Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, September 25, 1858, Image 1

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l'ef•e•-•n ears bad rolled away since last I stood
iu th. mark , place of the City of Hartford. I
I, It 't when the turf was green, and the thrushes
we r • making music in the elms ; the turf was
n an 1 the birds were singing now I saw a'
eiran in black go by, gravely smiling to the
eih :and I knew he was the settled el , rgye
Wail 1'1! .• the , ore I left there There w. re
e••.uttit3 men ueaneling by flit ir carts to the mar
ket , w -men (haff• nt g with penny worth pur
chase rs in the stalls ; carriages driv . ing into the
-Ire• r, with ladies on an airing from the
w.,teritt.t, !lac , t. tar by, old man and young
no ti mantle r of life was
ex. r• a- 1.• le I l; It; the forms, the facts of
F 1.." e.. t it. o. ,r /lie forever go ne
/I,' tih.,n years make grata( cieffa?rene,s rte
It lUT nai l .: man Wherever he nosy have passed
th, -in a home as Chr. rful as t he one abandon
U11.1.1.t the caresses of the beloved, surround
ed 1.3 asant urtepects, fondled by prosperity
-- it be wail go hack to the place, let Lim rt
r d Lilly pain 10 the he art awaits him
eh. 1, ah. la he shall sec tr. es and houses, and
very sti vet stones stay, but the living pass
ava a) and are I trgotteu •
llttt wht n a ,nun has spent his abs, nee a- I
wine b , r 1 bad not been on the Conti.
r, ot, listliiteg now to Hose ('he rte, 114,V! (4)
rg, 11.. w to th. eal Liedral cadences of veli•
ne , %titer- the fl iods bleak 1r:7111 11l- resounding
1 1 . 4liolt I t h e ever Wu, arch tot a re.otitlttlilg sky;
I ~1 u,.1 been waft, el to the upper ral.tra-t-,
t itt the pep. utile ut that air which 11111 , /
o .4 I a, ria M. tuylits gallaut.—which l u ll s th e
II a ...I) to a, I hail hot le. tz living wirli friends
a: -1. u i r 100 •I.- r, aork.d woli in
p. 111 Illt. , •I al' ( . 0111,4 in, at
tt...:1.t Io a gaiw n t ; house' ttof hearth in :a r....ii,
. r. Illy I.••ti at up. 'II my km 1., IN til•P•
• . M.-light .1 env, .1 with the shadow, Li II,,•
, w tl down the
0.-,u, • 't • oli Illy h. art with .. r.rt. eld
IL ft 3. nog s is
I d ~le. .au up these tit,.ei, ye ar•, fir
h.% g1..-•s
a h. 0 I , tt with wide I, tie. t poalit
...) -u. I, t a 11.10flogooti..LI•
4 t Oink --,.twat. ID the
wea.ure, and broker. "lily by the fall of
lit fr:•;tlt , ht.: a Ler% ) I:.t.k ttf iron door••
n. r.-.'. •*, -hut iu r. v, rb, rat tug e,u-rid, rs, with
I, t. but it.) .-tau 1 ukt c• wing afterward ;
I. r I 1. tat tut 61t. ,u )cars to pris o n
I) eu ask Low I tame The story is
mit a long e tae f was a junior part o , l' in the
banking house of my elder brother near Mart
!. rd l Ito eventug, about 14 o'clock, as I was
1110:114: the steps of my lodging, a heavy hand
fril up. n my she .Ails r, and I tarried to see a
Sheriff's rifle. r, with his assistant, standing
e1...c by me On the opposite side tat the street
tho lights shone merrily trout the window of the I or. d I was on my way to answer au
in% itatie n, Lind felt, as every true man feels on
such arrand, gentle toward all humanity
-'.., I d-d not roughly push aside the interloper's
hand, as ordinarily I would have done, but
pot tly niox kll tat from under it, and said, "My
th. re es se me mistake here You have
tab. 11 the wrong person "
one ash t knows what it is to loose so
....mph, I. Iy, in a fearful dream, the self posses
en which be would steady himself, that he.
can no longer -ay, "This is only a dream, "• but
Le glias tie know t bat it is actual, will realize how
the awful truth broke on nie in an instant as the
officer anewered.
"That won't do; you are John Markham of
Hartford In the name of the Commonwealth I
art' st you for forgery "
Just then on the opposite side of the street,
the curtain w. tit down at the lighted window,
and knowing in my soul that it dropped forever
t sr, n we null rho one hying who in her held
ad things for which I lived, I felt a quick cold
shudder of agony run through rue, and my knees
•uode t”get her like a coward's [said no more,
but w. rat with my captor
The first titght in jail' Ah, that was terrible!
Th. c:areinly, choing stones of the floor over
pac.d in the darkness did nut hurt me
in t h eir h a rdness The foul coarse pallet op
lob at
. servals I threw myself in my bewil
dered wea — Mt•-s-, did out chat+ Me b y . itg c offi n
narrowness I was beyond hurt frorbsuAt things
LI. in 4Le I'l%l minor • bet af.tu my lodgings and
In } veil I had becotue awn. that I was brought
to a p. : -trinu whose sulaiime awfulness could not
qua!, dbs abythisg elee on earth. Quicker
than I-eau wrire, yet to tbic channel had
my thoughts run
M ) brother, three days ago, gave me in pri
vate a Leas) draft to be collected at another
banking boik.e, drawn in bin favor by one of his
corn spondents and indorsed by another I re.
member that be looked restless when he gave it
to me; that he hurried from the room immedi
ately afterward I presented the draQ4 I receiv
ed the money; the books which I keep, bear no
Jee“u tit of it Ile forged the paper. lam the
s uspected uto. I have no means of proving my
inuoe. nee, unless, perhaps, by proving his guilt
That, most like, is impossible At any rate,
what a terrible step for a man to take against his
deal mother's only other child! And he ban a
ly wile whom it would slay. Yet I myself
hart —0 God ! shut out her image from me !--1
must n•it nee It; I shall go mad!
