wool realities& ELprear, to me diceeted, toe and Owe, all the Judsonitle InTilanth) of. and pie~ of load attest, in the borough of t... to all: Ons third of lot nimbi.? two • '7. , b omber three (3), aith • tr u story hones te• it AU feet by feet, bounded on the ook, root by Herb street, month by hit .• .ot No la nod lot of Jwilih L. Cook. re;seco Übe 100 tialerlbra lots. 11.04 'it lb. r.. 1 .i T Vincent o i oc cot and stain of A K Fuller of, In " • I.,efro DI /Am/ //lltsale J 0 the city of t. so he it ionitig at a plot on lb* •teM hundirl lust seventy (YTQ fret stri-et . thence soutbwarilly one ' ~t thence restwantly thirty fret : •'''' and twenty nine Get throes t, Mgr plasm of Inzalsilte Using s osowr 286, sear rig to CoarreletV. we, port of subdivision number sr , Ow, of maid Out lot number VA dr ~, s s, to Beginning at apoint on o^ Arret, nog hundred and aisety- 0 44.16.4 ~.t Its of Sassafras, Owner erwitsriully ~on.rwilly use bundr.l sw.4 twenty nine tort, thence nortbrardly it* feet to and token to eteirstkrn at lb* salt of • 'Lib l'utrl raise, issued out of the maw* • ell be *old at the rine thee and place, se rest sod claim uot Albert Jobe* of In and to Kos: Estate, to wit: all that certain pleat to Lu bowed Toirualtlp and bounded as .00e (211 Wile from the north oust • : • irly or at present tossed by one Whew „..tt, 31 deg. east 49 chats 94 links to the alesaaieer Moore, theme boutk • 43 links lath. south test corner of ,„„bc• south be des. omit 11 theses south .0 , 0 awl be Willa to the north tweak of the Jeg west 12 chains and 44 links; theses yeas • links to the mouth out corner of the • „..t, thrum north 1014 does met 12 ebalee e atti Ns. dom. west 6 ahem" 21 links to the ,utbaeoti ea. bowderd seeouteeli sad there „,, r ,„ or I. es i sad havinu erected there...a ;tort J no. s' interest said elalso nt, in and to piece of hind entente in Le Bondi, bounded to •it netts:ming at the ...nth eor ,,, e o etracted by OUP Wheeler to Albert Jones. tea set s deg east 1 chain 30 linit• to the 'oath „ ' ,need for J. W W thud; then'' oort LI 41 t r r oohs to o post; thews 'oath Nt, der NW w th e n c e AS. deg west 12 chit 1111. 1. link• s ci the higtmay ; tbooot 'oath 4g deg east AD.I contracted by e eler to Lanon t'a .1.1 out along odd Nelson's blind la chugs to ,ruer tumid: Owner south lib deg mat 7 chains • to.l by W.W Admit ) , theorw nocit, r, deg seat .!sad 20 shahs 17 links to tho berth oval comer .of (UP WO of tondo cootroetvd try W iih.ek, n ,. .-,, stalW.P. Aber 16 than. 11.4 TW inks to a IS dog east 1110. g loads contras- to Th., p. so soli to the comer of Land 0.1•4•11 terfillaa MOOP Dora. be Jew west along liirtwar aiming As links to the north east corner of heed Thecae, so raid Armes Joao* sad thaw., fle Hob to the piss of beginning, ruotaloing „ gubject to the right al way Kraut- Takes In essienUon at th« null of bowls b Butler, now for the WIMP of Dr Forret foterest and delta of Walter W Warner os &resettled Real Estate, situate In the amt described as (44101.1, to Breinnina Jr...wiener( street to said city. thence vad at!, 1111...(Cetlft steretafty feet toe poet thee.. • 1 h rtasentru street, one hundred and teen khoy; thence. westwardly alone the north leci to Soloman's ' , treat, and thence north st met or" haud , e4 and tareot)-oloe feet being the weatarn end of PUlKPriltiona totirtrlKkii Ptah of oat Lot No 1746. Token is eot I , 7isabet M. warner. • .rata of Lees Facia, to roe , liewtr.l. rill he , to. place, th• fireman •Ituale to North , part 41( a Unlit" tract warranted in tiro two*. 11.1.1 m. known by Lot No Mond out or the antih ',am., snot boundod aa to wit • Begra ,t. B an k ..f 1.41t0 Ent'. th.nr. .11.11tvortraly lahmit t we 0 t 7 .0 " ,41 P all tWOntv alt 9 - 14.) 11..rth thirty of no.hie es of 1 rni I y porch ,. ..till 1 , 11tY • IS we deg Pig th ,4 irfr-fico prickle* to ,gl,t one h a ll dry r lot forty tin south tlro hundred eighteen K-10 -I throe. 11 land formerly owned by Jmnee moe and one-ttait deg weld eightretght perelle. Lod formerly oa u. .I hr omdttritlin north Al • ' 10 per. bee to a post, thenee along the road it forty -seven pe'rehe. 11 10.111 thence north “right 2 10 perches across the creek to a pool, deg-- one hundred and eighteen perehes t.. lolling, containing oar hundred and fifteen army • oiunre perches with allow stare of on per rent kr itoweves, at till., 04,1,11 i p wee. of lend oho+ the bonantanee of the Imml ni.. e dreento.l and :boo deed ,in hut Ilb ton. to Ito rot , v, !Leiden lay I) Char*, obleh Rani thre. pteee. ..f land are .in. with the earvption of fort% 1... twee., add by b Ch.M. b ---- Stephen. said forty-two eery lbw worts dale at the Name whi, h in also to be '-et of the said trset preenty boar sere. be the .4 i. a part at the mune pleer or parer/ of land onlap Esq., executor of flit/els* Ghana lined.. Irphana Court of rrie Count. Taken in rxecu -I..er Loomis Achosistrator.ir hoot. non with will dee'4. ..etu pie°, of illoOti stlitsate to the Townehop of .an ..f Ern. sad State of Penney lyanie. bounded end , dh it BegiuninK at a noel in the mouth Ilse 1b.....uth rorn• r land of A et.teroton Hubbard; the tract wept h.rt. p0re1.... to • p.d., the I ist..l old Ifultherd, then& bl ...14 tarn/ and b..c114 two hundred and f,, ur t.., p.. rc ho, to tt, tratt • thew , . I. eat. Ilue e•AI forty 1..1. lxml 1.1 n Haloteird mouth ri...,1^11 pert Itr• It. Itor War- ,t 1 14,cmotne, •••• d ,st.•l • it.l. all.^ of xip. r • rot Takeo ID • ••.,: I • F Ye ImKtrioff rat—. •E th II". •II I 1')/.r.1 Joll \ 101 I PATRICK ,hertff. Flooring. t tug Lor ult. at t NHTF NIAI I F RN 11/llkind ! Windows ! ! Wamlows, at t t IiTER & 4tl I 4 Fir` Steal. l'h.tn, Wtl 1. M. JUSTICE FIELD AGAIN- U , 01, ItirbgN and the. ~.I.h. 1n jruernl that the and Ready lade Clothing Business, u• brabebes, le the gtore late oceoper.,l by Mr. Abe Square, between hroen'e Hotel sr.! the Reed •tll etobrawor to bare at all ton. • elo.ler melee- Casaimeres, and Vesting'', up to order upon &tenet a.l ice, wd ••rraot to ou map. Prritoolk SU wool of uq thaow in my .puts be/D4 fairly dull with. es I wm detrredDed Lb! 10.42 but web no Y itl give. satistacti,. IMD WWI! t of bt 311abt tiloting, Home. make and warrant...l to he e ft roprrarated .10, for I'AMIU aro lowltr.l to ea I and e s t r T lD : ^ON a. lam Lleternsaapal mkt , beep fo r ' L. " . dorm no short uoth e awl warrant...l Adminirtratorie Bate.. emirs and dream of the tophon't Court of the tot, the as/lowing& stetted sail estate of thomai lib tow act of Erie, dee raeed, s d 1 he exposed to L%allhoi.t Hoffer Of. the city of Krt.. nntiaturday, 1.41 le o clock A 11 Ail Wel certain piece or sgpale.tta. Tor orbit, of lifilleask.saauty of liar, enemata... tailor pert of Reamer Thiel :toothier see oratiloteil toito•. 11,rgiuning at the North ‘tap ioirlT rt 01. 01 r eons ad to Freedom /Ina Mai, in and wile hy deed dated March 11, Mk on and thirty -t Lt handl...lth* perches to deg. tweet Wily-seven and ase• 1.1. 07 711 to • pop* th•to, north 2 , 4!"