Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, August 21, 1858, Image 1

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BLI'NED.EVICRY 4,Arvan. r sr
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IF.RALb OF ADVE.ll2l.5l:iti
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75 Ow square 3 manna $1 00
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ta.“1101, $.l ; 0 mouths, $0; V months, $ll .%5 1
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leJ al the Dueitaiss Directory at lib per anima
t,* Card, over six, ea.! under eight, ri
wrial soticea,lo marl a Liao but au advertise.
artainir the Special Holler, for lea* than On•
and others requiring. frequent , barite* in their
-di be allowed two squares, paper, and card, for $l.l
pace, the charges will be in proportion, ant the
most be strictly confined to the leirltimate Waimea
Pay went for transient a4vertUieuieurts required
t,ns for yearl) advertising will be presented bait
...faction of 10 per cont. will be mode on all gado
.rertineffmentn, •broVald In a4fackco
ii:so — A
. —Oda* LE CEENEEEI "Block, viler Netaimeivor
Store. Entrance on State Street
-Ones on flth *trot, nearly opyagti the
T. .4., SI.I4CLA/11,
char to Steltdirt f Sint:Nerd
MT La. DkeOGIST, Corner of State and 7tk St's,
Dye .Statis, Glass. Ca/upbeat, /turning
. 8041111 1 11, A URN+.
Kelm Dealer in Feacy and Staple Dry Goods and
au.o: • eqe- Sew Block, opposite Bruen% Hotel
t LLSit is ktlfaalt
1100 , • • Snots, Shaw Findings, kc. Park Row,
• ~/ %V richt a en oft
s Exchange e., a rt., roe
wt ~yCLLJa •T L.A. resoo , inl t.. c4rnitr
t•otweig'i Block, conker State Street and the Public
I.• - Other ID aosensweig'a Blu.l , upyosita
o.;',.otraurf..o Opp Park, Erb., Pa.
W. S. MAUI 1.16.
leT, Office lo florroswolf. Hl,,rk, our th •rde of
/aft, Erie, Pa.
rte, Mow. 1tc.7.--*Zo
ewes aad Dealer. 10 Gold and Silver taw, ant. ur
land Warrants and Certidatica of IN-posit A 1.,,
as the principal cities in tire Unica. Lail all parts ol
ir) , for %ale 0111 e, in 111.1•14•111.1 . 1. Plo. k , roroee
Erie, P..
J. e.Bll - 11..DiCIV,
Retail deal. In ail kin& of English, Gennen and
,rdwaa, Anvil; Vices, Irony Saila, Steal, he.
farina l', Machina Belting and Packing
oppr.elte the Mal lion., Erie, hi-
JEAIGHILM dk azzeocrr,
R.TAIL Dvalers la lianlwate,Crocker), Glassware
Nos 11 and 1% Empire Block, tomar of r(ftli and
E. I L. NAM() rll.
a., , tatt,,uery, kaatkJy Magaziner, Cheap Pahhe*.
fi•-• , \ ,o,papers, Gold Pena, l'ocket 11llrn , ke
Wed Hotax, Erie
- _
114.11" t. r SUA
•—• awn Barxey 4IF 0444. y
_ au..l Amuutean Hardware end Cutlery.
• , n , • • -«+, Irot4 •n.l n 3 areal Hoagie,
. It I ..nt 11 .1. • Jo •
111 \
I. , tar•ti ANKi
r.•, • •
jijk•thi . II - i IA it li
I VOLD •ii it J I • 11.-
.11. SAN} OHO 4/: (U.,
.st., Sall,. hank • etio 31.• it lie l e.eit, A.e.
"a the prinetpsi eit,• • • • . 3 ,, ills,*
• Public Square,
J HStl Cliatlit 0.,
se.fsetiorers of Saab, Door, an if I s d• 1.... eh et ,
-•••ii ,, y occupied hy Hugh 'loot,
T. tilliCIA.1111r•
' ! , riViA•SlePTiugl 4.liTar"..
frultA, Soh, Glass, Nails, Jiro.u.. Wo.deu,
:woe Wass. tc- Teruo Cash Yt,. re twa So 4
t: lute Street, 4 dour, afwt. the Poo ,oih. e,
!wriltit PA 1 NE
~,xxitlimpm *MCVAY'S, Drab,* tr, L'..a,i, &aka,
at, I ,me ittiJ 11••ter k. east of State
4111..L.1.11/ Hi LI Chi.
r,si, ta liPs 1910,L. 0.. r!6 aka.- of
rut,ti , square, funueirly ueeu pLLJ V. Yypll t Co
trEoilGli J. .1414i1117111.
°mammon Moorebiika, End, desbar
r Lad Fluter
Jjoi — kTrii MeCiMTEM
..d Iletad deoilet lu Orocerte•, ho,tat,.u., Ship
. IL) V‘ wire Sc , 141.1c0r4 Ent,
S; 0 Hughes b1..4. State .4trirret,
4.0.1 i. ula, has nottuled trout thr West,
reva:u s tn. Jurtng the winter those a Istan tus
;711.1 :.1= .1 to middens*, corner 3d and French sta.
A.P. Jobber, and frottall DeLL.r IL even des
rl,O D.,roest.c Dry Goo.* Cary...tuna, tqi
12 +tale rtreet, corm: of Fifth, Erta P.
rt. Itanateetarer to Ent ..Coe.lay Bandy
&gutlemeo • fardehigg Goode N 0.7. Brown',
Err, Y.
Leeds, Armament Eteedeasku
bccurztel r and carefully drawn. Nies on
, et Jas. S. Sterrett, flitocery SW* Cris, Pa.
.1. I+. DOWNINti.
xt, Jtsrici or rim Pe.r■ WIU practbee rn
Era. County, ousel eV* prompt sad ikitidul
entropord to ►L hoods, *Won so an At
t... Cr (ogler In Empire block, corner of
- -
N B.
caurcial, Joexam, 4,
;ikon of Foreign and Dotoestte Pry Goods, Mos
" Warren Streit', New Yorit.
RBI LS muyits or co.
Iliougto to rimy sad Stopio Ds7 oktodo,
't. Moths. &C.. Ho 1 Brown's Mock, feria,
"Vim Al. Sharer,
habhe spunk betweeu the Herta House sad
?Wann takes in tb• bort style of tine art and
wtomaisa. ctrriaist.
``, bard,
Erie County, Pa. Calleetlosi and
woo. promptsea sad dlspate..l.
r 4 -1 lit , ” in Heatty's BulWiug, up -dun, Ere*,
6r OD kreiebanta,iaai;tra la C0.,l Yloar,
ue of Upper Lake Steamers, rabbi/
C t:B@Y di CLARK.