In I grove my thoughts rolled back and for
ward thro h the night. Facing this siteroas
rise I till the day of my trial—just one
sly brother came often to see me ; he
d tears and embraces upon me; be retain•
ed for me ' the best of ocoaneel--yet be alitiye
It. t
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I,I•AN •pt t•
S. \•v 1... ~. '1...
Ye Can Conqtter if ye Will.
Kuessid tailor—non of labs.
'toutly battling oxen day
oclatenee —O, tny brother,
Thou shalt triumph in the fra)
stn itte's chan i refed field of action,
Thoug% &Mutt may ott appear,
i not shalt aria the •tetor• taunts
if thou wilt but parprara
it, thou art tdorurr and 101.11,
re may reset, the slotted tot gooh
Crop the prima, wealth awl 'tattoo,
If thou haat a dull:Alva, ,oul
11 thou but a ra...10,..1,
cur ~o the angry pkorKe•
fail to make,
tit suerrt,l st u.•l Arrl,l
R. the pelf tuft v larn•
e nut the rllOl . l. contumely,
ttr tb• weal :mud'. ',aro:aims Devi
irt thou trierulle.• —friethla wlll /False,
A. lo courtier • ttu¢. .ruun.l,
IC bell thou h..t .4.l:tiered distinetion
in..o thou but risition found
laills, :rt msuglA rrpei 11•••••
Th.,u .halt thr cm! prrrall
Ift• 4 trlld Indio It• batii,`ll,
s. of, bot Samar! ,owar'io
\ Rutunp• pr e 111.H*11.11Ut
tp r art . Wooly contest strap;
I 0 r,:orn from dark uhln ion,
Hopr.! iii glnir up Ilkov mpria.s,
11 bat it •ears offline.. endralor
Nara Imam .petit ~ y thee to rain
11 Let It tbou bast met di-aster
t V and take II,• bald again
11 n•rk and ruins all about
GRr not up, but atruotel
'tabir , ro rou rage I. resist leas.,
I',• can iiingunt d In will'
skteMed like one in a delirium of a fever, and ever
jitst as the turnkey swung back the heavy dour
to let him out, he would stop for • moment,
trembling, and with his lips half opened as if
about to say something more to me—then, with
out meeting my eye, he would rush from the cell
Suffering as I was, suffering still more, as I was
about to be, from the cso4equences of his sin-- I
could pity him deeply. I could forbear with the
cowardice which he could not confess, fur I knew
how priceless liberty must be to a luau who, I ot
ing it, leaves his other soul in that must heart
broken of all widowhood—the widowhood of a
convict's wife
She whom I loved visited me many times—al
ways bringing me sweet messages in her presence
from the birds, and the flowers, and the free sky
uutside—always talking with a voice intensely
sustained into cheerfulness of my acquittal, and
restoration to our ofsl hopes I told her I was
innocent, andi\he believed me I could not tell
her who was guilty
My trial came on I need nut pain myself
with a long recital of the thronged court, the
weary questionings and cross questionings, the
audible silence of the crowd when the pleas were
made, the moment whose shadow fell upon me
when the foreman : solemnly said "guilty"—that
other moment When I was condemned to the
awful alienage of :pri•ou for the fifteen years t o
Then I parted from home and friends My
brother did out bioll me good-bye ; he lay sick of
a raging fever, on whoseschances hung life. But
she, the holy, the heroic—who had borne all
things, came to •se me gd She clasped my man
acted hands in her own , she pressed one long
last kiss upon the convict's lips. and said, with'a
solemn cheerfulness, "I' will watt fur you !"
Then, with a sUperstition which, frivolous Lilo'
it seem, still crept into the awfulness of that hour,
I stopped my watch, and vowed inwardly that
its bands should never more move till we wet
After that the gate• of my prison opened to
let in but one message :row the life outside The
chaplain brought me a lock of well known *oft
brown hair, and told me, with a tear in his eye,
that an old man' had given it to) him for me, say •
lug, "Nly daughter is with God She died who.-
p-ring that she would wait for John Markham
I rndurcd the knowltdge of her death with u
benumbed patience, uncomplainingly, rarely
weeping a single drop I went through the nu.
