it can't he ex. ported for him to do no otherwise. Wo toti.t bare the faintly with as, and leave the provisions bebiod, sod trust to being picked up; that's what it is, scow/din' to my 'pinion.' ltererbr motto!" the to too dome,' was tbo rarely'', Helmer. 'kto quick, bops; put in the cbikirvn, and lower away ' , -Tern-or three barrels, as many bag*, and a large begirt., were hastily removed from the boat M wife and children were put into it as it hung aver the side; two seamen followed, and it ars lowered into the water, the sea being for tuitatt 1) rale' The boat at the etern was not / ,, yered at a;1; it wa.4 to fact bur a me re calcitic. pelt, mod re. utd have been of little use The captain dt,iributtd the remainder ut the crow be. t V. t 1 u the two beats, so that the long boat carried tilt, eis in all, and the other seien Myself and the captain were the last who left the v.siet.— Notwithetanding the terrible anxiety of the ma. anent, I could not help pitying that miserable a l so, as he lingered cud lingered an Wiwi, and see cued to be Inventing one excuse after another for delaying the final aimadoutoent of his ship The mate in the long boat called to him several times, but be see.. • , , though he did not bear, and continued pci4; about among the reject ed articles with , el ,`% . -..: is deck was strewed, as if in search of • - 'g, though he knew not what More than one* he sat down on a coil of rope, and buried his face in hie hasels, until I be gen to doubt whether he would quit the vessel at all, rod bad made up his lamella remain and share the miserable fate of the caste ways.— But be, like myself, had a wife awl children de. pendent upon him; the thought of them no doubt tugged at hit..., cart strings, mad urged him to sett preservation:t- last thing 'be did was to go and withdraw t bolt which fastened down it 4o the grating over the steerage; and then, signing to me to slip down the side, he said in a whisper: They are awake; I heard them talking The Lord have mercy upon them ! Tbey will never' ere the day.' "We were:no wont: in the boat than the men pushed off and moved rapidly away, as if deter mined to get out of sight and hearing of the mis erable beings left all unconscious of the fate that was fast approaching them. We made but little way, however, beoauso our boat was too heavily loaded. The captain gave orders to bare certain thinfa thrown overboard, and some indespensable provisions transferred to the other boat, whish IM leas crowded. Time things delayed we for some time within a stone's throw of the Camden from which I could not withdraw my eyes for a mouton'. The atom shoes so brightly that every rope of she doomed vestal was visible, and all the himiliar its ow the desk whist* had been our bowie. Nosey all the sails were set, sad showed g h ostly whicliblesessit the moon ; but the vessel befog withlikt phlegm, they dapped idly this way and 'that, like the *spot a woun ded bird. Slowly the heed of the vessel turned round, sod, as she drifted before the wind, ed• ranoed towards the boat. Just thee I saw 11 figure is a white night dress rubbing frustisally about the deok—Oow - peeriug over the aids, now, with hand. clasped above its head, gasing up at the sky, but uttering not a word. Theo it din. appeared, and within a minute, foss the hollow hull. of the vessel owe a insult et voleee--of mew aseeratioes mingled with despairing cries and sbriekewat the fedora and wretebed treat tires swanned out upon the deck. They crowd, ed to the huh boat at the stem fought ssirssel, for the possession of it, sad swamped it is the vain attempt to get it slush--ties most forward and furious of them perishing before the eyes of the rest. And Row that all were aware of the death that awaited them, the erissaod the curses, and the long diarist bowie and shrieks all wing hog together, wqe oast heart rending and bor. ribte to bear, end will ring in ay ewe te toy dy ing day. They emu esuOt sight of our boats, as tie sees, putiol Wishes by the awful sounds, paused upon their oars, sad gazed as if &Delisted by the fearful tragedy. As the sinking ship lurched heavily nearer and. nearer, we merely polled s few strokes suillisient to ntaistain a wife thaws), sod then paused aid 4ised &pie The poor doomed wretelies,stretebleg their elsis ed hands towards les, prayed *mealy for the help we could not ; and seen to 'Weems by our &Otte% tot lfe SO sword, oiled devaeurese fres Hems apes . • OW leads. It was a dreadful sad