From tho Logdon Journal MUM W 1,11 you meet veith met sexpeeted Of some were* deed of awe*, ♦u.i for Ulla by all rejectoil A% a thlog of Nit o►a. Guard that.* •very look aa , l exile% Speak DO Iroid of hearties* biota% For Eke alaoderrett tietrartlea Yet may thy r 0,11% wits*. When r..a meet with • pit pursuing Ways the lost hats sobered in. Working out hit wire undoing. With his rock.koatur and sus. ?Mak U placed in hilt condition, Would a lion iront be in mitt' a look id cold seuiplcino W.O thee hack to troth aQalo• Ler, are %troti that bear an 110‘4•1" Nut be, aver the toLl ?• Led, Bet the itututoor'• irttatal thowori N ere, male t blommts Elsa Better hare an act that's kindly Treated antnetinwe with disdain, itrto tif .thers blindly, the Innocent to pain WILY A.MULING —They LAve ptrawherry to Fushiug, to which the 144 lies have attaencil the lottery Fames, fr.quently patron tzed at such pine,— The FluAin,,.. J o u ina l hilt the followine Ike pi• us gaming • bat •1,1.1 too.. 0111 set. We rt . ul Ihr all,l not ,•111,a0 We rail, In .. ►oly ~,,,,, Ile •• to 1.11 .or neell) ft•ra .h. n gnaing• p I, U.,1 I 4 i Arr. 0 ,. Or help "L. brethren .0 the I. .I, and thuagt. 04.41 . !lurch Th• purpose justiti, the d rd But )ow, ye Dour and ra: kt .e.i e With pixtkete a/Rat/U..4e let, V. play agsta.t S ur cont., • la. •, And have as prayers I. u "Ur UN' SIXPILNCY. A Itax —A ' t tutus-G -ee uo wtth the foltowthg t•-'11.12 Uhl edk.te, whteil_we wi.b our young frwo *..uld read thiuk about &aid bpcu daily for we thing that 'larks. or hurtful (strong drink for example) may be saki of the sain.e spent for any other hurtful or pertliciou. tbing (tobacco, for example) There is now ao 01.1 03/11D ID 110 OILDDIjoUpw in Bristol who state+ that fur Nuty yters he bpent oxpence a day in drink, out witz, never iotou cared A gentleman who beard this statement was somewhht curious to- ascertain 'how much this sixpence a day, put by every year, at five per cent., compound interest, would amount to in sixty years Taking out his pencil, be began to este:late. Putting down the first year's saving (three hun• dred and sixty-five sixpences,) nine pounds stem ling eleven shillings and sixpence, he added the interest, and thus went on, year by year, until he found that in the sixtieth year the sixpence reached the startling sum of three thous and two hundred and twenty five pounds sterling nineteen shillings and nioepence More than fifteen thousand dollars Judge of the old man's surprise when told that, had he saved his sixpence a day, and allow -ed it to accumulate at compound interest, he might now have been worth the above noble sum; so that, instead of taking refuge in an almshouse, he might have comfortei himself with a house of his own, casting three thousand five hundred dollars: and fifty acres a ►aid e , worth two hun dred and fifty dollars per acre, and have left the legacy among his children and grandchildren, or used it for the welfare of his fellow men! SPrzscuirs —Mr. Jefferson sai I be had been in deliberative bodies with Gen. Weshington and Dr Fmklin, and that he he had never heard either of them make a speech more than fifteen minutes long, and always directly to the point. lie adds that there were no members who poe' sassed more influence, or who were listened to with more profound `was Mr. Jefferson himself we believe, - was never voted for much speaking, although every speech he made told am-ors the members. One secret of Patrick Hen; ry's almost super human eloquence watthat he never spoke unless h had _o somot ht In flay, spa always stopped when he had gotten through Mr. Madison and Chief Justice Marshall, were famous for the strength and compression of their speeches. In general it may be set down as in incontestible fact, that when a man makes a long speech, he has not digested his subjet properly, either from indolence, from want of time, or lack of capacity. Compression requires study, and and is the,most difficult of all the arts connected with either writing or speaking. Mr. Webster, in his famous speech in the Indian Rubber case, apologised to the Court fir its length, on the plea of want of time to condense his Ideas SAN'S. IT —Yes, young man, save it Put it in a safe place and add-to it often - IVe refer to the half dime you were about to spend for a cigar, or the dime you are ou the point of ex changing for a "drink." Get a stout box made, and whenever you are tempted to spend your win for a useless indulgence drop it in the said box instead, and listen to its musical jingle Ah ! you have no idea bow three cent bits and half dimes and quarters count up. But try this savings bank for a year, and then count your coin, and you will learn bow much money yod might have wasted. And tiot uuly wasted money but time—precious, priceless time sod formed habits of idleness and dissipation which cling to the unfortunate possessor as the fabled poisonous shirt of Narcissus clung to him who once put it on Yes, save your moue) young wan, and spend your leisure huts at home with your mother and sisters, occupy yourself with earnest, judicious study, and instead of being a hewer of wood and a drawer of water for others in your declining days you will stand a chaucu of taking rank with the great and prospered and honored ones of the earth. BRUSSELS LACE. —The spinning of the fine thread used for lace making in the Netherlands, ta an operation demanding so high a degree of exquisite skill, minute manipulation, and vigil last attention, that it appears impossible that it can ever be taken from human hands by mschi, nery. None but Belgian fingers are skilled in this art. The very finest sort of this thread is made in Brussels, in damp nodergronad cellars, for it is so extremely delicate that it is liable to break by contact with the dry air above ground; and it is obtained in good condition only when made and kept in a humid, subterraneous atmos phere. There are numbers of old Belgian thread maskers, who, like spiders, have passed the beet part of their lives spinning in cellars. This sort of occupation naturally has au injurious effect OR th esith, and the eye sight of the operatives is im at an early age. :Pr ilr= irr 7 WM tillM l ITIMMUI MICHIGAN. WABASH VALLEY. 