EY OF PACIFIC NEWS I,ffill • Itt'u -put l'Ahlornia, Utah, ogio n, I river, the Siad ioaragus, New Granada, the 31,1te.) ip Scar of the Wept is due with c Pac,W. walls and $1,500,000 in f r ill C.l;itarnia is unimportant. the 14 4tical campaign of ISSS pr ogr,4 The S9D Francisco ,a i r dual, owing to recent heavy -;rot a the Frazer river gold mines _ ci ao People on the spot rep sad quality of the dust as equal row placers It is estimated y thousand persons have etni ,fly discovered diggings. From •tb of July no less than thirty , e‘ ; trout San Franoiseo for the ducct, all of which had more or bound for Frazer river The California appear to be making their power to check the exodus. a ced !bat wining operations had in consequence- of the low stage i tat rivers, also that the ruiners vrcre tr vast of provision , A San Fran ; velar, however, stales that the de rrisious fur Frain - river hasr . Phrtial. li r i g to the excessive supplies that :tit - spied New gold discureties are reported at t)sysu's, eslifortia, and it wu < du( fined pro. portion‘f the ensigratiuu wetald le $ tnts new point of attraction the Legislature had u .1 41azon Smith I nited States, tieuaturs, of the admission o( the Territory •, ,vu by the las( Congress The lu -4,0. tolerably quiet. lien Clarke active campaign against the 11i...0na we have news from Av.).- r , solution in the eity of 11exi• of Ex-Governor JU3U J ove 3 i.n w. authority All the part ten r Track d us of this important move s eisvahere in our columns tiran.ida we have news d a tel AuguA The most unt : urtant 14 the page of the Cita., tier ran with the alterations made to it by eat at Bogota, the partieulrrs of veu in our paper• thi4 morning o I ratted States war rhtp+, ant but Panama Ileavy raiu4 hut fall, n to It was hyped at l'anama th.tt t qtte %.muid continue to be pr,lit. g uwr, owing to the difiet, (ran , DOW to progrt to trout Sail Juan del Norte reeen ii!! Ytate that the Nicaraguan go \ •tu favor of M (anal pi to those 1.1 opo., d .1 .I.• /ad Wt.-Lsit r k I Ic I/ Cotutuodere ti Dot blifficielit to impress the Siva t with t ttrttart. Lim :Lpita the ;South Pactlie 1.;• LialL LI at i the of June, an 1 at Callao i.i Loner, who it, , at • L... I.) ttic Pthruviau govcruto. ut ou • ...ou•toutig 111%.1'1 , 11 ul that 1:11 Ala. la, at. r, 'r aLd t olt [let 11 tltil4 rl ) rat I . 'u t, •t 41 , 11.1 .‘ I.L. •eu 'suet. =II REIM =Ell toU LA.I 1111 k •11 1111 lau .L IL. I. • 11lat Al 3 irlch AILIk 114 J Tt_ui ir 1/ by ettett • Ll tbk' 111 k Ot tile (1111,111 - lai r I; di•vr e :aba. d, L. lb • . 1..11 In Chila thr .itit, .11 v. ;1, u: „I out in 1/t• I lit .11 I , ; I:1 • Na-Arry b,urs,.: al\ °CO vaigiktly ‘1 Itlnt tarlltat tact • !row .''',llB4.vs.k 11 I 4ni.l--i; .1-t t f JUfir Tkie t r Thu:thee ::.• bt, It, itidt 11,1. •1114. , UtAl 114 g 1. , rGI 1 O,UUi , -. L.d rt.lii,Ll t.. Lr ILI ti‘ w , 1 .1.14 U 11.411 .1.11,,1-1..1ad I LI • Uild. r lavortibie Cl.lat. • Lad f ur ,„• 4 th. , it‘iyhrlorp i u. r‘, ul 1111/1 I , g..int 111 L i , F I"RIF:NUn1I11 Virgiu:a. :•ud Mr 1.:,1%,;,1 Kab:l-, are Lit t0.,1 ba%ing pla)matr•e *LJ lii n,,rir ME Aft. r a long r.e.paratiou they Vnaty I. the Planter's 11. u, The w 2 t:,11 . : awakened, and the Iwai ir ied:And .. a:netl - together Milli litirtiri into n• Cryan—how Burns had 111. and hi. 'tie than. fur' wenkly depleted his 1,7.120 Mr 'turns Kw' ke 'II ',L.' 1 , 4 k,d 441 (1.1 0 '., he 10110 , 1, if it wa., Deed. , r emend to sings et C. yut On call. dat plu offi e v, Bryan, who had in-t, romplaiued 'lst 'weir stolen friar htm ,te the a' tin_ Itd to a eorde—ion that ts. stolen from Iwo he had Tn.., Liu.' he was, then loekt4l /h »plena EltY corm paidetit of 4.11 Tr.ibil it, , I h-u t a n bil Isseu discover, d in IVliitei ilLits,,• lie says: ortitsio'n to dig a we-j . , ?La the libitig Ili down about from se4rairie soil, upon a ' 11- ;.iittable soil, e,nt'aining re. I ' 4 ' l ea tolerably good stale t i pr..m resembling e - edar, ke. I this stratum, -Ito work • made of Gt stout=, which ' tw3 aL lit the siz,. an'prclinary t'?. to ho a f.mt and a 4b It the r It was also found ttnru brad not dug dot. n rcactly well, but a few inches lur•aed their and "sail w . , from to lit fret deep, manner It wa.-4 filled rail., soil and remains of 1.. tet, I. w, II Upon clear. I t 11, ss.t. alsundanee u to l uil in the •; a i It: n h stone to make , yowl height l'ho sail , ly different from tt' , tt t uthling somewhat the il.••• •t of blaek vegetable •• .1 uta•l the workmen built ii • •• •••1•••nld have gone down in • - .. f r •hut reeent. rains A• • with .-1.11, fru r, et of water Aug 11 —l,ll/0 evening '14,1 u.n .1e1:, a t• rrifie raiu aid u,th thunder and "tir?.d in this % - itinity. Many fen. Wl.. and the eon, in many ' , O.'. Ali 1.. the ground ‘Volf. bet w..en filly was Itil:ed by the light, 1,1, house about keen Indets 12 : , i tit! = of FANATicihm —Mra, 6 .f Mr Go, Chadwick, of Peeks% cf.uutv, N, eat off ber ILr vorlnt and whilst labor. txclictuvoi Sl u t had recent bay, • if thine land "at rt iThu Wolit i d a learible rteovery is doubtful. 