- • \IMRE, PUBLISHERS. liE ,ERU OBSERVER. • EMMY sArultn.4 Y B r i AND 11. 11. ig 0 i t re. . 4 , ITCWITE I iii r4-,r . 4 1 .., 1, t 41.0 11411•• .411111 a lag, I,lls , II I• 11.11 'OP . / 0111 try chatge4 .ffpe 10 pa)_to ktlain the leaf, the r • ni ••• *meant WI • tt.• • prt,pett ..three r„i• AD% I.:Wit,' / ,,,,,,r I{l., or ' 1w make.• .66611r....0.4 a * ,..i. $ ;• tltsr Nuary ... nrooII.• *1 1.0 i I 00 e rn. • I, . J , J 4,w - I , tne.... .' ..1 .. i• lb : . • "4a lhaagrabllt &I - pielnslo: r, ....to oo.oth •, $0 6 month., $' .., "root I. tI I •• I 111 w %rat ink' fo u...0t tbs. lb th. Buunem WI rt tot v Iht C. 1.1.1 3.01. I . `" SIM, Wn` SIX, ICIA unavr r qt.% .1; r (Atonal notice", 10 elbrl4 r lire i•ut oftnilMnflif the Kpecial NOW., lot h•- YAM t , and ollwri requiring froqueul o their o trod tuff Nunn's., r, }Apt au I 1.6 •it • 11, chars*. ,n puff port tot., aft 1 the ma be. trtetly roallood Ito. Irg itipukt e bot. moo. ray UN•cit for trwiromni saverti-rntrut• cry ~m 4 pt. Yo.r . warertiniwie .111 t. pre-ontr,l ball j artiou Ut lU per tuent. w wan. ‘.I. • t .ben pat.l 'to 'NESS DIRECTORY A. aNnumar. -011 e, to Central Mori, - ,ten , . tetra... ea Slaty Mt reei MIMMMI T. S. MINCIAIIt, t. Manor. do Ms (Nur I.St 110IST.1 ware.lb 41• 11s. Staffs. 1:1\..,i:i1,111i t BOOTH, AGEAT yw 'omlet In Fancy and Staple hr. V.w Biwa. oppo.lte ...• II•1•I VI LOCK a H. 111,011.1, Shoa. Yifi4unr•, s , r.. ► Writtit k fd. ricbauar Miry, Ynn t•n N 1 - 1. - 1.1 All N. LAKE • Lull A LAt,. 4/MeV r. w..• 1• ~uliwt • t • Blg,k..nrow State St r..r.t •nd t he Pull.. Dkal t IiUTCHAM•ON. • (4116 , 0 111- itomeorvivikr . ok Bt .•14.....,tr raw.. 1.. Park, Ere, Pr %.K..11A1611111.1.. 1, •I. Valew kidleuillwwg . Pe l• ilennere in Gold ast.t d Warrants .ad - • ; he principal dtiee in the Union, and all part. f o r o.le . 1/Sev, w itkl.to• r.•r • III..• 1, enrn• r or, Pa I=l =I I .leslor in •1Iklud• of Engl.& (...rmsa art.l Asniln, Viers, iron, Nan., Gael, iti airs Trion:pine, •1.1 1 scilh ..• the Rrori Howie, Erio, = TAIL InonlATII In HarcbrarT.Cl , o:, Witco ^4. t LKk. , •atlvrr, Fin rut um+. •..1 a• t tad lahle. 01111.,, Fancy •trret Fro ht 6 kti 4 rigitik, .44,441 %PM 1 ' 4 .'1 , • tI( stElkol,Al Jr, , hwinoacie and h. 1,1 l e 4 c , t - I. Leath, Y nseh and AniellelD Lip. atml taptitp,Thrwtd Rcicatotlx, ." , p•;. Oa, ke •tllli. , Hfr. It *II I‘V, ay.., .;#., 3a/ , A frvul 1 &Mkt-, Lrfe, Pa • lllPi lk 1 MI • g 11. 'I ' l 7l 1 K ,-., ,519 AI • iss , . it** • t+i / 41/ 4 • . • tat • • 4 I tirJlll.-114 v't • 41 14 • t t 3 • • t. I/ $4l , 4: i l a . • - • • 4 4 9 • • V • . _* • 1 4 .1/* eidt • !//, 1 , - A1•41. • grsoa ba in one woman nrio carman not .. , 411P in ins giaCY."— tlat 1411.. Int It in !both' 11,1 bl. Ur I.4am its4ll• yrlllll3ngul.l plot lit, Whin, blart it,os glossa Itko at night, Iltr thrtatitith quiclutrtett umlaut, 1.1 I !Jen • 1,..111 grs, out, Cult and radiant Uptai nue. 1% n., ans.!. hard() kur•v• .. el, oft - ly, Mr!. WO . ' 114.11 t • hiPso/ne of ate,' : tini• •üburin tress,. tioatuvrii ba Fi..• o.les with their golden k • Lamb. iir..• • 4.µ,4.4 +I a Raphael . .14.144rt4a 1.1. 14 i LL. N. he5:1.04,4141 44, t • v 4 1 ohlii, t It 11, upt•li Itli 1101 1141. t 1,1. tat.♦ i .. li.rt ro•I •1.4 , • I A.I of , •retyropt ata no. weal. a all Itr osIJ rr vans ttag timettlo .t 1 .1 the ..hhee is. THE WIFE OP TWO HUSBANDS WHEN I tir.t canto to Wroth:4o:o, I came ar curate, fur the incumbent was urisr ninety sears of Age, and very infirm I had u hundred pounds a sear, and the little enttsge that is now in ruins, doer,. by the old church to live in, and never dretaweei to have (lone better That would have been em.ugh and to Spare, indeed—without my good R tie hen. and the tour little ones f eourse, wile., the le we re I,•et to the question— for the place t3u.l a .leer equ , lu liriup Tlit! 1.11101 11111- b ) ottr door, I,iipp!te l / 4 1 wr wc4 with trot at 1 I us, rats own tiAmonger A knife ud loii, were. alw.is. laid f r we at the uti Sunda) , tsrllo,ut I NI • Cle • {tub, I wit! , t h eretee wk. them The F'utlay alter ror Mr. Metrili.., thr “Id mettrOwttat dt.d, 1 tit ai a• u'ual at the Grange ;aid a, vra, , natural, our talk fell ,Jta ht,.16,- and on thr future titer "1 :%.• uliro , :Dlt IP' 111 Illy 1•141.1 •al,l NI • 1/11.1•1;lit, ; "nod it h. tit :it et ill 11 , 1• 111 'Eli:, :t• re I. t) r , -a•tql wliafert I fur the iii ia3, itt• Wtii t•aul Itintse:l to wilitiu rbk•t,t I. • I••• )••ut•g tri,t/ to f 40,11 rlch : Wl•u kc••w• • 1,,• p,1•1•1, 1,. rt., alit', wt hi (1 by tht I Ira! tl,. i! I 141..1 III" annla curate, pa I 1..1. fr. r !Jot t;rarit'“) -Mil! 1,11 i., ugh w, Lay , .1‘.17 !.(.0 'id) tlrr, 111 , 1 Lavt• iu thy un •i• will tu) n tt, to uficse (urne;.,i•!.wv • ! w n orc that, 1113 do in mini .11. d Est pr.!' (1 G r 1,41 time will; .1 Laud- 1.36 e • It wl et :t %dr IL:. )1r . I,lr, l„,11,, u flu ILL), VI 111.1 hui.ikru hair jui.t 11 e • 1 u hi, pl , lll, hall wi aliug,hi 'turfy tqittit, 1., lib,. a A r Sit w%th itt r pit wtan,l tit all 4µ•r t.. sell Ille 'hp' OW 1:111 nth Was 1.1. %LAI - Vul•• lIIt n 1 WV4I 11% lir Nl'l oilialte I: 'Avg the 11.• - 1 .1 t.. "Ti )uti .111- ,1 It N 1/1 , 1 AI In) wilt I hi( I: 114:1 , jsepi ~‘ )•a t‘.l hug, t.itt 1,11.11(til bi- kin li i j-ki. li ‘ta , : I.kt 3 dihr 11..0 1 St. 111 it In t..l ; ;1,•! ii. i .l,fl hark .t Mil. nt,r i xto h. • I It •II I, .1 Ili {I I ) th I 111 • 11 I> $n Ili I ‘,4 ) 11 ?It 11 1' 1 I I I 'l , l 111 111 1411.1.4 r Wti , IL) Li 1111 !Lal. It., tilt I ' 1 0 , 1 t t'• II• I :1 sure t bat lb.) ,;. , 1 0,.t cl. ,t uty wtfc so, 1 nat. tot I al, to !hunk thtto for , And they s to , itti L tit Ott u., r , to tuy t idt hoy .161,ui two ). 