Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, October 09, 1858, Image 2

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    01:1A1331DRIO:" , ;MA131
Bitpti. V. SLOAKI *dfi.e.
Democratic State Ticket.
eirwo s or rAmerrs co.
iliewe of the Week.
—Yr. Hirer Wilar, who resides sear Detroit, "WO ( •
mw .stood Pratt eonfessed to kW, oe Friday afteraeee
at, that le was the murderer of the Johnson, •• row
: toavilie, about a year since. Tlll. tollowiag is the gab.
-11 e mace or the atataseat nada by %t. What : Prete three
t 4 ids bowie, about a week ago, implying U they bad any
casks to be repaired. Being Wen DI while them be was
pared for by the family eatil Friday Afternoon, when be
died Nos eengestion of the brats. H. wart greatly troult.
passion to ids death by some secret. which be desired
to state to Mr. Wiley and the physician. trpoo stating
their wllllagaess to hear what he had to say to these, be
confessed the insidet In stweettee, adding that be would
not knee perpetrated it had be net beet erred to do so by
• young ass whose name be Wooed to give. 0. stated
Het he got ;300 for oonanittieg the murders. Maass the
Wises* of tit, dseassai was found a tweaty dollar gold pieta
engraved is the e•atreMith the Millais "J. 8. J. O If this
statement be wrest. it will be the key to a deep mystery
'bleb boa been felt by the inhabitauts rf the vicinity
where the deed was tiesuallsed. It will be reeollested that
Johneast, the father of the marderod Andrei, wee tried
fur the warders, and, though actlidtted by the levy, was
deemed guilty by. them iegaisesit of the hots. The 'milli.
tam of Piaui will sow turd to exonerate Mr. Jobesoca—
The deed was ono of the most mild blooded akin ever
known is the Btele, aad the awful clad of the murderer is
a se &Meat comment upon the atrocious nature -4f his
or UPS.
—Quite s little bass has of lets bees amnia/ about is
the generally quiet lowa of Reading. It seems that a ' , snag
la •y, a Utile abets the searriaemble age of treaty, am.
Idea* of New York, of good family, lad said to be worth
the snug little sum of sight, thousand dollars—oometbilog
worth poseessing—took it Into her precious noddle that
she would patronise the newspapers—a sensible woman—
and advertise for • husband, obi believing In that mods,
whioh of poor.* she had a right to do. Among the mi
ncers to her proposals was one from s Jottraeymaa mud
grainer of /Loading. She met his propoeitioa kindly, and
forthwith peeled up and came this way tt moo the plucky
youth. Immediately upon her animal in the village, the
wherosbouu el the son of Crispin, she Metalled. herself
the snug AU cosy hotel there, sad plied herself wider the
oars of the good Walled Kilbcon, and then sent fur the
aforesaid youth, who forthwith responded to her WI, sad
appeared before her ladyship. Ths young man, it is said,
has a littie dogs of verdancy about hue, but the lady seem
disposed to overlook t his defeat, sod, it is thought, by hp
pearaaose, that the yostageter has, or it fast fladillte' boor
La the strange lady's sight.
—k highly creditable philanthropic experiment is about
to be made is New York. .The foundation of en Anginal
intended for the cunt and reformation of inebrietes, has
just beet laid at Binghampton. Among lb* distiageisbed
men who participated la the ceremonies, or gave to the
movement the weight of their names, were Ndirstrd Bon
rtte, Daniel .8. Diekhao% Beadsman P. Bader, Dr. Bel
lows, sad Dr. Pilled& /A handsome fluid has already
bee nisei for the tiomplotios ref, D building sad a large
hatefaetiou in mousy is expeet•d from tits State. A law
is ',oldest plated appropriating te the support of the lasti-
Cation a portion of the money received for licenses for We
sale ef 'pinatas liquors. We silo/1 watch tie result of Ws
ondattnitiag with the deepest Merest. Malty of our beet
physician, believe that intemperanat is a dhow* wide\ is
. 1 to Met
—TM Olsea Advertiarr says a frightful sooident ore; -
rad en Wiliam* of last yolk near the villiage of Flies&
ship, Allegany cosaty. A woman asinsod &enfold, alerted
with a little girl sheet also years of age, sitar locking op
dm house, to visit one of het neighbors. Allot proseading
a short distaaes.tho inotkor ronsensbersd smocking which
she had loft bakind her in the hoe" sad soot the littlo
girl back after it, while oho walked on. Arrived at her
plain of deßlasdos, ski waited a long time, bet the girl
did not appear, and she waned horn*. On reaching
he.. she found the body of hr daughtor hanging fro.
gas selowtow oorsids, and dead. It appears the little girl,
suable to afoot an 'Taranto by the door, had raised the
window, and irldlfeadeavoring to 01111111 111, It bad (alum
upon her sack sad held her fast until life was 'lama.—
Bite was ai oak! ehiid, always is delicate health, sad her
*create are sporty distracted at their lose.
—As a ooasterpolee probably to the Kassa, gold stories
the llebreeitiaar are starting reports of gold dieeorerire of
atarvellose Ardmore to thew own Territory. The 1111igell
are said to he fettled on Cherry Creek, • trtbat•ry of the
*oath fork oldie Platte river. They are therefore lasted
la the sane wart of occuttry as the Kaasas =lees. only
little farther to the north. The character of the reports
iron *kb seer miss .ay be judged by the foUowiag, ta
ken frost a letter written at Platnneoeth, (If. T. ;) 'Two
trappers ease is, who had am to the raises, sad they say
that geld he as peaty se capper te as the .law of Lake
Superior, in Illetrigas, They were there oaly Owes weeks,
sad had no 1.0014 het tbele hatehota, bewl•-kh lees, and
frying pea, sod they bleep& with them to deiet, as the
prosesda at their Inbar, tot, thossaad aloe bandked dol.
—TbeWoman line which iell Pittslaugh fur Phibidet.
phis, Ai too. as W islawdey, araettyal a free pennespe.
without the knowledge of the imaidooter at the train, fur •
dista•ee of about 2%0 maw, between Pittsburgh and lin.
Ifs. Upon *trivia( at the lame ;demi, the inepeetora, who
are ha the habit of ettambahog and toenail' the wheels, kr.,
to guard &phut recidivists, discovered an individual weigh
-isle about MO pounds slownd away immediately soder the
oer, epos ate of the truokii, covered with dun and dirt to
the depth of an taeh, When takes oat by the solPl , lpeci
of tbo railroad company be was actable to Maad, and would
no doubt bee* expired by satotiatton, long before reaching
iladeipoia. Thb basardeas ride was nadertaken to aerie
the fire, which le about $5,50. Aftitr rfvfnig the travekir
waakiag aad a **lies mit, die aoodastot seat loha ua
tu?ards Philadelphia.
-9e the 240 there, wer'• 43 lerathe from 7011.,w
"-roe te New °errant On the 23th theta were 67 Jewthe
Dialog the week *edits at cis o'elraek Saturday, the 230
ult , there we. 444 deaths from yellow fewer, it dodrentml
of IC treat the preoesfitog week. Dartog the thim board
endinest noes. 90 Tuitikiaj, the 28th, there were 88 deaths,
being 39 fewer then duties , the rorresponding period st
tee previous wed'
--It but helm di/whim! 1e Liverpool doss lb* asanegers
of A •ho put forth a frawleteut itateeent of Ito tote•
&cum were reap , esible 6 demote. to pottier who bought
the 'tuck of 9te book ou nob etsatestott The decision Iv
sostordlos to jeiithte zed **sumo mesa, steel we hope It wai
b. eustaisieti is the bight.r courts to 'Melo so *ppm/ has
losvi talcam.