I "ctu toc bniers is I kmestis sad baportsd Wiese
T raft, Fish, OU, sod /gratis
'" 7 &marl' Block, State street it*
* ;weft,. and iletall Dealer in all kiatho ofrasey,
14 .1 , ar .4, and Dining Chair% No. 4 II 47
_ _ -
up 'LW+ In Tuarrutny ;lan beiktips,
W. OLDS 4 CO.,
4 b .1 •••./.. and Retail dealer* ift Wedlaed
tk. el...ape/4 and but soy to
ritth tdro...t.rrir Perth, PA,. Ps.
4 uor . . to g •144 r for family . Gnu or reochant
k' %kirk,k.zr. D. L. Low,
bealet Itoetilipd Whiskey, lS the
ir.sch it
J. G.
` 4 ... at Wboltaato sad Retail, at No RO
P IRK 11A1.1..
Lee:tuna, and Prigle
4.1 t kam tb. Part. Regain at ti. Raman
C. , N., h Itnod Hour*, Iris, Pa.
4: 8K07 , 11111.
Drugs, Medic Juts, Paint", OW
4, • N. 6 144.4 }lowa% Poi.
• *at--....L1.<4, surer, Britt...mai. nod Plated
°°'• uht. cotkry. Fug 00 01 0
ithwn, %Inn, .ironKrie MI6
W it I di; FAUSLAR.
up! !onion. an West India clouds Pnvern
Vt•IN on, he, am, N..
F.rlr. Pa.
~.446•tru EicitxxL.tta Jr, - -
` 4 bors, sod -Wtieli4al• awl 'Metall
(.1 Leather, rreach and Airelama
Ricanagr, oud Rplito,Thread
• •-t,o-.. G.1t‘.,00, Ribaudo, Hammers,
• " 4 ' 1 ... Prt.. Nett., kr 4.. Muck auto
411( Lii HERM SYS &
Loewy Deem MUI Gesitig,
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On the morning of August the first, sixteen
hundred and fourteen, the village of Ilatsbledon
was the score of muoh lively bustle which rallied
chiefly round the dwelling of Muter Simon, far•
tier, blacksmith, and wheel.right for the town
ship. Muter Simon's only daughter Bore—the
White Rose of Hambledon; the folks called her
—was going to be married that day to her cousin
Richard Nieholl,'who had come to Hambiedon
about a year before to work at the forge for his
kinsman, whose strength was declining, and bad
fallen in love at once with the pretty and warms
hearted Rose. They were a very well matched
couple of young people, for if she was as bloom'
iog and sweet as her name, Richard was the
goodliest man in that parish, and many another.
She was nineteen, and he was twenty lsix— both
of them in the full glottand excellence of youth.
The - forge fire was out that morning, and if
any traveler's horse had chose% to out a shoe
near the village, he must have gone $ couple of
miles further , to Wistlebaok, before the dunce
could have een repaired. In Muter Simon 's
cottage were collected half the women of the
place, but Rose's chamber was the favorite point,
for there the young maiden's toilet was being
accomplished by half a-dosen of .her particular
friends. We ought not to go into that Writer
rious sanctum, I know ; but for the telling at
our is Ism we should It
tioroMs reont u rra o er rue nexus ut
crowding gossips, and listen also to the remarks
1 of the handmaidens engaged in their agreeable
! tasks The custom of those days iris not re.
coarkabh either for its picturesqueness or its
grace ; but Rose's pretty shape and sweet face
were proof against its disfigurements. She atood
in the venire of the room, fair and blushing, in
a petticoat of remarkable stiffness and a bodree
of preternatural length, her gold °elated hair
rolled up elaborately, and a highly-starched ruff
lying close at band to imprison bet nand white
There was not one of the balf-down friends
Po beautiful as Rose ; but one of them—the
chief it seemed--from her being the putter on
of the bows and decorative' paraphernalia of the
dress, had a singular counteuence---cold, repel
lant, and stone-grey. The blackness of her eye
brows, which met and were depressed over her
eyes. - gave her a furtive, stealthy expression, and
her narrow scarlet lip', while they indicated a
sensual disposition, showed also one of cruelty
and vindictiveness. She was older than most of
the girls, but still quite young, and bad preten
moos to beauty which she was more ready to as
sert than others were to allow. Everybody,
however, Rose included, treated her with a cal
tai* respect, for she was waiting-woman to my
lady the wife of Sir Roger Bedintleld, at Haat.
bledon Hall Her name wu Mistress Gilbert,
and she was reputed to possess philters mod love
charms, which in those good old times were held
in high repute, not only amongst silly maidens
but even amongst wise and discreet matrons.
One *harm, however, Mistress Gilbert did not
possesi—tbat charm which would have charmed
Richud Nieholl's heart out of his bosom. Her
disappointed hopes bad been a sly-theme of talk
many a time in the village, and even Ross her'
self had shared is it. Possibly that wss the
reason why, when Mistress Gilbert's chilly
hands glided so stealthily about her person,
slight shiver kept running over her flesh.
"You are told, Rose," said the waiting. woman;
"shut the window, some of you. Yoe shudder
all over when you are touched."
"It can't be that her enemy is walking over
the plait* where her grave is to be," remarked al
carelessyoung body who looked straight at Mis
tress Gilbert, mid then turned red under the
cold scrutiny that she received from her cruel
"Rose is too good to have an enemy. Every
one loves her," said the waiting-women slowly.
Directly after she had spoken she ipprosehed her
lip to the white polished shoulder, and blew soh
ly at a tiny brown mark, sad then brushed it
with her hand carelessly.
"You will have to blow a long time before
you blow away that little mole ,
Mietress G i l.
bert," laughed Rose; "I was born with it"
"I am short sighted this morning—l mistook
it for a fly :" sad the waiting-woman began to ar •
range the starched rut.
Rose would have been glad to dispense with
the honor of Mistress Gilbert's company at her
marriage; because 'Richard Nieholt did not like
her, and also because the waiting woman',
aspiration after the handsome young smith, of•
fended her feminine prejudices; bet Mistress
Gilbert invited herself foe the purpose of &east
ins the bride, and even loot ber taste and shill
in composing the stars to be wort es the coat-
Bios, so there was io *wadies her osid, uneores
fortsble presence. Whim the seremosy nearer
in the obainber, and Rose's beauty was eclipsed
as far as could be by her slit olothiagy ate was
ushered into the living room; where were hue
father, Ili shard as Ilse as herself, and the male
friends of the family. •
Richard received her with a Ise helmet blush,
which was more softly reflected on her own titer,
and, after a abort interval, the whole sampan;
fell into order, two and two, to walk 1101081 the
green to the church, where Parson Phillip' was
waiting to many theyo . ung,pair. tidy Be.
dinleld and two of ' ha da ughters had theaght
right to honor the owy by etweisig - Woolf
on from the elevation ofthefeecillypow, and.