011iof the above Steamers .111 leave Brie, for Orem By, every Thmsday morning, stopping at intermediate ports. G J MORTON, Agent Fats, May '29, 1868.--3 ORPHANS' COURT BALE. By virtue of &reorder and decree of the Orpheus Court of Erie County, the following described real estate of ha Sutton late at the Coady of this deceased, will be exposed to priblic sale oa the leramages or Solanial Jail 3 1 , AO* at 2 o'clock, P. M.,— ali that eartsta plea or parcel of hand part of Witt No. IES in Green =l4sad Oat of the math-east comae of said tract, and sad deearltird se folicrera, narnely,--Beginai nit at the coat roarer a aid tract No. 134, thews by the fait hoe of the treat alkireakid north Oft y -three perches to • post, Shozore by a oleos of hood irmerly conyeyed to E.. Dais IMalftrthy by put tee. to a park UMW. pasta 60bes to a poet, thence by treatNo US art O 0 porches ts the of beginning, *weaning twenty tr• saes otiand with the elkwareee, kr-, and babe the ram 100 olpiroped 10 Mid ha Seaton by lenri Dads by deed. .1.1.4 N o . zi UMW Abe soother pions °fiend lying and Waste in Green loan. ship allaresaid, wad hounded as dares, rissoely• — lit=aboll si a ea post the east line of tract Na. Ll 3 lift"- perches Waal ball neetti-east corner of said tract N. 12a, theses aims aid that line of lead tract north fifty-three perches to spelt. their yea tarred piece of Lied west 110 perches to a pad, bour v id thesis by t the tract of Nathan W. Willey south 63 patches to s roe, SO perch. to the pLace of begng eon liere•Of -land, aid Wag the 11110. piece a bad = o d by I Davie to said Ina liettotilry the room deed Was Ilgi. 11.1 1:111 Salls.—Oo• sixth so aoallaartlan of rate sad the W imp bs ilowsilWagt paroling With awed lateral* oft the obitli=lf, to w reared by jaddaseet bead so d mortimp ea ISO , l'afrlfy HYATT, A so Arhandgtratftofha Iltittea, dart. OM FOR HOTTER. .ru pay CASH el asiat the ammo itu Batter at the "Bee Meth" TIBBAIA, HAT= k CO. ~.6.w...~. , W RCO L Traillnr.2ql3lllsl. bit: IL W. WADSWORTE. =MIMIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ILL Le in attendance at his Moe, Ms follows :..... 13T yy itroo—sied Vern" Fridal. Juno le, 76w% Vldedsel. riatiriby •• 19. Col l3i =rr—Pogrer House, Turiblay Altdon--Headay " 21. Coribasui Obio--Bandolph Hu Friday, July I. Ctres4o_2 to heave House, W 4 eedaj , J gee 3{l, sod Ibsen day, July .lorthinet, Pa.—Bnierlere Hotel, Thatraday, „tune 17 Wee:held N. a .—Weiitheld House,,, .• 16. Fredonia, —Johnson Honer, Tuesday. .. 15 Dunkirk, " —Lake :Morel Hotel, llonday. " 14 tludalo, —llnuelon House, Friday 4 Aatuntay June I i Ira W nit' visit Itte abors places sisralsrly risrl Inn" lb I. the preeeut year, whine be can be consulted by all &Meted edit ebrol r• • oho dean* a ash and speedy cure Consultation Pree. made of examination pursued by Dr. if. is eery simple sad sitarist sistisely row, and be at, dumber 0( say .(tb. letente4 And, errata, Ina rs les minutes detected with facility and certa inty, without e • patient • uunstion, or Wiring the knot windows know lodge of the ease. Among the diem.* tr.eurd sooormedull, 1.) hint may b. enumer- Med the folio. lot • SCROFULA, eicrofalon. Clam Tuition', Enlarged Oland. or Joint., Hip Disesses,Swelleil Neck or fittitry, Scrof u l o us ~ t ors Ives, Auld Head, grustioos on the t wee or tatter parts, fre. Cancer, Spinal Diseases, fkysprpai s . G ruv ,k, Atticto re St. %Has Pause, Epilepey, Worninstiso, D ro p. ' 111 Mammon yerultar to !Female. and all Chronk auction. of the Brain, Eyes, Throat, lungs, !Jean. Stomach. Liver, i'plees, Kidney 4, $lllO or othes organ.. .1,40,11 ears isarlanteri in *II diseases of • Snth.ilitir or Vener eal en - ow. , without the ups of try or other poisons, which destroy the constitution re, er and Agile peril] in•lltly car..4l Or no *Large. ' Dr 'V l'RF:•ACIIIIIES REMEIHEs PREPAKKI) bY HIMSELF. rfr timitile to conottit. the. fir. terro•nglilf. ea. 111••• in ed elite soot 11. ) sores*, in addrossaing • Irttor dernbang OK?, mpiOroz, and toeing' a .ultaide fee, h. H ADNWI I) Hatacia, N. Y Er.e, April li, 1857.--IV W ! m v. No k e ks th 4t v otte o,) 7 ttft.... "l tu Y rrog il. C A otO • pa n' t.; ' . l t..r e the litgl.est nitrite price will to paid In Coal. At the trt,..6. Ito rehalto.4 by toe tn.e directly to the tottnutltetor•. I will he 1.1) h. tier parr. atom those *lto bur to 1.41 again. I: I.t.;:t Brushes. ptiNT. scitutt, P49OE. WINDOM,. %% KITE W V.thl, VANN KR4, !sway HAM, •n.l gyrwtal Maori went el all koala of Bin Ail V 4 .isci , E.,.....,,,..,„ LN:A1 11 1 .?,r.triho)A , _) s:r,c)irßiA 102131101 IV 111 1111111110, 11.1104 T POOH VI 1K.41' OF {‘ It I GliT OFFICE, MILLER ik HENRY Are mew Pi.e nr 4414 2-41 11 , 1 1 t w eir frs r .d ewith BOOTS SONS A moo,uailikindiebe found „ rims , a ^ GA171114, OXFOkD D YO DO LAIIIIIO ERN' 841 P3. • And in fact EVERYTHING WO? 71 by Men, Women or Children air CUSTOM WORK NEATY DONE AND YVARRANTSD. We keep constantly on hand, SHOE PINDINGS,BtO GIVE US A si:ALL. ._ Don't forget the place;— We don's intend to be undersold by anybody ." Enc. April 3, IfilW _ _ _ impnteller it 1991 WINGSE MAC ES: ISISS NANNY itilo/1/01. Dryer Maker, arribir of Falb In and Sassafras Streets, haring been appointed Agent for the sale of them machines la Erie, Invites the public to can gad es. amine one in opention at her rooms before insetting money is others Them Madame operate on an entirely new principle—using no Shuttle, Le..t one Needle and two Thraids. They have been before the public lot over are years, and have been universally dace:kid to be the only Machine adapted to aU kinds of FAMILY MM. IMO, working equally well on Cotton, Linen, Silk and Woolen Goods; Hemming, Tucking awl Gathering with a beauty ancrstrength unequalled by any other Mathine. Among the undoubted advantages that they pawns over all others are, let. Beauty and simplioity ofroonstruction, and come quest freedom from derangement and non& of repairs. 