—A soul fuhlett oeurred el the harebell County- reit.
bold at L.wt•bsrt, Toes , Iset *ult, erbteb aaa Dot leld
dowel is the programme. A tooopte promoted tbemeleo•
atiJ were worried Ia the aeopitbestre, Is the peewees of
bestirs& •l`apeotatora Theogilt N protatote lime eared
for soot, so •setbinaa, the woos greet their tray, hook
tag as if sub had jut obtatood a prime *Wye all pose.
—A r.autie you/ reetteues, unity: ►iwelf "Kea
weal." s tuidest et &. Loa* athaatistas Ia the Losteville
Joss/ fora wife. Ns is last (gooey ems years of op,
moral aid etrietko tseepeesis, se/ torah above all odor
thisgs, the quiet et hues.' To thou bled, autuudishie
persoaal Tutees. be adds the ability Is "heap a ertfe is ite
raga Worst a spa ea my wow west/ wish."
—itimmistliag to the weakly MateOlillbt of Oa• owassle
lassoes d ilisigrattesa 1.1611 essigrosta Implied at Nee York
aortas list Welk WOW(a t.W 111111,323 arrival. of this
itharaeter sate* the lit of Armory, 18Sg , agaisat lb. 144,-
147 ropostsil for the ogosompolobsii pitied of last year.
—Arobbisite, /1110•04 et Niro OFIMID4 eh* hosing pa
st•araltorkt for arbuthrr Dunalri•uorilta, La.. • wee* ago
ilotargai aitbt, Itot his toot soakt•atsity to • lisle le the
Jost Woos of the biota, sad fa& to stash a foamier to to
Weak bib Maar sl kb 1m log. Ale was toile hoe*,
sad, a Pastiag amok was dates as woll . se emit
—Tlbe Nee Weiss Trap Dohs toile .1 a sassy gm, ha
that slikp, obis* has Oka* apse herself Os Ass sf sot
woo to • you' iorsis. slow twist bar iiitodeith the.
_J_ kiss. /04 sire OW wiaorever it ism Os alilleor
it dots trio to aspply Os ~ls el die "aidorlihe
• "
—lt ta «Amsted that than an la the 13.1114 Stable
treitsyliv. sheens/ parra• orb. ask. their belies par•
iellt, by the *Ws de jellsolaseirdom
ng their servants for another year. It is an ie
finable n bt• one that, should be earefell
guarded, and in its ezercise due oonei. era , on
should always be given to the candidates as well
as the principles sessglit to be perpetuated by
their election. Mere partisan nominations ought
not to be endorsed if they do not posses within
therisetvai *it iftrasteriatimpsbility-eigish;
colooorobed to
the, the men to be tthailim
In presenting the Dame of Roo WM. A.
PORTER, se a osodidate for Judge of the Se •
prams Court, the Dernoeratio party has, kt
eminent degree, met these requirements. Re
stands before the people of Penneyleenis, not
only as the representative of the principles and
policy of the Demmerstie party, but also as a
sen upon whose shoulders the smile of the la ,
cleated Gibson will most fittingly rest As
scholar, & jurist, and so upright judge, he has
few Muni*, and no superiors in the State. We
look for his election as a foregone eonelasion, and
only hope that every Democrat to Nrie county
I can have the proud satistactiou of saying bend.
ter that he oontributed his vote to the grand re
The Democratic candidate for Canal Commie
sioner, Hon. Wesrrtze Fuger, is a gentleman
equally worthy of our support. It is true, the
sale of the public improvements of the State will
result, most likely at, the next session, in the
abolishment of the oldie for which he is named.
and hence the importanee attached to the olive
if not so great as formerly—still the law requires
the election; the candidate has been duly nomi•
stated, and his election is due shim to himself and
his numerous friends throughout the State.
For Congress, owing to an unfortunate train
of circumstances, the Democratic party was left
sethout a candidate until almost the last hour;
Erie emote presented the name of Was. A GAL:
BB.AITH, Req., and Crawford county that of Judge
With either of them in the field, in
view of the distracted state of the opposition, the
chance of success would have been good. We
would bare supported either with great pleasure;
but the conferees could not agree which should
be withdrawn, and Wat P. Setsmott, Reg of
Meadville, was agreed upon as a compromise.—
With Mr. S. we have been long and intimately
acquainted, and a more pleasing gentleman, or a
better man, socially, dose not exist. With a kind
word to everybody be is a favorite wherever
known, and should he accept , the nomination,
and be , elected, be win represent the district
faithfully and well. We say, Ulf he accepts
the nomination," for when in Meadville on
Wednesday morning he bad not fully determined
to do so. His decision *ill be announced else
After the above wu written end in type. we
received the following letter from Mr. Shattuck,
which explains itself— •
CoarauTYll4l. NI. 6, /8 58 .
Grurver—Having. through a gombinatioa of cireutostan
ass, bees favored b 1 tbe late Desaaratio Oetorention at
Idea boro with the nomination for tioogreea—a position I did
iterseek or ex d feeling it my duty to do wits+. I
Mak may be the beet laureate of the D•11100111(le par ,
Odium the prelfored tremor. Ido
Ityort sitoomer 0r..55..._ la rime to resew
taklag Ibis *aurae I leave the Sold to bearateeted by oar
opposesta—(wbe bvs a V 011111140111" la the sai sestinas the
regular nerniaee)—and will thee leave ear pleads untram
meled and free to strike where their blows will be most ef
fective in dimiudthie th• °wows.. Thew views, up,
oa oessaltatioa, meet the approbadoa of my fries& here;
and frith many thanks to my Meade in that ooaventioa
for their good intentions. I therefore, 40eno. thereinto*
tior. I ase very Iteepeettally
Toon Es.,
Messrs. Brut A Nowt*, WK. P. 811ATTUCK,
Pub. Erie Observer.
For Senator, BENJ. (}RANT, Eeq., of this
city, has received the nomination, and is now
I eanvassing the district. If coy man can sneeeed
in a district so largely republican he is that man.
Energetic, untiring, and popular with the people
wherever known, we can safely promise our
friends in the other parts of the district that he
will reduce the republican majority in this min ,
ty very materially. As a representative in the
Senate, Mr. Gs"arm would do honor to the dia.
trim. The architect of his own fortune, Bran in
adhering to the right, correct in business'', and
punctual to all the obligations of society, be is
just the man to represent our varied interests
To Erie county and her interests he would prove
as true as steel; to Crawford musty sod her in.
*rests he would deal out even and exact justice
Let oar friends make a strong pull: a long pull,
and a pull altogether, and be can be elected.—
Try it, fried is, try it!
For the Legislature, we have already, in pre
viour numbers, presenteddihe claim of Messrs.
LAIRD - sod RIMROD They are both gentle,
men of ability and experience. In pol , ties they
will represent the views of both parties in the
county. for one is a Democrat and the other a
Republican; and the same may be said io re,
Bard to their position on our late distracting lo
cal questions. In tbie view their election is in).
portant, inasuiseb as it will show, what we aro
confident is the fact, that the mu, of the prop's
are rick sad tir.d of this eternal cry of "tipper"
sod "shanghai " We know malty gtutleantn
who have taken the latter side of this "local bob•
by" who will vote cheerfully and work faithful
ly to secure the .dtteti,o of Mr. LAIRD in order
io show that, so far u they are coocerned, *b• y
lklre determined to adopt i course of coceiltaft-ti
compromise which slould st sll times exist
pm lints! qtaretiaop W. ki ves s, e s o, w all y wbo
bal been 'dental ..1 wi•h the former . 11 . sigoation
who witl as cheerfully support Mr El,isinon tor
a similar reason In this view, the election ..f
these gentlemen will be the "Olive besuch of
pace" lowland by *auk side t.. the ~thee —a
eousamusealon devoutly to be wished fur, sod
which if stiecesisful will be n.jlieesf over by all
good laicism,.
to reerd to dlieriffalsty. the it.trublioau
vilithlidata, 001. llicivANS, iv oppooti by
voisateere, asesely D. D. WALKER, JAIIIts
11:1.Jes 1301iCtir It is uudOubteilly (b e
interests of DessooratS, L au muter how nsuob
ay, ',epee. the eafowl, to defeat his if possible
Tu Albs sod the sussolidate loops likely to atom
OA It should teeelie the °Wielded vote If ibe
lhosoceallo posit). The Queue; which of iiourse
knows all about the *ewe of the Deaseerech
says is is "isolated is ghsaspisievs, Also-
*aurae wilh elitursipv Wanlikireneet A>r!aito, that
thry' Desostvate—teifi inceaed en air itiog
theirparo - 01100 Ur. lf-smura " W. Ste is.
