Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 24, 1858, Image 4

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From tie Ohio Rimer
1 bed • flock of chicken*,
The waded litUe things,
With they cost of creamy dawn,
And Md. hints of wings ;
And tab the teem Ivory
Pews ladiao /moor Isouirbt ;
4104 Amber. polidmpl the 4
Cormbast e poly irsouibt. +
How pretty their bright, needy eyes,
Andsunalap miOskag peep,
Al 'north their ebnekllag mother's letup
They nestled down te sleep !
How sweet their chirping twitter.
As they cluster at her side !
HOW ninthly on bee slippery back
They hopped up for a aide I
How datatly they read to pick
The crumbs I lowed to scatter I
How prettily they awed to up
The water from the platter !
Ab 1 it would take the graphic pro
Of Hawthorns or of Diekees,
To *tun? MU the beauties
Of lay ebarartafg little clocking..
The Potatoe Rot—lts Cause and Cure
Prom the illoMilo Commercial Ai!imagist.
-Neer sines the disease known as potatoe rot
first appeared, various hypotheses bare been of
fered as to its cause and cure. A malady attack
ing an esculent so important. and forming so large
a portion of our daily food, was at once reCog
nixed as a national disaster, and the researches of
scientific men were directed to its study Up to ;-
the present time no satisfactory theory has been
promulgated. la giving publicity to that which '
we are about to notice, we shall confine ourselves
mostly to what has been done by actual experi
ahil to the legitimate conclusions which
inductiveNeasoning from these experiments all
ford. Our personal knowledge is confined to the
following facts:
On the morning of the 24th of June, Mr Al
exander Henderson, of this city, left at our office
a glees jar containing a sound and healthy pots
toe plant, covered in by perforated paper CO a.* to
afford air. He had placed it there at 7 A M ,
and with it were confined some Biz or sight in.
sects, which Mr. H. believes to be the source of
the potatoe rot. The insect itself we °soma
describe scientifically. It is about the size of a
mason house fly, of a brownish color, has six
legs, two pairs of diaphanous wings, two antes
am, and a long, stiong proboscis Mr. H thinks
it is the Phytoctoris, but is not positive as to that.
At the end of twenty four hours the plant was
evidently diseased. The insect was actively en•
gaged upon its various portions, which beennie
brown and mouldy in the leaf, while the stalks
in the course of two or three days suffered a pu
trescent change, until the 28th,-some of them
fell over by their own--weight, the stock being
swollen and softened, in some places quite to a
jelly of a sickly, green color. - This process, Mr.
Henderson informs us, acts uniformly, but most
rapidly when the plant is freely watered and ex•
posed to sun and air, as the specimen described
was not. To alt external appearances the disease
was identical with the ordinary potato. rot as it
attacks the vines Some pieces of early (this
year's) potatoes, placed in the-jar were also plain
ly attacked by the rot during the four days of
Mr. Henderson slates that he has been engaged
in this research since 1845; that in 1850 he dies
covered the bug on the vines, but thought it was
confined to them. During the last year he has
found it on the tubers, and watched its effect up
on them. It appears on the vines in from two
and a half to three months after planting, accord
ing to soil and manure, a richly menaced soil
producing the perfect insect sooner.
The natural hisory of the insect begins with
the development of the egg. This is invisible
to the naked eye, but clan be seen with the aid of
a lens, agglutinated to the skin of the potatoe.
It is of an oblong form, and is planted with the
seed potato°. The egg may be hatched in six
days in a warm moist place. The entire period
of development is not settled. Mr. H. exposed
a plant to the insect, under proper precautions,
and from the time of the exposure to the time
the young inseet of the next generation obtained
his wings, was three miintbs. The process of re
production has been ingeniously watched by Mr.
Henderson. The egg planted with the seed po•
tatoe is hatched, the young insects stay in the
ground until they get wings. In the meantime
be is engaged in stinging the tubers, each perk,.
ration poisoning the root and begetting the rot.
While yet in the ground, as early as the tenth
day of existenee, the young insects cohabit, and
from the great rapidity with which they propel
Otte, Mr. H. argues that the egg is deposited
'before the first emergence from the ground, al.
though in cue of cold wet weather, the insect
sometimes leaves the vines and returns to the
tuber. Only a few days are required for-the en.
tire destruction of the vine. The insect is remrk-
ably industrious, but the destruction of the vines
does not effect the tuber except to stop its growth.
Mr. Henderson finds a ready explanation for
the healthfulness of the potatoe in sandy soil.—
H. finds that the grains of sand greatly annoy
and cripple the insect., and as the light soil is
heaved up by the growth of the root, the sand
impacts or falls down, preventing the cocas of the
fly. In • stiff soil the insect readily leaves the
ground through the cracks opened by the growth
of the tuber, and having stung it, comes to the
surface and attacks the vine, especially - after
heavy showers. During the past winter Mr II
has had thousands of young insects hatched un'
der • glass, and to try their power of mischief
has experimented with bugs only a quarter grown.
Tlit plants exposed showed uumistkrible signs of
disease on the tourth day.
These statements we regrrd as important. So
much is evident. 111 r. Henderson, by means of
this insect, produces potato. rot at will W heu •
hadtby plant is shown us, the Insect applied,
and the rot follows in four days with unerring
oertaiaty, there is good reason to suppose that the
problem bas beau solved.
As to cure, Mr. Henderson thinks there is no
serious difficulty. lf we put a stop to the planting
of the egg with 'the seed potatoe, we stop the
propagation of the insect. The egg being'invis.
ible, any means applied should be thorough sad
reach the whole surface of the root. Mr. Hen..
demon states thatt by sprinkling quick lime over
the potatoe, as it is out for planting, the moisture
will dissolve the lime and bathe the tubers in a
caustic alkali ishich will destroy the egg. At
this time of t# 'ear the ravages of the insect
may be prevented by packing the earth around
the tuber firmly with the foot, which will 'another
the insect. We may add that, this is probably
the same insect which has recently attacked the
T gr Tli
wntm ft- •
mos g the above, we have found one of
the insects in` our jar, which bad deserted the
now rotten vines, at work under the ground up.
on a sound young potatoe.
In conclusion, we would express our thanks to
Mr. Henderson fo?the public spirit be has shown
in thus freely disektsing all his observations and
their results. His frank statements, and Wain.
tire denial' of any secret means of cure, relieve
him at once from any imputation of quackery,
and entitle his theory to a candid investigation.
As a old maid was heard to eselaim while
- Metal at WWet, the other day;—
" I can bear ddrersity, I eaa eaemater hard%
ship, sad withstand the shocks of fickle for
, tau; but oh, to lire sad droop like e single
pink--I ma% endure it; sod wbst's more, I
wont." _
se. A little urchin in the.Babbath School at
G—, was asked a few Sundays ago. "What
ows Saviour said whet' he knew Jodie bad be
trayed Mar' mime
Ike iselda setsashed his head ire mom-
vita and gravely aostrered, ' , Eternal vigi.
lease is die Flee of liberty." The teacher mil
MI6 The Philadelphia Ledger *aye that there
'are ose hooked theneusd barrels, of thirty-on
Oho each, of lager beer, saaufsetared is that
sity is a year. That is a brevel for teary adult
is the city.
~----- - -
aiiirmk GREEN BAY. Agrximt.
21111/ of the &bore Stramrrs will Its, , Lml,.. l•
NJ wren Thursday usurtunc. st.okiisa w. ...i. ,•„
tt t a 4: Ir.4ltTO •
Si* Nay
_ _ _
W*lll pay CASH donne the. eelienn 1:nt• r •
Hive' ti
W( )OL ! W( )( 1 A •
e WASTILU, by s. smyTft. Ak.,l .• - 11, , 1;
can Woolen Illanufa,totiny
lir which the hi hest naarltvl ;qt.,.
Voole pu sue. emu. duu t ;4ll to tt.. n,ayula.lyr
" 16 P 6/ betiOWIPICHIPHInn Shout o lb buy ,irk!
Erie, June 12, DM.
HAW c jj : 2
I lE V othom,
VlittsT DOOM. WEriT OF AA it it:Wl' 41•• I %.
t'ilt.NGE 1111(1( IF% Lit :
Are. maw prepared to 101 be.
ROOTS At fl snots
t?7 , 1),:i I , 1.1,
I. %DI KM 41.114%
rind In fact EVERITIILVG
11 - onirn m• rhildrl.
OST CUSTOM \\ (iliE\l;\i\ 104)\I•
%ND '6% 11.3: %NT/
\V keep oonstnntl r u 11'1?!(1
51-10 - P.
Dmi'ti,,eytt die :-- II", ,
be uis(h
Ene, A prti 3, 16.511
Wheeler & Wilson's
IMPnOVEU ; , FA‘INI, Al 1k lO\L-'
MINN FANNY E. 1111(111F.S,1 , -.... , I ii or
and Saar/ran Btlo els, tin% in,. 1.... li ' l .l ••• ..,• :t • •.” '• 1
sole of thorn imehinei In Fri., ,.,,, ••l.; .. I. i ,' . .
=in* one ill operation at It, r r.• , .rn. ~. 1. .. ,• • • n • • 1.
These Mariano,. °pompl'll I 1 1/ 1 1 I• • • 1,. /* 1,1,1 ~ 1, • 1
Shuttle, but one Needle and to. II .
1 6 rend., Ilse, I.Arr '. ••• &-
the purr ter over lite yeriza, anal Iron. tn•ea tin. , ertally ~e
frbethe ogle Machine aiiaptod to iii t, .d. . i• % 111 f, %' -.; ti -
ING, workiog eimilli 1111.11 1111 t ..1•••n. I .—, -,... • ii •
Goods; Hemming, f elling, fn.-Lin i. 11•1 1. •1 / . , , l'i
and strength unequalled by •o, tither Mr i,,,,..
