Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 17, 1858, Image 1

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t;1/1 / 4311 u , .t .1W1•11 OLI it zit much length jts
eliter..tnter nod it. let,tory are familiar to all, 'mil
the i-ieues which it raised are rapidly panning
away I shall ounce uuly a pullet or two about
which Democrats have differed most.
far as CotleCrtln Illy oWti ufEcial coeuectiou
will, this VrllltlullS slibieCl, I have .euly to say
that after much NEI. ctiou, I adopted that course
which seemed t‘ielyto promote the
peace and welfare out duly of Kausas, but of the
country, and, especially, to allay, fur a
time, if out permanctetty, the agitation about
slavery (Applause.) The. prompt adruissioo
tel . the Territory is a State, as urged by 3.1 r. BU.
though by uo uteaus free from eilfficulty,
seemed best calculated to aceomplisb theme rod._
This policy Wtoi the more acceptable, because,
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3101:fi A ril; CTLIBR.4 TiON, PMILADZLPMI4,
You can scarcely ituagia t e my deep embarrassment
r at being required to - address you, after the deli.
very of so eloquent and rodent an oration as
that to whichyou have jo.24,tistened. Seldom
1111 4 Ihere been presented in tlatitame apace so
much li;storic and political truth. have listen
ed to its delivery, as doubtless you have, with
tuuch ioterest and pleasure
Were I, on this uccasiou, to consult tail own
f. eling., I should confine my remarks strictly to
the oicasion which has brought us together, to
tbe event , of the day we commemorate --and
their mighty euna,queuet.s. I should be glad to
twit, the toile deeds of our forefathers, to whom
4r•• indebted fur the ,aotttuable instltutiotta
uudt r which we live It would be pleasant too
to tt ace the career of our e.mutry (rote the Jays
tt the Itevoluttou—to dwell upon its unpreee
,i,•ittetl progr, s.. iu all that gives glory and great
14 r a natiou',—to mark, with uituglati won%
d.-r and adtuiratuon, the stev; by which thirteen 1
eble colonic, have expanded into thirtystwo
great -ocereign States
But, fellow eitiseus, a different task has been
as-igned to me The eloqueut gentleman who
Lai just addres-ed you spoke of the value of our
great Nati , o,il Union. I may Gave something
..) to you about the importune,. of a union of
t lit• I) ,• Uph•te , :) IA- the sake or on, u„,,,„ U lu
Star,- cApplaume )
has just returned (row the &twee
hi-. )ut,lt publle herVatit, It sOetUit
prouvr that 1- Amtild Ulla.' et brief refereuee to
ATatie of Ow topic~ irhicil Are at preseut of great
iii'erent, mud while referriug to (judicious
wh,eh have etigaged the Cougress,
gtve acc..utit, tit eXtrUt, ut luy steward
Then• are tu.Atiy topics to which I could wish
4n but (tate will allow we to Lowe ottly
i.r I w..; And the first of then to the ruiileas
ss tity uuuJ , it was in at iu aeourclanee with the
ilinetplea previuu-ly avuwed by the Detuueratio
l e t t IN and with the spirit of Ile Organic Act of
the Territor ) I u addition to the wurds of the
i:,w, it h a d 1,, e1l our c,inatant party boast that
!Le people 0f„...1 he Territory should be left "per.
feeily fie, , t,, form and regulate their 11Wn du
.lle ltf , llitlit“llM to ?Nell - ufillD way," and that.
th, 'l', riit,, T v ,-Could I , Admitted ar 1111, SIAM
(west promies at the time of the application fur
adtui..iou The applicati. , n from Leuutuptoo,
be ng regular, and cowing up to l'ongre.s through
leptinirte ehaunels, was tuttuilv.tly the one wbioh
we were pi dged to acknowledge, and nothing
.114.1 clear, r than that the people omit) wake
a t'un.tituti ,, ii pieparatury t application to
au) mode the) please.
!let Il lbe.e +is as, so clew own mint', be
can ii grsiuusl of unpleasant difference. awing
Itetuocrats. aud it i• fur this reason that I make
ce r r, 14, e 1., that part of the suljent on
t eee.osien
Democrats, pow familiarly knowu as
c. teptou men, - maintained a v, ry di(-
f, reu, "pule!). They coutended that the appli
thaton ..1 14.• Lecowptoo Couventiou was not the
cue we were buuud to respect—that it iNas not
wade in ace:ad/once with the spirit of the Organic
Act or the principles of popular eovereigeity, be
Cruse the , wire Ceuetetutiou had not been Nub.
untied to a role of the people; and they have
wade ;this al.ticrenCte a ground of special hostility
to the.poliel of the President Doubtlees most
of them were sincere and houest in thisdifferenee;
but they wire evidently tunitaken, and had fallen
into a '•fu udacuental error - as to the effect of the
decinnes they maiutaitied, acid, instead of being,
as they claim, the advocates of the largest liber
ty to the people, they have been contending for
a palpable restriction upon popular rights, for *
e.•l intervention utterly inadtmemble under
the li, mocratic creed It was certainly very
proper fur citizeu.4 of Kansas t., insist 00 the
opportunity to vote on their Constitution, if they
pr, furred to du so; and their right to d • this
could not be questiotied. Hut it is tuoustrous to
centeud that the peoplq,ut other Stales, through
their representatives iu Congress, have the right
to interpose the owiasiou of this form against
the admission of the new State into the Union
—to'lsy it down am a principle that an incipient
State way be kept out of the Union boteauge of
the mode in silo :6 its iCoustitut sou has been
made—because it had out beee:voted upon by the
people. I deny is kilo the right of the people
uC woe State thus to dictate to those of another
The people of Penumylvaoia, for instance, have
no right to deny to the people of Kansas 'Otis
riots into the Colon because the Constitution
with which they present thetadelres, has not been
forme 1 and adopted through it particular process.