Anwar& to praise the node Ore g!she Wbitir
ilta3Lls a. uillalfutlilo,
NutTn a tarressi
V ► ►aaaa;
Fat up thot &or ammaatala aids
The lowan easdkiently **pp.
To 'kora the wild dimwit Whs..
Nit dila* abysmal apaalawa
What rower hi. dasiaw fast *all day
Wham polls girt his path siesta!
4 6111111 P omen aageta pumha hi. way,
Al azgaly as Ow blotto pound
Ile nay not ahrlak vibe* saosisiag hie
Tempts Lis tha daserroas Ash to dare;
Diana the weak, who Hamm watt,
Be boldly seeks that awe air,
asse la the weld amataiirdeebs
His dautless Wert bests asetlamayet;
For tar Moose the soar* Mem,
la Reams his tract le firmly laid
L sward, still upward, in his course, -
Where roaring through the mountain cares,
The mighty winds expend their Wee,
Which all onshrinkingly he brans
lite J►wdK grillb may interpose,
And Ulm tart obetntet his path—
Though death fere on the track he goofs.
The banter smile, at Na►arVs wrath
Nus, tncseAlts rsygwil toonstato's crest
Cowes Tablas to the plata beoesth,
A mw, *Ledo whoop vaults breast
Are hid the seeds of lie and death
The hoot ceitatoht, see bead,
la !NM" able' Cie Weasel peak,
oastadtel of the Conan dread,
Whose deadly alto dallte delta leek
From 40 to elilt, Et daring bold,
Tbe boater still nrult doth err,
Valli le dingingfootsteps bold
rpoa lb* ehaaaale awful 'err
The Odd tralebler tam. with fear
AM tram Its tett 1=101114114
The ball rittiMs Um quick career,
AM 'math tL. houlAr's Ain It dies.
(Nov York Daily Nur,
rp. Magus' Houshold Words
Neva Cf. • lOodOs MI - Loci/Winfield
per sister Elisabeelt wool. have given half
their AA clothing , fpr a tint mat of her *heels :
they were but sickly young igentle.womea on
Otiose complexions Mistress !Gilbert's various
wishes bad no effect at all,; unleis it were to
goat* theta deader sod dullest than even nature
-4-whe colored them in one of dulle st
penurious pal.
litl moods--had ever intended!
When Rose walked out of Ohurch, her pretty
blue eyes dowocest, and boldiug Richard's arm
the folks inside blessed her sOicy as becametb;
place, and those outside gavetkem a cheer, after
vithitth the belle rang outs fartionsweddiog peal
Mistress Oilbert's elayey vittige looked colder
and -more clayey than ever as they disappeared.
Nobody heeded her, and she did not choose to
follow the returning party to Master Simons's
bonne ; but when my Lady Bedinfield, the rab.
ble being dispersed, issued stately from the fam
ily pew with her daughters behind het, she wail
graniocisiy told that she might walk wits them
to the ilia Perhaps my lady loved a little
gossip )is much as if she were a mere common
person; and, if so, her waiting-woman was just
the pe*n to gratify her, not being in the least
scropukus that her intelligence should be fact
rather than fiction.
"Thily are a pretty pair of lovers, I'm sure,
and Ri;the's dress was uncommon gay ;" said Lady
Bedinield, who bad a mother's heart.
"Bo cheek could not have looked fresher if
it had i been painted. Gilbert, your new wash
for th 4 face is • quite useless ;" querulously oh,
servedlidistresa Elizabeth : "I am sure it dries
the skin."
"Natural roses have the finest bloom," replied
Lady /Winfield, who had been a beauty herself,
and w4s still a ham/some woman. She some
times had a little spite against her daughters for
being 4o unmanageably plain.
"Role Nieboll's bloom looks natural," said
kfistreis Gilbert with an air of sarcastic respect;
"it looks even brighter than nature "
"Yob are jealous, Gilbert ; we know 111 about
the yodng suitor's indifference to black eyes when
blue odes are willing to shine on him," returned
Lady Redingeld, with a jolly laugh—she was
above caring for her waiting womans fellings,
and, besides, she had just been touched and
pleased; by the pretty same in the church A
muriate always refreshed her, and made her
think Of bcr ; own youth.
Mistress Gilbert face blushed lividly. That
taunt was no; needed to increase the deadly ha
tred she bad honeeived for Richard and his young
wife She dropped behind and would not an
swer alien spoken to. Lady Redintield called
to her just as they were entering the house, and
amid in some tone of mockery : "If Rue's
beauty is all 'paint, why don't you put it on too,
Gilbert ?"
i4I did not inv. it was all paint, my lady., I
wish it were.., It would be the less harm," 're
plied the waiting woman.
“if it is neither nature nor paint, what is it'!"
asked lady Bedinfield.
"It is the devil's beauty 1 saw his murk on
her neck to-dly," said Mistress Gilbert.
Lady BediOeld laughed again, but this time
io a less load' and aasttred manner. filmsressiy
any one in tlitam vary good old' times was alto
getber free frchn the black plague spot of super..
stitioo, and shi was neither better nor wiser than
her age She lentercd her house in silence, and
Mistress Gilbett, pacing her room that night ve-
Plem i 4,41g£4, wild. km %mai.
rival's fair fame the firt,t . deatil3t drop of that cor:
rosice I ere long to .1.1•
blacken mud 14. t it tot. ri)
TM. b l eArfruvio. ~1 ito• IM , ..i , ler‘ at lit din ii. ii
H al l sa, „,. I. ~,, I mt.i i ,...., il . i uert passed from
one to it), 010 , k ni'l odo,g on .be young lad 4.-3
There wie, eittuP:ie ) that dey , especially, there
Iran nn.• v. ui.e V.. 4 I airi uato..l Sir floury Om 0-
diA, vetwut !I. it• 1 .i 11, 5. , 1:• e girl:- would have
been proud 11/ i 1. 1 11 11.. ; tor, mat unly was 1„,., /
handsome, brave, and accomplished, but he was
also wealthy' ?tlistresa Lucy stood before her
mirror, fully dri.ssul ; but there was diasatiaftu , 1
tion on her ioulitenance,—sbe had small, deli
cats featurett : ,fiut her skin was cloudy, her eyes
rie..e lacking 16 1 brilliance Mistress Elizabeth
use even wrirseJavored; for her visage was long
and Wan as ; well as colorless, and her eyes Were
not ad perfe4tlpset as they might have been
The waitingiwoman had suffered something from
their toupee that morning, as her eluded sod
hurried mariner! betrayed.
i.You will soon be of no more use to us than
a mole, Wilier i o Can you not see haw thick toy
complexion his Can
?"—said Mistress Lucy,
pointing st lie !OMB reflection in the glass ; she
always laid th tilanie of Nature's detects on litr
"Yes, Mistral's Loy, 1 • see—" she hesitated
a minute '
opened the door to look into the pas.
sage, and then Whispered, houviedly, "I have a
powder that I t from Miastreas Turner in Low
don; but if I let you have some my lady must
never know." i
"Ab, good 411bert, I will not tell bet; speak
low that Elisabeth may not hear Row does
this powder sOct one ?"
