A Nord to a Fast WlLider In the Diggots. 1 •. .. 47--- GELLI:N BAY. .. .1. 3 31. STEAMER at INTIGA N. WABASH. VALLEY EMI ll= ha the m.o. 1. 111, th•l • '• • t. 9'91- MR BLIFBIN'S BABY That ti t baby -.{{"l • g t ..:1 t ih-titutt..o A - h, a+ h. came Ito" th, "hnehlug 'cite Wu. Sigh-pear, La- u, he r. ,d; tu..nd 11l . holi-t• F..%.•r)t gig 11- -1111, FA of t.. Liao The 1,414 IXILN dic ballll,Ci• •A I h/t regulate.l ev,r)thing regul ited-the wi" lAI uf , • regulitt , • , l L. riguland varor, h. regulated 1-',r :Ilk lir-, that preetuus tAxi-h•uk, Le Lad tult up u au aVel 3g.• •11 titip-s a nigh! 11 r 11 itku.l4, - .19s tu) wit,. • btotyg thh , , the I •th) h...k...tratigt it --1 nu) attar i tt tci t havr a tit t)t ur !he lump wap 6i ,t 44,10, iu l .•1 O.L. 1.41. N \ `Licking fit. ill lir wi W.l` 4 \l' k 1.1 tt 1, Vl' „ I ..li, 11. •• r if [Li w i dou I. t, [ II a Wife, fir tiliby Notlitu thP riistfrt w,th thv Iturw %..r) "Mr -11• my wit v.p.t a. I Wif.. •ivet, apin, —that awp, a ).,n lia“. plaved it. 4.n„ d,trell) to baby'.,e).-s—,trangt• that t' u,.ro " I tisrangtd th, . 1 0it B oa .rut t „ 1„,1 aKsut 1114 11 4 I at.- p hpain -Mr rail m , , aife, •tti think bu) that hritozu h.r the bak'" ..)1) .10kr, I. "wtil )..0 Wi we the inju-t tiee to b,liese that I tn,uiti overie,,k u waiter •••rntia: et.wf..rt that int-0iw.,1,1, She ap)!oi.t:aed fiery band, 'welt', hut made her anxiety tbe -cdpega..t I t rgacr her, and without .aying a word ait,re t r I addressed ni) • , •e If to ale: 1.1 "Mr 13111ktus, — said in) wilt, r•bal,,og me, on must 1:),/t %pure so, yuu will wake the baby " "Jest so—jest so, — said I, half asleep, bink ,ul: I was Solou Shingle "Mr ttlifklu's said my w de, —will you get up and hand tn.• the warm gruel from the nurse• lamp for baby? the dear child' If it wasn't for tic mother, 1 don't know what he would do How can you sleep so, Mr Blifkins?"l_ "I -uspect, my dear, - maid I, cause I am tired " I, ola, very well for you men to talk about ing tired," said my wife; "I don't ktiow what you would suy it you bad to tod.and drudge like A poor woman with a baby " I tried to noutb her by telling her she had no patience at all, and got up for the posse' Has , .ng aided to auf.vvering the baby s requirements, I stepped in t.• h. d again, with the hope of sleep• tag "Mr Bliflins," said NLe in a louder key I --id nothing "Oh, dear! said that inestimable woman, in great apparent anguish, "bow oan a man who has arrived at the honor of a live baby of his own, sleep when he don't know that the .Mar creature will live till morning?" remained silent, and after a while, deeming bat Mrs Blifkins had gone to sleep, I stretched my limbs for repose. How long I slept I don't know, but I was awakened by a furious jab in the forehead by some sharp instrument. I start. d up, and Mrs Blifkins was sitting up in the bed adjusting some portion of the baby's dress. She had, in a state of semi -somnolence, mistaken my head for the pillow, which.- she customarily used for a nocturnal pincushion I protested against such treatment in somewhat round terms, pointing to several perforations in my forehead. She told we I should willingly bear such trifling things for the sake of the baby I insisted upon it that I didn't thidk my duty as a parent to that young immortal required the surrender of my forehead for a pincushion. The truth was that the baby was what every other man's first baby is, an autocrat—absolute and unlimited. Such was the story of Blifkins as be related it to us the other day It is a slightly exaggerated pia_ titre of almost every man's experience.—Saturn ,fity Eveniny Ga:ette. A NERVOUS TRAVELZIL—Traveling over a western railroad, seated in a baggage car, quiet' ly smoking a "gentle Havana," a nervous indi, vidual entered the car, and commenced over hauling the baggage. The baggage•master, af ter eyeing him a moment, accosted him with— " What's wantit,g, sir ?" "I am looking for my trunk," demur• ly an. .wered the nervous man "I will take care of your trunk, eir—that is my business," retorted B "Oh lam aware of that, hit., but I would always much rather keep my trunk under my Cy, i i "Well, theo, sir, you should have Deft) born an elephant, and then you could have your.trunk under your eye all the time ."' The nervous man suddenly vamosed. Sraaccas, Sept. Itl. Dratocrtsvic STATE CONVENTION, SECOND uAY —The Convention met at 9 o'clock, and after receiving the reports of the various com mittees on contested seats, proceeded to nominate candidates for Governor, Lieut Governor, Canal Commissioner, and State Prison Inspector. The exalt 'in.'s follows : For Governor, Amass J. er. For Lieut. Governor, J. J Taylor.— For Canal Commissioner, S B. Piper. For State Prison taspector, Edward L. Donnelly After giving lion Horatio Seymour a vole of thanks for the able and impartial manner in which be had presided, and three uhetrs 6.r the ticket, the Convention adj..urned Pile die I=l bort Yankee in Kansas, occupying an old wagon by the road-side,' was discovered a shoot time since acouriug an old gno.barrel. Oa be• to what be intended to du with it, be re• plied that be was fixing up to go into the liquor business, and to avoid the law was going to make use of the tube lastest' of glasses, thereby making it appear that he was selling liqual. by the barrel. The fellow is doings thriving business. A great many persons have been "shot in the neck ' by the novel contrivance. El *WA singular eirennuttancil occurred on the grainier Superior, during her lut trip from Lou elvtlk. to Cincinnati A lady passenger gave birth to s pair of twins—fine bouncing g i r t.--. il. tile boat wag ebrint making a landing at War• .11r. Scarcely bad the pleasurable excitement g•'nsequent spoil sneb ocevions subsided, when iutelligencie 1/1114 received in the cabin that a Ger man woman on deck bad become the mother of three boys. - -4111. 0001/ FOR A Uociss.—The geocr■l opinion is that the - vainest of all birds is the peacock. We think a goose is. A goose, when entering barn through s doorway, invariably bobs her held to avoid bitting the top. Evidently every goose thinks herself st loses fifteen feel high. /MN' Why is Cyrus W. Field a greater revival ist th..it Spurgeon ? lit, we he has converted Great Britain and the (~,,ted Sista to the rite of elope compassion by immersion. ( re. IN W % NT/.1). Ls •-...1•‘1.11 e far MII.I, L II & 11 EN 11 'V BOOTS AND SHOES .Ind n t VER 17111ING n n ht / .11,x 1 t1,,0k I ; SElc .E! 1 1A I IV - ID 1 INT (3 , C / rr, ~,/, , • •tiL U . It • • tat k/i. t/-41, .r t it Na t rt.lit •..a t ill. ri.rea I ; 1;4;4 •.