Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 31, 1858, Image 2

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    1111:1DRN 3 I DEI) :I:1
BLOAN 11[008X,
OA 1 1 111XDA r
Democratic State Ticket
4• rf , . 1
News of 'the - ealli.
—The Albany Journal, of ilatarday, says at the Ss.
press train from the west was approaching St. Johaville.
about two o'sloek this monis& smoke wasobserved issue.
ing from the sealed boggegayar. As soon as the train
could he stopped, the doors of the ear wen °posed, whoa
it was fated to be fall of llama. The (rola west isetiatly
detached. and as Ranh of the baggage sad mail begs as
possible removed. A good deal of bagpipe was entirely
destroyed, sad more (with several sail hags) damaged.—
The hoe rate of the Express Company was in the ear ;
but 111•4 not Warta. We lave heard no estimate of the
davits ; bet It sansiot be a great deal. It is supposed
that the bra took from a spark from the new. Since
the above au written we us informed by the Postulator
that the Buffalo, Rochester, Attains, Syracuse and Ultra
ails, dee this messing. were considerably burned, with a
patios of their coattrets. A paaireager, whose baggage
was boned, and who wee on his way to Forays, says be
bad $1.508 in his trust, which be lost But the gold
would not barn. Even if it melted (whieb is not at all prob
ablei 11 should be still available- Detain Caraar,u/
lute by a dispatch from the Peouseaster at St. Johns
rills, that be bas in his possession forty three mail beg
locks picked up from the rotas of the burned ear. up to
eleven o'clock to-day. Prose this we sersaise tli• inns to
- base been greater than was at first aatisdpired. • We are
advised of hoary losses of nosey and drew nailed from
Buffalo. Two instasees toot up $32,6041 and the smaller
amounts will largely swell the abegwagos
—1 1 9.1.0 of the Deseret Ate.. to the 16th of Jane, came
by the last mail from Utah. The New wals sag pahlialsed
at Fillmore City. It gives the Preabileats Prothissition
to the Mormons, sad the various Army orders, bat with ,
out comment. The nasal belligerent tons lasagiren place
to a pacific one ; the Waists are exhorted I. diedisciee,
and greet stress is,laid upon the merit of their utast&
The Mormons seem to hare seeded down quietly at Fill.
more, where they Vas planting trees and preparing for a
permanent raideass. A caries' narrative I. glass in the
News, purporting to be a description of a alga he tbn hear
ens. On Use 26th of Nay, N IA. W.• • raoiest la the
shape of • sword, with the point towards the Rest, hang
over Salt Lake C4y. The Saints were impressed by the
411egslesty Akesdadis Echo toile maw • tategh
story of t boy ton or twelve years old. who was fogad,
sick and clammed, lying on the tow-path amr Johnstown.
lie appeared to be in a dying eoeditioa. and a phYsleian
was inuewentely sent (or, who promptly administered a
powerful pa:cativo. In due time the medielme bad the
desired effect, mad brought from the boy a doebet beedfal
of yarag crabs—real bona fide river or brook crabs, with
craws, lap. broad Mao ►ad all. The mother of the boy
explained the oirentastatiee by statiag that her son was in
the habit of speeding mach of his time ia the water, aad
that while diving he had, swallowed • nest of arab pm,
which hatched i• his stomach. The story mast b. pa-
Mee, as the Echo vouches (or its truth-
—Vie Home!Leval. /Weal Isla LW loot week a storm
muse •p saddesiy is Dahmer, oowety. sad in two keen
'the villay of Dowtweillo woo flotets4--toideiw, sow wilio,
aistesimid Num were tarried away, and sway persons
narrowly .soaped the-same tate. Soso et Ike ialsabitaats
were obliged to wade through deep "star with worm and
shl iron in their arias, to save them boo As good. A
party of young ps pte, Marvin Iron a pie-nio ensurslea
during tie storm, tie young nen bad to awry Lie Isaias
is their erns frost the wagons to tie houses, and thew
found some exertions necessary to save tliatukorms sad
wagons fres being swept sway.
—The Philadelphia Beam:. reports the esuriitdbig, of a
'swig ger dolma of temistrdour misusers. st the ►arts of,
• yoaag lady whose he had Waited by media' her letters
of as offeasive eharaefee. Oa Tuesday eroded lash yews
gist made hie wearies, la frost of the domicil of the
lady, whoa the latter stepped forward. sad el swami •
cowhide from bolded her pommy she proceeded to apply
it rigorously to the shoulder' of the offesdiag youth. The
yam mar protested bia lasso:ewe of aay teak, mid de.
masded as expbusatloa ; but the only reply was blows,
cad he lastly bum a retreat, bowleg the lady maLstress of
the laid. The sl'•lr was slummed by s motley erowd
whieb gathered. Nobody !outdated, sad the lady bad It
all her ova way.
—We lea= from the Faye&villa liciairol that a laity tars
died a petition is lb. cost tat a sieighLoriag ossaty, ask.
hag tribaaal to laterpose cad serer the beads that
bind her to the bassbaad of bar *arty choice, whose magi ,
ties sea forth • sew aims* fat divan», as will be less
the Miaowing extraet, which the .Lairisat says is a literal
copy from bet petitioa : "Coasplalot farther therges
that, as she is informed, the defeadaat (t er haebaad) is
aow is Cheatham toasty, tad has 'woozily opened a gro
ws, or retail Near shop la Astitezd--oad that so lass
who will twadeseeed to sell mean islisbey by tb• drink,
has soot *sough to *adds hie to the sajoyoseat of the
warm alrestiams of a twaddling with.'
—Robert Barnet, a eonstable of Allegheay township,
Weatimorelaad county, Pa., net with a horrible death ou
Tuesday night, lath inst. &arias the day he hired a
how and evaveyed a pauper to the poor-house. He
started homewards after dark. OR Wednesday owning
&boot seven o'clock he was discovered by a boy lying
ie a woods, of the road, *boat a nits and a ball oath of
fdriunedmag, asks dad. It is supposed that ha mu Over
came with sleep, fell oat af the hoary, sad his legs be
foaming fastened Is the Amok he wee dragged for about
four silos to the spot where be was flood.
—The audacity of the .will walk committee of the New
York Akiermea hare motes formoblenport oa Use stamp
tail sows, tle gist of whisk to good eatitsgh for New York
ers. Freak Leslie, who - began the war cm the swill silk
hat be.. presented for libel by cite of the committee, al.
dermas Rent. on gamest of a oarricatare L his paper in
which Its represeeted the committee with pails and breath
es, widest/oohing tlie cows and the stabler, with a alien
pattiag $5,001 tato the pockets of the white washers.
—The stamen Canada awl America, lately perohnned
b 7 lir. N. P., Stewart of Lietrell,, nael bikes threes* the
St. Laminae rapids, hate bees sold to New _rode parties,
who land wading them to the Paoille to fora a lies be.
times Ban Frasoisoo sad Vaseaaver's Islead, the route to
the sew RI Decade. The upper works of the steamers
will be takes off wall they arrive at Sea Prasolisa. It la
gage MIS aedertalthm, bat not 4 whit more hosardeas thou
the rapids experiment.
