THE ERIE OBSERVER. MIICNJ. •. SLOAN, Edlt•r,, BLOA.Di I MOORE. Publisbers. FIVTI KIM y Democratic State''Ticket. FOR SI MERE JCDOE, WILLIAM A. PORTER, OF PHILADELPHIA FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, WESTLEY FROST, OF FAYETTE CO News of the Week. --On Monday of lest week the Northern Central Rail. road was opened to Sunbury, and in horror of the ot•easion, en excursion train ran over the whole roast front Belli• more to Sunbury, a distance of 1:18lles. The wort which is now completed is a eonsolidatire York and Baltimore, York and Cumberland, and the Sesquebatasi RailroiJa. At Sunbury it eutioecu with the Snabiary and Erie Railroad, which thus opens to it an extended chain of foods, via Williamsport, Elmira, ete.,•to Buffalo and Niagara The new road from Harrisburg to Sunbury will be useful to that rich mineral region, and will also be COD- I rioted with Philsidelphiar-'hy the Penusyivanie and the Lebanon Valley roads. To the Sunbury and Erie the new line is important. It had previously au avenue to Phila• delphis by way of Cattawissa and Reading. It has now is short and direct road to the State capital at Harrisburg, col to the port of Baltimore This must give a fresh im , peter to the work on the _unfinished part of the Sunbury end Erie. It will also, no doubt, at once add to the value of the Williaingport and Elmira Railroad DJ en investment, none the 110.11 tributary must largely increase it business. —T•e young men from Wheeling. Va., attempted to t..rd Wheeling creek in a buggy, ou the .stb, /wand the stater ten deep. and the buggy getting fact on the rocky bottom, they •Ifirptei to the Pk in, t, Weer° their yebtel e , but seeing a largo p.c nick party r and gentlemen approaching, they took to the wrinkle, leering their cloth , iag, horst and buggy behind. The pie nick party coming up and seeing the horse, buggy and —l eleth-ing, suppoOled that soaetbiag dreadful had happened, and were about taking the hone away. One of the young men had a •lew of the proceedings, from his retreat bellied a large tree, and the idea of being left in the woods without I garment to his back, nerved him to a desperate moire, and he bawled loudly to the party to let that errangement alone, 060 of the gentlemen replied, and kept up a cAnersittlim with the unseen spirts, in which 0.• learned the truth of the whole affair, sod the picnic Tre proceeded en their way full of mirth at the incident. —The opposition papers are filled with presidential speculations. The New York Express thinks this is to be ascribed to the "proclivities of the Americas mind always to be engaged in the agitation of some topics of public in terest connected with political men and subjects.! Such is not our opinion. We impute this premature discussion of the question, to The mutual jealousies of tie friends of the many aspirants on that side, each being apprehensive that the others will get the advantage of them in the pre liminary canvass. The Boston Traveller has an elaborate article, in which the expediency of nominating Fremont again is foteibly argued. The N. Y. Express dissents trete the conclusion to which the Traveller lOires, and in sists that Col. Fremont is one of the weakest men that the opposition could bring out; and adds—"there are forty: men at least In the Republican ranks who could, in 1860, secure more votes. Judge McLean in ISA would have beaten him many thousands." The Exprrae is undoubted ly right. —Gen, Lane, of Kansas, has been acquitted by the ex &mining magistrates of the charge of murder in killing Col. Jenkins, and discharged. The detision is generally disapproved by the people of Kansas. There is nothing in the charge however, to prevent the grand jury from in dieting Lane for murder if so disposed. The magistrates decided that, it was a case of justifiable homicide. This result was not unanticipated, for it would not hare been very creditable to the ability and influence of his counsel If they weld not bring means enough to bear to procure an acquittaL Although legally acquitted, we doubt much whether the honorable portion of the Free State party In Kansas will regard him innocent of the ertme. Delibera tely and in cold blood, he took the life of a whilom friend, a deed which will strip him of an influence he has emir• cased in that Territory detrimental to its bat interest, and +wow- sarli-o.