Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, September 04, 1858, Image 2

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lII' J. P. 11.1.111A111, 'Editor
SLOAN & MOORN, PubUthees.
Democratic , State Ticket.
roe CANAL 0:111111:4910NICS,
Now. of the Week.
-- The Clinton kraine.eal says the Legislative commit ,
tee appointed to investigate the affairs of the bogus Basks,
An Itch as its members lacked experience in such beteiseelci
succeeded in exposing the eoudition of these institstious
sugietently to show - their utter insolvency. Amongst these
~anti was. one located at Shamokin. A New Yorker nes.
ed Robinson, was the principal proprietor and operates of
the concern. •Since his exposure by the committee, be
cum.,: oat with a "defence" that proves him doubly a vil
lain. There is notbing in his statement that in the least
extenuates his attempted swindle, but he endeavors to es
cape odious by making infamous charges against others.
]tow destitute of truth these are may readily be inferred
by au examination of one of them. Re Pays the bogus
Banks siere the offspring of what he chooses to term the
• Sunbury and Brie Railroad Swindle." Now when it is
recollected that these Banks were chartered in 1857,'and
the Railroad bill was parsed to 1858, a year afterward., it
will be seen that the offspring rouse In life a year before
the parent bad existence, if thie lyteg.Robinaein tells the
truth " He seems to have acted upon the idea, quite pre.
valeta in New York,"that it is an easy matter to terhidle
Yenneylvania. He made the attempt and bet the little
capital he had in the nperatiuu It is an old adage that
•a fool lied his money are soon parted"—sod this is equal
,) tru.- paie.l scoundrel
-tly the arrival of the ussit tram St Lake City, the New
York 7isrea has dater one week later from Utah, to Jill) ,
So fhe latest new, from tho Camp of the Army 111 to the
•13d alt Preparation.. for the .Tbrriterial election were
„, forward in Utah, and the Wattle re.ideuts were to
rota on an independent wart f r candidates to fill the 4.
Ines now oc-upiod bt member, of the Mormon priesthood.
A "Yasuo"-ticket fur Territorial and County Officers bad
been put in nomination in Salt Lake Cuy, the more liber
al and influential Mormons being placed on the ticket with
Gentile candidates. Politics were quite lively at the date
t our last ',deices Repudiation ot the Mormon currency
—the autos of the "thereat Currency A 454.Ci316 , 13"- -was
the last nitiviktnatit of IheNortnou lenders, and the effect
ut lb,: ID
i / as great dissatisfaction among the people,
the !inutile st eepers refusing to receive the notes, which
formerly poised current In payment for trade. The recent
rumor that T, ran and a few of his friends had
lied from the terr.tory, is corrected , BNIGH•111 left the city
for a pleasure excursion, but bad returned. From the
Army, at Camp Floyd, we learn that the Volanteer Batts.'
ion had been dismissed, sad left on the 19th ult., for Fort
Leavenworth, Where it is to be disbanded. An Army or.
der, issued by Gem. Johnston, speaks is eomplimentary
terms of the Amos and men of this battalion. Another
order dipeonneets the battalion of mounted riflemen end
the Third Infantry from Gen. Jonserox's command, and
orders those corps to New Mexico. The army remaining
in camp was in excellent condition.
—The Canada mails bring tidings that Ez•President
Pierce was, on the Stb lost, in Switzerland, preparing to
leave fur Notbera Italy. All along the route, from Libson
to Marseille, he bad been the recipient of distinguished
cwolideration from public officer, and pirate citizens.—
At tlibraltar, the senior i otheer in command of the British
os'lral forces at that point extended marked courtesies, and
urged the Ex President and Mrs. Pierce to take passage
for Tangiers scrum of her Majesty's public armed vessels.
&t Marseilles die Preach authorities, beaded by the pee.
feet and the military commander, were especially attentive
and zealous in acts of hospitality. The health of Mrs.
Pierce, we are sorry to perceive, does not appear to have
been substantially improved.
On the lath Inst. a riot occurred in Davenport, lowa,
an - consequenee of the bankers of that pleas refasiag to re
deem the notes of the Florence Bank, of Nebraska, which
they bad pot ti circulation. The mub assailed the. bank
ing house of Cook A Sergeant, and the reeldertee of Mr.
Cook with brickbats and stones. On Thursday swain
fifteen Viindred men, principally Germane, aseanbled in
the courthouse yard, and alter organising, resolutions were
passed calling upon the banker, to redeem the notes. A
Commlttee was appointed to wait upon the bangers, sad
the result has been that a portion of the notes have base
redeemed, and the redemption of the midge is promised
between now and a eat Spring. At one time it looked as
though there would be a general row. The military were
under arm but were not called out.
—James Dowling, an Irishman who bad been employed
but two days as barkeeper in • 101/ roggery im the neigh
borhood of the Fire Points, was on Friday night shot
through the heart, as it is supposed, by a man named
Thomas Claes, whom he bad refused to furnish liquor
without being first paid for k, on moonlit of having hese
fleeced out of pay for drinks by the rime party cm the pre•
ceding day. Dowling died Is a few miasma altar beteg
shot, and Claps was arrested and Welted ap to swat the
adios of t►e Coroner.
—An attempt is now making to oompet thoylovoland
and Toledo Railroad to moose the rentilig of trains oft Its
northern division. Early be this 1111611111011 a 11t011111 sows
away a portion of the track beyond Port Clinton and the
Company bare nogi soled to repair the damage. No trains
Lave sines been run beyond Port Clinton, and only ono
train snob way dolly. It is said that s3,oo4l;weeld make
.it neoessary repairs, bat the Compaq lading an. track
ample for their km slaw, do not wish to rma. the
•xpease of maintaining two.
The Arkansas papers °ordain as address from a eos
in ins* appointed by tits Mimes of Little Book to the per
of that mom, upon the iralsjot of the removal
of free negro*" from its limit.. The address eels
forth the uudestrablusess of that class of popalaties la •
slaws holding community, sanest& that Oa aleeee•r,
laws be passed by the Ilwrisiature to remove them from
Arkansas sad to forbid Utak return forever afterwards.—
Tito question was mooted two years ago, bat failed.
Dr. Howard, of %safari, Vt., Is ftaaily attained is
jail. His name is among the most iguana of lists,
saimluals f and Ms recent arrest was apes four kadiellasests
—two for tau shairister and abortion, use for as simanit
with intent to kill, and no fourth for some saber outran
not opeittliml. His bail was *zed at $17,000, which he
amid art proems, sad will probsbly sprout la loan a•d re.
Legato in the State's Primo.
Two little ,iris, aged respectively cloves and thir
teen years, daughters of ;Thomas Bantam, were drowsed
mostly while Whim with a aeighbef's child I. Ashts.
bale ottelt, Ohio. The eider of the twit mistime staid hare
saved herself, hat would sot desert her deter. Wbsa she
fasted all her efforts were vat•, she waled to the owletboes
child who was apes Uto beak, "Were low, go and toll
we lbw." noir bodies were Goad as boar •ttetwards.
Hoe. Ralph Metcalf, lirkloteraor of Neer Hasp.
ebbe, died at his residence in Clareseat, oa Tisanday. no
bd lows In for two iametbo with a outmode *pow tho
bask of tbo seek,. sad for a don aallorod humanly. Ng
Wowed's part be bad his. ompandively easy, wilaaa stio
Mimeo takia= a■ aryl palm Cana saved a atiakoratlea•
tios. Ho was limy ono years old, sad loam* Ws awl
thus eltladroa.
—Soho H. W. Hestia, the weit•koows to . stiosr' a j. es
lecturer sod spat, died swidealy a few days sloes at the
reeideoee at his toe, to Parkenburg, Cheater °empty, Peas
ryleasis. Mr. Slash*. was about shay years of ark—
He Was ate of the ela isteisperate Stabilisers emashaales
wb• stoned • the eekriwated “Wsebiastosias" (et loess
make) tsiapeassos noveastat la MI, sod fisua that
period cowhand asseasiairly la labor to the eases, hp.
log sorer boa baton to tehipas howl the path of issataat
—Abetit Asty of the prieeaers to the pipaiteldary at
gellitabse, 0., begs-bees aataeleeil via the typhoid lever.
