It v•tielittf cis 1.10 , t•f a 111site { 1 "s 'pang y Comeau ;al,* fait Mi. The cOrrelastiosi of far the result of a Wag satelbarive presage. eration, and certain In namedn u g g ell . .ecustruatione, resnoZ h Al eta ,bruin., headache in the aide, pr whites, all nervosa hyeterieme. and Saha, tic, disturbed deep. whisk . tatters. TO KARR/1D LADIES, Dr.C3rwersimin . sr they will Win os the monthly period wialimy. ho here beat ei& mppoisted in the s ee of other Wean place the otoest confidence to Dr Cheeeesians POW doing all that they re- I regent to do. NOT/C.C. here co one aisietiegiairfemste "Ma CUL i .hick Pato cassia he takes maga oa PEAR EEI onightias referral I. P ON/NCl—d I e rank, Via GARRLAO.C. Such es the der essiateile ilendeacy Otte easecine to restore LIM enora, tea wee, teellities, Malt refs the erraticism peewee sJ seam easom reeled It. Warranted purely regetable,and Gee from anything Nadal's—. pliCit directions, which should be read, accompany lea box.-. Pries $1 Scot by 'nail on enclosing Into the gamed went Sold by ~natOruggist in every town In the Cultic Sham. IL IL HVlVNtiaar al Agent for the United States, lab Chambers St, New Tett. T.. ohm ell Wholesale orders dionld be addressed. T S. SINCLAIR, Arca, Brie; J. 1L FRANCIS, Rulido. 1,, LI .$1 wh,cll ~I. s d. altLy Farau 'he flung• - I , I 1/114 1 vl' 1 1F1:~ iettgl it lip, . y t.:.r.i .4 n.. 1, uud d titm i/ 1.41 I,r Orbit]. bti:inegs to for Ins Ur..11.1R. WA LStritt CASlL—Hasiair beea trembled for some, time past with rather peculiar paha sad aseasy S....hogs to my stomach and bowels from which ordisary madietties ,11.1 not ID the least relieve me. I tried by advice, CAntinfi firer KAY WOll3l CANDI, taking the contents of • Box at three dome, and the effect remillr astonished me, I could not have slept a night, had I known or thought that I was the habitation of each • man 01 living reptiles, se this medicine brought together. How ,.ror I eto now relieved both from my palm, sod the Cattle of thorn, and feel ajtorcth, r like another person, aid as a matter of to M...., • wrier & Bro., sad for the bemedlt of others I thts public ..taurtnont JAMBS WALSH. B. The nie , used to the tebor • Cabe. Via CAlrria . / GM -111 Woss-Cssni 5h,..1, Is always of two kind; Bed sod White. F rIP, Jao lesB. ELAM DYR—HAIR DYE—HAIR A. BATCH:MAR% HAXIMYR ! The Oftimil aid Best to World ! All others an mere toilltaloas. and 'Road be avoid • .4,1 fon wish to escape ridicule. aRA Y, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR Dyed Instantly to a bcautifal nil Brown or Black, with act the least injury 10 Hair or MEDALS. ANTI) DIPLOHAR hare Was awarded to eyvm A 14.claelor since 1839, and over 80,000 applications have lawn matte to the Hair of his patron. of his famous Dye. WU A, BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE Falcate a color Oat to be utelkrd from nature and is WARIANTED not to loom fat the Irma. however long it may be continued. and the 11l elects of had Dye. remedied, the Hair 113,1p:sued for life by Has plendkl Deo fur hi, coutideoct 4111 c•.rr,-. lii her tor ILO a, iuld lier &earn piwared it/ d ten y ar- do , hr agu it li 6• I 1 111 ',.,(A., Itt.l •t•l•tng s 1 i their add or applied so 9 pr,v•te room.) ►t thel t r Factory, -4-; Broad►►r, N 1 to sic the clue• and TOWIall or the Prated State*, by Deal • liLle 111.1 I . •tary (tom, dealer. Ti Mr groarue /11. the name nu I • , 1•Ire•. opoti • steel plate art nd« I.NON, of 1% II LI A - BATCFIELOR, 13.1 Broadway. Y. T olatt , ll4 ,: L, tlt ~' 11'~IIiL ~ii:y RE Itl IYULRBIED. I;oberm, In.°, by Rey L Andreas, ilr J R , 1.1 ILA. SARA L SPENC ut w r• k. jt . 1) 1 111 ~! I. t -ti tn. t I u ILPI. rrrk, ~ 1 1 tL- Uth ouat , Capt JIIIIN JUSTIC, to the -I Ilea, 1,( ht. •,.. l. •pt .1 clam. to Eine during the late war , (;tval nrilxii, f.,r the pheiocete ..: aiding la the roustruetleu 1 1'0 , , , • i I•et Ilarrs tug .ome titter •Iterwards, he oettled in the ki pL,.. • pennaurat.. ~,ding for Lt.. Lunt 25 tea n i lut utast& the t • h.i abil B• t•.rfatigab le to , l,Atetr• he I.e.' ln • noPet•nee• 4,1 • ... •or I". i ... 1.,,h e•teaur tut Iwo out it, and prifutMi w ,r 11. 11,.1 114,c toluro f. I ti 'I , „ it iII Jt).4:1 . 11 H. YE • t'os .041. iiS t he rya, of • Hoot. , .1. 1. ft I. trPet. Erie, l All in •. proru pt I v anti tkilltfulty V tilittle.l to t Nt, 101k731 - EA - 1\1 - TIT - Et UK. 0. 1.. ELLIOTT, IMO i ' 111 41 i % i ~ t, • • 1/r.*,- nod 11•ritiug ..,tatt• Put. 110•. drut uf I. It•ul• t•ull•buipt July IU, 16.11 • KEYSTONE ANL) AbELl'Hlt' IBM It s ii i • o I • P PER 1 NTITION, NEAR ERIE, ath•l•to.o 11, • lOw • Z .p •ui • • »., n,, li/ • 1«u„.1 ►ud t.,u Mt° o lWa Ws ►lptr k.lt1111111•L11.1 , 11t•. 1•• O.IAL °U.,. t.l tbeold ell/UPIMM, Of Pet L. 2C aud t. , tb« puLbe r•uerellr, that be DO' prryand rn•'i!u'• 1 Book & News Printing Paper, White and Uolort.,d, Glazed and Unglazed; Candle and Starch Papers; Straw and Rag Wrapping, Manilla and Tea Papers; =MEI tic I. i 111•• •111 ~.• ~, t - . tir •I .k: 111.1 .o.11(11. • pillar* of public pstrousge,,,,, MS h• LUAllt••• • tII be under the xuperetesou and management of •"n, RI rl , 1. PERKIN-t, and will be mmtineted under the lao , l , and •tsll . 4.f K I Ph ItK I NS, Art.{ t: 11. t .