1. , :t tors from Utah up to July 10th coaling previous edifices, and describe the return of the Mormons from Provo to Salt lake City. With their limited means of transportation,. at lost a month must dupe before they can et back again and be settled. Governor Cniamtng oas ti u nee to be treated with the greatest possible consideratioi by the Mormons, whereas the other Gentiles are left severely alcine, and.are compelled to sleep out of doors in ambulances or wherever they can lad a shelter. The correspondent of the Times says that Brigham Young and his _people are very anxious for admission into the Union, and are awl* every effort to accomplish that result. They maintain that it is their eonetttntional right to be admitted, and they desire that they can make a law legalizing polygamy, and planing it within the charmed circle of "States Bights." They do not admit for a MMUS that Congress can impose any condition upon their admission prohibiting polygamy. "Within a few days it is probable that their loyalty will be put to the test. Judge Ecklea, who is bold- and fearless in discharge of his du ty, proposes to issue writs at the suit of an ex- Mormon named Wadsworth, for the arrest of certain parties at Payston, seventy miles south . of this, for kidnapping Mr. Wadsworth's adopt. ed child Mr Dotson, the--United States Mar. shat, is expected to serve the writ within a few days, and to take the aceused,—William Young and George Wadswoith—to Fort Bridget for I trial This will test the power of the law, and show us whether the threats uttered in my beam ing—that any man who attempts to serve writs upon 'this p,ople' is to be shot—are idle or otherwise " A few days since the Mormon Church turned over to the army a portionlaf the cattle stolen last fall from the merchants by Mormons. Th..' numlier thus_restored was 19t head. Of these Gilbert & Gerish got one steer out of 145 stolen; John Radford, muffler, received one mule out of losT, and Russell & Waddell, 196 out of 1600 taken from their trains. The Fifth of July was not celebrated by the Mormons. The army fired salutes. GAR HUN° THE SCRIPTURKS.—HOMOO °Tee , ly, in a lecture on the sin of covetingCubasayq: .• If any of our readers are infected with the Cu' Loa fever, or are in danger of catching it, we will thank them to take down their Bibles, and read, thoughtfully, from Exodus , 17, that com mandment which runs thus : 'Teo° SHALT NOT rovv:r thy neighbor's house, nor his wife, nor ox, to,/ unythiny that is thy neiyhbor's.'" Our .harp cotemporary of the Petersburg Ex -1,,, takts up him of the white hat for his igno• ranee of the Bible, and says there must have b(eu poor Sunday schools where he was brought op. Let us, says the Erprrss, enlighten his be nighted mind by informing him how this divine law does run, J:xodus rx , 17,) placing in ital. , onie of his rentarkallu omissions from it : -Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, t shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor las mon .'errant, nor he; maid servant, nor his ox, nor his to—, nor anything that is thy neighbor's." Ilorace remembers or respects only what suits his creed While the Express had its bawl in, it might ako have reminded Greely of that other commandment, w ic h sa)s : !•Thou shalt not .‘10% . 10 l'Ao Es OF THE CABLE.—The New York Tribune refers to a historical fact, which Th.ws that our last war wit.L.Great Britain pro. bably would not have been declared, if the coup t Iliad at that time enjoyed telegraphic commu nication with Europe On the 18th of June, 1•I'2, our Covcrupient declared war against tiri at Britain, under the inspiration o( our 3,,uoger, mere ardent, less experienced RePub lian pulttieifilns.of that day, overruling the jail& meat of their older compatriots, who had endu red aud Mill rr membered the trials arid stiffer logs yf our Revolutionary struggle. We bad many causes of complaint against beast Britain; but 040 ct the most prominent and palpable was bssed on her Orders in Council, by which our ':trade with the Confluent had been most outra g ,ugly harrassed and crippled Tlt..r Orden: 1. ( IiCI7 had teen ryrulegl luffrre Ire tiCattrell ,1t,.,, Ihourh the filet nas unknown and unsus. • .1 , d h. ot- Had it been known—in other ii „rd., bad the Adriatic Telegraph then existed !MEM \ . : 1 U 111 I, 4niie probable I hat War ar‘ , uld nut have bot n d.elarod, that further ticgnsiatioux wrifd 4 . 1Til had, and aDaruleable todrcla grim le each ecuntry iv\ It, 11%es, 4Dil hundrk ds ol tutlliu rig of to th.. 1,11, n Sat,JeJa. Inorutud. a 1.,. • I.rtef I'l'll 1..11 11 11 lt>P I 1., skt...l 3e.sza \II ti. , In it. t ~n eqrstos Ii&PA, altar a .Hurt illops of Urtin fon, r, II F LINECHEN, cibly child of dlansoo R. an! .lour A f int, wee.tt t ear. mud 1 Inoutia .. Its Rat. rt., I t,..1.4,1 1 ., uu the alit ult , JoEl. WATER, seed 04.) In Watt ant.l on thr :Nth olt. , JAVRi La*REN(T, ~1 and Mrll.llA 1.13 tier, aged )..arn 11-mooll nod I Ita Ago ilf low to.l.tp, oe 16r '.3.1 or starlet IerfirOVIIIIE, v.au. CNt I h1l•I of Wad rrts UPI Airf Hoy!, ateJ And I 1•1,41 t. Nk'EK\'RKAI) 114- rocAls. ,SII• 1M 41. PRECEPTOR. )R, VI:ARS rrritl A',4 .$1) 3: X eLiirrircr. expevially devoted to itilktlowS of %% ity t ornelau% 1.. Chetatlifatt, H. LI., New York City. Au ',sm. tor, a curd.', and • Physician In whuh is embodiettie full clAmte deseriptoai (knowledge neeetary to the 'edam of warned or A ulto be married) of the pro of conception, neeeoruer and delivers. their palm nod dangers., as well as the s mil mazy of the latter :Dv be obivated. and teach tbi• stem rosy be Invigorated and restored taf its proper tone, after has .ng been prostrated by complaints incidental to the La mar Imo,. A lso, much PHI'S lOLOWCZAIL IRS Tiff ccrio.v. whteh a,ll ob. late the necessity of any great amount of stein:tee% and ramble the ot-ert mat reader to be, to a great extent, her own phi fl• P6fe!'!!Fl/ITI(IR —This Book bynore &reliable to the under -Isodssg 4.1 the non prolessional reader, and MODe skillfully els borate A planned, arranged, and intrried out, than any frost of rte kuol now before the public. Whl Agile.. whole., one parts r in r and to &AUe trOprets eirlassertnfopMation upon some of the ...t del Itate alharicominected with the f(male system. It should be pia( ed In the hoods - of ever) femahTstugle or married- PHICI. bi• ...IL also cootains preocriptione spied by the Doctor to Ilia prod,. t• or the posit!. e cure of Serojidsras Eranottome—irver and fyre=serene 't Magas end Ctsfila—klkesupattene—Dpepqmeri.