siokseing thing to be obliged to fly from the distress emit* we would all have willingly risked oar lives to alleviate. Bat, alas I there - was no help for it; and all we could do wu to add in silents our bit. MT lasneotationa to their own. , For more than ewe hours we sat the agonizing spectators of ibis horrible tragedy. It must hare been nearly three hour. put nidnigni when the Comdex went glows, and the last drowniag cry of the wretched passengers rang in oar ears. I preyed to liteavete earnestly that sight that no human eye Weis ever again behold such • epee:solo ; and I hope the Great Ruler of the galivant , wilt Mar by prayer, rte dead, cold silence that followed struck inorect.wror to my. heart than ell the ageoisiag cries shot had `one before.. 'Thee I beard the strong MOD sobbing like woman ; but at these sounds, the 'captain, who had hid his face from the dreadful apeetaele of the wreck, roused him. "elf, sad its a calm severe voice ordered the men to pull sway, himself . taking charge of the tad. der.' I had bees in • sort of sue ell this time, 1 iseapabia of doing anything but stare fixedly on the poor sinking ship; bit when the boat began to move, I was reealbd to my proper senses, and then the thought of my family, and the peril we were is, almost bewildered sie spin I turn. od to my poor wife; she ass in a deal swoon, and es I afterwards found, bad fainted the ttio• . meat I had joined bee in the boat, and had be held nothing of the fearful sight which had an.. nerved us all Bbe lay is the arms of her title, who woe Ostia as helpless as herself. The two eldest girls were moaning with apprehension aid tearer; bat I was glad to see that the young. or children were fast asleep, and that the - girl had ousted them up close in the hottest of the . , t. ' We were all huddled together with the. eaPtainiat the steno, and as the sea was quite ailm;ere fortunately warm Sad 4ry. I put a little dy to Betsy's lips, and libeled her i,f6e,. beads end t, and it was not long before she revived sad loolto rotted. The captain was very kind to us, and eo'iter• the men, and bore me no I , manes for the part I taken ;in the contrary, they eadeavored to ge us by saying that, we ehoteld be sere to be pie op, at the forth , est, in a day, or two, sod the e4 s ,t melees we had rono weather, all would be t well N. "The day was sow begianieg tiNawn, and there Was soon light *sough to reeial the heti ! sow ets' deo seaters ride. Two sidle were risible, they steed, though I could tenses them; but they were too fa ro rto earth sight of any signals we could make, and DODO wets attempted. All that day Ms rowed on in an easterly count. ' looking seriously for some rennin vessel. Whether the eaptain felt the eorlidenee be expressed with regard to our being picked Sp, 1 do sot know ; but in the afternoon be caused an aooount to be taken of whatever provisions were on board the boats; bad them fairly distributed according to the bombers is each ; and pat ns all upoo au al. lowest:es, which, be said, would last for five days, with wetter for three days more. The sweet biv snits and the spirits is my possession were ad• did to the general stock--the latter to be used only for eases of sickness or eabaustios. I 1144 little iwelioati3o for food myself; bat it distrr.sed me to hear the nom lasts of the children at - the scanty meal allotted them that day, and it went to my beart to be obliged to quiet them by re proof; what grieved me still more that my wife would not touch her allowance, but shared it with the piney's& ehildrea. "Towards evening, a sail appeared to the northward, at the distance of five or six miles We hoisted a shawl on an oar for a signal, and turned our boats towards her, and at one time had good hopes that sho- had satin us,. as she alt• ered her course as if to meet us; but she veered off on another tack shortly after, and disappear ed in the distance and dusk of the evening This disappointment came like a fresh calamity, and oast a dismal gloom on tar all; but now a worse thing alarmed' us—the weather became overcast, sod though there was not much wind, the billow* rose sod fell in long black walls of water, now heaving us aloft on their t ips, nos plunging Its down in the gloomy furrows The boat lay very deep in the water. The eaptaiu signalled the other boat, to knoiw if they could relieve us of a part of our weight; but all they could do was to take one of she water-casks, which they hauled on Gourd with a rope. We