• that t eight hutaltalths t.rfthem 16 3fil to spot: ley north 6.. deg. east thirty ',tyro oat! arrenty o Ott .47 71) to air plane of legioning , mutate, .11 zero* of laod *I of parcel of hod titillate ha the tit, of Dia biting part of Out Lot, No, war a. lead . the plea of Out Lolls In the rind ...Con of tad bounded as follows. fiartotong on the south of are humtred sad Maly •Ilyr feet 1 1641 • west nurser of the tame, throat tart ”otti, Isar of .std Lot, eighty •teo and oar-ball *se e Dori trearefly parallel erith the west lithe of said A. 0.41 and tifty.ov• feet 114.51 to as Whey laud out, •ardly and westwardly through the centre amid tt•ardl, by the r Lath line of said alley eighty- I, sad throat aoutbwardly ionillel with row .at Lot Dom bat.dtal and 611 y-fits art ( 1 6 6 ) '•Tolo:ag, bring thy tame nitre of law! otia•eyrd wt a hi. 114 oast by Fternego Schauer and Serve teed .aced Feb. 1,16 U 'ALL - - 411"^l014Ith us lb. bultMlnallktiob a Sala, I 6 r..11401•1 animal ioNtaluteutp •ith annual an by Jvadvseet Hood &MI iiortglir pa the MARIA Al.\ 11161.1.1 CK, • GROWL kl1.1.111;t:. • h . . tasnopotar &awl a Thema. Nlsilliork4 deed. t.l Goose Feathers. 1,,,..1 t abd told by `qt. -. 14,, bteim pianin Mill. mot AND HI.IND MANI:FACTO/41. r t~rrU..vr To .iRTEIt S MALLER I "k 4 l sT.a k •, THOROUGHLY SEASONED aud Siding, matched and racy plan e•• Kling* Moulding*. 1. 1 .84 8 0., I Ike, which they will ear t•c. 4 Woulltortio's improved Planing - 41.0.84 tr.-chat to upend.; them. Ire are prepared thifehlng mad Ripping at all lit:m*lo4 100 41: oniels will rookie prompt attelfifile. rc AR 1 - ‘ 1 - r " • • .0160 E 71ARZA HIVE. 4-4 IMMO IBE F 1,1 STORE OUR FIRST SUP' A LT. 1)1 Gooxim rich Asti rare go.mis for the preirat RIBBONS 1;.1:-, haw kr, Y.1110(11/1WRIK,k I.A('lt HAN Lik:ZRCHIFYB n . s irs ik ri t 7 l , l i• -• 1 ; '(. IP. , I.INIiN iiIiViTJAO , I , 11 II I.E.' LINK% UAW mass "' II MV/.1%..4 LIN KN TA M. le 1111711.1 Pkt ..i It I'I.AIOS I INEN % APKIN 8 I ‘ , .1 'II VKIST. 44 WIkTICKPAINI RA t'„ 1./(1...A.. 411 /t MC, yo*ruagari 11:1-11 r , ii•LiNs Hy!) Hi ANKIRTS Le Le he Le ' .. 0.11.-t ~ .itb a gra. 11.1 as.ostuarut a and E.taple Articles ev. h i. O r• wd wirer, ~f e-mbiry. .r• 110 Ited ~ s znithe, roep.t• 41 . 1 P.dr. Erb" iii ii _ , TIBBA L 4, HAYES I CO. Xs. 1 and 4 dliap'a lialki. z , 0 *MI 1.4 Cia Ei% 4mi Cl° cur o E m 'S g tt C •Ira co 4-4 E-4 O 4 Ces I CZ Ma "4 z E-0 W Spring Beds forl6 50, Cash! - Fitted to all kinds of Bedsteads. Now Arrival Slept. 29, IBA& I.s,oooairead7 sold. :00 *old in Llevrianil .hidy selling In the City of Erie. See the bandied' of Testimo nials from Private Families, Hotel Keeps Medical Kea, wirtiers of Stew= Boat., Maimti km, he-. rematmso4log theist to the Public, being Portable, Durable and Cheap, Ruesllia, all others for Elsa- Stretfth. KM. and Com fo rt, Appearattor, royalties lee. Bedding than say brought before the Polak heretofore. Invaluable to the Invalid. Splendid and Eamontieal. Spring nature - far ellwreb e., See Gram Bed Mattresses from IM 00. They Spring tied. Mande •nrivalled and upon Slott own merit, bidding defiance to all competition. txtilbited and for sale by the only appointed Agent for Ibis State, at the Cheap Furniture Sal and Communion Store Of O. W. lELLBICY, state Street, near Perry Block, between Ttb and lib Bt., Erie, Pa. Parked and forwarded to ell parts on reeeipt of the Prier, The.e Spring Beds will be exhibited at eat Erie Show Fair. Ft. killil TERN of all kloda, Farmers Dooka, Book Caro, Ward robes, kc , kc., for Stone Pay aad Looker. NG. W. lILLSEY, tile, Pa_ At the Buffalo Clothing fitoie 1 /PIUS t. no Humbug, t inland going out ot the'Clothing baw -1 lour sottnny 111 • row isontlin, tbornfons, I oaf soy entire stock of mad, in.4le clothing, Tarnishing Goods, Its.,Niniost ins of Hostory, , Nock Tien Drowns, minor rta, Goalies:wen Shawls, Thoso - olokitng to buy a Rood Over Coot, a oleo pab of Pasta- Mono. Voot, 11? la het anything In the slow* of fionaltmars'o ay lar.l~, .111 Io well to give ens a call. As I mad above., 1 oUI oW an, thing in my Imo at toot prime Don't to t the = No. T *town's Bloch, drat Store north of Corty's Busing tit, Sept 2h, INnft —2O A. Liam. HOOK BINDEffr. Blank liberobta Maas speo4l Vier Mao. Tail. subscriber" would annesuaos that they coo tioue to ettead to ail the d.partmeota of bindiag_itt their for tahliehment on the Public Square, balms Brown's Betel and the Reed House. Books are board to order la approved style, a$ Wank Ic.oks made and sold cheep for ash. They have also so @tautly on hand and for sale, Cheek Books, Receipt Books., e, fo4aerw, rte., sobstautially'sede out of tb bat mat* Determined to do then work weft, sad to retard faithfully to their hos/tier, they hope to merit and nasty* a fair share of public pat r.nag, V no. Kept. 'a, 11168.--Am A 1111/IcAL ESSAY ON A ISHW, CERTAIN AND RADICAI (1 RR ('V SPEPIIATORRHOIA,Ii))rT THE LSE "V INTERNAL MEDICINES, CAI:TERI ZATIoN, OR ANY lIIRCHANICII. AP PLUM"Ed. J t 0? rr Limrn. the nth edition. la a weird envelope, gratisind milled to any addrem, post-panl, on receipt of two stamps. This little rod, emanating from • orlebeste4 member of the sledirAl prott-sotos, slim the moat important information PT.Y published to all persons estertainian doable of their phy•isal con dition, ur mho orw emmeious of having hamided their health mid liappitiontalninit Use particular. of so entirely Sew and per. feet remedy for Sp.raistnerbses or Smolniel Westmont, Debi it,, NP1,01”.1,100, 1 ) .1.11.4011 of Spirits, Loss of Emmy, Lasnitenfs, Thaiduty, invultiatary Seminal Disteless, Impaired sigbt sod Slissoory, Blotch•• and hawk.• on ibis Pike, Indigestion, Palpitelisti or the sod Bodily Prostration of the whole eye tem, bothering impotainey and mental and nhy•kal intapreity,—by means of which every use may cute himarelf privately, and et a lrlata erprose. Or Address Dr. CH. J C KIJN It, let A l / 1 10011, me. 19111 k New -Tork : Post Bus No 451118. Erie Sept 11, 11166.—UILIsso, WINES. LIQUOR, &c, CREAM WW, ZWIW, PA. Has on hand a full and renal assortment of GRANDMA GIN WHIBILItIf, PORI'_MALAGA, GitalllAN LIL I NGARLOI, MAD MA, PUNCH AND CATAWBA WINIIIII, Of various brands qualities, to which he nspottlidly iawitn the attention Saloon and G 14sepent, as iss is do. tarmiusd to sell all articles to his tins as ebwpy as eau be purehan d Die, Jute If, 1•14.-41. WQ hare on bawl, of our owe wewelselere, s tarp &apart ment or noire which we wUI Mapes of at whoineolo or ro• toil at low figures.. Formers about to rrcbw would do well to examine our stook. If • sum Um lioLleirlag as boortotyloe le use, it it kc , ke. Points, rough and polished, Land strip, Meek' itc always on hand at the Tanndry and Were Rooms, N. W. nee err State and Eleventh sta., Erie, Pi,. RAJA IL JOHNSON, Erie, Aug. 7,1E61L Seeenreerete Smoot; Base & C. W. JELLSEY, Nile, hi. Administrator's - Notice. ILITIVIIM of Adastalstratioa Irvin Wes granted le Nagar 14 WI Will*, on 'b. witsie st Hoary Ha es, Isle el lhasklin township, grar Co , drommord. All moms IsdabMd lie the maw, an tequestiod 'to write Isamodista payarst, sad thaw Wino umlaut Übe saws will proont Wm% mo,y sothos for settlement. 'ICATITANIEL WILLICY, • Fraallia, Sept. IS , 11148.