Mimed to *air, this is so, wed while we tvoald
alteerfully urge tips simians of. Mr. Lytle tsi their
Tote, if we thought he stood the beet chalice -of
dmioa,-100 en *ooo - sat that we do Dot
soak is the bet " l'o,secwied s Deatocrat u.'0311
drawhwcllT 4110 i iiiegukfieita party.] era
Mr. Wasa3saeo uldat -- Allow isforotatlois frees
the various townships leads as to belferl first be
ego. Hess we are iodised to think dish if the
ihosostaii -Isis Kan their Mae hi einijaa
--ond knowing the 1100 in that party who are
enpportiag D. 171: - Ititaircine — U - re tiirairW
he u that ntah!
In regard to county Treasurer, there is a j
volunteer candidate in person of,M .Jl:flume,
Req., who formerly, bold the Ace. Mr. IP. made
a•good44eist whet be held tee Agee before, mid
would doubtless doss) again if elected. He isn't
of •wr way of thinking in politics, but be lupus
diodes the dominations of the Republican conven
tion, sad hence is :in the held as an independent
man. As the Democrats have no candidate ke
will doubtless receive their support in preference
to the Republican noesiseef
In cotielation, us the Irishman said she he
advised his friende to go into a free fight, wherever
you see s Republican head, hit it. If you can't
hit it with a regular Democrat, bit it with a vol•
unteer; but if you can't bit with either, in the
name of common: sense and consistency don't
vote for any of the regular candidates of the Be'
publican party—no matter, fur what reason, or
for what eonsideeation—ao, sot eves for Elijah
For Ogogress—Who 1
Wm. P. Shattuck, Req., having received the
Democratic nomination for Congress, and hav
ing declined it, the Democratic party is left with
out a candidate.. For whom shall they vote, is
then the, question? We are not prepared to say.
It is very plain, however, who they cannot vote
for—and that is Elijah Babbitt, the Regular
nominee of rho Republican party. No Demo+
crat will certainly vote for him. On the other
hand, XIS. C. Marshall is in the field as a volt's'•
teer, and if he had not bolted the nomination of
our county convention, after baring submitted
his deltas to it, we would have no hesitation in
urging the Demosratio party to sustain him.—
As it is, as be has seen fit to "spit upon" that
convention, we eau only turn him over to those
who brought it into existence to be dealt with
as they may deem beat Wllliver their verdict
is it will be satisfactory to ue.. If they can fort
give the sin of disorganisation, and take Mr. M.
again into favor, well and good—there is no one
that will more cheerfully acquiesce than the Ed'
icor of this paper. Then, there is Gen. John
Dick, running se an independent. There is but
one consideration that could ever induce us to
vote for him —and that is the hope of defeating
the regular candidate of the Republicans, and
disorganizing the party. We ate not prepared
to urge any Dernoarat to do this. We are not
prepared to tell our readers to forgive John Dick
his many sins, and help him again to a seat in
Congress—and yet that course perhaps might be
the best means of disorganising the opposition.
Of this every Democrat must be his own judge.
We wash our hands of all of them—only reserv.
log the privilege of urging upon the Democracy
on Tuesday next, tech and every one, the policy
of casting his vote as he may deem best calcula
ted to defeat and disorganize the Republican par
ty. If voting for John Diek will most certain.
ly defeat Babbitt, then vote for him; if voting
I War, )14 arshall will do it, then vote for
be sure to so vote as to reach the 00111111t111111MOIS
most dovoutely to be wished for, the defeat of
the Republicans.
in. nom. Joie Dick cordially ooacurs la the Domina
tion of Mr. BAUM la the spirit of a trte•hearted 84.•
publkaa, b. is azortiag hie tallurace U bis behalf. Qom
wadies aim mei whit* as a aspahle sad 1114fithlti0.1
standard bearer sad as entitled to die full Itapahlicao vote
of the Distriet.—Gaseeta.
How much truth there is ii this the public
can readily see by the following circular, re
ceived by us oo Thursday, under the frank of
Gen DICK himself:—
To ad of 4A , 251 A Oweretwitmai biwrici t sr;ilmst
oisatiortoms of pato".
tlawmassiel—la Vllll/ of the Osiris:heti state of puliti•
op! allure to this Coartressiestal District. sad at !bowmen
soltoit►tioo of say of my pommel Meads, wittiest rat *r
oan to partisan dtetiectioo, r bare eosseeted to become
an Didependear Osathiste foe Coors**. flitoerld I be to
far favored u le be sleeted, it will be my earnest sadearor,
as heretofore, to represeat with fidelity the whole people
of the District.
The Mood, to whets this eirealar is ant, will tooter a
favor aro use by givens hie personal attsatio• to pisoiag
thwietsompsoriog Tickets a the Mods at the iadepeuiteat
rotors for Omit surraire. Your follow chilies.
Vive la Republican harmony I—vive la Dick !
'"lo the spirit of s gruel/warted &publicau"
Gen Dick 'nee from a sick bed to vote 'Oust
the Looomptoo 000stitotioo—s'io the. spirit of
true hearted Republicanism," the Republican
o )aventiou threw him over, sod nominated Bab
bitt--sod now, "in the spirit of a true-hearted
Repoblicao," he bolts the oomioatice, and sets
op fir himself Go it Diok ! Go it Babbitt r
i A fugitive slave caws occurred in New
Lindoo, Conn., on Friday. A coasting vessel
arrived from North Carolina with a fugitive on
board. The Captain, discovering the negro,
went ashore at New London, and apprised the
federal olfiebala, who went to the vessel, but the
man had taken alarm, jumped overboard, and
sw.ttu islint•e Collectur Mather instituted a
A. arch, tumid "Jbe" Contiesied in a clothing store,
and captured him ; but Dr. Mister interfered,
advised th‘siusgro to run, and he did. The Col
'rotor got out a handbill, offering a reward of
$5O for his arrest, but the anie escaped, and is
upposed to be on his way to Canada.
Gazette trays "upon personal knowledge" it
knows that the only Crawford Conferee who re
fused to vote on the resolution of concurrence
(in the uominatiou of Babbitt) fin! proposed on
Thutsday morning, is uuw warmly and actively
eagaged is support of Mr. BABBITT. He is
now io our City and oat "speak for himself."
The person here referred to is Mr. johosou, of
Meadville, and to show just bow ouch the "per.
*oust kauwledge" of the Gazette is worth, we
*tate the fast 16st blow he left he came into
this t See sod ordered a large quantity of tieketa
printed for JOHN Dick, for Oongrws; and they
were printed accordingly. This is the last ease
of "pentottal kaowledge" we bare to record
as. We are sotaortseat Co ow that Mr. Cams.
Swop, who sassokoorl Anal( as s solos.
teer est/Opiate for Trtamaret, has withdrapn.—
We also authorised to 'Wray' the imam of
Prosaic G. STILIA ARAN, %NI , as a voloatter
asotislate for Commissioasr.
stir The Gazette said last week, is referseas
le! Messrs. Letuti sod Hilltop, that polities
I wakes strange bod•fellowe. A truer thing wee
serer said—es for butane°, the feet of Hoe. Joe.
