tested von the youth's toil t ,and sinewy frame "He Is, size. 'W. found only a simple liwati upon him, and tbsi we took from him." A oontomptoots look inerspread the youth's Nee as be thus found I. mouareh so fearful; but when hefull upon the features silf the ty _rant who bad slain his loved kisdred, an express ion of deadly hate swept over his uoble bre*, and a keen ere burned in his dark eye. "Ye gods:" gasped the king, as he caught a full view dike youth's face, with this deep ex, pressiim from the soul upon it, "what bare we here? Come no soarer! guard him well' Who art thou?'" Had the sword of death been at that moment suspended over our hero's heed, and ready to tall at a breath, he could not have (sorbed the arnotione elm swelled in his soul In all his na tore there wan not one principle or incentive that ,mould lead him to bow and cringe before one whom be utterly despised and detested. Had be thought of the future, he might have spoken differently; but be thought only of the present sad the past—,he thought only of the bloody wrongs that had bean done, and he allowed his soul to hare fall sway. "I am Llarie," be answered, looking full into Pyrrho's face. "Alarie! Alario, What Ataxic art thous "Bold, sire," interposed the chamberlain, who had been regarding the youth narrowly. "Me thinks thou ahotddat know that face. He is the son of OMNI." "Hal Now by the gods,l know biter cried the king. vett i ng ng up from his seat, but quickly sinking beck quo. "Art thou the son of the petricden Ornate!' "When my noble father lived, I was his son," the prisoner replied. "And when your noble father tied you lied the oonntryr said the monarch, with sarceetie emphasis upon the words he had repeated from the youth's speech "I did flee, was the reply "And have you been absent ever eince7 "I have." "Where?" "In Greece." "Why bast thou returned now . '" "To see the land of my birth " "Who case with thee?" "I landed alone upon these shores, your um jesty, and had no thought but to find a friend; and then, if need be, to leave the country again " "And who is the friend you sought?" "Ji bosom friend of my early youth, whose in fluence extends not beyond the walls of her home. "ail—a female, "Yes." - • "And lives she with the artisan Belletu , ' "I went tbero to seek her!" "And there yon found her?" "I heard of her there." "Answer me !" cried the king, in a voice of rage. "By the sacred crown of Jupiter, thou bade better bite eff thine own head than answer me spirt as thou ham. done Who is the maiden thou hut come to seek ?" Mario hesitated ere be replied to tins He remembered the warning he had received. from Bellows, and he began to feel that he had been too rub it his speech. But he had no choice now. If be refused to answer, the king could easily send to the dwelling of the mason, and thus matters might be only made worse. "She it the daughter of Bellems," be finally said. The!monaroh gazed into the youth's face for same mollefetS without speaking. There wu a look of deadly meaning upon his bard features, and hid fingers moved nervously over his knees At length be tamed to his ohamberlain, and said : "This is a carious freak of eironmstanse.— flat the young man is like a stranger in our city, and we must provide for him--at least for awhile." Then to Mario, he added : " had thesprought hikborsgaimat thy : shalt be provided for diming the nigh "I ' , . y provide for aspilf, sine Then 'A , :..., : we do not choose that thou ahooldist be p. .7 ... . ineeavenienee. We have room eau ' ' to apon ; and it will afford us true , ... gra -, .'• to know that thin art oared for." laillifftgeisuld not mistake the meaning of these werditt l f4o4. look which atioompanied them was a sairustent key to their import Bat be could do nothing stow to help himself He could only trust to bircumstanees as they geoid present themselves. The king called one of Inse eers to his side and idiiipered something int is ear, and then i turned owe more to the pout "It Is waling late now, and we all have need of "he said ; "so thou shalt be conducted to • p i ties; of safety until the morrow.' "But, sire," interposed our hero, "why should you keep me here to-night' I esn be found when you want me." "We are not so sure of that. But it is our will that you remain.—llippon, you will oonduct him to a place of rest, and report to me when thou but done it." The man thus addressed approached our hero, and placed his hand upon his arm i "Come," he said. * Mario started as he heard the tones of that vole., for they sounded like a knell. The word was not spoken as speaks one who leads a guest to a quiet chamber. "Go With him," spoke the king. Mario turned, and was led away. In an ante room his conductor was joined by tour dark, sin. War looking men, who had more the appearance of common mist; than waiters upon a king, and thou be ins seized by both hie arms, and hurried on through s; vaulted -passage to a dimly lighted corridor. Presently the officer, who was Ilippon, the jailer, 'stopped at a deep niche, where a guard was p 01440, and procured a tomb, by the glaring light of :which he led on once more On, through dark and narrow passages—and down, down, down, long and steep stairways, the youth was led ; and when his coadnetors finally stopped, Hippon opened a door of solid metal, which swung out from a jagged wall, and the prisoner was forced roughly in, and the massive door was closed. It was shut with a dull, heavy sound, the reverberations being drunk op by the solid walls as soon as they fell upon the air—and the prisoner was left in utter darkness. He eloped hie eyes, and then opened them again, to see if some glimmer might not be found to break thwhorrible gloom ; but it was all