Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, September 11, 1858, Image 2

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UEN.J. V. MILOAN. Ndll•►.
....IA) ANB NI Ci 0 11.11, Pubinahers
sf 49 111,1 I
Democratic state Ticket,
von Armlet
or 1'1(11.
1 , 11 7 PATIMITIR
vif E DjOrol, It' i, OW 1.1.0 NY stir Central Committee of Erie
I t •innie, Ctll ii iron the voters of the eiimatz, to %Minable at
their nig...rile. i.ineea for iiekluagodeetiniie ea battiniey, Sera's.
t. rI. A, at n rim k, el e%ctept tbe City of Srle, ani3
el.. t tan ii.legatea from oath toortithip, ward and boreegl% to ale
fowl • t float, t i ontontioo, to be held in the City oti r gni% to
the Sist .lay of September 111511, at 2 n'tioek for The
i oirno,..i nominating • comity ticket, appointing Conventional
tool Senatorial coulerees and doing ouch ostler boobies. OA may
tre loot before the cotreention
The Democrats of the West em 4 of tbs. City of Yee, trinomial. st
the Select Connell Rosin, acid those of the East ward, at the Com
o mit Cassell Boom, corner of State sad afth otreets, st 7 delosk,
, Sept. IS, IbS*. to choose their delegates.
lerk. e , pl- U, 1454
News of the Week.
A meeting was held at Ontonagon cans the 25th sit ,
c.,mposed of delegates from the Upper Peninsula of Mit*.
Tan nod from those portions of Wisconsin and Miamian
to bordering CM Lak• Superior, for the purpose of ettueld
enng the propriety of the formation of a Territory out et
the Lake superior region of Michigan, Wisconsin and
Minnesota, preparatory to the formation of • new State.—
This meeting wa• called some time ago, and was attended
by delegates from all the dtd,reot re,tions enstifierated in
the , 41i titres general may be this movement, or how ex
tensive may be the teeing to favor of it, whether it is
widespread among the people, or cofillosti to a few who
are ambitious to figure io'e Territorial sad Stategovern
ment, we are unable to say, but frum de persistency with
which the matter bat been pushed fur a long time put,
from the tune of all the Journals of tat section, and from
the Interest Manifested in the project, there can be little
doubt that it commends itself to the people of that section,
and a ma)ority of them would be in favor of it. A cow.
mince of eight was appointed by the convention to draft
an address to the Legislatures of Michigan, Wisconsin
and Minusoota, urging upon them the propriety and me
eeseity of a grant to the general government of their len
story bordering on Lake Superior, fur the purpose of en.
ailing the inhabitants to form a new Territory, and this
c ommittee was instructed to submit their proceedings to
the convention, which is to meet again on the 11th
at Ontenogen, fur the purpose of considering them. Ia
addition to this, a committee of three was appointed to
draft resolutions eupressire of the sense of the convention,
end their report was made at an adjourned meeting on the
::dth. The resolutions are devoted when/ to pitting forth
the venous reasons which are urged to favopof the project
and were simply accepted by the convention, bat so fur
ther &isnot' tikes.
The Detroit Free Prow relates the following as the
way one of the Detroit sharpers relieved a youth from tile
wilds of Pennsylvania of fifty &Man, in that city last
week. The countryman, sccordiog to his owe &COOllll4 111
from Crawfordsville, Penn , end on his way to Grout Bay.
While standing in front of the Pontionotopot yesterday obi
sorbed in thoughts of the home lie had lately left, be was
accosted by a well dressed individarat, who catered into
eanversation and informed greeey that be was intending
t o go to Kansas or come other place wag, bad plenty of
money, and Anaily invited him to take a walk down total)
Fort. To this be objeetedi but, after some parmesan,
consented to walk as far ea the residence of Gen.
While on their way
s t e third person appeased on the scene
who, accosting tbarper No. 1 said, "lost goods are ready
for you and here is the bill." Upon this Sharper Mo. 1
said, "All right," end proffers a one hundred dollar hUL—
Sharper No. 2 looks at the bill and said, It is as good as
gold, but 1 cannot change, it." Whereupon No. I applied
W gummy fur change, giving him tits Dill. Grimly costal
hint out fifty dollars, which he paid to Sharper N 0.2, who
make* WT. Sharper No. 1 soon enters • warehouse to
transact some busihesa, leaving his new found friend at
the door, who waited anxiously for his appearance, bat of
, . •. .hi.o or fourth case of swiad-
Hog of this eaters which bait happened within • telt days,
Will people never learn ,to mistrust strangers who seek
to force their attentions on them,
-- Mrs. H. Maxims STsrazre, the well-known author.
OP!, died in Eut Hampden, Me., on Friday of last Moak
of consumption. She was the daughter of the Iter. Jura
Armin-sr, end was born at Sidney, Me., July 2, 1823. In
.arty life, she acted on the stage as "Mies Rosalie Som•
en." In 18-18, the married Richard Sutphen., comedian,
and eaon after commenced her literary carter, under the
signature of" Marion Ward." In 1S:,1, she left the stage,
aad derrted hermit entirely to her pen. She was lb* an.
thoress of one hovel, Hog. , the Martyr, and of a great vs-'
riety of tales, sketches and poems, a collection of which
was once published, with the title of sad Hem.
Ao.Nds. She also adapted for the stage Herbert's Normal
4,81. il'yr, and several of Dickens' stories.
A boy, aged eleven years, met his death in a meet
horrible manner, recently, in Illinois. Mr. Burns+ had
been reaping with a machine, and left the boy seated on
the machine, In charge of the tears. While thus seated,
he obverted a snake close by, and called oat to his com
panies. (another boy,l at the same time cracking his
whip. This started the horses, and be was jerked or sad
thrown In front of the sickle. Almost instantly the boy
WWI eat to pieces. Both legs and one arm were severed
frets the body, and the heart tors out.
• Some of the Illinois farmers agree is saying the quoi
t ly of sugar raised in that State this year from the sorg
hum rare, wW exeood in amount, inoluding of odium the
molasses made in the mane proeees that of any other cum
product or article of export grown or manufactured in ure
- State. We are itelhsedsays the Cincinnati time* to think
Ibis as esiggested mintiest, but there cu be no doubt
that the amount is really very considerable, and that sugar
"AY hereafter be regarded a• one of t h e staple pr o deepos,
not only of Illinois, but of most of the sortbwootats
The Mrs. Brennan, whose mysterious dissppearanc
from Brooklyn or tether New Tort, was mentioned sons
days sioos, seems to bare been at last tracked. Chews
stances poi of strongly towards her violation and under'
by a book driver and an accomplice, who pretended to
take ler home after she bad crossed the ferry to Brooklyn.
The driver is under arrest.
It is dared that kreosote will remove warts. A
physician raceway applied It to Fur obstinate warty snore ,
seen°, on the finger, and them covered it over with a pleat
of sticking plaster. This Donna he pursued *imp *bird
day tnr two weeks, Whelk on azassinatke, the wad was
found to bare disappeared, leering the part eadersasth it
quit* healthy.
Dr. Rogers, a married man, was shot at Portland,
Ky., by Ni. ADM Whitlow, a tow days dace, for skimp.
tag to stidisee Miss Whitlow, gait* a yonag lady, sister of
the shooter. Th. Promorting Attorney, Mr. Elliott, •
oliaed proseiniting Whitlow, saying that he nodes .tli%
er hoesrable num would have done the male 11. ender
the circumstances. The ease was dismissed amiss.
—Oa the Itsth att., a boy thirties ',sin old, ten 'of
Jaolog F. Mecurdy. near Adaisivide, Merest meaty, sod.
deotally IA From • straw stack with • pitch-font ia his
bead, lib* prongs being upward(sad the liana* sands'
the .grottad,t he fell on the p7ige, one of white entered
hie hp, passing near the palate, and penetrated his head;
the other wait passed Omagh his am sear the a sienider
Jetta. Lie was seta Kiting by his father, who was, PM
piss oat of the been; he rsa to the met, palled the fork
out, and found kit sou almost iihristia. Me died frees hie
laps-lee the watt day.
