Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, September 25, 1858, Image 2

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    TILE EulE otnsERVER.
F. %LOA N , Ntll.r
II I. • .1
i.O .1N R MOOSE. Pulaisbers
.Vrt KUlli
Demoeratff: State Ticket.
Volt JI'M:E,
WI I ,1,1 AM_ A. PORTER,
etN tL toWalsSlONxtt,
cf YIaTE
News of the Week
rs, Illetitons (be (sor't that 44 TA
t bil I I“ hip .4,,rkturn *ere rqmitrinfratt_
I h. , o•e :14, , t•n0r .Ire 1. bear the ties
N r 1 • 0 this. 01, .1 tl.r u,. I %•}...t,..,t a dark ett.,ret.
rd. tear %It, eked ,rt ,It., ersoqr • perk," •Itelet. habg,
Iron ) • to" 1, ,Itle of the rte. to lID.I part , •ily
nt'etstled b 7 the 41 erorkman tater.' au alarm,
a , • t.ututter persou. together, and Mr Charley
, art the stltstg turpetttfittg the skeleton. whoa jrfail is a
h,sl , po tar r. The Deiglatthrhooi is wailed by this
r.ordinory discovery, and various rurmtsee are MLitt
A, the author oi the bernd 'gad. The premises were
tuaerly uccolut,i by a milliner, who is supposed to have
,Iy, ss nothing has been stet, of her fur some time
ZIA tho routu Frail recently beet unoccupied. Dr.
Fu 11 r was , ailed to extreme the skeleton, snit without
h..•iiatiuu psimounced it that o(a female, and Coyotes
*tit VRAMbIy eFligate the Emitter. If at,) fur
r ,en., me.te we wilt takirin our readers.
WSW , t `lilt , a as ti flirt LUSA lieu. Walker is rapidif
isrikugtoir t..r ilLl ekrly attnek upon Nicaragua. Rumors
ittiorm• tar th 11 leh for Plllll4Olll 09 the 20th
\ tuner
.rn Lt,ood t•tr Nwortgoa, but will reepaill at
I'.l,uui. I. r tLe ;rt ,rot. to torture their ;,Ittrot fur another
t.t.t> wtt ttt rt uttyy. Canaan, ,tuall arum iliztaißaticAltk-
s. - .?7 *rt• sent out in the email Canal steamers
whyn left New lurk a Pew days ago Men and the mate•
r war, Went Imt ;1:; tbt ,tasmaer liermatt, attach
•a,.. e ;ew weeks slnce the poetic." If the govern!
wrul ,lure Ila duly, he cannot amain peaceably it PADA-
Ins, LT thett ma /4 law C%;rittglt ‘lll . lre, whie wtis,noted
t.l Oar sole purpose of preventing any such stay by him op
au) his emissaries. We should not he surprised to heat
fdlibarit ring a little in that Togbm, Velrat anteing
up•di the arena of his tomer exploits.
- The lietn..tratie Convention of Lancaster county hat
nominated James M. 'Lipkin*, Esq , for Congress, with
greet unanimay and enthusiasm Re made a speech, err
ttp. taking AltuDg grounds against
•trife end abolitionism, in favor of the atitt6tsion
kitneag 11,,th any populetwa, trader ♦ Conatitatiog la
gully trained, and such it turd ea .tit put every furnace
u the State to blast. Mr. Hopkins we atr old line
eh , 14 national principles led butt tutu the DOlSOefilitie pat
t when his t , 1 , 1 aNlocittrip, repented the eounaels
~t Clay and Wehe!tr. fie warmly ouppurteui the election
, t Mr. itiachanaii, and to stall the dun triend,f hu adtain
irtratlon The butuorrate the -titd titters!.' speak con.
odently of the election of Mr 'Lipkin', over theisbrokert
1, own and corrupt dome/ogre, Thad. Stereos, erhoiii name
tea byword of ',Attica! Infants. The Lancaster R.citoi,err„
that old and influential Whig organ upp.aeo 5td,0139 with
o earnestness *bleb betokens a deep seated rebel/14n is
the uppaitt ton rank., sna denounces his ttotaiollaiut, as not
tit to be tunas.
—There ate gime* who think that the Atlantic Cabin/ma
ipokeu ita last words there are °there who say all that
it needed to torte tt talk intelligibly is to bare it in the
handy 4i American electriciene, ender their direction and
with tbctr instrtunente to secretion. Dr Whitehouse and
Lie Thomson here both failed to make it work : the ea.
priiineDtP of the 6rtit named matt oiniti have Coat thereat
} any, it a raid, 1:1 - ,ri 3 OOO. lie was to reretee a salary of
tiiu,Utin a year As the electrician of the Company, Abe bad
put the maile in successful opt4ation Hughes has author
ity now to matte experiments wiLth his instrutuent. If he
no, th e n the electricians of the world are to be caned on
to bctp but tit the difficulty. It bits happened before that
*10.11111 1 131` , aklate aa bete refuted to operate, though when
:Ley wage hrit leer tue eirtoals were perfect. Whether this
wttl tte the ease with the Atlantic Cable or not, further es
periaicni lutist determine.
- Mr. Thomas Drew of Worcester, was patting a Uttar
te boll a few ditty I ago, when the animal turned upon him
with gtrAt fer..c.ty one of his horns, which fortunately
LILA 1. l.Att r Lutt.ri OD all quint, struck Mr. Drew on the
thigh, and raking upwards arose the abdomen, made a
large and unpleasant contusion. Mr. Drew wan nest
thrown prostrate on the door, and the hull was about to
trample hts victim to death, when Mr. D.'s faithful coins
pailon and idly, a large Newfoundland dog, entered the
arena in, his lasater's defence. The dog engaged the boll's
attention, and ma out of doors, otosely ?armed, giving hie
muter as opportunity to hart • retreat.- Mr. Drew "vitt
never nod a Letter frietti than old dog Tray."
A terrible accident occurred a few digs sines at Cal.
;lotion, Sullivan county, New York, to Iketiry &heft% *
it. sec of that place. He wont to the grist mill of W. L.
Weed, with some grain, and while there his clothes became
entangled with a perpoodicubir shaft, friurb whirled him
I t the rate of one hundred revolutious a minute, and at
each roc...lotion his body struck the woodwork. The ma.
.htuery was stopped as soon is possible, but his bones aud
Mesh were so broken and bruised that he died shortly after
♦u isiouei4 was held upon the body ; verdict, "accidental
death. " -
- The Union Beaks at Kinderboot, Columbus county.
was JrAolfred on the night of the 13tb instant, of specie and
hank notes to the amount of ten thousand dollars. The
thtcs vs obtained access to: the money by blowing open the
hauk_vassit with gunpowder. The explosion shuttered the
'Windows of the building, dennottshed the furniture and
awakened the siumhering Inhabitants of the 'Mao, but
the rohhory was not discovered till after daylight. A dolt
cripttott of the burglars has been forwarded to the police,
and a reward of $2,000 Is offered fur their apprehension
and the recovery of the money.
- The gold dust exegenient in Kansas is intense, end
Sealy increasing. Seierai partite, osainhering tii sit one
hundred and fifty puritans, -proepectiog to the neighbor..
hood et Pike's Run." io the report that they foetid
gold 'here . . et they issystimentiii, peiding from five to
ieeoty-fife cents to the paniuli coif. Thews dissoierisa
ha's ewboldeoad same of the most energetic oitiasos of
tahras, ik •tart a ime of couveysnees from Fort alley, to
the new El Uncoil°,
-- Filly oue It.rpuitlinano to tba nouse of iteproaeats
%lie,. which elected Ilattio Speaker, being a majority of
ktel ultlican. to the Uuu.a, ruled to 1 557 to redoes tbe du
ty on Iron from thirty to twenty four per coot! The same
party v hien reduced tits duty to nor malting rat pro.
kt its devottoo to the trot interests, and its desire
•0 ice )1 pr”teried in the tram "iii•trirts" of Peoorylranta
and tibia' \That would they pre it they coatd blot out
the iii‘of C farts , front their record"
_- On Woino.o.bly evening, II tittCllll4 a kneintt, who
bed been by * young woman at a dance, deter
valued 10 that , . of thin mortal e‘ , ll. and accordingly jump
lad to the f ittoni Ain. (row the thtedititery window of Union
Hall. He tell It distance of about thiny•bre fret, smiting
uywri the lett rtde of bid face and bead His lower jags
was Draken on each side, hie fens badly braised, and be
was otherwise severely iejurea. It Mai thought, tweeter,
that be would ourstie.