• • 441.... It,. pul•I;• los .;vor LF ; rs; nil ! !..4st• 14 • ow/. •Fss,i/ 1.• 1...• ••41. 174 , 1;;; ...di. all ~i t • F 1,111,1 54.1.7 W. e.. 4 ;;e; nil n 1.. u, .41IL not 11;;L•irn 1;•••4.Ls 1i51114.114, 1,•• issk.ng .u.: 4,0 knit .1 , 11 s issas sun stratiglli upeysskl.lll.. IR, other 11« bias 11.44111d..u1.1e.5i J41,01.14p, :hat „ At; otkit•r• Isl its • „0 r ,t,,, , tin ,j oont (met:. In 11. in J. F1a..., ilo vki repair , f 1. axial - stnpird oust. itod ray. •• ••1 •IN ratlr, .1 run.. et GI lleauty an.i ..1 slit: 1. LL •4,1 tt hftiu b..% • I.lllck "4110 , kilt- b•••;. - •,; n• ;it; t • las Ispris s. I, it IPA NAOT UM( E YE , ~XlklLl•4ailvll 141.1klue• au , r 11,11 u , .IL IS ..1f; tot ; F / "thin it i. be. CASH FOR , BUTTER Wi 1 )1: 11)'m )L! OM ROSENZWEM : 4 11 NEW DEUR I 111. T H 111.. T ols V 1 I 11.14 T .1. 1 ll's I X I II I\l. 111 1.11 I. I nil .I'l now W4'1 , 411..4 lu I tit - m.li Ibr I I rientl. In till ni In , ;111 p i , iy l„ ) 11.0417... ON. I 01(11 01 I. DI I ....LIN. TV an, n w (Vs rid, , n Ice t I -..Tt K I.: 1I 1 14)N I 1N I; %% t lilt tNTi \‘ t• kt't GIVE US A CALL 1 ., ' -15041 11r,1 ; 1- Wheeler & Wilson's 1311'ItUk. El) :-E111N(, ‘l.ll Vt.,...511 F. 111111011 k.%, :.r• hat Ln, IM=M=l -..t t. 11 tht tt 61 .1 xitl.l , •-• IHttIIAS 1.1 1N. , 11 II 1.• I.XVT, Jr, .FOR( : itiNttl .4AMCgi. YorNG, {\\III. 111 IN tt,..41111(..1‘; I I II tal k ti Y. 1 , 1. V Eit.2,l.)N, liATTIK CI.AftF 71 N. F -1 , 11-IV7 4 (tst. Wrats owl 14.4 It.. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZt. TUE GOLDEN PRIZE , ILLUSTRATED. lit. V% S. MACTER..ocooloooro 10 114/el• k 1 a,. I o Th• Nea 1 k 11.-PeLlt ip..t n. It.. ai..l Unit latovary paw,. dad —•n lurpertal Quart.. rolitmalog right paets, cor fvri f frallta”, .P 1 the m..at Int.tqcSilUg al4d natinK madlng matter, tram the I It, ril,• th 41. a•, EI.Et%NTI.Y Ii.I.CRTILATED Et Ell Y 11 t. Eft A PRESKIT, WORTH FROM ;u CENTS TO M II b. t ri,. •1114.4 - 11.er itntil,liatri, on.l the otutn•criptioit mount.• vre.ent.-.1 Rs. a litailcOt., I ro.n4 %top, and not •4 no .taitillelfiPtit to obtliia mut.-r‘to r. "1"1333E1L - 2141C/3 : - On I 11-••••••1• •.•4) Ind .• IX) Ind • • MI &nl ..0r I op 14, on. 1 ear .Itle loop) for Inn )Cara , /no Copy for tt , roe )rare One ('opt for I.•. sea, I\l/ T. i 11,0 , 4, Throe Colueo out )'ear__ . ._ C. tot slot p ~ Unpin, oh , tear • eX/ •11 I Tea Unparn. one ) ear . / ".• In/ and 10 To rot, -oaf. Ccninas, oac 'ear ... I.) 00 •[,,i 21 TlOl. I. , tlClra to lo go an aw.a, an ream , 11..1 In (1.• foll”o to, 11.1 . Pax ,Ll‘,.. of 601,1. Le utoltork.. - , 1:A10 IrO efacll S do dt , .10 . .. SUP 130 ...ell lo do do .1.. 11.000 each 10 Patent 1.4”, r flootlor, rased 15 /..trb... 100 011 each IN 1:01.1 Watrbo. . . ;5011 each ' so 00. .... - • •• • . - 110 00 each 1(X) do '.O 1/0 oath .00 I.odt. 1....1.1 Wol ,lo • - _ 15 00 e sell 1100 SlMPrliniltiux Cooed I% st-ebto . .. ... .10,00 ..eh.. _ _ . _ 100Vor . . $lll 00 to 2.700 eselt 1000 6°14 Guard. -t, ham. 140 ti) to lit 011 Gold LoCilr t • 11 racebipia,WwtLaa, LAo drop., firoaxt Yin. , 1 of? Pie., Sieve. Rut ',t , . Mow, Shirt Steda, Wab- I, tiro 1,14 and Silver Tliiiable, and a. ninety. et 00111't worth fr 0900 to Mew , h Wo will ?moot ”egey prams aaadlaa as . 1 1.! pitch, a Gold N ati h, seitill SD; to as imsa .en.ltnt eenhirtt, it $2 earL, • Geld WMrb, wth Vie er. I -.Merit* r will sIAO 'weir.. a prr”uolt. umt emossys tie iPnbact Owe name • ill be poured upon our boelk sod tba 01 Ire fors arttea w tth• lu ono wr•ek, r/ amid ar eqpreee, ETAII eaimmuniet4iiitti 'rhombi r it ;ailbiiimeil to pIIM I I4/ 'IIALTNK, • • 'KOMI llt 1.01“, • iiarerna•ltro.‘. \ \-„ r k *WSW Of TI , T kik r 411 4.1) ut stu 44.1 Muse, • All itt a Lugo. •luel • and MEDI LINES, a Are yrarrsau-•4 to be. of Oa firat goofitt 10.1 i.. •I• IA •10111, t.. Oharee of at Tet7,low term., Fnh t % , II tloton Plerithe , 41104 Itnrl.6ts. LIS./ rlik 1 M .. .. I. lOilli b. WY 11, 11 , 10iiithg al. Bah ...4 . t i rilft' Wood*stlair Rostov,lt. Ileosbnkes Ea ran Harlot, 1 FJ*llflkin't Hair Resto,r, Th.,inciriari ay, %% i ti.c, Phalonll Moir loci rat.,.. mo oo m E. W,c,r. i Mr... Wblie's Hair Mestaio r, Ihiri,i'm Arabian Ilt•.. It•ii,,4, I.voo's Katioarlou, kr , A. limn,'. Tri0.ci.,11,11., • Trask's Magnetic Motsuonl, th•sii• a lirperiao }look • • (leloares' 001./oo I_ lanai Sake, " IleAlllsier'. Mos.,' I Ivervi ort Tar. Tanners .• Sherman' a Olasoolati, Holloway's •• s,/,',.l'herrt Pvcturbl, :40/424 '' TiMOl3 . • Ittliti Extrart liurt,n Rawls Sllvp. ittislitoo's Cod Liver MI, Easley's Pao. E•triitt.,. .loan's rnaditifin Poe dor4, Kain,,,,ir, Heiliadialhicureri, officinal Dandelion Cade.. lil tiltranit.'i A taIUTII R... 40•41% . F"r i pate . o A fanly ne l ..,.t. i ',. Mrs. Wiovior's Sooctioas Slt - tih and olio r '•tatolarki Hcalirinet which r. atli aeU 111 vt Itairral. as low so •m boos, soot 01 No aV, ,k Liss us a rail iwtoto soil ellasiug •lowrboro 1.. I HA 1.7) WIN Lyle, April 111;1556. J. M. A 111.S'll \I) AZ., Xu. J. BLEBES _BLOC:A, Mat ufseturer aturNaler iii Hats, Caps, and Furs, HA, a... 4 as . apprentsee.l.4l. hwy.. ,?eats th.rsielt. of :-L04.111.1ft, n to 16.- I h*rtaig .00...1 Ore years lu fhb rots ot ?oft ill, :and ...bosh Far. an4her et tom- tmin the lawt with a IV,I 41)4 A•in plete aloft or 11.1., C.;. .v. 1.111 .11144 the ~., s uts., ntallutact Ore F un, }Pettily ShAp• Mitt r ran ere iretveral... evli,m, 1 rikspowthlitly ...licit.% call ....1 ....a llusion. of ms an. wk.% IYU bound sotto 1.. twat wret of NP. y...t ...saber U.. platy, Ns. 2, brat,. 