2d. Venn emoted ease mod rapidity of operation. 41. Moinelees wormiest. Alh. Beauty and strength of stitch; it la nut • Clutha miter. but • Lock Maack &Lk* on both aide*, every stitch being lock 0.1, it CANNOT BB rxeLivig tau/. M=iMM=Ellllllll E=ll=Z:Zll • .......New _. _ . Arrival of j . ilia i II 1011C1114 wtes 11C11-,• TCST RECEIVED at Ito. R, Reed Bodge, w tes ma , e . i ft) a large steak of DRUGS and MIDI .O[I6. ~.1 CI.NES, whieh are warranted to I}e of the first polity and widen we are Witting to diaper* of at very low terms, FOR CASH. ~ plum Inerine SuIA Morphine, LOW rot Calla -tort Morph LAW roa coat. Chloroform ke Mn Allen's Hair Restorer. lltch's Anti-Billiotas Mixture, “ Zylobalsanium, HoolLand's Balsamic Cordial, Wood's Hair Restorer, fiembold's Extract Buchu, kanerson's Hair Restorer, Thompson'. rye Water, Phalou's Hair Dmir. Rooms Br. Water, Mrs. White's Hair =my, DarLey's Arabian Heave Remedy Lyon's Kati:moon, tic., kc Ban y's Tricopherouo Track's Macnetic Ointsoeut, Barbee Hyperion Fluid, o.boru•s Golden Chinas Solve, ” McAllister'. Rogan Liverwort Tar, Tanoer's " Shermat's Olaaoulaa, Holloway'. " Ayer's Cberry Pectoral, Sloan a v Tilden's Fluid Rxtraat fifichu, Russia. Solo., Ruatiton's Cod Lieu Oil, Dailey . ' Pain Fstractor, Sloan's Condltioo Powders, Kennedy's Medical Discovery, Original Dandelion Coffer, Whitcomb'. Asthma Remedy, Fowler Aaodynr Cordial, Mn W lnalow's Soothing Syrup, mid other standard Medicines which we will sell at wholesale as low as any boom. west of New York, Ono us a call befon yur chamor e Mew here L. I BALDWIN brie, April lu, HOC ._ M. J. M. A HLSTRAND AN„. ..„ BEEB E S BLOCK, it Manufacturer and Dealer in Hats, Caps, and Furs. H A „ ‘ , I ;.. G Pt!: — Lrof in Fu tb r: 1 1 21 be. 'es worked fire yews In tide country st math's' sod making Fur. and Cape, I now return from Um Kast with a Dew and co pit t. stock of lists, Caps Arc-, sad will during tf . coming season, oesuoLesture Fore. Feeling scoured that I ton give enteral istis feetv.n. ' Ivspeettully s sell sod exmalbstion of my stock 10.1 pneee I Liu bound not to be best west of New York. member tbr plass, No. 2, Be•be's Block. A Great Secret. To knelt your Fun from the moths, or openiotheltwise, take them to J. X Ahlstrasurs Hat Store Xo. 3, Bs sb.'s block where he has a room for the purpose and will gurante* them u good, des and bright nut fall as when brought. All of gnat+ be will do for a smOsonpunation Eria,4petl 18611. .a..mirmziadis-sri=6.l33 PICTURE GALLERY, HAS BEEN WIXOM To the Sky Light Roomsto litoeratvele's New Bleak, a bore be la prepared to execute Pictures of all styles late, April 10. 11164. PROPELLER WABASH VALLEY. BUFFALO AND GREEN BAY. If PROPELLER WABASH VALLEY pa, on S. CHILAS, will Mani a / a l hint/az pa, oa tbe opeuittg of aarigatkut, betweett Buf falo and Green Bkr, rocalarkr B !topjaue at Clinalaja4, Detroit, Mackinaw d all interwoode Er 4 po to 7of tailing will be announced hereafter. 116.0.. f 110IMN, brut pre. DAY THOMAS, Arcata Green Bay Eno, March 11, KNOW ALL PERSONS - THAT THERE IS ON SALE CHEAP AT HANSON'S! PUCHES, Charrks, Ca mats End Tonsatota, as fresh IA No. Fruit, preserved in A 4 Tight GROCERY Cans_ FRbSH RAISINS, Currattta, Citron. nip. DEPOT LAMM* sad Nuts of mina! hind& YEAST CANIS, for Driml Tvarld.) ...Orly by sa English Lady of this eity, war ranted the best Yeast in use AT HANSON'S SALERATOS, 0/11KIE of Tartar, Carboatitsd and Sid Sods, Durbay's sad Babbitt's Ballig Power. • Nseearor FAMILY I wool, Vorooirak Rioripar Coco*. ?..- kede Chocolate and Broom, Sage and nateoe.l GROCtRY dated Oil in large and swan bott le., Peper Pause, Catsup, Woreestershireeim P l/ Flevariagitstracts AT HANSON'S DANDILLIAN COPTS" Emmen*, of Coffee, pure ground Jara Coffee hi £ Cum or by the;wingte wound. Jeri, Macho. Rio sod other Coffees, also, Roasted Coffee, Imperial Goa Pow#er, Young Hymen, ptd Ilyson, Hymns, AT NsoN'S Skia f thebocugaad other Mock Tres, or superior quality, by tbe boo or no mtaii 800 A roadrad, tintoolated, Powdered White and Yellow Coffee, New thrteimm and Porto Mee Sugars. A T FIANYONT SYRUPS hfOLASSEL—Nvit Orleans and Porto Rico Volumes Mei Sager Howe* Syrup. TUBA CCU. --tomp•rior Floe Cut Cheering and Smokiraadtakood Loa; r uder- A T HANSt , N'S eon's k ohl kr—. bat ~.acs atop—tb• rrta- Art Gaol ;ord pa EON apses now—bat hoodteth port had oat bees told you. Per haps we may muse the subject wet week A T RANSON'S',hat don't %sat dor that but come aad gym, Wood with tho Quern of the loath you 'be Ma to exclaim', bay bee oot bees too POPP? IFORGICT TEE PLACE. lb* Joy. 30.1 M 11total* Pabi num* usteg eps dish eelerell Niel t, EU Led Me. the JE - soot ees of sha dozablko and d to my elee imie t they auk ask equal La body, t e sad rkbede colon esehhe toe to salt the tine eta& ' DM, hue lOW •i. & V 11114111 6 IMMO by lb. le/ • B Die, Jere le, _ _ 1 0..1 • -4 i WOOL! CE3 •: 6 1. S. 1111111 MAIR. 4..:~._.:.r~:x.... 4 ~i`4l i 4MMMtk-WPfrat.i ate,.. ar AIL CI MC IN Q IC . INDIAN PHYSICIAN, (Late of at Louis.) OF Mizt,llE! CITY PA_ May be eute.aited s. tilluit—Fra of Clear. linfa_Pa, it Re.l.farica on &moth strip' 4111, di n* Win of N Nish _,,t,' Tosiday.llfithrnsiby sad Tharadify. , hula I. 2, and J , lattuday sad Most' w, ' jialke*r i mid lib. " knout 21 nod 29. /*Addy and naturrday, lart Irt and god. INDIAN BOTANIC REMEDIES! In treatment of diseases of tio Luso& and Ouse, Liver, Stomach, Bow. l %Hevt, ssrni skin. 11e0h4,141t Rhos, Krysipelos, or say and an dlossies Sirigisit tram booms Nlnnd, F . lll•/.11 WIL•11( Koss a nd female DowAsse oI ill il.l/D•; Igloo all loons of CHRONIC or long masa./ disseasso, bey* Oven Dr JACKSON • World-yule repesalses. EILIEEIGVITIAAIOR. Tf'ZlEDlrrti In .1 tliC/SON will make regular visite to a Wire nimbler of tlie principal Towns In Ohio Pennsylvania, and New York. Patients can this haws the privilege of oonataltingV, otroe In form one to tlinre sppatate—ei ami ls vp74pagyr fillispnisible la perforintwg i eon. It W 02211,1 for rti ciao 'to ptedieritA i ours, of me‘licioe by only once seeing bin patent, to effect a per and luting Cure. INVALIDS should ][AR IC WELL the TIIIE: And CALL sAkLif as possible. The time to llmtt.4 and the appoint Ants will be punctually kept as above if eh* witlfasy Clidn'lTUZ46 sag ie. n maw. vol, bums. and *Area saws osailistal rited iu ltrlL Dr. JACK.IBN imbeds of kW Lung., wr i by the us. of the Bm/oscura, Pass of t's•rins. Iles JACKnOS, will not prescribe without prospect of twinefit• Ling his patients. No WM/ promises will he made, or /sperm tu currerl, • about correspondingprotopect of recovery Dr JAI:1010N down not tear down to blhd up and taws no woo-r -at poisons in an• cases, Dr J ttCKtitrN ;durum his iseilkini • trout tn. a thirrarsa of Is. 