03 1111., Ertl E OBSERVER. 4 1.0A:V, Edll•r i k,l. N a ht001:1E, Publishers. .... , 61 1 Vlll,l, Democratic State Ticket.' \IA l ILA M A. PORTER, _ - - FOR t'OlBlll 4l .4ONeR, \V Es'l' LEY FROST, 0). f tYYTTP News of the Week. tine of ttAo e,o3left homicides which we remember to have heard, took OM at Chicago on Friday, la -pen day, tad to the preseues of a large asteelier of people ,a.-Inding severs! pollee °Seers. It seem that 0: jl. Boggs, to oreeting a inlet 'bandies on State Street feud that the, wooden betiding of James K. Busch, stolabsg, eaeroaela. rd's few lathes upon hie land. Mr. Busch raised toms.* his building, and Bogy proceeded to dike dews so muck of the huildiog as stood on his property. Friday moralag Itweh end his eon Francis, aged bat nineteen years, threatened to shoot the workmen if they did not desist.— They stopped work, and young Beech was arreatedsad rot wader hoods Of $5OO to keep the peace, when be re. turned to the scree of the dietarbanes. Shortly after y.ouog Busch retnroed, he commenced making toonifeeta %tone of some evil designs, and be was consequeady wateht clorely by the officers, but finally he went into the beer ..tioon kept by Jacob Rome, end which Is la the building tt on& which the workmen were tearing off the Malay, got rOll . , rrvol%er from Rome, it being previously loaded f the purp,m, went slily onto the platform of Snip' hul!dlng, and up dose to James Mape, who wee on a lad. 1. r engligNi to pat Ong op s platform, and shot him through Ibe body, the bull entering 'hi. It ft tide just below the ,be, pasting through his left lung, and lodgiag Best lb* t ate I f the ninth rib. He was taken to the drug storm nearly oppeelle where he tied in about . Yang Busch was immediately seised by the o t, who bad great difficulty in preventing the other w eatli from killing him no the spat. He was brought to the polies office and leaked up. His father James B. /Neat, aid 3erob Rome, were also soon after arrested and looked up, s • aecessories In the fearful tragedy. -- The Washiegton earreepoadeitt of the Herald says that adviee, from Washington Territory relative to the I n dian trouble., though eoseewitat coseleting, are of a V evy totereating character. Gen. Clarke is of the epistles t hat he can settle them withia sixty days after ne takes the field. Private advises, however, lead to the belief that there is a Wong combination among the hostile tribes to carry yrt the war, In order to prevent the passage of oar troops through their eouutry and the cosatruetioe of the na,lAary road hurt Port Walls-Walla to Pod Bestow.— These combined forces preterit a most formidable appeal. lion, sod it to the °pixies of may delft will require two years to overcome it. Os the other hand, the Nes Perees and tII e Flat Heads, two of the most powerful tribes is the country, and wbu occupy the western slope of the Rocky Mountains, still rentals friendly. The new gold digglogs sue nu the *latent slope of the Cascade [sous. I otos, and the hope is entertained that the troops which, !I t der th e roergetio movements of Gen. Clarke, ere 000 • tutting in that vicinity, is conseetion with what mous create Slid aid they may ready* from th e Wawa, s oy 6 .on teach the hostile tribes the folly of their inteatioss. ft will be *en that they will be placed between two tree that of the friendly tribes on the east, sad that of the tro opt and miners on'the weld. The »suite's's' thevits. I. to that they must euecumb Of be exterminated. Private ad% ice. from Wubbigtos Territory rtepareting the reeset- I y thocevered gold mines, ars very tattering as to their rxteht and richuelas. (De James illeCuntey, a vietint of tmetutaitted love, bee been arreeted to 81. Louis for robbery. Be bad bees evening a girl for some time, and bad at varies" flans me ber presents of nap, ear-drops, breashplae le. A tew evening' sines be asked key to go with his to a rer ale Public Garden, and she refused. Tberimpon be ePetne.enerry and demanded bsek bl present", but *be oie. d hie right. ',Teems the loving, Dow to suddenly tranqonaed into Jeans, the bating, beam' furious nil 'slog tier by the arm rtillently palled the Asp from bar tingert, wed tbe eardrops from btu. 111T11, and tote sway ' . • , With them fro kiss of kin soar. On 71,1311,41 L Y, the day the gest news was received of r br .ureers of the cable, a ease of assault and battery was ..o trial In one of the New York tonna, end was newly tio;shoa when the ennonneement of the ettecemartayisig 1 the telegraph was meat, "whereupon," says the H em id, onset for the prisoner, with more than ordinary r, un umated to the Judge that hie client should be liber ated in honor of lb* vest event." The jury, however, it beet to convict him; bat the Recorder, in pass. sq 4 'outface, *aid smilingly, that in honor of the great e rent be would Aft tend the ri•oncr