--- It ill • Mallet' 01 general euturimet is Ne♦ Jersey
*ha Deireare, which are the chief Pesch produeitst set ,
si„ u s of the eomptty, attl the ptockletitni is decreasing lied
the tr e• Jegearret3Pat. Ye•ebck ere quite bt tktie frees,
sad they are f , iffUl Tint the aUpp.y u( this 4elleioas (not
•I‘tutuiptt etuf the lushty deteriorate.
-- A duo' w v f.ioxbt Friday twining bear litaeomond,
between U. JetlAtlngs ihillor .f the Atoloirer, m i nd the
Mon. etterrarit Clemens, tuatatair at Congress from the
Wbeeling ilitittiese Mr Clement§ was otimotied to the
thlgn, The rouse of the dillieully arse the F.411011,,r . /
comments u n Me. ("kimono, to eniatatetion *MI like gab'
trroatorial toestiaor. Mr elemese woe *Ye ehalloomer.
Jiw Lithe, of gavial, hal b..r twolestit..lolorst to 11, lot
et with who o,,toriv.r of Mlmisvun. Vie 'br4 been 11%411.4.
es we Ir.irti 1;y the fit. Jotryb'ii paper, Tile whippitAs
dopy by 11111, %4 i..ia $ %,tiavgl.y, m....l,.erurretll is tooth
lot the Jer lower of• I.ruo I,era il/46d with
ale timoslttni, , th 4 .eat a ettallesq,e t.. 14.‘55(107. MIMS at
cepleJ, sod 11 duel trit. ospecle,s,„
AJ. we. from Camp Sault elate 141114 aavarai Manaus
trama, te,and 1.0 the Atludic stater, had panda! thin.
At e mi '4,04 Sluttwits. ruOll44lOJ th• party *he bare ranee._
cod liwasoaista, sad dos its haunt/. nay won laniechs
edly poor, Out happy to 'wrap* onlersafry eirewastaalos.
3, V.% eT, ptbstAbliatat At Datilfaville, Soto•riot POOP
(y, brs bow 'treated ws Ow
-04 ,„„ 1 1, < .wt o suidiumbot of $3OO from a istter
his 0E6.. •
L. of W. S. Habi.ll, at Xingirine, was
broken eicu uAe night Isat wet*, and elotis valued at
$lO carried awv.
*ef / Tegt“ IS.
The Ne* lyric iierghi
Our Casty Coureatitea which assembled on Tuesday,
the preseedinge of :Medi will be found elsewhere, was the
Wet reptersotatice hot/ of the patty abet has assembled
for soma years. With but ten dart isulsoi„ mid wittiest
effort an, the poet of theme who rosebud tromiestkins at lee
hands, delegates presented their eroded:dials from an bat
two election district* to the Downy. Thu the movement
ids epoutesdots, del of Rise fif dilletest to dew that
even bore, where so much boa been said oboe' the demot ,
alisetioo of the Democratic organisation, its integrity Is
above rospitios, and its determination to resist the sets
totted and pernictorm dogma of the opposition, soder
whatsoever guise that opposition may assume, Is as Ann as
ever it was. With the evidence of tut Thumdey before oh
we Ley confidently to our bleeds is other parts of the Stine
that all is peril is Erie Corrory. We are aware there was a
difference of °looters in oar party bet. in regard to the
Ketones policy of the Admioistration, but rower to the ex
tent clamed by our opponents; bat however great or how
o'er smell that differente was, it was evident to every men
ah in t need with the delegates on Tuesday that that dd.
oor. et , had dieappeereti, end all were willing to let the
• 'lit e I pleat bury the dead part" for the rake .4 the time
ht , nored flog of the party.
In regard to the action of the Conieetion, we are free to
err .tint we were more 'ban gretided. It shows that wise
and prudent councils now, all heretofore, govern the rep
reoentative• of the Democratic beassee—that, while they
look to pnociple ss the guiding star el action, they are tot
unmindful of availability in selecting Instruments to
carry these principles into effect. To this end tbri dotal
gates came in on Tuesday, in a WV majority of rases,
i•erfeetkr untrammeled a* to met, sad hero. were Weil pre
pared to take an impartial view of tbe field, and select from
.be names mentioned In tonouttion with Congress and
Senate those gentleman whoa* positiou, talents and mitt
cede:its would best harmonise conflicting Interest and too
contrite the largest vote. As SRI he seen the choitie of
the Couveratioo fell upon Wit. A. Gstasarra, Esq. for
Congress, and Bess. admit, Esq. for the Senate; end in
our opinion, without disparaging the claims of any other
gei,ilemeti named th connection with either 0011bIblitiOS,
we think no bettor veleetiotis could bass been made, ettlaer
era the score of talent or availability. It Is true older men
could have 6tC.11 utrevedl but the option that age and mist
doorg‘. band in baud, anti that because a man has not
reached the ago of four more and ten be is therefore in•
competent to discharge the duties of a Legislator, has long
since been discarded to Americonpolities. It is the young
0,,,n of twv nation who shape its destinies it is the young
men t n th , Democratic ranks who do the Jabot, and fight
her battles • and the notion that a men, because be is
young, should be excluded from its honors or emoluments,
has time and again been repudiated. It is repudiated to
day in the person of Hon. Ws. A. Point, our candidate
fur Supreme Judge, who in years is scarcely the senior of
the gentlemen named by the Democracy of Brie county tar
Congress and -Senate. It hie been repudiated in the past
by the well known political history of Seuetor Bist‘na,
Judge Tsouriox, and others who might be named, who it
Is well known entered political life at a much younger
age than either of lb. gentlemen under coosideration.
Sot we need not pursue this subject further--we believe
the Cobl , pAtickt sot uelZ acted for the best muscats of the
petty, both is its nominations fur Congress and &taster,
but also in its refusal to put la nomination a County ticket.
The potpie are sick and tired of being ruled in theirfcoun
ty affairs by cofiventiona and cincuies, and tome, they
We disposed to look with favor upon all muniments Out
eutlited to break dont the system. There are sevetil ax•
celloot volunteer candidates in the field, esti it was doubt
less to enable these gent/eines to try their popularity, and
give the people • chaos* to select their servant, by merit
alone, that Induced the Convention to wave the making of
County Dominations. to this, at before remarked, we
think • wise poliweas pursued. But upon this point,
we reserve for a figure number our views at • More /X
-leaded length.
CVJrST L Y A SRA 1 LSD An administration Das
never been more uojustly assailad in aay raspert theta that
of Mr. Buebaaan regarding the expandttures This is
admitted In impartial gnarlier,. Fur eXotopl.,
Weekly ia,l7 no moans partisan in its political columu,
for it AivAte\ as often disagrees etith w applanda the admen
titration, siati rooms to hare no particular (awry (or say of
the existing parties; rat it thats not hesitate to reiteho the
culumniatuirs of the Ptasident is such terms as theta
"Those litho assail Mr. Buchanan's administration for
the financial straits to which it has come, sulfites hones,
ty to party prejudice. They know, if they know anything
that Mr. Buchanan is ionoeent of the cause of the putt
Diary embarrassment of the government. There bee been
Dv material increase in the cost of }be Government since
he became President indeed, considering the soa s o i nu l
increasing cost of every commodity which money ca. par•
same, the government of the United States wows realty
to ha as most economical sod parsintonions corporation
in the country, fur half its serraou are underpaid. If the
Utah expedition—a very wetly perfortnance, sulouhtedly,
but uevertheleso souoidatile—be 'excepted, Idr. Itschasi
an's aduitoistration may be said to have lidded h o tting fr,
this usual bordello of the country. The want of money
which embutseees the government arisen not from an in
creased expenditure, bat from a diminished r —a
matter over which the President has to more ecotroi has
the doses of treat Sritain."
NZIV lORX.—Tite poiitieiase is New York bare
stuck their Italic*, isind hare their enaditiates in the field.
There to three per teapot State Whets beside. lbs lira
clonal Democratic, vie. the Rho* BopsWieas, KIWI No
t h int sad Gerrit Smith. The tote former held their uo l oi.
natins Couventwas at the same time and puss, with the
intention of eobearri as epos ow ticket. The o .donference
Committee of the Conventbas agreed coon a Denies of res
olutiosit, which were adopted by ti. two Coarentioss : but
the Mhos seekers eosid hot epee spot • division of the
spoils. Reece the aomiserios of 'operate tietets by the
tiro hostiost, after having shown the world that their prin
eiples are ban:eosins, or so Itexiltie as to admit of easily
being interwove*. 'Bat the Gerrit Smith patty is notopo.
sod of e. two bassist alms of men, who are mrsestly devo
ted to thee* isms through professed sympathy to s hieh the
Black Republican demagogues have loss received their
votes.. The Gerrit Smith party Dm two daily pspors—vote
in Alimay and smother is Butelo—beside lovers' week
lies. It will doubtless poll a ooesiderable vete. In the
midst of the confession of our tem, the star of Demeans,
is rising and brightening.