varying ruund of day lab. i ;11 tlo prison yatd
with a steady, mechanical industry %bleb ••CIT
pristid my taskmaster—tor heretofore I had been
sunlit u, "the wink gentleman," "%him lie ,
gars,`' and whatever other epithet or insult the
hardetod bullies.ot dimpline arc aceu•tined, at
discretion and without fear of resentment, to
confer upon the wretched in their grJ.-p At
evening, 1 held up the tress into that fAiht. twi
light which just fluttered through toy grate, and
kissing it, N:011,1 to see her by we—f,r I could
never itaink of htr as dead That le:iiih 0101/ wa,
kindly spar, d 1111 C by the fact that no new void
can he felt, no now unnaturalness, in tlo eternal
void ii id unnaturalness of a prmou
But on, night coming from work I fount the
tre.,l gone. Asking the turnkey for it, list,
told, "Pri4..n.r• are d u.,( artiete.- "
From ,lint ni,.uletit. I knew 'hat -.hew 101,/
was dead Like a wild tle• ng,.ti) .1 the
knovreldge gu , beil in upon we Will it came
the mew oy nt by burning wr ,ugs --the scorn
of wan -pent uf,un toy iIEIL , eCLit heal--the per
hly of uly oil h, r_—:h , • irril help,
les-i,•-ol all thing- tut I -lint toy- , -.t tip in
Ili ii. 11141, .t 111.,r d iig r•.u. u, ol
.. via. Fr .tr, ri, c..u. H..t I l'e••
tiv.• %, w, r, N. (it • AO , l
II 111 iLnt I.lii. .1 r,1,• , ,r •pnit,g lII' it,
I 1 14 , 1 , 1 1 .0 11,.:Nr t , r I w.s. rir 1,4
any club, .1. If 11.‘ 11... i.
(lure lc I vt 5.4 rs 4k yowl g !WI
"11 1 % /1 11 us \ Isusstss
tear- pa.•ed—tive )r. ~t du-t
ritultit, : z ‘brd---4 darks/. N., tutu'. ttug„
is 1• 11 1.1/1 - 11 fl,t , 111 .k ,
lamt, it It ti‘z, lee Ikankti fbic ,c
dq. , r, bud I pa.....ed with iLr Nl , )w o'k p
whteh I lead beeh" preettelog nearly th, quart. r
iifetitp.. I waa
going to Chapel A,lll (6 ,
r „.—r,, hear e,j the l'lmitgal Sou s t ud the
Jaieu--they the guilty, but the wele..tu...l I tilt.
tutt-e, )et thu thrust out. But the t.ilioer
,topped with these thti "Y,,u are
I did but cheer, nor wring the luau's hand,
uor rveo e One grows used to forget these
ways of the world after - fifteen years to prison.
But the revenge which, little by little, hid
stroched its fibrous out tbrougli the t• 011 of my
heart till eviry (Imp f lift. juice went to uour
ish the plant, now began to put forth its biessoms,
and I 1..1t them bud into all ecstatic, poisonuu•
fragrant sw, et, long hoped-for hour had
mot. ' li. o.f. w moments more the despised coo
vict should buist open his motley chrysalis, and
be rushing ob.. a winged Nemesis to settle ac•
counts with a world which hid the start of him
by fifteen years.
I went to the prison wardrobe and gut back
that dress which, in the days long gone, I had
put if with the rest of my humanity They
were clean, fastidiously, gentleman like as when
I left them I met med for ta moment, at their
sight, to he waking from the terrible eternity ut
a bad dr. am—to be finding them folded by my
bedside, where they had lain only since the last
I bad come to with the majesty of the law—
s guard on either snit; I wait out alone—no
danger sass apprehended of my escaping from
that other prison—the world Leaving the high
gray walls behind me. I struck tutu the road for
Hartford. Had I conic ant five years before, I
might have been expressly softened by the leug,
unwonted music of the birds that, from trees and
orchard walls, made the air full ot their joy
Now I had lived past the time when such things
could touch me, and walked still in the lock.
so p, looking neither about nor,forward, but ever
moodily on the ground. And thus, late in the
afternoon, I came whither the commencement of
my recital finds me, ind stood 10 the market
place of the town which I had last seen fade out
behind ma as I went away in acorn
No wonder that by all the passers I was sta
red at as au oddity—something to he -uspe.:te.i
and shrunk from, for my grizzled hair was of
the prison cut, my clo tbinir
. had gone out of fash
tun when the lathers the street were children,
and not by fear but long use, I looked no man
in the lace. And here and there to knots the
Reopie whispered about 10e, soniettniem with evi-
Sent carelessness as to how loud. But I only
nursed a deeper and more quiet wrath
Tbere came along that way a throng of ehil
dren just from school. Stepping up to one of
them, I asked, "Does George Markham still live
in this place ?" The little girl turned op a sun
by Spring morning face and answered, "I am
his daughter, Sir; do you want to see bun r -
A hellish thought suggested itself to in I
aid, "Yea, you may show the the way to his
house it - .; I knew we should take a cross-path
over the fields and pest a long reach of lonely
woods. In the mast solitary part of that I might.
wreak upon the guilty head of George Markham,
the most terrible vengeance which could wipe
out his most bitter wrtmg to no'. I would kill
his child and bring her home to him, confessing
that I did it, and glorying in the end 1.1 that bor•
rid game .of quits on whose first throw he bad
staked my heaven and I e4t, it.
The little maiden tuck ay hied, eoo&hogly
That might unnerve me ;,,so I loosed it and told
her to go before while I followed. She tossed
back her curls and went bounding ahead at a rate
my strides were hardly equal to. Still I kept
my eye upon her. After a while we came into
a low brook.course between two bills, over the
foremost one of wbioh I could just see the chim
neys of my brother's house I looked show me
—no one was in sight—rescue was impossible
The devil whispered, "now ! Then I called her to
stop, say tug that I must look for something I had
dropped. She obeyed, and stood amusing her
self with making wreaths of the violets which
grew by the water-course, while I stopped to
find a heavy stone which might d.. to bidding
of vengeance surely and silently. All around
me in the bed of the brook were nothing but
pe es I walked a few :ceps further down in
my nest. The little girl must have thought
me leaving her, for, all at once. I heard her call
gently, "I am waiting for you !"