Two hare already died, ead about as sway omen
Sardis. I. W, there az• sane tweedy eases that may be
eassidered mime; fa the ethers the dhow has assamed
a slider type.
—Thus Es aa ordinance is the city at Load" regisktre
• firo-olghtti lark-tat. to b• lasortod war tits man*" la
ivortmoos, bir 010 Mono of Waft 4 gas la as. a
staillot* oarelosamkass. Sack a. enflames* la tam is
tibcattios of oar eopatry, wield provost many raw mg.
&NM ,
MR. fa sea . pod advice boa ate at .is occiteag
so -it laskaise geode Is' sale aad Oak to lava kayos.
allarcite• - Itepoo meat to had asythim aid do mot atm
ahem so Gad las doodad mask, istivertise. aid k al to.
beeps so pa, af at learnt. pas will axe be tad above
le Sad it. It liave lost maims, adman. It An
an is scotch of aiKethieg, aleahai
eiRPTEIMIUIR 44 s 1101kr.
tavim 111 W 111111gilTUVI, a t
iddiena l hrea a re tailor As is
moo osii, limb' go AP 61611114"
_. whim yet OW history leered sr profits ' TO
-- af ib ir "Ora Or ad rep , easi 'Bad so
paildial Is tho le 101111datioa. , ~.► "IA 445. .r«; Daniel
111-41 0 11 ** den; *Nth 4 Pifilibles lift all
are suppoood to he eases ebowiai the mitosis/toe to whit , *
sail is sab}eeted la this "tale of tears." Bat Dose of
them, as this.resdar dialtten, mete ha soarers* *War
trials through whisk the shrieks,* owls ••bleodia t ir Bas•
sits" is this Cosigressiesal aad flesatorial di/trice Sr. Jut
now paselair. We:have road the "sorrows of Werner,' we
hare had tbi laawatatioas of Jesessial preached to us
bola the pulpit; wo Moo !Would usnaay a time sad oft"
to the dolefill tales of disappointed applicants for eters-
ties faros, bet aster bate we had osv"fisease sir worked
age°. sod oar sympathise so spend as we hew. with
1110 Web. as Meted by themselves, of the Beanudial Cur
feeeme. wise. like the King of Waage when he starched up
the bill sad those mortised dowe l Via, leuebeg o'er I.
Waterford on /friday hut, wed attar Wing is laosbademe
all that sad the sweesediag day, nearaked hosier/Ms.—
The Wu la, lbws has been • gnus satrap perpothated up,.
os the Sepobileues trio, Coonly and thole ?blew,"
and we are disposed to resent it. The blood of ,tho Nun
Wee toy aloud for weave:es. Those twin "bible in the
woods," Low's sad SAithart, bass boss deseirad, embed
and spit epos by their brothels* la Crawford. Look at
the flutoi or, lte Shakespeare has it, lot as "a tole oafold."
for six south@ the Barn* has eoitiaaally harped epos
the "tight' of Sri* musty to both the Senatorial and Oft%
greet/lowa isentiaatious. Gas. DICI/4 00 it said is nab,
suave, was a good ma—a very good saate—asi had bled
as a faithful servaat ought to, for "Noodling ?Canoe bat
thee having enjoyed the Congreadisal teat fortis years,
while Ilijok, starvisg nisi, had tweed it awry onet,' ,
It 'rook, bee. were thee thir that be should give op sad
allow the "ravens," as they did of Wit to administer pap
aid proveader to tba buniskiag sandidate presented by
that redoubtable skeet. Sot was • • , • midst
Sod with oarryiwg the thougniedisoal prise I
dash of the pen. but with toolbar squally as isithomes,
equally as "pungent sad vigorous," it swept, dislibmatorial
nomination iota its &wild Omelet. Aad the Cowtrestiolu
aetaag spots thee* biota, trotted oat their favorite sap,
aid appointed ocisfetees iastromod to amen ob.*. Be
fsr all "wont merry as a nearriege.hell.” Tb. "mid-top"
republicans of Erie eosin, were going to swoon the Con
gressiessil sad BsatorW boairdi—.sartais, 111,11" Bad'at
dos Goodie willed it! Babbitt willed Bursa
Greet, sad Honey, aid Teller, and Sulu, willed it,: And
last, had'ut the "Napoleon of Crawford," the owsq of the
whole "bike' kit of 'ean," willed it! And thus settled,
amid Crawford weary due to 'ismer I Aloof for all
!lowan hope• ! Crawford county took tbs "penis." Craw
ford county bad mood of tios mossod fruit, and halm nal•
tiler her Dicks, nor her Flanges were disposed to "eve
It op so," even to accommodate the throws, or iipppamt the
appetite of the Marring twin "babes in the woods' pro•
seated for nomination by Erie roanty ! "Wheat °rook
meet, Greek then emotes dos tog of war," astd!tetas thus
the conferees hoes Erie and Crawford wet at Waterford
and gdiaboro ea Pride; of bud week, sad the `result of
their labors et the former place is recorded is the Gazelle
of this week, zed mattered in sm erns broad east all or&
the district. From that document, which me wish we bad
mom to publish entire, we gather a pretty cowed WNW
the "harmony" w►bb the Smote has so lady bragged
exist@ mess the faithful. The first indicatica of this is
shown by the feet that N• of Lowry'. men is the ?assess
ties offered a reeolatlos "that the candidates protested as
the a►oboe of Lie sad Crawford mantles respeetively, be
requested to ;dodge themselves, is writisg, to 'hide by its
amiss." This trap, thoesh adroitly belted. Nisch* is
vase, for the easiireof fro. Crawford «iitehed yaw it"
leoontinently and dray* it out of the couvoutlair. At drat
blush, it is true, web a propositioa appears fain bat crime
we roar to eoaaider lb. rumors we bare Hard that use
of the easterees has Crawford (Haag) was: altered , the
swag litds "pecuniary eamplissat" o $5OO for his
vote by aoscebedy, sad list smother (Lee) pablidy
ad IS a pablie barroom daring a recess of the eoorention
that he had had "a bid," we op readily see why the Craw.
ford conferees wield sot Mad themselves by`stay such r.
solatioa. Cougresstosal investigates& hare shown that
republicans are a pareitasable ootassodity—beare first to
bind Pinney to abide by a nomiaatioa,and then tamper with
his delegates afterwards, was rather sa adroit pee, lest
woe which It appears did Rot. vim The. felled at the out,,
set, the ouster's' from Erie were forced to h vote. We
eau imagine ud doubtless oar readers Ma also, the Are
await Greeks from Eris, and the salaam Ave Greeks from
Crawford, going through tiso Wee of a balk*. Lilts the
old story of " she gees, lad there also goes," the °ea
forees proceeded to pat Ave ballots tato the hat for Lowry
aad live for Pinney. When they had bacon, tired of that,
and wished to vary lb* enterisineseut, Mr: Vs. spokse•
man, Dowsing, would proceed to enlighten the obdurate
fritrads of Vitae, as to A* diety, mad she tonne the NA*
candy delegates "were tieterudaed to puma:" Erie eons.