There could be uo higher degree of interference
than this—uo wore vezatioum encroachment upon
the sovereign rights of a people. Such doctrine,
were it recognised and practiced, would subvert
the most cherished rights of the States and lead
to endless couteutious amongst them A n d thi s
is the principle, for which our A.utii Lecompton
frit ads, in their Lou eager difference with the
Administration, have virtually maintained.
Now the people of Kansas either had the
right to e.:rin and adopt a Constitution 'sod State
Gekerument, or they bad not. Their right to
do this was tiouceded by all, and the mode io
which they oemmenceil the work of getting op
a t:onisutution and State Government, had the
sanction of all the men offipially connected with
the subject at the time Having, thee, the right
to do thin thing, no one will deny that it was
cottipacut (or them to do it in "their own way "
They could form and adopt a Constitution and
State Goverinnent thtough the agency of deist
gates in couveution, or they could tiuthorite de.
l ega t e ., torsi a Coostitutton to be ratified by
the people at the polle The Convention had
adopted the former mode Either mode is cone_
si-tent with t lie doctrine of popular 2kAtTeigUity
3114 the - .lint or the organic sot; and either a
good way of making a Constitution Pennsyl
vania has practiced both modes—the former in
1791, when she made her second Constitution;
the latter in 111 T& when her amended Constitni
lion 1113% submitted to a vote of the people She
halt been prosperous and hippy as a . sovereign
State under the results of both. Many of the
other States of - the Union have done the same
thing Some have adopted parts of their Con
stitution by delegates, and submitted siert
. 5o•
the approkal of the people, as did the Coalmene
tem to iC•nsas A large majority d lb. States
, 'erg admitted into the Union under Constitutions
which bad never been tied for the satiation
of the people. How inikast it would seem for
those Stew, at this 44yr - to lay it down as w
rule that the mode io Whieh they made their
Constitutione, and under which they became
members of the Confederacy, should, if practic
ed by the new States, keep them out of the
Union. '
in other words,
that the new States
should be punished for following the example of
the old ones. The isle* would seem to le absurd
I was of those who felt required to give the people
of Kansas the same rights that had been exer
cised by the people of other States just /bat
high degree of sovereign power which the people
of Pennsylvania had so often exercised. No
one objected to the submission of the Constitu
tion of Kansas - to a vote of the people; but
tv , ben the Convention, regularly selected, with
fel( authority over tbu question, bad decided
othe ise, what right had we, not of the Terri.
tory, •oinplain? and what remedy could we
apply bad no right to'interfere It was
their ounce sod theirs only.
Nur will it to pretend that Congress had
the right to inie between the people of the
Territory and their elrepresentatives, oci the
plea dolt tbe delegatAkluiti acted in bet faith to
their constitueate. Tit isNieet rine, if ecknowledg
ed and practiced, would brook up the very foun
dations of our representative)Nitem and an bvert
the sovereignty of the Stites `,„
It is apparent, therefore, that onrAnti Leeninp
toy friends are utterly tniataken irh thky rate
thelnatiVute ibis peculiar atlvcicstes o pular
rights. Whatever they may intend, their tLory
would have the reverse effect It would
s coast unjust restrietiou Up‘.l3 the rights of t
people of the Territories.
But enough as ta the question itself My
' aisle atiect, was to speak of the e ff ects of this
unhappy imbroglio, upon the future harmony
and asciiudancy of the Democatic party
It is too obvious that the old enemies of our hi)•
ble party have already counted on utt r (fiasco.
/limit as a principal means of their success, in the
future They are talking cotifidetitly ut a tri
umph io 1860, with no other capital that I eau
see, than discords in the ranks of the Denenua
cy flow far their expectations are to be real
iseti will depend, therefore, quite as much on us,
as ou them If the. Democracy he nutted, then
the hopes of the enemy will be vain; if we divide,
then they may conquor. But I can see no suf.
Gwent reason for the ecetacies of the opposition
about divisions in our ranks. They Ulty be "want
ing without their boat " They should not be too
credulous in judging by appearances--they have
often beau deluded by them, and it would not
surprise me if they should be again. They are
in the habit of carrying the elections before the
day of voting: and especially of mid uederstand•
log our fiunily feuds. A lamented member of
the old Whig party—Michael lien Magheban—
need to understand Dentheratk dissensions bet
ter I shall never forget the remark of that
gentleman on the occasion of a .stormy State
Convention at Harrisburg When the most vio.
lent scenes were witnessed in that body, and
when the 11'higii were delighted with the row,
Michael 1./an was seen to note the performances
with the gravity of despair, and wheal asked I
what was the waiter, ho replied: "There is mat
ter enough. I never knew the Democrats to
commence a canvases by a fight amongst them.
selves that Aligy 44 p a 6,1411
. 4 rho %.e .1.
