Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 10, 1858, Image 2

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NENJ. I. SLOAN, ledleukr
d LO4. N s MOOSE, Publishou.
Democratic State Ticket.
News of the Week.
--The rensain• of Elx•Presideot Monroe were ea:Dosed
trout New Turk to Virginia on Saturday on board the
Jamestown. The ceremonies were al imposing
it a paid, thonaande of -persons participated in them.
lion John Cochrane consigned the TOOIIIIOO to the custody
the Committee of rirgini•na 111110 011111110 1 1 and appro.
prate speech, to which Mr U Jennings Wias, of Virginia,
11111Rk:fOR Wile, to accepting the trait, 10 Itllo namename
his c . ori ties, eloquently and solemnly respopded. Minute ,
gun* were red during the afternoon by the t),,iernment
forte When the Jameotwen and the Esicsmso—the latter
with the Seventh Regiuknt on board—arrived at liforf,illt
the Mayor boarded the Jameewca and de/leered an address,
a Lich WSJ reepooded to by the Hon John Cochrane.
Minute gins were fired and various appropriate cerecn..nie•
were gone through with From there the ships proceeded
to Richmond, where they arrived on the morning the
sth, at half peat 6 o'clock and were received by iso immense
ter ing on the wharves, including the military of Rich
mood. The o , ivernor and Mayor went on board taimedi
ately, and were introduced to the guest. The l'th Regi
ment, National Guards, arrived at half past 10, on the
steamer Oleccoe which went over 100 miles the river
to meet Er,ueson whieb got sgr,mind The tuityarr were
receded by 117.0 IIIIIIIfOri, v vti to . 6 .ich C o t.
Duryea replied The romaine core taken from Jamestown
by the pall bearers, and placed in an open hoar.* drawn
1., six white horses, the band playing a dirge in the mean
lime. The processoio moved at ball past eleven The
tags of the public building., shipping, to., were at half ,
mast Many buildings were draped in mourning Minute
guns were fired, and. the belle tolled daring the entire
search A shower - of rain bad laid the dust, and rendered
the beat less oppressive than it otherwise would have been,
rad the streets were thronged with people The proses-
lion arrived at Holywood Cemetery at I o'clock, and the
military formed in a circle around the rare A Jingo
wee performed, after which Goy. Wise delivered an address,
giving a sketch of the lif4nd service' of James Munroe,
and the circumstances which led to the removal of the re
mains. He paid a high compliment to New York patriot
ism, and made an eloquent appeal in behalf of the Union.
Prayer was offered by Rey. Dr. Reed of the Presbyterian
..burets when the coffin w consigned to the grave, and
the cannon fired and the eremoaiea were closed. The
National Guards were escorted to the dining ball, where
the afternoon was spent earthily with the Riehtnoesd
tary. Speechee were ma3e by M . Cochrane, Wise.
Duryea, Lyons and others.
—Tbe New York papers are full of another social mys
tory. A Col. Blount arrived last week In New York with
hle wife end daughter, the latter of 'whom bad previonsly
,teoeme interested In a Captain de Bleier., of the Freneh
aad had contented to become his wedded wife, in
spits of the opposition of her paternal relative. The
4oaree of true love in the present instance maintained its
time honored reputation, for the tying of the nuptial knot
was most abruptly prevented on several occasions. To
put as end to the trouble, the father set sell from Havana
with wife and daughter, In the hope of being safe in
Aluthaei from the pursuit of the determind lover But on
Thursday, during the temporary 'braes of Yr. 8., the
mother and bliss Emily dieappeared, &laths& whereabouts
is the mystery. A large reward has been offered for the
runaways. Miss Blount is but seventeen and an heiress
is her own right of a large and valuable estate—which
latter consideration, It is presumed, the enterprising wooer
has not underestimated. The last phase of the case leads
to the eonclusion that De Airier, and bliss Blount were
married on Friday. • The former publishes a card in the
Haruki, defending hie Conroe, and announcing his totem •
ChM of leaving the country.
—The New York Daily none's, exposes the existent* of
a "flue Love Club" in that city. In spite of the foray
of Capt. Trumbull, two years ago, the "system" still ex
ists. The Free Lovers, beaded by Messrs. Brisbane and
Andre3l, bold weekli meetings. and tk.nord, l "%irdePYlfl
shadow of St. Mark'■ Church." The "Unitary House
hold," as it is called, is a large four story brick house,
wherein some twenty persons dwell. They are divided
into 'operate (amities, ■nd each family has a suite of
apartments to itself. The expenses of the household are
paid by common assessment. Here the doctrine of affinity
is carried out, probobly to its fullest extent. The Pi*.
Lovers are said to be very successful in propagating their
opinions, and now propose to hire a hotel with 80 rooms,
and carry out the system on an extended scale. Mr. lim
bosa is sanguine that his "theory" will live and progress,
until all the world will become Free Lovers. New York
is In a fair way already to realize his expectations. -
-The new Usury Law, ss passed by the last Legislature
and approved by the Governer, went into effect on the lst
um. By this law, says the I.iyeirer, money can b e b or .
rowed and loaned, according to the terms agreed upon by
the parties. There is no restriction with regard to the
rate This lies it should be. There are times and seasons
when money may be very valuable to an individual for a
taw days, and when be may feel justified to gi•ing a re
markably high rate of interest. There may be other - periods
as at present, when the regular rates are unusually low
but in a matter of this kind there should be no legal re
striction. And hence the policy and propriety of the new
law. It easnot but exercise a beneficial influence, and
afford facilities which have not heretofore existed. -
—The "Continentals" pee a concert at Scranton,
Lazerne county, Pa., on Tuesday evening At the con
clusion of one of their pieces and amid the applause which
Suceeeded, one of the lamps suspended from the ceiling
near the stage, fell to the floor with a load crash, striking
near the feet of a lady. The lamp was broken by the fall
—tkie estophen• ignited—the cry of fire was gimin—and
ibis audience, for a few minutes, fairly shook and surged
with excitement. The tire was put out, the smoke clear ,
.d away and order somewhat restored eller I/6Mb the per
formance was resumed, bat it spoiled the amusitirent of
the evening.