01. after I hid heti. Ll" vicar, I It rve a great Ararigrlii ,, ui Mrs Mai k tot in Slit grew a h. sti t, starlit] whtn addressol-- , -pecitil'y if by her husband--vra.0.,,1 6-4)1), bud !obt iu pall lot 1. 1 .ea:aut Ikm.k4 r f'!“ rqUIT • thiA• she had always a smile to gee I kw with, how et er she might look to e the r ., a nd would wa t c h hint au„•tar.. when 131 s was nut it garciiug !Hl*, With a c, Ltt 'Oration f afft ciit n in It r gaze more iAtenso thou a ter Ani.tLcr &Lange War r this : the squire'• fortune I eing very' large, his wife had a West Rance, and kept quite a litt:c t stablishint tit ot her own. Her char:tire, bustdes those that wt Ti eGualitrn with his, Wert exten:-Ive When ani person needed 'alp I youd that which I was Ju.tificti in giving, I had been secuston.td to apply to her as readily as 1., him ; hut now her alms at fiat diminished, and than tillogtthwr et Rai t(I She parted under butlic 1111. pit tenet., with Ler carriage and ponies ; and Item being rather fastidious and choice iq b,-r attire, she came I, tirtss with great simplicitYlk, anti a tiotsr ill, so that upon that point her husband raliit d Lt r. Otte night she Was winging with u. in the hall as usual, a favorite Scotch song of his , that she Lad sung a - hundred dred tint's before, whin has voice suddenly thanhlt d, as though her It art was breaking, and site burst into a fit of trans It Utit.t one of thoqe rit lurt.• upon the dome.tie affection.; and Niarkbaru suckts touchingly to me afterward t t that e xcessive twi ne s, ' o f hf s wife s for hint which had it cutup!etely over mast t rt d Le r. If i were to ic talk' u front her,” said he, “.1 du belio‘c diary-I Jane would die." rtaitily notch Lt r autitipating his slight. ...I wish, and ii•tt mug to his every word as tilt ugh It ante to be Li; last, it might well scent eu 1 - puti my reututtug to remark to Mu.; that she was gtnera;ty to by t,u *scans good Licata), and hot to her usual spirits, he thanked me, and wus utr‘ously :dice to this at L !ICC ; and think' ,hg a little company alight diet r Ler, he suit for his maiden sister Iron/ the utirth to spend somu tame with thew-- a quiet deltrly lady, vary ex eelieut, but hot ,t 4 any way gifted as her brother and sistir-iii• ;AIN M, r We two struck op au acfplallailtict van WI the :quire was mount to make tdeetious allusions to It which would Lai, Leo twharrassiug from anybody Slit soon filed up, to Me measure, that posit.ou or Ludy B. untiful to the parish which Mrs. 3iuikhaur h d anditotted- , --aithongh t eon• le s ahe si•turitbui lucktd thu gracefulneis of her ,II doing—and ridtetly to that lady's enlist Lietion It ;tit L, r molt to and at lib% erty to t« it e rio her eliaruhur lsewhere, as had now heroine her Invorithoustuni. This coats tituaiton with the tor peetatiaitues in Ler unit duet, although still mkt! from Ler husband's notice, did not eatttipi the quick, womanly e)v td Mws MorkLuu.i. M I. 1..., I=',E=l "I vaunt): rho, as Ire wtrti taking r walk togeth(t shout three 'reeky after Lief AN viral, .•ei.rt change has ouzue veer Jaoe. If 79 (114 si,,z koou hermit Will George to bare Ot!'ti 'Mr ay' rtiOplo that ever breathed-, .buthid be itleitutil IQ thirk her au oubsppy Wife; sod if I were nut thoroughly couoioptil 4,4bie I=l Sweets to the Sweet. =I IIV• SU 1:1 , 4 • IFin•1.1t.“1111,11/. lIMS 11113 t4l 1.1% tu. t•:' t r.,(1.0fi• lON lIMICII !!ESMEE=IIIII I IN .“. , 61 ,1,1‘....11 10111111=11111 111.. s, ,t t,. ll= k -14:NU F11(01 RVAI. 111,1: . i - 111 bi innb4ll4., 041 k, ilia Mintl' lastsioss a • 'dog his lasi."' I bad Deter beard untikbat stement of Mrs. Markham having been a widow, and" exprestted my surPrise strongly. ' i 'To II eed r said toy ecimpabion ' "I hadit tu4l certain that they bad entrusted you wi th t t revelation ; but since you 'are aware of so m , , you may now just as weir know at" "'Mrs Markbant, whoto you pe'reeive, oven fat this time, charming - and almost perfect beitig, appears extraordinarly sensitive and unsuspi cious of evil, was is Miss Jane Baby, romantic to the last degree. She eloped at school at the age of seventeen, with an adventurer named ileatheete I never saw him myself, but I have heen told that in youth ; be was extremely hand some, and gifted with some attractive but super. Bella talents. After living toptho a short time in great unhappiness,so far aslanemasooneerned, he deserted her, and seat her beck to her friends. He did not appear again for years. He most bare treated the poor girl teary brutally, to so e..unt for the horror absolute loathing which she entertained for him Be knew that she did so, and useil that knowledge fort his oarn profit. He bad openly boasted that “be had not married a milksop like her for nothing bat for her money;" and the moment which secured to her her pro perty, the very day on whit* she came of age, brought this hapily to hey aide again. the Fought him off with ransoms, this and at many other times, as the civilized nations in old time bought off tbe savage, and with the like result— he became more frequent and elstravagant in his demands When' I say that he was a systematic gambler and a drunkard, I believe that I have mentioned nuly his lighter foibles The reties of her original fortun only remained to her, when he required . icr a blatik check to be tilled up at b t . .; pleasure ' This, backed by hrr paternal '...ete, and sole relative, in whose house she wa: then residing, she steadily refused to give him; and Reatheote, uttering the most frightful threats, was obliged ,to content himself with a draft drawn by Mr. Baby upon his own banker for a hundred pounds He drew it mere ly‘ to save his nitre, who was in sogony of terror from her husband's violence, and to get the man out of the house as quickly as possible; but as the matter turned out, this