• >n wear naptas, lone, on the Ist, and thee committed suicide by the same operation. It appears that they had been married some fifteen years. On the third year of their marriage, they separated, but afterwards lived together again until about 7 months since, when owing to his violent temper and ill• treatment, Mrs. Skeeles left him, and recently took mea sures to procure a divorce. Bearing of her intention, be became greatly elagierated went to the house when his wife was living, seised her, threw her upon the floor, tad deliberately committed the horrid deed, and then killed himself as above stated.. The room in which the tragedy was committed p ed a most bloody seen• when the neighbors entered and found the dead bodies on the .or. Mrs. Bkssti s maiden name was Bolan C. Vinton. —We see it stated that the übiquitous Oen. William Walker bas again turned up in New Orleans, where be as. sorted that Mr. Buchanan. through his Secretary of War, tent an ambassador to him (Oen. Walker) guying that "if be would forego the Nicaragua enterprise and engage in the sonic* of Mexico, and while in that service do tome such as reariu9 doimilne nag of Spain, rendering war between Spain and Mexico inevitable, he (Walker) would moire the support' of the .Administration." Of course, each an assertion is too ridicalowi to be entertain ed for a moment. —The Kauai Daly Ledger expresses deep regrets that tsov. Denver proposes to resign his position as Governor of that Territory about the first of August - next. The people throughout the Territory, it says, will regret It, from the hat that they have beset inurwprosperous, happy and °Untainted under his administration than any of his predecessors. This result, it is fan. to presume, is due to the fact that he went there to do his duty as Governor, in• stead of speculating in lands and politics, like his '• illustri • oat predecessors.•• —Dyer Amu, Esq,, whose death by drowning, at Yonkers, N. Y., wu announced • few days since, WM very generally known by business men in the vicinity of dletown. Conn., and in the eastern counties of the State. The Winsted /Amid of the 3rl say■ it is a very general opinion among thus who knew him that the set of drown• tag was voluntary on his part. Living beyond his MINAS was the muse of his despondency. -- —Fanny leers boldly confesses that, in the recent rainy spell, which wade walking to skirts improeticable, she donned • full salt of th r" : wale Fern's hoktllmeets, sod us th equipped took alo evening walk, to her eminent coattail sad dideetatioo. Her husband, indeed, accent. pealed her, bat whether lo her eut-of lotegoments the record stab not. —John Morrissey, the pugilist, thinks that Canada is the oi►y place where a fight could take place without in terruption. In a published card he says "I ono* fought in the United States for one thousand dollars a side, apd it cost as sight... hundred dollars to save inyeelf from State Prisota." That's a back handed compliment to Caked Statile Pieties and Canadian liberty, at the same alas. —As the United Presbytorisa congregation was worship• fag last Benny la the eberch at Freeport, Anostroag county, Pa., the Milos was struck by Revising, which west down the ebbaney, a potties going into the pond, sad the root among the congregation. Mrs. Runley ins instantly killed; Israel, George sod Jae* Watson won mem* !Oared, and ilk Robert Morris, dasterouslY. —A singable creature is now on exhibitio* at Lazing. lesseari. Elks is seven years old, sad is possessed of two parkin heads, fear arms, fear lop, two heats, and wa well Awned body only. She is Jtealtby, actin sad iatel ligssy and ems with both Ninths, walks well and roes fait, singe with taste sod dances gracefully. —Then has ben • distroosing time at Delhi, N. Y. Elder Illaprood, a Christian Baptist preacher, with • coo. etunpelee wife, made as appointment to elope with a young girl namod.darah Ilismabard. The polt was diseovered, the girl shut ep, sail the older booted oat of town, sat than the people heat sad bunked his Milo. —The wife of a physielan at Xlcbigaa City was street by aren't Moony mein% aid mriouly, perhaps fatally, Wand. The ream strut& her is the frost of the ant, posing through to the ban part. .14 wactbought that eke maid sot possibly renew , from the dreadful wowed. —A yang gendensa, onisected with "ems of the Ars& taingwe of Allmay, km been arrested on a nano of be. _lag reined le a amain servant girl's baby. —The Allow litatesesens sap "it is a onion tact Out nary rem* allow la the Americas army of the mon. tin no o Pre. Blank except Bendict Anson." —ribs N. Y. liver says Vim mall psi is sem* "pen maseat lastitntion" in that onropolia. • A its illMitriet, lOW readers sew, Kit lato opolaiy tem lea., Use. 11.7 Fatima 1111 1 fell the t et' ties NNW' DM eat aweessetly water eair r sad the attplerlips of that ' . rAs foe earwig Pa' 408 4 e l ir Ifilitly, we teal vairaiak as lady Uwe is Calash ilikli-whets she sa t colas so batwesa lese laiskiattCatol th . bar"—w a't ewe • &Attlee 'Melt atlas I Whither akar eats Diek, or Dick eats Walker; JULY 17. 