--Fal "if .1 am Hoer irc-i ere, 4.‹., any-ohe of which prefferiptiens loaf pro... of great salon' to the reader his book will be mut by malt. bee postage, on the t we ePtt e n of its pile., whYch may be sent either in money or postage stamps. .411 ordrr• should he addressed to It. B. H t'II'HINUS, General Agerrifor the United Fttatee, 52.1 y 166 Chambere-St; Near York, CACTION Jos( with to keep clear of the ttowel ComplehoU su comport ix hot weetbor, or xo RZIE, r iNr or arlklTotn Ltyroxe efaa . l),lrot, and drink vexin g ly of cold water To cheek ot eurel.bese-tomplaishs, or (loners' l'orrponisul Extract of &owl...weal, it Ittibii almost certion and one that ought to be in Ovary Gunny: • Juno 1848. itlnrOlitTA NT TO FEW A Litt. DR. dnarsEw A :Si".9 Prepared try Cornelius L. Cheesemen, M. D., l'orl City. The combination of Ingredients lit these Pills are the result aft Imur and extensive practice. They are mild In their iperation, and certain In iorrecring ail irrevalarlties, Painful Menstruation; removing alt, ohatnictions, whether from told or hero am, headache, pain In the side, {palpitation of We heart, ,biter, all nen cue ediections, hysteries, %tires, pain in the back uul We , disturbed .Rep, which arise froth Interruption of wino, TO MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Clereseinan'a PiMare hernias/A., nut they will brine on Um manathly period xith regularity. Wien b.a.e been dimappolit4l la the war o( other litla au place the o towel ronEdeoee in Dr. Cheeses:oWe Pills doing all that they ra -1.,..e0t to do. 210r/co:. The is rue resahtmesi m laessede simeem fa which :h. P.lL s ceased he Mare •aust • PECULIAR RE -I.T The maw.. referred is Mao RANCY-4110 ramft. All SCA RRI AWE. Sudan the imungehillekrwirecr as medicine te reelect Me HAW fesetibms Se • 114W111011 cwdifias r as/ toes Ile gireinsittacr rwecr q f moore owed naiad it. Warranted purely vertable, Auld (Sow anythlog injarions.— Fxplteit directiond. whirl sh,onld siteompsoy mai hos.— Prieri. $l. Aria by mall on enclosing II thermostat arsotBold by one Drnaist In every town hi the Utiltiro States. R. 11.11treciums, General Agent (or the United States, 166 Chambers Bt., New York. To If 1.. n. all Wtiolerale oimbars should be addressed. T.: l . itINCLAIII, Kraut, Erie: J. H. FRANCIS, 1,, 61. RDVE-RAPI DYIE-11AIR DYL—WIL A. BATCHELOR% HAM DYE Tim Original sad Beet I. Erld ! AU others are lucre Dolgellau. sod should be avoid «i, If you Irish to ewer ridicule. ORA Y. RED, OR RUSTY HAIR Dud Dastautly to • beautiful and Katursl Dracut or Black, with ;et the least lelary to Halr or IFIFTEEN MBDALB AND DIPIAMAS have bees awarded to Wm A. Bachelor dna MO, and over 80,000 Volitive have bern made to the Hale Cl hit patrols oftdellusons Wll. A , BACHILI.OR'S HAIR DYZ rodeos a weft set to be den.nguisbed from mann, sad Is llrsnwress set to injure in the least, immerse long limey be motinned, end the UlMbr ix a lad Dyes remedied, the Hair Inel / rotated tor life by this p Ily• llhikiilT] Sob! in ail Mir eltleo and bons of the UMW Sf&lon 3 by Done t.t• and Toney 00001 dealer& 17 The remain* has the name sad A6fivem upon s Am piste linkers% ink 00 War IrkkIIOANICO blf A. HATINIZLOit, US ireedvag. N. T. O 111/11WIL NIC THING 0-11 Is sew as & swim that 00 MoiletasJ Prsparstlou wisdom. *Whir a, Bitten or Awing boa arse Ws Mad sq•fil la all sop& Is I . 'I Airy-Comm aim 14Y l'ssnass i is a ash, y,l 'amain oars tor Coitisson44figig Dizziness a.oBwiamitag of th e J a Appetite, especially for Brasichss, 11r4s/is. nesn. Chilli Shlmiap. Cadres of the sadins Maim. ata, Id* ocoisional PI of Rost, k.., dos. doss isisprots ll* parr lion to this statement. Fell ninollooll PBS • . 11111 4, Por• sons that give liken a (sir Wig. peeve to Ilmdr a the tooth of this otattwat. Later frau Ratak. 1:=1:1 DIED sirl.ll.l4r4SBoll, Alolllll7 it orwiu*-willis-witii4.-B4 TCRELOW I Mb' ..1/1D rourzZSourpms all. They ase eke k light, see and durable. Fitting to a charge— char—ea timing a behind—no &betaking elf the bort; indeed, this is the only at where these things S ?properly understood and made. 235 ilreadeny; New Toth. VAL , JOSEPH R. FKRIGIRION, Drag:7lva Pouts Aim CITT CoirsT•sut.-011ai to the tar of tea nerd Bow*, N 0.3, Firth atm', RAN Pa. AU boohoos to this It will b. progopuy and WthrtalY littaidied Ittio. Mil 1 ; 1888 I ag igii 3DEl\ll" I STlV`ir_ Do. O. L. ELLtom itiononne Dnweiwr.—ollioe gni Dwelling ni moth Park How, lest bipek and et In. moil baildisp. July .111. um. "ELM FOR THE AFFLICTED. DR_ B. Q. (Forumly of Use firs of Clark A Gibaos,) - Uripathio Phydoian and Suwon En CIA 11 Bit COINAIIOIep AT THY FOLLOW -1R.7 lJ 'No "" A LA"- lee A PM. arretra's Hotel, I September V k 10. ri 6. r r atederd, Coolat " 13 to . 4 6 1i14T6. A Ilendrille7Baricni Elous 1 SaertaWN Sagartown Hotel, & 0 Klechnertown, flieerling'.." . Edenboro, gdenliare ' o .I • Oil ‘.. Q Conneautville, Pager Ilduse. !.1. of Antics', K•Uogs a •• Girard, Wright's Hotel., 23. el Da. CLARK living bad frequent and urgent solicits- hb lions from hi. patients and their friends to visit th eir - igi neighborhood comudonsily that they might consult hive IL•4 personally am well as by we, • ill hereafter visit the above ~ xi named places once a month. r. u pled" i rclar l d . , I l i!ig eate Ccil e t a : " me 1rr..7 u le, t l7=7. ofo patients is a ll a forms w of acute and chromic diseases with 1: 2 ' unparalleled sacceen„ lot which some of your friends or •-• neighbor,* can testify i sad to prepared to give relief to all CD who may apply. Partict4ar attention will be given to the cure of CON• DI SUMPTIifN and all diseases of the lungs and chest. DYS PEPSIA and FEMALE lIKRANGEMENTS of wary charac ter trill be treated with throes*. Also, will care old noires GO suil ail eruptive diseases of whatever character they may Di bei Fla makes use of universal BUT AN ICA I. retnedlee. NO a: cabinet or other deleterious drugs are toed PhrsoUl dessilm; sublet. sod medicines by letter, wilt send • general di,cripti.,,, of the appearance of the urine with • cermet statement of the cause and origin of the disease, A emend history of the Oyniploinx, minor, se, a.. All encoin4aticnitionx most Dr addressed to R. G. CLARK, kL D. Juntstovria, 111.9ver county, Pa July 17. 