Metiut with caused the distruitioa d the
tine hospital sad other baildisgs, dos p ot tho
Slate, on Sastre Rased, soar New York city, hat week,
seisms to haele Oda a "Vigilant* Committee" opendlos.
Thi riagisadan, who had been arrestsd at last advioss,
procured bail to thst amount of az,ooo sack. Amon thous
site appeared to glee bail for the primmer, yea Cad. V•in
ucaett.s, of stianiskip notoriety. It is actual that a
considerable portion of the population is the vidnity of
the Quarantine , side with the rioters, haring for • long
time made ivory legal effort to rid their vicinity of the oo
tablishotent•whiott they considered deetractivi to this
as of their property aad Wigwam to their health. Thu
earliest day possible his ben wiped for the Wsi of
these mod. I,
i lls Vat Departstrit has just °toad a eas e nc i tr id,
Syder, or ilins4olphht, to float* strum thousand: felt
bats for tfiti stmy, it $2 75 each. fl OPPotition papas
bus net rot; diteortrod that di . . seattsettorliitve ordered
the hin • (filo 4koothisklost if it to liettialtri to probe*
as Whet tsaMtArecatiog Naertiono4l , ll* 4111 iWobtisis bs
the ovir.;--ilmstitate Whoa 110404 id so iitimbillotivi
ear '
LI ND We'l ~
. Uritaill,i des s
esl i, asr .s il a •
i :
is o o tits dilfere to t : wa
DIA bans la r
11l his in t►e I I ,
era t Winked at wa
. a Iltai• bad bees repadiated. IFe ra,tablicsa p•
all o►er lb. seed% oat ambsohoo," t►st would bay.
1 M !g i rl% emir
he 4e. • Or" 4 ;
t s(3 dl 1 e a
i C""""4"."4"4
4 .
tai 1
tier a
ow h giro tit It, It Is fortuaats for
shun sad aehlorrowit
lige _ls s, eta u o t i b i • l a ' s lea
relate • s ea pus
leaded hi . ikon- fural " l. ' I gay,
`kW b triiiitipbast Jo
selves placed by allowing sash seen as tbe bondage of
Ostia* press, Ai
fI. owlffikSytistar the rtllbetties of the .
.111eare aware that our Weigigrf - al 44 - 15'w 'mass thlik; vi
cross children." sad It was bosowseelf this that we brought woo . „ wed ear owe htukasee; .. hat. with Ito stonak ,
to their:notice o•rtaia resolusleas passed by the friends of woo ~ we beg so mot ties boom "moo of it . peer to take
Best*, to wkist Skilleetriest was prsetalwed that Minos th e w atahaette ead a i m ,. ap thu problem. no ladirl
rt ought to be reserved "for whits mew sod whit, we. for joat has hoes Is the party two
. "........ 1 saw ta a ttp
Missouri," Ind that tli g wen "°"°°°4 to "g m et t" l"7 wash the party bas g a..4 at .1:7. ;47. - 11, fail
sod all who favor it by oorp•Uiag elute 1114111 to work lee
•sy 'inSi -7
wit ttitelatotaastao o `almilikratatte luata sad
!wool that , *O l tipaldtaaf friaadi Attain • oshilaf
law sialapbaohnialmolo waaillof ageptatty. lot slow,
ltoiovosaMilta tbay ellabitak- dadtiza lot aossli
isastshig area Ifki olakartof siia moo gays. Zlo tar
oar Mewl of So Tinto" holm ostoeplaaaithe &mato alibi Um
Loitaltlialta Forty Asia tfatut al tipagaa,otioally." sad
charges that the Daisoanglor •41itsay-,whoomailaaa,,
mid wool, to Itsta itotatoiploi of wad Ia
"oagmod la a *oboes, RUA. ,1( 84086011.. ea °PDX BP
all the States of the aorta for ills laaratlimlatip at Oslo la-
8.64 $ 0- 4 • 1 1 01 11. 441
at 0 441Pi4Vitt,Ifert h t. " 6 "
un tie party, lat.* 100k4144414411 oT sus of what
we bays always onsidern aethq, peat abject of the R.-
publican party. And Irma! !ha cad and also of Repub.
holmium la not to basalt the seen, by elevating btu is
lb* social seaho, wbat it 11? If It do** au Wind to make
the aggro • citina-4o piece his on a par with the white
wan to political Inisnal—for what has it In times past,
and for what Is It now laborlue What good doer it pro
pose so ne aegro by atalieg him pcdtleal foot-ball If it
does not tamed to confer ape& lets citisenhip,aud
as a &nand sequase, metal equality ? Then an gees.
dons we should Ilk* to hays the Tina now. For yeses
the sail-slavery bugle has bees blawieg ban at the north:
at drat he mood iraea'ated, mod bat few, sad they of the
most hutted, one-Idas dais of our people, world twine
at its eall. Btu *a sound gathered strength end
sad its follows/ in use bonus a "pawl* dm Buts."
Tide was dessonstrated in 1844, inn Jam G. Buurar
rattled the and.siavery eleaunt arena hint, and pros .
its capacity far saionief. Bear sines that, this "power in
the Skate" hue been courted by Abe opposite's of the Des-
Wadi Party, ntil at last, *pea the demise of the old whig
party, it aseased shape sad feta sad merged a fell
lodged party by theo suns of Repablicsaiwa. Aad war
foe the Taus to say this party, with tusk as origin, cow ,
pun of such settriala, is natrae to the nisei ails one -
sad a traitor to its past history, is to east Li the
writ of fact and reason a simple deatal without a &titan
fact to support it. Upon the other hand look at the noord.
It is but a few aost l / 4 4 sine the Republicans of _Coined.
cut endeavored to sued% upon the organic lair pT that
Cossasonwealth a provisios elevating lb* gyro to althea*
.14 while at the sun* time It hedged about, with odious
restrietions,the Gentias,lha hislisaw,the Ilagliskaiss,nd
other Odle lairopeass, who might beresftsr make hit soil
their house; Look too st Ilasesebostute—usder tin rah of
Repabileanism tits segro lass bees elevated, politically, to
an equality with whits sea, while the adopted oldies has
ben branded as salt to bold oil& sad hA riglits as as
*lector corralled. Look at Ohio—bar enstifittios, like
that of Peansylvaals, declares tbateleedvs frsawhise shall
be noised to free white wee, bat a repsidleas judiciary,
acting ruder the luilassee et Repabliesa public opinion,
has east dews the bars of Onedtatinal restriction, sad
now Bunko and Jenthast walk an is arat to the pods to
east their votes for Wads, Chan and Giddings. Look at
lowa, where last year • eaminatiwast ennistios, no
P° lll4 et • lastrett7 d Repaistliseas, engrattad • atm
wined," incase epos their eel. sad NM it forth fir the
people to +woo or reject. nisi they ntlootail 11 Is a• +9 , 4
deist that thannedsiteta party did not desire Wastes it
opals lawn batrathor that the leaders had mistaken pap
tie 1 )0 4,21 4 +4l4t4sNloowuair
LT New York
whoa her protest, eciastilittion winsaispted. he resod.
cal doetriaak of Regithlinanno-4114 imitild ernes,
wlereiky the mere is nada the whit* stases peer bg,taak
lag halm his equal at the polls—his, It le true, not,foued a
foot hold anted the ease of the pang; hot It is only a
quadrat of time. The ludas have taken the first step,
as is proved by the ties we have eatuisanitai, and If the
par ty has admire enough to bold *ether $ few years
the reek and Ile will so** follow. '!llits be evident hoe
their approbadom of the coarse of Wllsou, and Nola sad
Stunner to the Swats last winter in denouncing ad vo
ting against the Constitatios of Oregon, when she applled
for cameos, 00011111111 ill trenoaracje.sao ussorporateu a
eons Madan' lableitiou whet the inegro, the Chinon,
and other inferior meek These Ilea Munn have essayed
the observation of the Tioses, - aad yet the nee takes as,
to task for iatinathig that the alswies of Repablikaolem
at the north has hen the podded Microdot' of the negro;
and hence la oar *plaice it is rank hypseracy for Os pent
era to mean over the donee 4 hues Birth, whose plat.
form &eland hie "opposed to ogre equality."