—A soma, erritiag home ssa Braasisea, relative Co the
geld discoveries oe Frazier Rirer, says: •'ll/e bad a re
vival bare, bat Prosier Meer Its*** it sold. People
taro tow &messily Jut saw for salvation than
The eon.* of this city eaaplaise WI the a* diggings
bars pat a. *ad is the palate. &mai literary sad po
litical goalie**. of tide elty have been Warted ad hare
—David Braydes, a roams, bat bardorlaspd dhoessaa,
was arrested at Now You ea dateislay stbilo is she set of
**Alas a dog stash for Assoc Is wali highly bemused
at the *stertorous* of the polies, olatadas a rigid is est
what be abet*, lad promeaatist say neddliag with Ills
taste "Wily topertlaeat." Juggles Quasksabash erased
Ms to Ihe looted op sad hod ea prima lees 1111 altie the
dog days woo ~is.
—At A* most Emil wadss of tiso °Marto 41•0014'
ties of Usdvensiists. Mrs. Lydia A. 'Maas ',Wood a
Mitre of Ibilowsidp so spreesber of tie per. Her lsar
Is bead also a shako r. Th is is sappoood to be the-Int
abs over maga a bears at fell from say
osideulastiesi body. Ism dadobseate was *sly oe.
daised by her searvadea.
—fte caw day 4 slid la a Mee at *beau. Va..
dissasseed It i seas last a sets at thiAlesooleatios st r
$1,140 es the Iloyal Itaah et Ntssil, a plsee ottilyse feta,
mad Wok, asidylopio of Ikselllas adage. list Imam
W esideatly b.. plumed la the eiMlbe each for mate
beseplat. The tasty Clerk tette the plealse.
—The tome lee Wanes.) Apia I. Nobel
1144. Osallsilbses sad troy an Barr lidos tesetbsw
as 4411 Is New Tee* ilelket is tie papist* of a
thimmoditsg esegillelkaseat shish hoe toesatly bra Mks:
hal se et ts Mbar had sem 4 Ali bossy
—A owl ma of it Vieftteor& ea the KA, lottioss
Kr. 1 ON editor of tb. ?hi 'ffoorboo, mad
Polar, MOP/ of the 1114. ?Ito Import .rd *No
pittelo, al too pat, -d a.. Putt"' 'itso wourolod ei
?OM in tit rho edit.
11:11,61 STAMP ilrgliTlC 4.lV°
t • ocelot( tha blowilhy nest--one of
i m ek nets% the other natlehol. We refer. of
is the • Is Kamm, sad the Leputtlison
Clew of Comity. Os lb. hitter, in two pee.
PslowiesSave boatered aortae Ifkle
sad do sot ..ilitipose to treat of It borer—
Of tho leaner, a tow words may sot be oat of pleas, lA=
assualt as all latolligeace from that seat of political tor
law 4.1.1,110 . had the doeislos of that pea,
pl. will be, by a buy - stojortty, against imeorning a
Stets cad of ressalaiss 4 Territory. The election tome
wholly spew this spossties, sma sot, la the slights/a de.
tree, aped the qusotioa of slavery or of the merits or
desalts of the Lowtopton tuutstitution. Tbe proposition
of the Coafereaco MU, by which this naked wrestles Is
pvwsowbod„ la thy moot sereptiolds which could have been
melkuto 1p wow* Of Races. It *asides them to do )act
what thay wart is dm, sad jam what It is the Minces, of
every Tortiewl7 le do—that, Is, remain a Territory oath!
they bars a population satirised to oati tie t hem Tiriiltop
reseatotive la Outagroso marl until they haLeAl k o ability to
sa aistala a Beate Govoraatost. A eo ty, orterly
formed, is a Dew artistry, have not thie ability while
they ameba thirty, or forty, or fifty, or rutty thousand.
A Territorial govoraeoest, maintained by the rcrieral
treasury, is a brats I.
As svideneo, whileb black republicans, at least, ought to
iteeept se perfeetis outielissire, that aelther the question of
slavery nor of Ass monk or demerits of the Loeuinpinn
vossainstieis is in any wise /*volved in the pending cos.
test, we state na milasperehable fact • that while tiorernor .
Shim (the tree State Uovernor elect,) rriiiling at Law- .
rose*, an ultra black republican from the iii•iKithoring
tomtit, of Bettie, tat Co. time a resident of our own rily
and as ardent slipperier of the 1... art." • .orth C.ini.t it "bon,
loads of is favor of aceepting the primeti I ion of the eon.
foresee lain, bulb es the stamp sod to Ilte yre.*, Many if
the more peamisost pre...slavery men are sae eI r • .1,1,.. 4 ,4
in the aeeeptaoee of that itreposltio t i,
is, that the Letionsplos r.oostitution ts or. if
it le set, Mat it eon be immetliatly atuenJt..l -
is no slavery In the Territory to talk about, and that the
black 'republicans, litssrlag the State officer. an.) the Le KJ*.
Ware, had better avail thocuselveA of the
isausediate asimissiee will give thee", and semi two. Llaek rii•
plaints" to tin (Jailed Styles Senate. The argument oil
the odor side is, Dot. that President Jim HAMA 11, or cop
bogy oleo, waste to force a otiestituttun upon Kenyan
with moods to be reeisted, but that the p-ople arc 1•1 4.
a sosithenis to anew the perrosiory losuwicoa of a .Grata go
wantons;' mad it is title argument that is telling amore
the people.
The black Republican scre•eberely as well Make t ip
their minds that "bleeding Resume her out pf
their !lagers. The ticeisioo of the people at the eleetiob
on Meads, will be conclusive of the whole bunions.. Any
*ones by partizan intrignersio fabricate an. thor con Nil•
tattoo, for use as Presidential capital, will fail it finitoly
worse than did the Topeka contrivance or the late Lour,
eaworth affair. The tale has been adopted, as to all fu
tore eases, that a Territory must have a population r , ittal
to the Federal ratio of representation before it is eligible
to adotiesion. ' The beginning has been made. It will
have been made with the concurrence of the people or
Jammu. It is a good rule—a jest vale—an Intilspealgahlo
rule. It is just to the Territories, and it is duo to the
"TOO YOUNG."—This, says the Lancaster fetilligea ,
err, is the cry of several of the Opposition journals against
WILLIAM A. Potrratt, the Dentocratie candidate for Judge
of the flapreme Cont. When the eider PITT, at rho ago
of 2h, became Prieto Miaistar of England—and he proved
to he a head sad abraders taller is intellect and power
than any of his contemporaries—was accused, to, use his
ems ravage, of "the &Gracious crime of being a young
ram" he contented himself with wishing that ho "might
be ono of those whose follies may AMMO with their youth,
and not 0110 of those who are ignorant In spite of export
riser" Yr. Priv rely uttered the sentiment of all Pellffi ,
Me men—that neither age nor youth in itself makes fitness
or natters for station, bat that qualification is and should
be the only tree criterion. An old goat Is none the more
Tearable for his gray beard. Instances innumerable oe
car in the history of our own and other countries, in an ,
cleat and modern times, where youth showed itself infin
itely superior to old age. Alexander the (treat had con
queered the then known world before be was 30 years of
era. Naptdema defeated the armies of Austria, command
ed by for most dbaingnisbed and veteran Generals, at the
age OTT. Washington was appointed to the chief corn.
us sae navotutionary arhsy at 'its, Gammon was
flearetery of the Treasury when but little past Mi. Henry
Clay was *Meted to the U. S. Senate at the age of 29.
Felts Greedy was Chief Justice of Kentucky at 20. The
MP Chief Julies Gibson, of this State, was appointed to
the Supreme Brush when sot more than 0. William
Wear Irmo sleeted Eloyeraor at 38. Judge Knox was so
the Suprema Break at 35. Sanomprfield was rho most *l
supseent and impressive pulpit orator of the ago at 2 1.