By the following correspondence it will he sego that DA
ylp H,waon , Kau., our popular member of the Assembly
last year, has consented to allow Hurts,* of ins aims spin
as a candidate for tbe.Legislaturit. It millet be deeded
that Mr. If. ensile a eery popular and sinful swabs,: tha t
be we. eery efficient in securing the pang* of tbe bill
through the means oC which the Sunbury road is now fa a
fair way of rompleti on ; and that, on all tosseHous of 100111
interest, be was of great *orrice to his ociustitissusey.—
Thus much we deism due to Mr. H. es a mss, nod althenllb
be is in polities • good weys removed from t4r standard,
we shell mmit unquestionably, provided We friends, by
their course during the dames Toler it itioimible, girw
hint our supper( •
(Tama tiiiikm , , EWA ,
DIAN Atli :—TVA uodersireed, your friends
and Wu', -eillatiao, bog leave to *stead to you tbe soeuranoes 01
their approbatiera for the *Mena support readerrd by you to lb.
ream% tutoreda of this caddy le the last Legiolatun, sat to oar
Ind (tom you the pricing.. a again plates y out wane before the
people for ^seat in the seat
Believing that your atemattanee with 1104 teams% ~,,,,A4 o roe d
gratiaratrou to • large suayrnity of the c4eia a trio County.
without lbstiortwo of party, they trust ear Witt site it a fairnnt
tAr onuadetatioa. < Very respectfully,
Your Obi Aortrk
I Sl:f6El., THOS. ft i.101.T,
GKO J. IIORTIIN, IN It. Y. 0,41.LAr41/ EN,
C. if 1188,415, JORN !ICAHN
Msantreith. Moan/ Part Y., /Pi&
barnattes t Your favor of the 18th inst. raw to hard a Sat
urday tam Var your Mori oxpressitooo of regard person ly sad
of approbation day official sane to lb. bra le i giale , gnaw
ramp* ow uenitpsed tbsusks.
DO a r4;preemoteare oho brut • ith booed effort r owed faqir
fully to d.. bye hie day. bothas tan beam* tr I that the
abroad anis easabanata.
liner onannualcatiers, aped as it le by late! 4 and isitosee
tit/ gendarme of dtlforoet ',offbeat strathatits, reallarly greW
*rate ObV in saahar Pont of dew, 111 ail !LAP ono 111' , tom ~-
tone a &Wily 00 skr put to • praetor owe view/. I can
torroorly Waled.
/*Jarboe tr sayalf ad finals, unary ylit tlo eireauctaae.
whieb surrasai the porreat taavess taareratyj cabout ato otb
ernitso Mull saw& to your raluest, Mid borriorp .14. hrrvio v.. at
O ~ p s iyi,,,a m u l prtactsess &roved yme peadiug the lad pro
ordlog oteroes sail wiLpewrd sa part tar fullowleut novae. :
of as a caradate 6.r lb. oboe sated stare, but stri y, t ut.
meteor candidate before alt the vo of the eaudy, without a -
frovor• to soy Patbao wisaissti it, 44C if elocto4, will aides era.
to near ay add. county awl Mr 4theas fdtbestly, • • •
mot ad dada trill ea be t tetanal or *teen..* of soy party
esettedcely " 1 tleeseat, very rapecliaty,
Tate Ob" beret,
DAVID 13 1 / 1 134,011.
To bee-, tire, 41 i tet., , WW. b. f:stisaara, Jar, Haab', (1
titans., alga. J. Yon , sad I:. Y. Tie* ' 1
Outevaptolletwe of the Obe,er., Sept 21, 1858.
Ti. Whoa.. to des &grab Coaroadort ro.aaveta.
bird here to..ley, for dm perpot4 of cosaidirtiag the di.
tract") Mal. of *taws in Ibis Coagroodoaal s.J tioastorial
Alstricl. ?hip stove Siw got ap py Dl*ooll Ray*, sod hit
boaters, forosost moat whoa, Ir tits re4-bp seal*** fur
Boaster to Brio, oho wu ea the grovied,moro, to direct his
talaioar is A* work. Attar a atom, ilea, tit. Dot.
cos sad itia allhoo won laid .at cold, iht Coavoisttea it,
oadorrial 4o*.Mei, and i11e. 1 %**7,4.1' •PProvisit o
ewiris of Omit cortfereea. the cosier** aped
eerie wart (Mir emitter,* Meads, sod try it over agar*.
The alit Iplitabitnato hors, will tame torah Leo% siati
the ihareersat pram ray *taw awl.
thv Km, Obaery.r.
Tamen le petit good, and, whoa yes linos, that, yoe
Rasa that Now York city 'lode pretty estaitortahle," that
she is Willits to sales heroin and to pay fop the privilege,
that borier s , that opertie Sourish , that theatriral per
taraaness do ed. It I. hardly, 'loiterer, s time of
pawed prospertts
. The salsa of setae part et ear mar.
dean, are eery good; hi. the greet West on which us
led teemed . depeed sit mach in fora'', yeara hoe bard ,
4 been Lr IS from. Sion. of she greet jobbisig erase
*hi, Leah nearly ilturtla up Broadway AA before the
panic, oo the sireegth of their nee of Neatens esseteta are
is wtarably tight qedittere. But there is sow* PI oti ty la
the city. neeertheless; and those *be have tt are eat afraid
to spend it .
Thos. unlucky cakes' wbo make their hawse°. Statea
Woad and 1a hokum in N.• Toth, lad thisatastses as
sratiaigty iosolved is the toasequeoces of lin &et of rebel•
tom tgaixtet the State authority They are seder martial
lea, sod Sahte c hove their gardens 'awed sad Ms&
eatermetoos devoared by the forages of lb* itightls tegi•
lueut Mid to this “wh they !moo to tuiro their
trieods retest to *hake beads with them, sad dodge to the
other ride of the street in pretended dread of Yellow Jack;
sod you bare a pretty fair specimen of the pecans* ad.
vantages of a suberrian residents.
la Metatarsi, properly spookier. we Imre little of novel'.
ty. A eon Robt. B. Uinta**, the ottlabeltioinill9o l l
Bierehant, has written a book deestribhug hie adventures in
the Eliot lodise before the late iseartietion. This 'onus
gentleman vras graduated treat a city eater la ldbd, sad
became Immediasely salted-with the double fever of travels
ing sad of authorehip, both of which passion" ha has been
freely itidulgiug to the *swot which money secures. Al
f. , r new lights, we have an ittabryo pulpit orator is Brook ,
lyu, who threats*, to rival in popularity ilia "Star" preach
er of that church-00g commuoity. Re is a very young
watt, mined Bartlett, recently returned from study in
tiermaay. Ll* is iotroduaing into the pulpit the style of
Jests Paul Richter's tales, *tightly Amerieanised;,•and as
the thing is a novelly to Yankees, be draws crowds. Hs
is a man of very brilliant fancy, hut ao soundness; yet
will undoubtedly gain popularity snit distinc:loti bare.
Brook/ya bas rather a monopoly of poi:ober preachers. In
New Tork there are Rev. Dr. Chapin, Universalist, Rev.
Dr. Tyska, Episcopal, and Rev. Drs. Cheerer and Thempi
eon, Cil l ogregational, and Rev.lm. Adams, Presbyterian;
end aciiong the Idethediet„ a m ru "Splurge-on," by the
tams of Corbiq all at wham may be called popular preach.
era, though of the drat and last named draw neatly erowdr
In Brooklyn there are Rev. Dr. Bethune, Dutch Reformed,
see. Drs. Stoats, and H. W. &weber. Congregational'
Rev. W. R. Milbereclfetbodist, and Revs. Barthott. (Hark
and Carpenter, all popular. Rev. Nemo. Beeeher, Beth
une, Afithurn, and for the p t Mr. Bartlett, will past ,
ally 111 any bows* they speak in to the unman; so that
Brooklyn in PrOpOrt4OU to the number of fahabltaate, is
shout twice as well supplied with pulpit eloquence as New
Turk. BRIE.
Is pursuance of • tell of the Democratic Central Com
ratite*: of this County, delegates from the several boroughs,
wards and townships of the county, assembled at the Court
goo sa in the city of Erie, on Tuesday the 21st, at 2 o'clock'
P. M. Oa motion of J. G. BUT, Esq. of this city, QEO.
U. CUTLER, of Girard, was called to the Chair ; and Col .
Ilavas Cote, of Waterford, sad WALLACt 6 , EN'
of Elk Creek, elected Vice Presidents; and Col. H. H. At.
fteoe, of North East, and boar raw ro4m, of Ediaboro,
On it esti of the various etude, boroughs and toersabips,
the following gentlemen preeented Melt credentials, and
were adapted to seat' in the Cosetentioo
Brie, East Ward—Gan. Behlatetteeker, C. W..Steart.