'a Block A Greet Secret. To beep poor Pam hew the loOtbs..oe spoiling others Ise, take them to J. Y. AhistsamTs ilat there No. a. block r 1.4110 ho has a roues for the purpose sml will gesolote. thew as good, slice and bright twit fail as *tom brought. All of shim hh• do fur a moan eeopmembon. Kam April 24, OA& Ilmie __ _ _ - i - h . kif. COLBY'II • ) - CBE4P AL BC .133ELICP eriirrom! PICTURE GALLERY, pus BEEN REMOVED To the tthy Wed holm( itostimortieu Stork, ;urber prwparn.4l te. invertAs Reid/riot in dyke, *bp, April 10, ABM. AA LI. dude of eV:. WOitK ou the o.llrtert as.i k vuowskt stylom pt J. ,F,IenXNL4 Pll,, ` ~RE~d • • AL_ 11.00311$ bus ntr040.41 hi* Stiosql. of IN A Teili.;` , . J I kJ. BY 11114 FANCY 1a:00119ta Wt to IL. ii.. smit aid. of atltr Strad, when. b• *di I 1.4 11 1 In saw his amal amotoserni,aadiall analog t• prosaak boe oa the mast satladictori lama H. La„ s gram ririet Rich and Fashionable Goods; sad 11•• bed ut experlaworA *miasma M. typal, Rai eartladar attaa pall to tb• repair**, a WsielaK • magi antic& Joao ea* la tie a••• malealia• ask * lasaasr. Spama mod all Warr Slaw sad 4141.1 to order sod to fir brat at) b. 41. AU. obx n*Piliii4 tbs wood apparisitigliisiat SZI - _ B° o °° l afol/72 and itrTii;if PAM SOT ad, cheat, bys. A. 8 wilder slarlend. sr Me itl engages at as. susts.snes. rr . • XX u Wei Stare Xe. q Reed Ileum, of Weep U. L 1. 111.111.11i1111V SM _ _ Ala` whirrh la Jimmy, by et • Rota *Jg Harm', sad Nimbi •• 'kik Am. Kan MT PON ROM. =A I 4411T1.11%, 1,% If! F.. III) , 1)4) {II 1.1)14(F •! I 11 , it ;,1 ' l sgrult 41 111.1 . 1. IMEI 11=12 Ir. t Mor L 1'11110,1,r i• k Itfh 1...41.11E )111‘t13, El lock clouds io Lis tuts, tbe em !~ CONFECTIONERY! Icr. CREAM and SEGAR DEPOT J. B PERKINS, Agent, '• , A, Stair , 4.•rtip. Atbl 1.61,. • ..t L. Idu 14 , ri 414 • ...L. to .1 I IL\ I I.i rtti, •rf ,‘, y r • .1 'lie. 11,1 'IONE RI 4, % .(IN 's FIRE Olt h r. , ~• S. I ~• .• • •,1 , . IA of lb.i loot • - 4, 1 i• • 1 . , E I. I 1E F. HIIS lb_ I 01. L, to • hi. b br üb, it. , the • •r• .........I.• 11. •HI Le, p 03.51 •n,, v. io. iit• 141,6. , .1 lb. I. • • % 4A I .11. •hr 411114 14 /.,•11 ‘‘‘ 11 E I:III NE A PPI.E.S, II / =I A Et,a.:Tlllll.lE. of , tl.l. HINDI. %•plr - stkb.ltur« t• ••••4 elrilt I 11100 11 t Cali Itlitti IP Ito, mar I, • IsA«n I 1,. tl Xt.!. ti IFOUNTIIN " MEE MEI= •‘ • r. L,•b , m tit I.OIO.TER.S. 4)1 nTERS, At.," Nor It matritttt atlttrttt. • ft t rni.),ett tt• the t , 'I r t.lttrk ••f tlmmtotti .11.1 I~II'OHTED • ili.f1.•••• •11 el, V t , nu , l slit/ 45%,,,. rallgtm, ILI Of. I•. • laseL !Iv Ivrd.ath. stLentutv of keri Pr, .1. , 116., lawn,.! IM gittarrollt 1' 1 HT! KM iluppLi Kt) at vt it!. 1•••• I reap, Stllk.t.rrlP., I ALu , • I•ry ,tes n l tt• 11.1., •‘t r, rata,lL.. mat 10.1 short Pvt>ll. itstrtmago ,„ • it tie, Mar', lSlttl N. 1r... IF 11.181 .t„i , .-t 7' II 1' 1, I, I Betweeen Brown's Hotel and the Reed House, 11 INH 1 1, 1111.1 1.4401117.11/10 1 11' UK Ft. FI I i,tltNll OOODS, COOK STOVES, Ar , • are. ~n per, and sar.ortrnent Sheet Iron rote Al.o, • ..•••• tnn, Cutlery and Po c k • !L. Itritaoit. ` ,l -..• Tai.le ( artful , . and Tea .. li, it i 3,114 - ‘k I.le op..nnn, Brum, l' o o. , ter, I'.•,Piz In 111.1 . Ground Kettle*, a 4.• ••• tun 111..1 i• 11. r, of all kind*, • tit • ara..rtnr.a a of Tra Truro, In F.rke, • ^Lan. • au' Mao, I anterna, t Off., Mill,, l'orn Popper* I.lp in; Knives, Flat Iron-, •n.l Tonot, l'oltera tVa.tit...ard•. , parler.„ lbw*, Potato Flunky, i•li Hook-. kr. .'nt Tub., I I .1 , firth.. and Bathing Tuba, Kett ~r.l , Naar.. latent t'rearn Freezer, ankn, Puinna of all derertp --beet I rent, Pump t. bait,. and robing More 11, an.lFlb..a. I anal Pump., nil I amp., Water Coolers, and I atun.f.f ail kind., Seale, and Stiltarda Zink and t Iron, II ire, I.arh Corer., Ctt andleaelta and LaLpa, Table Rat- finnan«, a Snit Tung.. Staid, •//41 Milk l'ato. oof Pao., T-. 1.4 are Tea Tumbler llrainora, Snniffere and 1 rat 1, kroofte and Rat Trap., 'sail, Tacks and Oil Pruden, .t Purter*, Breafttnaaterr. In ell Bnaer, Rog Colleea r French .de t'.Pau., litlisti • and flanging., with Serenal, ..r rill t. ...Id ...bean 1. , , I ...I, only j o hbi nc done nn the ..b..etert Pewter and Ragatalien in •t -e hang.. for gttodft. ei...p. esl I and r,tainine nn .t•K 11, &Lid .*U•f, 1 ollreOltel, =1 Elliptic Spring Bed U nrivalled. - E m E w I t t.; rOil i s. o 7.stimosisa. in it• lan or come rrtnrniTirevi L m a. Herd . E./4y , , 4bers., to health ire. perfect repo.. to er ; put of the hcouotnical and LuturiOnsi of Spiral from noise, and not easily put nut of order 6 . 17 r ) ititol deep and pleasant dreams s 'heap, durable, and support hear.' weight. ['referable to tbnie in • box, root from MI to szo Tbs. Spring le general and not local Ns, harbor for built, ass other.. Fissile removed from one beaslatead to Soother t inlet*. no mold In damp weather cr. unpleasant Fibs:rism from occespanc‘ Invaluable for the afflicted. Its Elasticity 1. inexhanytNir and it is an indlspetinaldir •ppen d•,-e to the •Ick room, as perwilla LILO change their position •nd *boll, or partially recline at plysaure and in the @orient possible nianuot eat, Caah bet., delirery, and to be obtained through the uly appoint.' Agent forthla . State and ritr, ti W. 1a.1.10.1 . For.otore beg, and Nati,. , t..n. 4tete hotweien Nor, /11.ict and Nth st rwrt, Erie, I. War 22, I ISN PROPELLER WABASH VALLEY. BUFFALO AND GREEN BAY. 'VHF l'ittirkl.l.lol. WARAMH 'ALLIS' I Capt. J. s CIIILDS. • ill ennuneone regular ' tripe. .n the npenang ..f navigation, between Da til° and time. /lay, regularly stopping at Erie, 4 teveland. D•et mit, lirekinan sad all interrnediate po n • lay of -,IIIII K .111 I. sur,uttnnt hereafter tlEti J MORTON, Agent Kri.- litY At THOMAS. Agent, G reen kat t i le, Ilarela ::. ISO% - - _ CH-I(- ' A GO• ImillrEnk a d.l i oktP:oplelirw?fM:fetap, trill loner FA - e t en()to,.o,liut,z.t,t„ri,7l rsda .. s t; ; LODrII Ing 41. J MORTON, Agent, Fn., Mkt '3A, rliP --3 HO! FARMERS!! DE our* to kt tL. RUC K EYE ROTATING HARROW Mau D ufzete ne.l 1.114 olts id by to LIDDELL, HERSHEY A ( 1 rIHEAPHK than ever, now wiling at thy Store et t W , State 4ltreet, between Ferry }Mork, and Flitch , trert May. lb 111515 titit --c 1 mik.o4l Erie County Itutual Insurance Company, tiled in s:l9-- Charlet Errevinfil Yropern Immured Aphis' Limo by lire far say Term Not ezereillag Ire year.. ,gueued upon the de poeit of Premiums Notes, or r upon the payment of the usual Stook Rates In Mono! without the liability of a Premium Not*. Loewe. paid without litigation. .oit noir ha. ever }peen brought witaet thin Company. Thu Onapasir o ref weir fret from &it mad is a ante isms iritilfairseo. • DIRECIORS JaLrber. C. U•r•l4all,, C, li. Tit,WIN Wm F Riadernocht, S. Smith, John Manerly, Jos. 118turrett, S P Kepler, Thos. Moorhead, Jacob Henson, l•co , :c \ V.V...., }: Babbitt, Wm, H. Hays. J. li Justice. I.VVICKItit. 