Bat the near charges that the Dessoesatie party ir
"c otassiesed body mad sail to slavery sztoweioa." It is
• very..aao saner to sake as anertioa, especially whom
ate tea lad thNin ready egged, aid ewes very little
whether they are tree or Was. This is tbe owe with the
Tier. The eery It sakes is mot • sew one—it leas
been attired by baadreds of sea sad soave of nowspep.r.
ions Wore the Mose &aloud, bat it Is Doe, Ile lees false
ter thee. Yee insist wise teethe of oar national esletesee
the policy of this goverment has boom shaped by the
Democratic party, and yet any school boy will labors' the
antra of the Time. that, while as the dawn of oar WWII ,
al existence the slave Stelae outaluebeeed the taw, sow
the fres Stated outannther the slam This cortaialy does
not look as those!' the Deimos& party was ''colamlued
body and tool to slavery astessioa." Nor - dees this other
fact that, under Denonatie umpires, the free States
of Nana Vermont, Ohio, tillatits, Indiana, •Mitniipta,
Wiscoasia, lowa, California aid Missateota, hare beta ad
ded to oar national Lastly; while wader the same policy
the territory Of the great aorthweet, eantalaiog wlttila it
self the seibryo trio States of llama Neiwitaka„ New
iferleo, Ortgon,,Weilliagtoa, Dadotah, sad of yet to
be peopled, win he addette She Cake. Aad ; R ow where,
ander this policy of to Deutheratie party, s slavery
be etteaded? Oen Ike flee tell! It is treed has giv
es as Pleeida, sad Lantana, aid Tens, sedj Arkadeas,
and Nissouri, slew &Mee, but It did net a.extend" slav
Ii ty Asa • fame-21w isisio Osinatutda is isais
mi to le won os tie cassagessat of LW Massie Cable.
It says too Who wed* has boos sapped la odoimodas
Us asses" bat tt gum so dp that we sight ksow that
than was such a Wags, a ashwsarisa 'alga The "vim
dad of thought" Is daubs the "doe, diapason" is Wiest;
awl why! There is *whimsey as. filthiest dissord sad
digital," la the smorimai of lb' Use, as orldsoosi by
tbe reticeowat *M. iski.o from the I:7ldef Directorship,
sad um Wiese* of the sable seams but the preesreor se
storms anion the sloodielase sad their partisans. Paid
' suer Bsterr sad the Idestrioiss Wampum ss stdl oostrol
th. ' wine owest thesgt both, that fir, bare gloss so
*abbess of eisopsosoy for tbsit posts. Ilmour &stayed
the sebasersios • whole year. sal Ifsrtssoria is wadisg
cilooks apps *Mow erporimais will luetrawasts of his
owe Isysseleselte the getrlasst aid Armee of the was
prise. If %bore vas a voodoo sr to the Maitre writs of
Soars flosseif and ifintwouirs hmothiso, boss wi
oats asibt b *aid for tbo 455.7 Oswiecim' by the Issas.
Sot die Mpodisosic Is ado weary sod is Aghast have
dosessrorse diswiPeciecirf of Believe' isolOwoot ever
the dew awl osecissis seeded at olio Ilasilaixoplister.°
Uwe people Mn Mesialisittit side of
daoo the scisccalloWst at ttee esterpries a 1 lb to be
hoped dog the dr WY ossa W Imilkorsilbisi as bias.
disdogooscrei of bigoted Clociumy• MosaMiiir, be do
quiets mg sue Issas if eassigo ouswist ash *new
There it wow ishesiadok trim s klanfostinit
I larr W k prifiletno.frosliabis. A. mayor der
kw dike most bit owe Attila" NM
kb* b••••• siieborlol,lol. in.* *OM vidi
NM" book* mil la twelso ise s at wort
•MIto& as MW In n o t A. Una Illes-
Popibis Gist at limit @Mow rizum a k kg
osuifi parr( Volk &Wog OM dm/ - NSW 40 io
somie w kb
sub •
fitsll.oll4 Plitsklieldniedionek 811 460 111 10 16 • 41 -
f - .
... >ie. S.
MIMPOIIi.P O - 104 4 1 . 110 . 94 . 4 i 4 ,414.1 4 .4* . 4 11/ef. i I
vies respected of betel the far wile e( tits ehadidate; and
aou the Cipagrostithassi am/ Stusatoriatiteaferew have base
is Ilbar, radar his at& 'Very, for four *e . t.a days, say
oared ila nor datithter has blessed the oyes of the ex
tartan perorate Gladeses of ire flawildleith party, gel
oet!yoar *debated., sad tell es how week, by the ral• of
three or Ample oddities, yes have wade? But to the re
sell of Ma We Wort. Tlse Ocassweesiewal reisferuse wet
eh Wuttueoley. -helmet:ed. sad preeseded to bubtees,
Thal delesetes boat Ibis voted ler Remo" all dap, sad
these boa Crawford far thus. Dieu. Al 8 o'elooli is the
*wales the Orewfted oesfewits withdrew the same of Oast
Dips, sad thee sowed sa sWitutruweut wan Thursday
morals., What was dose os Tbareday is thsa Welly told
by the Owetitedwa
..After the Woe of (Mn. Dud was withdrawn by the Crawford
Cardin* they proposed that Hos Joni B. WALL= stiosld b.
seralaatod. The Brie Onfonees adman to rands Iran lb. La
mer, and attar between 10 and SO ballottiso dung which the
woks stood dardiy, Watson S—fissarew Counation
Joann without ansinating and the Crawfard Coadreaspoo so•
bee that they would rode the question back to the people or to the
Connation which &protein then
They sand the Die Cosiness to do likewise and elk,* the peo
ple of trio County to diddle u to futuresatios, bet the proposi -
tics was inerned, sad Yr. B.uarrra binds than obathestely err
dined to to-Bdpi= to add th e gssedioa. They dare sot
appeal to the of Di. County es the den co
jearikai, t bans( hy trickery, &dft and
their point arid naiad their appoistsered, they an de,
toadasel sot to risk ase width adenine, they have pinta hi' tie
ing the people a chariot br a fair expronsiou as to their choice tbr
The responsibility of not inaking soarinstion wan nth des
Erie delegation The delegates from Crawford thought lt bat fair
that hassiesh as they had yielded sad withdrew* 43444 %co, that
the this Conlases should malted 4 lthellberal disposition, with
draw Yr. 8411111 T and hinnooldnl on a sew MO- MI Olni sot
doss, sad a dational spirit na deployed that shoved shanty to
all proseat that Ha hands of Mr. Drabs= won governed by other
merino them a desire to promote the harmony of the party, or a
regard for Republican principles
T►e Senatorial confers*. failed to organise on liodsas
'day The Crawford conforms having at the previous Most%
ing, had a lasts of the Chairman's knowledge of "prelim
inary tactics," refused to de into convention anises be
would vacate the chair, and. allow roam one, not so "intel
ligent," but feeler versed in parliamentary law," to coca.
py the position. This they stood all day. Oa Thursday
they made oat to come to as anderstanding, the exact atm
taro of whielt we are not advised, bat the molt was that
Mr. Bolos, of lick*, took the Clutir—sad the balloting
went on with the cams result of the former meeting; that
is they finally aspirated without a nomination. We nut
derstaad that various candidates wore prop:mod, but noes
that proved satisfsetory to both ownities. And so ends
the atoond effort of the great "rod top" wharig doodle par
ty of this distrlet, ander ties lead of Pales elteriaked eamiti
data for Sinewy to hansom's*. We how that it is "none
of oar businets," but really us wish our friends of the Go
seta Irma just tell as "bow they like it as far as they
lave sac!"
