Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 24, 1858, Image 2

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    10 II : I DIM a DIM :AN MI Di ol
BIND. V. 1 41.0APIls Kdit"
BLOAIIi a MOORIC, Publishers
Denicratic State Ticket.
TOR surßirais JUDGE,
OF TAlrk'7l2 CO
News of the Week.
—Tbs telegraph announced the decease of Gun. Jam
A. Quitman, at Hatchet:, Miss., on Saturday. The country
sad the palate service remain • great loss in his death
Although has political views were of the ultra reboot, he
was • brave, hottest and cope-Went man, and muck more
of a statesman than many who made • good deal more
noise In our national coascii. He was the sou of • min.
later of the Detch Reformed Church, and was bons in
litateliess annoy in the State of Noir York. Early in life
ha removed to Mississippi where he became • planter.—
The Tribune says slavery
_existed in New York at that I
time, and was one of ther"pecnliar inetiritions" of his pe•
tensed home, so that Gen Q never lived in any other than
• 11111•111 State. Gen. Quitman supported Gen. Jackson, bet
abandoned him with Mr. Calhoun, and was fur years knows
as a "State Rights Whirr As sorb be supported Geo.
Harrison in IE4O, and we think was once a Whig candidate
fur Dearman, or Governor or both. When Mr Calhoun
rearmed to the Democracy, he was acsempanied or soon
followed by Gen. Quitman. W hen, th :lean war broke
out, Gen. Quitman volunteered ani w ppointed a Major
General by President Polk. The gall at manner in which
he coadueted himself in the bloody • nes of that,
is fresh an the minds of the people. , ; „After the war Gee,
Q. devoted his time to his family, his plantation, mid the
construetiou of a railroad, until nominated for Cuogresa
in 18.55, when, after a spirited catirass, be was elected by
about one thousand majority—a full party vote, and some
thing more. Repairing duly to Washington, he, though
a new member and • Democrat, 'he was designated
Speaker Basks, whose election he bad opposed to the last,
for dm iminertant poet of Chairman of the 'Committee on
Military Attire, a poet of which he discharged the duties
with eminent ability. lie was re eltictediast Fail without
uppoeitias, and of course continued by Speaker On. in Gee
poet assigned him by a political antagonist. Ills death of
course vacates • seal in the House, and the Chairmanship
of the Committee. General Quitman. *as bat moderately
Assiut as • debater, bat always spoke tersely and to the
—The Buffalo papers of Saturday report a curious clue
of AU abduction in that city. A Mr. Rumford, of Cleve
lud, had a-little daughter residing with her grandfather.
Col. Asa B. Muth, of Buffalo; A half sister of the little
&tot yoga( lady, also melded with Mr. 111.. The young
child had been in Buffalo only three weeks, and Mr. H.
ease to take it home with him. The family made no ob
judos, sad the little girl wont with her father to the
American. Os Friday evening Mies Meech, the half els.
ter, went to t h e American in a - Carriage, and sent the eel
rant in to get the child. As Mr. Ihnaford wu entering
an omnibus at the door with his child, a Mr. Banter seised
him, and the servant girl took his daughter to the msrrings
to go off. The affair weaved a disturbanea, and Mr. E. B.
Jewett seeing the child go into the carriage, jumped in
himself to trod where it was to be taken. It tarred out
that the whole alrgir was taartaged by Mitts Meech, who
did sot waat to b4ve her half Meter go to Cleveland—the
mother of both being dead—to be under the we of stran
gers. Mr. B. finally consented to let theta remain in But.
lulu. lie story of the attempted abduction was Ant told
by the Courier before the explanation was made, which we
And in the Cloweurrcial It puts a different aspeet upon
the we.
—Tic. villian Tyler, who has figured prominently at
Berlin Heights, Ohio, as a Prat Lover, is said to be the
originator of a movement for colonising the spiritualists,
socialists and Free Lovers in an island in tie South Beat.
For several Sundays nieetiagi have been held in a grove
is New Jassy, • few miles above New lark. at which a
luadrod or more of these people have attended. A rep,
lar ergauisatiou for the above object is now accomplished,
of which Tyler is the President, and a man named Leland
the flearitary. Pregnant meetings are held in the city,
. .
solemn. The Tribune publishes a long sales of s eesr
tions written by Tyler, advocating the disgusting and filthy
&wrist* of 'Free Love," Le. If Tyler should Boomed io
taking away all people, male and female, who entertain
seatinteats like his, he will do society some smoke, and
establish a karma in the -Tonto Islands which will pat the
old Cat of that troupe to the bitch. Wentworth, alias
Weeks, the man of forty wives, bar gone out from Ban
Praaciseo to the Biallearsrorant carrier for Tyler.
-43. 8. West, a young man from Palmyra. Wayne Co.'
died neatly at Marquette, Lake Superior, of injuries re•
mimed by diving. He went to bathe—his foot slipped u
N went to jump from a pier and he fell ;pen his head in
shallow water. His head WWI thrown back so aa to para
lyse the spine and whole body., Its survived a few- dap
only. The Detroit Tribune says his remains have been
tabs seistmard, and adds that doused was a young maa
of good abilltiiM and sieellent oheracter ant Much esteemed
by all who knew Min. Two of his sisters have been mis•
dowries at Constslatiasple aad o►e Is still there, the other
having robs/sod to this eouatri o► amowst of ill health.
T A widowed mother &ad ►a invalid brother who doted upon
klm, will moan his loss, at there sow most lonely home:
A sister in Detroit, Yrs. Trowbridge, is bereft of as alfeo.
delude and beloved brother, while a young lady at Mar.
geed* I. ioaossolable at the sudden death of one to whom
her heart's drat alketlooe had been fondly given.
—The New York Pod of Saturday states that Avis young
holies belonging to the ROM of petty, at the foot of Sett
street, New York, were drowned while bathing hi the Hod.
son on Friday evening. They went into the river about
sunset, near their place of residence, clasping each others
buds 1111 they walked Into the water. Unaware of the
*listen= of several deep plates al_ that point, they were
soon beyond their depth, and were drowned before any as
stews= could be rendered. Sergeant Sloth, of the Tweet/
Sowed Precinct, obtained boats and grappling hoes, sod
labored wit.) six officers twelve o'cloek, attempting to
recover the bodies Capt. Coshes then rent for eayoa
papipting books, and the search was proem :wed till more
leg, bet to Co purpose. The deeeased were AsJoqralt Vaa
Gilder, aged fourteen ; Hannah H. Bryan, aged liftees ;
Riles Smith, aged Sheen ; Margaret Fyne, aged sate s;
Louisa Neer, aged nineteen.
—Charles Latch'', a young sea of 19, who bad been for
wise time with the Free Loom at Berlin Heights, no.'
milted suicide retwatly. He wrote a valedlotory to hie
somradies, whieh is published in the New York TriSnow.—
It is blasphemy from trot to last, and is a genuine reflex
of socialism, as the inlaid* is an example of the class to
whisk hal belonged. Be was a rank atheist, sad is his last
weeds owned nuirriap, earned religion, sad cursed Gail,
whom he styles um "Father Monitor' The Wilma* mills
the pees( man "Wane.' Are not all the Free Lovers in-
sous—nod tar that Ratter, all other criminal/ r
—A talegrapb dlapateli from Dhaka statod that Dr. 0.
7 - 11. WDliamoooa, of that plain, outoulttod Melds Da Friday.
Ho bad amputated a log for a nu by tho woo of Haan-
seed, la the tetra of Ohossag, who sea afterward died.
Dr. W. wail ikon *barged with salpraetieo, and stains!
presediags snored against his, and isloodiately after
the Similr served the papers on hint he took sees deadly
pekoes, sad did iktalf an boar. ?be Coroner held an
*soot, bat the verdict* bee sot reaekaiaa.