"Gracious God : who spoke 1' Do the loved
that are forever lost cry to us out of Paradise ?
"I am waiting for you !"—fioated down through
the prison bars from her 'whom the Father bad
just numbered with the saints
I stood up and wandered back, more dreaming
than awake, to the art where George Mark
ham's daughter still staid plaiting violets. She
turned to me with a smile and said, "I did not
mean to hurry you, Sir, !int my father is very
unwell, and I ought t‘i be at Lime Will you
please tell me how Tate it is?"
Fur the first time after those fifteen prison
years, in which knowing t dl and darkness only,
I had asked no other ine.isurement of time, I
mechanically put my hand to my breast and
drew nut my restored watch• Was I sane?
The second hand, stopped at the last kiss of
agony given by my I:2loved, whether by miracle
or tb agitation of toy grasp, I know hut, sad
denly moi,d on Like lightning flash rushed
on mu the memory of wy vow—" Till we meet,
this watch shall never c iuut time again "
Yes we had met—wet in that voice of quiet
waiting—met in this wouurous omen of the
watch—met when I knew not—when she wag
seen by none but God and her sister angels.
The wrathful embers went out in the breast of
John Markham, and, viewlessly hovering over
him, the long cherished dead auttled blissfully as
,he saw that in that moment there had entered
into him a new soul
I clasped the little ore in nay arms 1 toil
her that her f,Ather wa• my only brother, and
then waited humbly t 0.1.1. her a, 0011 from t he
loatb•foni. e. Diner But with childlike joy ails
hugged we closer around the urek, and cried,
..(4: lam gi.w I am P..wr papa
has been taiaing about you these four days, and
lug—hut lib, he must Jtc :--'I cannot die tail
eiJuies borne:
With a re‘erent •-:,•11, au l bowiug, low, 1 calm
into Ow ..1 my I,r,thi•r 111.
far( dueled and paid a.alll as he saw me, :AU .I
then hiding it in lb.. pillow he eritt.l, "Look u,,t
Ott me tlo,l wr.•akitir wra th uu the d evi l
who wasted your life '
"N.t my brother " I answered, bolemoly,
"1 from my soul f•-rgive o u How muchnuore
-wl! 11, %. 1 .1. , 1.1 , 101. ' me, tle
day wir d “ut• past like
au.114..kin : .: up 1.. iliut a, to of n 4 eolkikiintled
11l III• I.•r u 4 Join be making no thir
11 4 r, , ne” \I v her
I I ..1 uty Inv waxing
au.l tht .•fili,,i ‘trane.. firm
ni!ht •t rt) -I , J, first night wall Ih, new
.111 \n.l I. • wi.h th.....rrigvng that
it• fl r , •;•••nt.iite- Willi kno.
!... , ti ; zl.• L. k Ili•• r ur ~1.11.111, . . (1, ar ,lawn
- it ile r •irre I trout to Th , to, hy6;,l- th..
wl,• 11.1.1 (Ilk , ' Ir
I lid I, tit %Nip, r p
.1 Oulu. All 1 lie,. Tie e.illll' f..r the
ri 4 in, Z ii• tlii•
In 1 Uri .1 in :1,.• where Illy
ilea I b;..h.r wed t.. 1,1.11111 g !, iy
1.. , • s. hiug. With Ili. Ili lii. I.
this 411 -it spar, run 'lie re , urued e
in' with art •vii ), Hut I bore It
okiN, with kith. R in her ul.turtting, (troth',
n0.t1.11 wy br.j,tt, 3. It [ the last
thug the bl.l ..n earth t,t eliug to
Th e I iw) l r the nill and began •
"Ib the name if I; kinpn I, ti, , ,,rge
?shirk haw, bauk..r of I.l,trtf.r.l, being of tech I ,
body, but ..f anal mind and
utemory, d., ht•rvbl, c,,n-lituNt this my last will
and testament.
'.l bequeath my .coul io the infinite mercy of
God, tf it he possiblo I bequeath my name co
the oblivion of all true Ron who shall know the
truth That I bequeath to tuy brother, Johu
Markham, not of bounty, but of immea.urable
indolit i dnc s s, in my eiinfe , ,,ion that i alone, and
unaided, ail% the uutti .r of that 41iinttbk
which brought -h of t prii in, the loss
of all thing, on his innoeent head And finally,
1 gine :104 devise to John Markham all my r.
tate, both real and persousl, to have and to hold,
;n him , his beir4 and as6igns, forever, confident
that he will so fir hose mercy on my guilt as to be
in all thing+ a father to my only child "
Theo, like the friend+ of Job, my at quaint
ance came back to me, beholding how I was
prospered Again I stood an upright wan in
the face of earth a, weii heaven, and 13 , 410 tit
tereil an ill whisper of nw
Now I live alone with rosy, who has filled the
place of the daughter I might have had but for
the fifteen ydiars She is my child, my compact
ion, my comforter, my pupil. And never on
c4rth will I bring any other love between us ;
for at night, when I look up into the stars, I hear
a low voice saying,
"I am waiting for John Markham :"
"IlitEss Lust':' —The Boston correspond
rot of the Nashua Register was somewhat amur
to a e lored meeting to this city, a few even.