0.11.111 Grx•IM.N, Soc. K (l" .1 a TIT•m. Offire, VoCrvarv". Law Wilco, Cheeps& En., Pa Erfe, Al,ll 3, INAS ERIE CIT Y GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY! 0,111 F in Empire BFnck , eornor of State and Fifth Atrrota, and door to the nett, up Maim J. F. DOW 4U U , Apt. fIEiItEtt6NTIN4 the fulhogring CoMphithet of the 4144.avai aloud oar, Glartared ao tae Mole of Passaviroand. HOWARD FIRE and MARINE insurance Company of Philadelphia. Boadior, No. 412, Frahm , &roe& CANTU., .Irearell I sivestipd, 0111141,1106 The Quaker City Insurance Co. OF PHILAELPHIA. 011frwi lir ihdobhasirs, 408, Wohert AVrrei. Cash Capital an d Mar Plea. - • - ssse,soo. Manufacturers' Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Offiee No. 10, Merehatus &reAaNr. CAPITA 1.. - - - - 114410,110111. Erin, August I, IN6 12 • Fire! Fire!! Fire!!! $U TO G. A. BRAINEITT 9 d looprAste Mee, rumer of Ur Slate sod Flhit .treat, Wrght's Block, up .tat lad get your propert insured lir rrporreatu the (ollouriag reliable Compa nies. NIBBCHANTS' FIRE AND MARINI Mgt:RANCE COKPANY of Philadelphia. Authorised Capital $4444111*. Securely la " FA Rite UNION ISSURAtet COMPANY', Atlmos, Brad ford „ Ye. Capital 111001111.1KNO. All paid up and meanly hi- Ratt.o Sui 101 , . securit) to Do. Insured will permit. Brie, De, )3„184.8. O. A. BIDINENT, AEI THE DILLAWABE MUTUAL RAPILTT INSURANCE 001IPANY, -0? PHILADELPHIA, tME er;v , doing boatmen on the Mutual plan, piviag the in fund a participation to the 'reit, of the Compeer, without liability beyond the premium pelt Rieke upon the Lan and 01121$11 Inwered OD the mom favorable Yet MSC Lome* will be liberally and promptly adjusted. Vire make no merchandise. buthilara sad other property, is town wr eanntry, for a limited OMoislotly• DI It r CTORB. looeph H. Aral, Jame, C.Band, Rdniond Aloader, Throthllus Patibling, J o hn C. Dar* 11. Joao Broona, Robett Murton, John Garrett,- John B. Patuova, Hugh Craig. 7 4 ausult1 Edward., Geonre Ransil, Hen law rimer, David 11. Stacey, VIVRA Darlington, Kent,. Ileac R. Dula J. G. Johann, W PohreG, Witham Hay, John J. limn* Dr. R Elmanae, Or R. U. Roston, John Teller, Jr Spencer Metlesne, W. YU tll . ll, NW' t 11rA Rh F. !V nurawri.u. decoy Application ran be made to .rin, Aprll4, 1467. J. KELLOGG, Agent, Erie KNOW ALL PERSONS THAT THERE IS ON SALE C'REAP. Al HANSON'S FRAMER, Cherrim,Conaste sued Tosalms, a. t ea s a. New Fruit, proorrewl in air Tight Case. fir 'V FRESH RAMIS, Cowards, Cltroit, rip, )Ir. Lomosi and Nutt at ,raebilVa kisde. l '' sr CSIL LS, Oar Dried Yesetj prepared f..A mit/ br as lityllah Lady of 1141, At,. ..r- AII A\ iiAgsovs iI tAJAA . TV+, Crosm in o7r j Tartar. Carbonated i sag Sol Soda, %where and Babbitt 's Salting l Pdwer. fAiIIIN gaceerool, Vermleilla, rarrioa. Coma, Be- Me. choeedate sod Broom, ri sod Oatmeal, bill a'rltY Salad WI la large and mall nett Peper Sa avorin g U ms Catnap, toreeptershare • Fltrecht A t.,,,,,,,,,.,„ ~ANDILLIAN COPPER:, reemeee of Collao, pont ground Jaya Crawl. il pooled Cane or by I th, mingle ponod, Jays, limbo, Mb sad other Colley.; 'ale., Roasted Colby: Imperial Goa Powder, Soong Old gyms, Illyons, A l' II 4 N - zOV: , Ws, Oolong and Dem Ms& Tom, or maperlor I% i .ioality. 0 tie bet or on "AWL , • SCOWL Unialasted. Powdered 1 f White and Whir mree, .blew °rinse sad Porto Rion !toWIL Ai. if 4 \ , 0•.% 4 SYRCPS 4 1110LA8EW.--14, O,tar and Patio Oka ItoMewassaidlierpr Howse Sjra ' I TOBACCO.--19sparlor Pim Cat Ng and gm„kliviand Miters! lare; Ander- A 7 li 1 li`llm,i'll goo's 9* Sr,ke. ba t In Nod atop—tb. Mir ter owl so isms upset sow—tutt the , boudreth part has sat la. ntold you. rm . !ape we may name the subiset wort wank, Alr IlAbl.•4ll.l'S but dual mat ltd , that bat some Led is i ' and with the game at the South you will be ird to eselabs, 'Tie half hoe met hero 10.41 Jon." Elibbinf roman. fun ri.Aeat. i I.lln, J. 16. is& 11441. MEI RAY IMAM POICILS, 2.5 dm. two time bay 110 •• b •• four Irsiourr " Yu, NJ. at urouiseturaro prima ay J. C. SILL . issireir *Mb MUM furs ` ,w Illirthe Ihr ask aim CL MAW MENEM .r tint tab', i+ •, rage . IVIIIII Imre att., 1. at .S' TA N I)! =I MCI (:ASH! CASH! CASH! \V A N T 1 ) ! .I 31 1" A' I, /. .s'it / .1 11, 5. lired'. Mock. %lair ...reel 1.1,1..111 I*. gi‘r, MAIN AND FANCY Boots and Shoes of the Latest Styles T c PR I C ES: I IDI EP4 eau nos ' , ilia llor article I L I.laiii 311.1 1.41, , • 11.•. 1 ,1 U+• ,n. YII.I tO tii• EAalcrit ell'. • Hal lug maks.atalent 6.1 if., J4‘1••1 Nn pr•iiiaii I. •'•• , iik iIL - •tl.fl lent 1:IECIIMI 85S. IHSH. THE 1.4.A.1=2..C3rF,5T ‘ , .1) .I.I.F:CTED U.o.44IIITMENT 411 PAPER HANGINGS IN ERIE, CAN BE POUND AT MI XI X.3O.IIEIZT 'ltif : Tt•r-• leg.” Alt frkan tho IIE 4 T tlor nrtr•t Statrp *ll.l VIIII3OII, •ud l ticiti.in • .01, variot! wty I, end 31.. nd vrlll '. offnrr,l Lower than they can be Bought 41 . itsty ,414, i• " TART/ Mt, ,ty Et Aprsl L n, Li a 2 l 4 LI. l•Altitry Pr..thiro, 6, whirl. tlar Istahr.t nuirlrt pritr w I.« Apt by HABli & BRIITHEIt. b Metro 111,-k GENTLEMEN %%T :..r %ma! Inbar , tion, the largrot itootototetil 1 , 1 Ft it S ;b4111,11; 4;400t/rt, over brought t,, 14, mgr ltet, , oroletlng Of N rgpwelt, lanot Collars, hr ,e.,- We 0.11 not bo onder;rr! aor the l'ehoth nod nor for y..no NEW JEWELRY STORE ! FINE GOODS: CHEAP BARGAINS! JARECEI BROTHERS, 011.itli A!. ISO M sKERT ERI k, Yt H.. , Is: just returumi Intui thr It.mittlat Wher a th.., h at , 4 ,i„t,..,1 aM.• an d r,. ttl JEA WA,II CI I %If 11,R, PI•tMI and itt.l.lStatrtarlet4. Sjirer. Etratannin att Plated W.a.', i'llete I Mi.( Tat te I utirry. M:=M M ws..tx.ivcrar GHObCO73IS, Tot-, Ar. , to In r•lato , u to the clues moo*, tinic, 1111311 la" Coal.. ee bought our Good. thirts per rent eheapor than the, el% r bat ,. been bought before With regard to our Acme annonwfurf /Inman, the Publir a itnfortiod that we hate wntkr‘i err the pant nine yearn in thin tier , and auppltnol all order* In Jcwalr, and linirating, with the wort eon, plot, satisfaction la frrtry Matinee sWr " ito.. - f FloittiET 1111.: PIAVE' —ABIRKICAN Hi of JARECKI ttIiOTHEIV. .'t 24, 1 1 147 -24 New Arrival of Fall'and Winter Gooda BIM BUFFALO CLOTHING STORE!! N... 7. 11 , - , r•'. 3for k Erie Po Raynor, 14,.. • Is ertual a, K. • • apre...fp, Neu • Coder for. Coder Coats, Moo'. rest.. Boy's N'esta, Nen'. Pasta, Bay'. Paote, of Diem kind and gual,tees A Is,. a ire.6crel Lar.. , rfreefit or Geotletneo'a rurotahlog Goods, c°n"itini to Wf.Piro,a. Drawer., Shirts, Conan. et: *old at leo priers. 4- FA LK Erse, Sept. 19.