-6119 Administrator. --- Fall KUlenitry and Fancy GOOds. MRS. CVSTLS maned frees NM Yeilkouid fa mow ready tog the FALL STYLES of Basseta, 11114 teas, newels, Caps, Used 9V/101104 Itmeties, /key dm. A 1.., Comet* Glossa, Hadrary, Plata Work Cellary.Mearabar Cellars sad V. 11.. Laws Vella sad IFAglap, Slammed Week. Er broidet7 Cease, Zephrr Worlds.* Patens, Crotchet lesedies, Tidy Cotton, Cliemiliss, he., ire. A MI assetseest Oelesad sod Whit* Straw Beaseti"mad Wasps, *baker Heada. Cairn sad Wine. fidliaet harms, ia. • wsperier article of Nisei Marta sad Hoops. frir MILLINERS famished wills aU articles la tMF Swat waatarsta. • SIX DI CUM& swat ILIA wir GAEL' FOR NAN AID 21•11 T. IT HAS TRIUMPHED I 11 . 7 , t y trial Lao boos lair, am d the people have roarbooml a jail mrdkt: 511XLIell Mauro Pinar, libo world's groat sir wale lorommt and without a Avail la lbo imassmo catalogs* et Itottleima, sad its Ws Is • spesesiosled Ia lb. P4annals alflamtical Thollary. Unaided by soars •wartilisilW r by sorest rum, Ws by Ina loan slow Was die Mut af all oth.r lila maaothre, arid ram& triumphant mrt ptbe approval of away al *i mast emiamt of Mematiaal Pb.- alty ; ths prssa are Isola ;la is roam : Me enabrat • r boromma, Mablo =sad Map posprislara is the Mass nll .s ao otkor WUI you—au ton &OS its mail 1 IX K Ors *la or tielo • ?Mr dial, ss a ssas issa. Ntl.oaet.ra tb sods s k sy ^...4 seal. a .11isa by all Dealers thinsaboal the Vaios, J. S. Comm, Asia Apia for Ma. flop • • REWARD. wigs c.. 1.4",. ease the shove ihrefra he soy poses oe per • lose who witt glee the same of waft who mew be eolith% ..`taany a the Ara* I Sta., of the W feet trove ea ard /LAO PHI' LA to t. Hub toy, RAo Herber. and the piece of seeretime seporty. As se he mostat, moue to perrelt with swift that mild Wm* le "her pleader," we Waft ewe seek* le alt. that the itederaligeed an the isle evitere, add Weird ALL Plllll9[A6 iron as breekteg so stet taking away, nuke PENALTY OP PROSECUTION, th. plaint Zatea. ..au Was caulk* peewee WAIN" perekaa• any of time sea pigpen, .o 4 to pessime without a written Of prialod apitiliceS• 1~ ear .amt sad that d Capt. Goo. Witos. itover4 will be ;NH te_lfi_riefool tra p luam itas ob . " lolkirostwas .err esevisties of tie ”"‘" SLX NIL LI, 111/4-111.41L v VAX X Q TONE 11411111, Weed= ma VIM ta sea be Lail et S. X. 1 li OM • III• 1 E IEI 12 I Nona • NO g A leo I Cii: P ES 1.. cp a) 10 = B El Made to Order. SELLING OFF AT COST, DR. CULVERWELL ON MANHOOD. . P. A. RECXXER, WHOLISALN ANALER IN PLOWS! PLOWS! Eksorth, 1. Long, Dutcher. Waiverhue, Wised. DIU JAMS= Mt at the remall gm WI mor Mule IN* oto tido( rooliiifts. obe bat tar bot roar Imo ostotbst possYstlerr eanot 1061M1bitaalls,m11 aims • Wee ••••tat - birkfMr. In ell lastais• to bit ksoovrloolso isle Won wire bin" and Lb pro. oedittioak sod odil boot to Ma bast to nrinto tooset, wren Idiom tams woo Yrbaild g radical Yam ti— . Weir premb rtio b• of Ur m tuttlie (Odell aro so "Imego i sdi witch hi bar bills pommies tor T=NIAUL—Dr. Jabgeagg, Wks nirilliwa ILLIIN Psi WY bit the pug yore tooled•brie ittnier palmate is oar oesatl sod viebbity somostaft.all loran of all sad long olaadlo, s tab stdr owl all Moraroo, wilds{ from an Wp of the bloo4 'be Ityloopits, u..r Coogislota, llorrout tad Mog* Woritotos, Coooroapticm, ttroooldUs, ad .11 dimwit of Oro Moot sad Lassa, aro soorrodolly trailell ler tb• oir ladies bersodiro,visleb Dr. J. promise from various ms &Mot, to tbr Wort tlo *be soatiyoutat Loy llama' sad tom than prootiolyM tbkt aro moll tbo Sod Mow oso of limy La this pay Ur gives Dr J. as sorristolo rorttottoo. Tit. sr *weld sat lii i Lig me Mak— Bewithers TUN N. Y. 2 oil 21 whit El a t ;1) Dr. J.4iansisk this nrittsi Didbia i l ityniskin. *WPM tire Nantes Roil, oa . blay Ttb, wham Ttb, be may be owasoaltA tees of abacr i alli Who ars 10 Inebebnleekl as to be dlidsd EPS OwaIIINIPONS. OA the Dray .111 e et IH, that la i l lisliN 'a Mir la." DC liammift baaa of,essairlabl• te~isa Her thaddllha sad Ramo* in wind bor Isesto thew wile wit his old. anted war • portion al the mumts7. Jr. NI Um alibied bo Wok is oil their various WPM no sillsolod by illihosni loniliSon — Those wishing to woonatt hiss shoond ho in hae 10eUi ass the day appainted. Ile bb day la abortor Sir& Oro•ty 0., dasoorat. likraam. CaUTION.—Dr. .1 MUNI. demi It to bo &WI wbbalt be owes to the aellets4„ alas, to hush to t dos tie la ',WO wale sealed a lot of suspainetplod ea' We thiinowtros 'Dodos{ who warner Ins mu,- try from phis to liiiwk (oak, soot tethedaersidani) We fingpen So idea by espeinseileptts asksoa o l ladles pensae• be em Wog el* Lle. J. and wont imit bJ lbw la some plasso throw Woos have rspneosswid ae the De. Jamaica 1111/141.1." Oar imeikeellek Ilies " te rri = Maws beveled *4O isseor asi, , Motoring .read lb. Orresers„ erbeeeeleiMeni lee imam amid Its. ealaillai tae topple sad ear west so far as to esislitt matt& ales of cars eddrmad to .11%. Mt Ode *Slat sad saamilleoes , - I bare no prollosoloaa tonseetiss ilia mkt ewe . 48 die United Matra, low Save I at aaiy.theee ever tibarbled 00 4 wit Shill) say perms to ass ay Ears. I pantie@ ally Is large brow sad eltioa„ and shwa,' hay, sted shall 't.- Ilia, lay ta la all severeara ea d by elisaSat la tills way the may kasha it say Oar where I aim to be tomoll. . . Sows of as "Deateris" tar bows to hour la year new ntsi all laiportora. N. Il.—Dr. Jackson still esettaase Wl:nal coossestally, all airs of Nita tomboy sad Illaraaapieg. Dr. JACKSON, may be ostesillad at Itrie, Pa. Septem ber. Sikh. Mk Sttk. alts. Mb, Illth, and Ostober Ist, S 1 Hoes. at hi. rooslamoo, oroaeoraltb etreeS, II doors watt of Peach, aorta rata. ' Kole, rs, &Pt 16./I".—lik Appoiotments for October, ULM FOR TEE AFFLICTED. DR_ S. O.- 014A.RIE, (Formerly of the Arm of Clark A liibeon,) 4 t ° - llripathis Phyidedia and Surpoa el CIANI Mkt CONINULTWO AT TIAN VULLOW. si el ~ ING TINS AND PLACC : 1.4 A RA.. %rowel' Hotel, Oet 10th afternoon & &Mk tormumit. till 1 Waterford, Nagle " October V. g.g adesbere„ gdesiboro Hotel, . 10. L - ' Woodcock, Woodcock 17 Clecknerellie, &leveling ~ .. Ili 0 riagertown, Semirtown " .. U. pi lieedville, Barton BOOM, . 14. •oe COODISUIViIki, Power House, ". 211. kil 0 sibiori, Keller. " .. 26. r" , , Girard Weight's Hotel " U. 111 De. CLARK haeisg bad devised Led enfold solkita- lions from his patients and their nitre& to visit their IP - Sbeighborbood ocessiomdly that they might commit Wm toi pereomily as Wilill ae by CAI% reW hereafter etrit the above ..."' ..,,, earned places once a swath. V lui Having Lad stemetom year.' expertise, is the practice of mediae., darts* which time he has treated thessmids el 1 of ;emirate in oil tones of mote asd chronic dimmers with ._. unparalleled miccem, (ol which some of ) D er himuts or •-• neighbors OM testily i and is prepared to glee relief to all in who may apply N. Ild st=lN at all LoW " ::; : r:s ta ge and " Zt. ut DTS- kb, PUMA cad rtai ALK DLILANCINAI [NTS of emery thane ter will be treated with sower. Also, will core old more. at sod all 'raptly* disown of Oaten, elassaoter Gory my to. He makes use of soiyonal BOTAXICAL remedies. No CR calomel or ether deleterious drugs see Led • ?emu dulling advice sad mosdialaso by loner, will nod a general description of eye apparases of the setae with • correct etateasest of the MHO and OA& of the disease, a rissond history of the symptoms, maw, ego, te. An cualmabicatioall Mall be odthoweel to CLARY, K. D. Jimoodosts. limo/ *sooty, Po. July 17. 