"It preserves youth, makes the skin smooth,
and gives it I' bloom like a little child's; but it
is highly dangelrous."
"How dameMosa ? Lit poison 7"
Mistress Rillitabetli, overhearing the naysteri.
ous whieperisagi crept stealthily behind bet door,
watched thrgh • chink, sad listened. The ar
civil of Sir 1344 Cavendish bad sown jealously
bourses the niters.
"It is a Mineral poison; bet with care and in
very small quentities, ilia safe. In a week you
would be as fair as Bose NicEoll. Will you try
it ? or do you fear the risk r'
~o ! I will cry it. I would try anything to
have a face like the young smith's wife; bus
promise me not to let Elisabeth have any."
Mistress Gilbert gave the required pledge,
and then stole moray to her own chamber to fetch
the powder. The watcher looked for he! return
impatieitly. When Mistress Gilbertrelered,
she brought l in bet hand a small boa ebony,
which she opened with a key attached to a chain
hidden under her ruff. Etlisaboth listened' breath
lessly ; but she could not catch all that was
said. But she saw a mall past given to her
sister, and by her, after &portion of its matelots
had been eittaeted for immediate use, deposited
in her jewel box. Hoe that taken out was used,
she could not see; for Mistress Gilbert ouried
it to where stood the ewer, and basin, and thither
Mistress bkey went to awl, it; betake heard
the waiting woman say, " will sink—mingle it
well with water ;" so she misjostured abet it was
something to be swallowed, and determined that,
she herself would soon have a Aloe se felt as,
Acre,; the smith's , wife, if ie. oely depssied on
• takieg lire - powder bidden in the jewel box.
The application of the powder made to pew
segtible improlement in •Mistrem buy's thee
thitt day, and fir Henry Oaveedisb was by no
means °berme& out of his lenses; but, in they
purse of the week theta was tevtattlye eksege
for the better, and Mistress filisibeth--who bad
sot yet found an poteetly to lay her hands
upon any of the pow eres more sad more
}a lt er to vett by its beiutifying of .Ones
evening Mistress buoy left her slain wish' (ha'
jewel-box key fasteced to it on her table, sad
Asir sister, who had sever ceased wash*, asaß•
ed. beef af this Opportunity to pessmi berimpi f .
li ii good podia of whet reiss. ilk ism •
. .„
i nedi a t e dy mixed a IR* Of it with water, sod
drank it •
Very soon the wis seized with pain, nausea,
and sickness, but not so severely as to enforce
greater caution In using' the powder, for she re,
patted the dove daily. ',She suffered, but her
skin aequimd a alearneis which it bad never
worn before, and this would have reconciled her
to anything short of martyrdom. 'Rer store bet
ill exhausted, and theekey falling no more into
her possession. she was obliged for a time to de
sist from her beguiling experiments.—
Mistress Lucy, however, still steadily con,
tinned htr appllicsti' she uted the watts
in which the powder *solved as cosmetic,
41 1 —
—but, though her comp ! exion became clear, it
did not gain the mush coveted bloom of the vil
lage smith's wife Both the sisters would oeea.
sionally visit her in her opttage, and as Rose's
beauty was on the blurb always when th e y so
honored her, they went away each time more
emulous and more envious than before. At last
Mistress Gilberts ebony box was empty, aid no
more of the powder could be obtained, until Sir
Ro ger Rediatleld went tip •to London with his
family, when the celebrated Mistress Turner
might be induced to part with more it i priee
something like twice • weight in gold. Illits.
tress Lney was very in s tient at this delay, but
at length, though Mis ts Turner was then in.
trouble, for the murder of Sir Thomas Oreebts7
in the Tower, a supply was obtained from another
person, and the beautifying discipline was recom•
menced by the elder sister at mite. titer L
some more deadly ingredient was now d
with it, or it was unskilfully prepared, or; A t
is *till more probable, Mistretta Lacy used it, ins
cautiously, and too often, it now began to work the
muscles of the face, end the miserable girl awoke
one morning with her month drawn on one vide, ,
and frightfully disfigured Mistress Gilbert,
terrified at her appearance, and rightly attribto
ling it to the cosmetic, to shield herself from all
suspicion, immediately exclaimed that her young
lady was bewitched—and, as all new or ill'
understood disease was, in these good old times,
laid to supernatural ipfluonces, this was readily
believed. But, bewitched or poisoned,, poor
young Mistress Lucy', days of vanity were past,
and she would nevet,oharnt Sir Henry Caven•
dish, or any gay pliant, with her face again..
Mistress Elisabeth was so sancta Awaked and,
grieved for some days that she forgot to profit by
all the opportunities that, at this crisis, fell in
her way for appropriating the powder; and,
when she recovered her spirits, and looked for it
in the jewel box, she found that it had been re
moved. At first she thought of frightening Mis
tress Gilbert into giving her some by threatening
tell Lady Bedinield; but caution interposed
to remind her how many petty secrete of bets
the waiting-woman could employ ageinit her if
so disposed. Therefore she determined ilk wait
until they returned in the spring to flambledon,
when she would endeavor to get at the precious
store kept in the ebony box jowl/.