ty, he said, wanted Lowry sessimmod, but if obi could sot
gat bits, she would take suatebody else.. But all would
not do—tim 'toques@ of - Dowsing (sot Jock) oven was
thrown away—aad lean he leek a mow task. If there
was so vistas In /peach Slalom he world see what rem-
hakes wealii do; lad la IN watt at Awe with art oral
"wherstamo* sad a rawhides, lb madams of *aka •at
that Dods oaasitaatao b rogolsolod to dolly doff ',MIS
it to as la the adios of lie oceisootioa saossal
Is be dismal ozpostioat to soialasto a aou .aa. This was
Sao old slap, »baited aa4 roost. Tb Maw nom looked
is it, molt 11, sod timed sissy ...Nog a very largo at;
t►.re... oao of thou prorated a abort Wok. is Use okapi
of ea oeseadiatut, sad forthwith the re; doted out from
seder the .lair of the Preeidest of the sosveados. The
weesdeteat steed by the Crawford teaferes was that the
whole maUsr .refeered beet to the etavestiosi of the
two townies. Ilia usewithest the Trodden Mansard*
.d, sad prooseded to pat this seiglasi rtheintioe itra•—
wherespos, not being used to dug Mad of peritemeatery
rub% the wasferees took their hateikad it& Ithe await
feet. of the Erie -rosters's, Woo plielded to es Swiss
hem baited se as ewe by the ' oesekiles with the
fon/nisi •
"The suet to Medias to OW air Crawford
idesdemehra i fee keels( the witheitt seems
labildat IMJag". Le widelt W.IIIMOMIst. • weed mote.
sad we win ism the wthOst. 01IMili withdrawal of
Crewhad Owiliweee, we bad emeelMea uto the emus
to be parw.d. sod thew adlosesod to meet mimes at three
o'd met a P. /4 I. the maw due, we paid& visit to Eike
bore, wbere the Ceasrowiesal Coathrese ware la seseloa„t
sad head that ss dubs progress bad hoes wads to soruksa!
dog wroliiste far Cesigrwe es hr she Spews. We re.;
cussed to sedum ecessitwasa irseawed
th to e S emen
age* at Maher*. es the of Septewther aux;ma
hey sad Mate Uist the Oeaspasiesid Oeslortee steersed i
to. We him as hderesedoe se to *beim lb. Casten/el
hest Cruised wit sees with se es sot. they were lavi4
WI to 'meet with Mat Watiefeed,we Eatatiley siteeseeat
sad jots with us is as adjoursuwat, &sabots, but they
alined the levitates.
We *sly him to sey Is ilesolustow, that the sea
ken Olswfoce messed se dist the seedeades Mt
Lowg would be se essepteide to sham se mg awl, •
. FUMY —16114 11140 ear would be essepted but that pis
times. wad (bey isfeewed us Om there were spa es
pinto ressese - wby Its wu se. It say oleo he
so astlee. that our Crawford Meade ewspilis dom e w
we redeemed s mellow se mho Up &WI sea, sea ed
do ea Is reply to OA it Is a* wawa; to isy, slot
lbentild we bad pregemed the easy he es sew teas*
es a sew mad* dissielag dew riesistios, the Gaut
toed Conferee' left wr I
Beheilag Abel "keep eardeusedie &domed the swri"
mete Um *bon b at mad* without Amber wipes
save the stasis illernit . that is ear °plates then Is a
deal sere "hisedias. hi We fiesetortat district at the prO•
seas WI. tuts she. ewer woo Is Liaise I
pit- Tta *ribNew bap Ist good dial of foe Door
, mmirobsommefol How lb. Iftissrr, the Wilma
iambs. of Casseis iibi 10•10•110'11• "ward loose to
his ististsilit," tipfilliboy Riot; bat, *on AO souse
Wags ma fa repibilissi Ilitasstisro slot will sot boar aft-
Isles, sad if Amy liert limb sharp Ads issitli so POW
"VI bs tempi es thissaistroo. ?sr lostimiss, tints is •
g. is Skeis Its* km ties lest Oossormemeflio aserior,
is its Woossfsni sensor °miaow Pot tee semsombost of
ear nadirs Is se mall s seep* sad Ind—
"]orris gooses* was 414111,aisdidlieisms pat
Use "watts& Ni. Assam issis SisisUlPal 6111414 mid
Like sway isteillgass ass is mot a rvisplusdl gisiises
Os Ms. gad relit or prollalasty tutk Io stWaitted
ibe aelgisel essfastles 64.
1141~41, to blolligoot isibli, owl WI Iwo tido
pt4Nlthmt: b soon as oisloilliestr thisollimp Owl
orates •pgidkosit stoinAo is the set* 484 Motet psalm%
b ort wow (pootiowtot7 low loolli °IP 1000
woos) mit& bow Waimea loi~tilpesper Ahem
**oho is Not a pioooung /aim* is titp map Olidnitio of
pootwlaW7 lodge awl 4iimisimpoplk, bawl ay Potter
dna IS wawa •• olitintit naiades *shoo as mood
wet to IL 0.04, Wm Itt-4sMits thile"Oldilic FOLEY
il i oglau
ovorgoialL Dot bare lo a helm—: I 1
•• • • —"Owned* as It * I* th•
Orairter4 dahisse we too' eiste tte 4 k pot ,
owl MM IN tooSiP
:5«... inilmit *NW Ibe pellioess eras Oar.
id WI Ws lislesdribesit 10. 1 6 41 ,« siw y
kevelp l it es lbw btu sod M timtseire•" thainr, rh•
W saboidlo rlltr Mid .
pt Jams C. NAIL
slata► is+, et -Oliteltpolls tot it distaitabomakt 4MI
- kit Olopirs Is flikihid*abileilielM mow. amp
It Is sole Is. adarsoinkfilirlelo wale
amp. mho phi *NW .
Cotoll444lOff 41' the .1
r. 3-1 . V TN', A. Bi, ltl
theett brewellid tblil.t7
ion el eette ssi sta4oefesSio.
tie could 4 fest Alessi b ripply the
sethadisille sahibs. %Ore sin sit elite •f ways a wear
ies it—is the bettes hole, os lb. watch guard, is sad
nap, or year an, just as yes way fsecy—or peritaps is
'Um head of your ease. Bet realty Its shield Use te stop
rejekAag. Whoa Jassy Lind ease over, the Aseeriese
people wade a folioed,* national Palate it itself, sad it
name likely te do es seer *gale sheet Ibis debts el ears.
Bet, to he sere it is a Ise cases* fee wispily MOO to bot
out their loos piastre eloquesee, sad pet". who ate bad
of traapiog is the mud sea bare some nesse for welds'
se preeassioss '
At say raw, whether the escitemest isjeatillstil• Of sot
everybedy is talkies "table." Aid Ike pass sespeted
by the oehievessest, the epigrams sad thaessaadraste are
tbe meet sesetreas shartiose is that Use to which the
15th ossuary has giros ki th.
trade does a 4 mover mast se had Wes hoped, The
west is heyiegisey light sad dos bone trade Is sot 00111.
lassoed yet. We lave ewers prospect of is bird Water is
cities and large elaiss places. blassfastarers will
led it hard work to get $ sew do/hr for as old one before
11•411 spikes, to say &Aides of the web: sad tier of as
eldsery. Coesideradoa for their workiais will be the wi
ly mats for restlessness Wesel the abater with nasty
wassisetarers. Theism* seaport titles os the piker bead
lapsed for sebeistesee of Ike segetiatios of szeksages
Wesel' Use farmer sad the sessalletaree. ?be greeter
the *merit of sash ezeitasipu sad Oa sore rapidly Bury
an wade, tbe sore prosperous is the trader, aid his pros
perity is the life of s host of sebordisstas, who do ids
leery work feu his. Theo there are the wattles girls,
who maks towers, Poirot boxes. dept Air% heirlirork,
everything iassfeelde is He way of "sedate this day
assists flew by tepid& But Mere is very limited sale
for such artistes is the preeest ociatrassed suds of the path
itpooket. Bo the girls rust lad their Holes Wiwi they
People at. billowing le Aroma bask to the silty sines
the soap of sold weather. At the moaner resort they ere
happlag diet/ lass -bap - sad skatting op the aeasesterith
exptrisi blazes of glory is she shape of "kW bells." The
eicasehes are opeaieg agala sad **persons are beck with
ruddier faces, freer buss sad beanies rases; people who
seat up from the sea side into the samatains, two tweeths
ego eith sallow Wes sad dies eyes, Dose beet with *las.
tie steps sod Lubin :glasses, ready to tars eontersets,
play base bell aid erieket. hurrah for the cable or saything
else extravagant.