U. Sterrett, one of the proprietors of that paper,
fereitug himself into the late Sesstarial cosine
es.r for the purpose of putties in aessisatiser
D. A. Fiaaey Verily, polities does sake
strew kedialsou
A great howl
of puppies that
beels—and this
setts—to the effect that we went, to Meadville on
°ratio nominee, !or .ConAgeee,iu tq le e t Jolph
R. W 4 atteit, or bon: btotki,-mlainotEbodi•Cisk•P
have the field all to himself. Besides being n.
.• •
or d i m l
dieplekg, thetelitreif,i4 We a 1,4100jr
that it is say one's business why we went to
Meadville ; -- We believe we ate a free ohiseo, 'sae
have the right to go sod come when we Please—
end if any body is each a consummate act, ss to
spend money in telegraphing to pieces we oboes.
to visit, the feet that we are about to de to, ens
was done on our departure to Meadville, all we
have to ssy is that such person has a great, deal
more money than brains I Bat we went to
Meadville, and we we free to tell the gaping
fools, who stood around the streets on 'Prresday,
cursing and swearing over our departure, all and
singular, the whys and the wherefores of our
journey. First, Ilea, we wished to aseertsia
how the nomination of Mr. SHATTUCK was ra.
eeived by our friends in Meadville. We desired
to know further whether-there was any prospect,
of his receiving such aid from the oppseatien as
would give him a °heave of sneeese, should this
! eminty do her duty. We bed bees informed es
I Monday, by s leading Republican of that °octa
-1 ty, that if Judge entreost could be brought into
the field as a candidate, be would receive a large.
Republican vote—and we thought, if this was
the fact, and Mr. SHATIVOK could not reeeive
such help, it would be doing the Democratic
party good service if he could be itelttoed to de
cline, and allow Judge CHUICH to come out as
a volunteer. The gentleman who went with as,
still who is a Democrat, concurred in these views.
The gentlemen who went ahead of Oa, and who
I tire not Democrats, would have cheerfully co.
operated in this arrangement if it could have been
accomplished. But it was not aeeemplielied.
Mr. SHATTUCK we an deretood to be willing to
withdraw, but when we urged Judge Catmca to
allow the use of his name as a volnateer, ter em.
phatically refused. The reason/ he gave ter this
refusal, while they. were not setisfaetory , to us,
were doubtless so to him, sod that is sufficient.
As to soy arrangement that might have been
made before we got to Meadville, or may have
been made since we left, Adopting ldr Shattuck
as a esodidate, or this Congressional canvass, we
l wash oar bands of it entirely. We . had no part
nor lot in it—neither bad the gentlemen who
went with us. We went to Meadville with no
intention of benefitting the Republican party—
we Came back with none—lnd os the day of the
election, We shalt so cast our vote as we shall
deem moat injurious to the Republican organise,
I tion. When the gentlemen, who declaim so
fiercely over one mission, as they &Hedged, to
"sell out the Democratic party," can say as much
it will be time enough for them to complain of
es. Whenever either one of Own, or all of them
combined, has spent as many hears in defending
the Deateeratio party as we have--when they
have received we many bard knocks from the
enemy—when they have cheerfully performed
as moth work, gratuitously, gut disbursed as
many dollars freely to maintain the Democratic
organisation in this county,--they will have a
lep i rmightthan they now hate to abase us If
and a straight forward way to do it, and thiiis
to go to the polls and vote for him HO mew-.
but don't let them steal the livery of Democriey
to do it in, and then e tnre round and traduce, ns,
by ascribing to tie a desire to sell oat the Demo
upon this road is being rapidly pushed forward.
The rills at Farrandsville, a distance of some
thirty- seven more miles, are to be laid this fall,
sod the iron is now shipped to Erie to bo laid
upon the Westerh Division, leading from Erie to
the coal fields of Elk county. The eery will be
running from Sunbury to Parrandsville in the
spring, and from Erie to Warren before the end
of next summer. The contracts for the Central
Division will soon belgiven out. The company
are only awaiting some additional surveys. The
rapid completion of this road is beginning to
awaken considerable interest among the capital•
lets in reference to the ooal field* of Elk mod tho
adjacent country. The fields command the lake
trade, and as soon as the Western Division is
finished, will be extensively opened to business.
The contract for laying the rails on the* entire
road, eteepting the western division, has just
bees , let to Mr. Casement, who has the teratrast
for, and is now laying the track on the Pittsburg
and Erie road.
stir As the, Democrats have no eaodidste for
Congress, they oso pay more attention to the
Senate, Legislative, and Sheriff tickets. Where.
ever they can get a vote for either, by-trading on
Congress, our advice is to get it.
sir The Ouzeue is very much shocked be.,
cause certain disaffeeted republicans in the airy
Ire on such good' terms with the "finehattsri
Democrats." We are inclined to think ibis is all
prudery on the part of ocu.seiglibcr—fer we wary
welt reeolleet when this same Ckuatic i itW i
with us—a Buchanan paper—in eked* 011ie.
Murray Whallon, a 46 11nohansit Democr►t," to
the Legislature Certainly the Gazeue ought to
allow these disaffected Repabliease the Note
privilege it once enjoyed itself, of associating
with hopes' politicians and decent men !
ler We have a question for the gentlemen
who congregated at the corner of the streets last
Tuesday, sad amused themselves with charging
that we had gnus to Xeadville to sell out the
Demooratio party; sad it this: Suppose the Demo
erotic party bad depended upon sett to have pro.
eared the printing and circulation onto. Salta
erotic State aatpietrict ticket, hate many town.
Alpo in the coasts walla Wee been sapplied---.
Get your atithmetie and figure itout—how malt
0 we know you are capital fellow* to "jaw," bet
when there is any effective worn to be true=•
townships to v'usit, money to speivi fur the good
cause--and where are your Ammer os that, will
This 'sass, isaktos otr. Disk a Totsaitster essubbratt fits
Coupes% w aprosalses4 ea llasibillkiht the IN* hf
the bth WO., iffsoss. baetesmas'a Net wawa" Ilsisomoll
Disk sad a fess iisotoonsta of this pion, Wits**
tioosusetisi pietism —lfrodvilly Aomori Swim.
The above is Wee, so far se irt. are tionoeried.'
We reached Meadville oo Tweak" Awl lOW'
o'clock, sad at that time tioketa, sOd
eiratelsr sooolumios himself o torolisiots, Onto
prioted sod let eircalatios. ii will iboe-beforeo
that the Elko of the Jhorita
as.„ we hafst tb• Deosearstie Sudo,
primed, together-with Beashor mad Oaramirlia4
vohmtem* oitideirelbUtiee
to distribute when called ht. Prime hi the
MMus twasibinausi Jett *mg
men are afflicted with a passion for "getting their name
up- and “keeping it before the people,"whieh is indeed the
most dangerous of an passions, isesattee stay avenue of en
terprise, bad, nod or indifferent, leads equally to the at
t. Consider the notorieties we have
had In din' At t e long time past. There was Bennet
above ideatiatelmlaswebsprplobriedist ,
Peter Cooper, by beagespen Braltabs, b; johkahight lb*
history •of bin lahletilit melodietn, id". nelisinisitneas ,bll
titesalletatuiug the "Segue Bahl," saw lately. chapt, De
ILIOWns Oa, - "Ohlisfsh lentatre." who aide iliesidf stiSis • art.