And so we might go on and enamerate, rid teptetteme, time
is of diringlaished soldiers, statesmen, divino.l. etc
all of wham reads their mark on the country and the
world'. history long before they had reached the meridian
of life. We adult that many Meg do not roach their full
powers of laitellect lad experience until they are sixty or
apwarille--hat, as the ether head, Many are older in these
respects at 38 than 100111 of their contemporaries at tie:
Judge Poarna is 37 years of age, at least saran years old
er than the late distinguished Judge 0 isvov when he wont
apes the4leach. It is admitted on all briar, by political
fries& and appereata, that he is a man of superior Wel ,
lacteal powers and of great legal learning and ability.—
Koch la the jadguiest of those who have bed businc•s before
the Sap;enie Court since he has been a member of it h Ind
and amiable is his deportment to the members of the liar,
and of high moral character, be is, in all respects. is to.elel
Judge, and, with a few years experience, would take milk
with any of the able Jurists who bare precede,' Mai stile
bend of that Court. That be will be elected sa, thtitt,
hoyead a doubt.
Immaa, hritanana, Keeteeky, Missouri, Toms and bin.,
take place es hloaday next, the second of Angusr, tint in
Teeneasee and North Carling on Thuriday the fifth of Au
gest. la Kentucky the eleetioa is fora few uni.oportant
Beats °Steers. Is the ethers, members of COn Lie to
be cheese, and is North Carolina a klovern..r also Thu
elm:4os la lemmas is to decide the queetton whether the
Territory will accept of the term. of Kntit.t.n's 1011, and
rose Into the Union as a sovereign State at one., or re
joet that proposition and form a now Constitution when
the number of inhabitants shall ho equal to that which
entities a State to a representative in Cnngre,ot Ti,„ The
coasts from Kansas are much more pacific at any
time sloes Its organisation; and in view of the (set that.
Gen. CAL/sort has issued eertifirates to those elected to
the Legislature under the Leeomptoo Pow it [llion in Jan.
seq last, whereby the Free State Delegates from Lest
matron! are admitted, thus eviler the Free State Party
the imatrof over both branches of the fo-cielature, and
stripping the question of semission of all side levee., we
aetlelpete a 1 the comlag sleeting, a fair esprerrion of the
views of the people, mod the "shriebers" of every grade
will be to/opened to abide by that deeisioe. The U',.rrrs
peblistied at Wyssolott, Kansas, to its les.r of the
Oa of tidy, says
The wily gaieties now before the people of Kansas 1..
Shall we become a t3tatet every man who believes that
the Inaegeratios of a State government would tend to
give us peers sad prosperity, will vote " Propoeition Ar.
espied" on the Id day M August nest, while only those
who believe the ?Oratorio! Government brat adapted to
an, wants wilt vote " Propositles Keleoted.' Slavery is
forever eel of the qesetiost We rejoice that this is Po
We videliesi that the vedettes of admission is shorn of all
side lines, sad that the people at the August elertion
may give a hair expressioe of their preferences as be
tween a State sled Territorial governmeet. With the de
stales Lbw eves, we shall be setts's* If the people
dash% te maga a T • we shall ,etmerfelly waive
oar Pe'llsromme-
We hogs re will be a full rote and
aell hoseet espesseioa, that the questievo-msy be. consld
said mottled le the Amore.
GOOD xx fr.% it rDvs.--e.., R. c.
ktOetasi &tiara of Peaasylvasia, publishes a letter is
Walt dews WI Pulse by *Melt be will be goy,
used In regard to an the Military oompasies atteadibg
Osuip ' l Besquelassa," awl adds :—" I am pleased to
Nate that the Com moweresteb la Dimly so twelve a bawh
sass surplus from the military feud, whieb will Ilod Its
may We the shaft; feud, sad webs Is paying the debt
that hasp so bwaviltws mar people." Goserldi that is
sasellest sews. It IQ. sally true, but. we ars afraid by
IN this the expose', of "Camp Ilsarobassa" aro all
&Mod, somebody will has. to tall gilts a tillarosi star,.
WHIRS 11i4 TO/JP—Us opposooto of tb• Demo•
moths pooto, ow tb. llosaloqg (htsais, km boon Morin
ourotto , foe amoolo soot, to maim espial out of the tar.
ismilloo. Tbq wield min ilk srplodeol Witig doe.
Übe s "piotoottos foe protoetiou's oaks," Lod are tood 1.
-r ilootwookokoos .1 th• Derserstie prisizipis of a twit
for mimeo with rsassoslii• Illiiriosisstisits is hirer of
hams Nomotor. tladtor lbws eireittes6, It was to to
diressysistiss 'Met sal Barsisimitg,
od iii4ollsaia R.R4 td View. road biro. rods ono
VIA*. issistallie w Ilia saii4s4 ii i heriames w ill
*Po* Own of *it 11+Ailie papal
111141111 dit it dot Ai** s series of
iteshilkeir 'Of ` seemly..
• illemised, OM ammo egiesissan iota
" 14 . 7 e
ss u
;led ,11); f o rei gnt
eeto 'bosh,
gir e •urse ng of f bur mud Amer
man :" try.
, Ira a sea say la to literally As
dam fth t; It is igh emempletaaat
to lb* p 1 of 1 y, t pada *. atom a
gee/flea of to mach !importance, should be feneen/ •deP
ted by kis upp..eletlti., mod publicly proclaimed as as mid,
t' astir polettaallatata Bat •
this tariff plank ha the platform of its •aaotail "Ps=
party It ova. atakma the firm sod forearm* is am
*phaeton/le rffort to resuscitate as 'hoodoos' party Wow.
Will It now submit to lb° action of tloro wa
has elected to follow 1 Does 10001140
example a tietierat Sean. accept did wetwiwatiows, e with
the platfuraaasszeal"...-04-41ere 14 Kir ikom
t r easy ta Is \ tbe lamina dewy atul. •*, spit apoo tb4plat.
f,irss '" Will the seed essiogh ts.latisio its pa
sit toil
ritotraLs fx MR 01111 P.—The game pure atm:
lttioaiets are lestag co•Sde•oe le the Meek illepeblieute.
They •lo ant uatieriteriel \ why the Oa* republiesse is
Coorrear chotad have etite4, foe theti Crittesies eia°eid•
touot,—ebtekt adniitted knasakerith Ale lattotoplicta
giant ton, "eternal ehttr ) ery sad hil; IJ ti. Pigliko ' 1954 "
attntiesion stilt that oresstitatioeo 111114411tM slea.vy lad
411,"—and still held tt9he doetrine of t 4ihe pewee sad deity
of C.ingrere to prohibit Slavery in the *hates easkieg kit
atiniteeton. It is to consequence of this lees of eonAdenee
that a eall bas been circulated sod nituseretutlly signed ter
e State Convention at Syracuse, Nen Twis t on the 4th of
August •'nesting, for the purpote 4 IteiniAlltleg liarritg
Smith for Governor, s the aeti•slavory tied tomphrsace
randidate. Smith has great popularity in certain or the
Week repuhtiedn Ptron gh 91.1 c and it i+ estimated that ta i
will take off thirty thousand sot.•. The bleat republican
feeler' look upon the moveinent *nebula.
WANWINIATW.i. Sunda), July 25 —1 loam
from a very rehaV i einUriX• that so soon as Baca
was dtfeated lint, Santaua restored to power in
St Domingo, as reported by Oaptain Mclntosh,
or the Ilnited States Navy, our goverment took
the 'initiatory pt,t.p towards securing Ili foothold
there which may seed to the establishment of a
p erwastea t g overnment by the whites. Santana,
himself a bite man, is altogether favorable to
the whites, aud, in the opinion of the Adtainies
watiou, the goldeu moment has arrived fur scour.
lug au tufluehee_upon tho Island which may lead
A, its reg, erratum .