West Ward—J. 11. Barr, J. Roes Tbaspeou.
Harbor Vrees—John McCarter, Wallace May,
aaago—Wm. Blore, A. P. Bosse.
Wellsburg—Win. B. Williarms. W. W. %Atop,
Malty—Truman Stewart, Ell Dasootutsa
Vnion—Riebard Shreve, Geo. Baalley.
Bottaff—P. t/. Strattattao s Jettison Colt.
Waterford tp—Robert Brows, W. H. tins.
W a t t (orJ boro—Col }bury Colt, L it Waite, Jet,4
Wayoe-1.). W. lloliard. A.. 1. Place.
Watbangtoa—Chrta. E. Sweet, C. M. t/retionald
B.llahoro—Samael Raw, lasso Vali Tame,.
titan—E. 0. Pittway, Martin Pinney,
Franklin—A. Power'', & E. Sweet.
Pairriew—P. I. Watier, Joseph Geo'helmet .
kitrard tp--Edala Rail, Jamey Wright.
tbrard boro—tieo. H. Cutler, Kazan Raada ll.
64)0k J. 11. Miller, Thomas C. Ames.
Elk Creek—Wallace Sherman, Lyman Maxon.
tlreenle/d—Jaloes Wilson, Janset Plan.
Conneaut —Miehael Jackeon, John Pomeroy.
Spriagield—Andrew Mallory, Jolla Motu.
North Eert tp--Clitrk Pathan:, D. U. Atkins.
North East horo—J. D. Caldwell, H. 11. Allisou.
S await- -Rowland Nichols, James Jokamos..
Min Creek—Hoary Gingrich, John
Tb• Convention Wag ready for basiaoss, Col. J. Koss
Ilsowspsou, of this eity, offered the following resolution
wbkb was adopted aaablvionsly
Regolea, That this Convention will now proceed to sal
loot by ballot candidates for Coagrosa sad Smoot. The
pot eon TOOOPfillir trijollity of the febo/11 'OUP to be dodo,
red the choice of this C Goo, and the person So oho.
I wo shall appoint firs mangos to moot Glow" from Craw
ford mealy at ankh time and plat* as shall be agreed
Nominations bele& in order, Col. Thompson nominated
lases C. 71141,11511144. Req., of MO; 1. 0. Rol nominated
Wx. A. G• titian*. Esq., of Erie; sod Eletainel Knorr, of
Edinboro, nomitated Ron. liar Loan Careir a, of Crawford
The convention then proceeded to ballot, with the fol.
low tug result :
James C. Marshall, 22
Wm. A. Galbraith, 23 '
Gaylord Church, tt '
iZ oceseary to a tholes, 27 I no eaadidatem baring* reerjurs
sty, the Coeventioo prooreded to a second ballot, with the
follow lag result:
James C. lianhatt, 22
Wm. A. Galbraith, 27
Gaylord Church, 3
liftmen?, to a ohoies, 26 ; Wm. A. Gatbraill having a
Majority of all the votes east, was, ouAnotiou of li. H
Allison. of North Ram, detilarad the nottnimone nominee of
the Convention.
Oa modem, the Coareatioa them / prootteded to nominate
a meatildam for Senator, when the following nominations
were made: Bas.rents GRANT of Rris ; DAVID 01.131. of
Girard ; sod Isaac R., of Washington. A ballot
bets% bed, the rote stood aithollows
Reajaarin Grant, 28
David Olin. 14
Isaac R. Taylor, / l D
Necessary to a choir* 27 ; Reniamie. Grant having melt
,„l a majo r ity of the votes east, on motion of J. G. Gan,
the aumiostion wee declared 1111111.11112101111.
Cot. ThoutpuSe stated that, atter consultation with a
member ofd$4•01.00, be , iiss sattsbed %byre was h desire
that ao tloasity bowitiatioas should be made; be, there
tore, atop vti that the Cottottliskti, after traawtotiag each
other boicess as might be breertit bases it, adjourn with
out loisieg a Comely ticket. rse Notice was restried
Ezra. Aept, 16, 18ipil
9 / 11 atotiwa. Nt. satqact of di* Pt-apportionment of tits
()tasty, woo rielorrod to thee Cottony Committees.
/ Go motto's, thoCortstrattoo Pijourfteld eresp
AN tyatukumlilit7iita - soVl:iiirifTlelltST.
Taut the litter's% of Sri*, and of Me calamity, requires
lila election tbis fall of a eonplo of Member* of rho Lees
talon who possess wars talent said exposit's** than lblo
getulastion named by Lb. Itepabliesa eoaventloa, is • foot
that be one *Hi dewy. That these intettstai also, must
look to both the political parties to the House for support,
Woo • fact beyond coatroom, ; sad this being so, it is
*shifts that to Setter* the frootatt olllelettey in that body,
swami policy dictates, tit. eieetion of ran anpledged
political pontos, bat who, in their political feelings, will
troproseat both political parties. Two gentlsotee bsttor
listed to roprosest this view of tits suits of iitiv %flair* WS
*Woo offereit to the people tot that, sal ragas 'boa Moos
era. Hinton tad Lethtt. rho former, • lispablisay to
eoatialiat, hot an ind•posoisst oats to setion, served his
&pow emu,'" 1 ,64 3 , sad well to the last Legislature, cad it
is &Hie due to hint and to oar owl latsvosts that he ha ro.
tarns& Tbs torter is a Delmont is southaeot and by ado
*dation, tail alibi; ha has bad no linrialaties oaperleace,
be cortaitly has this taielit to versa the pitcutla sitaithi b.
roses* a stiajoisly of these coot. We utiglit thaw some
alone coaspatisoas boterseu this ticket and that preseabtal
by the Republican esuventioa; bet deur H 1110111•001~7 at
lipe•Virat. _ _ _
//• Aceordieg to the Trtboa• the arrsageosaat mooed
tit• twasprtiaa rettriositt will go let* egret atiet week. Mr.
Catalog of Om Cetturet. amok Wit. Mona of the foie, boll
as iitarview um We4weaday. hat bad not that the seat"
lay of the 13.teriers to realism it. Bat it was eaderstood
that the Ulteoturs were gait* astaatstosta is eta %tot, 10
that only lomat anion was wasileg. It Is probable that
Mat week the totes of fore wIU be establiehed es all
the roam.
--- Otreookstonoto too osoottoos 04 most too ism CAI
*food to proviso to ottootillog to t ou triiti tooksouto •
ska Oa ssras. Ws wadi as Want/ as •
New bait, Ifiert. Ilk 18MI
/41,1 . allow so to oeingost the
name o KAIISHALL, redo of the City of
rtr, t• the Its to et this !Mimic' so i settehie goo, to be sop.
ported for CONGROk Nr. korthoare loot nokimaso -with 00,
t.. •SpetiA/1401 nod ability ) as sell se kits kabob** of. sod Wad 4
tr ad. the Women of dietikt, eatioosliy doe* ithe for lb.
position ladkated No better sae too W bead for Tho station
nod iudelkl frog a very raaaral anWINIMOIS %Impel/haat tho coin
menu , be with, it plaited before the poi*, be s saint beatable
Sept. 11, 16611.-11.•
/WPMX4III2II I 4III I r X.-11ineas. Xarrese : PUNA
sanowies NILSON Law, ita9,lst the (MY a %rte.
oa 1111 lid CilalaigSt• for AabisalAy. lb. LAiiu) posamma
crol7 9 for Ais sillawil sad Iliabisti dtreivry of the
dada of • ilmortstsUrs, %ad Ida Aorfassii pArtersk
Sept. 11 , 1 ANY CrIIZIMS.
Irma isoderelspod, Mame of 1,9 Sera and Waterford Town•
.1„ ettipa. reteetieslly preesst to the voters of ICH* County. I/Ab
out regard to party, the sm. of .LIK LTTLIC, Fel ,of Uhl
City, as a salukis perms' to be Toted per at the aperoathiog Cele.
bar 6 leetloo. tor thIP 01106 of Sheet I
David Hord. T. W. Priebe, i S. S. glom
Ches. J Pottock. J'apbilesadhin, Job' , C. Sllsilh.
