Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 24, 1858, Image 1

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H.alers, kjdqu a:4c, Actual
• &r., Enos
roesa-44wa ,
run slowly now the Iron bell.—
Dead—dead '
Hark ' out • heart gives !awl the kuvil
For buried love—for sundered bands -
For bitter words and revered hands'
What ere diem lr MAMIDOb parted '
64.1.1 ni cruet' the hutoriu hearted
Dead —dead '
Clang ou the world my heartless chime'
Brio —dead '
For Bowe °newt:tiled a merry' rb rase
Adolfo the tide of happy years,
But now ft drifts in hidden tears
Amid the dark, with folded urines,
And inneina, snd MOSOS, but never raga
A antic, full am' she'. known
llut Do. the gobiel b„WetL Dube
r„,, Cur lour' eakilla). ‘lettio elerpelh,
%har hor r •Peyolkt,
I wordll gtlet he •puk.bu
11, nit • Ildont, I, , ng.plt I..Leti
1.v.41 '
If er LLr.LWair heart 1.1 aaJ c‘.1.1
11.0--t.leaJ •
Ring rtldly out • peal 0r cold
'he Iseedattb not her owel• 13•.•, '
its. is r,ar your .oulpturegt mono,. Loth
Aultrall y r sable i rarturuts by
rear, bright February day, after a heavy
fan of snow I Any OLIO who has visited the
Great Emporium, during sleighing time, may
imagine the brilliant scene which Broadway
pre., nts on ,uch a day Thousands of sleighs
of t cry -Laps, size and variety are dashing hith
er and tbttin - r, in such thick confusion as to make
it a matter .tf inexplieable a stonishm e nt b ow
they find room to pass each other without outo
int into collision Here anti there a great out
till us sleigh, pilt d up with human freight, glides
along like an overloaded steamboat out of its
t I. went, while glittering establishments of fairy
like lightness and beauty are glancing by them
and around them like birds upon the wing The
spray, thrown.up from the heels of the flawing
etmrsor., and gleaming and sparkling in
the bright, re.minbles a shower of
lturnit g diamond.. while the "jingle., jingle,
jingle"' of the bells floats upon the breeze so
mcrrily and cheerily that your heart leaps with
joy at thc. -otind You might almost faucy that
the bright sunbeams were all golden bell wires,
and that tid Wining : with his white fingers, was
them for very fun Then, km, the haps
py faces that peep out from the warm rich furs
--the glimpses of beauty and glances of bright
ttt . that beam on )ott as they flit by, radiant as
-titodittio and tran.tent as the ,tneteor flash
lib, what ylt e is there in old Gotham in sleigh
time '
' ' 4 11( . 11 w the (lay and the %eene In a wag
( wti••••rt t hitt, .Irell I hat ¢tided along Broadway,
vc. r. lte , 1 3 13.1 y tn d k. tttl. tnto , altno.d buried
itt -tly fur- ' lle fao.• wa4 ene of rare
atel the geuttertran, he Itstened to
Ilt r 1111W:11..1 VI ..r(f., v(, d to - he #0 roach ahn
t 11.-1 in the e..ntemplat; ..f hcr alarm., that
L. ti• ~!! eh .1 Ole r. u, arid I. ft ht• to trot
thr-figh the 'hr ,t. t z it OWN di-eretion
(Yl.l th, loh I. Ott 1 •,w.i% n. a 1i%.4)
I 2:ato wdutl, nog ~s t r the or .w.l thtt
In al 51 1 .1,1,.r0y laying
' h. r t. tip a tto• irat, .he
• I, -tv , •, %int i ,4, t I •••
1 h.. ..tir. t ..1 tl..- r-ur,t L J ct rl riciparr. lit
.% .1.. lit - lilt ii lif
%owl. i rho., lid. I r•litt*l brr
r-, 311.1 1 r li g ht , trk3itig iihk)-
fu.l) tr... 0 L. tlearr a ill 1.. r
11. r .iud thoughtful,
but full ..f uti.l
ut .1 Is itb
fl t •UtLnr,t, 1..1, .1 w the.ln.•cti.,u indicated
hy hi- fur , but Ilia r)0 Do , hmer
up .0 the girl than 3 4113.1 e di4plea-ure
br and giviug the reinl a
k, i t. Ll.V.tilcsk,up• .rieed bounded flert•
iv ..iiward, bearing the nut of
“f th.• wit.. had hta
pan ion
tieorge exclaimed the lady, -what
.1, you tncau It wam very di-obliging in )uu
t -tart rff at 11,1 , rate, when you knew I wan
oI, , rIVC t bat girl '2'
The gentleman •taultuertil out an _apology,
:apti t f the blame upon the impatience of bis
bur•e The excuse, h.iwever, was Ilk/ lame to
e di% nice rho lady. She was piqued at having her
humor thus unreasonably thwarted, and pouted
during the rest of tbe ride When he at length
alighted at the door of her Lather's residence in
Br. kir si reel, she thanked her lover (for such
the gentleman was,) with r o ut civility for the
-:.1:11 rile, and entered the Louse in a pet, leav
ing him to drive off, anathematizing the incident
which bud thus dampened the morning's pleas.
ore Ile had another souree of unpleasant feel
in;,, to., than the lady's frown The eight of
the tow girl ou Broadway, whom Le very well
knew, bad given rise to reflections of a disagree=
able nature, which will Le explained in the se.