18a11 whether Babblt °haws up Kelso, or Kelso trade* of Bab. bit ter a mass el legialselm pays-se "Malmo KM& bluff sod hearty es be Is, gives them WI • mop Atom by swallowing the oyster mid beadisg the shell over to the others--is so son of mesas of ours. It will sot be oar funeral, therefore its shall sot take our pine* among the mourners. This, we repeat, is oar potation helm., as a einem of thi district and sations as evetwaste melt to he ‘ be emears•a revelment:Miro that amid, vivid some son ef tallness. at Washlsgtos for the benefit of oar Imal wants, we an latere•ted la mousing • eboic• of the beat material of the lot promoted from which tbe people are called upon to mama. This Items so, let us, se so ostsider, ob• whom °pistons will soldier In lassee the action of th• Itepablicsas is their primary meetings or Is their nomlnieting oouvention, glanse at the /mid and the aspireats. kid first on the list is Gen. Jolts Drat trery body says, sod of coarse artist everybody says must be true, that Geo. Dior i. a "shiver fellow,"_ wittiest sty very marked talent, bat aerertinsiesa a eeetessfel That he is a very emetteastut politician, cossidsring his leek of other qualities deemed neesseary to ocisetitute as taffetas/I camber of Contuse, la *videos from the fact that be bow repreeests the dint/Jet fur the third term, sad is 114140111* to do so again. Most men would he satisfied with three terms ia Coupes', sad wunl4 be willing to allow someone saw to partake uf the pleasure. t enjoy the society ,of our national Capitol; bet the tl.aeral beteg • "slower fellow," and bar tag so successfully " pulled the wool over the eyes" of the party to the district heretofore, has no idea of new being "sacrificed" either span the altar of boner" or of " rotation." As iodinated above, it is non• of oar business; but candidly (lea. DICK bas so Claim to a ris-oomination, sad if the interests of the dis• trier art ronsulisol he will not be. We doubt whether his most enthusiastic friends can point to • single instance during his official career where the loss/ interests of the district have bests benefited through be exertions—not be- cause he has not had tke will to serve as, but because he leaks the ability. It may be tree, as is claimed by "mw; republicans," in presenting his name for renomination, that " frdin the very first tamest' that the wrong against Kansas commenced, in every phew of the question; in its darkest hours and throng in licitness mid is health, as General Dick w ever at at his post and tree to their prineiples "as the dial to the San," but what has ha does for the district He may bare boss " true" to the people of Haases, bat bat be been true to the isterSets of the people of Brie and Crawford? The next on the list 411 Jona H. W•Ligra, Haq , of this City. Anybody that designates JOSS H. W•LNXII SO a "clever fellow" is mistakin la his nun ! He is Dot • "clever fellow," or a " good fellow," or soy thing of the sort; neither is he an adroi: politician. Indeed, he is a very poor politician, mid there are fifty ass in the die. trio, with Dot a quarter of his taleat, that scald eater the field now asd beat him is a canvass foe the 000ttaatioo. Mr. W. is altogether too compotes and bold to be • stack easeful man in politics—especially where there is s?eon• troversy like the p t. Re is a man of enquestioued talent. however; nevertheless he lacks knowledge of human nature—route people call it "common sense"— which is obsoletely necessary to make • man s•coeafol before the people or in • legislative body. Language, says Talyrand, woe made to conceal one's thoughts; bat WALEIN could never Understand this. What be thinks he must say, and what he says be must adhere to, let the coosequesees be what they may. In consequence of this trait of his character he has many warm friends and IS many bitter enemies. Notwithstanding them defects, we think he would make • better representative for the local interests of our district than any of his 3ompetitors. Re certanily has more brans—sore