Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, November 13, 1858, Image 2

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SA/NJ. W. alltiOANt
(maim s 11.00/Ur.. FIALIiAIWA-
News of the Week.
- The way the shapers do things in New York is
sJsuetimee very amusing as well as curious. as the follow..
tag incident related by the papers hilly testifies: On rt
day *genie, an elegantly dressed woman mitered Stew•
art's and asked le see arum shawls. After assertive sad
comparing, she at length made a **loathe, the pries be.
tog live hundred dollars. Greaten, producing her p••ne I
111012010, Ike elialleted the clerk a two•tbowsaad dollar bill
in payment He took It immediately tG the cashier, who
examined it carefully; and then to make himself perfectly
Alto, s4til e clerk Out with if to •oe en expert, and oLtain
te,oplolon lideauwblie the lade became very Indignant,
cut resented the strong which she said had Leen put up'
s her She was note character to receive or pass off bad
urreney, and would come again to Stewart's to do
mai shopping. Prerealy the messenger returned with
the Intsiligeace that - the 101 l was good. She caught it
from him, deeladag that she would not take the thawl.—
A fief a little while, however, she mensal to relent, and
said that she had been to a large number of sstabllshmests
•n 1 that tie shawl was the only one that had salted her,
the remarked that she-would take it, adding her determi
nation not to expose herself again to a similar affront—
Ike sleek was profuse to
„apologies as he did up the arti •
is, and the two thomissa dollar bill was taken by the
cashier sad UM; leatrod dollars promptly paid back to
kilt, whoa, without bidding good night, she took her leave.
rhe tall this time proved to be a oeusterfete. FA* kuul
paid the clerk a 4111111110% one from the one lint exhibited.
- They do wonderful things out West, and there are
underialitepple there. In Michigan. a man pulled a
soak* three fait long, with teeth measuring an eighth of
en inch, oat of him►elf, haring previously killed the ani
mal by starvition, after he had been in his stomach for
,years; in liardlo county, Ohio, a young lady
was relieved of a tumor which weighed one•fourth as mush
as she did herself; in Cincinnati there is a double-headed
girl whose digestive organs are consolidated, but who
talks and eats with two legs and walks with two mouths—
c r 'area, if the public prefer it. Nor is this the only
`•wander" co shed for by the papers of that "centre of
fork." The Gassitte relates a singular circumstance which
happened to a young lady In that city a few nights since.
Ibo evening, or rather allsthe day previous, she had been
e oinplaiting of a severe pale in the head and eyes, more
r zsueslarly the latter. Judge of her astonishment, and
that of her friends, to find, the morning following, that
during the night she had become completely einem/pull
the transformation occasioned her no additional pain, and
has et:Labia a matter of much speculation. Her name
Is Lai& Mkrkw, fib* u about 1 years of age, soil resides
an Barr it., near Linn.
Jacob Weil, a boy not yet 13 years of age. hung him
pelf on Friday afternoon last week, in the barn abut Ma.
tire, btr. Ivan Bresslager, is Lenhartsville, Barks ooun
ty, with whom be wise staying on a visit. It appears that
he took advantage of the &beano* of Mrs. Breasinger from
the house, to slip into the barn, where he fastened a chain
to one of the mans, attached a dos chain to tt, and buck
led the collar around his neck. Hs wee .tancling upon a
e carriage, and in leaning backwards, the carriage
,ltd from wider him, and left him hanging with hie toes
barety touching the door in which condition be was scram
Bled 0 0 death before any one was aware of what be had
done. It Le not supposed that be committed intentional
Weide, but that be merely w.shed to try the experimant
vt banging, in play, without being aware of the danger of
the net Bonbon Shiflett, San, of Windsor tt.wriship, held
as inqwest upon the body, and a verdict was rendered in
acoordanosi with the facts. The body of the unfortunate
boy was taken home t his rarenu, In Logantwiimp
on last.
The Clarion Bowie. is reeposuaLle tor the to/lowing:
"A young mak In Blobland township, Venetic° county,
named JUICE Carnes, aged twenty.thrse years, who has
tor *long time taken delight to disturbing religions meet
tap, sad othanrias acting badly, west to a meeting a short
WM sines, sad out up some abities—a gentleman moon. "
strated with him, saying that in come way be would be
10411411 ed by • higher power for his evil doing—bat be
'seabed at the remarks, tad said he 'was not afraid of
Atha God or the devil: It iris awful blappitemy. Early
tbaJoszt meallog, tails working with I threads, ma-
Ala., be ...lipped among the cog wheels and before be
c mild be got cat was terribly lacerated and is not expect
ed to live. The neiglibors think ibis is a direct ?Mita:lon
.f Prorideesee."
- A piece of diabolical v etratect In Bt.
Lute Mat N edneeday. Dfr. hlockilimann, Dia wife, two
411drea, two eervant girls and hoarders, were posoned,
Odle taking dinner, with arsenic which bad been :nixed
with their fond. Eintm after the meal was finished Um,' ell
wept mita( with severe griping end torniting. 'Proper
antidotes were adnanistered, and they all recovered An
analysii - showed that Illlenac was continued 411 the soup
•nd moat, cad had been tamed with the salt used fa ecnk
eg. A man who had quarreled with the proprietor, and
mft the bearding brave that matalog u turpactod of the
edam. -
Anot her Denttbt, • Dr. 'Walter. of hicotreal, has
boss convicted of an attempt to commit a rage apolt a pa
tient while under the Itfluenolt of chloroform. It is instal
( ed. by those who understand the effects of chloroform,
that In most mesa outrages lilt, thole are Tegeries of the
hr Lin, and :trust only in the imagination. If so, why will
destisti continue to run the risk of admintetcring chloral
for mto patients who are unattended/ If not, why will
f maim claiming to be reepeetable, .abject thomoolves to
t be lists which numerous etTnvictions seem to show the re n
•tilt from their taking chloroform when not In the pre.
sites of third pasties.
ti few days since, as the .chconer Plyowath Rock
was proofiedlttg to Saginaw, a sailor named McNamar,
w he is subleet to fits of insanity, wee seised with one of
his wont Wools, and furiously rushed upon the captain
with a knife In his hand, and attempted to stab him.—
The mate rushed to the assistant* of the captain, when
McNamar ranted apes Dim and iallieted a severe wound
to his had. He was finally mewed with the assistance
of ISO craw, An a most desperate Maggie, and was tee
ken Into 8 sginaer t whence De was bent bark to Detroit,
mime be beliags, by the steamer Fo*sct
A young German of Chicago, named Simon, says We
Prow of that city, remmitted suicide on Saturday, to the
folios/slag strange manner. He went out into a shed, wok
a scd had irg .1 wit,. poedr, •nd then with ,cab , ,
ylae• d Lb. mutzle in his mouth and fired, completely shot
t aria( his head. When found he was standing lathe cot
set leaning ow his gun. The room presented a terrible
a ppe arm" being completely drenched with blood and
covered with pieces of skull and brains. Th. mu, of
the $ aikido .19 traced to the refusal of Simon's father to
permit him to many the girl of Dia choice.
It le currently reported in the circle of Spiritualisu,
that the dilliculties existing between Mrs. Cora L V.
Hsieh, the eelebested trance lecturer, and her husband,
have bees adjusted on a basis of sepazatiou. The matter
was referred by mutual agreement to three eminent gen
tlessert.ot New York, who are identified with tipiritetahr
both Mrs. Hata and her basband agreeing td abide their
decision. After a hearing, the referees decided to favor
of • separation, end that Mrs. Match be paid S;00 by her
husband. It is said that the nett receipts of the lady's
Isetaring tear Mae amounted to $6,000.