To return to the young lady. When she rot
tcri d her cotulortdblii parlor, she tound a youug
wau staudiug2t the window, who turned to her
and salt— x
aw.ther ilusrrel oti the
carrwt, eh r
"Why do you talk so silly, John ?' returned
the dater.
"It 14 plain that it i 4 so," eouttuued the broth•
r, .r I -ea. Iteuwa•k a, he drove off, lookiug
as Marl a., a thunder cloud, arid your own face
`.4 ar lltiAleits,as if you had becu scolding for an
..I'shaw !" ejaculated the young, lady. Then,
afti r a movieut's stletke, she added, "Well, if
you will pry into my affairs, you must know '1
aw begiunieg to dislike George Renwick, and I
don't believe 1 shall ever marry him after all."
"1-la :ha : ha :" laughed her brother ; "the
song—it will be kiss and make up, in leas
tbau six ors,
again "
"Very well, you'll see," slle returned, as she
withdrew t I disrtthe herself of her riding sp-
Emily and John Williams were, the only ehil
drew of a wealthy New York merchant. They
Lid been reared indulgently, and received an ex
cellebt education. John was a tine youngiellow
twenty two; had choeitu the profession of wed
,sud was preparing to graduate at the
Spring' cointnencetneut. Emily was somewhat
' of a :Toiled beauty, just entering her nineteenth
year Indulgent:cc had rendered her a hula self
waled, and - adulation had made her a little vain
and capricious i--but sbe was, notwithstaading,
girl of hog feelings, amiable disposition, and
1 ;4,44 actiaa With a voluptuous figure, raven
hair, and piercing dark eyes, classic features, a
finely cut mouth, and teeth of pearly whiteness,
abe bad reigned the belle of two season, and then
plighted her baud to George Realriak, a astoba l p
of hie) standing and reputed wealth.
B. I. ('um
Renwick was about thirty years of age; a man
of acknoviledged talent and enterprise, with a
haodsome'face and manly form Ilia manners
were bland and insinuating, his bearing graceful
and easy, and his address fluent and polished
Whether tame affection or more interested mo
tives iodated him to urge his suit to Emily, we
need not ,say here ; suffice It that, with warm
feelings and a trusting
nature, she was easilly
won. The match was sanctioned by the parentx,
and the day fixed for the marriage was only Imo
months distant from the period at whictiour
story opens.
When Emily re-entered the parlury'she ap
proached her brother, who was readik by the
fire, and to • voice musically coaxi, said ;
'Come, brother mine, put op jour book ; I
have carved out an adventure fur you
John raised his eyes inquiringly, and she pro
"I saw a girl in Broadway to , day, with one
of the sweetest faces you emu imagine ; but she
looked so poor and sad and cold, that my heart
bled fur her. Hut what is wore, her featuriw
seemed familiar to me lam almost sure, John,
I have met the girl somewhere in good society "
"Suppose you have," interrupted John, what
then ?'!
"Why, likely it is dome old acquaintance of
our', reduced to want ; and, if so, what better
purpose can I devote this too"—drawing
her bosom a purse well tilled with silver, and
placing it in her brother's hand—"and what get
ter use can you make of your afternoon,
than by being wy missionary
"But how the deuce am l to tied your poor
girl with the sweet Lee inqUired her broth
"Oh, I am pretty certain she sews at. Mad•
am G 's, for I saw ber in that neighbor
hood "
"An adventure, verily;" exclaimed John, with
a laugh; "to think of sending me running ■ft'r
poor sewing girls with pretty faces : A pretty
dangerous adventure that, 1 should say !"
"In sober earnest, John, I want you to find
out this girl, and offer her relief from me, if stir
should bo in neeti of it
"In sober earnest, then, my silly mist, r, sup
pose I should find her, do you think that eveu a
p.m sewing girl, of auy sensibility, of modesty,
would take money from a man who is a perfect
stranger ? Why, I couldn't have the impudence
to offer it, for toy motive would certainly be mis
oonstrued ""
Eerily was thoughtful for a few tnottients, and
then replied—
" But you can fiud out who she is, and what
are ber circumstances, brother ; you eau find out
her residence, and you have wit enough to find
come excuse for visiting her parents, if she hag
"You are a (pear girl," said John, drawing
her to him, nod fondly kissing her fair cheek ;
"but after all, this strange whim of yours may
afford something of an adventure, so I'll humor
you, for once "
For oar, Ile might have said, for the
thounandth time, forhe was always humoring her
atrangn whims, as be called thew There was
not a Enure affectionate brother in the city of New
York lie was foockr and prouder of his beau
tiful sister than of ithything else in the world,
and would have done ten times as much to Brat ,
ify even her caprice ' Accordingly, after ditiner
he received from .Kajily an accurate description
of the eirl's dress !mil atmearaii—,
on her benevolent mission .4:ettoning himself
nn the steps of the -- hot, I, oppr i .iti c to NIA_
am he waited the remaitol , r of the of
it noon, watching all wit vr, nt to .r
inillite•r'r. At length, nisei
five ,i'citiek, on , t ,t her of tu,
as lie judged, CAW(' Out and departed; and, tinal •
ly, oue whose dress torrespoioled to do d v •I
ti , in his sister hal gim.•ii hitu It wa too tl.trk
I , tr hiuu t ,, juslg , witvtlt, r het frJIUr.. si , rt•
pr, tty a. Entity repre‘ont , tl thew, and Ilhe
wa4 S• 1114.• httl,• d s.appointa. tit I•o I/
nosily 1-11‘)vr.,1 L r tr.vrcv,r, at t 1110
ih r ,tauee, until he,r4W her enter ht r h and
thou returuoil to riport to 1114 r
"Von have um half fulfilled tuy
John - , y,m have neither iloieoveri d who sdie is,
nor what are her eireutu•tam-e..." exclaimed
after hat ening to hiq fle-toim4 iloo“unt
of having dogged her home
"I intend to, though," returned Jahu; "1 have
a plan in my mind DOW Hare you auy .•w•
tug to do?'