energy—more legislative tact and experience, notwithstanding Dtco's six years sojourn at the Capitol—than all the other's, (we had al most said,) combined. At any rate, he to bead and shoul ders above either of them. Still, hi can't be nominated. The gat hoe goof forth. The Gawk, which closes sad goes am edreasetames demand, sad as the "MOW' of tie party' desires, has proolaimed IS preference, sad If it can't Notre that, the. the nomination mast go to Craw ford bounty again., It is true we hoar a great deal said aboat " the dead past burying the dead put," hat the "dad put," so farm oar tout dillealtios are emeorned, is net buried either by the Gamete or thou who are ming viol ...motility mu saltier tai (mists detests Walker, or Walker defeats the Gamete, Is no maw& of oars, sampl ing that, u a looker on to the cast vase, we are bound to keep oar readers posted. Nail on the list, sad the only other prominent name septioned, is the Gazette's favorite, Swat Scums, Req. We certainly do not intend any disrespect to Mr. B. when we say he is a Lawyer, and natio, ales. That has been his " one idea" La life, sad he Is awe too old to catch another. As is vulgarly said, "it Ls hard to learn as old dog new tricks," mad hopes we are Inclined to think, with all the ability his friends claim for his, it la tot within the bounds of posibilty that be could become either a very metal or creditable member for the district within the time for which he could reasonably hope to represent as. He has had some experience it Is true as a legislator, sad has been fried before the people, bat in neither position has be left any very flattering record. Under thee. els. cosustanus, it is hardly probable that his friends, (ot those he cells his friends,) will make slay my serious effort to ware his sominatkia. Indeed, it bee always seemed to as that it was sot to their lames, politically, to do so. It is well kaowa that hi. soot prominent sap. porter Is a candidate for Besator, and it ascot be potable that be *Amid, Waite both the Saute and Coagreseloa al Olotataadoltil will be quietly yielded tiaras Comity.— Of coarse it is to his interest to sake a paws of saxie ty for Mr. B's aoestaatkra—liat as are old enough in poli ties, though not quite as old as Mr. 8., to know jut how much reliance to place oa the support of Ma soot whoa he I. himself a ousdidate. Ne, sot let act Mr. Hinans lay the eaturing unction to his soul that the mu who is now palling the wires of the Repabliesta organisatlea is Erie County le his staters @smarter. Ho desires the nomination of Gen. Darn became la that event the Sena torship mast amesearily fall to Brio Comity, sad then who so likely to mooed u himself. In regard to Messrs. Kole sad Kara, we do not under stated that they are now seriously in the led. It is tree the latter was brought Oct in a card la the Coasts, but It is now reported that be has cast his eyes doors a few roan& oa the ladder of fame, and will be satisfied with • :sat in the Legislature. We are afraid he will be dir appointed. Our old Democrats. friend, Hamar, of Girard, was promised the aoseloatioa if he would not bolt Jose Roomer last Fall; lad the sewers know his temper well enough to be satisfied that if they do not redeem that amain there will be • " bolt" lousedlautly, It not sootier. Aad the same, so faro the "hilt" Is cos. corned, is the ease is regard to Hums sive • defeat, similar to that lest Pal, he mast be plead oa the ticket; sad tau it will he won that the "pews" are nil takes, from Cleaves does to Legislature, and so Kr. Kelso mast wok a little longer! As to oar Mead, Smut, le is laying back without the courage to sake a hold path for the somlasUoi bat loping with a good decal of ruses that amid the ocrollietiag °Wass of the others a eons promise oaadidate will bare to ho brought forward, and then who or likely to be that stn as himsolL Betas article is already beyond the length we Intended whoa we eammeseed it. We eoaelsde by promising to keep Sim res. dare posted la regard to the propose of the bade, and the 'sera movements of the various aspirants. WELL SAID.