•1 sundry write of Venditool !Catania., to Me direct at the Court 'louse In the city of grie. on Mon ~ the der of t Joist nett at o'clock, PY , the following —erawd properti to wit All the right, title interest and claim 1.4.,r, 01. lo .1.111 to the described lot to the vU• vitt, cane county, Pa , to, wit. Lint number fOrty .t, notniwt,i in the general plan f said village, bounded 11 by tl.r Erir sod kludeio road, on the west by lot No. 47, on to. 0.1 amt on the east boy lot No. i 9, containing fourth ..tau acre of tend. Also soother part of lot in said ot W..oryrkiir, bring part of lot Si. seventy , eight (TO,/ be^ .or lAllae fee•L Wide coo loOf perches in Ihngtb, it WAN; the north cud 01 lot No sod routing parallel with the south Line of lot N.. 4.1, and ad,otoing the tame. Seuted and taken In elleenttOti yi .u,l Jos T Gilbert and A. \lek tv. is%.•t• ..f w. r. 1 the i , I .IN 11;01 , 11: Ito , ; the right, tltle, interest sod chum of defendant San:mei 01, to and to the follor log .laseribe.t real estate to ~rd two:nobly, Erse , ,to wit: Part ul trues No. :604,. mrornolg at 01.1:1u:tit-ars% oto - uot uf taut tract, No. tbllnC• a 1...., tsar tract Her earl our hundreAt and ataty perch..., thence, parallel with the 'great hhe of *WA [met one hundred sO4 t prtrhr.. • girt. r wept ynrallel with the , north hue of said I •art 'kw hon•lrrt: shod plate perch... to the said we.: line or tract. n•.: Ihrnre north tall .Ho. one hundred and its perches to lhe i sue 01 lee,t,tAls“sg, coutalutu A our hundred acre. and allow• .4ght us,,re or le.. Takeo is. elerutioo at the omit act 11... itok ate of Eli j verger, MEI t t oil •• t 11 then jilt, t, tle, it,terest snit claim of Johii ,r sod to (tie follneing drieribetl plecre or land 'ornate to ii aistoogi,,a, too Lashio, to wit Part if tracts No, 410, sand 4,4, about acres of laud in all. Lean,r **me ,•it.l deeded by Dal ad N We/le and vrifr,'by deed recorded March JO, I•SZ iu dee, hook 1, pave 42, 4 i and 44, the seAkat• betug fun, , It rtb.-4/ in said 1,-•1 Taken in execution at fur •un...f Fran c,‘ Len:yew, 11,•bt, title, antere•t sod claim act 4,111/11 . 1 ~1 111 aaJ I. Inv 1.,11.,11 , 1irg ul lend, mutilated In Kale co, l'a silt part of tract No. 301/, tinetande , t and ilescnabed as follows beginning at a post at the e of lot formerly owned by Elisha :smith. thence south— • e,rre• ••• 0 •1 16 pet, toe to the corner of said Smith's land, three. ...LAIL .44 .1.. g oat ten perrbes to A poet, thence north 184 , 12 sis , west micro perches to • poet stall.ilut Al the edge of the ILO 111, the edge of said road ten perches to the plane of begantong.. , newuing one acre of land on •hich a et...tiled • b•o•e Taken in execution at the suit of Amanda Pearson'. Also—ail the njbt , title interest and claim of Daniel J. Wells, 1,1, no and to the following real estate, situate in the village or fart re,, l'a to wit lot No 86, ae numbered loth. general plan of +maid rtllage bounded north by south street, sail by lot N.... 0, 'tooth Ly laud of K Murphy, and root by lot Doi 87. 11. , Ink; ererte , i • itervon A linos.. and barn Also, in lot NO. 84 11/ 1 I bounded north by south street, east by lot Njt. 90. south L. laud of k., Murphy and treat by lot No 68. Alen 111 1 4 No. I .1,14,{e, Lstanded north by Buffalo rood, seat by lot. No. ...I. south by lot No 76, and west by cross street; hastng wetted inereou • dee.liug house, barn and office. Also part of lot No ;, o,„„ o od e d on the north by part of lot No 17, emit by part of maid lot 43, south by Buffalo road and sett by lot No 44, having itaerrou a blacksmith shop, wagon shop and barn, the acme being to said 'tillage of Weeleystlle• Taken In ezeautton at IL,. suit of J l :Seidel, f rdi =MEM ,It .111 1 11. trwriti4 t Jr. r wfiurh r, iti.l ill w ,, re whir , r •he En , u'ar , t!r iwing ICE 1 • Inn ell the right, Mk. Interest nod drum of John S. Doe, of, u end to the reiluermg deuribed pssee of land, eitunte to Girard 111 • I • n•tip, hounded north, emt., and west by Ind of Conrad Cal wan, Jr and on the south by the road leading from the villap_of huctport to ..trich's feathery, containing Mow orm-fnurth of an auoitati tog erected th ereon a frame home Taken ip raieit• lion at list snit of Jeremiah Data, use tn... H. Cutler. the right, title, interest and claim of Milton W Cline sod Anthony Or ne, of, in and to the following described real sable situate ism \ easing° township, Ene Cu , described as follows, to •it part of true. N. 4, bounded north by a road, east by the New ork Mate mu'll by tract No. a, and wait by the realdu• of the. tract No. t. common:4 about eighty acres of Land. Taken in execution at the suit of James Moore use of S. Maileelt " =EI 10.4 I. b. t.rate of Alias Tyt...140u. Ezponaa r issoodiont of the c a l or f•oort awl to sae dtrown.d, rtll tw 0....1 at the mama tinefind ' • tlff• title. 1nter...n.14 clatrn of Milton W. Cline, of, LJ II , : the Iffliffot tog drocribed place ..1 land. Weal* LO VllO/1114. 1,...,1..14 1,110 t " . LiwYrnboti Ito ffliiolll, 10 wit part of tract S.. 4, b 000.1.41 uurih bo a rood, ...t by the Jaw Turk State Iwo, b. tract N 0.3, .04 v.... 1 by tbo rootduo of tract No. 4; ono to ug eighlt a. IN. Lod ft.--t•ntba of land, mon. or low, Talton lo et. , .411 , 0 at to. foot of I inU ADdeil k ldaatrell, u.. urs. mat I 1 t,e. thr g, t rht, itge , alhr WWI . " r of Jonathan B. Betty Led UsitrP (formerly Welty P bray,) executors of the last end tvirt4ll2.l3t or H m H trnty:dred, of, to and to the lel dror.rikr.l piKV or parcel of lead, 'Heater! le Conneaut h.. hstltit, Erie to P.m a, and 'mown as the Albson Woolen 1.- tort awl 1 Interf4d heats the YEldtrided twrothinia, and bounded au.i desert...l a. }A1.... to wit On the north and mat try land of ) tatoor Randall, uo the south h. land F moms Randall and J. tt liatt • and n.l the nest land of the heirs .