11L14 —lO ly. I'LOWS .' i'LOWS I UT R Lay. on Land, Al oar own lallaUfatitll4, a tory assort ment of Nowa *loth are w UI depose of at M. Lolwade or rr- WI at low bi err. Punier* shout to parehaue would do well to examine our -tack W 'atm. the follow ing as the beat etyler in h., fir ELAorth, I. Ding. Dutcher, Wolverine ianl, Pit Lehner, • Le , ke. Ninth, rough and polached, Land Strips, Mould Board', Lr. Maw OyA nn last at Ur* ourlr, sad Ware RO4IIIX, N W ror• tier Slat.- awl lUoventl. , i:110, Pa. HARR k JOIIRSON, Kole, Aug. 7, It‘ils. z•nrcesaera to:iruortt, Barr t eu, New Books for Agents. • :•101.r) oNIeY BY SVFLSCRIPTIOR. W A NTF.II Au Ageot In eeery County to elapse lu numb* of THREE NINN WORKS, beautifully illustrated, eotatied "1110N1:- BENT TO BERRY CLAY," Kiting a complete and reliable Biog raphy of IILNRI CLAY, Ids most able and important Speeches, and al,o y mt. Kolowir. an.l Oration., drh,rreglat 7l gashing, toli And other 'ortn et the Cuu,u, on Ihr. c,r,amon Of boo Death ..oh,semption f',01); .TLIE LAND WE LIN K IN, OR. TR AV ELS A\ D ADYKNIi t0 , ,,t, IN MIRTH AND Soll - TH AMERICA," prier 8.3,.11, and 110 WARD'S lulti , :nri• IzEnnixt.- rontsauc ingorrr low tan, rs-taro piezes: price $4,00. Circulars glfllig run Information, auh Trraur 1.. Art Ida, Pent On IpPlWallon. Ad,ln•ra, [WANE Rt 1.114411%, Pnbliato-r, Aug 7,140 s —lin Thad At., Fitils4elpltta, toNE HE, Woutley anti Willow Wan, a wood altfttrtment Ci can be ba,l at S $ itTPRRKTT'S _ . . Upholstery Establishment the a3 be r a i t lw a r nil ln nii r ot " tpop ' :laTt ni plli:teey " esta F Tlishud mta i :ti: " i:: of Ilroadway, Nen lora. has retnoTed tolrle, and opened a room sa the Ilaattueut of ilenabsonsres Uloek, on State Street, u here he is supplied wilt, Sofas, chairs and Matra.sten, of the mnst approsed styles and hest kind., which Itist oder. at Low rsuLgs- FOR (1.041k1. Ile fisrds that he ran con/a- Jenny assurr families and rkthers, that he can furnish them with anything in this line a. attrartiso in oat in mud exerlient in naiaLa ty u they can tw procured an C.a V.a► orParis. lie a.ka only a trial from the col tutus • f k:rie and Fri.. Cpunly He trouhf,furtbefflasore,,a(ahe that he trill prottipUy repair an) anklet of furniture that tpay have h.u'a damaged through &tri dent or time lar Holum:ober the pinoe—la the bobem.nt or Ihn . s shetatet's Block Stole Street, Erh: .14 UNA pinup WORSE**. FISH.—Whil. I. hash Lotlllalt sod ElacketAL blight sod lute. at Jury Di. r - S. S. STERRETT'S etAIIPIIRSNAtttSIort• No. 6, iiied Hour, of *Arch It.— L. L BALDWIN. I,IA-Lr2.-s3 Great Bargains now Offered ' 3 trl IN ROSEZWEIO'S BLOOM, STATE TEM, m:wt.x=l. PAL. I-3C .11. ri" IS , CY AL 3P , St , Anti ientleinen's Furnishing Goods,. all of the latest styles, at 25 per cent below the usual price. The best Black Moleskin Hats at $4 00 Black Wool Hats at - 50 tied •U ailßer G*644 Is preportl464 ! Peron, In want of Good. in that taut, will find it to their &d -ruidic* to rail and eAsaiiii• goods and prices before pnarhasing elsewhere, 11 ,, \ 'T FIiRGET THP. PLACE . KUNZ'S HAT STOOL tcw►k NOW PicOL, Stat• fitmet, oppte.lte Hwy n's Hotel Rue, Y►. Jul, I: L. I. BALDWIN JUST RECEIVED AT ,1"0 :1 , , REED ITOCSE, A LA AS 4 ORTMENT OF FANC ". ARTICLES, Perfume omades, Colognes, HAI R OILS, Hair Brushes, ; ooth Brushes, and Combs, OF E V DEMCEIFTION. KEMP), AND ADELPIJIC SWAN STAIIIIIN, NEAR RUIN. PA. rE subscriber having and pot into operation the above lattablishmetax, bets to announce to the old customer■ of Per klo anti to the publoc ripilprihat be is now prepared to receive orders (44 Book Si News Printing Paper, White and Colored, Glazed and Unglazed; Candle and Starch Papers; Straw and Rag Wrapping, Manilla and , Tea Papers; suiteopertfully aolicitAia share of Natalie padibamv. The bunt ie it ill he sutler the espervisioo soil motel Iny son, RV CS VS I. PERKINS, sad sill be entslueletl moiler the muse sod style of a. 1.. PESKIN'S, Armt. July I C. PIatKINS. T233:lNrCil-611. DR. H. W. WADFIVORTE. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SHRG SON, WILL - b. I. attenlowe at his Moe, al follows i— vy Itris—fleed UMW, Ronda, k You y, Aug. 21/ a 30. Otrard—Martlu's Hotel, Tuesday, Albion— Ell 1 Gainaiitutvilla—Poser Worsok Coatioust Ohio—Riusdolpli Homo, St. Norttiesst, Pa.,---Browlors Hotel, daharday, Aug. 2A. Westfield N. Y.— Westfield Howe, Friday, " 27. Regular visits mods Orbs/ thins who oassassaos treatulaut, op portunity to coatiaist tlit amid. Coniultation 1 Brae. The nude of examination pursued by Dr. W. te veil data* and alma anittely sew, nut by it, Owe oi any of the iblersal, to tea very Der abutted .ihd with taelllty Lad certainty, If 'alums the patient a gaieties, or having the least previous ktistedg. of the ease. Among the abeam treated aneeesedelly are SCROFULA, Mid ad diseases or iterofeloos add% Ulcers, Tumors, Enhrrired Wands or Joints, Hiplidelind Neck or Godfre, lionedrious Son tined. on the Yam or other puts, de. Cosner, radeda. Bidet! DlaasM4 Dysphasi a, Orwrol , lanpotonoe, dis St. Vitae Dome, Epilepsy, Ahroanatlien, MI Moths peatladr to Yetralat, ad Classic • d the On* Ryes, Throat, Leap, Heart, Stoolaetp Eldradre, Skin or other wpm. A sandy sire WSTOStild Ii 411 41111‘408 of a EingtnitlO or .al.haraat without the eute of mareney or other poison; which destroy tier soastitritioa. • lever Ire perwaseoti v t mod or Do drugs. De. W. irscinnss tint EDISS PRRPARBD BY i MiIIBBLP. cr Putt; unable ads the Dr. personally, aut Haft miseirr ley litalpeess, by rbirresinag a letter desertelng Viol, vskomes, ftreliorlag • sekibielbe. So H. w. WeDswoRTII. D. D 161..Juil 31, 1.37.