—The Chsaberrherg Yang la lasted for its good thisp, bat It sever said a begir this this :—"Ten is said !to be • ass est west who bee /weed 00 otter that wbesever, lb esiolteas so. s eamered moos stop before Ike door, they all truck au is the road, Mr lowa os their barks ballad the wages sad woes their legs ready to be tied. Oar political opposesta resisil es very strongly of these Makes& Their leads,* sever lot them stay Wog is ose platr. la a few brie years they bare boos "moved" through Wbiggsry, Know Il v otitisstin, Math RepsWiroalstr, aid the lord boosts what elm, sod jest sew tbry aro , 4reithig for the wages" of the Peopirb Party. Wit it to aka& they will marsh est, ten over on 1/11141r books, wan their kw and let their Madan • Ito tbeet oaf throw Uwe la, to le'tlrivea of sag damped d oet God bowel where." THE NSW MILITIA LA W.—We apse with see ef oar wimps that the legislature keg *stet •'emitsultbail • mitres error Is peal*" the sew allitialaw. We here s o t lookod over the law with meek ears, baLM It does Set ram away with more of the people's mosey tkaa the are williag to triad far mei • impose, we shall be meet wee ahly rarprieed. It isight do well ammo to sped a half Waist dollars a year for tsititaq imposts. if war Seams, essalag over sad we had as 011ie debt; bat it keep the haaselal ... it the *tate very bar, to to defray the oratory swim, sad tide demss4 Nig ousts nest dlautrootr.. We are IdellisieNewrit set emit the awl Witt= the We owls se isyllif etre debt itektenue la the balary air espiwiad asd spuds sWyrl ars test." ?HI CONSINSIMONAL CATIVAPOS. itarVlßLli;Afil STATe (XINTZNTIoPt Tbbihody wbM, owlet 17=1 7 ffelion=te theti l Mate Clonvontion," wet 6014110sarg . It paid 4 elostiswg theta . •.ry.r thiii4thweiiite V.. Jleeterr a a=iiitses. , owes web se seehigtell esallAsoll &Min 111 PM/ 1 4W a. Ylitrtfr • mown WI MIR satnotWOWalswisolli. on Ceillosted lists re ported rat..sly .tee of dipatie IA was from Adlegiway ocesusti *ltch was settbsit la `.prof t►. delenstes appolated as• 4 . 7 Ob. Rordoneas-Anowisaa sett. Tits report was adopted, and W. detepetes eleeted by the "Mopl•" went asowlemankte*Abit- ad lato tha street. 0.; A. H. *caws, of Kanam aolariety, was tam made permanent Presidsal, sad proceeded to deliver litaisett, triii sac-bed Wilma or the peat-ap rids of wrath, cad& he las loess naming ea Wag cad anisetly. Poor laitilise t his petticoat Is Ottani imased. Oace thio l.der of tai gallant Dentomecy at 1111.1 Meath losers" —the oottlidantial bard of tba rbiliiil6llol—laosr ,ond sad reappated by his political ansociates thamighout the Ste* sad hand y these be Is Milan via now, isp4 Meal ratans was bright ladled. But la an evil boar he seerptod Goversomia4 of Roanie—aot bonus" of au Moors It coo lured, sod the osoortsoity it adored .to diatingaisit himself es a stataiurn--bat bower of the saws it would girt him I. spoi lers is Muds, sad than add s ow mom dollar; to las already ample mists. As wee predicted S. se by his peittlasi deal la 'old North• mapitora,"Binater Ileocaßain, ha jell • Jades fell bessodss M oss 'MOW with Shirt" Some of stirsc—bat Beeder till bases" he wiuToted by the broad prairies sad valuable lowa lots of Rate 'se or Roeder ! sad sow leak at his surriandiagli--Thad ftlr - I rasa, Gov. Was:, Dore Rllmat, J. R. nosiges, H. Boehm Beeps, and Lam. Todd, et gars haw! The telegraph Ws us that, la Ms preedi, ha Men et to the picaliar cooditios of the —s .Lairs of the ormantry, sad *adored that the asitiosal ad ministration bid aresirled las ierdiaal dootsines at the Demmeratio party. This u tan old story, It bee bees 'allocated by emery pollt lral from the clays of BIM to the provost. By why par sers the eubjert farther--Readees political grave WINS dog Is Ram ses, bat his fecund sorviess mare sot peribruiod 'lull! last Widow". au. Altar Reeder had Mrs lodelged la kis "Isis of roe,' the bra vos' piths Convention was proormiod with, sad the folic* tag bol • lot hod for /11 Cabaktatil for Supreme Judy' • First rae---Osarald Thompson, St; Jobs 11. Raid, 66; John .1 Pearson, 13, J. Pringle Joan, IT; James J Loris, 11; Oen, Taylor, 11; William B Br ehm, 7; James Todd,t; Nand Agee*, 7. It P. Joba.os, 8. No eliaer--seromory,ll6. Right other bediots wise tiaras without a result, the Mat standing tics:—Baal, 61; Pearsoa, 46; Joao., 21. No choice, whoa the convantion adjourned until 11,P. If , at which time, two mom ballots man had, and oo the last Joao K. Rain, of Platelelphis, reosiesd St votes, and vas thus aomistated; and re ors true to my it, is the best aoureatioa they could have made. as do not reprollect of the managers of that party ever do ing so amiable a thiag 61100,11. He Is a good lawyer, an obi* and accomplished man, and if be should, by any poemibWty, will mat ao discredit epos the Brock. A LITTLE 811181 AT LART.