Among the undoubted ad•antagon tool the, 1 ,.... -
others •re, lot 'leant) an•l naui.ina• ,I . • ...
quest freedom from derangemet t and /.. . ' -, i/a . - -
allipiattl Nil* and rapidlti or' operni,..,, • • . • ~. .. • •
4th. Beauty and streng th of ,t.t.i., • ~• . ( 1114 tit • lilt it.
but • Leek Stitch alike rn ! o at, ~,t,... , , .., . 3 , I t Irvin
ed, it CANNOT Ell: I Nit 1% E %ED
An examination ..f 1b. .. 14, ',..” •• „ ~, . 1 , t a.,,
Erie, Feb. Z), Piali
Sheriff's Sales.
BY virtue of loindri n .it• ..1 ‘ o ' 3 50..03- • ;. •
et, will be whist the ( ••tart Hun , .•, l't . , , ' 1. - f • , • a
day the 24 day of - August [lent it '..' ~', I • L ! ,' ii
described propert ,toa tt All Or ilgta, 11 .•, tit, .• •• olki •11.11.
It f .
J Lane, u and to the knot" 3.•,. .:—..
+ .t,
age of esleyeil Erie • .int,, I', , ~. ..,
~it I .•,,,,d,•
eight, cc numbered of tiu gru. 1m0 , ,11 i ..., . ~ , • •
north by the Erie and Itiidile ron... ~ • • .• • • . • ~, ~,,
tbe south by lot .u. ie, and en th•••••• 1 P.j I. • N. ',/, C.51..1.1 /11.4
one-fourth otan sere of land. Alpo .•n•t1•••• , ••• .•/,..• .•1 .t. , .1.
lace of Wagiatrilar, being part of lot No. nano. • ~,,' a •7P
lug nine lent wide and four perches" In length, .1 toin,r the i ,
end of lot No. 7 1 3, and runutug parall• ; eal. 11. -. !"
lot No. 48, and adjoining the *am...r.,,..• ~, •1, t. , „., . • ,
at theualatt of Jos. T. (filbert nod A S route
Also—all the right, title, int. rest and ..ail., rt1.1..f. 4.• . ~ ' ". ~ .•. r
S. Ward, of, in and to the following .I....rawa rot. e...•.. t • ,
cord township, Erie Co., Pa., to wit: Part of Ir, • ‘., .•,1 • •
Mincing at the north-.,••t rorner of -int I, ' '. • '1 I
along the tract line rant an. !lunar...l no ! •-• •i • •... n ~..• • • •. ..
;south parallel with M. wont liiiM7•l - .i, I i • .1 ..... . 'in.,.
six ;perches; thence Prrnt p s r l ll. ; „I ~
%met one hundred and slaty lorrray, x., • I „ ~‘ l. l n ..., i „ ~ , n ,
and thence north along wild 1111•• OOP )11111,1 . c• nr .. •, • , ..,
the place of beginning. routaintho oat 1.,. / r t .t ...... y ; .1 ,
and 01 land more 07 17.101.. Trion In ..4.-, ••••• n N • .
Thos. C. Rockwell, Jr . use of FI, .1 ',. e.
Aloo--all the right, title, tuner,.., .. ..... , , ! 3 ~,, ..,,,,,,,,
of in sad to tb• follocing eleeerae•l pm..., . I. ~1o • .
Witabingtm township, to • 3.: I' • • . t•‘r • - •.. 4 i
420 and 611; isoatslning
_about oneolsorolred .-3,-.. al .. n.l ..
being tile ems land deeded by David 'l. Well. and sr de, t..
recorded March 30,1e62 In der.l bru,l; 1,.. 1..... 4J. 4. a,.: ,1,
runs being fully described in Feel d....i 1..1.., ~, i•, 0 .. n .t
the snit of YratiCaa 1-atnparirs.
Also—all the right, title, intorent m o d . in,.', .• , I
of, ill and to the following deism!, io 3, t .. •- e: 1 wt.' •.• .., 1 ..
Mallcreek town. hip, Erie no , Pa., 1.. ~ ii isn't . I • ~n . •
bounded and described as follow. 1, r in! •3: .• I:. t. i
corner of lot formerly owuel lo E loon ' , mitt, thew, -., I -
degrees east 16 perches to the rornor ..I ••••••• ..u. It • t • / , ; 1`
south 64 deg. went ten t• , rdw• t.. n , ..• • ~ „,, . , •• • .
West AXIOM perches to a post .tan.ling nt It ~....;.• ~.1 . ,
Gram along the trig. of .3.1.1 road Ir. • ..•,•It. . :, ti...,.
beginning; containing ill. are' I.r ~ .n1 ..., . , • ... - r.
frame house Taken in exec-ob.. nt li,, 1 , 11111 "• ,-i 1 !, •
Also--all the rhf (law
WI,. lot,. • t ~.1. :1. . • ~,, .1 ..
of, in lend to the oce •ng renl , ..t .. , • , ~• •
Wesleyville, Erie en ,Pa, to wit lot ‘: .., • . 3 .....! ! ,
forest pl an of rid Village 1.411 11,1• /. 11., 1:. / •.. p..' t. '.',.
lot Xo. south by laud of F SI., rpt,), 1. '. t ,' • t',
having er ucted thereon a tint,* 7 , i/I linen 1, . .. , •
to rid village, I,^ut.i.'d north I '3 ".'":, •t •. 1 / ' ' ' . ) '`' r \
south by land of E, Murphy met cent 1,, • t .• . •
ISO to rid village, boundod north I , y ito , "l • r., '
51, south by lot No :0, slid cent by . ,-.... • •
themon a dwelling Louse, taro viol rich'
43, bounded on the north/3i part ..rt , o \•, r.
lot No 43, south by Buffalo rose' and ‘...3 Is
Orchid thereon a blackmail •hep, e+
same being In rid village of tV,...i. e •
the. cult off C golden
Alen—all the right. titir, urit,reet awl Via alt .•1 .
In arid to the (unwiring described I.lers• ..1 1... •
township, bounded north, 1 set, and n...
121107, ~Jr and on the setithi by the root lemur.; from IP. 3.0,..
I.ii.t to ildriete• Taiinery, Moto., r n no. 1 oh•-•f• • sr..
sere, and having erected thereon 1 •••,,,,. •
Um at the suit of Jernuali Dai ek use 1.. o Ili nth ,
Also—all the right. title, mt. r..i nl, 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1
and Anthony Cline, of, in and to the Gellowil
situate in Tensugn tosimio p, Ere. i'.. , p, ,
wit. part of tract No 4, hourolt.t norti., ~, ~ u• •.'
Yon Stan... idillo, m'oli be 'lgoe' No. li, ..I • rot by tie Nadal. o
Best:rad alo, I l onntaining al.ut eirtt. r lien.- e'i...1. , :,..-., r
execution at the cult of Jam.. .11.•„r, 4.- •.- , .
alwo-411 the right,Ails, itnereni and r.: 4 •••• .•r %
in and to the lolliming e ßenera..l "...I • ..t.o. -
township, Eris co., Pa, to wit part of 33,1 •
the north-seat corner of thin f orce 14 I/11.1 41 1 1 ,
land of Dean, rant one hundred 1,1 .• • 1., . r
thence by the residue at the tract smi th trr, I •••• • •,.
poet,tbence by Cab Ve)Val ilia 'I oor isatlrtr •. . • .
thane, by tract No T.l, north fifty thAe pa- '. • •. .
beginning: containing fifty leo • of laud ti. .• C' t • •
ler. Taken in inecatios at the alt nt I. • I n•••• .
Alen, by two is rat, of Allan \ enditioni r...p. ~,,i, .o.
10110341 court and to me direeted, .111 be n, I '., •• ,„; •,
'place all the right, title, ,nt• r.,..‘ nod • '31,11. • ii • . t. .•
In audio thatollsorma deseri net reor u.f Ion.!. • lora .., ion .
township, Erie Co., Ta o doerrlbrot an 1.•;1,-.
No. 4, bounded math 1., a ron.t, t ... 1, . • , ,
moth by tract Pie 9, and 1..... t 1.. th. r. -..n0 , r .I. • . : 1
mining eighty acres and lo lo '• itl 1,, ..I I, . ~ . i
in es...oton at the null ..1 lau .1,,... v. a. It • 1.
Alm-esti the rtglit, tiLl., 3.1 t0t.•,....1..,1 ~.,, o ,-,„ 1, , .
Welty P Walton (lortne•l. Wait, I. 11r5,,, et • tOtt . t.. .
will and testam.nt of 1 . 1 . in. ii tray, .1.... o. ..t. to ~..t te I •
lowing detimilsrd pieta. or /wren.. 1.1 1.... •,' ....... t. t I ‘ it e I
tO.nabip, Erie Co . Penn'a, 50d11..... n , 11 11. Ilt 1 ,t. d„. . i •
to : meld interest bring the undit..e..l t tt,.. 11,...., .., 1 ' 1,' ,..
awd ditecribed as follow., to ...t no ti,. ,„I„ r t , ~..1. ,„ . ,
, ~
Francis, Randall, On the noulla 1.. 1ni..1 , 1 't sae, ~....,„,,, ,
R. Betty, and 06. the est Iraad 6,1 the 1/.e. •.; J•. 1.1, 1..t..1, I,
co taming aliturt one and one-tonrth mei,. oi ',in.:. .
n u. woolen factory, one !Intl de -line hotio..nroi rtt •
lugs thereon, with the linpr,.,GlDPllt, V., nt• r lit.t.
has is execution at- the cult of Itaeeelas it.. sit,
Williams, deed.