al: months to the pen at:alto". -- We understand that it is already in contemplation to isy, Is connection with the Atlantic Telegraph, a sub-ma. rine cable from Placentia Bay Io Sydney, Clips Breton, ~r to Portland, Maine. Preparations being made to Purr ey the coast and aseeriain the but mode of mutriug ,ut the desi gill. The submarine cable is held fobs nosh preferable to a laud line, inasmuch as it to not HAWN ds mesa from ttrn winter otorma, which ire shears ee de ructite to (be wires surpended ow land. Pros Portised to New Torii will be the sett connection, sad OW will folio" le quirk thee. The other day a stranger of gentlemanly appearaom walked into the New Harem Bast, tad asked the clerk for paper to write a letter. The clerk stepped from his desk, in the rear pan of the room, to the eou.oter, and handild him paper sod pen; then returned to his desk again, with out taking any further notice of him. The stranger watt to the end of the counter, and wrote some solnistm, and t hen left (be bank, without exciting the leastnaspiekto on the part of the elerk or 'book skimp's+ To tke afternoon, 144 , 1) making up the cash ateeedit,a pat‘et of 0,200 of rayless- futds was misting, and no doubt the light Angered gentleman spoken of was the powwow of it. Nearly all, it not all, the drinking salamis in St. Lou t., it le said are famished with straws for sacking Jalapa by one man, who mils them for one and a half or two del. I are a thousaad; from two acres of land on whiablie von e annually, be tells 'boot twenty-four 'Numbed dollars w orth of straws. They or. packed also in barrels, eon• t •loiag about twelve thousand straws, and shipped to New Odense, St. Paul, end the intermediate pleas, and r he demand is increasing. A ogrieboy vu kilted is Chicago last Wodikodu, ty tha. we. He attempted to get on the trap wham it wee is motion, slipped and fell 'wider tie wheals. Ai t empte to get oa sad of railroad ears when le ratios very oftee remelt In like *widest". The men to sharp should n no ease permit it, ahem they know of the attempt being made. In ltagleed, lately, a woman was bed who at. t mord ra or did get cf before the train bad stopped. —Piesidemt Backman is saummeed at the White Roue, oolaeg sad feelierr well after his Pesurylvasia trip. We bcpe be may bare a better time for the next twelve mouths Chan the past year yielded, and the bitter oppoeitios In end oat of lb. party, rowing net the Reams dilleadlles, may not be renewed. The election la lowa takes plat* oa the hest Tuesday October, instead of the first woodsy la Augustus. her.. t ofere. Tice State Atoms sad two membon of Cetus:rem are to be elected. The mantas is Wag 000 ducted with a awaited activity. A Gamut at New Orlimme, sawed Blageller, twat. I, killed himself because a blaek wench, wokridag lbolbk., w osid sot reciprocate his love. Whew isterrosatod about t be onfortansts 'mats, she esetelmed, tharlAt4 sakes, what a fool that white mais was, to be sure, to any that he lab die alger." Last week a little sae of Sedge Dosaldema a Men. tf tams, Ludlow was bikes ea the ana by t tiddler mktlii sleeping to a cradle. The ana 'welled rapidly, tics spread to other parts of the body, aid tho secoad day arks- the Wary the ebUd died. The New Yolk Pow says am see is lyt eky, $B4 permspeapartag swats about the Atlas(' telegraph,, to be delivered If !bey two gets Aimee, at the approach : sg eelel:ratlua, and 164 wen writing pawl's for dm maw oceaelow. A St. Louis pap or We the wreasheippees him eaten wp the nabs *iv of b Yvaaklla meaty; nod the lest fiat vat Ifni frost ties they wire sesta oa Lbs earanif th. limit Sontag envy visa tiZtvalmodi for a chair. Al ihtintwint ass, wolitireised, with lawny set e width yeshivoth lowslisi tea Iris hest Bubb as Bewler. A Gerwitt eheoweiter et Meek Soak area heed the twerp den Is the Na Creek skis if the N 1 VIM lb* trade is trop L btamlaa • sow par. taut ovv. John NoMaw. a Mks. lam It ant Aro thookot 4 a this. &WO , animals to Albany, when they nu• dlostured wM$ peat pato by tbii 1 AUGUST 91. 1LZ,14. and aloes ail tle• eieedeasa fa fay that Itaa beau little soneipai ed. A taeloole of W MU4I (~,Pc.i. l % 4 10 e°66114 sine opus ear/ awn La Kindle as t t l/ftairs went aivatati, tits ..opts ratans rpm typupmitToa saionitted (teat by Ore , visa. Tea propeassias was attains alas la oftert title the q•estioa, shall tro .c0..1 a Slats, or gaff iirt riot Than was hid. ditiarestat at ipLallan trait Ws, and Ms resalLis as every see sappoieS ft world be. From tie seialssity of the seta. It Is evillest tbst ail psalm, Sew prole, Mark repatilkaa,ltes State, slats State, awl Mi. 