111611.-10.1 y. DRY GOODS , n CI_A::VT'MIMM'Ca- fenbtr pr It *An. Fall and Winter Stock Dry Goods, Clothing, &c., &C. IMIXE2 WIEAPER THAN THE CHEAPES7 ! GIVE THILI A CALL. frame," tthe PIS XLWIL/ROLII 11.411 Ce S MS. Sh9RIC, directly upposite broom's Hotel, Stab Street. Kele, gept Iti, 1 111.tt DRY GOODS. rm Now afar* to the Pabbr a fall Stacir of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC bar GOODS PALL TRADE. North Side of the Square, opppoeite the ZKI K• Advt. 11, 111.111-111.101). BULKY AID CAM. TIN It suliseriber having height SARUM' la Ma toe %b.Wit righters ',ars begs lease to Munk to. thanks to the Yr. sees ej Ens Csuaty for the prehresesa they hare glireci wr sad aies begs leave to oay ?(tai M 1 now poyllos CASH for say omorior of Heald RAWILAIT, Aml while he mast oaks a hislidwie• when do pekoe toe low too sad West, .tlll the Funoses Cris Coasts will gier Ido lb* coedit dalways paylat S . Miyherd Awed rrilos. ily I/anabolism w mat coasaideatoay Isitlital, se auswaodating and Immo sad say hiellities for widiblog. Mod- Ow, elevating sod aortal iirir uses I so sow wady to pay CASH tor ZVICTIODIULD ?HOWLAND MULLS OF GOOD sAttury. A. Ma SqL 11, 11141-11. assi zwittervPV -- L Xi"; cirratztotatal. DR. R. W. WADSWORTIL XCLICTIC PHTBICIAB BITIMON, Coo be C•woodOod r isiloonst Zs* Darwa's Hotel, hills, Nov. 12t It h Ai Saturday to le A. K. Oiresi, Saturday • Noah Sad. Pa.—Thereby Doe. 11th. Westhold. N. T.—Werlamobay. New. kith. 115 NO CRAMS TOR coustualow OR AVMS I mesa of imaamisattoo permed by Dr. W. le rev 4 oatintly oww; sad by it, earn of ay alai littoriott =hi is • airy Sew datadeteeted with sad wertanty, 1, akin tics patient a question, or Iserlimg the least presimai lsowiede of saw. Asmoreg the dimmer Wasted wassweefeny are— SCROFULA Asa al &maw of Sere/Ilea emisda. Vag, %nom Waged Meads er Joists, Nip Dimrama Swelled Nick sr Gabe. &asibilemo Sere raft, Stahl Head, &Whoa ow the Too or other ports. Oa neater ratel SOW Dares" Dyi amok Dogrammos. Striatum St. Titu Dame, Spe, eixiistlita, moy, kw Ail Dames pershar a - se. mai ail Mama Eiseman of ftote, Nyee,Thoset, Lava Heart. Stomach; Liver, Spasm. Yaws. Ma or War A shady care worm= al dimness of a Syphilitic ar User ma ehorsistoir, without the ass of miercery us War poison, which drafty the ematitutioa. Tear mid paramaratly eared or me hergalar visits will be eerie daring the yeqviair mom who owlowiesio tiestrest, ewartuilty to *maks* eared. W f.O gas libmeelf toe the prailiee if his rear ice, of which say penes shall be sadist rd by emildag at his roast. No esetlhistei of ewes patothisil, bed reliiremeee to say iambs, of Wiest., who has Men eared, will is Shwa to these deshiami Urea. 1 liMi The Poor Liberally Ceasidanst Any pries wading • aserset stabnaintof enekrang Vs, win Ism adspbsd Se *air awn 1 to 4u4 one mostb sot IN* west", vat them by Itzpress.—koboir U M. IMADISMOIRtiI, M. 1111,„, Isbavis,, N. Y. ITICTO Ititssided without pals, by advasion. Wia, &apt. 11.1114*-111 Styria, Yews, aid Castings et all Lau WM 4 JOICOMON, Atmett Bear db CU..) C A ro lr i t g ar sad aro orrodoralcsioupdoobortai a , [Worsted sad Low fters pliers Ilases. 114Nosall C [levee oleo, Parlor, RaU, Moe lad Store Iterrea, tee Wood or Coal ; ; Peetobie Foroasor, 'spa's sad Sad boa Heston, aad worry Wait esturected WA line absolver at Iftteltost• or betaft. IS. lUL-I Ale% ben eer brad lit.dr, Cultivators, 14a .g ad ßearforg Illebtaaa Can tttadlwti Road Saraperl, Bledirbgbees, Sad Weed Waft lama. warm. sow" P. Lettiae, Oallaa ea 1!3 Rallatia) to , Ws are Moo to tri elateelle ell orders tar wed Relkdaer rig areatatatra. ere us • fain et Old delehlkied reasdry mud Ware Reese. M. W. t 0.... WWII mod lbeetioth sac Vie, Pla. We, dept. 11, IMMIL-111. vic Ow wetter of tit spolicatke of MUM 011 , 0 a. tie Court of I ()moos Mos et ft* Cosby for Oho biseitt of The hiesieeet Low; tlo Caul boo mode tie toile* War omit 4 .heel Iv town its will taut seem atteig.24, Ink Aid to opts elm eoliths Coed la awn the bet limy WNW %tee to Il % pouloy is Necneiher met lbw peeeesai 'weir to be eves. Of Illikaelholle DSO Iffel*Offff.POWOWa irk city he Woe soceseehe woke eseecaeg g* ii i —OW' Nlll NoW RECILIVINO TRIM N bee►li will b. owlil rA ItTILII LA BM II MK KA VTKIIL FOR TUE XABAEZT 1/01F81. lasohrout Notice. Wm. A. GRISWOLD'S. LAME AND DRY GOODS AND CARPETINGS. TERMS OM! Merrimac and Cocheco Prints for 9 cts.. Pacific Hamilton and Manchester De- Leine, best quali. 18.1 cis. 75 ps. English Merinos 5-4 wide worth fif ty cents for twenty-five. 10 cases 4-4 Bleached Muslim worth 16; for 124 ots. 15 Bales Brown Sheetings best brands in Market, selling from 7 to 8 cts., And all best Ginshantsinade in tholhulcd States for 10 cts., per yd., Determined to Continue LEADING lIININISS, Me _Titres Large Speknik Roams EWE STORE, With Rich and Seasonable ir• C:0 C:0 la SI , WHICH WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT In same proportion, as those entuneisted THE\ SECOND FLOOR Contains all the Latest STYLES 111116‘1% %%%klik,ll OF MORE THAN ONE HUNDREI► Differeit Rtyles. FIENNIA. Lupins, Plain and Figured /Merinos, from 021 ets., to $1,25 per yard. Plain and Phased Wool de Lainat All Wool Merino Plaids from. 24 tp 50c* Lf.jFjw :Le.y: English, French, Scotch, and American Shawls, from - 01,50 to $4O. 111 $ t LYONS CLOAK VELVETS, fiqe ftelleit goviethies, THE EtA. SEM RN . T - Velvet s . DONVIERA3 9 WOIL 9 ALIiriCgOTTON lints -areex.. DRUGIORTS 411 ND OIL CLOTHS 1 OF ALL WIDTES, rixiSis, dbC> dbo.; Together with all nub of III:I 111111111 g MIS. 73.4eLMICALI3.IECISI Window Drapery, &o. &0., 94,1 folly eavoribei4 than ore. iihle 44111 *laved for the CAtlVArystilV TAW! 'etiOitteito_ 4% aid IS early esttlessaii a( all Omar ttttra Wt. A. ORIII oft stio. 111111.-4 b. / • ° I,/ 4 fr - •.-447 ooLtm N_ 11 SALE OF TO DO TAR I HAVE FILLED OF THE TO OVERFLOWING, NICE r TlOtr, ABOVE! OF AND REEL LACES,' 4bc. dc., Is filled with choke Styes of TELEGRIMIIC 'NEWSO THE GREAT AILAW4IO.IIIMRAVE RAVING been meamendirjba eadlWiriid *vicious iisisoty QUREN VICTORIA, . Opt WoRTRYTIWTDVET !AMES .111JCIJANA Hiving each ten the Stories, .T. CAN, X 3 AL FL rt has also oonottoled to tall th! Wolk in email I/bone this out Pad Boots and !num for thoAillion la prices that Will astonish tbnib. ago are dextrous o f 1. 4 in for pub cheap therrtiook YIN' will tVreferi not =Wake lb. place Waal et NO. 10, BROWN'S BLOCK, where you mill find every thing In NO 800 at breineas to soft the than. .1. Q. IthitlL iZil Eft LL crie, Aug. 214 IIZIL _ PROCLAIAT-1011. 311:uBRREAS, la NA by as Ad of the Geareal Amicably of tha Coesenwrafth of heals , Romentitled ap "Act nelatlai n elections of Ibis Counaoaeroanh," poled tad day of July, A. 1). 11051. It la road* tia dad? of Rio ameoNdtorotl ooddtt wit is tlas Coasztoatwealth to give pablbe **Boa of tb. flocatal ri.. dons, sad Ja tatekaeAlos to mosaorsto, 1. The olletere to be shaded. 2. Iliesignite the places sr which the eisollood an to be held. la pursuance of whilst,. 