Joel S. Porter, curter cam ( John H. shearer,
Howard Rd, V. ft. Colt, W. P. IJloyd,
Gotta. Potter, Matthew %ask, II al" 11 - UD Y 6,
George Burger. Jaw A Ilea, Matthew Casapholl,
W. B. Maortna, Antos tliserod, .tarty Riturok
Jas. V Whitney. Wit. N. goatee, P. 0 . Stritiallaw,
Rickard H alleo. Jamie Robiro,Oo. Genre Solt!,
Peter H. Colt, Haasail Willey, Win. Ylayea„
H. M. Waage, &N., Georg* Drake, R. IL Wallis,
(Mama Felsbee, John *oat*, Wilson MOW*,
Cookson Green, 1.. 0. Peck, H. 0. Frisbee.
Astrast WI, liat.
01111L1111P..-.7b. anderalised oars bisandi to the
free and iodiperidiot voters of Vie toasty as s coo&
to r Sheriff at the inmates dishes. Beitevian the dace a dm-
L 46
0 errs, sad sot littera, he appeals directly to the pea le thetas
oars s, IMP of party, for their aopport, that ti
they should honor kW,. with es election eill the da.
ties faithfully, sad tar the hoot intirrerte c he f tbejeople the roan.
11. D. D. WALKER.
Elio, Augast 4, 111441. tfl3
the r t ooricitation mot request of many friondia
Pureed to oQ►r mysolt to Om free and t t ente r , of
YAP Couotr, to a toodhhate for the Mace of 7F. Preto
the manner in which aouventiona are nom mielmat and the whole.
sale ay atom of bargain and ads se perpetrated, It is impoimibie to
get a cornett egomania of the people through the routiao of
convention. In view of this (ant, oa wdl as the argeney of the de
mand. I am oompellod to submit to the domooda of my friends and
allow my mow to to rood se a sandklato for Stoniest the ensuing
elertion—resportfully soliciting tM oo.opeestton and, spietan o e
of all those who am at liberty to to their inns agent*, without M
t.:l.4n( others to dictate their choice (or that office.
McKean, Aug. le, 11114.-14.2 m.• LL IA.II BRS,CRT.
Erb Cainare.—The undersigned Marra htinartf as an
et Creak We Jar County Treasurer at the eenstucelec-
Sinn. and rrepostfelti appals their support.
Ediatteure, Belt. 1, 'EA. YORTOOM putLs,
the solicatatton of many Mende l have Concluded to sub
mit myself as a candidate for TREAStitrat of this Cattily at the
ensuing eleetion: and would very reeperthinysolltit lb* support
of the Independent voters of the toasty, vithout distinction of
Wa y shington, gent. It, ILA
glirlito ars rogoottorl to 1141D(.01X , ' that PERRY ft. STRAN
ARAN. )aq. at Le ltoosett twora.ttsportii be au sotitreo ,
dealt m 0411.1141. for County t.oattrilaattotet, ...aUjett to a Not* of the
prop's? st she o.tober flat - two. MAN Y 1 OTERS.
INI , - The liataeat is sitnoat entirely occupied till week
with articles nrgiag the absolute necessity of aoMinations
being made by the Coogressional and Senatorial confisreee.
ft predicts defeat, certain and sure, unless they can,
around "reviler IMO coneentrate their shattered
forces. How diltereot is this tone from the one indulged
in by this saute paper immediately after the Republican .
ooeety convention placed Baastrr %ad Lower to the acid'
Then, in all the "pride and elmenstanee" of fancied pow.
or, it was bold end defiant. Neither the efforts of the dis
appointed nor the intrigues of the Deasooracy scold dim.
tract its harmonious party. Now its bold and defiant tone
t. sn sopa rio4 it is plainly delta on its knees, sad
in the eery dust and ashes, is imploring its party to unite.
What • change a few abort week, of dart reality has
wrought in its tone ; atid, whether the party succeeds in
umaing a nomination or not, what a rebate has been ad
miniattered to an overhearing end arrogant dictator of •
miserable faction '
Our old triad, Dr. K. X. Klan, of Stockton, Cali.
tomtit is in town, "as large as its and twin. 11 natural"
Dr. K. was fora number of year. the medical Superinten
dent of the State Lunatic Asylum, located at Stockton,
and is that paition won an enviable reputation as a man
and a physician bat when itsoar Notbiotwo swept over
that Stabs, his democracy vat too well known to allow
Idea to escape proscription ; and he was siceordiogly ins
paraded. Accompanied by his family he ia now to mutt
for &trope, whines ha smita next month, *beta ha will re ,
oasis toms litti4 in pursuit of pleasure and in sciatifir in.
Coaneveetetile (boner U vary sore over 9we
eanonnoemont, io billeitipek's Comotitsist, of the *ens
of WALLA. sad Flower, 01.11 caadidates for Coogresi and
Sande, uovoiestioos or oro nosaisattoem. This was/to hare
boss expected ; the Coorio*io oovoisittod bviy/ind Coal
to the lowest' of the Lowirr sod Assam, hootion la this
coooty —still we were not prepared toss it 'ham* a mom
her of its own party, Sim Kr. nfaLicsia,/with Wog the
"leader of a railroad faction," sad eadaaporing t o sake
tbs. tell against Dim. Now, it is nobs( of oar fitaoral, bat
what has railroalla to do with "froOdote In Kansas ," op
with the aoctrioes of the Philade i ta platform? Are the
great "interests of humanity,' / at which Republican.
prato So such, to be_tneste asondary to the triumph, of
"ripperlato" over Its opporisits, or "Shanghai's" over its
oppotiouts: Verily, gostlisen, yort aro foot showing to
the world what we haterilways charged, that yen hate no
principle' at state. ir'ls navy office!
We smite that the Daily Evening Arras, of
delphia, has been enlarged and improved. The Aryre was
always a good paper—reliably democratic—and, e.s * news
paper, Dot impelled in the city. The only fissile we bare
to and with , ' the Arvid* is, that it visits De only ones a
week ; bay' that is a twit we have to oomplain of soloist
most of /oar Democratic dailies. -as a ciao, they art not
half sieiiberal as the opposition. The Atlistie and Neew
hue/always came to us daily, *bile not a daily democratic
journal in Philadelphia, and bat one out of it, the Pitts
burg% Post, btu 'manifested the ram* liberality.
After due eaasidoestion, and some esprriewca we
recommend the following to the careful eaasideration o f
our lady readers ."Make up your beds early in the morn,
tug ; sew buttons on your husband's shirts; do not rake
up any grievous. ; protect the young and wader broaches
of your family ; plant a smile of good temper in your faro
and carefully root out all angry froths's, and expect a good
atop of bappisees—uuless your husband is a mere brute.
which is often the case."
Oa Tuesday night Wm, the Bowe of Mr. Milton
M'Creary, on the Ridga road, about Biz miles vat of this
city, wail intend by • burglar, and the following property
carried off:—One silver watch. one portmonie caritaising
Ave dollar gold piece and some smell shany ; also seven 4
articles of isoliee' jewolry, sash as plus, ohsini, Ile, Mr.
lleCreary has beep peculiarly iniforinoata lately. Oa the
iltb his house was *liken tato, and a quantity of clothing
Oysters, if not exactly is their prim*, ars still not
bad to take; amid whilo almost every body relishes them,
no bad offsets follow istialgenee in limn, liersis is receiv
ing them daily, we bone*, ; said she
way Charley knows how cook 'am, Is lamatifal.
A. mod titer assorts dm latroduatloo of
We tomato a a the table, has totittood the severity of car
cola r ot ester dismiss to Potiesable slant. There
is ao wabra their healthfalsoos as food, eor of their en.
Whim* es mi Insley. ..
Tho liathaiisce at the Watt have dictated simian
grim:Arm The wearing at keeps they say W nteonsistset
with a truly Christi** ellaractir, and sl.o inderwhil tad
that the Whir , * on wit► those of a suspietoni char
acter. The ladies most take this attar to band. "Cadet
wet" to a strveg ward.
wit hosts that the Brie mad Moo lsmi rood sin not
ea antra trait from Coseesot to this eity oh Thursday
hest, ieseins the termer pleas at 7 A. lA, w sameamodete
an who visit to Willa our Comity fur, Uhl( fue oily
"SU be charged.
--L-- , Oar enterprishis seistibors of Neuloins are waking
Plegforstioas to Awls • :nod satteimi name Pair on the
13th, 11th and Isll of October.. fro* SHWA tee have aro
of dm presages list, had tb bliketielleisitta behi eat, we is.
tlcipate they trill have some mire spurt, sod s good time
Tao "Pooples Illoottor at fialfaiu. lendri Veit'
to atomise the Gig soda of tho oppositi , .• apistit ttts
Doeloefeel. mu •la. Titan awe 'Omit osa headred
porseas proaoat. Theo, Imo mostly Inotaselboty
oafs of the Koos liotitiatt porsaasioe.
--- Unto, ut 1144t•liked Pleimidettr, bad sz. Pash
issAtter ut Mat 'by, his Arsob booliastimi for CONFP.OIII by
tl• Demoerate of Ilk* lbeh distriet. Cute, Rapiskllo6ll. is
11445 primal astobor.