logs since The minister, a WHIM oolored gen
tleman from abroad, said he should like to say s
few words bef,:re he begun "Prehspi, you want
in know wit, 1 are " II.• then proeeeded $e say
that Pause three years ago he w ax iu this oity try
ing to raise fifteen hundred dollars to buy 4 'his
wife au'l children, then in 'Livery "I raised
the tumtey, brew+ de leor': Ile then went to
St Louis—'Toni' my bilks, brrss der Lor"." but
they had.receutly been lick, and the owner set
fused to give them up unloo. thirtyleight dollars
the physician's bill, was foriheuming. The
muuse-colored gent then we ut to Chicago, tell in
with friends, and returned to St L with the
whole amount "itui, bre— der Lae! breves der
Lor':" he shouted at rite tap of his stentorian
i'when r b ut dar, el ohl woman an' de
chilthr, had inn ~ f l, and got to Canada, bress
dor Leer': and Use got de fifteen bun'ud an' thin
ty i t bt ‘l,ll: t r, ut d. bank, bres.s der Ler'!"
Ilr Inad.' a very 'laminar ume of the phrti.e,
"Rrrss de'r Lor"" When the congregation, as
is customary, mlrcheii up to the altar to enntrib
me to the e.dlection, the minister said, "Will do
hru,hler.g'v'way 11).1 lvt lie sisters pass nte,
givo 'ens room; Vuu know do, wants a wid
der big hoops—brew tier Lor'!"
VEttlitx lltbnaNcx —ll4 fan ounce of soap
boiled in a pint of water, and put on with a brwiti
while boiling hot, infallibly destroys the hugs
and ilwir eggs hies are driven out of a rocks
by lente,ging up .% Lunch elf the plaintaiu ut ilea•
wort plant aft N r it has bt•eu dipped iu milk
lists and wino speisnly disappear by mixing
equal qu‘utwe a of strong telleese autl peeweiered
Aitiuills. They devuur this mixture with gree%li•
Awful Adventure in the Mammoth Cave—.
• The Xaelstrom Explored.
The hero of the exploit thus reported in the
Louisville Journal of September 11th, is Wil
liam t4,t Prentice, the son of George D. Prentice:
"At the supposed end of what has always been
oonsidered the longest avenue of the Mammoth,
Cave, nine miles from its entrance, there is a pit,
dark and deep and terrible,
known as the Meal
',strati. Tens of thousands have gazed into it
with awe' whitat bengal-lights were thrown down
it to make its fearful depths visible, bat Dane
ever had the daring to explore it. The celebra
ted guide Stephen, who was deemed insensible to
fear, was offered six hundred dollars by the pro
prietors of the Cave if he would demand to the
bottom of it, bat he shrank from the peril A
few years ago a Tennessee professor, a learned
and bold man, resolved to do what no one before
him bad dared to do, and, making-his arrange
ments with great care and precaution, he had
himself lowered down by a strong rope a hundred
feet, but, at that point, his -courage failed him,
and be called aloud to be drawn out. No by'
man power could ever have induced him to re.
pest the appalling experiment.
A .couple of weeks ago, however, a young
gentleman of Louisville, whose nerves - never
trembled at mortal peril, being at the Mammoth
Cave with Professor Wright, of out city, end
others, determined, no matter what the dangers
and difficulties might be, to explore the depths
of the Maelstrom. Mr Proctor, the enterprising
proprietor of the Cave, sent to Nashville and
procured a long rope of great strength, express'
ly for the purpose. Tne ropes and some
necessary timbers were borne by the guides and
of hers to the point of proposed exploration. The
arrangements being soon completed, the rope
with a heavy fragment of rook affixed to it, was
let down and swung to and fro to dislodge any
loose rocks that would be likely to fall at the
touch. Several were thus dislodged, and the
long ictontinued reverbration, rising up like dial
tent thunder from below, and proclaimed the
depth of the horrid chasm Then the young he
ro of the occasion, with several hats drawn over
his head to protect it as far as possible against
any masses falling from above, and with a light
in his baud and the rope fastened around his
body, took his place over the awful pit and di.
rooted the half dozen men, who held the end of
the rope, to let him down into the cimmetian
We have beard, from his urn lips, an account
of his descent. Occasionally masses of earth and
roek west whizzing past, bat none struck him.
Thirty or forty feet from the top ho saw a ledge,
from which, as he judged by appearances, two or
thioi avenues led off iu different direiltiona.
About a hundred fret from the top, a cataract
from Ile •ide of the pit went rushing down the
do, 540.1 he deFeened by the side of the fal
ling war, r and in the midst of the spray, be felt
sums appi ehension that his light would be ex'
tiuguished, but his care prevented Ibis. Be
found it almost perfectly circular, about Ili feet
in diameter, with a email opening at one point,
lea.ring to a fine chamber of no great extent.
11. on the floor beautiful specimens of
Hick ..,;.•x ol immense size, vastly larger thee
.11,eotered in any other part of the Mani
•in ill Cove, and also ti multitude of exquisite
torievirions, .a pure and white as virgin snow '
himself Laid, with great effort by his
Inott,'.. he :it length asked them to pull him
11.1111% up, unending to stop un the way and EX.
pl •ii iia,%i• that he had ~ I.serveil opening abcut
f , rt‘ t, t ullot, , the bottom of the pit Reaching
Ho o, -uth of rhtt cave, he swung himself with
tneeli , x. rii .0, into it, and, holding the end of
r p • so his hand, lic incautiously let it go',
:itt.l it .sung out apparently beyond his reach.