Lady Bethuneld devoted herself like a poi
mother to her afflicted danglitartynad,athen
bad radio& va alai{rinesine7- bows -.where tha
only saassealeata we're auk u her health and
spirits were far tooabroken to enjoy.—they might
be seen almost daily wandering .through, the
shrubberies together, or sitting under the troles
Pour Mistress Lacy could not bear to be seen by
the most intimate friends , or even by the 1011
gained ground
Mistress Gilbert was one of those patient ha.
ter', who never balk themselves of their 'avenge,
by rushing upon it permanently. To sereette
bLr own malpraetiees, abe bad said at Ashl, that
Mistress Lucy With bewitched; but it alid not lie.
curt a her thou t.• turn this turbo furtherance of
her sehemes against I{ a-a Michell One lovely
Julie evening, howevet, in pafeaingby
cut tage, she sftisa a gathering of the village good•
who told her thlt, the White Rose, her deter
led tivul, bad ju,t got a little son; and, a week
or twolater, she saw the young mother herself
standing at the open window with the child lu
her arm, and the stalwart smith leaning in, ma,
king gentle paternal advances, to her great and
laughing delight Mistre s s Oilbert's heart felt
like a lump of molten lead in her bosom at this
picture. She itOpped and looked at it wickedly
over the iatidge for i§ticrul minutes, and then
rushed rapidly homewards. tier plan was ma-
A dreadful seem greeted her when she arriv.
eJ: the house WWI in an uproar. Feverybody run.
ring hither and thither, calling for this thing
and that, in frantic haste Mistress Elizabeth
was she was dying, dying in agorae.; her
shrieks could be beard half over the house
'She is poisoned," said Lady &Ain&ld, 'who
wan shuddering and weeping by her daughter's
withering form;, but Mistress Gilbert, bending
over the bed her ash•grey face, said: "No, I have
seen there convulsions before; she is bewitched,
like Mistress Lucy "
Every one in the room paused aghast with
their remedies, but Lady Bedinfield said, "Who
can pursue our family with such a relentless ha
tred'! There is worthy Parson Phillips coming
to our aid, let him be admitted."
While the minister recited bin prayers, the.
tress Elisabeth died. "She has been,poiseued,"
he also observed, but the doctor, not being able
to name the ding that had killed her, solemnly
eountenanced Mistress Gilbert's idea, that s he
had been bewitched. The waiting womaa was
not long in discovering where Mistress Rlissbet b
bad found her fetal draught. Advantage had
been taken of her absence to break open the
ebony box and abetreet the coametiez powder
Too large an internal dose bad done its work for
ever. From the time of her sisters death, poor
Mistress Lucia health also began fast fn decline.
She bettarrie subject" to long Sts of mslancholly
depression, and wore than ever evaded seeing ,
strangers. Still She would go out of doors, and
her favorite lima wee a sunny knoll imtheplan
tatioos, where she would sitter hours wish.eith.
er her mother or Mistress ailbert. Any sudden
noise; ens the light of nhird. from one rionoish
to another would cause her to tremble Aionsuls
sively, as with-overwhelming dread; for.theow
girl bad heard it *althea she was bewitched,
sod the Wm worked in her i ticeantilabe
believed is. It happened one alsg while in
the wood, se usual, that Rasa -with her
baby in her Brute on ber way to the Haiti taileaw
him to Lady Vtedhreeld L as she had received
comman d s to d6.6:- . .pisseketkitiMef Mistress
Luu arid the waiting woman. Nsiterviagm
inga blithely as any bird, but never sotieedithe
two lififfif the trees; but Mistress Lucy began to
auddirlild cry out. ' -
"Is it Rose Nichol) that hag bewitched you,
..ftlistress tneyr' asked Mistress Gilbert earnest
"Yes, yts," replied the nervoult . dieattire, fok ,
lowing the retreating figure with wil4 vies:
4 'l always thnught so tly . devira murk
upon bet wit the day she was matiledreried
the weithsorcooso Viugephstally.
When, they retuned Wan ks *idiom Lucy
toldhor tkuther tbitll4 l her 40tPluidirk/WM!.
illness had been Mime d . mpg her y thitspuice
oflteee the. imitbik.wifeai#E,4o din
sight of her threw her intis,ootivultimus tomb as
those io which iset,iiister (tlO4. 14141 414 11 , 6 0.4
was troubkid, but anapitions.; She 4011•41#1,lit
husband, who was rep:Mirth* ffkr
rather than sagaeity s and reposed to hate Rose
tried atrial of she iosaliolir iddratitb. liiib
ISA , I 4 {-2
, 1 ) - kr
21, 1858,
it their boaktess to Oioisi . plite'6 plies tilacciv.'
ering witches andhtinging the, to punithment.
Sir Roger coaseattai, and Mistress etilitert un.
dertallsg to potful a. witchinder, ionnecie, un
roue Be.. was ;ciliated to bin at a napes.
person .
,and, full of the isPoruutae of his
weribto idles, the pricker went to the ectitlra,
house, when ie. was .st his, Corp. Mutat Muth
also was. away from home, and Rose, with her
. 14y Weep* her lap, at sewing dileseatly,
like the good homes wife sndkossensastkar that
she was. The picker obtained an estrous
into the oottage by pleadiag that be had walked
fai and , was the ea the anseapisims Rose
bade him most himself, :ad gun hia' a some re
freshments Presently two of the village women
sauntered in, - oetessibly to see the baby, bat is
reality, by pre-eoneert with the priekepr, to help
in the examination. They all began to talk;
and presently led the conversation round to the
subject of witches and warlocks. There had
been many hundreds of wicked and cruel eteetr•
lions in England during retest years for the
crime of witchcraft, andßose bad heard of them,
De others : indeed, a witch had bees swum and
drowned in Rambledth Inifhpont within bet
oWn memory. IThe 'naiad great oommlsera
lion for thie old woman, and said that she baler'
a many tuifortunatet were the victims of the
malice of their themes, ruler than real erimliele
as was pretended. "the picker .took mar* it
this remark, perhaps becabaq Mistreat ailb t's
bribe lay heavy colds conscience at the atom nt;.
and, thinking to. daunt AM) he exclaimed, at
she herself was a notorious witch and pribliter,
and be was: there to prove it.
Rom started up; and, when the two women
approached to lay bold on her, she brake frost
them, and rushed out of the debt shrieking:—
"Richard, Richard, help me!" -
The hammer was not going is the forge just
then, and the smith heard him. Clutching a
stout cudgel, he ran to the apes • and, while the
two assistants decamped, he seis ed the pricker is
a grasp like a vies ad, without waiting for as
explanatlat, proceeded to belabor him so sound
ly that the'siserable official was likely to have
a skin full of sorely-aching bones for a mouth to
When her hualmad, pawed 2 Rose i p id, bitter!
weeping; " He is a witch Wortleherdr , and
dealares that lam a witch. Ile Mime here to
prove it. 0. where, where Abell we fly? You
know, dear husiemd, that I ea year awn UV ,
wife, and no wicked witch.. 'Don't you lover
She clung to him beseechingly. In those good
old times there were few ties of blood or of at
fetttion that did not break ender this terrible se.
nation ; but the smith loved his Rose deirly ;
and, haying an intense antipathy to the manipw.