one by pablisliiitg bit; kris letters; Se sent alai Aeon
this penis for ‘ eotocletj le, nail after ii mad imago. hid •
Mste of Dotoraity: be iliS't Hee inland 14, ,be
..ilu !ream it
iigals steal boat. tie albs <Whoa nemesis." Il r ellourde t t_
die away Safi the Cediai of aLove'a yeast dreida" when
his lady love went beck Act the Sway Staub; It. Was
Used to do something desperate to 01 Islaseislf up sista.
lie did two tbinp, or tether three. Ile knocked slows e
hermits Solittneuer, seat Ida a eVelleopi by Way of sails
node% and then tuteumeed %linden to lestare on a cattalo
evening of this week ea the feepiriurtlieme of wised,' As
a utural ussequeessi beim* "nabbed" by the deers of
the Law, jest es bowie moppet ou die Mee& and he sum
again minds before the 'Wag work' fts , the-iiibl- of a
heri, a martyr ad a fast, Emu. His elettileg 4 wooder-
Val and "dare. to inict/WY as the Loudest settool of belied
poetry would pbrere it. -
Bat hewn! get of *droplet the oessints. if he weeps as
easily as did the tisouted BUly Inalllgas this week,
Billy mitt a rebutted Calitersiss whom he resegalsed as
one of the Vignettes Oonwsiele• who bed expatriated hits
in fig/stems Modred end oessetleing, Bitty Pre him •
love tap which laid the Vigilant np fur a immesh er two;
61 was recently brought to trial, but elutes tojuilieial eott•
eidemellons nine YIP Will Ilhild V sIA *hi* he gain
easilp pod
. 11/041114 here paid twist, the ameent Gm Idmieris I
lege of committing theaseseit sad revolting himself on en
old enemy.
Aa to oar last notristy—we hava l / 4 decided yet whether
to classify him u a notoriety or a celebrity. Cyrus W.
yield made I ,asides jams" *idea by electricity, from the
quiet of a highly' respeetable position In life, to it pion/v. l
sic—whielt will be one of notoriety or celebrity, according
I ,
te the lissue; according to the seetwas or failure of the At.
leans Telegraph. What could be paid if it were finally
I ascertained that not the filet word of • menage ever /time
r °rel. dims wires? If that diseovery should be made, At.
Labe Oehler "charms" could b e bought cheap. And tben
I the tested's vermotts that have been preached—Ow rho
queue adlresees that have been delivered—ttie poetry that
has bean peered out like water—tbe tries pia.' music, the
Waite proeessiono s the hurrahs, the tiondree, and the-py
roteesios. Pauly we wily have been making an Its of
oureolf es sa extremely greed scale. The sputaele rises
to the verge if sublimity.
The fasbioaable Demo is abort beginsing. nverybenly
is look from the ouustry: opus is wen attesdeti, and
Orace Chu* to briniest every Beady mottling *la al
Latest Parts styles. Baotou* droops; the Seaters sod
Southera buyer's's* gone lemma sad merahanta are watt ,
pg tot A X tits.. pod jiaw niegiseci tore. prosaism&
are 0.11 sat limn thin week; hots* Arm at a high price;
utast goods of some kinds selling weiL The book mole
in dull; limiting yet published creates a "seesetiou."—
/ongfonows sew posts is looked for with interest._ _
111.. Some eoriesporideut or the Gaut's, Wit*
above wrist Is wallas, asserts that Mr. Onto', our town.
at . for Senator, was appohaod order, and..lo ezeolite tEe
fugitive stave law of len. The foliovrieg Is a comet way
of Mr. Graaf' appointment..
Be it remembered, That in the Circuit-Cm:l,i of the
United Bests'. Nit the Resume District of Penney . vassi•. to
the Third Oireen, ea this eastmenteth day of Itioremiper A.
D. 1853 Settlement Gram of the County of Erie, iu the
Continentrestth of Peosiylessis, lintstte, ie. by the ral - 4
stertoisisd a Cessiaississes, leader the Art of Cons
gresa_ammod sty the Twentie th day of Februsry, Use T.Oeu
Awed Bight Handfed and Twelve, %nuked. "AD Acii"r the
Wore %messiest Wass sr Allitiseite sod Doll in Civil
0&11211111 fliepreedisg it the Court* of Ms Vetted Stator: -
oottfilla the mad County of Unto to do and porforaw
!II "oh MP " 11 TbiaSse and to 'twig.o wit bitch Powers
sad Authority, sod t 6 metes *oat Tee. eall,Steetnassots,
as a Coualesiester, appointed leader the *me .......r
'Ol r ar ^ e "Y
Ita=nosy Wholto6f, T haire hereunto gulo,crii;ed wy
DllO6 Slid attired theft& of the Ciretnt Oeart, et Pitts
burgh, WI 10.0111.0.1 a day of NOVVIDIon A. D. Pee, and
in the year of the Isdepandeace of the United Sutter.
Meth of the IT. S. Circuit Court.
It will he seen that be beide his appoistment under
law of the United Stater, enacted forty year§ before the
s.up of the fugitive slave law, and for t an entirely dif
ttirent Periscom There are away dative 0000eeted with
the Are that Mr. Grant is frespiestly called upon to per
firm, &adieu. the Our years, danog which time he bee bald
he appointment, no application ha. ever been made for
he arrest of • fugitive, and probably there Dever will be.
Every Overt and Judge of the United States has the duty
of eating under the fugitive Aare law, attached tis eu lo
s:Went to their odious, and neither the questa or its corres
pondent *rev dreamiest that Mr. Jeetioa Melanie should
orig.% hie aloe because Congteas had palsied soma
law, We donee of Irbil* were not in ineeord•no• w i th hi s
private views.
8. F. SLOAS, RS 4
Sts: —to rout %Et 'Nat Ofxrarerr you charge ma with
leaking tbis trensoetatle itoustnation in tl4l, .s evidence
thlet you lire greatly hi error to that ohargo. f refer you to
the proceedings of the Dtroteerwtte emomeatieo held to Erie
Aorta 10th 1844, autoogit which yea will Bed the follow
leg letter, poloiletiwi to the Brie !Obeereer s 4 part of the
proettedloge of that ocriteostiow. Es justice t., myself
regime% the poltfiaatiett of List letter to vise, MO right up
se the Aare of belie s bather hi 1844. Yours Ate.
To lios. Joao GaLSIBAITIL
Daaa 84..:—.Paralitt ale through you. to estamanicate
to the Democratic County Convontion an. to session to
this place that I am not a candidate for reoommendatpin
to be put in uomissitieu by the Coogroesional Oettrention
la be held ta Warren on tM Sd Wedrisedey of the present
Meath, to present to the rpti,ocrim 01 lbe 23t Coupes
siossal diarist a cisdidate for Concrete to be supported by
the Deateentio partY at tits neat October election, and do ,
sire you to withdraw my same. if presented as sash man
The motives 'blob inducie me to adopt this course, are
purely tor the pupae of siseariog the utmost harmony,
and osaitinaine the provost good fesflog whesdi so bapptiy
presides oar maks, the ooatiautance of which, will wily
sodium/ oar triacipbant sueeess.- r certainty consider it •
matter of some moment. to haws our nort candidate for
that high apd rostemindlebe bites taboo hots se. Dogooorsey
of SsieClossutys to assure that Arson objets, la is highly
asevessary to promos oar man Ip tise conferee oeueestion
with the i ntmost harmony, unaciaitty sad uahroltea front.
As there- will be highly reseiatatiee sonstsmiso memo
isaaded tress *most sew, emieby in Otte distmet. the re.
'poetise Meads of which wW undoubtedly strongly insist
to have thole tam( put in Obmiaatlon, I derive that our
scanty should rasiontassid hoc moo usaniasounly. We
were unfortuabbiy defeated last fall, which unoweetioo•
biy giros our opponents strength and eneouregensent this
year, 'OA regsibe additional vlibr on our part to secure
saceess, whit* however I. laid up ia More for on, *ad loth
surely be obtabsed on the 2nd Tweed*, in October. if we
prosaism the wort with that spirit and oono ss t, o f ac t ion
whist has so far crowned or 'ram, and let oar watch
word ha oprissesidlise lad "not wen Mery are my MO.