Also, by ewadry writer/1 1.11/.11 I. bet., 1.. too •.,rt4;,,,L, ..
sold at the MAW trey.. and pls.., the (of/onto,. /.. • t :leo( ..
of the estate of James Il Intilapolecrenned, to ett .. , 4' .1 . • tt
pleas of land situate In the tosnolot . 1 t....... 1.. I
coolly, PetinerirenLs.. .I..erthrd as h., ~,, „, , „ , . ,
certain outlot In the general ittrui of out 1.... n. ..:1n: . tit 01,... I.
to tie town of line, known and marled •tt It r.....ntr0• I f to.
dyed lad thirty eight i 5 :01. And 5 .,. 11l wit I, rt.o to ...1 r
the same plan Itsown and marked nal, Ibe nuintei In.. tin, ~
and thirty-also (SW which add lots ova. root •r, i., ~ ,
ry Buehler to the said Dunlap On Ill.' •• 1 a_ot!l .. ss .111, , \ 1
1911. Taken in execution at the suit of :,. It Ititewll
Also--the following desc.nhed prow., I) .4.1..,.,. f „ ,I, lll
A. Brown nod Mary i . Jackson, Aduar . , 1 ,with .1.4 i. ,„
to wit: AD list Village lot or paired ..1 ~.rotiod ,4,.., .
situate in the borough (now tilt I or i rte. All ,. ' tlr , 4. r• •'. . ,
forbore.' plan of maid town • ill; tin. pond., , , ~, ~.. ~ ~ ~ ,• , ~
als:, (1906) bounded on the north to ... ,at el , . t . I, . ~.
by In' number nineteen hu itr. ol and .. 01. .. ; ... r .
by lot number ninetee.n ht. Ott t ral and Id, i'• 1 I
by Myrtle Street. Tabu in execution at li,. ....1 , ( . , . .
Also--the %Ureter deeeribed i.rop..rty of .1..1 n t r., .
wilt all that certain pito@ of bind 111{4.110 In tn. ill' Of tire C.
si Kr* and Made of PetUalryleania, bounded .11,1 delerton fj ~ t ,
lows, to wit: be 2 Weiser on the aoutherly line . I 1.11/11, 41 / 0,1 I
add stay of it% at tins centre of the northern hon..( 11/ 1.1 it ..,.
city nuisokier Ss hundred and ninety-on. . Gel 1 lb. new .r ..tic
weld let einesiber six hundred and ninety-one one hundred i.ti a..
till., bet (Ill) to the mut r. of the hero roil salsa / In-:,
No, OW, theses by to-lots number. sit I,lin.tred au.l one t l
and two, and throe* west.rl) allt, ..n. 1...1 .1..1 ...r e .t 6.•
(61.11,) to • past, thence through in-let mind., s., 1,0,.1,,., ~,,
alnety-four (11114) nortliwardly parallel fah trerrwa 3 etre. I "t •..
eity, ens hundred and date -nee f.....i 1.. a i ..-I, ~. i.. ... , ~ •
sliest Ileum by said Walk street ...Vs...tit .1,1 . 1 ~. : ... , I
Ulna ineltea In the plass 4,if besinning 1 ..1.; Ile 04..1.•r . 1,
part of odd in-lot number PIC ti 1411.: ,, ,. 3101 Milt tf ..n. n,„. In
as tensity feet od Weald liartot unwire, -la Awn - 1eer...4 ett to
tribal, sad eoutainiug stbnut our-foot 11. . I an at r.. t t ~. 11..
IV* SA of the 'southern rod to amble a ten hod all.. i
essestion at the suit of Willman M 9 &Ilse,.
Alas--Ile *Moving deorcileel proinPrti of 1.41i1 A .1,,,ic .
wit: all that iserbdo_pleor or pert of nut •Ita bra. 3:7 ..111.. 1 r.l . •
ties orthit Mew of Erie, lying end tot Li% te to atilearel. to .. q..,
Die CI , Pa., bounded and .leerrile•d .... f.,ltowe, to 1ad:......,..,
eta the eartb-weet corner of said -ut-lot nuthor ti t e r .. to .
and ervesty eleven In the east hoe .•t Peach *11.• .t. 1,,. IT
a soisthwurdly dbeetlon along mot street I..rir feet to n ..•..1
dooms la an easterly direction ota a line parslkl to lb. 110 /I h :to
of and aell-lot to a poet in the we.t line of the tutu?... ~,a d .
USWes is a nail/twain/ay direet ion alinng the It. ton Ibar . / ....
tnuraydk•dortyddt feet or•Pc inch., In a poet in the 0nr11.......
the said out-lot; thews* In li ...stet ly direetica, alone th e 1... rt
11111, Of said ost-lot to a post, the pier. of begiflutoi", alt li .11 an
.i. tr ibillipportenesets Takeo ,ii execution at 41.0 •iiit .
H. well sad C. leflparren, to, EOM ICIT lb.. wont J ' YR./hi
Um by a welt of Flee Feely., to in. directed, i 40.1 our of th
gaini omit, mod will twilight at the idsrue time and pier.. 411 11,
Wtitle, lotorist lad dais oft' F . ...I.' .... , of, In and 1.. e e. t
ild lathe vlliair• od Albion, Er...1'0 . VI., I.4un.tral li 1.,
lot blows as the Wellman lot, on the ...., hr the rood, ..qt ft,
salsa by lei a et. J. Cele, and on ttae hy h.t 04 E lt n •l,ll trit
re IOIIIIIIMIS a boom sad barn, and no. of ret // ,./d by • /6. / 14.►
in oxecattos at the salt Of Joist/ ( . Irl/PDP.
alle.wall Ulla ri gh t, title, Interest and claim sal lt.nry I
Gls bad to the Wowing described real catsup, Stoat. 111 /..,,,,,.,
township, Rite Co., Ps, bouddcd awl d‘-seritaed as tolii.e a, u.. ~
Olt the seeth by land at David Atonal, sad !Meld Remelt, on 1 ,
• 9 4$ Witted of David Woes! and Alta sileetthorti, on tn. ~,,,,
hY kill of Phillip Miller and --l'efitia, sod an the ate.t he la•
of Moist lbaasell nod Widow Osborn; containing ece.,,t, ~,,„
sees Warr or Willa baling erected triune lonise sod 6,1 , 1
and reserving out of said promitore • :-..• Mill and pit,
i i :Mi m illi V apd about an acre sod • hall of ten I in which *aid ,0,,
. Talon in ezecuttou at the sun of Muse,
1110.41 lor 11.
Beef B. L Woodrud„ and David Russell, Ailuda. id sot, gins...
eitsitipsos Hirmltsis, Pa., i JOHN KALLP•THiC6.
lair 34 /SUL tswMir.
I 0 S•11.1:1 -- I. I i 1.-
1. I/I I s' 1/41
lllssEs nu
l'111111.101:1 -
\ 17
rl . .1.4 r. ekt ur.
r i
Late of St Louie.)
‘T p. ll 1. i .1- 1 , 11..%- —Fill. of Charge
. 1
tte I'4 /.11nriu..t,e. StrAir 11.1410.. aim lir
mkiimeilik, and
4 4 J iAt ie,'
t., t.t VOelti{
ir V
• •
• (kt lit and ' .
• ItJ ' ( 1- -.1 ti t , t•t • • i4•lllstnisi,i,viir,4tiimarki•
.1. •, ri• rt.! u lr. -salt Itheum, Erpoprilaa, ar
. •, • u-vri, • Itt•,4111 • fr. el )1,4...r1s blued, JOUreit ir.A/k
(41. r , foul I ivirkir •100 for= riTCHItoy o r .
i • .••• •••-. o 1 1 r Jac.anos u World-ark
ante la a large number of the
,11 • , 7 . : • atol Nrs. York. Pat)ents
/.• I , • • . ~• nf regularly, owe In form
.. ~,• at 1.. r 111 tummy OUR% indlrpennible in
, . IL L-•lagle.ula lug airy allynnenau 1t0,1011,e •
~•• • lioreisib• kimoir jor' rolkiit, to r•
• r I ' .1
I. • 4 •••,,r I Ile I itug , and the appoiut
u. - to‘ll,
• 111• , 1In. No? nluit . 11.• lill4oollll,
g ••• no , 1 , a ..r.. l.raptrarte.4 and difficult
J is.:o , `‘ of It I.,ahe erAgiaalo.oa st$ 11 1 11 14114:0
Lhe epri cp., CUAIIIKIII6. •
. •Y. Mfl lebt predexthe w 111u.d posegiNq 4.* basefil.
\ •
.•. .pr 0.1., rerc"sery
.• I. t. t , . I up anti U., II" UMW?
s 04.1.1 mat uuo. retood t tbe r=
s-1 A A Sig 01.1 tar aa4 . sill' ng at jig
•,,,.„ , 1/111.1.1 1 00 attootting
1..1 !IC: I atteotwu tO
itt mei FY MA I'l DU& ‘411:14 i/10{ inyitea e•autta•
• , • in iitnnt to hp
~. • , ar% %. xr, he 1. rrll tprepnred to
vl j• r•on • I.lltnu t.. coultuli
, tu u I •Ift, gat tau Luta • full
t , 1/ , t , * hat. Ittediclues,
tttu rrattottabl• fry. Ilt•lautott,
th. it. , u..• , • .
4.1 stl• ICP, 8111 t.• promptly for
t. spar treat...l • larwr numbei
• ow or umiji•calibrt•
, t ) w, , . 1 Mh.... 111 t•etouttetlik hlAp4flo ly
NllE i kli i 1.:0 lIPATION
C. C. JAC'Kt44V 4 ,
't 10t1.•• Bom. l'Apsesem
Elliptic Spring Bed, Unrivalled.
, 1 I
. 1.• ... • ,t or retrotlSlttioli.l
i 1
ri.“.• r. psrt •••,d)
• uot put •••• t ••r urder
. •letoutnt .reamt••
•;•;;; dt hen..
p‘•• 4 1- .• u • .1 awl t•••t het aL
t. 1/•••• h0..,111,1h1tr•
1 . 111 441. heaneleaki In a/anther
t• • • • •• • •lidup ••• ather
i , • • , •1••• •• • i•tu tr •••-rupan•
• 11•1••1
,; • • • • ••.‘ •11 . • do: It ••• an indi•pennable appen
r••••••• ••• r••• n• •an rlinnor their puestinn and
1 • •••mid in the easteat poaNible
le lute di lit vit. lull In 14. obtained
Stab , State and cur,
ti. u. IF.LLSEV.
r..• I. • ‘1% , r.•• -tate street, beturet n
.111 11 . 1.:It s • onto, M. W
\ - • , t.• .4.11 R nCk, kind Eigh
11••, g:O4
%Fa. i11:1
ilistOtPA CE
Ent: Cnunty Mutual Insurance Company.
r„/ 1 •::9 Charter p, i. tut,/
i't ovo t I. 111-0r,..{ Finlwoi 11.owat by bit, For ally Tens.