Two New England Borgia, have just been sent to
prison far Ulster poisoning their hasbands; Mrs. Gardner,
o f Minghsan, Mass., sad Mrs. Studley, of Providence,
Rhoda Island. Mrs. G: poisoned her husband, who was
t he resiusaiter at Bingham, In order to be free to live with,
• seas she liked bettor; and Mrs. S., who was a widow,
years of age when married to Mr. Studley, then 75,
• d him a few months after the wedding,lieeause he was •
IWO hordes, and bad property which she coveted. She
'rotated bet Innocence when sentence was pronounced.
A ycuag woman, a victim of seduction and desertion,
onunitted suicide in Kilwankes on Monday, by taking
laudanum. One year ago she was a happy sad respects.
L 4 UMW , of One of the soot woos* tiksins. in that
efty, sad wee an fatalities* and faeinating pti. Nor to
d asst was present at her death bed, appereadran safes•
wasted sputuor of the dyiug apeloe of the WIIIISP he
bad Isdireetty inerdered.
—VA - youag lad. fire years - old, son of Andrew Hough •
tos s Paatemaider at Baskirt's Brldp, N. T.. was playing
In has bases barn on Thursday attaracwa, with masher,
whoa Uso Ars wommankated to the away and bay with
whisk It was ALMA The lames spread se vapidly that It
Is supposed the Utile fellow was usable to escape, and
A reepestable silken of &sold" N. Y., diseovered
os • Bawds, that bia dassbur, a yang lady el 16, bad
eloped Irldi a peas melbas& dad pc respeetably mar
ried. Mikis% aWs aasecadisig her deterialsodea to re •
tura to ber Wier wbosever be ibITIIIIadIy disposed to
wards ber burbsod.
i the neat LsgLidatare 9f Minnesota, accordiog to
the Bt. Yen' Piesesr, tie democrats will have five majori
ty la the elitists, Sig the black republicste four majority
ja the &gig deseerstie aka)oeity we joist ballot one.
PiOVII3IIIISE 13, 19311.
Tli*lourviLlc PLAT
Po* tee.
We iiitree *Oh New Yo Times, that it
quite too soon to tell who will be candidates for
President in 1660. "A rea t many important
events may take place between this time and that.
New mattes may arise, and old candidates may
take new positions upon them We Indy have
ware waged or threatened,—we may have sub.
missions to foreign demands advised or made,—
we may have questions of Title, of Currency, of
l'ublic Expenditure, and public honor presented
to our public mon an`cl the country within the
next two years ;—iod men wbo may reem to be
right rind strong now, may prove to he wrong
and weak then Nobody eau tell what a }ear
or r session of Congress, in our bury
may bring forth ;" 4611, as matters stand now—
as parties are at present arrayed, and upon the
issues now before the country, we think it is very
evident the Republican candidate will be Mr.
Sewsnu Who the Democracy will rally around
is n o t an certain. It may be Beekenridge, or it
may be Douglas, ..r it may be, what the past tells
us is not at all unlikely, an entirely new man—
umit one who bu neither the taint of Lecomp.
ton nor toti - Lecompton attached to his shirts
Bat whoever it is, it matters not ; with the plat
form presented to no by Senator Sttektuo and
Senator SEWARD as a candidate, the result will
not be doubtful—the Democratic party will tri..
umph But will Mr. Swam, be the candidate
of the Republicans in 1860? We think the re
suit of the New York election has settled that
question The refusal of the republicans to
"fuse" with the Americans on a union state ticks
et, though the measure was earnestly advocated
by thousands of reliable republicans, was a Stmt.. I
.an triumph. It said to the Americans, in so
many words, we are now preparing for the great
contest of 1860—if we unite with you, the vie,
tory won will be a partnership victory, and hence
will indicate nothing,—while on the other hand,
if we maintain our separate orginiaation and
achieve a victory, it is a proclamation to the
world that we can carry the State in 1860 with
whoever we nominate. We say then that the refuse
of the republicans to unite with the Americans
in New York was a SzwAsn triumph ; the nomi
illation of MoRGAN was 'another; and his eleci
lion must be considered by every unprejudiced
politician as the most substantial triumph of all.
We know the Americans and that portion of the
Republicans in the State of New York who are
opposed to SIMARD try to look upon it in an.
other light; but it is all in vain. The victory
achieved in New York on the 2d of this month
11 a Seward victory, and as certainly makes him
the Republican candidate for President as the
day of nomination arrives. Chase, and Cam•
eron, and Banks, and the other aspiring gentle
men, of that ilk, may as well come down at once
ike Capt. Scott's coon, for the battle has been
fought sod the chaplet of victory rests upon the
b►ow of the New York agitator. Of course we mate
this prediction upon the supposition that the
11 nigger" question is to be kept open until 1860
and is to be the issue upon which the contest turns.
This being so, it may not be amiss to ezaniine
the platform upon which Mr. Seward proposes to
stand at that time We quote from his speech
delivered at Rochester, New York, on the 26th
alt :
"Hitherto the two systems have existed in dif
forint States, but side by side within tie Aineri
can Union, * * These antagonistic systems are
continually coming into closer contact, and col
lision results. Shall I tell you what this collis
ion means ? They who think that it is sooiden
tat, unnecessary, the work of interested or fanat
ical agitators, and therefore ephemeral, mistake
the out, altogether. It is an irrepressible con
flirt between opposing and enduring forces, and
tt means that the United States mast and will,
sooner or later, become either entirely slaves
holding nation, or entirely a free labor nation
Either the cotton and rice fields of South Car.
olina and the Sugar plantations of Louisiana
Ultimately be tilled by free labor, and
Charleston and New Orleans become marts for
leyitintate merchandise alone, or else the rye
fields end wheat fields of Idassachneetts Jed New
York must again be surrendered by their farm
ers to slave culture and to the production of
slaves, and Boston and New-York become once
more markets for trade in the bodies and souls of
men. It is the failure to apprehend this great
truth that induces so many unsuccessful attempts
at final compromise between the slave aqd free
States, and it is the existence of this grdai fact
that renders: all such pretended comprornsei, when
made, vain and ephemeral. Startling at this
saying may appear to you, fellow-citizens,. it is
by no means an original one"
Remarking upon this platform, she Detroit
Free Press says it supposes it is of no use lo ar
gue with Mr. SiWAtlar—to tell him that this is
not a consolidated government, but a confederacy
of independent States--independent of each
other, wholly and entirely, as regards their do
mestic institutions and conoerns—at perfect lib•
erty to establish this or that system of labor arid
to reject this or that system, just as they are at
perfect liberty to establish this or that system of
e ducation, or this or that system of internal im
provements, or this or that system of punishment
of crime, without eonsultation with or leave of
the Federal government or the other State gov
ernments. We suppose it is of no use to tell Mr.