(Juba Randall, doe'd, huhtuntug about fate and onsiourtb acres of Isad, sad hawing uhe •olau factor t. oar brtek daelllne house,aad other ont build• 100 trial the ttruproraments, wateripristterta, “11.41 a' lb. auk( of }tassel. Brown, Adair of Wm 11 ttltatuta dec d Oill.l I ' A , A 1,11., . , •Iwt • to, IMMO Al.. by sonde) , tt• oi Levert Fa -.s+, to nie direct, d, will be .old at the mane time and place, the fol/i.wing prearibed property or the estate of Jame. D Dunlap. deceased, to wit ail that certain piece ol land situate tei the ton nahip ,r YJluewt , Erie t Pennsylvania, described m follow s, via . all that otitlot in the general plan ol out lots, as Mad out adjacent t.. the town of Krie, Lucien and matted with the number five hun itre.l and thirty eight .:a.15 And also all mat certain out lot In Ilk. name plan known Lad marked with the number live hundred and t Intl! nine Santt • bleb said out lota were rf 43 /Onvey• by Hon• ri Buehler to the mid L/nulap on the ementh 'Say of March, A. D. Taken in execution at the suit of N. W Himself -the t.,llowing 41•Iterlbed property n 1 John A Bownsan • to nit ell that certain piece of (And situate in the city of Eris, Co. 1.1 Erie, and mate 01 Penne/11.1mM, bounded ,i )ind desnibed as fol low., to at to.. lofting on the southerly hue ol ninth street of said ells of Erie at the centre of the nartnarn lineof in let of saki city number NIL hundred and ninety-on• (091) thence through cod lot number sit handfed and ninety-one one hundred and sla ty-rite feet ‘165) to the centre of the southern end Of said In-lot No 691 thence by 10-late numbers viz hundred and Meaty-ono mod 1n,,, end thence s rsterlr sixty-one feet and three imam inl, theta, through In lot number all hundred and f.r.or .oil n..rths•r.ile parallel with German Street of said ono I.uudre.l meld matt-tit, feet to a post, on the rid ninth atreet theme. b mad ninth street outwardly ality-One het and threat , inch.. to the place of beginning; being the weelerm one-halt part "1 maid in-lot millibar rift hundred and ninety One, and the ...stern 1 renty teat oil of rid to-lot number all hundred and Mot t. -toot, and containing about sine-fourth of an sere of land ler h. e feet off the southern end to make a ton feet alley Taken Is ....cotton at the nil of William M. Wallace. .1 " .1 , t,.14 .tit ' , ..,,..14, taibt 1 11'Int. vita 11 1 •11 t 14, I NI 0 I , ih/ I 1 •-• • 00.1 • ..4.1 • • ollaf, of • . • •or. plo U. •• • /. AS t, r .•. 11 t., prop, •W •seat to IL. `•/Hl r ft,)N. I..rL. .41111,111 v MEE pArtl ,••• 1.1 the %le .11.•.21.1 Ytt /( . Af•o--tire followitAZactikard p ropert yp of John A. Hants, to • ,t. ail that rertata or part 01 out-lot No Allot the kit sec tion of Lb* town of rile, I ring and situate la M Want township, Erie Co.. Ps bounded and dew/Hard as follows, to wit. bergianiag at • tr.- thw north-went corner of maid Out-lot number there ban- On& and oresenty-menren in the sat line of hitch street; theses in • wouth ardly Ireetion along raid street forty hat to a peat, q.t.,. in an rotary direction on • Haw parallel to the north um* of said out•lat to a post in the west lino of the tunas reed;o• k northwardly direction along the west of Bald turnpike forty-six feet seven incites to • pool to the north am of the , maul olit•lot. thence in • westerly IMMO.° 0 &Wag thil Web tin. rt add out-lot to &poet, the pass of begtnning, Itltb all sad rung' , liar the apparteturnare. Tahiti IA emanation at the milt of H Carina' and C leSparren, Jae., sow for the as of Johairagan. Alan be • writ of FGri Ferias., to no direitad, issued oat of the roar oniirt, and will be sold at the MOO time and plane, all the right, title, interest and claim of C. Y. North's ot, la wed to a der. L s ]. lot in the insure of Albion, Erie Co., Pa., bounded north by * tot known as the Wellman lot, on the east by the read, en thW ...nth by lot 01 S. J. Ours, and oa the west by lot of P. Ball; bar rug thereon a hoar and barn, and now ariettpled by Mine Cliart.-4 Taken In rxerotion at the suit of Jobs Clasen& sugg i ssr• tresses, Erie, Pa., r JOHN ICILLPATRJ ra % Joly 10, 18110. __ _ _ 1•• t..., r, 1,11 , ..,—tet er alat4 Val rtpli•.• r• eel .tailly6 pailvd 4tAkt 120E=Mil! Irrr-strr: to Orr 1r I he 1.4 IMMIIII MUIR 111 r 'lt • n "011., .1•,4tllul ••11 Ili /VV HWY 11./14, '••• ‘•... - -- 1 AKO OIL oinb., otrolohd, by the WI or pates et I J erw, Josoo 19. - SINCLAIR'S _ _ C V THE KIIPONIM koo son I odian NO myths stone 211 !MP* .rytL. tktkr.tor..M by J. C. MARX EUTISEMIc‘ir - -4,-i DIED C UPBRICIN Sheriff's Sales. dal, N Lajas% P%—aft_ LAW, tliszsdsy. July n. women Wedawki 21. neap.* . .-Jekson Hesse. Tanday. y. "20. Mudd*, " —Lake Shun 11221211. " 12 Beals, " —Mudge Her, 1221422 k 1 112112 1 1•1 ha, 12 k 17. Dr. W. will wish the Morn photo renbariy weary heath la the pawn% you, when be . eas la eot t # JM all alliieted with Mimr dlseues, whit emirs I M wad apsaily ears. Consultation Froo. The ono& of snankloation linmell by Dr. R. Is my Ma t 4 iiintr and almost, manly rem, and by Id. lkindnin of say el** la litel, =is ks • very dm rained's Eninsilvd MA Ineitity and t salog tier ykstiveS alikonlilek ar laths( Ohm taint yirevlosi knovrisdp of UN ars • Awe( tb• dinkest totalled 11•001111111111 T by bin nay be sanimer sled pie talc/win : SOZOPULA, , . Asdedl diarsee derodelaue Mem, Tumors, Salim* Okada at Joists, 114 Dlrroarr, tw.iled No* er Gong% Sorlikkoor dorrltyes, &NM isad. trapdoor so the Fata!re Aher parte, de. AUDisown* Itoranar to PO B:etai dl Cluarde — Wrilono tha Sri* tyro, !fast, Leap, Rssrt, Stessesit; Liver, dodos, Yard" Ws or other A=rll 14 ad =or sda Ilypiddde Of Visor gal , attlecoat see ry or ether poises% which destroy the easstitatisa. leer sad Ave perreassally eared or se thane. Dr. W. PRISMS= mikes PRIPAnD BY mgreiZatleots suable to eassalt the Dr. pereosally, ista hare seat by brow by addrandrut a Derr desoriblar thew or:laterite, sad ematostar a asliehas M. to 11. w. wAnswowrw. W D-, fri_et,. aril 17, 1257.