—A eotemporary, in m inutia( epos On tut that the au of loam Ida and light write, as heritages amass the masse, of community has 'bosoms quite seismal, says that with the Immense inerimee of dainties, Mere is so more Omnifarious. This het has astrasted thu *steatite of the friends of temperance, and some of them are disposed to advocate the "meali est*" If they rennet dispose of the "mala qmostioa;" or In alter words, if mu will sot become teetotalers, why, by fashion, tolerate sad encourage the au of mild barer , are, to drive oat distilled liquors. The New York Tri• Nose, though a somber of correspondents, is discussing the question of mild fulmars as an antidote for dmaken aus, or rather as a preventive. One eorreepondent, who holier es the am of lager bier will prevent intemperance, goes further, tad Insists that the us of hot drinks should be discoturtimeaced, is far as possible, by the friend, of *the tuiperaace reform. Es says that in those eountries of Europe where light wins le the substitute for lea aid eau, latempereace is mitaparalvely unknown. Be then points to the Brit sb tile, when tea and coffee are so much used, and says there luesperanos proven' to a rightful estate. That there is smoothie( more than a adacridenee in the oases referred to, is shown by facts and. ACQUISITION OP CUBA.—The Detroit Free Press is an enthusiast*, advocate of the speedy acquisition of Cuba. There le seareely a week passes that it does cot have something to say is favor of its &vont* hobby; Lod, let as confess, we mart heartily wymputtise with it. Is the last number it says Mr. Jarring**, the father of the peat Desurade party, wse'hpr its &unladen. As early aa 1809, la a letter to Kr. Manton, he said that with it we should have each as empire for !Abort, u she never surveyed since the creation; and he was "persuaded that so constitution was e'er before so well calculated as ours far euessive empire sad self-goverameat." In 1823, in a letter to lie. Mouton, he remarked that he candidly con fessed that he had ever looked on Cabs as the most interest lug addition which could ever be made to our system of BMus. "'The control which,* he said, "with Florida point, this bland would give as in the Gulf of Mexico, sad the ountries sad isthmus bordering on it, would all ap the measure of oar political mall-being." It was in the same letter that-he saaasseed the &patriots which Pre _ . . al maxim should be, sever to entaagle ourselves in the broils of Europe; oar aeeoad, never to suffer Enrol* to intermeddle with eis-Atinatie slain." Bo we see whither Mr. Jarrnason's slur fore-sight pointed in regard to Cuba. Ea had, while Fruitiest, parchased Louisiana; he bad, is 1821, *Messed the &egoista*. of Florida; we only needed Cuba, and the country that would naturally some with It, to make "seek as empire for Liberty as she never surveyed since the creatioa." What he saw as a want, the usury now feels as •necessity. The democratic party has bees use to the twain" of Mr. Jarraason availing Europa)* tolerate ties; and it has never ceased to look on Cabe as "the most lateresUng addition that could ever be made to oar system of States." An object that Is so desirable ef.secompUshateat castnot, we firmly believe, he long dewed, either by foreign isterptaition or docasetie opposition. —By the evitteete• broaght est in this Weedisaa divorce trial, it appears that Mrs. W. was as prodigal with hot hastiaad's asses, as lilt► lief ''►.art's love." Oa* witness adulated ber personal espouses at $10,004 a year. THE Chops.—Harvest prospects continue to be of the most cheering character. The follow ing are some of the latest reports: Alarykisui.—There will be ius average wheat crop. , Oats, corn sad tobacco are promising. prospect for wheat may be call. ed gotd. It is free from rust, and oomparative ly fro other injuries. Afisseuri.—Corn is backward but is rowing finely. Other crops are generally promising.— Vegetables promise an abundant yield, and the same may be said of grass. Kentucky.—The wheat in this(State will be $ short average. Peruumlounia.—Tbi. aetiounts are good from all sections of the State, and the prospect of an abundant harvest is most cheering. Neap Jeraq.—Apples and pears promise an abundant yield. Grass has never been better.