Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, August 28, 1858, Image 2

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It J.; NJ. V. SLOAN, Kill.,
nLUAN .4 MOORE, Publishers:o
stTI H 11.111"
Democratic State Ticket.
News of the West.
A rt•ift•tpotlait 111 the Corner, Gelorfrenna proteysee
11.1 , “ the Imrderst of Lake Erie by dorptalug lea tlet
ittAnk,• eta leet, for the purpose of improving
urr ..1 land iu the vielitily ..f the lake Ile
fit d, trout it would 1...!
M any anttli“to. 14. n • 11/ 441 id Le laud dry, and he 110111•CU•t.
I) i.t4.dnettte, that are now •otllakes. Air), lase who tee
ret a glace Overt discharging into Lake Saito, fafitag, or
lather !landing full to the top of their basks in the utuatit
of Jtme very host of lewd for many tunes gorged witb
sator so as to raise nothing hut SOOT gees or aquaide
plane*, "oust be convinced that of all Ile enterprises of tho
present day for the improyemeat of Agriealtars, this would
br the greatest and of most beuefit not only to the out
ern at.stee 444 part of Canada, but it wood be felt through
..tut a large portion of the eivili>yd world. The improve -
We Ea in the health of the inhabitants would be invalsabl•
..1 tuelf, and if other people could be made to view It as
,I,„ it would coon be accomplished. A great part of the
city of Buffalo is occasionally flooded, *bleb 'oviduct be
the case If the river was deepened at and below lieffule.
and a grrat'qtrantity of very valuable laid, in and emir
the Pity, would he rselaitue4 and made produetive, that is
ti..w the niece of eickne•co" Buffalo (Yea, Premolar Isis
Bay, ibis Cuyahoga River, and: other lake harbors, would
he favorable for 'COSH boys is the event of cub aa ail,
sad we eau only be amused at the simplicity of the writ",
who Gould propows so absurd a scheme for the reibmptiun
of 95.veneirmito swamps of Maumee. It would be killing
the Rouen that lays the guides eggs.
Dudsg a reeent debate in the Ekhish Hons. of COW.
mono, on the subjert of the removal of the Bedews Bari
Company's priviledges. Lord Bury allgmed that a otos
moniestion might readily be established between Lake
Superior and the Patine uremia, by so mesas of a ship ow
nal reentering the head waters of the Seeker*lmseass and
C 0111104,, rivers. Both rivers take their rise i• the Kooky
Mountains, the Columbia towiag west to the Peewee, mod
t b bukatelotwan running east to Lake Wiaaepog, a LW
tie le the northwest of Labe Superior. With the sheep-
I 'Loa et • stogie rapid, ( which might be avoided by a canal)
lite lordship mated that the Dasiganon of the gasket/4a•
was eaters au difficulty. With that use exception, • es•
.01 of,goasiderable use can be taken tip to the foot of lb.
Kock; Mountain►, and at this point-there is atop is Ow
mountains, which would interpose 'tepees. obstacle to the
junction of the Columbia and Saskatchewan, whose sour
reit are but • little distance apart. Tbus • direct water
eumtsonicatwq would be established with the Pacific.
not Kew Vatic Cowries and ri.owirer reads sum 4 of
its Republican ,cotsuoporaries • lesson for Dude "iyra•
dome" as regards Senator Douglas. That •haapradeaw,"
at are told, eunuch in '•their inconsiderate and estrum-
Pitt eulogies upon him, which rare misled thoaw•ds of
the generous yeomanry of Illinois." They did nut Mak
lest winter, while they were eliseriegiim u• for the emus
,whieli be pursued in the United States Senate, 'bat h
would fewer' to plague them. They tate•ded it merely
to cow discord in the Democratic party, hitt, the truth Is
&Denson& of their rank and Ste hare takes then at awl/
word and believe that Amstar Douglas is the.statesuran
and patriot they said be was last winter, and sow hand
to Tote for hie re-election to the Senate. This is sassy
ng awash to the Republican manager., who feel as if
they "were caught in their own trap,* for they uotid
er would hare raised Douglas if they could Use formes
the ecoseensesees.
just elected In North Carolina by au Lo
manse majority, is not only in lack, but the reason for hie
making tech a TOO 11 be has before the people IS DOW De*
counted tor. He was not only running for an oboe, but
also for a wife, and he has hammed both. A Weldon letter
to the Richmond DerparcA, dated the lOth inst., says: To
morrow evening the Governor elect will lead to the altar
Miss Mary*. Davis of Newborn, daughter of the late
John P. Davis, Ran., of that city, and one of the fairest
fitment of the old North State, justly renowned u is the
good old State for the busty of her daughters. The mar
riage ceremony will tale place in Nowhere, tad this twi.
dal party WOO - start on the zest day for the Virgisia
Springs. Wbo coultrat be elected when a beentifel wo•
man vs set op as a prise to ease of aucceas We oonstatel-
I ate the Governor elect oo his doable triumph and wish
him at ery joy wad complete tuccess in the new sad la..
portant perinea to which he kvas been called.
The recent arrest of a man la Ohio, mused Klasg,
charged wash waking 'parlous cuing, has led to the armor
ut another no Philadelphia, calling alamelf Krippe, sad
the Swami of a letter addressed to hiss, ezatalateg a rs.
maittaaee from ltradtord ewasty, Pe:may leasia. with am etr
der for et...enteric/1 moue,. This letter wail coached la
tarns which leave he 41'404 a.-the character. The writer
s sys that he has a ouuther ut fin& class, reliable wen •a ,
g aged in circulating the Ppouiimas mosey, and reprehends
the swabs of some okeraturs, who dispose of It to boys sad
earssless ?emus. Lis ageata,, payrthe writer, are peat
ausatess, sterekeepets and lawyers, isms of chassis' aad
torlontax, who can 11,10 the rouse; is their bentneu slat.
out camas% suspicion. The lever also contained taw
important lakasitatioa.
Mr. items', principal of the High 1341.014 Plot
, Massa, tee/ratty billowed a kiss epos a bamboos fes
male assiatast, a fact bat very remarkable, or apparently
t volt g as) gttot It ktdlott a. But numbed, tat, i
dose sell bald the School Committee. It is fair to infer
that the asclividuals composts' that body an "wpm
& sausle4 toga..,' who have tAng ago forgottes witst a
kiss is, and cool wait tor talaniuttios till the issue of the
New Alaimo Bseyeittpwilia, counting:l'4w letter IL, for
they expelled Mr. Barrow■ from Ms school. Palgio 'ya
ps thy is with the scimoluisstor, howler, for he has bees
• ',levied by two eternises, ud the peopio of ono section
of the tows threaten to set op a school on their own w
oo est and employ Mr. 8., if the School Committee ref's*
rtanstata it is hie Nutter poattioa.
Mt. Thomis Smith, oho rssi4ss is tiss iammilsts vi
aiutty Kichroosol, Virginia, has a small tie dof astute
which is cusisidered a curiosity by all who hare nos
It (liners but little in appearance fro OW urinary aiad r
ezcept to color, which is as delicately minima .as i maid.
141 . 1 blush. Not only is the stock of this of gowns' him
but the leaves also, the viridian of eolir (habit, holerer,
as it approached the aargia of the leaf, late a ruplish
green. This is not the effect of disease, or of say satrase
ous circumstance connected with lts militate, bat a pecalhi
twit, is the plant itself, every stock possessing tb► Mae
rich ►ad healthful glow, and as thrifty at ail eottoli ti
the emu try
The Cleveland &rico learns that on Wednesday
Moraisig of the preheat wuk, the wife of Mr. Willlauff, a
wealthy tamer living in Pittsfield, Lends sty, two
'Sifted suicide by hanging herself by a strip of • to
♦ owner cf the house. A deaf sad dumb daughter the
dunned, who was sour. twelve :years of ago, was
fogad thibd. It is supposed that M. WRltain bet bug
the girt, sad then bung herself. No eathilketely 111111111111
are now haunt. flee. Williams had esimeseed as sada
fora divers* is the Court et Clisiteest Hess, of Londe
wanly, with* a few days Wets the kitties el bin* NW
abild was assiasbly settled, tad the sail witlidniesis.