'nit Want, anal).. sad eranpoande them haassit Dr JACK 4ri.ti wrishes It distinctly understood that he regard' Loser urriun AA A ccaalll.k niessai and to willing that hie claims to politic conildance may he Minuted by the mores, artetwllfig hi. treatment, Dr. JACKSON, although paying !owlet. attention to lx•o, Titaio•e, Hadar and rusts oisaisaas, also invites to CO b. Its tidos In ALL CHRONIC diseases incident to the human aystms. i Seeing man thousand cases every 3 ear, he is well tinepured to gm, an opt on am to the curability of any cam. Di JAC SON, would also say to all r . Iris/line to onsuuit Dr ./ by letter should direct to biro at kris,. Pa.., gi•tng him • lull etammamt of their care, sad ii they design to have medicine* sent throb by Empress or cabarets% alleluia • reasonable lee. Redietn., wit i I,ll47lll4tiniN b,r Abeir W, ma envie% will Is proompitly for " • Di ' J. bag in thaipiut 'far bested $,/asp "mber "would nir *horn Ss bia ago bieb la ben—Anitlielioi enu reuttot be advise •II to consult him personalh NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION ..a. A. C. JACKSON. March, 21 11•48.—bi, Hamm Seesaw Pkencom E//.iptio Spring Bed Unrivalled. QiELE the numerous testimoulsla in it • favor Some reenmmen.l oard rosta i tir il y, Cioeuto6l to health. dives perfect repose to every part of the body /eonowdeal and Lozorions EWptle iturtesd of Free from noise, and not easily pot out of order divanquiet sleep lad pleasant dreams. =durable, and sagport heavy . to to those in a bo a, mut fr om to seo. The liming Is geoeral and not local No hintor for bogs, as others. Easily removed from one headstand to another Contracts no mold In damp weather. No unpleasant Kffluviarn from occupancy —invaluable for the afflicted. its Elasticity is Inexhaustible and it is an todispensat•is appen dage to the sick room, as moose caa change their position and wholly or partially recline at pleasure and in the wariest poenible Manner. /lice, $1 Cash before delivery, and to to obtaine d through the only ap p,tied Agent for this State and city G. W. ELLS EY. Fun:altars Bed, and Matzen Store, State Street, between Perry Block and Ilk street, Elie, fa. May 22, Ifflft. iIEAPIER than ever, now selling at the Store of I.; W ev ELLSI Y, State Street, between Yeery Block, and Eigb Street. May, 1b 1568 - %RI , 1,.?,4n05aD Brio Con* Mutual Insurance Company. ',scarp°, cued i,* 1839 Charter Per,xtual Prorates labored Aga loot Lees Flre for any Term must estemmettmglvo years. DOLIIDISS iented upon the deposit of Premium Notts, or i rc i it i bejr=ttie i rl Stoat Ratea ie w ti th lllran ou without t, Oor milt calf bag startoeu brought net this Company Tias Cosy's."' te entirety free front Mt, is a %ft has. tirsittadasit 1)1111CTons James C Marshall, C. K. Tubas, Wm F Rintlerneeht, 8 Borlth. Jobs Zims, Jos. Jd.Btarmitt, S. P Kepler, Thom Moorhead, Jusob Hansen, George A. Elliot, E. Babbitt, Wm. B }bun, 1 M Jasties. OFFICERS E B• 118177, Pivot JON./11 (k I SOX, •vc Caesium' Y. tisasta, Treas. (Mbar, In MessrsOmuta= & McCreary's Law .81re, eli.epei Erie, Pe. Erie, April ti, 1868. ERIE CITY GENERAL 11111171W10E AGENCY! 11 rWE to Emplot Block, comm. or State and MA Streets, first door to the :telt, op Matra J. re DOWNING, Agent. IDO 6P R rat' tho t.. 11- isn't Companies of the &retest Wand nar, Cliarfereel ti lA. Site le Pirsoup/oostso HOWARD FIRE and MARINE Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Prinoklin Baildieltr, No. 412, Walnut Street. CAPITAL, Severely /irsoo4ool, • $641111,0•0. The Quaker City Insurance Co. OP PHILA ELPHIA. Office, Prank/in Bieilciings, 408, Welsna &roe. Ca" ( 'aPhiti wad 14 111.11114, • • - 10.50,000. - Manufacturers' Insurance Company, 1)P PHILADELPHIA. Ogle. No. 10, Merchants Igrehasge, CAPITAL, - 183114,006. Ado, August 1, Mel Fire!! Met!! r , 0 TO U. A. IiIIaiN4ICITT I I4 Insurance Ofbce, corner of V 7 State sad Fifth street, Wryrhes Moth, up stairs, and get your property insured. He represents the following reliable Compa nies. KIRCRANTS' FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CONPAINT of Philadelphia- Authorized Capital $4111111,011111. Securely ID. VARNER& UNION INSURAFCE COMPANY, Athena, Brad ford Co, Ps. Capital arallo,llloll MI paid up and securely In vested Rates u low u security to the Insured will permit. Erie, Doc 13, 106. 1.7 A. BENNEST, Ag't THI DaLAIPAIIII MUTUAL BAZIPTY lIIBIIRANCI COIPANY. OP PUILADICLPHIA, 111.113 now doing business on the Mutual plan, giving the W ound • partid.pstion in the profita of the Company, without ity beyond the primlum paid. Risks soon the L.A. and Cianalsinenred on tb• owurt faeonole terms. Qesei will is übsair and 1a.: 0 72: 4 °"•°. tat or r t. Fine rills os sloniiiimilaijiLiki an r property, in town or country, for • limited rally DIR CTORS. Joseph R. Seal, James Cilantl, Unload Aloader, Theophilon PaultUng, John C Dar* H JOIN* Brooke, Retort Barton, , John Garrott, John B. Penrose, Hugh Crelg, Samuel Edwards, George Sorrell, Hoary LAlMillee, DlVid B. Stacey, Edward Darlington Charles Kolley, Ism R Rasta, J. G. Johnson, William Falwoll, • William Ray, Jobs 3. Nowlin, Dr. S. Theinso, Dr. 1/.. B. Mission, Jobs Toiler, Jr Spooner licilranos MN If •IrPtS, Prot . !. RiaigAllb 8. Naernortn, Bee). Application can be mad* to - _ _ ff, April 4.1147. - 3. KELLOGG, Agent, kris _ ,~' : .