in vain He groped his way to the wall, and leaned against it for support, for there was no seat save the floor. The youth was not long in waking up hie mind that be had been doomed to death lie knew the character of the monarch, and that no deed would be too sell for him. He knew, ale°, bow fear could make the tyrant more cruel than before, and to what deeds of darkness the fear Wishes usurper can descend. It was a terrible thought, and for a while Alar ' was inclined to blame himself for what he bad dose; but when be came to reflect upon the transactions of the day, he could not see bow the present result could have been avoided. It ex. etched no control without the powei of fore knowledge. Be thought of Isuthe, and he woo doted if he should ever see her again. The *bastes were against it, but be was not prepared to give up all hope. He had just started to =bit way around the slimy wall, when be the mound of footsteps without, and pres ently tiat Jarring of bolts fell upon his ear. In a dew agouti more the door of his dungeon Ina opened, and three taco entered, one of them bowing afiaitiag torah, They were huge fel. lois, dad is mire garbs, and each bore a naked awtrias his kind. isoognined those giirhoy ter be bad seen there yeah Wore, and be blew that only the easeutioners wore them 1 The moment his eye rested upon the grits visitors, he know that his doom had been spoken, and that the time for ex , emotion bad come ! is:seise:l,Bly be placed his Wei epos his hip, but there wee no weapon therm lie 'a' el Istrosed t sod seemingly pow, aim "pita the lire& raketts. The men -wMthe leaned it up against the irelr, _ Mom pegleetbig poise tof rook helped Rapport it,%DJ thei. " HOW - " • 4 ;What- LI your badness here 11' ".i f)ut tmetuats you'd sty, it ,ou kut-o• m 7 master;' replied slio leader of the toierusi trio, iu au uufetling toss i "but Open we'll do it an well, you won't Irso*we'rie /ion it at all " "I am tk) die !" the youth said, with hit hnudi cleaped,fpuu his bosom "We've ill ;ot to die some time, and the *be die firik will gel the sooner out of a very wicked world. A.tid bi uce you kuovr what's coming, !suppose you'll take it am easily •. pos.. What a lifetime of thought and feeling was crowded into the neat moment :* The three ' gleaming swords were raised, and the doomed youth saw them pointing surely towards his heart. There was no-escape by flight, for beteet u him acid the door advanoed the workmen of destb!— There was no hope in his own strength of body and limb, foe, wparmed ea he was, the power op. posed to hint wis ttneouquerable g, he leaned back against the reeking wall, and shut the hot. 'rid monsters from his eight. The above is the commencement of Mr. Cone's great story, which is now being published in the New York Ledger. We give this as a sample ; but it is only the beginning of this most inter' esting, fascinating and absorbing tale—the bal ance or continuation of it can only be found in the New York Ledger, the great family paper, for which the most popular writers in the country contribute, and which can be found at all the; storeii throughout the city and oonntry, where papers are sold. Remember and ask for tber l New York Ledger of November 18, and in it yon will get the continuation of the story from where it leaves off hece If you oannot get a copy at any news office, the publisher of the Ledger will mail you a copy on the receipt of five cents The Ledger is mailed to subscribers at V. a year, or two copies for 88 Address your letter 4 to Robert Bonner, publisher, 41 Ann street, die Fork It is the handsomest and best family pa• per iu b the country, elegantly illustrated, and characterised by a high moral tone aft. "(load morning,—how do you feel?" asked Jenkins of one of our defeated democratic candidates, &gibe met him near the head of State street, just after breakfast, yesterday morning "Feel," replied—, very feelingly—"feel! why, I feel just as l suppose lAzarus did when be was licked by the dogs:" M. AHLSTRAND, ASu. 3. BEEBES BLOCK, Manufacturer and Dealer in Hats, Caps, and Furs. x j APING served an apprenUceship of mean ears in the citty _ma of Stectboits, Owned's, In the ananufactum of Furs and haling worked Ove years la tha country It cutting sod suagng Fur* sad Cana I now return from the YAM with a now and cello. plots stock of Hats, Cana kc.., and will during the coming mown, manufacture Furs Feeling assured that I ran gas general satis faction, I rearrettUlly solid% a call and examination of my stook so, pricat. lam bound not to be beat treat of Now York. ito ukoruhor the I,lase, No. Boobs's Block. A Great Secret. Te keep 3 oar Firs from the motto, or einciffing otherlrkada, sane them to J. X Allatraskra Hat 8tor• No. I, flosho'a block where he has a room for the vapor* and *di guarantee thorn as good, aloe and brtght next HD as when brought All of witch h. will do for a Mall mamma:ion. Err, April 24„ Io6 l s. Out 00 Prof. oourrs. CHEAP .A.,..ThitE.I33ELCO TM" PIOTI7RE GALLERY, BAS 11/113 RXIIOVED To tDe Et, Li*it 30.116111191‘11 New Etc, t.,. Pr papered W es e l r Pictures of ell styles. Now Arrival of DINS eI D 111111315 izr,Exciarroisoa of .4 No. l, Rood s. Roos., rams Nut MIDI w aro wamatod to kw of tai -11 "" ---- " 4 bit quality sad watch as in to =of at Joey low tom% TOB CAUL . Mgr*" LOW tOli 041121 Aart Meryl' row Foa CAM CWOrtitiorat b. rits Au.e. Bur Iteacaa, Fitch's iati-allliona Mita* 64 “ Zrlabalasoma, liearlaarrs BanduaLa Cordial, Wood*" Bak lairtarat, EtanbolW" 11:11 mot Blau, Erserson's Batt kastorra, Tkosapoon'aira Wot. , Plralosea Bair Enatrator, Rama tro Waal. lira abiWs air. .sytor.r. Darlay's Arabian Hai.. R.snr..lv Lyaa's Ka kr,. ie. Hany's Trtroireroar4 Trask's intmasi, Bagie's Hype nen Fluid. CiaboraW Minus _ _ . licAllistses " Rowe Liverwort Tar, Teaser a .. absersiaa's Oleos San, Holloway's Ayres Cherry Pectoral, alosa's 0 Tf.ldea's Maid 'strati Bust, Studs Salm iteebtoes Cod Liter Oil, Ds.ley's Tate trtssetor, eloass's Coadttiota Powders, Kannedy's litadlaLl Inatover7, Orierral Dandelion Coffee, Whitcomb's Aettima Remedy, Forrata's Anodyne Cordial, Yrn Wlsalow's Seettdag Prep, sad other Standard Redielaaa Irbil& L • will sal. at wholesale is low arta, bonne west of Now Yost Ctrs us • nil before per cbealog allemberre. L 1 HALDmIN _ette, April 10, 111116. ---11.71E1W.