Si warn this, for it has been told to him a thou
sand times before and he would not see
T here are none so blind as they who will not see,
and Mr. Sew/Lew is of this class He will Pot
see because, if he should see, be would be left
without occupation. The true theory of the gov
ernment is in direct and unrelenting Antagonism
with the doctrine of Mr. EitWARD's Rochester
speech. The true theory of the government
does not .admit of the agitation about slavery
which Mr. Sirwean seeks to promote. It is agi
cation at war with the separate rights of the
States, and cannot live a moment. longer than
Mr. Seward and his party can perpetuate their
false theory of government—their theory of Fed
eral interference with the internal policy of the
The experienoe of the whole existence of the
confederacy proves that slave laborin South Car
, olina and fret) labor in Peonsylvattia are harmo
nious systems The queetion does not rise to' the
dignity of a problem. South Carolina' employs
the labor that best suits her oil ? climate and
productions Pennsylvania doe* tbe same.—
What has this to de with their rittations towards
each other in the Federal goveirssnent? Labor
everywhere is a question of soil, climate, and pro
dpetions. Tbat- iceinpLoyed which is the cheap
est and meet prelissbile. What sort of a system
of government U*M it be wherein one State, or
half the States, emdd digeste the kind of labor
another State, cd 'the other half of the States,
should employ ? What sort of .a goveriment
would It be wherein South Carolina °mild diet
tate in !bat wig Psuusylnola should ounduot
the internal reoll9grj other podustiou, or where.
in Peousylssuialhoild 'Oka* to fkutb Groli
na 1 Yet this is tkegorettiment into which Mr
,ftwaith would convert that of the United
Viewing as wo do the feattit result in isl ,
York, and the prooeedinp of the convention that
bristlglit tier *WO!, 1 , 151,fr 0 . - people, it is
Lit t.. presoak • that Mr - SIMARD 8 spook from
which we have quoted, was designed to be his
Presidential platform Wa trust that it is ; bei
cause, if ever the issue must be tried which hs
makes, it comma be too eerie. It involve s o th •
tug less than rovoiution—revelutton of the pow.
ere, relatively, of the Federal and Stet, vern
waits It involves undisguised war upon the
South. It involves the whol.t question of State
sovereignty It. involves the most detestable
and odious rine that has ever been announced
on the ..I.tnericA continent But odious as it
is, thr oppooitios must .nbserib" to it, Or go wit h •
out an issue in 1560.
Ii was a oapttal •saying of Davy Crookat,
sure you are right, then g 'bread," and if mole
people would heed it than we ar.• inclined to think
clo'now, there tc , tild not ba half so many bloat ,
tiers, especially in politici This remark will
apply with great farce to the Gazeitt, and s,)me
of its party, in connection with their rejoiciag
over the imeces4 of Senator Doucius In his re-
cent contest in Illinois ‘Vbst cause they have
to rejoice, and, a at least one of the leaders of
the ReEtiblieau pirty of the ootittty did, get
"gloriously fuddled" over the fact that the wish
of Senator Brown, of Mississippi, that Douglas
"would whip Lincoln out of his boots," has been
gratified, is more than we can •ce It seems to
us that the congratulatioo4 of the Gazette, and
the whisky of its leader, have both been wasted.
L►t a look at facts and see if this is not so. It
is a well known fact that Mr Douglas and his
"antl , Lesiotnpton" friends carried with thos the
regular oiganization of the Democratic party of
Illinois; and consequently in their late Contest
they enetuntered the most embittered opposition
ever kndwn from the Black Republican.; In
ulikStates, however, whore the regular organi
atrai of the party were uniformly favorable to
the Kansas policy of the Administration, every
bolting gang of disappointed offiee-eeekers and
their deluded dupes laid claim to anti-L,comp.,
ton scrupleA, and dubbed themselves "Douglas
men!" The falsity of their claim is apparent
from the fact that Mr Douglas never advocated,
but has repeatedly and publicly condemned
throughout the canvass, all bolting from the re
gular organization. The dissimilarity between
the rest Douglas men in Illinois and the factious
traitors and demagogues in this and other states,
who claim affinity with them, is furthertapparent
for the fact that, while the former were engaged
in one of di l e warmest eontesui with the Black
Itepublicans, the latter have uniformly fused
with tind received the most fanatical support of
that lifamons party So wide indeed is the dif
ferentia between Messrs. Douglas and Harris up
on the one side, and Forney, Basking, litokman
dr. Co., upon the other, that they are entirely at
antipodes in their affinities, associations and ten
denoies. With this fact in view, why the Ga.
mite should rejoice, and its late favorite for Se
n‘torial honors in this district, should waste good
liquor over the result, is not at all clear to our
But there is another view of this Illinois con
test Which shows most conclusively the gross ab
ritrdity of the Gamete.' s rejoioing and im late
candidate's waste of the "raw material" over the
result. To adopt the language of the Harrisburg
Patriot and Union, the contest in Illinois was
one "in which the future of Mr. Douglas and
Mr. Lincoln was immediately involved. They
spote in this spirit Mr. Lincoln proolaimed the
same treasonable doctrines which Mr Seward en
nuciated in hie Rochester speech; Mr, Douglas,
while differing from the Democratisi party in
some points, bore himself as a national man
They traversed the State, harangued the people,
exhibited each great ability, but often noncom t
nary personality. Air. Douglas conquered—and
we have new to contemplate the result It ls a
victory of nationality, over sectionalism; of pa
triotic views over fanaticism; of the Union over
abolitionism. Mr. Lincoln had proclaimed a
ceaseless war between free and slave labor; be
t Ween the North and the South; he placed him'
self at the head of a crusade which, however it
may be d'agnised, means the arraying of ono Dele
tion of the country against the other; a oonfliet
b e tween etrial and sovereign States; the conque;-
iog of the great South by the great North. Ifli
noie has repudiated him, has condemned the pg,i.
tater who preaches an antagonism of sections,
which, if it exists, patriots should ameliorate,
but not stimulate—we therefore rejoice in hie
discomfiture," but why a paper like the Gazette
should also rejoice—a paper that has not one
sentiment in common with the victor on any na
tional question that is likely to arise in the next
Presidential contest—why its leaders should
waste even poor whisky for the same reason—
is a little beyond our political arithmetic—and,
especially in view of the fact that the Chicago
Times, Mr. Douglas' home organ, made the tol
lowing emphatic pledge just previous to the elec
"We can safely say that Judge Douglas,
whether re-elected Senator or not, will for all
time act within the Democratic organisation,
never within any other; and we can further say,
that so sure as the Charleston Convention shall
be the National Democratic Nominating Conven•
tiou of , I*a,, so sure will Judge Douglas and the
Democrats of Illinois be found Aupporting its
tip' Our amiable neighbor of the Gazet/e
ought not to be quite so fast. The Observer has
not "come in" to the "standard" of Judge
Douowks. The Observer never did rejoice at
the defeat of a Democrat by a Republican, and
hence could not, with its post antecedents and
present views, otherwise than rejoice that such a
pestilential demagogue as Abe Lincoln will not
occupy the seat of Judge Douglas in the United
States Senate. This being our position, it does
not necessarily follow, however, that we have
"come in" to the "standard" of the "little
giant." if the Charleston Convention should
nominate him ie 1860, the Observer will then
"come in"—of that fact the Gazette can "bet
high on."
Mir The Gazette says "vicissitudes are tho
lot of mortals, especially polities! mortals." . As
our neighbor has never had any thing else but
"vieissitudes" since be entered "polities," it is
presumed he speaks from experience.
lam' We may have a few words to ssy in re
ply to the Meadville Free fines* in our next;
and we may not—it depends altogether whether
we come to the conclusion that s man whose pro•
pensity to lie appears to be ohronio, is worth the
spaoe it take to ootivict him. In the mean time,
as be say. he can prove our assertion, is a lie,
that we went to Meadville previous to the late
election to indite* Mr Shattuck to decline and
Judge Church to consent to the use of his name
as a volunteer for Congress, we beg to assure him
that we are very anxious be shall try it. Yes,
we want that proof) Trot it oast!