Tbo Delegates to the Desecosatio Consistlon for Craw •
ford °busty, aseetabled la tits plats yesterday aftersoott.
Nearly seveuty delegates ware la atleadasea, tomtit to WI
chain& of taco oppoaitbsu, alto *bought oar tlneada eoald
net raise & Corporal's guard es the ecoasloa.
Botwo dlifereesee of opiates , warted at to tins but pulley
for the peeing atassalin, bet excelleat good feeling pry
railed is their dollberations. It was Sealy detersised to
so miscast a fall ticket. A solo wu taboo for a Coagres.
afoul caadidssa, 'blab resulted as follows : Hon. G.
Cb arab:, SO; Jas. L. McFadden, IS.
D. W. Fame /Esq., was swami foe tbso flostate ; Lagis
latura, 8. B. Long; Associate Judges, Moe. J. Lowrey sad
IL A, Reynolds; COWISHISIODOT, John Thaubergee; Audis
tor, Socket. The ticket Is a good use, sad our friends
bellor• it has • fair prospect of saves& At all events
tb ey will prawn-ye their orgasisatios, sad show a bold
frost to the enemy.
Resolutions were oilseed is oonsuittee by Maj. D. V.
Derieksos, sad unashaously adopted by the aosventlos,
sustaiDing our 11X01111191“ President BIICIAAAJI, Gestorsor
Pt tza, sad gonator BICILIka ponaktelaa •
tsemni support to toe mats, District sad County tiekots.
The Reading Gazette says the Opposition papers hare
been having "a good time" for some weeks past, in de.
sonnets& the General Government, for making a oontract
with some Bootett iron mannfaotarers to supply a portion
of the water pipes required for lb. oomplotion of tho aque
duct at Washington. We hare paid no attention to this
socesation, beeauao it bore falsehood upon Its face, and we
did not believe that any intelligent elitism would credit it
for a moment. It is well known that the Government
makes no oontraeu without first publicity inviting propo•
sal. or bids for the work to be done, or the materials to be
furnished. It Is also welt known that whenever seontract
"aka advertisasent for the asterisk and work ceded
,to 0000ploto do aqueduct was pablishod for two woutiu,
under no laws Congniss. This advertisement eugagrid
that the loweelfteepaudhle hidden idsouill hare the eon-
tract, and the eosins for the ressiader of Um iron pipes,
malty miles of wiiicA bed berm already forsiobsd by o *Oi
se% of Oeseden, N. J., smiler a foresee oontrort, ass 'ward
ed so a noises of Mr. Lauren. Moon.—
Thu wen ail parties kiwW with at Wrens, sad the
interests of the United Sums, which pays for the pipes,
protected. The pries is kw. The oostritet to too largo
to be Sled by one sae's mesas Is the required time, nod
Mt. Myers with the great iron swims of Phila
delphia to aalat ; but I suppose, for I know nothing
of the platter, he lads their prices too high for his eon
Pent, sad seeks bettor tunas abroad.
.I,r gie he eo, wko is to Wm so, t Is it die statism, who,
acting, der tbe laws, larked fadr easipetitloa ; M sows
tram, be asks to sake tie beet tams be as, or the
4. Phgadisi mashatarers, vibe allow a Seated Ira Mee
dm Miss off, to madmen dim at their sirs doers ?
"I tha t lb* astreator will sussed la taakiag se
g his pipes la th is (vestry. No a* more thaw
myself aid regret to see the capital 'applied with water
thrombi pipes sot of our ows iseasfature, bat certsialy
asset latettere la's
of aostraotte, sai l
lt was my duty to mud the Murat to the lowest hidden.
He Impious to be • Pkiladelphisa.`
It would be Hike sad proper, we illak, for oar roam.
mat, le Weida; proposals for aay =dodge regaled la
the iwooecatiou of Its worts of luippermwat, to stipulate
that !bey flail he, Is all oases, of Asietimi predation, or
atitayfasetisr*. Sat the Gastonia& has ao tuberous power
to RIM sack a sdpaistloa. It as oily do It ander the
atishrity of as dot of congress. If die Opposidoa polls
do ar. really &axiom to Wald sad protect oar boa
why don't May go to work la the right way,
distild of omplaistiag agalast Sim who an stare lasts.
meats for emostiag Ike laws, sad kayo so diseretiostwy
rower la sketuselvos ? Ia all Were appropriadoas for
the Yerrbase of airfield.' 'bleb tbs Gaeta' Ooromma t
Raids to emery oa its bossokeeplog, let a provision be bi
sected manta( Mot to be of AJaeriim prodacties. We
dui mot bedevil a sloes aielalbar of Caress would be road
atlas whist sack a proposition. UatU the question is
raised, sad Its opponents are haws, the owmplalab sod
dessactatioas of this Know Notbing sad Bluth Rapablit
as. press an more idle clamor, sad 141 his 'amebas,
meta as mob.
--T►. Jamostews Dvaocrat am net Massy the sesta.
stAtoa of Tau Comm by fts Wader "sbriakers" up la Oki%
so far troa it, Wood, 4401 pitch?, into ilia is the fol.
loidag luast-u.
"We Wm road la soomiisf tb ptpsrs wbat purports to
be *As platforms of pitereipise laid down by Tow (*wt., fa
a nowt spool rowsoirbeeo is his disteiet. It Is b woos le
=to bo. N trims dial Provides., or the voters of
rot will seed his so list "that ha wilt see Ursa
Major *s bb tail." IN wield amob prig the met to.
isseotaptoes Dowoonu is W digit** to say nob ittivol
lies dossgbfaeoisui. We bus a* petioles* with sods that.
low bralawl. west booted lick spit*, as will oastiass to
talk about attowtoir Mho paw& of a tirriterry to farms Sok
ogre Costal totisa—aalaw tboy is,. it riodkr
Pix mat el mho vs woo tot* the boommirot, to
Woo too Ihroal4 ow§ refit tie soot rabid Loostoptos
Degmell i t ratirl. to OM lOW me so Tau &win.
OW Awn" •
Correepoodesot of the Otieurcer
MRADTILLN, Sept. S, 1868
N k.,
", 1141 0 Mr I %%fallow Yee% mead have be. teem
eae'JiLiasti7 4.'0444, ...okamo‘is. ix 0 immilos,
s wikkoreess of
leas by day. Timm wand with , • 11144 Prt OA
whi Sficilda la Adel loggrabbig aluald ad tio%me,
wineh there would be so oar la the air mid so Woks la
Whit .f ills witir./t4ll, of seam the Mite Mille Me
Wedaseday woe the crowd Boon. it was ' ostingated
that oa that day al say gives. tuo.nt la die oftersomi,
Moro were on Broadway kimono (Woo nom sad the
Bunny 3541,000 goals; add to them the laamershie crowds
who coold'at get in sad you have as army to rival that of
%ones. To sensible bystandors the yemiseetga was a
hors, as what mosaics is not? timed* this wasmatempt.
lblm mea of Its Idad• Bat tits meta tatenist was is the
by play, the margin of As proud to sad he, the
with inforiated polloemen loolfmtnany striving to keep
the most dear for the pimientos, the mammon* of lit
Biddies by tito moirosaaanablear crowd, the sigashiag of
hoops and the [Nigro siimabspga /gores whisk awe out
oltb• premium goats is tho suave aria& es oo the 800 of
the prooessloa, sold for rowed pricer the genders of perish
able fruits drove a *lidding mode gape:lift in watermiol ,
one which were "cloud oil allow prima" la haterise
quailing so that tam whole Park whisk beloageth sato the
oily Hall was best:rows therewith. Tha oily real balk la
Me whole affair was the hamiliatiog font that tin Hoag of
the day, mew worthy to be the goats pf a amino, were
obliged to gobailt to the wort and nets. to the crompli
amatory platitudes of a depotatiolkif comas eoiseiliass
sad adersea who are in so seam mpregestativee of 'the
city, socWly, ,morally, domislally nor indeed io say pro ,
per polat of view.