Wag far agiakikirilie weed, test. tie filasoarsoy of
• Coeoly will not oily be free from datainstioa, but
from suspicion of it.
I ceases etarefecie wittiest-toadiag lay Mende the moot
Masers are heart felt Awake for the satinatted partiality
arealfesteti by thim Ia briagiag my mars before tits pub--
fie 1n imassetton with so high and distinguisbed as odium
• - I ail reepeedally` yaw oirt. a et,
we aeito•wledte the Goes I—Mr. M•rehett was Ou t
• "beelbm" either with am me," or shams - it, is .1844.
Whether that is asy mass why Vet ohoita be immt to Con
gress, lastsed ashsol:'mitains to ips- *wt.
OP' Vr• lewd - that the "Suee 4 M we" are wan to
MAW to Si eatiaidl Sir., of Ulm otter either
ee Pletiwielpage ae Ikeesa. It even be of visite., sir.
areweeet by a edema flow aide Awe dew Itskeeeyealean
meitble f tiedl , 4o4meeril by Pews elleA erlws
eeselletee deo islets*, a elsobee et litrit Am
weablerseeiety..-lue:lllliiveimet the Illeesed
M east em 4 the Meek et weevil. wino the
*. Weyedolt.bedeeMw Na awe thebeklbeep ie ea WeAreises,e
•qatrOitiew hire •11 0144•• IP Vaiteli ow e ,
was are ge94 ooOtiok. ledge Treble city Alin;
bee at tie brig, will, we pivianate
opearlbete tee felt Owe tweerde,gedrayedle the_ *spew...
stir Tba „Itisafislle Toursa4 curs, says Iliac
A s/ 04r ,, itacii,i47o pitti Ea pia
b roug h t
. ai 4 04„ Diek." Leastoptos
Peittoorat ea, bay a lasi dist got up trots a
sick bed Sp vote!, spied the Leeoloptea Coasti , s
goal Preposterous I—er o it sot esps o l or O wi ,
„What s li41 1 410 ; Ake k i rPOWORAMMIPA Upt POO.
fg-NukAttrilP4V, tgl uP 0 5,0 stmh
u ses it th e Haim to bare passed that measure!
Verily, titan ismer. bops, of a fool due of the
ebb" of As Aurae
Rant, Oct 6, 16N3
Aorta 10;1344.
To the ► ''• ••• A A
and Ors flz>l
Dissatisfied ith wa thiteroi
managed in th • . 11 e- nveo;l
tion, to Erie County, I at oneodetermined
ters of this district, and announced myself
an independent candidate for Congreu.
did this with the fullest convictions of du
ty to myself, as an appeal to a just pub
lic, from the wrong doings of a few mane
~eFs--aat so mech from their objections to
me, as to mould and use , the Democratic
Party for some oiher purptise than to elect
a Democrat to on from this District.
My course, I have treen c:e fication to know,
had the approval of a number of my
fellow ci tizenw and Demoeratic friends.—
Thusi matters stood unto the nomination of
Wm. P. Shatoick, Esq., by the Congres
sional Conferees at Edinboro. With his
nomination I was prepared to acquiesce,
believing it ta have been fairly made, and
that he would be the standard-bearer of
the party intead of the few. I was further
prepared, in case he declined to carry the
colors, to have them placed in the hands
of any other good Democratic leader, and
I should retire. I was only waiting to
know certainly who that leader was, to
make 115,, , best bow, for the favor with
which 1 had been received; to withdraw as
a candidate, to unite_ in one common effort
for success
Greatly to my amazement I now learn
that Mr. Shattuck has withdrawn and in
stead of the colors being placed in the hands
of some other good Democratic leader, they
are entrusted to Gen, Dick, a Republican
politician of the most ultra stamp. How
such a humiliating and dishonorable ar
rangement was brought about, I am not
informed with certainty—time will doubt
less uncover the dishonest instruments, who
have disgracefully bargained to sell the
party as an article of merchandise, and to
trail our time honored flag in the dust. I
for one, will consent to no such arrange
ments, and instea I of retiring, as I desired
and intended, - I have concluded with the
advice of my friends here, to remain in the
field as a candidate ; and now appeal to
My Democratic fellow citizens in the dis
trict to come to the rescue and give me
their support, and 1 promise them to carry
their colors, if not to success, not to dis.
Erie, Oct. 7, 1858.
In pursuance of resolutions adopted by the
Crawford and Erie County Conventions, the
Congressional Confork es of nil Counties met at
Edinboro on Friday, October 1, ISSB, and or,
gat i ized by calling Cot Alex Power, to the
chair, and appointing Er L Mason, of Erie, Sec
retary. The names of Conferees having been
called over, the following named gentlemen were
pi se ed in nomination for Congress, vitt [lon.
Gaylord Church, of Crawford, and Wm. A, Gal
braith, g= q ,of Erie On motion it was resolved
that it shaft require a majority of the conferees
to make a nomination
After taking a number of ineffectual ballot
logs, a weasage was received from the Senatorial
Coufereev, (potting in an adjoining house) an
the nomination of Benjamin Grant,
Esq ,of Erie, for Senator Balloting wasp then
resumed and continued until 24 were bad with•
out effect, when it was agreed to adjourn to Mon
day, the 4th inst.
Before this ;weird however, 31r, James E
MCE•ARLAwD, of Meadville, moved the conven
thin adjourn sin; die—which was decided in the
it, and tile trruitliatkir*l4ll4lol4llllsi alt
MONDAY, Oct 4 .
(7onferenee tuct pursuant to adjouromnot. On
motion, A. S. Davis, of Crawford, was appointed
an additioual Secretary. - 11a0otiags were then
resumed and euutioned until 2r) were had with
out a choice, who' on motion, the nominations
were opened and sev‘ rid new names were propo
sed end Indl“red for
• 12
•-• Z. "
`. 11 71
A to A
• a tri •
7 = a;
• Eie :
5 T i s a _ a a
27 5 4 1
23 5 5
29 3 4
3U 5
11 1
32 5 5
3.4 3 5
35 4 3
30 3
4 2 1
3S 4 3
39 3 :1 1
40 3 • 1 4
41 2 1 4
42 3 4
44 2 1 4 3
45 2 4 4
46 2 2 3 3
47 1
49 1
50 4
Thus it appeariog that Wm. P. Shattuck had
rewired a majority of the vitas of the Conferees,
be vies thereupon declared the unanimous nominee
of i6e Conference.
Ou motion the Convention adjourned.
E. L NAB9s, )
y. fee' ys.
A. L. DAVIS, )
tar Democrats ! in making op your ticket on
Tuesday next, recolleotthat BENJ GRANT is the
regular Democratic nominee for St.mate Recol
ect that a vote gained for him from the opposi,
11..0 is taro votea in hie favor : Recollect that
there arc three eatillidate in the field for Coo.
gret4i—none of them the nominees of the Demo.
eratte party—and therefore every Democrat has
the right to trade it he chooses.
lie The Gazette thinks we oppose Hums'
Tr.u.r.n., ono of the Republican nominees fur the
Legislature, because "be was once a Democrat."
Not su ; we oppose bini because be is now a re.
publican, and because bis election would disgrace
the county.
volt vislau34 7--
r i ms understood, Meese of Le &ruff sod Waterford Tows.