One of our eotemporarlos says that in some parts
of tb• coestry Fiat dimmustatition Is expresead et tb• to
immolation at mil retell establisbetento of qesotttles of
silver cote The Batiks will mot take it on deposit; it eon
not be sold In large quantities, tzeopt at a beery discount.
?be war oltb China, which bas stopped the **port tbitb,
et, aid, to mess 'intuit, the daproeietioe of be seta her.,
but led to this stabs of tbiags. We ob. old be attromoly
flail to 'Of this market glutted with ASITICIS ether coin,
—Feruorra Analog Revise', says 'bac die GhlE !Zee%
neer Department at the Sunbury sod Eel& Raiheed COD.
pony. /Mr* It a at potoitostit of Mr. Robert rink, as Ks
Cbist segrrei 'eon bas been under a mutt tflicietat
heed, •od test ILI. time I most complete and ezoillent Gru
gatiiiitaut, to witieb Mr. Womli, *be bee recently been
ap Cbla Engineer of tie Western Division, is a
011* The motive
t,D, (7, r•ade, N) the
y 6 ,twrrble .•
Atlitio., Ili+ heua a
tied by the Oftviltion pre!., s 4 well as by
one or
two ruts-lakinsinistxAtion p wet.. professing yet to
Dmioeratie It is therefore gratifying ti know
that at least one polities' opponent is candid en. '
ough to interpret it szight f anik generous aweigh
to command it, as is done in this handsome nisk:
net by the Washington correspondent of
Arorrlt American, in his Letter of the 2nd inst.:
"It is now understood here that Mr. (Haney
Jones will not start for his mission, until the ac
tion of the Senate upon the nomination, though
be sill I. ,ign his seat in the House, in order
that •oe vacancy may ba filled at once. This is
a becoming deference, inasmuch is the seeeting
of Congress is near at hand Much has been
in regard to the motives which prompted
this appointment, but there would seem to be
but ono fair interpretation fer the sot, which is,
that the President designed to testify his person
al estimation of the recipient, and to signify, at
the same time, that in his defeat he enlisted the
sympathies of those who were eqindlyinvolved
to the result But, whatever opinion may be
entertained, the President is certaioly entitled to
the credit of obeying a generous impulse, in ex
tending so high a mark of his countenance and
confidence to a friend, who had been stricken
down in vindicating his personal cause and the
policy of his Administration. And no one can
deny that this expression was rendered the more
graceful, is it was doubtless made the more ter
oeptable, by the prompt and handsome muner
in which Mr. Buchanan tendered the mission,
without suggestion from any quarter. There
were those, to be sure, who thought, from the
intimate relations which had so long subsisted
between the parties, that another position would
have been offered, but Austria, Mexico and
China were the only three points at the disposal
of the President when the necessity arose for him
t) art, and he selected that which appeared to
conflr the highest present distinction
Stir The Hon J Glancy Jones resigned hie
seat in Congress on Monday last, November lst,
and on the same day formally accepted the com,
mission recently tendered him by the President,
us Minister to Austria It is the desire of the
Government that Mr Jones should depart upon
hts mission as speedily as possible But it is
probable that his credentials may not be fully
prepared until the first or middle of Deoember.
In the event of his detention until the laat.oam'
ed period, the action of the Senate can be bad
upon his appointment The Washington corm.
pondent of the New York Tribune—soul au ,
thority in suoh a matter—says "no opposition to
his confirmation is anticipated."
---~- ---
aft. The Abolitionists are incessantly awns.
lug the Democraoy of being in favor of the ex
turision of slavery, and yet we fled that no slaver
S ate has been admitted into the Union smee.the
admission of Tam, thirteen years ago, whilst
two free Sates, C.ilifornia and Minneota, have
been admitted since 1850. Besides all the Teti:
ritories are free Kansas is free. Utah is free.
N•brasirs. is free. Oregon is free What, then,
btoomes of the charge that we are the "pro ,
slavery Democracy?"
The Xurda of Itigdon.
From the Ills Moon Aistaigra, Nev.
Police officer George W. Bigdoe, the princi
pal witness in the Gembrill trial, was last night
brutally murdered in his own house, on Baltimore
street, a few doors west of Pearl street, where
his wife keeps a small dry goods store. The facts
of the oast are as follows: . At 8 o'clock last
evening be left the Western station house for his
home, and was cautioned by Captain Linewea,ver
not to go out, as threats had been made against
his life on account of the testimony be bad given
in the ease of Gambrill, to the effect that he
should die on the day that Gambrill was coo
rioted. These threats had also reached .the ears
of the deceased, but be was unable to trees them
to any direct source, and considered them as idle
or drunken threats On leaving the station
ti , ,use he proceeded directly to Ins home, and
was in hie sitting room, adjoining the store,
talking to his wife, at the time of his death.
At the corner of the sitting room a small win
dow opens into the yard, and Mr Higdon was
standing leaning on the mantel piece, with his
back to the window, from which be was not two
feet distant. His wife was sitting on the other
side of the room, and a little lost child, which he
had picked up in the street, was sitting on the
carpet at his feet. The assassin went up a small
alley at the side of the house, and with a large
horse pistol fired at him through the window, a
heavy load of sings entering his right side and
causing instant death. He exclaimed only—"I
am sbot,"—and fell dead on the floor, having
ceased breathing after one heavy groan. A large
horse pistol, with Which the deed was committed,
was left lying in the yard, immediately under the
window. '
Police officer John Cook was on the opposite
side of Baltimore street, and hearing the report
of the pistol started across to Mr. Bigdon's house,
when a man came running out of the side alley
with a revolver in his hand, and as cfficer Cook
warted to arrest him he fired twice at him, neith.
er of which took effect. The officer immediately
drew his revolver and started in purim_ l it firing
twice at the assassin as ho ran up Baltimore
street. On turning the corner of Pine street, the
assassin and the officer again exchanged shots
without effect, and continued the race on to Penn
street, when officer Cook succeeded in knocking
him down with his pistol, and with the assistance
of officers Jamison .and Higgins, carried him to
the station house. It proved to be Peter Corrie,
a butcher, residing on the Ileckstown road, and
an associate of Gambrill's.
THE NIXT Com:num.—The Washington
States of Saturday contains the following Breen.
latious on the political Amplexion of the next
"The next Congress will be Democratic to a
certainty Our readers may rely on this u a
fixed fact.
"In the elections which have already taken
place for members of Congress the position of
parties stands: Democrats 49, Republicans'lo2.
"The States yet to elect are Alabama, COMM
tient, California, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hemp.
shire, North Coolies., Rhode Island, Tennessee,
Texas, and Virginia, 'wide& elect sightyssix
members. In the present House they steed as
And already eleowd 49 102
116 109 12
"In thatates yot to .elect the &Tublimas
may wan two members in. Connecticut, sad the
Democrats will, in all probability, gain AU mem
bers from the Beath Americans in Keatnelty,
Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, atidAtcr.
land. filtieb a result will make the pelt Con
gress stand: Democrats 120, EsPahrloatpe 111,
Squib Americans 6, which will give the ii)emo
orate a majority of three over all; and If the 4th.
district is Michigan has gone Demecretici as rm.
ported, the Daniel:ratio strength in, the Moose
will be 121, and a majority over all of 64."
Moss h thue been dihonaluird st Loottvlll4 that its
sittinets ass vote without being otorlinredih, order , die
piece is pinning mg again. 11e Alma Welse eity is
tall of Iso46—toll to erstioOleg, and ate ilessad for
houses assist a suppling.