-19 WHITE superior 'Awle for grraatng Bag oUut, Carta kc., just zweired at No 5, Rawl Holler, Drug Store of blareb 11. 1. 1 BAIJ,WIN - - - - (i1,11:1141 FEATHER 111CDPt, .1;d Good rerniture, taken in for Sale on 'Trade or rOfnaldel , on, Fenalture repaired and Made U, order by Frit, Mat is, last W E1.1.91:Y, - _ _ - ____ LAW BOOKS, AT PARK ROW ROOK STORE 3 6 3 email?, V , * PIieItiNgYLVANIA REPILIIitTri. I , Wharton** Primr&ot • Wharton** Criminal lA., Cimikiry** giraltr Sitio*• Jostle* Pardon's Meta, 11111er k Sergeant** Liao law iintydou's Forms, itrirtitio) 'lO Ego ii r Erto. lon* 6, 1837, Corn Sheller.. U .L I. 14.1 ~., • good Corn ribollor for ONE DOLLAR. AWO Illor 00•41 for • I• rg err prier. Itor Krim, an. tru, NU. F. t.ITY MOO WORKS __ 506 lil4r .' rtroi F r ir.i:i - •,: i, - T , l wu 1. RIN DERN EC H T Feb. 11, SIIOIKiCD /41:11OULDKILS. --A quAnttty ittet - redtivitts Irtmi the *oath of very lake sweet fat Shouiderv.rbeePer than Park Erie, Map 3u, 1557 Lumber Yard. \KJ/004En Flooring sod Riding. 4ityBb.o4loo, 000 r Boards, j_,l Building t.umbor, &r., nlwoy* on !mod nod for by Erie, hip. 30. LADDIELL, ICKESH£Y & 44 Erie, April 17, 1 T. B. SINCLAIR. Briryour Calfskin Hoot said Shoed sod Ktp_floota and Sloes at J. EICRENLAUB, Ladies Boots. LMA KS, pkaa• buy tour Gaiters, Slippers, Morocco Bouts, and every thins you Twit, neat sad cheap, at April 17 .1. 61C1111.141.J1X It, Jen BUY ynat Bay., Lases anti Chilctreseißoota and Stm.o, tt;it ors arid Slipper~ of all deactipthoaa, at April 17. _.l. FJCHRNLAI:II. Je. __ - To lorobanto anti Thiamin in Gemini. OR others trading done by and from railway emomussi cottons—in collecting amounts, obtaining orders for sal* of merchandise, or notes traded for property, or any other business transacted, in this State Last or West. Tbe undersigned sill find ids own roneerusee, and offers his service by oontract or commis sion, and will give good security for the performance ni contacts. Address V. h. Post Office, Erie Ps. Aprvt. In 1 1 15/1.-48. _..-... WI:IOI.LBALP. and Retail Desire ;CI Oak and Hemlock Loather French and American Calfskin', Illorroecn, Linings, Bind ing., Hi and Slips, Threads, Wei" Cords, Lanai.,ti Leangs, GM locum, Pinchers, Room Tacks, Pegs, Nails, Ac. he. April 17, llielL J. I.ICHEN LAUB, Jr. T.. ACSTIN °Sera to any one lo want of good troteht min/ . work In making new or repairing any part a docks, watches, loweiry or Sliver Ware, the services of ootopetent workmen. Crit ical work on watches and jewelry of the trade is solicited and at much lower prices than formerly charged. All the latest styles of clock p l,zeles,, , Xrelry setts, Po r i Mooney card cante,comits, silver and silver tea and fruit knives, razors, dame% asd • little of everything tan be bought low, and almost all kinds of money will be received at par. Call and sm. trio, Nor. 11, litd7.—r. T. N. ALTTIN, Parities Building. FOR - 11 UNOWLEDB of Masidacwoe Piloted Wood Seel Chairs et 10 ja coots each, Rockers to match at 100 Each. bale. May 144 116& 6. W. KLISZY Land Boller. ANRW sad tasty artlei% Dow wokiag sad will soon be ready skt the Z.R.11 CITY IRON WORKS. NEW GBECLLINERY. AVIS. M. A. MORGAN be neer owelviiew a rich sad &Ara ble stock of WRENCH AND American Macy lock Consisting of every thing in her line, too extensive to peztinntar but which tbe ladies of Iris sad vicinity are invited to nell and ecalrgetees. al forget the place—Zast aid* of State Street. a few door+, above Perry Block. LA., April 24, labe•--eo LOON HIRE I rauiiii; • fast that Fullerton teaks. tbs blot Boots k Shoes that ro mode I. Brio, aad had a brio Stack on Mod of ksa ire seism Ws. Btwe Is at Nat Mucha Bloat, kris, Pa., giro him a aull and be satisfied, It la no bomb's'. grin, !iamb t 7, Mt WIECIESINIEnr. DOUBLE RECTIFIRD, WARRANTED PURE, 'IT S. R. CHUCHILL' S REID HOUSE ON FRENCH ST a~BERRY BRANDY, at CHMItC/OLL's. Cherry lbr mesa! ass, at CHURCIRLL' S. Staudt*. of all Mod; at (.2117RCHILL' S. Winos of ail Wads., at CHURCH/LL' s. at. of all kinds, at avuitalux S. Ram, a pan article, at CHURCH! LL' S. Nor Spirits also for asedielual purees, CHTTRCITILLI I , Site, Nor. 7,1867. Read Holum on Trawl St. -tizArtisms soutlift - AND mode to order sad malted. Also, taboo to for i Tell r 4, Krobooso sod Side os Couludssion. Ns* Stsj. 22, MB. O. W. KLUX'S'. icurkpffliD—At the New rorsiture Store, Pins acd Whits Wood Mak sad Soar* Clorry sad Walcott sad other Limber, sad sesetilsr. Slay, 16 ISMS G. W. =LSI:Y. TO HOTEL, 841001 AID HOUSE IIMPERM la emend all sue get 'applied with a New Patters Bedstead oe aree, also a rodent Spin with two cows and Balloter kr the seem mousy as others theme tot a 3priat Bed he a sowswees Pisa Soz. Call aid See at It HID. May 1.5, G. N• ELLBEICS. FARMER'S HOTEL, - nem PA. J • J. 'Duncan, P.oprietor. Tit re NZ itattlirtment has just him wort thoroughly eleasseed ITTND AND itENTTAPaiIaIiD, awl the Proprietor nieperthdly eolleits • all Irma his Mende end the treeellies public geseruily, hells( aerarsd that he osa sive tier stowed M reklethee. Charges moderate. itrte. raw I. tin Groceries and Provisions. mi : 7 4 A 4a ESPecTruLLY ialbrou not ke has aSs" 14 "" rooory fate list and Provision liminess, at No l„ Choipelhe, where t,. rill be pleased tow all who rUI to or him with their }flatlets'" AU lie ask, to to call lid 111112111.. hi% GOODS sae Plum hakes foot. win he to sell as elmorp as the sheered, and to asecateao dating as as on.. Com. asd trg sof. All 114..nde fisilversd row of charge w NJely i SUL tkla the City Matta. Itylll 5/0 b4/41121 RAMAN at G /INVIPUN 111111,1111A4 ,tn b. had at the Drug fitoreaf L. 1. NALDWIN. BY your Pigott Lastimn. Bouts, roast LOME eat belabor Osimd ?WI Ala Priest of April 17. J..0F1A1711. - Metallic Paint. riIIUIPIOII6 Wail say daiii fatal will Sad this tat mot demilis aM . m e.q.yaalb Ss*. *ad madam at *Me laden anahles as to east the WU a( all. iraia, Jame Ik. T. S. SINCLAIS. JTimm item ira-A sapply atil sad Caw Aar, hr rale ter Ms Ward of paDfso ll a 6 amid Re# Bl2 4 by !Ur ik t. t. SALDIfiII. S'MB STORMIS. 69 Imo Lama Pool seTtbs go". , WELT =BAP. Pular Ir SoliOal.l244sl=raoa flakilplaelial, la vw a* Oath ma ilas Aaar OWN Uplifts' la aarvad Maio, alliats sad lo triaAra 11111 IL 8. 411 :•7 1 =111. wallibew airier toi Ant=aortigiremi.• - \ J, 1110ek = GLASSES, =1 J. C. BILDEN ROGERS & BENNETT'S HARDWARE awl CROCKERY I , lii 1••• t r1P1'.'1..1.• , 3 .1. urv, I ..w.Linv S.