—N. Sastre', N. Y WS of Ann in ft. Paulo Marc& cis ie Way era that to lantana a co a resolution gl2lrardens itad - Tway sad the authority gi ac ratios, the fo pews ST. PAUL'Samaesactr will b• sold at Pu b lic Aortas at the Mush, as the 14th day of Jot;, 1262, at 2 Weloek, P. Y. Oa the sollostious of the arrears of asseasente 'dilative against the lama to slay 4, 1204, sod bats of ale, Numbs of Ow.ber ES 1 C, Y. WNW. J T. G. Colt, ♦ C• N. Rood 6 Jobs Tool 1:111= I 13 .- E J. Kau, 19 D Dobbibe I *0 Wa. Cisimat 21 Mos G. Colt 25 C IL Had M IL. Court:tight 23 A.. 1. Kelso IM=== EZMW=M .V. . H. Hawes 33 ' S. Joduron's illicit.) 34 P Fl Ball IZEIMME=I Joo H Walker MEMMM EINMEM 46 ' Rohl Cochran 48 • C B Wright 10,u J ti Barr 100 LI/ 3/ 00 Beobe '36 16 13 11=!=V= 56 (eo Mlles 67 Wm Nieboism 63 tl Maxwell 64 ' Botopooy 66 Mrs Ram 0 11 de C. Pi Lod 67 lrw in Camp 66 Wm. Hoatanson 6w H. B Harmonic& 75 11 Douglass II Biel:Rd" 12 Bobbie. J C. Bort* 73 Nicholson & licks* 74 Xis. It 'Flynt 76. Wm. &alloy Toms made known on the day .f Balm w Kr.. Jana 26, UM& E - 21 err_ , : i• it TAUNT & BRISTOL'S =Furniture & Looking= CillUAL.aolll WA.REROODIS, So 233 Meta street (formerly Cutler d &Forte.) Buffalo DEV OTINO OCR ATTENTION TO TEN EIANVIA C tare of our work, and selecting mid tuallrig our stock with exprees reference to the retail custom trifle, we are enabled to offer to those seeking an excellent article of Furniture superior advantages for obtaining the best of quality, style and finish, which we offer at low mime. We aim to keep the beet quality, highest aeleb, latest and omit. eat pa sMil i W r r u i c ortmeat of AND MIRRORS to be found in BoMilo. W. manufacture and keep constantly on hands lam sawn -04 .. tof MAROC/ •Y, WALNUT, OAK and ROSE WOOD, MAR :LE and W TOP BUREAUS, TABLES, WHAT- NOTE, STANDS and S1:1) BOARDS. Also, BEDSTEADS, SO AS, ?ETES, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, ' QUA RTETTS, ' stow/JOE* BOOS cAsts, WA/WHORES, ' LOUNGES, EXTENSION TABLES, onus DMA /ANC" CORKER STAN DS. RECEPTION MAIMS,' ROSE WOOD f CUTS, ABEL= CHAMBER SLITS, PATENT RECLINING and SICK CHAIRS, sad all articlee of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Ronan and Satchels FURNITURE We taaedactate and have oe hand sea-grass, lok, palm Iva and day mattresses and Spring, Beth. Also, • splendid variety of Mahogany, Ross Wood and CM MIR RORS, of every size and stela. Buffalo, Jobe NI, Infoll.—tly. TAUNT k IlitliTol. ___ _ _ _ __ -- MARSH lie contrtifift. _ nhessibera have commenced the busineer of Manufsci or- Thag a very superior article of RATTIPIED WHISKEY Having every facility fix its ettecessfal Bon and a deter 'wasting to snake an improved quality, t !than not be rivalled ny any manafactutews in this country, and will Liao endeavor to Seep on band at all Oases a superior article of DOUBLE RECTIFIED WRIBEIY, at the lowed Market Pries, at N 3 Perry Block, State Street. Erie, May H, 1338-3.1 y C. T 11•11611 Harbin*: Kninroamm, 1 by her next friend y gbnlyi , Alta, Sobperns In Divan.* re John I nioreonso WiNitrea, Barbara F. ILMervtoax lam promoted bar petittoo to our ..itidgaii of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the Couoty of Fate, praying for mums th.reto set forth, that she might ha dt •orosd from the bonds of matrimony mitered into with John Tberidore, notice is hereby vireo to the awl John Lateretuau that bs b• sod appear Mon oar Judges et Ens, at our Court of Common Pleas there to be held oa the First Monday lo Augnia, A. D. 1664, to weer to the charge prederred ha said petition lied LW* the judgment ot-Ihe Court to the panolgoes. JOHN X.ILLPATRICE, 'nand Sbertre OMEN trig, JUDO 16, 1514.-44 t. Joel R. Green, •• Subpeena In totooree. Mary A. Orem. Whorees, Joel R. Green has pnosubed hi. petition t. oar Judges of the Court of Common pleas is nod for its County of !trio, pray - tag foe muses therein est hail, Oat beur il l arl ik divo . Rom the boOda of stabil:way mitered tato with A- Greet, Thstefont, Wks Ls hereby gives to the told A. Green that ale belies& appear before ear Judges et Erie, at our Court of Common Shoe there to be belt on the Sint lgoachy in August A D 11144, to answer to the charge preferred In add petitiou nerd abide the itidgroeut of the Caw* thei JOHN =SICK, Sheriff, •iherlirs Office, Erie, Jerre 14, 11154.-4-4 t. REMOVAL. ATEINAT SEMCOI , I-13:1! rTecv Z 2 Nrildaeonsl Wow. 43-ocselait N iswimitugm it HAKIM liar* removed their {7t.0.{.. Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, dm, ago. TO TBEIR NEW STORE, diredtly opporit• &Vine, Hotel, where they trill be ss4 to ote iil doer old eaallowerwas well many quantity ef Dew ems., la order to imp up with theatre's's, they are sow ADDING DAILY TO THEIR STOCK, both so t b . Roo of CLOTHING and DRY GOODS, which •di b disposed of ult the lowest CASH RATER. In het, tb., CANNOT BE UNDONSOLD ! by o, otlirr steufkir imia‘liskosiest Is Om city. Room tbel YOUNO sod OLD, MARRIED bud SINGLE, NOW I 9 THE TIME TO OUT RICH ss they me now Miming crester inducements, than ever, In ell lam wish to SAVE MONEY. 