And why should not the beenocrstie party•be
united and triumphant as heretofore? What 1 1
re a son it there for separation? True, we beard.
said ill a spirit of oompliuut that the President
has made some mistakes in selecting his officers
That may be so; but who that-ever wade appoint- 1
%nests did cot wake niustakesY The wisest men
of the nation have not been infallible in this
particular Gen Jackson probably made more
mistakes in his app entmentsthan Mr Buchanan;
and were George iVashington President at this
day, with the c modems applications that would
tie before bun, he could not escape complaints
similar to those — made against Mr Buehanau
Then again, it is said, there are many of Mr
Buchanan's "original friends" who bare receiv•
ed no appointments. That is doubtless true;
but the fault is theirs, and not bill [Laughter
There are too many of them [ll.:newed laughs
ter ] Had there been nu more "original friends"
thou there are offices to fill, then the Prestsiaut
might have bogie to this standard; but as it is,
the thing is impracticable. Men are generally
prepared to conclude that the President has made
a very grave mistake, when they themselves are
notappuintetl. [Laughter.] Ism sure I always
thick him greatly is error when he refuses to
appoint the man I recommend; [renewed laugh•
ter,] but he does that so often that it is useless
to complain. The truth is, that the President
ha* a peculiar inclination to do as be pleases ob
these questions, and take-the reeponsibility
[Laughter] This one thing is vniversally coo
ceded—be is erninentdy the President. His will
usually controls great matters as well as small
Bat what are these ippoiteateuts compared
with the higher duties of his station? Demo
crats, bound together by great principles for
patriotic purposes, will never separstt because of
appointments or disappointments They will
look to the settlement of the Mormon queetion
by the President, to his prompt disposition of
the Kansas imbroglio; and to his vigorous reseut•
meat of the indignities offered to uur flag by the
British Government—the settlement in a few
abort weeks of the long deferred question of the
right of search. Who does not believe that the
fact that Mr. Buchanan in President bad teach
to do with the prompt adjostinent of this com
plicated question? For one, I think it bid
British statesmen know him well, and they were
satisfied from the beginning that tbey would
have to come np to the point of his doctrine;
and they did so without hesitation
And I again ask, why should not the Democ
racy be united? The question of admitting
Kansas under.tbe beeompton Constitution is a
past issue. A* to it, the struggle has terminat
ed The position of our party has been taken,
and the responsibilities of that measure, what
ever they may be, ere upon us. Whatever else
remains is for the people of Kansas; and how‘
ever they may decidey the eensegnences must be
upon themselves, and all others should be cons
tent. Nine tenths, or mite, of our party in
Congress, with the Democratic Administration
in the lead, bate made a disposition or this ques
tion; and it would not seem unreasonable that
the minority should be expected to acquiesce in
and sustain that disposition, and share the res
ponsibilities it may impose,
They should do this; and they will Je it, if
they intend to be of the party and for it in the
Amore. Many Democrats thought the repeal or
the Missouri line so unwise measure; but when
the majority bid decided, they sustained the Jr.
eision. [Loud applinse.)
It is nut to be expitted . that Democrats will
u nsay what they have' heretofore said in Gavot of
a different policy ; but it is expected that they
will sustain what has been done by the majority.
(Cheers.) Difference of opinion amongst Demo.
crate as to men and measures, is in upgomtttou
thing; but it has always been o oeft to th e
majority to decide tot points of difference, and
to fir the position of the party.. This is thecae@
in selecting candidates flttr Ales, owl also in &-
emitting the peculiar *mailman mike fan
onditiotes an to rape sat. Wiwi those differ
anon an ono *dialled by the vaiewof di 1011 6
jenny in our dinseDniens, IS is expected that the
'to ? Why simply ibis: after a strtiggle of four
months on the proposition to admit Kansas as a
State, it was determined, in scoepting bee under
the Constitution which she tiid presented, to ex,-
tend to her people the opportunity of deciding
for themselves, at the polls, whether they wixdd
beouwo a State or sot, vu the condition"prlpos.
ed. This Is the bead and front of the offence, if
there be any. (Applause.) Surely, no Demo.
unit will leave his party for a reason like this !
The people of Kansas are to decide by vote
whether they will become a State or remain a
Territory ; and we are told that, because this is
the measure of a Democratic .14winistretion, the
frieuds of popular sovereignty will leave the
party ! (Laughter ) IJo not believe they will
o soy Boob thing Some of the leaders may;
other reasons, and make this the pretext; but
tloNnitsses will not "The sober 'wooed tho't"
will tieing them back to the Democratic fold; and
they wilkhe of the party and for it, as hereto.
fore. The), will go for Union of the Democra
cy, fir the melte of a Union of the Stater. (Art
Nor should anyAeoision which the peope of
Kansan way inmate, affect the future harmony of
our party WhateverAtha decision may be, it
will relate wholly to the affairs of that Ter•
ritory, and should be set' ry to the people
of other States.
I was among thee° Who ve r the absolute
admission of the Territory, ea the means of
giviug peace to the couetry. Wh'er oaten,
may think, lam now more than ev satisfied
that, had that policy been adopted, t feud
about Kaunas would, err this, have been ed
forever Enough hiprrecttotly transpired in e
Territory to warrant this belief. The fact th
many orthotie who originally opposed the Le
oompton Constitution, ere now waking active Of.
fins in favor of its acceptance as proposed by
Congress, in eetheient evidence to 4uattfy this
opinion, as it is also, that the wrong doings of
the Lecomptou Convention were magnified fur
mere partisan coda But enough 00 this topic,
and I wish to notice one other.