J. ship, rempectfally present to the veleta of kris Coast/. w
not regard to party, the neo.e of JAMES LYTUrt. •of Brie
tat', se •No Hebb person be be voted for at the appro /Oats.
ter Rieetlon, for the office of Sheriff.
berid lito7o, T. W. Wisher, A. 8. Kin,
Mac J. Pothroh, Joseph Wattirtih, John C. Sank
Joel ft Porter. Charlee Colt, Jobs H. Ifteroore,
Howard Peek, H. 11.• Coil. W. P. Lloyd,
I.orioe Porter. klegtheer Meek Witte B. 1./old,
grotto. Ramer. Jolla A Hes, Nattbeo=eft,
W. It. Itaarowt. Mow RillbrOd, Wes H
J. R. Whitton Wes. N. Smiley, P. Q. Straisbaa,
Rlehard If Allem, /1141011 Rehiseoo. aeon, Malik
Peter fi. Cott. Ramon Willey, \Cat.'filayea,
If. SI: Rai" Fog , Drew brake, R. if. W*lla,
tirwasta FtleAtre, John Were" Wilma
Cookso• Grew*, L. U. Peek, li. O. Priebe.
Angina 28, Ina.
asw:iiiillOtinvia t o or owl cowry I—At
the Sceetiellatlan asid wow* al Reef friends. /
=aced to yoolt to the tree sad
went a
Rae Gaiety; Oki S, Wale ibr the *Mee of bIIIIIIIIII. rams
the wawa to v*lk aoineatioas are new raised and theSsbede.
sale slams of WWII sad ash am peep etimied„ It is leaperibi• 14
pl a tamelk st al the, peep& erresich the soothes el a
diarsediets. la Hew of this tact, an •.141 Is the urgency of Ur de
ws* i em compelled to WWI to the &wade of my - fries* um(
allow ay woo to he SOUS la • sonditiste Ira Mart( at the swift
elertkeely wasitiair the easoperation sad whitest*
el ell Moe olso ase iili liberty to he their
et ow age.% lathes{ el."
leerhstfaMbers-to-dletate their eladir Sur th eltaP
Ilielreia, Ass. 34, 1111M-44.112.' ituis IllItICIST:"
NE iq ft
MOM' "It KM—T. tbo Valars at
. . • at* Inarreleved game Mown ea &It
M - ty Irresinor at tin widow eke.
tha sad reeseelfhlk eoppers,
it dhesonn,4eit 41. _ 1- N.,,.. ll'llitlltiltit PHELPS.
rir... 1 " 1 04. 4111( 0, • P.. Ottlyikihie /Israeli/ 1 / 2 and
minrea. Bee arreatersoeet to another maw.
liar PIM SW. .11.110(001Vi1 APPIOINTAIINITeI.
igirgxmart coo CIVICS OM JKLLY.--A 150
Nortigt AlAriparporkhipliah elgiAplh•
pa mat. pus, OIL A delitiosepripsnities, Amin tit meth
log AsotAislADA popettke t.M Oil. Wilmot Ay
tools. Posilsa. (limy C4Wlelamile 411116.
later reek : eisslair Nog ONAir Sm. 111111 y, 1A10,115.
of sr!o
2 1
5 2
1 2
i 5 3
5 1
0. There& October 7th by do nor. j ,
a A, L
T. J. HOS cod La. MAk*H sw e e t .. ~t Ift• 11,
Hmm keg., of Wei city . rift
Ikw. Mama at Dobai Ram Is, CaWanda. si r T .,„
mums, at this city seed about la t wi . ""t6t
la this ell i kze: rm. alt. Nrs. actstsern
16 ys al Witiliummaid la*lfeam.,4 o , o , L
ssoetbs aad
la Masai as, tag Mai on, 44 W arsalsaass sr Mr ir
wry as athid y, 111111tIVA asagaasr snit 4, 4 it tr i z
set V year&
Wrlgg.lll 11111L1...
11.4c.canir, Nanedielionws a 1 NA. Nor. 'kg k ..
sod dastors In Flooring. eldlng 1411 k, ti t , "olk,
of Mb sad Holland CAN PD • 11%
Notice! Don't Forgot This:
at/A. AND Les (IN ourrsfmni AMD rat 4.14".
TSB /EMI Inn Min Hi
rt will mow Meet it. lt sweet, slew i m
hsath.....b.tisig sod Beg proof_ Appsiatss A;..;;' ,
0 V. easil t
CM. Oct R SUL Perwitsre Mors t n .
A. 14.7" izt.toE,B
DAN tillttrWlLL .
The Agents of tge 011=7 SHOW an Nappy to Oda s i g h ,
sasevac• se exhibition
Yn Zlalk on Wednesday, October skh,
ti mach oceaskra tirt Iheritherg peettliallthe, nod huh*
0 of this otgashathini ertil be preenstad, thus dts
matastlng to the peopt• of erail Wet, that the Ildthelleha
101111 &ea by the Praia of New York. Pblladelola onftqu ist
were not falsonaely heehawed.
ar 4 0 4 oil lel Mere ta w Arson,
Mood= etetlent sad WM ofstatue, OP l ClN 4l
1168454 as advantage sot to to gained vim*
Are 000ris or to *sou. DOM, and penhebei by reetniultf
tins, and deprived of light and EaPvt' voutall l / 0 5 , 1
an in traveling caravans- The MANX Ildrsall i e
Whited to the Groat Shoe amid of
The lihinooorool
The largest ever brought to the United Static the only
the country, and the tint ever roodeted Lune.
The only on e over taught to walk a ?Id* 3.,.,
W Lich SMALL Ir ersathltel ood *el tali ,
0001110 MI LEO,
That meet the eagneestloas slitho torero Ohs
The ARTISTIC MOBCCIS an of scb a shasister, tau as g o „,,
titan lostltutlika sow extant ere IPTItf arms to o„, uto
pelleo with the Great Show.
111111*. DAN 111/ CK
Mistress or the Meaege art Rood Runt..
M.. {Abby Orrorfor, the Vowels Horse
MO. M.H.S art Maio draror.
Joords idrorlioo, Cori. l'ootworoirt sod tidotc,,,,,
Dr. Juror Traylor, the Clown sad Rosier Colooro
!leaser Vireos Used, the Mow of Ur Purer
Dr. F. D. Droodso, tL. cruirloo Horseman,
Oster Ifiebscrises the Lightelaaddir.
elteuries Noyes, the Zoological
row. Rood Daserry, Root. Sara. ;Rß .
J. H. Clarke, oroolabirr, Acrobat.
rt. whole tinder the guidance and cflreettos d
the Stud of Blooded sad Trstned Horses tier) cot
for somber, beauty, or angasly. Assonge which ,
rate that sold* lidos d sty_
Wll/11 SURAT . • 1 1 / 1 027 Lowaaroo,
BOMA, Cowes Fewer, 1
Amongst the Spectacles oßsred, will be .
In width 111 dashkan Stood* vNl appwar. rieft oft
yedian, of the Old Enetah Festival of
Flitch of Bacon,ei , •'vi S Summer'l Morn to
The Num, the loaf her massed to a Potipatetin ltakt
undo, the control of Prot THOMAS CASEIAK, of t h e 1
Bram and String Band.
DOOM open at 1 o'clock in the oftarnooo, and di •
sari:nog. Perforinanc. will rommeoco one boor after Opfdif
D/111M11011-11101, cta Pit Id et.. Children 211 eta N ,
price to rit. C H. CA4TI4,
rnis Company will Perform at
ECUINEWIRO, Monday, Gel.
WATUItrOW.D. raionday, Oot.
TlonroJii?. 00 *. 25.1.