114.1 r %reeding 11Fr year..
I )111.11 11*". .•• ...t ttl•ot lb., .lopoFit 01 l'remlunt Not.. or
.- , .• ott 11
1. 1.1 ol Ito tomtit stork Kates in Money without
c • motto Note . 1.4...... laid without litigation.
• I. • 1,• , I 'V. ti brought Against thi. Company. Thati
!. ta lit) w . Flirt itjr , • frown 1011, ••4 o, • sig, A4pe iswitstais.
1 . 1 1 n F CT I ) it ',-
M T16 1 401..Win F Ftludernrcht,
' 'olio /amulet 1., .
Jos 11 Sterrett,
- \ 1'1,..., %1...11 - hes.% Jacob Haunon,
. i. 1:;.1.1•1t I, Wna, /I., a,
.J It Justice .
t . F V I t 1.. It 4
JONIA• •••1•44,‘,....•
• 1,, •
IJ h \I. I • I.sw 1"..., 11.-apnt
• , r ..f 4tateo and Fifth . 4 tverta, G,st
1 .11 or. Agora.
~ ,, , .. , ,o z. . );;w r opanZg of the highest M'
I ) \ I • .\ ) and 111ARINE
Insurence Company of Philadelphia.
•• 11 . 2. Wain./ Strdr.l.
11'1'1'tt rurrlT I a%reted. 4 1 115410,000.
The (Inky!. City Insurance Co,
•• I Pllll. A I) E I.PIIIA.
• P. 11"n/aut AYrret.
it 4 1.111.1 a nd rpl - • 112541.1.00.
Inquranet. Ciapi)any,
, 1 . In s r• rArrije.
Fire! Fire!! Fire!!!
11 •ro 1.. t. IRRIMPiItT7"I.4 laminate taw, illlerbe, of
( Lb itr.. %1 Block. up staus,aucl git'your
.• -• wt,: reliable Coitipa
I .I. M Ilatsll , IS. raAVCk COMPASY
% f o o l 15100,000 St-curoly In•
• •1,41)1.1,111)111)
‘..%11.; - I \ 1. , • I\'` , it 4 Wit 1 . 4 , UPANV, Athrolt, iir.
%11P0.1.041 11i paid up awl orcurol)
1. 11 1E L P 11 1 A,
•. i.• Muthal plan. emi t: 16. • , II 111 Id the Conapuly,
. i I, 1,.ur....1 mg tlle m,•61 fat ttral
- . I . ht. r it.. noti itrootylly iditixted
...irlg., and I,t li, itrup.rli, tia to
.of i .! . '4...1 tr • .1. perkwy t ent It
i, lit On() FI.S. 0
al. I..rn. . . 113,1.1, F.l nriir.l Alt,otier,
I aII dope. Brooke,
. , it t. '
/ ii l'enrgko,r,
.orgy sAirrril,
c. 't• ,,, ••.. V.,ll4.nrit I)arlinglon
. I, 1,11., J I:. Jo.bia•no,
11 L1,•1*,, II•sy, J. Newkirk,
1 , I m II ir•t ~.., JOh II tr.ller, Jr
, 1,.......1 M. I I ~.r,
. : J KELLUGG, 4gent, I.
...1•1.1.N1.1111 leooi 1..n.t., Pattern Sofsfiprlng S4eat. in Flair
. I i .. , -14 i .. .. t•arl..r t 'taus, Liediuto size east,. Chair,
t •I ~ t.:. ~ -•••.i ' ~.. , ..• , rina all new and to correspond
~,ti: , 1.., • ••• Apply Loa. W. ELLZKY.
i It- I NllO%l t. 1.1.0. 11111 ((ONES iiiiiinirl;ll - sizos )uin ni
-1 ,
T 8. etnCLAIR
. I 1 i
. ' .
I'lll Im'LE (LV SALE (11E.41).
herrirg, Currant* mid Tontatorth
n. •h %wt. F ruff, pri.9.ervid to Mr Tight
Kr' n It A 1: 1 INS. Currants, Citron, rigs,
Nutt of rations Mails.
• •
1 F' 1K F:: 1 , for Ilritd Yea.lo prrparral
1.% In k.ngltab, lady of thin city, war-
F.FIII YrsAt iu vie
~~ n~c~,
r' I: ('ram of Tartar, Cirrtwraatrd
-,1 liurke)'s and Babbitt o Baking
t ,1111
klaa:ear. L., 1 erotical., Perrino, COcully
r** Cho, Mateo/id EMU*, Sate mid tntitieltl,
ta.,l i)4l lafte ast strain bottles, Pickles,tensf. Chinon, WordMILPTOIIII. Satin! and
ot E‘trart,
kNlat.l.l.tN COFFEE, brew* of Coale,
enr. maid JIM Cultroia 6 pound Co.. Pt by
...loot Jan, Illotho, Ma and other
... . n I R. Aided Coffiv.; Itoppn A l nun
/ .11 ott I, tuung Hisao, Old ktyllge,
r •"-• -I.a, and other Black Teal, or superior
bt the box or ori
I A IV4-4 'ruithed, annulated. Powdered
It LOP and Yellow C•ffee. tlew Ortearrel aid Purt, Eton Sutara
k. 110LASSLS.—Kew Orleans and
I ~ 1,. ti..lemereand Smear House Syrup.'
rktaktu --,ttepertor Fier Cut Chewing and
runkin •Ireandishi and Natural Leaf, ander
..,, , but we most stop—the Prin
t. r 'lot anon' us more space now—hot the
putt Las mat been told you. per
hops ue mums the subject next week.
4 r hut .1..1 it for that but vise rod Dee,
o 4 •)11k the go.n of the South you wW
n I. "T 6. half ham not been
DON'T 6 , 11111: ET Tint NIA elf..
F rt.% :Al, •
" \-`
_ ____
Metallic Paint.
1)E1L 4 . 6 41... e,es ,n, 41,rk roiorPti paint will nod Ulla Ma
~,,.. I d u t ,1.1. ats.l e4warrl•l thry MO WV, Pyolla in b.Cly, d.pth
,I ' A 1,.1 ,y, 1. '...,... ul ni..1.. t.. ....;, atanallatturnl. la annual a
.! ' Th. I. mit lho
rt.., ~f t T. 8. 81Nr.LAIR.
I 101 NI: NIA 111 ;;. ri al„
I.+IPN 7 " 7
g a 1.. ...• 1,•••.,1 I ..1..1 se) tL, 1 40,1011 .
• I:II it os. s , l the it•flt fur wale by J. C. SRLDIF.N.
r E l'glit'EA.ll.llt/I WA 1114811111rAialsiAll
111L11'. nll pontrnewee regular '
t/ ‘,.- fil,llllll[l4 unetwation. between
Att.l rn tvvtllmrlT 'topping M Erie.
I • . •,,,.! ~1 and MI intermediate po nta. 3 , of
I— ~.Idler.
,„ tw0..1. MORTAR. Avent trio.
is A y THlntaS; Arleta Grime nay.
L .. I kt... 4.
' ' •
' 1
'l. 1 . )
ti Yr. .41' It CFI. !OMR, Wl IV.
fiJl a t
WM: IV. V - 11, TANS` 9118 6310 itait .s . t
aaaartmeet al all Limb of BRCS IS at T. • EMI
Erie, Jane 19.
, .“1
1....1 the 1,11 , 1, rues. of the
it, 6,in.rlf
.; A ft N ENT. g't
11w 11 •wr "4, l'res'L
sAMUEL Z.B Al I 1 H ,
Ps. a. Pea l'. INtk, PIMA Paver!.
For •hkh •W be gives
Boots and Shossiof the Latest Styles
IDLES. can now obtain • Superior article of both Fiala sad
Vaacy Gaiters, Boots and Shoo willioart baclait to mead to tits
tern cities.
Baring ► fall sosortateat of tbe Mad Idistorlaisi I awl PoliPazod
to do work which, will Satisfy ilk* ascot fastidious.
Mali ibex* ilia*.
Erie, Dee 11, MST
4,4111 Beim tIELECTED .11414ORT.1111NAT 011,
IN Eam. qatrw ; BE rPm? #l'
ximai,angisi s
Three tiotela ate free tbr BW SAl i t l rAiMal" ill ill "
United Matte and Nance, and include every variety rl MO* imil
Prier, and will be agreed
Lower than they can be Bought
4 T any nib, "#l - 37/41:7702V" in Alia city
E3w, April 10, IRS&
Al.l. kind. .d Country Prodinco, tolt *bias thr kleimmt
prior will paid by IiARR t EtROTRS:R..
o r , Hughes Block.
yr niter fur ynar Inspection, the aerrwt keetelshebt of 6, t 1
V tiouhrna FT ItSISMNIU GOODS, ever brnufht to WS oar
r•unKating Wmppern, Drare.e, Shirt., Collars, le. ke, -
we 'hall not be undereold !or the t nab. Ctdl and pee for Tour
eelirs BANK k
HAVE returned from the ration. City, share they have
oelreted a fine and rich eirick of JEWkLRY, WAYCIIKS„
ClAit :qt.\ ER, Plates' and iisdd Spectacle., Sitter, Britannia
and haled ilfledrltieleit and Tanis putlagry,
LOOIC4 - 110 i LASS
17.4Lw• cri-cocoas.
Toys, gal. kt. In rotation to the close motley time, and paying
Cash, we bought our Goods thirty per rent cheaper than they ever
hare been bought before.
Vilth ',mord to war haat tottuttfrattrittr, Hoe Public ti Inform.'
that have worked for the past nine years in this City, and
0upp1,...1 all orders Iq Jewelry and En eraving. with the most tool
plete vatistactton in every instant...
rte, 11. I 24, l$ 4.-3{.
