Ems et alit Atlantis Cable ?Mtn the COOftOr and Enquirer. Note, Meru" bow thy heed ►n ewe, With lightning dab' to band, Le sUU, as through the 60tha. Thou btedest land to lend ; Tor throe haat. irtotlysilt a reirwele, Neat to the Bon a 1:0,3., Thou walkeet down on sea's dark Door, High 00 illl waves U. tn.! ; tit beide the llghtuturr hi the clood, ♦ad thou 'tad& the wave, Xad siaJ sod wave, whkh 1614 to Him Thou heal the power to brave Than tremble thou before tby.if, ft" mot o Go 4 ►kte, TL►t to tby blind RI" power Aua SWUM to dwell ther..in ; nerd A. 14,0 and trembling thnuk the For favor ou UK* shed, Ibut thou, through en, with llghtutwc LAID T.o Cot:Macao has wed. Louis Napoleon as He Is =En To attempt to gain a correct idea of soy great man during his life ' is like endeavoring to apme ciate the beauty ofs colossal braes° statute just taken in fragments from the mould. An arm hero—s leg there—the lovely countenance and bust,4xiaide the beautiful but enormous legs—all this le putsling, laughable and yet imposing to most persons, an even the artist, aided by the original drawing, can only form a relative and imperfect conception as to what the ultimate of feet will be. Hut in future Des any one in a thousand, who will see it put together, cleared of the earthy impurities of the mould, and mounted on the pedestal, will be far better able At) eppre. elate its wonderful merit than the most learned in art during its first day and generation. Such is precisely the case with the extraordi_ nary and apparently anomalous man, now Nua• peror of the French He it not even out of the mould, and this is all the better for those who love to see great names added to history ; for, with men like him and his onclNacure folloirs the assertion of Afloat° "lo fet e l poi ruppu kt seiertps"—"made him and then broke t betuould." A ;rat character never appears in a second edition. No intelligent person, who has read the col• leered writings of Louis Napoleon, has ever risen from their perusal without the conviction that his ie a net mind, refined by elaborate rawly and more elaborate thought, accubtomcd to del p and extended views. A single article of his—that on the angst question—shows deep study of pultti• sal economy, and to say th•s i., in the present century, to extend high praise to a politician,— Elie whole early life shows an esruest devotion to one resolve : to attain his present position, and the leading characteristic which this has de. 'eloped, has been a miraculous reserve or pro • deuce, which induces sibinee and singular !C I (-- reliance. A thorough knowledge of self, a sin. grater degree of familiarity with hi. two mental resources and deficiencies, and the never apply ing for aid until his resources are• exhausted— such are the principal charm teriatics of the Etn# peror. It is remarkable that, while pronounced by most competent authority to be perhaps the greatest politician that ever lived, Louis Nap, 3eon is a very poor manager for the interior busi ness—the financial—the °fairer de snemoge, or domestic matters. This appears from th e men who surround him. He has a pared of noodles about him as ministers who arc perfectly incom petent for their several departments First, there was the raw, coarse soldier Espinasee as Minister of the Interior ; one who spoke to all ak though he were drilling raw recruits—and he offended every one. Now he has got an honest man and respectable lawyer, but one who knows no more of wbat is required for his post than a boy. Fould is so generally hated, and carries unscrupulous selfishness to such an extent, as to have acquired an unpopularity detrimental to any man in any calling, and any cause to which be may belong. .When Fould stepped in, be brought in his own friends in the persons of the other Ministers, and our readers may possibly recall the mess they made ofit ; what with railway "concessions," the eredrf moodier and other speculations—plans savoring of the genius of Fould , who wished to be theloseph to an imperial Pharaoh. Here it was that Louis Napoleon made mistakes, and be bas ever since been busy with botching, mend, ing and repairing the consequences. This has entailed more than one daring sthetne—the ap prentice slave trade being one—and through it all, Fonld has not neglected to fill his own pock ets., Bit in comprehending foreign relations and the beat method of advancing French interests oat of the country, the Emperor is superior to his uncle. He baa for years trained himself to con stantly know all that is passing in the world.— In this particular he is not surpassed by any ed. itor in Europe. His personal experience of England, Germany, and especially cf the United States, was large, and he preserves his knowledge by constant reading of newspapers. lie has made mistakes in domestic finance ; but he has the eagle eye and vast comprehension of a finished state-man, and can draw great results promptly from slight signs. This is all the natural result of &mind trained to watch itself, study itself, distrust its own weaknesses and concesb them from the world ; but to act bravely and' confi. deafly on its own powers. The Empress is also unfortunate in her sat , rounding'. She has ladies about her who take delight in magnifying every bit of nonsense and making mountains of mole bills. The Empress behaves uncommonly well under many trying circumstances. She is beautiful, young and light hearted, though not one of the bitterly "clever ones" spoken of in Dombey, and the closest soya- tiny of the most practised familiar with court life beep witness that she fills a very "difficult plue with deocirnm and propriety. What is the future of her husband? The world sees two great dominsat imperial minds slowly rising before it—two minds which bid fair to equal any which the world has ever seen—Na poleon of France, and Alexander of 11488i/1.- Alexander derives his views and guides his po. litical economy by those of that extraordinary and mysterious genius, • "Iskander," or Alexan der Henan ; Louis Napoleon goes single banded to all his work. What, if they be spared to live, will the two have effected twenty years hence ? —Phil. But A FAT FlAll.—The stiskawit, a Lb of Lake Superior, is reported to be the fattest fish that swims, either in fresh or salt water. , The fisher. men say that one of these fish, when bong by the tail in the hot sun of a summer's day, will melt and entirely disappear. except the bones.