--- Il strati stoat Wit teto ctsssba of mistomotimt
OA soot law•shidlss people la the tweet. toss of limo
beteg seise sip so slaty poopio wort lirossod is their
ct;ot, replied tkaA It seas es sooosst of Its otessorais tiao
eity w►i.► forbids swisseslog Is the city fhriu. Wits.
fps of the.. slipped is, be melted Lb* ordisases u oast
some rash* thus ',Wats It. seat eitststatty to tits bottom
atithost s stesolis
A apse of tout yaw old boy serer, with woo Is
the teeeheed, sag beat sashed, were stoles from JO!.
Nom, at Clem Valley, AsMahe% otwasy, %Is, we the
sight of the la* Wet. pas bebortell &Mao Is ellsool kw
ham mai VOGL
Tim Otitstio, Ilitiosougor nye alr. Stelwo win take
two at Ilion WWe up with him whoa iwe mottos hiaistroon
ascension there on Ws 29th instant.
ptur readers elhottlti not forget Oast tae Vale County
?air statutes eft **it week, whets an opportunity siti be oft
(tired in farmers, uenobiniea, seriatim sad Iran "PAW
eianore to sibuir their wares anti prialitete to Om beet
11111%. The Democrats of 14114C11011ef county bare Domino
led for Congrese Jateas M. Motatan, viii be
sapportea el, the Union.loring men of the atetriet, end
nay defeat Thadene Stevens. The editor of the bar/i , ye.
err already thinks that ''Stereo. is aeomeA
Th. Opposition in this district are not the (ily
"beirtbrea" Ia Ma Stain tbat are quarrelling savagely about
a candidate for Congress. In the Blair, Buttington and
Cambria distriot the Opposition are also at daggers' points
among verb other Conference, haring divided. end
each wing baring neasinsted a different eandidate,
- We hotice that I gentlemen, prominently
eunneded with the Brie County Agricultural Society, hare
taken the nee aaaaaa steps t.. belie a grand Herm Fair in
this city e► the 20th and act of Oconher. They it. now
building the necessary stall*, auditreding the treek, and
from their well known enterprise, nod the interest they
take in the matter, we here no doubt they will get up an
exhibition worthy of oar county.
The newspaper is the most democratic of literary
pabki . cations ; to matter, for it contains what every one
wishes to know; in price, for the terms et which it is tif•
tented bring it within the roach or the ri3ls 40J poor; in
form, tot the pstoptilet %ad boned cotaoae tteve, is compar
ison with it, en prelusive ttristoeratic appearance.
-- The Cleveland papers mention that among the are
rivals at the Weddell House, in that city Friday evening,
was a Mr. M. N. Faller, on his way from Utica, N. Y., to
Chicago, His conduct etteity.d suspicion of insanity, and
a map was placed in the room to watch and take care of
him. About noon, Saturday, Puller commenced an assault
upon his — attendant, knocking hint down. The nian
mediately sprang up and rang the boll. He was at once
'tract 'Oda and knocked down, when Puller sprang oat
of the third story window. Turning two tomersauks, he
struck the pavement in a sitting posture, his 'head falling
Wick against the iron railing. He we.. instantly picked up
and c o oteyed to his room, where medical attendau.•r was
proctored and it was ascertained that his collar bone wax
broken. In spite of his severe injuries it is th..ught he
will recover. A telegraphic dispatch had previouoly been
sent to his brother, the props ittor of the Tremont Ex
change in Chicago, who bad directed that the crazy man
be taken rare of. Fuller resides in Utica where he has a
utartontszsr—About the Ist of July, ,rt woman
named NITS. Foster, residing about four mast
this side of Fulton, went to the Orphan Asylai n
and through the recommendation of respect ible
citizens ' obtained a little girl named Mary' Ben
nett, about 10 years of age, whom she raid she
wished to bring up The matron told/ htr that
the girl was addicted to fibbing, and I,ad been
caught in attenips to appropriate things that did
not belong to her. The woinein gliessvti sh e
would' get along with her lito. took the girt,
and last week brought her bail: 'Die girt PI4O ,
thin and emaciated, and atkordiug ho the trot
man's men story, had rea6ive.l the tm,st
For the slightest oetice blue wouid whip tier
in the most severe ntiner, suit it this failed
make her cry, she :would place the little girl's
finger on the atovic and hold It there watt it
was crisped and/burnt,/ and the el f dd w ou ld ery
At other time,a this human tigress wou'il seat'
her by the eartilage of the nose, netween the nos
trite, and "inch her in the wont cruel manner,
and that; to use the old hag's own worils,
bring tho teats into her eyes ," and wbi u th e
girl returned to the asylum, the marks wi re
still v there, and her fingers alt ripped 'and hurts
She gave her but halt enough to rat , and
when tine day she pot a lig of apples t h e
oven, telling the girl she might have ..ue if I.lle
would watch them until Itiei* 1..• r,• , iE,e
girl devoured the whole. of ti,,,,, Whet' the
woman came back and asked tho girt what .he
had done with the apples, the girl ' , old bur Ale
had eaten them. She then gave tier a cruel
whipping, burnt her fingers, and otherwise mal
treated her, and this not being enough to
fy her, actually kept her on nothing but bread
and water for two weeks, making her eat its the
abed and sleep on the floor.
The woman had two or tiller lx.Tl, wit(' stall).
gave her a slap or a kick whtmcNer she
near them. This is the woman's own story
The ladies at the asylum reprrarnt the girl as
being ally smart, active and mtelligeut ziuch
brutality should not pass unnoticed, and she
should receive a lesson that will inculcate a little
humanity in her miserable soul.—osierx,
A Hot Palms CoNntssiorc—Jobu tiaras, ell
ecnteti at Wheeling, Va., for the murder of Ma•
ry Ann Montony, an abandoned woman, eardessi
ed the deed, which was one of the twist brutal
on record. Thu parties were uo 4 hill near
Wheeling, with other degraded perte,t,s, Th e
deceased had formerly been a mistreat, of tiara,.
The confession is as follows
"They were all sitting around in one place
and another. It had rained some. I te4 ut off
some distance with Mary Moutony She came
back first, I believe. When we came back, sev
eral of us wore lying down, around the tire I
was not standing up when 1 stabbed her wait the
knife, as was testified. I suppose I stabbed her
about thirty times. I carried my pocket knite.
It was a large sized one. She didn't move ur
say a word as I stabbed her. It didn't appear
to hurt her. She didn't try to get sway halt
time I hit her against her rib It made my
blood run cold. Myers and 1 weet to theAntit
to city ourselves. We talked the matter over
there. Myers said that we would get into a
serape, and that we bad better go hack and kill
her. lie proposed that We should take a shovel
along. This last I refused to do. About five
o'clock Myers and I started up the bill %V e
found her standing up beside the tire ; she i 4 eeil)
ed to be trying to dry her cluth-s
"I commencing talking - with bur She said
that she was in misery, and wished that she
could get down to the river, so that i•he•mtglit
drown herself. I asked her if she w o u ld l i k e 1 ,,
get rid of her misery? She said she would
Says I, if I bad a pistol I'd put you let Wll, u
I was talking with her, Myers was .itting
lie spoke up and said I was a t. , r talk I
bag with her, 'Said he, aKtll her at once, awl
let's go down." I still kept on talking to Ler—
oy 4 6 01 1, fifteen minutes. Myers kept on urg•
lag me. Said it would be to too lat, , awl
body would tome along. I then picked up a
stone and hit her. She saw me pick up the
stone, and put her hands around her head. I
stunned her so that I could kilt her trt one blow
She fell-at the fourth below. I then took up a
heavy sharp-pointed stone. Hit her twice with
this. Didn't say a word while I killing her
Myers was sitting back - laughing, and telling me
to hurry."
A PRIMAL! MILLION1111.1:.--A n•sprelably
dressed old lady, who fancies she onus ibis largs.r
part of New York, Albany, and tittles titer, 111
at the habit of presenting, once or twies a west
a bill fors few millions of dollars, to Mr Comp
troller Flagg, who kindly assures her that ills
amount demanded is not in the city treasury,
but that be will attend to her little bills as soon
as possible. With this the lady expressed her
self satisfied, but intimates fears that the city is
going to mist; sad, pensively solemn, she quiets
17 retires from the Comptrollers office. On o r
dimity topics she optiversess rationally.
Horror+, Sept.