The laying of the earner stone of the now fit. Pahieles
Cathedral ea Fifth avenue ind Fiftieth Wee; New Turk,
was • fete la which at least os• hawked ah•asaad tapas
Capone eilist:as participated ea flaaday. seams was
preached by Arehbishop Saga; the caulative ON&
prewirilis4 for rash seeaat•a• loy the estheity Medi - was
obsessed with dos solestaity, • eoplase eateeadaseat was
awned to the okra aced their Pleads abeatiw aaswa•sy
was over, aced the Whir was proooue•d •a s••sy baud he
h• a nest isposiag aced seat hopstal lasagaratisa id a
groat and fspseasac'Pso}•e 4
Boise s•sah• dace a fallow suitad Perry Got
an•sted is Pittsburgh, charged with •ttespdag to eat the
throat .1 s yews( gin! with WHIM be was as wow ailed,
may. lls vas latios4 to jsU flats. WA delis !is
latptissamois it was saosialsoi that bat staaises*llis
trif• la Test mairkto. sad Ds u oat tiatitai 4 Wok,
fhoogli sm. imams at atilt la suds kis smart from
ad vs sew boa slide, torsoltio as = dear,
-Irks , * it is suited as -was $341 a matt as a
V Italia* ve•ller at imps ass arsosall Or dm
Easepipbsium Wu C01 6 411. 11 4: 11 * UMW* a* IUM
ammo Ow Afro sad sosttrisek des bit Pak.. lia•
-peps was *writ hiim mat le b 01111111NNNI•isialliii
set Sas *UM. JAN. smopsoolet 1144
were with bin, bd too neck hf asp
and ib.y ran away. Tim body Imo fwd sad 14104
op will a boas boakjdooot ba l past LI a:slack, Wass boss
is the water as I leer.
as bb do now et fits
übleis bai• sprung lip tiered et sit If by reels, gad
A VG 1r811" IPSO silt.
the itaratiees commutes of the "Si Bortityk." Is
glare of prosperity t►at rhos* arosad thee, we felt t►s
esousatis latuseset She assesk iad teia►ed Nliars the
owner of tosser lots la C►tafo or garter seetioas of
Prairie ia sane of her istrotsedici eserthee. Bet as ear
trit, t►hf. issillfereat soft. It is Dot Chi•
wait *Ma tem will be sakeliosili 601,1161 w• •• iems•••
rewpeiti *mesas Wiwi &Ms ItakiMl
eimtotimmf 1110 " .
damaiiinemossi of , •
Oteihaitiesteseemikeililabaito Ike W 011,04140 itf swede
*Denim. etati*setwase prawn. *4 Uppity
tarrlatiilslr eyeeway spas tolls filly of their
attiiiime; tetitasarti the i!ithal 41%4 Geacitai.: Iwo have AO
samehlerireatOistilOssWopt geeesliattu. !5p001.% the ex
trumpet* 01. *it plow as Lebow ,N)Has yritit ths seal
hoadwritiog os the well, Sl.r37f Sale, the terror Of dens%
trueet a tioillots. Orr leugrops dos 1... a slow hat seri, sad
et otpoiool , jkxuputaipj i y_Ys the isantilast homodag
haailig pin*, Wa LeirOtt slit 4 *its utftt ear
pariseas o4iirs. LI a vikt to italhAtt,,Ciesta.
este d r - eay Drier' er9i ifioeg it'll! satisfy illy
owOat we are ettjoyttis alwasperity asksows Is aim
piaeor t where . piet4eity le tietrayfittek erwlit pore eal
Unloose at a stoat litirrits tbrAilre ofrowl famed
or sale, - olansies Miss repretswo Oar marelasts bay*
easily Wait welt —rier ssielhaairs are edeftleroll. 'Hers
lam law who hay* *alibi Anima/ of a evelartable Ha
i*, sad butt•ar *ay taiteit Slam as dwaihap;aaal our
Ater aiitrosadaVa taattiatwith rad
with ma* Illaarlatisee aa, and I. ativaataga. at ear le
eadalt, ars airsattas oar dais to tabus tar
wine*. We Swifts Ewa dasesalaat somas to twat el
es faller liestity by the acrd, deg the muss et aarlip•
dam, sad the taiiiiiittaa at the Pittsberga liathead wUI
sues alsis time& The fleabag Road
is rapidity lariagoopeaN N cam 141di of awail,boa, sad vs/•
althea tiaaborsaheati feat Sad a stadia tiravil air city(
ant tie Ana all Arnim Baptise Mat oar doors isaltias oaf
wawa awl lb li to tam it luta a *as at Ufa. rascalaosa
tai s.em al weal*. •
I. lb. oltalt fot opoesitstost ow test odsmittitess Imr•
ousioolisi--ImaysoS otithoot W Itssoisial rosulto—w.
kw oat boos 4ewilder•4, with speostatlvi loiesoa of as
poodlossem uoi ottoortot,p, sod ousatoplostly Rol!
Mom triotisis of 'soil: tot aelsolvo peewit's, 6.t hove
*Wits ustoolvos all As osiostiol otostosu of
Noir itsoithfslitia• awl bossy of /*WWI Erie b out oar
posed, asui occapylog, • must poottios bogies& the Rapt
sad Woot,„witit ovosy cosioaloseo!Af cosoaosioatboo, it of.
ten gest tatistostoils to fools' ripttalisto.:: For ttst
stassfsotsto of
t iros, 'Postioplvailet peat otoptie, so poiot
so dot pool obi& of lakoo'Oss oompoto.
"rAssAs kAi344!!"-:-There it a elan of pope
tieiue diet seer 0404 bobby! tilts as amateur ma
skim iley play the miss tese, eatsslag, coos and idea.'
Oar* It see the tiff—thes it vie the Wilmot provies—
so* It is if►&DOW ?be people of 'Knape theasseivat anti
AA a alliainde. hatihsettebby Mere ream detenalaed
that whether they Ira skit or well the awe a/ *gigs/06e
AO he repeated. Sd lehee sr Sad SW eithsegit the
people of itaiate lime leieralt6ed atilt they 11111 sot teen
therseivietiato a 4";Weie'matueollik end aseeese the nsps
effdlitlea tea oreiraty. See spltrbn mashie et Ku
m are Matra,* Sr than Sr milbe essileaties for ad.