— In peeking about fifty barrels, a kw aeartotts ago, at Isle Royale, one of the fishermen made two and a half barrels of oil from the heads and leaf f a t alone, aithi.ut the least injury to the market. ableneas of the fteh. lit sides, this leaf fat or oil is disseminated in a layer of fat sod a layer of lean, throughout the Gab. They are too fat to be eaten ti Atli and are put up for market lilts the lake white , flab Ind Mackie+, trout. sir Said Heber Kimball, who is next iv power to Brigham Young : "I lore my friend' and I don't like my enetuiea ; but 1 10/low the Scripture rule and pray tor them " This was said is the preartice of 1)r. Forney, the ear Bsrperiotendont of Indian It fairs, who cow gestated Heber upon his Christian opirit l tett hug hyn pi wee happy to bear that be prayed for his trumaiee. Imagist, the borrur or the good Dowse (BiLbtedieise the [adieus call him) when aftbsrntided : "Yee, I pro', that they nu!, all yo The Bible myr ire inns stuttee4ou oil use ebeek Vary to him the 'Aber si„, 111 t . in f A f other cheek, bat if a man antics Allgat, let ItWirifflt 00 for • s tisk bisumair MP' A mean plowing insolibise; inietkel by Chas. B. Maas, or Tea r y, N. Y., orssesperintesu 04, 1 401 r4Aulil i vii0 0004 I 'm. — Yon Foss wars sits to the wisogdise r sad wets stovethribb awe, but the furrows wish not at all lib lbws fot wbieb premium ars ism. ' - - Age:WEN UT iiMiab STEAMER MICHIGAN. iv• VABII VALLEY. op! a l to= us 4 t . J. flialtiiiii74;et. irte,lll6B.-3. - ": POR 13Tri f ft.R. ny H wilt pay CA.941 - 10 0W th e i mam maw. al lap 015.0 VT *W U. ?MALI, PLATO 'k CO._ _ - WOOLWOOL ! • ANTra, by 821111(1.114 Avast of the North /toast y V oaa Weals Illanaketariag Ceopikay, 200.000110, WOOL, 6 ' 4 ' which IsksziNWPOla ‘4lllmt paN la Cash. AS Ida Wool* P by me pat ilesaiumilliati will Is *IA* to PRY hotter prima than thaws who bay to oh soda. Es* Jona 12. Mt WEW 4.N"2 v© WWI Fiti NI HIM - • - 1 1 11 ANT DOOR WK$? Or wines? 41Ir. COOS XX. ell AMOSO BIICB , ME, PA MILLER & HENRY .ire row oreissepd to farnien Moir friends with ROOTS-.AND MONO A nwny whip* 'soy be found 'Tr i i s e m coNarisie tae mats, v W ieuTtrA mimes. i intesser no 1-ininn ALERT. •HI LDIIKW PSI WK. And in fart EVERYTHLAV toot n by Men ; Worsen or Chiid! Sir CUSTOM WORK NEAT DONE ,ABIO WARILANTSII4 ,We keep constantly on hand,. S.l-303E3 FrISTDINGS,64I. GIVE ITS A CALL aft.. Don't forget the place;— We don't ineefid tv be sendeml4 by anybody!liin Iris, April it, Wt IMAWKWson's ANu i IACH 4N ES! - Limo VANN V E. litiliODEVl, Dam linker, corner of hfll ATI and Sassafras ALI- etn,baying been appointed Aria for the sale of the** inerlittiet in Rite, invite% the pnblio to Pal boa es amine one in operatlaa at bet rooms before 111101 W, to other*, Them Mutants sprats oa as entirely view princlplo—using w. Shuttle, but au. lietAlor lUM two Ttirmads. They hate berm before tbcpublie for over Om years, and Mies been anieemaliv derided to he the nyily Machine adapted to all kinds of EA MIL V MEM. IPU r working equally well on Cotton, Linen, : 4 11k and Wmae o Goods; Humming, Felliag, Tucking wad Gathering with a to and stemigth unetruille4 by any other Machin, Among the undoubted advstitapvs that they noseeis ~vei others see, Ist. Beauty and stmedleity of eonstrurtioa, end come mulct freedom from derangement aml melt ..f repines. ltd. I 'sem ambled ease and raping • ..1 operation. Sd. Noiseless movement Mb. Beauty and streogin of stitch, tl is n.. 1 a eludes /quick but I Leek Stitt* alike I Itl both sides, .•..ry iI di being loch ed. It CANNIPT BY UNIKAVKLEn. =I Mime SOUTHWORTH, Cowan U. W. CROCKETT, CHARMS BURDETT, THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D HENRY CLAN', Jax., GRORGIE A RNOLD, SAMUEL YOUNG, Mae. ANNA WHELPLEY, Nun VIRGINIA VAUGHAN, Wm DI. VERNON, Mum HATTIS CLARE, FINLEY JOHNSON, Writ* eel kr she GO PRIZE. - GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE ILLUBTEATIED DE AN & !ULM, Iletpeser. a Be•kes & Co. The New York Weekly GOLD," huh le ono of the await and test literary papers of the day—ea Imperial Quarto, esiatainieg sight pages, or /Sete eeisetea, of the moat interesting sod Wei• rioting residing matter, hue the peas of the seri int writers of the ds►, ELEGANTLY IILLUSTRA'rED EVERY VI, EKE. A PRZSENT, WORTIJ FROM SO CENTS TO SW Ni Will be given to each autecriber tamithiatety on receipt of Ow ►ubeetipdoa laansay. Tttla la peoeeniati as ► Memento of rrwo.l ship, ►ad not as an indoorament to obtain ratocribera. Ono Copy for one year $2 00 and 1 }WWII! One Copy for two years 360 and 2 Presents 1 One Copy for three years 500 and 3 *. Ow Copy for five years 600 and 6 - AND TO CLUBS, Three Copies, ono year $5 00 and 3 " - Fyn CoOot, orb* year. S 00and b .4 Ten Copies, one year ........ ..... 15 00 sod 10 Twenty-one r on. year SO 00 and 21 ... The articles to be yea away it. enotprteed to the followins liot' 2 Pussies Gold, containing $6OO 00 each. 6 do do do ISO 00 each. 10 do do do 100f4 each 10 Patent Lover Boot* Cased Watches .... 100 00 each. 20Gold Watches. 76 00 each 60 do . . 60 00 mat. 100 do 50 u 0 each : 00 Ladles' Gold Watches__ •- 36 00 each 200 Bllrer Hunting Cased Wat ches.. ... .... 30 00 each. 500 Raw Watches $lO 00 SO 25 00 each, 1000 Gold 0 , Vest. and Yob Chains . $lO Mtn $0 00 tech. Gold Lockets, let; Brooches, Ear !rope, Breast line, Cuff Mos, Sleeve Buttons, Itioes,. Shirt Rids, Watch Kays. Got.) sod Alva,. Thimbles, and a var iety of other artielett, worth (moo So owns to $l6 81114. We will presekt to every person sending us 60 subeerthera, at $2 each, • Gold WAr_h, worth $4O; to any one sending us lOU Pub 'tribe* at $2 tit a Onto Watch, worth $OO. Ittery sub,arther ill alio reetive't present I mroedlately on receipt of the money, the enbarriberr name will be entered upon oar book, and the preset will be forwarded with in one week, /good pr papropp, pat pea. ar All Prommuuleatioas phould by ouldrepord to MEAN is SALTitit, Pbernartobs, Lad Binedes:C. h.•). New Arrival of goo .). Ilia 111134 IT Ili TVS? RzontrEb at No. 2, Reed Hasse, w f,didk k • tarp Meek of DRUGS sod NRDI - rob.., A CINIX, alifek are warranted to be of the ant guilty and wbkb we at.. wllllng to dispose flat eery loarterins, Cant. Piperiae, Sulpb Morphia., rim Nun n•AI. Met Morph LOW .on CASK. : Chloroform kr. Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer, Pitch's And-Billieto lkixturr, .4 a Erlabsisamion, HoIdWWI Balsamic Cordial, Wood's Bair Restorer, alimbeld'a Er net Buehu, t merson'a Ralf Radoner. Tlioropeon's Eye Water, Plain's Hair Ir, Reemanty• Water, nvigorato Ire. Whites Hair Restorer, lhari:e Arabi es an Heave Rerra-dy Lyme' Katiaries,lte, ie. Ban d . Traek's Magsetic Oistment, Bag /I Tian Float Osborne? Bolden " Climax re, Mekllister's a Roger Li art Tar, ?anon s " Sherman'soMiroalan, Holloware " Ayer'e Cherry Pectaral, Bloaa's a Pilden's Plaid Extract Bach u, Rands Balm, Rushton's Cod Liver (Hl, Deillers Pain Extractor, Sismes Condition ponders, Kennedy, Medical Lolaeoarevy, Original Daodeltors (Wier, Whitcomb's Asthma Remedy, Formate, Aoodyne Cordial, Ire. WI/WOW . / Soothing Syrup. and other Standard Medicines which as will Inn at e bolero!, as low as any boa. nest of New Torii. Clio as a call before par chording glariviar I. L. I. BALDWIN Erie April 10, 18511. , J M. AIIISTRAND J tr: BEEBE'S BL cc' J. A Manufacturer aqd Deal in Hats, Caps, and Furs. HAVING wowed Ao appteutioeship of green ' , tan la the .it, a Stockholm, dgieeatn, is iba atamfsetort of Fate and basing waited flao years M 15iattosatrr at militate scot snakioe, Tura gaol Caps, I ootritawts bow the Fast with b new sal coin-. pieta stock of Hatt, Cato ha, sad will during the towing resoonj ataauhtelate rum RNMs auwarol that I moll le gendoral kattal faction, I re.pretlsny melt • tall and otaatioatita of Inv •110 , 15 , ken pri itre. 1 uw-boarod not to bo boat wets of ?few, 1 tick K. - 11totobet the plate, No. 2. Bosta's Sleek. A Great Secret. Tohoop pour Fan boat ttio melba, ar apollloo :atborwlmf, tat* lbowi to J. M. Ahlitttaad'a Mat Stove N 0..% boob/ wadi what* b.& has a room tor the purpose and will suanntwi them's. ine4 aka awl blight WAS bill u •thees litoupb3. All of which ho wriO do for a moil ••=siboa. Rrto. April Prof. 001.13413. A.31K3311.011"1"1=0 , M PZOTVBE GALLERY, MII moo* JD To the Eby Lastit 8u is la likteig's Ni.* Meek, Irboope be le =to cutest* Pictures of ail .17 Ike . l eptil 10. 18411. 1;4. ki4dffivi - ipoimE iiiin.. --- ;‘, i - 14 ,t,..d.t ooji e .n, Mid boat mot baskitytas, at J. Watigin4 l b. t''',._ - NEW nu AND lint ARLOINIXIO7. PASS ROW BOOK STORE 1 Elitrim, - PlasirlsTlS u Ankikt faeles4 • •••••i•onid. r e: Z im , ig , th e isse Li mid allsaimary Imadosis as Wilts bras more my aro bog is 1001111111140 dig vs sr* * s foil =lPllDooks $ 1 likadaink $ oso! sea vidaS es 7 4111moisorailso An Um MR kair 44 lbw do7. ) tia be bad of os as Sell so mr i a t z g a r m u =ll , eir•••ey ofylo sod lariop au alleys be Sewed at Ulkl kikkkikakiti. iklikek tide mot Woo owoetoris 30 be ant dose by 11.11. , Liink k MASON - .......- 111, al k illi " Ei " ' ' / G uam. mope mtt*, i tr ts aAr 10-As, Mist ImOsir AIM IT. ; J. L:AAA OI wiseir 1, iel pths• el MO. him Nl, 1111110.411111, UM CHEAP tfil be UMW al tbe naa L El= .:..~.^r APPO I : art. 2*7l INDIAN PHYIOIAN , (Late of St. Xpabt.) OF ERIE CITIr May b,• e i , ultra It+ l,.ilow,—F rr e of Charge Erie, H.. scliritemot is smitth dine* 644 thir Prath North Ma. 4 i • - a SR 7' Theeday. Womiaraday sal Tbainsds., .: 411411• ha mi . 4 aluirtlay ail lirvin lay, hay 2 4 Friday and hatia.., ont" a . INDIAN BOTANIC REMEDIES! In trealut.nt of de...so ma the Lcrw,e6.l f, mer. Ltrrr, Stomach. Bowels Heart, Yen.o, •• Scrau/A, Salt Rbryin, Xry.light.., o r ;may too all diaraor• ativrg froth Ituytt a llgr.it V 1344.8 Wit ea Mart rani Female Dln. Mgt" Mall Khoo/ alto Miters* oftahroinr or loos statunng oiworwo, hoer 41 won Dr. LICIIIiOX a World-souk repototsolt. Dr JACKSON will make regular visite to a lame coacher of the principal Towns to Ohio, Penneyfeeble. end Now Yore. PetSesta can thee have the privilege of cousultlog regmtarly, mum la lona ma i : one to three mouths—a nutter In very Mae case. impeotsibla le perfuming • cure. It indtlaeult Inc Malan to prescribe a , aurae of medicine aglow!, onie !Kurile pelliet, to dad a mewed and lasting eure. . INVALIDS should KARS. WDLL the TUNE! And oath /MIMI a. poadble. The Dumb limited and tbi gigot:d owels will be punctually kept mu, above. If deli with oaf CDROM(' disease., bo 101 P DIi.LT, lIIS these osly beds to confirm and render a ovals mom protracted and tililloult Dr. JACKLOX will ma* emarnieezl i t , l imliphlut py the , use of the Stab ifs , 1 ellail l‘' Dr. J AOKBOI, lan =r i triiiiit prilp*All ling his pat ieota. No false promisee will be made, be I,=i; caned, without enrrespoodaos pnoi ect of recovery. Dr. JACKSON doe* out tear d.•. t. lo Wild up mod oars no miner al poisons in any cases. fir JACKSON procures his ot ..I, mes trout the wilderness of the Feu Sleet. analyses and oompt.nt.... th,.... himself. Dr JACKSON w lobs It dtottoetty undoritood that be regordo Cox tic■rr Km as A emu ftsa. pato" +pod t trUllowr thbt bash 611 A i nut to pub rbm puck eonfiwo may rotlittitiod , by bla treatment. Dr. JACKIION, 4 although paying srecie6 affection to LLIKII, TIMM , AT, 6 / I SLT Mid Pasta&it enaltsatm aleo limit's to commits. floe. in GFIRONfe disease* incident to thaismaa system.... seeing many thoosand CAM. rlery rear, he la well prepared to ere On opinion es to the curability of any CM!. De. JACKA)N. %mild st ;so oat to 4111 prison slotting to consult Dr. J by letter should direct to him it Erie, Ye., giving biro a full atatemeet tritium. case, sod if they design to hare medtelom peat them by Lapreas or otherwise, enchume a reasonable fee. //Judith:is, . • Incorpw ted er 1*39--eharerr Pen)etteal Property leaped Agniteet Loin by Fire for any Terns wet exceeding See year.. 1 001.11:11N14 leotard upon the deposit of Premium Notes, or L u mob the pay went of the usual Btook Rates In NOW). WithOtit the liantilty of • Premium Note. Lou,, paid without litigation. flue suit ouls has era been In i ciht ftalnat this Company. Tkis mirsrp Let entsrelyfree fres ad is a oaf e hum anpilitniire. Diligq OILS. Janie. ti. tdorchail, 4' W. TO:kali , . Wm r. Rinderseeht, simita, John Zimniorly, Jul. Id Sterrett, KP. hi t ter, Thu. Moorhead, Jacob Hannon, 1:«ooro . Mot. a Mahhirt, We. #. Ram J V. Jeanie.. to YFICEHA K. 114Pbort, Pnro.t. JUN AA GUNN W., Set ' ri11.4111.3.1 11 TIIIMALS, Treat. Offictio 16,orallunnison ilk ileCnbary's lam one., Cheapoide Et 10, I 4,. Kriej April 2 , 6, I'IM. . . ERIE CI TY OENERAL rivanescz AGENCY! ..: i'l. .n Esopo+ Block, etwoor of Stott and Fifth 31.reetx, artle i door to the right, up Main. J. F. DOWNII4O, Agent. RK ilr.V.NThin tho following Companies 01 th e hag Aril dome: r, Chartsred 4 as 3740, RI Pessoserasia: I O%N'ARI) FIRE and MARINE Xnsurence Company of Philadelphia. Froakbn Bitildiroste, No. 412, Walnut Street. *tram/ y 1 avestiM, 141 , 00,0049. The Quaker City Insurance Co, OF PIHILADELFLIIA. Ur, Frask/in 11.64/ditsgs, 408, Waked Street. Comb Cuppised nod lYglaa e - • - 1103.000. ai in factimers' 11)mm:ice Coin piny, 0)F PHILADELPHIA. N... 10, Jlerehoute E.re4avige, t' A PI TAI., - - - - 8834140,40••. Krae, August I, 164 12 Fire! Fll4ll I Fib flit o To G. Ah 1111iNNk7'MS Me% tornerid k_j State an 4 Fifth street, Wrght's Block, op stairs, sad get )Mr property inoure.t. H.. repreeetst• the follue tog reliable t'. oo p i . aws NIERCISANTS I'IBE ANI I MARINE INSCRANC6 COMPANY of Philadelphia. Authoriard Capital $40114111.0. &rarely In