-"Vii:tisir.-1- WZSS&S. BHAIXO &RYAN, 'IIIW3II, Have just returned from Nino York AT co. IS With a lug* and well telieted gook of FRESH GROCERIES, WHICH WILL BE DISPOSED OF LOW FOR CASH. J W. RYAN, Erie, June 19, 1369 —6 COAL, SALT, &C. JAMES KFNNEDY & C0.,'. ; ;sum...min to Y. 11..Th0.p.K.,, 4rOWIA'A/1101Pie AND COMllDeri/ON MERCDIANTeII: Wholesale and Retell dealers la Coal, halt, plaster uter Lama, Flee Brick, Ice. W arohocoo co cal.}, he lms 7th and Bth streets. C)C31 1 41"...T.05T - We keep for +slit Brookfield Coal, [httoen as Car la k Boyce's and charges for baullop ouTy ;I, c..,.t. per Tun to any part of tie City P i o erfarniths' Coal. it st are prepared to faratsb Bleeksdarthe wath first C 4 ,11.112 Gall 1-r ista , kamitha}reposes at this lowest market dices at Bth .itree , - S.A.T...ael Fr I Salt buyers supplied with say usattlty of Salt, et th e ,„s.. s t Wholesale prices at Bth 01,41 , r it Curti' , 4: 'B.tr. s r'ns I Yard, ial the Public Dock. lia‘ ins the facilities Inc dolup a large hoslort4, and gar 1V.,. iluu ea and Coal Yard toil:tip located In a roureolunt and rotstret Tart ~I the coy, offetkOK brat induessuusuts 16 cat} on us t01.,0 plop elsewhere. JAS KS' NEDY k CI. Jo, RENNT-DY, iormer'y att.* firm of Rogers k K.u0..1, Jos H TOLL.II7, wilt Lords k Boyce. 1.:n...00.. T.1,13511.--4t24 L. I BALDMIIN H 4• JUST RECEIVED At NO. 5, REED 110 t -SE, A LARGE AS:_ , ORTIIICST OF FANCY ARTICL}S, Perfumery, pomades, Colognes, HAIR OILS, - /lair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Led Cembs, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. uring. 100,000 feet Fiooriog f Flo or sok at CARTER k MALLZkr , it* 041.11. /848. SteamPlaniDe yui mar TB2 GREAT LIBTEKENT! roa MAX AND BEAST. IT iUa TRIUMPHED ri LAO boa bolo Ws, and Itosyssople basis essmbrof • 4 .....,, just rerdiet fisfaxgrrs Illaoto fltio, the world's great 1 y studs *ossomg mod olltboot • deaf told,' immense s k , mmin g u e ensedisiema, sad it: sus is lostad ill the olko• Of Valdkaal Mafia. Vistialasi by dented 4 oagtfAustes," pt b." ...... t rem. Sus IrrAllasuarr sibs* bias Ilse lead of all alms lii. teussMok aod statists tzioasobant. It hos tool M• agromssal olomor Of Assam* sminant of the idsdical Inse : the pro* sue ) 1 )114 11 Its silo ; sad Um grommet 'Fr borax so. Oat& I= L asfOotllsys props-Wore to the Vision 4 14 wltxe ao other 801341,1114 St saris T IS es, giro Ws ar il& i er ta tal, N II nip raw. will osallams the most slum , • Icr A Dadstir 1 ', salstfr l l rk . 'Alm% l AM:l: ha Sept. 11.11ers.- cia O O - ii vim stAmsviotj A 4.1 tb s moot approved Um* at 0_00421.--Good resairts( Brow* awl Reflood Bows .11 414410.• dory. h7 b Ei STUMM • • OIL 'dater "sr ood. by the btl oa pillone Ij faia. Jun __ SINGLAIRII. rinutis of Drag :tore o- It, filed .• • of ' Kara LI. t,. ,OA I J.WIN - i WORE is doe* as ibe altertmt ao • i~lvMMOß,ii J. LICBIRMIACK, „„ • r . - 4. OIL 816,46. & ama ■ a C. SILANNON 1141. IL 1111911.-Iy. 19. 111 5 111:1, ef LVEII-3. EIZIE MD CO. YECTIONARY! ICE CREAK and SEGA.R DEPOT J. S. 4 FERICINS Agent, W riv At's Bio • State Street. Ertn, li•vedtfany Warm tit friands ape quo public tbat f • dastio• , •a baud. large asiorimet. CONFECTln'srlth.r. ,•Tlt, rvol fn NHRi, rbtea b. ugaro ..t rodueed rate,- demi , • f MORRIS & MON% WIDE WOit propared to frtrntsh toer, detr, cf goals in tt I line for Exbthitiorht 4th of Isly Colphrr.tione or Ptfvstr Puttee Frts iez (ILEA is Rooms wol ,!yowl luring abe conatoß week, to triad, be lailtre the -tteouoo of all lovers ef that article. He will ate* op.o doting the entire reaeoa and win fele:rib toe Came to bit Nitrous of the wow] variety, flavors, Li, In few day be will be in reo.f pi o tiTILJI %V niatßues. FIN* APPLES, Orange.. Lemons Ran►naa and retry varlet? of Foreign ar...1 Do• mestitio l.v IY . Hta - FtsnjemwctrCineinamt auP cum lictit I hem tomtits, *nada him In otter VUORTABLEb OF ALL KINDB C++o/I.J tawny Cucumber*, Aapanqu. Leith..., °pious, l'ts Noe, ~ verslreokatmeter 11. st they um be bad it tbi- noir aet, and as fr,..lg ae taloa:roar the Kardet, Elie FOUNTAIN of the .aterst an.l L. lona, or tlat• 6s:4s:table byname atm al.nec rely ve boding • good, cool, claws cud pan LAW. at Okla estattuammist. LOS4TILIDS, OYSTERS, CLAIM, sod ortor didlos6-y'tbo New York market aflords, throlshod at the StlOrteili pollee. MI Kook of donsolUo sod I .11i POUTZDII(I47/14 LarSaad.Trdintiodni every Woad *ad ham, tonging in price *ea to lan, per thonland. to width he invitee the Attention of Rotel and Saloon jitter/1N and the nun of the wood giliikrraliy PA KTI KEI tiErPP 11.1 D it ahart notice with Ica Cream, Strawherrtes, can. of rrery ‘ise. eription. aad Imo rarity the =nuts alter& Public latrortair to reetiedtally eeKcitimi. Erie, Kay 2? lIKS. N. MURPHY. A T THE OLD STAND!! Betweeen Brown's Hotel and the Reed House, t 3 UPI &IND A LA WE ASSORTMENT OF o FURNISH MO GOODS. COOK STOVES, is., a ' large and !jr 'griper, a b e e. d pl b et wortment of j aboa van. • large —ssaftmant of r Cntlin7 and P o Naives, Brltaals = - Table Owlet's and Tea pots, also, Tea sad Ts- me ale Spoona ti l t