Wadi* al the sail walks of Oesereas Although those
who are Orsiaglitahae Is aids asp ate protemairgreat
stielliere tatiopopsherimmeigste is the heoethei *SW
tuts at OM Issikithey ow by 1111 Ukase
oss illgialPidit • eitsisitairo is bar ors thy, *ad
Saw pestetiadhp ma* are the Seistaiste thar peetwa. No
iadea4. Swaws,Wks, my.. obeli alms Isis Ibe tiwise at
sext susialiwilisagwm 'Woe the pimple will is or
tea la titairanattaii With sae of lhie dais 04 1 0 ' 40, *
spas bit *Wefts 11s oiettaaaisatiast of tie assatist of
the Allitasiltiatoduhla leas at lake lib• Vales at t h e seat
missies. we sagootad !Mt it would M tempi impramleahle,
Massa* as diflegialatars did ,mot missathis mull attar
the meetias atessighes, sad home it would a impoesilde
for tbe wimp ate • law astherbiarg the eleeties of dust
Wes to a ilmveetios to ham a Cosaltatiom end the
tornados et • Clisatitatios previa*e to the espbmilme of
the madam Tertida ha replied that die %craw wimid
undoubtedly call as extra mules. We restated to Sept
pet that the GOTOIIII4II atight Stet do h.—whereupon hide'
dared, with meek mama tad empitude, that Ms Goren
nor would be a very great setioadril if he Wallet to
this irides,* ot issiseirity of oar friend's desire that
the people at that territory should maws emir owe of
fairs la their owl way, we replied that is ear
whatever may be the expressed Irish cf Raiisaii at say dam
is the Ware, it ia curtails that isifterto the people of that
Te , at say **Mom hese saMprosoansed tbeir de
stn so ed a.a Bute. It is true there have bees
Wee coastitudese tuned bolded to adasimilea, but wbat
has hem pia politic action eoweeralag diem? The Topeka
was a patina Shift, mad had so dais to Legitbasey. Tli•
Leareswerth sea likewise partisan, illegal. sad whoa sub'
added resolved hat three it four theamad voter. The
Looomptoa haa just lima &paled of Is a way that dose
no Wok as thoogh there was say desire fur adasiesioa ;
the ilasetioa of admiseies Wag thee:Mit lasse la the elm
tioa ; mad hese, it is apparest, eves at lilt distaste' from
the Mena of adios, that OW deems,* 'mid sot imandt
ib. trimmed sift of ph. people, a swhilited atratell tie eat
iota boa., if he dashd all as extra smiles for the pope.*
proposed. What the plots of Isaias shall, ht mt use
'mistakable *usher. ask for adalmtes, the mmedes wul
b. legltisaately befit* Cesgress. It will' sot lie Wore
Memos by al panima Udall et the black repabliesme
is or oat of Kassa,. Asa:oldie; to the beet isformatios
that we can *Maim- the people of the Temilory ere easier
fed with Eagliob bid la all Its mita, sad ispeeiali
ly with list part by seldeh they are suabied lb mash'
in the Territorial roaditioa. Uadoehtedly the Kauai
Lodyer, • Tie Statogamm, in a nest asslaw,
the premiket matimemt: "To our mokl4" It days, the
peepl‘et issue are sea prepared to ester des Vulvae,
I S Mats ate - preessi am dill they AN fore lip to some,
• troth the Stet that they are mashie to beer the boardea
of tenth's ter a Blase goverasseat la eeaseeitea with
' 'belt aftwaary expenses."
-. The Dewy of lii!. You" se Isesished to as was
for pabliastiss. she= that the Maim was favored with
beautiful wadi*, throsgboot the Mx days sad s half that
as was stapyod is laying dews ths suMs tem ma
saes to assault If latifossdbad. The disuses test
ers 4 4 liee was .883 ails.; asnatut doable paid owl
was a Nita oust 1,015 1464 shout IS Pa owe. seer* than
would have boss nigniall to mewl Ills two enieswalles
a porno* *Weight la.. The Apanases, which had
,9 miles loss diseases le lassoes% probilbly paid oat more
eats am Ass Ilssitaissas stash" WA* itionamlf of
the 141,, that Alk - INNI4si4 sat 1,011 stiles se the soh*
trithost Ististaikkg that siellad rasehatt Lir Atosisatisa.
13bs miss fiewfmr, bout sierwor N. As thetas was bet
MN unarm basil sash wean/ whew they sailed. N is
Adobe that Wirth* wad ipsotil bkwas ha window see
ono sabot Astiiilialietsdhibsis kw do gissaise se bare
iiig pad 44140 isilolsoshipietils intim*, et flit at isatil
/abut. ii Ibcsals MN imiiisma• twig out is :1141-4wwww
tot MY *O. 111414~111011111 was isswitsr
his, bat after resehisi ssoperstlysty sisilesiseoba toss
.r mists of ways outeligeAn. sad Itiestyisirss
to ales sad sitymplontw seslssL Twisselsrlog the
, lits,111". is peutpes, hy tic
3 „. OM itij. Ppillalp.bosis of Om% IS
14. . VW *OOP iti - Pilimiskoimi wis 11.-
tsetse is , at the Wig se Usti a the mak Qs OA
who* the , - It AtinpritMle iswe dm 'Tait.
6rl-Tit is "Ars ' ;. , alasitilotool thewkoltifieS•
Tio toe tut As !Alas , hotssitt ississit sat illswfsesas
load, I. Om .. Alamo
PtSts isip um iitrialt epor -- ' ••,.!,
•• • rebatlNPVlStrim• • -••-•...-*••"" ----- • • .5..-..-
Parts Artf=44o,Wwtht,
_- . 7 . 1 . A !.. .1— • .
. 4. .. t.
• '''r• N '.. • , -
• •
itis Fi
nib . Dr* itiiiiii.,4ii.-114 'Aitipid iota
that lit slisitt44 lie* Miii4 lii Ili H4Arty.
Owihildwilfelipit'il Oki lOU liilial• butch
ttlf iirt sail *PO ••• - oriiiiii • •,It• s i.
tbd7 iiiliilll4liiitite -* iii4of ' " ' silk
J141116;44.040001, ' iiioOr" ( )1 bee lid ,
viimeliii ''
lit. verdtirl. • 1 ,•• •' ' i 4 iiis• is.
ass; &sine blrea-0.0166116 iisulty. •I• it. - 14.01 i. of
Sao is hiwiliiii iiitilif triPeor & ir lop mom%
sari. Iliriassee‘aseisiattubistibl &UMW,. .!s
(b illitrishilislks&fliAllatellissillitssisa
ailsleibfilolitillOnsitrkineWelee• oielitolt 8 00, 0 *
*II isalhaigiterespbtodi liphibsi iiipmisn
. _ ._ _ • _ ... _ _.
ews. Is is we that him eft M helilbloaatakil
/amiss ia Saimaa 80, halvah. k tbirowit hos gap
as. Ow Moo of "imam Mallii• WW I 1 60 MONO 4/e'
sew aorenhisty I
tv i al
__ here midi
isiteti irons I+' lead over ilia teleigreph wire* wish
varstrprodwortesesennitannt— astliiroir
truth, leekit poise The western nowt of Ire
/sad is .the wildest, most picturesque, nogg ro t
acetic, lease etiltirattd partial of 19,4,4,
is full of rooks, fair) Tweeds, hied
lil.lakeativd4peapia. 1
hitherto, have been nearest to our mantey, but,
furthest from us in common sympathy. With
amidst 1.1 the ocean hotfoots as, they have
looked for y r ris upon the heaving waters without
a thought 4 to the haven that lay lavitiag them
beyond, sail to which co tea*, of their more
wangled bretheew weft snag fur an ark of ref
They kiwi/ little sod they heard less of us, ear
is an occasional mysterious Hue from some de
parted "bop" who was, indeed, feed to aim in
this "far 4 wildetweas;" said then they probs.
bly could not oompeelievid what he moult by as
uriug these that be had bees elected an alder
man, of +Ming else, sad that he must be tid•
dressed ifiehaelßo.and.B.3, or Patrick This.aad-
That, "Eatp" Now, how changed the scene !
American hopes, Awe' ieeti feelings, Americas
opinions, yet warm in the very rankness of their
gushing riiablicanisin, will be dashing over the
sea best wires sad flooding all that mountain
shore with a leverof coatagions ealighteumeat.
Every hut: will bump° a hospital of diseased loy
alty. Every barrack will become a Lissf house
of dying Anglicism. Every &hernias's unkempt
head will 811 with dreams of laudable ambition
is a land of liberty overfkming with remanent•
ties work 'and cheap whiskey. it is Britain,
therefore, who will need to put in quarantine the
"thought', that breathe aid words that burn"
plowing over this bridge of size beneath the al
ready blue jacketed Atlantic. It is Britain that
will have good cause to "beware of foreign lona
eace." Every link of communication forged,
so far, in the cheat of commerce between us, has
served to democratise the tone of her popular
selitituent, sad elevate her popular will to its re.
publican dominance over titular rights and her
editary abstraction. ; but now comes the grand
coop which is destined to scatter all her antique
potions of gnerameat "by right divine," to as
slailate as far as possible, in both countries, a
truly ratimal oonoeption of human freedom.