reptealloloo,ooo. FARMER:4' UNION INSURAPCIit COMPANY, Atheist, Brad ford Co., Pa. Capital 11't9N14110411. An paid lapsed werurrly to retard Bate , * as lur as aiwurat) to the Insured will pormit, lair 11, Ime. (1. A. BENNIENT, As t. TUE DICLAWAtit MUTUAL SAFETY INOURANCS COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ....IuMIK now doing buslueso on 1.11. Mutual plan, giving the in sured a participation In the profits of the Company, without 8 'llty beyond the premium paid, iska upon the Laic sod Canals insured on the moat favorable terms Losses will be liberally sad promptly adjusted. ' i'immaks on merchandise. buildings and other property, 111 1..n0 Pr roontv7. (or a tllli l te d r c lMlLY: r t. , le Joseph II Seal, Same* Cllaildv . ' ehnond"Altrsder, Thouphilus Paulding, John I'. Darts, H. Jronea Brooke, Robert Horton, John Garrett, John B. Penrose, Hugh Craig, Samuel Edwards, George (resell, Heavy Lawrence, David B. Stacey, Kdcrari Darlington, Charles Kelley bone R Darin, .1. G. Johnson Willaufs Follwell, Mallow nay. John J. MeV 1111, D , K. Thomas, Dr R. M. Huston, John Teller, Jr Speneer liellTum, IeIIARD S X Itot'Lh, Etwy. :Applloottoo no Le made to April 4.1411. .f. ZEL1.004.1. Aging* arta FOR BALD. CHEAP. Apirumnip Jenny Lind, Patter% Roftßyotoir Boat. o Hair Cloth Sett Front Pastor Choirs, iledima sue easy Chair, Marble topfltand in carved frame, all mar and to eorrespood. Ilteniy a 15, IlUsa' Apply to I - I.I.SICT. WINDOW 451.01/4 IR* SOXIIII4 assorted slur just re ceived by T. S. SINCLAIR. Krt. Juno 15th F.CIn I W: ri77l THAT THERE IS .ON SALE CHEAP. A T lIANSON'S PR ACM% Cbarrion, Otranto and Tomatoes, 4 frr. 1. a. Nov Trait, prrterred la Al, Tight :RI le Ery cam. FRESH RAISINS, Currant& Citron, rigs, TIFPOT Ur awns and Nu of rinloas lands, I E I,:tr CAJLICS, tier fitted Taipe i ) prepped w. rkly ty an English Lady of this oily/war noted the hest Tamil to rim 4 T N:intrg SA la it Arrx, Crowto of Tartu., (*twisted awl r•ugts,, Itarkey s aria Babbitt's listing FAIIII Ilacearnal, VermtcU a, PaziFlL'occa, Ba ker'. Cloneutsts sae Brew% Oatmeal. ....lad 00 ka Biqa sad aakall Mies, Pickier, I'rper Ranee , Cabal", Warceorterskirs Haute sad Via V Or iar Extracts k SBLI.L.U,N COFFEE„ Essence "( Cake, pare jg refad Cor lit IS pee Ind calm of by e m thuch. postai, a, %whit, kin and other UR! .1 MN' A T li OiSON'S Cotk#l4: •Imo, liffitortrd 1.08 . Imprual Gut rooder, 'igen 4ilygoa p Low 113atio., Kyoga, L' T "%in, I iolon o sod other Blatt Tru k or aupertor t•y• the bee or on retail. CI: ARS—Cruabed, ilrauulated. Powdered ailAiln sane YeUev Cofrip, Kew Creman. sad W.rto itnak Segura , AT H.1N. 1 . S kkiN 1111011.4SSE24.—New In-liana and Porto Mr. , Molaraira sad Sugar Hotta* Srrop. TOOnlln'tt—daupuraur Fine Cut Cnru log and esetiel tad %skint! Ltaf, Looter Ar A 0.0 • PP/110., key tut we Meal *tot. —tb. /I PrM t., vat. t afford tot num. apace a... Luf MEI • , /....I,th part I.lr ryll bets told.au. Pri bap* r . !nay , ablutte oest n....k. 4 T H. atif91,41 4 bat d..P 1 .a. •• ~ -..4 . _ loaf coma aipi -... al ' .1.4 .ab, UM" 1,11.4. a filr Opp. 4 1) Je.• be led to tindaibt. .Tha ha, .• n. • to.d 5.44 ' lIMLDN'T voutArr Thu PLAT: . Ryi' ` jen. 1.0,11141.. Metall° p le m ll . ll.rt . Pt h zta i any lark ifr..tgli gal it l i lod tbito .tia ,ud rt,ist.rr. .44 Ailsd• t.. itiVir lllMenhOrt of mien .o•l4o,ylP4Sopolt the twilit aik. Erie, Jntw• ' TA. SIIIILAIR. FLUIDby an.l/44 - rw gallon by Jusw , IS. T.' fr. SINCLAIR. fIitirIWSSISIS• b 0 banes In.lino Pond seythe steasa ,1* crow wri the Wilms Sow ado ly J. C. Sit LINEN. PROPELI.IIB W&WI VALLIM BUFFALO AND GREEN BY. T it . Exargl.LlCK iallASUVALvlialr tap, on the npronagaavira lli i‘Wwa i rt. WO and Omni - Bay, regularly iaMlrta. eirrelaad. Detroit, Mackinaw terasedialt• of waling rill 4r aftanarcint .4;DM Dr, Arai Mr* I. MM. l 6s,llrmataaawia By. • gri.. Much It UTE. t 4 IS ' . -r _ TAM% 'l.l43ltVait— "mite. 16,.... 33 4 11111 riarg 4 • 411Ugaill itWart% WAWA. I mrselmpuivi 4441404W1t r 'irg Ible. hos It VP' • ' . , ii h_a' gII W*. M •ITIR, Plrelet 1114 i 41•• Va.4.ll,tits. , e Ptl•rt Fos which wilt Weise PLAIN AND FANCY RE Boots and Shoes of the Latest Styles AV PANIC PRVC.II3! LTss ma ono obtain • thotriot article at both nolo sad Clattora, Boots mot Moo ',Mast bulb! to cowl to tb• OZ* • WI somotional of the Mot litiotioat, I is. potparad fir4ro whirl will Itottaty not moot tootidlooc. B. Z.: SMITH, 1 12144 1 12, ISO. N 3 Reed's Block. -I- —it ka. g '1"1-13E2 LARGEST AND BEST IaBLECTED AKOOKTMENT OF PAPER. HANGINGS IN ERIE, CAN BE POUND AT ZICEIMMIINCriI I Thee. ()coda are from the BEST lIANI:TACTORIES it, the exited States andir=o. end include every variety ut Style and Price. and will be e Lower than they can be Bought , .47' any otiier "./NSTITI . TION" is this rio. Es le, ApeLl 10, ISM. ~ t ri U. klada of Coretry Prodree, for which the higheat mariwt . es ell! be paid by amtn, a BSMR,II.. 110 11Itea Illoik, -.- GIOITLIMEN WE odor for roar loastion, the lamed assortusint ot 11. n tlesoeas ftRNIS 0 GOODS, ...thought to this mar ket, consisting of Wrappers, fbrao,e,s, ' , torts, Collars, &, ifs *hail Dot ha isotlersold for the 1. sell Call eml see for .our- , NEW JEWELRY STORE ! NNE GOODS' CREAII BARGAINS: JAVC_PII BROTHEBS. AMERICAS attAxlC, WATT ABEICT Eltlic PA. , 4cAV' Mart returswd trona the empire Cite, • here , he. have mileeted a tine and nch Stork of JEW LAN', 1% kl . c Ili>, h.h, SILVER, Mated and Gold .peellecie., %liver. tiritnnnia and Plated Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, 1.0 0K.114(i li LA S$ 1!;,, .11r.A.*CrIr Ck4::)03:101/.. Ti 1., he.„ he. In relation to the LlnAemqrboy thrift, and pay sag 'rh, we bought ewe Goods Wirt, ler vent then., than they veer e bees bought Wore. .4 With regard to our Ammo wwwiefertme,er, the l'uldie ,4 ii&e".l Idlitat we have worked for Lie peel sine year. to We City e end supplied all orders in Jewelry and Enitraving, a ith lb. kneel co lete, eatialkallion in every Imo enc. on^ 11911 1 ! YOKONT TUE I'I.ACV d - Erie, filet. 14„ 1867.-24 Noir Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods BOTFALO CLOTHING STORE ! ! No. 7. 111...yrs's 31ork El r I . II earn,.., Iles's Overcoats, Boy's cortrooars. WWII Undo. Ca ram, tlnyr n er Coats, Beres Yeats. tits, Ups'. Pants, Boy s Noir, of Myers lalmi and linslit,ore. g eik.rsi issoormoot of i;efottirsoes's curroishiug eon. 01.4 in Wripper•, Unerr, •• at for All,k Erie, Sept- ID -10, --- • - - WO/ TR GR./UM-A superior tartlet.. for pesetas, dog Ries, Carts, krjest mer,coll at !Co. Store March 11 . 1 I - - - - {LEAN FS kit liKibtis s 4 a Good , d on"". for Sale on Trade or Lettouteiseararntrurre rep. Fri' end Naar p. order by Erie, May la, 10.58. g. w. ELI aF:l' I.A - Ve — scioksT --- AT PAR" ROW smog STOWE. 