i're a dress I ;ball vraut RA , ul ,t
or two."
"The %cry- thiugr . naid ttke bruth..r ; "I eau
ge and tuquire it she ever gear ,A)) t)))...)", .11).!
if she, I eau engage her to eoule and make
your dress "
"Capital !" exclaimed Emily, clipping her
swill white handy "Lot u.) g. 1.1 tea tu , ve, and
then away with you "
Wbile silting Williams is at tea, we will pre
cede the h..ure of the ~ evriug girl
small room, the furniture of which s',o4
old and plain, and rather scanty at that, three
person?' were seated at a frugally tea table
One was the poor seMing girl ; another was her
mother, a woulap of no great age, hut w.fla and
feeble from carcland anxiety ; the third was a
young man with a high, pale forehead, and a
lace te which deep thought and res,oluten e,s of
purpose were plainly expresso` lilt ft atures
were Lou prominent and angular to strike one, at
first sight, as being kanilsowc, but every line of
thew was indicative of energy and force of char
actor When engaged in conversation, however,
his eountenance , lighted up with animation, and
assumed a moreengaging expression ; his glance
was penetrating, and his well modulated voice
thrillingly deep and earnest The meal hid pro
gressed a few moments in silence, when the young
man, who had been attentively regarding the
girl's downcast face, remarked :
"You are beginui , ng, to look badly, Kate, your
work is too confining; it will seriously injure
your health."
"Oh no, cousin," replied the girl, in touce,
the tremulousness of which contradicted her
words ; "I do not feel that my health is it all
affected by it." Then, as if anxious to change
the oonversatioa, she turned to ber mother and
said ; "I saw George Renwick, to day, sleighing
on Broadway, with a lady, in great style."
"Did he see you, toy child !" inquired the
"Yes," returned the girl, "and appeared very
much confused, for he colored, turned his head
away, and put his horse to full i•peed, as if anx
ious to get out of sight as quick as possible "
have beard you mention this Reuwick fre
quently," said the yolith "who is be?"
"Is it possible, Robert, that we have never
toldyou about George Renwick ?"
"Quite possible, aunt."
"Well, be is the Tinian who swindled us out of
our property."
"Row l" exclaimed the young man ; "what
ilroperty r I thought Uncle Brainard died int
solvent "
"No, indeed. The' oircamstanws are these :
When George R umiak cameto this eity he was
a poor boy, and Loax uncle. , took him into the
store, u clerk. He gradually crept into Mr.
Braioard's confidenoe, natil be took him in as a
kind of partner, and allowed him to manage the
business almost natively in his own way. Well,
your uncle died auddeal,y, is an apoplatie the
business was settled op in a vary !mysterious way,
and Beliwiak gars as two thassaad dollars, whisii
he said; was all that was left of Mr. Brainard's
interest in the concern, after his debts were
"And,did you quietly submit ?" asked the
young an.
"T at 1 did not," replied the old lady; "thirty
the od dollars of my own money bad een con
ed iu the beefiness, besides the large capital
hich Mr. Brainard possessed I brought suit,
but Mr Brainard's private papers could not be
found, and the books of the firm bad all b een i n
Renwiek's keeping, There was one clerk whose
evidence might hare helped us, but Renwick
bought him over So we lost the suit. The
lawyer's fees cat up the best portion of the two
thousand dollars, and with what was left I ho't
some furniture, and wont to keeping boarding
house You came to the sty soon after that,
and came to board with me. Yon have seen all
our misfortunes since then, and shared them, too
—dud bless your kind heart, Robert."
When the old lady ceased speaking, the tears
were trickling down her wan cheeks ; but the
young man had not noticed her last words Ile
bad ceased eating, and fallen into a deep reverie.
After sitting thus for some minutes, be arose,
with nervous baste, and left the room without
After the young man bad retired, the mother
and daughter ablated the table, and aat down to
sewing. They had not been long engaged, when
a slight rap was heard at the door on opening
it, John Williams was ushered into the room.—
lie was strtiok by the pale yet beautiful features
of Catharine, and saw that she was greatly in
need of air and exercise lie immediately oom•
meticed a conversation upon the subject which
had brought him to the house.
" Do you not go out to sew, sometimes?" be
She answered him in the affirmative. He then
asked her if she was willing to undertake some
light work
She replied that she was just out of employ
at at Madam G—'s, and would be glad to
get anything to do.
" Can you call upon my sister, to.inoirow
morning?" asked John.
" Yea, sir," she replied; "where FL*ll I call,
mud at what hoar?"