Tim leen seldom of Poinlsr assassins is the impend.
lag war Mtwara therilaitod States and the Principality
of Staten Woad., This pas; 'Waage has take* the lew
taro its ow* hinds sad hetet up the yellow fever Dopoal.
tory, act without some omme indeed, but certainly without
soy law, Blackstose says "there is so evil la DAUM for
which Woo is abt to be found some remedy la lieu." Bat
the Stoma Islanders didn't Wok so shoat their evil or at
least ocrasidered that they wets taltiag • short out. Their
mode of treating yellow fever eases I. entirely sorrel sad
lagesious. They proomrd oa the prliseiple t h at the vast
est way to cure a man of yellow fever is to born hint up
Trade bee been lookiag ap a little though much &stark.
ed by the celebration. The news team China is vary um ,
portant to Nei gogiand mansfastaring interests, as an
immense new midst is thus opened for cotton fabrics
which protases to to all the idle looms
at paying pricies. Ines event equals the promise, mann
featuring property in New lingland will rise one hundred
per ant in the sours* of two gars:
The book 9011$00 is beginning and there are said to be
some Annul things in moss. Opera has re opened this
week fora short mason, and the town is beginning to look
quite Itself again. The weather, however, has turned re.
thy, warm. There is no yellow fever in this city at aIL
Trade is considerably elected V tha southern aides, how
ever, by the prevalence of this epidemic. WAR.
—Tim Hartford rims, logpat• that those w►o calm o
obtain a oable Asia to wear, Welt take, as • ottiostinits,
• four posad 'Melt, • striae of tssotgoo. or ems otber
similar trifle.—ix.
di good auspetioa, but still we more to mead u fol.
lows: U tbey eta lad soldier, a primes »alp' will Ms
<lotto as well. We east fersieb several apes appitestioa.
The Mosso Journal thinks the threat of Senator
pougliue on the stomp, "to bring Mr. Ljnoohi to his conk;
may be considered as a ming of the slump mil on
A "atria frl•Ild mays, if your wit* Is ererbsadagy
ly easpbaslug of belag deb, just la her (slob you Musing
die angel girl, and as Waist este will be aimed. Ile
bay tried the esperisaela, awl ass resell was *us be bas
sever bad to pay a taut for "kap" oboe.
Hnme--tie Miseries& msdhuw—is actually married
to Kite. Kroll or Kroft; who brings kia the sum of Ble o , l
000 in sash. Sine* his saarriap, it is said the spirits haws
loft him, ftw In one of his esseepts to *yaks t►. shadow
of • deasased wt of one of his m. relatives, the spirits
,heed elderly to otter Bat le bias played his cards -
_ ...aserisad ( __.) apt.
bean Ovarention for UN Senatorial nomination, and Vas
defeated by a Yr. Hanford.
-- Cialamsour osesary .oTeatiatt, says that
oo Friday lost week, • man used Dooleis, a reddest of
Jamestown, was arrested by Oteer Lamle, ot Mat village,
oa n Amy of Must wick two of kis dughters, aged 15
and 18. 0. Cook, u lie email. walsed as examine
i sun pi ald Daniels was econalttsd to jail. He 1e • man
years of ago. •
Dad. David Miller, well taunt for noisy years u
proprietor of the ladies Quota Hotel, 'Guth street abSor•
Clandeel, Philadelphia, died at residue*, seer Ile
easter. as Tuesday noralag. Hs wee at ewe tau Sheriff
of issadaster coast,, sad was sated for Ms geode's* of
The Prooldoat, having thoroughly ianstigsled` lhe
right sad duty of tho Oalted States gorerament teapot
lag the disposidos of the slava fogad Is the Ncito, a•fr
dye slate, kis lusted orlon, throvgb A. Navy Departs
moot. that OK, ha forthwith tarried back to Afiica fa the
The Presideat has ahead ths spaaislt wiesioa to Mr.
J. P. B.q►aaia, fished States Beassor for Loaisisas. Mr.
Bsejamia is now to the Booth, sad it is lot known If ho
will seeept
Journal of Comwierce of last evening says :
The workmen engaged in erecting the tempo..
rory places of shelter for the sick, ,have nearly
completed their labors. An old fire apparatus,
formerly belongs( to a company in this city,
has been satin oS the Quarentiae Grounds,
aid will be mama by the pollee front this city.
It is a doable desiter, l i i : e p ha well out of ear-
Coe. The polies as well for, and all
their wants aerofoil; after by the proper
attelioritia. The inmates of the Hospital are
made very somfortable, and *regaling tor their
benefit will be ri4ht is s few days.
The Gunnar a his proclamation shows no
disposition to tamper with the rioters itt,i9naran
time. He regards the outrages there committed
as presenting a ease which, "standing alone in
its mortals, and- videos% appeals directly to the
chief magistrate of the State, whose ditty is is to
me that the laws are faithfully .:seated, to as •
sort and maintaht the dignity of the State, and
of the authority of these laws, rooontemptuonely
and barbarously defied tad timid's ander foot."
The /Mew of the dty is determined .in his
manner of 'peaking of the criminals. Whatever
may have bees considered desirable to be ao
oomplished relative to the removal of Qtamtudine,
before the late outtweak, the only Nurse now
to be proud is to retain the establishment
whereit is. No amosesioa must be made to
violence and outrage.
lir Airless from Utah, August 6th, state
that an eleotios ter msnEvers of the; Legislature
was held on the 2d, at widish the Church party
was generally essoessful, the Monaca candidates
.receiving 1,018 votes, and the Gentiles but 37.
An interesting habeas expo ease had bees tried
before Jades Eska* instant/xi on behalf of so
Englishman, eased Polydore, to recover the
custody of hisdsiter, who bad bees carried
to Great Salt Lake City by her amber, in 1855,
and was then in the family of a Mermen Elder.
The father was entemodul is his suit, sad thesis,
was delivered up to the Veiled Biases Marshal,
to be returned SO her father. A Dementia
Coaveation bad been held it Fort Bridget, at
slick tea Mormon *ley of the Adminisirmies
was marled ay
by ail& mad as army of
far m=a llllMlllllllllTA9llllll.—gusas.lbtroia : Plows
sairmasee WILSON LAUD, Iraq, 01 the City of orb
to ati 11 Castiiitts for
Atmobly. it. Limb pow
foory q Um kw se tilitiout sad Mkt& -
disebs= "it
Anil. 21.
duties et it
i rritative, sad will atia i No r
;_: _ - -- - -- - -
Min= of Le Data nod Witorford Tani
rad:lB. MOM to lb. Toon of latrCessty. war
oat ttiard to prty; atero of JIM:8 LICILM, of MM.
My, so a enne ions. to to voted Orr at Um Ode.
tor 'Didion, Dodo diloo of Dlierti
David Boyd, T. W.. Mikan, - IL 8. Icy&
Moo, J. Peer* . =Vallinimi. - Saha Camila.
Awl &d .
Colt. Jolla B. Obisoer.
Howard het. IL B. Cok al If. V.P.
Latta' Porter. Matthew Wattati k r....
Dorm Jelme - Olien, ilettkoo m =ell,
t he ': a rtfanreen, Dimon flhaloe. Wes
"so. D. Whltory, WoL N. Batley, iltsBgobsa,
itletioni H. An.., Joon Mobtamoo. Gootro ff ......mailui.
Plate H. Colt, Ruda WU*, lia.
H. if. Mein D 9• , fawns Drabs. R. If. I — Na,
Circled' II Wa... , Alm Hood, Wilson Ikon.