It way be remembered that Baez proNsed
seeg a dip'.omatio agent to the United States,
~ t i
but a mulatto himself, h.... wished to accredit a
nej., e as tits representative near this government.
To t is, ohjecuon was urged by Mr. Mason and
othels in the United States Senate even before
the delivery of the Drod Sett opinion. Santa ;
us, as our government has been informed, is anx•
ions to send a whits minister here, provided. the
United States will recognize his government : and
give him their influence and encouragement.—
This subject has occupied muck of the attention
of the kliecutive and as 1 believe Mr. Buchanan
will want to snake a clean aweep r ahould be des
termine to enlarge the area of freedom in the
Gulf, I doubt not arrangements aro being per.
reeled for backing up Santana, and sustaining
hint in his efforts to forum a respectable governs
inept, assigning to the negro population that so
cial and political position only to which nature
intended them I hop soon to disclose to your
readers the whine St. Domingo programme.
,WAsIIINUTON, July 25, 185 s.
Our govertubet begins to realize the import
mace of questions heretofore thought but little
of, relating to the rights and claims of the lind•
son's Bay Cowpony on the Pacific side of the
coati Dent.
I `oleos a wise and liberal policy be pursued by
the British with regard to miners in the Fraser
country, there may be callisions that would lead
to international difficulties. Tho American mi
ners will soon learn, if they have not already,
that neither Gov. Douglas nor the Hudson's Bay
Company have any authority over mines on this
a'l. Out li.o larl auvernur of V ancouve,sistosst
(I wouglas) has no authority beyond what his com.
mission confers. lie bas no right of juritidie,
tion; and has never claimed it before, over the
main land or any other territory than Vancouver's
Island, in the capacity of Governor, and except
as chief factor of the Hudson's Bay Company.
Neither the company nor he, as its chief factor,
have any right under their charter except the
right or privilege of trading 'with the Indiana.—
They have no possession over the mines or ap.
preaches to wipes, and therefore the imposition
of taxes or license fees by either Governor Doug
las or the company is a usurpation of authority.
All mines belong to the crown of England; but
it has been decided by British authorities in
Australia that "placers" are not mines; in the
meaning of the enactment ceding all mines to the
crown, that gold washing and working for gold
ou the surface is ant mining.
Ore ArQUISITeiN or CUBA.—Tho existing
euirste con/laic between this govenimcnt and
that of England upon the subject of the right of
search, way owe something of its strength to the
hope on our part of British colatenancie if not
support tu acquiring the Island of Cuba. So too,
also, the well founded belief that our governjgent,
upon Pufficitut reason, changed positiolp der ,
ing the past winter from one of asking Go"great
to revoke the elayton.liulwer treaty, to ifne of
intimating that England might be induced to
comply with its terms. It is a very fine picture,
truly—that of the British lion rising up from
the jungles of Centel America', and forever aban
diming them So also, that of the fleets of John
Bull hauled off, and sympathizing spectators' of
our acquisition of the gem of the Antilles. For
the latter, the London Times expresses itself as
willing ami wishing, while the Earl of Alalaica l
bury threatens the dire alternative, unless Spain
stops the Cuba slave mule. But is this comm.
tion the very importrut point should sot bo lost
sight of, that the French Emperor has ititimited
to Spain that he will :Amid by her sow that Eat
laud has drawn off its support.—Aslarneer Sen.
FRAZER'S Rot En. —Dm discovery of gold at
Fraser's River give-, a now aspect to the Paci fr
Railroad irestioo, affording a strong argument
to the advocates of the route through British ter
ritory line from Like Superior to Vanoou.
ver'mlanfl, as a glance at any map will show, is
the shortelit cut to the Ocean. It passes through
the Rocky . Mountains where the grades are essi.
est and "silent least Forests along it offer tim.
bor for tics and bridges Rivera cro ft it, with
ample supi,liem of water. Farmers would be at.
t rac ted by its fertile soil. Villages would spring
up to use lite water power and navigable streams.
The Btitisii Govertitaeat.6 as eaergotio in push.
log Publid Works as ours is dilatory; and if it
turns out that the gold mines of Frazee:sliver
rival those of California in richness, the whistle
of the looomotivo will bo heard at Vaalsouvet
lung before any.similar sound disturbs the soil at
our Sand Plains in Tozas.—Aiboay Journal.
NZW !mu, July 28.
, The Times' Panama correspondence mods the
substance of Secretly Cass' letter to tho .Preal,
dent of Nicaragua on the refusal of the latter - to
sign the Case-Yrissaftteaty.
The Secretary says to President Martbnice,Y:ou
bays imitated this government by withholding
the treaty, after pledging yourself to Gen. Lam
ar that you sent it by,a special messes/par. '
' You afterwards assigned as s reason for not
having sent it, that you had written an autograti
letter to President Buchanan, asking him en
mit certain modifications of it, winch letter you
newer. wrote. Ws demand as the only repgration
you eau make, the written treaty, as ratified by
the assembly.
With regard to chi rented rights of tkiteiti.'
sena of Nieragus, Cenral Cam tolls kriililest
Martines that hi+ Golernmeat would new sittnitt
to any arbitrary action ofAleartrai that mi ibtit
country was devoid iitadegna u tntiumthy the
Cabinet at Washington tmd btliir reams!'
but to decide for 4irrisel,res, and_ that, thwteh*ie
a per navel b*Ar bpvt,4o l 4p4abikl*bcifil
4 " of th, to 4 We ;i•-, .
—km cot. wens & A. 17 4
111kwroeitattet ltlebfiba Mr%
4w.Q.rifwEwediiw ths loss*
was mod
—no -Ilispatirmi bold their Wow useitiw
d u lt o r=l l 4ll4l4 lll . ll rt *VI
~.ft.Wii.A..4l4aNAMMpas%•..l . 6 N OWelfieo4 4. '
titan fur am &Wog erg Bak 14$11111pli ekirM•
Fiery pw sowt4l OWfw eilliaow SU
tows Derhearem. Ow PM stilt Mid last, bail boos 4asel ism Ms weak
An eiO4--egial ...m •
—TIN " saw N es ibis rook an
rayed it a ere beet: Nei tephbileas me, the Flip
grafi& I a very weft iehaved jeered, aid's** lONA II Ise
got a aew 1114 dolls as, "NI we V 'lgeeol beetle
WlLsos, of tip Clauttwel - heSeoroe, it as
at last vosit-Isst el tS woo visa to prink iloosood op is
"store clothes." usq ieolbeg so good word as !Sepik
the Journal saes reit, ispisip did sotalteesob la
bit. And w• gueSibey don't
-Th. Resew %Misr, Arressisst & jb.i, Os* /11.
Omission. oasis ioir pen as Illesday, aatl supseSsil
Colleetor BRARIAT fur &sty. litiss is aWs Mils ask
beUt at Sasdasky ism% sessash sae is sem , oil has
cold" SW !ill =his ibis bar bowl qui/Ws. •
AAP. Gov. Pack' ina appoistod figray A. Amain.
and Osman Kiii.rota. Roam. satariw NAM for *l.
City. Th., on amongst, sod eopato °kisses, is moo
moo worthy of tiildiadt of favoir.—dasette.