was the luckiest thing in the world ilestiteote altered the 'one' upon the order to 'tire,' and the number 'loo' to , 500,' and so got the check changed by the onatotission of a felony. The nest time that this fellow came 1 for his merciless tax—which was soon enough— ! Mr Rigby bad a policeman in waiting for him - It." soul that gentleman, "you ever attempt to per veente my unlmplo niece, 1 transport you for the term of your natural life You may thank her alone that I suffer you to escape just punish ment this time If it rested with me only—and I nekily tetra proof of !your penal crime does rest with we, and with no , milksop'—yon rhonkl be shipped off as soon its the law could ship rm." Reatbeoto hectored 'a good deal, and strove z to obtain an interview with his poor wife ; hut Mr Rabe, WILY firm Ai told him out one hundred five pound notes, and enclosed them it a cover, wits rcupolt -be wrotri his own name and address t'i remind him of this compsct,ielling him that it wa,; 11.11 last bauddrifing and the last shillinK of his tbiat he shotild vo: The condittows'er gilt were ! that the creepient shoultdepart for Australia forthwith,mid never set foot again in England -The felling five hundred, the forged el,kek v•ir,iii in any awn possession ; end if ever 1 .. yi or I've agaia, it shall be produced in a e. or: of ~,w . ' whititt penalty the other, there 1,, ;rig u 4 help for lit, agreed to Heatheote's brtna.lf!y run-t have In ru something excessive to li.ive ti.,ililin all trilers .4 love out of a heart Ifk. J . :mi ., but to• b4il quit. , succeeded is so do ing Although •lie hail not er•oqutit , d in her I've!, •c threat lie.iigitel4l over him--and happy i wa-. .1 , i ;at ii did til.i rest with her to use it-- sio i i ti d toil I,iii ref! comfort !'rum the event St a ti. I II : , .1.1 tit lief. of freedom did atimili in in :‘-ti llg 1. r 1 , , 51 and lighti Ding her heart of Ir. %, 1 • , , ii.t trOtkt. t) tv crush it attogetliir • 1.. ! II i,, to, to akiout lc AS like an autbinalou, ~ , ...r it . tusk. of Sontent, if not of merrinicut, i•arls t 4 lI4J N 1 , to s 4 we i itiort like the Jane Raby of t 4% al. holm.: 'Dien came at me news which w.. 1, L, r emus atiti silent a while, but could hate madc , het ~ad. I:testi:mote was dead to Cue bush, Mato b the band of one of his own uuktd rompanions{ in a tonoealed pocket ‘viti,:in his vist was found the roll of bank noted in their still unbroken ' , over It had escapes the eyes of his murderer, or the passing by of some liouest t.eitlerc had disturbed him in his unfinished search. IThey forwarded the parcel to Mr. Rehr, with a Diarrillloo of these facts. A year after this evenit it wool have been inapos.. slble to rreogn4re the spirit bowed and fragile Mr. Deal to the by no miens inconsolable w • idow. elreti =he hail 'Lett become Thanks to her brim tout I'l 41:11 caret r, be was not rich, but beautiful tied b.4ipy yru see her now, Mr iirantly, ..r rather 4 you did see bee until with in these few monitil My brother married with the full knowledge lit her former life, and has never hail a moment's range, as he says himself, to regret his choice " • This narration which the kind hearted but mivdoubting little old maid made piquant with visions garnishments of her own, in the way of flings at the foolishness of young girls, and the futility of her early marriages, did not much en lighten toe as to what was ailing with poor Mrs. Markham, although it increased my interest in hip fortunes. Her conduct towards myself re mained unaltered, or was marked by even great tr communicativeness. She put to me several hypothetical eases of conscience, of which I could sear no possible bearing on herself, and begged eat, as a clergyman, to give her my best opinion on the subject. She told me thatAtho had often bewailed the having no children, Which she had onoo considered to be the sole blessing that had been denied bar; but that now she thanked God Olt she was ebildless. The horrible thought be gan to cross me that my dear bonefactrels and firm friend was going out of her mind; and that idea grew stronger, although , Mrs.- Markham shook her head at it, and hoped it might he no worse. She was am good a person as ever bred; but she had the neckties' of her order„ which some bow IM always to think the worst- that can be of! all her sex But when I had semi firs. Mark.: ham mime out of the firewood, under the sand•! cliff, a little after Milifin sae morning, sad go' Itold me, pate as a spectre, and quivering is eves, ry limb, that she had only been to gist an arie tat: for brettafsat; ahen she asked me at, atiother, time for the lasso( twenty-pounds far &very! presAtig einergeney, and begged me tn„ keep it; ! secret; and,when I coupled nub these things her .• p.oous eudeovors, so treasparent to toped and 1 her slater in hie, to Nat West her utibspey entidij tion at all 'tizzes—a mark most sign*ent pt: It i unsastt led brain--I felt quite sure of my 4mittrol I surmise bCing , bnt too Min. I was even debut* I how to beak !this torror to Mt. Mptillinnt tilt . 1 revel dial *measure might be resorted to leet l ereii I vas moo late, wheel %Intel:mates& smarted 'kWh f l changed my entipicion" in*o," akilainty esreD inn! s mom terrible. i. Is Ira. In) r Tuesday, in the mitisumwer, xai the Num* was goon to a meeting. 1404 Okfi loamy one, upon edoosikon, at IYa seighbosioo temtv, •Mists ova' 46itouti of I pttlt shopping had sooostpositti bins, sew( did to am* &De orlikoorioo, 444 -sot Abel a,tot,hitiort Butdpetptatestalt.