—A drunken sailor belonging to the schooner Hart per
formed a feat Just outside of -Chicago the other day which
ha wilt hardly wish to repeat. He went to the mast head,
then to the main mast truck, where, hanging by one band
to the slender topmast, be wrenched otf the gilt \all and
hurled it to a distance from the.vereel's side, then sprang
late the air, coming down feet foremost into the water.
and after being under until It was supposed be bad gone
to Davy Jones' looker, he rose to the surface and was rea
med nod taken to the hospital, seriously injured. The
Mideast, Jumped was one trundred and seventy feet.
—The Leseiatowe Gazette lafortna us that Mr. Daniel
lftslabiten, formerly of tioadling, died on Friday, the kith
nit., leader lbo following eirounsitasees.—lle went out in
the morning, fit company with Mr. Alersoder Eisenbiso,
is Jack Creek, for the purpose of fishing, and while sitting
by the water, ate a eonaldemble quantity of soar grass, or
"harm teageo," a poisonous weed, wbieb grow along the
9101111114 About / two o'clock la the afternooa,'he was soiled
with violent ersnap,„ and died shortly after hiring been
tams to a neighboring boars. He was conscious of his
appreeating sad. sad before breathlog his last, gore direct
lions Mathis to the disposition of his affairs
—The papers of Chicago state that a wealthy maiden
lady of that city, "who moves in the first circles of lash
-losable society, and is considered es authdrity io all mat'
tars of sea," bas been arresuid and proves guilty of steal
ing shawls, dress patterns, Le., valued at throe bandrod
dollars, from settee whore she traded largely and was re
garded as a tip tep customer. She compromised the mom
ter by paying liberally.
—Ths Grand Rapids (1114.) Aspic, says that a young
mob id litraygo, who wars to ham bore carried os
lioeday. walked out ea Saturday sod seated thoolsolves
epos s log is the shads of the wood, • short &stomas tot
el tho vLLLp of Rearm°, sad whits thus seated, the
you' lady was atulthstally shot through her abitoomb by
a Ate hall. sad *spired la throe boars thereafter.
—The 4411.6111. la Oregoa took place as the kit Moody
at Joao. The Rape:dices saadidates for Goiroraor aa4
masher of Negroes had withdraws. Isariag the contest
hawses the two wisp et the lleatoerari, who are both is
favor of Goa. Lase for oe• of the Roiled State Sees.
—The Ohio Madman prima asesuats from ell parts of
that State sad the prairie Biter, whist' show ibm glie
crepe an i s au ...atm,. sad peonies A. plsatitai.—
The wheat "modally looks sphadhl/y.
—lt Is said that Prof. Maids ratan. ta this dowry sill
'MAO la his poekst, awarded his by the tea °outlaws'
r ows VIM hers silopted Ms tolopapli spats.
as ever disgtaeed the name of a " Reform Conveatioa."-
0 1Why RoUstad ens selected for such a purpose does not
appear the New York 'ram clams that the denfteas
ot the them, Mountains have little sympathy with the
Lertsies proclaimed in that pestilent Curvet:awn. The
sons and daughters of Vermont art au orderly community.
Not purer is the air of illear oar', verdant hills, ur brighter
the sunlight of their valley, than the virtues In whtst
their youth is trained. It was a ' Free Cot VOOMMI ' to a
free country, and had a legal right to meet where it pleas.
ed So much grauted. But surely Mrs Basses, of
New York, and Mr Sviteetiody, from Pennsylvania, could
flail no PIMA in the United States leis in sympathy with
their liceralutt• and blasphemous out pourdi to than th e
village of Rutland " We would fain hope this i tomato
a.f the news is not over drawn: but it seems strange tb•t
the trusuagers of the molly convocation, whoa. sayings
and doings we propose to bows., should hate selected a
place between-which and their heti, es there w as no inn •
pathy. The missionary, we know, selects the field of his
10:0.4 among the atiri v &red: I..ut ' , gas ' to aJosu reformer"
is 1:IA a missionary He does 14.1 Covet martyrdom as a
means of Kisco hstruta-..t, he ouly perks it as tare,. of
Ontooricl) try. slot habee it is riot often he ,aleota as the
field of hta lalwr Uttlf,KideU yrth. , I , l' un•ytupatliatng au.
ditor , ._ Be tt". as a Luz), boaararr, the aaytna• A the
fanatiem who held ktth at kiuthand ate other ti. e) are
worthy of note aa a part of the Girior, of the 111/ICP, and
ebowlng t'• what letiglG deltlf ion Acid I%lly lend Ito
TGe te• .luttous pawed, whieb we attnex. tut
licieatly illurarate the character I the • reform."
(be actor,. to (hie ct. A% en iin I.rol ae to inaugurate
The) are 11. I .111.1 c.