‘ Iron, Nails, Springs, Axle-Arras, I 1.1.11 n, nr),, ro , wharog, Sl•tt/.0,‘, 4114.4 t, (.run I•, 11.11 ,, yr., Hammel,. •, /laud Hammer', ••• %11 1 1 Saw •, eri•.. t 0: 4 1‘..m, Ilatt , l • , •vn 1111. _ I+n;, , I • I ftt,11., , , all a .\7IELI' 11.4121)11*.IRE Saddlery ii •k tr tio Tr n. 1,11. t o • It n„ .et% • -1 ••sl,o• t% to • Crockery and Glassware. I.__l•=l Silver Plated Ware. t nit Itat.ket.., 4 apt,,, litath r 1ht.1,..., 4 mt , th -tu \ .., •-, • . :.•. i.otkit.litutrt.,..4lt , ittturt., Mu slant Spoon, A , . A. , M . r ,jlO.l t 4„ I* • •.io. , ••••1* tiality inaour.“ - tur-.1 In the I • tifit.: .tite• Lo eking Glasses. A r /31l I.lm4ft 1040 111.. n.nrl.l 4.11 1,',.00 .• 'VP, 10 talk about nolorniltion Ilu •nlt• , t 1 IA r••• 4 1 a.,. to bry Looksgr Olawre r4rop n'r.llwl' pain, In ktnitlll, tti .•• t PUpplylbe Inernanlng tlt mninl t at oume rm. En, tl4l/1,26, 1 1 1:t7 11011P:Itt+ n It Gotta Percha Belting. Lbr • aperior wrtirl. t.. Im:.• 12,0.4, R. Itisaa lor .n.•• • lu md...t.:" a BF APIF. , A\l• .:1..!..T1 F.ll/. t>lnvr. • ~od the l•rtr,l th 4. I it, i• IP , n nIM wf at uriprew.alorot Ina Flea, at H tHR A FiltaTilLit En, , Is.. II zh.. Ye Bootless Crowd, come and Get I?0()7S "B(i(iTY,' AndSh(ws for Beauty utisurptts.,:(l..! tar „ I .me nod t tuurolel.4.:trm nod get rbrosr off your 0.1.1 and Vntinrpt• Irr . l hr. oh: ....tr. au aL3 re-n,a 'MU' a Oh rir ;utter. 3 NM M 1 no" nodgrt .401.p1k u•bh na. ALA COMB i ßtr- cit P. .0 HAW..ntt I grt trUs, airint r jran.l Ibraut/fut .43.3 A ri/reome to timita S kflio t aro! get £ll SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HOODS, COMFORTS, &c, and h. c*,intortabtr. , I,„ nod tur•t .41...,et ti,, Inatk• • Ri 11.1 Com. r•••• 1 •!.• ,3r,3,3••• at,.• a 1.•3•3 • • r • I to ,3•••. t 333 g••••• klatimd M 111. .).r) • i• sad mil lin .g« tar nureLandier Como to t•ntr ("MIA jo IJ $ lark, rf , ms hv emu , . 3.13 I•••• 1 t•• ILA Hit & Iti swap 3••31r fr•••• m 1 , 11 M il! Nmll m.mm•y loatk otti•- n'i • - .” •tIITV I he .11 41 M 1 I an ‘lMartin ra 1.0 • -It 1,1.4 gorgrol HARR @ BIWTI I i 1.11::•tate. ,I16_• • I . LOOK 11 ERE 1•;x'1 Y 801,V I roir Ml,l buy, fur Ctslf Rew!y Ps I', (;•, yt t.. GrOttrGrocery'tun. of %% in I , kinder neeht. nn -I , 1,• rut owing rate. New Orient, Sugar at 8 cents r prava Coffee Sugar, 13 fur II A for 11% " (ensiled Sugar for 124 '' Pulrerivell k Greffnlated " 4.1,011 Rio Coffee, 12% " Best " 14 " Ifolasses I". • 40 " Hest " Best Syrup. • f 5 2 4. .N4* Bar kalifs. 13 " Ina " 10 • Carman, " Youtt Hylkula 1. Itt , 11 , 111 31e t. Rest Selesatus, s • Carbonic 94.‘bc, And crorrthlo, prop•ii Week D..c. GLAM.,of all slut and qualitlea, 4111, March 11. 11. It 411.111 N rl,,,Bailoos vr;Fl to up Ina few 4a. . I dl .0.1-.• t 110 ! SCIOPE at thip store of .1 y 25,1857.-11. Win. Riblet, Himself Again. gill N. sub.rrlherwouldinformht+ln.t.tavjit. . ally that he hat resumed the CABINET MAKINti ON RIN OWN BOOK, at the Old ' , tend ..n the t t• 6th streets. Intending to rive to It ha whole I.mt. an I att. • to itpare so efibrts to afford inatudation, ho reept•etttrt', layer*. 'bare of public patronage. All kind, t or. rk or nab, Lod repalriag pratar•tly 4t.m. ‘.: Erie, N0v.21, 1957. WSEILLY - ARRIVALS at SELDEN'S. Tlltellirand Depot for Ithell flarilwale, Hard e, Iron and Nana, Saddlery, Carpenters Tools, RUBBER BELTING & PACKING ! CAI/111.FM au.l HAMM! Maket•titr..,o t ut..t.t. !kr.. inward to call at XI In Ma Ta ill ,fl . and examine ono of the Mires and Not Le.ea-ia.: •u I f a and Saddlery Tools an market. SELPLN utssow ' , duly to furnish : 4 1,,i50.t 11. 11.1 with say tool twiluired in their Ens 1-1" F.you Money, Papers or Ho. p. .t • In•lie PXXLE OE. 8r13.(47r.3.1t5. Pomba... one of Lillie. Don Aare*, I.Ot • FAILWI lißt4 you can bring ATV It 1.. F.. 0 ., Jr A HYDRAULIC RAH, aoli hi • jr . 1AT('II the little FOX t •s, j /0101 mail It ki Kele, Aeptember 20, InfiT. ORATES' SKATY7, I " Hen .bd 11 , “ ailfor .a Cheap at Nov. -41.111•••. . FARM FOR SALE. ryaE subeceilier oiler, to 'ell 150 err,. of Witt eitust.,l i• borcrrek, Erie Co. Yu. about 2X iniire, rout h net “I l A , creek Depot, and X nine mat of the Metbothol Church. t.rn. has about 100 scree under rood improvement, rice! ell Watero4l,ie. lt tootaios some of the floret Lind for rith. r Knot or run fa the counter. it will he .old low, end tr•nn% of lon to..nt snide ',Ley. Address CIiACNCF.Y C. WAIJalt Aug. 29, 1967.-100. Ilarhorrywk, Eno Co 1.1. Protection Ione)! and Valuable Papers. ANOTH lot of Lillles celebrated Fire and Burglar 1.r.. .I A Itcriket, DOW arriving for imbibition and .4.1. Thee,. Salt • er.• irupetior to any thing of the kind ever orr•r•O to the pohil. Prices rat? from $4O to MOO. July 4,1567. _ J. OEN Save Your Money! eLLAas can be oared by every Gamily to iJ purchasing their Groceries and Froviri..us for climb at the Cbsp Cub Store of lib F. MlNtiiillis.Fl.'ll7 Feb'r. 13,1666 Clover an d Timothy -Seed. Atitre elean lot of Clover and Timothy Need. G., r •1 .I...aier than elmrdiere, at the Year Grocery_ Stone., I• 1 wl 271667 . Wm. F NV\ Irt 111 +r ON MANHOOD, LID ITS PRIMAITIRE DECLINE Jost Published, Gratis the 20th Thout..o.l . A rw.w woa.D4 TILE NATION tI. VHF. tT nf - ; NEXT, without Nefteine, of Spermatorrhes nr Local Weakams,Noctuntal Eacioutionsobmital and Nervous Dlbtitty, Impotency, and Impediments to gnerally by N. DE. LANEY, M. r Ti llim t! l rt Important bet that the many alarming complaint., origina ting In the imprudetwie and solitude of youth, 'nay t.o. racily re moved WITHOUT MEDICLNIC, is In this tract, clearly dem. onstratod • and the entirely new and highly wicemodu I tm atment, as adopt... 4 by the Author, fully emplio.tbed, by Meall• of which five , one I. enabled to cora lUMRF,Lr perfectly and at the leant 'possible cart, thereby avoiding all the advertised nom rotno °Lain day. Sent to any address, gratis and Pnet (me in a sealed envelope, h : remitting (post paid) two postage *tamp* to. Dr. It. ICE , all Mast Ist street, New York City. Erie, May I. 1958 bl, HOWARD ABBOCIATION, A PULLADiti.PkiI - A Benevolent Aaron, eaabitd.d 11 .preiell . iiiloir • steel for die lief of tAe silk and distressed. 