—The Canadian Parliament bu woad a bill &attar-
Wag the Grand Trunk Railway to throw • Briiitt mom
the at. Clair Aim at Part Barola—tho tooneemi of Alias
low of sown% to e. Ant acquired. Bow wUI an Mae
papers relish this phut to eat of or later:opt the passage
of mask to sad hoe Likes Hires aid MiehigaaT or is
Beak tradea• died Hataloalaao wwt
se ail sate "beam as bridgiag fit Clair
—TM People@ eoaferess of Marts* Blair sad Cm.
Wish have aoadisted H. Beeler Swope, as um ? saa did at ,
ter Maar Blaster. rho masa of the PeopWs sealers's
eft set meet the approval of the people themselves. no
Desaoerotis velars d the Diotrist Nit that .. net
Whig the Ting Ugly proclivities if *Bireber ihnope.,over
diagnose the Spats Clisalse of the Did 'Envious &Ms.
—the Beady Sokol Uatia bas bees saved from lass
ky the asimkatkos Mc P. W. Porto,. Oa wrested the
dot .at it WON. hub siszirosa sumadiametoke
Sesisty ba• eiptaia•d,k so the assault at owe PO,.
IS., sail $b Wham ban bees aosaadmi by • Cksistisa
gesatiensa who claim th• wants of Lb. Basissy l
—81; iserbeit and .nosy Sothis haws pstitkowl the
Osaaass Cass& it Detroit is fate smaaans tor die 'We
als el ..aunt aril kw/ War asi•oas. Cass•—they
draw the yams ass away whoa tits, assikt is ha "pork.
—4lWhialt hits of liassaiimssetts wW kakis Mai
Cloavestko al Dow Beffeed. as sees as the meatker
wins saough—la dog days—to sso what aus ho 4sa•
OW the Drat Stott deotstas.
Us history of tlitappiattials sedllat SOY,
verieis al .. they hie* webbed De the lest
feeloars, shoos eardasively Abet rebated' Demearats
ar• Wks •0 0 •Ptelliellft PM, isidiOn the, we with ether
poildhial isailseedioslie While tY Whit past, &skits& led
by thaws master sleds, CLAY mid Westrns, w• e••••
beard of state or asthma coaveatione—or "vie easily
eoairesttesa—Stsorbig dm 'abs. elf fifth's, Ms to Ate
01111 ranks, sad baits:mist tba isaigala of a litatterskip up
-0o the roe/gado@ sad row ritaratta bar tail staas 0 4 tilw
Doesoorsey. The roams of Ibis 111 Oaks. The Whig par
ty professed to ha goveratid by • Not of Axed prime pies;
its banner tooted is every Butte 111 the Unica; what Is
taught to Kase it prooktissed is Loislatess; sad what tt
proclaimed es the Gulf of Meese, It boldly sad wale•
toady avowed oa the shores of our great Lakes. Bat ethos
that party breathed It. 111114, sad its followers were mot
adrift withoet a chart or compota, a Frew eat of leaders, as
steroid of priaetpls es thsy were of patriotism, seised er
ea its resales, sad sought to oblate ;boom sod place by
peadariat to the otarteat fastatiedem of the &Sweet me
i Übe' of Use Dales. Audi, as as millem to
they have opus all oocasioas gives the place of ham, to
deserters from the Democratic eamp. la this particular,
they have allected Democracy those' tail bad it sot, sad
would, were &sly segued la bootees. and aot polities, be
liable to indictment for obtsiaist goods lauds" false pre
tences, should they ever .sewed Is olitaislag the isooks
meats they so basket after.
.< JULY 94.`11531114
, f t was tot thts, however, that we took up our pen to dim
eum, but merely to /how by well known fact/ is t►e his.
tory of the opposition, sines the demise of the Whig par.
ty, the truth of our declaration that renegade Deromats
are at a prdniuta. Aod to du this, we seed sot go ►self
beyond the birth of the Republican party—sa asset
which was signalised by bestowing the insigaia of leader
ship upon a renegade Democrat in the person of Jour C.
Fanwour; sod this, too, whoa there' were sea who had
grown gray in fighting the haulm of the sectional dogmas
promulgated ae the creed of the sew party. Who to It to
base led the Repoblkaas I. 1868 as Wu. If SIWAID, or
Jedgo licLaso—oad yet faithful as they ►ad preyed
themselves, and gray as they bed grows is ba terries,
they were discarded for a raw recesit, without civil quali
fication, for the station, oily because it less hoped that
his former eovaiectiou with the Deneuratic party would
*ware (or him a few voter from seams his ansiest, use..
alai... And what was it.. of 1666, has bees 1t.., sad is
tree new, to every duds where the Republica' lag hosts.
Commeneisg with Maim/ lad Lott M. Moeell, a rene
gade Damoerat, °oversee. with Hatiallial Hamlin, of the
same political aatecedeats. u Reader in Coagre... Now
Hampshire madames to amid Jobs P. Hale to the Swede
while blassacbasetts, se old sad rollabie opposes'
of Democratic men sod measures, is in tht hoods of rasa
gads De/wounds throughout—N. P. Beaks, Uovorser, sad
Messrs. Wilson and Sumner, both formerly cosaected with
the Democratic party, Senators 1 New York made Pre/.
ton Rilig to the Sonata Ohio maims 8.-P. Chant, Goiter.
nor; Illinois follows salt by seeding Judge Trashed] as s
colleague of Judge Douglas, while Wiseoasin does ilk*•
York Mire/mass devotes eossidersige Epsom to disuse.
sloe of the pour-system, es It *sista I. most of Se °Weiss
of this meetry, sad advocates a relies! sheep& Under
the law of the cherish, that Christ 'Wald be loved se•
measly, sad all Ile members of his body silk% the
Chersisom argues that Ms prersystess is ea diem of
Winsome whisk sae be empsedeui so further thee the
family, sad that it is Mee s mese tof that Welted mete of
the al ho Tim idea of simareb salty, whisk embusess
the ides et Ohrisdas Sys sad ecessissity of Wessel. see.
Dot b. *UMW, Wass the Christie. affeetiess are essvie4
beyond the Waits of the household. The seistioes skidb
are horse &moss pew-holden outside of the Oen* ere
Mem that are sessembered is the amok. The pow-ay s
ten losters the Isolisig, for its very ides is s separates el
the imessekeid flea the eassirepatioa. Kormsse, 1b....
SWUM et sae Wail, is more schashis ass the *Weser
et wither, sad this femme distisetiese est of the piese fi
a Chsbutiee assembly, Mace the Mew et NIA p.. is de
rived isms the feet tbat each is heill by a rig* shish is
emissive Is Is aster% sad Sksrefers wooed to See
Christise spirit. Is the eyes of the pene.heitiev, the mum
popsies is set *bole. for • peptise aril b his emu
pmpetky is severalty. There is s seesaws leveret is
k. .g the prise elpows op, sod Ms.. a teadaky to ms
ploy "meek" peesebers. "Thu, ow the Chooreheeso
the whole mess et pews teak te Amy seek fishy ead
seek bead ale *llly masa the rot at theeescregettea.
Mal allsetkee of the bead et the hobly bate_ bees at he
s=paded r 14 0 Ulm to hie Wetly; they lave bees so for
elevated es to eares• eeteothleg of • relligleee teamster a
bet they eau set se father. That east to be helped is
I. name wiegesestios. Bet the pew eystee later
vises, ma limb Blom where Olaf am The sea dem
set get to Awl tilat he btu umber at • esiegpr sad
mho wane is pus Alt thee be te a theology , et a ehertilv
This any bees ; hit, l. leis in It le wore samtestabiti to
eft lasi etempi.:-. 11 leis et II ender top le sleep with
preseher thew leseds ww lioll
~••• doe ewe el Wele—)101 se
lees we theww_vstem bails%
sad the et the fahewevall tit' so sameall
by *looting Doolittle and Durkee to the moo high po
sition, all roaegades from the Democratic camp. If we
have passed over Ponasyrraaia ii this enusieratioa, it is
not because the political phenomena ire are discasslag
not as apparent here as elsowllice—iodeed, it is more so.