The situritiou was a fearful tale and his friends
*Wee could do n wiling for him. Soon, however,
Le rh.ole a hook of the end of his lamp, and, by
extending himself as tar over the verge as post&
hie without falling, he succeeded in securing
t,.• end of the rope Fastening'it to a rock, he
followed the avenue 150 or yards to a point
where lie found it blockaded by an impassible
avalanche ..t rock and earth Returning to the
mouth of this avenue, be beheld an almost ex
aciy similar one on the opposite side of the pit,
but, not facing able to swine himself into it, he
recast( ned the rope around hts body, suspended
himself again over the abyss, and shouted to his
friends ti, raise him to the top The pull was an
exceeding severe one, and the rope being ill ad
justed round his body, gave him the most ex
etueiating pain lint soon his pain was forgot:
ten iu a new and dreadful peril. When he was
¶lO feet from the mouth of the pit, and 100 from
rise h•orodt, swayiug and swinging in mid-air,
he heard rapid and excited words of horror and
alarm abo%e, and soon learned tbst the rope by
which he, was upheld had takAx fire from the
friction of the timber over which it passed. Sev
eral moments of awful suspense to those above, -
and still itiore awful to him below, ensued To
them and'.hirn a fatal and instant catastrophe
seemed itsevitable, but the fire was extinguished
with a bottle df water belonging to'himself, and
then the !party above, though almost exhausted
by their labors, succeeded in drawing him to the
cup. lie was as calm and self possessed as upon
his entrance into the pit, but all of his compan
ions, overrome by fatigue, sank down upon the
ground, and his friend, Professor Wright, from
over exe4ion sod excitement, fainted and
maimed fqr a time insensible.
The young adventurer left his name carved in
the deptbit of the Maelstrom--the name of the
first and , only person that ever gazed upon its
America, from its discovery until this day, has
furnished the great bulk of the precious metals,
mining, sir an art, or as a science, has never been
well understood here, nor systematically followed,
especially',-- in the United States. - Gold being
found, for the most part, on the surface, in the
alluvial sands, is extracted by the crudest means
and the 'most unskillful operators, the process
being unworthy of the name of mining The
few deep mines in Virginia and the Carolinas,
where the gold hearing rocks are wrought, scarce
ly form so exception to this remark The ores of
silver, and those of less valuable metals, arc,
however, to be procured only by deep mining,
and the resources of the United States are yet to
be developed in this direction. The Galena 7 .=
oie of lead—of Missouri and the adjacent reg t iOnS
has been hitherto dug from beds of clay at an in
considerable depth. There is no regular lade or
vein, and the process of washing is less like mi
ning than the washing of auriferou,sands. The
native copper of Lake Superior h,sa no analogy in
the previous history of mineral' explorations.
- -
GINUINX Etilgtmgcs.-i-Tbere is no people
in the world with. who / eloquence is so univer
sal a gift as the I * . When Leitch Ritchie
waq traveling in I, and, he passed a man wbo
was a painful OpeOtaele of pallor, squalidness
and raggedness His heart smote him, and he
turned back.' _
"If ymiwitot," said Ritchie, with same de
gree of poeviibness, "why don't you beg?"
"Sore, it 'a a begging I am your honor."
"rou did n't say; wotd."
/"Ov course not, yer honor; but see how the
rskin is speakin' through the boles ov me trop•
! and tin. bones crying out through the skin!
' L ink at me sunken obeek4, and the famine that's
stkrtin' in me eyes Man alive ! isn't beggin' I
and with a hundred teepee r.
Pram the &ohm lbusuost.
♦ glorious alght—e glorious ray.
Lit up with I taupe asters :
The moon Maass lussitiral sad high
tribes sluts his but,
And ell la holy, calk and mall ;
AAA yet—l Mow not why—
I Ml warn blood ow palm Witt
And tear doer dint my'''.
Oh, bender boort I oh, Ark* steer
While all *dap edam am 0/k—
-inle aanue iodise la fewer tad WS
Why, why art then so sod ?
Again 1 OW tloo warn tow Mori
My fusel basavord Moo
To dad the wares al all this OK
Tao eau* af a Uwe olgia.
'lla not the alight—tie marl groo4-
7ts oot the alty above mo—
lls not that, to the world otroligid.
I have no case to tov• se :
'Tis not that &knots tom tat inso—lsor
An they whom I would Nair
nis not that Fats has from Try Ups
bombed down tlio asp ol•Ma s
What pa It be ? oh, answer, soul,
Throb slower, oh my hart'
Oh, toll the canoe of all this riot,
Am ! why them wars two start
My brae vows wild—Uwe stems ors oat;
The sky amiss getting blacks,-
- N. slasehed In every poste—Ma
•'f Saes s'S so Tiisselker ''''
The Tyrant of the Beheel.
IT happened that our district school was kept
one year by a young Englishman, named Stan
ley. He bad some peculiar opinions on the
subject of the management of boys. Whether
be was right or not, I cannot say. I only nar
rate my Own experience.
Among the scholars was Ethan Bragg, a stout,
overgrown boy, who was a terrible dunce in
school and a terrible tyrant oat of doors. 'For
some cause. of which I was ignorant, he took
particular plc-inure in msl•treating and annoying
me. I could not come within his reach that he
would not either knock my has down rudely over
my face, or trip me up, or soil my clothes with a
kick from a aboe well charged with mud.