IMP TII• .d or the Okerver puns ever Ms "Girard
floyelsiieas Cobeestioal very tightly. What% the set
ter. Is be ashamed of his on haatileg t—Ossesio.
If the "Girard Republican Convention" had
been our "beatliag," we would certainly not he
ashamed of it. But, while we confess to a great
rehab for the sport of throwing stories_ in our
neighbor's politial garden, we love 49 desire to
appropriate the credit of smother's efforts in the
same direction Hence we assure our jealous
friend of the Gazette that we did not know, pre.
trials to its appearasee, that the eall for that Con,
veution was to appear in the Constitution, nor do
we know now under whose advice it was insert..
ed. We went to Girard supposing of course
theie would be SOON fun, and that it would at
ford us a chance for s paragraph ; but India; on
arriving on the ground that the gun bad bees
discharged before the lead had been reined down,
we betook ourself to as afternoon's chat with
our friends Cutler, Rice and Ely. We hope this
explanation will satiety oar eotemporary that we
did'ut commit a sort of "gunpowder plot" at Oh
turd to blow up the republican party, and its red
top nominations !
No Mortar.--The Keokuk (lows) Journal is
intorred,i,npon good authority, "that payment
le refused oil State warrants, on the ground that
there is no mosey is the treasur)." /similar
malt Sowing from the mistake of placing the
*Emirs of a state la the Union, we Wilier*, that
has surrendered to republimiem ihst has not
been swamped fiaancially. And the maul is
plain—there are too many Mal i tima's and Gres
ley's sad Weed's to be pirseatid with "penal.
ery compliments."
Mr TIM Gazette is engaged in the difficult
effort of whistling to keep up the courage of its
red-top followers. It enures as is the most W
ean maser that there is no dissimilar:4Mo is
the republican camp, sad hence "no row ran be
created which will serve nrdefeat any portion of
the owlet, ticket." Now, is oar opinion, this
very aaziety to make it appear that all is peat*
—this tremulous effort to igaore the esistewee of
a state of affairs teat is as plain as that two sad
two nuke four—is the most coachmive evidence
that our neighbor really fears a result be affects
to treat as impossible. The 011108Uf sung the
mate siren song last Fall, bat its most cherish
ed candidate on the ticket went down before the
popular will— aud the very men in the teaks of
the party who would not swallow that nomination
are eves more outraged at the present 1148...
No eel the Gazette need not lay the lettering
unction to its soul, that the political sea of its
party la this county is now alai, or is not Amt.
mai with storms is the future.
air The robbers et the Hatters' Beak of Beth•
el, iConneetimit, aotieed is oar paper recently,
beias coascieace stricken, or thinking that the
Mill of that institution were useless 16 their
heads, have returned $60,000 of the money in a
eleadestia* manaer to Captain Welling, of the
New York Detective Polies. The ropes "took
ears to reserve $26,000 for themselves. The
Csitaia will receive a reward at three thousand
deUses for the immobile the thieves gave his..
ter The Chambersbog Bpirret, edited
by our friend Ctxuant, taloa the kinks out of the
redoubtable Col. John W. lialu7 in this wise:"
The Philadelphia !rots, through whose Winne
Dr. Elder permits John W. Forney to spit his
spits at distinguished Dessersta, is abusiag Hen.
John Lieber, of Virgiaia. As oar readers may
not uaderataad the ewe of Pomp hostility to
Lacher, we will **plain it. When Fornwaras
Clerk of the House of Represestatires at Weeks
Wigton, his "Forrest Letter" ems to light. Is
that letter Forney salted his friend Osage Reim
ekts of Baotou, to go to New Orleans, sad heat
Is Wei lualluti halloo, who RU "loss( a
"4ooo*.ilnifik sad ow oat of his ("so
s to ha piped 4") suadatiatios of inprop.
Of is trith Yrs. lomat. That Forney,
with all hit , • dgraoity, losi ashamed of this
l ip /0 44 1 w Mau tfta sapatatios of a wampum,
ta b lefes4 feat AO *et dimities
how oteello7,
Abcallilid—mAbove . at nestling se is
401111.44•0 1114 • . • loge did, mot
it haowa who abuts the boad that haat
* tho fool itat.. Marta disdaitiod to is the
WOolt "404. 01100 , SAN awl 4 0 0 •94 the
lettorifkaiN .11 , 1 1 1141148 Lila" sOrir•
• 6. tha tiaPl
4 4in i nrsei • masa um la WEL
This ateoaata: fat As oat la do
-40, -
VI eek sad Net
melees. ImPor
they should
U.S hilthfullj
'~~+. ;:~
iff ifree ire/vents, tar MIA capon
wog to
raw aims Buddha ** sad rottasomitl roam
i al le mood Moak 1
wool. to tb• Ma
10=ty in aaustilgat• toLZ± ad of o2L A
ssis 'idea • 7 1MW• • =, 1.11 iMposis=
get I mule& /epitomise of t i ck throagh the radio* al a
sawmll/a. Is rftwatlada as Plias tha aagmogoterser.
read, lon coorpoilail to motiott th• ilfloaadis ror q - himadssad
al rs* aty swat to to and 06 • aWf•e4ie Sheri/Eat Maoism*
rollhilleg the soion sad aolluataso
of alt tl .l.'t i Vil'il ar• at Moody to 100 Voir otteagtak, vithwat
loatly sumo la dido. 6, Oar &eke Jae art Me&
. Mg. 14. ItLIAS BUM.
lIAIIII.-411 eussoupsomee of 1110 Idoobriii•
Ms sod Us Girard his coodor spas tits moo day,
Prof aw. Wier los Wes eissged boob Slos ISA sal 17th Ss
irsvd, -d sasl idlik ft ot AIM d. u. lie arum', Am. a...
a .1114
T. Patriot ttati Maws sad lita Keystaae *swops
pats at ilatrisktarg lova boot aatl44.
Winooski woo la poi ago* of Maw it is duly
ai• prr wet is Maw
lflo Dotrott Free Prtea by an Nib Ow bat mot
priatod wait of Now York, Imo put s• a bow dross, food
Mots as Manilas to a kids of 'talent.
JaAgo W. A. Pons., of Ow fleproso Coign, aro
rivoi la Wm oily WA *voting, sad it atogpiag fur a foir
dais as the reoldosoo of Me oolloaiso Jouigo Tscupscs.
A boy of 15, saasad 1111eCotsick, coasalliad saki&
a Merest mealy oa Ms Yetb. No cuts, is &soloed for
bist aft.
—e.g. Cass' dasibter, Isabella, Was laarriml the lA
or day, at Staaalagtoa, C 0,., to Mr. VaaLlusbarg, Mist
star from the Netharlaads.
Lionlassos J. A. Bpvu• los beim det•el•d from t►e
U. S. Hums Lela/gam, uti •td•t•d to ti►• C7u•, Ducat
oat for t i • P•etSe.
The tint rain of any accost for unseal Tooke vis
ited this restos os Tbsndsy. vied. It wu fury aceopta.
blo, sad a little sown of tin suss sort would sot epos
Tito first Presbyteries aime' of tbis city, Rev. Dr.
Leos pastor, is about to pareitase a lot oa 6th street,
directly opposite the Aesiessy, fur dm purpose of resents
a sew church sales at a cost of some R 211.000!
—Some of Use Gesso Stales is Europe are begisoisis
to agitate the swats, wilether it Is sot expcdiest to pass
laws to restrict essierstios. The clods' to the Vatted
States is Willman to Meru then.
Via New York New has bees Amazed from a to•
lie ura qualm slimly sad strayed la as *atlas sew dross•
It I. so. sa tarp as Trthnie, aad I. vary rase► him
aim piper la appearaatv, *basalt at last polar the .1.111
to do step, so the Notes Is as radically Democratic as die
Tribune Is its apposite.