The canvass of last fail is not forgotten, when
whale political antecedents are so well k sows, was brought
forwafd for Governor, and the support of the high writ
Whigs of the Skate invoked in his favor. There is Gee
ClUneroll, oleo, placidly occupying a seat in the 13olialik,
the gift of the Lepablicans of Pemasylvaata„ whoa it is
known to every body that his seat In the Democratic
imeneils is searosly sad. Bat, @lb it to make the neord
so plain that nos* can galas if(, the Repel/Haas Stake
Conveatlon last work, after skvating la Gerona ,
Reeder to the empty bettor of presidia( over its &Albers.
lions, passed by all its other available timber, mad sought
a caudidate for lodge of the Supreme Caul in the perm/
of Bon. Joan M. Bain, bet a short time since aim trade
Demodrat of Philadolphia.
This favoritism to tlo sealeontents from the Doisouralle
pasty by the Republioaas, to the ezehasioa of eider oppo.
moats, sight INK patron oo mash dodgem*, IS we LI
cribs to it, sad might net Mama as mach atteattoa as it
dom, were it aralued to loan** where the mmteat would
ha 61604 and the otopoood groat* which such .oral.
rations give wsedd he nary to MUM setwooe—bat
each is sot the case. Indeed, the state of the macaw la
our owa county at the present time turaishes unatistaks.
hi* ovidosoo that ores kora, alma Um old whig party was
always immiscible and the word of its leaders 111 W. lbs
"edam of tartan*" is politico WWII complete control of
the party, and are win lie orgaidsatioa for their own ad-
MM. •••••• • Meat bO,O
comes& for Wagner in this district is Endo to Map as
the swam of one of these "eddies" of fortune" is his as
pirations for Sentor. Another sue, with a modesty • -
Harty refreshing, after having *eyed the emoluments of
Deputy Sherif as a Democrat, to which polities he was
appointed by 11 Democrat, is sow movieg heaven an
earth, and with a fair prospect of success, tOso, to swan
the nomination for the SheriLlity itself. *bile his po
litical mentor, the before alluded tocaudidate for Senator,
is hazily *opted in shoving Inch tan adds as Timmy,
sad Kelso, and HUD, and a doses other who fought the
Dea►oeratia party while he was using his Wiest to sustain
it, le is following in his "Illastrioes patron's footsteps,'
•aael is endearing to overslaugh each men as Craig, and Col.
ton, and Brecht, sad McLane, sad Stoats 1 Nor doss the
record slop brae It is a minor of history that loot Pall
on of the most promiseat esadidates for a legislative
Dl:Minden was a ranged' Democrat, and beeensche was
not Dominated, it is equally a nutter; of history that the
suosersfal nomisee was defeated. And the bleary of MN
Pall, ire appesnad, will be the history of this. (tar old
Democratic Weed, Hoary Teller, whoa few short years
ago was as eanssisatic admirer of oar peanut Ilasestive,
has hen promised, sad must receive a somisation for the
Legislature, or, se we remarked last week, there will be a
revolt immediately if sot mower. And to this couple:too
has it come at lest—in the old alai' and eati•maeoaie
county of Ibis, three of the boot ogles' is the gift of the
people, Senator, Rapreseatative, and Shalt, most be
spread set is a repast to satisfy the ranches wow of
these notorious "soldiers of fortune"--mss who's darer
tin from the Democratic realm is so retest that the polit
ical scars they received in dot service are still visible to
the naked sys. And who is it that, (to ass the expressly*
language o f o w, of rand "will have to stand back like
bond boys at a husking; is order that this trinity of
politiesl renegades may enjoy cads sorbed the feast of
fat things" la the gift of the Piapablican party in Erie
county T—Jobs B. Walker, Elijah Babbitt, C. W. Kelso,
A. King, G.. 1. Deft, J. B. Jobasos, J. H. Starrett, James
Skinner, 0. W. Colton, J. W. MeLase, A. A. Craig, S. B.
Beneos, Jobs Evans, sad others too smaeross to mestioa.
Prom this it really appears that whoa the old "big party
dial, then mac became fatherless, amid are sow about to
be "band oat" by their political guardian, H. B. Low
ry, Hairy Teller sad IL C. Sargon ! But car ante* is
shady lea& sad we mast close with the Biagi* remark
that if there was a partials of evidesee wasted to prove
the truth of the remark made to u by a bind the outer
day, that the Democracy had turnishod lie lopubliesas
with all their tenors, the Nat West, Slats aid County
lens we have seamerated, tank& it ►yeah a itemitios.
, •
11. .
The foilltiriett tome hobs L*. ll.* If a, 4 1
toth Ittf4try, ititaihNi AiC015,41•10440,,, _;, ,
g i •
dm d•u4 of Mt Mt at to. au.... t i k i: ti t iorm4 111.11
Istorest.,! It eN Intuits pp Ild. tattooer Okla oily •
I Yaw Wabt.s.i Wm-ra ft W. 1r... ; ay 31.4, lois
81... my last letter of May 1.1, vs have had bloody
sad mitts; Games. Lamy last. I stated that we were stwat
to mart ma as espeditise as sus to vow again , esumede
Tort Colville, whisk Is la t►e Gold rectos, and a post of
tik. Rodeo. Bey Coarsely. haeardiagly oa the 6th. CoL
ikeptatt, with sheet 1$ Waves', mad a detsoliammt of
lafaatry with two Hewitson, MA Mu poet s. reed* for
Tett dol,Uh, lateadiag to visit the friendly tribes by the
way, !talk with them, and somilna their frimidaliip. No
ladials were hostile but a head of the Paloom tribe WIS.
Wl* about 160. Whim we had get late the Bpohaas
(lorowolluelul 8 0 0 -kult).uoustr7, sheet 140 miles fres this
past, we sirs earromsdesi by shoat sistmla Modred la•
dish% moody armed, palmed sad dressed is war oestams
They had prepared a. tualuireade fur as, hot we reflood to
be led late it, sad west late camp of to the left sou 4
little Mks. This ocrerred oa flaaday the 16th, and soolaß
t►. orervheimiag form agaiast as, we coaoladed to n
un. hooordiagly the trout morning. Monday the Mk,'
we maned oa oar retrograde =overeat, mucking along
• bottom with high Waft on sash side, with a comps., of
dragoons throw• oat IS sash aide as laakera. We bad
sot promeded fez, before we were Ilereoly attardmd,
eseasy haring Gerd • large Bomber of shots late as before
they were maraud. Tim essay tried to make as Sr.
int, bat the Col. pre striae orders that so shots should
he reamed witherst abootatelf astolsrily, is order to
throw the Mame es them of °posing hostilities. Now the
light eommeaced la sanest, and we easthused oar march
for shoat a miler hat so assay sae and hones were either
killed or. weasded it was imposoilble to proceed further
'Mhos' great loss, and we drove the Isidisas from a bill,
made our camp, ploketiag Me animals la the MUM. This
was the Daly thlag dim awed as Orem belay rat et la de
tail, smnsmadeßas we were by each a hoot of red devils
who came dockitsg arimsd us as if Paudemoaium had dis
gorged its whole lahabitsists.
The IWO easitlamod frogs wren is lb. morale'. sisal
s•ssus h as ovisaiag. *boa the essuip drew at sold suss
iseiscod dispglikg Hats pas mead our camp which woad
Yore pretested as from gotta' water for careelvos or au
laals. We were eat of aaatitias, sad the seat day
would Wive presasted aa•thar Dade's Massacre. Cada'
each cireaastaaese a email of war was lead, sad Medias
that without aaaaltion the moat day would be oar last,
the sae.; hearty Juanita''', we resolved is leave oar po.
althea bad sake a toned night match, akin with us only
Ire days *wham of port sad Soar. Accordingly we left
amp at 10 o'clock that night, sad by the 10 the followiug
night, arrived at Soak* river, a &stases of 80 miles, where
we were wet by the friendly iley Paces, who pat as across
lb. river seat dwy. This was one of the most rapid forced
seerchee as mooed, sad hoes ibis plates we proowded to
the Flo by easy awe a ss, lakiag the beet awe of the
woe* in oar poem, About 20 wiles from Soaks river,
we Sere last by dhpt. Dent, with provisions and a rein
forseesout of 90 Masai. per loss was Capt. Taylor,
Idiot. Gaston of the Dragoons, and b seen titled sad 15
',Nadal. Besides, oas half breed sad one ludas were
WWI. The lass of the missy was very severe, sad mut
MN bees Ave or aft Uses as crest u oars. The lut
sews says they had knelt is 9 killed, 22 woanded,
Oust of whoa 'add die) sad are NUB °amiss thew is.