9 ./L: 3 CASX'Prik PII2iNgIiLVAIIIIIA ittirililerei. , Wharton's Preonknts. Whartotes Criminal las „ Grealoy's Equitv Males Junk. , Purdon's Digest, 3111er k gergreast'. I.,snytar Graydon's Forum, lirightle) • rquitl ^" Erie, Joao 11, 1/47. _./ Corn Shellen. / .tl.l. and get a good Corn Sheller for ONE DOLLAR. A et WWI fur &larger price •I the E at 3111. UAL E.EIE. CITY IRON WORM?' _ r -,.. ..../. __ it 5(X) L. Neat Eggs for sale by \ "WM 1 S/NDENSECIIT ).t. 1.3, OSA. the 1411100.011( „„ Kte-A quanta) J ust reee7ving Mon the south ( very nOw s eel tat Shouldent, rheaper than Port at 14 1 . . Erie, Map 30, T. / - / umber Yard. Tx itaidigieb cad Siding, Lath,Shleglee, V.1124:r 1 10.14., jf Bonding turro , r., always UZI hand and (Or I. m by Er* Jaen 30. \ _ , 1.11)141.1.1., PEKSHEY Jr co Zuwp - rAikv.-.A, I .ICrie, April IT, Ill& 141 .- rify - oTir CO - isint Dooi‘ at A • sna article for sale b T. B. nd Stores and Kip Boots and Bbo J Jr... Boots. SZWIP. / 1 4 ,,, A , Bootr, and p, at J. 1611CHE1i LOC it, Jr TH R - 671.1" • CT PIMA ET W RED it 4 . • y and p.,rroanent R e • Zrf... Rota by 11ruir " -o. boot the eouotry • a anti :•boro, Gait :.1.A1.11 Jr**. t T ADIA3S. please buy ).18riiiit jg every thing you want, nett I. April 17. FOR PUTRID - 801 UAst THE CORILIVEND Experience has shown that It , relief. Prepared by CARTER 4k DE O l._ than and event* , merchants generally &rot tete, April S, wok Friyour nay., Eines and Children's en and Slippers, of ell desertptlopa at April 17. , J. EIC7IF2 _ _ To lerehaats and Traders iiibral. OS others desiring touling done by sod from rai ler comudri k J catkins—in collecting &mount", iiitaining milers d. sole ‘.f merchandise, or notes traded for property or any atlieNpuslinton transacted, In this State East or Wept. The undershrued find Lis own canonistic', sad aliens hiseerske be contract or ae nine, and 'ringlet good security fortis" performance nt can eta Addeo. Y. Z., Pont Oak", Erie l's. April, 10 3958.-40. CERTAIN DEATH is genrantled to Clio. the taking of rry l small dm* anise PURE //ILLY Cli MI %E o/dby !larch IL CA N ER k ORO. WHt/I.IOA LE and Itertnli Dealer oak and lleadoek ieathrr Preach and American Calfskin's, Mnmeeo, Liningo, Kipa and Stipa, Threads, Webg be corrta, Leeete, Lastinr. Gat loons, flaninere, Nineteen, Rave, Wks, Per, Nails, kr. ke. April 17,11101. J. EICIIKKLAUD, Jr. THE ERIE CITY MILLS, iik.-- 1 MIL= PIEIVI•7'. - RAVERSTICK a CROCIOR, PropriOnno, WHOLI.IIIAI.I A.Sh RETAIL DIALII9 11.0 UR, CORM, CORR All AL, RYE, O.4TS, CHOP srurr, SHORTS LID Riu pr. ' FIXER of all kinds kept ' , constantly on hand, s bleb we w dl sell ea lOW as in other dealer in the city, and &mo I Sweat Wimpy within Swett" P o ut.. gAll flout warranted to be as ted, CASH paid IhrGraie—Wkeak osas Gyp and Dna wh If. S. If AVICKSTICK, Eli% July WI, 101.-11. P. Clif/L'ell. - . _ TAt'S K. TIN offers to any one in want of good aseetuiniral „ work in making new or repairing any part of rdoela, watches, li...refry or Silver Wang the nerviest* of competent workmen. Crit ical work fin watches and jewelry of the trade la solkftrit and at 'o uch Ia imam Oyu v i ewed. charged. All His latest ail lee of dock*, watehes,jewelrg WIN I • •rt Montt., card mace, eirrat....l4t,4. and Plated Goo Witt Pr a+.. fruit knives, rassea, weestirv. cad e. If CU* forerithin sin be I "veil low, and alnioaf „ money will be reerieed at par and see. rale, Nov. 14,1084,f-TI. .r I'STIN, - )OR 14.1,2 !! HUNDKEDs of Random/ Painted Wood See: Chili; s 'at ao cents each, Rockers 16 match. 100 .Each Erie, Slay 15, ISM. G - . W. F1.1..0n _ Lind Rollers. ANEW and tail/ article, now tnaklug and will anon le. rend . . at the EIRE CITY IRON WoRN:t. lilleßNlLldie.:Jusiticia and Attorneya Blank., m lull supply at Mar 29, LINTS k NA2loll'e, Cart Row Book 6t..nr WANTED ! A L.L of road-hand Dintog sod Bed Room Eursitum Ap pl I it this silky Kay 22, 1121t1. _ _ Till Et (=in LAMP The L'heopest and mad Brilliant Light ever In troduced .'—GAS NOT EXCEPTED. main Lamp will eve slight tqual to three fluidboar of two wicks tech, at halt the *eel Tide oil it NOT EX I.OBITE, sad will not rum up like other otla, sod am to burned in this lamp without orlon or lank& For Clareheiy, Storm, ranallea, at. tamp, be rsaalled. Wa illy prtred to supply the ,wmps, Shades, Chhoulee. India sad Ott to _ant quantities. CARTER • BRO. anuittfiatzummity. APJA. 11. A. SOILGAIA la now wolfing' a rich and desire M lleoto.ok of rastimil AN D American 11.1nery Goods Consisting nf every thing In her line, ton yarns's* to pirtlenna see, best which the kbdies of Die and •leinity are WOW' to call ana ennino pride. rirDoet lbw* the rlse.--East aide ,of Stair Street, is few doors above PoreY Block. trio, April ?A, IBMV-60 . • - ECBRE is a 6A tbat Valle/toe saki% ths wt YocM k Shoe. trot t 0.40. lelidr, as 4 Iwo •Ising• Meek on hum! of W .10. Mairifiadire. lid. le Id /110, oglu Mork, Lrie, il , ov. ort,l IBA rig. A. I F 1.5= 11117" .11IILII RIROTIFIND. WARRANIIiD PURL ,- . .. A CSIVCRILL'S RJETD MOW , f: ON FRENCH sr gr -in 1111117 ISIZANC. 1 etitlituisa. L. a. ti thenT hr resh , 1 • ' CiiURCEIML.L' A. Maher et stll4o , - cHORCOId./: S. Mmes of all Mario; •• CHURCHILL' S. file of iii Woo, as t.l/URCW/11: S. Rusk! Qua artio , . , CHURCHILL' t. rimplionharsati..swarkki parpmer, .. , • CHlFltilli cm RNs, NOT.l4,itit tet.d Haw an Fran. h :Q. FIIIILIMILICIIta siniaut AND 61411.D....:puiiwurpunot. to order *ad repalted: Also, takes iu for Trade, Kailas* sod Sale ea Ourelmakaa. lotrin tar >A, ZddL t the Nw F " m urnitu Sto a. irtir;,; Ty woad Plank awl Blorits, Clorry and Walton Lull other Umber, !mad assaillas. In% la lien. MA SWORD SUMMON I..XTRALT LNAPON, tor sok at km. Ug/ than New Yost sleep, st tb. WlHdoodo and ROAD Drag atom IL II Sod Mope. ll* Saw S. IS IL L. T. BALDWIN. TrirarW -- 8110.11 - 1 ID it 011 - B . ll —_ Sit! is =1 .4 .12 CU got supplied with a Nov NUMrs ilimM i l hair im alms ~ Sprimg Sod, with Ws maw may mo mthave dans tbr • rifts 1m a eimmetrtme Orx. 