" At No —Bloeker street, any time awing, the
" The name?"
" Williams "
" What ! Emily Williauta?"
" Yes," said the young gentleman; "yuu know
her, theu?"
We used to be schoolmates," replied lath
"but she, doubtless, does not remember
Will you favor me with your name?"
"Catharine Brainard."
" Well, I shall tell my skier you will call in
the morning, Miss Brainard "
" Yes, sir "
John now took leave, and hurried hums to
oonicounicate the result of his visit to his
At twelve o'clock that night the widow and
her ;laughter hail long retired; but the nephew,
unconscious of the lapse of bourn, sat in his
mom, poring over a number of old letters, bill*
and manuscripts which covered his table The
eager attention which he bestowed npon each
paper, the uuu-ual spark le of his eye, and the smile
that played upon his mouth, denoted that his
task was one of no ordinary interest Before
Wd explain the ma nn. eeet-§er, we wee%
introduce the youth more fully to the reader
R ,Lert Jordan was an orphan Ills 'Arent,
had resided in a village, some tnile s :4\from New
York, and at their death had left him a little
property, the Income of which wai two hundred
311.1 lilt', dollars per annum With this swell
-utu he ,awe to New York to pursue the study
it iaw Ile found his smut keeping boaribug..
awl do.ul, voltrple, tAi board with her
hoe oid lady knew but httb• of the management
~i a b oa' ding h o use, a nd consequently was uu
,h,e Lu git Along at it The greater portion of
r turuituie was ~,,zed for debt, and she was
lied, with what was left, to take rooms in ;
..0 old hob- bear North river. Robert stuck
by her through All her misfortunes, and with the
little sum he was able to give her, and the :cauty '
earutugs of Catharine's needle, ,be was enabled
barely to live. Robert had, just a few weeks
prior to aid Little of our story, been admitted to
the bar, and w al daily expecting to tpake an ar.
raugeweut to get into business with some old
practitioner, which would enable him to better
the condition of his aunt and cousin What the
old lady had told him at the table, that evening,
of Renwick's connexion with his uncle, had
made a forcible impression upon his mind
There was au 'O,l fashioned secretary in his room,
au] in examining it, he had discovered a secret
drawer, filled with papers A suspicion flashed
upon his mind that these papers might throw
some light upon his uncle's business He retir
ed immediately to his room, and upon examining
the papers, his suspicions were confirmed
They sere private papers relating to Mr lirai.
nerd's affairs, and contained evidence that, at
the time of his death, he had possi•ss,:'d a large
amount of property, out of which, it was plain,
Renwick must have swindled the widow
Nearly the whole night was Robert closely
engaged, making himself acquaint3d with tho
contents of the papers, and when, at length, he
threw himself upon his couch, his breast was
thruhting with hope and his head aching with
When Robert arose, late in the morning, he
found that his cousin was gone to keep her ap
pointment with Emily Williams He'communi
cated to his aunt the discovery of the papers,
and his hopes, and begged her to place the whole
affair in his bands, as her attorney. The old
lady, nearly beside herself with joy, gladly con
sented. Her next thought was to send for each ,
arine, and communicate to her the agreeable lid
inga. This Robert opposed, and advised bin aunt
to keep the affair perfectly secret. He stated
that the recovery of the property would be both
difficult sod uncertain, and that it might be
dangerous to excite in Catliarine's breast hopes,
the disappointment of which would be too great
a shock for her feeble health to bear. The old
lady saw the justice of the remark, and, however
loth, acquiesced in Robert's wishes. The latter
iaiwediately went to work with alacrity to put
matters in train for bringing suit against the
Catharine, in the meantime, had met with a
reception frourSmily Williams as gratifying as
unexpected. The latter, as soon as she beard
the name of Catharine Brainard, remembered
her old schoolmate, and, with ber natural kind
ness of heart, strove to make her forget, for one
day, at least, her poverty and her sorrows. She
made her lay aside her sewing 'at Eve o'clock,
and insisted upon her spending the evening with ,
her io the parlor. Here, with . her brother, she
strove to amuse and render the poor girl cheer
ful, and sneeeedel se well, that Chatharine felt
happier than she bad for unary months. She
did not feel embarrassed, am cut of Sam, is
the splendid parlors of the wealthy merchant,
for she had• been - reared in just such splendor,
sad was scarce behind Rosily Williams herself
in education and scoompllsimamma., She bad
that morning arrayed herself la her heat apparel,
which, phial as it was, displayed her defies!e
and graeefut form to idvantage t sad the pleasur
able Incitement abe felt, had bronot a fast
tinge of motor to her cheek,' which aided mob
to, the twenty of her sweet hoe. Her massers,
too, were se easy sad naturit, although nanienar
ing, as if ebe had never moved in any other
spere; and John Williams, in discovering that
she was "danced intelligent, and perfectly love
ly," almost entirely forgot the feet of her being
a sewing girl.
Early in the evening Renwick came in. - His'
surprise at finding Catharine Brainard Emily's
guest, was . manifest enough in his looks to the
former, although it escaped the obgervatiou of
the latter. Re was embarrassed and confused;
and, after sitting a few moments, in uncomfort
able restraint, pleaded an urgent engagement,
and left.