We were tweed to leave is asap some wesaded sad bro
ke* dews &sisals, old paek 11S4d11111 sad some retatitirees
stores. This was ass of t h e rust saaptise Isdias battles
on record. I wu Quitermistes sad Ormsarlasary sad had
I bees at the head of my essapasy, probablyyou would
sever have rosehoi Ms sots. H. B. P.
111,. The Seto, of the Commisuriew seems ditemained
to bare enough Malans on his lamb to keep him "'bob,
btu resod - ibis hot weather. Ws is net otkly determined
to regulate the pontiesi stain of his own district (e pretty
tough join by Ow by) but is his last number he Mayes
eatirely oat of kis bailiwick, bad blows up the Republi.
can ef the Wasidsgtoa diatriet ter not organising to de.
feat Sea. W. Kostgessry. We Ulm KM sea who got
so essay Was la Me Ira that they let Mee of this ban
—sad it may be se with the niter of the Ckmatimition.
—Aa exeliaap tray says : "Satag editors for Mel is
about played sat Tian la only olio tbtag less productive,
sad that 0001illii la skipping lee to Greatised, or wood's
aetahp to the Spies Weals. A swindler undertook to
see • Plibiba paper the other day, sad was not only
bates, bet easaitted to Jail rata le paid the eosts of the
—Captain O. P. Bradley, of Mese, bee. neratly
wrested, is Koren misty, Perry Itemlolph sad Goofy
11boors, lied moo is the war of sous terfeiters 11/11111b hare
so mon Maned sursiord - liMaa, .as me tie Orin sad
brie/dig up of which the celebrated Ligonier Boo Won
were orgealsod.
—A yeast gbi, daughter of Mr. Marie' ?limps**,
(miserly %Lie moat ea the Westchester, Pa., ears, arose
from bee bed, as Is sapposod, wblle asleep, aad deliberate
ly walked oat of the %bird-Amy wiadow ! au tin on the
pavemest below, aad was borribly mashed by the fall.
Tux TZLEGNIAPH Bx.Paiwicsarr.—According
to the N. Y . Eve. Post Mr. Morse never expect
ed that the expedition now upon the Atlantic
would be sncodieful, though he ts quite sanguine
that a cable elan be laid and worked between the
termini which the company has selected. He
does not disguise hie conviction that the cable on
on board the company's steamers is much too
heavy, sod that one half of its weight, might be
laid and worked effectively.
His views upon the subject and the consegnen
oes to which they have led, are said to have been
the controlling reasons for his being left out of
the Board of Direetion,
at the election which int
mediately preceded the reduction in the the price
of the stock.
Of coarse the company did not make the cable
as heavy as they did, except to immense their
chances of laying it successfully; and nothing but
a tnal will probably ever determine whether Pro •
lessor Morse's view is correct.
Elia opinion unquestionably possesses great
weight, and will be carefully considered if any
new experiment Is made. The other provisions
which have been suggested to us against the sc•
eidents to which the plans for laying submarine
cables have thus far proved to be liable, which we
will submit without argument for what they are
" A cable coiled eutuot be *moiled withou
Therefore, the Gable nest be reeled to be laid.
The necessity for two vessels to lay the cable,
quadruples (and more) the risk of accidentr;
Therefore, the cable muse be laid front one ship.
The voyage to Engiand is Oilier, shorter and
safer than the voyage frost Ragland:
Therefore, the rued with the cable should
scan from Ibis side.
There Woos vessel, and only one, of tonnage
and room stiffinient to carry the whole of the ea.
hi., to wit: the Leviathan:
Therefore, the cable, if ever laid at all, must
be stowed on a snetession of reels in the Levis.
than, mid the Leviathan must sail from our
If these tiara should bs deemed to possess soy
value, it would be easy for the Leviathan to bring
the cable here to this country and lay it on her
first trip hone.
Visa Vlotous .tistara.—Mr. Barg, the
Amerion Horse Toast, boo bon suciaishiag
the people of Europe by his power to subdue
vicious minds He *pats his secret to gea.
ileums as so nosy piano spine, metier from
these s strict pledged . As English
editor, however, at the risk of prosecuted
for this penalty of $n husked rinse, divolgss
Mr. iteroy's method of onquiruti &shush isou
siderod asecasquersblo been he took them id
loud. The editor says Mr. Bourfo pin is Lei
unsure sad take cif tho oalasYs head, ;Mob
will bring hiss to s deed stead; ant to take off
his Isis, whoa he will isssoodiosoly lie down sad
IsetlY, to take tart his rairells, whoa hi. sabja•
Plies will be nufius sad adrift may bs heads
nor bin. Mis s wog elfsotive method
lug% visions salsas, Int it is sletesiglasissith
. larey. He boo horrowsd it fro. the Dos
, who bin neeseddly maimed it epee
4I .mo t vision of ill !abash the lOpposhioe
14,1862 the Arosoorsoy nsurewod tho
hod—Whicgorn a 1856 Om belt ti
linotr flothapAra;aad Is 1866 us/ r ip
pod oath% fates--bisok ilopedl miaow
*gore hems% their dram nee his
engested mad diseshesselkid anus, sad tin
poor' ersstars is sos sidle so. iMo sow
Not We irisit Mr. Mom aI m I = l
tie inwaird 11•11111 1114104.6d1s et
hat Ire dun waat,ll4 Dwareourgieir.
oTthe unlit et Muir eireiMikosieminikm
Valley *int
uot. are
- Read the edvolet*ssata of S. S. airetee ebNp
Oreee sad Prey W re.
oo Me Be flee • etoelloo4
welt. s. nbeap ia the ehlipeet.
A throes to Reatery. elelpl is Mr . 1111 A'
CY'll faro, shoat three lathes "Above teen, eelatmitiod eeti.
aide as FridaT avulse bi dirtivrabe himeltill dot ics.
zs. N. Y. new ewe Wm 01111•04
B.k)o Maria, ban smammmodoll la Ow
•ditiorsltip of Ow N.. Yost Ciberilima.
--- A 7w•g s•• wing Stogy, s•e &mai e• tk•
34 inst., i• irsaela Crook • by silos ►oiow Waterford,
yaw Dot+•Nw'e NAIL
The jury of impost is the Iris Railroad disaster
readers(' a verdict meaeretieg tits ooapasy sad the A
core la shame of the teals frogs MI itiarlhatiag Me
sad oetermsee to the breakisg ut tit* mil.
—Tits Misr of tbo Gollyobig Compaor salisoaltmfg
ea tbe rooeipt of "emend oseusberi, mid &bolsi a foot is
ioagtb;" owl Ma moult, WI suppose, rao bona "somata
Awe of cholera!
Oar farmers ereis to oldie d afar barna, sad'
aotwitbeteadiag Lbeierwskiedie wheat the weevil, we are
every reams to bailey* we shell bey ow bread cheaper
this year thee we are be tea.
It wilt b Irma that the ...Old Britt Possdry• has
sbaapd kaads—alswars. Barr t Jetta**, seeasedias Bo
aid, Barr a Co. Both patteataa have was saastested
with the bashing for a samber of years.