1 Rase.lord TLat the auth.trity a ,•,•••b trolts 'dual soot
111 absolute and heal, •tti deciding all tritott•tiotu , Al 10 what
is true or false in principle, and rig; t or wrong In practice
Tberefore, the twits %dual., the hureh or the State, that at
tempts to control the "plutons or the prat-two of at.) wan
or w.allau. by euth , t t p. art' .•ut,i,te t,.• or Ler
own soul, is guilty of a 114gr..tot
2. Rianited, That Slavery ts a wrong which power
to the rei•erse C4O make right, —therefore, any law, cons.
titutiou, court or g...or.ntnent, any church, priesthood,
creed or Bible, 3t.y Christ or soy clod that by !Ilene. or
otherwise authorises men I. enslave man, merits the eeoro
and contempt nf mankind
itesolard, That the phenomena nl abet t, called
modern Spiritualism have abundantly demonstrated the
fact that an intelligent intercourse between embodied and
disembodied human Ppiri to is both possible and actual
That the con•mtion of the possibility and actuality of
spirit intercourse is opposed to all despotism, impurity and
sensualism, Lad conducts to the inauguration of the only
authority consistent with the human soul, as favorable to
found morality.
4. Resolved, That it in always wrong and inexpedieut
for man to take the life of man,—therefore capital punish
ment, war, and all preparations for war, are wrong and
inconsistent with the interests of individuals and
5. Rea. , lerol, That the only true and natural marriage
so 491.0u/ire conjugal love between one man and one wo
man, and the only true home I. the 140 lated home based
Jn this exclnelve love.
G. R soI.vJ , That the iiacred_and important neat of wo•
man her right me Beside for herself how often, sad under
what circumstances, she shall assume the responsibility
and be subjected to the :offerings and cares of maternity,
and man can commit no greater crime against woman as
wife and mother, against his child, against society, and
against humanity, than to impose on her a maternity
whose responsibility and suffering she is not willing to
accept and endure.
Wlterea., The warned superiority of man over wo
man has held her in submission and entailed slavery and
dependence on the sox, and consequently, misery on the
race; therefore,
Raolaird, That immediate steps should he taken to re
move that error and its consequences, and place woman
politically, industrially, educattonally and toctally on per
fact eqiality with man.
S. Rotufveaf, That nothing la true or right, and nothing
is false or wrong, because it le sanctioned or condemned
by thg Bible; therefore the Bible is powerless to prose any
doctrine to be true, or any practice to be right, and it
should never be quoted fur that purpose.
L. Resolved, That natural justice, individual and social
morality, the peace and material wealth and prosperity of
the nations, the spirit of human brotherhood, demand
that all international tariffs be immediately and forever
abolished, and that Governments in all their vartoas de
partments be aupported by direct taxation.
-141..eutoiresioftbthechtldren cf men on tt; each human
Wog Is alike independent; each child, by virtue of his
existence, has an equal and inalienable right to so much
of yte earth's surface as is convenient by proper culture
to his support and perfect development, and none has a
right tctiokyjnore; therefore all laws authorizing and MA,
taming private property in land, for the purpose of 'peen
lettere, and which prevent men and women from pooseuing
any land - without paying for it, are as unjust as wobld be
laws compelling them to pay for air and light, and ought
to be at once forirrer repealed.
kereas, The Jewish Sabbath is eutofease.lly ebt,listieJ
by the Gospel Dispensation, and
Wherras, The same authority sets spirt totter day t..
be similarly observed, therefore,
11. Rese/cesi, That all efforts of ehuseb •nd priest. ao
enforce our observance of the Christisin Sabbath, uhf
Divine appointment, la a flagrant violation of Individual
right, and meet be prosecuted se e dishonest disregard of
the spirit and positive teachings of the N-w Testament.
The above is undoubtedly sufli meat to show the Character
of tbo;Rtallsod "Brior-ro Convention," but that there
may be no mistake, let u. era a fox of the iudividual
opinions of the a:tors. Ifr Thomas Curtis, a Penosyl-
Tauten, we are ashamed to Pay, speaking to the resolution
on the marriage relation, declared—•• / ruv..ll to
poi rod., tied else etUrrleti be - rltt/i . to UptoU the expreae
ituderstatiding, not that t 1 4 sanctified it---we did not
want god in the matter—not that it wee ornettfied by
magistrate or priest, because we , ast that ides aside, as
none of their business—but because we saw that we could
in m arr iage better fulfill our highest and beet use, and
carry our happiness to the foil, et extent When we were
married, we expressed that sentiment, and when w e eg res s
to separate, we shall accomplish that separation without:
the help of god, or priest, or magistrate We don't 'gaol
the consent of either of the three, We do not want :o be
united because God unites UP; and we will not he sepias•
led because God separates us. We will act upon our own
judgment and opinions; each reepecting the Impreesioos,
not what I state, or what she states, but the impression
which are for both, and which are the common property
of all, and, as nob, to be used by men and wousen."—
Ilfrs. Branch, from New York, speaking to the same point,
declared that to the "marriage ceremony" was woman
indebted for her wrongs, for her aching heart, her chains,
her slavery " " You speak of her right to labor," con
tinues this reformee, " her right to teach, her right to tote,
and lastly, though net leapt, her right to get married; but
do you say anything about lier elk to toe. ,Alen she
where idle will, and whom eke Ira/ t" " • • "It is the
binding marriage ceremony that keeps woman degraded
in mental and moral Slavery. She must demand her free
dom, her right to receive the equal wage. of man for her
labor—Aar right to 6.ra, children with site trill, 4.1 by is Aom
eke will." Now, if db. Branch has no oblectione, we do
not think the public will object to Mei,. Briench's " ri g ht
to boar children when she will, and by whom she will,"
but it seems strange that if, as the New York rt WC*
claims, the people of Rutland have' no sympathy with
this kind of doctrine, it should be allowed to be promul•
gated from their town without a protest or a rebuke
I'NRAT4OI7TED SE R VICE.—Tbe Detroit P . rre Pores
very polotedly says that in the newspaper discaesions of
the noestioa of the right of search, growing out of the re
cent operations in the tlnlf; the only prominent jostroals
which haws advocateJ the searob &Pettis* are American.