1, 'Nara S 111pattdek al s h Sheriff of lb. Count, of Ihrio, do lamb" nab hammy of stye this !MAW no. tiro to the itoetnina of tho (learner of tt rio. that an Or SWORD TUESDAY CW OCTOBER ?Oaf (being tho 13th ihty of thossonth p general election w ill be drAkadelar wawa election districts es- Niabllsheri toy law In Mall abut*, tifichieirituto they will trots by ballot for Ohio rorrral °Morn hereluattrr nasal, flaw pew, for Canal CalllolllllllollPr. 111,. Sedge of Supreme Court. One for Conorees in connection with the County of Crawford. °D•rgovillinflittlike iPallittettr. Is cosesetins "MO* nasally dCiwwToni Two weans lot hlsoabors el the Galeria dasesably of Flowawyl words. One poroon for itherif. (Toe ",' Calmly Treasurer. Ow N " County Comtolluionrr. - floe " " Audit* for 3 nue , " " N " 1 '. p G.: . - nimetor oor t - • 1 t h t Three s " Trusters. of Two " " Waterford A - ifteled by electoco lir • hug loath of the Wangle liner: .. 5.,...+; ' The @teeters of tiro First ellek of the city of Erie to meet at the Rook sod Lad oil Mb at. Tb. @heaters of the Recood Eleatirmo District of the @Ng of trio to upset st the Pine_ : lltirtur Howe on &sib et. Tiro eieebon of the Third gleettors MOW of the eity of C!le to neat at C. ilegparren t l=o on Pawn at Thor oAiretorr of the b Mune* District of the oity of Isle to meet at the Fire its Hoar en Puieb al. The fieetors of Ittlaroeir township to meet at the Tows Mar is Varr Ifilinge. The eleettmr of ft k township to meet at the school bow* war Wain" Green, s. The *hectors of North Rost torrnship sod borough to most in the south room of the Reboot house ttnir the pules aonalor in the boroegb ofif arth Nut, The Merton of Greenfield township to meet at the whoa, bowie near It ttaton•s. The elector, nt Yeomen township to limpet at the school hoes II the rtilaw• ol The electors of Wattehnew borough to meet at the school home In maid horoush. Ilk • tol.dpoi *I Malty linis.tskriosineet MAIO imbed Moss law g. Thn ntnetewn nf Wfit an township to nowt it tlto boos, of laijah fart., The electors of the larough of Waterford to :moot at the hostas formerly tnrupted by Joseph L. Conk. The eleetors of Waterford townably to meolat tima bow* wow aaeo idea by in the borough of Waterford . . • .... . . rb; dpito-t - ors of 1...6KYU1f lown.hip to meet atTb• tebool basis No. 2. The elector. of Washington towndflp to meet at'the how* now orensied by A Robinson, la the harem b of of Efflnbom. The rlortorg of the borough of ro to meet at the whew' hcomoe in said borough. rlerlor• of Franklin townsh Meet at the Turley school wow The el.-a-tot. of IteKeso tow wady 16 meat at the hewer now on eligr:;l be. elrutors of Green towriahlu to nwet at the schoolhouse oaar WM. 1/11111110 1 0 . 1 00 the Lake Piesaint road. Tho rirwtors of tiononit township to alert at the Norris reboot honor The etertme of Cement,' township to meet ►t the oehool boom oNer %Alert Hadley The rlinetnrornf I.'lol-Tiny towxuiliip to ment •t the .11001 bonne in Ow rillnew nr reirrio. The electors of althrol los nolo, to meet at the publle retool bunw in the borough of Gintrtl. The cleetons of the borough et QtrOrtt to most at The rebid Imp«. (0 mill borougt. - " The elector' Klhereon township to meet at the echool boom In W..llshiri The dect.r. of Comment township to meet at the otheol boom pear IL tiolaboters. rho oloot=lootoltoood to reship in meet at the 'shoot hoses Mar Joh. The sleeto=onTilea township to meet at the school boom at Union %ll's. The electors ia the eleetion Matt let erecteti nut of parts of ran% Ootmeaat and tlicnoslt tweroshlps, at the white eehoml hours In the of Lockport. At which time sod plot,. the qualified el. Mora oforrsaid .ill Met bidafei aloadmimiliamm• and sim pollee, sa In and by the 1311tgasehm of the sfeapothi set 1 cm directed, "that rreq pereon except Ina. time of tbo Noce, who shall hold any Mitre nr appointment of pro fit or treat moire the envernersent at the l'ettb,l Stalin or ol this State, nor rite nr inrorporsted dletrlet. whether • commission eri racer or otherwise. 0, emboodiagile Mbar Of Off.% triter is. or NMI( he rtopinyral ender Ib.. tetriebetioalmitrim, nr roseerthe de portment of this Rtote or Vetted State*, or or on• eity or hemiroo. aoted distriet, and aim that every mernher of Convenes and pow Plato Legal/she" and of the More pod rommon ....moil of soy May. enemeteatoore Immo- Mb .1 bidding or or appoint ment of jade s% toopeetor or elmir of any ideetime ofelsfe ralotlooo wealth, sad that no importer or Md.* nr other Manor of my alma eiertinn. 0,10111 be eligible to soy (411, than to t a r noted f o r Abm, that in the fourth vertin, of the set of Agortuhly 'entlllett can art mist'', to rarruttona, a, 4! fur other piregosea," April h, Into, it theit t Ort ofhrooold I.llb sesetion - shall Mt hr w ronetrord as bar _III , IMA AR, S n i i ii4l4lt any gement or /010•1 '7, Te , Ween la qU oassuolaraaltb." -t lao. that in the 610 ovvtino ,•fral.l art roart.l char "sir roa m! o r ,Lpeoisl etert.on .hall be opmed Mt •ma the taws of a sod In m tin f0r.a...,. Vol ...Donor a atm( into, ruptino nr ladjou,mooot i ~ ,o the r. vows whet+ the pulls .hall rlonol Tl.. IrnOral, Priel MI, fit,. Ing-nrptirst.-.1 4iptrint aid togro.wp pice,flnto for nlnctnre of P•rnsidnnt nr Vies PresLifLot or th. traitard States, shall be held sad conducted by the !aspects,. and Judges elected as sforesald lad by delta lippoiated u bereio*Jter provid ed. "No pereon shall he permitted to vote at an• elcetion aeon.- ma& hot white freemen et the nee of twenty-on. sears or more, oho shall have noted if this !tut" , at hest One veer. and in the Welton district where he offer, to vne at leant ten days g m...M- O.lv pr.-ceding much election. end within two vines rata a :quite • fritiOtr la., which shall le .e. I.non nsiennoni at least ton days before the election But a ~taro of the ratted wtatew win Las prev ion •I • teen • qualified voter of lisle Mate and e•ro„,„,i there from and returned, mad who shall hate resoled In the election de triet and pal.' tese as atoreweld shall be entitled in •ote after re aiding in I/004AM Mx menthe. Preeeed, That the white free men. either. of the United States, between the ages of t wooly-one aad twenty-two leant /11.1 who have resided in the election dis trict en day' afnevald obeli vote althinegh they way not have paid tele.. Ho person dish be admitted le rote whom name la s o t m eta, wl In the list of Wade Inhabitants furniahed by the Conamienon pro note•• first he prodoce a reostol-for the ;dement within two yesrs of • Rate or entity tax am emea agreethie to the ronelitu• Um. and eh" aatl44 , llAry PT i.tene• either on hie own nail, or afar motion of 'nether that he has poi/I mach a tax, or on kaki," i n poretnee nosh a receipt, shall make oath of the payment- thereof' oeoitd, Übe claim a right to sole by being an 011410 t hittarre the age of tweents-nee and twenty-ten near,. he 41,0 d ry s. on o ath nr alSnrestfou that he has melded within the ttitste at lord „,,„ „ ar t.-f o re hies pprlention And make melt veva of hi. ron dence in the distart as le empire, by this Art and that he does ' ,my toilet. ham the 1.-...crutts even him that be I. 3,f arc ware sale and g iro erlit4.ll.