Yesterday ins most asweestiosably a lively time
areas Wepsbfleas. at Ilesbore sad Waterford. At
tiro time we go to press wed atom have so mesas of
kaowbp wbo bps ins somisated, or w►etb.r there ►a.
bees say searlsatioa at all or sot, bat we vesture t►.
predietios that if • sy sealsaties is wade foe Coserews,
will all on di* dosbiere of eau Pica. As for fiesSter,
It Is rely *Tides(a. sowdsattos will b. We.
pr. Wby doe% 0111 r city eonsells labs some action la
regard to OW ninon! ef thm mate? loose? •Itis as *ye
more sad eat* to be clamed away.—/AsUoin.
Yea, sad a sans-mote too, silk& stinks is dm nostrils of
sr* ry passer by from ow/ year's *ad to another. Cairo,
with its thonaaad smalls sad wawa wards to hoar from,
is sot, we militia to toy, a worm Milldam' os tb ahem.
ry *moos of those abo visit it than oar market houso.—
To* abatoli by all maim I
Is the early days of Peousylveasta there was • law
whleb stated al follows: "ftett W any whits female of
ten years or upward shall appear Is any public, street,
. 161110 , shnlith. boort beau, tams, ban rase,
theatre, or sap :ether plain ef publie resort. with salted
shoulders, (1. s. law necked tiressee,) Wag able to pat
ellae, sow seer, eliiikiag. Shit shall forfeit sad pay a Ise
of sot less lima ea' sot mots Asa two leentdred dollars."
TMotantnit paragraph of tits law, however, periolued we
- en of quessienalik obansert to hats their shoulders as •
badge of distillates betimes the ehaste and unchaste.
A waffled woman by the same of Casual, living
is Ifsstleld, rowsaittod saloido, by takiag typhus as
Wadaitsday allorisoon last wad. no ufortaasto woman
lay for four boar Won medial assistaaao was sailed,
whoa Dr. Strong was twat for, sad intwodistoly &deists_
toted as moth, width rowed bet partially, sad hos bus.
bud was divested by lb* Dr. to keep bit wake, which ! a
did for a limo, *mil stopple, to the door to soarers* with
a asiglibar a few Wattles, she soak into a stupor Eros►
which ski moor mired.' SU tied shout b o'clock as
Thursday waning. It Is supposed that she Lad taken 80
pals of opium.
Tb Ilarrisbarg Tetegrupd remarks—and the re.
mark applies equally well here—tbat the apple crop, poor
enough lest sassoa, this year to be almost a total
fillers la ataay imams of she country. It does not ham
of a single orchard in that Mashy that promises mach of
a yield. Zen ea eider apple, that safe reliance heretic
fare, lose dicappoiated the mpoetatiose of tb poem—
Thts par, mama, a farmer, la ems factious, will Lave
estiagh to mails him to led•lge la an apple dimpling of
hie an. prodeetioa. Cider of roam will not be made at
all, and the. ptomain sal of the old stalk will do well
to bald ea to It, rot time may not sods he mother oppose•
teeny for filling up the 'vinegar barrel& faro b a belief
'kit same that the Allure of the apple mop is Om result
of a disease or blight tom which the trees aro eagering,
• in lea mama to that whkii Me of late pars dual'''.
• the peach. All the fruit Mum' on tho'braaelbes this
year mewl Molly sad h!m►ler, dropping os Wall Won
Um tie's of maturity. ft. was obeerved 4 foam degree
last peer, when large sad fair applos were comparatively
ram Whirtier thie Mate of Wags salmi& Om the i t em
apple prodaaisg districts of Now York sad New Rajlaad,
we ►ate not itaderstood; Mt if it does, the loss of the crop
will ha toll with additloaal severity, as (ha Atlantic cities
bare of We ~an Milted away of thole winter apple. kola
*at solace.
In Mew of the fast that the perms p■t hi yosaisa
ilea for Sessior by the red top Itopubliess easrsetion of
this sosaty resided la Crawford fir Meaty or twsety.tiro
roars previous to his beetles bars, use vote be revolved is
the Republics" Cesursatioa of that reesty au Tuesday
lest was wet Very lattariat Neer sleet his sombeatiou
by Brie eteaaty be bus bees leafier mast his aid weigit.
Mrs aad Mauls, with wbai meows, lot the follediag as,
?be Couveados met Isere yeeserday, sad Col. R. Butler,
Elpriag was obtuse Clialrukaa.
B. P. Miller was re awairated for Legislature by meta.
J. Lt. ?West sad IL Saris opealsated for A:sedate
Jedl aL
Os °magmas Ike vote stood for Dick 74-11sideltooper
11. The Ceagreselesal Nobel*, are Dula drebbaomat
due Wawa, IL O. Jarmo, Hiram Studer, sod Ratter
Oa Later tbov sal woo Maw 9S—Lowry 19. Tim
Boaatotial Ceitheees an B. B. lao. Alas. 11o1g, Goo. Han
rims. W. A. Hunt sad Jobs W. Tattoo.
Clowforoat won lutreetwal to veto Sor a* asa• aim would
lo t sits wimp. piedip• s• rappest the adialaatloaa. amid
It they weld aut •pos, ibis to Milo spa sew asaa. If
obsy am sago so mai alt W to isherod book to
Oa llosilay Ito loft tars foe 0 low dolv—(l47 two
es tbrosk)—for llso papas of mitt YAW Use wort oa tb
floatiory sod Iris Rood was progrossiag, mad *Ma wo ra•
to root wo head • Nati sod of s at Mr taaks
sallobilag die esilowbg, wtikti, ape, toopoottok sad bolsi
a Mao atioet olfs'eopy," we Iwo tosoladoe to "pin" Gm
to tho "down," wine all ma bilioadloas askoswishis
against Hors eaalsaMef sue bat auJoolito/fly ortglasia•.
Ia A PIISDICAXMIT.—The base bawl goon SasWest*,
ow., f Raft of the thabary K. IL, sad it lb oar points
()plain be took s supply o<baildlag &lutist lrifh bha la
his hat; be We se it may, be mei sidlred es to de up the
song is 14 ebseoss, of whin we took ionsebots ulna.
top, sad bumped on s Bread behlog iXlPerle•IL Sinn
aar roasts as bate inetbsobd piles of eseitoses with
aka felonious Westin of Maddox lb oesamead, "Visa
shell sot steel; bat, ales, no en Ind willies hal "no
Cab* the Cable,* epee eat smut, as bag its the oslslo ha
self; sots sisseeboet ins Boos ea a bast la ear sposial
bereft, sad all eke ten ors Wel, ea tie tneb—sot as.
a alma boo isolate, kis beelee, art a no less bloke"
no to hook& as hew a taw shoehisatberiese ban eel
sued, sad Meat tb• Anne waft et lbeiriare ape
mitten nigh* bat &see hen nasal is be a soloist yea.
ilea polities be apasidenbly morel, lea we ate on going
to Weems ow keg as the asestry le soh. Than la sash
a salfensity of pod ostler nil quiet shoat loin tint tbe
most helestrine lesst heatless mall oil to Gad the
4 0 01 •1 4 00*M Pia a pseapyh, "491 that !kr* is
1 LdiM Bas ed.9 ll Pr"
wows ass kb* sod Joke Miss. boa oeataatwei i Sin
- bUilf waft Mph beine's ysMl.asl the am
Pansigtedia lea*, ate abase rile akat a Wiliam air a
Mita 'VILLA, PiL, Aa g. 2S.
tm, Kass, sad that Kist /SUM Panama, lateljamf-
Bested with oar Academy. takes sharper the department
of lastraihatal YE& is um sane laatitalloa. Witk
hatllllaii erected asd furnished Itb
atk si ea upwards qf Des hundred thousaad
dollars, sad a sebool already la active operative of more
astrimmipp4amhilly papilatesat all parlis if Lb
nitit', as &Watford visors of asalalaess Is throws °pea
Peat who Saw. UK Awns et oar Academy Orin
dm past two years
pa- mow. that sour ire .40thetiit weal/ peeve
advantageous to aut la men wage than ohs, we kid down
the sebum. east pen on Monday, sad is eampagy with $
lkies4 visited On week of the Sunbury and Brie rood
throwgh Warne outaty. By rail to Westfield Is but a
churl hoar'. ride; cad then by stage to Mayville, siodArom
th once by but down Mutt pee woos the bills, Chums.
quo Lake, to Jamestown, leap Outwit and interesting an
ellersooa's journey u woe eel Aid any where.. The C. C.