~_. PIFIANDID Jenny Lind, Pattern Sofa Spring Sant, In Hair [iota Sint Front Parlor Chairs, MNthus Was eluey Chair, ale topatand In carrot frame, all two and to eorrespond. Itria,Plya 16, 1166. •ppy to 0. W. ELLSRY to. SOXEs aasortimi our pat Iv eelted boy T. g. BIZICLAIR Lei. attar Nth., Latin and Non Yapor, East and oliber oaloinstod stamp, away@ on hand and foe male at, Ern, May 411, IRSI LINOS & MA SON'S, Pant Lon Rook Sinn FlSlTSitarn BOlditt* A?filD 11:10LD.Paraitary snide ;to order and Topatrid. Also, labia tit in Trade, Mzetanae and Salo on Comminion Ina Mar St, ISM at New Poehttore Shore, '• ard White Ty Wood Phu* and Boorda, Chem and Walnut and other I.uniber, and oesatling Mt GROOS es,,e strL. tram Now Yonit pc. Moro, No. 6, Rood Homo Vie, Jona S. 1864. L. L BALDWIN WO/24 'al Sairmass all can petlNlppiled with • Niro Atter% on •40 a want Spring Bed, wit! two WBeWm and &Oster tor do roe maw as seism drags for Spring Bed In l common Kerr Boa. Call and Bee at Eris. May IS, 111611. G. W• EILLSEYS R RXTR4LCT LEMON, be sale at lees • at the Wholesale tad Retail Drug K. LOO MUM 1 tact that rat/erten mouse the best Boots t Shoes that ars made la Brie, aad has • large Stork oa hand of kik woo edam,. HIS Moro of Of No. a Bei* Mock, Eris, Mt, Oro Mao a co/1 sad be ramped, Hla ao Elio. Korth r, WIEEPEOELEnr. DQVBI4 SZCIVIED, *ARRAWIED PURR, IT , s &Ern ROCS! ON PILL VICO ST I IL/ 'OCIIILILY =RANDY, a CHURCHILL'S Cliarry tor medical use, at CHTlRchup brandies of all. kinds, at CHURCHILL' S. 'Mao k ell Naids, at ArEM:I AI *I EA kinds, at Ram, • pare mile* at CHURCHILL* S. Purt Spirits Wan for 100.1icillal purposes, Me, Nor. 7,11167 ?US li COAL OIL LAMP - The Cheapest mid most Brillithit Light ever Ips. troduced '— CAS NOT EXCEPTED. Taw Lvov vie owe Not poi/ to Mai Fluid tam . too wicks web, at ball the coot. oil la NOT 1 XPLOBIV it, sad will sot ow up like osier oda, sad eau be tamed la Ws lamp blithest hopeU at nooks. Fla Obaarothlt= V 11611111114 bi, um millet Is mailed& We ate' to apply the Chlimaleo, oiac• 06 • 'AI X' KAY IVO Uo. NEW NPRING EERY. NM M. A. AIOILIAAN Is sow nasdarlag a rlch aad dssaa In las stack of ritENCH AND ha: C«ialUrgf4 am, 414 qr Lab=abbe itpUela%r be, tl thl nda,_ Ice Wited &had m agrawk the rte- olds et SIM" doer's, s low dooms absse /86, spa u, Mme—so CASK! CASIII CASK! W 33 I' s A M UEL Z. SMITH, • r filts flisdea, !lOW ' , neat. Foe ',bleb will be gives PLAIN AND FANCY Boots and Shilimi iditait, Styles AT PANIC PRICES! LT ALI wo ea* non obtain a jaapariar &Mak of loth Plain sal Fooeftlohere, Bnotehod shomosidtkiiput having to rod to the limeteru eine+ Meter • full oasertmoot of the Finest Malaria* I as prepared to de work which will Satisfy the man teattsliona. Si Z. MTH, No. 6, litred'i sloth. Erie, Dee. 12, 1867 1858. AND BEST SEI4COTEID /!,01011M11110rT Or PAPER HANGINGS ntr Emus, CAN 2E Epp= AT Thee* Goode ate from the BIM carcrAcroings In the United States and France, and lnelede every variety 4 Style aid Price. and will be offered Lower than they can be Bought 7' any other "INSTITUTION" in' this city April to. Ina WAJITEID. AA 1.1 lucid, of Country PrOilalDP, urtite6 forabo.rt market price will be pl 4 by DA= rrunit.. I let-new. Block. GEITLIMILN. - oiler Jro tour inns...tine, the largarl assortment of (} et art/tens V RNISHING GOODS, ever bnottFht to this mar k", ""."'ll"11" ( WinpProo Drawly'. Shirts, We shall not tr undersold (or thetllonit. Call lutd see for your- HARR & BkOTH&R. NEW JEWELRY' BYOB_ FINE 0001.1 S: UREA? BARGAINS' JAIME BRIMERIB_, AMERICAN DLOCM, STMT. RAW E RIC, PA. v lint returned Irma the hinpire City, when they have peiwet.l • fine aod rleh Stock of JEWELRY, WATCliti, I..lAJtata, t.11..V ER, Plated and Mold :. , reteeleo, Britanata sad rktetarspa. r•cipit mut Table CuWry, LooxiNG GLASSES, .IP.A..I%ToCrIr (31 : ) COMORIe Toy., Re., he. le Matto* to the aloes rummy tima, sad paying Cash, s• bought our Goode thirty per cent cheaper than they year hare been bought Wore. sth regard to our Awes inausidsdawfur, the Public is luforzad that we hare worked toe the past raseyears la this Cite, and supplied all orders le Jewelry and Engraving, with the most cowl pl/ta astigactio• strait 7 Waukee& DON'T FORGET THE PLACE —AMERICAN iILOCK.IIO9. JARECKI BROTHERS Erie, lint 24, 3141.-21. . New Arrival of Fill and Winter Goods AT TS! BUFFALO OLOTBING STORE I ! Raglan', Chaireoata, Hays overcoats, lien's Under Coats, Hoye Under Coats, lien's Vests. Hoyt Vests, lien's Posits, Boys Pasts, of Divers kind and Qualities. Also • peneiral assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting in Wrappers, Drawers, Shirts, Collars, etc. sold at low prices. A. PALK Erie, Sept.l9.-19. • G. G. EVANS. PUBLIQUIR.AID.OIIOINATOR OF THE GIFT 13001 ENTER PRIZE I 439 01.1111THIPT BT., PHILADELPHIA. t %lux unponlleled mow lias wooled the subscriber la his distnbutton SUM to tbs Ilesuom Pos Wooed him to make large sod valitabis to Ms lieurtr esterisfro stock of new and popular SAO, am, complete sad classified estaftue of Books sostinschig all the Departrosnts of Literature, ts =Wed Ire. tow pAr! of _the cemott7. All books sold stpoMmotcr lamest missard the two ribb catkins ei lb@ Ilay glided Boas aa youth of Gifts with sash $lOOO worth of books sold; among which Sr. daily distribut ed the following • Worth from Gold Hunting Lever Watches, PO 00 to 100 00 " Amber " 26 00 to 60 00 Silver Lever and Lepine Watches li 00 to 26 00 Parlor Time Pieces, 3 00 to 16 00 Vest sad Fob Chun, 10 00 to 26 r 0 Lady's Guard k Chatulaine Ao 10 00 to 26 00 " Silk Deem Patterns, 12 00 to 2/0 00 Gold Bracelets, 6 00 to 16 00 " Cameo Se* 10 00 to 16 00 Mosaic Seta 12 00 to 20 20 " Ploteaticie Soto, /0 00 to 16 G 3 " Gold Ftmells sad Pena, 1 MI to 10 00 " - Illsdatam Loeltota, 260 to 10 00 cleats' Gold Pans, with mass, 2 00 to 10 00 Gents' Bosom Studs and Sleets Buttons, 200 to 600 Lady's Breast Pins, 160 to 760 " Ear kin , 200 to i6O " and Gen& Gold Loss, 100 to 600 Gents' Bosom Pies, 100 to 360 Lady's Pearl Card elbera, 260 to 000 Portousonnalee, Pocket iLoivee, /M. 100 to 600 Articles of Gold Jewelry, oat but Books, not enumerated ha 'the above., worth from 25 to 26 00 One of the above named Oille ted to each purchaser of a book at the toms of sale, all heeds asis mid at publishers' lowest prima. The eomplelle sad detailed Cettalcashee may be had without charge, by calling or mean your /Wilma Liberal laducemeots to cons 007 ageada Oysters hoes the country promptly wed the yarn forwarded by armee or wall mum day. Adelavos. gjr TO THE PUB I.lo.