It is obvious Mr. President, that ttaequestioa
of samittiog Kansas into the Union is ont the
only one which is to cuter into the 00takig eke.
tion There is another topic which is doubting
to have an important bearing, and to *biota,
therefore, I wish to make allusion. t shall do
so, not su much because it is 4 parry question.
reit-rest out *LOW psupse. it is, to the 4WD, a
Penneylentil& question; and 1 em not of those
who would drag it into the partisan arena. But
it is evident that our opponents lateral to do this.
have reference to the question of the tariff
They intend to draw this question into the next
of clot), and, if possible to turn it to political
account Eif•brt.+ arc now wade daily to convent
the prerieut depressed and distressed state of the
country., not of one brunch industry, but of all,
into p truest capita!—into an element of di,- I
eotiteut with tit., Democratic party. The first
effort seems to ho to create the impression, if
possible, it the popular naiad that the present
aspressiotrfft lowness is the result of the Dente
crane policy on the subject of the tariff—that
the revulsion under which we are sufferieg was
brought about by a change of the rates of duties
in March, 1557.
For lay own put, I have no fear as to the ef.
f e et of this effort upon the popular mind. No
such deception as this Can avail any party. Is
the first place, the allegation is Without truth or
reason ; and in the next place, if it were true,
the Republican party would base no right to
turn it to their advantage, for a majority of their
men in Congress voted for the present tariff.—
Hut practical results and stubborn facts will put
to rest the absurd al lion. The seeds of the
prostration were sown long before the ta
riff was touched 'The revulsion was the natural
and inevitable consequence of an unguarded tab
parrot:in of business and credit. The business
energies of our country and of other countries
bad been stretched to a ditogerous extent long
before Wholesome enterprise 11441 given way
to visionary speculation , the banks bad Wootse
cxpauded beyond their means; merchituts and
hu.itiess men were involved to swab an extent
that all the tariffs on earth could nut have avert•
ed the blow. The revulsion ..natended sitnultai
neouttly over all parts of oar country, sod 44 the
eivtlited world How, then, wield it be the eon
sequence of a change in our impost duties t—
ilos, then, could at soma from a cause wbieb
we era told reecho+ one uiteratit only r 1 east
understanl how the revenue laws of this country
minority will acquiesce. (Applause.) la ad
justing the differences about the admission of
Kansas, the Democratic Congress, with Mr. Bu
chimes in the lead, was the organ of the party.
Thst4organ has decided, and the minority should
be content.
True, all men have a right-to leave the party
and join the enemy, if they feel required to do
so - by a sense of duty to the - eouotry. If any of
our Aati-Lecompton frieudtt'think that the Dem•
°erotic party, because of ihrsetion on the Kans
WWI question, is a worse party -Aliso she Republi
can, they have a right to leave us and join the
latter. Bat, as the minority, they cannot Oahu
to contrul or proscribe the majority. (Ap
pia use-)
Bat what is this Kansas , ." measure, that it
should drive men from the - Democratic party ?
Wh a t i s ther e in it so offe . usive in principle or
unjust in practice, that it cannot be tolerated Y
Viewed in a single glauee, "bat does it amount
might be WI burned as to afoot iojnriously par
tioular brsoebei of iodustry iu ibis conotry, and
so ss to give to advantage to compotinti . brs.uob
es of industry in other couutrks; but 1 castiOt
understand bow the Caine regulation can pros
trate the same interests in both countries. This
preetration in business 111‘3 common to the whole
Union : the farmer and the merchant suffer quite
as mucli as the teauttfacturer and the miser.
TbC truth is, the operations o f th e t ar iff are
difficult to trace Nearly every leading princi
ple that is laid down on the subject has been
coutradicted by esperievoe. For instance, there
would seem to be no truer proposition than tbat
reduction of the rate of duty would itiereetie
foreign imports, and that a high tariff would
keep out foreign goods. And yet, in the face of
this theory, we have seen the reduation of the ta
riff, in 1857, followed by au immense reduction
In the amount of imports—to snail an talent.
indeed, that id* ippon. for 1855, under the re
duced tariff, will probably- not mead fifty per
neat on the amount imported in 1856, under a
higher rate of duties.
1 kuow it will be said in reply, that the re-
duction ia the +►monist of imports was the eonse
quest, of the depressed °audition of emouseree
sad general holiness. And this is true ; but
what does all this go to show 1 Simply, that
what the Demoerais bare told the protectionists
frost the beginning, is true--tbat the tattooed
of a reasonable tariff on the amount of imports is
only secondary and subordinate, Lot a control.
ling influence, and that it is always subject to
the impulses of commerce and trade and of taou•
*tory affairs The history of the tariff proves
this ; for we hose diet had the largest mom of
importations cadet the bigheat rate at duty...-
But in the face of this experioneo, nes will talk
about the rate of duty m luisieg a direst and re
liable elect upon the interests of the, Miseries°
yamsfaattres. This is sot madid ist say mat
or piny, and can only serve to mislead and do
oeive Those who milt *boss a high tariff es a
plume& for all its of the mannfeatureve, trite
with a greet question.