- my*, • t J, , •St. slue,: /4 t - i .1 _ 4 , 1 i , fr 4 t BRIlt, SATURDAY MORNING; ADM 28,18580 c., 4,1 r It $1 SO, A ,YLAII„-ITITAD requirligeeriaitralimenta whittle was neteritin die soots' of ewe seaman all ale iiisiiiKinsik• ed down to the grunge, aentWdingto editors to request that they might lament to the pith man a cottage Mr.. Meths's was WetwkkM tbn tonicity of the afternoon entiiied me mei a T. race, the extremity of which eommttniehtedirith the walled garden. The get* was always kept locked, T knew, and only the sqnire and thawed gardener had the keys of it. thunteringsloirly along upon the turf, and drinking in, the prospect dreamily, 1 had reached the esseensiarof the walk, and we. about to turn, *ten I beard the whispering of voices. T could not see' wlp the persons were, for they were behind the wail is the garden close below me. They bad no busi netts there, /*new, ands bad liebehlyiitime after some very ehoiee melons of the shake's I made no scruple -*mime of listening; but afteritbe brat feu words I felt as thengb Or. en both my oars rather than have dont/Ate. "I tell you Jane, that now or never is the time. There is a heap of money in his desk to•day, which will go to the bank to • morrow 'Muir ham is away at Ruirhant, and it will net kiU him when he comes to Audit gone." "Never !" said a clear fall cake, sekieh I knew to be Mrs. Markham's "I will die first. I will go away. with you yourself, before I would rob my husband." "Your husband?" said the other with a sneer. "Pooh, pooh! you [Med DCA be so squeamish for aa, few pounds, since you arc in for so many peas, bier already Why you've made !tee of hun dreds-- " "Not a shilling, she interrupted vehemently- 7 "not one shilling have you touched of hie., lif i y own luxuries, my comforts, the wants of God a own poor, have gone to support your prodigacy; but not one penny of his, heaven knows." 4 Jane," said the ruffian shoofly, "take you good heed to what I say; I'll Mow upon you, and tell all to his face. I'll arty you off, I swear it, before his very oyes. What 'wake?. known of me hitherto is notbiog to what you shall know of me when you sod I some to live writhe er spin " 1 seemed to see and feel through-tbe wall itself the shudder that ran through that poor lady's frame at these woide• If Pied tho't the wares of her, instead of. being 'oared, as 1 then was that her wicked huthand nestle:iota was indeed alive, and perseetidng ha with a power more terrible than cont r a, heart would not have bled for her lemAisiatully, my iodiass• Lion against him wonWnet have risen higher' , but as it was, my teeth were grinding in my wrath, and my Ada was furiously Frtpped, as though it were a'sword. Silently, like a thief in the night, f stole down to the wall, and set. Ling my feet to some coavonient creek**, peeved cautiously above it Both luckily, bad their fa• ocs turned away from me; bat I eould see, even on-the man's back, mandrel sad coward 'wrist -ten His poor wife's wrongs and goodness, and all that I had heard of his brutality, swept over me in a sea of indignation. Ob, for one quit ter of an hour of my college days, before I had put on that ecclesiastical garb! Oh, to have given him ever so brief an example of that 'ace, two, which I remember to have bad some skill, in the .bygoae ,time. My , leers' nad profession •in Abed, werwaakteadr tetiottmaintneatimee 40 fattilj he todytke jusslisis • Wd his 'hand upeii ber in bie mgt. My "tick woe in nehmen., and' would not have broken for mime time, Ltbiek. i Ho wanted to do it,-heearld see hYlikrewiteh: log flagon.: the bowed and tretehlmg, hit mill graceful figure---the appraliog Nobs, for which kalild w►ly gus;:q, iht , weaniug—tba 3uLuig life wit btreti and struck detrain its joys by his OM el threats and presence--they moved him not oue jot I dared net trust myself to look any iptiger, but resumed mistation at the foot of the wall After a storm of menaces, islet by s koo s s, hysteric expostulations that grew fainter every ova l sel, I iterrtl him sii) "You know •here u m to bo found, woman; sad if that I demand dyes hot come to my hand within the next eight tind-terty hours, I come to this house as surely as ). u nue my wife, bt,4l claim )vn " I heard .4 hi/ upon the ground, and knew that hie poor victim had fainted; but I visited. until the wretch —who btedtd her DO more thin if she were II log—bed left the garden and plunged exiftly in • to the copse that fringed its portitzts side, I ran in then at the ojea door, lifted Mrs. Mark, ham from the path, and revived her atthespring that flowed hard by. She was afraid, on coming to herself, to look up at me, taking me for Hestia• cote; but I told her how I had walked in, seeing the gate open, and expecting to find bee garden ing, and how I feared the beat bad been too mach for her. She wee ice cold, poor thing; but she murmured—"Yu, the heat, it was the heat," es 1 supported ber homeward up the bill I got away immediately, and pretending a telegrephie mes,ege, peeked up a little carpet beg;' drove down ro the railway station at full speed, and arrived just in time for the up express, as- I bed hoped On the next Wednesday at noon I was bark again, and at once took my way down to the Grange Mrs Markham had been very ill, I heard, and was now no better; the, tgn►r , s was even then at her bedside. I bent for him upon the plea ot very urgent business, and he came down into the library at once. If I had not been in his own house, and expecting to meet. no oth er but himmlf, I should not have known biol.