Amelia Dumber. who .. e i t it 8
litiboore city, was raised byba r motors Ni ft ,
ts lett!
Bright, .4 Lisboa. W. Ils was forme, of Ohio. He
witted the New Lisboa R.pubfieria for a lath. but fa •
lawyer by profosatos. He has a wife Dow Hying, but Imo
loft bor. He wu formerly • hfotbodbm mbilatm, sad is
Meetly s &spans*
Dem. Bed. Amer
67 7 12
Wilt, of our people this week. Then to New York, there
warisairshnalltitairaf maitmai, stater *ow% 4 4 and
purely personal issues. that everybody had a point of his
an to carry, and a het of Moore on the remit, Nor the
smoke of the clonal.% has Coated away and the wounded
tine ploktog thwaseivos up one by one.
The ileotivi bee of eourre Interfered coster'sliy with
Imisinoss, as county purohasers are all at home eaa•assing
tbeTr irws distrititl. It *Mesta are sow Ample. wish
assiotte oyes the proepeeta of oldster the sowing Spring
sessoo. So far as the South N oonesrsed. there is every.
thisg to favor an early and wide, butanes which will go
fey towards restarts. ..mirky is the issautkontriog die.
trUsts of New lilaigitind. But nothing vary promising sip
pears in the West An opormoia crop of breadstob has
Demo os sad is being stored up in this eity, *opal boat,
0060 la by **ores every day, and proceed directly to the
wasehou•stsg docks, where their loads are shifted by ma.
oblatory into the bowels of great dock caps:ids Of
swallowing food enough to feed a Suits and crying still
for "more." The Bonded warehouses and the numerous
unbonded stores, bold at this time of the yosr, but esp..-
1 0 1 E7 lids season, a princely store of wealth. Cloth, silks
sad velvets from Europe, broadcloth and 6ney - stuffs ,
hides from South dmerioa, raw slik and tea from China'
sugar end coffee from the West Indies, are piled up der on
tier in the great warehouse, by the doses, waiting for
trade to come In. It dots not pay when trade is a den
at at present to pay cub duties iolf goods whisk may not
be sold for mouths they are therefore storedAs Bonded
Warehouses, when, as meet of yes readers are aware, they
pay no dudes until restored by the owner. The importer
has his samples of these goods to his plan* of business ;
therefore the sales at this season, bspested mutt admits ,
are made wholly by sample, to be delivered from bonded
The literary crop of the mason to hogistalng to 00S110 is
freely. Theme are one or two enteapte en popular novels,
of load life, whlals do mot however mein to have the ele.
moots of snoems. The story of a sew England girl who
went to Germany to see how tbe tkundius hre, has Att
published her rather unflattering opinions, is malting
something of a noise, there are a great many tiermani
in this city of tbe hlghest.intalllgence, cultlestion and so •
oial position, who resent the publication of thee. aketche 9
as a littel upon their country sod their people Is;ew meg
mime and popular weeklioe are starting 'to et err .11ree•
tton. Four endive cent weeklies he.e paid we',
h•therto, when thillfu',y managed, I..ut the Ittle:h es+
to be overdone. Bonner seems,to - .lead the tie'. i • wrth, ut
the sitghts.t ditEculty A notorious scribbler
the SanJey paper/ bat taken It into bra heal t: , .;-.-•! Its
the stt•ry of the murderer (Inlay --Introduelo he cam•+
of tb• real member, of the unfortunate famJe, tn
lion with - his imagined history of the boy it 0 a 1.0.
that no law can be found to check such peculhr rt. •elite
Amusements are generally doing pretty Irv! The Op
era hoire•er le less successful that has beet sot:cipited -
, The gloat seems to wear off from Pleeolomini ear. gate's:
' A`tor ell the be•pralseneent of wartegers and 'be b<l.otl
criptit of musical critic., she tarns out to be thoeight quite
a 'hitarming women, tom of a linger than we bare had all
a recognised prima Donna in a long while. .The brat ef
forts represented her too favorsbly, taken in coon: choo
wick the enthnsisetto spirit of her aadtestee„ who we:.
trembled to like the taly because she woe a ear line:.
wita—or bad been. ER B.
the Delaware County Ge'tette, the following pa:-
tieulars relative to the robbery r f th , D. Itit
Bank, last Sunday evening:—On epeniog the
Delaware Bank of this village on Monday tu ,, rn ,
ing, it was found that the lock to the inner dour
of the vault bou:d not be uulwk ed,
and a smith
was sent fur, who had to cut the heads f the
bolts before it could be opened When acet.•
was obtained, the vault Was found empty The
robbers had by false keys entered the banking
room from the rear, moved the - wood t.ox
sawed a bole through the door and then crawled
under the floor some tea feet to the ride and
under the door of the vault, then undermined
the st.:•ne work 40 as to gain an entrance.
Taking all they wanted, they retursie 1 the
same way, after slipping a hall' , iu the I ck to
such a manner ss tti prevent thPl3.)lt. from troy
ing. On coming out they carefully rcp:a...,l the
boards sawed out, and put the wand l x iu its
proper place—not the least t,uspiekti w, . reit.
ed until the vault door was cpthed Abou•
$BB,OOO is missing, $28,000 of %Fifth 15 to the
bills of the Bank, $B,OOO in alio silver,
and the balance lb other moot.) 415,000 of
the bills of the Bank are ruuttlet, d, and w,
laid by for the purpose of returning to the Bank
Department. It was one of the boldei.r- an..
most successful robberies ever perpetrati d
The Bank offers a reward of 83,000 for
recovery, of the money and the detection of tr,
thieror thieves. The buain,sa the Bank will
not be interrupted in consequence fth r.l)
company of Mormon Elders that have left Utah
since the difficultiesin that Territory, have just
arrived io the States. One of the Elders addret
sea a letter to a frontier paper, from whieli we
extract the following.
Quite a number of citizens of Utah hays i.; eu
employed by the officers oLthe army at CattiP
Scott and Floyd in the ereetion of bArreek• and
other preparations for their Winter vampire
The health of Ex-Governor Young was
Ile attends to List; ;
—tl/1.11( s.ti I.l•Uhiy and ; e joy.
the fall confidence of the residents id that ri
tory Gov. thiamin is highly re-peet.d es the
Chief Magistrate, and has pr.,red t trtis• f (Liu.
far to be an honorable and bleb-minded man
Judge St Clair and Indian Agent Docigt had t t.
rived a few days previous to our leaving
When within one hundred and easy milts rd
Florence we met several companies wiib wagon
loaded with pmvisione, on their -way to the u; w
gold mines, which are said to have teen
erect on Cherry Creek, one hundred and air)
i miles south of Fort Laramie. We pared many
[ herds of buffalo, some of which we secured for
present use. ' Dear, hares and prairie etiii•keus
were very numerous We passed many camps
of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians. ad of whom
were friendly. They bad burnt the prairies for
several hundred miles, which rendere-t teed ..lur-e
in some places Our animals, however. did sr ..11,
and we performed the'joureey in thirty tl,r./1"
traveling days, which, at. this seneon ~1 tote' ir,
is cottsidered a 'quick trip
WASHINGTON.—The Washington Snt ,ni u•
tieing the brutal murder of officer Itnpl i u o t
city, by Marion Crops, says:
Harlon Crops is the same pers.oo a• ,y
Kropp, who headed the mob that attaLked the
Fourth Ward polls in this city, in June 1357,
armed with a large tomahawk, which he brsno ,
lobed among the terrified voters io a :nava)) r to
drive masy from the ground. ' Cutler the .ast
mentioned name he was afterwards indicied by
the Grand Jury here for being engaged in the
riot of that day; but, sofa as we can :mu. no
requisition was ever issued by the. Cr:it:mat
Court with a view to having him brought to trial
He *ill be recognized by, must of (ur oltiz,os
who were present on the occasion move referred
to, who will never forget his bull head, sburt
cropped hair, iron-toed boots, long legs, and the
devilish weapon with which ho °Jove Lis way
among the legal voters of Washington, scatter.
log them before* him like so many af f righted
gentleman of Ciotinnati, formerly connecti d
with the turf, recently made a visit to Eugland,
and while there attended a number of the es,
betting pretty freely in a small way, sod genLri
ally coining out winner.
ea llt sally, just h,for,
lesviug.,be went to the Ce witch Races, with
e balance in his favor up to that-date of sou.e
1114,000 on his operations, and Audit% the odds
tea to one against Ten Broeek's 1 rion sit, he coo
eluded to risk his pile on her. She came out
aboutsis inches behind. Had she won, be would
bane To como within six
kicks of tasking that amount of money, wP
skald call tuning a potty narrow ehatieo.