Catharine bad left word at home for her cousin
to call for her at eight o'clock, Accordingly, at
eight o'clock, Robert was ushered in, surprised
to find Catharine enjoying herself in the parlor,
instead of toiling at her needle. lie was intro
ductal to Emily and her brother; but the latter
had met him before, and knew hint .to boa talent
ed student of law, although his at..gusintaucti
with him was but alight.
Emily seemed to have an unusual flow of spirits
upon this occasion. As her brother expressed
it, she was "as merry and playful as a kitten."
She laughed and chatted with Robert Jordan;
played and sang for him, until he caught the
spirit of her vivacity, and became as much at
bowie and familiar as if be had been among old
To fish the amusement of the evening, she
set her brother to playing the piano, and waltzed
with Catharine until she was giddy
It had been a long time since the cousins had
passed an evening of so much delight; and so
fleetly did the time pass, that, they were both
astonished to hear the clock - strike eleven, when
they scarce thought it nine When they took
leave, Emily accompanied Catharine to the door,
and bidding her good night, with a kis4, slipped
a purse into her hand, and glided blek into the
room, before the grateful girl had time citht r to
refuse the gift, or utter her thauks
As soon as they were out of the house, qath•
gripe burst into tears. Robert utiderstoo4l her
emotion and did not attempt to check it 13y
the time they bad walked a square or two, how"
ever, she became composed, and commenced a
conversation with her cousin upon the ineitieuts
of the day, in the course of which she remark
" Emily is a sweet girl, cousin "
" Ho 1 hate hem thinking," he returned
" What a pity she is going to marry- Ren
What?" exelaimed Robert, abruptly
Sbc is to be married to limuwick, - in April ••
By all that is good she shall not :" ipeulat
he young wan in an agitated tune
11'14, cousin, are you demented? what are
you raying?" asked Catharine, astunisLicd •t his
ell t
" I'm foolish," rejoined the cousin, rocoveriug
himself, "but it shocked we to hear of so tine a
girl being sserikvd to a villain. But are e i, l
sure you have been rightly informedr"
" I had it from her own lips," said Catharine;
"tam engaged me to comuretice twit week mak
ing up some of tbe wedding garments "
Robert made no further remark, but wa;kid
the rest of the way in thoughtful J h.i ee. WI u
they arrived at their humble home the) fuund
Mr.. Brainard uneasy on acequnt the rr l , •ng
absence They gave the old lad) au aee,,uut t
what had transpired, and Crtilsrine upon t X't 11/ ••
iuiug her purse, found it to coutem littv dollars
intiti rAo -uiry wurcu eue urtf I).irgairLi•
eti to do the Jay's sewing.
It wa' with different feeling , 4 t 4 littie
si.tught their pilluwg that bight, from tit .se wh , ott
had oppregged their lielrts Iwt• many night,
vorit4 A brighter day wa•
A fear day; after tL.• incident aboc.•
I ; eorgls Itenwielt gray poittiug altaie iu c
ingirown, when ilia laut)er Wit), an 4 .11. l
noun elongation (if couut.•uaor.-, and a ft, r
ralutation i‘ajd—
" I have ju.,t got vk iud ot au affair, 'I r u
wiek, that will give us ~01 1/. .. truubl. "
" What to that?" a,k(kl Renwick, 03 luily put
hug his cigar.
The widow Brainard is iu the field again "
R.enwiok slightly changed color, but aff—litig
unconcern, calmly returned—
'. Well, if sile enough to !Le uld
suit, she will get her fingers burned agate. A
few dollars transferred from my pocket to yuut,
in the way of fees, will he the atuoutit ~ f Le
trouble, I suppose; rh, ..quit,'' isn't that the
state of the eas.?"
" I rather fear the bu.itle.e. 1, wore ,eri.,t4,
this time" returned the attorney
" Wall, let it eocue a.) that you p till
after the first of April, rui couteui t h e
brunt "
" l i uturtuuately, it is tiol altugetber a (o.LI
suit, and can't be put off That young J. %II
a Jordili, her nephew, is waking a eriwitill rare
Jf it, soil the issue (pipit e.une at Ow Match
term "
" Critaual ease! March term! What ou
I wean," IttilAwvrol the I.w)er,
"that young Jordan, as will a.l u bus and as
keen as a blood hood, is moving boat, n
earth, to indict you fur swindliug, I,,r e ;el) aud
Renwick set his teeth hard together,aud.sceuil
e.i ,carce able to breathe fur a moment, thee,
with paattionate energy, opened his desk, and
taking out a roll of bank bills, amounting to live
huudred dollars, he placed them to the hands of
the attorney, exclaiming, bet weeu bin clenched
" There, sir: crush the scouudrel: crush
him! and I will be your debtur fur double th a t
" That will he no easy 'natter," returned the
lawyer, as he coolly fobbed the fee -Ills
shrewdness and energy are amazing It beats
all, sir, how he has managed to bring about this
business, so quietly and effectively .I'll do wy
best, however, depend upon that. And the law
r abruptly withdrew, leaving Renwick with a'
fearful foreboding of impending ruin at his heart.
The fear that his villainy would be'linuimiced,
his wealth torn from him, and his marriage with
Emily Williams prevented, filled him with al
most insupportable .agooy. He had all along
been preyed upon bye guilty conacienoe. The
wan, half-starved faces of the wife and child of
his benefactor, whom he hadtobbed and beggar
ed, had long haunted him with startling terror,
driving rest from his pillow and peace trom his
breast; but this last dread of being convicted
forgery, and perhaps doomed to a felon's wren
is the state's prison, was distracting.