threw over a few of the articles 'which could best be spared, and thus lightened the boat a Little Mesowbite, the weather grew' worse—the bil lows began to break in foam, aid the spray dash• ed over us ha showers. With - the aid of a ham mer, a saw, and a piece of sail- loth, we managed to rig up at the •itt..ru a rude bulwark agatust the breakers, which would else have swamped us. It now begin to r.iu, and that it a way that pro' seised a oontionenee of wet for some hours at least. lu a few minutes we Were all drenched to the skin--and all tepre thee ever impressed with the extremity of our misery and peril. My wife scarcely spoke a word, unless it war to quiet. and comfort the children, who ion cried bitterly, and would not be eonsoled. The men no longer talked hopefuily; but I could ape them etrouing their eyes through the JarhassS, as it descended rapidly upon us, in search of some panting ves• sel "I think we all tasted the bitteroese of death many times that night, lied the swell or the sea, as we expeoted, increased nod brought he wind in its track, nothing ,00uld have bared us from sinking. It pleased teod ( bowever, to com passionate our distress, and duet the fury of the waves; sod the rain ceasing an , hour after mid night, Me moon struggled fitfully from the *loads, mitt showed us, oh, happy sight! a large vessel bearing full down upon us not half a mile to our rear, Tba men of both' boats saw it to gether, NO raised a shoot with emallined voices. Apparently this was not heard, and the eaptaio d to me to lire my gun, which I had meehani. tally brought with me , and which" he had pre vented me from throwing overboard when I of. food to de so. 1 did as be desired, and a minute after, we bad the inexprearible rapture of seeing a lash on board the ship, an bearing the re vealing report of their gun. I cannot tell you the feelings which now rsehedinto my teeter, the gladness and the gratitude of snob a time they only know who, baring been long in the very jaws of death, are suddenly snatched from its horrors to peace and safety. "The good ship which had saved us was La Fireetki, a French vessel, bound for -Cherbourg from New York. Hitee e pt the captain, sue on board ooski speak meek of, the &OA _tos; but they understood Our waste, and strWSid them with a kindness and hospitality sot to be surpassed, and seemed • plowed beyead measure at their good-fbrtune is lindifig us. We Con dosed with them Ste day", at tb• end of which time they spoke an Zsglish brig bound for Car tiff, to which, with easy hearty good wishes and farewells, they transferred us. We arrived safely, in three days mote, in the Bristol Mum gel, and I was allowed to load at Swansea, where a relative of" lay wife's received us hospitably, after the *fat perils we had escaped." Beek *an sotioant of his drat sea.voy. age, narrated ,to us eleven years after it. occur rime. Otte would have thought that such an initiation in the feaiftil oontiogenoies of sea-life would hail ilekened him of voyaging, and made him cutest to try his fortune once more in his satire land. His Muds took this for granted, and whoa whilst few weeks of his return, he imps ila t alf i l=asother whip, seemed Ms of to his deetreedes. Jolla looked oo the mattes in a tent felt convinced, in &se, that be as not destined to a watery grave--and made up his mind to follow his original intention. But he took better pretentious this time in she Omit* of s vessel— embarked his family in • tlrst-class merchautv men, and, after a speedy sad prosperous prise of Aye weeks, arrived in safety at New York, whence he set out at once for the hod of pro. miss in the Far West. ' As a settler, Stager did well. He bought land•on the boundary lines of civilisation, mid shrewdly equatted • considerable tract in addi• tioa. lie bad the address coat:Mate a yea dering tribe of Indians by his generosity in their time of need, and thus converted the watt enemies of the settler into friends sod defenders. As his family grew up, they proved valuable and produotive capital, sad paved his way to compe wooe and independence His mons drew many of his ohl friends after hits, and he renewed, in the forests of America, the association* and friendships of his youth in Wiltshire. In ten years, John bad grown up a man (desistance and authority, boiled up to and respected by the population of * whole district At that tim., his wife's father died, letaving a considerable pro. perty to be divided equally among his ebildree Tbeo it was that John Sieger came over to assi.. to the settlement of the bovines*, sod to receive his own legacy; and then, too, it was that we beard the lamentable story of the loss of the Foal(len from his own lip. This was twenty seven years ago, sod we bare not beard .