The leading English journals have all toasts the other side
of the 000troversy. And the British government has
adopted the views of the London Timm instead of theme of
the New York Tribose—in this respeet v acting up* the
advice of the law officers of the Cnows, that the right of
etesreh or visitation does not *lust in time of peace. The
Now York Tribune and the Now York E”esioy p g ., an d
the Louisville Joerno/ and the Albany Jentrotal, sad the
other bleak republican sleets which have asserted sad sup
ported the right, have thus proffered services which are
not appreciated in England They have ont-Britished the
British. They have invited aggression upon America n
commerce which English public oplaion rays is nal/tidal
and wrong, and for 'oda'ging In which on the late OetS.
Olii Eogßah naval °dicers will be called home and pun
ished. It is a phy that the labor of these would-be Brit.
ish organs should be thrown away. We think that it
should at least be acknowledged by the British. But it is
deabtfal whether ft will be, No such service having been
engaged—it bowleg bees voluntary—these is no dieposi
ticia to requite It le any way.
—lt is said that tks moot disastrous explosion of the
?massy!Tanis. on the Miutuipp4 wu caused by lb. net
Deus of Ha aaglew►, who wee joring with ware fossil.
dna possiogsrs, Instead of 'needing to his Ma that*.
—Tim Beaten Trustier kris a Our artiste la favor at
Col Preset u the utti democratic caullidata ter Prost%
4 = I
H raid is be a
elataged, ars
Lai week,
thstairbed by
that still ocatead tiat sw► Is not the fact. And It ie pro
per, etiotianse that paper, that we should's, that la ellicdalt
Mitch* so desks are •=prumd is retepaieeia timissenalehe
abandomeat of all preteesioa to the elados set up by Lord
Aberdeen In 1842. The g 00000 meat of Borland Iwo con
tinned up to the prevent time to exercise what they claim
ed as a mere p..iire to determine the risitiosality of mer
chant shire, They claimed a right to enfants tills speeder
of maritime government over the high ears as appertain
eaciasively to all wheat anima, aad with a sole Orr
of detecting piracies To reader nisi, polies effetely*,
visitation' was claimed as ammins to an sad. In other
tes.rdi, visitation was asserted as an oarbirth of a vigilant
maritime polies. We took the voitod that we had an
absolute right to the meimmepted nee of the unappropriat
ed parts of the NM for war navigation; and the President
sent to the Wrest Indies tomb ea increase of oar squadron
tw, under his instructleas, would enable oar naval rote*
to exact immunity for oar merchant vessels. It was thee
that the issue came to be practical, renaming it necessary
that the British government, la the free of as impending
collision of hostile tests, should either disavow their pre
tensions, or enforce them at the cost of war. We can
hardlreompreheod the debate in Parliament without kmar•
ong in mind these simple facts. That debate, in other
word., did nut arise upon mere abstreet diplomatic notes;
it grew out of the position—perhaps we may say the
hostile position—of the aaval fore.. of the two govern
ments. to tilts ties ere should regard the disculeions in
Pialiament, and that be all the better able to understand
what is meant by adopting, on tire part of the Derby
ministry, the legal opinions of Lord Stowell and of the
present Attorney and Solicitor General on the subject of
s arch and visitation. In point of fact Lord Napier does
nut disguise the conclusion that his government has utter
if abandoned its pretensions, facetiously claiming that
the Earl of Xelmestsury is only giving effect to the Judg
ment of the highest legal minds in the kingdom, and that,
io pint of fact, nothing has been conceded to this govern.
went. In other words, that the present London cabinet
hare acted on British authority, which turns out to be pre
cisely what the United States have claimed as the law of
.RNA TOR BIGLER.—The Pengsylvanaan says that
the recent 'lett of ails distinguished gentleman to Phila.
delphia was taken advantage of by a large number of his
personal wad political frieads 1.. offer Mm the compliment
of a Titsbll.• Dinner, as a mark of 'heir continue& cool
doom and respect, and also as a testimonial of (twit ed•
miration for the disinterested and heroic manner with
whtdh he led the Democratic column in defence
Kanau policy of the party and the National Administra
tion. This demonstration was politely but premptorily
per Ths Phtladelphia Press and other papers of the
same stamp, ars claiming the ra nomination of Hon. Wm.
MONtOOKILIIT, in the Washiogton district to Congress, as
an antisadministrstion and anti•Locompton triumph.—
lint Mr. Montgomery hiniaalf—and he has a right to
know—does not so regard it. He very properly considers
the Kansas questioo as an obeolete tuna, and one which
has no place In Pennsylvania polities. Here Is what he
says to his oonstitaeots on this subject:
"I have invariably, in all parts of the district, said to the
people that r was not a 'wcnsitos' candidate, nor as
'aati•Leoompton' candidata ; but simply an old-fashioned
Democratic candidate, subject to the customs and usages
of the party. We bad some ditersoce of opinion antoagst
us on the 'Kansas question, bet now that controversy is
terminated by a bill which, if it is not all we eoaid ask,
pates a compromise which we, ea good citisenashould faith
fully carry out, the elpores of true wisdom demands of
ivory Democrat to exert his whole influence to barmen ,
ise and unite the party."