He summed as mush fortitude as he could
under the eireumasaarce, sad taking as early
opportunity to see his betrothed, urged au ism
mediate marriage, amiss as as muse far his
impatience, that balsas would compel him to
go to &rope early in the Spring, and he wished
to take her with him. Bat Rally, whose feel
lugs towards him hat lately undergone a con%
trahls 'image, bleakly *deemed him that she
fared her acetone were sot thinly noegh fixed
epee him to justify her is eouentintto an early
sum eater say airmunstaaraw. lie implored
and aerated with all the slogans. of whir&
he wait capada Sheirsaira is her deitannina.
don, and his passion gating the hater et
kis disuresima r ie sopeamohed iwe biumpase,
set katimble forever.'
• -
SammeitAlli& liimmiek has to staisdrthe trial
thattesalaWatihing, ant lagathered;up what
rats 'atimer iiieat eamaant—usawmatais
te Inset ilimmilawimaatiofhwellot gime&
ed to New Orleans, where he tiontateseed somas.
of dissipation, which bronight hint.* a level
with the common street , loafer. -'
Robert Jordan recovered the property for the
widow Brainard, amousting . to some $60,000
Ills management of the suit NOM gained him
notoriety, and business rioted in on him in
abundance. One year from dist time be led
Emily Williams to the altar, and upon the same
evening, Catbarine Brainard became the blush
ing bride of Dr. John Williams.
FASHIONS Now AND Tlllll.—An act gentle.
man furnishes the Philadelphia Evaning Bulle
tin with the following interesting reminiaeenee
of fashion:
"In 179 S the ladies Nish wore a single hoop,
which was as large as the lower one now worn.
The hoop was worn as high as the hips, and be ,
low "it depended a train, of five or siz yards
long, that was carried by waiting maids or boys.
The old gentleman recollects seeing Mrs. Robert
Morris %alk along Broadway, New York, in
company with Aaron Barr, while her train was
burue by six French musts* women, richly dres
sed, and with turbans on their heads. The wo
men all wore stays, and shoes with heels two or
three inches high—immense silver buckles being
on the shoes. Silk dresses were not then wait
mon, and musliw ones worn were admired lamer
ding to the size of the flowers on them—roses
as large as one's hat being considered most ale+
gant and tasteful. At that time, enormous
bead-dresses were worn, towering far above the
head of the wearer. The head gear for the er
reef was a Sort of cap, which was plated upon
the top of the bead dress, with a curtain or cope
at the sides and back, which hung down to the
Compared with Much monstrous perversion of
the cod, and aim, and fact or attire, who dares
i.t complain of the ei.ted conservatism of ex
fasbiont.? hot women haters rant and
rage; still I bold iliat the pr,-tent female costume
is conservative. And what if women should ex
pand still further, and 4e-um,• a still grander
circumferenei Cub 4 alarm t.e mire some day,
and Mexico can be by a cow) cf rktt.
Can we nut bay to crinoline 4s old Toby said to
II); ''There cough in the world
fur thee auil
—The Smuts Zeituny has the following story :
Some years ago, a young man was living in New
York city on a high scale. His name was Wm.
Frazer !le had a large business, good connec •
tious, and was so much engaged by the world's
glittkr and display that he had no time to look
after his sister, at that time a poor teacher in one
of the boarding schools of New York; and by
and by he forgot her entirely Some days ago
an aged man was arrested near Baltimore and
brought back to Morristown, N. J., where he
broke out of the cell he was confined in, to await
his sentence fur counterfeiting. It was William
Fraser. The once poor teacher law now at
Paris, in the Pal.rus Elyse° Bourbon, on the
Champs lilyace,and is the wife of Lucien Mu
rat She may dream every night of kings and
crown., while her unfortunate brother is awaiting
him -enteric. to the St a t e Prison
: 4 1)ME HUMANITY —some time since, one
U'Netl, about
rgi n
of po ag . e n , A re ln tn i :e a d
from the West, rapidly decling in consumption,
trq father'. lauuroc OLktllia et. 9).
in--ther refused him admittance, chi fathir not, and he went to a boarding house, and
tew day, , IDee died ft was naturally suppos
ed hi- parent, would proftr that the last offices
of r••-poet for hi, remain, should be performed
under t heir eare,stid his corpse was borne to their
ll•t; blit W 3 .4 refused admittance. While
rho,- who I/re it were hesitating what to do,
the ketial of a dance house near by, William
Alt :ander, elute out, and learning the facts,
ord,r,d tLr dauce to ceaAe, took the corpse into
his hou-e, and cheerfully and in the most res.
pectful ulauurr bestowed the required attention.