Deuele, though not large nor elegant, is staunch sod safe,
and her Captain ti "Won of good' fellows." N. B. he
didn't ebalk our bat, therefore Ibis rollipllment is not
bought.) At Jumeetura we madetureelf at home at the
Allen Bosse for the might sad la MS morning, "before
eock.erow," were Pilling over bill sad didek,l•hidd a crack
aegis Yourigsvifte. A aloe mine ride,in • Ireeing atoms •
photo, gave ea a capital appetite for the good things set
before as by lane hoes of the Rugs, Grove Bowe, who, is
oddities to being • eapital leatillord, la a straight out Dem
ocrat. Ni.. miles Shriner a orporeely settled semidry, over
• road 'fair to nefiktliag." brought us to the valley of the
Beekeesitur, sad here the tune was acizely changed.—
The quiet of farm lifis gave place to the ham aad clatter
of workout with pick sad shovel, sad the cry of the WOW I
star as be urged his horse ant/earl out of mime deep out to
IR up Ike Talley beyomi. ; Pence d Co., the contractors
oil this eeetioa-eeene sin mink*, think—hue their rim
nut very meetly complete& Se, a1e0,34 that of Struth
ers 4 Wetmore, 'steadies from a point a few mile* east of
resagsville to the town of Wane.. tudeed, a few months
sure, any by the lint of Jaaaary, there will be from six.
teen to twenty miles, from Warns west, graded sod reedy
fur the iron, and the bridges in sack s state of forwards
mess that the opening of opting will find thou, ready fur,
the cars. From Youoviviii to Warren.'down the Malley
of the Broktnetraw eadup that of the Allegheay, is one
of the Gaut farming regions in the Stagg sod these mil
vantages hare been improved until the valley lationis like
the rose. But great es has been the progress in this di.
Folios, it' a nothing in comparison to what It will be
when this region is opened to a market and "the rest of
mankind," and the people are startled front their 'lambert
by the shrill whistle of the toe:motive and Ms rattle of
railroad trains by their doors.
in Warm we loud the people all right on the railroad
question, bat decidedly "oat at the elbows' politically.—
True, there is here sad there one,--say, about the same
proportion of righteous there were in Sodom—who be
lien, a white maa , is a little better than a intro, and do
not think the affairs of the people of Kassel are of more
importasee than their own. Those who entertain this,
to Warren, novel belief, however, we found 'pod inquiry
bad IMMO tiesiseas of their awe that requited their atten
dee, while those that estestalned the contrary idea could
be seen at soy hour of the day on the shady sob ul the
street gathered is groups busily engaged, like a parcel of
maiden ladies over their tea, in regulating doe affaitis of a
people; who, it le evident from the vole Pat Mien , Ore
ILAWadWOOO eapable of .maaagieg their own "Maus in their
way." lodised, we were before sularribly struck
with the truth of the ataxia that "the devil is the /ether of
as we were to observe how busy the old chap
with the cloven foot kept his cbiltirea there in abusing the
A do:infiltration sad caning in fritaJa. Deco Await the
railroad to Wanton, however, and all this will lie changed.
T lieu they will bare their own affairs to attend t o, an d
beau nut so much time to span to the affairs of ti.r pew
pie of a territory a thousand Wiled distant.
On the whole, however, our visit to Warren was I leas.
ant. The Ledger man 'mated to he taking the world a►
easy as • clam at Wet tide, while Ephraim, of the N.!,
had gone over to Brookville on a Uark. burying -expedi
tion, consequently we did not get • sight of hie ugly mug.
We'll endeavor to lake •look at him agaiii when the road
Correspond's*, of Ulo KO' Oboorrer..]
Business is brisker; business men are looking about and
stepping around livelier. It is about time fur this wel
come change. Thus week we have bad auction sales of
drj geiceis to the amount of over ssocouu. Next week
the New England Worsted Co., ore of the runcern' which
was involved in the ruin of Lawrtnee, Stone A Co , will
sell out their entire production of fine carpet:. There ere
a good ettaiay bankrupt estates to be rattled up, and most
dutch stock is sold off at auction at low prices. (to the
whole, there is sybeuer feeling among merchants, and the
country trade is coming in pretty well, especially ti in the
But fur the whole week hardly :La sentence has passed
the Bps of man woman or child that did not begio with
cable. Inveterate possums draw out their cable to ate,
thous Infinity; advertisers hang their wires on it, and poet.
asters, male and female try to-slide up to glory with it.—
The celebrations in New Tork and Brooklyn were Lull of •
quiet honest enthusiasm. We raw no riotous to-berme in
the Park on the night of the eolebration. except per.
hap the riot on proposition of a drunken Irishman to con
el ado the exhibition by setting fire to the City 11111 and
the Astor Reuse, which in acme part, did CUM d to pail..
The whole Park was a sea of bets, and upturned laces.
hatifirisnek a many colored light from ifirsitsuodid and
Bonet lights of every hue. The display of no ks.i.d.otb
from peters and private buildings wu perfectly •.r.
sa of expease." In feet everybody "went 111" 6 cling
that they had a right to rejoice on that occasion a bidber
they could afford so or not. We are to have Set another
celebration it seems about the tint of September. Eat the
enthusiasm we fear is pretty well "played out," people are
tired of yelling on that head; they will not yell any more
Bat then we shall have the watering place people Lick Ly
that time and they, poor things, have had no 'Lance to let
of their superabundant delight IA yet, except, perhaps. as
Aristotle says the old N—k gets rid of his superfluous
ideas. L e. by sneezing.
Amusements have been so plenty at the public expense
sloe* the eable landed ,that the theatre managers are ram
Cher eat ander, finding It slightly- unprofitable to wink lor
nothing and board themselves. Literature is pricking up
for the fall trade, and • good many new books are an ,
sionseed. Butler's new poem is evidently a rucress. His
first etort marked him as • young man of promise; this is
a thither earliest of his power, which couna be claimed by
any use else, and whfeh is sufficient to give him a repots
dot rather above the ordinary range of Molina!
Is mindere there is nothing of striking interest, except
the romantic affair of the young Duncan who shot himself
and his obstinate Dulcimers together the other day. The
weather was very warn yesterday and has tamed to-day
te v almost November coulees*. We shall soon see the
Last Bees of Hammer. If Fitt'.