Mr. Montgomery is therefore re-nominated as a Demo`
eras, and as snob, we hope he will be elected. And not
only this ; but that le will henceforth follow "the course
of true wisdom," by sustaining the National Administra.
tion with his whole Digitisers; for It is only in this way
that the party can be harmonised, and its unity preserved.
Mr. Montgomery may yet retrieve the error of his first
peollion, and the Democracy of Pennsylvania impoot him
to do It.
It is denied by the N. Y. Tribasie that the Illi
nois black republican State Convention Indicated Mr. Saw
•RD fur the Presidency. It "does not believe any such
canvass was bad, beanie no open enemy of Gov. Saw•an
is itkoly to have incited it, and rarely no friend could have
dons him swish an lajary His presentation as •
candidate, more than two yams prior to the election, 6
iffihaleVila f orri 'asp — tranis and -
studied persistent hostility on the part of the common ad
versary." This is good advice. It Is well not to &epos*
thy. SZWARD to teott:stioa longer than b absolutely to•
dispensable prior to the election, for be is not the sort of
political merchandise that will beer inspection.
DON'T THINK NUM OF IT.—The Conneautville
Courier, by all odds the most sensible republican piper in
Crawford county, does not think mock of the movement
to make Oeo. Censnon this repabliesin nominee for Presi
dent in 1860. It says the "movement originated with the
New York llrrald and was unworthy of further notice,
had not respected Pennsylvania joeurnals endorsed the
movement. We accord to Mr. C•nutton, met intro of
character, with fair abilities but would regret to to. the
Republican party &mune so doubtful a position before the
country, In nominating any ` n" ... , :thew abilities did not
reek anon the fi rst statennon of * aye. The Republi
can piny is able to go Into t • nezt,oontest with her beet
and insert men, without resorting to candidate, for expe
diency, which must be , the object, however doubtful', in
naming Mr. C•nt RON for the Presidency " From this we
*mild infer that the Courier bes come to the conclusion
that the nomination of Freetnont, "whose abilities did mot
rank among the Illret statesmen of the age," was not a
paring experiment. A burnt child dreads the Ire—still,
we can passer* the Carrier there is no sort of eomparison,
so far u Aetna' fitness fur the position Is concerned, be
tween the nomination It so Inspiringly 'pallr of now, end
that it iopported so heartily in 1856. Oen. Cameron, tho'
no more fit for President than Jades was for an Apostle,
is still a bead and shoulders above Fremoot.
Oo the 104 of June, the Atlantis Telegraph fleet
sailed from Plynooth, Ragland, and by the 20th, it was
supposed, the ounneetion would be made in mid•oaaa, and
by the 30th the Niagara should have reached Trinity Bay,
Newfoundland. So tong s time has elapsed sine* the 30th,
without the Niagara bolos reported, that it is most prolt
able that an seeident has happened to the cable, and that
the fleet has returned to England. We may look for the
next socounts of it by a Liverpool steamer, in the course
of a fortnight. The publie will be entrenkely disappointed
if this great enterprise should have failed a ssoond time•
—lt is rather mel►ocho'y that the two greatest living
novelists, Dickens and Beiwer, sze separated from their
WON. Each of the two seem to be idolised by almost
every lady to the world except the one interchanged
vows with at the altar.
—The Raleigh Stow:land speaks with attire confidence
of the raceese of the Democratic party at the /inset elec
tion. The tiebernatorial candidates hare canvassed a
oonsiiierable portion of the State, with the most favor able
results to the Democratic Docalsee.
—The office of the Cbanthersbarg Polity Spit It was re•
goody removed to a room that had been oemapiod by a
Know Nothing Lodge. The editor says that "on taking
pussou'on of the room, they •eeenatered a strong smell
of sulphur, sad a easeful immunisation revealed nanterons
marks of aloes' feet en lb* lloor."
We published a few days since an account of the
sacking of the town of bleary by Yankton In
dians. We have news by St. Paul papers of
of further outrages:
"Word has reached us that Flandran, 15
miles below Medary was also burned down, and
the inhabitants driven off. The settlers between
Flandran and the falls will prepare for defence.
But the Indians will not go that far South, as it
is out of their range of operations, for the press
eat at least.
The Yanhtons, as Is well known, alaim a por
tion of the annuities paid to the Mow; contend.
ing that under the treaty of 1861, portions of
these lands were sold to tie United States, for
which they limier received remuneration. At
the the last sermon of Nearest, 8 1 85,000 was ap
propriated to satisfy the skims of these lodises
and the eating spuerintendant of lodise Attain,
in St. Papl, at the suggestion of Governor Sib
ley, bee despatched a 'seascape to the frontier
to inform the hostile Indians they will receive a
jest remuneration Inr their losses. 'Title, we think,
will quiet the Tanktoas.
The present 'audition of the Wiens should
hasten action by the Legiditure, in that portion
of the Governor's Message recommending the
speedy certainties of ea offeetivo militia form.