Very tree; 'sad pa Eight sas added. ow is a Now
era! ani ate s 11*floNi, AA* •TA Wu 1411 is *same
of politlesl liberilPs saver imitated by the Oeseus's piny
RAT. R. W. lianwol.ns, el Dario. will Lactase ow
Monday smile& A ilt• pairstsalist Chwrili, la tisk nigh
11 4
for the tostiollt of Vac ion Social Lisboa, s issasmohnst
Association aosooeud sr that Church. Us °Wait 1 a
a wor th ; owe, which we will ha a sellaiows Wow
moat to bring oat a I I bows.
—The kohl Miaow of the softle thaetercial Immo
ruby credits the OtoSSe with the melt et hie wheats(
frost sit 0011 MIL lOW, se bate so oliiestist to Ms So
lan ohm load keen he seats hoes est cohost, wittiest
credit, bet we de Ass to hie resdoetog seta the Oscine
the things that Weis to the ultegover.
fl. Iloarittrear Oates &at es Snotty theewees6
• party of No or eis not sad ate wooer otartod we a
hand en for Six NW ()reek; ea the ))d es k A. R. ON the
way the wawa boom May. All eel sail she MI eget
by &eves, wed her state the enteheal• a heerthis sea.
am Dr. Brander eased the Attetered limb. She was
so retietedy &Jared that bye separery is eweewhat desk.
'7 •
The Bditar et the Ooatutastville Cowie , . saps ahem
be Heansot re 111 -
Li m
jpipat wittiest draggles is the edi.
tor's =MO II . firseistre article. bell quit the
chair e4' _ Islight; he prsotiee moat some
of our °stela _ed Wading to sae another by seam
is is wretebild bad . tests, and Amid be dropped. We
have sellout hsdalisi la it, sad serer without regrettlai
it atterwsrds.
The Gazette this week has a very Whale appeal
to the "ravens" of be &Tablkea party to roily
tad give the CosinesWaal aomisatlea to Its Mead Bra,
JAR. It won't do, however; the head writiss is im the
wall; the "'rinser of the party' sad the "plardlaa" of ita
honor, bat willed that be nossinstioa AO go to Craw.
ford Dowdy ie that the Beitatershlp shall fall to Erie, sad
beam the 0 simply exhibits its own impetimey is a
more staring by Mai harping apes that stria&
Rev. Mum likalth, slide essualseleser of commies
wheelie is Oil% is his abbe le boa says:—Every
leacher stmaskl road rat had we ; other
wise be will live la *serum of daily emaniag bets, la
regard to whkat his prefesslos requires that he should be
informed. Newspapers are bit bommalag the teachers of
MI.. ......41 , ....- 1 a........aa at MO WNW' who it not as hab.
itool reader of this department of literature eas se! be
thoroughly qualified far the teseher's prams/Am" ,
—The following me Me appedunsonts wads at the
M. B. Cashman, whieb mostly east la Meadville. deo
the Brie Dlstriet—J. nowise, Prodding Mdse. It* D.
C. Wright; Westerville, M. H. Bettis, J. Mallen l Barth
East. A. Ball ; Waal. to be supplied; Lath Major Cole.
`rove; Waterford, J. W. Wilma; Bdiabeto , 8. L
kissing ; McKay', David Illisasev, J. Proper;. Girard, A.
Burgess.; Spriegietd, I. 0. Fisher; Albite, C. B. Char
ms, 1.. D. Prosser ; emission. B. S. Gillett.
—The following lathe, melted by us Ms week, ez.
plains itself. If say of our readers know eaythiag la
regard to the limiter, tley would career • favor by eons.
muskmelon , the ems to as, or the writer :
Dear Sir :—la 1815 err 6, I booms soissaisted ern a
young asp, b 7 the ammo of Saint Horrors. beloas6lBl is.
or sear Brio, Ps. la 1844 he west to Catigiusist. with
several more of ay Meads, sad I sew ism* dirt be is
dead, sod has left about SBWI, witch W OM In
asatoas to seed to its redatires. I lava YMld MN wok
ot skims, bat se prem. His, It that* le ..y way
coo tied oet whether they am ta yewviebaill. dull Its
most happy to restore lb
.jourisity to the right
If they VIII treks to we, willgtv• the sit the weer
Wry ittforastles.
Yours. Rasp/414/1A TAOS. Y. RASTOK
Ticket Agent M. C. R. UM. at Detroit, Kink.
To Post Master, fele, Pa.
Will the other ikopors h the Coast" seaee males.
Speak lag of the dieloptes is be eleciad to flay is
the Ite r Nulrliesha Cutest, Coleveadlesi, wield" sweets iss Mon
day, the Coestinatimi says, " limy delegate gosh' go to
te the comeliest detewaised to de 111101,
tells Lis Is for the inkreol t4e part lied ( ho penis roe
That's a vary pretty mesa" hot ih prepailiks sea.
tattled is It le sot practicable. Tap . easing sera gad
and Manewes--tbea how eta a dolsigate b a lopblieaa
Coaventiaa "do what hie trenielesnie teas him l for the
interest of the perry sad ties poi:4 goer WM* saiie Ms
It is leapessibi•—thet " peddle goad" lead the "laterane
Owl party are as satepaistie am the positive sad 'wipe'',
poles of a tamp&
_w e ref er an !seders to the advertisespet el the
grand Mews Rummies to Niagara Pearl es the Owe
City, is sootier colease. The best will be maw the
asemeed or Met prises of pod Mews. Clews. J. 8. Isms
Yetis—the larder will ie sepplie4 It. R. `ll4erass.
whoa* wen t sews ehereekte es • Prevrqlhi of Owl ildwir.
Is s seleiest gearrestee Oat these who tekeloweage win
sot starve, whine the maids presided for the eeeasieek slit
give all she dude b lie* opportunity to "trip tho
light Amu& toe so ttteli burrs holm Tim Wks%
in put as tie ammo., low pins* it SO too ateeineetee
sod lady. which lootelos*Wiltblisig stag eel hosed the
best garb ea eowevniwilly Is rank eared tbr a goad
Mee. r • .1
The istimhp, hi pigs is Wm Per alleedia "
to express km views eiewmAlliA, beams
tbs Otocrws has sarahllANN,l4l l o l llo 4 Saltalikit Its re
sales" ea thattogas' Is is "ftworyisliglik . rho k
niPPsa. °W. 40 1 bff liko! likla AO.* PosiP, ass
but gorlimisis. key oe sob" NO4liisir the tillems
is "as serossoas 14bs" wilmo vskip 013011417. fee
!mkt to Its posidoa se lkst qtatsgsa * ,aostasi boo the
tklisskipthia *Mfrs of to3i l ,ipsll,oll4l It nisi ammo
tat lair Ws, as 4 sim ad* is has hal saallar'
political vistas—a 'rook sea at .0 Waists hassamsolt as'
it has bad sac shoe *my mew Aim dam lib birsh.—..
We AM . hide *44 ht ibet met* cow
doe iota ye a" - to Sim Its lag *Wm ° is papa.