'zealot a foe lireratele, tbeaglt, - allke epee N. The were. paper press tbrealykoitt tlilash soarers On wall *awl with the met, tor the rases that die peepteat 'Lamas bare so wilted ft at a fair illestbms. sees" oleseeseetio Owsogrissetes -le Nista, sed, whet Is men isspertest stl I, tits Week repehlisesw see debated hi the Si. Lads &Viet, the oily pleee at the South where :WWI oittitiesel a thedoettot, iad where t►q wen so Dery et Aster" that• t►eirtrsetilleelloe ti very great—peletel, es they apses 11..-el their detest Thls melt Is the beat pesuchsaa. es!itiesk at UMen elee' tiOgs ; it 'hews that time Ss a thrision itetwoee the blotch repeltlicees sad Ilsolvastbheilo Wash caesot be keeled tor sloes time to Doom Is Koataeby tile rots woe se more than menhir& as bogey as it PM Out year, pot the iteasoerstio audit:tato moires do soma majoirliyal twelve thaseaad, etplealoat to s heavy pia. Tito kataisasiblag party is ha Wadi quarters at Ile Boeil be. dwiadlod fro. a vast majority to a email ialsersty, sad *lli sees mashie to pieces trove its ows:tierrY. L /Amu ths two dementia pandit data, ilia ma and Ram have pa* tato Cowen, dui farmer without oppoeitlia, sad the latter opposed only by a indepeadest easididam TIN appetite have so °rpm Ludo. time. Is Borth Carolina, pia Arbsweas, do opt position an sot orpalitsd, bat Jadge ltitrs, dosoerati to somisee for goverear, was alpinist by NctLut, wits ran I twos the old sad atplailal lase of a distribatira of the preened/ of the petite hods tuaoag all obi States. kap guts was abated, sad a laglidatere dims which will marl two amanita to tits flatted States la every ass of these endorse lbe deraeersey woe *sited as ass eras, la% tke esippitiea at hi Lasko, Ole oily plane tie, were ills to inalto s stand whit any story of steam, sera rod tiesstrowidy defeated ea sonnet of their taw** wan. Iles ie Ills onallsol to St. Los* bet dos seta spirit al eawity, *loom and lets Wanes tie two bietiose outmode threspent tbe North. Bow it I At. slay bog baplody divided, wt. at Watt. Ito laud so that *will be bard to Kieft about as atinnemodatioa this year / Las we sea. la hissetielmanitte than_ is a split inured* Use knew aothings sad Want rapaNiaatt., sad nob haa called a separate iteaveatini. In New York the Wash lapabilease are botwoor leo am; t h e kattlitielbillell If* aseasittlag Miaow apoa ens side, ad lb* sadist*, hoadad by Glaaarr Baba, span As ether. **bet 'moat their *add bo aidablo, sad tie twoovialtisted oaks thole teas bripoteer Is Obi tit *Hat spirit la niaalfeat, aid spatially Is it as bs tilt) diarist aborts Yon Comm is ay for Coupes* Is Illinois Om oppositioa aro not by ally mesas salted, abbe their feed hoe sot aiyet sesimpit so dhafastive a obsess' tiff AS it hal In tither ,51fitas. Is MAW& the kllOl,l solid's almost Is sotAfkoly to new so mesh of s dli turbine* in their tasks as dm joakiesies and blekarlap caul feetod is the pat for oleo. Loeb Matter be. Na fell : ••,/ lowers and pardons, and tbo bells( West* tbso Mash. by any mesas be soot asaleable la tior 'add. la liewasylvaitla, sithotei dieresis* as appoinrase ot isamoay la the orovestles that pails 11410buNies Mesard Riau sad nap" WM pals to be wee sow !that it was Sts aflPwwwwwo isle. nos vaa a bellingsaabins soder. math PM has shandy sesslAwbot itself la nabs. Wadi. ties—tlia- most sisraillaute is is lie Intact &swish-- TWOS ' as oar readars Wow. bet owe idea. sad that tie miff% M ooatssaaesd, his.. wo lad WA tbe waist inielstioss cf Um HIM. Pareation haws predated an open rebottle*. The Tugs Apiattie . 1 044/14 tato then" la lb Aillowiagitbschlag KjM sw Ana----4 t o •111 , 1 _wiLtiak.stmaaidia,, = m e ip iare w op it, asu pie; now es—etimit n bold to a, biladalphia Pladoral Lit WM, 94 steptihild, tousle or tousle. nt.lawt Neither. 1 Ira dm hall power of Coapose tepoltbit Ia the Territo ries 'illtooo Mir roliesoftiviebaitho -telppay sad Slav ery?" Does it &now* tie iavasioa of sad State Eights by tbs Drell Stott %Maidst boss to deal vigor. oast, with owe leediag newer* at Issas? Illeithar. It is "V 01.114 14 porktra Iseekiscip esildl--ekreer—hisrst less. It ad* tdoue a toy for *ideal Wiley bat it will not hold ap the witigtot a peat It de pa demi. Imam the AMMO, et and*ore weld be socialist anontioasbis Toe hed make sooth er elfort—upeabetiag, however, that sot the pout, of a domed Widen Oonveaticiar* Goa lead theireeaea of the Ifortbora Tier Me tack fro die staadard planted to 1856. Tiop will willesete le groom kw isitopitl— leavlag tie State to alpha eat Itspolitital malvaties." dad the spirit solidest's' is this owe" to alined to almost every pot of the State. Ia Allegheny, a most bit ter Gad, growing out of toasty inatters, is ragtag. In Dauphin tbe bleeds of Roasts sad of Common see at swordsvokits; while ides, whirs "61141141111111 wars 11011 e to dwell together la harass?," there is a nutaittet disposi tion' mom tbe mama to throw elf tla Mitatica of the "career of the party," sad rebels that spun et political fishery which strives to goober tate one sot "sturpost halibut, Sousider, red-bank* sad