—As there are many Gift Book Storm advertised throughout the coustry,lr. IVANS deem It lout to himself and his duty to the publio—theassuch as be o - noted the Gift Book bualows—le state, as evidence of the lnMsbilfty of many of such ooncerus that they apparel their Teal names front the publk, and are edvertistrig their business under assumed ones. lir. K. Is awe that the.. various concerns published um Gift Book Stores, are calculated to brim the harness established by himself Into disrepute. Be asks of the public a coned Judgment In re gard to bus Gift Book Enterprise, for the honor, integrity, and success of which he refers to all the promlitent publishers In th e United States. Read his Catalogue. May, / 11161.-41.3 in. WHITS GILUANB--Asuperior artkie forg Buff ett, Carte, he., Just received at No. 5 Rssd House,, Drug Store of Ilan& U. L. L BALDWIN. iitaisrli viciTniat isms; mad Good Furniture, takenii 1,./ for Sale on Tin& or Commission, Furniture npaired and blade to order by Erie, May 15, 1116 A. CI. W. ELLSEY, LAW 800 AT PARR ROW 11001F. 3 9'4"0RE. at 3 CUSHY 1 14 PENNMYLVAXILA 11.111 6 011164. 1, Wharton's rreeedents. wpm:unlit Criminal Law, Wesley's Itivelty Bina's Jnaltlas. Pardon's Digest, Miner ♦ Sergeant's Lien Law tinlydou's Yonne, Brightliers Equity Erie, Jane 6, 1867. __ Oons Sheller*. _ CALL and get a good Cora Sheller for WIR DOLLAR. Also larger one* for a larger priest at the Elie, Jan. 30, IBM. Y.RIS CITY IKON WORK& rjwi DOZ. !nab hap /r sale Ikr - -- WM. F. RINDRRNECHT. Yob. 311, 1336. S.KILD SHOULDIEL—A quantity Put receiving teem e smith of rely Mee ont , 4 fat Shouldora ehaapot than Port Erir, Slap 30, laS7 J. BANSO:Cre. laun tier Yard. T I ESIOIED Flooring and Aldbmir, Lath,Shineks, Irimeotßoarda, I_,F Building Lumber, ke_, always on hand and for gala by Kr., Jan. Su. LIDDLLL, HILBBRZY & Co. - 7j April prime article tor sale by April 1T,1.10. T. B. SINCLAIR. 13" Aar Calfskin Boot an Shoes and Kin Boots and Shoot at J. RICRINLACB, Jra. Ladies 11004. 7ADIES, please buy your Gaiters, Slipper*, Morocco Boole, and 1 . 4 every thing you want, neat and chomp, at April 17. .l. LICIIINLACII, Jr's FOR UTRID SORE THROAT UKB MB COMPOUND EXTRACT noun. WEED Experience has shown that It siv_es spitirtly and rebel' Prepared by CARTERBBAZ.II,, Zr.ho &Jr= (torte sad country cc:orchards gootrally throughout tho coun try Erb, April I, 1868. BY y our Rom 141aires and Thildren's Boota sad Shoes, Galt en and if an Ileacriptiooa, at April 17. J. LICHINLAUB, Jr's. -- To Iterohanta and Indent in General OR other desiring trading dope bj sad from missyonennouni senora-In collecting wenn* obtaining orders for sale of merchandise, or notes traded forropeoV, Or an, other heedless transacted, In this State Lest or Rest. Theo Isebersigml grill end bit own conveyance, and ogees hie terries eostract or eciassede goo, and will give good security for tie oileatracts. Address Y. Z. Post Oilloa, Cris Pa. April, 10 111611.-411. -- - - zat ept DEATH in cans , tied bel follow the taking of a very r email doe, of the PLIRI BTIMICEINIIII old b? March 13. • CARTER 4 BRO. O. w LLLSXY G. W. ELLSET T v- IioLi:SALIK and ineall tainker tit Clan imll Illemanek bather Ty Trench and Amadeu! Caddis; Nerannoo, 1 4=2 . 111bd• lags, raps and Slips. Thinada, Wan, Cords, likents, Gal k".oo2. thftwans, Pinehent, Itaspa, Tads; Pao, Nal/Aka& ke. — Aprtll7, ISM 4. RICSINLAtia. Jr- ME ERIE CITY MILLS, da 311113Ft.ZZO 1.301:14MT. HAVEItaTICX a CROUCH, Proprieeors, FLOUR of all kinds kept toostanth which ww will seM , ti.1. , 1r as say ~ . L..4. gin. Ist tb, ;it ..iladeitetty trot of charge witboo the city Ur All Flour tabs as represented, rir CASH pod for Grata—Wheat, Rye. Oats, To atei Their *twat H. R viptimcK, i CH. CHURCHILL'S, Reed House on French 1100 Y AUSTIN offers to any .ne in want , . .oed meehanical . wont in making ore or=i, ea, fort of phmka, nal rhea, ore , ll re, Were, the sprilkern. Crit *ott on watches' and javeity et re =llolbliehrii and M moeb lower prices than formerly charged. Alt the latent styles of clocks, .steers, Netts, Port Monk* tool mos, comma OM sod Plated silver tea sad treed sasaasosbanes, WI a Hale of rei au be boaoe le l a= &Mod all Mods of looney will be received at par. PM sad so. Ye* Nov. 14„ 1167.-27. T. X AUSTEN, -.) Warn Handing. Seed rtaiIIPHICIIK at Dille Stors — lio. b r *arch It 1858. THE 14.4:k..-XtC:3:ParE 1112.333112%7 9 118 I No. 7. Brown's 3lock Erie Pa rr etTALouvum SENT FERE. Aci G. G. ZVANB, 419 Chestnut it Philadelphia, Ps, " 01 411/11.1 AID IMAM DRALIBRI II PLOUR, CORN, COAX MEAL, RYA curs, CHOP srvrr, SNORTS AtILD BRAM Erie, Jody 26, 1661.