The Weeder% Preve. *mem, P., mom to m lMs
weal in a oar and attractive dress. The Pre« I. In It.
forty •serstillt volume, being the oldest Democrat'. paper
west of the Mountable, and creeps the Reading Eagle, a
011,1111114 paper, the oldest Is the BMW
—Two or three weeks sleekin one of our toe* items,
we broke the leg of Dee Rice's berm "gaselaier," sad
bad blot killed. We mow take pleasure ia saying that
whole story wee one of Dan's dry Jose*, sad tl* hie fa,
mots bore* is alive sad kicking.
pa- The Gatage raises the games of Jobs U. Road
sad Wm. & frisky, cambiums for Judge had Caaal
Consaissioost, sad styles tibo dame. "Opporitioa &&.
Ticket" From this it woold sprier that. es s Slam ergs,.
lastiett, th.ltspNleaa piny is doieset. Is the laegeeite
of tile great Date\ poet—
NA. it was so eons isaa ix,
WI woader what it vu beau tor."
—Ah Iriebmitn, mused basely, living la that pert
of the elty !mows hi Jemmies. *MI * 4MA repel DO
Thureday, and died before any asaletauee etetid be node".
ed. Wide the *vest ►apposed, kin wife Ma to seigb•
bora for auistaneo. bet whin site rethrsed he lied reseed
to breathe. Us bed been unwell for some tines with Coo•
Knabb. wife of the editor of the Reading Jour.
Is4l, war nearly killed the other day by the upsetting of a
sarriage. We loan by Saturday's Journal the lady is sow
oat of danger. ?be seaideat watt eonead by tile it
digging sway of the railroad einbaalratent by the Nesyl
kill Navigation Cotapsay, leaving warmly room for a ear•
The Omens stye that "a law .saber of the del
egates to the late People.,Coavestlem at Harrisburg were
formerly prominent Illemessratte party."—
Very possibly ; etlll well wager the Gm cream with oar
essteraparary that he mat pane out ass that voted with
th Dentoeratkt party In 1854, or 'VIM last Pall !
The Ifirrtsburg Herold says It has Well 111141•Iialt ,
ed, by expertaest, that the seat .Reeteal way to doer°,
rots is to place a copy of the New York 7'ribassw to their
holes. The rata gnaw at it to pt it oat of the way, pt a
thud of the briouitotte that Is disseaduated dines fro"
Satas's headquarters titre' Its eolussas, and thou gis• bee
tremendous a , by *bleb they are blows Into Moos.
—Tb. Methodist Epieoopal Csafensee. at Meadville,
0 40orts• 41 00 W•daeeday, having Wes la messiest else* the
14th inst., Bishop Janes presiding. The list of ambers
Wag calhd over. 116 louvered to their tames. Profeseor
L. D. William, of Allegleay College, was sleeted Beereta
ry wad nova. J. D. Norte* sad O. W. Cliselorwagb, Assisi
tact Becrehuies. Large accossioas to the Charebas is the
soverol &swims were aaaeaseed. The appoiatoseats for
the districts will be sassiuseed as soma a. hosislied.
—The Basle Rope!.lio saki, la alt the sissy of its
"elm shall be dons tee Islas r to mere lt him ab
solute ruin. Promising the gaieties la addmeedas
• " - • "L. - 4 *sr Ass 1.• 4..4 en marl Buf
falo is is hutted hops. nest dry up.' Assordisi to
the Repobiic. Buffalo has loss socked its miutessices from
a commarce which has sow departed. Asd the own Oiled
city is now Moray "a goo. foam I " So says the
Boolkostor Union, sod we was there is roars testi Ass
poetry is it.
—A mu mused Hm. Saarland, as Irishman Iribirth,
for loose time in the employ of Dr. J. L Stewart, Is the
capacity of a hostler, attempted to commit suicide os
Wedsesday sight by cutting his throat with a react Hi
draw Ma Mainmast ammo his sack three times, Washita,
frost a vast of serve, or mote other ease, did am sue.
card in reaching the jagalar vein, sad acasequestly his
life was sawed. Came—drink sad family mashie.
—The pleas.» excursion, on Monday, ea ti. Boboos
or Wes. X. drink-its, wee attended by • very large nes
bet of ladies and redeems; sad, eonaidariag tie son.
sieknou, mad other incidents, was quite a lively stair.—
One of the most pleasing incidents et the trip was tie pre.
tentative of a ample of wirer rope to Capt. error end the
int mats, Ys. Jura BALL. by CVI. D. 8. Clark, aeeos•
pasted by some very apprepriste resserke by the donor.
G. J. Ball, Bee., responded on tie pert of the dense..
—Moat. Goddard sad wife, Dr. Hutchins, fort ofil of
Waterford, Ls this ermaty, mat/toms Tiphame made • bal.
loon aersensioa at Butele ore day this week. Tlwy start
ed at II: o'clock and lamied fear miles from the city at
eight. Their hlghost elevation was two miles. kismet
gia wing derwriptias of the ?morales is gives. Eagan)
Pails and Lake Ontario were la eight, sad simmers or the
lake could plainly be NMI. Lockport, Tonawanda, Bata
via, sad in the villages triads a circle of twenty or Misty
allies MIMI to be slusteriag about Belida Niagara
RI" , wail a Hoe of 11ght, losing UMW is Labe Galatia.—
The party saw the sun *see brim.
lirery body says it is deli times, and took is doubt
less the feet--and yet, lot tale • walk of ea son.
tag •bout oar town, sad he will oboorre evidsties es ut
most every mast that the progress of Brie is o•ward
Varian saw bundles", for dwolilag boom, stores, sad
shops, its to proton of otsetioa, oboirtag at lain that vs
are sot trtrogradlog, with* Is sore the oaa be said of
goose of the other towns us the lab shots.
The Gawte says that "a policy which lady eon.
tniveues the favorite Doinseratle isietrise et Popular Soy.
oreiguiir "strikes at the Stadassental prineiples of a
free goverasseat." Good 1 The policy advocoted by the
Gasses, that Coignes should energise musty' seals"'
over the dogteeth; iastantloas of tLe tweitorini. is "a pol
icy which flatly osslnnilets the fluorite Demoosstie nee-
Was of Popular Seversaretr—orpo, the Genus is esi•
pied in Wasik* at the faadasestal pritielples of a free
plummet." Goad f we repast I
Now %. the Now fop wtooalight Item our tho Noy—
es the roatt---o• dm rall—awy whom a* Au Tow liars a
lovely upeeino• of 'visa's*, by year side. awl • has quas
i*/ of resume* sad moat Rawer" at your lowaptoo owl—
SW* mow a &L ow taw ohm alight with a bromforty sag
gulag at a eaaiLlilis pea, while bo Mood( w looting up
to the calm lilts a "Mott pig to a want Siat.•—both Look•
tag as happy at U thoy were welt lag as a rokiabow with
the•tho•nose for • Whir!
Tho Brie Moaner stela two item lea week Ikea
the or.
Dwomeree sad sae his the Jewett& without the hag
credit. 'Mr. Stasi, be Jest,--Jamosewa Dewoomet.
Them it is sob; we sever stale "saettowlo mink
is bade that A. "ether Wise JAW his oestoesded
teas sheet h. However t .lrell sake It op with the Dam
woe Pia ; he may .teal lb doses ut wts, proviite4 he sea-
Soso btuaolf W ILur...f a poturst comphortos. La to Ike
Jostrarti f why ha ■ag go to *soder J—saws Nolte am
ilea from ►im. sad snot out to ; maw, tie moor bad
say.ta 0 4W." Ifo's • firths know wahine., P. 8. La
so don't asokoago wk► uto Annual it 6 ..ritiont Jammer
el lie / 1 / 2 /saerat, baest gat arts that woo atWartrft i asall
assaaptantly aost aostola
SEP Tito Plillaitapia prop Amps Oates Orttot of
at Mow" los trebles mon wades abusive
Ihrtlioax doe ay sue to Potonyttoa
Yin mimes he to pan pot Poo tomotol with assoilb
spa Ow ;'otaitkoat sothit *4.s s.