Corms..--Boned coffee, it is well known, is superior to
ease wade after the French faildott, by struinotg; but,
whew boned la as *Misery coifs. pot, the line 11101Z14 goes
a with tho awn loswiaig the leash* flat or hitter:, honey
a ,Nat by Mai beseekeepers to the Preach begin. net
oestiy, there bee bees pataated a new coffee pot, whioh
eatirsly removes tits 001111111011 objection of waste of strength
mid laver by st N is bodies. It is called the "Old
Deakins 0061141 Pol r ^ aid is Rade with a condenser at
the Ipp, ht lAA two gryphons are sheeted. After the
lF two
soles sad ester are is the ease pot, the cumin •
eh eastsisisg a of (add water, it pot on,
eel, the rt. elated a moveable cap, so that not a
partials Tapir eta Nape. As loos as the pollee begins
M boil, tbe viper, Whoa of bolsi eves off into the roots
power up sae of the sypboas, midis itoodoosed by the cold
water late which as moon of the aroma as was married of
with the vapor, is diseharged._ As the eolfee continues to
hop, tie viper, loaded with the aroma, sontisaos to pass
gomion the whoa haw the water WM to the oundeaser,
wain the water is raised ahoy. the lintel of the other sr
plies, wino the whole passes beck, by motion, K.. the eof,
fee Wow. Thus the maw Is hotted, and yet does sot loose
a pettish of its la arms et *lnset&
hems* attempts . have booaisade to roastroet a cults.
pot that world aeterseplish this desirable object, het, notil
tats eld Dossistios Cots. Per appeared, sots. was fatted
ii=iiiiihiplel to who purpose. It stoma to he as near
M ea* at roast be attained. -It is Instils is
essay used, and will eye good coffee always
41 4 1111) =1/is seat than by the old modes jut boiling.
'Hire see la Oho both sit areastle sod sfbitter preach
pie Is Ughts tie aressatle {which Is awry voiatito ...
asps It Whiner is open, sad the bitter hastaitil. The
osesilleses of soiree dopes* os the assosat et aroma meta.
ed I. boiling; but all hoe* that Ohs &Motes. frograwito of
the berry is allowed to pervade the whole boasts for bistr
os-leer or so before tweiltihst,, dining she boillog prose,,
and that. ia too sag eases, the Savor of the ea et la so
isipared. that little tor we esloesest is fond is the tistah
kag. Gellbe thus asprived et ha aroma, Is realdhor ae Om.
Not to that taste, sets healthy as a lover a,
Ws wadi reeassased to lusholterpers e trial of the
mOld Datilithe Oahe Pat," ebb* sessethwittliesbere tad
Islam tarolles pie, oases lbw Wain liallitsamihr
ttrieentrAr4=4ll. oi I IZII I V I a
Is repaid; sad Wait a etsasiderstios their
lime .14.61 e.
lie Bak 17 IL 111721 1 1111, 7 /4N4.11d• ft,
Ns• Ypek, Aug' 2J, 1:.4.58
Information Is toasted 44 the children, Into. in
ber, of .11r. doilies Usurp mil died is st. I,oto about
twonly yowl MO. Mr. 11.517 Moved front Ponsaylvanis
to St. Look, Ills caldron, amtjolot aka, a itb
otkori, to the estate of, Jams. *tory, odini died cc* years
time. 'rho *stateWie
*ate r, ,Diable,io Lai
city and coaity. Sy addressing William A. Henry, De
troN COM eltiogrtims °Mee / further particulars may boob.
The Illieoi, ends. lad trip from Lake Superior had
1'25 paseeagen, of whole •11M were from lb. Minnesota and
Roekland wines, bound fur the new gold dialogs on Yrs
zees River. The Detroit Trgbause reikarstatids that nearly
aßthe operators in the shore lames were anxious to lease
for the save destination, and that a Dumber suffielent to
knipthe works going limo retained only by withholding
their pay.
%ISM+ fracas oceurral in New York. Saturday night
owing to a comsat between die latbelie .oil-ia Law and
Presbyterian sou of a dead mail, to determine wbo should
bold the ■ak• mid eowilain tit* forseral. Wilms ilyeag,
man professed himself a Catbolie, but On; on finally .h
*toed possmsiois of the body.
Mr J. M Freeman, of Clarion county P. bike met
With a aerioaa lose by fire. Ile had twenty•fire acres of
"grafteJ bar \la-barrier," whirl _be had de
li!" is ThllladolPbla. i V.per btashel. aad had moot for
ward (brae bowired boaltiala, erbaa a &wasting Ire •wept
raiblessly over Pia land; destroying Ms crop
-- The lit,dy 01 • Berman was foetid a taw dap Killed,
41 Wert Huiiaken, N. J , with a diseharged o'lo lying ha
nd. It. The Coroner held au inquest, and the jury re
tweed a rordiet of 'suicide I. Ai. meal hawk'
NIL. The Allentown /menoerat, in speaking of
Hon William A Porter, says that be is emphat
ically one of the great men of Pennsylvania—a
fact with which all who have had the pleasure of
seeing or knowing him, seem impressed lie
unites to a vigorous, matured intellect a cool col'
lectekiness of thought which eminently fits him
for the place he has been nominated to fill The
contrast in this regard is so striking between him
and his opponent, that we cannot, fur a moment,
doubt his triumphant election.
Tine's sums up the prospects of the British in
Tudia'as follows :
"The success of Sir Hope Grant, near Ltick•
now, which is described as a "brilliant victory"
requires to he reported ill more ample detail be
fore we can venture on any speculations concern•
iog it. It may, however, be observed that the
population of (lode, a rustic soldiery, for the I
most jiart hostile to us, has furnished for some
months past the material fur a number of bands
—they cannot be called armies—which take the
field ravage the lands of any one suspected of
(tient:Mil+ with ui, and rut off the communica
tion wherever they :ire able The last mail
brought news that filo- country betw• en Luck
now and Cawnpore were infested by there bands,
and to day's dispatch tells us that "Jude con
tinues much disturbed " The enemy over whom
Sir flops Grant gamut d hi, victory was, no dnubt,
the rebel force winch wa• said some time since
to be threatening I,neknow lion the north, and
We trust that the etlielUre of thi it nod thiir
expulsion from the country south of the Gogrn,
will rid our peoplecof them not tl the cool season
allows Europtau troo}.s to take the fi..1.1 an d
finish the mat. This is, hub ,41, theina.. it
ituportanec m my a--sits to, wit
such Jury as (lie ; ally is mud, e 1 I
for as the cooling rain Wo are happy r. old
that by the last advice:4 rain had fallen to tatt,-itl
erable quantities, affil the initoo•h rat, 1,,11
the w• ather bad be 'll somewhat abated Tin ,
I I army has been subjeeual to O w (m ot ;
but it is to he hoped that they :Ire no% c.,tuitig
CO an end. Thtir patit nt endurame, lia
cd the brilliancy t f their courage, and with the
approach of cooltr weather and the aillvat of
re ivforeements, the Commander-H. Chi, t nitl ,l.c
able to act with greater actit ity and( ffoet Ttie
war is now confined to a small comp.--; the
enemy has been Lbeatall e%O.11") Win Iv, and all that
we have to do is to disperse is reeesiriZon of half
disciplined levi,a which are rather troublesome
to our Generals than formidable to the fabric of
our power
PERFECTL R YrT —The Trenton imeri-
C(I If remarks very justl) that the opposition par
ty is without any political issues to go before
the people In the whole of our political expe •
rienee we do not recollect any tithe when the
oponents of the Druiocratic party have been so
wofully at a bee. for matter upon which to
ground their opposition, or so miserably deticiant
in the ability to invent something by which
they might hope to work themselves into power
and place.
Without any political issue with which they
dare to go before the people—with radical and
irreconcilable divisions in their ranks—seorned
and unaided by those who in f o rmer co pt et t q
gave. character and vigor to the strife, a few little
self-ronstitutid leaders, with little tact and less
judgment. are seeking success by endeavoring to
excite pfi-,.nal jealousies between Democrats
The more hnpele" their cause, the more desper
ate th e y become; and without the least regard
to truth, or even probability, they seize upon
every scaudalJus story, and peddle it out from
mouth to mouth in the hope that they may pos.,
sibly deceive somebody by it
The United States Mint, io this city. was yester
day morning visited by three gentlemanly look,
ing strangers, who, while making a tour of the
institution, succeeded in robbing the cabinet of
rare coins, which is preserved as an object of
special interest and value. The strangers suc
ceeded in abstracting two fifty dollar pieces; one
slug north WI; four no gold pieces ; one V.O
California gold coin, and one 8 gold piece
The scamps effected the robbery by means of a
false key, with which they unlocked the cabinet,
during the momentary absence of the atten•
The robbery was dit•covercd soon a ft er th e
strangers had left. Information of the fact, and
a description of the thieves, was left at the Re.
corder's office. Officers were at once set upon
the watch, and, a short time afterwards, one of
'the 'thieves was found at the store of Messrs.