The mooed examinatioo of Towneend the alp
leged Mutes of the slave brig Putnam, is asaigu.
ed for to.morrow, before 11. S. Commiasioner
Loring. It is row* that the defence will be,
that Townsend was only a paaireoger, and that
the real Capt. -of the Brig was ti Spaniard, now
sow issprisosed as one of the erew in Charleston,
Mum Idle. Townsend his visited her husband
in jail, sad is is said that several well kaowa
parties in New York, have beet &axiom to hews
at rrview tnii lira..
______, t ,
Terrible Adventure—An Aeronaut Lost in'the
' , rout t)ro 'Detroit Tribune, VS.
We have learned full particulars of the Ballaon
Aseenaion at Adrian, on Tburtaisy, its Aub.ef
giant descent, and its eeenad ucettaiou and run
sway with the mrousiut while heyood Gi,icontrol
It is s brief narrative, but of thrilling interest.
A wan lost in the sky There can scarcely I , e
a more terrible thought It makes the flesh creep
and sends a shudder thrtugh every nerve
The first zweintiou to. k piace a bout 9 o'e
in the morning. it Sot .tta the occasion of a tArge
Sunday School eelebratton at Adrian The hal ,
loon was a very large and well constructed one,
Wing about the height of a two story budding
wteu inflated, and ready to cut loose from its
fstenings. Messrs. Bannister and Thurston
took seats in the car attacced in the b a ihm i , and
ascended safely and steadily. After remaining
about 4-0 minutes to the air, sailing towards To
ledo all the lime, they alighted in the woods to
the town of Riga, Lends/es county, near Knight's
station, ou the Southern. Road, distant about to
miles west of Toledo StAeral LUCIA came to th
assistance of the adventurers, and they proceeded
to prepare the balloon (or packing, to be taken
back to Adrian
In doing this the mutister bailout' was t urned
over arid partially upside down to disentangle the
netting, and to reach the valve To du this, Mr;
Ira Thurston, uti,2 of the ,vronauts, took off hiS
coat, and got astride of the valve block ti, ten
suggested that the car be detached from 'hi hal -
loon while be' shou'el 11.1 d it doiin ytth his
weight. ThiA proved a fearful valcul,ation, tur
nor sooner was the still inflated Litidy z 4elieved of
the weigut of the car than it shux lUtu the air
with the suddennes. , of a rock 9,4 taking .Nlr.
Thurston along with it, seated 4pon the valve of
the balloon, and holding out/ the collap—A
of the air ship in the portiou: of its bulk
la this perfectly helpless >couillttou, the ill
fated man sped straight into the sky in the full
sight of his companioni, even wore helpless than
himself. So far as ;A known, there was no pos.
futile means for hitt! to secure; histletecut, whetho
er sate othervrf,c The part of the balloon
tilledwlth gas has lull tweiVr feet abut, hurl,
so that Itivt.... , "%art no ditttict , for luta to cut its
Bides and *how the gas to escape lle could
only eting to his preearious bold and go whither
aiiever A e current., of the air 4liould take him
ithaut regulation or control of auy kind the
btlic••ti continued to mount upward ral(1014 ea In
tl iltruetion i•f tins coy and Lake Eli , ' 1)1.
foul •twen-ton took place ste•tti II o'cick, and
ar It few minutes past noon it was -'en In the
lams of Wis.-field, Lenattee e •uuty, apparently
full three tulles lug'', and ali.ltts 41.0. sIL. ~ t a
Star in appearance It wap goivg op ;su,3
on : At a 4nartql past I o ' el , ek it wr.
ly isshie going in Ow Jra e hot • f \lal , lcu, as
agetnaitont b. . it talc. 11 by parity-1
°tiger rib,' It
ti 61.- •X • 1, , i•,111• 4 coup ; but
that tt ts- , atto--t
there eau be iv; doubt. 'lb, r' is not "Et, , Malice
111 f• •r -o• • • 4.-1 . 111 ,•-Cape to•tio.r
I the Ittitorttltst“ , W tlt II Ili , 11 Igb
tv 6,1, ,, i/v • 111 Ullll , 1 - I —, b ath to
I ofi whgtii front tot,
In mentions attitn , t,, to ha.Ce• l•r• sucked
trout him in his f• srfui di 111, .tuts t., t. , .• , utitt
in the lake, or dashed into a -topetess ma-- up •it
the earth, it is doubtful if auy sate I; ..i alit • t, r
know The mind stand • al.patt• •1 lu e
frog this tearful apt loolWy rr t
m a w; of winder at VI tier,- Iti• 1 l:tee • t ;
shall he.
Mr Thur-tott wa- r•',l
h a v ing Unlit ILg Li , 11.11
.everri, a.vetploti rt fl) f , • f.}
\i1v1I111), of Ltui at, 1 1: „•t„ •••I r 11, 11 •
ttt Slew 'fork, t•ut 1114 i t... t ,t 1 AkC
Att,, tiFtiOft• fie u•n. I) t tltl-11 ,
Utif , trytlthll tt" i• N l'tot , o•r.
h.+t hi, wile r li. i% ca at, iiitt
lug daughter show. IT car. .1 o t mourn titr
father'- nnknown, terrible fate '
Tile Botta...los 11stAno I n. tI in atit,
to hear tidings , if the tutsstu g trrounto,, is very gecat, pre vadtug the entire cow•
muzuty, get tug rise to eoutille , ..s And
many rumor. 'lli- t0rt..1,..0n th • ruao,r was
widely eiTa 51.;d, ti,st tto 1 , 41/.01) 14
in Ganad a , eu.i 11 , 31 114 lireeloll , t I tight , a
(ice, WaN I, o tidings suit a tht . nit .t j
tU eVery Le art Solt,- t eports I, j e tt t,,i
t o t t itl e th e h a ilot, ll had Nita in the t ,,,W00d- near
Bear Creel; io the ‘tettoty ot Lake St Clair to
the north of Chathau.. (titter-. Wade it at "[tie
Puee, ' others till at Bilk yr, ta at
1/3hliale oft t.t tt. at tit 1.
tV. Rahway tt it is nook ear , . lid and tx •
tended inquiries . op .0 the other side, sutlietent
to justify ua to stating that the has4"'n has coo.,
to the earth and forth, r, teat in ail probatolit3
it watt Mel , y FrOal a gl.qtfiCtliati AL,' oV' .1!
Baptiste Creek on 'Saturday alt,ttt . n betNiccii
and 1 creiLwk, tic tearu that a large bailuon
wa s secu to tlesteud to the grtuttd to the Nit:m
ay of a large tract of woods, across a wide 11131".1,
MOnle three mites from the -tatiun, (any to the
aftern o on This fact wits foal hint h)
ttort )hater, who at that tune had heard twitting
of the eceurreuce at ..kdriau, its had u.,t the lA. t..
tlewau, our iofortuant. There Na. , there', re,
130 eagtZuose to turui&tt news or to teed txcllc
-131 tit, which would lead any ptrsou to 1 sagg,..r.
ate, but vvtdeutly the sitople ntattiut•lx ~f a
fact •
Thi gentictuan beiug to baste to return t.,
Windsor, and koowtug ['aught of the iutere , l
attachiug to Oats halluun , made tits farther tu
quirits, au , / immediately left. The balloon was
tlescrtbkd as a large one, and is, there is little
tLe naive 1.)1.11' that t o ol: up a u ..., tit t' at ,d
Thurston 11'hat his f,ite is snit wrapped iu
as i.rof"ttud tuyatery as eti.r. If it shall pr i<<,
as there seetne little doubt it witl, to he empty,
the fate of the :yrk.m.tut is rendered almost err,
Lain But whi•tEcr it tall ever he 1:110%❑ f. , r
certainty may well be qua:4loth d
"ma seen at (!hathatn about '2 o'clock ,Sa'utday
afterthiou, so it was thought, by the telegraph
operater. It was about a, e.rge iii appearauee as
a kite, Mid was thqught t. , tie such until the
news of this affair reached there --- Teihuitt.
tiat:t.ssta , pt 21
A bre I.roke out in tits, plt, at 1!
afternoon ttr the stat,L , fJoreno
Wlrrol 'being hills if 11 ,, r)11 u•••,t do•
flames spread rapidly, eoniumitig
dwelling with its contents; the d eLi tip of 31r-
Tailor, .11rs. Kevn.iu, Mr and !he
tiaud,oine brick dwelling of .I..tiu Loot-, e , ntaiu,
ing the Post (Itrice, vvaa d. qtr tyc J , thr p ut w t a
and 1t ttet•> Were all saved The dwelling and
store or C. If Painter were also destroyed, 411.1
a t il luitier of barns and other out hiail•htigA
Nine families have been loft houseles4 The 10,4
if e ,ti tna t e d a t $30,000, which is partial)) , in.
sured. The Rev. It. C Putter, had his ankle
and hand hurt while endeavoring to extinguish
the flames. None were dangerously wounded
Trivial' BAN, N F , Sept •._!:1
We can at last announce t Ito gralirytng tut< I
tigence that the Attain ie C 0.1, is agate to ell til •
!def. Wurkllig truer. tioo4i I •lvetri(-2) current.
heed been I..ts-litg through the line for the lit‘;
threie (tap, end though so aro tiot, infurtn t mi ~t
the transmission of se) Ap••eifit• messages, it eat.
be steel with steuraey that the signals iyeeic,ti
fro Valencia are ci.s perfeet 3 , 4 ever it is bop•
eel he cable wilt bo ready for business in a few
weeks at the farthest. ,
etA/I NOVIN , Sept 2j
tuteltigence has been re.ceiv,,i verifying the
fait that the yacht Waudep , r, whieli was t,•iup,,,
rarity detained On suspicion by the t • Z.;•
ahaYuf N. 1., 4 few mouths ago, went to the
*east of Africa, and she is soon eireted iu Cuba
with a cargo of starts.