'Ohl m= AIM. - • O. Sr• tatter mod lielm il amme 'damp mi amd Mai** - VW It ' .. VIA amirirammk. , . CIASHE 1i ~' M I'l`~, A MERU' A N 111.0 4, • - vall JAIMCKI BROTIO:Ks rnrm I=l G. W. VI.IZET ram V Ices, *tors Ilatonws, HandUMEINIO JOIN OM cm..., Hill Clef t Cat Semi, Bud Saw.. &pm, T 1014.116 Shia Bonn. Mrs Total. CroopraToola, Batts, Starlanr. / fi r, Latetivas„:aad di Wads of :War HARD WARE. Saddlery Ilameia and Carlin , * Trimmings of all 111,11,11 at OM TIM 1011,1414, posaibla rata.. Crockery and Glassware. A lamp alwortrzont alocb sill lar Pold at • vtry small 'dinner Silver Plated Ware. Cake tbskri,, ('.,4 r., Candfo Stela, Spoons. Fork', gukteii, 311. ow . qua. Mulatittl SpennA, ke.; itarrzta.4 the hogiultty traritabetared the natal assn. ' Looking Glasses. We tau olniost brat the wartil on Lookinglanaes. It iv low bon to talk about eocupetiliotl this side of New York. Sere is the place la bay isiedliag Wawa sp' e shall spare nn pain. In keeping op our sew:tweet of lieoils to au p ply lye inereaning demand of our immense embowers $ 4 114% ROGERS k pCSINETT: ' Gotta Percha Belting. A Lit ..perior artiel✓ to the India Rubber Belting for sale by ROGRI*3 k agiorm % Very ralaible and Moak - 111041 laa weemeet. L. B. WHITE'S PA.,111.11T LBVE& TRUSS, !.7 entirely new article in the Trona Hut, dlerrtog radically 1% from an.l ►ll nth. r , in the wnrld, and is really the only lora rument cr the Land e orlivy of the name. A sheet trial of (hie Tru en by thee* that hate worn the old or ordinary %tad, will frilly prof e the truth of atatennint, noy are very light Ind eery small, tad can be readily adapted to fit any yeerson,aad the prwasu re eael:y adlnatrai to suit the convenience nr beeeesity tit the wearer._. Those • hour on unfn et line:tem to rep:it ee the std of noch.an lar. tro m t will do themselves a favor by examining this article, a taw of 1.•: - ch are left with the a.uthurited Agents In U. ie. h :•, Is:. Oklerriß k 1 ADI F.et AND GENT LEM KI4L'S Glove*, and Meier", the lar •Iwt .apartment in this t. sty, now neared at un r goedent t.ne Flaw at DARR k 13 HEWS, Fne, Dee.13,11451%—au. litiews Block. lire Bootless Crowd, oozes and Get Boo7S P 01? ~B OOTY," Anti Shoe, for Beauty Uusurpa.s.-w(it , 111. i I rad....lT all yourold sad get n • ' hr..' off I 01.11 .4 1 14 thil aam out caren#flta Oh o-iai rr n 'the ‘.1.1 'ear," and eotninewee U.eA I ry" new pear with new •tl ril" clean npecoME rrt,. It A. Rat. • awl pet S..a.pa &MI w..h pet le .1. aa ',e_i faro )M :F,-.1. It A. rtno shod get oils, anoint inn 1,11 , 1 y ..., t la• arColne to BALES & Deo'. and r .41.1 SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HOODS, COMFORTS, dko' and trr ern/ MUM.. / Cottle to lJ.rxx rtiot - a4ll i• Ittitt‘t rt a, tltt/t. tool t tt•l •tocA .• tutu mark.- t• and 90(.1.4, ,•••, tr. I .tfitt•ilts•: .1.1 3 air. It .1 Jill Nee ate! "et pro; ‘, .„, Conte Aa your • :Warn, ina.4.41 with riery ttnatt . t 41,Chnage for werehazot Como )out norrior.t., WM. ld your 1344 mr hack, come by railroad, tome on font tfii , k mool ...nap' . 'oar C. 4511 for goods 'therefor' will T el poor aunty bark rotor ' ran oappri tbo gI .I I • n on.l Lt. " I/at on.l t 1 tett, - are Marto goo bol* , Don't for ,(et , ARS WO kit IMINZIEMIE it. Ft .• .• W.lam,* for liewt Rent ' 4 , nip, Nlf Itioa ttlat•in• old •• f'.s rrauto, l,unr I ttott temau_., sa.ta. _ AOKI 4,1. rt !lon tn proportion .Pek. I=E2 GILAKS Dal siteli AAA at Q.. I)rotg of M orrh 11. I I:.tl Dit Balloon g0 .... ti - p .1. • fell, litkl' •tva Itt:t 3 11:1.1;- SCOPF: at the-store of i FURNITURE ! .FURNITURE! Wm. Riblet, Himself Again. Tsut•oseibss would Warns his hi...ads sad 11.0 [mid r• lists r I all% that be bits mansard the. &Iy 15 , IRS;.-1 I CABINET MAK(Nti t OWN AUIIK, at tha ttld stt t sod th.. 4 "ro, 4.( F r.erh k Littlatreeta. intending to give to tt hams to., time 'old nt ietltion. and to .n...rm to ailord satb.(nt ton. , 1,1 )) liberal .ham 0r public patronage. An Ititt.t• 01 aotA 4orr rtootp or roan, and rppairieg proutpti, done 0r..., N0v.21. 19 6 1. %11.1.1,04 _ WEEKLY A RRIVALS at SELI)EN'S. The Urand Depot for Shalt florslvororr , Hardwaie, RIII3B. r inl tte I •n•i •nd LI 71 with •m II"II Pntallinc• ni Aitaill.on.int • HYDR _ _ )10. 1 ATCII lir - little, FOX-sCli :-.:iii ' ..el hart, large anti moth at Erlo.4.4.l.tentber Al, IRS 7. . ,n1.1.1..\ T 1 NdELL , ULL..--Warmul6.l pur.:, toil...laud raw 1.1 t I e 14r In, ja vete Italia etatantilins CA/47 : Fe1l li 1f14.. 0 . KArr , si: ifl • '-' - - Vts e " - Pt it! 1t..,. .: i * .al 1... mfl hum: frr Riip Ci Cheap at Not. 'Jo. J t' -'II 1..% , ....., - FARMPOR SALE. pit IK au I mert ber "tient to sell DO arms of land sthisl , A in 111. , .I. borermk, Erie Co. Vs. about '4% warm south east of 11,1,,, "eek Delnnt. and ) 1 mile east of the 11etb0.1.41 Chum!, - n , .1 I.'lo 61 . 0 abOut illo am n under gat.% intro., men I. i 1.11.1.!1ri_., .1 , 11 watered, ki.. It contains GOWN 44 the Anew! land foolititrr On., or grain in the country, it will Le ..0 . .1 Inw, snot term. of }.corm tuatbeluty. Address . t it tIJZWIY C. ISAI.I4IC. Aug. V, lthrt .-elhlf . hart...acre...4, Enos t o I'm. Protectiour Money and Valuable Papers. ANOTRau into" Millis celebrated Eire and Ituratar proof Sate., now Vireising thr va titbit ton and sale. Them 'Aafett am ouperfor to any thing of the iotoi et er offered to tio p0f.1..: Priems varr from $4O to r t.. Jul• 4. 11/1417. FARMER'S ROTEL, Km?, l'A. J. J. Duncan, Ppprietor. •1 -acs tAtabribilment ham j ih#ool.tutlitt 16,44;0.1 ILEKITTEI) ANIJ ant' th Propri4.tor rreperttully anli,ita a cal!. from oiling public protrally,feellag that lte cao p..r I 1 1« ut,u_ogt .tgafg,ci ion. lltgriZTS moderato Erie, A 1, 14.54. - _ VT ryoh Hupa raprs.. rt.l, IS/. Save 'roar Money! noi.i.mr4 ran be feirv.i by eeelit Lowly in this c , oun . b. porvba,mol; their 4}T,,eettra mod Ptt. , 11•101.. I.lr at lbw heap Quilt Stara 44 IY y?. I{o.l4l{Nht lIT b'r 1:.18:01 • Clover and Timothy Seed. rain , 1.111 int of (lacer and Timothy need. M r r than elsewhere, at the New qn.cer • Store. t.• stet • 27 ISO. *in. F. N CAT. ON MANAOOD, AND ITS PREMATURE DECLINE. Juet ruhliehati, tiestia. 11. e Th.,h!thd A rgr WOI O TUC RAVONA 1 1 .1{AT• mEN - r• wtiAnut tte•l'rine. ni Slervnain , Tl.4 O pa. VW I.neal tCmalaneap, N •mt real 1:1.1 11,1•41,..11••••1.,,1.ndl 1 • N 1,11,11, _lllll 1 . at. I ittp•o•eflOT, liar - generally. hr I.'INEY, \I I , The mportsta , 6a that the tusa• .{enema complaint., nitians. Ling in tbo ttoprotleate atep eatitud. et It, mar Ge ns. mewed /ISDICIN 111 th liak..mail tract, rl arl, dear. °attested • and the .21rtlrely 111• w and 1,1,10. A n ce eaaftil 111. adopted ' by tlio Anther, lolly ...phoned, hr menu. wt ‘ tel, e=4ino intimated to cure. 11111 it I I. wet - mit,. and at tbo e1:14 therski t seektiog all the outs eethe‘l of the Sot to any eddreeo, 'Mb< all 1 lee.l it r tn.l. or. ;Op, hr mooning (pion mall) too pumas.. Axial.. to lit A:I.NY, xv East Slit street, New York 11 , . Elio, :he I thlx.