Polities are begianiag to stir—conventions and
caucuses are abroad—sod keep schemata people oat of
bed beyond basest bona, SOlnetiael, as to lit. 0480 0°
wake ap in the irstehlwasa.
We see by the proadedisp of the Coageossiosal Costes'
tint of the Ashtabula disiriet, bald last went, and pub
lished la the Conseaut'Reportsr of Thursday, that the op
polities to the venerable Joshua have succeeded In nat•
tag him from the position which he has held-for est masy
years. The third ballot was forty-Mae for Joss Hymn
tan, sad thirty-eaves for Gtoantes, with tea easatarfav
than mewls( the &stoat of GIDDINGS. His nowelill eom•
petitor is a lawyer is Trumbull (dusty, sad is said to be
full as radical, but without Mho of his ability. The De
trait Free Press, is ramekin arm this result, says Gm-
DINGS has bus maternal* for the violas** of his abolition
views ever Elsa he has been is ratio Ufa, sad was at out
time expellod from Coagrees ou sweat of an act of un
tempt of that body. H. was immodiselly endeloreed by
his abolition diennitnesta, tad, as it was beton the time
of tallegtigke. the first assosaceemont Custom had of it
was his apposesseo ea Eternise os the Soot with his oar.
Chute of election is his hand. Asother fast which has
gives him some notoriety is that of Tate years he has Ices
the oldest atembor in the Hasse He was int sleeted iu
1834 and has retained his seat ever slue. Attar flaisking
his pumas tans he will have bus Is Cosines jut tinni
ly years. Of Isis Ihe has swam la the Speehars, a oompli•
most usually ascribed to the oldest acting isesabor. The
reason of his defeat fie said to be on sourest of his opposi.
tics to the Montgomery bill. With his eoUasigiaba, BlNG
air, Buss, sad Moir, b. refused, aosseientiouly ao
doubt, to ahead*. the ancient principles of his party sad
go is for squatter soverelgaty. Hut allow • while they
were persuaded to succumb; sad jobbed with all the rest of
the party is voting for the actinides of Kauai, "Menial
slavery sad aIL" Pa this eostuassoy they were all to be
*winced. GIDDINGS aid Mow have already been east
overboard; Buss. it is said, has so °haw whatever for a
resominatios, and Boman *sly succeeded is the tau
of a powerful oppoldtios, which follows hies even sow that
hob ausinitod. This feet sepiolite @Mime &fest.—
The black ropablicass do sot wish to be trembled is Cos.
gnu with any mutters who are not winks' to forsake the
principled' of the party if espedisasy Mould diets**. Gls-
Divas has hoes debased bunted' be Ms too mach cos.
Neese& Comm and others who are sot au bordesni
hero the Mille trick.
-_ "A man lately died is Boston from the
effects of the growing of a toruail." )id he ?
We regret to hear it. We regret still more to
beat that say one has lived to a nature age
without lesisitig bow so prevent "the growing of
a toe-nail ; " by which we presume is meant
that frequent, Newsom* of tics corset of the
nail growing into the overlying flub, in conse
quent*. of wearing boots or shoes too tight. We
buelsown ammes of szennating adering arising
from this came ; sad only last week we rode
down tows in company with a surgeon on his
way to operate on a toe that bad become inflamed
from the corner of the nail grow i ng into the flesh.
Now, W ire i li cmt this dillwalty sot cut away
the *tinier of the nail, as is usually
done, very ort, bat cat a meth in tie centre,
quite flews to the gala, and keep that notch
there until the digitally is muted, which will
sometimes be with the lint cutting. The
asphy of UN remedy is that the eat breaks the
sad naturally changes the eurvature of the
nail, and lashes the airmen turn ap instead of
down.—N. F. Trams*.
A Mei JOILIL—A newly arrived Jobs Chios'
man, in Shasta, California, says sa eschew,
purchased some ioe remedy, finding it very
wet, laid it not to dry a the sun. 00 going to
look for It again, he toad that it baddisappear'
ed ; and forthwith moused the whole Noose
neighborhood of larceny. A general riot was
the oonsequesoe. This is about as good as an
anecdote I ra heard the other day about a lady of
the Irish persuasion. Biddy had. just arrived
and obtained s place to do general housework,
soon after whist' she innocently inquired of her
atiattess bow the ice wu to be cooked for dinner.
T ?Alum.
Mr A sew species of hrilmastable nriaeral,
tensed “illinninating clay," has been discovered
by Mr. Frederick H. Boathworth. Mr. Routh
woeth lass Americo) residect of Rio Jamul).
He has tested the properties of this clay sad spa
plied the same to the soaking of gas. He reports
that it giver 7 *chic feet of gee to the pound,
what cast gives bet Si *obit hit to the posed.
The article is of the solar of elay, sad others ism
looks like coal ii its pure state ; it will berm
like wax when held is the Ism of a match,
It is said to be fogad in large deparites on the
beaks of savigable rims Brasd, sad the die ,
coverer anticipates that it will be used by ail
gas companies is Brazil, sad beixwee a article
of exportation. 'Pte %WinggoovveerrstNest have
takes the natter seder oonsidentios. Mx.
Sou thwortir ham applied for a palest for the
privilege of usakiag gas from this seateriel is
sad it is thought he wi 1 obtaia it.
new took Owe a few ilkys shies at Bawdy Hill,
%Wagtail south N. Y. eassiag the death of
a tory satisablo lady who tonserly resided Is
TN, mid where sits .had easy wars fringe.
Agsim et the kissed, a pug lady had bass
&dabs her hither to shush to a ;wog
teas sed&itlathe or be nes is hie
phiragerdiag Aso ogreueousle, the
loom lag, ow semis/ the oecterresoe,
too&.a walk with hiss, dad b,. i e .
digital :Mbar haat at his miiessa. Amy
words ausipsi. whew the paatiess drew s dirk,
aldosia witimat say law* so It soma to
ass* The east of the imam lady who allow
sed the trip" Nes ler4ly Wimsolsoll v im
seised with violist assassalle yeepldsi Ma*
oostiaseil for rape - dlea o...yroireAtipOyed. Re, ensuing sit last
*iwailitit*ohirtsijr silts fell Ugh is her
00 4 , dlMAkliatag mita* a blood
yawl, alieislawi onotstinlat
Ili OM IRO* birlogisit •
Bar. Mr. Gossp a isal L. pesikshss Wks Valve"'
ist Church, Is this eiljr,folserrew Mas C►ourf
Tbo *taro of M. L►rraoa, at
was robbed of $lO3 as illatradaniatit
Llost. Cou.nrs,.of ebb city, boa boos otdocod to Ow
U.S. atom*/ Nlcblgss, is plow of Limit. Brom detaeb.
a. • '
Ire retie the M•der to • loiter tree 811111Sief Fun
say, la /elegies to his snag's' eossoetJoit with the Shat
makes Baak, t• be resod la wither calms.
Mem& S. • J. Osaarir bays proowood the owatosos;
fonworly awarded to Ur. P. Own; to tlbo Swatoary sad
lii• road, Ovid wfil isisodistoly wasaaato the noel et&
ma 11,,.
Monday to Ballo, Jeresitsb O'Brien, a boy
aged roves years, was drowsed yesterday fa the eresk, by
haling haw a raft spot whist ha was trying to cross the
strew above the tarailike bIYp aa Obis street.