• as is repsimul he this Art. wiervoten the Now of the person admitted to rote. shall Le inewited In the ,iph a t e sig a l hat to theltrarywelows.a nil a tote wede4coineit i e tipow• • y wetting the wont "tom.' If he than he ivotrearrel to ert • t,, 4.7.0 el h•yine paid tart or the word 'wee,' if he shall be admit. ..to wv4.4 u ni nail age •hall be culled oat to the eerie .bail make tit' note In the llet of enter• kept by Ilona. "In all MOP. Win.," the name Or the penile." rta ;IMO( t 4. en'. is Mabel in the list forniohed tor the Coniniintioners fir arargswr. , or bis'rtght to mete whether lonowl Hereon or not In oliJorted to he tare qualified silken, it shall he the dal of the Inapovinr• to es• amine each person's oath as to his orndlitetstlonit, end It he elisio. In bore r•aterd in the Mate he rein year or more, hi• math shall not le sailliebent peed thereof hilt he shall make Tema by at heel one competent w Does*. who shall he • .inalified *lrene. that he hes resided in the Metric( for niece than ten dare immediately pro ceding sight election. sand phikla rho hissedl swear that yip %emend. rrepartior In pursuance of his lawful eatiOlt, in within the district mid that ho 161 nut remote Into mid dietrict for the purple, of voting thertia. 0p,,..ry person 11110i6., 1001,1tRitt, and •bo shall mail. the dew proof if required, of his residence and pay meet °Matra an aforesaid. shall be admitted to vote in the townahlia ward or dis trict In whkb hr shall reside. any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent ea officer of • eieetion under thin act from bolding web ateetioe, and am or threaten any violence to any nosh odieer, or shall Interrupt or im properly interfere with him in the execution 4.t ha duty, or shall block op the window or MO avenue to any window wlieer the ante may le holding. or shall Antolini, &atm/. the perm of said election. or shall um or practise any tattusidattne threats, knee or ..riolesse, with desii to LOOOPOOP aedoly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him hem voting or terreftrodu the fterdoto of choke each peroom on convietion shall be fined In any rem not live hundred dollars and interbreed reran. time rot Imo than on airnith tar wow than twelve mouths, Ind if it shall be shoonth : lb. court. when the trial of such offence shell be had, that ore person en odineding was not a mildest of tho elty ward. iltstrfet I tornado where the midribs** was enomitte4 , and not entitled vote thereta, time oe eanyintiess,,be shall hesentehepal to pay Sue of not teas than nue bunched nelmere than one thousand dol lar., amt be imprisoned not less than six mouths nor more than g i ro Wars" 1t any penes or parsons shall make any bet or mammas...es the yes Ivrea,' election within this Coannourrealth or shall ogee to ci al ara ny such bet or wager, either by verism proolaniat inn thalweg air eth e rertee,ho or they 'hall forfeit or pay throe times the amosid se bet or Mimed to be bet." hf any penes not by law qualified, shall fraudulently vein at any election within this Commonwealth, or being otherwise quail fied shall vote out of his proper district, or if say person knowing the want of such oesilliestion shall aid or procure such person to To t e , su ch person or person, Po of shall on conviction be tined any aim not exceeding two hundred i k,it en ,. end ed wipe* surd for any trim not saceeding threo ntootha." olf any peon *ell rote lot MOO, than one ri..C4100 initriett or otherwise traudollisdly fold mad tbrir to the Impactor toolleb ete h a rdier ; with the intent to Werally vote. or shell vote the sem* t or if e =ter eon stall whim On promo, anotherto do so, be or Ow" la Di Molt ow eneeletkin be fined in any ~, not loss lima Ility nor MOW. than fire hundred Donee, and lea i m p r k. Apart foe any term not lees than three nor rem* than twelve - "flan, person not meanied to vote in this Commonwealth arm ably to bar teseept the ease of qualified elites.) shall appear a t any plate of election for the pupa*, of inning tickets or of in Ilitiomarg the Mena qualified to vote. he shall em conviction for pay say emu not eseseding one bombed dollars. lb. every es=oo met be imprisoned kw any term not emosedlng there moatlia." lake make known that, "he ease the person who abeg b eer patted the snood highest member of ,otos for Inspector, shall sot fitted es ths day of election, then the peewit who shall have re wind the *wand highest numberef totes for lodge at the nest 'g eteetiee shag set s e inspector in his phlox. And in owe loms who shall haterecalred the bights Untidier of vote. 111 , 41Onret0 stall not attend. thjt loupe elected judge shall ape Naha attr ha bin thug fa Mee the prom elected ede att .a . ty ‘ .. t he tespeetor who numbed the high No .111111bIr of votes ehall lippofttti his Phu* or 11 any vaistuey shall monomials the lbr the viewer ow h our s it" tag WOO hand by law ibt VIDIng of tail idei qualified vo ws albs teutuehlp, ward and &Wider which said office shall Wee leap ebebd, Prelliffiff at the pia? of election, still elect cos td their member to fill suchiencancy. Wlt than be the dotter*, several amieseers respectively to M asi at the thaws of ho libMt Peery genital election, special or town ship election. during the Hoe pad election Is het* open kw the Wren of gtviesg_resation tO th e Inereetore and judge* whoa Ogled oa, In tentlea to the tight of any pewee encased - bythem, to vote al each elections or suet otheattirte in relation to the anselellseat of ream M *ilia inspectors or dew of them shall lisps tip to time require." Varneent to LW/provision* contained to the fitli section of the Aelielpinellald, the Judge* o 1 storesald districts shall respectively bite gbart. of the certificate of return of the election of their IF spetintle ear', and produce them at a meeting of one Judge from each il:strict at tin OCIVICT WPM, Is Rrfe.oa the third day after the election. being, for the limiest Year, 4.• FRIDAY, the 16th day of Of,..`TORICH neat, then and there to peelhrut the Mille required by law awed iqdies Aiwa dint witerazioderhy sick - sum or neacoidahle areident, Is unable to attend .aid meeting at pate; then the certificate or return aforewald shall bet token dart , of br one of the inewantatie or elerke of the election 44.0141 district, wimp shall do and perfurns the Julies rerairesi et said • m i e ligt tr o to Alyithidated tette Ithieldtb hayuf Nap i eliPti llnessilltedgad aftreightt, and the e% A. D - ,4wa mei:the Mokiplimilses silks Milted States. JOHN KIVA. Avg. nik ligA e - "F - f - ." 0 - pas/►¢O o ra 1141-I*“'' Gar:Vl' ARRIVAL! " L XILLIXERT AID P.AlVo"l";rat-SraioDODS Pitevireet Bierniiirypr, Brie, P.. Tux LAlLWerfr, 0110101181 AND allitAiltlff atocirot Goods smr befoul fresh from Ur laparters, c0ma1ia179111 19 1111111.11.4 tobsedd CAUL C°6l. 1 1 01 1 4 Mc* yoinsburp "41 iitot r. Iromploofit Nlllisers m o rd at sholessle Inaselthig and r9l9fti Os • T. A. 11611114.1Wiraiftr. Brpt 16, 1 —l9 I :rT n 1 (Leis of At firei iqf G. Lome* • Ca,) Drumm la Clock; Wrifehea, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Nueleal In farmland'. Loolpis Ginerea, Lave and peer 9°° d / whplaudo sod OWL --- - - - J. W. DOUALA Aramunrir 1.1vr.