Th., Fourth 17, as a boll (bight
rm. Sea out of the oo far as Brie *Amount
you. there hes ' nocogititis '
mouser, of its , by oar Wimidlionda
was, so has bees those that privesded it. While other
Muss and villages, fur weeks previews. were proposing for
Wo..stmt, tie Mud with low wino bided, showing by
:wither sip oar ward that we meogolood the littleness of
.ash a day. Aid whoa the day ordred—the may sallow
al day we bars—what a "IsiggWY acoooot of empty box,
es" did as must. A few church boils called Mils Bab.
liotheehool leeks to pick also--a military pore& b ear
(germs: trolopsolea--s few boys and an totgaged in the
horologer lim-erositers—the rowdy potties or ummosity
paled larger sad got &salt, sad of coarse iodalged in a
light or two—the parade or a company of footman:a, as.
nomiusted the "Wilmatom Itaagoru" for M. papaw of
beriesquiag the "pstrkulso" or oar "city fathers ; sad
thw the day won oa Datil right, alma by the liberality
of some of our bovisess ass migagini io tbs Deal trod*, a
display of "ere works," oppreprius to Om amoeba, wu
furnished for the gruiliestios of "Togas America." Aid
so elided the Fourth is Rate, as it Las elided missy times
before, and we supple, will sad many times &gala.
Hon. 8. 8. Wsiat.Les, of Mayville, N. Y. died in
this city on Tuesday sitemstros at the resides.* of his
brother, on French street, litter • few day. 111 •••• At th•
time of his death, Mr. W. was oaf of the Oatial Commie.
closers of New York, and President of the Board. His
age was about 55 years. Some twenty years ago Mr. W.
was engaged in mercantile punish. 1. this eity, but
not meeting with the success anticipated, after • Wier
trial, returned to his late home, from whence he had re
moved, where be has resided ever since. Mr. W. was a/-
ways an active and earnest politician, and instil 1855
closely identified with the fortunes of the Democratie party.
In that year he became the nominee of the American party'
and was elected by • very large majority. The Bahl*
t', in speaking of his racial career, says • "Da
ring his official life be has been remarkable for his der*,
l ion to the division under his charge, and for the intelli
gence and uprightness with which he discharged his duties.
Holding oflies daring a period whim his acts sad motives
were subjected to the closest ceiticiam, no one has elm lea•
peached his integrity or honesty of porpoise. At the pros
sot time, when the Western Division la in peculiar danger!
lb* loss of his services as Its representative will be
ously felt. Gov. Hie( has the appointment of his medal
sot, to fill the remainder of the vacant term."
The Conneaatvlll• angrier mates thas two or three
fellows, in the vicinity of Albion, in this toasty, base been
doing some business in the cattle line lately. Their plan
was to go out alter night, start up what cattle they could
lend in the road end drive them to Coaneantville, and sell
them, sod poceettog the money return fur a fresh drove.
Some thirteen head base thus been sold to persons in
Conneantrille, mid in the immediate vicinity. Two
brothers thus engaged, named ?bas., were known, be)t
represented they took the cattle on debts. The last /mie
was to hire a bone and bow at a livery Stable, and
driving down near this eity and sell it. Should the
scoundrels be caught they will probably tout with their
Jost deserts.
The publisher of that but of smotitly agriaslusrat
papers, the Americas /grimlstria, New York, giros swam
that boreafter, commencing with the Jell somber, the
Agrieultoriot will be published is both the English and
Oarless language. Both editions are to be of the saws
site, and contain as swirly aa.peesiblo the Nano snicks
and Ulustrstkmo. The Genus 'Attica is to be furnished
to m boaril m in at., same miss sa the Bagilsit, which la
$1 per year for a slue* copy, or six copies for SS. We
have sot rewired a copy of Use German edition, and there-
fore cannot speak of its appearance from actual °bows.
tion, bin if it is as well got up as thellaßoglish edition, it
will be no discredit either to the publisher or the art typo-
What a volume ol thoacht there Is to the folk
Item which is coin( the rounds :
"A Toro Suictu.—A IlttJe girl, twelve years old, at
tempted to commit suicide at Boston, the other day. She
bad been severely punished several times by her teacher
and fearing further chastisement, she drank • teacup tali
of burning Maid, but as emetic saved her life. BIN gave
bar reasons for the set that the girls "picked aipms" her;
that she was called "stupid," sad her teacher had punished
her, and she was tired of life."
The world will as,., know, remarks the Evosing
/die, bow many people have been made stupid by the
simple cry of "dunce," which has been hurled at them.—
The late Oov. Matey was a "stupid" boy until he got *
teacher who had sense enough to treat him intelligently
and frankly, instead of "lumping" the future statesman
- M. sc.. mu...., . clerk in the Store of W. F.
Rindernicht in this City, met with a my mottoes accident
on Thursday. Be was driving up street in a buggy, when
some part of the harness gave way, the horse became tin
numerable, and commenced to run and kick, and in
tuning the Corner of State and Bight strut, to save him
self from being dashed upon the side walk, he jumped
out, and fractured his leg very badly just below the
A friend hue banded us a Teri well prepared
eynopsis or the Simon of Rev. Dr. FORRIMIII on the
evening of the 4th, on the duties of American eitisona,
but too late for insortion—a foot we very much repot,
as we bad the pleasure of listening to it. and thought it
one of the bes: eonoeived offorto we seer beard from the
The Daily Union, of Pittsburg, bat teased to estate
the establishment having been mold to Joist B. Katmai:ft
Ran late of the .CArosiele of that city, who proposes to
issue in its stead a morning peaty daily ender the tame
of the Trate Press. As a political and news journal the
1:111010 was one of the ablest paper, in the State, and its
loss will be felt by the Democratic party la that vicinity.