I do not mean to say, by any maws, that the
rate of duty has no effeet so far as regards the en.
conferment of home industry. ' I believe tbst
it has an iaduence under almost any chums
stance, and at times a very important influence;
but it is by no means noutrolliag, by no moans
Nor do I mean to be misunderstood. is what T
have said on this subject. ' I am not against an
ieereasie of the tariff jest se often and to sock an
exteet as the titiorsaities of the gteernasent may
require. I believe that the Deureerstie doetrine
of a tariff for revenue, with such incidental aid
to home manufactures as may, 'result from a read
ooable discrimination in their Liver, iaa the Viewit
policy that can be adopted—(applause)=the poly
poliey that eau be permanent—the beet polity
for the manefacturers ettemselvee. (Great ap
plause.) But it would 'poem that we are to bite
the exploded dogma of a dead party—""protec
tion for the make of protection"—sad with• it the
whole tariff question are to be drawn into the
partisan newt. For what purpose f ?or the
purpose of securing increased rates of ditty to
help the manufacturers T Sir, that may be the
way to effect the object,. sod it may be the mo
tive of all, but Ido not believe it is I believe
that it would be the true interest of the manu
facturers of this country Li keep this question out
of the partisan °outwit, if possible' The enetui,im
of the Democracy in this State towed to hoe it
for partisan purposes and nothing else
At present the incomes of the Giivernaftme ore
insuffienent ; the revenue is not equal to the es
pmsditurea : and to my mind that is a coaelrisive
reason for isioressing the rate and extending the
range of the tart* 1 have no hesitatiou in say
ing that I refit, an ineresse of duties to all In
crease of the publie debt; fur 1 sw in favor of
raising the revenues of the Government by means
of impost ditties Congress, at its next sestdon,
ought to readjust the tariff in such way a, to
meet the demands of the treasury ; and hi-doing
that, due regard should be had to the welfare of
great borne interests—sash as are peculiar to our
country and to the habits ofjur people; for ito
stance iron, the raw material of which we have
in inexhaustible abundance, as we have of the
eki.l sod the capital to man ufacture it , and there
a nu reason, therefore, why we shouW nut pru ,
duce enough to supply the demand, and, by home
competition, do justice to the consumer.
Nor can 1 see any objection u principle to a
specific duty on an article of the same value un
der the Caine name, like eron It it the misap
pliesitoo of the speitille principle, as iu the act of
1842, that renders it odious and unjust, exacting
a higher per cent of taxation from the consumer
of the eoar'se article than from the oonsuinet o f
the lire ; but where artielea of the same quality
rid valnelftc , known by the same name, ibis is
nut the effect.
I say, also, that so fir ns home production can
be 'tit:Dilated, With dud respe.q to the rights of
other interests, it ought to he done I cannot
understanilArhy any luau should eiktertaiu any
other feeling have seen it announced that
your Senator from this State is a free trade man.
And why ? liecamse be voted fur a Jut ) .41 '' I
per cent on iron. (Laughter.) That is stn u.
Ist logie ; your Itepre. tative a tree: trade mail
because b it e in v n o o l V fur fur f a ree t e, (lte bu il t ew fur ed r i n a i u s g ui h t:
the. 1... .
jest of a tarsi; but to adjusting the rate ot Ott
ties, I would consider the lutes eta of the pro.
dotter sod consumer, and the rebttious of capital
sad labor, sod while taking care that capital
should make its full coati 'button to the Treasu
ry by taxing luxuries at a high rate, I 'Kuhl e
tend every possible stimulant:to our manufactur
iug operations.
I was by no means satisfied with the nclju;.t.
agent of the tariff in March, 1837 1 resisted
sod voted against the Senate bill throughout
I did so on the ground that it seemed like an
and inconsiderate change of a policy
which had been succeeding very well 1 tho't
the question deserved more emisideratiou I did
vote for the report of the Committee of Confer.
ence, because by agreeidg to do that I could gr t
the schedule in which iron is found raised from
2.1, to '2.4 per cent. It was obvious, too; that a
much lower rate could have been "carried I
thought it prudent to take this for fear 6f worse
Our people most not expect too much. So long
as their great staples are kept in the bight.. .4
I class, they have no reason to complain of the
arrangement m the duties, though they may of
the rate
lint, Mr. President, there is another point
connected with thin aubject to whieh I wild' to
refer ; and that is, the indoence which oar
tem of currency neoeseatily erereases ou this
business of encouraging manufactures
It is ridiculous fur the advocates of an e X tro.
dad system of paper money, inflating credit end
nominal values to a destruetive extent, as it does
to talk about "protection to home interests,"
"pentais-tioti to the toiling millions." Mr. Pres
ident, the manufactures of this country, end the
toiling millions, need protection against the op
erStloll of fourteen hundred lustiturion4 that
make paper money, about as mach as they do
against the' manufacturer of foreign goods
(Loud applause sad laughter) A • s y s ts t o of
paper money and latticed prices is utterly at vs•
moue* with the policy of protecting your home
iftteropitol The One ooUtitertio.s the other Our
if% /543 s ystems of credit and superabundance of
fietitiouti mosey beget a spirit of speentstion ,
compattied with enhanced—values, which e , 411
pintely enatieentets the effect of, any pl.t rat , of
duty Per instawee, whet does it avail the man
ufacturer that Congress asseases a dirty 25 per
cent. upon the article which he maupfactores, if
orealit and epeethttion he NO unduly stimulated
in this eoutory, that ell the elements that r t er
into the produetion of this article, immediately
become enhanced in value to such` an extent,
that it mete him the additional 25 per of ut to
produce the artlele ?