A irritazto,tbo Literary Memoier uil "if thoro
lhlyikit always to iestilo Ivry" °moiety
tboro Is—obo coo go to Utah Rod mom Brtgboto.
"I will Joy yoit a miler," said 000 oportomin to
seedier, "%bat I will *toot non crow; to day thou you!"
• Oh, yoo, yots mild altwar beet as avowrog."
Wednesday gavit its tb. hit taste of old wiener is
die shops of an old (addend now It ewe doors
Ileintmed &massy fat a tea imam- btu •101.4 sis.t "
tad Ili it foil.
Col. Si'Lnan bee entered upon his datum se alma
of the °gouty, and has appointed J. T. Bosworth, Beg., of
Wettsburg, ea tar deputy. If both ited'at Wen very wart
y ported to death by the °culotte—before and stage the
eteottoo,--we might try our bend It 'em ; but, out of met
tires of binaural, mectorbeer •
---Amld the general wncit of the Amerieen party is
New yuck, we are glad to am out old hued, Bela S. A.
LAW. of Delaware, stain deesedtu das WARN* of dial
Ltate, The fast that a tow-eseh men saLair an etionect.
lid with it Ii the eel, redeeming SeMare In the Am/flews
----Look at Cuarer Ou.istosa's "Oyster Depot" ad•
t ertisement to soother column. We have "taller two
steel. he dew. in, and harts ao besitatlea fa rl/0011111411/
Whig our readers to go and do likewise.
--Airs would invite aitaatkui to the ativertiletawit of
the Cosmopolitan Art Association. This Association, It
toast please all to know, Is is a illoarisidst condition" sna
hellish.e employment to many poor and artists.
J .1 Luau, at the Americas Isms' Ogee, is et
Seer/scary of the Aesoolatioa, to whom tho.s is sews wish
in to subrcrlbe can apply. Bee Lillie ademnimument.
116. ''That Is gold which is worth gold," and Wat. B*l-1.,
Jr. is furoishlog motel:ten the tweet owiguiSweas Pali sad
Winter goods. at the eery lowest rape, sad We the/ are
"worth gold," It Is widest be farsisbee gold OD OU OOP Mil
Omen to exchange for rigged beak sots& °mil wad get
you Clare
--IWo three of oar view:mart &Nene/dog through
the of the B4lletiw the %nestles wbetbeethe game
of Chef* to orefctl or only Itazasiog. Atter they get through
we hope •ome one will tsks op tbe quostio• of "teren•ap"
,1 rtt.l,o , ,tas exercts•, or ient It'
- -- A woman was recently arrested to Armco*, for a baby Poor girl, she Is to be pitied, wiles these
are •,) man v ell , bare them, who would be glad to give
them away
- A Mall, a stranger, was killed on the Buffalo. New
1" , r., I I:r.. Itailroaa, Monday, between Commas and
Ct rirzwii , er He Wt./ walltleic op the track. Intwziesituff
an not min I the signals to get off the 'teak. The
1 - .• ,, ta,t,se ,truck Is.rn k.iliag him instantly Su salt tbsi
.cy •i/ utac rimier,' wish a daily paper from Hu
t ',LIN! , during the session, or tor a longer tins, we meow
pt t •end for the "Patriot wed UneMea" It it the
t•••t paper ever pubilibod at the State Capitol, aaJ only
•5 :c • r TOar 0 Barrett • Co. pabilibers.
tie are glad t., record the tact that the Supreme
~ r. Live f ed, with the Prothonotary at Plttsbalrgh, all
o Its,r the plaintiff in the ease of ths Sunbury
I Er, I C .copany rs Cooper, deciding that the
• . e ‘. the sate of the canals is oostetitation
% 4. I t'.l•l. r 1,-ree will be 'stared aceordingly at the
et t. Yr u. Court. subject to an appeal to tits Court
,r, „,, dec,sloc settles all geestiona in regard to
;tt.e 1,, • tor lotion of this great enterprise
. • t • tare to learn," and if oar readers
u a iodoat :of re. its traits, let than all at the
119,4' V and Str,reMr. Scoith'e. IFollortoo's old Ilutbas' and\ismanfiaa hi. atrir stock, sad
earn the very low pr.ees at waoh anything to his Us. la
(urn eked t.r euttotrare
Lrd anybody ever woe weather so thoroughly chart
..c“...1. , t10 of gloomy, *lathy, sloppy November ea we bare
had the ta:t week. Rain, sleet, and snow, until the town
sul evuntry a thr.roeghly enveloped in a bran new suit
f mud E% cry , trees is a renal of batter, along which
mucus ct erait nee gets with the greatest difficulty, and
arrote r which full rigged feminine craft cannot navigate at
lc% ex -spt at the imminent risk of being swamped Ti
rroschgs are submerged, like creek bridges to •'spring
and, anxious pedestrians have to ascertain their
eititty mathematically, before attempting to affect a transit
fr m unto Bide to the other. The rain stews oat of the
0.1.1; Is 111:i day lung, and every ob j ect within the reach of
virr , o seems swathed in a dreary win. There is
"Su Rua, no floods,
Nu 11•1411., Go moon,"
❑o 041010 g, bul We. ••••.1.0.. e. unisetly oat
of "CI , y Tattlers" obi, rotor* to silos as goo, and eosopol
us I wv: , vs in mad bait tbiryoor at
__ are pleseed with a circular received from
Moon. Oeitsmith it Co, the publishers of "Emereou's
5 /sgafluc cod l'utesioi:a Mutably," became. it enures us
tut Prima u defucie:, end (hut they will shortly furnish
a wager tie tr,riby of the patronage of the public. It is
to be he "Great Republic" Monthly. The Uci of
coctributurs as - •rttrad promises as high a literary easel—
fence as that °lacy tipagasine ever published in the Uni ,
as State' Freed fit4u the did/cattle@ which have tram
toe.;.,l thrice , ee dare no doubt the euterprieing publish
will far iurpast their former highly reputable aorta.—
We base c 4 to,m for their proapestuti, but, we alkali elo•
t.t.r tech cunibtr of the magasme as It appears, and as It
a c ?.—e.lere . : i • I noorlded the publishers send it to us re
st'•! V' , R . they d, I with “Thaensi,"
•101 idle
A DE VIL."—It is clamed by some that there is no
We do not relieve It; oa the contrary, we kstaa
o iho eta:tory Where be holds forth, in proper person
we don't ',filetif to say, but we see hit works every day,
nd retold his doings, fur the beneet of our readersorrery
week. home iii natured people may cay that "old Mabee.