W. leekthe One is i. Gas^ with vs* awe et Its
ears .sett Ave ithish ws hater that sue pelltimet ~se
tires tam nevi- Mesh** net heat a tremble t• Web the
Wet Olio Pews Aril 011aiit reggelelleis brother et th•
Oar* ilvee, ssi lamp we deem say this( that Alm
et those greilvent sy sheet re !in +maw war los.
Meet neatithe Wert at bow se .MN, bet Is wee
le tisileate i. *troth et bletery,` v• Whew CA his
W. Wm* Wet bh smovelbme le Mew The LM Ohm%
sat imrevereeetelieel as'yr parelsally ibeslie sir Ns.
IlsibseiwP . Ws ism Obbrr too am 1 , 1111 da•
sad opts, bet It le sale the has Me I It time the
o f
illoorcti oppeeellir. Abe esinetio• 7 6- . 2 4 -
ti ma me 4 e It wN► mr.r....1 iliac" Li . ' a
i ll
*ea, as It his allays sparse etas, with ins ' as , -
'hinnies. Welibpsght the Woo Illpi toot lithilii he
Mild neat.* /sad gaited; el think i • is Wool
ly trillets 11l say it. ?,• ,, dt That ti as 01 b.
rebel,wee s'Nelose senporstion" its this State
which arrogated to itself tie e=e/ulna centre/ of Mr. Bo -
44 4 lame• Panama Airtime, A the kiwi of it stood Jo
W. beeersey. Ile mac meld approach the future President
exult through that gate; sled we did not °home to so
approach Ida. Wham Mr. Saebassa went to Europe that
"Warpoestiou" was breams up. lib political foetuses be
agle the preps (j of the great Desoeratie party; we
know that Needy thought didereat—we Imo, he expect•
adle ►are shame et the Nitelhem Oshawa at ilm White
Lima, aid beans. a power Wiled the Umiak greater
this the throw itself—bat time mid events have proved
his ■ista►e. Hie ipse disk is sot law at Weals/gam;
there is so Kitchen Cabinet lot him to preside over, Mr.
Beehaaan is the Praeldest himself—and as such he ban
passed epos the amp so frequestly made by the Editor
of the Prue that we "have writhes more artistes personal
ly *beide. of him limn say alma in Peansylvania.". The
fact is setweiews that oar opponsats ransacked Brie oven.
ty to gad a Ale of oar paper contalaiag those "abusive
persoludities." They &width. paper, but where they look
ed fortis "peramal abuse" It waist there. Seehas they
(mad, however, they transmitted to our black Republic's's
member of Coupes., lied by him they were duly pie Wed
bears tom Prosideet. What effect they had may be later.
red from the feet timt, !ma very few weeks after, h. enst oar
re-ogroiistasoot it At &sac With thiseadersemest, we
as afford to let lobs W. Toney bits himself sad smart at
aii is his diesppolatmeah
SONS Of MALTA.—The Philadelphia A■rsrioss,
epeskleg of the aosomblieg of the Netioual Cosy outbid of
this order, is that olty, says: "Is' Muglead, the °Mee of
Grimed Commaecler is held by his Royal Highs's" the
drake of Cambridge, add Prism Albert °Gado:sods to pee.
form tho ism srd•om sad importast chides of G. R. J. A.
Is the United States, Mr. Dreakeiridge„ the Vim Prost-
deat, is °road Commander, sad Boa. S. A. Douglas is
0. IL J. A. Indeed, throughout Europe the order is
hailed ea Due of the democratic featureeofthe ago, while
priseeasd poseur' sad prervess, within its soared precise's
meet •pos a commos rociogsidos of usloirsal brother•
hood. Its Wiese have beat diguiflod by used of the no.
blest aseestry sad the highest eultirallos, sod tote it
altogether, the order bide fair to prey* as Important ad
Janet to t►e present order of free inasoory."
Report of Investigating Committee on Banks.
A lone report from the Committee appointed 1
to ikvesugate the affairs of the Tiogo, Crawford,
Plicenixville, Shamokin and Ootorsra Hanks,
has been presented to the Governor. It expo..
ses a moat flagrant deception on the part of the
Buffalo sod other speculators, on the charters
granted by the Legislature. The North inert
coo gives a short sketch of the developeteents
made, as follows:
The first of these Pennsylvania Banks, all of
which were chartered at the legislative session of
1857, is the "flogs County Bank. The letters
patent state that the subscription amounted to
1069 shares, and the committee found that 1040
of these shares bad been subscribed, and the first
instalment paid in a single day, by certain Buf.
Palo financiers, of whom Wells D. Walbridge,
for himself and various females, took 640 shares,
while Edward lt. Thayer, of Buffalo, took 200
more, and J. Porter Bewley took remaining
200. Thayer belongs to a nesLof financiers of
that dame in Buffalo, one of whom opened the
Bank, and at once entered discounts to the
amount of $20,655, all to Buffalo parties. G.
P. Steers, of Buffalo, was elected teller of the
Bank, say. that upon taking charge of it there
was a deficit of $6,373. The discounts now
amount to $89,066 38, nearly all of which has
been to Buffalo parties, and all, except one note
of $llOO, in sums of $5,000 to 83 r 500. The
Thayen sad Walbridge figure either as drawers
or endorsers in nearly all of these. It is clear
that this Bank was purely speculative, the sub
scription totes having been immediately dis
The suns parties appear to hue been the op
erators in the new Beak of Crawford county
To this concern, 1534 shares of stock were nub
scribal, of'which 1210 were by the Buffalo gang,
and the rest by J. Porter Brewley, as one of the
sante party, except about forty-four shares. This
subscription was paid in Tioga County Bank
notes, being °Men, toe 01'0,130 gltscuuut.ed at
the organisation of that concern, 'except about
$5OO paid in specie. The Bank has a circula
tion of $34,055 against $9,796 84 in gold and
silver, and its discounts reach $127,917 5:14 of
which $63,800 has been to parties out of the
State. The teller states that ho and the Presi i
dent ordered at the same time, the engraving of
the plates for both this and the Tiega County
- The Thayera again figureas the parties taking
the stook of the new Shamoken Bank, of which
the wholeglinbecription was 1640 shares, while
they and their associates took 1520 shares. One
of the Thayers settled for all the stock subseri.
bed by persons not residing in Shamokin, and
• 'd no money except $7,000 in gold and $28,-
11 l in notes of the Tioga and Crawford County
Banks. Immediately upon the organization of
the Bank, the books show that $41,015 50 of
discounts were granted to J. Jackson, of New
York city, and Underhill & Lockhart, $38,000
being in one item to Jaokaon. The endorsers or
these notes are J. W. Underhill and It. it. Un
derhill, while the teller of the Bank is Robert
Underhill. The circulation amounts to 8.20,460
and the cub to 1 2 ,372 05.
The cashier, David A. Robinson, formerly of
Buffalo, explains that the money paid in as cap.
ital stook of the Bank, was discounted to the
parties named, and the notes were left as the
capital of the Bank. A person named Street,
on pretence of being a man of means, who inten•
did subscribing $40,000 to the stock of tLe
Bank, was entrusted with P 20,000 to arrange a
system of exchange with the Banks of Western
Pennsylvania, instead of which he appropriated
the money to his own use, but was fterwards
arrested, and obliged to disgorge. . Jackson,
who figures as.a principal operator i this Bank,
alleged himself to be worth $19,000, which on
investigation turns out to be moonshine. J. It
Robinson was another of the wireworkers of this
institution, and appears as the party to whom the
discounted S3/3,000 was transferred on check
About $2OOO of the bills of the Shamokin Bunk
were obtained from it by Robinson, and used
to pay the first instalment -of a subscription of
stook by him to the SlelChen County Bank.—
How this money was procured does not appear,
but it was not tsy 'dimwit, as it was to be re.
turned to the Bank. .