Lesions of such odionsgettry as the priekers, his
wrath was so far increased by the idea that they
might have bees euereined on his young wife,
as to find it indispenaible to beat him again, and
then throttle him until he confessed that be bad
received a bribe from Mistress Gilbert to amuse.
Rose. A second shaking inadelkitoring the
instrument with Whiehle proposed prich fee
the devilfwasselt v which alloniultes bore on their
persons. -This isstrument was a steel needle
with • hollow handle, into which it retired seder
very slight pressure, coming out again when
that pressers vas withdrawn, so that though it
appeared to run into the flesh, it in reality.tild
not break the skin ; u the devil's mark could be
pricked, as was wetted, with Out the witch feels
mid, without blood following the
meehmitam 'mettles this in ismos .- pi ece D e
and, with its lying witness trputillessal
a poor innocent wretch who, after contrietioo,
was tortured into ten feesing every cseptiiity that
the diseased imaginations of wicked or supersti I
tious examiners could devise. The smith was
something of a archaic himself, andiatmedi
ately discovered the secret of the instrument,
which he determined to Carty to Parson
As lack would have it, the minister coming
across the green it the moment, be hailed him
to come in, and refitted what had been threatened
against Rose.
"These common. puckers are common heaven
l hope- you have ," the parson glanced
significantly at the cudgel, as mach as to add,
"used it well I" The smith sodded affirmatively.
The pricker was trying to tusk off, but Risk
ard stopped him and said no—noe until be had
been before Sit: Richard Bediadeld and halal
judicial whipping as a atoms, and' then a ducking
by the village folk; who would be glad to give
him one when they saw how very readily they
might, any or all of them, be proved witches tied
wizards by the painless ' trial of the prickipg
instrument. A good number of the rude, Mid
gathered at a respectful distance from the cottage,
waiting for the issue of what was going otfticte,,
the news of Which the two mottles had taken
pale% to spread • and, when they tray the official
dragged °tit by the smith, Pint* Phillips' fcillFw.
ing, and Wee looking out at the doorway, a fed
of them felt glad that"the pretty white Rose of
their village had escaped the dangerous trial;
but when the smith came amongst them and u t
hibited the trick of the . witoblinder'e needle,
nothing wield WWI them except the summary
administration eljnatice there and then t - hp the
bruised wretch skas hauled off to the aaji
ducked until he was haltdead, and the 9 driven
out of the village with hoots and eueratioes,
Mistress Gilbert was foiled in her revenge for
the present but, she obi with a deadly teintitY:
~T hough he was not .n true witchsfinder,ihat
does not make Reee.Nicholl less a wit, .f'
And the village Imps to lookenldl,l on the
smith's wife, and to avoid passiog near ter door,
lest, she filund blight the* and theirs irith Ike;
evil eye. ,
Tha tay sals. of whelk was fatal is time
good old times. Na ose maid less bear it 'With
infoolkii *ad ibis poor Rulle well knew- Till
see hertelAated sild feuyi, poisoned , her kife
.with tie - dread that the general feeling thligltt ex. 1
teeditsilr to tit busbiost he' father laid lien'
ehild. Sinnetises she wished die vets vieta, ea
the relyirsy of mops Mow: the iadigaiiisso wed
ernatieso4,hosi hews at is ildietcl 1 ,0 1 . 4 141,1
women o. ppbably .0 ~ meooe4 of liltOkra!' ,O!,
herselfT •
Six moOtheaftex the Mt of the pricker, Ms
tress Bast Bedisleld • fted;Masat the odd rimers,
was thaßisiwited boos bewitched was tented,
iritit thericks that it rtes Rae Nioboll, Rose,
Nichol' o 17, who had 114:1 Od b her the spell
that had estfoyed halt. ' ' - •
Every !ealsivitiv tbst happewed is the tills
Walk Acs 1i0.t0., the qbarse of the fi . oviny i i
,If ma old
• Orfitsti W he* age s BAR , ,
1 witched - pits or hie if , s baby, pedal Cr
llets t
wee/mem Rem lad tekslmil It. it s Me% .
I ed, Rose ' 14vheti . AMdictioK eik / .
bellY # 0 filgfiltk;ll#4).
/ ri l • thil t lOW' C 1. ! 114 i
AS bead 1 0 6‘i .i ir
n , 4 44 11 ff e rir it r , 's.s 4
an K „. A, 1„ 'IR . , W 4 : 7
0 4.5.P 91 40 2 ?! - B Vas*.'; ' l l . . _
hec ..4, tWfi'lls P , Pu enWPIFs .- * ?OP*" >44 • ";' * -1411 fillftegat Ol t
her sus one . , kinsairer , .. • ' , Aosilditiviih sawoirw.
Mistress 011hert. so fOnalf Verllll4llil ' ' IV. ' ' . .itrilail S . libtilbge tie
' l O4 ;t1II„st 440,4* Ohorouier ele.. :A .„' _ - go' TaliPpfk Wok
'PAO tawttioNc..* *.e0*r.,m4411 woin•- wok •" tale add - sahftitt it
.4,ppoi r o t i o mmaa.w ,o . ,,wistwipsia,r jolittarteltkoitt" miktaitiral
intgiligs , 4 0 :i407,9,1 ~. ~ 1 41 1 2 04i t sit# 4faittitiei: air& iitri'iiii
46/sufts,.s. 4 ,- ~.. •,, :;. '. ; soi #0,14).g. ,iisiks of sat wooer WM sot soak •,1
S. • '-' l .. .01,14,0 siisoolios qt vow OfsboiliksikrOsiewrourrritiodwildegeso•
i ill i e z t ElkiMpAA= . Ihrlimmiliberasiowdef-wirimulrowL
•• ; ••-.. : • #llolo4.balig - aspi..o 4 - 3 L •Oi rat is* gAilaidtp
att. a• .• I
vezxl*sTratei, av, 434) I,of ,w
ed to hie: Wei abititantriWhirbrd am her
and no later ago thaw *trombone lelday sight.