The foreign maaufacture is not affected lie
brings in his article, and Bello it at 25 per cent
increased priori, bemuse the home producer was
obliged to put it to save himself Fin can sell
; and realise the same profits that he did befare.the.
duty was assessed
• Our great mistortune, Mr. President, is an na
governable inclination to high priers. We at.
taeh undue iniportaoce to the mere nominal val
ue of thinly'. it lain this way that we give the
usanufietnrers of ether °octanes undue *dawn--
toga over us. One system of currency inflates
the priest bf eretlgkiet ;"and then, if we bare
a balance to pay to John Hull or anybody else in
'Europe, be demands eoin- - -/-he won't take our
Taper mousy ;. and when the oouotry nets right.
well in dell,and foreigners eel on the importers,
and the iniortity cart on the banks, and the
blinks catict thee we have what is called A
"crisis," a "financial crisis led then down 'go
your manufacttitintestabt4menfa, artdllloll,,he
Democracy "'catch Sepey." (Linghtei find 3 ap
plause.) In this country * will have every
thing run up to exorbitant rates men wont ug
derstand, that an snick of subsistence will wain
ilia life just as longpurelmaed at fitti cents as
if it coat a dollar;, and in thv o?mpettihut with,
the world, there n about to smelt *Wain and
suoesti in thin policy. . sa du, would be k*,
of the sterehant who should ; a s lo lash, , a
%KUM t hogiACWlth' • lend
setWi; 4apt. " Imightsr aitd.
Ts not etali' yid further'
low. this gondol". object was "simply to et.
I elarttha views which I entertain, sod to reassert
my belief that the interests of the manufacturers
of this country are far safer in the bands of the
Democratic party, under our well known policy
of a tariff for revenue, than they would be in the
bends of Lawrence, Stone £ Co ; No man who
has been in Congress and understand/ the feeling
which prevails among the representatives from
the South and West, will take the haaaril of
promising much ou this ituestioo Those States
have their rights and their views, and they will
stand by them. They conceive that they are eon-
Ruiners of what we produce, and insist that there
is to be a standard of equity ascertained between
the conflicting interests. So far as I may have
the power, within the limits of due regard to the
tights of other &tams, I assure yen, as your rep
resentative. your rights and interests shall be
insiotaioed. (Applause.) lam ai Much attach.
ed to the manufacturing intereste of my native
State as any man in it. lam much concerned
fur the welfare of the laboring mamas as clime
who make special pretension to concern for them
honesl more of them than most men; and I think
I know as much of their feelings and sympathies
as any, and I respect them; and it is fir these
masons that I am in •the habit of repelliog every
attempt to impose upon thew false pretensions
or false theories (Cheers )
Y o u h a ve a right to consider the effects of the
policy of the government, upon your interests,
slid to carry out par views, as far as you can,
through your representatives Rut let me tell
you that, for your individual prosperity and suc
cess, you must depend on yourselves. (Applaus )
The wirof man never devised a more mtsebiev ,
OW doctrine thou that which certain politiciaus
in this eotiatry are attempting to disseminate at
this time, to wit: that Ito mass of the people, me•
ebonies and !shore's, sir.• to look to the measures
of guVvrtaLlNLlt for tistor aid/tidos! prosperity
We have already witnessed 'the fruit of this
vicious sentiment ill ito shape of combinations
of men to our large t in tad bread of 'the
Government. W.-re 5UOb t doe/ rine to be gene
rally received us our eimutry. I should regard it
as the very bone ut our shot,. r publican system
endless nitre.• of ,11.... w resit sue diskiyatry,
tending directly to the overthrow of our republi
ere system of ft.tvernirretat; vivo place to an .r
cby, con‘usiett sea sigrArileisin The people
should have the 'nil the 11 werotnent can
properly goys them; am! they should te rep-sicced
to sustain a party or a man who would not ne
•glect them; lint after protection to life, liberty
and property, they can have but little protection
beside Rut the people of Pennsylvania are a
proud people and a just people They will dr •
wand her rights as a member of this Coofedersi
cy; they would disdain to ask more; and when
this is granie I, it will be idle fur demagogues to
attempt to excite discontent, or raise a whirlwind
that they rufy ride into power on the storm
There. is one other topic on which I wish to
say but a few words. We see it alleged by the
apposition press that the Democratic Adminis•
trtition at Washington is a prodigal nee—that
the ex pendatures of the Government are unparal.
k•lt•d Well, Mr. President, the asperities of the
Goveintueut are very great—greater, perhaps,
than they ought to be. But it upuld pursle any
near to hod an instant* in which any of these
opponents l/1 the Democratic party in Congress
voted against any appropriation, unless, it was
the Wild'sahemes of expenditure iind - ohl Manna,
you End them constantly in the affirmative.—
(Laughter) Why the idea of electing a man
like Mr Seward, though talented and worthy of
respect as he is, in order to protect the treasury,
weed excite nothing but laughter amongst those
who have witnessed his career Re is a leader
in the opposition, and he dbes not hesitate to vote
for all kinds of expenditures.
In conclusion, fellow Democrats, let me hope
that yo uwill sustain the party organisation as
herctofore—snstain its principles and nominees.