By vistas of sundry email of Vsaditiool Itspoessa, to m.
iigit out of the Court of Comma Kam of IBM
st Pubne Baia at the Count Hoar, to the city of one u
dsf of bargainer 111611, all the right, title, intermit a.o.t
Mather of In and to the ibilowirag described Low I
aie ne Cooeord, trim Co , bounded and deaarttrnt so for.
bit us part of • Larger tract of lead designated to the t
Holland Company he Its soledmr Yf, sad betok.:
to wit. Beginning at a post to the treat Una of tract ?t•
roach maws coroor of laud sootrachg4 for by Sortior ,
lieDoeslonw the wolth line of said land and the soot
contracted tor by d.. Whim treat tiro handred
icar ...t o .... tgat in t a !teLitt i lLo• A t o lgotegXn: 1 /
lig the Notate' of to Ilk, As. OM N.,* DIU
?WOW 11 110 , a via is Mn us% 11.01 ul at owl,
seed wise line one bandied semi too perehe. 10
dog. Coatatotag one hoodind sod forty ta, 221
of land non or low
Also part of tract No. 53 bounded se follows to el
at a birch to tit* east Ito* of tract No. 53. Theme
Mot *oath secenty sight perches to • birch thr o. rib
of land ternenyed to NYC Coign:me thence
of egad land east ow hundred and tatty T •I 0
Una of land contracted for by tort L. It Et Balker
oleos tho west los of flettnap's toed oortb thuio
. poet the northwest censer of add lan& Theo.,.
tine of rid land east fifty are 5-10 pent... to -
lino of tract No. bd. Thence along .aid woo lu
and • half porebne to a lienalock, be count
lands contracted for by the beton mentioned
And thence along thesouth hoc at taut land
and sixteen paros to the plan of bosituting,
Sc. wed of land and alkorance more or lees. Sand
In csecuttoo at the suit of Sector Manta.
_ .
An the rigbt title interest and clam of) W
litollou of in sod to the following described agenda
land eiriate 10 the village of Libion, Eris Co,
that certain pies ahead or lot bounded thus
corner of Pearl and fr maths' streets theoce wink
throe links along Franklin street to a post at the
es of land of Abner Jackman ; Shwas west aloe
Jackson ass powebsa and 6•• links to a poet.,
west di peochea and (oar Rolm to the south t.
and these" east along Pearl street aloe berths
14: the place of beginning, containing thy
of lead, on which to erected a tram/
Ingo Also, one other lot bounded north by
by John Omit, east by bud fbenewly ' , mood
'oath by the Crnaesville rood and west by to.
Also, one other pisco elated or lot beeadied
scribed lot, east by tee mud, booth by the roe
burg, and west by the toad landing hen Aline-
I. greeted two buildings end a wagon 11191.
taken in eseeettoa at tie sat of Barrett b 5111 at
V &Osbertt Chariot, t. Whelaer at Gilbert 2 lam
Alto, *lithe tighqs, interest and clam of l
in end to the foil* described heal trate -
of the, Lob No. 11, abd ZS a Courtngbt
by Canal street, east by tot No. Hi, south by
24--and west. by lot No. U and Bas ell's street.
in orecutioe at time salt of Milton Cowin/gist
Also, all the right, *de, Internet and rialto of
in end to the knowing described deal Wale sit
township, trio County, Pa. Rounded on the
Wax. S. Reads/Cs bars, on the not by land of '
the south by hod of W R. liattbews, and on •
Jobs flpoolding 2E. W. kendall Contemn,
more or lon. on 'bleb to erected • house and
tabus In execuuon at the snit of Verona Keep, .
Andrew colts, now-for the use of tattle Betray.
Alan, nil the right s title, Interest andeletso of Iwo
in and to the following described Heal estate Wolin a
oT Lockport, k r is C ou nty and bounded is follows
troth by hod of Nathaniel Youngs, east by the ee
a highway, and wad by land of Cyrus elerrdy,
titres ft:tartsa of to acre of hod and Wittig erected
sad barn. Soloed and taken in essieution at the
Cutter on. of ninny Weellieeteo.
21.0, all she right, tills, Interest and deka of
of in and to the following deecribed piece of land I
held township, tree County, Pe., bounded so folk
tb• north by land of S. L. Potter, on the east by '
Pried* on the south
m %l a ed forlo•tly of Stephei
the west by a rood, cos shoot kfty sere et
and takes hi waseutiou at soil of A. S. IWO
Belden, now for Om say of Peter.l. Selhottem.
Also, ell the right, title, interest and claim el
of, to and to the following desorthed lbw saw.
creek township, bounded la illelilowe, to wit Os
Wrote, on the south by bead et I:Mow Cool), on
alley, maw the laeOw by • staset, bah( part
to the eity of trio No. flebed and taken a
suit of Charles B. Wright, Minds P. Bailey a c
st gout, &lag bueseas soder the ,ace, none and sty
Also, ell the right, title, Interest and rim
of, to and to the Allman deserribsd pies. of
creek township, tele Coital, Ps., and bounded
On the north by land of John Hershey, on the
David Love sari Sawed Mae, ea the ...nth
Newsboy t Jacob tale, and test by land of As
log about ninety arose of land, harin g ere
dwell boom, a bank bars sad ot out
leo l ing n esessitioa at Bee salt of John abr.
all the right, title, istoreet and clam
vial at, le and to tin following described pica
Waterbed townshin bounded as follow, to iv
land of liaison F. Sada, east by lead of
land of David bleCtleneaaa, red west Se lasi
claimed by John Edwards, containing toe"
more or less. It beteg the rase plea of and I
flunifi ß
thi la deliendeat. Seised owl taken la
of ater u.
A et
ls W e, al the ry6216, h d. = and c um
and to tb• ppm. of hu
triton towastd7,, — i.,.. ' , -- ttitadott a. foll o w', to
by Bat of noose alba; east by bat of
swath by the Crawford County lies, and we
Plea, esatatsag two area of laod soon or
toted thereon a house *ad bare. Seised 1,
st the sat of Sherman Katie,, *wive* of •
ALIO, all the tight, tab, tearer and oleo
of, is and to the Moor* Rost grab s tair
teconsoenciog whore the eaters lice of Sole 0
south line vi Tooth sawn ; those* roothrs ,4
twenty bet arid arm able bait tootles JO N .
thence earearay pa l mated w i t h Th w th west
hod het (6413( ft.) to an alley . tb.oos nor''
state street isnot, Set sad ones' and •
to Tenth elbreent mad thence weetwaNly 'Jobe
two and a hot bet to lb* shoo of benign*
lots No. 616 t 619, as oeiebered on Ito
of tab. Also the Wnilowirwherrib.^l pert
619 la the eity of trio, winuseeoclag at • !onto
of stets West, twat, Net and seven wed • lb'
Aunt elan mad Has of state Wort o , non
11p° pirl•alb strowl ; donee soothesedly
hod and erre, end a half limbo.. awn.?
Teeth street eighty•rwo sod • belt fret, t•
allot with State sheet twenty wet 'set anvil
timbre ereetwartiv parallel with T.
%Plc ANA to tbs plate of IsoftJunius A h... 71.,
flaw t of helots ho. Sit k els, towilditot .. •
F - - -
el Bate str. le the efts of J." too ;
r.. 0100
woutlaweedly from T.„4, therm,.,„
sheet tentoty beet and 0.001 • wet . Jog
parslke with tenth street etthty
theism borthwardly alosi Mid obey oak
' r a te Mt
half lichee, awl these, weetwindly A"•
two sad a belt het to the place u t i , tltrf ic ,,
deecribod pats of tolote In the .if
*deg at a past ja the reed lean , m watt
WS sad a ba isterb•• ._1
oeuthwardly ohms Mate •trol. "' ,;., ,
inches) theses so etwarily ten.
...,, hus ur
lad abut len to en s nee !no
urrn a m
tesety fret nod we. b .ord • halt
t.d II
Tr street., •
la sea •art iv.. #r
640,46.411"41111enta'1W1R5.:"Z Viso .1 & li"l‘leL