Al the speewei were inanordintely united, ad
carried Won Sirlad two
other arege as 11 44 Is vain
did Richard 16eboll swear that at the tine whoa
bie wite wore, Mated to be prevent at the horrible
11101Will111 at the witches' Bs66stk 4 oho war sleeps
hog eadoesehly at Me An be voi told that the
devil Medea hue by patio' g a Apaquoie ot her
bar plow that
spighe not 4*mm her now ,
tumid alirose. The poor smith was Dearly sad-
UNA ink *boi marts seta *ea wake to
tee, who overs as deeply Is We Sea/
se to hams ovarysitategna be eat •
played; Masa wee pemedell wite's in
aoomoo, but he meld not prevail on others to
beliaroi• it and tioregh Amos Map prow.
lei ligalist the eoelimehows des old *man eras
ed by pais beteg received as widow spies&
Blase sad her wretallei eesouptioss, so attention
was paid to his rementrenee, and they were
all aosihved aatit tha deny wimpa they were to be
Them mat have been sersuptimes that hike
sow sell "good old tiaMe whew a maw, who
loved Ma more loudly 'than my=
cis the wcild could 44seulaNtervutly,
God r' ON be was told that she wee deed.—
Two days after Rose's throws late prison,
Person ABlips brought them Udine to the
smith, and pal that le had Unite - kin her
body home,' and give - Ter ,
ruled at the accwwo4 itosgbt *Out her, de.
peived of her child sad bar nasal, the' ran
Creators was milted Sitblessr, sad died an bar
piieon-4 God'ot .moittr 1 011 4.,Pairiom and
Richard *ought, for she Morris; esorkPed the
doein of. het emeimakuul is stiefortitie, Whist
whose names stands is IM , criminal records of
the time, the fetal words—ueonviee and
The smith brought hie poor White Ross home
on the-third ensivereary of their marriage; and
the next day she was ineerred, with all the rites
of the duels, amidst the too late repeatanee of
her ton. Manor Simon sad R e ichard
s by the grave is angry sorrow, and dine.
ly opposite to them, with her whited eyes, iced
on the' strith's fees, was Misers,' Gilbert. As
be was moving sway, at last their glum* met;
the wafting-woman heeled friumplaatiy, and
prated downwards at thsecen with a signilleant
sir. Richard ' rooked attar steadily for a mo
ment, and then middle a deep, ecemsestrated tame,
which the bearers nestled sitartisohr as a tone
of prophecy. "Ay, Mistress Met, there lies
the body of my poor Roil thst_you bated, and
her spirit is We m Bogies . Top may laugh
now, but you shall not la* long. • The day is
seer when your body sha/Irsisealowithat shall
be see from Whkelebeek, to Coolliale' and
your spirit shall skirl to be beard frbst Heckle.
stone for flute miles ;tend." Mistress Gilbert
only lallicbed-the load* as she aarehed away.
Richard weeds MIN true.
The Healed** we a tail bkook of granite,
ant up iwileolthmion park. wan *lranian about
Silllseral yards freat s bora. Elot ag s it
- resiained, then were two nestita ups. t?p,
alga Indite.. saki were mule by the
hands of Mistress Gilbert; she wee set ea km Si
oidentally, end, dyis_g Ins the hosee t io.her
army ebe rw into Beeldeittose, eernamag„ and
clung to ity bhea ell .rer, mail the light woe
aeon "fees Wkl baa>k to Omni*, and her
cries were band for three miles mad." Peo
ple ran to her help, bat the leery goes that the
lire resisted even effort to put it. oat Metter
Brae forever barren. •
Briar Eltrirmanunt Titorsimm—There will
be no naeassity. for Kim Flora Ilialismey to
make "three separate *nays to Paris," in
quest of asoinetklng to wear,"` for nor the dear
creature cal melee, 49 l*, A. M., direct
from the metropolis othalieet t .the newest style
of bonnet, in time for theopera at eight o'clock,
P. M. We hare been tbing of lite startling
fact, that two moo, three thousand Rilis from
each other, esp sow eeneene latsiligibly togeth•
er, over the Atlantic; and that, too , while
tempests are howling, and gold- fr eighted vessel'
are plo wing the billows betweel them.
Thick of the fearful measlier of God being
literally chained to the sum, and made sober
ries' to man. Think of reading at tea O'clock,
A. M., some Important turoppon event which
doesn't transpire ti l eleven—or a backwoodsman
reading, fresh from the press, $ speech of Lord
Derby, an boar befw wsf delivered—of a
Liverpool merobsitt harat4us fifteen minutes,
the price of pork in Lotsismilti—of any political
dispute between England and Amerce being
"amicably adjuster to see bonr—of the merest
street marenget, of New lork:being acquainted
with the health of the Pthmem Broderick Wil
liam—of the possibility of Stpenton sad kforPky
tLord Grosvenor
chess across the Aalaistisaad of my
Grosvenor driving Wily& Park, causcions
of the fact that there is a. Mississippi steamboat
oh Bre.—Zonitos7/s Democrat. -
Fouts et Ltuarwrse.—Oa lkilitay last, the
41weltineof Geo. Plurisgtoor, ia 19elem, Maw,
was struck by t y mo taing. The berme bad two
patent copper II sing modicum epos it.—
Tile electric Ina, so doubt, 'Wasted by
sad.first.ittuck the top or did red, as six out of
Amu papists were Urfa about three_quartsw of
*a boob down l oad whea reachlog we of the is.
salmon, *eke It into invents aid mitered the
house-.attrenied by the upper . ..sail% ao doubt
—as4 passed into tbe *ski amyl the mop
board, and Aware below late !babas room,
sibs* Dr. lferniactow, his three di uset T s t l i i r i toa ad
a bind wawa woo at diner. Dr. .
was so mach iajured as to wake it usweary to
scud for Dr. Mack, who, by tropism use of cold
water, sweeseded is Winship bin to about as
boar. Ittwas fend that spot his bask, from
'the week I'4'l6oloms, moo a agrious bp mrs of
free Alltraiteld it /Ow
A if
tessellated from wow. Mrs Y. *trine
from *Adak bed. Neither of-the ladies were
irAbe but injured, Airoagb Ul sow the boll et
' PARIS OX qtroott.--k o nr. b. 0 . m y , Dm
XI , •
c'One can teen ha 'Sunday in Parir, die
rtreebll:4 l4 4 l of . peOplej th e phew* grand.
.; tte shops open; regitunk of sold
lien is Lim Win)
'being baby the weekiegyeepleorito sate the
Imes 44 *day of reetantion. And the fiartbet
011 4 4 0411 1 1„, 1110
1011111 M for God's
law or lonia: Thom are eat t*; tat .eke
Mitsui to set, awl saris„ iN show.
arrichkentebat *sir awns.
lases ipit as* sia s good
actir r antilbwinniost thane tiiwhl.l •
te tar slave eentod think,* to
• -
•.1: , 4
. I ~
•, • ,~
Doestiab on Lays Ikon.