'BillTear( eted • A Virtues* cod Epidesie diseeoies, rall aMieted with Sexual Gleams, port as S PER• i,, MA, SEMINAL W EAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, ONORR GLErr, SYPHII.I, , , the Vine ot ON ANLAM, or SELF ABUSE, Ire., Sc. The HOWARD AKSOCIAT/04, to %few of the awhil destruction of human lite, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions prac tised upon the unfortunis ekithn °touch diseases by Yosekr, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a CH ARI TA HIE ACT worthy or their name, to open a Dispensary thr the ti raiment of this dais of dimness, in all their forma, and to she MEDP. Al. ADVICE GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, with a ileserlpilou 01 their emalltion, (age, aamspaidoo, habits or lite, Ae.,) sod In caws Of Waren* protorty,to FURNISH MEDICINES ' , REF. I 4' CH AEG& It Is needless to add that this Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will& swish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors, on • review of the put; feel assured that their labors le this sphere of benerolent effort, have been of great heoeht to me Anatol / modally to the young. and they bore rp.olt.ii to dente theme 'ea, with renewed ere ,10 this very onportant hot ouch downed_ mule. Just Petnebed by the Amodatt..o, • Report no :4 pommato rr Or Seminal Weakness, the Vies of Masturbation br Sett. Abuse, and lbw Diensten of the Sexual - organs, by the Consulters S which will be sent by mall, lin a Pealed letter envelope, FREE Of CRARGIL, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for Address, for Report or tresent, Dr. GROWS It. =UN, Consulting Surgery; Howard Association, No. 2 Smyth N ,htly l'hiledelohia, Pa. By order of the Direetnrc EZRA D HEARTWELI.., Preadent 431110. YAIBCHILD, Secretary. Dee. 12, '67.--81.1y. A Lazy Stock of Yerrltwc, Obilly Allen SOO% Cau Pnota, to to sold 4ory law for Codi nt raio, " % ra y '22. BARR k 111tOTIIKIt'S ILUNODI AND WIROONNINCURRRNCit is abusap for Goode or on tabu, by Xi* Do&tit, 1317.-32. .1. e SELDNN• EctlVAiti Port Alt astlltetbel. rvinwit. oitt Mould Droll sad flquaro Illmsro, sore °petting at the Paragon Banding,y T. N. A UMW Gear In our inapectlea. a aptakaltd sokettaa of 13411413•4, D W I CIOI/41. 1411, Glove", Trianagaga. &a. oe. a. BARR k BROTHRR . mod.--A very choice et Cteetanatti Revak/wed Can vaiseifbass, mew epeekti sad fat mkt at - fuzcsopre. SOTTEMB. 125 DOZ. DRAM SOTTIIDDi 1 0 " Drab Hash The beet he learbet. For sale by Mee Jim D. --• J. Ir. *ELDEN . NEW TAILOR - SHOP + FRR NABS teneetruily lamer the entente M F .. that bit has opostiadia nay nu Sizth &net, . sadiron Yresellapropt aztormakt for otreercahot womur.. Wiwi remllots area at pai‘a Oath avant bat Om piths. millsibelles. lift ism.* UK _ . Blf 1. s. orscunt. lb* . _ tin WOMB sad L i p&VONO lot markirg a zmas Digipssa. Me. awl UN*. Jir MIL MEI =1 111=1 =1:31 rt. per •N , II . I. ~..., vr..,,,,, rk..l ! KINDER\ F. 111 MMMI ! FURNITURE ! .„.., ..., _ .-,. ~ , • 4 , „,....,, . ._ ... 41 dilk--„_ _-_-......-,..,... . - 7_-- • '1 gl- ' "7.11 c....... P.- : Erie City Carriage Manufactory 1' I /;.) / 11.0 1 1. • i • OC. I . 1l t • • FIR I.pas• on I (2.11t11.1.1i;1.N 1,1 1;(,11:;-. A. tbs..% rt t '..10 •' • Omit.t •r«,uprrtor to 411) Jk , e• .•••• r :•• • 11 ti; 1 . • r lb.. ~ t atttry it .1.1,11. tar • • I he 14 E.ST ' I I: I'4pair: PAINTI.NO AND TRIMING , •1I• • - CUM t. • I►t • •• 1 ms ,e*.° , • romp- - •- .•-- e i-r•~ ~ 1 NEW FIRM \ I 1111 ERIE CITY IRON WORK 8 ICE 9 7 " .A!LiffEiiria INT GiSt, " " .1. (' 11 1 \ I.: I Z .• • Plows, Sleigh Shoes, Plow Points, &c •it la ext.,••••tbit• t •.tir ood t 1 n, I r Wt.-Aso." y and !..of to ,t 1.1.1 w Itto• C., • • . 'it, •, • •-•I it , . • ...I. • t •t no, I J. • • • Steam Engines, Boilers. Mill Oeering Agri cultural Implements, 4!,.e A I k I, o ‘t ~ I; I. FA I. I' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE t) t. I t 111111 I ..• - 11 'L. .•' • . L.. J'L• • r •I L.... 11 I. - • 1.1 I rle,oti,.til of, .-.I , t 11.1 , r ' n fII ORE I= pun TI o t • WHO MADE YOUR COAT ' /T 11 1 ,.. ••4/ N 1 1T %NI/ 1 :"Int.- t I. nal. • •.I.• In 111,, In 1..... If 1...vt Furnishing Goods, IMMON %ND • t I I I: tiftr s ; I.lr, _ , 1• 4Z1.1,11.1i lir ‘,3 "te, to gr.ett xst•ortt .Ikt EMMEN al I .I)..tth ti. .1 Ft o r Apr I .;.. 11111C01..ATI:,- V." 111:!:'N Cutter.. t ) t io irr lino, , q uattt. July 24. 1*67 —ll = 200,000 FEET MCSORY LOGS. THE ',P.n.nlw !Pitt tunrt t ,tt vi t t I mg., 14. r t tAgt4oo o tt. t PO . kti , F Itt.• tt •-• t' nt nr•l `tit. litl anotl T. tant. i tt 4;1 •y, i• •Il P t hetl4l[l: Knit! , IturOwr vIo. I I.• i An2iitit `i t - ni It!V 111nt tit! ett•tttiit, Look Here! thv , tv:• r..,..• •• •14,111, r I tzttt, n'teite may be f,.unt? A GrorAr t. • , • I+llA, Atoi (*no "ItAng ulp i'lr 1 1u expt.ct.atmo , it tt, fho , t11:11 , 01 - • 3.1,4! Erli• Itatllrost/ t• A r. Ist.? , I.t.•ht h t Ind brit,'',“1.14•1111,0•1.1 0.•,••• 1..•:1 1,14 v• ,INvi, • Of 21 , •• 111 m n 0111 11 DIV Yr) • t; Planing Mill 1 4 11II«K MIME )4 )00 I'OUN 11)% tt , ,L rat• t....,r(-•!x(1 , : tor lovrt.r 144(...b0r04t., for ( a.L ' , al:, near ..tor. I i,h, V., lI.VA PROVISIONS , hakerx, ( lard, ittotpr, Flour, Corti Nonl TWINE —1;k1lIng itrvq.tn other t iPRO.I4.F: —Baiter Doe, Bed (1011,. /Map 1.11. k :4, m zreat rarn.l%, ( 4.4..• awl ENT! tog Utx6.., I u tt, I.n I , RIEI F IT —AI.I ;•••, Cur.nnt., k,tt,•, ,at New Arrangements.. I Met' ► LITER. having purrhai....l the rotir t el • Clark.. I the lale Ern of (lark & UN arter. ID the I.tocery a 00 Crori••••u t he .11 her...after as Lim at I 1iv.k.11.1 u t,.. all. it; to wait 0111 - ClliOl./MIII, !It lb, late hna and 5 ill 1.4 pleas...lto ..ee i.••• loan • DOT ono, a• will foto, him with a reli F .7, 16:i7 ()% Eli -114 .ht. al ai. 1-nrgi e‘ ..II• 1.•.1 l ill , for wi!.• eh. ap al . _ FARMS RB. -NI, ~ lA. hay KereArtorre Cefelatia4 f,,ns y . 1 1.1, hi see nareterser/ Now., uteri Reapera. HAVINI4 ot.taineri the Agency I can supply th. Fermin Cuataiiruit; • nth these ititetwes •t Manufacture Prier , . 'W iling tniusportatiou please call In.l resign') ' , Wrap's Machine at No 3 Hormel Block. •tate et Erie. June '-'7,1•Z•7 .1 IIet'ARTFR • MEDICAL NOTICE. r 'IIE ender•igneel tvapectfulle inform the Public geuerally, that he ha ttemumerl the Practice of Medicine and Surgery, and will kngrowD pllnliPTLY to all caII In the hoe prole. ~tun. Office at by rww Drug etone. ...Watts.burg Nora, 1467.-2' , W. B W 11 , . 11 1, Bb 3riltl79lllifirS;TlNEl.4 e) Joll , 11. sTRIVAHT t tiURSIIN4.I BI.G to —A .11%Mtr.or at No. a, Hr-• A I ) Drug Mon. of 1. 