The Gazette states that a frame dwell's' house on
the farm of Mr. Joss A. WOZUNER, in East MUloroek, was
destroyed by fire ors Sunday morales, with all its °attests.
inelediog role $l5O 00, principally is 13110 k SOW.
loo;ing to a Mr. )(Till, who ocentiled the bona, and cul
tivated the farm. Mr. M. hu sustained a serious lost by
this steatite*, and d eeeeee s the rysipathies of the cam-
The weather continues, like yowl' love, alto
ether too hot for comfort. Not even the health giviag
breezes which come op from the waters of Lake Erie, like
gentle words from lova, bps, tan provost the erollapee of
shirt collars, or the sweating, panting, anatimmatislag ad.
joratioas of thous who have to Wm the rays old Boils now
pouring down upon as. Not a drop of rain for four long
weeks' Think of it, and sigh for mint Abp., eatawba
eoblers, aad lee-cream !
The venerable old Hall of Representatives, at
Washington, wu the theatre of a public retidnOldsl Mon
day. The old chairs and desks of the mfflabere were sold
to the Merest bidder, singly or In lots to Intl purchasers.
There was some competition for the well known desk and
chair of John Qulney Adams, and they were knocked
down to a member of the press at fifty dollars, sad are is
be sent by him to alseuchusetti sus • prises( to • Mend
Hon. Horatio Lag, Pint Assistant Postmaste r
General, hu Instructed the Postmaster at Yostpalier, Vt.,
that patterns and blank sample abuts, ere subject to letter
poets's, and that printed ballots sad business blanks are
to be rated to the skeet—each skeet being regarded as a
single circular, all patter how toasty thaw ;be blank Is re
posted upon It.
we see it stated that Batfalo, Ss oosasiott with
other large titles, shows a warted &cream is the limber
of same in the see direetory. The OClSPllltereka says "tae
rani dialects probably have larger popalatioas, the stag-
Dation of affairs it the eitiee haviag the &feet to lode,*
wartime's to soak labor la the oosstry."
—'here is • man la Boston wko bas two iatllioas of
dollars oa deposit la Ye Basks of tb at city wbo mostly
relissed to iiive lib to a shareable purpose, declaring that
be was not able, because so much of Us maw, was lybeg
idle In the beaks. Tkaxe I. itatins pilnalubropy for
- T. Philadelphia Doily Nests has pet ea a arm
dron, aad looks story snob Improved. I. I...litimt e hoir.
Soar, it ma•ios "that net* old 'soon`— An slight of •
Cat►olte giving it to ages tit, 'statist!". t 0... amain' of •
Bishop is son to mad It Into eosst4M•s.
Dr. Boomer% Deuttat. *riot sad Physiclas, all
bo at 11101/11 . 11 Uotst, arts, hem ?nimbi/ 8111418atsrday of
alit work, (Jail 12th to 11'th.) 01Leo hoses Btof A. 11..
Lad 2 to 3 tad 64 to ? P. M.
lee ban steeled lb* int bubo/ of tbo Mood
Vernon asoved, published Is PloUsdolpado. It is &violist
to an posehouo of the nose sad GMe of liosartworos,
.aad is Clod with Wonsan !hallo. We ITO pl.s to
'soo, anew= the eoutribstloui ootsoute4ed, 9 liberal *be
frau the ladles of our city.
UT. Alia Plastai area drowsed la the Bay
ila was latoaissuml at lb. diaa.
Damao Wagons, loq-, etyma. bat boas appointed
to Do Comniasionop la mime do penal axle of Peasaytes,
ate, in Saes of H... Quango L littalusaw, paolosod
lase bit!'appakainteat as itaidant at Bloods',
seetheee, by the piembeld iloyettiletta as the 14th. That
to coal joke fee soak a dry spell of bet weatber as this !
&ay. Yr. POBUtela will repeat, by request
usombers of hiseempegatiaapbb dimmurse, " A Systema
tic TheoJoky tka Demaad of tb. Liberal Cbristisa
Cbureb," suit Sunday sassing.
--- Tim Africa arrived at New York ea Thareday, but
tie meat is sot IRporteat. She *tight ao Dews of the
telegraph het. '
WORTH KROWITIG.—ProI. Wood, whorl advertise.
nest wiU bo foiled fa smother odors, has dlooorerad
milady Ow Se grog sad ballortWih la at ogee praetioahlo
sad asap. It twaskte sod a* sib, sor •ztraordl
sary trouble. There eau be so doubt whatever of ita
elhaey. We bays uses teotliaosirda aluicst without onus
bor, ssd dos toes of great intelligence, high starting and
moral wont'.
Those whit-base bees bald for years are sow wearlog
their own hair. and appear tea years younger than they
did six mouths go. As la most vane grey hairs bad bald
beads are both premature aaffasaaturtil, it is a duty to
needy theta by the Natural and aadoabtad mesas winch
Prof. Wood has lariats& aad Dew kWir offers to the
affietea. Read hie advertiseateat, try his wonderful
needy. sad give the Prefasear a aest testimonial—Sim.
salts Whig.
Sold la Brie by all Drag:gist.
CASE.—As outside barbarians are doubtless
aware, married peoplc is Ohio and
relief from the slightest quarrel or disagreement
in a suit for divorce. The latest and most sin-
case we have noticed is mentioned by the
ti ll itu r. lanati Enquirer. A man and wife it that
city had lived happy together for , a year, about
which time it became necessary, in accordance
with mucus), to select a name for a little mascu
line stranger in the house. The wife intimated
that she would like the child to be called Athol
We will let the Enquirer tell, the reef
At this the liege lord objected ; she urged ;
he refused; she wept; he grew obstinate, sud
said she need not hope to shake his resolution
by her tears—he was marble when a principle
was involved.