latilliout." Won the virulent* with which Ads war baleen the faction a is wspd and die Meat to which it has golloi - 11 TlPOOsiellatSo* sodas nest to ispeselibla. Is aosei*all the Ste toe we hatteMeittleaed, ate divieles Is at vlisieht as It was la Missouri, awl there, as we all blew, It kat thew the eleedos. Jame to it eill Wis the Worth. The itiotioao gaited is 1864 sad sleeted a sajteity Oda Cleagreossese. Is 1866 they were divided, aid they leot the Mooed What is the prospott of their masa sow list day ere mon .tided Asa they wove tore years op? Ois the country, the desneerals swop the Bostick MIL as a compromise for all thaw di/linesteas of spinier, tube it the basis ape IMO to midget the 4ampalimi, +sad are seasosiesatly sashimi Co salts puss' seas. This was does is Illiseouri, guataeby aa4 Nat* Corollas, it has beta done la the Stet* escrseatioas of liaise psi Ohio, Merest CoespearkaLl eturreatleas, and than Is miaow to Wove it will be darn wherever there is to Its as also dos this fall. The result eldok hie 'deeded the eieedeal already led predicts to us the midi laths 0011110 &el Moss. The demoteste all over the toasts, we Sahel, gad the oppoiddoa are divided. We see wilatilts 'Sault is. boon, and b Is hardly suierilde that the 'teak le odor Stage ilk Sall dieireat. llartitory L the igutvetalle Pall has already seldevad victories where they Iwo sot easpestod, sad tot Ode iteemety bat midis se sad otter viewing will be aconapttsholl whore that are sew as Hide ezpootod. IB ma AtiPAßLlClNNtit—lhe twaalwa ...all. tented polities/ !memo, soomell we to the , tlepablk, ewee—tie iteaulae balltsm la thealu d sae **moat**. law eceeeptlea" of the Philaiskplila &Atm Rare these pendent patriots hate' NINO beekeWthe !le' ho& of ..Nat, lays left la the seed* over the asteat et Pita= Suva, le lb. 84 Leis Omuta. sad hewawalati the stab A ohs* has billeted epee "haw HOW ask the emus et "treetata." clwe wadi *kik bye the Ow Wawa Wm bees "Oleg ea the way," that the follow*. of Biwa Is 1111aereti wen helkwees la tie 4 14.4. • at afro egadity—bst tellewiai reeelettewl, shoal at a seetiatet his kinds la-80. 4 4. j ut /state 4. awake, pats gilt* a Memel Awes the aga r Platetswi, Slat we ate m4ii• a i• ewe epee% sal to ail who floor tart araeW watt aviketta aka oak tos or. arksitol4: if areptilieg white ems to week Wile kr Wil• 0.6.4•4 Tao4swelolkiire it Ip be am tbe beet Waists (11 Klesourt OW_ &wig Okelin =due viable bet eee bow ie% im di wireet Permed ieleMber Mahe— HieresifiseeMjfet Mee emend Mew we* iffieerri:" It set W.* eqpilibmaigyeilbe Melly biliel.io4 l4l bow ate they leseeeibe okihme(Amebebe lambs be. lay .eetbooM • 11imbee144w4146.410 OM*? es% inn &Wow w eibeetteMilesealft *AN** X. wage .1110 eseagdpite the slow at Intatimirl gide met Beet Mos *elate. AM Ow wild be modfiler ?- 1, 1 0, 04 0 410 1 P 0 41 SUN. !he 0111 1 .0t 1 14; 1610 044 f. 13 10 4 M. 4rK 4 4 )0%1004 0 strilsffilfat lb 644.44"0. 0 OPIMISIFIVINP 44 ,O I 4im sth, * M i r 0 1, 14" 16 01, a l kh cr 0. °Aa r d " ation )41A:1111 egiikerif "Mr Ws by MOvitt tek for "404 " 4411 1 1 . 11 f al l a " •li* INN Algris,:ypir ammo oho =t the gooey mod dm Pnisilloomirotilltikatm 44. kin. GMs Asa to mow he t i k sew me N....,h.Plegillia. epos W. Wieldk In* r“. oidos‘ 1%1•b wino Wm Sim d4P odor. ' Aug. sad it is mitsoliorte• .i f p Mt loadawl abaaber la,' will pay tleir &WI. _ Th. "cash goi-ew AO" 4sa beet laaarlatiskg, Is lal 4 s ' "ea ibis i. 11 " 4 Noliw before is Nee York, shish Wolf s MUNRO for;a11 thai'le isoosintous, was titers a trunpuices issonitimpt it• all Itetioaalities tad alias of people, and kook a ntsfSel of all daestiptioas of fun, ladiseritalustoil l jumbled jgother. Titre was Autorlasas sad Regilahisaa, iho sat ea the sides sad shook Olt lastiaselshiside beitister; they bad errs to se* ibaelophaat swede; himself; there sr's Germaa Oysters sad Jell Irons Astaire* withemak laps hien Ise were Waimea Maytag the "Bre lipeasied Ismer with ineediln patriotism to erre& of teeters Balsa Orals tad Orin There wee a mimellemsestejeblerri of all the kers ae4 sedulous temps white doomed the nodal Allesiell podoriasees of the swift and err swellefrrer this Jeri* diessalas sad holloorimr of the ilideredi sad era *heirs of Ist wows sad Jar net, sad meeeteni of all tratriptioes with ilia the grotreAs were Needed. Iravellet people say that this was a mist pot. feet reprotretioa el ..00•14118 whieb sr to los aritsaied la the great seeethdre of the costiaset, tied eartala/y It was sire sayjlas which had over Wort her wittier- 1 ed le this partteelehe. 