FREE BA \ hi:4U IN lowa —The free banking
law of the state of lowa has received a majority
favor of the votes cast at the recent elect
non, and will go into immediate tffect. It is
donaewhat similar In ItA provisions to the gener.
al law .d ,New York, but differs from it in for
bidding payment of totertit nn current deposits,
and requiring each bank to keep on hand, in
Teele, an amount equal to twenty five per cent
Ld the 110p.”.11 Li in specie Nn bank can be or
mitrztal with .1 capital of less than 85(1,000, nor
earl on.• ti.• located in a "city, town or village,
hattn.• 1••—+ than five hundred inhabitants "
Cunt. FuR diticvs --The Gazette Medicate of
France, that, by an accident, charcoal has
di-orwt.ri.,l to be a eure for burns By lay
ing, a piece of cold charcoal upon a burn, the
paw itutnediat.ely By leaving the char.
coral ..n one hour, the wound is healed, as. has
be. n demonstrated on several occasions : The
r..tut.dy is eh, ap au,l simplo, and certainly desers
a trial
itar papug suL,erihers are thus talked,
to 11s Southern editor:
NVaguus eanuot run without wheels, boats
without s train, bullfrogs jump without legs, or
newspaper- carried uu everlastingly without
wuuey, uo wore than a dug can wag his tail
wlieu be ain't gut uoue Our subscribers Are all
good, but what good doe+ a man's goodness do
whcu a don't do soy good. We have uo doubt
eery uue thinks that all have paid except him,
and a- we are a clever fellow and his is a little
watier, it will make no difference.
New•l'A'rEet " PATRAmmiz."—Netapaper
-pat!, wage" i 4 a curious thing in the estimatioo
r NOM t 1,0,p1e A man lives. near you—never
rook your paper, it is too small—don't like the
Editor—don't like the politics—too whiggish—
too old fogyish— too something else—pt goes
regularly to his neighbor and reads it carefully
—finds fault with its contents, disputes with its
positions, and quarrels with its type. Occasion
ally sees an article he likes—saves two oenta sod
begs a number. This is newspaper "patronage."
—1 Alen Telegraph.
am. Joseph Beard, City Marshal of Lexing
ton, Ky., whilst attempting to arrest a man by
the name of A. M. Barker, who was engaged in
- a fight in the Market House, was stabbed by
Baker *nil expired immediately. Barker was
arrested and placed in jail, but the citizens took
him out, and erected a scaffold at the Court
House, placed a rope round his neck and swung
him off. Tho rope broke and he fell about thirty
feet, bruising his face badly and depriving h 1
of his senses. As soon as he recovered, be was
hung up again. This is evidence of oiviliza•
-- ♦--~-
EXCITIENVIT AT TOIXDO.—There was excite%
ment at Toldo, Ohio, on Ftiday last. A circus
was in town; boy attempted to slit under the our
taro; showman caught and gave him a round
down with a cowhide; greet Indignation; show
broke up In row; boy 11*mppesn la the midst of
tbi camtement, and moor had it that the blood.
thirsty shotgun had murdered Ira bells
roof.; mob of Wiled Irentenaad atlases weir
liked; twenty ono Amato arread tan to
jad; sWilmay boy terse ip wimp tiwahowasa
ere released, tresses sakeithuis enif, sad
map rsignalsi Toledo.
lltiver Up, Stranger, till the'liale Undress
Then in a spot, in the southwestern part of
this State, known as the "Fiery FOrk of Ifoncy
Run"--a delicious locality, no donht, as the run
of "honey" is, of course, actsompanied by a cot,
responding flow of "milk," a mature of milk
and honey, or at any rate, buy anti -peach"
is the evidence of sublunary contentment, e very
place where they have preaching :
"Hooey Run" is further christianized by the
presence of an oat retuely hospitable family, whose
mansion, comprising tine apart tnent---neither
more nor less—is reonweed for being never shut
against the traveler, and se our friend (timid it
during the chill morning air at the expense of a
rheumatism in his shoulder—tts numerous out
affected cracks and spaces clearly showing that
dropping the latch was a Itself I trmality The
venerable host and hoste , s, in their own apart.
meet, usually enjoy the society if two sons, four
daughters, sundry dogs and -Biggers," and as
many lodgers as may deeru it prudent to risk the
somewhat equivocal allotment of sleeping part.
leers. On the night in question, our friend,
after a hearty supper „r b u n and e g gs, a nd a
canvass of the Fiery Forker 4-1 he old lady hav
ing pointed out his bed---f-It very weary, and
only looked for all opportunity to "turn in,"
though the mosquitoes were trumpeting all sorts
of wrath, and no Oct spprare,i to bar them The
dogs flung thvinselves al-ug the floor, or again
ruse, restlessly, and sought the door step, the
"niggers" stuck their feet tut„ thu yet warm
ashes; the "Old man stripped, unscrupulously,
and sought his share of tht one collapsed looking
pillow, and the sums eay.iliery followed his ex
ample, leaving, the. old woman, "gals," and
"stranger," to ettltit: any question of delicacy
that might atise.