'Mat Costa= Department btu charge of ow of the bus wort la the dty, and es their motto le "SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALA'S," woo" & wait oi mot artiel• for • mall amount of tooorry, will do well to give 4.114•3 • can. Itoommobit tb. plea—WrilißGE/t 4 /KC I S RCN` STOIJC, ditectly omosit• broom's Hotel, State &root. Kris, Wan 01110,13611.--46.11. lanlerrlONWEW VORIT WM. 'BELL , Jr., OW FRO Ibr oak la 311151tritrh• WM 1/11 IL AMM), • O law &on INA of C. B. WOW, itzsbaug• 011 e• • yen , awry. tally risebed stock oi DRESS GOODS, Mantilla% Mewls, Dusters, Hosiery, BLEACHED AND BROWN MEETINGS, BLACK sad DRAB 01.01118, CLAUFLIE Ii arZ e iMMD • dbCP , r SINN AND ODYW TWP. 4lke SOS CASH! AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES! Erie, Jew it Mt INTIEriAT Nl:EtartE 1 US$/S. SRAINOII Ik RYAN, we. a' CSIMUILAZIVOITI3III, Haw jwi rrtiirmai from Air York • With • large sad will iitioeted Nock 4 =U.The beLer for the A =l es, eet hes biej lanmes el id s sbev i on fl assuth iv i T ie.4- . l ' inenefeeterere pima he the ereet Malawi Pam Lowe the Niel l e illi ttrlll emit au be wed leader Oat oldie. COUNTS II • eui roosts& their docks Ida may Goode at N. York' des. W. A. Boarit, *gest. Die. Key 211. Mt. NEW TAILOR sliqr. NJ OMI raipiethdy Wines th e demos of No* from" /ma ibisst, amid/ he STONE. WORK_ ia " sablimusc aal• bwelt et Milos 'flab teasel bat Ow ILO" Jose llf, Ifili.-4: • . I Ex* Jaw *Ali FRESH GROCERIES, WHICH WXI4I. 818 DIBPOSBD OF LOW JOE (MOM. P. RYAS, Ilt-71.011 Value. Annual Amount ' Tax- Vapakt s ets slo 2 11 GO 25 r S 6 9 1360 UZI E:=11 ua g .4 so 130, is bu 116 A 4 :a 106 21 11 bto .0 76 00 10w a tt Ise Is E!MEMII2I ECM S 6 I': 1u 2) 10 $0 I. 139 203 17 lia so 12 TO 14 13,.. z 7 13u 2ti , 39 uu 120 i 4 5 Liu 25 7 • 26u 4., 9 1.5 Su eh I I 11 , 66 66 13 13 1.5/ 7.) 1. 12 5u 96 17 12 76 96 IV V 60 106 21 21 26 111. 23 11 5.0 126 25 111 75 130 ze 59 00 13U 36 99 00 110 = 7300 WM. C. XCLAO, Seentary of tb• Yost', Ite !CHIN 00X11.0111 a c: SUMMON GAIN SCYTHES, HAY AND HTRAW Faßics POTATOE 110018 MULE! AND OTHER SCYTHE SNA THB GRAIN CRADLES► SCYTHE STONES AND BULKS HAY RAKES CULTIVATOR TEETH SICKLES AND GRASS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1 60 10 60 MACOMMY & SHANNON'S FLY NETS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS EEI r i 7r= u 7Tr.l n rri n . l M Erie. Jun* IM, 1353 AMERICAN QUARTERS TAKEN FUR Twenty-Five Cents 1 ZG , • • :416 0. "*".. - _ • &ART OPIIIIIIIIIIII C:,CIC3O.T_, CiI4:O(ZIDI3 I We have now under purchase for CASH, the very WOW Ilse of 'Tear Goods for the "Warm Terre that opened, or perhaps will be opened to thM etty this season. Frwocki Lac* tud Chant',La Polota &ad Vktottos, lot from $8 00 to 120 00. SILK Fringed =RAGE SHAWLS, something nen mad very pretty. F.-encl.-Ground Lame sad plain Silk Netts for making Milani. mad Visettes, at from 6 a. to $lO 00 per yard. WHITE HKRAGE,e PLC LACE 1011TTS, 0. 4 old% Oar loalrl=l . 6, lag sad nor% oltl 6aA a very asporlor witiost Imerrs. quality. 0 Mack Velvet allibeir, BIM mid Haney C. lil In by quasetity, tad on Slik Yasessim, ansibora soda la 40 or O 0 diffmromi styles— () ... 1. am ABII Rim Coaaaso from es. to $9O 00, Batu.sArts. EtLAT /4.11131 Lan Qum L bolo la. to 44. CUD= Dumas, Lars, amyl OWN( In to-aritod boastital potoroa. 11L181741 01E.4.1ANDA R 016106, With elevator attached, an G otitirelY nee and bewails! lo 4011120111. and Rob. a guile. Skirt. ORG.INAA AfUSLINS Pews* 4 Sim rd lea lo Tape Stripes, aed Plaids, 0 At from Si to 66. Y .el l as plain. We have addledlargely to REAL 5W1661101 oar stock of Fancy, Colored 0 In Stripe, Plain ,and Plaid and Pleb Black Goods. SILKS, Paellas ilk ember La was, D "4 464 "w boast "'Mc"- not be sermired la etyle at from 6to IS eta quality sad price. We will sell a Philo Black Bi/k for $l, °NE CASE CIIALLAIS, vorthoted as good aa ems be beautiful goods at from Is, S bought br $1 ki, in any to Is. 64., worth Its.* 2s, 6d, house to this eity Oisr Hosiery departmeot is largely exteeded sod rentals@ every- thilig In the Ilsae. Purchasers vialling goods that will k.. Am "COOL AS CIICIIIBERIC" SW do well oot to Demlost this Lb* laat chasms—ths very teat of the seasom. BUY WHILE THE WHATHEIL IM HOT, mos _ TISDALE!, BATES th CO., - " - Itris, July 3. Mit THE NEW TORE 333 3i. I E 2 C, IFI. I 'CT MC 1 rial li IM 11111 IMSITS! Instead or 4 par cwt. you will set Vi pa we ow tall Those that have 'SONNY cocoa to the maromium, sad oitll for ow dollies worth of rood" and got ow dollar anA tirroty-Ow auto TO PROVE THE ASSERTION, I WILL NNUJIERAtTe A Pt W PRICES, Marlow and all - twat Amy -law blots at IU ta per 'art Not $ y ludo bat 10 yards for coos 6oUisr. Goal /kW 4w NUM", 11.1 0004 Do /Alum 10 et* 0.4 is Beet l'halli Jo I$ Dawn*. tg004,) lu Ttaittos, $ au to la, good Bra. %gratin, oM yard aid*, 7 cant*. Glaibeena, le emote Elatadae Prou' Otagbasoa la sad II eta, amally 20 On, yard •lda au. Flyucti Brilliant., la 30EN0 yuds doe yard tido Igursd Premed' Irlittaat Drew Gosdi at ll'ats. worth 31 mats. Good Bit. 8111 at aced, sod to Roil Jar- Priate4 sad Wraiths MitaUm, la Id, worth 84 ♦ tarp DOIDPIPtiII dOriftliCal VIII 0114 Oat wan duet of Goods ID Drum Goo& simetbloetwow every week. MAW Baba • littl• ILIA Orgsadie Lobs., A ogu e se pm , "in Nn than 20 days *wino* Absorb of ..orgy dooeriptioo, "wry chomp. Good variety or Posters and Travoling Goods Silk MostaLa oad Dilators melt to order 9 I Irish to say that the above is wo Ezaperation Our Facilities are Ample l HOES - KNIVES M 130. 