'llan la still sabdaed disposition as the rid of tea' amossalty at to exalt over the wimple of the Trarraph CAS It Jo uteaserant had err seddes 1.7, that; the rids so wholly sad suessafelly laid than would Sadesdoutdly Sr bra a temperas, oat-barst of tojAriss. But people had the dish steed up to them too padselly sad their estbuiaan had sithod as by degrees bllll4ll before Jo pd moss of the surprise was aa - seats& As 4 is, the principal parte mormest la lam er of this aitioiel satessies sift be a more rat of elder an sad sourness to a stalk* dhow Side to rho test of $B,OOO for the contstay. "Ott, bus sad Sperm es- Asir," nets to very tittle local natter at primal "bleb pos. sea, soseral hideout. at the loosest oatmeal N•w York oolots oily to a imislawis poist of visor, sot...realty. Bn. ry cranny 'skits there is a tame or boovgisig Wise over do whole taffies ot the rosatry, lo soavishisig sad Slats; soot Wogs. of a Kew Tortes. Sat the airy is very phew. ant )ail sow) the soathot has bees dellalitfal sad no las forticato diseases 6.lmin:railed, damask woe or two drag epos wow of yells* fever have eseured mess brag. stemmata. Ilat far basisoos yespeeee. there is so healthier plosion Oir or more pairs& tor sesbl• daub to visit New Toot Ass at presets. INLIT TIES I:4MM TIOILI Or "Puosix's COMM. stow."—A fitif V.Olll %go ► 24.06114 g "Peoples Coovro# Nut" assorablod at Harrtsburg, asd trosalsatoll Joss M. Setts, for Judgt, sad Wm. S. Fsorrui, far Maul Coultas. Moser; sad forthwitt tits Grows mhos tbotr Boom', awl loused tits Ropsiolleass of sits Comity to support dom.— Sat to ibis snob's Moe, It tab*. the bea.traek, so far.. neti nasal". an mitioned. It says : "Bosh Carina ow are atom laveriabty tomboy.— There is passaßy sone sun soneseedi With liy whin to hood gush sod &min the noona. Par the nag part, they are no of. *tug of** gineaverni of 1n... eyes of no tgosserstie wheel. Is Omani* er Dletriets where they ere is a senerhy, they saaltest • yeas/ seal Is tan of sash onneatioas; list where they are la a pie. jsrity, they wiry dastiletly disPontsinge• then, ran int th. Medea of radio .Ants tinny& the sales of the reylar party curoastiows. 114 whim oat ilopishiton hinds to bate swami to do gin these so-called Pnstes Cousestiosii. Let then also repudiate slapispoWen Antreiticise like the mast olrerL L seines an elYets sootemplatad Auroral* to the neap of Itembliesa otto man. lba only mt. nom b a guars to our own or• fproisocioo, bad sisafally sad navel; support its shone esailidates." Tube Os "Purples Coorostiose at flarrisberg was s bully' we wirer isebtott, Dor that Owe Imo a "pose coatoologi with it to bead-wish sad theolvo swu....'— It woo the "oIF-sprtag tbo isswoovorioi of dosoisipoos or dm twatooratto osbool.“ composed of smolt w,0664 res. SIT for *Omuta. Rams, Ult• Presidia' of dill Colle/011 . los, os‘ LIND. tM sossisow—hosso, we de wet worsitor, It the Orsterw is Maar% Awl it abisss its "Serialise.* friss& to t... moth* to do with thaw atmeiallei Poipk's of feetadsioa is 1619, to I/topmost, paroled say ether soars* palttleally Mar that of pofle7. It ewes sighing 'boat priaotples, *ad haus tee fad it with the souisoes of a"Peopfe's Seats Ocresietior." the "of spring of th* stasottrertsg of dessargass of the Dessoerstie school' at its asset head. while it destausees to ha stet's WWI. las. /sap the sere ptopesitios to can tha sago klad of s sea. 'radios is the Comity. If it is the ea/y sate coats* for the Ispalliesai of lirts Coast, to *Mare to 014 if ova or' es.slastka, why did %a Gaspe* oosstaassee a differset Doan* relatloa to the State, sad support the sorlsoes of a diftsreat amino for State ode& 'Tim* are pordesat %seta oas, suit show at °see that this gsardiss of the loopier" Intermits has os pokey for the Stan sad &m -other for the Coasty, Prawn Is.—The Onsford lotweai, of tie preeest week, has is artiste ►ceded, 0 Why de rye apere Getteral Dick/'t is whir► the editor "pitches Stool that dluispW. ed rashness is s ant capital sato. AM if the (sets set Ada by dm Ammo/ et* butt, the awl/sties is will deN►bd. ' The editor says that ha little drama that af ter nissisiag Goa. Dies ter ever twisty pain, through evil •id good report, sad neesserstios, it should lb oast is kb teeth that Ito ►ad hoes "fostered mod sup ported by ',ilea. Dirk sad kis family—that their Plan bad always boss epos to him." Whatever otherfellisgs Gas. Dtc t Ray kayo, madames the Joartud, "lariat liberality is sot oat of lima, Inch loss *hod kb Vane his ben an' to soy our. Us soy pars master ow the etiereript ties roll to elistall bir party, hut whew ow. - promos, to spook to hit sad say that he has Yootared sad support ed' the Jeans' we humbly higher. to say that lie !'rep 'orris,' has lons dem by as, sad the 'feet/wise I. wore imooltaiii so. We ►are 'ilaported' hits oa all neadoss, win he has hoes betas the public, always to our kart, sad without say regard to ptassiary Onstage, tot we sever resolved esy, other thus war hos fOr prbstisg sad pablisitiag at oar anal pins." We rather suspect that Skis Is a true stations of the ease; sad besides bolsi triditful, to sore trials.