Doeetieks ►ae been tryikg to ascertain by ex
periment whether or not Lager is intoxicating,
sad below ie given, in his own language, the re
sult :
"The first glass seemed like sour strong beer
with a good deal of water it; the next was not
quite so pear, and the next one tasted as tittiula
the original bar bad been stronger sod they did
not dilute isso-much Then we rested, and as I
bed drank three pints already, I was willing to
quit, but Damphool assured' tae 'Lager isn't in
toxicating,' so after a little settling down I tbo't
I could bold another glass and Ordered it ; it was
brought by a young lady who seemed to have
frau eyes and two axles pointing In different
directions, which unusual effeet was undoubtedly
caused by smoke.
Then r thought l'J have a glue of Lager, (a
liquid known to most of the inhabitants of Man.
haute). It was brought by a girl sopretty that
I immediately ordered two more, eta kept her
waiting for the change each time so teould look
at her—thee wo had some cheese full of holes;
then we took some Leger to 511 up,the boles;
and then we took a sausage ; Damphoel suggest
ed that the sausage was made of dog ;• so we had
some Lager to drown the dog; then we bad some
sardines '
• Damphool said it would be cruel to
keep the fishes without a supply of the liquid
element, so we me Lager for the Sebes to
swims is ad some breisels ; Daiaplioal
said the were so creaked that they would
not pack close, so we lad some Lager to AD up
the chinks; then I made a speech to the cespa.
ny ; short but to the point, sod received with
applause—it was addressed to the whole crowd
and vas .to this effcet, 'Gentlemen, let's have
come Lager?'
By this time my friends hid by some myste
rious process become mysteriously multiplied,
and there were fifty Danipboole, sad they all
accepted the invitation, and we bad the Lager;
there were forty glasses and in trying to make
the circuit of the room and touch my glass to.
every one of theirs I fell over a table which very
impertinently stepped before me, and as I went
down I knocked a small Dutchman into the cor
ner, then I fell over him, thin I partially recov
ered myself and sat on his bead, then I got up
and stepped on his stomach, then I demanded
as instant apology, Wen I called for six ,lasses
of few, and the girl brought them all in one
hand. I tried to take them all in one hind, but
broke three, then I tried to drink out of the re
maining three all at once, and in so doing I took
an invoinatary ahowerbath, then I tried to pay
for the whole fifty glasses and the damage with ,
a dime end a Spanish quarter,, and demanded
that he should give my change in gold dollars,
there seemed to be some difficulty about this, and
if r bad a't kiloton that Lager is n't intoxicating
I. should have thought the man was drunk."
An Exciting Scene
From the Thiladelphia Prtvu.
We leant, from a correspondent, that the fash
ionable notion of suicide has found its way into
the fashionable circles of at hest one summer
resort. 4 ia one of these, known to the ;demure.
seeking world as "Deal," quite an ezeitutg scene
occurred, a few days since, tinging with some,
thing more than wonted life those who bask in
the happy, genial pleasures of this famous, but
quiet retreat. The house at Deal stands some
tour hundred and fifty yards from the sea, be.
beach, to prevent the walk from being filled With
sand by passing wagons, two uprigut pieces of
timber are created, about eight feet in height,
with a eross-piece near the top. An interesting
young Philadelphia lady, having fallen despe
rately in love with a gentleman, whose attentions
were monopolized by a couple of a New York
ladies—albeit he was a faithful and devoted at.
teadent until their arrival—resolved to make it
the last time that he should beso gaily deeeiv.
At the hour for bathing two ladies and gents
were on the way to the beach, when horror-stria.
en, they beheld dangling from the crossbeam
(which, since the occurrence, has been named
the "Lovers Swiug,"). the form of a lady in her
bathing dress She was at once recognised by
the party as "the lady in love "—The gentlemen
quickly lowered the lady by the rope bywhich
she was suspended, wbcu it was discovered that
her pulse was actively beating. By the appli•
cation of some water to her face, and rubbing
her wrists, she speedily revived; and In less
than half an hour she was seen dashing about in
the surf—none more full of life and spirits than
she. Since the above occurrence, which has
been the current topic of conversation among the -,
guests at Deal, it has been rumored that a gen•
aeons from a neighboring city, attempted to
"shale off this mortal coil, ' at the same place :
but the facts being in the possesSion of his im•
mediate friends, it has been impossible to learn
the cause which impelled him to .ha rash act.
nues in the cave, thus far discovered, number two
hundred and seventy fire, sod their aggregate
length is estimated at two hundred miles. Mr.
Holston, who lies in the cave when the iron lamp
was lost, still resides near its mouth. He is now
90 years of age Stephen, the old guide, died
last year.
The Green River Barrens, that fifty years ago
were covered with grass and strawberries, morn
lag-glerifs and other pretty flowers, and the
resort of{ imornie flocks of quails, and a multi.
tilde of blutts,are now a great forest of oaks,
hickory d alumni trees. This great change
from a . d to a forest has been made iik lees
than hal a cenchry. The germs of the oak, the
Assent od the; kickery were in nature—velem
we give the sr* colony of the squirrels the
eredit of planting the chesnuts,, the walnut and
the soot - gem their winter stores of these nuts
collet • in other localities
taperstore of '
the air of the cave is at
degrees Fahrenheit, tbo air dry and
.. No thnodcr is over beard or light.
liftyi sin
fling eve seen within the cave. A enrreit of
*is no coining out of the cave, and.of mini
dent fo to "blow out" the blaze of a torch.
Within the cave cow bustation goes on, well,
towhee rn freely, and respiration is nay.
'Dark there is so thick that ik can be fete,
se l l
and ail as so profotind as to be istipresaive bet
rod dasOription. ,'
Mr two' children, a lon add daughter of `6 l 4t-
UlmEteht i n of '13,11%4164d, wont to Ormuz
Oreilt 4 Monday, whore the boy Teatime a
a log and fell into the water. U ' l li ttle r
s i i.
witnessed the accident, sair'ldin and
par again, wherenpon she ran h m e ta
bar tither of the Scolded. Mt tr'iot b
of 14 boy's Teg and ladled gm' 'Zo had
been in the water from twelve %Men ntinutie,
appeared lif9l,it wboU tabmt out. He was
lad out as l a 4 , I: Ito:14 6 r *iiiightest
Wiese. p t ty . . 4en . Wog res.
lensdirtreAti . 't mai *tip and
sngular, an bons aftennurds the boy was oheurr.
od ite.brt#m. ICvery effort was em :by
pi iskasi hie reeseawas4 a,t t
ie. altti,
11 1 ,4 84 1 wancemeraing Walk thaw II
wsL -MI is tea . 11101111111111111NriliM at -
' . after drowning that we reoolleet Lariats
) r ray
1 i