3, WWI 130e113._ ♦T NO. 3, UMW HOVS3. 22' NO, 2, MUM MAIM ===M IS THS =J APINKAL' • " • OPVC I 7#9, _5 MUT mmit4unkau, 41Azle OF SIN{ P lAN 'IX) CONTINUE UNTIL .4LI7GIIDIIIIT' 1 wt., r o 41111 UPJ First, Last, and Only Change, of the Season, for Unheard of SARCAINIti THE STOCK MUST POSITIVELY BE SOLD WITHIN THIRTY DAYS. To make Room for the Large.lmportation for FALL TRADE! . t n: 11E=11 WM. A. GRISWOLD Otfatv the balance of his Large Rich Stock of Summer Dry Goods, AT PRICES FAR BELOW THEIR VALUE FOR I%%4l6letiaNl SEOURE YOUR BAXGIAOMS WITHIN THE MONTH OF JULY I will Sell Merrimac Prints for 9 cts. worth 121 Cocheco " " 9 cts. " 12i Pacific " " 9 cts. " 121 Also, Good Put Color Prints from 6 to 7 cts Fine Challis' for 181 cts: worth •25. St 44 " 12i " " 6 44 10 . Fine brown Lawns for Is. " 20. Best Scotch Gingham! 15cts " 25. 4• •• •r 121 " Is. 4-4 French and English Print!, one half their value. 170 doz. English Hosiery reduced 25 per cent. Fouliard Dress Silks for 50ots worth 43 s. .4 Lawns •' 100 ps Fancy Mess Silks at a Great Black !links far,62l ate per yd. .0 UM= • QIUII.I.I‘ FOU *1 SS, WOUTO $1 MO BERAGWAND ORGANDI ROliEs AT HALF PRICE. Mee ilqa. Biik 14qqiiii4s. SIMS 01 ma DISCIL9IIOII. MAIM , DRIBS TAIIIIIINGS, *a IN RAMC PROPORTION 1000 yards of fine French Embroidered Edging and Inserticg oared at l 2 cents, worth 311 eta. $lOOO worth of fine French Embroider ies to be sold without regird to cost' Ta Weibel 11 WI WI torso sAgortisod is titre Brit o f Sasso* INS I wand Me to Shoos el cuotmon who boiriwdobtod UNPIN dist &sir owooliato aro sow doe, wed l=lAsay st = bistri-gqwoot *ay will giro their *- Ow the seldom. ot the mu , so ao m adly will be osbusllWod fa. " INS. 1f 3L A. eurwoLD. PrITZ 211' DA. GOODS WILL BE SOLD, REGARDLESS Or 000 T! BONNET ROOMS, Paragon Building, Opposite the West Park. COME ONE-COMF ALL! This is no Humbug, but a Matter of Pact! COME .a.. 1513 SEE! rm., Jim.. 14 itt4e TROM& M. AViSTLN. t Louof thefirsi ef G. Loomis * Co,) IntALLA 111 Wetabee, Jewelry, Weer alarm strusueat., Lonlane flames, Lowe sod raw. Goode wboleeele awl retell. J. W. UOCULANIS. Army. ar AT Low.—Utlice removed to twir NO WA, Wert Or State Street, oo the north side of the Park. over Clark Metcalfe Es cheat* Alice ALLEN A. CAL of roe react-01m in New lilloct corner ..1 Peach Street and the Plablie Scuars, N., T. a. atijut .... idA,CVACTCkra and Wholesale and WWI Duller la Foray's sad Dotosetie Straw uoodi, artllielal Flowers, Ribbons, Mika, LOPS and Fashionable Millinery, Parascasnalidhui, Oman the Put, Eris, Pa. Particular attention pail to Orders. A l.l. who know thetaselves indebted to Bbikei Hound Room. .1,11 Ornery., the tame within 10 days sad anvil oasts. tier 6. T. R. BLUM Pissipsistor, Panora B. 1.1&, opposite the PIA, b 4., hi JUST APPRARXD AT 1 • 7. 40•• NEW HAT AND CAP STORE! rpUk Wiest asid bust issuortaiiiiit of Rata, cap Lad Getitioussiiis 1 furnishing roods, I. tubrellak Walking Came, Traveling Bags, and fu ever brought to this Cit) WEE (4430M4 BEING ENTIRELY NEW AID FRESH! Arid offered at such prices u to Defy any Competi ion! vERsoNs I.V WANT OF GOODS! In that line, will do well to call and Ihmaine GOODS AND PRICES ! ! 'WOKE PURCHARINci ELESWILKRIV Hats and Caps made to Order uN SHORT NOTICE"! N. B,—Country Merebunta Supplied WITH GOODS AT = r j-. TAM. -110 FORGET THE PLACE 117111V8 EAT STOILIL Neer Block, State Strort, opposite Brown's Hotel Erie. A,rd 17, MBA. CURTIS H+- return...l from Nrw York, and Is now opening a full Si 1...,1MP111t .4 Millinery sad /fancy MOCK 4111 SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, A treat sarires or the neatest dykes, Babbone, ilegteril. Ruches, Caps, Head bresses, Straw Mama, Dress Triensiasa, Cheadlies, Late Veils Mourning Collars, revue!' Corarsta, Glows. and Hu ssars ke , kw., weld' will be sold at lowWks fOr Milliners supplied at whole:rusk, as usual. eer7 Bonnets Bleached and Pressed to the best style. de, Aprtl 1?, HiAlt. . 1150! Y your Patent Leather Beata Patseat Leather Cattere, Pat 1) rot Lather , txfora Tien and Patent Pampa, at Aprtl 17 J. EICHII-tirLACB, Jr'.. Look Out for Bargains ! J. G. BARB'S, No. Ili, BRUN VS BLOCK, STATIC BT., BALK, P A LADLE'S RUBBERS GENTS GENT'S Best Thick BOOTS $3 00 BOY'S " " " $2 00 YOUTH'S " " • " $1 50 LADIES GAITERS from 75 cts. to any Price you want. k3.lanc• of ma Stoek at CorresP•seleig Prier.. Iltrch ft, IV.AS J. U. SAUK. 1t404. HO& BUFFALO and ERIE RAILROAD NEW ARItA.GE ET. .• .1.1 after Monday, lune ^_x,1958,^_x,1958, Paulen/a.? Trains will leave v e Erie co follows 2 05 A M., Night Capita*, stopping at Westfield, Dunkirk, taller.' Creek, connecting at Dunkirk and Buffalo with Morning Ex • priors Trains for New York. 1 30 P. Y , Ezpreu Mail stopped at all !tail Stations and eon rierting at Dunkirk and Buffalo :6th Engirt's Train for New Vora P W Cincinnati Express., stopping at Westfield, Booth* sin,lBllverCreek, connecting al Onnitiric and Botha& with Etpiresui Train/ for Neer York. TIMETS for •sle•t the °dice of the principal Eastern cities and eogra• May 10, OsSit. R. N. BROWN, Supt. CLEVELAND 4. ERIE RAILROAD sod after Monday, May letb, 111611, and antU turt Aar aollce, Pa...niter Trains will rim a; follows, •14•. LEAVE CLEVELAND. V taf A It Mall Prato ' , tops at all Ws, Stations slow! Wlektrik, rtnnnville and gal brook, and arrive at En* 12 P M., lOnakirt 3 43 P. Y , Sabin 670 P. N. J Lt) P M. Cincinnati Itspresa Train stops at Palnartlie. Aabtramala and Girard, only, and anima at Pita 20 P. W Dunkirk u at P. 11.; Buffalo 11 16 P. Y. lu Uo P. M 5;41, t Erpre•s Tram stops st Paloesmille 1. onnesut, and Girard, only, sad arrives at Reis 1 40 Buffalo, 5 40 A. hi LEAVE ERIE 2 ou A .U. D oshi 6:sprats Train stops at Girard, CoOLIDMIUt, Ash tabula. sod Painesville only, and arrive at Cleveland 600, A. M. 11 00 A Y. YulTnln at all Way Stations easepli Saybrook 1' nionville, Parry, Mentor and 16 lanai, and arrive.