* of the *Nudes sad htwsoq" of die opposidos. Wag's Ull—The Gazelle pitches ioto Messes. Lowry, Teller sad &mart, formerly g , Is sdisg Dessoersts,v but sow os its gists', is the following aiyie: "There s a ne quite a somber of leading Demos mats is this oily who ars intessely anxious for office. Hoses their efforts to create dimensions mid divisions ist the Reletbffeas malts. They will foyer saybody,or anythisibtomoomplish this mid. They will lis disappoisted." If that is sot a wird*, drawn by s master sr List, of the pathless tamed, we sever saw one drawn. Let as eutunerete the poista—they "are juttingly sazious for oilles," "beam their efforts to notate dissension sad divisioas is the itspub lima teaks," by apptopriatiss to themselves its how, sad emoluseats. They "favor saybody or saytkimg to emomplish this sad," nes to preteahag to be for Babbitt la Pais--foe Disk is Orawford—aad for themselves everywhere I •orbey will be disappointed." True, but what's wP that the Gazette should twit its seadidates of their hiliap, sad preditit their defeat? sr There was i singular osaurreace is toe of the Philadelphia 't points the Inbar day. h ssoasistsd is the this/ sad aequittal of -a woman, who died is prism of ths 4th of Jaly last. The feet of bet death was shade how* to the court, bat the ease was eallsd--e plea of sot guilty es torod--wed a verdict of aelpdttslresdered. The a, was arms, sad the ettraordioary bet of Lea the trial under the eireaustssoes 1. red fat by that other prelims eiromet state& that the Meer, of Me east reseite fees "sr their aerates. sir Is is laid deal Owes VietedieslWO* , cirba' earrimi Prise. Frederic& Willis., irs't !Mat happily Will bit baribeed at dart. Viceseis aad icer berbaad km) cremes dmersised to mate the yemag 1101410 a It le to be. lived dm old mai be able to male the If tbey Meet pubs. W tbeyi• terd'lettei'lleb t ldatldMirr lOW with them, aid let ber cum met ma lease raw lam MAL AND rERSONAL 8111111WrIfis sadisAgunt lits4o the fres and Isolipssokso=el lets ssol i t iso ssa&. • dy. Matt at ths nods. ma sad sot poUtkol. Ist asls.telllio4liNsioistlly to Dor sittspsettts 11.01, "amiert. fiat tf they = honor Um an *iodise hi witt _ilia is , tlr Ihithhally, and tot the Mal Meted. Other* las•Ou' D. &is, August 4,155*. Ifth 0-111 L. •. 4 1 , op, Av.. *tl,l { .. Awit• lerfoUy Ude samelibaniiiitter spitritp. via IA le tarp, of tit* limo . do sot *miaow i.ir roods to tibia toor hick bare in past 'faro 14gottiot, in dots; wog toorritooto Atom bolf • bib moss maims tit )ptio• to tiro gotoonti tub Or 10 WSW 7 0 12 dtb OR satutiorinevr S—at tto most osolottatioo rod tocoori, of ma friar* I to ./r to SU boo aid Teton of Dosatioo a earbikito for tipo maw of . hew tit awaaso la TM* awaswatiow• aro ale valeta lorPtito ortorti rob system el Waldo tad tato ea yworgailailad, It to lowpoottlo to et • otoroot talwawsloo et tr i cestio" - tanwailt this maim at • =111:la tin SI tlat as 10 to Vat tartar td Oa do eastwall•d to ward the 4•11 dory Made tad allow way .oar to to mod am a otortiristo tor Molt at tioormootoo otortioo—resporthilly sollottlai ttio or-opotottoo sod rollstoore of thaw who an at Drop to Ito their ors wool* wltlmort al. tow too others to dictate tasty choke for that aka Velem, taw. V. 11161.-14.110• 1 SLUM altZetrr. acroamassertho Fair aw l 0111 Girard Mae wad,* spew the IMMO dat Sraf Gra War ban aim Samuel has Sid Mb sad Mb lie Mk *ad lath of_ CO. G. WIDE" Rad On. Girard. Aug. *La& 2414 De. W. Walsall Waal saessoods Dr. Hartisaa, as Barrios at ths V. & atsaaser Malaga& —WI cliff lb. ottootioa et flew la wool of boo Now to the advorttoomost of R. Joasoin, to to Ur , M.* Tbereday *reales sea yesterday 1110eistsg were • little too cool for eoutfort—tbelire astalleg lion a frosty October, rhos sultry As Tim esM of 'own Loma, plats as fumy Dyer will be foaled seder oar savertiaisit ►wd. Ws meow mead kilo to thug* is want of say work Is his Hoc We are requested to nate that the Erie Asedeuty will epee foribe Tail term, on Monday seat, eider the charge of Itev.O.W.Ounaison, and bin en*Po of ansintoutn. --. Tut WAG leitook of Obis Ay will mopas co Moaday. the Setk, A Mr. Crartca, of Frooloata, mad a Mr. Jonas, of iflohicas, have Iwo abases Prised*, of the roopoodto wario. we settee thee the imai itemiser et Om basis Ceamerscial speak* et the U. 8. Biresret Inebigas, sad her olletere, elides the hard or "ftetveve Service.' The salt chimp the Otomeercier sea makes ern' be to usas. fee the Miebissa sad ►es Akers to the Poet odic ureic, WI SliprielL As wit t Is Initial, odrortited for "s salgolost gssatit y odds to lodato s ►og pits boot of bad ogles to moil " Tilt It Into dimwit," tobacco is order to ham t►e had tuts est of tits meth; Spalding otiinws, ono of our eotlimporaries says its Taos, mid tko ebasoes for it may be ostliosio4 t tits eau of Cyrss W. Y.ld. Twins tie tobigrob