‘f the sturdy settler since If be be yet alive, bo is do doubt honored as a patriarch, for the snows of nearly fourscore winters have by this rim settled on hi* heed ....- A Less= for Suicidal Levers Richard Gunl h a j3urneyman harness maker. of this city has bluowll been harnessed by Cupid and driven to rho very gates of desperation His minister it, a young lady !lamed Charlotte Mat thews, who.. mother keeps a boarding house on E.m stn et, col who appears to hove made up her mind to -.one more brilliant alliance than that oir,r‘ dby Mr Cwuld But as Richard has • very rssi opinion of his own merits and quali fication., he judged that Charlotte's 000lness was mere c• quar t , believing that when it came to the scratch, she would cave in at • moment'• warning . He resulted to melt at once the soul of the artful nymph, and to surprise her into an ay..w al of tier feelings. For this purpose he proceed. -ed, about twenty minutes put five o'clock yes terday afternoon, to the dwelling of Mrs. Mats thews and stretched .himself out upon the front door step, holding in his hand an empty phial, upon which be bad pasted a label of "strych- I zone." "Now there will be ap 'fleeting scene when my captivating Charlotte comes out," solilognix ed Mr Gould, s , he closed his eyes and compos ed his features to a corpse like immobility Pre sently Mies Matthews *mitred at the door broom in band, for the purpose of sweeping the steps On -e , log the recumbent Richard, she uttered an exclamation '•f surprise, and then tried to stir him up with the broom-stick; but finding that ha did tot move. she called oat, "Mother, moth' or, here's Dick Gould coiled up on our steps, and I don't know what ail, him •' "Dead drunk, 1 guess," said Mrs Matthews, as she also cabin to the front door "No, I'll declare if he ban' kicked the bucket In reality," said Charlotte, spying the bottle, and biking it out of Geuld's band "See, the fool has been taking strych nine:" "Poor soul," sighed the benevoleat old lady; natural he looks:" "Lie looks about al well as he did when'he was alive," observed Charlotte, "and that's not saying m - oeh for his beauty H. never could hold a candle to Jim• my Hickman at any time " This Mr. Hick man is &spruce young clerk who boards with Mrs. Matthews, and who happened to come home at that very juncture When be Plll the supposed corpse, James oft fetid to go for the coroner, to bold an inquest over t•tbe poor devil," as be called Mr. Gould. dao't like the notion of having a oaoro.o. er and jury fellows poking about here," said Mrs Matthews. "No," added Charlotte, "just drag the nasty creature on to the cellar door of the neat house, Jimmy. and then wash your bands and oome in too supror." Mr Hi c k man took the corpse by the feet to do) as Le was dirt eft 'I, oho tr Gould dealt him a kick which doubt. 4 him up like a jack knife.— The ladies ahriekeil, anti Mr Gould, starting up was beginning 000 oploraid Chat loft.' fur bar bard ue-s '.f hi art, I thr or,6i (.1 r policeman in, oertuptiol ~tot), 111 A h. 1113;11d away ..• sadder and a w er man " Gin Gas A N LOBO eiCUSSION ABOUT Lake, H esa, the lovely %inge on `race*i ake, foinili es the following •pcimen id parliamentary rul lug:—"lit ito• •I f %Western New- York, the "culled i n..rus," in emulattou of their wbste bretbrea,,formed a Debating Soesety, for !he purpose of improviug their minds by the tlimu.siou of io.truetive and entertaining tt.pies. Tht delit•erations if the Society were presided O ‘,. T by a Trip table darkey, who rierforrucii hi. dimes with the utmost dignity peculiar to his color Thr subj.