— /31s eyes were swollen and dull, his gait tut tering, and 4►afeatures white and.deawn. like the face of a dead man She had told him all, at last; hill first and *sly love, his true and devoted wife, the p a rapet of six happy, happiest yam, was to be torn from him by another, and doomed ,o a life of misery. "Granary," staid. be, is a. bellow, uunattwal to n e, "I bare that to tell which will wring your hull, 'I how Itaa i raready broken Mine.'' He bad fallen wan a chars like one whose limbs refused to sustao him, and the tears coursed cola his cliCeks: Unchecked and nitconeented. "Markham," said 1, "I know all—everphiag —mc,re, I thinbobtati p.ti wow tell. Yeueligeny. is not for rowreschnt for lont—for i lter, I alb well assured. he KW not be drNeeditissit. Be comforted. Ho shall never tench a hair of her head " cloplafinir s 0 lex turyt towaide ate not *Wt a tgch I,e b p. r tram about to spelt* further, when the Cr laki door hell ago" w rite , Pos. h ll 3 cope." $1 0 4 113 11 1 as if.ittesorabi9,/510.44 )*id jt,s wry hist4,FlPOP. din siwaidetr—y. 4,l ; "Show him ia," .1 to t hese{aaht (or his master firmed to have lost all power of . , speech. torinipart, I drew a Lopeful angui,i,tiom that elshiskteAll•riuging; a raffian that had: rwthieg u Gar would Lave pulled.wjth both.his herolii. tieatilao4q slouched, iu with au,,itteoloot half musk half bully. •. "1 dos't wait the parson to hear what,..l hare vireo say to you," mew hip fiat words. Mr. Markham, who kepi .his bad; curial, to wank him, waved Wm kas4 to, maim aim that I should speak for "You may ray whigartr yom Iquiat iy. -"I um swam-of *be objesaat•yomr ammies, ymt , rismato extort the mossy from thiageatio. min, ',MA yaw fried urprrettadestiothet trootaal *slit bir owri 41 , Mr " • •• "Oh; afirinid,4ltilbry" -Paid tteiritleini with thabertiel ' , lit 'Mile the were farbet, R rairnlty, .° - • 1- h4' - "so, Nit, dbediattot'if 101 l mew Imo 'MU WE, t iffitbttifek' . 4 Rjrintr Weiltd'lVillifittri, 4 6 . 1 1 11 , 11 , 1 1:" . ., 3 49 1fet l t , 64 e er.... isi w:fi i 14 .- .1)1 42it la Log .A.at 4 .14PJA •ilella (fa ( 1644 41,:t NMI' 1 1 a - -tun. . 6 AM; .3i. , 71 La •in ^'', KI rta re! Aht?tAti-tail , IICMI=:1 IMIE sidlitimei7ml"4lll4lonistterlhatkila eru* meetly& owe Wag hammy 1 . Meteat. flettkr litentbattlevOlinUt old dein., Welch) , are PIS , finTl.4 l - ; rottivr turn'as Pale as the boor triuire hini f "Wlidth'Sent bb, "" sad hi after tt I%ttla, "I shall eillvOtle inoseywr I ileaftlhave my .wite -whet has -4emesmitted.higimar—whitimarer dm& gestlessau plosami" , - "That geohletoms 4 " said 1, as .1 Oiler !Rd Mr- Itlarltani' was about to speak, " b lll,lloi intl. initiated,' month after Melnik, is les. ffesihbdie was, lam supplying' lour bottosteterrafsb- .14y, air, your *thinsir, mat gain musesel.. !Ladle my IninA,awarrant for your. ; appreksiksim.. Ye'4 4 " 4 .1 from ship hire 1 oho, I' Ritier7, the proof, 'of tt ieb 1 ye now witltme ''Re.endeettneibertre'upde y bead, Iteweember, , soel when you leave this house, I it gill be : for . . "I was quite pregared ftir thus, au," said, the ruffian, with a fool? of ialescribable 'Mr*. Mirktnitb lhat was, siftl)lioirefet) addoib prey me to prison: - Fine food forthe sohnial'of the county than will he;,•aad•e good eioaviethe wife At Till make *memo my Imabilmminemith, oat doubt." Mr Markham writhed figs one in torturotipou his a4tair. We were' Indeed in the eases power, as be said, and my jolume7 into Elainfehirs bad been albeit sasalleareiee..• One desperate own, however ) which had how umgpettel by.Mit• Bab', Was . left to me, end Itriod it. theatresternly, to force us to extremities. You scoff adbaniatutitt, but what say you to the gallowi 1 yon"—l'itrode op to the trembling wretch, and layiag my , bead upsee hie shoulder, whinered aloud—"Jos mardeserr The sweat stood out upon lie pallid Iprow, his knees smote foglith6t; and his hair seemed ebso. lately to brietle up, *abject was his terror.— allergy! mercy ! I never toned the notes," he Murmured. , "No," said I "but bete is the putskst",--std produced it—"and red with the blood that still tries out against ybu !" At the eight of this frightful evidence, the coward knelt ispott Boor and cowered his , fsee with his hands. "Bice, .wretch—go thundered the equine telt° had riscs up like a mut returned to lifc from the grave "Berri is mosey—the sum that you tlemanded--take it. if ever again these eyes of miss light ch you, an awe an there ie a eon ht heaven, I hang yob." The eastalonm,- half parsilysid.4gate of Mr. )darkbato seemed to dilate, as he initikeeemordw, he booked like some incarnate New* des*- cing certain Vengeance upon the creature at, his feet. It gathered their np likc ts strielett hound, seized the prebend toree.withent davit* to look up into the doner'a fen, and rushing Owe of the door and from the hiume, as though Lb. GOR. tioner was even then upon his heels, ved away under the flaming eye of noon from Woodielee, for ever - ' Mr. lialty's guess bad hoes aitrue one. The, pocket of Heathosote had, been pieltpd, by,rone or his wicked htimpinions in aytotehZ x ti , b y ba4 ruur d erett the thief i'ditheipurpose - nT Tens pieheaMtiwllelhistipetie Bed' fbiteh = ThWhiting beles.loosolt upon the body l too/ bee* l judged coeolueive to idontlly it with bk own rat 1 mains ; and for these too many years,,had, nuk, l dared to show himself in civilized par to gains say' it, tut dad livid' the maursoilfie life of 'a truslinteger Dyed of this, and havi n by a see• oesefid pillage • obetine. mosey enough fop his 'transit homewards,. be,,had ventured. bank to, Eoglithil 'Finding his Unfortunate wife Fell ,marred and in each greas, happiness, las batred ; of her was redoubled, and Iris determioation stre l gtbened to perseouty her at all beards.--- The poor lady had never heforc bad 'strew* of mind to reveal his existerneel and niiir her eon fvssios, and the esnainty of basing toneave her beloved hlarkban for this droadthl hushsaci, bad brought her into the most dstigerensotato. Bh.. hid priyedlor death more ferYlllo4 k tital MilkA dying noun for life '; art eri, • therefore, llte, squire bad milled by to her the remit of my : lnterview with Reatheete.