--151, ' HOWARD ASSOCIATION, P H I f. A it is L PH fA• A Itxo. roirsi . meat fur th• reli.l of (Ar 'rink ettroi 11 larre arifieferi with Vetivr-at wool EpolevaLe tilt) all pervons alilleteil a Lib S. Lon. Jox , 50.... port, • MATO/MI:10CA, • SEMINAL WS:AISNE:it, ill Ft fipilCV, LVORRIPS.A, (MEET, SYPLI I Llx, t he %' e (ON A laAl. or .ELF ABL'PE, Ste. kn. Tbe now Atm A.4sociAnox. In Nst x el site slot :rat ruction of bosonn lite, mimed by Sexual •lierunr.. str.l the ,141}eptiOLI4 pf6C -114.1 upon the tinfortune rielltnntruel.....nours M QUaelnk,f/WINTILI yr...ago direr:m.l theta Cosissiltios star. e. a CHA BITABLE ACT worthy of their DMA!, toroorta a Disiorn.nry fbr the I, ewtot.nt of this rbo. of dieeiiers, In all their, i., sod to rise MEDICAL ADVICE 1111 ATV), to allarho astpl, by letts.r, nick a doer riplk.o of their condition, lap% neenpalloo, k.ldtr ot" We. kr.,l end an owe of extreme proverty,toFlllVikill KELM? CIIORIIK. It is mellows to IMO that tit. i..n r...triumodrt the highest Sadie:L.l*M of (beige, and rill fortilah the most amirsoce4mo&rn treatment- The Morten, or a rrriow of tin, past, (eel moored lltai their Istiors in this sphere GI bisomedent efforMtare been of reatibe Dent to tbs %filleted, especially to the rosily, sea they Wmr implied t o deTote thrbseelsee, with renewed to Wes on; imporlaut but much deeptard acme, 'Jost NMl...bed by tbe Amotiation, a Doper* eat 9pernatprr haay or Eterninallreakness, tlie Vice of tituirosm, llasturbetiot or Self. Abase. apd other Diseases of tbe-Sexual Organs, by tlietloganitius ilittrozi, , blett PM be meat V' amp, Ala emaledlottey entelerpi,) wr CRAWS, oa receipt of TWO:VAMPS Arr s tstOr Address, for Rupert or treatment, Dr. DEORAV, lA. 'A MIN, rionpritting Surgeon, llovard Ainunitation, No, nth Matti rbiledelpb la, Pa. • tly order of thi Dtreebirs. UNA D, its.havorgt.4Praidrag DEO. FALICTILLO, Surd/op. Dna 111,'67.—play. ALARGE Stork of Marrituae, . —.ip AL... Ali Slam, and COs ei4yiya Prints to bo sold very tow liar Coal at ___, arks aur = SARA 111 tainutirsi. luziois AND wiScossri iTUßNCY — takrii irt - par --- iiiri io for Liao& or ou bebta, 4 by trto,Des. 19, 1667.—1 it . Si C. 111411A:t.. "r‘iitlANT Portrait sad Pleura iraIIMIN Gilt; 4iiiiiii4iusa, CU ri OW auot Owns Illiviem, mist epodes it OW . POW*? r" 4l sam anarada. On atnn• rtrt• t, f EVERY 1301)1! R...dy Pat, tiratertea .kt the N• Kladetneelit, nm .tatt- : 4 1met, at the cent~ pnata. 11 12 , 4, 124 • 12., 14 I - pousk4 ale 1 . 1. all .13. R • {4er 1,4,131111 10 I sit %/.i N %lore rwit 15 11 Y RINDEP.S} IMIZEE ECM CARTFR 141. %ire; a El by , -4 ity • ~..,. _ Are Y. _ ,Alesark ' TIAEI) - it; ItREY BE , - uul.spioietmkr setassbac• la lbelt frunalasad t.hr 'oxidic iFniitlalba tbrehav• la ibil establistwogo forn.nly r. wittkb, •n Mate ptieet, neat Mosel k (& Y Vat-'! lava bow on bawl s Isrgre sad brtlataldarlivnta' . I at: t tarr CARRIGES, in'aerirs, Ar doe ow Won" irleletb, far Ape, durabaltv, and e4rfataw at am t aVorrlor to,ilaytblair larestoraira aganail In tlilacit . r. afatpa t amb , -r ert the teat ...Arta In anarel and 1,,,n 1 t,-.. the meats"' , and /Pita tha.tr tonj+raporimactria Oar '• wa ars. an as *to calaidhirAle• kat.4 *AK/ or . oil , • 11* BEST MATIIITAL at ill tltalitlhltt - can' ha had are r.,1 inf all their work: ' IT;liatidaiettlall 11441 inetualnolt : . PAINTIAO :ANA ,T41.611,NE1, , don. on abort an:,IV 'r.s.ouisbly IY,rfill i • ' Cr Persmo 4 ess 4.4Sray sisisvisimerett of issvisic I i.ssis i ematated to tlaan au suallskarttia„ am& 1:44-a1.q...1 to rssr,y kot. liras well aa4 f the) a tlequlrdln pen..m l':,ra. a. t. t hic 111.1 k I an, dairatd• iratkarltrthasmo b. lb.* a Saaratai , tt IA gh a fir ~) it c.. .s. , is Its, 19. PV:sS t , , I, 911100.- . - 01 1 1 •. . - I .• - • " 1, . ..m....m.••••••••• • •, mennora•••••114, • %ammo.. . . T o. NEW FIRM . IA T Ili k; ERIE CIT Y IRON WORKB . , : i rt b.,, , l m b i tth i e . ,-; : ,k : \k, 0 N .: 7131.1 " ( nil l it 1 54. 1.10 3 ;i4 the r : ' ll''' r and ..,., 1g , .. L ..,,M, !, . f nit.”04b .. e . ,:f1: , :;41. ' 1 11.: . .. •:.:1;,..... ‘ ' .* l. l . /1. tWI I . fig/V.1111 , V k Ca.. sod sis in.. f lippi i tag 11..0 ... , ‘.1.....•• . t. ....,., . &It ~bll,,, ..,„ 1,..1.0.4u , !a low. 1 , ••• 1 1.• .• "C..2I6ESX'II:LVCIrS '" Art. !low '.‘ ..r v el.; . 1.1 ; .1;r1; r. 6. M A C;11 I_ IN _lt: I: . Plows, Sleigh Shoes, Plow Points, &c A. ht. raporssUr to nut.. r •. r ././// sump at tb. tam.. 111111", hay. tl“ , Atle V g nieW,Vs 4011141111 0 1 a /mu .valeasavi or t llacl 4 , UV) Itt• .11.• Wray that So. Ittl'lluvt Ur. 11.1.1 mt to t tllll l , il'erreor, e.h.a. on 11.0 Sttwt want team Engine t s 4 l / Triert. Deering. Agri cult mplenients, &c , r A I.OV I.t!liT. FOR M.. 11)) coltaorr. la tr., , ;.1 1 (P 11.411.0,„ l/11.1 iron. 1 ••11"; ; k'. tr. p• $ anti naaot at t , r , •4 0, ./ h • 111,14 dr,II 1, tITf it I, 1 , I 1.1 V' . . AK1...1,t1.0. 1V.i..-',1.7 •[ L I • .• .'•. g 4 'itT: Yli . ( AdLB REAL ESTATE FOB. S AL ' L. • ..e• /I:Yr .l •gg g , Y . r 4 Vba ir.) r, :,.. iL 11.,/•.., Lot 4 ti,..,, ... ''.....,...., 41 P.ILII4ung Loth z t., , . I I ,"''', It. r. "CA I.of ' 4 OOl, .gt a n g, n , 3 n ,•-..1 g++. I Fsrm DIU WV.. 14.0 cittcr,,l ti.v. : :,...,.. ',mite. (rum %forth FA*A, Ina pl - Lo• ''' Fr. ( I Farm VO 54r.,2,4 - init.. &nn) }:,ii• /:a• • • It I . SCE* Oilt 1.01• e 1 1 7., i....., .t• Y. , . •. I. i 2• In 1,114 ( illy gf T ‘r.r.g ...g .fg, 110011. 11.0 01 1011. r 1N.,. 0t..1110.11. , 1A124, )f,t.i.," ,o 1.,. .. 0.4•, /1 t..lnh4i•i, ,1 tinta.An..ll:•ing: • • tlf ti-low LA ,ri I' ,' .• • ' v. I, gerrogoiggtin 1.12. tt''..r 4,4141•01. 1.,¢. tl At 1i , .,.,, Kth. 10. 1 .: ~t. 4.,. , it , , .. Thr .411Hkerkher hevin7 ,iet•arrimed LIG•11C1. 1 , 1 ill° 1.. L m the CO, tale. kip , t4 LI.. .1 , 11i411..11 0( ; t 1.1,11 ul ,1 111 ,- C Pl•• • • 1.• • .0/11 .1 4 . It. .1, •• • Iff the ro.tt. vrlntini.; n 1 11••t11.10. V, the zt • At... IN• • (.1.1.m) A. 1.14,. a. .' 1..11 • , • 1..1.1 • 14•1 rtr I ,4..1 ant .1 I ILI( C.,11.1 Lr ut Th. , 6,04-30,1, t , .• ii• xr.plf. purely-.• tub a« I 14 , 01,.; •••• • '•••• • • ••• papintut Ejilp,l'4 4. it, iStoI .. WHO MADE YOUR COAT ? It irrs ef , o NKAT AND IT I. A p-tlr , t .., ~, 111 ,, r f , or ., llt \ \l: 'Ar ltiNFl* A to, • 1.-r, 1.... , . a 4, • .4 Ith't you 1L..: I.A. i . im. •( 11l i -, :i.••I r • . wroble CIR.& in ILI* I 1...•1 .r,....., ' -,- ~, ~, ~1, r 45/ ,utwortk If 1 . • .1 v. Int s, -, 1 • , I • I 410 • •V •.. , ,I , . ) 1 ll ‘l.l srtielv 'f Furnishing Goods, l \\ 1 0.11 on Wagnnr, be 'mai mit %on ~ :, ~ }• . Wm 0 in terriy.t of s -tip , lb ple.ork •1 am.4i CLOTHS. Q' 11 II V.ltl , AN 0 k.ril . I Nt.'• an es,on•ytli••n of Lk ntoek rrl• i t 0... I , r,1•• , s I t ter.o In, t4.:1 I f., .l th. 14., Ikl, ry II 1 \ , ... . ~: ..' . tprit 1,57 -17 lAT MEAL, Prall 0%1'6 $, P'Brn., Juu. I.k.fi. vilo, Itt t t ti. r.. 1 . _ Not Infallible, "Vr ET no Ullarr ltemlielt, I het ere , • t 1.,..• , • • I Jurain rem:with: ti., t0r,,, , ' o, • :1 . dr AT “rzt, (body, prepay..., I•r• t ne, Nei 14, Itr.•7 lltirl4:F..