1 It I lAII% IN, Cultivators. IKA3lliitr• pairta Cultirat.sr u: tit tom, wit rtc-Wirat article. at the enp, Jan 3n, INNS. - ERIE ITV 110 , N 11 oRK , faOR4 BLANK ,41111 wit to price and gustily. .1. t' A K 1,.t - N,: Hired 11.10., gib..n ovor) thing 111 ILO Drug lid MettleUle 1111 e Call I. grl.ollllllllll 1144 , 11•Cot1: . Marron 11 I I. ItAI..I)WIN tr, I_lOl.S. LI Nllllll.O 01 I. in ‘no 1..1; wale Fria, A) IT. 111.M1 T SINCLAIR 11) AI Till I. I laud ciao IlAwkets, cur., a, tk and nap I /Ikia Ring, New i just 111,0•11e0 123 E! FOR ineeoll.Vloo.l ati4lll /ter Vottoto.rali on July, 11k47 --II 1.. 1,111.1511(, , :. __ CORNICES AND (TRTAI* I'INS. ALA RINE anti btautilul anamilinefit .1 Nll.itlN t orna-g • •uti Curtain hos nay 1.. kninii M laLL URN'S. Prierr Iran than trrer .old In tl n. militant Mfr.*. April 3, Mx - - _ 4 --- Wrolli o-F ARTS.C4S i Silif 11011 S Air .Y, BJ4 TII, .I'o. 4 efivapeiiiv, ib:4 receiving the largest Africk of Cifltift. , in tan line WIT t °Owed ,n Brie. Purchased for Cash at lowest rates, they will be aeld eiseale or Rota, coreeipouillturiy low. Call and tee the geode: ten chargers for showtear. ay- 'trio City 811044 taker' in factuutge for reedit Apr 125, 1146% 200 AL EGO HITE LEA D. ....nrreAl brandr, Sur pair b,r , Brio, April 11, 18511. T. N. &NCLkit. iCR I II I OOOPIO4 for oxignlntog bank inter, mod ikporiAeleo M far e•grrybody, will b. (nand SeLsbandanor at lbfritonp of July 21 19A4.-1 I - - adt 5000 VIII nu' F. PINDIPNE( in LABT-NCII I IOE, A LI. per...es kneerizqg theuteebree indebted in the late dna et A CLAIIIi « Itatmetti, tether by Note me Duet Auentrot. are re quested to eaD Issosottotoly mid Nettie the same +ith the ender sigaed, at No. 6 Steed Beim, we caste all ht foods. Erie, Jun* 19, MU —d • 6 A. BALD WIN. kinds of Mack and Cr, 1/10. at ail prices, lb Tmak at July U. S. P serieftlitTrx, if:m TAINT, malla t Mies wt . xDow, VARNISH WHITE WASH, r ANNICIRS, fancy HAM sad a rams! aaaorltaeatd dI ickattiout lIIKUSHSA at T. S. SINCLAHOt. Ms. Jur le Cit (a moot EICYARIOR EXTRACT UMW, for male sties, elky Duo Beg Bea price% N et the Wtiolesale net Retail Drag Itlt /kneed Fi nnic 1111111+1191. BALDWIN. CATO IV* bay" on Beals! Bartatietwe 1101flinvil PATIDIT POTATO DM daspls mad artlitio, at LIDDELL. R HEY A C 0. ,, jurAcmi• r • 1 No. ta Virter beerels wed BEL igiboirt•• al l! ANAL aILUMOII%. EN 1111•M=1 =II bu! . • ow bre. , • Art to 1 1 ' Itl 11 . =I EE MI NM r. I= lk EMI IE ~ I. r. ,‘, IFJEll!IIMMIIRIE1 r.IJ) =MOM rt I. ME rITV 11.11(1,- ItINI , 1•40.1 , 11 1TAV.4.1v.. an. q. r, LeSI I SIARR k linsailEn 1 11 k NEW ARRIVALS e 1' WEEDY FTJ:LLERTON s w . - sut7 Boot and Shoe Store, liiOH; I : , , • 11, • ; N t It -1 -I' 1., 1:1M111 • yt t • 10 Lit IL t ,„,. 1 1. ~ Y ~ ~ n ~ iw ~. 1 ~ r.l ~ i 110,1 1,n1.11 i ISE BOOT AND SHOE zvEw Wholesale 110, AT NO 7 BONNELL BLOCK, Mtn! I . . • • . • , •. ,•. • , • k:-,: , ( ) tcrilb 'rucks OF (;R( 111 EINEM //////) - 7=l/4/ / iittie n " l Y(77/7/, / - k//1 jj. .I.:ATED AT Ennalo, N. If., cor. Maine and Seneca St Albany, N. Y.. 446 and 448 Broadway Cleveland. 0.. cor. Superior and Sale Chicago, 111.. 48 Clark street. Detroit. Mich.. 70 Woodward Avenue t TOIL. •Plll 111 .11.'. t. • ••• t Ito s 44.1 • EMI The ( 0111.11(stir lout., INII • ,t. 1..., •51,..44,41," . ••••,••••••••1• Lq 141.4 I earl . Tine VV 11. Tb,. tle••11 4....u1 =II = =MEI Th.. Idl dlr.. lit pusslm. ni Time of l ommeete•,.., •-•: • ,•,•• • .t• rm. -.es' • tun. all 1 I.r' 'rr the, itu.!ir• v. • .• L'At • l•- srrniiir. nit-0; er.r• lit ~1. •. t.• ral .I' , enterreiee atn,t% ww aln ,• 11)%11,‘ .• 1,, .1 .0 The . ..el.-rim-J.( Ar , -• 1 . • , :41 , *I 1 , C"IFIC1 , "1/11 l Si - u,,'• I 1.0 'al, I-6MM, , Eth, , F a n Itl4, • • 'I• • W • ' • ''••••111,./nK4i TM. rem,. 0, , •. - A • TO TE % ('I% Eli., 1.a.-t.•••• .4 A. airrnkee. t 01,1 mt. I t I n•e,r u.it .au her , ' rel . ) laea. 1• • ; . ! •• THE ?•I'ITE UI sro larke, str% , ..I,•grtut " f•.r 1 , 11614,tvz •.41.rt,..• • c %1••• a 'lot r inf.:1%11%f.. nlt It r . 1,1.4 IrIANT a %TM It Buffs"... t,v,. InnA , 116ao , f.,•-. • : 11nr,14. :I, 1 —4../ 1. WOOL ! lilt I I'Al I'l,ol I 100,000 LBS. OF WOG At th.• BY E HIVE I n., Juue A, 'Igo!, B' t• , feutirt# cre,nrtne 1.. r . ;•I#ln.: 1, eukll./....4, a nd •ll ../.• 1•• •v. • 11/C •••#••inuci•, r 3.11 .1 #.#.• • ' Reel 11,. I#ru., ,#. Frie, June #l, a .4-.4 Vrift . Dow SHADES ICEW,KTI LE% Cordm s SUPERIti It B tkl \t. 1•0%% ULU ~ r okativ BISCUIT, •I••• wt...lllstt prOCI4S. \ • {lto •11 Demi et, June 1.. I I B AE) SToAT IND .1/W/Tif 3P-Aka="3oXll. ..t ‘v •T‘TION, iI CIL Ettl 1.. It Tit •.twetilw.r Establmbutenti., twq. t. mtio.sunor • t. kin' a Sokleo, Steitl to the pn , A.,' t.. r..w t+4 nt,tbs f o r Book Si News Printine, White and Colored, Glazed and t ('nndle and Starch I'aper,, Slraw Rag Wrapping, 111aral la aau Tea Papers: And re 4.... [fully malleltA a v.an ' Ti.,. will b. under lb« my won, RCFUz PERRINS, km! • ••••••• ttam. anti kir le of R L rEAKINI, i.r.• • ' uly 111. _ - Upholstery Establishrmit, T"' kPr. *erring r•rt •• • • ot the• 1.01 , 1 moot torsvulat I h • illnatiwar, New York. to. The haw:arta of Grophetuaer'• f11...1, Sofas, Chairs and Ma or the moot al.proved sr, 1.4 413,1 I • • LOW Plitl('ltri FOR • • &linty Warr families and other.,t..a! A earthing in this him na attractive in ty a• they ran be procured In New yerk • that from the cittletis . ( and ‘," tie foetid, to, thermion., *tate 11. at t•.• arbeles at' furniture that Ina) haN ••• . • dent or time. Remember Use plate- • ' Blew State curet. Kris, July 'A 1858. To Physicians. TWOE LD notify tlk Yhv. t m: . / • ' I hate lust Tiweecod % Irsch • QUININE, .11()1:1'1II\I Tao Calema.l, 1..1. Glyorrine, Actd, I • •'. t I.• Iron, Nitrate of 811rsr, Santulnarin, Corantetc, Xito•F • Est Itolnu% N *kr...mt. • Mercury awl a g.n.i al acso; tot, I In Tacna, and also ..thrt y •••• 1 • • ow to mention Ilefore smortment • 111 •‘ • Jnly 17,1866. sod July a.` PA R g F*". • 3ißkTim•s., ON( I t, HALL to L' .Nli CLA14.1110., r., • cal Ittedrument& or • " TE R :•• Jt i•t.1,A%4 0014 Sr* Jtuly 41. IQ I I. D• n • Chounytes, Ta VI" •• N. • meat 01\•l+, all July 24. FLOUR. -1 hint m .1 Erie Count‘ th.t. • reeled July 24. OLAS.4D nett -1 RI I i• "'" 510 0 44 tromp rutLe rk.r.v" l b' *YU MO J '.L, S 3, Plat: . t..- tat • • ,• • .1116 f - • Mir A s tl•-• I= OEM MEM ^J'.zr • • ./Ift, =I 1 1•) 1 SI =1 k , 301 v, s ! ,'y. I . • r ,Err, F. 11,1, .... th kk 131 I= =I W 00 I t f 1 r • ita 1 C Mil MEI =I El Ellii IS