New Ariiiil of Pill and Wilder Goods
No. 7. Browrn•s :Nock Eric Pa
blen'a Uvatcusta.
Iloc. Ofignichstil,
Wen's Under Coats,
Bnyo Under (-Lode.
llen's Vests.
Yen's Pants,
floes Panty
ofThvers Wad and Qua/Atka
Also a groend assortment or a...amperes romishan K Goods,
consisting Wrappers, Imrawers, Shirts, Collars, ere. mold at low
prices. A. FAI.K.
Erte, Sept. 19.-11/.
WHITS vuperior article for grra.tng Pug-
Kua dc., itivt received at No, 5, 14.1 tinunc, Drug
Store of March 11. L I BALDWIN
/MEAN PK% TRIM sad Good Furniture, taken in
for Sale on Trails oTOnnnanialoar ratiltun' r•P.'"'d and Lad.
to ordrr by
Exit., May . 15, Me. 0. W ELLS Y,
--- lk — V — W 103 -- IMESI v
i E . l inzm a:c .l.4• 3 r t.
ii .k u X it lrl: PIIMISTLVANIA REPORT /4.
I , Whiirean's Precedent.. Wharton's Crimusst L.
Mimes Justice
Purdou's Ingest, Miller k Servaust• 14 1...14 1.*.,
Brisling:o iliamo.
_ .
Sh -
Cora e rs.
1..11.1 gel a good Corn Sheller for
r.o heif e r woes Ara hirer pries at the
• Eno, an al. 18. bot ERIE CITY IRON WORRA.
_ _ _ _
i Doz. fregb Eggo rwle by
Feb. 13, /848.
310KliD SUOULDERS.—A quantity past receiving from
the south of vett nice sweet fat Shoulders, cheaper than Pork
Eri•, Map 30, 10157
Lumber Yard. _
1 ,11.10414 E D Floonug and Siding. Lath,Shlngles, Fence Board;
building Lumber, 11:e., always on band and for sale by
Kele, Jan, bO. BILBSHILY a Co.
rmier.-- A prune a;liele for sale by
Erie, April I; 11168 T. S. SISCLAIR.
BEY your Coltalrla Boot nod fibues and Kip Boots and 1313;4s
rwicseAlotiti --
ADIS- 41 , please buy your Oakum Slippers, Maroons Boots,:aud
every thin you want, oast and cheap, at
April . 11. J. rICHNNLAUD, J
Kaporiesee tuba shown thilljtydrela speedy and at
relief. Prowls! by CARTER R MOTHER„ Erie. Solbd Drur
gipb. and I.m:tufty merchants generally throughout the eouutry
Exley April 3.„
1312 Y your D r.. Hlases 0.'41 Chibireall Roots amd Shoes, Gott
on and Slipjura of all olleseriptions, at
April 17. J. KICI110:1-ar .le,
To lierohints anitrideri iii (ieiieral
others desiring trading doss by and from railway econsouni•
cations—ln collecting accounts, obtaining orders for sale of
merchandise, or notes traded for
_property, or any other business
transacted, in this State Kest air West. nie underslgoed will Mid
his own conveyance, and offers bin realm by contrsct or commie-
Rion, and will give good mouruy for the performance of contracts.
address Y Z. Post Office, Kris Pa
April, 10 POS.—IS.
CIERTAIN DEATH la guarantied to Milner the taking of • very
ki =all dose of the PURE STRYCHNIII E old by
netall ►Dealer in Wag and Hemlock Lsetiser
French tpd American Calfskin., Nommen, Linings, Bind
togs, Kips and Slith, Threads, Webs, Conis, Lunt., Lnetings,
401:111, hammers, Pinchers, Ramps, Tads; Pegs, Nails, kc. kc.
A poll; JUL J. K/COLKLAUkt, Jr
a i
ors per.
FLOM. or all kinds constantly on band. which we will
sell as low as any otbsr dealer in the city„ and delrrer MR* °l awn*
walun tbr etty
OW All Flour warranted to be as representl.'d,
4114 r CASH paid for Grain—W brat, Rre, flats, Corti and Dock
e heat- R. R. H•VZA2TICK,
Erie, July Z, —li. P CROUCH.
1I AUSTIN oder* to any oue in want el good niechankal
work Intwattnii wee or repairing any pert of cloths, ',niche.,
jeyean , or Silver Ware, the aerviatie ef competent workmen, Cat
odd work on watcher aad jewelry of the trade la siollelted it =t
ioneb hewer Oros than formerly charged. All the latest
we,tek i en„ jewelry oett o , Port Monte*, card evareyeomilia, silver
azul Plated 00EN* silver tea and fruit halves, razors, orloosee, and
tittle of everythlop ea* he leraght low, and almost all kinds id
money will be received at par. tall sod see.
[lie, Nov. 14, 1t67.-27. T. 11. AUSTIN,
earaigen Nodding.
-I:IUNDKIP.DIO of Hondo:ens Painted Wood Seal Chain at 60
mats meta, Rockers to nutlet, at 100 110teb.
40 . May 16, IS6s. G. W. lILLSEL.
ForTT.:,,r, r-1711
A NEW and tasty Wig* soy * 11 47
jj at tlat ZBIZ Cl IRON WORKS.
e'• and Altorawys Masks, in kW supply at
Park Row Rook Mors.
Aint of tot.etmd-046011 Main tusti 8.4 Room Fart:tithe*. Ap
phi at this adios May 22, ISO.
- -
TM Cheapest sad i Briilisfs4 bight
~ jrer in.
troduced OA S NOT' EXCEPTED.
PUN lamp will equal betra IfAl tom of two
wicks eaeh, at half tie coat. This Is maws,
sad will not g up Mai elbow oip, sad ilaniboisti4 In this lamp
without smell ow amoha. Few ChetY,
sFunnies, he.,
his lamp eaattot be eseelled. We ereceparad to supply , the
.amps,Pbl4oll, Chlimiles, wicks sod Oil
Kele, Kay 22, '6B C.7.1=t11).
NEW - sivittNee/iaLumm •
MlitS6 M. A. NORGAN Isom 'receiving a rid' sal &sir
bee stock of
= ilex mem AND . -
- a
Consistieg of every thing in bar iloa, too
tor, bet which the Indira of Di. and riciwityuWaßVWand
awmprow pries&
MarDoeit forget the piss.—Nast side of State Street, •
few doors above Perry Block.
Eris, April illetr-10
I:: a Let that Ps Ileete• weekee tbe best Haab Jtlibez io tbst
lonie in 'M N lad bee a L owe Sleek Da /mad ei
setae . His El bre bailie S
Antis Sleek kr* gees
hiss s eell sad be aithdled, it ir u I.Lambe&
Rrie, Mar& 27. ISM
lg i lirrneirinirnir
A T S. R. affilan=B REED ROUSE OM rnslta4 ST
s' vs gust r IlialiNDY. at um RuSi_nl,„(llL
‘_, Cherry tar innolical ana, at rut, aciEux3.
'grandam of all Undo, at I If trifailLVS.
Won , * of all Marla, at. , . ' , Julian= s.
Gin of all !dad% at i "Man= s.
Gum, a pure a tLdti at airman= S.
PUN* liplrita aloe fan n.n , tininal parPorma
RA* Nov. 7
, In?. aped Holm ea Frimieb St.
to ontlie sad ',pima,. Mon. lakon IA for ?Tsai. Eiciviag•
sad !aim es Coasaiimioa.
; - i_p-x,
411• w .41/4/' leitall**4•ll4
, iirsacinthisat and liannic Clary and Wslance.samt other
LasSar, Ana scantling.
CA MUM SUPII34OII, EXMACT 1.611., foe gate it lova
CRY kola N. Yoe priama„ at the 11111.ohook. /sad 14t.V 0 4 11 1 (
Moor, 50..., iaed Bosom
ItrSti Jose& Mg&
- - -
TO ziffnusitousie
ea ea& get applied with a New Patten
Bedstead Qatari. die • {waist ro wt . ii r: tw_•
sad Bonita/ fo, tihe isms Miff
.:• 7 •
Spdag Bed
Sad rik
la a essemoa Bes.
tini 7. 7 1.
ts 4., may Ilk lOW
saisaaw Lettseaad Nati raw, tst lead
eCtiedebeshod Awe, grayth ea Mal
Pa* Beir Mak Mow
H AMM. t r lAS
i ttiss nronal• lap Crockery, Grow
I. van, Gann dr.
Iran, ails, ilpsistia,
Crouton, Mattudo,
Gala Skoss, Grub Bra
Plan, Nary Anal As -
Sten Tk iuso; ao ll.4 "11.81W host a rtion,
MI Gass, Cut tows, Mos.
Witte isoni rasa. Mora gory
kW@ of
porn& n uns.
Hamar sod at Ito Cantor itsissmitotsof ail aims rorp rant
Cream and Glassware /
A largo &natural wadi Ira be add a von. Salt &Inas.
Silver Plated Ware.
Cote liaaksti, esskors, Batter Dished, Cann G Sponts.
Yorks, Knkros, Inn Spoon, Murat lip t zwy t o larrosted
to to the bostat;irtedistound GM led G
W. eta aboost best U k b! li fd a teals. Glosirs, Is
leas to tilt Moot oossipotirt= this skiii of N.. Tort. Bees Is the
pJam S. bay hmtkiat Mama asap!
We sal spars so to losepinag up on assoutuont a Goods
to supply Um doomed aerie G uano. amptolosn,
FAN Sat, 26, 1167. BOOM t UNMET?.
eatta Perdu" Belting.
A tor Amprrlor &Kick to lb. Iloilo Robber km solo by
A Very Valenta.* sad Moab sissii.d tl
L. B. WiLITRI PATBIT T.8.118i1,
AN 'nth* Dim &Mao is the Tram lbw, Maria( radially
aron any sad all others to tie void, and is really Use only
losuurrsent of the Mad earthy of tbe seam A short Mel of this
prom by ;hoes that have worn the old or ordinary laud, will Dilly
pewee the truth of this statement. They are very Ugh timid sorryieall,
sad the Pad Aso be readily adapted he It any person,sut the pressure
easily adjusted to milt Use isouTealesess or secondly of the wearer.