Among the persons meting w:th the Thayere,
and belonging to the Buffalo party ia a!! these
Banks, were W. Meech, several named Gan.
oes, C. B. Payne, and M. Carson. Those op
pear again in the stock subscription to the Bank
of Pluenizrille, which, had an organisation ts.
ken place, would have stood 1200 shares taken
by Buffalo and vicinity, 198 by Phonnexville.
Some of these euhemiptions to the amount of
1,000 shares were taken for others by parties
who only told powers of attorney to subscribe
500 shares. They altered the figures at the
time of subscribing. The first payment on The
/took was made in notes of the Flogs County
Dank, which vu objected to by the commis
sions*, and an investigation ensued, ending in
the subscription being declared bogus, and wit h
A startling revelation is made by the commit•
tee relative to the bank note reporters. Proof
seems to have been afforded that some of these
publications are regular black mail sheets, which
quote Banks in good or bad standing according
as the conductors are feed. Letters and °iron.
lam ere described as being sent to Banks, requir
ing isupedistamernipasidases or a menial visit,
to make certain orrisroots oo pain of dim.
greasble consequeues.
Altogether this report is calculated to surprise
the people of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania,
sad pat tbs a their iptard against speculators
is bops Hanks. All these institutions have
been maanfadtured . by one gang of Buffalo ope.
rotors, sad are I:d the wart species of wild eat.
Outman , July 22.
The Simi essveattee. kid two last era s .hog, detided task* the Atoms*
san palm the Is is so P r. a rZ
atit IMO ow loilar plo.tos Wm *as
Brio; to take ANA os Noaday aszt.
Arrini of the Werth Illifts--111111un a the
Atlantic Tobin* 11111141tIons
Nsw YORK, July efihataship North
Star arrived at 10 this a;:tos fro Southampton
7th inst.
The Asia arriviiiisit LlFlFltrPoual
The most important news by this arrival is the
failure of the attempt to lay the Atlantic Tele
V. The - Niagara end Gorge, a strived at
e lb enstown on the sth The Agamemnon and
Balrouse had not arrived on the 7th. The Niag.
art and Agamemnon met a third time on the 28th
ult., and a third time connected the cable. They
then started afresh, and the Niagara having paid '
out over 150 miles of cable, all on board enter
tained the most sanguine 'anticipations of auecess
when the fattl announeeraent was made, at 9 p.
m., that the electric current had ceased to flow.
As the necessity of abandoning the .project for
the present was now only too manifest it was con.
aidered that the opportunity might as well be
availed of to test the strength of the cable Ac.
oordingly this immense vessel, with all her stores,
Ate., was allowed to swing to the cable, and in
atiditign a strain of four torte was placed upon the
breaks. Yet, although it was blowing fresh at
the time, the cable held as if she had been at an
chor, for over an boor, when a heavy pitch of the
sea snapped the rope, and the Niagara hove away
to Queenstown. She must have passed the Ag
amemnon but owing the heavy fog missed seeing
or gaining any tidings of her.
It was conjectured that the latter had not de
livered bee specified quantity of cable at the time
of the failure and may have consequently return
ed to the place of meeting. Should nothing be
heard from her the Niagara would after coaling
proceed to the ocean station station, having still
on board 1,300 miles of cable which, supposing
H; other vessel had retained a similar amount,
would still permit of a junction being completed
and allow 30 per cent for casualties
There had been a debate in the House of
Lords permitting Jews to alt. in Parliament.
The new Indian bill bad made further progress
in the Commons.
3,500 ounces of gold had arrived from New
The friends of Lady Bulwer who had been
placed in a lun . atic aseylum are about taking
measurca to establish her Sanity.
A grand banquet was given at the London
Tavern on the 4th •of July by the American as.
•oeiation. Gen Campbell, our consul to Lon
don presided, on whose-right sat Mr. Dallas
About 150 Americans and many Englishmen
were present.
A letter from Vienna says 10,000 pilgrims
proceeded on the :.:Bth nit , in procession from
Vienna to Marcboll.
Queen Victoria contemplated a visit to the
French navel review at Cherbourg.
The Spanish Ambassador at Paris had resign
ed in consequence of the change of Ministry at
The Times Paris corre4potolcut says explanai
lions have been demanded of the Viceroy of
Egypt with reference to the loan he is about to
negotiate with an English house.
Tie new Spanish Cabinet is completed. Gcn
Kos do Alalo is spoken of as Captain General of
An allied naval expedition had been organized
to seize the shipping and stores at Nib°, des
tined to supply the people.
The English funds opened tirtu our Tuesday,
and cloned at an improvement of 1 per cent
95}ati for money, and 931a4 for the roth August
Money eras abunlaut, and loans ou government
semantics were obtainable with ease at 4a:.: per
In American securities, Illinois Gent. Penn
sylvania coal, Great Western, Urand Trunk ail
vanced New York and Erie weaker.
Wostitbaros, July 21
The commissioner of Indian affairs, has receiv
ed a private letter dated June 22d, stating that
the Camanches are nightly engaged in extensive
depredations. General Cooper, the Choctaw and
Chickasaw agent, had just started fur Washiug•
ton when tba trouble commenced, .but an ex.
Tprooa bad boon Boot, 2.ov:tooting Lis rot nftl
There were but six white men at tort Arbuckle,
and the post might be taken at any moment
The Camanches are very much irritated by the
losses they sustained by the recent conflict with
the Texas Rangers
The order for the march of the 21 cavalry to
Fort Leavenworth has been countermanded, and
that regiment will remain 011 duty in the depart'.
meat ut Texas.
On the Ist of August the department of Flor
ids will be broken up and the several military
stations there will go the department of the east.
Lieutenant General Scott compliments Colo
nel Loomis for bringing to a successful close the
late Indian hostilities in Florida, and says that
he and those who served with him deserve well
of their country.
One of the sufferers' by the taxation more.
went of the Zuloaga government,'had this morn
iog an interview with the President on the sub
ject It is understood that tie will make au of
fidevit of all the filets In the case, and file it in
the State Departs'', ut
Acting under whice of Minister Forsyth, he
refused to pay the tax, and was compelled to
leave Mexico
It is probable that Mr. Forsyth would have
been directed to withdrew the Legation and re ,
turn home, had be not terminated his functions
with the Zuloaga government
Contrary to the statement, it is well known
here that Col. Kane will not publish a report of
- his Utah mission
Sufficient reasons are assigned why this would
not advance the Public interest. There is good
reason to believe from recently received infor•
metion that oar government is in a fair way to
acquire the island of Cuba. This is derived,, from
an unquestionable souse.
Wtn. H. McGrath, of Salem, N J , has been
appointed Consul to Maranham,
Through the perseversoise of Mr. Florence, a
second sloop of war will be built at the Pbiladels
phia Navy Yard, an order therefor will probe!),
ly be issued to morrow.
The Fulton and Harriet Lane have arrived,
vessels yet designated for the Paraguay expedi
tion. The utmost care will be taken by the
President in selecting a commissioner.
Secretary Toucey has sufficiently recovered
from his recent illness to transact the business
of the navy department to-morrow morning, and
will leave for Connecticut towards the close of
the month.
Gov. Denver left this P.' M, fur Kansas.
tre, Mo., on the sth, the following was the see,
ood regular sentiment.:
Our Nation—Begotten amidst the storms of
the sixteenth century, its infantile movements
were dim and indisticotly seen on board the May
Flower, on the rock of Plymouth, at Jamestown,
on the plains of Monongahela, and on the heights
of Abraham; the "capricious mittens" of its in
fancy were heard in the tea party of Boston, in
Fanenll Hall, on the plains of Concord, Lexington
and Banker Rill; in his boyhood be ran bare.
footed and bareheaded over the fields of Sarato
ga, Trenton, Princeton, Monmouth, and Yorks
town, whipping his mother and turning her out
of doors; in his youth he strode over the prairies
of the boundless West, and called them his own,
paid tribute to the despots of Barbary in powder
and ball, spit at his father from behind cotton
bales at Now Orleans, whipped the mistress of the
ocean, revelled in the halls of Montezuma, strad
dled the Rocky Mountains, and with one foot
upon go
,en sand, and the other upon codfish
and fumble!, defied- the world;_in his manhood,
clothed hi Potpie and flue Men - , be rides over a
eontinentin enshioued cars, rides over the ocean
inoteamers, sends his thoughts on wings
of =ing to the world around, thunders at the
door of the Celestial Empire and at the portals
of distant Japan, slaps his poor old decrepit fa.
they in the bee, and tells him to be careful how
he peeks Into any of his piekaroons, and threat
ens tout& a sheep pasture of all the land that
joins him. What he will do in oldage, God only
knows. May tie live tea thoseead years, "and
his shadow never be less."