—Mimeo to bonsai* maims tend Owe. !Mn aro
now is ilfir Masao jell oigis pima' awaialair grid for
murder. Oa Wards, faatatait. Angela H. Jobe
sof vourdosoa Ma lOW dace am only sent years of
or no Rapid)lieu Coagroadoaal Confines of IL
&stria.; mot at Rdiaboro oa Friday, of Jut vook, arid,
altar ISO ballets, without making a Atoka, sad 000duaing
la sosoloa wadi Saturday oftoraosa. smajoursed to moot
mats us Wednesday lie lib last., at the rams place. The
Coutorour of Brit eousty atoodUy vied PR 11114 JAIN Bas.
arm, lloq., sad diompf Crawford roard for Hos. Joan
The Commonlyllls Courier says that whoa ths
Sostalotial estaildato, proposed to tho Crawford meaty
aaadthats, on ths swift of tb late soavonttaa at Ws.
wefts* to withdraw from lb. *grass and leers ths
sonveadon *so to sass a new raaa, the other politely
told the gsstloasan goo Brio to " Go to It—ll with Ills
d—d tampon's's." That is • good story as U Maud*
but we ink Were It; for why would desator Poesy tat
kis rival to go to • piss* be is nits to souk whose*? Ga
briel Novo his hors
—11 la Gamete says 'Wove. lf tie Repablkaus can
not "waits before the eloetloa, a Laeouptoa Democrat could
sot be Ousted to sutler" tie Boasts or Cowen Very
well them; it this la do cast wltat's tks ass la spoadiag
more dose is attemptiag to baramalea. Pita la sad let
us have a free light. Diek,or Babbitt, or Walker, are save
to be sleeted, Utley is say Misses to be plated la do
esilmates of sae% a political guide u lb. Gazette. Norval,
thou -for a free Salt sad ao gowgiag
We aserstaad the movements of the Editor of
this paper are watched with • great deal of loitered just
now by the leaders sad backers of the "red tap" brass% of
the republican party. Last week,for iust•soa, as our read •
are keow, the Editor aforesaid, vended ids madam
for • few day's visit to Warren. 61i he bad's( (strip got
oat of tows before the "red top" hies was bwiniag with
the news List he and ►is conipealon bed goal down to
Cranford for the purpose of spriseng some raise seder
the Raped:olio" Consilium'. This le right; he is a danger.
sus chap, sad It Is welt enough to watch hies, or the fret
Toe know bell base your "red top" orgaulaatiou might
seder Noe Deseerade dsad•6lt, "bleedlag Easear" and
all Look oat for his, wo wry
Barr is this f The Gana. oasts the Naomi' to
"bring their caadidat•s Into the laid ia a regular way,"
busman*, lt argues, "soaks' could more oertainly waits
the now spryest], divided fame of the republkans.—
Ladeedl why you told as last week that lb* party want
divided, sad could'al toe—that the "rt d tops" were Innis
anti', sad that say Worts to get up a "row" among them
would be utterly hale. How is thin' Has the Oatetti
got a bad memory, or was it only whistling a little fast
week to keep up the courage of its followers
The bilis of the Warms Comity Bask hare been
discredited is New York mid Philadelphia, mod maw
qamitly are se sale here. The reams ter this use hare not
learned, bet prosaism it is eemetkiag of a temporary na
ture, lad that is a few days it will he removed. I►has
a lam eireehitlea I. this rie/aliy. sad U the Bask has me
Wally failed, the loss will be heavy. We hope for the
Capt. Geo. Muss end edema are swaged le rale
tag the resales of Car. Penes las chip Lewtareca,
mob to the bay *Meals Mc city la ISt; for the pur
pose of males Nap ins Cases, sad other keep-eskeissed
will hare them for sale at the Pettletßay celebration ou
the lbtl. We sui were these who say pereltose from
his's% that oceseloe that they sea rely ea prostyles the
senates article.
We aeksoviledge the rerolpt of the drat number of
the Harrisburg Doily Patriot sad Union, age of the very
WO looking mud ably edited davliee in the Arts : It is
pabLiabed by 0. Bautarr a Co., and sulked by It 3. Hai-
Dallis, Rag., fulas, $4 per year.
Ws low from t►a Pessaykracion OW to Wang
for t►s gndastio• sad masonry of sofas :kitty silos of
Ike Basbary sad Iris Railroad, as. oil at Parsaadsvilhs,
Wodiroadsy, t►. 2blli hot. Dar* ibis. what days
p moan; lb* hittiag, Lick Rana, wile► L six skies din
tact, au peony well crowded with sasions visitors. Xt.
Moorehead,tho President, was not able to bo propose anti)
TY woday. Tb. work 'wadi to the flissowoolicolog, sod
la of a nue►\ lighter e►arretar duo woo ootielporodt. Whoa
Mr I. des. it will Wily os Ike *satire ditialm a dia
toms of sorely ono iiirodrod sad twisty will. woolward
from the gastrin tornisso, at Ssabory. The osotiooo wort
sUottod to highly rospootoldo sod norponsiblo aostrootoor
at ottrosoly low Wow
------ A corrninadeat of the Waterford g•varer, who
dates lin r at Walston& aid signs Monett* "Doane
ern s " as of the renewal of Dr: W. B. Wn.nairs,as
Post Master place, sad anon that it was nom
plished "bp the powers; that-be at itrior beans. he was
sartoostl to be opposed to Lerospios. Lad die Guest
echoes the use dugs. Naomi., as ire dothat Dr. Ns.
uasts at least always profaned to agree with as OS the
Leassiapten quad oa—knewtag, also, that motilite "the
poiron. that.iiii at ado," 1110, anybody doe ti grio,,bad
any *tag to do with proem:Lig his removal; ad being pen
feed, egrainat of the reason which iallossind tin Poet
Koster assent la waking no removal, we penman. the
stateasau of the taquirer's oarrespeadest Ales la carry
particular. The identity of the writer of that orauciaskvi•
Ilea we lune ao doubt of. He Is dosbdoes tit, spas of
the Enquirer at Wattsbarr, and if be desks. to investigate
the nouns foe the renewal he complain of wo refer his
to his owe sad othor 'testing/ay tabs. Won l 8. Cos.
MI LIAM', OBAIM, 111 the ease of the "Nita' atom ca.
Marla Wearr." Altar examining OW osy, bat
him panne his investigation farther, wt, have no
doubt tlie U. li. Cosadnioser will inform hi* that ose
D. W. Mooai, lisq., a *eclat of the P.O. Depart visited his ,oilln the day Welker was ;band over,
sad took as abstract of the matinee, tokow iti the eau,
mod transmitted it to the Pod Muter doseral. We hate
oily to add, that Ir. Moose's stall to Drie sis os but
ass cossetted with the Iris °See, aid the good of the
unite to this Vidal% sad had as sere to 46 with Itis
somata, or Asti•loseaspios,tbaa it bad wish die Adantre
We presume Own is so prefsesies that is so often
~ je wed down" as the platers. People who, not hesi
tate to waste hundreds of dollars at salaam, billiard tables,
or es otherluzurtes. without a wirtrettr!, win dispute sad
haggle, aid play the lousy diddle?' to perfeetioa whoa
presestod with a printer's W. Nor is this prepessity
sosised to isdividuals. County, State, sad lathed ofd.
eials, sods/ the protases of proleatlag the potillto of the
people, ars squally epos to the °barge We slide eat a
bin sot loag state aphid one of oar pull&leat i tloss at
mp h, edverlislug swiss -- rates eesgalslied sad Ished
at the heed of every paper la the Ag e aid Aortal by all
regular advertlea..but Memo es* of ear silghbers had
image is hie bill at threelberthe later, we mild met eh.
tale eettbseseat sakes we mold asks oar WU eeterdiag
iy. We walla taco as as illestradese-sot & teats
ry is/Kamer-of die prevalence of the idea lariat that
mounts mile to printers are mere patettlits, aid that,
like ether °bends% the reelpieete sholaki ass be ~WWI
•fedtfill tea hotel. 'These are *Me. liewomte, who
.sear to this eeestreetioe, seders itiepesel teamed their
stpliss...ll ease et ibis eloarainet asearredrearitly heater
ibis eeenr. Whoa; road as It deeldetspetel of is, we
sem a esetemeat el is for the hese& el oselimajl amp
'start..' We gists front the Noumea, Is. Pasria.
ate liienaber sad Deemilier lass we ptiblielieithe de.