We ore laiketr•,l to Moutp. Isirsapi I Irma, ON
Brmdwa7. /FS /Cr* ft Goy at imam it "ilmpos side
bawl-books ptikild,l 107 thwiti. o4o o4 !Yu Aim , A
Pocket 'Noma if Avosival Am* Cal-
Unto al tbi P 1 Ihvi.&Amnia,* lisposides .l
Ow Platers aikl Aatteit 0 Biabi is 4 kitNtit. ;!ta,4 Os relesli.
t ot het% . 6.44 41 V hr ito r ii r s t i
Voieriptimmo if lor ilk'
otiestkas la Ili di 'IAA. %mpg
Nov I.Plat sal CiathriVa 041144iiiii. - ' a rail
valiadal limy sellhrt . - V* dr radon iit
411 'Ss Gorki? %Jai liiiiiiir save
usi. A mm o/ is `kaiesmoWidity imitillitiirpiiiii'
!woresmbieft h web sow • iiiiiblikt &plo
w mho, is MA perdinmeasill. Itielliflitig din/Noir
era, sail arslsii~. Alielplll , 4ll6 *me sat Ile
_ •
,1101...+.1....} 41P4Or46.6replidli+
01 ammo WI abagam4i vial* iw
pialoba silks a at
.~'i'~..M~i~ a~4iM~tf
Lamm le speak well of s peatisal eppeamt, Is somewhat
astitaisibrit bosoms. la solleimi Me umlaute* et beet
by ibs liepoestliwe BMW Csayeatlea, spoke et It as
Mo best tit pasty maid Ism maie—witlag, that
let salaam* of the memapors et ibis party OM
Virraagra bati "e k __lo.6, l6.
7 0 4 MI 11111111; itstamia. by
feedl4llll/ lbstebseetklas tsar mamma
egos the bealb. ?be asiesdibmeal etas Atirisal is am
Abbe washilataillAtmailistras amtel•mssweres
Maim ail Ilbsielftila W. base
is Ilhwikammtaasm diet la bighsabb.awailor me.
yelp alp waist .vse Imam Is le misstt that Mo
.mssolhiabse attic lswoustls peaty--se maga who or
Asada," wase-.4Pareqmssematat the =alma Ittribates
of basesalay. am a ripe with mob a sward Amid
bessissiesdat a Otani appestat,
1 1 4 Aosta mestibatsibate with isamalmo ami moms,
I a so mere tam was to bum bees a:OMM ; Mentors,
let It pass I
. lilOlllllOlllOlOD ITSIM-41111 Crawierd Parer' ,
roesala suie ef body eseadtiela whisk le a rasher nonsul
esterase* la the Baal diettias, assaote boa Medical
Ceilegea. It appears tattoo *id goolleum• awed Henry
61111174144 died La Sioeutdeld tp., week before Oat and was
PrelloMl Warred. A day or We Mar it wee discovered
that Mee OA, had bees spirited sway. A physielan
' ailed TO pa sereeled ea sapieies, ad two others,
ilutdrielte sad Stone, itamedfittely daesogied.—" Ye
eallibute ems of New York an going to have a Greed
Ssounpueet at Ditakiril, so the 14th, 11* nth. and
13th days of August. The Jaime* mays: " From the ar.
reogemeate made, we feel awe that there will be a 'good
time' degas the aeweespeeest. We andersumd that at
lust 125 teats will be palled, that the Ittiintent will be
sit oat, sad that several Campania, frets Desk) will ear
bialy some over. The metweatacidations will be ample
Tor - all ',Wore— We lee by the Creator that arrange
m's', are sheet etsopleted to supply the village of Prato.
Oa with the aateral gas so aboadaat in the springs in
that vitally. le thatad Sur basally have been cook is
the reek he the bed of the oak, sear the village; oils $4
feet in depth, ea 66, sad the ether two a lees diatom.
A pith alma dug of &boat SO feet is depth, 14 feet in di.
meter at the bottom, sad 6 feet at the top. The tipper
pert of this le eatheed is mason work, wade tight so u to
provost the neaps et the gar, exeept through the appor
tion which wilt lee provided for it, From this ozativation,
a Imatheeldag pipe will ria he thei gaeouseter in the rillige
fres which supply pipes will be ameeeted to different
parts of tha village. indite( from the ebeliti,,o of the
water la the exesiratku, swam Laser, there will be an
&hada' supply of gas for ilbuslastiug petpesee —pi, e
day last week, a ream was by We, arse of McNamara,
reeitiag I. Meadville, acidsatally swallowed a portion or
Corrosive Etabihaste, whisk had ban prepared fur billies
11 , 41411,6 W. The timely aid of Dr. Ttmespeoe, who first ad
salabaredthe whites of a doses nye. and thee aa emetic
loved bit life. Se_ eays tko Dwamitt.— The Bogalo
Commeread states that t h e ii. S. Deputy Marshal tommtlY
arrested fetlr saes la SO Co., ekarged with wan -
elboadag and imam eels. Their names are Alu
mD. Goad, Claelte, David sad Wesley Ash. Tlie tat.
ter penal were arrested la Westfield, near which plate
they reside; eeteasibly:a foam Gould was apprebee
ami la Ifurville. A pedal smaaeletatioa was held Wore
Aweelbea Orakkaig, "flay.; 14. S. Ceommleolowm. Mee lead
the trinity to ball is the Ism of 153600, to appinufroot
day to day, sad Redd fulparatelly le SION surely. J. C.
Of~fre, U. B. Distrait Attired'', endeeted the enemies.
Use ea despot of the Cloveroseat. • ,
Drr*orr, July 26, 1868.
E 3
--- We mei jab eeeskkeksg Is ear abet, WeJeee
ei•verrimPoturre shay Is AVM • sloes thre'
sia•• aim window. Is emirs Is Amish se obit • beg
ite■Onisie s sieve sail awash onkel se Se dr door, and
there by. sot • bemired het ben se. sae et ilk" sable
obi tees* trees ,bio Uwe ire beg Oben a refreshing
shags Is boat of fiektsetitses Willis& es the ,corser of
Stabs sat bliti reseata. Waimea Wei bees st son around
tetfreversi dep. ts reibirkeg the pelisses. As 4 them
had sathstalsei b. ekes a undies spit el tried wet it
tab Ike street. A 'pia had jut gese bee the tbp for the
pompom anemias • Gerd from a lt to the betiding to
keep It free biting over, sad ekes it west thews he went
seder It Wi l es, ha was Wyse est ke was mobbbLoaa, bet
moss atm m4vl, pad ve sett Mb the YU ley awe%
the oesa• at kb aloseter neeteelett Ike worse for the rage,
bit ctosvaleeeest,
—We aro bilabial to Messrs. Dick I Flue ;Pau!),
No. Ilk Aria st, N. T., for a eery of a very acceptable
talk wart. nulled " Family Asueorinres "An A cps..
rime (wiles dart are several they are ealentively called
Agenda,) to merely a subsibute ler the * old-fashioned fish
globe, however— ate wider ims it weed obeyer be ehaleged '—
The lain will eaaprobead, is a newel, bow readily
that improvement Velittato thus of ► world of labor, sal
aftverts into a task of love what was before • tanner,
praveltiagi always eatherisasieg, self ant very @leanly,
daily neeeselty. Bet how b this wonderful change effete ,
led f By what whale disarm; Is it brought sheet ? AB
this is expisiaed in the delightful BUM vaunts before es,
widish we think le the moat thoroagh wait of the kiwi
ear Weed how the paw. It to what, divested at the
00101116 . 111 "" ti do sobillas, eat being earefelly &derail
10 isherialit haterleaso 1611, Amiens egoistic
Be,, le Valli II hvtritrd Ingttelt minute that are
only IMO NO lllMl6.4lswas• awl la British waters. It
lOW'S rim timigiWk4lholigineiple epos whisk the lab
Ilk is Avesp*Opuribsillatg - try Om ernes thrown off
bY loWiftellfa Wight to grow therein.
w►w file lifilitiggerted by the wheele evil
pia Wawa ig salmillge that mat in the allot
of the webs;_ Oa beautiful parterre• of aa.
torOa iseteas eft the Book for rate et
the Fart ßotif:
rdnOrkilllllllllsts PRI* 1114 'then Nit of ""
wipe Mei b illlsehigios mom.. TM wits promises
his* hem sae* liestelies St times is she erg Moos
rats. Who Ml' 110amisei ewer strikes teem is cis
okra plass t
L-11bieripw le din MINA. lbw INwse say/ • thoy mooed
VW. arkibrith. say eifitymila old, bus leer itreestaill sad
ssat la do liatiffli fldisal for owellog two cows, wisiaa
do was tryibg I t o WI.