-et for eiscussion on the txca-ion of which we write was 'Which am de width.' it the chicken—dc b. n won lay de egg, or de h. t, wnt hatches de chick?' The quertion watt warm ly debated, soil many mull - tog pro and cqu wen, urged and combated by the excited disputants Those in favor of the latter proposition were t vi • dirtily in thi nisjority, and the President mad, no attempt to conceal that his sympeihies were with the demivant party At length an itite.i glut darkcy arose frow the minority side, rod begged leave to a ate a pr' positionthis 'Spore,' said he, 'dist you set one •di,aru duck's eggs under a ben, nud tiliy hatch, which ins de madder—de duck or de hey?' This was a poser, was well put, and non plussed the other eddy, even staggering the Pros dent, who pistols raw the forge of the argument, but had mosesitted himself too tar to yield without a struggle; so, after oogitating sod serttobiag his wool a few elements, a aright idea "truck him Rising front his shalt in, all the pride - of oonalious reperierity, be aneosooed: "Dear am not before de house; oho:kens am de pavilion derefore I rale de ducks out!" wad do it. be did, to the complete overthrow of bin oppeoents " NO" The Cincinnati Osseoe tolls of a gentle man of that city, formerly oonweeted with the Turf, who mostly made a visit to England, and while time attended a Dumber of ranee, betting freely in a small way,generally coining out wins uer ,just Wore leaving, be went to the Comm'lilts Rases, with a balance in his fav or up to that date of some $14,000 enlist opera tions, and 'finding the Odds tep to one await Ten Broeek's Priories, be eoneladed to risk his pile on her. She came out about six * iiickes be d. Had she woe, be weeld bay* pocketed 11140,000. us.“Tbi 'asked &let Gte lalf their days," said • good isaa to itis zero summit. 4.Dat's game," aaW Cody. 44Hito ao live out half his days? Dad I- s' lodic 'bout 'Jobbat' o'olook la de f Pesi,sps obli ore Lp° Daly imLlsthe auk mato is worki Name. Only owl Iwo opuke Aiwa ilia, bat inumbods 111 tbatiado of sea on dia, WU. Us stmt. B. F. SLOAN, 'EDITOR. NUMBER. 28. NIMIGET ADMOITITIUL: Female,' often possess preemie of "fp ,d• sad the power of self control aolat saitgliftigitaibes of imminent peril, which seem to dieir nature, and beyond the etiduri*if a dui ioate physical organisation. A strikinLtstanoe of will eouitwind, by a lady whose must bave bn u powerfuli.)ted,. and whose lite of afauspaca had prub4bly never 4;ore Oren her nerves any severer test than is ineideat, to the vexatious of doiniatic estr‘s is Arkin. Chatn• bens sfuerard ..f ln.t mouth W 5 cell the ad, venture, premising by nay of esplotontinu that the lady was the daughter of a rector residing in e quiet English nuuntry village, end •was upon the eve of marriage : Th , • wedding day was it. be on the isoreow of that on which our adventure *paned Hrand preparations were made for the aseddiegp and the rector's hod 014 plate. vat eoistly gifts Of the bride, weft aiiiiienseed with prido and pkwatarn at the Hare and Hounds, io-14144preiwntaa of • omestran ger, whet had come dieirti.ao a prise , fighli , which bad taken plaoe iu rbr ileigtiberbestd." That eight, .A.Lietantv, wiist ocewhnia separate runts fr.,a t tier ,later, ...it up low-40w wiser all ibe r. 44 r.• 'red .tv!oritts She, had long intervit..+ si I, ris Lae audiked been reed mg a eii•phir t,. M e is 14 , had litrested her lecithin, di:Li Is dd peaked up her di.c Sit,. 4' 000requoutly 4141 Alreildled when the ottureti t•.l /e 4 Ul • • AAA ttpseedr she home! -tie tiesril a tow noise .like that of s file; she listened bu. Gould cliitinggiele'vethleig clearly It might Nave been mute by WPM Or tho P. rvi:o. still *bow, or perbapait WOO only the p,-- , ,klhg or =h. old treee She heard noth ing h.', I hr •oglitag of the winter wiedwfor many minur• • aftt-ritAr.J., Housebreaker', were mere myth. in priini , ive Shyrvion and the briderelect, eite,,,t A ihnegbr of fear, reamed= her woolips -1100 arm+ gr , Vair tin a glitatlitlj i 14t dile wood., ul‘i to he irt:rti st the w when her be tin door •iftly opened. -- 'She timed, lieilvd up, and hi bold a men with a Meek Wink, holding a pistol in hi. bead, ettandiag before her She did not sere.,m, for her pert thought was for her hither; in the next room, and to whom 'Buy suddeu alarm might be death, for he was old, fetbee, and enfferiog from heart oom plaint She eontronted the - robber Witty, and addressed Mai in a whiwper • 4 1" net dot 0001.1 " s h e said, -to rob n. Spare year tided the awful guilt of murder My father telepis tiett - to my room, and t 9 tie stir , lect f r o m hi a eel would kin, him. Make no beg or yol.' The fellow was astonished and cowed. "Wt won't make no noe:e," he replied Ito4eltlyi "I' you give us everythin g quietly," A lelaide dr, w back and let him take her jew els—not a pang, for they were preesotp I've gifts, remark , eg at the same time, that tw more masked refftatit "toted at the half open doe, At be tonk the jewel ease and 'seek from ti table, and demanded her puree, she asked him t r he intended' to go into