—1 e. - Daiwa. DN. FTMfMM- 7 1 GRAIN SCYTHES, HAY AND STRAW FORKS HOES POTATOE HOOKS MULEY AND . OTHER SCYTHE SNATHS GRAIN CRADLES, SCYTHE STONES AND Ems HAY RAKES CULTIVATOR TEETH SICKLNS AND GRASS KNIVES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL McCONKEY & SHANNOWB FLY NETS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS IffoOONICEY 4, SHANNON. 18L3 AMERICAN QUARTERS TAKEN Fort Twenty-Five Cents! 11 • , -1 • • • er".••• , 14/ 14 • ' -14, •••••..••• • , • ZAIT OPIIIMINIMI cic,c).T_. c3t'4::)coroms We blare now under purchase for CASH, the very eheest hue of “Cool - Good" for the "Winn Term" that opeue.l, of perhaps will he oproeJ in thh rity thi. NPLIIMIU. Frruell Lace and Cbaatilla Potato anal V tartars, at from $5 Vito PO GO. SILK Fzthgsd Ham" 1114111104 eessatlldag wt• sad 'Pry pretty. Freach Crag ud Larva-sail plain Sitk Netts fur tasking Maim!, sad a izttlea, Irc.rn 6 tCto $lO 00 poi. yard. WRITE BERACIL MX. LACE MIK 6-4 Ind.., for making Shoots, C Long awl Short, with 11.1:14' II Very SU perlor article to without gages. , quality 0 Mack Tam ILlbilmese. kWh sad nosey C•Pd in any quantity, and au Milk Vssettes, slumbers weds. labor XI different 'ityleo- - 0 .„,, . WTI AM) Ulan Catgut from C.. to V/SPSO. Benatairts. froth Is tole. BLA I 1.121111 A2D (DECK 1 4 Ca li ufas carike., i.see, %tea Sprint 1 , ~.,,,,t 1...... tit Ito I ;...t..r.. 01111.111114 011t1INDA 110111/04, G With elevator attached, an raatlr..ly new and beautiful I O dosllo • fAtil Rot. a Vail.. !kiln. - IPke, 4 slid AIL SI., I , Yar.....ix o r A." tiger/44a, In t n .:. :qty.., and Plakla, O At from Pt to In. ro. a. ii 2. plus. We hare added largely to Ifr 11. : , WISSI :I. and Plai m u i lliar i, k 8„ 8 , our Octet of Palmy, Colored lo e 'ripe, i r ,.... lsi da r. w.ll'lx.lo Anal eau ta..w.holet that Can i'atitie d4 wiser linenssuc. 11) n „ t b„. ~,,,r i, ,,,,4 W „to. at Goa. ato 2:...t. (rata.. aw.l price. Re will a•4l a *lain Machina, for itl, ONY i• l'"1 , CIiaLLAN, worth, sad as gouda* ran be Beautiful ar..0.1, at tram 1...1...arta for 111 2.%, lo any t:4 ....w to IA. , th 28a-A 2a, W. house to this city. S (far Hosiery department is largely exteadod sad contains every thing in Ike liar. Parritimera wiatolag Roods that will keep them "COOL AS COCIIX2ERB," Will .10 well ant Ss mead this the lost elinam—th, Ter . , laid of +""00. BUY WLIILK 71112 WIATHINS 1114 nal 111111.111 4 R, 84112* 4 Cll4 Pair, Juli 3, 1348. iirr..J,k 2. aromas Baits. _ . 1 APID 11212/1121 111111‘12, 23 doe. two lint hay " j ets 20 " Huss. " four " imam " Vat rale at monotheism," prim by J. C. STUMM. LATEST PROM NEW Iranlir WM. BELL Jr _ vF IF Witr4 for Nilo i• 311111WPU1P14 NNW NMI Loma, • leer dnon West of C B. Wright'. Earbiulge (Mee a eery amr fully selected Stott of DRESS GOODS, Mantillas, Shawls, Dusters, Hoslazy, BLEACRED AND BROWN SHERTIINGS, BLACK and DRAB CLOI'BIL HIM AND 110104' NITILIVIV, au, flu. FAA 0 .A. 'S II I AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES! Erio, Jam. 12, 11MS. 2 Cross Sluan's eo,ditton Powders 1 " Rlosn's Ointment. 1 " Tbunapson's Water. 2 " PetUt■Rya Raise. 3 " Ryan's PtUs. Wright's Indian Viattable ?lila, Just reeslred al tbe Wholesale and Retail Dreg and Potent Medi cine Store of L 1. BALDWIN, July 17,111614 No. 6, Reed finnan. WIRE WINIA aid LIQUOItri hor medicinal pi7rpeases at k Una Dreg Stars, tio. 5, Rand Douse. 1. I, BALDWIN. July 17, The Dyeing Business, LOD WOOD, ITSTIC MADDER, DICHROMATE OF POTASH, luxe vrethot, ALCM, INDIGO. *merlon or TIN, MADDER COMPOUND, and everythicin else nand Io Dyeing, cast to 104 llNowa= or Itirrsii. of_CARTER & M°LAMES sod SYRUP.—A good aseartaseat bi kept sad soli as cheap as lbe cheapest by ily 1/4. IL& JITIMMT. kIng.U:g...LA AT TIIR OLD FOUNDRY. X. W. Corker Plante kwallemon* ilisa 11•10, Pk. rX ruteralguell, iroaceesore to kratoett, Ikon kCo Wing angiest a co-prulkereldp natter the style of BAIN k Joareorr cantina. to 11114211414.11,11 and keep tor asle;.4“ Wholesale asul Retell, a lure aseaortmetal of PARLOR 4. COOKLYG STOKES 01 the Old Standard, and noun ugh* new pattern. Muni Pipe, low Sheet Iron, and Warejallors and Sadie. ilisidnrs, Baknifing Ind news, cledvasags, 0110111BA ZIOL SI LI III"g14"11 / 2 1 §eneell4 *ll. And ere pawed to mantel ilith p ram / AU olden for Ma chinery, IllU or other Outings. My aloes attention to bodatess, and a desire to pleue, we bops to receive that ins Always b 049 extended to the "Old Foiumlq • t. AU Q p om w i l l tooeire the near Assmittoo am II Om wen Ade, July prtiOnsUyipsst. NMI) 14, UAL GRO 011111011. roceries and Provisions. _ SAMUEL S. STERRETT rSPICIIIILLir idiom the publitt that h. Ms opts piss tote the rooer3r aid Provision Butnese s st No 4, L W.y when bra will tit *mod to sot all who *SI boor hiss r pa . trossip, .11,11.bs siiirs Is to thai stil_ihs• ino his GOODS and ?DM bane 114114141 .1110741"1"112 motto irtli ha to seal ss ohosp_ss thii thasport, so *pas secossook 4/stias u say one. Coots aa try MN. Alt Gaols daltrored bi 9111711 withta tits City Itssits. lai r 24,, WA 111.—Ail Ids - ti - 1 calla& sod Oran ji. oak at Jody Slo xLseqo and Tamers Oil for Isle dimple • ' kl July N. • LB. MIME. - pIC tt PPra. MO" Nuts Claa Ll damon, am" ta b ., mu r a. lr ea v sadi .:et Mad gliella! iN,s J1111_24. & s STICISMII. -- - - LILOUR.