-0111“ imainted w sit i trill mai °Mite St th reet, on the north nide of the Park, over Clark kihrtesire Zs- S "l n - Tiatioietaki . 1 . ,0 JOSTICIN on 1111111 Pasoe-011ee is New Meek corner of Peach Street and the Pototte Squt" trt Pa, - - T. fit. BLAKE IliscrArnoysis and Wb.L mot Retail new ht !Wolin sad bostamptk Straw Goods, Flowe ic itll= t ellhei, Leese, and Fashionable Ililltaintflarigon lb. Pack, El* rarsiceur tkitiint paid te LL wbo know tberneelves itabilfted to ,Ithasies Bonnet ROOM" will plear pay lb. atm latbils Akg olive mats. b. T. R. 111,AX previa br, Paragon Buildssi. appalls lb. Auk, trio, Pa. EAGLE FOUNDRY. ACIUMUI 4 BMW ator ED .., I. their friends •Dd the public, that they have erected and pat la bleat • foradry •• Pseek gtraot. moth Railroad Depot, where they will manufacture and keep oil hand all mob Cantina as are usually ands la Bair II•• at Wei •e••, faelatfkihi _ STO FL'S AND PLO WS, of 'the different kinds, Sleigh Moe* Qua 1 114. iLitttles. ke They have DOW no WWI 0 wt. IW thee* dighabila or STOVES, .- among obi Ch my M Sound tbe goyetono, Throw's Favorite. il no. Wlnneeota, Volved Oak, Nestor* star and YuAm Doodl e .— Mos, diffeniot patterns of Parlor Stoves fur Cowl and Wood, all ,i 0,.......„ will sell, •boltaale or retail, eh fog l' B, or exchatire ( or Ohl Iron, Cow", BMW or C a ne Prelim.— now about to jordialatldU Mad It *Ude in 01. n• a ... . call. _ Kit. JOWN COATRA koa darted a Madder. gimpy IA calibration with oar Youodry, wirers Mogan Xakkow will to 1.001 sod repair ed. aad soak *Wow work dose ea wax b. walled Ow Is Ma time. MK. W. UAI.JCIE. Wreratiol Is Bibekswathist h tiwentil awt Oise bin' a all. A. AIM mourn, s.pt. 11, 1 t4B -- Im. WM. lIKNRY. • Gus:dimes Sale Air virtue and in pursuance of an order of the Orphach Court of ibis Cantito,Perin'a, I shall "spews to gas at the Assiut m, is the City of Erie. no Saturday, the 9Dth day of Gebeiline, ill* at to n'ekvit, A. aft the sled. title abd 'stared of 401 IN r 131 N 1.1 , of Kris., dreeseed In thefolko_wing described Taal Potato, to v5l : All that plow pareet of Load Atuato La the townsbip of Illateovvroodi, county of Erre, and State of Pae% bounded and it...NV..4 se follows. to toll: Begintibk at a peat In the centre of a public rood, tbe northwest cornier n 1 Its tract, tbeoeube bind of It I Growfwin, Owen Peek, sad by the Centre of bid putt. nisi' mouth one and Overbuilt dim. vest, oleo hun dred and %octal t pi, In.. to a post ; thence ity land all\ °M IN linty and Rontontin Gond. in, Br uth "lighty4lhrht and one quar ter (Sevres riot ..or hundred and atzty-four perthell tea poet • thence by land of I 111 Ratan :..hults north obi-half disponi' west 14‘,112e00 sod one-ball pe,el,e• to a pod ; Wws by land of 1). 8. Mead* north rt,cht-ro:ht and ose-laaties dogma weld, ninety two perch.. to a 1...• t 111. or.. by the !sotto( the said D. EL Rhoads north ors-half ilt-vie nest one hundred and edOty parches and ti b to a post and thanes hy land of Henry Davin motalli right, nine sad ooe-half b = soot slaty -rifibt .. perch. to thr place of beginning ; cois Atty.'s/siker/mad elgbte•tuo pry, hro with the allowance al six per cant for roads, kr, below the saute land conveyed by Ildridga Goodwin t.. John O'- Connell, deceased, by deed dated July 39.19116 • uscuilled In Deed Book In Erin ,Pa , No. 4, p. ISCL The dead to be isesompanied by a release of the dower of the widow d ash 4 Orleanstill TIMMS OF PALV.---OM Smelt Inoaad, and the Wane. in 3 equal annual io.taimientripith jatere 7W *bow unpud, to be pail annually—t,erlor svebroll byaMt bond and bor tarp on the madam. MIA Guardian of the nelsoir *Wren of Jobs OVenentll, deed. Erie, Sept. NE'W" , - P=E;t2iit 1 MESSRS. BBAIIIOIS & RYAN, isrcN, fr commtitAsz:o3o, Hove lust reformed-inn' -Arew , York W lib a largo and well solisetad stook of FRESH GROCERIES, WHICH WILL BE DISPOSED oy LOW FOR CASE . J W. IiYAN. N. O. MIA men* sole, J taw. 19, 1666 —6 L. I. BALDWIN PIAS Jrer SILCUVRD A7' NO. 5, REED HOUSE, A LARGE AILiORTICINT OE FANCY ARTICLES, Perfumery, Pomades, Colognes, HAIR OILS . , Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, sad Combs, Or EVERY DESCRIPTION. [l,/ivirAvlr IkgNet ir Great Bargains now Oared E 1 Ttig! ° „ II ... pt .:, IN ROSEZWEIO'S BLOCK, STATE STREET, HATE, CI A. I= , And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, all of the latest styles, at 25 per cent below the usual price. The best Black lolsskin Eats at $4 00 BLsek Wool Rats at. • - 60 Alma .11. saber Goode S. preperalles I ,n want oubsota In that Um, will bee It to wir rant.** t. rail wad •tansfo• good. and prieus Worr pink-Lasing plowPgrbrro. DON'T MINUET TIM PLACE KUNZ' RAT STORRt Roornsweig" Mack, Slate ntre.t, oppnoile Brunnen Hotel. Nrie. . July 17. IMP. 2 Glows Alhota's Cot dltioa ! coders. " Sloates Ointment.' 1 - Tboatroa's lye - Water ' PetUt s Kyr Salve. a " Beta's Pills. 1 4 Wright . . ladies Testable Jost PVCVIMPti at the Wholesale sod !Wall Drug awl Patent Beth etas Store of L. I. BALDWIN. July IT, ISM No. 6, Rood Roane, wiErov AT 1::IMNL OLD FOUNDRY N. W. Center t4tato and Wreath 8 , Mddlw, ht. THE soreeseors to Sossett, leant co ao,iog I formed • as-partornelp under the style of Naas it loam* will cootie'', to isawslietan and Ittop for sale, at Wholesale AM Retail, • lame wortarewt of PARLOR .1- COOKING STOVES 04 the OW 814sadant, ami some entirely serer patteroa. Stem Plps, follow, Sleet boa, and Tie Wan, Wars VA Sodiro, Heetere. Mowing and linagibig _Manidnos, no ors, C'ettlinatore, C.ra Nilligistradisad Ileropees. ere. And are prepared to execute yritil i ggi riasisi M me Mß Mitt% ril/2111A ehinery. Sr ear Oemtp ea and • desire to pilau% we base to -roaltell TrliT bee always been altosibod to the *OM Sotritie lwrost. All orders wit' neellee the aims Wee plittlerwerw permoolly ;wriest. N. R. BARB, RH*, J uly 24,1654.-11 0110•11 t -B. neuasom, MAR= i. 00111PVON. THE imbeertbrrs bare eoweesbeed the leesisem of limiebeter. lag wary superior article of RECTIFIED WHIMSY: miTin wrwre Ihelllty for its setereteel NeeseePee led a dear *negative to wake ea Jarred Twiny. thee shelleid be :belied by say massfacturers be 01=11,,, std keep Made" mos s Dana umnio mom arlhb .t lb* hawed Mee* psis►uX.l PervAiseh. beer Mout Erie, May 110118-8.31 A. r. ausset. • NNW 0•10,11/1. AND FANCY .T.A-14:13E3 At hie aid leeaseas, trawl street, NEAR UPPER R. ROAD HRIDOR. cAtoa• U 3816,) AMC NNil • Al, 0 : QW laaaag a %mouthy at Wbdat llar r. . limlidare, Is Bas, asd Ralf Baaa. lad far !UMW SAMa JulDlBoll, (dassassra to Dasaaat. Ban k C 0.,) N. W. earner State and gleeseth .ta. trio, Pa. 11. net-1s _._ _ .Otalk Cutter. psi BUS 'Amy mad Sulk CAW* tin suity sibibisse Mlle or tbas astbrilibi ovary body. Nosolktorod OA Inn Iraklion oil Retail, by I= ROM A as. ! 1 Doors and A- LAROt steel 40i/imbed Doors mid Dbmit i r . jim GaiMall 6 s tria, 044, ]SIR. INNislialabi NIL OPUSIIIII DAILY AT -401 - - 1 CEVELdI.AD 4. ERIE RAIL ROAD ON akar Monday. May , 10th, 11164, and ustil brawn notice Pasioara Trai,.• will run as tollows,, viz:— LEAVE CLEVELAND. . 