The candidate yawned, I,ok, d at tits bed, went
to the dour, looked at the ; 141;40 to
dowu right . 4 ovoseit up a Ihe
downey, - au i pulled all tit, coat %Veit, he pul
led off his coat, and tilt:El he yawued e and then
he whistled, and thou b.s tailed the old lady's
attention to the fact that it would never do to
sleep in hi:, muddy trou4ers; find then he undid
his veat t and then he whistled again, and then
suddenly, an idea ot her lodger $ poimble em
barrasuient seemed to tlisii upon the old woman,
and she cried :
"Gals, jest turn your hacks riund till the
stranger gas irto tea "
The backs were turn, ‘l, an 1 the ;granger did
get into bed in "less dim II) tune," when the
hostess again >poke :
"Reckon, •trangtr, j.,, out used to us,
you'd Watr ktver up undress, had'nt
By th o tialc jut in, u i . • .1. opy Lit w a." over,
acid, though he did r up" a., de>ircd, sum o
how ur other the old cuu:“,•rpanc Was equally
kind in hiding his 1,1u,hc1., and favoring his sly
glances. Le nyupli4 ,towed away, fur
there were uetthur bu tl, . tu unhitch tor corsets
to unlace, wheci their Itllfrittl4, (z Wendy anztuus
not to smother her gucNt, eou,iderately relieved
dim. "You can unkiv• r u , w, tranger rcu
married fulki, and ).,u Ai - , .1 of we, I reek
on 1."
The strangtr happ.ll , d t.. 1.. , ••,u3rried fulka
himself; he unktvere I awl turu,d his back with
true connubial intliffervhce, 41, tlt a, the ancient
lady was ClOtleet at d; but, wilt, re put W the "gals"
he declared that ktis half rfit.ed cut-10,44i inspired
ever be txperieneed —.J. M Field.
UNCFRTAINI TI RE -About thirty
years ago, so rofer•A the 1, , 11. -title .Im:rnal,when
Sir Edward Lvitoii Kuhr W 39 a bride
groom, and the present Lolylwer hi. bride,
that exquisite i,oete“, L " wrote and
published an account of th. ir rhara , ter. and per ,
axial appearance They w•r.l hot!. quite coring,
and each of them was in .I.•lielt. health The
bridegroom wa , described As pale and faseinating,
and the bride was 'pinto! a and fairy ,
like creature of .oirpn—in , : I ieelines. The ten
der tints of her cheek w. n -aid to be "like rose
leaves crushed on ivory " The .leceription was
read everywhere, and ihe publie admiration and
the public ,yuipatli) w i le, ply excited for the
charming young pair, wa, thought, mu , t
soon pass away from a worl I to,i a .kr , e aid rude
for such gentle and lovely nattir. , a, theirs
Little dreamed Ow real. t tI.. that, aft. r a
very tew th. g.nti 1.6 le,!rootu would
strike the tender hrolc, tti -he w wild ,ock rr
dress by publiahing a ....To “f 'lt ti. ree vitu
perative novel, and t• him; and
after a few wore it-. .h , , , tbn to a tad),
red faced and CU Ilzt:U; r
in his oan vas+ r,r PAH' tin, hcr stand upi
la the hik,ting, iu lepi)
call up. , u him t 0 , utr , tl: L, 1, "cowar,l
- tutu to 11.1,4 tlyht pro , en,'
and announk.c h , r dLt, Nun, c;
till he sh.ald cry fur tu, IL), inak, ,
her amends fut all Li. iht •
During Ow Itr-t t;1 nr n' et
of Crawfurdriile, the ilAttve place ut
Alexander B. St, phei,-, a .1 4 ..1.:it,g utetubt r et
the prt•Sell t COD gre.m, tL l ' i.wu,: pa.,sed
an ordinance 1,1-.1,11,1 , in.: an) ; !tutu uperat
tag •ithio bola I tit' pay,
meat of a certain ;ay •,,,e IL•Ir re litany days
the Marshal pr I,[e.i 1,, the 11.m.,rablc Board
of Cumulisstutt. es .i , ti- La,l refused t.,
pay his license \Vitt it 4.4,..1 IV he /acre him
to be a juggl, r, It. r. •• Whi, ! Ju[ a
cal isluad
A JOLLY LIEF; -1.1.1 , t LUUSt lead
a truly juviti, whit It wont lie to
lodge at a of ivory ur
pearl, with a pitiar Lit sliver and capitals of gold,
all exhaltug ',itch a pitfall) , a, uever rose trout
huruau center Fdlicy ag ml the furl of tucking
yourselves up fur tilt hight to the told.. tif
ruse, ruclitAl t.. Act p guutle sigh of the
summer air, uutliti.g, t.. ti„ aheti your-awake but
wash yuurs.'kes to a u s.dtt p, and fall to and
eat your Ltd chitties.
" Now pap, Kral L A hutulug!
"It 1:‘, " repilta papa, b'bi a Ina pretenils to
be very fob," of tric, and f u, u.) buttons on my
an. his asserted that a man marrying now,
aiduys, marries a great deal WON than he bar
pined for. Ho not only weds himself to a wo
man, but a laboratory ..1 prepared chalk, a quint
tal of whalebone, eight coffee bags, four baskets
of novels, one poodle dog, and a system of weak
nerves that will keep four servants three doctors
around your house most of the time.
" OMR, why don't you kick that dog?"
, 4 What am de use ob kicking ovary cur what
snarls at yon? Don't you know dat ow de way
bo waste you to bring him into notice?"
isgi. The Methodists dint mean that their
clergy shall lay up treasures for the moth. The
Pittsburg Confiscates has 110 preachers, only
29 of which get over $5OO per assura, • rayon
il_get less than 11800 , sad thirty get less ilea
tar The Buffalo Courier says Mr. Mona .
ter, vie became blind by working belga win
slaw in the Railroad office, and. who failed to
make a living at the groom business, hu been
=I with a room in the Genial D at
free of cam, where he wBl sell bo gsand
• kvniamvaarawilll