-for be did not needlessly as-. ties her with_ the areount of his ad* atrocity, and of the means whereby he bad ansily got li4 of him—abe was almost.pesicie herself With joy. Her sretittide towards . roe was withoet,lasemis, and an she strove to raise her attenutedlOrin fretn bet couch to vteilee snditranknme, ter+ choked ire. utterance The :igniter wale but it ails nom onapased. With their melese.coeti deuce, , which bad been bat this awl • pokes, quite restored, and, their, very life birtod t as„, it seethed, sir 'oboe more flowing in their veins,4ii fell to'nrc • to fake them from their dream' °felt* found happiness, by tettilediew then rtfLthe the position /Et whisk they stood. The teeniest fitnt the even4y of o f .p . pir to the eertsjusy disk ly,liad been too great to admit of atiy,'t , , , hie, save 'Thnse of uffilloyeit coition". " e i I', sk i d Christian limn as the Muire an, the ' „ steel' me of hit? Markham toeing still gbe lout& Wife of Henry Hgathruto—ultetever that niwn's clew *der might bey-rind therefore Making het cos % tinuanee at 'the °hinge impossible, lad'never ence-neeerred to him.' The than Wing flthri oughly got rid of, and all ides of persotml in. . ['opines at as eud, Mr. Mathison had dissociated her in his mind from all relation with her ant husband at once. The poor lady must have-in. deed thought often of the sad ease, bail had put it - from her, 'probably, as something tub horrible to be dealt with justly. Nevertheless, sbe•vnui the first to see the righteess of the path which it was4sy duty{ as a elergystee to pAnt due togibth of them. If stet there was a case whets apirls sad Iptter !mimed at war- h o over onoiebere la• notient error seemed to be snore terrib4 Obliged the drinie itstilf—t acknoWledge that it was ' this of theirs. m y teen' -wiroman g thr them 10 its core ; bat L bad aagliateterof daubs 11/1 to Oat wasneoeelary for theta to do. iTeidesiy, boa firmly, I ,put it before them • sad beifora.l -ha done, Mis: Markham "dined. to hoe that is `who ettingb. "T gd,"'eitid elle ' 'ftaeritiet Mottle, et oasts utile I have still trerregtir be tried?' "The vicarage, madame, is of course your homes es lot* tilde pisosaii . t ) t :-.....*1 „"A tilalgi,Saus.licarAliroarstatloN, Oa &ham .Wonljele.e," said she, tr.e fer,Htiltd ys,possible this Tory night." , 1..... ' "ntid Irehisred ta the gond ilitireOld tutidd, whom we had slimaliforkattenahe,htidrAnen lie ailtattosapadatot4.o4sadi Ina yos,aster Jiige, Witte 414 d ACtikeiworilitif /Put rill. •I filbe ion; care. George,. from pluee . Fth i loqbare !rouged bet ha my, beati:" . , 1 . , - Ire eqiiirs't *fief Istrfetrible tothud*, bit 1 its slide noopposittea. Miss Mirk am had 'a ,mnall estate inAdistaat meaty ) to misiebdia was ut,4110 that .01011P.444imahc414144,04**7 remove. tate wereitoritedly paeitta,,tlol tnei 'erne eherfot ordJiea to' tkb dooi ; , aid; diet ittelin kart tektites 1-trat ddelepLiftlit WI td the 'HA •ohnoffinil k utite Inaiditiltda, d In; in tfeltWobrinterief' *Di sim i Laftii the alghti Virkly;inderti, it4el ritflitit&llibe•iniddlief.iiitilleft 1 110aT ' 4 . 71 1 'tin ettlit that *in 'atilt ante: - Weelealliiii pr meth (A/Jiro* IliN Mt einskitallins,nra *Mk inadinbittildiabe ) Ali Illotitta t 24 ribOillooll OW INir *mist hoot lig& . vantflimittlhit berintrlthe gattlettAithiti iit to4o ttrtlipittriliVii4P,' Or ' 64 l lfle 1 tett piotitkoWittit tiptlichitd • id, . 11 vtrie 44ibt eti* • atiVl tlittionrf 111 *44. tfaiv,.lo ' *kap . retkovis - kelp t .i.,iii bilukroptir ' I±lbore* it . it iugar=7;il;bit UV '94111117741t. ta 111 04 at Illat tan sit tot:••••tutt--• emit 1 tom, thlr.) , , t EMI ISIMIIIIMI Ri; gni cal giesimita:'' ' , had' * imetifterlir "Mir 'lliiial , .. owe liae' hi sue ier Seto larrtiathis **A mikoiditiiidithir litithrlaily, mad le men damiklittialliol toladridlt mead atom IP( n haal trim lief of tits departed Ira, via Mr* ... 1.: ~ ,. - - r . r'e mune" twiyems flat tibi ispentiou of Mr, astir gni: 161.khain, NCI 1 1111 tricaseimet :illfee . loslik ei leal,* Jet monivat of Alloaper' o 4-t ft— A I N' . padebion the tetimatoinf a With ~ ~ „ .....•.,, ..aultf, /CA OtigArt i io o6l ''!i , 1 ? . . 'wait/ 40 1 .gi allit skii4;Z4:gilet what hassittmg in, lops , tea smil f , the niam allesdiachise aidel OP ,PPI' '. loaded him to take them allitillyal• . nig& while he . sow eapispad, LIM .7-/ sent for from the boadi r te-- saa OA .DO , dose dot • pons Allow who had fades tha ora. H. wou,the ammager to ma r as WO horded skewswell.lusowm aseemplies of the smogelen isfeating - that poet ell the salt,aaii had . diet willbo ebb aseidant, it maw empitased. ' while signaling to somitettlemilisoppomei of a reletrar-entets. A little stews bed gadosed 1 round bind en the More, but ma andastag that -vapidly Oh* is an ally felt among the pow ie phase of that sat for Medals to die amiss laws. They bad, however, furniebedidat with a I mitts* mid' Wets ids water. He ass speechless, did semible, they skid; hot ' a . gbuiee at bit' eyes as' I sums ap sow suited Ise to the exmasty: Manta sr he was &bob! the heed, and altered by what to me to be the certain ipproseh of Iterog nixed the wre4liell Ilearboote It ogee. lle vie borne, by my direetiost, to die stedieet wage, and a man on horseback Tutgaishid fieitediaal help, although - I saw it ward be of littla'amit I maimed by hisbedeide all ihrotwh that sight,' and it was a fearful u5e,,,,. When the doctor told him dies without doubt, he wee . • dyin, Tas, 1 *OS it haul I killed himtm, the instant. ~ "I ba e . obas it.,*7. thing that is Awrribleo aid waken' 004 Nu 1406 life keg," heand . . 