Ileisesei lilt damage teem 'Meet bevies iiiccleacy
rwiss. seleklittilikh the Otooketid, sm.
et tie week preeested the MR Able *at ear pub.
priee-310 squires at SIAM *WA Whishillie
as iamb% tee that sad Whig. With% °011,13. We
I lMe Uestailesiaisere highs end
after one dieessalek, thk, they el
Mired el 808,48 milk& we eeeepted, lad salt pare paid
all the any the la the treeeei7. Os %hewn
die aft* their ailetasee, the Oessikehisiers revolted
sheer declaim, sea leek seemed s$ that , Ire le SIMI,
tllik.helep °VW leer time ire had aliesily,teestved.--
From ibis ism settee el the Dosed of leetaistiokoste aas
appealed to the Oeestat-Cewe Pism o a=iiiie ism
+ jAiMtild
MeV* Omit Oa So
teastrarimmos emplediitaArisimis.
rid k,...
t• 1, 7- ' 9 7
oettlem=etwotag , • •
patisboti: l sad
'iilod MOO, that 11 was 0 1 illb6 "..' to
Vero what thole.* &mote worth; ,•• ' • . , -
as bad a SOIL Is the ei tial 01 tb• .': ..-
*ea*. 11114 ► lf siklzed. no alba; , oostios '
~..'" ---• ed.
thit the pi* ties 4 be ' , Yer
,4let the phstithilli4fimages" • 1$ '- •
See the advertisesteat ef the publisher of the Alkeri.
assi Agriemitutiet. la smother *ohms. Everybody should
am s ;triploatieu the' Wel** ohm
can he had, fres a good waves, at so cheap a rate. The"
Agrfoolteirial Is the ►at farmer? periodical in the. Crafted
States. A Gamer 'dales Is sow published, sbaultatattoue
ly with the Eagliett, sad at pie saute tow prier—El a
Th. htieens of the 24th Ocmpassionsi District.
sow' iwiralige Gnats, hare aesalantatensetn
Hasa. of Wanes cm, as their eamilidataerirehalof*
Mere is asaibisr aeutlastion showiag M what desperate
petition) shifts Ike mahatma pwty ftdritca Likasseit
Mlbe sea who have obtained Won and progreadttr ender
this sew organisatioa, Mr. Crum Has. is • resepole
Desserat, aad while is ementnnios with hiseid party wu
as ultra a free ander as Jobs M. Reed himself; sad this
donialses war sae of Um mamas whisk ladsced the Re!
pabileans to gine his the aominatloa. Another, sad per
haps tho meet potent Gan, wu of gaits • different charac
ter. Mr. Hatt la a wealthy man, sod it was given out
that if ho maid gat the amaistatioa he would spend tow
than d dollars to secure his election. Our old friend
Canna, who 'salad to run the race, ItaXst that amount:
to gins, therefore be gramfailly backed oat sad left Ur.
Ousts MALL to try his bolts* and the length of his purse
—shrewdly ealesdatiag, we presume, that whanhe gets
through with that old "war lunge." Judge Ondes, be wily
sensibly realise Was truth of the adage, that a fool end his
money see soon parted !
Sr Hu. J. OLLsor Jostas wu rewoutaated by acct..
miles by the Desociatte Convention of "Old Barke r ' ,
bald thia week. The bitter-personal wu mule ,apoo Mr
Joan by bad no piker effect than to rally the party cobra
closely atoned him. Whore la Pone,
To Tan Banos ow ma .oanavan :
Dear Sir: In' the New Yea Tfirses of the
16th islet, a communication appears over the
signature of ;08ZPR B. ROBINSON, purporting
to be an exculpation of himself from charges
preferred &pinet him in the report of the Coins
mittee of the ,House of Representatives upon the
organization of the Shamokin Bank The corn ,
muskmelon consists principally inithe most vio
lent denunciation and abuse of the Sunbury and
Brie Bail Road, the Banks, the Legislature and
the people of Pennsylvania generally, and is of
character to require no comment or notice as a
whole, bearieg as it does its own refutation upon
its fabe. The Erie Gonne awl the Conneantvitle
Courier oopy a portion of Robinson's letter is
he introduces my name, as one among see,
eral others who "was to be
,tsceid" one thousand
dollars, for what consideration does not appear,
for even Robinson has not the hardihood to
charge me with having had anything to do with
the organization of the Bank.
Now, sir, I desire to say through the columns
l our paper that if such a thing ever "was to
bc,' that Col. Curtin, Hon. Daniel Taggart and
myself were each to have reoeived one thousand
dollars on amount of Idr. Robinson's purchase
of the Shamokin Bank, I never knew or beard
of it until I saw it , ju the New York Times a few
days since. I bad nothing whatever to do with
the subscription or organization of trip Shamo
kin Bank ; never saw or beard of Mi. Robin
son until be became connected with the Batik ;
I never counseled, advised or assisted in its organ
isation; I never rendered any aid in procuring
its charter or had anything to do with it what
ever • I was never in Shamokin nor da I know
the Commissioners of the Bank ; I never receiv•
ed one cent trom the Shamokin Bank or any one
connected with it, directly or indirectly, on ac
count of any matter whatever concerning the
Bank. If my name was used by those who of
footed the, sale of the Bank, it was unwarranted,
unjustifiable and impertinent towards me, awl 1
presume equally so towards the other gentlemen
tattled. lam morrally certain that they are as
innocent of any complicity with Robison in pro
curing control of the Shamokin Bank as any
men in the Swa t Avow take the oppOrtleutty
of saying that there is no Bank now chartered in
this Commonwealth, in the orgaiiiation of which
I have taken any part, except the Bank of Craw
ford County. It is the only Bank I ever urged
in the Legislature or was interested in the pas•
sage of, and this at the instance of my con.
atitnents, for whose benefit it was passed and for
whose benefit it will continue to exist With
my connection with it the public is no further
interested than that it was legally organized, has
been carefully mauaged, and bail promptly met
all its duties and liabilities. D. A. FONEY.
A terrible disaster occurred last night at Sl
o'clock, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, near
Hutton's Station, 12 miles above Pittsburgh.
The Kittaning train coming down, stopped st
Tarentum and hitched to a ear containing a
large party returning from Camp meeting .
When the train reached the above mentioned
point the Taman= ear was thrown from the
track by the breaking of the eross-bar coMieat
inCLibrakes, and the ear rolled down a steep
eat, turning over twice.
At the first revolution, the roof was tutu off
and the passengers scattered over the ground,
=tangling the bodies of some.of them horribly:
Mary Ann, daughter of J. T. Kincaid,df this
city, was instantly killed A large namber
were more or less injured.
John Rookley's skull was broken, And J. Me.
Creary's arms were broken.
Among the slightly injured are: Mr and
Mrs. Kincaid, Mrs. R. Donaldson, Mr sod Mrs
trben, Mr. and Mrs. John Slidell, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Wright and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H
Soeman, Mr. And Mrs. Meyer, E. Haselton, Dr
him Parchment, Mrs. leauffmas, Henry Lynch,
and Mr. and Mrs. Mann.
A coroner's jury at on the body of' Min
Kincaid, and exempted the company and em
ployees from blame.
isle= correspondent of the Philadelphia Press,
taming ander date of Aug. 30, thus posts us up
is China afairs•:
I do not think our Minister to Chios, Mr.