—The 1....1 i.r. istock end for 1,-,1.• to 1 1011/:—By Hr., Ilarrrl••..r, t •• . II r 4. , ,.. ~ April •23, J J, , i, t' r, t s , Erld. i YU! 27, I:`,. 1 0 1:11TE TArlt.. stArh,r.v, ....., t .., ,•• ... ••• • • . r . • .0,. im .llll of the Let,o - 11,1, tr. ~Ali.l i.,4. r. , MTA - gb tit - Ci 'lt 14111 VIS D, the eon, i, ~ arts..:... dept. 12. t!,•111. I ::'t. 13 - 1"112.11/LIVI KNI \ 1.,, "s<,., t ...., rate Cuttom, :It N o , ...., lARtI rim -\• . I IV tref, . 1- El . 1.1.0 n nnnmirnment fr .. Lot. at Enr, if a) .:1 1 . " . 13061 T 31()NrIlt.. JL t .11 ACI•1 JUIT /1•47.- 2P0,000 FEET HICKORY LOGS. 'Ting : , .1.cr,t,« . r., • Jr, F ... .14 , i:i" •f " • 2011,000 feet of.llt..kary I..nrgtirrisvc n•ti Ai for - 4 . 4 , 1,0 ttir Canal. T.,. (tl/.4 r 1.4 .! • for Isa•nilin4 Knott' no. , " Lyle, A ugruqfk,l‘.;7 WiiiTE ‘. fAttifirfit .n trat,J L. lat ~ I by the bol lban-r) Al Ent,. June I+,4' 821 Look Here! rue llllllloCribei . I. I Int orm (hat , the *tart on the nom, or Eighth tn. ~.n t. qtr. may no found wlt ka ..rorerion, Ir ru ill s and ln.la" 1141:2 I entetattnn of tlor '0.4 too• r..n / Kr Railroad—hr I. ~Mort rept•••••••?• and nerst o - and vario.tl% ot Orr hint rail Fri..: April 1 FOR RENT. . putt permute ;mom ,-.3t and •Ir.r •. 1; Now irk mow.. nf Jan. -t. Planing Mill. Lit Mat 1....111r•1at•4 /Ixt• •10•tln.• 1 •• • / rah tIT 11:• \ I Ln au. MUNI DAfirst r*te I '0.4/ h, tl. t ••••.: 1,4 1.1 1 .1 21)(10 tn.— tlito «k«., tier. I•• 1-•:.• i•elt -•••••• ••: 1 , 4114. tt If. •i; PROVISIONS sINVIVAaII I,u7rar .7 7 . 1; 7 .11 114,f, lir, lorrtl3. Sang., "M\.t 1 r•rt;. It I irry art , I , w4i ..I,skerr.. Clare... 1,41.1 r .1^ .'r h! maN II 11 • .1, r ( I IMO) CAGL:', t o g:.41 ,ari, I. , ,t , t4F Dialsfs, ttl , r.— Appl• ,3sIWO, t. Arrant., Plutu,a, £.5 , =IZE New Arrangements. mcc.t rrsit, lots ing ci i.•t. •• .ct • ' • - but.. •d the tate Lim of 1 •mit k 11 , ic , er •• ‘; • 1101 1 . 10 , .100 Flut•tt..... the littim.•••••• • •'1 he •,( -•••.., .• tly W,n U th , ••l4 pta.:l•l Act...rt. b. wll l 1. r. .r.l • 1 '1.9 I • NI ill 41/ Ike 014 CUP 1.010 4 .1, ol 1110 11.. 1, • 1 la. Ile IV many DOT outs nor • ill k, ..r 1.••.1 wt. • ...lc Fab*, . luny ) l - r•!: "tit l KS• Imk...fttte 1-port...t .•••• • • ••••. ••. c • • . 111, 0., ...Ile ch./If. .1 FARMERS. lf f . 44 II leu. foly 1 1 1..; frh.t4i 4 ro• • 1 and ( ;10ft:4 /1. 4/ N. r or ty ohtaond,l *too .Icoo4*. I4a pp., ••• .• ng Cnunattnt• I. hent• U.. f ..e 4 st .• •fl f •P. • - ding trawq..0, , ,t1,-,, „ , • “• , 1 • •, No to k..,1...4 Work, -ist.' of F.rse. InnrZ, Vs: 7 ItTE4Z • • MEDICAL NOTICE, Ti unqieraigni..l • ..tthl ralw, ttalit tot •:111 11.• MT, PoWte caberally. that he hap ; Practice of Medicine and Surgery. aat • tii FR*IltSl, Mena rT, 11. .1 t r• • I I It.. 1 .t I • • Veke at his wow, Pt ‘te Watttbuize Nos .11 1.:;; r ,%:•11 54,: 4ell'Ilt11:4 it SO ), TIN 1., A. • i •. (..0t Tll.ll I). A P.1:11,1 \ o hZ..., 1,„„, Nag :Atom of I I 11%1 It‘t WHY. LET YOUR HAIR FALL OFF. rift b.eomc 'Dry, harsh and Priarr, oh.. you elm n t_y mi b onp,aaaant ?Dada by prnenting man. Otte of ti, , ' I. 11.0. IsOont Mi sod loirtly n %Tensed pterdmiti. blruAllen'., Woetdok Hear Iteetotirr. Zrlo Ronda Drsintrr, Nis lun" Inalturetot, • hary'a trionnhann&A, Lyon'. KAthetioo. hinhida Iteir tam., llnraioß beat, A it to be had et the F tor. , ..1 I A ItTI , Mtn. CHO, net, al INV: er. - Stalk tt ANII 1. 4 S S tz l re itaw and Stalk Cattris, tl r "1,13 ina , bbar fnritio pa • tbot vatialiea eTery body. Manutaeturtal la 4 libk.l kolfwa nd Re 411.11 1.11911F.1.1., itrioqis kr. Cultivators. gs.KA Xlititta patent improved t t ,attlrat.or t..41t. A 1 4 ,1 ‘ ,tit a tallt, en inutellent Wick, al Om Jaw JO, libt. ERIE. CITY litt.tt ?tii it t;t , Afiiii£ll.Blaiiiirdit;-Itki iios1111;;Iteia, Vila t ;In -9:r,,. priesanitA; t iikk I J. C 41 ' TIP .t.; I TRAT PARTY, ! piramtcre it l i iiiptiety . , 14tnielit of gust, (mil MIMI A i .p: • .4 ViloWa. Spilt a 14intal, " . thane, - ()lanky., , - n Leara. " itiutia.ri,, to flute Attreetap, " tuna. tir:gret, w I mot. Bsperlise 014* Oil, Row Water. Gritaline, atiS mai o'l , , 1, n oninimadls. • - CAlaltii k. hitt% itilliteilnaaflils6ll.-:t1. 1111111104- . -- Ji — Teri einjejtiitAft uf Cincinnati% gussr entail Can - 1 now brollbininilWitt i . 4.,.. , " - • 1.41/PCS. ''' ' -, •'''' r ' intiumik ' ' ' gerinlter lar 1---- i. .lt ..)...,LAW.,-....9.114;;*11;'• • . V.., ... 111 ft7-,. ,:,,,.1110CF,Iti!"4:„ ;., * . 1 3 46 , ''... t0,,riar.,......„,, .. ', ,„ - Z I " 1 • 7 1 ; '''. " !•: - -'a. C. mussy . , .. -ji: .• . =1 MEE = DEMO =I I=l I= • • ..• • 11 • - I I • .• I s. =I =IEEE lEEM3=II =EMI titV"r`,••l;jttN IN Or. 4 ~ ..armt.4 4 ., Br r. CI .1 ' VI - irERViV3 • .4 _• MI 1i717 Boot ana Shoe Stoe No 2, 1,1 k. 1.6,114 . TAit. vc.p t • U. • . 1.4 1401 +lntl+ Iritl.ol.l Is.tr.••• •C : tare r." ItiLir.e, 1u fr x •r, irs a ....Or en•Jrr, d. I(iie 1 , \I/ ii. T..tt.sl+ t. •,i,•. •ut,b.rr, • r I .81.1 u t +, + • 8( LGr trie.ta,u! r+yrai,... ..4.1 t ,, / j u IS, I. ••, I Itta . rs n r f •:r.4 7•01 , In• :Arum—W Jr e b ••••!•j• •••la• Ise l• •• s • tor uu , .041 r . r r or • k 1.16. 16 r es • :Lk fa $3,i4/ t Alto •;Li+ 14) r. 1301 S' tv a 6lla bon , $1,1•'•, to $2; (.4, '$ r 8,. ,i.tr /ow r r+,.. f. 11 ,?; ,• +.• Ald .itrrilit 11 , 1,8 ck {al, • ‘1• • • l.s i rrt•• .D•. ell' • 4 P t •ri t ++ /+ 1 •rs...••••••r ..r Lin.; ok,1•••• .• It 11)0 1 ,,, f plior of Si p•r 1.1,• rd „, (M s . 18,', It ++.l4 „I.:, k+l I ?lir 11 i N at ti+.• I.,++!, .1 l“. st•ni: ; I/1p or In f. 014 1 1 . 11.1 1 . 1, tnark.t l.e t•••••. . 'lard Tense* ltlvet weroly ~0171 e, .44 , 1 h. h. off,' 11.1 , L3.1 La•PL... 1 • I r • Nri • 01•• • • •13,15 tr turn 1, • • , , it , nr trade. glen. . _ • , a La at r• , 1„r I!, =II ---. ~-._~=' - BOOT AND SHOE STORE, 1V1M7(7 Wholesale Bon e AT NO. 780 HELL STATES.? •„ o 1 ,\toi wt. 0104 j t.• • 4, Past W S4 t „ r, ..• . t lamel) DRY A 1”. Ern • )IiTED sTOC KS oF GROCEI , s lie, ~tkSk•►a;r.N•t. • sr:, pct.- r x t, It etrry 1=1•1 • . • Tr, • r• l • no I %111., Zttlefltloo /11•41•••1 1, • ,•. b, •• ”er 1=1•=1 J,/ /////,--ib/ 2/1/ „„ , „ /4/7/, =1 11.1 11 Buffalo, N. Y., cor. Maine and SeLou' Albany, N. Y., 446 and 448 Broacway Cleveland, 0.. coy. Superior and :-CDECII Chicago, 111., 48 Clark street. Detroit, lut., 70 Woodward A% nue • %% 1 41.0. L. pa. ...• or. . •rt Prankil. , . tl • •1 , • oI al..tT. 1.144,4 - p..l rime • ( 401.1 llf 4/ Mil 1)1l). , , I 1 ••!, I •nr t • k 1111. !..1 111. 111 11111111. IN =II THE VERY BEST ,~•....~ COI:NILES AND Cl A 1..t1(4.1 s , : „L AM), 9 i 'lf No,t ‘l:ll.rTi aI:toNTI la.. t.; I'lll • • I_.. • ! t .tt ) I{ 4 kTti 1 "N 4, u• li~ 11/11111111115 101:1‘.." • • I r I r i t • 11:1 1 ()IA 1;.:•- 4 0 , 1 • • I w iN l / 1 )%1 4. r r s