fnibls Mod, —sad lb* world sot bins down as an adventaror and a sobsiwor. Now, Omit mesas Dsa erowwed Isis 'forts, Isis ass* beer tnaions, and probably Immortal. A wind or war, only bans bets eon lis &dreamer and lb* Im mortal. Groot cora, eamtathers, squashes. beams, sod all OW maim vegetables us sow plentiful la isethet, cat eeloseatly the calls apes physieless to preseribe for Oise wader the salt, are proportiasetely awasrees. Bates to •oderstioa. these is *Obis' hatter far the cysts. this vegitable diet, hot bow oast , forget usetleratieo Ss the treetop of appetite. Thursday twos—TON 110Preatii greet—emery body sass, sad ivory body asks every body, "what's tbo sat• ter"—swory body 'optima, "oh ! sodas( only an Irishman threw a Dandily*. oat of the *lad** rad broke bin lot. haroodsd to the mane oT adios, mud feud what every body mid was trumi,—found • Dun:boas lying oa • bed, leg very dirty, asd broke—big stoma ehasiag Irishman down Sth street slut leg her Ist, asd osillsg on the crowd, la the loudest kind of Tentesie, to eons oa. Crime to the soweinsion that law Watt intexleagag, but whiskey la— ud west hark to thst olio, sad slide • smote of it, as &bora That Girard Ilvabilees Coorootios, supposoti to bast bees held as Woollay, trablos tho *lkon of lb. Go • woo outlaw/fully. They devote foss separate articles to it, is all el sibish they .feet to treat it is I "011ie— Perhaps, boron they sod t►.tr wear one party are a mouth older they will ilsoover that it wes'ot so such of a Uwe after all. "Well het than Is ism sesahotosto ha dot crowd that eta tell ashes whkh sop lb. VAUD johet we wattled Ms. •, Cidot Itshisoor of the essisaY7 tood, Is tows tie *tier Isl. lie west from bare to Worm slope 1100 Ika of tie Nod Ito reports do work bees toads ea tie brides *ma 1 1 / 1 1flaseport %slack Ha ves, wad ea tide work fa the homiest putt of It, be hal so doubt the whole divides, frees Williaatsitert to the mouth of OK Shwtaisahoelag will he Sobbed oust year. The fettles' of the wog* between Lot* Neves sod tie Ist ter pleat takes plot* sett week. The Coaseaattilte Courier, whisk sada, ita yrs. Mat isaaagemeat. saws*. wilosever Lomat takes ,cll reads lioslator Yuman oat of the itapabliesati 11 orty,• 4 tease lie 'abolishes a card "submittal', hie wa l e to do tor tens of Brie sad Crawford comities for fkaator," isstasd of eoaveatiolt. "llavias placed Massif," says that papery “witheat the pate of the Ropaiditaa orawaisation, it bold preesatptioa, sad Own laeonaisteaey for kis Mends to now ask his aosaiwatioa I. say togalar Coaviatios." The Girard RepotWican ls does on all , istlteriNr sad 'appoint the raptor ambles. will "sabossded eq diastasm." Whoa the editor of that paper "bolted" tbe repast soisisatlosi made by tbe old witig party, and seri elected to be oaly oars be ever 1 1 48..... ad I rm a % be by se amass iisaliliod to was sot 'sob • post atiokkir for "ropier soarbsedosa," sorbed be swab • boly boner of "boltara." &rasp each a dlllereseo titers elteuld be between 1641 sad 1869. - W. magmata that the gteuktappert are doieg as I names* automat of dame". is the Southeastern p4n of the county. They tat every green thiag haws lima; tare, potatoes, grass, shrubs, every thing to taken dotal as slaw as thole" tires had passed over the ilads. Aad the locality Indicated is not algae billeted by this elegise. The Predoeia C'saar says they are rearalag la that coin ty in such peahen es tie Gauen him ewer before !t -eased, sad sectaats of their raps's. reach os trout eviry direction. A Mead litieg about • silt from Fredoilia, lateral the editor of as Carior that ef serve tango! be groats" ems oe his has, them will saw* he • loilf• doom Sled ears. Thorgesaahepperr Amour the silk, which at owe areas the developaset of APP ear. h er retreat bashes hate been girdled sad til ed by the ease insert. One town out dot eatakirti of ?redoubt has had his coleus destreyed, and of 2,000 fah. lisps iv ill act pAorr paw Oa $ meet exeunt= tons, bills, about lee sibs sank the editor says he feud than svaradeg la miriade, Uhl% the as, Bud the grass in the platens was attest se thaw to she root, la 'the "rowed, (bat nosh of Is Is !Mod. Jodging frost pmesat &pewees's the pasterege this tan will be very mast The New Pork Brisiires Day Book lay far tbe boo nuns; paper palgichad la that atty. It La moral die. WO Wares aro posinead by so ether pew, sad are sarreedikity valuable , to eowitry radon. Tint—lt las • DAILELT Nan Non laroarrsk Adel t..srroeted gob day up to ea* o'ek4l4 P. M., by ibe inn /mows La The pea Brothers, et No. $ Wad stool. The boyar - Sasso eta %By Bask Dale &porter s retisbly eorreetod, will be sees star. by every sirup hadaess oak Week. Naperters d• sot, la all newts, neat the regairessests of this piessessive use. Their sesessity as • media. for A. deetripties of eaftwerfelts, to., will sever he