Reed, will lose any laurels because be was sat a
party to the treaty made at the point of the
bayonet by the troops anknavies of France and
England. Late intellige* leads me to believe
that Mr. Reed has made more character than
either his (}sills or his &scut Keel. John
Chinaman is a most imperious and iocutnere,
hensible fellow.' He has a thick itide, and even
if it is penetrated be can afford LO ere a few
millions out of his swarming myraida of !Pies,
and not feel the loss of them. Ile is proof to
ballets and blarney, and is alike reckless of the
lies be tells and the promises he breaks. ` An
entinentAser of. the United States navy, itir
here who has spent some years in China, gives
it as his deliberate opiniorv,that. rio diplomacy
and no hostility, no treaties aid no armed ships,
will ever make any impression 'Toe China, ?Ind
that after millions have been squandered, the
civilized =time of the earth will find that,the
searkorbariass bine been too much for rbein—
too wary, too skilful, too mysterious. It is Fis
ted that long altar Mr. - Cushing bad 'midi his
pat treaty of 1846, mol had it duly it
was toned with , the sea nabrskra, and Is the
paekassisidreiwed to AS Emperor himself, lying
semidatrsbbish in the cloak of one of Cite
many -battened manda r ins, thousandi' of,
miles " Pekin, on. the most where kens
Ito n to dOol with Rah a pen
pis is, after all, a (iNalt.prolplom._ Apo* !nay
be the hem thelevetie•_ .The a" , hag
sot yet a r rived whew this can be decided.
. .
lir The govemmot i.a telegraphed •to
Cherieetee, Omelet the War Department, to
tbe IY. 8, lit lasbal et that diarist, Id haw •tbe
•:11Pes band the date brig ado re
-40tepter, shoats miles from. &kip '
' bean& faer4l44
- " be* Xereieti 0141 . 1141
'dope** alio brig.•
Terrible Railroad Dialoiter
Prrraßcßon, Sept. 2
of it IWO glrerThree Mu!.
And ,
Co map° mime of Me:me ßit it2e:),,
The departune of tea N Tayt
.eitt, bleu me to= an riot tent
Which is
of a slaver by the United States brig Dolphin.
1)e Dolphin, Lieut hlaffit, Command
reftieb b'eAt ending oh the uertheru
\ Out of Cuba, called at Saugna la Grande oft
the 2.oth, and left again on the 21st. Vorly in
tie morning of the same day she descried a
suspicious sail ahead, steering fhe same course.
The unknown vessel outsailed the Dolphin
while going free i Ind toward evening be hauled
his wind and_sittitymi. by etber,inatueuvreing his
wish to escape from the.e*cild attentions of the
*easel in chase of him, though as yet he bad
Igtoeu - no colors. Immediately on observing this
movement, the Dolphin tacked sod stood on in
lobese of the escaping vessel, which now packed
on all bail, The Dolphin then hoisted English
colors, and fired a blank estridge ; but no smut
Lion whatever was paid to it bb the escaping ves
sel. It was now about the middle of the after_
1110012, and it wed apparent that she would escape
under the cover of the approaching darkness,
unless brought to at once.
At 41 P. Id t another gun was fired, which
being unnotieed, half an hour afterwards a
shot was thrown across her bows, when the sus
pected vessel hoisted the American enbign at her
peak. She still refused to hease•to, however,
but made every effort to avoid being overbaulded
Capt. MA( then gave the order to fire a shot st
her bull, which struck the fore rigging and pas•
sod over the brig. This had the desired effect ;
the vessel, and hauled down her colors.
Lieut. J. Bradford, with s crew of marines,
then went on board and found the brig to be
from Congo River, with three hundred and
twenty slaves en be;ull. The crew immediately
were placed below and moaned, and the vessel
was taken in charge by First Lieutenant Brad
ford, and Second Lieutenant Chas. C Carpenter
and sixteen men On the same day they pro.
ceeded on toward:, Charleston, under orders of
the commander of the Dolphin, which has urri•
red here The captain of the slaver was taken
on board the Dolphin, which will sail from here
to-morrow for Boston _The name of the brig
was formerly Putnam, but had been changed to
Echo, which was painted out. The captain is
an Eastern man, and refused to make any statet
manta. The capture of the vessel by the
phin reflects great credit upon the commander
and other officers You will be enabled to learn
full particulars upon the arrival of the vessel at
Charleston. t T
New Rail Road Proposed.
F rum lb. New Yort F. eettioe
Much has been recently said about the projec
ted broad gnage railroad tram Olean, a point on
the New, York and Erie Railroad, to Dayton,
Ohici, a distance of near four hundred mile.' A
part of the proposed plan is to lay a third rail 1.0
the Cincinnati, ilatuiltou and Dayton Railroad,
from Dayton to Cincinnati connecting there with
the Ohio and Mis.issippi Kalinin.l, and thus al.
fording a csantionous broad guage from this city
to Si. LOW*. It was announced eight months
ago that the road would TM• completed in fair
months from that date, eat six IllifPllth, s.uce a cs
stated that the itoo bad been purchased, and aas
being shipped from England Thus fsr
road has not been finished, ts..r 1i..,
shipped ; but, strange a- it rua) app• .r, it.
ject has not been abandoned There fig
influence at work in favor ti,. rut, gal.., I
construction, it is urged, would pr,.ve of iww.
advantage to the New York and Erie r-A,l
This company could out aid it directly, ..f rout.. ,
but European capitalists who bate large iuv. st
meats in the Erie road, would u.iturally desire
its success. This influence has, doubtless, se.
cured for the project the attention of Euelisli
capitalists, which, as a proposition disconnected
from the Erie enterprise, it would net have re
ceived. The road, if built, would add largely to
the traffic or tbe now York aria %via like I but
as an investment, it would necesearily prove na
The eineinnati'Ga.eite, August :17th, thus al ,
Irides to the enterprise :.
"No intelligent man, untler.tandiug the pres
ent working of the railroad system, and the ex
cess of railway facilities between Cincinnati and
the eastern seabord, would risk his reputation by
attempting to estimate a profit on the business of
any new east and west line that could be eon-.
atructed through the State of Ohio. Since the
opening of the roads now in operation, the busi
ness has not been sufficient to furnish full and
profitable employment to the several lines ; and
of all the roads in the State of Ohio at this time,
the line from this city to Cleveland, via Xenia
and Columbus, composing three companies, is the
only one that is earning a dividend; and this
result is attributable more to past management
than to present traffic.
"tinder this state of affiirs what is to be ex ,
peoted from the business of the new line The
projected road might, and doubtless would, se
ewe traffic enough to render the only paying
roads in the State unprofitable, but its own busi
ness would not lit , remunerative to stockhold.
A Lerma hark—Four months or more have
elapsed since the passage of the bill for the sale
of the Semaining State canals to the Sunbury &
Erie railroad company ; the works long since
passed to the possession of the purchaser, and in
turn the various lines hate been resold to a
number of other companies, gone into their pos
session, and nearly forgotten by everybody ex.
cept the owners Hut a few days ago the Canal
Commissioners woke up, nearly of the opinion
that the sale was illegal, and adopted a resolu
tion that after some further circumlocution, per
haps they will lest its validity. At this late
day it may be well for them to consider the pros
verb, that "a bird in the hand is worth two in
the bush," before putting - money already in the
State treasury to the doubtful use of paying the
espouses of each a lawsuit.—byeoming artzetir
INFANTICLUAL —Cormier Nott held an inquest
this forenoon upon the body of a female child,
aged two months, which was strangled by its
mother last night. It appears from the e vidence
that the mother. Stock, and her husband are ad
dicted to intoaivation, and that the child mur
der was committed daring last night while she
was partially drunk: She slept for a while last
sight in a *had at a brothers of her husband,
living on Fulton street, but left there, and pas
sed the remainder of the night in the street, nor
could she where she bad been, this morning.
Dr. Gould !notified that having made a puff
nuirtem csamination, ,. the body bore indisputable
seidoneea of death. by aulfooation. The woman
was Mites iota custody.— Bela& anitntereini.
WAsIIINaTON, Ang..ll.