'ler Ida illOh 4300 ' fort as I eould with troaAggellihip va urged him to polka:mos and paw. Jits Mastfter i his MAI. sag shetemer other Wiimiltil4 41 11 3 Imo eassaisted r . did Mt assaito swop him* Beni-, ly so his tivainiestaf his geeril-. IlAst i ziar an anit hh im ass, a ml eak giallt I WWI to her. ha will make her. happy yes Poor Joe :',' gear Jaws r' were his last wards. Whea after his hmial, L.told the optima** he was elfeetoi totems. , UM hoaxed of fiat anat" said be, I'M, eltoodhenwees me and leptons, I belie,.;. est 4 bogies hits oil." In twehe menthe' timarfrem that fergiemiesa, be stood "Jidda obi. ehmeh opet. thi bill es Woefellee, and wee Monied , the* . mete flue INetheete hi re. l It wai • s ay Ulm soy of as hopsiturearlartho ' *rim. The' oily perkiwitiViheit s' daghttearlillraitt it Mb IfkielllMUMaiT tut i d er vieep et itiremsliir MOM& alkifilladar [II Mager ,m& 'there who' did not *spice joy, *ma the siKii!ert clerk Of erg yearly, Maid the bride's hand V the door, to. der little school c)i Harr% who m a ged dowers Mart their bit %A. iii eV It else to telr44m, there moos t ' to al Ildls he. fore whom tiodd 'said lie said: a plasiawat, • kali:lse,' ' ' .-Kod At smile le old satire AM . is Worn span km—of - bid mother. Once upon a tisse„T remember, she said that site was happy not to eve him; but they were both glad st the Gratir,locy, J think, to welcome the, yams squire. =I Walking Wing the moats vfth .the 'point of en fitabrelk sdabg mil behind, videethe trai or Liget the shoulder. By gadde* shipping to speak to at ield,., Or otheYeauge, a 'walk , iog to the tilt idol big beitil - tfltattit the eye, is one of mit streets, and died in a tea days. i $ Stepping into a chtircii' aisle, after digtoisei , aid stealliatto germs wi th others, Or CO - low oecupea;tti of the psi to Paga.ont and Info , for the coluteey of preeedenee t at sepia of a greater boorialumkto, akaat oaitga ' 'To wry a loagytaton' to a i;t 4 otEtsidg goat pocket; pot log g apes , . a e'er i s IP* AA, 4 E4.0 4 killg ordfr WA 09 - . . 44 Ai= teat , artery „ that is 44 A1.k.011600114 the top of the shoulder., ti r e*, =fog to death, with ',three amp ' illogic To take efAilfkat or oak. She health, when stony step is .a drag,.aad iptinotouggen ko.ZO ow. . To 4esslo dews glees efestglats of mid water, oa getting up is the wort oggotighogaluly feel, lag of taint" under the *Fmk* of thlthepith • giviag wore digs washing ottg qualities. : To sit data to a table tunififoree Itetreelf to sat whs° are iv so APPatitedenta-peeitiwe aver , Ilion to food. . ... To take a glass et voiaror toddy, or sasgaree, or taint thirptr, ow a. satotheirtay, under tale lief that it is safer' sad bettor than attlear of *old water ' ' , 1 . .. „ .. _ To economize tints, brittobing yourself if ne eessary-sleep, on thiVortniettit in hour shed from sleep is it kinbr for file,`irkes in reality it fr two h rift ay -lost; bbd dozen otbei. boors *ugly spoitec—Joatrnof of Hearth. - ' • ' I. 4i dacha Joaar Wiese. eke wee el. lows a chases foe *joke Copse is, isseipied the besebmbea-it• begone aseeesity tooktairaa *yams a a ewe Cambia were etapie7ed s, easamd.: - The imam MS as illiterate litberaiaa r bore Gump in Lie 111011114 oteapeaseilaceeed • ed.to look tesad!timecisallf a pstaea to Ail Ike; rouse meoPidis 4s ligisti a Dates Jew and close* btu sib innk - A. 'be Dock msa objected : • . • ,14 Iearittastkaad • . NWttat did beery • "Ta=sMl met ioi tet ke re em;4' ;" kr net &We *et' to Lear in , o f . • L. - • a- , ego , 1, , • tidetait IMMO liirtsOkarsbia.• Wko inn !What lit I Itlicarae day . of tie eliiteMerst joir "" A By or Romnitoz.--AlkenCsiso yeatc aka, $ man living seer Ps: len bill *hp sad three children, for lunds. *lite Worn hose for two or three years, ricernbiab so ia4 tidligence Wu received fres hini r ekeelegh Ere of hie &Wolin* Mr; ' Rh" imr, an a l the lapse of moo hi or viz years free the time _ Nelleetabil ,Efewrati o anhaidedeAg4.lbe-liaikii* I*W Amu juftmeiimlAnsibloirea ll : ifoliaoi basil* breimaripappialdidlawssi ism-boo r ampriviimistemiustalkilmo-- 04. 4 6fistbspj tavo 641 real liA, 1.4. it 4 4204 aunt .• .4, .4ertird , • ...lima. ei o. a 4 44144..,..L11/ aM Lio .1 it 4.13:11 b. 41.3,14 . 44:11 14•14 T.IV4! t.4* ••• 4.4 J-18,0 0 1-: t t A .4 . =I I:ME/M=El .hat 4 =4•4 A..aa.a -iMisSYWIAsiNk teetS6best . milled liibki. E4l Ij!4 be wil= m44.4m ia blei •g o i,•ft t t • .. al .... I e n EMI ems - Itror.--The Boston not is re, " 'elYe trre=ittilti , 'Yet 'll 1 e / "Truth V IPictiam."--( Whit* Negro! • We paid a tying - visit the other day to the moil seat fli ng-visit our retorn, upon = &Kiwi, where we were to take the bras for home, we observed seated upon the plaifoiti of the Depot, a well kutiod &neer*- , ig mac, with two ititei j eetittg Tittle A ids, upon each side. There . was aornt : thhig is thellPPomwooe of (le rap that attratitelkatteu• tioa, and ezeitod, curiosity. ' There was on out OrsomioPt of Mdasse upon, each countemmo wluob dotailog but smoe great sorrow could produce. 