lrme, Cop. StPpreililiiin and Gaosuod Be also, a assortment of Ja pan Ware of kinds, • he beat eirettment of Tea Trap, la Ease , o 3bapes sad Slays, slag Lawns, L. 4 .0 10 corn Poppers Cboppiag Knives, Flat irons, Sliovele a nd Tonga, Pokers Coal Rods, Washboards Shovels, Spada, Roes, Potato Rocha Flab Hooks, he., Foot Tab., Hip Baths sad Bathing Tubs, ReGig ersters, Yuma Patent Crests Fromm, also, Pimps of all dwrip %tons. Lead Pipe, Slam Lead, Pamp Chains, and Tubing Stove Pipe and Elbows. Canal Pumps, and Lamps, Water Coolers, an.: rlitid Lamps of all Mode, flaales and Eitllyards, Ztnk and Sheet Iran, Wire, Dish Coyote, Candlesticks sod Lampe, Table Mats in risks, Hammett Shovel and Tonga &And, and 111Ik Pans and Palls, Toylet Ware. Tea Bells, Tumbler Drianors, Snuffers and Trays, boos, and Rat Traps, hails. Screws, Tacks and Oil louden, Aber Dusters, kirs.a.ltosstera, Deed Dozes, Dog Cotten, French co& rota, Stew Pane, Grind Stone,* and Hangings. with Semen. All of Catch be mid cheap for Cash only inikitiing don.. . 0 tile *hottest notice. Dram, Pewter and Rags talon n cc change folliroods. Pieeesieoll and *Zama,. m r • t..ek , and eat, ef) y outeel ree. Erie Mat 11, 186 k. Tours N. Ml Rill 1 P*OPELLER WABASH VALLEY. BUIFALO AND GREEN BAY. T" , ' l ,, 16 .r s is c i ii tegt , t:i . : t li cu Aliii . l o.o " A L re L E l. i r tripn, on be ..-pe . win of navigation between Buf- - - -- ;4 - 7. ; 1" i ~,,, i tato and 'Teen Bar, reraarly atoppmg at Erie, Ile•eian . Detroit, Mackinaw and all intermediate pc) tit, , IT of aailit , ,, w II t 4 announced hereafter •,,, liEti, J 11ORT(Pc , Agent Ene DA I 8 THfillAS, Agent. Green Br. _ Fri.. March 1:7, Ike Et 0 ! FA RMERS! ! TO: tun , to et the BCCICFYL ROTATING HARRolk Lro D u tteuvi.i tbd odd bt Aur I.IDDELI., HERSHEY k CO • (-‘ll MAPER thaw •Ter, nom telltog at the Store ato V: ELLSEY, .State Street, between Perry Block, ant May, 16 1146 Erie County Natual Insurance Company. in CO ?yr/ awl in 139 Cho rfrr yetuat ProPortY Insured Asalast Loss by Yin for a■r Toni sot exemediae Sae years. DoLlyzES issued upon the d•poctt. of Premium Notes, of i upon th• poky Went of the onus, Stock Rates In Money ertte.to the liability of. Premanto Note Losses paid wltkont Iltlgattot, One .alt pal; ban ever been brongbt Nrsmut lbw Company Thu Caapiral se satirely free /ram ark, ens 4 u • wife lento sashiattes. DlECCrtiftel Jeaues C. tiarsb4ll, C. X. Tibbs* Wm. Y. Readernecbt, S Beath. Jetta Zimmer ty, Joe. W Starrett, 3P. Saplier i Moe. Iloarbead. Jesob Banton, Geom. A. P...1i0t, C. Babbitt, am_ B. Ulla. J. K. Javan OFFICER'S E Itaaairr, Preet. 10141 OCIOIS.OZi, Etc CLOS.= y. T4aaas.a, Troy. Okla*, la IloaarsOgaatioa k McCreary. Law oklee. Cbeapald• gni., Pa. Erie, April 21, 11611. _ _ ERIE CITY GENERAL INBIIRANCE AGENCY! °MCI la Szepire Sloe", oorser of Mat. sad rtith Streets. ars' Star to the right, up stairs. KIRI J. F. DOWNI G. Asect D eratsENTING the Ml.:mist Coospentee of kidrAcie stalk IA, sair Clierttrul byi MAI susiii• p.,,..... HOWARD FIRE and NE Insurance Company of Philadelphisi. Prankliw Brikh top, No. 412, Mama St*tel cAI'iT4L, seilarely I aveltuml, 11600,000. The Quaker City Insurance Co. OF PHILA.ELPHIA Offici, Irmalv. Butithouga, 406, Watitut Strome. Cub Capital mad Sono's., • • - MO,OOO Manufacturers' Insurance Company, 1) 7 PHILADELPHIA Offike No 10, Merchants Ere/welt. (,AVM .%L, - '-• • • $ lllOO,OOO Erie, anrist 1, 104) 12 Fire! Fire!! Fire!!! rlO. TO O. A. BILPINIttITT*O Instrukee 01laii corner of lur sl a t. and Fifth week, Wribt's Blur-1 tip staimllndgot your property insured if. repreoeute the fo owing WlAble Compe l:del 4 0. NI MASTS' ME AND MAR IS INSURANCE COSIPA:%Y of ielphiu. Autbortsod Capital 11460,0411*. Boeurtly Is- GO. 7 Se UNION . /N_4LILLICE COMPANY, Athena, Br.i. ford Co ,re Capital sw9o,soo An paid up Lad imlicoryly to. .efitio4 )IWito, .a ;ow eitooputity to Ur lainind will penntt Lee, Dot 111, 15... 0. A. BVlNtlii, AO THE XHILAW.I.B3 MUTUAL SAFETY INSURAICE COMPANY. Of PIIILADJILP I AIL L cow do MC* Ritual plan, giving the In eared • lithe of the Company, without ty beyond tikel Malta upon the and 'frineed ou the Most wag. Losses win Illostgly and promptly wif ueted. FLra naiu en Nspdsendiest bandiso and other property, c town or column for •Slrafikeit tto!_ently DEINOTOZI3. Joseph IL lasi,itilmond • loader, Tbeopbilas Pasidtitrit = 4ll 4 = R. Joao, Brooke, Robert Horton, • Soho Ostritstr, John B. Penrose, Hugh Crag, ltarocel Edwards, Diterk• Hoary Lawrence, mew B Stank!, Edward Darlington, Charier &Day. • Imam IL Davis, J. ti Johnson, WUh,.m Hay, John J. Ntalln, Dr. 1. Thomas, Dr R. II Heaton, John Teller, Jr 'pencer Ifelfltasse, W 1 Heave, Preet Ricasito 5 SyrreotLo, zet. y rr Application cao be wade to apdl J KELLOGG, Agent, i:ne SNOW ALL PERSONS THAT THERE IS ON SALE A T HASz 0 NT. PF. ACII Chemei. Currant?. Lad Tomatoe 44 (moll Ji• Vrv. Fruit, pryB/.1,,:t in Air Tight sun AALSINS, Cdrraaf., Cltrou. 1 Iga, F'.lr 1 ,, m 6 n • ALL N, t. of v‘rlon. iu m t• YLA , T t AK ES, (for P pr. I so Eagllmil lady of tat• cds r•tsted lb. lwfit Yeaat In ‘,..• A 4 ALe.HATI 7+, Cram Tartar, awl Sal st../a, Durk., • and lial.bar. Baking P.vrtr. COMM Ilarrarnat, Vernamills.. barrtan, Its• lo.rs• l liocoiatt and Bevina, rage and Ostni44.l, ii3OCERY salad Oil is largo and unanli bnttlrs, rkkleA, Poper Sauer, Cataap, Worm...torahtr. Nan. and Fla, ',tag Ea tracts T.l4\ ••• IIANDILLIAN COFFEE, F.s@wore of Oak., Wire Krou n4l JAY&tOditie in 5 pound Cann or by the angle pound, Jnva, Iloeho, Ftbr, Ru.l other Collin's; also. Roasted Colfeeir frapenal Powder, Young Hymn, Old itylion, arson, A l kV Akin, ik.l..ng other Black Teaa, aupenor ivaNly, by the boa or on retail -(rushed, Oranulati•l Powderril White slid Yellow Collet., New (Wear* and Porto ildeo Sugars. T HAVBUV .yYRI'I9 k 1101.ASSE13.