Cookson Chow, IL G. het, it. 0. Mama
Arced IS, ISM
eauzaivv—m. rams hissed( to the
ft.. sort larlipeadvet voters of &mat" es . eerie
rertir et the seeeteir steettos. isollsomeg tie olese a okv
awls, sad . eat political. Iss appeals directly to the trrrse
gelr"ji"lz" de =Or they mertv... Met If
Doi be om him ea ideation
of Xlll the Se
tter Isititalky, sad far Th elma betannts pie the sots
ty. ~. . D. WALMIEL
fa* Asirest 4, bus. 1413
- -
TO MR varastst Of IXOTIVIT :—At
wawa the argent noticitation and moot of must Mend; 1
-to offtr waren to the hes sod °•
rotors of
tile County as a assails** he the alai 8111 MOT. !ram
the =MIK 6 which soncratious ate now parked and the via.-
ads getout of bargain and site as perpetrated, tt ip torpoughle to
get a eorreet enemies of the people Omagh the ronithe of a
roarenthen. a Tier of this fact, as all as the of the 4e
sea, 1 tut competed to submit to the friends pd
allow ay star to dmod as • auddidsto fat fiberlist thanseing
elertiosiny solkiting tbe co-epee/4km and seinatore
of AU there vbe are at 1110111 is be their ova /rate, littkot at
loathe ethers to dictate their choke for that ollor.
McKean, Aug 14, IMI.-14.1th • ZLIAS BRKCII7
fr aoss COUNITY TRICAMI/L/1/..—To tale Neter* of
Cotooty,—Tba aodosyrood oßsti Wooer at ao
Coo&Sok for Coutr Ifroroator at *soon*, at•e
do% awl oopotty *oar ooloort
Rfflobota,ls•oll, maraca MUM
—We bare received from the publisher", Pouter
Wells, 308 Broadway, N. T., a book entitled, "Headbook
of Fruit Culture," villa, we should thick, would meet a
want common to the country. It imparts the knowledge
of the best 'seethe of fruit. It gives directions -for the
treasplauktur„ Isaiah's( sad after• care of every variety of
fruit. It also contains plates of frail with suitable desecipi
lions. We should think it would be ratter • conreoleot
book for the common fruit cultivator. -
WI call the at teßtiOo of 011 f 111111041/ to the wirer.
tisentent el the Eagle Foundry. This ia • new eetablish.
meat, erected :during tie pest aansiser, and as the pro+
pietas., Maar& Arcateox t Therar, are pry - rural me
chanics, we are confident it will be &nod worthy of th e
patrons", of the public. It is situated on Peach street,
a little with of the depot, and furnishes another evidence
of the prosperity of our city.
We are lade bled to Was. A. tintswotu. 1.1 the his
pint Stores, for • piece of the Atlantic Cable. "A few
more pions of the sumo son," may be found st hu cosh,
liaboirat, aonmputied by an autograph certincate from
Craws W. FIIILD that they ass "sections" of the genuine
arttelo by him to Urns. Tiffany I CO. of Now York.
As everybody is a little "cattle Mad" over the wonderful
lovement of connecting the two coottnont• by this "re
et of thought," we prams* our friend O. will htt
pleat; of costomen for these mementoes of the eras
Stay is and entambm them—it will only cost
dollar to carry one horns.
Prof. E. D. &mita styes free I.
og; Ibis evoulag at Part Dalt. AU•
"orgaior folk sod your Ammer/
talk* a chaueo.
Burglars are still t, benre oar merchant. au,
others cannot be too of their premise. ilia Tue.!.
day sight . Ellioes ill, • mile and a half south of the
.„ ,,r
otty, was brot
pee, sad the drawers and desks .n the
counties ro) raassolted ; but fort sastely lb* I h,i, es
[s and befAl ttle booty--a gold pea, a fete dimes le change,
Mod a lslree
ipt book was all the/ got for their pains. Mr.
R. z a ys if the thieves, or any body else, will bring bark
• book, be will pay dam well for their trouble.
The September number of the Atuer.cen Merchant
ha. been received. As usual, it is watt tilted with art 'lee
interesting to those engaged in lAA. Led commerce.
The Dettorin states Vs as Wednesday afternoon,
s lon of Dr. Dtruasos, residing is the upper portion of
the city, was dangerously wounded by the— wildcats} dist
charge of • pistol, with which he was umusi g hitneolf.—
The wound was deep, but it it thought no ital part hes
been touched. lie is doing u well as coil. be exported.
The Walesa Beals, we en glad to I ara, has com
promised and settled the difficulty io Ne York 'birth
sated its Dotes to be discredited to Wall tor 1,---This will
be good sews to our oitiseas, more or lees f whom held
route of i .. 1, paper. ,
-- Our military, "in all the pride - and circumstance of
glorious war," have been In camp, about (our miles from
the eity, ever since Wednesday morning. Although the
weather btu been a good deal homer thanwas comfortable,
we have no doubt they have bad a good time. indeed, bow
wield it he otherwisi with tied. Bohlandaker in command,
and a oaf mapped of melt "bail fellows well Mar se Maj.
Brown, Cols. Thompson, and Meaner. There is something
la the "noddinvoid.noddleg" of please, the soul thrtl/ing
music of the fife and drum, sad the glitter of arms, to int
spire their votaries to disregard heat and oold, storm and
wind, in order to gratify their taste for military display.
And it it perhaps right that it should be so. There must
be lOW body to do the fighting as well as the writing,
and while we confess oar forte UM more iu the liter than
the former, we are Done the less pleased to Ice a proper
military spirit cultivated among the people. Our Gorman
Sialow-eitheas take to it as Datarally as a thick to' waier
hewn we Bodziterever, as in towns like this, awe is a
German element in the population, they invariably
take the lead in all military display. For tilt., some look
with a jealous eye upon them ; but so Car from that beisg
oar case, we say "God speed them," certain that while the
'tan and stripes are committed to their hauls all will be
well with as.
The Gasate is getting unitive over the die iei,is
in the mustiness ranks, and • use, would-, if it could, de.
pries as of the privatise enjoyed by all newspapers of cook ,
ousting on Issuers of interest to their readers. Honey, to
this sod, it intimates very bluntly that we bad bolter "so•
Mod to our own beanies" Wined of asing our prerogative
to lei our reader, know hew the light of the -red tops"
prognosis. We always thought that a "cat might look
at a King," but it appears, according to.repnblican theory,
that such is not the case. W. learn too, Irons the stuns
solute, that the winch notated principle of "free speeek,'
about which our neighbor has bowled inorissantly for years.
1. eotlinsd to the &mossiest of the "nigger question" alone,
and hence It is antiocoining in us to diseius nutter. perils
neat to an envois In this district. Perhaps the Oautee
WI be right, but it scene to us that if it would roast in •
vptigatloa instead of endeavorlog to suppress it, it would
show note 4,0416'110s In Its position than it dam.
/IP Th. Oboervor b greatly exorcised atout the wogs
g o. Wyo.% tb• Itirpabltesse of EN. and laraoford eosa
thrs la regard to Coagrutional sad Samaria] noggins.
Tb Dieereor Is Vtestle exercised about" sat each tbtog.
La fast the Obeormr dose bet often got "exereieed" about
my this& sad In Ala ease we really don't can "whether
school hasp, se not." Whether Walker swath - ore Babbitt,
or Lowry swallows Fleecy, vies verse. IA of little cease-
Won* to Os, ksowlag as -we do that the dose will set am
hoary on the stomach of the swallower as Jonah did epos
that Of the whale. No, no, oar amiable neighbor Deed Dot
lay the tattering emotion to-his soul that the yearrele in
the Itepubllkeut ranks will ever deprive us or en burr's
sleep. They may, like a parcel of Killimany eats, eat one
another up all bet their roadie extremities, as they are
baud to de sooner or later, and then they can rest *oar.
ed that when the Moat Is aceomplished, we will be oa
with the shovel of Democracy to bury up the remains so
that it may not stink la the nostrils of posterity. Plteb
in brethren, tiers le not a klah lo oar hair to be "ekes
wised" pro sot eon!