-1 Itato4do solooptoooto oft 10loilit F County , sod *Hi appl y my moitoolork oft zooid Floot. at la UN* eboaliegt• July 21. B. 871122271. • LE NO. 2, RICKD 8008. AT NO. 3. itEKD HOCIPIL44 AT O. 3. VEND HOOlig. ~f'}~ - r f~ .:.~ ,~:~ Cli F '7 ,rl7Vl A , : SALM OP lEnii ill MN ykozimovektliA Joh+ 4 .ALTSGIrI7 °P RIM MEI MET 111-11111. First, Last, and Only Change of the Season, for Unheard of SASICtINS! THE STOCK MUST POSITIVELY BE SOLD WITHIN THIRTY DAYS. To make Room for the Large Importation FALL TRADE! - • _ WM. A. GRLSWOLD Oilers the balance of his Large Rich Stock o Summer Di 7 Goods, AT PRICES FAR BELOW THEIR VALUE 4111%bNi eff.OURE. YOUR ZARGAIMS WITHIN THE MONTH OF - JULY I will Sell Merrimac Prints for 9 cts, worth I°l. Cocheco " " 9 cta. " 121. Pacific di 14 9 cts. t 4 12i. Also, Good:Yast Color Prints from 5 to 7 star Fine Challis' for 181 etc worth 25. 14 if 14 121 64 It 20 . " Lawns " 6 " " 10. II 8 t 1 - 11 Is. Fine brown Lawns for ls. " 20. Best gook+ Ginghams 150 ts " ' 11 if " • 121 " 18. 4-4 French and English Prints, one half their value. 170 don. English llosierir reduced 25 per cent. Fouliard Dress Bilks-for 50cts worth s. 100 ps IPan te =llllllo at a Great Black Silks Ibr 43111 eta per yd. 30 ROMER 3 -11VILL11.0 FOR le 03, WORTS. 01 30 BERAGE AND ORGA.NDI ROBils AT HALF PRICE: Mee qqa Biik *aqiiii* BEM 'Ol/ VERT 01261311411. &J. IN fLME PROPORTION. 1000 . yards of flue Preach Edubroir* lend Edtag and btaarticg oared at 121 mat', woritilBl4 eta. WOO worth of is French' Embr eider. to be sold without regard to coatL 4selimissiwg Waldo Neu idvordord t• so Id of aussoly Wt. would soy 110 shoo of sf mists a i ms who ors toss, dist.olbr ownissits ate mot o i fi k s, and I t yunit ONO wilt gist% show his " die of sho swap o wl es . 4Ofif to. , • • oly 1 lidiVr" Wit all - I*l MI 1--__: ~a AMC la - ISM ■ FOR 4 #l2O Tijilirerlol • 1, .t; iDS WILL BE SOLD, :4 i i 4, 4C: REGARDLESS OP ' BONNET ROOMS, 1 it PUICOR Hnildiug. Opp tot Rest Park. COME ONE-COME ALL! This is no Humbug, but a -Natter . P 419 1• COMB AND SUM T. Q. ISLAMIC, Erie, 111/1r . PILOPSITION- H -- Mhel e fk.. l lftlt ani4 awls ef tillejiror - Dtiaza la Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Saver Vaasa, I. 'temente, Looking Glaser% War and Fancy Goods wholesale sad retail. _ J. W• WPCS Arrows= ♦ r Law---Orhee removed tit=ldlng wistoirStats Street, on the Inv -M &of the Part, over Chat at Netcatfe La - change &lee. _ _ ALLKN A. CRAIG. T. R. a& VA XOTACTIMiIt aui Wholesste sad Retail limas, in Voralgs and tionlestsa Straw Goods, Azttftial Flowers. Sabana. Silks, Lanes, and Easblenalde Millinery, Pansy's. BrlldiiirAtasibmg **Perk. kris, Pa. Particular attention paid to &edam Awho know themselves indebted to Blake ' s Bonnet Boom / will pies.e pay the mato& within SO day/ and gm wets. Bee. T. it B ortrfl%&t on Bona Psragr iww, oppowit, M. Mr= iIAS returned from New York, sod Is no opealwg a foil me sortseot of - Millinery raid Pawl Goods, SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, A great variety of the sowterl otrlss o _Rolilloria, Cam Ilea.l Dreams, Straw Gimp& Donk illossllwa Los, reti,,, ibseutox Colleen, Verse,' Comets. Gibers sad Nee Sere he he., which w ill be mkt at low atm lee Cash flllllll6er. swop' led at wholesale. as usual. . bassets Bleached and Prevost IS the very bust style. r rie, A prll 11,1x08. Look Out for Bargains! J_ ' - Ci.- 33.A.22.1R.13, NO. 10, BiIOWN'S 111.0l'it. STATIC NT., LC Big !AWE'S RUBBERS 50 cli. •GENTS 75 cts. GENTS Best Thick BOOTS $3 00 BOY'S $2 00 YOUTH'S " " ." $1 50 .LADIE'S GAITERS from 76 cts. to any Price you want. The Rahn. ..t my ' , ltock U eillnelollolillig MOM. J. G. MARK. VirieFALO and ERIE RAILROAD igniERRINIMIIMM NEW ARRAGEUNT UN Awl a ft er Monday, Jen* 91,1248, Pawagerbsins will lesre Ertl a. tallow.: 2 04 A NI., Nlglat Express, ate ;dog at Westflol4,Denktric,Silrei eonneetingat DaakhLaad Saida with Morning Ex - prr A Trams for New Vert. 1 tx) ,-ItapreAa Mall stopped at all Rail Wisdom and eon o«-t ne at Dentist Asa .1.10 lath Ittposs Train for Nrw York 740 It, Cincinnati lexpoein, stopping at Wattlaid, Dunkirk and Silver Creek, connecting at Dunkirk and Boßala with leivfmniTrillas for New York. TERM for salt at tba Waco et the ortodpal Iltaatarneittesivad town.. Mar 10, R. N. BROWN, Sant - - CLEVELvIND 4. ERIE RAILROAD. ( r anti hit., Monday. May. fatty 1148,eurd estil further grottos, ra,•en ger Trains trill run u hollow% vitt— LEAVE CLEVELAND. 9 as A. If. Mail Train stops at all Way Stations except Wicklilb, Perry, Unionville and SA brook, and arena at arils 12 66 P. riunkirk 3 45 P. M., atmla 630 P.lll. .1 So P 11. Cincinnati I:sprese Train stops at Pahasville, Ashtabula and Girard, only, and arcing at Erie 7 20 P. W.; Ditaktrit 9 ed . . M.; Biretta° 11 19 P. M. 10 00 P. l l`. Night Exprii. it Train stops at Palitesville, Kingsville, Conneaut, and Girard, only, and an 11•112 at EA* 1 40 A. fluirsitt,. 5 It A 11 LEAVE ERIE. on A. "13', Night Enemas Train •top. at Girard, Conaeant, Ash tabula, and Painesville duly, and arrive at Cleveland 000, A U . 