-11. id fit MUM! 41:DREDIII of Houkhowlaid Weed Sag Mills st DO wets or * B midi askin to lea Eseli. May Ilk M. G. W. ELLSICY - IS laWiruk AXVI art tastyartleiN Now IlliadegMo 4 at tip' BLIVIt...4IOIIIiWa amid jti nAtik WANTED I krt of secood-haad Mader mad Sod Nom Puraftre. , Ap pir at tids oleos. iir 1114 INK. Story liaisesess, 'had "Mi n iS onalb . o4", 81, 11014 Mil M* CM, SSI , /, Saw.. W ITC nitbk Thms. J Cosparf . Toolii. genn u. J-.o` . - La= i sail all SHELF HARDWARE paean&Sulam Heismo rats&imod Ceeeferp Telosiap et all kubre al IL. iery le•ret Crockery and Glassware. A Ain* 'savanna whale walla .sat uma gall 'dram Silver Plated Ware. Cake INinrorA err Miaow, Car i ttk;. v 4 6 0 0 4 Yo . (E . ] bat L ooking oalla aso= "l 4 ti a" nnteal CliageNe - - We an abooet beet tW world oo Lookiseg Glasses. It Ls use. lees to talk about teeopetillos Ws Me elices York . here he the place t , e Zekeiese , eillesest4eip'_ We ibin nave se petite Is INlWeet up our eseortobeat of Goode to i mple. ►ncrsana` dors& dour otusenme enstoutere SS, Mt HOURS & SRN le IT. Uttla Percha Belting. A far superior article to the India Rubberßeltlog for ode by ROOM & BENNETT A Voir, /Gni L. B. WEITZ'S -PATINT LIMB TRUSS, Lfrsetteely wow &Mete in the Timm line, Merin is es oily and idl others the world, sad le really the only asset of the Med trattley of the muse. A short trial of this True by those that have-worn the old at ordiesey tied, wit( tal ly prove like truth of thisetatessent. T'bes are very lightaed verytmll, mod the Pad can be readily adapted to et any pane n,and the immure wiany adjusted to eta the eonvenienes or necessity of the wearer. Those who are en unfortunate as to require the aid of each an lasts - neat will do thonaelese a favor by esasolnlarehis article, • few of Odd' are belt with the aothorited Agents In Elie rib. 27, 186 S. CARTER & BR() . kADIES AND GILICTTEMIN'S Gloves, and Elosiory,thwlarirest maortment in tbl. City, t,, now- ogered at utipreardent Low e, at _ BARR k BROTHER". Hurbe• .81r.elt Erik Doe. 6, 1867.—M. Ye Bootless Crowd, coma and Get BOOTS FOR '.BOOTY," And Shoes for Beauty Unsurpassed!! viroConto sad trid•og all yourold dottier and gut new . 41 w1 Throe of your old and wor t out g arffient• rub rir. .tkr• old yew." and amnion*, tbe.,e l ar new vow, with now sad ,E 3 areltan ( mowthan t Hau • aidl e t Hoap• and w e ak and tie , arcomt A in to BAaa & Boo's and g et Olis. anoi n t l our to al •Attel Erand to beautiful...4D~ Ur Coma to BA/11 k Boo's and-pt SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HOODS, COXFORTS, &c and be comfortable. Coma to BASIL It BIWil and select your Gloves and Swat stook 'ter brought into tbla market and appro.: ern taoL Como and do yourselves justice and get everything you :ant Cola ineyour vragonaloaded ettli every kind of Country Pt.:duet and exchange for merchandise. - Comae in your carriumes, come in yourbuepplei,. come 00 borer Met, come by ruilread, come on foot to LIAR - k FlftO'S mod "swap" your C 4 ,911 for goods where you will Are* your uury leek. Coos one, awns all! vs can supply au suillron, and " Day and Kanto" ars always on hand. Don't knet BARB k BROTHER'S "P TORE. On BUS* Street, Burrs JIo Pit, Doe 19, 1867 LOOK HERE EVERY ,BODY! fyooV cati bay,,ipr Cub or Ready Pay, Groceries at the I..vs . Grocery Store of W. P. glederaecht, no iitste Street, at the miscast/sr Now Ortolan Buser, at S cents per posed Coffee Sugar, B for 11 4. - " • a* 11!{^ Crushed *sper lot US ' Pd. & Onnratatril Mg Good Rio Coe., . al lilt .e . 14 Ithaca for Beet " But Syrup, h...... fag 0 N•vr Boa - Li , 10 " Cu le " e Yo=rion Tess from Sic to 7.; cta per IL I I g-t adr,. Best gaisastus, 1 1 " per pound Canonic Soda, 10 " Callitli, 87 X " " Lad everything else In proportion Call and awe. .14 , ,re r,l week. WM r atINDEILYECHT Dee. 26 Old '• LAWS of all slue and qualities, at the Drug store of Warab 11. L. HALPwIN" CT Balloon win go up lu a few day% cat and r ). t a TIEI. SCOPE at the gam of ly 26,1•67.-11. G. LOOlll4 Wm. Biblet, Himself Again._ Tsys subaertbar woakl worm hla Meads sad the publ., r ally that b. has named Quo CABINET MAKING BUSINESS. ON Eln OWN HOOK. at the Old Stand on the Ceram .4 r-, •L k otesota. lataradlag to give to It Ws whole time sad art. , .:1 ,, 0, acre! to span so ,dory to Baird Wantlarez, ho roopeeifully eolk•ntoe liberal share of patolle patronage. All kind, of work dot.. cheep or nob, and repotting promptly den. to order Brie,, 11167. WILLIAM 111131.11:T WEEKLY ARRIVALS at SELDEN'S Hardware, Iron and Nails, Saddlery, Carpenters Tools, RUBBER BELTING & PACKING ! S A i DD i LERI4 i!ARNESIS Makers throughout the emtutt "re 6 30 .1D 21 1%7 Ail and examine ono of the lanes and best selected stook ..f and Saddlers Tools in market. SELDEN hi now ready to furnish libtpand House Y fa with any tool required in their hale. you Money, Papers or Books to pt. even@ (rem _ _ I'IMLE eH 81111.G.1.A.318, Purebane one of Lallia's Iron Safes, sold by SELDEN MURMURS you can bring WATER to your Barns - by using • HYDRAULIC RAY_, sold by t•ELDEN CtATCH th• 11tH. 1113/LICH I—Mod traps, tam. and mall at V Yrts, Septenbar 110, 1667. NKLDEN LINSIED 011,..—Nrirranted pure, boiled and raw, by tb•-IAYIr or lu leer quantifies. CARTER k 13k , ) dit.iTtiffiglATEEEl 7 —iiSTl SJurßiqa Skates, .1141;4, f r %%.k 0 Cheap at . Nov. 2S. J. C. SELDE..N . S, FARM FOR SAME. MBE subscriber Wiwi to mill 160 auras of land situated in Har i. borereak, Dim Co. Pa. about 2.,1i miles south east of iiikrbur creek Depot, aad yg Ingo east of the Jlethodlet Church. Said farm has about 100 aerie ander good Improvement, good building', ti ell watered. ke. 11tains some of the finest land for either grass or grata la the country, it will Devoid low and terms of sormeeit ma 4 easy. Address CII.4I.:NCRY C. WALKER Aug. 70, 111017,-10tr. Harborereek, Rrie Co Pa. Preteet ___ Kea.) , and Valuable Papers. A NOTairl i o r t of tither eelebrated Fire and Burglar proof AL Bass, Deo 'Motor for sochibition and sale . Th om Safes Cr. "V'r to soy earl of the kind weer offered to the public. ms rary Ito. $4O to $OOO. July 4.1111 M ..I C. SEI.I.EN FA : NEE : 'l3 110 TEL, liRl2, PA. 3. J. Duncan, Proprietor. Toss listab/ishuwat has just been moot thorough., I. ILSILIJITAD AXD 111.8111.11ELNISLIED, sad tits PrepsietorreqwWbriolleite a catl heal his hie. :a a 0.4 the 1119 teat public generally, feeling war.] that can giv.• ths Mumma riliettoa Chime moderato. IDie, Aug 1,11166. t H01144.