Thor who ars so azilintsreste as to regatta the old of such so Warm
land will do thosssetres • boor bar smisitag this arthae, a bre of
which ani left with the isedhoftsd Ages*/ la Erh•
Feb. 27, tell.
LADIES AND 6lNTLlfallkhrt3 GLOVIIII0111 "- d aosiery, the larg,-.t
aiwortaseot In this City, is sow offered at onepr t low
pewee at BARR t k
Ka* Dee. 3, 1547.--80. Hughes Block
Ye Bootless Crowd, 0011110 and Get
80078 FOR "BOOTY,"
And Shoes for Beauty Unsurpassed!!
Prelfand trade ad ail yourold clothes and get nor. l l
r off your old sad wont oat garateatt with
„g r i:Lthe odd year," and dentmenee tiatAlD
sew r . with new sad
ciesa eleturs. a4 ,o
Eirto B•aa k Itato's ilialletSoace and leash and kw clean XII
larlCOS bs t a
Ur to Bala k Ba r t ad aad be get anol An ynt our head A n
tar 'Cop to Bun t Ban's aserrst
BRAWL& CLOALII, ROODS, 001601:111, &a
sad be eitatiortabla.
Come to AJAR R Bno's and @elect your Morse from the I►rgeet
and lined stock firer brought into this market and appear gem
Come and do yourselves justice and get everything you aunt
Coma to your ancenailoaded, with entry kind ed Gantry
and escheate tor unrukaadissi.
Coale in roar earrlagai, wale is roar buggies, come Os horse
bask, cows by rillrold, come on foot to BARB k BRYN ►nd
•'soap" your CASH for goods ober* you will Ea year eisary
Con,. one, eons@ all !ve out supply Ow Inilllon, stet like Day
sad Rerun" are always on hand. Don't forget
Brie, Dee. 19, 1110. On :hate Street, Ruled Blink
fxou can beyUNN , for Cash or &Si Pay, Grocenes at the 5...
Grocery Bof Wu. na State Street, at the
a ering MAP
Orleans theist, st outs per jaunt
Co*. Sum B 11 •
" - . A for 11J"
Crushed Sugar for . 12 "
Pulverised k Oranalsted itti n
Good Rio Coffee. LIS "
Best " •• 11 "
hedonics for 41 " per gallon
Swat "
Best Syrup, 1111 X, .• ••
New Boa inielno, 1.6 • per pw
011 " 10 ~
Currants, 16 "
Young Upson tree horn Sle to 75 rte per all grubs.
Bell finks/stun, I " per pound.
Cortvinie Sods, 10 ••
Cue* 5571; " "
And everything else to proportion. Cell
. In 4 ceeM..reoeit
Dee. 26.
GLAI4I.I of all slaps aadouslitk•s, at the Druv Store of
iiilreh U.L. BALD t 1
riviiis Balloon will giTui in a — fewdays. Call sod Kat a TEL*.
I BCOPF. at ths store of
Wm. Giblet, Himself - Again.
subseriber would (atom his Mends ituarthe pohlie tenet
ally that ho has reamed the
ON FILE OWN HOOK, al the Old Stand on the Copier of
• etreeta. Lutending to sit" to It him whole tithe *of attenttoo , and
to span no egorto is surd nottailkiloo„ Iw rewpeetfolly m4lEll+4
Moral Yam of pablloipatramovi. All Mods iit work done elow, i ,
or cash, end repotting promptly done to order
' Erie, Nov. 21, 11167. iew ti.LIA Di RI nLwr
TY. Girded Deftet for Hlmedl Hardware.
morond ,
Iron an Nails,
Carpenters Tools,
S ADDLER: and a n l i llAitinDlS Makers throu g hout the countr y ,
all AO Ma 31:1 3EI l'iir "M.
sad elands* otos ortAa Wien sad best meteeted .tort of Saddlyrt
sod Saddlers Tools Is atarket.
DEN le uow ready to furnish Ship and HotoWC t EVEN Ti - uz
with say toot required in their Use.
AVE you Money, Papers or Books to prows:rye front,.
118. .68 331711.GX.41.11M,
Purchase ow of Lillis's Iron s.ta wad by SRLDEN
F'DARIN ERS you can bnog MATER to your Rano by moug
a, HYDRAULIC RA/11 void by tikILDIEN
I "IbYCH Om Utak POMO!" ',-414001-tropr, large mud small at
lj Daptember 20, UV. SIIILDRN'S
RR. %.
ran Sztoitisha;esibis th.;roughly
64.1 eta Propristoses solleitimaall fr om hisinrsulaikal
thalliventsepubilk poestall,, %olio( ms.4l that bet:ft Kai .
utmost esetios. Charges moderate.
Item, /Loa. 1, 1114.
Savo Your Mousy! -
ZpOLLANS an to oared by army family ID th is counts, ,
osetustag tbeir Groserito sod Provhdona br ca.!, at the
pats Store of WI. P. lIINDSRNMCKT.
/req. IL 111.611
Glover and Tbspothy
dd daub lot of Mari end Timothy lame, for wle eta-nor
than aiesnebere, et the New Groreeilltare, by
, 1111. ta. F. =WE NECAT
fi , Iry 4 • I+ 401 .e 1 •
rut Palolishod l (bads, lb. 20th Tbourand .
NIHNT, without Illwillitinot of Spemittorrtara or
Local Weiiimiot,Neoterttel horhidone, Genital and
Nervosa Diletty„ lapatooey. sod Impedimenta to
iga =
easefully, by D. DR LANKY, IL It
The het that the many siaristnig onmphanto, origina
tive to the inproillewoo and rhumb at you*, ssif be easily re
amed WITHOUT 111:DWIWIL, to I thls mall beet, eloarly dein.
*DAWN ; awd the entirely ..W and highly newness' treetatost,
as adapted by thy /Mbar, tall illia• by rows at otileb
Firs Is ensbhol to ow* porlectly mod athe host
wort, thereby avoiding all the ailvertimed asatrtuna oi Hie
Lid to any address, mitts mad plaid hoe la a waloil envelope, by
motalk si (Po l IV MI 1 0111111 11M0 111 .10 1 to Dr..D. D R LARRY,
Int Om% *retort City. ' GIN Mop I. issa.-41,
A aeoeseisal hisailerhess e esitaiNlialkal ill vadal callow.
*sea for, th• retie q th.- deb . ma distromd,
alliotod trilarlarat zd e ricisie disease*.
riI I AWITIA,, iiItYINAL WALK'S/1c gp ap,lT . n . ,„:. R
-1311.47... r pgi ll . 0,. ,vhe..oi osurts* Dr
Wk. hiii - r - Wrior to raw of the awful destruction
of Mum. llie. amid fry Sasiol 11==ttio &emotions pea
ty.' u s,. • - aWi t ilipip‘mae Viiikaka 1741041 P L. swors l
years aoo dine:tad their CoanithiC Dargeoa, u • CHA RITA BLE
ACT worthy of
ji liliat hoops. a t ha the treatasent
of this class of 'la all th en lim p rr Y ol to Oro MEDICAL
ADVICIi GRAM, to who appl trttor t.,..
, witli a drsaliptiou of
*dr sometime, (ago, tool &a cam
grahams porrorty,to EThWOPCHABOIL
It Is .sadism to aid *AVOW rowasakodo the highest
Medical skill of ago, tatlPOßltiatlattloo loootorprAtod modern
Tlio Di/0401111, so • IP•141M of ties pit het orsurol that their
labors I. *no of have bow or mat bone&
to tho 6000 samairbrmorwa.4l.
&roar with to the
meek Amootasd
_moo .
Jut PaNikaool by tba ,troodanot!lLltLiport 4 11 11=Aorrboo,
or Steam! Wookara, the Vie. al a or WI.
Abase, sod other Dimon" of tin • l i e :trzaao,
Mrti dy ikidett win tio moot r ar lialoil b ==
, CRAM% olt °STAMPS tor = cm
144rass, tbr Report or tot. atoms R.
Coaaaltlat Sargoos, Reward a, No. I South Ninth
Pliitoßlobto Pa.
By Nee el IlkalXl,er.
WAD. isAmorwßLl. Proßbot ,
Dee. LI, 417.-11.17. -. -
k LAINIZ SW** Ai m tariahr 111 llt
r A i k a "Ar Rood; aariEW
.11. So anti Tint lbw, 0
ILLINOIS AND ineceitior conturcryt t i rma l ar ii el i
aboule ler Owswis or •• WM% I" ,; •
Ma, Doe. 111,, 1114.—11 L J. C. SKIJIV4.
V.LiCIAX? • • sod ent Clil
Oval sad lama Ultra; au waft at Oa
. e
Mi oar &Esser lispiligsA MilliimACAliin
Calk **is elms, is. is.
Erie City Carriage. litiandactory.
WOULD moothilly marrom to their tomb sol thepsbik
gessnlly, that UK, hare lewd tbs estanoilmold forsieri,
menyied by F. Irma, ea SUM Meet, MS, Smoot h trio. Fur-
Yoe asil have yaw os hoof a Wier sad Otter martroest of all
ktola of
than ever before, width, =tut= sad idepate or finish,
ate saperfor to earthing le this dtp.
They employ s amber ef the best workers In wood sad boa that
the otrawl=hatat, amid kola Um& leo; experieftee la tbe best
saws, Sri they ews oiler the Net quality of wont.
TONI ai2n . MATERIAL of all bads that ail be had ere pat tato
all MOO work. Itspe,ht•n kinds I
doer on short orifice sad resstatabie Wax
rjr Pommes needing orders may rest 'mark of having these
ementeal to their eating asliateutioa, and limbed la fury portion
bar u well as If they attended la person Thom wishing nut and
durable work will and it to their advantaged to
e v. them a call.
Eric Mar Isms.
the s i c oC 2 i
and assotiated ..urseives Inhawipess under the MUM o sad TOOT y nrthe abase ~Porla }Mm Liddell, 71.1DDIELI,.
k Ca, and are now supplying the wants of • few, and
are ready and • Ili' og to du much wore in our line.