—New Orleat. aud Porto Rte. Iletsues land Sugar House Syrup. TOIiCCri.-1u parlor lane Cut Chewing and • Smoking, Carandish and Natural Leaf, Ander- A I . II A \ SON son's ke., but we must stop—the Prin ter eau t affird us more space now—but the haecireth part has oat been told you. Per hope we cosy rumba the tubjeet omit week, A T R iserPt'S bat tlou't eaLt for that bat rnto, •ud and with the Queen of the Snuth you will 4.1 to exclaim, ' The half haft and been to.d you DOW" PORGET THE PLACE. Eri., Jut. ifib,llll4: R AY t 5141) d g az il4lN tao K t K in? ' bay fork, 10 bros,, Igo four " or ,ale at aoupafaca4rera prat. Ly. MMEV AND/ (MAPS lIINR CRADLE.AND ficythelOr sale ctaesp by C. a K LDIN. MARSH & COBIPTON. TTHE subscribers limey isommessesd the Loa th es" of blasubictur. log a very supe4or article Or ItffiarlArlED WRI3KVT Having sres7 fseility for its sateseidal prosecatioa anti a det•r loisatloo to maks so Improved quality, that WWI nos so riv a ll e d by say sospascturers to this sod will abst etairaror to keep oa bandits( Inas • aaperistr artists of DOUBLE RECTIFIED WED3REY, at the brae Market Prior, at 9 Perri Black. State demo brio, May 111456.-3.1, FsA Millenary and Panay Goods. VEILS. CriaLS ham rewired from New Yorb,..dh hoe ttroete• 1n Las the FALL 101148 of Ilbootee, Flowroto, Caps, Woad Dreamt*, /1114441114, ices Am. Also, Corset* Gloves, Huisery, nevelt Work Collemlloetrolij Voltaire sad Vika. Logo Vella an d gddrioire, Stamped Wort. top broklory Cottoo, Zephyr Wonted Patbarsa, Crotchet Wood*. tidy Cotton, Chicanes, he, he A vary_ full earattoeot of Colored aad White dtreo Boaosts and Gleam bloomers. Simko, gemeda, Carol tool Mare. Boomet ?Moo, ke. A superior anted* of Mast Shift' erid Coop*. • lar WILLC4rIt9 famished with aD articles to tbelr whokoade. U&8. Y. CCRTIS. rept.l6:lo. OLaStS SY/WP.—A good assettbrst b bpt and 00414 ucheap as the obelpest 02 ilf )tte 24. . . CORNIC BAN C 8. LLARG/Ii watt tiodUnd osoortimet of W Mow Centers sad Cartola Rio tidy to bumf at IMMO& him/ UN WM wed la this mart at Who*. Add 111 Mt. BRASS FOITHDRY AND GIIHSHOP 14. 00 t Side of Stirki, between b'ts/Ata and Ifteetk Stearin, 'EXI.X33 AruNos, IRON PEACE, nart.l 1 BLIOE DOHS LIM SHUTTERS, ACHIM FAA KIM. 46, VET% Wade or fitted, Looks repair - oil, end Will7oolgo tag promptly sttea.clod 411 kinds of BLACK:OIITV ICoRIL dons fa tiro riot ad As Shop - . Aug. 11,16i6.-16 CASK! CASH{ 04881 WANT ID! BY ti'gJl UEL Z. b'hil!H, PLAIN AND 1/1"IY Boots and Shoes of the Latest Styles AT PAII'IC PRICES.' I A aka now obtaiu ► superior article of both Maio .spi L Fauoy Gaiter*, Boots she it, ~e• without daring to send to the EsAtero Having ► full seioritexot of the Violeta ilatoriatO lob prepwoii work which atll •lyt,f, the moo fast idjou• L WITH, .e, ' e. Ilse,'. 1858. 185 H. TH LA•1:03-V411,1"X i %Nu mii.}3 4 r6 tq141141114 obi PAPER HANGINGS IN ERIE, CAN BE POUND AT ••••• from th. BEST MANLIA4:TOKIF. , tht thted Waki F mi..., awl loeln t. .con iarirti, (.1 'II Lod Yr. it will tit ofiervid T any other "I:VAT/ TUTIOA" in Or& eity ke. April lu 1544. WANTED. 4 Li k.kda , aotry Predate, for erkkiek, (1.. highest market pnea vain be pale by B&Rit & 13ROTHEit aota 5 Eiagbes Block GESTUrialit: -- - `V L ti ° OPE Ol t a07 (; 10 0 4) , imrurat ot of n itc• i lief., iteltf Wry/tr . % Mem .., ~. t ,%. shisisa4 be uaddrou Id tot if. r . , • . i..1.1..1 . ^, .• : : , • NEW JEWEL FINE GOODS?' cirrir-fm AMERICAN. BL.K.K, STATF sßcgi ERIE, l'A iV E last Monied from the r.capir. Cit y ,r hero they hay. .elected a Rua and rich Stock of JEWE LRY, WATCHES, % r id ctOCIES, SlLL' rla arid Gold Splatter-Iva. Sliver, Dritatauta arid Plated Wsa* 'led Talk Calgig7., LOOK 1 G GLASSES, TOTS, &e , Ito In relation to tlke claw clover the% and pay It.g Gat - , we tionfht on Goods thin, per cent cheaper than ty, thal ever hair bosebmerita blip A Ulu, assarat to ott, 110.14 sawaraisway. tbaPnal*ls tailieboad that ..• Dive worked tor the pest aloe ream in this City, and supplied all orders be lsettelz7 end Engreeittg, xitb the moot tow 7matimmstion to serei7 teatimes. Dox - r faIIOrTNIS PiolOgr.---4MA i lart. "as J LS. Ens, Oct. 24, 1461 —24 New Arrival of Fall Ar Tlll BUFFALO LOTHING STORE 1 I Ragtime, Yens Overcoat., Boys oretocatts, Rest's Under Coa.4 Bore Cedar Costa, Met's Va.Mit Doy's Vest; Ilea's Peat.. H of Dims Ida mod Qddllldets Alto a gt.t.tral totortment cf Gostleistee'd nimbi/mug Goods. oocaistiii In IV rappers, litirtro, Shirts, Conan, etc. told at low Kiev. A FALK Ene, Sept WHITE OILEASE—A soporlor 'rue, for grirang Bur giro, Carts, Ate , ;tut rtcAfTed So. b, Bond Homo., Drug Store of lisreh II L L. BALDWIS. GLEAN FLATHaIt BUM cod Good Fun'lion, Wien to fur 3.616 on Trade or Cmsnisloo, ranaltury repered asid Wide t., order by Ed% Yaw /5.16.54 orn • ellen. CALL lad pt a rod Coro Shelter for o. DOLLAR. si.o Lupe °ass for • tarps price at as TAP, to. 80, MS. .11111 VITT nOtt MOMS 500 DUL. &tab Egg. for S.l or F RINDERNECLIT. Feb. 13, 16.3.9 " 4 .1 - .IIOK k Dslfidiftbiditti.—A , kosatity joot melting Trioib izt it,. 'oath of vorl . aucommet 4046 .i,LSorviiimitootAlhailkforl Erie,Slap *1661. ji vitomers.` __. _ Lumber Yard. I?kremee rooting and Ming, Lath, Shingled, Fence Boarda, Building Lumbar, to , always on hand and for sale by ne, Jan. U. LIDDYLL, 0 IRPHEY at Co. _ ZINC PAIN rtiolo for T.-A prime wby Erie, April 11. 