sapereo. &Om the seastaat douses is the quotation of beak seise. tin sews et tbe lase cessorfelts. sad all labia. tiss Malin I. basks *bleb is of oession istaraskto all alums of err Odom, ispossiirely require a midis. to &hair daily abrokieliag. Bead-1!o ET/UMW Dar-Hoot sesta* . a estapieto se all the Nob at dm Usitad States, etMsCity, olutr. agartod, Cassl, Bask. Piro Isiarsses NO Lb lusrawre Boas, le., le., sad the prices at wbkb they ors mina& if is do .whet. or do loot naelsidons of the mama It is oarefally eenvolod by lisseell Dot, Bloat Brake" No. SO Brabasso plow. er is the owls toopplost Ma of stocks and Asir pries is die Mimi &aka. Third—ls ardor to make the STttttsss Dar•Bersa hopertaat to ail claws, it ombhasess Wolf to that large potties of oar poodatioa who are al., ways estpbatically "ea Ike wilts." it amoebas a dot if the principal batsis In the Masa Stitt^ as a gold, to lowa ws. It also gins the oboe of the daps tare of altralitrods from the May, lbs mailbag at the Bonham lisroperia and daliforaia otounask tepther with seek otter ishroaation Is a soadsased hen or It, done will allow. Pipasch..-4. its Mini pap aim behead • Ilea of beard ortenba, sly onsplete and torefidly motet il(1l1-111 - eibin &byre flatores, sew of ulna so spar poem% In. n tbe suet. DAT-ANNE Win WOMAN' 11/0 fetid ES embrite liven* la plat of taitgrapihi• lone Wei hp" IdUpon, sad panel ishousisa via Ito sky mobiopri SWIM ATIIIMIHI4 lOW NNW riummosmewit.7-1 6 4P clemeba 'Maw die feilimisig*/~nae., white pea hr to rove that shies is aegis eats he Watson sample, mai lio latabor al at ors Amax It spa OM bawls, ad IS o' ea ilesibmil voila saUiENI was • 1111. 4 .• strati, tWthaqi,ty, sad wielorkadeel I* . eh* Nog Si l 0 heftier, 'hefyit fro ott ibo' :'! Mims wed of AWL Mk retoseed, ad, as evasa rigAilatt r ea tbeetinnalit, w llelieesed feetbkoldi el l eileherimesMWahlkl. was of coarse immediately heels*. to Ow seiglberbordpead Dr. Stroll soot for. Nose of the aolgisbers had the ha. *salty to tato her lato , thilostA bat .sal other for set betas It. lottaaateli, Dr. Strang arrived la a few atalltillt, sad by' kis yrotapt, detorosiaod settee, sae teetled la gestiog bar hay hoes* No. lb, • beardlei base, bpt by Mrs. Wanes, lust muted the wodleal animas., sees nary. 0. keqsdry the Review learss that lb* somas is attn. alehards, who says dust she has lately lost her !subsoil, lieu sear fisadasky, sad look.thil are the soon preview, at Inydo, to tbettetiy. Ole pot spot the St (Rah liorsen, wept by Wea.ll:lo4, • Getinseto Old lila boons there' for years. Ups wettable( bet essintlser be made bet risoldroat bet bed, ssd dorte het from Ma basso and afterwards, at or jest Wets tine of &henry, utterly reflood to toasty* his bath. Bee% tabasamity it WOO time ashes.. ant daemon rettibetket If snob cos be !billeted by law. The ezoltissest was peat agaisat Ma i sad threats of lynching were freely stared. Asa If they had bees carried tato chef, who would have blamed those who ye:U.4sta. There an edible sat paterted by WI, ad ale la we these The Crawford Comity Central Agrioultaral Fair, for ISIS, will ha bold ow the Pair Gross/. is Meadville, osihe 141h,151h mud !Alit days of Septeska ass The stably are naklag abrasive preparations to niesessedate all who nay attesd, sad at. toed every facility possible to sulelbitors.—Tlsitsibn to Coissernal relates the followbag goad one, which say be eassidered delightfully cool and relniebiag this hot weather : Afn Sesdays ago as ezeraeladagly dressed yosag goat, with an malty Ulnae drivel *pea soli ars, presated himself st the door of •ehara at the nun seseement of the evening envie*, and addressed the sir , ton that .—"Aw t will you he so ktad, rah, se to provide as seats, tab, and tab, it you please, is a pew where there are phut" of foes, sub !" They were accommodated with all possible alacrity with a pew with platy of fans, the' the sates was eerily pressed to laugh right out le sleet, lag as be eteeleyed %beet to their seats.----The Ceases ant Reporter states that a couple of slippery asps, rhos' oaken by onnipation, hired a tees at a Livery Stable In that village lost week, and their trip bias subsided het yond courant, the owner, Mt out In scarab of their prop) erty. The horses eadteaniage were toned as Monday near Lockport, in Oils State, considerably the wane for see, whit • one of the passengers sand Crow; had been oMei ally invited to take op his quarters at Meadville, 1./mega with passing coesterlitit coney. The Mayville Soil tint says that oa the sight of the 241 latest, three seers were takes from the fern of Hugh Cross/grove, is the ealltilmli part of the tows of Westfield, sad drives orer to Clymer, and ibid. The °Meer' of the Westfield Vigilance Society were notified of the feet, aid soon got on track of lb. Stain' property, and elan of the rope., °se of whoa they