. _
Tan OLD &Axe RiVIVIDI-13inoe the excite.
meat bee commerieell in atheism to the gold re.
Rios at Fraser's niter, some-ef tie Oppoeitioo
s are re-vamping the eharge against Mr-
Penes administration and the Democratic party
for baring been the came, of the cessiim of all
die. territory Nor* of the 49th penile of lasi'
foie to Great Britain.
The Crtneinali linquirer thus ltimirPhas4
answers a charge of this kind made by the LOU.
latrine Journal, and please the saddle immovably
us die right horse;
It wff, mums, be remembered dies every
rote gimp higirt United States Senate against
theltsigy Ai& fixed latitude -40 as our bowl..
sty, sad is fairer of 5440, was gives by Demod.
anti' Ilieraters, who 411110041144 to amity one third
ofr. Tits If*, vats tourioi by th e
of sat oligarition to the Desseersex,
Wild a few Via. Cridecdco,
iireirmete tam* tile piety tlisi was in
favor of die suriendar. at 4, am counsels ofonr
ent President, st. *slummy who, ae Score.
tari of Suds t.O Kr. Polk, made an unanauerahle
lApamit is Ism of the itemises .claim to 54
4U ia' ids IsOmn id Aim POI* Minister, been
amid' r aistW Cue, Mr. Allen and
Akar prosiest Damaarain *lied, we should
Sal hue owsoei rid on Awn River. It
*OA flu aloes*nisi, 143, bad a* tier *pi*.
titian Weld ill
'win roe 1 ler th• APIs• sad uPou
'l.► -
Ocier or Lazuagss.—A - Ney'lrork paper asp
Set it all the Aare of &vex, etas, WORM'
lied *lam OP fflismatia 1141.01 ibe besati.
hd Is* fir tilideVilhat tiogiata ;a hiked; aid
lia *lies Muth* teil el Om Auk Tilt* .
ale* le reellill id alb a pio,, ii is elang over
I ateis'e sliteliba, ill% pealy w elled ead with.
eft Oka a ber heti VOA Ulil the 11140190,
the ietetatur thee *Het . ea dol
. alder their beitairei eli . poor
‘ll.4l =, l"llsllieset ri re " .': ' (C I
by Ist pad . aka d y t
ead may ent peifiag is bbedseeevrte We
vreesht tharepeittlidita &firm meshes.
os t maid a
0 4011110. "
los Itamilt4
ap?lt part
ads d i u wor s
i ti r tar om tao aoaarneaospf Obtrtpid
mQeo, ale toduiso
have united their forma to 'make a stand spinet
farther encroachment. The ultimate result of
the nosiest canna be doubted. The red men
must falai their destiny, and yield to the
ary l ma army of a superior race But the adri ,
Colljilmeig, Maw Taylor indicate that
the mime hare ovary Amoco of achieving suer
eess aethe iiiSart-Ltielethe omuniander of the
Pact& divfooli 'of air iusigaifioant army has
neither men not munitions for snob a war—and
that do Imams were taking advantage of this
state of Way to strike the settlements and as ,
igrant trains while they aro without the means
of defence.
We anticipate intelligence of the same midi
night ataeeaores, bersiage, ambush attacks, and
torturing of wretched captives, which are inci
dent to all Indian wars, bet which will now w
ear on a scale mare extended than ham bees wit
nessed seises the bloody straggle on the Ohio
and the Lakes, which terminated with the battle
of the Thames sod the death of Tecumseh
The government must depend upon volunteers.
But much time will be required to bring a force
into the field capable of covering the settlements
or striking a decisive blow at the enemy. The
emigration to Fraser River gold regioti is im
perilled, but doubtless in this case, as in many
others, the hope of speedy fortune will be more
potent than the fear of the koife or the ballet.
A very large proportion of the gold seekers are
brave and hardy Californium, accustomed to the
use of the rifle acid to the perils •ttendiog a life
at. the California sines in the early days of our
NI Dorado. They will continue to pursue their
idol, and trust for protection to their own bold
hearts, strong arms and ready rises —Phila
./>u ran/.
The course to be pursued towards Paraguay,
which has nocupied so much of the attention of
the adwittistration, is now determined upon
It is reliably ascertained that from the isolated
position of Paraguay, and difficulty of access to
it, that it is capable of making a vigorous resis
tance to an outside force, independently of a
few small vessels, mounting altogether an arms
meat of 6or 8 guns. Lopez has three or four
steamers recently constructed in England and
at an eligible point on the river a fort mounting
100 guns of different calibre.
He has also a standing army of 12,000 men,
which has recently received from England a ear,
go of arms and ammunition o'
In his employ as engineers and ordnance men
there are also several French officers
The administration will send a fleet of ii or 7
vessels, including the Harriet Lane and• Fulton.
The former the flag ship
Commander Page, who has Imo selected for
the command of the expedition, has proceeded
to the north in order to charter such additional
ships as may be adapted to the expedition.
Although it is not supposed that it will be
necessary to 'fire a single gun, yet in view of
the defensive preparations of Paraguay, it is do.
termioed our force shall be suffieiently formid
able to meet all possible contingences .
A Commissioner has not yet been lel, eted
There is good authority for stationg that no
such letter as that purporting to havo been writ_
ten by Secretary Cass to President Martinet,
on the subject of the latter's refusal to Apt the
Caaq Yrisaarri treaty was ever written
Lord Napier had a long interview with Srere
tar; OW to day.
B601'0111) SPRINUS, July
The President, Miss Lane, Mims Bright, daugh
ter of Senator Bright., Sir Gore Ousley, lady
and daughter, and it. M. Magraw, of Baltintere,
have arrivt.4 at the Springs. The i'resideat is
in excellent health. It is supposed that he will
remain two or three woeks
Uilw.too, July, 29.
Last evewipg, wl►ile ou a pleasure excursion,
three young men were drowned by the upsetting
of their boas about a-wile from the pier. Their
names were U. Wentworth Scott, formerly of
Montreal, ElaviLaud Pock, of Toronto, sad Palm'
er, of New York.
Tot/Arno, C. W., July 2C
The government was defeated last night on
tba seat of government, the House annulling
the decision of the home government to make
Ottawkthe Capita). The ministry resigned this
F ;Mint FROM M muco. —The Baltimore
Sun has accounts of Mexican affairs, which are
more in detail than those received and published
by as, from the Associated Press :
The Most important intelligence reported is the
abdication of General &dump', who had left the
city of lillexico, leaving the Government in the
bands of Casio and two Buthops Col. bums
had marched upon the town of San Luis Potosi,
and captured it after a feeble resistance. A con
siderable number at prisoners were taken. Col.
Opel Zotaillt is one of the chief of the Liberal
Party. General Garza took his departure from
Malmo's, on the 19th, for the purpose of join
ing the forces of Governor Vidaurri, and it is
believed the combined forces meditated an attack
upon the city. General Caravajal had intercep
ted a train of fourteen hundred mules, with
goods, while es routc from Tampico for San Luis
The proapeeta of the Conatitutionalista generally
were believed to be very Battering. The report.
ed violation of the Territory of &more had been
satisfactorily explained.