11161. T. 9. SINCI.AIR 13 Y your-Calfskin Boot and Simi and Kip Boots and Sh• at J. EICHENLACLI, Jr's. Ladies ta T AD ploute lay your psOrs h iar /111,401, azid JAI thilwiatt *gut, esti IhMit r ik at ik April . I . Jr's ) our ••, , t 111, • • • I •01. ••• • • tr,s and Slippers, of all descriptions, at Apr J. Klatt>: 1.A1.11 Jr's. WIii , LLSALE and Hotta Dealer In Gat wal H, wioct (^diet Fraud' wad 4111•14SSIICi1froilill.Mel" 1 p. kW' IKips and Slips, Threat4a,, Wain, Gorda, Laawa, timpaga GM love% Hammers, Ptzehres, Rupt, Tads, Pop, Nikita ha. dec. A pni 17, le: FI J. EICHEN LAUB, Jr. Lent: A'EW *Let taety ertielo, now waking 444 1/111 111..1141 be react et w. LAM CITY NOV VORIS. uo itSl ELIL:111 b ) the bbl or gallon by 13 Erie, JIM.. 19 T S SIN(14111 puiug vvi NSW for. 10 A tio Drur s ators. Ne 6, Umiak:Wow L aim wiN. Jul, 17, 1 ArD CAUL: tal.acritor having bought BAR/4Y in Ode tot vbo laat eighteen years hags Idire to return hto thaulta tot& Fee ,arr I of E rte Comet iwr tb• prefigewaa they lime Or. him, and slow t.ng. teat. to ay That he le sow pavlng 11. A taliL AI W ler . any oinaatlty end iIIAIR And while he etoroot =lkea high prienviten Hie prfeee are /ow Ea.t and Wert, gull the Farmer. of Erie I oenty vr al give him the rrettit of alesyl payinS . Hig4tsg Market Peter. MZ Wamniouem are sad otineenttent,mp teen failittut, as euramolatlag andhedto atldti, faßll With lag, hand ling, elieentlag and storintrare omen _,- I am now ready to pay CASII for ONE THoFSAXD BUSHELS OF GOOD BARLEY A KING B e te, Sept. 11, 1868-41. 3m Stoves, Plei!klrad - B.R & JOHNSON, tSucresraori to • Seamen, Barr tf.• Co., ) t VE on hand and areowartantly manufacturing • greed r • II Hedy of Klerated and Low Orrn, Diolng Room, Parlor, and oth e r Cook litotes, Mao, racier, Hail. Wawa and Store Stoves, for Wor+.l ur Coal : also Portable IPurtulCOa, ittunr• and Sad Iran Heaterr, and ercry dung connected e,W that line of Miriam' at Wholesale ur lietall Akio, have On kood now•, Cultiwit on, rlia,lc l iio4l Mewing Ilsekinet, Con* sPt s /".• Warns Irons , W4OO Boxes, Pots, Kettles, (Gallop 2.5 ke. Ws are Liao pneparne to inseetti edl'oadas for Bill, itswittaery, and Building Cuttagif with prentetween. tiles ua a call at the Old establithed Foundry And Were Booms, N. W corner otStais sod Menotti sta. Erie, Pa. tri#4144.316616-18. , Ii iihrent %%MC MI TN the sootier of the appliestirm of alma Oliver. the Coati of Common Pleas of Erie Coo ~nyy for the bruin of the Immotrent LAWS. the Otiore hal made th.L 3.ulat wow d who; my 'rail ' tr.re .111 tike notice. ~J, K IS`4, in o)in court, and the Court lli upon the G,.t .y of n•xt term to vi In Monday 1p N (member best for holving h and make pe notelemeee Nb thely oft IMllliestkm 40e orw opaper published .n Ttie city' for Cliri4;•2l:ollllthit wMka according to p.r Car. Sete. Merk. 24, PAXll3ll.l3o74Stalk Cutters, *km only ansebinelortin Purports t stothod i ll pi lltanntactorod and Sold taalaralo an by LL, HEMP( & Co_ Haag ated = luta 'thuds., • AI 414tial-WfusErs Erie, Oct Z, Issa. Saran ?Uinta' MIL nsss lautistTu, ot MATS FlSHwrow landing • quantity of WWI, Taid. tram Mackinaw, Ili Bela, aod Ralf BUIL, and for :W. h) BARR J•ia s SZ, ' ' • ' 41 N. . • Aden • • • unix 0111111 TON 1 " Sloan' . Manse a}. ' 1 " Thom n's tre *Orr • a 11, Jes im t received at the lenlisalbeing IN. jr _4O and Patent WA ilieroatt DWIN, Yell IT, vote. C 1 * , 1 : t 't! u c , - Nikita«, saw. , 'Li Ak k - TOTS iLk.— lem the chews* Drug Store la at irrd Reed Holm, vb•re every thing in the Drag lad Selikist can tie obtained at & "shade aboeseoet." March 11 L. 1 lIALITWIN. R A. OrrlgaßßTT wa t MOM Lem Wiadosni, as CANIS , e MA= ,29Ang,ONI. u. 5. 'teed)* Bleat, State Street Pctwhirl ..h W glyvk fisINIZariNLINVOO I Lower than they can be Bought JARECKI BROTHERS, WAN O' CA•CPCI3:IM, No. 7. Brame' Mock Zr.i Pa. - riil — Roll Haruru .44 Cartisre Trims:lino of all laud." at the very lory e possible rates. Crockery and' Glassware. bins sasorailett *Nab will be odd at • very Mall Mysore. 'Silver Plated Ware. Cab tiZf=Bd44l" Forb.S a;ustar M.. tobo vas loossai f ; lasttufacturod So tb. king Glasses. A. ma Sto: world oo tOoking (Masts It uss bpa to tal k oulapOldrlon Gas Ado Only Yost. Bas Is tav Aka te day Mama rams , • sba gars sopalft la keeping up our usertailist of Goods tow pt r ibs lawess dtasand aansavras eastosaire 1116?. imam t BENMCI T. Gotta Per haßelting. • Ls: superior wilds I. eko bait tumor Salting for sale LI . Sttleita3 it BaNNETI P1Ci1r,41.., LAD/ - AA" t N -. 1 ' • 0 • us, sad • osier 3, the iiiiies% ala"Unont IS th" Cit?, sou eared st uh l trict Go w woo at URA it It ift'S, ..,.. ...._ 6.111161.40. Hu; Block. riiMalatiliiall Omrd, come and Get .11007 S FOR "BOOTY," And Shoes for Beauty Unsurpassed!! Come and trade of all yourelfehrthes sad get sow ?twos al y oar old sod were out pagosats with . lar•tbeekt ram" sad sootossme• tha.4l3 gr. pew with mow sad lean ekothea. o B l l. l 1131IPCOME. Cr:. DARR & Beall ande. tBoapa — alid weal and to dear: JD uirrcous,„gcl air ti, BAltll & Bitell and g et GIU anoint TOl.l /41! IX or gad be beau .42 "Come to Smut a Bho'is had get JD . SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HOODS, COXPORTS, &c, ...lllt i dcrtable (o ~ Lee l k 135 , '1S .a' W.- . t you: fllor.• f-iim td. „ , ,61 and - • .tack eser brought tote thli mule a/lil a i gg r eet RN, [eel ......,' Colliran..l , to „ yr 0r"... iri• iiit`re and get t•t••••11, o• Como your igir wa c ons Iciailtill with glory 1., 0.1 • 1, , ,. %Pa cifettan g e : 41. .bancßee. colt* in ‘ o ge e, Nit, ji .5 lloilt bu , ,. i H. , , i .re” tack, br',eon.. ...zi toot t. L'AI'R ea BF . , ...tot -s w ,r ,sti I. , pun .:, wiser* ,• , • 1,1 ,t• illiri ifi Cup Cork. "4 , . COO.. tilie...•afai ' .e ego ...itielir the 11...ii../1, ". .t. kt.. Ilarttu al. Al" .co Li•iiil llon't for g et .55 &An a BRUT/11. It -• :MIR I: I tit* 10114 A.kollotit Jtreet, I:cios 1". .. - I . oo rii - EliE ENLE. Y BOW ' yaw ,so font',?Or C••b ,•., 1t....41 Par. Gr , .. , ,1• • at n tiffoor , r ....,..rts,l IA u. i. t. , ...cdPitareLt,.. .. • ra•L - • t0...0t5ng tstmTprilt. Soor orleaux s , ir it II 055 t• iI r ; , •i• , bUirar. 