Governer ?CAlunin, of Washington Territo
ry, Me arrived here. lid represents that when
'be left the Territory a month ago, the Indians
viest of the taseade mountains were disposed to
be friendly, bit fears wore entertained that they
might be influemees ti by those residing east of the
mountains - , whiL'bfettted Col Steptoe
viOtieui riaMpaign against them, and se ,
Tore ehistlainiests, *lll however, probably have
an efeet le using a general peace among the
Imegeils WhO"ttiat sensibly feel the power of the
ativeriMent.lle says the Indians from the
Slash S i lesian possessions, who are ex•
tremely formidablennd shrewd, are in the habit
of t =e#iignitd the settlers in the most
• prtkins ortii: Territory. -
Sir The "Ortbite has been a singular picas of
good Murk to ibis Now York jewelere h who were
mffering terribly.front the hard tim e, till they
lthallit of an miptdient io facilitate sake by
working sp.tho matmetleabk3 into breastpins and
lager Jinga.-. Thity perehaeed it for $1,500 per
mile, and sell it so jewelry at the late of 11160,-
000 per ado. ..1; Aa leeg as there is a demand for
kind otkoepaskea, astable it is presented
hi it is &aims then l a inimAtiebto:
I :It Gil aside 010111 6 , 4111aadlphasee the
1 wigmly
liffurr GRA ST, U. ( •
Iteperted for thr
1. thapragaginau sonuninatkets for othima,,
tat illb the Mated States Coaunimbneer has aW
a emilmiUtegilnagistrate. and Gen
to.ibe seedßio& et papaw against 0n... - ;42 ° .:"
Ibilitmintsegen is bad,
I. la Pessongtvaala a committing inevatiata •
and a fact, but only to determines w
to pot the deadident on his trial.
A ini . Anasebi struts ha/ setborm t,
the .1 the pseseest a 4
4. A CogriMittiag 43, may g..t„..„.„ 141 - 7st
the tritium & tor tire peousentloo Item the et,
War sad tram seameunn ovum".
b. Rrideure may bobimird for ti». dripsdaot t p
podtire, absolute sal eriovinetrie Mad that it
• the innocent* of the mused.
6. When the evideoes oilseed I
that tends to throw doubt shoot
&liberation, and mozgarieon on
7. If thstaniskare guilt co a.—
held to asiswer, for these fleets ar. to be au
t ne...tho. determiy. a jerg.
Charles Walker was arrested co
sued by the Commissioner for'
of Congress, l.y opening a letter in
abstract the correspondence and pry
sinewsof another. On the hearing,
of the prosecution made a prima f f
defendant offered evidence to imp
minter's witness, to which objectin g ,
and the matter was fully argued b y EA ,
for the prosecution, and Beason aid
the defendant.
The following opinion was read by
GRANTi Commissioner : "If the
to be believed there is sufficient
the defendant to answer The n
itive as to the commission of tot
defendant proposes to show by en
that the character of H Brown, .
pal witness for the Prosecution, is so
truth and veracity, that no credit should
en to hie testimony. On this prelir
ination can he be allowed to 40 it i
missioner for the purpose of this
only the power and authority, of
magistrate, and his proceeding
ably to the usual mode of process
dere" in this State. Act of Congress
Sec. 3%, and of 23d Aug., L.
Bright 11 S Dig 90.91 $ 1.2. L
becomes neeeisary to inquire what at'
ers of a committing magistrate in P 1
These ate not very well defined, as
this kind cannot reach the Court of
for review, and the authorities upon
are to be gathered from the practice
etrates and loose dicta of Judges, carelt
upon examinations on habeas coq,„,,
fendants are brought before them ,
and are imperfectly reported. Ms
not authority to try the fact. That as
done by o jury The defendant mu
prived of a trial by jury by any m ak "
of proceeding in a criminal charge, be,
trivial, except in surety of the peace
is only quasi Criminal—only holds
ant to bail that be shall be of good
future, and not to punish him fur
already done The utmost stretch
(rate's authority is only to de'
grand jury shall investigate the
restriction of the magistrate, is ft
of the defendant If there is not
lie is not CVCD subjected to the irrt,
vestigatiou by a . grand jury The
wealth also has rightv If the es
probable cause, she ba:i ate right tors
by jury. Sire way demand that the
f;vtier .hall be itic...ttgated by a triht
authority to tr) 110 het of guilt or it,
Ibe .1.1.11 , 1401, I llll.l ' + Dee 2. The
ti.,11 .4 ti urtt(i 1.1,t may involve,
ea-v. di. 1 1 ue.i t, .it
Eh'. lit .tut u II iwp. , irailt tact,
much AN a lit t CAI/ ar ty llt 1 b)
a COLUMIIiiIIg yie ha'. no
c.. .'111 , 113111 iiu .object
I. f.. 1 er, Lbilrty , r3.11d
i•ii the tit wit ,
or front the e%ideuee 01 tit.
The proposttion to this ease to 0,4
but to irup-seh the wale (.•
Staten by ex Lnumic le:4114911y
ter for trutlt awl veniality ra,„
volves the finding of suet) s tar. by
Isivuer as vie think a jury ,mly eau ,
importance in many enemal as in
oases, to be determined by the cur
by the court A court determine<
tency but a jury iries the eredibib
'teas. This issue one rained by '
and the prosecution claim that it .hall
mitred to a jury for determination
missioner has authority to detertaist
there is probable cause to hold the
and this is the extent of his power,'
he goes to the jury to have the fact c
On this preliminary hearing die
says, that the prosecutor's witness'
of credit, and thus raises an issue'
determined by probable eause,
determination ofwhich tbi4
or falls. The commissioner hat
to determine probable cause as to
nocenee of the defendant. and Doi
or improbable credibility of the
prosecution from extrinsic evulei
volves deliberation, comparison
'ion to find and determines co
evidence is positive as to the ,
offence. The only result of the
sed by the defendant, is to create
throw upon the commissioner the
a q dttty ibat can only be perform,
and jury. When the evidence
offered by the Jefeudakt is of that
monstrative, absolute and contincit
that no doubt or deliberation can be
mind—when it shows that the de(
not have committed the offence wi
venial of nature's laws, the annibil
and space, or that the facts are suel
fence could not possibly have '
then the evidence may be heard,
is no other case, or for any p 1
aid the commissioner in fixing
bail. For example a larceny is(
been committed in Erie, and the
that the defendant at the moment
New Orleans, or a homicide to ha ,
trated, and the proof offered Mat
mnrclOred man is actually alive,
. . .
like eases relieve the mind from
deliberation—are absolute sod
the evidence should be heard
before a committing magistrate if i
the Commonwealth has the Iteatitl
defendant is to be held to aloet
trials by jury for there the risme(
tilt of all reasonable doubt..
For the reasons stated the end , '
tl'e defendant to impeach the '
netts is rejected, and the dere.
enter into recognisance to answer,,c
1 A freight train on the
Road was stopped by groshorPo'
Amy. Large onnihers of If'
alighted upon the trick, 1 , 0 4
rail. The train passed Over 3,
them, which wade the track w•litt
wheels turned round without fig
Sand was produced end poo l
rail, when the train re.utried OA'
Lion, and proceeded
WiLiotit ailj
WINDPALL.—A young too,'
Boston, M4BB , has ju-t reerive4 I
by the death of a cowl!' * bomb.
be has become heir at larr to pro
between sixty and qt‘yeatir th"
b ars
fortunate pally in q ue,tt
years of age, a Da t iv e o f s,..aisod.
by trade. fie marritql a owart
six weeks ago, wbo will be the
altogether nuespeeted
good liult
J The negroes ul Provid elle '
cad suit sgstit,t Mr i;addiag, prlol
of the grammar .chonis 10 that cap!
the sou Or One .4 . the 0014 A (.1(101
lege of entering the pet]. of 1. 4 s PoP a.
et of the COliqVil 1/..) I. $ tai pod..
bia irtenil24 are art. Mime,' to leZ i _
whether colored children eseeoler'
Able weasel but bees agora