her father's room. Sl• received a surly affirmative; "he wasn't going t run a risk and keys bat' the tin behind !" proposed instantly that she ehould go herself elutes; "I will bring you whatever yon wisk and you may guard ins thither, and Vin me if play false to you " The fellow onsuaalted comrades, and after a short parley; - Ifiel_agreeet to the prophet! ; and fill) a pistol jaded at ht t head, the danutletti girl crossed the pilaw, mid entered the old rectors room. ate stole across the c)atnbcr and removed hie pant., watch, treys and desk, gave them up, act the rot be.,s who stood at the door The old man slay • peacefully and calmly, thus guarded by Ida who softly shut the door, and demanded if tl - robbers wtre ytt satisfied The leader replied that they should be whe t , they had got the show of plate lipped - Rau beim. but that they es.uldn't let her out of eight, anti that the must go with them In compliam • with this mandate, she followed thaw down stab - to the diuteg route, where a eplemdid weddin, hrtalasst been laid to save usable and hur ry top iLe ul..rrow To her surprise, the fellow. I .t. number when 1010010111011....eatet lietu.t ;%; •• and prepartd to make a pod mad They ~td. 'id her to g(t them out Inas, mad k cut her ..wil wedding cake for them; and - ekes seated at , I.e bead of thu table, she was compel 1, d to pr, si•le st this extraordinary rereL They ere, drank, laughed and joked; and Ad elaide, quttk of tar and eye, bad thee time to study, in her quiet way, the fi gures s ad re i ns of the whole set Whro the rtpa.,t ILA coded, sad the plate trau-f. rrt d to a Pack, they prepared to deput, wimp. rio p: tu e ...tirr, and giseciag at the young lad). For tht. firot tame Adelaide's mar pv• w.), and trcuabled; tut it wae - oot • °cud -I,.ti agaiom h• r. tiq it proved The leader, ap proach og h. r. t• that they did* nor wish to harm L. t —that she was "a jolly weash, :rear wp,'• hi .1 tL. y s Cr hurt he'r, but that she p %sr., r I,or In. give au alarm till olio or teD the dry, ahk tht y uld opal inste,— Ti. tLia ni.r e a. 44 en 1.17,5 C iidifed id assent, sad !Leo Th.) all tr-.reed alingLand,withher. She t rd dal .t ILI:. portiog certmosy, that ro• • t b.,d Lly three finger on the I. tt 1.41,(1 Al' t.e, t d room, Adelaide, hint tortured the first gleam of dap ligl.f; 111,11 art the r , bberti did not return, a up t.. ber rottm, undrribed; and fell into 22 uodisturbol :doutber The eontiterostion of tbo up.ruing ma} he Imagiaed; and Al.. -tory Wio. tovrt litonndivg than iLe f.ct o f it., to bt. y t rerr "Pcl;ce wero sent tor ft • w L udo,u, maid ihr), to:dam] b). Ad( laido's • t llpuoo of I.r r toidniitt guebts, actual ') net. t u tf to capturing I rtry one of the gong, 111 , 11" w tip y ung lady bad n.. clifiltillty in Wenn% Eying snit swearing to—the "three - tittered Jsek" helot; thy. guiding clue to the discovery The molt u Fr , perty pee nearly all recovered, and th4l - a:l4(c tor it, Wi)t• dtolarcd—sod witb truth—that Le od d his Itlc to the tell pobbeesion and judg went of eldeat daughter. The oti.) 11l • fftct of the great, trial to her ne rires, wee; a diepotlltiotl, on the pain old ie y oung beroibe in ti s ieu ‘ for isi d o i s i ii mods, an detc: uneuily limn troubled dreamy but time and l (unge of retidenee boon effect ed its cure. WRONG PAIREINGER —Young men -who keep late bcnrs, beware: Oeo. Heist mturtted home from a ball at Cincinnati, about 8 A. M., sod finding all the doots locked, climbed upon tbe portico to get in through the window. An effort bad beta nasde'by bbrgleril to eater the premises a few nights previous, and his' father bearing As noise armed htm.elf with a retorver,nba taGewrgo, reacted tbe porch the old gentitmen fired twit*, and the_youth fell Baylor f•Dfy God, I am ?hot!" The father ran op . to tavinoaaded bur glar, as be ?opposed; and &covered to his bor. for that it waahis own ' tom Fortunately for both, George was not lion as Badly as he tho't. The first ball had missed him' 11Vegethari sad the moondolodged is elio itioutdas) . making a painful, though.aot at ail devious wound. A Wirintmo Pawn BQT wo Witottwo.—The Indianapolis Jouroal relates hew a 'warden de sertion of an expectant bride took place in that city on Thursday arming. The topper was pre. pared, the gamete came, tbie lady-r-vwidow—was waiting in her bridal sutra, bat . the expected bridegroom oasts tot. It was afterward wee hined that i• west tbst very attarliota to Fla* lat i to army mother lady.