13 Jor LI " A Lc - 11 ti • Cripoimi Suitio kit LIN .• 1' rued & 6tsr ,•+' • • 1"A • I. Fti,, C e ffeo, Ma '• • • " 14 • ' - Salts IN.: 4..1 '' ...i.. .;s'. it 4 ... 6. . Bil, ' dill . • Mow BOA LA* 15 .' 10 (tiltr 16 . _ .1. t.yooo Teas frt..= atc to ' , 2 tea t.iir a.: cra4 - 11Wit -1i.0 . 44X " pet pound. Carbonic 10 - Caaaie, rti , ‘ w .• and L thilt eh. ... pr. o.,rtioab r.:l ad ..... &f•i, t -eatweek. a Wilt .I. Itl , :Dept.cllT li..c. 26 G - alaillourt aid qualities, it the ~.r . c! If arch ILI' 1 SAI t , 'w ryas Ball. 4-4 ntoop46 11 few dij. M 6: diet 6' EL SCOPtOI *tors of J u ly 210,1661W.4 Lq ttx 1C FURtgrinttlitritlM TX= m. ItEblet, Himself Atgaim Tbierit.r ...rid inform We rneod, as T t oe pew: 1. Wig that _Wham resumed the 0611111 NET MAKL,b7O ON NV! OW OK, at the OW 'tend on th. C o rswr 1,4 loth grata. INSWllling to give to ttheeerhole timearviallet:t &end totow no WON to ifford laudation, he rerprottalle .o.ottal akkabile patronage. - .c 46, c 1.46.4- or Will, andlypetring prom :41y *um to order. Mew lb; 11:' , 1 la. ' ARRIN'ALS at SELDEN'S Ilse Unwed Depot for Mort( n•rd Orate Eardwaye, LIM and Nai,la, Saddlery, Carpenters Too/As, RIMBEIN. BELTING & PILOTING t i n t .: 4 BALLAlnamarss ghut:t the • tr. s an Ma 1:0 ' tis inter Goods and osatoloo olio of the lams and bus' Niter! 1.• - .el . ' , .1: I : (I sadellarabols I o auvitut. IN to paw tear to furnish Mr EA 11 ous4 CAlti F ;FR any tool molted to their lino Avg you /Coney, Papas or bout: r. pre... , r, Rate PX11.33 en. „Bral.G7A.llB Torsbase one of LillWe 11.011 Seto soli. be 9EI t'E'• .1121.31131104 you coo bring tt ai1...2. t• t • t_.- BULII UT Itatcy fKk'S HYDRA MC KAY. raid b , , 1 . .1.1 -, s ATCIi the little FO_ XZs :—sir tr✓ s la:. o sod .tn.,... at 11 ‘ ,/ Eros, oeptesober 20, Itt:e. SF 1 ..l..N.•'s 810.1.TES! SHATESS.e-Slest and E. ~.. ..., ill risco. ' 1 ••:, Cheap at No• :,ft, C.,,Saubt't .1'• -, Proteotrix• ?Ione) , and Valutibr irrapers. API 01111 lot c. Ulan celebrated nee nod Rtr, .p r ..) o : Wilk, DOW 1117 Mil for stso/01Sou and sale TL.ro • ..fes a spoiler tor Loy 4to s uof Lb* Ittitd •vt: effefed t,, tb.t. 1 ..' .... PriceeTeo7 Sit& to Ipsoo, lair 4, MO? G. W. SLUMS' - . --. ve ' our L 4 oney! P°MAKS as be eared by irreg . tsa3t/y to Ws c. -:::• , purebneibg their Grote:tea and Frormens I'r eftPh .1. , V..• ep emit -tore of Wlt. F tr.Ni.EIt:•',ILIT Feb y 13 16:.11 Clover and othy Seed. Aatoe clean a t r , f Corer and itrewtto , Yd. fc •• than alainehere.at the Now Grocery Store, b , Vlarch, w r' A FEW WOlifib ON THE FIATICN4I. T3E.C.' HENT, without klk.h . -tar, s•p4•4 :at---; b.% • Lodi Weakarea,N ,, ctu rata rr,.,ra lA, '74.r / tal it .1 • Nervous LAb M,. impot.uc, and 1L.,p,-im• •0 llogrtage rrourally, 6p X pi. L 4 •• The important tact that the meaty a1.,-..utus -trina• Hag to the tiaprudebee end oulitrude 4.1 t cut,., car l a •41' moved VVITHUL T YID/UNE, I to 4b,a amnU 1 rac , , r east/shed . and the potlraly new and hlghl• muoce%sfi as adopted by the author, fully sap-tab:44K t meat irren our u -sabied to cure kindiELP perfevtl) and a • ~J f it ILO possible cult, therabx avoiding all the etherttat-0 the 'b Lb , 1 - Mn. Ae.)ron. putts and post fret tr s setlsO retarttlai kpott paid) two postage stamps to Dr is I.F. LANE ll' 111 East 91st street. Nes, York City, I,:r.s, Ma:, 1 ISSS —,I, a 104 A Virtue at Rita 6,7l4eTntc IND all persons odtleted grtih Ste3tltaf par s XATORIWO:I4. IOF-111_ . 11;11r NC, OtrYCORRHIIA, r/Pliatb. }'.-s .t ~\ SELF ARCRE, krt., kc. The HOWARD MOCIATION, lu Hew', t lat.!" • of human sr., explore/ by Figitnal Oloptuo.A, not lb. . 1 flied upon the unfortline victim °lntact, liturti,te- JPSTII Ka directed thole. OcensulUng Sie ripely .. •111ARIT , ACT worthy of tkedr name s to open a ,Itt.,peosor , 7,,, of tbilt clam of Aran-e., tn thra forn,e, uyP .t ADVICE tiLITIS, r.. :111 v .., I • , their wad hien, (pre, fueerahon. babiu, et , e otextreree provert r,to H-VISII I rti. I k 11 is rssedleisi to WA U.►t t: 1 Aaw.cultl••a VMIII4/14., U,.• Medical skill t kis se, awl will (arnica the usu.! ► p pror...l r. ,'t treatment. The thrett. , .., ..o a review o( the root, fevi .46. r. • tI. : . •{ • WNW. In this sphere of tssuisss.leot ollort,h.v, bet owl i Sys t , ~. ( to the sfilieted, especially to tbo you of. nod 1b.., hs. 4-..... 4 • I aerate theSlMeltews, with rw.......1 Lek.. t., it.... v.., 1,.p...‘50• ••L.• much tientived muss. lust Thshltehe.l by the Assomiti....., o. Report 4.1. -,.. •w4,4' •-4 ows. or Setolteslllisakstems, the Vkw of Unsuasin, 1i5ut.i.'.....•,,, •. • •. l• Abuse, and onkel . Memo* in the hexu.s.i Orguoso . t: . k . 11,..,t le IS %mean , ir bleb will be 'Ng by natl. Ina ...al"; I. , v.er ..t.s.•:, 1.., C[ TA or CITA GE, on rese.v. ~' Th ..) STA %IPr.fhr . p,sts. C6=f ..;t or trratnpuat., I , r • .ki.t.litt.,F H, ,1 11..1 S. 1 al 1t. ,,, 54 4 1 Ao. , Lilian_ ti, 1 South \.. tt, Thlissie/pLio. Po. ALA - ROE Stock nI lierrittuto, , r, i .0 .41 est.'s Prshts, eo he void very WTI lur ter , /, it trio, Vey Ze RAMC & LLLNOIS A X I V IVISCOMINN CURRENCY taken a' ", lamas* for tine& or on Debts, by 19. ISOI.--32. ( LLIEGANT Portrait and Tratoes, GIII Lk,. ..•„;. li o.lal and &pan Ylrrort, sow opining at the Paragon Bath:1;1% 1 , I. IC Al ~TIV WE offer Ow year loopinglerio, splendid voirsetios 13..c1ea, Malta, Hoods, MOTO, Tnmmbp. itC. Le • Dm. & BABA k R RoniEß esAMIS.—A very etioloe artieJe of Cinciarmtti gut: sr Cured Can- Tamed Hama, now opal:dug sisdtnr oak, et Erie, Idly 30, MN. HANSON'S.. ti,?.