* atClevao land at 3 00, P 61. 1 66 f , It Express Train atopsat Glrard, Conneaut, Jantabula and hutweville only, and arrives at Cieneband 670, P. K. All the tht °ugh train. going Westward,*eouneet at Cleveland with trains for Toledo, Chicago, Coll:dahlia, Cincinnati, he. he, All tne througn tram. pins Eastward, eenneet at Dunkirk with the train! , artier N. Y k Erie Railroad and at Sallee with lb. N Y Contra! and Buffalo and N 1' City Railroads- H NOTTINGHAX, Siliperlutendent. Cleveland, key 10,1366. NEW 1 1 1811 AND NEW, ABEANGICIENT. PARR ROW BOOK STORE 1 HATING formed a copartnership for carrying oo the Dora and Stationery bastocas, la all its branches the more sac• modally, we beg to armouries that we are now receiving a fall simply or Books : Standard„ School sad Misoellaneous, which ms oast at the lowest f or Oath AU ths molar of the day, can be had of as, as well as Daily and Weekly *rowspapers. nal= 11411.1VG/111614„ of every style and prim, can always be found at th is listahltshment 1. fact we do sot allow °weaver to be oat dote by My one. LINTS & NA W , I Erie, May ISA-4 El A rab - Telit* IN VORAM, VS, cloo. two tier bay bets 20 " Ose, " four " Miser* " For halir t scanufecturers prices by .1 C. SELDEN BOTTS:ES . 125 DOZ. MUM SCYTHED, • .. firth' “ Haab The boot in 'market. For role by Vl% Juno 19,1168 —8 J. C. SELD[II. Ifii/I.llll' AND 16611.011 ViPIY tiabLllB AND .11a Scythe Saabs, for oslo *tap by J. C. SILDIN. nn tTO r ?MOTO i - wtib RA 1 ka _ 2 l the loon approved klads. st S a E O (1 LOOMIS ham 101120.114 Ma stook or wocisa, lawn ur. RY Rad FANCY GOODS to Ws Store Is the Note Mock If got Ado of Stale suet, wßote do to bony to coo Ids Moods and roatoisors, sod 'will tovor to proviio Reticle , toots la Ids hoe on the mast satlehdory toms. Us Li s a post variety of Rich sad Pasidossble Goods, sod tbo best of esperlsocrod workmen to roar ..kod sesoadbetoro Putiesise 'towbar paid To the Ws of Wstaboo, sod Ups moot Jobs do* to Uri oseet WOOS. sod worboordaks sosser. Spoors sod sU other BUM o 4 41104 Wovii ism to, order sod io Use Dart Alin. te r 141 V, Mt rri T. R. ILAJLZ, PROPIULTOR ' E OM 50 cts 75 cts Hats, Oaps, Shirts, FurnishWg and Straw Goods, at the Lowest Market Prices. TAMES O. BRYANT Invite* an to call OP him. Ow tint ?Good. Msßoo. I have a Inc r. asluouabl• stork ohleti ill sal low. MILOTO, CAPS AND TIES MADE TO oar:mu. Guttman who +-ant a GOOD FITTING , lIIRT made frr•ut tb• toot noitotials and wirranted to fit, will pl., •• BEEBE'S PATENT SWEAT ..'/LA" HA T.% Cul on BRYANT, No. 1., Broom",IU , May 42. Ma. t hi. _ _ N. MURPHY AT THE OLP STAND!! Betweeen Brown's Hotel and the Reed House, t4l ON LIAM) .4 LA 4(11.E t",4)fLTNIE:%T SG FURNISIIINU a, Al a Large nt.l rt. 'opper, an.) ropirts a asortto.ot • : •. 1 ,Zl.ret Iron %ant s.,w a later .asortinent rif _.- I utirre and Pot:t r I Knivee, ho., Britara' , ..,.. :' ,l _.-- tattle butters and Tra 1 pots, also, Tie and Ti. 111 tl• dpoonn, Barn r,.. t . s e , Pore•lain and ..."."-- (Around Kettles, ulso, . samortassigt of Japan Ware of el hint. • *". tisabantienortment . of Tea Iraq, is Idea ,' all 3 • pea and Shwa, elan, Lanterns, Cotes Nitlia, Corn Poppet. Ali Chopping Klass+, Flat Iron*, Slot., and Tong% 1 .- .1., COW 0414 Wulaboarda, Shorelr, Spates, Hoes, Potato /look., flab oohs, kc., rout Tuba, Hip Bath. tot Hatidng Tuba, Heti, 'Wore, !(awes Patrnt Cream Prtt,t , -, ,:t. , Pdmps of all drertip lions. Lead Pips, Shesq Lead., Pump I h sins, and Tubing /5t.... Pipe and glbo•• t swot l'ut.rl, .n' t •tol .. IC %ter Coolrra, awl filters, Fled Lamps ol a1. 1.10‘14. ......1. • a. I tztil,„"d s, nut ~„ , Short Iron, %Vim, lottt . over., .:snolt-t a • ant Lampe, Table Matt in Pl•lts, lilsom.t• ••Ii.••. i s .11 • ~ e ...I. slat, , :, and If sat Pant and Pails, To, let lA.' 41 r Tt, It. pit T,,,,tt1. - tn.-, time, 4 untferSar,l Trays, s.,u, 1,11.1 itAi Ivry. • 11.1.. . •A , • ,k, mll 011 i • Oder‘, I. too, Du.t , t• I', v+l.. ••• : • ..• Z.-g t !tors, Yves ,, ' Co a orbtelt 1,11 t.. ... I • .. ~ , , • , . .' i..ut , .... ‘.. , ntr• the shortest cloth., C.., ~ r 1. , .•- • , • , . t 11,r.1.11..nt, , change for goods 1114 I' 4.11 • I . % Fri. Mar I . 1.:,, CONFECTIONERY! ICE CREAM and SEGAR DEPOT J. B. PERKINS, Agent, Wri . uhes Bluck, Shit , Strut, Erie, .I'4 Respectfully inartm• hoi friend". and ill.. ptt•l, that he hap: ~w • bawl • Ws* as•ortarmat Cl/Nick:A:7loN FRH S. TOY A, FA \ GOODS, 'Glitch be olfrra at rect••••••1 Brisg agent for 311 ORRIS S.: ON EIRE WORKS, He is prepare,' to furnish lette...iption of good. in that ore for Ftbibttion., 4th ~(July 4 ..let , rttivro P•:rst. Part it.' It.. ICE ('RE N0(1-/1t Will he opened donng the coming week, to • hoii he invite, iittention of all lovers of that *rude Ile wilt keep opeo demo,: the meth, 110111.11100 and atli foreiteh Ire am I. Lis patrons of the usual, variety, flavor., tr. In a few iler• he will bw tit rivelut brIPILAW PINE APPLEb e uelagai, I.emum alumnae 111 , 1 v., krt.. of Foreign ILL meads I . visits. Hi. arrangements io unit! 111 , •' • Southern markets, esables him to Oder VIIMIETABLES OF ALI, IslNDis C011:441140 It Cucumber., etAuuru,gu• I. ttu. e Pi e p , „,. Piss, pu-hor gum th” rah b. had lu tias m. Sot, sad as frf•h VI oh- u tut ir.uxt the guJ.k u 14. 