Our State ticket, composed of men worthy of the
stations for which they are presented, and corn.
potent to fill them, is entitled to your hearty
[Senator Bigler retired amid hearty and re,
peated cheers ]
GEN JA.Mrs 11. LANS —This notorious pen
nonage is now dead politically as a man OW well
be, and be Las no oat to blame fur it but
Ile might have maintained his position as
the leader of the Free State party of Kansan for
a long tittio if ha could bars controlled his pass
sloes, but this ha never could do. His life has
bevii out of bitterness, hatred;tad personal dif.,
fieuitiet.. In early life he had a difficulty with
('apt T. W biiheton, which resulted in a chal
lenge, but for some reasons they did not fight
Ile next comes in eollision with a liquor seller
named Smith, and , stabs him so that bislife was
despaired of. The stabbing was done afrayla
A short time afterwards he attacks the Hon.
JacaPA FT Crllhaal al night, strikis him in the
face, and then runs off to a place of safety Ile
next attacks and atrikee a lawyer named Vail, a
noncombatant His next difficulty is with Col.
E Dumont, one armed with a hatchet, the other
with a I.IIOP They are separated, and go to Pe
tershure4, Ky ,to fight a duel. As usual some
thing turned up to stop the affair before any
blood was shed Ile got.. to Mexico, and there
had a difficulty with Geu Jos. Lane, in which
gun. and pistols are shown, taut wit used. Ile
rebtilrth 4 Lome, persecutes tine lawyer Vail, and
Vella attacks him, this time with au iron poker.
Fail times a pistol, premlot• it at Lane's breast,
but not having bees properly loaded, it mimed
fire, and Lane's life is saved. lie goes ur Coo.
great, attempts to browbeat Ads Hoot of Louis.
hum, who promptly chaliengiii him. The mat
t. r, however, as usual, was "omit:ably adjusted "
TTe to Kansas, where he has several di&
eulties, endiog with his recent murder of a friend
and his own adjutant general His political ca
reer and moral character would form a chapter
about en a par with the ahoy,
Everybody retnembers how Mr. Frog was induced
to call bin non after Governor Bull, of Georgia,
but the following may be sew :
Virgil D. Paris, of Maine, baa been appointed
naval storekeeper at Portsmouth, N li , vice
Redding, removed.
There is s funny story told about the manner
in wihich this Mr Virgil Delphini Paris got his
name Iris father, an honest but unlettered
man, on the Jay of the young gentlenum's birth
happened to take up an old ..Delphini" edition
of Virgil, printed in France It being all Latin,
except the title page, the old man interested bias•
self with that, after spelling over it for some
time, he managed to make oat these three Words,
the last being the place of publication.
4gAb," said be, uParle must be some relation
of mine. A mighty smart man be is too, to
have writ slob whaling big book as this, sad
all is Greek. VII 'name my son atter him."—
And SO the present worthy bearer of the cum%
Imous sobriquet was christened. In !pit. of his
game be his held high hoomihaving been Gov
ernor of the State of Maim ft Gm, years.
sir Alreotiousie jos how lie,
tea, due" Hid--o"Yeor —"Mr*
timei-yoa think hims very demmOutumut?"—
“Tos, deattlitg. He bona a good
thrashing, sad the nest gm Ito pliant@ you
' home I'll give it to him." Awful pram.
. ;
Theory' of l'huMer•Btorms
In an article on this subject, the New York
Evens's,' Post, after giving its theory of the
cause, thus alludes to some of the freakish effects
of lightning :
It is commonly thongbt that there is more
danger from lightning in th• eountry than in
cities, but statistics wound seeni to show a great
er number of accidents from lightning in cities
than in localities of Corresponding bite in the
country About fiftee n y eses since, i n a s t orm
of two hours' duration, ligttniug, squeak in thirty
difiereot places io this city and suburbs
It Is probable that upward of fifty persona
are annually killed by lightning to the United
States, and it way be truly said that io west owtlei
these deaths rr.. th e result .pf rribunsis or care
lessness cu the part of the voltam. d great
many persons arc killed by taking refuge from
the rain under the trees in 4144 a fields. Their
presence renders the tree w.f.., liable to be
struck because the human teed) is a better con
ductor than the tree, and Its refor e it is safer
GI get wet than to run the risk iamsequent U
taking such shelter in a thutiala a st o rm
Ira building-, the safest ,pas. t e ion is a horison•
tal one in the middle of a rievin, and ears
sliou'al be taken that the !emit be not played
ti n t wcen two good conductor-, such as, for
ample, a mirror in our ras-in unit a store tunnel
in the room beneath ; bee tins lightning is plum
ing through a building .cues is the hest con.lne
tura, and occasions ilcstrueloan "Si its 'way from
one good conductor to another Several years
since a pinata was killed whale sr meting in front
of a mirror by a diseharge - of lightning, caucus
passed across the quiets talc, r routing of the
glum, thence down the heal } in the and
through that to :a 4 1 ft Atom , ' ifitnirdialrfr h e .
neath. Hatch, of Poinftikerpsie, was killed
while seated in a chair the plipi of his hotly.