„ °MICR. I I ain GaPPM Mel I can ft!! rood (igen at I wbelMUa SP cheap se eau be purelawd Pi.. b. 1111.. ,f Cer ,G4R4 ! buy. %111 do well to call and es.ruine my .t...k i ' ' , i . Nahrirrobildwitheshers. - Cbaspidde, tzle, Pa., Jets 111,-4 ISM. P A lIPCIS.F.R. Intoivont Notice. 017C31 is hereby /fives to the err droll of Itowtn F. Taut, and Ti.. Baa'r., that .aid kA.P4 to V Tap hoe Mond kis petition to the Coon of Cotonwe Hem, of got County, los the bonnet of tbehumltent Laws of this Comexemealtb, east that the mad Court boa 41.4 the 4th lalotsda. of October root hie beano; the application of sold pitiuother. aid all /./1 terseted tio. gala °P.Ut•ti"`• K. k. TAM 111111111 ft Aft A t r iarCr q rnYtitia, LO. At hi . old Isiddaass, b ONCZ ag street, NZAJI U??LR R. ROAD BRIDOR. IMP It =a stsiamuists. :;u. riceo.. 6 •4 ol, V.it; lloooll : 81.4 r,.. * tritam 4 c4r. liand sisemaorr .0 ,11 . lip. Clu b :" "Wh ~J Deti TOO* Coo; en Toots, Butts, harem 1.04" La.tebesood all lin4s af SHELF HARDWARE Saddlery ON MANHOOD. AND ITS PREMATURE DZCLINE Jost Yoblt■bed, Grutis, the 2011, Tb-n•trd HOW AHD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. A Ben' A . Ol / & i qi4, 4 /3 ati tHUa / 1/// / / A Thee of Cessenenclua. As there ate no terms and no vacations, rtsdn.... Ga, any time and prosecute their nutlet ',about rue.- By this arningestiest every student IA permit•. rapidly as his enterprise and ability will lulus.' PALLY LECTUkI win br dpliverid on the Selene, of A eemr. Political Iseociorty, Commercial Calcnlttoc., (soul' Custatos, COPUZIOTTI•I Etill“, Ea, Correrpo odeoft, Y tOiag, L OntrOetel., t cm TO TEACLIESP., reacher, of Acarienmea, Caton arid their vacation, ben very plea/matt, and proitabll TOE SCITE 01r Room'. The Bwau oat Wl*, 41117, elegantly nun: emir for paneling every dirjortm•nt 1 , 4• , -am For further information 'Dead h.r eel polglatiad, irb ill b. prompt), 1. • ect Adana. "Li ICI Jries for emawnius .• • 171 tor everybody, will be foood in •i.on. I oly , 21 11181.-1 OATS ! OATS • ; con stisuzLA Osrwfrd klarett. TT 1.4.% " rlj .‘"Y. 111 KAI4.—A II k udr I. anis ak. Jul, lA, - - lt, SLUM, ‘l, Utov , , A. WRITE WASH, TA VNER.S. amorteest el ell LIDA.. of BM Xi* Jew 11 1i1i01414 FCPEXI , iht k.SI hi 4 , T e 01.1 than New York pri,•-•• .1 .1. W t Mom. No. 6, Arad Houle Erie, Juror 3, 16511 ATO DJ Gole.lll. :At m. P IY B T UNN CLL.. 4 Z PATEN'T POTAT ,, I ....AR &Imp .race, it Linrd ACIELBIL —N,.; t a N, 0.1. Wks, end on rrotuul.st Doe VACJI , S AIM.IaI‘AN Lula} 01: '.... Do. u. . .o tactare toalicioa tot old aid de L.i r re.r. p• • oakiasmosa, and all thoas Masao.% amity It.a. • La* Stomach, or ask laopare ata', .1 sor L. .... i. O. 6, Raped Roam, Drat. tufo, r Ens, Jaw 0, 1600 - WINDOW atAtiES. ILY EW 9 TI L* Window ibid.., • 11 Cord. sod Taps at CVritnitilli BA MSG ?OW DEN.! itircatt, Ortddlosod Johan, Calm., ;ea,: :IA: prooessoold only at No 'r R••,11:1,1,r. : r Joao Ilk KEYSTONE AND A iiF - 1 Pb Izo .491.131333 EL ft WAN IiTATION, NBA ii t. kJ L ri quiz sutosttotr haying leosod as/ t -'• .• ' Ditobliobsosata, tow to SZSOLIDCO to :r kleu tkSoldoo, and to the tosoral , t to rocolois orders for Book & News Printing White and Colored, Glazed and Candle and Starch Papers; Siral Rag Wrapping; Manilla an. Tea Papers; dud rv.i.r.:tfully solicits • shout of 1,0% T be toususese vetil be twill the my run, RC/TS L. PT.RLINS, and will -.-• same end etylsof IL PERIENS, e,rof July 10, 1058 Upholstery Esta T I T absoribi t best . a r, d aft m e o r l ee t re popular Brusarnay, New York. has removed to k :1,11 I.: the basement of Geneheiener's Meek, t.O , 1116 ••. soppleed with Sofas, Chaiis and Mater of the Mom opproverl steles and beet k LOW irsucsa IC earn. li. set. u..' dual., wan tandllea and others, am': •- anythint tido line as attruel,e .r. • .r..i rlff 6 ty they out be pooeund, io :sr. Not,lr Par. trial Ercau the ettbens . Die too kio. He would, foalberawne, state thitt 6. eIJ , r ardadesied furniture that may have br., tor • .oir• dmit or LtLube Vir Pewerwher the place— ko the tv.,..; • Bleed, tale Street. /C r ". 114. 1666. To Phpdcuum . wtumb notify the ?bye clan. of 1 " • I hove Just reredeed a Irish mpraY Q (URINE, Li, TIM 114, Lamellae, iodic. of I •.:. Blyerflem, Aeid, Podopby I. • iron Nitrate of Silver, Liebmann. n 5k4 1 1 1 111111411. Gemaine, lantheay Est Iddlaa srasp, Vaterianate of 1.r., ' ! • ' Mercury and • general assortment I T‘ in Team, and alto other preparets. l .• *us to mention. Before parebasmc say amortment etU be found the Boat sn... te , • ha/ 17, ISM L I HA',l,l%•\ OIL—Lop and Tanbers Oil for sia,. -L.A; lady PARK HALL to, til lastruentots, Ot tervicei of thr .D, r TEltlifs IdoDlßA' r j, Dia. July a, nit rgross, Alspiat bintioesp, t c•to. a I. °TUTOR. Lo ots, Fo.tt.ctr, 11..rno•• twat oir Nut... aft high and pur, 101 .ale's July 34. NOTICE. Tian Uedordigned having parchawd t^• F' ' 4 _ it,, berstolore owaN.l by Lou. it 4 : IPaidesas, at Übe old eland. ^Rut 34.1,7 It. 18, 1851.-19.t1 IDFOItEiI BLANKTM-100 Hew kilazge.ith,' arks and quality. Er* Pa. 111110 oifit At the Buffalo Clothing.. so Bombe& 111111 toted p.m; oatut runsill is *ethyl) to a few monthr, 4 Kook of rowdy mod. elothistg, v • ; coosietieg of Collor., Glove*, ah‘Tta' 41" wiab ile"&m ieg to .s ti pey kilw a ll4 geo .l / 4 :l ' tboaol's', lowee„ Yost, Of In feet ea tar • 1. tiv •• well, will do well to give me a ran A• say thin to Sweet cost rte..* 14 litowtee Bieck, drat Store north• • ' Xi* Hopi. ZS, 1116 E —Se ad L,/ lIV,V SEton— iinirget , E ON F X lingtr;t ) TEE INDIA RUBBER EiPailt. you win Sera, re llet It. It It • beeth, e .orts.tlng awl Bog I '• Erslics• A 111641 FObt It% WA Sam •u`'July 23, 111101.-1 I u-st w•.• t . ~~},Fi MEE ~< .. • •+ - ...,t • k ..". A es Mil