11 00 .t 11 Med Train stop. at an Way Stallone except Saybenoi Perry, Mentor IndWiekliffe, and arrives atCleve ittabt tit :1 00, P. Si. 165 11 I syrws Train Mop. st Girard, Conneaut, Ashtabula sad Panted tile only, and arrivi I. at Cleveland 6 30, P. M. AII the through trains going Westward, comma at Cleveland a lii trains for Tuloth., Cl.beign, Columbus, Cincinnati, te. Ali tne through train. vole. F.a.tward, enamel at Di:mirth with the traipse of the S 1" & Rite Irliiiread: and at Butbdo with the N. V.i'errleal *ad Kodak, sad N. Y. Csty Railroads. tt NOTTINORAM, Slisperlubesident.. .Clevels..64 M. , 10, 10.7. s ;REMOVAL. .I\TMIiTiT JEMCIPPUIZILI Nom Pricloist 2.74 aw 4 - - - - WE W ILE Itt: Bit £ RA Pi KR hays retooye4 their intensive II Stuck of Dry Goods, Clothing, ito., ito. TO rnErR NEW STORE, &reels , onrawite Clrown'a flotA, where they wlll be glad to nee sll their old euetornera as well seamy quantity of new OOPS. in order to k. p up with the tunes, they aro DOW AIfDIN(I DAILY TO THEIR STOCK, both in the hue of CIfrrIIING sofa DRY GOODS, which will be dipponint of at thalarestCA: l ll RAM. In fact, they CANNOT BE UNDEEPAILD: h$ ray ether dollar ettetilAireeet WON Illy. Home they ay, t. YOWNO awl OLD. t/AItRIEID ae4IEN4IIA, NOW IS THE TIRE TO GIS STOW WI they it,. new Mforier grrsiot indsopmetita,tlitamor i lloall vim wish to 8.1 VF.- MONEY. Thpir raginm Departnwnt lu charge of (mewl" the ir.t wort men in the est', And sr their mann op "SMALL PRO ITS ASI) QUICS SALA'S," tarp*. to want of twat article fur a email amount of money, will Jo wet/ to Om them recall, itacriember the plaSe—:NKfrfirßfigl 4 marts NEW s.raier, directly apprialle brown's Hotel. State Strout. Xria, 14tral Le, %U. — am. _ _ "N"MIV . FlNtititt WE s U. SHANNON & RYAN, Arcr. 41 47331:30ILIDMIN:Irnit, Rare just returned from New -Turk With s large and Wen est*Aosi Asa or FRESH GROCMUaI, REICH WU,L DE DISPOSED OF LOW FCI3I CASH. J. W. RYAN, itrir, June 19, 1858.-6. _ NOTICEft Tei the Mire nod Legal Represeseath iv David' 75ri n. hr, deeereeed. VOU ARE EMERY NOTIFIED to be and appear In theOr pha~ 's Court of Liourear enunly, to be hold on Abe ...iota, day otBWEINIIIR, ealineit d. M., to * 44 .1 4 oi* solo. , to above the tad Laboritiorkl Triodsr, deed, at the itelnation thereof, Wide try• au t hold thereon, and ointilroirl by maid Court, or show mom w Cies same should ant be aiebi e secordiot to law. TL ROlll4 Cermet, Laneseter, July -- To Phridans. T WOULD notify the Pity 'initial Lie 13ty and vicinity that i I hue just !valved I fret% imp* et Q LINLVE, MORPHINE, PIPERINE, Twoon.ciaiouutmlAirailm.. Woo eit Delook,Joifts, Souriae, Glycerine, ti Otte add, reftrottlK. hoW Viaftlaft. ..„Vanilla. Iron, N Itsalsoitillbss, .I= o ttrolO w al=mulammt. Ssinguluarkh Otosnion Aloft* rd. Whin f ai sierfanste et Mae, Cil et Gobi, Wino litreury anA anotterest ft Wilafts Extra/ft pflpitol in Tam° other prepaortftla sod Blkookale too owne was to iniattia. Before parebadroi aftetrboor oter ate • eatlb so ftY sotortmeot oill be towel the Ism. sod boot ht the_ dlr.._ Jaft 1? , 1!66. L L BALDWIN, 3 1s. i„ moss mew PARK HALL to Let. „WWI lINETINSII, 41,7111,, up Rm . •je INS C ftt go _el Ns* sal tooftlooftt% Or 'PIMPS 11 it iii II - " 6 IP C - • Wei W3l, lala . - int. MUM. ILI Admid t+oz'l NOUS& of Alhohibttottos troj ate lititostod Ito=x k zet =p, Iltrt a Ce, drereert. Ali Demme lo th. sum, aro roposto4 to saki iS mom; sod Woo laying datamirdoot Seim* vtill pupal Soot Foy erly aotbostkated tot outatiroota a*/*Odiatilz .Joy' CAM .• • ..• ^ • UUMlC=lClalril=o MI .. _seeseaull. SWIM ea t UM_ aseorthnkei et Ilmwis'lloblid!set goo* 0 Mae, yolk aid pion be AM Asap lit 401 &1110111 M. A T c,li IL C. SHANNON s4u.f, Is , ' Ea* Caps, Shirts, punishing sad Straw goads, at this Lowest %uket Prices. JSo alli V A PIT Ignites all to call On Um, who Irani 0 Ociodo la his line. 1 bore a larrssuol IrnebisorostßESsoitortileio rill rll lot. SHIRTS, CAPS AM) TIIKS MON TO ORM*. Onsthmew who wool o 000 D FTTTIIia SHIRT made boon 11i bent oastonials sad issrrantoot to ja, will *am call, &CERES PATENT SWEAT SILK HATS, Call on BRYANT, M.. S, OrownOw May 24 N AT THE OLD STAND!! Betweeen Brown's Hotel and the Reed House, %14 ON lI4ND 4 I.AIICIK mowitenitirr or • a r tko . • FUKNISUINCI QOODn, COOK STOVES, Le., A qv a hugs *ad 04123plirillassortinent of • r . Opper, • u. 4 Sheet Iron wary. Abet. • lug, ...seortment nf Cutlery sod Pock et Knives, se., . Balms& Table Castors and Tea pots, also, Tea and Te. tole Spoons, Bram, Cop. ciPoreslaiaand unensie Kw/s4dwa. • • assorliosentof Jr , pen Ware of an an the best assortment s• of Tin ?Pim kr DIA sr all Hropsi awl Blus, shoo Lanterns, Cinfesi 11131 s, Corn Selves, Choppiog &ohms. PLat sad Toop, l = Coal Alinla, Washboard ., , Abr.-elm, Sp ade s , Hews, Potato Moho, Fish Hooka, kw, root Tubs, Hip Baths and BathingyaitOodeir Minn., We.... ?Aleut Cream Frp,for, mlos, Pumps of all rufrnertp , lion.. liwl PI pN Sheet Lead, Pump, rhalus,and Tubing Stoma Pipe sad SlMOrsassal Pump., ,sO.l Lamps, Water eaoliss, and filter*, all kind,, Seale.. and Stilyarda. Plink and Sheet Iron, Whir, Dish (*.eon, Candisstictis and Lamp, Twills. Mata la iiska, nameneee nikev.i and Toners Stand, and Bilk Paha nee Pans, Tnylet Wax.'. Tea Bells, Tumbler Dralneins, Rnitdaaftl Trays, Mons* and Bat Traps, Nails, Screws, Tacks mad Oil isodets, Fs Muir Dustin's, Brostitoisters, Boxes, Bog Conni e Ti4hreil Co& Pots, Stew Pane, Grind Stones sou Hanging* with Pessoaa. AB of which .411 Ix• sold cheap Jur usen only. Jobbing duos on Use shortest notice. Copper, Pewter and Rapstaken In change for woods. Mope call and examine my at,wk, an,l tali -f y yoararlyeg. Eris Hay 15, 15. t. Yours P. M URPHY. Good Furniture at Low Price& TAUNT & BRISTOL'S ZFurniture & Looking= Gi•Ma.A.maJa WAREROOMS, (forme, ty rad,- DeForeet) Betrafo. No. 23.3 T °TING DL IL .ITTENT I OM TO THE JOANUIRAew ture of our work, sod and tusking our stock with i'l reference to the retell mistook trmie, we GM enetbket to oga nim ro there seeking so elcull. of artlole o f Fuzuit.r. tuperle r sdrantslow for obtaining the beet of nowilty, style ting Cobh, which we Mier la low pro,. • We gibe to keep the beet .isailt.,l.l: l ” .1 iluish, Weal gind neat est patterns, an.l larp.yt f11.0.111110-ut to I* [nand In Ilu4alo Wr manulleturr and keep rruatnntly on hand I. lama assort meal of IIAHLHIAN