` 6 6.41.165"1 1 11\TCAra3 9 99
Arr ono mode by um of a ouperior qiiality fur
Plows, Sleigh Shoes, Plow Points, &.c
As it in tapornehr to make goof Lasting (or Mactraery ..d
Snow. at the ranee thee, we hires theorfore built • new CuP. lO end
Foundry. add melt trea emdreively 100 Maur Way. W. are reedy
t. es, ILet we mutat be brat In that Therefore ammo on all
that want geed Steam Engines, Boilers. Goering, Agri-
AT ulturallm ßlE FOR RE plements,
A &a,
Lumber, Lath, Shins , l.l7•ll k Lodi of Produce, Old Ipon, Cnyper
Rm.., ke.. tak.q. w Otelaskrige, bus owl k brier/deb.. A
rarrt os drirrerrol WALTZER J. F.7I.II)bLE
Arse, Jan 30, 134f1. JOHN FAIRRAIILN.
in, uournat & LOTS fa Kris 1360,00 bt.
U I H 0 Il 4.11, 1..4 k Baru 4.. 1 6 ,16. 00 .
V; Solidutit Lots ' do $lOO to 11300
I lln sem oat Lot South tol tarsus 14.000
I Nana 214,4 scree 140.eleand. Hoar 3 Boras SlaNds to te,,4our
ivies n,.w North East, tow prses of $ l6 PiPl'oetv
I ion, 60 oeres 2,6 miles from Eli. SW.. .• hir er,
Fire sere Out Leta City of Laeress Wiseotanoo
2 , In Loti City of Lotman do ..
3,0.10 solo* of voe 7 choler Mariner Land, Mitchell eo Mock
A IM. , My eotaLluthed Manufacturing ostablialuoetyr on tho Canal
to r .ee,odating oft Warehoureclargo Mali Hours, Mina-Docks
2 11,t. kr
The eubeeriber having determined to en f orce in the Banking
80/ones. in the City or F.rie, upon the esphition of his-prevent
Tern. of Odle. as Prothonotary, begs leave (o issll the attention of
those wanting real estate to the above desirable property—The
mannfartori above with ills business in an }oductoueut Seldom if
of (eel, being floe Of the eateet(in4rest and moat profitable
inveatinente that could be Guth
The subscriber Will sell Owner than others and on the most
favorable fe•rtio. and give the SlNAPylllo . lolPpilOtlable in of the
purchase money risolred down and Balance in I Equal annual
Y. r{o. Dee. 13, 111311.
thl ear Agent
FITS KO 1 1 111.113 X; IT IN A perfect beauty,
I Why of coon., 111...A.X. WAGNER, Ameracao Block,
state-et Don't you itrfsow has the (nest and moat fasb
onside soots in 11iMoarkel and hevoievi is the beat cutter
tan If on stint seat, a Coat, 'Anti, 4.y., coat nr
any Artlele
tall rUndihing
onAra f elor, he will mit you and give you jit.
nor reeelpt of a superb stock ol
an evewrination of hoestriek will vote profitable as well as In
t,,,tlipig Don't 1'1,1E4E4 the plate,
FRANK WAIIN'ER , i (1. 11 1111!iii
Ann-ri. an Mork. ' , late et ,
•.• per po.sa4
kprtl 14 1417 --AL
iltrwimit., Pearl Rare. , 1:0 1f..tw0.,11, A
Enr, .1%124
HELLS. --Single and I+l, , •Uli w a rts n
I - 1 gale, to irmit ranetv, tt .41.1)1•\",
G. x.oomr4
rie, Nor . MITER
tuFFEE.—The be.t. l.reeo Itho t Otirr .an lc found In Bratty
j Block and for aslel4 W F. RINDERNEL7
pORK —By the Barrel or ..tor tale at
April la. J JO 11:t S TON+ Ekers
iIiOCOLA -Ereifaicd Emorh ;ma }taipea Chocolate, at
Erie, June 27, 1a57 II tNSfiN'S
()=';ltlß.--Sta lfdipwe o tirLN i tf . lti r Tar 1414141 lebrStr4 of late as
Eria. Jump 13, MT.
Ur A spun VON POI, la D. the aerilana• arUcao.
Sept.l2.. CARTER k. BRA).
IBUTC Rrae.. ! , C n it tl. r, a
*S tNl t ‘or lai.
1 ES, stecla,el K 01 7 .1 1. S* l 3 -
irARO UII. - N.. l lt :.lrassl...l 1.) U... barrel or gnllon
A teL 17 CARTER dr BRu
11.6.11113110: 1 1 1 . --A Larrol. of the genuine article reoei•ecl
on cousignmeut fr...... 111.-1.10211, for sale by the barrel or re
tail, at
I. kir Woo
led in liar
Said farm
•itber Rrw
of "...yule tal
' K
P n ili Z e proat
Safes is,
, r ,, .v.4‘m>•Krw4l,.-,....
• .
• mow ••••••• •
ONIMIld•••=1 , 1=1•• •/•• almemb.
Not Ii fallible.
YET a.. other Mechem. that re et yr kn.'s , 01 has lady,'
tlout 10 1 sssss .111 g the NOAH or PM if arm the 1.. masa
N .era land), prypart ti
luir, Yu/ 30, 18.57. HANSON'S Grocery Ihp..L
DORT tbioNtark mutt Yuma's, Hated Tobscen Buse., ttlue
E qualify.) I all sod buy .1
July 2b, 11147 —ll
- -
Irak •-ulaseribert .111 Try the higheet market pnee in tab for
:1100,000 feet of Hickory dellstresi at their Yard an Sixth
, on the Canal. Mt' %swirr mast be Kesel, tough anti clean ht
(,r Nerubug. Knotty Brialy timber w ill sat ta. *akin
line, August 9,1d7 —l3. tflaphltl k MATHEIL
WRITE FISIFIL —A very superior article of large fat 1.1. 4 11,
caught at Eine, and cured hy an experienced band, on sale
1,, the half barrel or retail, at
I.rle, June 117, 1857. ff ANSON'S Grocer) Dried
Look Here! •
rint es subscriber would inform the public that be has removed to
I the stand-on the corner of Eighth and State Streets, when, be
may be found with Groceries, Fruits, &adages "Bang-up" Pots. In
expeetatton of the "good time cortung"—flat is, the Sunbury and
Rne Railroad—he to about to replenish his shelves with the "fittest
and best," andvarnestly Mei res"every body and seer 7 body'sehild,"
of pre him 4 mil. H. BALDWIN/
krta:-April 3.
pUE STOKE ROOM with Rairement op the corner •( Fifth
I and State otre#to Alan, foor Officer fin Parotid door In the
\rw Brick Block ,Entiiiirr of
_ _
Planing M i ll.l
y uNt 1311111 Planed and Ilatehrrl on short notice, at the
hrt e,J an. 30
2000 rein DS first rate ciolllsta, 'no 1 eieqve.iatkd for sale
losses than elsewhere for Cash at We are Store of
irb. 13, 1338. lilt. RINDER.VECHT
I t Tli Sugar Cured Halms, do. do. Dried 8..(, Hom
lJ Samp, Sweet Corn, a eery nitre article prepared by the
s baker*, Cheese. lard, Butts', /bur, Corn Meal.
T Rift I: —awing Seine, !Imam and other 'Nines.
CORDAGE —Walter Rope. Bed Cords, Clothes Lines, Re.,
BIRD l'Atila4, In great variety, Bird Seed, cage Glum" and Bath
ing Dishes, Cattle Flab Bone, on sale.
MICR FRUIT —Apples, Peaches, Pears, Pumpkin, Blackberries,
Curniats, Plaena, Be , at . .
Clwapakle, EH,
F. 4. 6,1666
Now Arrangements.
doCAIITICK, haring pa/shamed the entire interert of U.
ft Clark , of the late firm of Chu* t MeCirter, in the Grocery
andl•revision ileieneve, the Illuisnews wtU herestier hr continued
by him at the old eland where he will berried, and willing to wail
on all tbo old Customer* of the late finti and will be pleased to ere
sa many am ands se will Carew bin with a call.
Erie, Jun* Y, 1887
0 OF
VER SH 4 : eine the largokot assortment ever oflieted In
Lbw City, lot sale cheap at
tt. the timetoitessi Ketakormst Vekbratod Moorieg ..lbecio ince
and Combined Moor taut Rftyer••
tiA viso obtained the nettey I can eapply the tanning
Comatanity with there liachlees at Masubieten, Prices ad
transportation please tw.ll and outwits Sample Machina at
No 5 Bennet (fleck. r;tatr et
Fri.. Juin. 2 .1557. J. MeCARTER
xiiincAL torioz.
VIM undersigned would twapectfully Inform his Menlo and tho
Putdie 6 r...0ra117, that ha has Resumed tho
Practice of Xedicine and 8
and will azurosts reatirrtv to all anti* in Iha Efrl. p00h...
Mon. (1111. e at 1.1 sow Drug Stunt.
:Wattaburg 800 .21, 11111.-211 W. B. 2111.1.1AM5, M. I)
ST" - I
111 1 N TITBSPIINIIN le for lido by .
DDK INU PLUIL--A euperior article al No. a, Hoed House
17 Dna( Atone of L. 1. BALDW IN.
- -
t vt. become Dry, bas sod Frialy., when you eim prevent all
ki molt tutpleaserit alerts by proeurhur some one of the Wine-
LotLlom tried sad_ hechly o..provad preparation',
Mn.s Allan's, W orlds Mar Restortr, 1,50
do Zylo Billsom, 38
Woods Hair Restorer, 1,00
Plution's Invigorator, " 60
Dary's Trioopherous, . 23
Lyon's ICatherioo,3s
Noble, liar Glom, 2.5
Doming Dow, 23
AU to bo had at Dia *toes of CARTB:II. i. BRO.
Brig Get. 31 1367.