— Corn though backward is of good oolor and pro mises well. Wheat and potatoes indicaten large crop. rirgiaia. —Through the State there will be an average wheat crop; grass very abundant. Sr. Louis, July 18. The Dish oorrespoadent of the Repalicas, under date of Jane 18, says that the oonditions upon at the conference between Gov. agreed als& the Peace Commissioners, and the heads of the Mormon Church, are, that the troops shall enter the city without opposition; civil of oen to be permitted to perform the duties of their. Aloe without iatemiption, and unooodi. tiara °bedlam's. to the laws of the land. Oa the other hand, past offences to be forgotten, as sta ted in the P re sident', proclamation. All the houses in the city have been closed against both civil Akan and strangers, except the one which occupied by the Governor and his family.— Everybody else is obliged to sleep in their wag. oat or on the ground. Tbif persons is the city were Gov. Cumming, ¬ary Hartnett, Powell and M'Calloch, Peace Commissioners, Dr. Forney Baperinteaulent of Indian Affairs, Mr. Craig, Indian Agent, Mr. Dodson, Marshal of the Territory, and Messrs Simonton, Fillmore and Brown, easnspooduata of the New York man, Herald and Trilesse. A. TIAN OF Pros,--Gov. Coalmine amnia to having observed a ',egos, os the road from Lake My to Provo, whisk nu draws by pip harassmi to Me mope, by sit ingenious combioation ci straps sod cords. Is it yes seated a fat ass, who emitted his tam ever isi to s trot, by the aid of a blikok smoke whip. Petty Toss, July 15. It is sow stated entitoritstively that the Col lis. steamers have bees sold oosditiosally to the French Asthma Steamship Company. .oept. Oosstoeb will go oat watt week with s 'tow of tootiomwolitg tide oils. It Is handed to Pas the stemma betimes Bute sod New York. Priests advises five Nisenitts nye the Cu. Tripoarri Trott bas boos Nola ratified is otediflod bin t by tie L 000,14, sad Aped b bookle Xonbos. LOCAL AN /3ZEGI Any of our ss bets who tug ouch mousy, oastilipti au exostioat inquiring at this o Tao rofrosttL . n of &sudsy I snorer? spectios of *illation, ma op faetluu OW the fan or num as mill on ustoro The Mutual Oon4nsee of tls•lgtOtakt.t Ulm* Mara ltaa boon 1i session it liaadrlll, darts/ the past week. Ns us by the Commitegios atm Cal. Valuta*, as, Ws representative la lb' Logiolokus, is alma Isbsiouss • Lame of dist:lapel Is Ike limbed* Clio* Tlis mon its all filled Hsi ii . assosids of 'gen of lily eslstorstious sad lb. sttesollag seeidiets, lights. Ac t wileit w about es nasaseass as meal. Mous. Godard, the foolish was, proposes to rake a halloos esoeosloo io Bask. He is takiag " °Gals to Newcastle," for somebody "goose op" evet7 day is Bat• risk: Dr. &via, of the Solon Casson, orst la hill twig. bati" the other sight. bet fa s wools that body wail& Dot socept It. How Is dad Aro dm* so mon Waged ciandidatu for the Ladiaktoto to be 'wood with a soot Is that body 1 The True Press, whisk nit= dos plus ,f Um Union, Pittsburg, ii a ospital paper, sod bids Oak for a loos sod prooporooo life. It ill, so far as Polities are me . mud, u iodopoodost 94 o "wood sow yor." John H. Sbeibley, editor of the Bloom**ld leleo aro, recently tried a capital remedy for the "hard dame," by taking • good, Indust:lase, ecooooleal wot•an for • helpmeet for life. We hope It will prove a lorerelo rem edy. The Chicago papers suits' that the trade between that city and Lake Sepforkar, 1 0 fat from 12Wwsweiat, ha. greatly diminished. A year or two ago that trade pre employment to some throe or tour steamers reusing ma lady —now there is not enough business tot mho. good Oil firooch of &motor Bums', It the Doom. °ratio Cokbratioo la Pbiladolplao. Os the hth 01 . 111 0, pub- tithed as our outside this week. Like everything else from that guidelines, it is pertinent sad pasted, sail abounds la political truth. The Chiang° Times of the 9th hut., chronicles the death of "an old and well.kaurn residua of Chicago," wad:adds, "He wu thirt)•two yaws old." According to this delnition of what eonstitnes are " old" citizen, If we lived in Chicago, we'd be SD antidelavtan! Mr. Limos', assisted by mite of the boat assisieal talent to the city, proposes to give a Concert, on Friday issuing ;mat, at Park Hall. For particulars, see pro. gramme* to be issued to the coarse of the crook. W. be. speak for bit, in advance, a tall boas*. An arrangement hie been made by whieh on and after the 18th of September, the Philadelphia beaks will receive ill the notes of Pennsylvania banks on deposit and in payment of debts. Those Banks which WI to mike provision to keep their Sots. at pet in that city, will have them returned for redemption immediately. A grood eowseattas of the Sims of Malts takes place in the oily of Ptillfan on the letk. Delegate will be present from •verystale In the Delon. The lodges of Sagiand slid Proses an Imparted to be represented.