with Lis bead /slitting the hell knnb
Persons bate been kills l while standing at a door
or window during a thunder ‘torus h man was
killed in West Newton, ltlaa:saa'husetts, some
years ago, while sitting botorren a boiler inside
a building, and a hOittling rod open the ont , ide,
the discharge- h•-acing the t.,1 'lnd passing thro'
his body nu its way through the I udding It is
proper to add, that. this lightuttig rod was inen
haed by glass f and t hat there i:i au
relstMOU to doubt the t 1 lightning rods
lien., :ate. on pauper
when they are, sutur e, I a
eitheniitie principles Pr.,t it nag lauddings from
lightning Ilk.. f•t "114: person—a te
Succem, t,f nit- prepwripii,,.. in it till' (ANC deputed
lug, under l'r a‘aidetice, aao Hi al giry of kneel
edge, ,skill 14.1 -ti„ ri, iia by the phy
A Real Native
The ignorance of this e.tuntry among ukiter
wise well iuf 'ruled English folks was ouriuusly
illustrated in the else of lieuvr;tl W-,
goad fell-w, hut Lou, kt tit ral,) who visited
England a few year, ac., list Jug oc.usawn to
pass a few (Lip to a prof tuctal ttiN U which boast
ed lti4 literary cot. rie, he r, ec,ve , l an invitation
through an acquaintanc , l trout Miss Blue Stock
ing to attend soirie gut:oral, of °aurae,
vent, and being a hue, haudsorue, agreeable fel-
Lue avor,4 i•VCSISIDZI
tapped him plafully with her fau, and satd•
Do you know that you are a naughty man ? "
" s now su, madam?" asked the general
" Why, fur deceiving us all to,. but I shan't
tell on you, of c'euree; t 114 every one in the room
has not seen as Rauch as I
The general tk:CaLLIC nervous, and thought
of course that ho mast have committed some
terrible fast pas, but as the lady seemed kind
and forgiving, he determined to probe the matter .
" My dear lady, I MD very sorry if I have
been guilty of soy derelleion; tiq tell me that I
may apologise."
"0!" said Miss Bier. my pretending
to be an American!"
" Pretending to be au American! But lam
an American, madam."
" Yes, perbarre ynu live th,re: but you are not
a native, you know "
"On my honor, madam, a real live native of
the great State of New York,"
"That will do for the e Imp ,ny to think,
general," said the literary lady, "and of emirs.
*hap not undeceive tt,• to; but you must knot►
I had a very distinguished American gentleman,
who was a native, to lunch with me this morn
ing, and I was sorry I e mhl not have him to
meet you totnight; but he was not at all like
you Ills raven hair rarl,d in •uch beautiful
little ringlets all around It, a I, and his com
plexion was dark—very lark--;, ikrfeet Othello
of a fellow "
" A itigjf r, by the getk
anti begging our I:At eipoye thus little
ruse, in trying h., f .lincric4u, hn
got into a into , r and i .j.. ) ,d 1.1--Liugh
Bllchettown scribe 01-11,1 fur thin st ,, rs,
which the fiArizter. rr,ll • r‘j•,i , .11,e,ut tune,
an d i t o ug ht r, ti a% , 1,..•ti 1, Ito, the Drawer
some woo
. 4 0, I u I.•r than heVer.
"The titi-atie.o .51 'lll In ~sr region to
Sol Smith ' , .1%.11 too •; 1•1 ‘i h• re in the
country, ft kills a 'beef
erea , nr: h, i•• t.. 1 lii, co to each
One .if th, f,,•,..'i,• sr I 1..• y return the
favor whi.l.l Ih) 6 ' ol l .Olki 01 1 1uug pro's to
be about a. ) /a-4 . ; ;
• I S,oig Sol wan au
mortal stingy that is w 1. t i ~ I
think of Ask .y long, awl when he
cause 10 kit ! e wa- t,t upot, 'Ting it all to
hlwa••I1 11111 public o' I 118 , 11 t sva.. t.ery -strong
on the •ultj.e;, avJ h w.u. I like to keep up a
good nti , tti.- in 1 ke,p 16 . 6.1 I iwaisles lie . poke gently l., 11,. zt J ,o t, •„;•..1,..t, Johnson, and
told hots th.ti Is, s_'.. s A..., a icry foolisn
plau La be 4 4'u.litig to .1 'r I Wll, And t ach
wan lotl belt, r rap, Ju..l t. hi' 01111 , In fast,
he was determinoil ~ 1 1.• 1.1. Is , ighliore out ut
their meat, if lb.) froin bins, and
nave his ere.lo first J'hu, ql i/g4ebLed to hist
that if he 411.,u1,1 I. ay.. to- I, • I in the barn over
night hefor, cutting, it up, aod that take it tobia
collar !Altar.• daylight, end givo out that it had
been stolen, tips pt w •u'tl loso their aspect,
a share, and very burly for him Loaiiiea.--.7
Jest it exactly! he woull J., chat very thing.—
He killed his beef, bung it up to cool, mid went
to bed, to rise early auJ !title it. Johnsen ands
few friends, before going to bed, went over to
Smith's barn, helped themselves to the beef, mid
divided it share and share alike, leaving but a
wee bit for . the oivuer. Smith rose early, and ,
found his meat was gone lie rushed over to
Johnson's and told the story, in a state border•
bug on frenzy
' .l Good!' says Johnson;-'you do it well.'
' ." 'But it Is stole, I tell you!'
'"That's right; stick to it, Soli Put on that
dismal face, and tky'll all Miave
" Smith sat IS was no. nee. Ile had fallen
into his own pit; tad want home a poorer, wiser,
bat, We fear, nnhistter man."—lgo per's gloom-
*!.r Ai old bachelor, after his matrismaA
Mares exelalma: "When I remember all the
Owls I have met together, I feel lilre4s rooster
04 41 1 , exposed to every weather feel li ke
Nis slam who treads some taro desert
ed, whose oats are fled, whose hens are dsaii s aad
of to the siarltet darted."
NUM to.