'We approached them and ecimmeneed a ewer. ratios with the man, who was frank. and seat, and from him learned the following story : The little girls were his children, aged, he and sevea_ lie was married to their mother Sheet eight years ago, and lived with her in a ttistate of domestics happiness mail last t His bone was in Barton, .1 t miles. east of Elmira, oe the Erie mar k t% s Samba last, & agar and iodinate neighbor sen• played a nape to do a job of work, sad for a few days got this man to lodge the negro in a bask ohamber in his house. The mow complw led his job, but still hang shoat the premises. The bastard ordered him away, sad remonstra ted with his wife, (as the affair bad created woe scandal in the neighborhood) although the husband bad sot a serpicion of anythin y["; on the pars' of his wife at this time. The wee was indigusat--wrote to ber brother in Map bastes that her husband had insulted bor. The brother came and took the wife and 'daughters home for a few weekson di the diflkidty Wore away. She bad no *meet arrived there, thaw the negro presented himself, and who forking about. I 4 a few days, the wife, • eluding the vigilance of the brother sad family, sloped with the negro, taking with her the two danOthre, tbechildren. The first eine the hulmad nr brother tad been able to' get of the ftttiese, was fiu the day before we my the group at Bahl, der,' 'when he lesrhed they were four • miles south of' Friendibip, in this county, ammeg seise negro Inhabitants living there. He took tie cars and reached Belvidere that stimeisg end got a livery and went directly in the &Seth* of the settlement. Re was armed with a six shooter, as be said, to kill the negrojt he saw him. He soon found the negro shanty where his guilty wife was living with the negro. The first persona he saw were Lis little girls, is rap, playing about the hut. The wife and negro were away. to the hada berrying- Hs entered the 'Ol4lll, 41 1 04. Mid it presented a souse of sqeallid .wretebednets--so chairs—a little imam sad old quilts constitntiug the bed, and a few plates and 'a kettle, mid* up the furniture. He took the little girls and the mother's trunk, mid returned to the Belvidere station. With the aid of the landlady, be washed and dressed up the:children with the only remaining elotbes food in the trunk, and was waiting for the cars to take them home. He was a medialc by trade-4andid mid honest hearted to appearance, and in com fortable eireausetanoes. There was no taint of African blood in either. He showed a reatype of his wife. She was good kakis= the average of her sex—rather He von. said she was edweated and is t, and bad always moved 4n good seeiety. shades of eight were drawing around, but as we imenaeci tbb preturw se thought we meld detest in her otherwise beautiful free a vein of low sad sea slid The girls were really pigmy, semi pmeocieue. Abet this-time we heard the whistle of the traits. They were soon on board. We saw the three in a sear The little girls needed beside the %Oared father. and soon they sped away, leering the mother to wretehednevsarolter tagr ahead paramour. BRAM.—Tbe public is getting its "yea open to the importanee of esrablishi l eg better eennier- Mal relations between the 'United , Swag sa d *eta While we purchase quite largely of that empire, our exports to it are Men. At resent, its trade is with Europe sod Ragland: France, Belgium, and Portugal have limes of stearibips running to 13ratilian ports, while not a Yankee steamer finds its way to the waters of oar Booth American neighbor RV= , gen mast go to Europe on their way to =, *ekes they choose the neeertain and tardy con veyance of a sailing vessel Tho valley of the ilOnizon, rich in the productions of that climate, ba Jost begun to be etplored and its immense reisenreet developed, rtid• in a few years the oam coerce of that part-of the i tinifld will be greatly increased. The soil is o'ner'of the richest in the world, and the attempts made to render - it avails, Me salts agricultural oducing region promises magnificent result , ! Whether it it ever metes sively'ordenvely populated or not, there will be enough of its prednets to ROAMS it flourishing trade. Dye woods, /Sidle ?tither, precious pup, cotton, vice, !Inger, and tobacco are or can be obi tamed thence in immense yield, and the trans portattou, with proper facilities to this country, m tench cheaper and easier than to European matlfeta. Our new Minister, Mr. Mead, on his priteetilettion to the Emperor, expressed the hops that ins nations who were bound together by a common interest in the perpetuity of slam, would become better acquainted with each other commercially, but the Emperor, in reply, " snahhed.tbnatobaepador, and pointedly re , 'from niiticim . MI allninon to slavery, 111 fa ti tr not mauled as "my inuoh of a blessing in BrisP. .Be, lioPe.Tir,. RiOlifeo+4 i disPoeition to pro. Ottottk e Wm/ intimate commercial accputintasee, fa 4 U th e ankiemicis,reeeiving oonsitktrablei at. *cation Alp Our commercial oentera, time is mo m toltilleve that tho vast region, nuitazad by the Amason, asid,,lalrlch, is the most fruitful anal If all South America, Joey, bakerloin= well known to our eolllllllotoeas, the Went India Island* now are.—Excisasitee. , Tts Sac os asmissa.-41. noticed," said basklin, "aateshaal among a sail:: other.,other.,at "o t orb on s home wrested a little f.* . y Abe, who altrayaappeated to be is a very merry humor, who had a. hied word sad a ebesefaL wails for every one he abet. Let the day -be ever so eold, gloomy or modem, I= le seed like> saahteso oa his eountenanco. Meeting his asestossise sand his to tell seam) secret of his sossissi Sow of spirits. 'No secret Doctor, he simplhat, 'Mee pt oae of the best abu t sad wheal., AD work she always has n• bad word. of scarf apaseat i 0141141, lad whoa I pbonatimattsts saasith a mile me a hisoit'andlehe barns leis , ead-clo haw amp so may drip ibsisg day tepkemstnik that I cansot bd its sty heart AP *yak labially to ssybodye Mai seamothea f lath a wawa war lb hurt of f so softewlt, sad nab it this isaataisiof ahilethilLatad pure eastisso l emir e po sksiirsitsmiks toils of the sispirrer_is isishisg, soil es brio isryssli posl~ CUM EZEI /;1 ) •1 ; ITMI J •J ~i+diii a ill I( ' ( INIIMBER 401. i —Deasseit~e• moil; c 4 ,64tortild 490 ( 14 %fie limps lop Jadeed *4;141 hes fooled reseed). dis Ilierope slow, oer Poetises i t leipetiost, takes The eitetet, !WM, In tow. neat ft' Otte Siatbern Tier -Or ---.-. ~~: ;) I MIRK& I MB MIA