— Some body most likely has toe* down to represent the brethren of this ally—who to it ? We forgra to notice last week that the Clarion Dm. ocrut had donned a new dress:and now presents as hand• some an appearance as any paper in the State. It was al" ways one of the best, but under the stimolant of new type' lad ■ clean face, the Colonel is infusing new scarp into ikoolueans that must make It very acceptable to the D. mocracy of Clarion! JO' If say person is desirous of estimatiag 'le saw: liar of the rising generation in Brie, let aim take a stroll tbreagh tome wises the eines is about or the schools are beim dismissed, sad he will woad'? *hers they all come from I—Gasene. So he will—especially if the /mid "person's" 'equals" tastes mows our wale popalettow it:toads ma ðer thaw the Editor of the °oast*. Mr. Berman C. Gilbert, for many you, past the Commercisl Uditat of the Buffalo Commercial Atforrainn wu killed last wed, by the falling of some timbers at the warehouse of Elias Weed a Co. lie was segaged at the time la proeuriag Commercial inteiligesee, sad when struck i gumboil 0.44 now. I. hi s h in d s. Ra wee s A.■ large circle. The Communist men of Balfalo, sad other friends of the deceased, we au glad to say, immediaisly started a subscriptioa for the basal of his family, sad at the last accounts bad collected newly $2OOO. Such so sot of beoevoleses is worthy of bolas recorded ! The people of this and other cities are congratula ting themselves on the disappearance of the Sparkish eats, and with it the half cent disputes and lb* hot shovel sp• plications to bring out As pillars. The currency reform is indeed a great one, bat it can only be perpetuated and en joyed by *tarsal vigilance. The Spanish coin bare not gone to the slate, but hare been SSW I. those &settee' of the country when the nuisance is tolerated—wbers the people who would be free have not the energy or eourago to strike the blow If we woald set have these soias grad ually and insidiously introdeeed among as, we imam set our faces against them and refuse to dad is them at all. 1116 It V alleged that the prisalpal siga of magentas among the Boas of Maltti- , -af which we have • goodly number in this eity--conststs is as obeerrattoe taken tkro' the bottom of • ebungielga glees bold to the lips at as angle of 45 degrees Is this true, brethren 1-oaseas. Answer yea, "brethres," s*d yes% have the Editor of the flame knocking for eihniallos in just two sissies and.a-lalf by the watch. "A little wine for the stomach sake" is as outregeoas "iitlanien" in public, but behind the door its "Mit me." Coot..—The Clewslaad Mail' Dealer has the following slap at somebody : A man In Bnitalo—aa entire i f amitor to as—iseads via a quarter-eolaus pat of his basinem, with the seal request that we "oopy as editorial sad oblige."— If b e does not oventaally subside Into a highway robber, it weal be for leek of the adearsary laipadenos.—Sr. The *dilar of the Worms's Advocate, Philadelphia, la as refruldngly cool, this hot weather, as the Buffalo wisa.— The other day we reeeived a copy of the ddosscaso with as article marked "to gilitors,' In which we were informed that If we would "kindly motive" the paper we would "he 'stiffed to the am of &sot of engravings of Its Bowie( Kr Nine artlele, it we Oared to pettish it as 'atomisation to oar readers." This appeared to be paorom, and we termed to Its "Sewing Machin* amide" to too what it was, Lad found about a calms and arse quarters of advertis ing, sat up as reading matter, for Gamut t Banat, mom' alai:tams of Bowing liseidnes in New lora. Now, if Masan. Onovna di Ram want to advertiee their Sewing Illacisines la the Unarm?, or say other paper, let them do It in aa open and hoooraldii maw, sail pay for it, and not attempt to play the "Jemmy Diddles" through t h e ma dints of the " Weasan's Adeoeste." A ATINIPICZNT DONATION.—goa. C. N. Leap las presented the lrriag Imitate with the "American Arehivos,"—aome eighty volumes la ell—eoetiag several hundred dollars. Tits asubtes are oemplete to the eke* of his term la Coagroes, and ars ezeeedhigly valuable.— He bought Oleo while is Coignes lbw t►. purpose of do. satbig these to some libroy aseeeiatioa. - The house has boom very hotness* la beeeslag tie toelpiest of so deb a gift. wad has aelosewedged it by a sordial vote of thanks. The lastiasts is la a prosperous