Is noosing tits communicatiort which appeared !a
the Waterford Sur firer a couple of weals glace, p.bargiog
that Dr. Williams was removed from the Post Odle% at
Ramberg batman le was apposed to the 'Camas pollee
et qte Presides/, we did itaintsational Isiasties to Mr. J.
T. flaswettli, the. agent of that paper at Wattabarg. is
eimuwiag him with being the author. Prot" the (am that,
epos sersral - ceeefises, we had seta the atme of soother
mats, fermsrly aeasested with the Wsetsbargellies, appe a r
rather prmaimpetly la that sheet, we had , gibbed the idea
that ha, instead of Yr. L was the agent; and we referred
to Na la ear itotios. Biome that we hare learned that our
saislos even la, that &maim was attune. The author of
tN w a aat em il ots liras L Waisrfor4„ instead of Watts.'
hug, sad Is a ney mad reptidaus ladasd et s Dan+arat
as he dried h 1 ismissaisidish Wi Iv deb eidttbd
ha is as triasiliet Dr, Maims wit. 1111,
mad vs saw ryissi that vs sodded
Arrival of the 0 rig, Doll
A t the • ,
Tbetlnited Status g tea ed
night, and snob* o The I
du been ten ins
having ez • a me of es
alma. She to is as g*l
Lieut. Bradfo , o the Ip n; wit the prlie
crew of the slave brig Echo, captured by the
• : ' ' rifts' Aintilier MN arrivaLia meardasses
wit . orders. The order, however, bad been
countermanded by Mr. Lee, of the Navy, who
ordered the crew to proceed to Bootee.
The Dolphin had on board Capt. Townsend,
the commander of the &he, as a prisoner. lie
will be kept in the custody of the arigate Sabine,
to await the requisition' of Mr. Hamilton, the U.
8. Marshal of South Caroliisa,,abo has the Echo
in custody for adjudication, and the Dolphin will
premed to -Money to Boston, to be fitted, it is
said, for the expedition to Pateguai,
Capt. Townsend is a native of Rhode Island,
and has a wife and three children residing in i
Providence. He is about 38 years of age, and a
mon et .superior eddrets and education. He is
tall and well formed and has prepossessing fea
tures. He has light hair, large sandy whiskers,
and ig scrupulously exact in his dress. He
speaks freely upon the affairs of the voyage of
the Echo, and states that be was driven to en•
gage in the slave trade because of ill success in
his voyages in legitimate commerce. After the
Echo left New Orleans, be states that he called
the crew aft, and said to them that be purposed
to go into the sieve trade, sod promised them
$9OO each if they would continue on the voyage.
The Portuguese and Spaniards were probably
aware of the nature of the voyage before it was
projected All the crew aceeeding to the propo
sition. Instead of proceeding to St. Thomas,
for which port she had shipped, the Echo shaped
her course for the. coast of Africa. When she
reached Congo River she landed two Spaniards,
the slave agents, who went to look after the car
go, and the Echo proceeded to an island on the
coast for water and Oresh provisions They were
chased (retro the hilted by a French brig-of-war,
from 'high they escaped in a fog.
Returning thence to the coast they took 370
slaves on board, 160 of whom died on the pas,
cage Captain Townsend then gave up the corn.
mend of the vessel to a Spaniard, and shipped as
a passenger on the brig. This is the frequent
rune in the slave trade, to avoid the responsibility
in ease of capture Tba Spanish captain having
calculated his reckoning incorrectly, the brig ran
ashore jji the night at Abaco, in the Bahama Is.
lands. Floating off at high water, she proceed
ed on her voyage, and at day light passed Sagus
la Urande, when she discovered the Dolphin
making toward her under British colors She
suppose.) the Dolphin to bra Spanish brig which
had hoisted British colors for a ruse, not suppot
sing that there was soy Atneroan vessel of war
cruisin. , among tit. West Indies, or if there was,
that any Amerieau/vessel would take sufficient
interest in the z atter to. interfere %Viten it
became evident that the Dolehin was gaining On
her, the Xrew of the slaver knocked out the
bedrem her masts, end satved down and east
ov d her bulwarks, to increase her speed.
v,, Z /
~,,, A the same time the liquor eintifit 4 w e re o p ene d,
and the excitement ..f the chase was heightened
by the general intoxication of the crew N o
lest exciting war the ecenosm board the Dolphiu,
though the artificial stimulants were not resart
cd to there The Dolphin's 111P11 were i orifident
of a capture, and this confidence we- trier. 31, .1
when it became evident that they tier I poh . i
gaining on the .laver Alread% the negro,. %ere
observed on the deck of the 1.:.•t. ,
After a cha , e of weeny nine hour 4 111 , Poi
phin fired two blank cartridges at the Eeho t,
make her show ber colors Thir iris not rio,,ir l
ed, and Capt Maffit order..! a -hot to Is tired.
which passed a few feet from her stern 'l't.e
Echo then ran up American color., and the Doi
phin immediately hauled down the British ttig
and ran up the stars and stripes. 'l'he next shot
fired passed between the mast, of the slaver, and
seeing that Abi. war. nitre! ) st the mercy of the
Dolphin, the I'cho then hauled down the tun r
iean colors Capt. )Istrit de.pstched Lieut
Bradford, two other officers, and sixteen men
aboard the slaver, who took romension of her .
Capt. Maffit himself subsequently visited the
vessel Fie slates that although presenting a sad
spectacle, the condition of the Echo was much
better than that of most slavers and cargoes
('apt. Townsend states that they had been allow•
ed extra rations to improve their appearance and
enhance their value in market They were the
captives of warlike tribes brought to the coast
bali a
re ..a Matti.
who Want your
lioanted, walk in and
and placed in baramotts While awaiting the
arrival of the slave ship they were fed on roots
and esculents, and scantily fed at that and their
close confinement was terrible (in the Echo,
Capt. Townsend states, they were fed on rice,
beans, slivers of pork, and a quarjt of water, and
a small quantity of whisky each day Tobacco
was also given them, and they were exceedinsly
fond of it. '
Capt. Townsend is at no loss Ito find excuses
for his act He states that the slave trade is hit-
Inanity to the prisoners taken by the warlike
tribes in Africa ; that before they were not sold
to the traders they were put to death in cold
blood, and that the captives in the Echo would
prefer a life in a plantation to the sufferings they
endured at the hands of their enemies in the bar
racoons He saga that the horrors of the slap
trade, as depicted by writers, are based upon
the imagination, and are only true as regards
the trade carried on by the Spanish and Portu t
Capt. Townsend is counceted with an honors;
ble family in Rhode [stand. He distinguished
himself in the war with Campeachy for his de
termination and brivery His last exploit mill
bring disgrace upon an honorable name, and tar
nish the lustre of his previous achiermente. He
is somewhat dejected and melancholy, but is con.
fident of escaping the extreme penalty of his
crime by the verdict of a South Carolina jury
He expressei his gratification at being captured
by an American vessel of war, and is grateful to
Capt. Maffit for the kind treatment be has re•
eeived at his hands while a prisoner He has
not at any time been placed in irons, but has
been confined- below decks, guarded by a sentry
The Dolphin presents the appearance of having
passed through hard service. This being the
first cargo of slaves ever Ire-captured '.by an
American vessel and trought to an Anierican
port, the position of the Dolpbinand her Officers
is now one of- peculiar interest
FRE,E7.IIIO TO DNATll.—That to be frortn to
death must be a frightful torture, tunny would
consider certain, from their own experien6e of
the effects of cold. But hero we fall into the
usual error of supposing that the suffering would
increase with the energy of the agent, which
could only be the case if sensibility remained the
Intense cold brings on speedy sleep, which
fascinates the senses, and fairly beguiles moo out
of their lives. The most curious example of the
seductive powers of cold is to be found in the
adventures of the botanical ptirty, who, in Cook's
first voyage, were caught io a storm on Terra
del Fuego. Dr, Solander, by birth a Swede atof
well acquainted with tho. destructive deceits of
a rigorous climate, admonished the company in
defiseee of lassitude, to keep moving "Who.
ever" said he,"sits down will sleep — and who
ever sleeps wil perish." The doctor spoke as*
lege, but he felt as a . man. In spite of the re.,
monstrance., of those whom he bad instructed
and alarmed, he was the first to lie down and die.