-6'rosh Hopi la Papers. Doe 19 sav Your Moiiii 'ROLLAUS eete be saved by every Well In this county, by parchselag Geer Groceries and Provisions for eaah at tha p Cash Store of WM. F. RINDEICS F.CIIT T•Eiy. IL 1153 -- ()lover and Timothy Seed. kMee oleos lot of Clover sad Timothy hoed, for Asia tbart elsewhere, at the New Groeerlltore._by rob, 27161.7 . i to. F. RE% I.r tT AND ITS PREXATTIEN DECLINE Just Published, OM* the 200. Tbotioand A FIW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL. TREAT NUT, sitbeet siiißase, of Sparinatorrhca or Local IWOLIDIMIN Nocturnal Eirlesiona, Genital and lierrous Dibillty, Impotency, and Impediments to Thergenerally by B. DE LANEY, 11 D. eportbat led OM the many a / a rming complain* orliona- Wog In the 'byname, aed balite& of youth, may he easily ',- moved WITHOUT ICIDICINIL, lain this small tract, clearly dam onstratod • sad the entirely osw and = corseadul treatment, ea adopted by the Author, &lir - by intone of which Fr hr enabled to moo - Ea111 . 8" perfectly sod at the hoe Cold, try uvulae, 4 the advertued nostrums of the LA to OO.T IMMO. Mill* and poet f a te.o a sealed roes i or., hr Mallninf i r Pul Tort to Dr. 11 DR I.A.NEV, ItS tint etreet, re Tort City. Rite, ltay 1. Mt —6l. 0 -' iThl i r-- • 'nil, PHILADE - LPHIA A BORMiUni 11111681/4111, esositialiatly .1...r , n 1 ~. 4 ,. .. ma: gi ae" *AV of di. .I*k a. 4, with Virimewt mid Epidemic iiisames Pall addicted with desert Inamusre, such as s PER - LA ISSIIINAL WSAPiE2II4, I ItPO fENCF, sfMtitii . SITTSULIit. Um Tim of (IN A N ISW. or V i r e WA D iu t r )c, u TION In Sewer lb. awful destruction of bard Whodreped by Sexual hmets=the deccopme prac tised tyros the asfortase eictimotwob by ti usetx, merry-41 yews eavo diverted their Oassalliear ihargese. as • CHARITABLE ACT smithy of their MM. DI Open a pimp* nsary for the treatment of thiedlirred deetteeN Wilt %Mr Aim. 4.4 to a iwo )4 r Die A.l. piite ADVICI 911.1.13 t so ail M who Win with socscription of o their osellosh Aim of tide Jec,) sod in ow. OW etortri" , ebb ES it OF CH ARON. It is usedleas to tintv Motrellition eemumnds Pm highest Medical Watt of the me, cad dill fetaleh the most appmv , d modern treatmeert. The Directors, o• • serieir of the past, feel assured that thew labors Isl i ft a spiters bintektisat e ff ort, have been of great bengal. to the aid they have 'walnut to cisvotsh 4 1) 1114 11 4 * la WA very Imperial:a but ma* dreflied cram. feat Pliffirtheiter Aisoelstin e =tot oo Spsrautto whets, or ftselhillt*ltspo, die Vie* af llbuturbetion ur Self- Abase. and odour Disomise of the Smut Organ", by the Coamoittof Weffres_ lat e waled kflOPLT:lope l ) rffiff or Man, tos of TWO STAMPS for Mau% t rim iletzt , GEORGE R. r atTfil7N, = g bt, Pa. AaStecialloa, lio South Muth Sy mkt of the Dthsetars. _ URA ft. MUM, ItLL, Pressinat• ()EO. TA311011141, liserdrr. Dee. 'ffl.-41.17. illin el_ ... BALDWIN R~ TLLINGIS AID e IUIKXAMI =AMC Y takre at per JD az "aim& Ilbr Gal dr oat bit" WI •L"._ Dm. .. C. s u k idrs " a I beam mow *rein stlbe Pusses be nod, Ow. .7tY " adOrlhi=Mds OtM ~g:r isk soi ec. ist e et . Aos at Roque, RAU 6 BROTHER. 40 . per pllon bo - ••, per pound Time Grand Duet for !quell - Hardware ON -MANHOOD, Erie City Carriage Manufactory Ilestr,. YALE & BREESE WOLII.O notphatfull. aosoottoo W tkooir to i 4 awl tt poWie r nwrally. that they bao oattatool the astabalatial forsoart ocoopatol hy Y. Wittich, oat Shoo ttoot-t. war tietooft k Fur Dace *IA hum. oa. 4.16 howl larva wd hottor saadochant of all Wadi" of CARRIAGES, 101001 ES, Ate. nuae kyr, L.Mrs , whic.kt, for rt , if, durability and elegance of Saheb, sr. snpettor to anything brrelofon, one, e t i In thin city. nuty rmoplity a number of the hot wormers In wood and Iron that the country prim:tome, sad from their long experience io the buri• 0.1.1411 r. Wiled they cut oiler the hest plenty of work. T their wort he BMW WIATUtfr rin a. g of ail kinds tae edi at eft kinds that emsng be had an plat Into Repai PAINTING AND TRINING, do on short nether and reasonable term{ Peaons sending orders may rest aisunnrof baring than, executed to their retire eatisfaution, sod fratahed in every particu lar as well as If the) attended in person Those within( nest sad durable work will had It to their sdrantag.rl to giry them a call leria, Yaw 10. 16 ,11. ERTY. CITY IRON WORKB. 0 N a n7T 3„l :L " . " o h r i tn! '" a N.:• " lf t n ij :k l a u hn tne tn rib t r i s d.ra ' t u l. gh K "b. S M K and aaa4.-(at4rd umv ife. to bw4nw 411dPr tlve MM. of LIDDELL 11)Cit,IIKY fk. l ..„ fouvf •uppLt°g thr ant• of a !vow, and ar. marl', sod willing to .1.. mud. m o re in our Itur. 464 DALAI I T I MMCIWEI U , ..f a Puiwrior vualty Mr "MACHINERY," Plows, Sleigh Shoes, Plow Points, &c Ale it le ,Reposinbie In nuke :trod Casting 1 ,, r Mork:eery &sod ~ i orre at the seine time, we hare therefore Lain a Ora 4 upo VI and ou ndre, and Melt lt,.a exdualtel• t. r Machu,. rt We are res.: t to say that we Cannot be beat In that lino Therefore come nn ail ye that want itetet Steam Engines, Boilers. Nil Getting, Agri., initnial Implements, &e., AT A LOW PRICE POE READY PAY latL, r•Lttagl,,, all k •rodAtee., Old Iron, Crq,,..r, Brea, /...aJ, kr , teikete In 1. %Iliac e. bet irbst be bringektabli.s af er or/6 .. dehrrred WALTER J F. I.IDDLE BENJAMIN HERSHEY, kr, Jai, ZI), JilllN FAIRRAIRN VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOE SALE. tk MRCP( EM d LOT% to Eri.• 5350,00 lryrtl el I House., I. Barn d.. $.5,75,U0 Loto d.. 1100 to $34'U I , tx sem out Lot .s.outta of t,.r &•ou /4 Om Farm 2101 arm 140 cleared Muse 3 Betue 'h«is kc Ac , foul tutftes Utast North k:sutt, low pnce .1 , $l3 per acre 1 V arm 60 acres 2)fi miles from Erie $73 `' e F ire acre Out Lots City fl LaCti w. tt 15,001 , 100 Yv 10 hots City of Lactoes do 3,000 sere. of very choke. Sete-due Lazal, !fiche!' co lowa, A 100, Wr LOA I.llrA %Innufarturing eetatlishatesit on the Lariat to Ertr consisting ctf 1 0 . a misoo eet, to rise Wait House. KIID*-hocks, k. , The oubtrr.te I 14•1 •tetermitle.t t., .ogatie ut the liank , nq flueinees in the lily of I..rte , *, up, the expirsiaon of hie preeent Term of Othr. n. Prothonotary, b. re leave to eall the attention 01 wanting reel eetaie t,. the &hose deetrablo property—The manuNctor, kbovvrittk lu bottnon IS 1183 inducement iieldom If ever mitered. hein l / 4 erne of the •sfeet.mareet and moat profitable trire%trnents that n old be Ti.. rurttokert' , 4, h. •; r I , ,an 4.11,re •o