Whether it wag that he saw my physical ins•
bility to resist him, or that be had a grudge
against me because I was always above him in
our class, Ido not know - I was a full year his
senior, which made it all the more mortifying to
me to be obliged to submit to his ill•treat
One day, when I had been particularly annoy
ed by his catching me and slapping my face, and
then throwing my hat into a by.lane, weeping
and miserable ' when, as I turned to go home, I
met my sister Mary. "Why, what is the mat-
ter, Paul?" ebe exclaimed. "You have been
Thus appealed to, I was obliged to make a
confession of my griefs When I had finished,
"Well, my dear Paul," said Mary, "you must
return good for aril. I will tell you what to do.
Give Ethan your bag of marbles. Ido not be.
key° he will hurt you after that."
"But, Mary," I replied, "is there not some•
thing cowardly and selfish in trying to buy a
peace in that way ? I would like to return good
tor evil, but to du it in a way that should let
Ethan know I do not do it from fear. I think
I will talk with Mr. Stanley on the subject."
Hardly were the words out of my mouth ere
we met Mr. Stanley approaching, twirling a big
stick, as if to keep his bands in practice.
"What now, Paul ?" said he. "Your eyes are
the color of beets."
Mary answered his inquiry by telling my sto.
ry fur me; and then asked him to interfere, and
prevent any further annoyannee on the part of
Ethan Bragg.
"Noneensel Paul is old enough to present
himself !"
• -
"But be is not strong enough," said Nary.
"That is his own fault," replied the school
master, "sod fur that be deserves all the punish
ment that Ethan can inflict."
I began to open my eyes and my ears too.
"What do you mean, sir P I ezolainimi.
"I mean," said the master, "that, instead of
trying to invigorate your body by healthy out
of-door exercise, this fine weather, you keep in
the house over the fire, contenung yourself with
in-door ,games, books, aid piastres. These are
well enough in their seasou, but, in order to be a
whole man, properly developed, you 'must exer
cise tle b ody as well as the mind. Bragg is a
coward, like all bullies. He sees that you •
feeble physically, and so he worries and plagues
you ; sod I hope be will continue to do so till
be cures you of your immoral neglect df your
bodily energies. —
"Yes ! There may be immorality in neglect
of the body, as well as of the mind. If the fault
were not my uwu—if you were lame or ill, and
Ethan were to tyranise over you—l should title
great satisfaction in punishing him. But, as it
is, you have only yourself to thank for your suf
ferings. Look you, Paul—"
Mr. Stanley finished the sentence in a tone
that Mary slid not hear, and then turned on his
heels and left wt.
That afternoon, for the first time, I put on a
pair of skates that my uncle had given me, and
passed a couple of hours in practice with them
on the lee. The next day there was a snow
storm, and I shoveled paths all around the
house Without neglecting my lessoni, I kept
in the open air a good portion of the urns. I
contrived some gymnastie fixtures, and rose an
hour earlier every morning and exercised.
I took especial pains to develop she muscles
of my hands and wrists. Catching hold of the
bough of the tree, I would lift my body up till
my chin was on a level with my bands. I was
careful, however, not to over-task my strength.
I knew tbat I must be very gradual in my et..
forts I was methodical and regular in these
habits of outdoor exercise, allowing no inclem
ency of weather to interfere with them. My pa
rents soon began to wonder at the marked im
provement in my health. My cheeks were thir
longer pallid. The cough, with which I bad
been constantly troubled, left me, all atronee.
',pep. well ; mid gained so is s trength that I
could with ease lift a barrel of flour Into a cart.
Fur nine or ten months I had been faithfully
at this system, when one day, as I was passing
along a scoluded road that skirted our village, I
heard loud cries, as from one in (strand distress.
Turning a bend in the road, I saw a_boy on the
ground, with another over him, bela b ori ng him
with hearty blows. The victorious amailant was
the butcher's boy of the village, and the infor
tuna% recipient of the blows was my old enemy,
Without hintitationi I . rushed to the seem of
the combat, and pullecridaMer.Jmolp, the batch.
er's boy, off from biweietim. Jacob thereupon
rolled up his sleeves anew, and remarked that he
would give me "fits." Then like a your buffs.
lohe came at -me. But, as he:fiowtd his
arms is the onset , I caught him by the wrists,
as in a vice.
In vain did he struggle. I pulled him upon
hi* knees, so that be could neither kick nor bite;
then, pressing his hands till he yelled with pain,
I as ked bin if he Lad enough. Job was in a
very great rags, it was evident, but did not care
-about having another turn of the mire* put upon
his hands. And so, when I hilly envired If
he mid go quietly boos, without. say
more fuss, he answered yes, tad kept his word
As for Ethan, be could not have beau wore
transfixed with wonder if be had seen me fly op
in the air, or do any other marvelous thing. As
I approached him, he wu stupid with silent
"Ethan," said 1, carelessly, "you see I have
turned over a new leaf Hereafter, any one who
ventures to impose upon in.., or upon another in
sny presence, will have first to prove that he is
stronger in the wrists than I. Do you think I
am right 7"
"" 7 1r4-4," stammered Ethan.
"Shake hands on it, then," said I.
Ethan gave ail his thind, 'but, as I squeezed it
with rather a cordial prefigure, be tried to pull it
away, at tho same time uttering a cry of pain.