0 00 A. V. Man Train stuto'st all Way Stations except Wie.l2olor AntUnionville anti itat anti arrive at Vglo 111 SA P. MLitt 3 l• , Banal° A :4l P. IL 3 60 P! i i . Cincinnati Evamis Train gam. at Plunrrilia, Aatitabiria sad Girard, .011. at 4 •111\ at hi* i 2t) P. M., floniArir 042 P. If l'ultalo 11 h ' 10 OS F. Y. Hied Experts Trate .I' p. at Italatm.lllo, Ktnasville, Conneaut, and tstrarcl, OW). 1111.1arri na at 11:1-44 1 40 A. It.; militia, 5 40 A. K. LEAVE Eltl E 2 40 A. it. Ntakt 12xervai ?raja?raAdvil . Advil at tbleaut. Commaat, A. tabula, and Pa l De•S ills 001 , In.l 4,114. at Cleuulatal 6 00, A. M. 11 00 A. Y. Marl Trllo xl?ira•t All %V%) Stetlorruk sin frA,Areoi rnlourtflp, [4rn,Shed• r atullt ;(1113...A.1 law at $ 4/0. Y.N. 1 Ad 1 , X F:lt pewee Tram %LT* / 1.1 - ..! lu Artelabn,a and ..nly. and 'inlet" al Cleveland 6 3 P. M. All the thenneelA tralas going Xesterattl, connect Lt Chraidand with trains for Tole.do, ('brag., Cninnellecni, Cincinnati, Ike. tap ALI tae through itaintavolosrtatard, coancet art I.treAttit wit Ow a Y. train* attar N. V I R itroad: anti at itallato with the N Y. Calatlno and ilalfaln and city ItattreAda. If. .VOITINIAFIA al, Sit Claweisad. Mp. I. team BUFFALO and ERIC lIAITROAD., ARELAGIDIKIBSI T. OO u after Monday. Jame 25, and ontll further J aatam, Danger Trainfaill run u folloas• LEA V R ERIN 206 A N., Night Jispress, au. r 4, at Weinttetd. Duaileti, Stive, Creek, arta... at Ilonal. at 40 .t. 11. ao p. ' Nati .tap at e 0 ,Watitiona utriert Mau beuts, 1001 .ad S.r 04, armee at Saulato at 010 P. Y. 50 P (lulu:tat{ Fvpn stops at North tut, WealSekt, Duaktst, sad Silver Cm. It, arrives at Buffalo at 11 15 P. U. The above Ultima cottuert at‘Utraktrk and Buffalo oily Extrema tutu no N Y k E., and Nvw Vort eentrat IGII Koad. /AA R F WALD. • 7CO A. 11. Mat!, att..pptog at a.tt Stat exc. pt Saw Mal, Alptoyi, Moorehead" anti Wesl...wale. arrives it 'lila at I/ 10 A. N. 10 20 A. It. Day Xxpriaa Myra at itltn t:catelt.lhialark sad Wood field, arrive. at Eft. it st 10 00 P. N. Mirka llamas atop. at Stir*? Cr.*, tiaallik wad Westfield. acmes at Mate at, 2 t 11. Aar 211, 1 ilk 111111WN, Walt. Hats, Caps, 'Shirts, Furnishing and Strew Goods, at the Lowest Market Prices. TAMP+ Pia NIVICANT 'wrier., MI to n 0 Iln him, who imps, 0 Gouda all hia 1... 1 Woe a larva so-1 Fooll,ohablutock yids& I will moll low, SHI WINN. Pla %ND TIES 11 %DE TO ORDER. Gentlemen who want a 4:1 , (1r , I ITTINC each from the beat twaterialo and, trarreverini In ji, BEEBE'S PATENT S eA 7' SILK HAT& BRYANT, N. S. OTlalarlift Call tan Man ZLIS6II. IRON PENCE, BRASS FOUNDRY AND GUNSHOP. W.. 0 f State, Lietera Eisdoal and Vul4A &mi. EltrE. . RAILINGS, IRON FENCE, FIRE PROOF DOOR AND SHUTTERS, AWNLNO FRAMES, AA., gSYS Made or 6 tte4., Loch repaired, aid Bin- Haas tog prbmioly attet.tietl to. All kind, of BLACKSMITH 1T "CF dour .11 the rev of tip. Shop. Aug 21.1454 —l5 BRANDBETR'S PILLS PI RIF THE 1100 D. fIOIkiTINCED path or um.uriluerr In AV input is gmenaly cur 1,1 one or • ~t Ma. natty yelltll pen...ma rzywrirree by the onden“ely.l fully 'JusWy this wow. Ie • f eta m, YY. oared the I tire t•oil nab Straw b'/ stht, 0h..? fa, , ar. , l flw pdtoet inks gives op to 4.1 W. so forogpt ate ood poradOi ebotooloo. . sr i, nio ...t raeuw, tri trr mud bar. wen ellidirnlnd I•% th•lr n.O I ha, • eon.] the rb. the opiteptro tto. tie mint the conaliaJnottve with these pills al Ie pasiO.U.v. ...•I ail 14..,-ft•••,,, of the $ 1, 410.1.11111, Yid diari •44). rit I a,4s 1.114 tee.aseattosa. ebitractie,.o. on. .ro u n yo•nt V and hem sieetinep. hove. oil., vr•by 1.. the nt this nn4l4-1041, aid sew, after 1..411 r• r ‘1.••?t. p a y "main," PILL fOntill UFO 14. lIICr•APF 41STRUt71t IX A you DK 641, I..tst 11,1 nno I t ,et k • bkh esuArd minimum ..tetr, . her, I r ams 4 bre beaast• d Al tenet h Itnite4reth'. 1111. = I ; olurepo ..f tt.ut t.. F. I,,nktri fifiees dap' pre. IedISF the usual lrri.4. ReF illas .1, bar "ell•ted, and b., Ibeelth AAA anal Inek• areal ‘‘( , lnt , a n „,, 4 , 0) , • Nit. •r 0 it,« I t %•rnr, hire 'boy STO lit),. CI 1141, *1 )alas 4 41, 1.4 ~p.• V tv.h. 14244 drlppll4; ; tia ether ,•• F. (1 ( hrr , 4n IL. .4,1, 0 11100 .1 pm. Lb. gest 1b4411. rata. trey OIR 4..3 4.4 • 14.1.4. 444414.-44 g, ,i 4 4414, l arge me e 1.4,4 I 1. 4. 4 I. ad 4.114. a.ll pt.). l'fitsY A gratlenwia. away lota hitur, vb. tak•ii with pitutty; 61111 ialliaminat * 't• • %I 1.1,01,.. made Oho OrWho with apiway Eight Itras4nrlit's Pt lis were lavrallinut4ll, soA Latta OH i t phial its.ll3 , I.,ll.oprrst.l. anti IL.. ixsio was O•tio ,, isi: PIM of gruel w.. t ken , mid ~a Ira ti• Oho, and the rscond day the Beal was cured. Them. stat..s. ntic .Isnii 0/ /.,. per. r r rt U.. a s p at palomino drums, amd vb.!. the 1.4.1 prltetioe er . Mrrtlenr. U. BRANDILIETEL Pil'r are ...Id at r Pr. nelpe :1,11.ee, 294 Cenid Week Itranarvll. r• ilty love tem. Is bti the fiery Mil, 0na1.41, 13 cent. , es...muted to 6..1 1 . Mr I.a. the lawn. 5.,/d he I arter .t /fret/per. An./ an ether / I tuagist. in Eris. 'Erie. Sept. 11, 144,%--,18.1500 Good Furniture at Low Prices. TAUNT & BRISTOL'S =Furniture & Looking= C3l-344Lisail WA REP. 0 Olds, No. 233 Nola street (formerly Carter 4' Liffirres(r) ot.•ItATTIKATIoN TO TOO lOANIIIPAV• ture of our cork, and selacting and making out stork with ospreys refrivner to the rosall rnmtem tru.l«, ire are enabled to tiler to those seeking an racelirot arbrir w rittnipere pariar advantages for obtaining the hest aluutility,etyle and enisit, winch tre din at low tater*. Me atm to keel, the heat quality, highest kaiak, latret and art. sat national., and largest amortftwott of FURNITURE AND MIRRORS to be found in Buffalo. We manolortur. and k..p constantly on band argo smart went of MAUIOOAN n AJ.KI'T, OAK sod ROSE WOOD, MAR BUR and WOOD TOP DCRFACS, TARIM, WHAT-NOTE, BRANDS a nd SID,' BOARDS. Alan, SIEDISTEADS, SOFAS, TETER, CHAIM, ROCERS, QCARTETTS, SECRETARIES, ROOK CASE% WARDROBES, LOUTiORS, EITEtISION TABLES, OFFICE DEIVES, ' , ANDY coßNts stAns, RECEPTION CH.41116 ROSE WOOD ICUT S, ILNAZI:L.ED CRA MER SETTS, PATENT BECIJNING and SICK CHAIRS, and all artklra of Parlor, Chamber Dhsfrat MMus sod latabse Fritturtite, . . We manufacture and bare on band ara-gram, bask, palm lea and fair Mattrailea and Elpiinf Beds. e:1, 'plead! d - varipty liallegany, Rase cad mild OM /La o( entry atm and stale. Ansa 20. Mt —74, MUM Cigars ! Cigars MA" I Gr ii t e nt pi l n ot' a i S e :e d 3.16 11 4".".r"a 1pey a» r• all spilethdl e i rs imormea that I Iwo a hr. iserlatest cWARS i 00 band, of Almost onrsq bawd. at Won mega. FROM $6 TO $56 PIS 111011RARD I CIGARS ! I aft eonedeot that I can sell good Clpts at *bohemia se demo as am be pumbeeed eisevalkare. CIGARS ! Ime ors sill do Intlto ean mil wads* sex stook parebeebealsewbem CheapeSim ?hie, Pa, Jose 111.-11 IIIL P. A IRSCERR. - t Notice. btolloll Is hereby given to the creditors' of URI P. toe, and Lan Rio's., that said Edwin F. 'hp La inallined hie petition to ths Coact of Comma Mg; of Li. leasiWars tanaefit of the Inseiren i laii ii of thisCosninanwenith i , ses tart tb • said Court has died the 4th Monday ei October next, I* Ike. ,sp the anticline° of said petitioner, and jr. ell liaisons in lity tereet...l in the laid hiViesiion y. TAGS. Isis, Sept is. issimasts. in333;n9"8., runty & aezigroL