The imegt u, lt ~.,•4 Cr, ul i rah 1 .,,,v•
the r 8 Trih,r. 113%e Wit I . t 11 LA, City , t b .l
1111,” woo Ihe M ,„„ ch
Fort Widget to the volley nom.
Mewl. Some fort 1, ) the i f
Tapas, were found at .1•:ello ('nnnu , but Nl
of that pass had treeu Lund, exaggetat,,i
defeoces of the Faints consisted only 0f1 , ,0,..
wall breast work., which could " h avr4(l44,
an hour agaiost a mountain bewitz , r, kto
fears entertained that the troop.. tut& 1. ( , a , t.
ed by stones rolled upuu them from the a mit.
min side proved utterly grouudlesei
no place where that UleaDa of upp.sthot,
- Arrived in Salt Lake City, the trocp,
deserted. Peace Commissionere,
Territontl officers, and the fourth emu. 44
paper reporters had preceded them, and a.
!tuft of their negotiations with Brigham y
all the demands of the home gosernot , nt
been complied with. Salt Lake Pity pi,
to the occupancy of the troops, the term
government was peacefully established, and
was all. No Mormon would permit a t;ent,i
hie house or sell him provisions, and the e v
already commenced was kept up until the
was deserted. The following letter to the
Louis Republican, gives news as late so , tnj
Friday, June N, R 5%
Von have doubtleaa beard of the entry .1 .
ernor Cumming into the city, a month or so
unattended by any person other than his (I I
and Col. Kane. his viait to the city, i r
upright and determined course winch he p ut
while in conference with the Mormon let
brought about the so called peace lie pre
to understand that be, as Chief Exeenute
Territory, would not interfere with their
property or religion, but enforce rigoro
laws of the United States and of the
He spent some weeks in the city, and wa:
treated by the citizens ffe aliso visited %
tribes of Indians, who were supposed to
committed depredations in the neighborhood,
warned them of the consequences of such act
and returned to Camp Scott, intending, 29
As the weather would admit of it, to return
his family
The Peace Commissioners arrived here is
early part of last week, and were soon j int
the Governor, and a few days thereafter by
Secretary of the Territory. A meeting, vrt
medistely called, and on the lUth and 11th
a conference was had between the G 'cern')
Commissioners, and the heads of the M
Church. It lasted four hours each day
was no small quantity of feeling dillay;
is reported in the streets that Brigham t
unusually eloquent on the otcasiou, but all
subsided, and conditions were agre, .1 rap
which the ifminhairk was buried
These conditions were about the
been agreed upon on the Guvernor'• tir-t rr
The troops were to enter without uppo - itt.
officers to be permitted to pert' rut the
duties of their offices without ioterreph.a,
an unconditional obedien ce t o th e l a s s
land (in the other hand, all prior i.fleig
to be forgottta, as per Prt,•iderits's
—by gones to be by gone.
'nits city, which ao.o eoutalo
les ' s than fifteen thousand inhalneant-, u
but litt:e over one hundred, t h ey all hae tag
grated to a •Inall town about fifty mile-
Provo, where they live, -owe in
iu wagon:, some in .mull house-, and
out any of the se euLLIf rrt. And , eelt hi ail.
atAWltliStathlity Ow tr. ary of p• u . !hy
tinue to lease h., city
III.) flag, b.*
the last tell year. attetupttlig to buiA. 1;1.
of ths public works, the 11•,.n• of the Itou , .
and all lit, board fencing, liar,. b. e
boarding 1111 It ViilldoWN•43
All appear dosulata—bardty a }Ai- 0 ,
seen, save about the Post Aye, mild 31,
but neat restaurant, which Is 0,,
accommodation in the city, and
relict' In Om way of Weat6l N
can be boughs. here, nor
ed from the inanufaeturm_ , -:,t
baker shop erubrneeA 4.1 rt. , a . . 1
of the city.
The Governor !t %%. r 14ittuualt
come across a p, r 1.1 L.O I
loCCUily his le•tp , t , Lut all • - lier•,
anti strangers, have t euj .) • :ut•tr.
ing In their carriages " r ;:r .LlO I
The course et' this pt alit ,t, uk, •
Strange to you, and it is really,,uut
A people, the large toJjority Whom
and needy, to leave their co u l f,,rt a ht e '
take up quarters in the open prairies
after a settlement of all difficult',
justed, does seem strange
The war may be at an end, but tt
some shadow a doubt. l 1411 , ljttd
the Mormons why it is tbey yet e,ott
move their households and pr
an expen-e, when all things are ref - .
But few will answer to plain ti rm
who do, gay that they have no e,,t,
fulfillment of what they consider tt,
That they want to see the army eau
before they change the plans pact
by them The tact is ibis, it th,
adjacent to chi, city, the Morna.n•
turn to tt, and will, i all pr , babi/lIT
by fire, the whole city, and Ott+ iota
account for their refu4ing wallow ati
copy their houses
As a general tbmg, for Mormons are
pleasant to tno.•t of ih.• clbeers, but
tertain au everlasting hatred to certain
the number, and are utterly apposed It
being located near them
I 113; dispatches recetvcti here yii.ter.ti
Geo. Johnston, he notified the goccrnalet
misaioners and people of I tah, that be rr
River (eighty miles from Salt lit'
on the 17th inst., and expect , t•' 'Arr•
city in five days, at which time all mgt
be settled, and you will hear the n.
It may be a matter of Nome lame. ,
the parties (Gentiles) now in till. city
On the Bth inst., Governor
Cullough, Governor Cumming and 1)r
Superintendent Indian Affairs 11u 's
Secretary Hartnett. (in the I.",tb, M
dian Agent, and Mr Jame., Inrerpta
18th, Mr. Simonton, of New Yprk
Fillmore, of New York Herald, Mr
New York Tribune; Marshal 11,,J-1
Territory, and Mr. J. It Lavo,,.
—A shocking murder oecurre , i :a :-
Calais, Vt., on Friday A ). , up:'
Ariel Martin, who had always hen
rather weak minded, took hi. rtiel
tag, went into a neighboring hay tie,
self in ambush, and, as Mr %% le'
er, made his appearance to e.,tuni , s:
him deliberately through the h,•art
lock fell at once, and in five ininut , •;
last. Martin immediately hunt
farm, where he met a lah.,r, r war"'
and, alter exchanging a w..rd er
shot him also. Ainsworth
house not tar distant, and dt i 3
and a half. The neighl,.,rh..d
and Martin took to the w , ) ,, d• Il t.
wards, however, made hi- ail. , aria
and was arrested. On ln u g ••"°'
had been shooting these awe, he rq u ,. ,
they are mean men.' N., can... •3 0
for the commission of the act
War married man, a a t •
ville, Indiana, who Lad • th •c,•••• , / ,,1 ' 0
young lady of that (~tin r -:To
and had reached I,t f, tb• tr'•
11111 there arrested on thic t;'h 11, ' ? •
items of Crawfordolllo, a :o , :•,
hint in the o,urt a nd tf:,
guilt, stripped him nJled ,11
d i , warm tar and feath, 1111• P
Ho Was tbeo em,vrt,,l to
town, and put on the Irmo I. r 1,03; ,•t"
be started, next day, fur l'altforina