Capt. Marcy arrived here to dly et fo wl
Utah. fie made the journey in ;is
the first officer retort/et! singe the. artily eat, re.i
Utah. Ho wet 3,200 wagotvi carrying !"),tiiiil
pounds each, drawn by 40,000 oxen. Th, , ,,•
oxen "pro (Iyieg all along the road Capt. NI
believes the arta3 will 1111 , 1 0 to stay in Utah, or
dears mai be futile: taxable with t h e Maraoaa.
, 11.
Domestic Tragedy in Milwauke e
The Milwaukee Se.witid of thl ifith b r i t , ,
fall aeeount of a trAgedy that
in that elf y Saturday bier A tuas am ?
Chsuiliers, ills wife acid
Neveti oor t u tu ears I,f age, c$1111.• t , ,
front Ituff4to, he having leased a ,o,, tr tho„ ,A , 4,s
brought on a stock of goods The lisrtiy(1 2 ,,
Geed unhappily for taro fir tires year,
at length t septa:tow to,tit place, fetyfi e „,:'
as the husband stated, "that he eotO
pear, , +alit) her " fie, bowever i eedit uni . 4
maintain the mother and chiht, tel,
toget kt+ll" In MIIIIIMAVe they b..aPie at i f ::
ent hotels. (in Saturday litat she rii•Li
rate residence to board Aiu ,"
stating that she was guitig to i:insul;
gist, she doubtless to the opp o ri ktt „ t ,
a package of arse e On Tue-day
her husband had i interview with k m , wit
whielt site sentXPr daughter (Lomb stair i h 4,
g 1.1.-. of water and on her recut n :kJ/ i''.44Mit,et,
ear , r autiOnly raise a paper to her hrs,
,ouietsKing, and drink the inter
Suspeetifi l g the purpose, as she had ott,a ! b ntiz
sued +/kill herself, he snatched pa ctr f rni
her lands, too late, however, to prcv,at Ecrlrte
avrallowing the poison Mr Chamberi t outt ,
ynt for a doctor, telling the inruates,dthe thaik
'what had happened They immoti l n iS r.„ uy
s tair., and found the little girl bad
what was left of the arseme, wt f. it,,
a killing herself also
The physician arriving, tit uve
apply certain remedies, b u t f or ,og time
positively refused Finally, through th e , :ft
euce of her little daughter, -hems", induced,
swallow an emetic. This produced t h e ,
effect, and au antidote was u , x; admiou
The little girl was similarly treat,,,i 11.61
td whyshe took -the poison, Axe
"wanted to die with mother, anti was not
to live with her father." Fortunately,
not taken enough to kill her, and t+be r.
but the quantity of arsenic 4wallowe , l
mother, an I the time that dared bef,ir
sv ,, u:d take any remedy, baffled all eff irts
fit r roe :41•e barged tier husband with
MI 1 tit, ge , i that CI•4 t h e l"lArsi!, kit ' the deed
dp.l betwe,i, ill and •I I u'eloek at night,
Ittre,, i t to the 11.1., and unrepentant
1 The ileeeft.ed Was about :14 years 911
rnu , len ramie was 1 ' , 1141. A Warner, an , /
1 oval . Crollins, Erie eouuty, New \
gl) , sl deal of f.ympattly Was felt, Cur Mr
111)10 the ...ingular fte , luail, which
iu J —,wew hat oppuaitti
+ %Vedm is the Iqt - feral prriee—:,b
ing t,iwarl. the Cewctery, the ,a,rtjage
liag Mr Chamber , : and hia tittle ix,fliirolo
fu,i iu the dirt coon ti , • 1, 4 i,
1,1 - anger- , 1 , , hut) ht. le
It 1 4 4 upp sed thit Mr t,i'hawber• ha.l
hi. arrangement -1 ft(' 1614 Purl'-'• ' 144
ugea;.e flowu , lit. clrs f.r.•
atm-v(1 it I. -ai 1 that the stock g,,
he hr , ql,iht ha. 6..11 1,11.1pr1
;111,1 ~ r (sc., ether haeli , 14.•
put •t% (Ital. th.r. K•a, .uod grout' i
inf. wife, that ht ill treatwent at,l
drone her to t)rututt
' WioN)A \ r I
Loo. tv. 1 Lilr f , 3• ,
app. at , .1 %1 km(' it irdplio•
Iptpr 11 e t 1')$:•1.11r f
tlt•• ct. ;111'
111 i.f 1.1 4 s
.1 I Ilt
lON I , 1.1
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• f tt4t..l••
I. a! I
h. Fa-c •
1L 1 11 u,
• “(1,2, I. t• I, 1,.1.
Saklill4.ltl rAli,r
hut, .13fireiy (lu tistahl
lu t 111..16rt 110').-.., ;11,1 l .
1111 , 'TV5,•CV 1;501 E:.• it,
)I , .tir lu
I 1 llit
not npi.earini, , .; r .ty_
WY I, arts tr, w d.
the Ma\ by 11. hr:„
h. r r a. t.. •wc(
Stly , rei, , •11 , /
I‘ I t, r •
elitrulrt4 thAt :7Zurtth- .t 1 t
t 1.11.0 t that 3 hall had 41 , r.. 1 h. r
h. r thr
cct •l 1.• rtandihz hr a tiv
the report ,1 th e An d
111 erowd ittmv.ilatvl) k urs,
e,ught tr!. N,. 1. a., h. try, s' , t
ul T ar. h u., . • r
tt.‘. In the I,k.
.Mtru. Ilvtiry war a youn r , .:,
utation, arid a uwurtar
31 , Church Stir
trom home fur the purporc, and had but )USt att
CI.V.KAVAg of the ead occurroice
t!uriow of I
alu s oirt- Timatas ti
moat. 5u.1 now nt• wh.,:ltig 14
`tee claught, r tr.t.
• lea m iter-o!(I itb 1. ath t
C9lllO ~ , ,1 1111 tit •ttsiU. Welt
warn 'lan ~ 3 111 At , Tliot
frosts 1..- f• lu
th. vti r- her, tll.l
a • 313.1 tuarrie.l
ularritig. lir utlit -ss .tor. ‘ , l
Ilst• r.',.01“u-nli.. int ,1
to Thowa-, r L. t.. kt 1
pr.l.t.rty lett 14.41.. C. ttC,"
)1/ lips (111) s, 3t,a, 1,,5 1 I •
n ro-pOelab/e us.lla t ..C t' •,t
Tr:tutist.F: Accii)ENT "
ting Black Gawk, Th
fr.on Liverpool, Eng , ; -
go of pig iron and
"'"Lst lock t'f
the \v't:,t
Maine. got one
r ti=tpt iu foringto._: $
so;errti It otu the l ie ' l4
I ' .2yior, seeing in,
ru'4ied to hi, relief,
1,1.0 ~D P uj 1)14 i. :),
‘Vith charaet , rl-; , .
301 ), t , f the tug 1
(le. at the !'
provuriug -
board anti br ,, ueld
were ironed iu th, }La '
ii , t-pttal, who •., tt . 1 14. ~ t
6 . .0w .•
ittg. scril
Tiik 1.4-
Cap' I' ) tor, W
Ula.(01" ti 1.1. n 1'
v , ),b aN.S r,[l
Align r cr
been adept• •f
rel tt I 'lt• N( '' ' 1 1
th‘' ‘1%..1(t-t
to ri - 1' • 4 1
:10 , 1
th<• ,1 V 1 , 1.1 ,
Vait -
try. 14, rt 1, , r
qii-o • s''
the NI r?'
tor - ‘
ttie •.,T ‘)apoeo •
for a cold dU
(1) , ,(t:
VI tJ•
II • I 1 , . 114 A •
I•tr, 'a
'l ..
—, ,c