Sharpies.. Brothers, endeavoring to pass one of
the stolen coins. The coin, being somewhat
unique, was taken by the clerk to a broker's oft
Tice, in order that its genuineness might be placed
beyond a doubt. The broker, fortunately, had
beard of the robbery, and pronounced the coin
in question to be a part of the avails of that af.
A few minutes afterwardslanothet (.1 the party
of thieves entered a store, near Eighth and Chest,
nut streets, and desired a change for another of
the stolen coins The unusual character of the
coin being also a subject of remark, suspicion
was excited, and both the adroit scamps were
soon placed under lock and key
The robbery was a bold one, and must have
been preconcerted for some time. It is probable
that on a former visit an impression of the lock
was taken - in wax, and that a key to fit it was
prepared at leisure. That it fitted the to •j k tith
accuracy is manifest from the very brief spree of
time required to accomplish the opening of the
cabinet and the abstraction of the golden eon
tents. They were identified as having formerly
visited the institistiou.—PAil North Americas,
sir There is one question, says an exchange,
which a Democrat should ask himself le lore
leaving his party : "Am soli to enter a Lotter
political organisation r' It is too true that the
Democrat party, in some of its local movements,
bas been guilty of indiscretion. But, are not
our opponents eternally and everywhere in the
wrong Y . It is a worldwide remark that the Re
patinas party, dar'i'ng its short and irregular
rep to the embers Stales, has dons more p)
sap the foundation.. of religion, corrupt the woe.
tenant, popular twist for the lass, sad
' • the wad lab* Of the saki, thee sit
perdu that ever existed in the country sines
Burning of the illi
Crewel the Altos 14rettegea e A„S 1y
The most severe Ere that has visited
inla y yea"• omurrvd liar night ankle
itettotary *ills. At about dusk, an d
minutes after the convicts bail ret i red
yir d t , an d shops, fire wan
out io two or three places irora • IT
building near Oh, gate, designated a i
souse for the cooperage.
In an inetaut, as it were, ti lt
through the room and to the 'dick
a large bog building. So filled ir k
iug with cooperage stuff, machine ry,
the flames were beyond WI cooing
wen set fairlrat ; voe open it.
were then directed to eiteug the
Inge, out random being generally
oral large buildings, ocunprisingdii
of busine.-s, are grouped together
prison walls, with alleys or roada, y ,
The fire by this time presented
fearful eight. The combustible s
meuso blaze, the glare beamin g ore,
the river and the billitopa,
as day. Thus, for several hours,
1 o'clock, the firemen and citizen,
engines until they were quite
the flames being tolerably well mi,
tired to their homes. But a vast pil e
some 300,000, had taken fire, and m
subdued. It commenced Duni ,
new-alarm was given,
guns fired, ►
drums beat, and the citizens and
assembled and Went to work 1, 0 ,
however, the city military was sal;
forty men of the Yager Company,
arms, to aid in fireventing a rebellioc
four hundred prtsonevs. A portion of
mounted the walls and guarded
points, and also stood sentry over
hundred shorts term and beet
convicts, the latter being set to
glues, which were again krt.
walls The heat and smoke now
main prison building, in which
were locked up for the night, ca
intense heat that the convicts be , gan
ly for deliverance
The main cell building was oat
the upper floors and tiers of. cells
boated apd full of smoke that the
thetu were turned into the halls of
stories, where the hest and smoke ,
tense They were very fearful of be t
alive. No escapes were effected, Th ,
shout one.tbird of the huildiar
valued, with their eouteste, at
and S.:01,000.
By Atlantic Telegraph !—lewa fn
up to Yesterday !
The following news has itrit t tel
from Valentia, and from its gene
ward it to the hese fur publicatit
Later and highly important
been received from China, A
Eras Wen concluded with China
land and France obtain all thei
eluding the eataldishinent of kaa
and indemnification for the exper t .
Later Indian hew% H at baud
front Bombay an t,. July 19th
a,,,ltut4 teprr~ent that the-
1.-nd.ti ;0,1414 lia‘c a I Lt
r,p..rr 1.) \lr Ilriglit, tlo
rt Apt, c.) n Ellglut•tr
11111 i 34,14 i) AltLt!
for 11 lllltx utol 1: :st.
• uric
I. 14 -lean).-hp Nurtl, Atneri d
( . 411•11ail 111.11 k ua., igl k a vv
t.l! awl
•1'1„• I 'llll,l Star«. OrtinaNhip
\,•N• WkIN t. , pit.' lit d
t. 1..
Ttii• above il—liateb wa. receive
1t.,; at al.• tat ek i t nigh,
have been here al ample. &time ‘4"/
the morning papers bad rta:
Scotia cloActi at 9 o'eli - iet;
\V understand that aft, r the eihti
fur bu.sitte.A, all the laud lines will •
night and dad, ai.l the ripeedy tot
Iron Placentia N F , Stitte
Portland, Me . will (Imam much
and uncertainty in trauncting basin,
New York and Trinity lily
r/ prep. that at a lute hour on Tar
couple oi people from the country
tied Waldron, at his house, and
married They wire sh Ivo into II
having answered the necessary
joined in the holy bonds of ma,
thanking the Justice for having
happy, they left bite and went to
the Franklin house, where they
the night All went well until
when a violent knocking was hi
The bridegroom opened it, am
father of the girl very much id
lug what these proceedings at
baud informed him of the state
then demanded the certificate"
not, for the Justii.e not having
fiestas had told them tb iu
his office, when he would furnish
They told the story to the cruel
believed them not, and seizing
around the Way.f, lore her away fr
husband, and carried her to her Mt
suit we ba i t nit learned, but hope
may 5.,,n come together again —B
pondent of the Newwark .I,llc ,
from Frazer River, :,ays many
from 50 cents to 6'2 '25 per day, to
richest bars in the river have
of $4 per diem, and the workie
continued because of a belief that ti
fall, and in the bottom of the ban
could be found. The nitric: , of
$l5O per day are false The 4te
the commencement of want and:
Lion are true ones. Some report
have lived oa boiled nettle:, 7
paid $2 per lb. for hone
and flour are selling at p.,,we
thu crowds have collected at $1
It needs no mire than thy• td
starvation will be the fate "(so!
lien and snails may do a IDA f ,4
but if healtful food J n .t the
man is gone.
Tux New STATE ol MI \ N1:4 1 "
lature of the new State or Mum
bu the 12th, widtout
turned the usury bill without
sing his veto upou the prelol
Senators, wile said that the hi:l
Governor w:ui not the :maw Igfi
mous which passed the `caste
the appropriation bill ties : 4 .11 0 !
Informing the How,. 11131 t0. , h 4
of two evils, b .
eau,c the ati 113,
ow.sary for carrying ou the '
State, and Hot I.eesute he at...e
unions It myeit the st
at rto get tl“ it ibt 4.• pl)
to w hich the Ail rtier Gesel!
had no right, trt,l a ppropti , "
about to ti,ooll
Slam is"--an a pproi.rhitiou
"'Rai the Gorrreor tr,uid lOW
blood alone '110• lioulidemi
li v
the legislature, ex, mr , trni
homestead of eighls 3Cfr", 211,1
and count!) -the biti tong
QUE}.µ —'l , :lirre 1. , a reatirkaLit
folk count), T, xs• !le tiis
°a aPP"glie pal, tbc• Lea,
eklio• toll and petlre: (b
and it a
t 1.10,
to toll %Ito , h i• the tt,.o
hid friiiu neer Ili 3bout
health), 1 , 1 s,ry wood,
among other ehildri u sob 3 , l Ur
as could be czpeeted fro obi 01