A PLULADBLPHIA ITXM.—t. few days since
4 large party of persons loft the city is the Hal.
Limon) ears to enjoy a picnic at Fairview, near
Chester. While io the woods the mother of a
child three months old placed it in the care of
ea mgt. Is the evening when the care were
aei t a
about to vet to the eity, and the child was
fast asleep on the ground in the grove, the aunt
started, la of her bonnet; she hid just
sufficient limo to return sod get on board the
train. Not observing the child in her hurry,
she nitrated the mother bed taken it, but un •
fortunately the two ladies got tato different cars,
each supposing the other to have the child, so
that it was not ascertained until the arrival of
the train at the depot in this city that it had
been left behind.. rho father immediately hired
4 hack and rctnrned to the grove, and wee over.
joyed to ream that a servant girl, living in the
neighborhood, hid bad her atteation attracted to
the sleeping infant by the barking of a dog, and
hid taken at home to her employer's house.—
Here the father fuund tt, and was soon on his
return to the di/00'0W mother had aunt.
sr We leant that a company of about tires
geraons at. Milwaukie, have banded to.
ratter for the purpose of going to Frasier river,
over which region Dame Fortune—tie old do.
ectiterie supposed toseetter California fortunes.
Mimi* the members of the company are several
joutweymen typos, who have prepared them'
selves fornil 'in" of hardship by working at
the Hesse in iliilwaultie. We hope that they
End a "phs take;' sad Ail their poeluits
intli . epleutifunmpply of "quoins."
BAD Th um -- Hersey B. Nichols ins sae
of the visaing of the meat implosion of the
otassint - PennoAnnia on the liwsissii Bo
was s)iiiiii a Chniona s oonnty, U T., a
• nfrlnnintcnt . "GA . . and ad one
tresAnt"pf gollep, Texas,
ihudiliel epos the roam of law
Is ' ' A . 0"..-: treCw w iis o_igy 2,W,Tanni of i.e.
.. '. .• . r - $4 1 1 5 . 1u "Ain Ws lisp Or AO
I ' ' w r i f '4 4lFer dm. II ,had been named by
;f• 44 - , . 'ie.; 'l4, ..*er__ 44 II " le-
,kipmfLes 4 „Claw
From W aWN;ton
The Gold Fever is
u,. ► a.
As during the fortnigh t II
ti days lists been i.e •
y !hazer river matters The
e north have been to ta, ty
in everybody's mouth
Stake has been almost um, b ,
add letters from there , amt
aubjeet her beau aimed and 1 .,
avidity. The exodus fr, A ,
grants for that region h a ,
Steamers and sailing sear
et of the largest
requisiwou to aoooniaionaie
to the carelessness or de sis
vessels ill Dig entering th e ,
passenger" on the custom '
possible to get at the exact L
neve left San Francisco eke
of the excitement, for the ni 4
it is variously estimated at f ro ;
000 persons, all adult mai m
seems to be no falling off is
leaving. The interior town s
sod operations in parts of
will for a time celiac
of California has necessarily
many places the eLpreciaties
great; and perhaps a better
money profitably tin property ir
misted than at present m,
splendidly, and real estate, hi
dividuala affiiett.d with the Fn
less than Bali of their real rah
Oar latest news front Vieir,
28th June, and direct (remit
26th of Juno. At that time
mense number of miners nn the
river, waiting fur the strea m
them Logo to work on the
to be fabulously rich' "Sp e ,
also been disoovered the
river—but owing to the pre*
der of Indians, not of the mO.l
tion, tho miners dared not eat
far from the stream, where the
Were congregated.
The town of Victoria on V
has sprung rapidly into import
ulations have been made es r 1.3.
Lots which a few months ag..
Hudson's ISay Company at
at over $lOOO A newspaper
ria Gazette, has been started
can steamer the Surprise) ~
lady between Victoria and F
one hundred miles ati,vi th e
river. Merchandise of aIl de
ing spirituous liquors, are pe rms
ed free of duty ifitu 1 letor;a,
Bay Company; but thin claims
exclusive trade upon the rivtr
or of the mines
Most of those leaving ipri
go by way of Victoria, as it a.
miners to go there to procur,
the mines Strong effort• tei
bring some American t...ira
with only partial Recces, Mat
at first, took the lead, as it au
could be quickly opened thou.
new mines Ip to the pr,•
road has not been remit rod j.,,
ria is rapidly outstrt•telling ti
On Ihe :nst of Jane, a dna
curred at Victoria, by wlitelt
wcre drowned. A 01Bail •
Ow Alcatraz, while conveyitil
passetagers Inita the steaturr
siettre, was esitssz , ti acid prvelltif t'
fur mt.. Ihr water, ..f N
d ntwne,l
SlNill LAIC CAKE I.IV Witio, ,
One .•1 the ukoht remark:4W
hirtor y Etigisnh vlll4lll
avid couvietdiu Of Mr
tbc tit.) in April is 4
forgery He wit. oentrt., •I r
life, and wa, senteueed
qui° the worst
bier suffered great uxviwn tv,v. ,
Ciglthlet of hi 4
kingdoms. 1,11 extraurtl,fl:'
have led to Hp proof of hi , .1
by a "free pardon," and he. ret
Of course his eonvietioti I,d t
of his name from the toll tr
lit the Superior Courts, and sic
his restoration to the
his solicitude Even this IN'
But every step which he made
the posiuou from which he '
onsly and u3rxretedly
place the proof of htsionoce
or which he bad been the
light, watt' at length tb.. G.,
txy its unanimous ileci•iun
how cruelly Mr Barb, r k '
elety through its legal sod
committee of the A
todemoify him fur his 1.,
dory tho Ilartisburg Thu
Ong of the employees oil
road informs us of a to,
occurred on the pass tiger
into tbw place on Saturday
of the CITA a y')IlIg gent Lma
ently deeply occupied in read'
in his hanij, until be gut to
place a velly handsome young
oars, and tool' a Seat
bad been long in the train, the
•ad they recognized one 'nods
slices when young; having ben
their parents snout% apart-6
West, and of the other to
two soon beeatnt enwrapt in
fell ardently iu love with on ,
the time they arrived is not
solved to be united as rasa gad
on their journey to the lady'
Aeeordiogly when the trot
took lodgings at a hotel yet f
were united in the b. 106 C. , '
taking the next train, were oe
Our informant says he is se
parties, and that they both 0 0
in society.
ADAM() A , Nt is.otck
says that twelve or fifteen
West Cameron, in that rout
day evening a grog ,Lop, k.
Loomis, alias Drake, and
the man's stock in trade
out of the establishment to.t,
tures being carried out at fl
awned in a bonfire Looms
110 ladies arrived, but 000 et
wrong front the ia,w4e and
room be arose and investigste
took possession of IHo .oui
truetion greeted hi. romp.
"discretion was the butter ,
took bimeelf;to flight, carryth,
save his shift and II email teg
the shirt and their valiilut
to escape unharmed
Globe says in reference• 1 ,, air
sea at Frazer River:
" These diseoverie4 pre.ed
da of the most dazzling kiwi
the Nei& coast by the Brio:
Iva/Ably lead to a demand ,
across the Continent, which
through our territory much 1
of the United States IVe
prairies of the Saskatchewa n
iron horse within a few )esro , '
through Canada such as Bo OM
ialagia4,4l in a dream The 0 ,
will be settled more rapidly tb '
sot*, and it ought to forma r
4 'l declare, mother," ' 1 " 1
girl in a pettish little way, " °
er ; you always seed ai
sleepy, and you alw c
a sleepy."