o,' t I o.,,retora the patrust Sat-at of the editorial fraternity
we 4.101:1L ,41)) the eldt 11:11p1M3b11:00111t, but we claim 131 1 / 1 1
,Etat that L. is at the same time the patron saint of a
gr eat wat r ther ;Deportable professions. For example,
wirer., wt u:d ;ea) era get their fees If It were not fur Bel
sebub, doctors get patientr: tr Judges end easel, or
stares tho - a costs, or constables fees, or coroners employ !
toe r. • , or gattrauth's work; or powder reenafactoro'l our '
t , mt rz, .•r, to fact, the clergy a field for labor. No, no,
Belschub teen "ills tug ton" the world, as at present organ•
sod, could vii do without. Blot him oat, and nepspapers
w. ul.l teats to be interesting. For their bresti had batter
do Editor. chronicle his exploits, and when they abase
but It a turret-gangly, with a mental reservation, a sense
f gratitude. Flaring acquired s. faMty for narratiag his
Ibl,llll he refrain from them, their profession
would he rt me amblers , ' Els maledictions to cabers an
ustiio ;ions to them. When he is idle they are sad.—
Should be ever be "chaffed a thousand years,' the whole
Editorial corps would he undone' With those who weep
t bey weep--eepecully with the uudettaker and ocireasir,
11..5e tears are chiefly tears of joy. Old elk* sad the
Editor is jovial company. They breakfast on seductions,
'line on murders aid suicides, sup on bee.rtoseading eal-
Aballloll, and revel amid awful eontlapatieas, to view of
the latter, the Editor is especially delighted to "learn with
regret" that there was "no insurance," and enraptured if
the tree hare ruined several insurance oompaales! With
ibo eoraner be prays. "thy. us this Jay ear daily 4104."
A .. hcsrthle.stabbing affray" is his life's elixir. "An ex»
c,tiag elopement afair" contributes to his longevity. "A
mysterious 'molds" appeals to his gratitude. A bangle(
tragedy thrills him with .eestacy. A green °mutual*,
igsuastl' of all his bard earnings, is batter to his toast;
a latch ti tut is don, brown on the Devil's forked tail in his
salutuy k lichen. Why, therefore, should not praise be
given to Itelzebtib, who alone gives food to policemen,
sheriff's, ooristablett, marshals, jailors, hangmen, demote,
undertakers, jurors, lawyers, judges, statesmen,
clergy men and Editors. Praised be the Devil! Wham he
erases t, • perate the Editor and his myriad brethren
whole -honorable professions" result from crime and
wickedness. will, vulgarly, have to go to work! Yes•eir•
CC there is a ,"Devil," and if the facts we have enamors-
I led do not prove It, the result of the recent elections cer
tainly does, aid that the Republicans are is league with
We mistimed last week, in noticing the ;warder of
the Italian, Bovvaam.i, by Geo. Riddle, that a ibrother of
the murderer was hung In Pittsburgh about OMNI years
rinee for a like crime. Wit were mistakes', so; far as the
hap air g RAI; enrse rotd, hellup log cheated tbisollows by
suicide after h•at ictlop. Is' refire-log to Mb ease, the
editor of the Meath Hie Spirit of du .4" says 4 Is *Debi
n e Ter ,en forget, It being the first murder stag is his ca
reer as a newspaper reporter. Information iif the wo
mares death was. Vern to the Coroner in the minahog—he
called upon as to aroempasy bias to the somm $f the win
der, and to am ae foreman of the inquest. going a-foot it
was some` time after dark hart* we reached the home
w here the itmly lay—mw reeollmtim is tbalit was be
tween three aid four mile* southeast et Pittsburgh. It
was a log eabin ot,otily one room; the jury were tapas
titled and swore tot of
.deoro, tad than .stared I. stew
the body. The room was crowded and the Meow heat
which then prevailed untsiii4ke plate unite sielusaing.—
The body lay an a bad, ooveriat! with a sheet, as ,;.thing
et say desertptino was sport itt \ its thaebeet beteg with
it s
drown the most M eigi
isiblo lme saw was promoted
to us. The tonal ' , from hood to tooc• bootee late a jet.
ip. Ithlshel less la the arms& awl it Taix4,* who Aiiit Iwo
tires Inteotigeoce of the death of his wife; Itss stated on ro
ckirg, that be bad been away in the woods sil day, ted
on coming home had found his wife dead. Thetts,peemed
to be au cilia whatever to the wardens, mod &bee ware
Skawist at a loss bow to proceed. whew
ISt three or tem pears old otiwi.u.c Y r
Ipm isolator, std 4ot she wool !,
4 :•.•
seisadomd atm sa 1
ggesteagg's ver4lll wse resisted oge,net
wawa vadat' he sethescotteatly wade be Ir.
Jag of whiskey home with him on wt
albow kit topple he mmusessod drinking,
gas boles all reeollooticsa omit Bonds,
be resaverad from kis etaitor sod foetid uk i tet
bad beat's lea with a. handle of a coa:1,„
thellgh sole of her boo*. were broken, toes' a we,
upon bet body thoudot sot show it Lc. tart ,
blow. Bidden was dofoodod hy T J Fez g4Z 4 .
with a weal almost aaaewatotable— td , .11 01,,. 4 ior
i d l b w a. that tapaleas geatleama'a woo ; Ai l,'
trios—beg all wad so stall. The prwon.t toy 41:
to be sad friday, the Seth n( April 1 54'. ti
spot foe hi. easeasisa. Oa emoting it tell
to give base Ida breakfast. klre. Ferry th, .
skerti, totted Ms dead. U. had rat h./
of the elbow, appestat!) , with a piece vt f l an
be salami, rein, after Mack he hang
of his bkaaket. TM* brother George
emety homicide, bad came to the oily a tee
sad be It was wbe moseyed his body to Ere
it sow meta, Si... by the ease of the rt,c,.
Rea. exams, tits —Th. puti::, wai e. .
reply to pear Noma letter add d
sisteently regret oa your OWII account Oa:
It aseeeettry for las to do so. lc will to t, , t ,,
all, that you ma the assailant sad at renew
pus it by pabUskiag • letter, a Wade
Oosigreadoeal Costars.' ooly, ILL wA,cS l eery 41
strident* of baying beta diseignal from t.:54 tat
tads& It was a sailligatiatpenotial atts-t ua „
bound to my loally wad frauds I taterr..l
timtaill the salaams of do same pep,.
ptidieltod. Identedesplicld7thetruth „
They were at beet only sash as might : - .me fr.t
appointed aspirant, troubled with a oast dap m
dissibled imagination, and believing that
would Wadi little weight to ghost I did
prove • steady* bat eesdeaded ayeolf wear
art »peat, that prat tenor ass a faleeho
I neat &Moor, sod turttini upon you, I roe: a ,,:
terms that you were, °smear:lE4 in remain teem
meats for the re,.eleetioa of the, present Itepub:v
Putative, Hon. Jobe Diet. That the private in,
whist!' at, arrougomout WWI consummated was bei,
°Soo, sad that you openly ulrolateti hts
floalug yoursult the **et of the contempt of
yoi NI book at the eleventh hour Into the rank ! ,
If this charge, than boldly made, was tru e ,
Wed La no small degree your political Lad
rity--aad profound sileaee would have teen ar cot
you than your published swat denial a O l
"explanation-" You "spurn the falls and cue
don" and In the Dort breath allede 4ia ". t
"the wheeze orienated at Erie," and add
special merit in this" (i. e. the nononatwa
"unless it be the boLdsmas to avow a " Writ, „„.