4 01)% 11.1111 NTtINI ut of the latest stl le, 101 the ~ .•er. th,. delectable trevers,- can al,rllll rel.% on nrolort s • 1 / 1 nd purr trticir thks estafilishrnant 1.085 TE KN. 0 1 sTE ( I. t scat every &Lidice the New York market stfor.l4, - (urtoshed •T tr • shortest notice. Ms stock of .lornesur sat IMPORTED .+kt;,\ lLsi Wargo sad coil:TH.6ot every hrand and flavor, Tanen so from U to VA put thousand, to which h. invites the attastb.. 1604 and Saloom keeper., amp tli• umling of tb.• weed genenal. PARTIES Kurriu RD at short oothiai with Ice Creap,Strawherrsyy, Caicos or .t-err eriplion. Sod every rarity di* taark.ts attar& Public patroua., ia sompaethallyanbriti..l M 1 22, lag. C ffil Cigars ! Ci gars if cioAkei KOCEM-S, 11.1,1 and Saloon Kanter", sail a. Vl nthera desiring n lino article of Clzara, art r spectrally informed that 1 have a haricovaisranen t mu tt s on hand, of a‘nanri Lrand, at pruierral7ine r1a.,1 ta 1.. ;co HUI YrIOUBAND CIOAR9 I am , ur6LJgrut that I 0k.41 rood Clgasi er boimal r as cheap a• cau Lr purrtmard ela•rwLer. CUL4at 4 ' ,bu , cers .ill t call h..: 1, 3•1110 . .* 112 . , ' be r« parehaaing e 1.... hoe. Cheap Aide. Rrie, Pa., Jun. P 4.--4 NEW GOODS i JOKY ( . BFEBE I. oo• merli tog a lane and Si. ~ did otoek of DRY (;O(4DS :I .V D GR ( ) (tERiEs, atom fall fr om collar to garr,t, and • ill b o rrcovitag Nit• Good, every 'rook tbrottvb lb.. ,•etutou N.... I would toy tool! who .at to boy gond Goods cheap, mil mot !Mat to. my Modt. 1 tlou't Lim to botott., lott j u•t run in. Rile, Jane te, 113* —4/1 P. A. BtCZER, WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES. LIQUORS, &c.. C/CRAPSIDE, Has on hand a fall sod ncrfila••••rttx, nt • BRANDTE , , GIN, WIIISK EY. PoRT, 4aI.AIA, GP:RVAN til - NGARIAN, AD ILIA. IKEN AND AN - M CATAWBA IVINLS, Of 'Futons brands tans qualith...., 1.1,1.41 in, A., the attention of Hutel, • u.i Gn,, ri) lieryrn , ts tic it tarmiu.dto ell all article. u, Lo , -help h• ran twe puro,o, aktorwbere. tan, Jane 10, 1344.-6 jidgrallt ( " H A(4O. Agirtsit OS of the Pentrif, ..fIA, ill Iror. Erie for Ct i ir, go mid l'ort• —rr T!ior...llr 1/41.1 Sabi -.1. moorOlt:I. 2 • • fIoRTON, Agct.t Erie, May 'So, 185/, MISS WI )KT If COLUNIL t 7 W CH , . Kylr CliAtti.ES RD THOMAS I. HESItY CI.APY, J. • . 4 IiEORGr. 4 A.1. - Et. Yr)( MRS ANNA win-n. 1.1 4 -1 Miss VIRGIN' Mts. 11l VERs...N, Miss. HATTIt.. 11NI Fr . 7 . 00 .•"' Wtlt• •.r, GOLDEN PRIZE GOLDEN PRIZE GOLDEN PRIZE GOLDEN PRIZE GOLDEN PRIZE GOLDEN PRIZE GOLDEN PRIZE ILLIISTILATID DE mil a ; trALTELL, 4urvesseers is MeeYet & Cu Th e Nee" Yotk W• 4 (.011.1rf PIII2/ •• i.rie of the mrr—t • litistary papris: thr de, —.n imperial Qua:inc, couisitiiii: ngki pages. ur foo fp r ohm • • of IL op st .uloresting sad las 1 sistitic riniiirtig. t r, from ti, of th. rte owl the dee, ELMIL:IINTLY ILI.II , 4THATEI.) I.lEur WEI.h A PRESENT, WORTH FROM SO CENIS T( $.500 uu, Will be eyes t. eseh sulisoolooi :isLo I) iih tiscillyt • : subecrlption moose This is 0r...0n , Is. • y.ino ii t s . e d ship.lbsd sot se so w.lueesoest to ohtmu sao,ortosrs TIEITIL AXES t 000 Cope for ow roar oo rood 1 Pritoon , Cro. Copy for to. years woad 2 Prowo , 4 poir Copy for three trill • 5 Ott tod 3 ' Ont Copy for Oro rear . 900 pod 5 AM) t. OS, Three Coptere, oae rear .Er 00 *ad o '' live Copies, one year . . 400 and - 6 1". Teo Copes, nay 3 earn , . . I. 00 and Is 1 s Twenty-one Cop l.a . , tnr• ror, r . :id On and 21 .. The silkies ta be vett sera., Orr entr.prist .1 to the ;Berto n , li, 2Paekages u h old t ,tilaltrint• - - 00 (.310 do dn do . - 00 each 10 do de ... 100 00 each 10 Patriot Loy., 11 did kn.( i a... , 1 Watrhe. * 100 00 tote:. 24 Gold Watcher.7s 00 osulr . . . 50 do- •.• - - 6000 sub - . 100 do • • • 44 110 esc , , TOO Ladles' Gold Watatete 5600 Iwo) 300 !Blew ilsottog Cu.!se W•tebee . . 30 op t ., nr r, 600 lam Watches UV 00 to 2.5 00 each 1000 Bold Guard. Vest, sad l'ob Chains.. 21000 to XlOO tech Gold Loasto, Bracelets, Brooches, Eat Drops, Beer* rtes, Cuff Platy Mem Buttons, Bin" Shat Stade, Watch gays, Gold and dtheenthables , and a variety of other articles) worth from - .0 coots to 1116 each. We sin pretest to ' , Airy per..o aeodusg as 60 astearibtoo, it r 2 auk. a Gold Watch, north $10; to one ooe modiste so 100 sub sartlass, at 112 'sal, a Gold Watch, woeill $9O. tinny stabscriber seta saso roostve o present. Immodhtd coa receipt of thr mom, the rabeedbeee atm win be entered upon tour book, sod the premodern be foreword with ow web, yoked sr erprear, pee or All cereatuniestioc. thoold Ctrerrol fo DOLAN 'do 144= w INS Browdwy, Neer Y c k Newur 111 T ' Lard 1 Alias Subpoena to Divorce Mell- Mama. BomaMils:4 Lao presented his prtitiois Wear Judges Otis* Cana of Common Pain La. arid for the Cosety et pro v to4l hr maw %wale set karts, that he wil4 be bola the beads or matrimony enteral into with Thetehre, settee is hereb: given to the Milliard that theta aadawriut Wore, Gni fudges at Idle, deer Coast of Com mas nom time to be hold do the tint You lay Anirust, P link to meow to the &erects:rot* he talit pottage 15 , 1 ebide the Moses! Of the Court In A fil etrIPATX5X, Shots sbetice CM% trip,Jsun 16, /1611. _~„ A y l'}tY!! 1 GE= IEIIIE., VA BM