"What is the matter f" I exclaimed.
"You have almost crushed my lingers," groan
ed Ethan, making a very wry face.
"Why do you not equeess back again ?" said
I, pressing his hand again, till be uttered anoth
er ay.
"That will do !" said be, trying hard to forge
a smile. His last words were prophetic. The
lessen proved sulSoient. He was thenceforth
the most peaceful boy in school.
A week after this adventure, as I was trying
to pitch a large stone beyond a certain mark on
the ground, Mr. Stanley tapped me on the
"What have you been doing to Ethan r said
he, shaking his fore finger at me.
"Returning good for evil," answered I.
"Letting him see, at the same time," added
Mr. Stanley, "what you could do if you would,
eh ? Well, Paul, was I not right in my advice/
Returning good for c vil is the best shown when,
having the power to return evil, we render goad,_
And remember this : The boy who neglects to
develop his physical strength, marteglect it at
the expense of his moral strength also "—Sar
gent'• School Monthly.
who has just been appointed as Minister to Par.
spay, we know to be just the man for the posi•
lion, and we are glad to see that the New York
papers are presenting him in proper shape to
their readers, giving the fullest assurance,• that
he will ably discharge the responsible duties that
are to devolve on him A correspondent of the
Times says:
The Republics of Central and South America
will never do what is right and just without
display of force on our pert In this way Eng•
laud and France have ever treated these petty
nations; but our Government has consideration
for them they do not deserve; and what is the
consequence' The citizens of England and
France are respected and protected, while an
American is despised and his interests uncered
for! It is, however, refreshing to think that
President Buchanan has made a move in the
right direction by the appointment of Judge
Bowlio to settle this question with Paraguay, and
that our demands, which are only just, will be
enforced at the cannon's mouth, if necessary.
The benefits to ow from this demonstration
against Paragua can only be calculated by those
who are famili with the bad faith and dishon
esty of South American politicians.
Am Amy CI SPERCH.—An Eastern paper
gives the foil 'n as the recent speech of an
involuntary can& a for Congress. We enp■
press the mane of the aker and of the theatre
of his eloquence:
"Gentlemen, I base a very bad cold, and my
lunge are affected. I have been to New York
on business, and when I returned I was indig.
Debt at seeing my Defoe posted with others to
speak Yee, I was almost indignant. lam no
public speaker The nomination was thrust up-
on me. You are a good looking set of men. I
was pleased when walking down this road to
witness your houses: They are a good deal bet•
ter than the huts in the. South "
[Here the speaker broke down. and turned
round to Hider Peek in dismay The elder gave
him a nudge, and though evidently seared, he
went on "]
"I base seen a black woman on a plantation
in the Routh, bolding a plough when it rained."
[Here he made an uneasy motion, as' if hie
coat hurt him awfully under the arms, broke
down again, and was about to retire, when the
. Ider gave him a wicked look, and be plucked
up courage, and made one effort."]
"There is Kansas ought to be taken care of.—
I know you must be tired after listening to me
my friends, and therefore I give away."
[And be did give away.
BETTING IN COURT —They tell some tough
stories ■bout Wisconsin Courts of Justice, and
we are sometimes ioclined to refer them to the
careful coosideration of the Marines, but the fol
lowing is vouched for by an eye witness whose
"voracity" is unquestionable,
While a case was in progress before a jualiew
away up among the oak openings, a dispute arose
between the defendant and constable in regard
to the time a certain arrest was made. OW of.
feted to bet five dollars and the other responded
by drawing his sheep skin, and the money was
deposited in the hands of the "Squire." At Ibis
moment a 'illations looking customer who was
awaiting his examination for horse stealing, ex.
claimed in astonishment, "Wall gentlemen I've
been a pretty hard customer in my day, I' ye
drank whisky a► the revival and played earth is
the pulpit, but by G— I never saw betting in
a Court of justice before."
air Recently the Idotbodists held a great "If
rival" in Wisconsin Among the converts was
one whose previous profession had been "three
Bard moots. Times being somewhat bard, he
found little profit in his legitimate "praotiee,"
and became converted, as the elders say. One
night, at the suggestion of an elder, he roes to
edify the congregation with his experience, and
thus delivered himself : "Ladies and gentlemen
--I mean brothers and sisters—the Lord has
blessed me very much—l never felt so happy in
all my life (embarrassed)—l say I never felt so
happy in all my life (very much embarrassed)—
if any one thinks I ever did, they can yet a live ,
ly bet out of use."'
(loop —A grand jury down South ignored a
bill against a huge negro for stealing chickens,
and before discharging him from custody, the
Judge bade him stand, reprimanded; be sonely.
ded as follows : "You, may go now, John, but
(slaking his finger at him) let me warn you
never to appear hero again." John, with delight
beaming in his e7es, and with a br oad grin, dis
playing a beautiful raw ivory, replied :"I
wouldn't bin Jere die time, Judge, only de eon •
stable be foteh me."
go t , A Hottentot got up s painting of He.
en. It was enclosed nOth it tepee made of san
s ages, while the mitt* Wu oecupied with a fount.
aht that squirted potipte.
Na., A eoutryloask too draggief a eau by ,s
rope is ii. t orsel MAU An Imbue' anted
his if thei woe the 'nip he Nreated Air fellow
Mr A fellow who grot drunk on election day
!aid it was owing to bin 'arta "to put down
pa, I y
I 0"