(erred from snob boggling as this and who cir tsL
it you mesa to admit or deny. To suppor t a pe:
partake in the absinthe of • party nominee is use •
to prevent a nothinadon whet the party d inim t
eaadidate and this to enable you totarter lbs
for your own Attar* advantage it enrAbrr
It is with tAis you lac charged sad the tot., ,
whether your plea meets the iadietteent.
In your wont tenor your old omens,
rtatsad two saw counts are added. ~ r., ;
'oali failed voting spinet Om &mom.,
°rabbi sem& of 1856 tram insibilat to be
deades t • the other, that I "never mode r „
IC speech."
That I did, when sour Dams was itc6,
weeks before the or:invitation, speak fer.rie., of
essaleas is tree, sad yca have the full betel.. V.
Dim I bad repeatedly refused to be,der
ate. IMI not aad Dever was as eSee Bette,
always an wire member of the democrstv pun
1110,0 r before la a Magi* instance been sn,sir. "sr
didats for °thee. I behave in the, now am 7
idea, that the office should took the man and In
thecae.. My friends chose to MIMIC
candidate and voted for ma in con ens t, i.
right to do so, I presume, without previouty
poraussion, a nd did nut then, nor do I not a..
it was a "fraud upon the democratic party"
cod neighbors who baJ known me from h ,
wire me their unsolicited and hearty eopport
The allegation made by you, that I knowing
td your friOodo to support me under the rite:
only desired it se complimentary, is in letter to.
in substance and in (Wait, grows!, untrue. ai
°remota, your "repatignasoe to bringing
the name* $f valued friends" and prodw•••
who you SOO eau establish it, to pant I
ta.ot thola:lf ouch paroona alert bo
I wao seised to twootoeso to a d a.,
•le ale year or 18:if. It I c.i.l
obooid lath Voted for Itt r Bu•rter c•
11111lk1 the admiatatration of Mr. F.crri J.
V. Oft, eO, et. 4, treat tlatet dam”
of goad, • him ~u. weaning :•
eit,oo, leave picked up and tut:
It may be true, aa charged by t
bat one democratic epeeet, " It w u I
stance is my judgement , n.ino• •
were equally modest In this seeps- i l •
3101411 you hare been e procutnest4 I<-s, f-r
party to Crawford eounty. W heti • u
cal career, :here was a democratic Efts. • t %."1
four hundred to eight hundred votes Is .sr,tu •
Tote is numbered by thousands, at tin
°lathe to have been particularly lic'.o^ I'l.l rely
speech the °teeniest the ma j ority a e r,..i": 9.
was 1969! What the condition ot l•
ty will probably be in ten years Irow i +Lot
continued direction and speech mat .n ,air
ter of oonJeeteire.
There tale both of your letter+ an tor ,
which' has occasioned much router. .v e t
friends, and which is not apt to be t, ai c
manner of one who has an toward c tr , ...,45e
own truthfulness.. Courts and jurtsi a. t , 41
ready oredeues to the tale of a Isithys elil r.
testimony, and who at the same UM.' PILA
towards the accused. Another LEA
*widener is that one 'hewn to have 'moil,:
threat particular is not to be believed I
1:17 mast be eugown out. ,
sod this may be either in the euppre,•.Nt
in the statement of •o uotruto. l vs,. +t, s'.
done both. There seems indeed t •
of chronic tendency to tergiverratdco • : try ,
I avoid the charge of "coarseness is
stead of the blunt and more comma • :t•
In the third paragraph of your liot
excuse for the pablioation tic the :,eat
etml friends of /dr. Galbraith • , •a s
prevent an unfair use of it a• I Lad
"signed , I was persuaded I ° have tt Wit It
before the eleetioo." Thal is ," ohs er .110r4
Debbier had not writteu to Mr McFarland tz
mould not have pablisimef Tbe folluw:ng it
F's. reply, spools for Iteell. "I called up
this morning ,to whom thnoriginal hid hi,:
fora oopy sa desired. if. requested me 1. , so,
It. tad pit...rushed she democratic (ciao , '
a copy Q( It.. litter fur pohlscatio , .." "n 1
true, yours or Kr IllaFesiand'e'
In soother paragraph you say "I Jeer
took upon Mr. Whits, if any one has stud ,
is Mr. Galbreath. I did not even name aim
Hoodoo of mf letter fully show- 5 " In 15
which you yoarlel/ sent ft the (/, , • • : : t
White', name appeared the. "Mr. 11
terford," connected by an asterisk
referred to him. And yet you bold'y Jeer'
mg yourself bibbed the seeidenial m
Sochi tequivoesitiou needs no comment-If I
ply tali the term it deserves.
And again you. say, "Mr. tlalbrath •e
both agreed sot th be at the conferee tee :I
yet he alone 'debited this understand at.
Teo days or more before tie
Illnuemetion that we should not attend
views and I promptly assents.' • .t
renially learned that notwitests., Luiz
farts to give thy' impression that you em
the aominatfotl. you were secretly , ql.•:t
larnelly tad had had an inter. ie. • itt
the same individual who afterward. .41
ed and defeated him. Sus pectiai u
determined to be present and ~n tio
Thursday, (the meeting was on
aotitsed you of tny intention and e.. IL
objection you intimated that v.a e , e 4 .
there. The following note fr-u.
my statement of the facts.
To Wm. A. ilm.awarre.
DIAS Sri:—On the day (f°' y ' ,l
the Colignwsiowal Conferees et
a conversation botwsso aourse. l
front of Wm. C. Carry's slice to tltts
roar lateation of going to , the ...uferer , "
Judge to seseompaoy you. He as :s.: so is
Wing PROSIIOt and had so toformed oat^
that la bad Important busisess to , s'a •
It would b. towards evening. B''
object to your gulag. Alla I (unto , :
MeParlaud at Edinboro that I vvree ,, '
May 700 Colltitiot,to
alotessaid conversation- -or 7
Th. sultression of this simple
sad you did oothoultate to .itit.tire•i ibt a- -;
I buys oorsekeste but comely tts'e : I ' lll
cnsbls moo to draw their ono CtottC3ll,lte
Lord Batton stays, that ''• 'td •
boost of man's astute. sod tee!' m i. ':
lit* alley la ooio of gold rr ".
metal work the bitter, but at .leiiv et
lag sad crooked course, sr e etc
wbieb pistil basely upon t he tvlly and n: L.
With 8 . aPparestly coaatuuttotai
mealy straight forward c.tarw
70° riply to my letter to tbir,irr.4l°
spot • Mod of obsto dip:a! ruI:, Y ,
, 2
' aritetwes. Toe seem to forget the
dotes.* sad that the "dolf"" . ' • •
coasts/es is the opplitariincle c b•
than it say improper Isosuir u"",, per
myself strictly within be i.toti'
by yourself and ha,* roterel to ro
trek temptingly voloorstolo poe'f.
mod lore tit* prosily. of official,
Toe oeset out to Intro costmeoced •
Parry shout sothlos, merely ,c
gee. Whoa he who wantonly turer.,,,:7:.
limiting for hoCiotier, he ''
404 1. ...7
patby from tio hysuse der s.
'Ante you bar* rooght and
which for brief refs •tt are
ecvtrire pertelttra •',“
Cotost..nwealtb. • •
obspo and .her. t.
" r ' cl i A fe) , '
your OWL
Eats N ,
3,7 I
a • , lb,