Stalk Cutter. - -
"kANIXLVI Mom and Baal Cutters, the ably machine ior the
11 purpose. that ostlidloo ovary body. Illamotocitued sad Sold
Wtosionst• and Rotoll. b LIDDELL. BUSHY 4 Co.
CECAMILIitat patent improved Cultivator Oath. Alan Cunha.
tam aa aitallest silk* at the
Sac 11,11166. MN CM, IRON PORK&
H&SE BLANK tioiaililaaliata,that will Wilt 16
pry and quality. 1. C, NN1.11191.
.gam r. - TY.
l=re.: Extracts of Strawberry,
" Pia, Apple,
" Vanilla, fibTa: p at Lemon,
" atter itatootte, " 1 11 ,4:1:
Boma. " Boca.
SoforitsroOnso OR, Rao Water, Ooliattas, sodi Mbar war
Dashla, ISEt.--at.
Rai% x. CAR T & BRO.
I;l7l‘.—A ten aliatio aXitets of Cladaaattt giggarCiteiCa•-
•10.41ffisisAkew opsaisressdfor sate at"
1400, MT. ' RANSOM
alochweill Sugar awed hams op I . i I
he ale by
1114. J. IteCANT
Ins. Jur 17.
4- 1 gams Ile.
Whol esa le It
BCIOIO Cadweirt Old Staud..nktd pug
Poe Office.
Wfd bog Irwmoot resp,thilly tn call It, •• . • •
to oar very filo Loa finelr
WET AAD bill (;ROCElell
Bought for CASTI, from fire hoo
ktolve,cl,, that weteatt ”fr. r to, nt • , ual t" al.
thy Trade vrt• Invate "u I t. 1114 • • .11:‘••
ihen, are nun, , 141 'or 110.. 0111
Western pruductioo, le.. byte , thaulu
ASSs vbvtou. then that ••• .0 S y
t purrhat...- , ‘
O RTE D STOC 0 F (1- It 0( E
thIA pa at. at It,. prjr, . Ihrn t 1,. "to
Buying near home 5j,%"F.2, .
3AVit` 4 tuterost and, SA WI,. w •
Irakap, t.
TeX/1(1110A delays and tuatsard, ..ftiser•, vault
001Ther01211 utkkaw auntingenne•
To this eoteryrts. we bring rnolny r•r, . •
that ao 4u pains or attaut,". A u.“ 1. ,par,
withActurarr and •11.µst. 1.. 4FCI t.. .r
Ent. June 13,
Buffalo, N. Y., cor. Maine and Set
&lbsusy, N. Y., 448 and 448 Broady..
Cleveknd. 0.. cor. Superior and Sc
Chicago, 48 Clark street.
Detroit., Mich., 70 Woodward Avenue
111 It F if Tout
II Try
• I,•." 11 1 :4111
I 1 lerpino. - 1.
• FM' 1 ...I,
11 I:.
11111 1
'l A"; . - „ I ; ‘,'
11 i• lilt I. •gel
li• ,
3.14, • 1.. riAtt• - • f r• 0 ,11, th..l
thwm•elro • 1., r•-•t.. ..1. N wlll 1.•
twkluta 11•1••1 ...Li/a 1,1, 4 1 4, rtr t.,
pr.rp-tott• 10.1..11 Tv, .•
nrw thOrgly.liki• 1.• , . • • Iltitil•ii• I , cra• I,
1114 ( ollrtita I. 1 11/11,..
1 - .•11pf1•. • ••.•
In U,. `,1 , ,,r
ilanufactur• ••• I
loaf and 1:,.,, 1.
axprvasly 1., 111. t tolli-ve, auti ttsltL »•
Tier W villa.
The Svoneariala Ay strut .4 l'r ante,
and orsomaraaal, will Iw. taught
The adanbinalitho “f
la a jute Ktivant.. , th‘r
the r
CARTER .1k Bun
...--,(.., ,7- ''. :
FT37_,M I .E.R,T 0 N-,s
Boot and Shoe Stye
111:GUE.S" 111.0( r. •••
NOTWITIINTANDING the • •I,ar• 1 10,,.•
born nethnut
Wipe, to aid age, tbere zee, e t
IPr 4
sabscHher has opened up, at .1.-
. • of lb. largest sad cheapest ,Lak„
• city. To prove tbia he to, cuss 1 :(
• sad .tuck inr tn.tan,..- tl . •
ootis double solod, he,. re dory I•,r ,
grow IM,aO to PAO per pal, ,M . •
413 to PAO ; Mrs. s Call, 1,.,,,, s.i t,
Calf Brogans, from $1,24 t.. $1 • I -
An past variety . Kap, front sl,:g., 1. b.:
to Etab; Shoes to abundance,A t,„
qualities at remarksl.le low pm r. I llqh ,
KW rim KW Banta, r.lnere, trait.
sloe* of Ladles' Woilt COLoprine• ,t. er
Calf Boota, with heel., from t.,
sled Hoots at 10 , A.lrn4
tl. , Ltai i cheaper than ever before
he sells at the low ~r
latest styles with lieel• at 1... ts a . ..
Clnt Boats, with hark., 1(1,1
MEN'S EVEBER 13 , orrS sod -!1...
kt the 'sweet ranee
Ha stneth havias beet. „
.presslon of the money market Le Ma'', •. „
las Herd noes Myr rawly mine. and it,
airipedandlYoflot7; .
alum of t b .lr trade. hs., .-,11
Hughes' Block, State otreet
F. rte, Nov. 14, 1 t 47.-27
'ryar/ l,t
Till lit -ow..
r.toi 1
1 111 I . I i 1.1 I I •
Are all 1.1.40". I, I
au Lr pr. u... 1
Tbe 1.:1111. • 1.1
In ••ntirvlN ....ant. Ir ..t I
&P.l ,, ,s•nwt,f • •
Time of I on, 0.. nv I lig
AP the,* ♦r. n torn,. n•I :t.
WO) NM , 111 I kr. l• 4
Br than %rra,,,0.. t.t 0 , •r, -•„ • • , •
rapidly n• hi. ri.te.ria,.. •n.l Vtlll
%; oil tor 1 , 1, I. . t. f 1.
...t a r,
aallIllt• i• •„ •
MIN ..ta ii,lr r , •
Teachers •,I ke5t.1.1..., 1 1,11 , 11 11,1 1, •
the, 1..411 01,In rytt.r lure. lit I II
TOE .4 ITE OF I:0011s
The relotlas are large, xi",
arreme.l yurAul 1 .,
For further Ita.arutaf.
ju.s pralthshe4l, a loch 1,11
)lit 1' I Nl' .T
.'J. 1%58
lu4iNG th at an ton u rd to n 1 •
car we. t OmpouadExtract 4.!
pleasant to ow. let Foto that Bug,.
Erie., Watch :Vu, 111:44
Curtain Piot way Pnt• 1.01 V`
than ever sold in II I. taark t
April 3. IS:,,
SOME Sluatala pri p,rtl ..t.
for solo at a gnat
property in
gat•bsrp4n Lr ea; in,
h At, 1' • 4
1. tltt:f. v•TIS It 61F
Alill4 /IL k STRII NUS
o• a,
IS s.
rec.'. o k : the lartrYt -.tort, of
.0 ICH... purellaveol lor t nh tt I ••t •-••••
holaale or Retail, r..rrr,in.u.l,ll. 1 . •
no charges for .how Inv
rzr• Erie City flood, tat. •• ••• • • • •••
AD r 25, 16:4
200 KEGS WHITE I.k t
Erio, Aprti 11, pti,u
1111Alri13it'01010 4 for e‘antiotior l
M ter everybody, will be toutol u. shun.
July 21 1667 —1
i14.11 - 1 - IL4/11"E. BtIONTE,
lJ The Winkelv,
Slaters of Charitr,
Alec:lll'x Lawa of health,
Chtt Chat,
Garet Gurley, In TI .vu. • '
July 4, Itis7. I' ti
BREATHING suede .Iw, 1., ti •
JUD GU the Artkivria,.rlattayty,
Erie, Nor 7, 1857.
0004.14;Tor Fruit J
V Sept. - 12
Foa .
.li/Lit VOL V 1314 awl r
July 2S, .1811.—/1.
iiVrtritoo*eriii... - Apis.. „ ,
sale and Retail 1..
Xrie, Nov. 7.1867.
TAKI. Mat the t.•
Reed 14nnoe, grbrn• .very 11.1,
lino can be obtained at a -.had. a 1...
liarekt 11.
rt./ Nrie, April 17; 1a...
BEArtllik'Llate.l Cake Butt. t.
MD Hinge, New Paterike, ita.t r.
Nov. IC
AFEW mph.. of l'artoo 10. •
Book Store.
Moo Hymn s t
March, = Mis
ALL persons knowing tilt , -
/011. CLAW% k B•LDIFIN, vino, i k \ •
Quested to eall
bigoted. kt No. 3 Bevil Ilona.• • , •
e. June IY, lIUM - 6
W 0 0 !
wtit v.ll
100,000 LBS. OF WO
At ti• RCS HIV K.
PErie, Jun* 6, I.IZA,
nACWI4 AUKRIII'As4 1,411' .” •.' ' . .
(ochre 11X 4 41.14 . 114• 4 for .00l ..
akneinaa, and all th,......... ,- • , ,
tho Stomach. or an litipur. •t 4'.
No. 0. Need Holm*, In.. -t. t.
gra. June 8, lafa
M—_ . .
CKEREI. -NoI k N. 1.. . • ' ..•
kite, and ..0 rrtati, at
1110 ittAlf.ST .•
/I Cord, iirlan l d
~ OW . S , }l° ..
._ E S '
r — Mialilli VIA It I 5.4. MO 4 , 4 14 F. IC ". 4.
Ellocult. Griddle and 1 4 ,, , ..•
4 • 1
procres...ia only at
June 19,
J. ~ •
vsesett ll, It .4 I.r • . •
phew , . for *tin 1.4 ?b. ...1 . ,
by Jun* In E .
50 -- - va — zaN HA hit!. at
i.r; hcr
{ I •al