. The same werniog was repeated a thousand
times In the.„retreat from Moscow. Alison, the
historian to trj the experiment, sat down in his
gatden at night, when the thermometer had fill•
len font degrees telew zero, and so quickly did
tits drowsiness come stealing on, that he won.
tiered Napoleon's unhappy band had oven able
to resist the treacherous influence. —Loudon
tile OW the afifiasi di train at Chicago from
Detroit the other, livening, the crowd of people
about tbe - des wernfireatly astonished to see a
m, it IV ttailktie at one eovaed wisit a
thief!. coating ..f wog , tr.,m iM
o pti o - ogur ear:. Sersrug the do t
bb eirol ; , ipsed !s ub tomiri
Btat4; t AilefitiOng that swept t o ki
„ 4ad ridden bow bliehigag t
ohiciko' the truck beneath the fie rn . „/ d.
He was Anew hat in liquor wbea be orate
Ant perikkus place ; but with the m oo ,
cars soon began to get sober, and with
thinieki realizing sense of his itamine;
He determined to seise tile brat kit.-
get. out, but the train did not atop ,
at any station to enable him to do PO,
way be rode to ebietago, a distse et
tulles. He pee the name of Aileasod u
and said be wan on his way to St. '
MutHag Trapti
Yesterday our town. took its m a w
places of Dote. It was exalted to
very grave occurrence la high ,
N. Bowyer, of this vicinity, In a,
into the FSnoaatle Farmer,' Batik .
President, Mr. Ju. McDowell, s r
three wounds, two of which are the
serious, sod way prove fatal After
icg, Mr. Bowyer walked stross the
ouCwly surrendered himself and pistol
custody of a peace °Goer, who, air
ted bite to depart to his home in the
Capt. C. Breckenridge—Mr Bowyer
that be would be ready to return whet
for. But little excitement prevails
menu to be talked of as a matter tool
Mr. Bowyer is, in all rrepecte, one °
best citizens—remarkably gentle and ,
in his intercourse with its neighbors, end
Cul in all his counsels. These k nown
character in hlr Bowyer inreq the
with an interest entirely different i r o n ,
shooting affairs.
An examining court was held
which committed Mr. B. for trial '
omit Court The testimony before ti
court went to show that Mr. McDowt
dueed a weak minded daughter of Mr
from her home, and furnished her w►,
bill and money to go North where he
meet and provide for her comfort, that
urged her to this course on the ground
had learned that some one intended to
anonymous letter to her father atnuaini
with their intimacy, &c., and that if hi
found it. out he would probably kill her
fire of Mr. Bowyer's servants had f
carried notes from Mr. M. to Miss B,
M.. bad been frequently seen provintgal
premiqes of Mr B. late of evenings,
Misq B had been Been -on the same
sauntering in the same• dircetlen., , tits
did leave home and Was found by to
who went in pursuit, in the city of r
a ,•uspiciods house Mr. McDowell
home a few days aftor Miss B I, ft, ti
sent some time Mr Bowyer brought
ter from Baltimore and placed her is
Pr. Stribbling of the Western Lan
after which the uecurreaces earrateil
of yesterday took place
Lefore alluded to Ihe eame mentint)^.l
a correspoudeut of the Medina 7 . 1, 1 ,1,
are tinrprised t.. titii the nhjeet of •uel
9611 alive The per:..1.1 e, Mr Ii
Shelby, orieun. euutit) wrii.r .t
Gun, •9
"P , )r mot 017111 II yuarler vt a trout
Po,aen lia , r•D 11L, ,11 if: . ...1. 11^
Ic COILI.Ih)3, I t off —4:
141 . 1 ,•ti back r ult.,. It i1..44
a t till( I. • of Wt4ldi hl
ti , 111 i but 1. A f , ..•6 not cuttrety,
t, ii.l 1.11 its.. W... lOUS
ilr the organ of speech.
slight ow\ ethent of Lis skeleton hand,.
slices Lis loiuy limiest, and of ill
J'_ to adroit the point ef a feta
I,,en utire4 1); , iel ter the hp.t fift„
IC it a ri tuarkahle fact, that
Le , t - , reti the light, or aught for fai
he knows hii neighbors sa,tley
tiormehsek or in wipes. Le ai.tinrui
tween , the peculiar sound. , A Ni at keeLi
ent hori , e4 and the rail!, r. , lit
Let those Who c ompl ain 0 1 a h ar d
bacause a few of their ,leNires arc au t
visit Mr. PosAeil: and they oln ,otor
hearts full of gratitude tor the s
blessings they do enjoy
The N Y Times., Utah corresponc
the particulars of a case of
recently at Salt Lake City, before'
Eckels, of the Supreme Court
It seems that about four years ag,
Mr H. Polydore, a lawyer residing in
tershire, England, joined the Mor
away from him. Stealing their
daughter, from the boarding school
was placed, she proceeded with a
English Mormons to Zion. The t
meantime, made every effort to
whereabouts of the mother and
considerable time elapsed before
that they were among the Mows
that his individual efforts would '
procuring the return of his ehild,
Lord Malmsbury, the Minister of
in England, for the aid of the I i.)l
behalf. An application was made,
the English Government, through
to Secretary ('as', for the assistance
eminent in the matter, who thereupoi
instructions to general Johnston, di
to use every effors in his power to fan
and secure its restoration to the flan
the civil authorities had become est
ease was 'Aiwa in the hands of the l
District Attorney The child, who is
years old, was found with her aunt.
fourth wife of Samuel Richard.,
Twelvo Apostles. The mother 9f IP
returned to the States Upon er
Court ordered that the child shoe,
to her father, and she will accorthol
as soon as a suitable escort can
Napier, at Washington.
OIL. An elopement upon a sUpe „
place on Wednesday from that
love that don't run soomth, in
cruel "paryin's," in Kentnck)
from Falmouth; the gentleman.
Lightfoot, and the lady's Sarah 11
She is said to be heiress to the ae
of $250,000, besides being beautift
The parties arrived at. the :q.ea+
late to procure license, but yes:
they were made one by the Rec \
of St. John's • ()buret*. The lot!
after the ceremony, started urn C
with his beautiful and wealth) Ll'
THE MiES. BRAN NA% 3114 1
Vestigation going ou for
lation to the mysterious .h4ppial .
Braenau bee resultcd it, it,e
hack-driver arrested ou
man before referred 1 ,, w h,, . s ar
boat gate his teatutp , uv and u' d
in his id,entitieation of the .0) P:
.bized her featbres on bring Al‘'",
type. she was •2:1 N. sr- ,1,1
WOMB woman. 1:1 - Oni Ito . I. ni.lette ,
° an be scarcely any
itidY was outraged and I tr.'"
don points to tWo 20.1
be taken by the lady'. i•rofhrr
tery of her disappearaine
- _
MUSTANiiii —Theca arriff.d
few. days ago a dr,,ve of Rat mug
whirl' the oWII. N bad porch/v ., ' c o l
thclN'rders ..1 t Ito t;nnii.•
a diatantp of 1,00 mi lf , tt,roirgb I,st:
"Ist )lilutourt and t;11,-4,
Indiana TL, v afers°o'
s' 2 • s o tat h •I ro• .t..ttrer
dri)t of uDJ tal ILI , c
Interesting Habeas Corpus Cus