V. WAI.hI•T, "AK and ROHR WOOD, MAR BLE and will ir) Tul HI HKAI 4, T thi.E:4, %I - HAT-sos, ST olls and SIDE Immure. Von, BEDSTEADS, SoIAH, TETKS, CHAIRS , ROCKERS, QCARTETTS, SECRKTA AIRS., BOOK CASES, WARDROBLS, I,OI'NOV, VATEKSION• TAHLKS, OFFICE DRSKS, FANCY CORNER sr A VOS, M.:CCM - lON CHAIR, ROSE WOOD y ars, ESAIIIELED CRAWBER BETTS, PATENT RECLINING and SICK CHAIRS, • and all article, of Parlor. Chamber, Danug Room and Kitchen PritNITURP.. -r We ananntacture and have ou hand sea and hair grtm4 louk, palm lea Mattresses and Spring- Beds. Al ia, a splendid variety or Vahneany, Rose Wood and Gilt MIR ROR% of every 142 e and I ti le. DAMN Jane DI, I ASB --t ly. •• - -- CONPECTIONERYF ICE CREAM and SEGAR DEPOT. J. B. PERKINS, Agent, irrlght's Block, State Strret., Erie, Pa., Respectlhlly inform, his friend. and the palm that Ls has mamas hand a large esisorinient of CI ) XIECTION MUM, TOYS, VINCI' GOODS, which he offer. at reduce f rates. Being agent air 11‘0R1;11t4 R KO \h. FMK WORKS, 11. is prepared to furnnh ern! description of girioda in that Ilea 4 for Exhibit:air., ith of Joly CeieLration. or Nit Ate Parties. (rya ICE ell Kt 11 Rooms Will b. opened during the in:dole,: a, k , to whirl. he invitee the •nention of all lovers of that art,cle 11.. it tit keep open during the entire mono nod will forniiih Ice Cream to hi. patron. of the natal viirk4l, &MOM AC Ina few ahe will he in receipt at Ser/2-111N 11 IL 11111 ES, l'l aIL A rELlifil, Orsagra Lemons Banana,. an.; every earl , to of Foreign and lto mntie PTvtto. Hl. nrrarremente wl.th i lnrla na tl and other Southern market., hrm t • VAIII HT it:II.KM OF KINDS eampti‘ing enema:diem, A•pq , ltZ.lll lottuee. , Onion% Pie. Plant, reaa, he., sererad reek,. earlier *Lao they can 1* had is tliia mar bit, mad as fiveli a+ a h• a taken 1 row 6 •01./i POI • NTAINi hi of the latest style, and the losers of ttne 4le4ctuide beverage eau always rely oo finding 3 g0..,t cool, clean nut pure article at this eetabliabwent Loss Taus., U VSTELLS. („1.-1,31M 0 sad every delkaey the New York market 140olc Itimmiehod at the etiorteet °oder. Ili. 'dock el' ~ e rnertie an.; IMPKIITED I. Wire and Neripriees loam' and flavor, ranging to peke from to v.:, per tboioto4, to which be incites the atteshens ol Hotel mot 410..0 I,eperr, and the itaens of the wet-4 generally. PA KTI EM IVII• I KO at short unties. s itb IM Cresusi. Strawlicrries, Cale, or every des. criptfori, and Prey) rani% the Lon a. I, l'ublia patronise is respectfully sollritea. Eric, May =', 1853 . 3 Cln 1R. , 4 • Cigars ! Cigars !! m u fti I i f I 101111CUILN llotel and ..:attato Koaapent. s o d a n kT r urn 111 fl he Iri Irk of Cigars, are to 4,poetflittl inform...l that I halt. a lame antortisent cin kw; I on haw:. 4 , f Illtio‘t aver ~ L. - Awl, at prima mutat( FROM SM - 111 tZO PHT: elliA/L4 I am rone•lont that I ....a +.ll 'land Cigars it wI4OIIIV.Ie as cheap s• .an he purchased sesimba CIO AIN I 'hove,. It dl do soil t t r.lt aoand°Lwow° - t ay i t oc k ns jblittor r pURIMNIng Plowith.l4. aonr NEW GOODS. (JOA., r RIME,: IA now nrt t% toga largo and lap 11 W stork pi Dill f; 0 C.) /) S A .VD c; /I OGEh'IRS, . Moro full from rrllar to gailtl, lad *tit be retry(ukg hero Raab Ovrry in . . k throorti ilnr arn-ort. Now 1 wawklaw, to atl 11l ti a ort at to buy g owi (roods clwap, call tail fuer two my •my.i. , I . 1 ~, el loke to 10...1, I ul ,tist tin iii grim, Juble.:l6, 1148.-4vr 7 P. A. BECKER, CV HOU/SALE DRA LER IN WIN'ES..LIQUORS, &0.. MINA II"KIDE, Rae no 111.13 , 1 n rutt and general anentlment of bKANilig f:IN. WHISKEY, INIRT, MALAGA, GRRNIAII 4 Ut NG.I4.:LAN, MAO. iti Lsicil AND C VfAi% B WINEs, Of laries b run i j , qualitien, to yr hurt he reapeetMdly imatts the atte nt i„„ „f hotel. s aloon and Cow. r 7 keepers, as be Is &- tanninr to aril all „ d eli In him line a. cheap Ili e/11l be pareba, 4 e le d grer. Juno PA, &drat U-V-ICA (4- Q- Adroit roe of the People,. l_tueof 4 *lmeo4•ill leare Eti e for Chin. Krie,alnady interenllate _on:, eroryThiosi re y= S ti... rv in z c. *, ikeißY Aril) GRAPH VINE eitApiAW I AND B. 7 th. Sooty', for Mai cheap 1.7 J. C. SEMEN. or,„2MlNii 4.IIeINUNTONEtk, ILAMIJIMaI L.) the most approtod Linde. at SEMEN'S. REMOVAL_ GLOOMS has remosed his stock of wArcnKs, Je=- . RY sad ININCY GOOre4 to his Store Is the Neer west side of State Simi, ale re he sill be bap to ate hia " sad customer., sad will es.IPAN of to prort•le ibt their waate g t:4 l I Use as tits mast satisfactory lama. We has a peal suably at , Bich o,d . Pashioaabb Goods, - . aril Om bra if_ • .. I‘ , /tD66/I.l66ekasolk la repair sad tomptellahue. Partlcalict paid to the teprosp of Watches, sod lb. 36666 60616111.1616 loiter la the weed 'aeleittite sad sisetipaattle stasaar.• 81121cordpsewa mad 6U 6060 r Myer sad Gold Wert dose to seder ried la Ur but atils. 3. aria, Nay 14 11111‘ --- Tig:tiabitaiberd bin ettiesimiatd tb• budgies of Ibia•lbet•t -a ..n7 implettil lAD& of . BROM= WHISKEY. ' • Navin every twat It+tta saeotottd Jpromesttat lig • Ester. istaitie• to sabot sa sett quietly, Iltall littilairt bellisate by *Ay maistbetatem Ws eovatry, sad WI/ ago eadnycy to keep mimed a* all ;taw a impeder stickle et .1 i DOUBLE RECTIMD. at the lowest Marko Pitai, at X. i,Pwa pktallo 01110.0104 Ifisy /1. I . xf sumim TAILOR OOP • _ r .„,r,MlPOlrthdly bo na . the moan of lb% baa °rood a Whop or Valk Stmt. &lea 41111 ilea& slzwq reprodylbr ' 4 CITYSTOZEC WOMEC. Work mak to orbit at prices yid*. =ad lost Oro ogladiatiaa. • , hum lit /SW TO stun HS.. iv....=.6.4,l:4,7&",,bitrtZairis Ohms, boa. may Ipe sees at di, (ow eft, Asa, hir eryp ft rt. IN., Alt $5, vaigt . . • , , .* .11 1 \ " , \_ 4.4" AND MIRRORS TArNT k BRISTOI T. A IteCKER. EIJI It, PA b2n• @EI '' ,, o , ...ffiliM