The madam then pronounced ins conduct bru
tal, and by way of sustaining her assertion lie
swore roundly. The result was a tremeodoul
scene, such as can occur between married people
only, and which defies description. Cri tus t ion
and recrimination followed ; tears were coin
mingled with oaths ; little shrieks with threats
clasping of bands with stamping of heavy boots,
and pacing to and fro of agitated bodies
cannot, I will not endure this, madam," came at
last, and by way of reply in a cool and sarcastic
manner, "You have your remedy, sir, and I as
sure you I have no disposition to suffer much
longer from your tyranny. The life of our io
fent depends upon mine; and for its sake I can
not consent to die of a broken heart," and here
the wife snatched up the babe from the cradle,
and pressing it convulsively to ber bosom, sob
bing "Poor little innocent, your mother will not
desert you."
The husband was DOW frantic, and fearing that
be would explode with rage, snatched up his hat
and left the room hurriedly. 'the next morning,
after consulting his attorney,' be applied for a
divorce, and his wife consented with exceeding
At the.. bottom of this affair lies the strange
monster, jealousy. The name the mother was
so anxious to give the child was that of a partic
ular friend of hers before marriage, and to whom
it was reputed, she was at one time engaged
The husband having heard of this intimacy, Wbi
inclined to mention it seriously to his conaort,
but thought be would let it pus. When she
appeared so determined, however, to name hii
son after her former lover, he believed it a proof
of the inlidelity of her heart to her lawful hus.
band, and acted foolishly, as jealou4 men do in
variably. -
biahstearm, 4;afer - and - A
siigt:rota' r AIWA
which cry aloud to heaven for vengeance upon
the perpetrators, has, from the publicity which
has been given to it among the Mormon people,
reached us. The fourth wife of a man living in
the vicinity of Salt Lake City, whose name fur
the present I shall suppress—a-young, amiable,
refined women, beloved by all who knew tier,
somewhat superior, to the common mass, from
the influence of early education—became imps..
tient and heart sickened at the abject state of
misery so rapidly gnawing the very cords of her
soul, and determined, If possible, to reach the
camp of the army. Her husband bad got some
hint of it. He immediately mounted his horse,
and rode to Brigham's office, and asked of
Brother Brigham what he should do with her
Brigham told him to cut her throat, and thus
save her from eternal damnation. The brute
went home and told the poor, woman to prepare
to die. She, seeing the earnestness of his man
ner, fell at his feet, begging, praying and implr•
ring him for mercy; but he while she was tintn
kneeling before him, , took but-he,
by the hair, and
out her throat from ear to ear.
This example wu afterwards held up to the
Merman woman in ward meetings u a warning
to them.—Utah car. N. Y. Tribune
''ln North Carolina, D. K. Mcßae, a Dew,'
crat, is making a stump canvass for Governor,
and is denouncing Lecionspton." •
We take the above from the Washington c.,r
respondent of the Philadelphia-Press, which is
edited by Col. Forney. That gentleman ought
to be ashamed of himself for making such a
statement, or allowing it to- appear iu his col
umns. He knows that Mcßae, although for
merly a Democrat, was repudiated by the Dei
mocracy:of North Carolina for political heresy
before the Lecompton question came up, sod that
he is now the regular Know Nothing candidate
for Governor. If Dqvid Wilmot and Simon
Cameron should run for office in Pennsylvania,
and denonree Leeompton, we suppose the Prros
would set them down a 4 Democrats, although
they oonnected themselves with the opposition
years ago, and have been since the Ingot bitter
enemies of the Democratic party —Cincinnati
Tnz WHOLZ STORY—A young wan named
James Powers was hanged at Washington on Sat
nrday. for murder. Just before mounting the
intaffold he bade his brother farewll, and said ,Re
member what I told yon, let the liquor alone.
The same ocansel has gone forth from a thousand
scaffolds in this country, and its echoes are heard
in many a prison all. We waste much breath
and ink in speculating Roo the douses cf erime
and its extraordinary increase of late ye.ars
Bat the confession of the criminal tells us the
whole of the matter. It is rum that
mom out of men of originally good impulses; it is
ram that is Ming our prisons, feeding the gal.
lows, and diminishing the security of life and
property. Under its aosursedlefinenee men who,
when sober, would die rather than commit a die.
honest action, sample not to perpetrate forgery,
robbery, and murder. Of all the propositions
for the prevention of crime we are strongly pert
snatied that there is none of equal effieney with
the simple advice of young Powers—'Let the
liquor alone!—Pkiindelptia Journal
Mr A shook* widest by whieb /he lives
of two boys were lost, occurred at Hartford,
Trumbull County, as Thursday last. Our in.
formast says the young ion of 11r. Vision, 10
or 11 jean of art, nereliant at Burg Hill, went
with two other toys into the garret of the store,
where a lag of powder was deposited, sad after
removing the ping, tailed ibit powder, along the
loci for some distaste, aid the. touched it off
with a sastelt Olio of the boys apprebeodiag
somethiag wow", escaped to the lower floor be.
tors the Muth was imiplie4. The roof of the
heildnig - was Mons ollr o aid the two lads in the
one* were killed.—eme of. them imitatly, aid
lb. oth er; dig sots of Mr. Vaanori, , lived a ow
t't orrispoodonsarof this
J sly4l B
New York ipol be d o
two classes; . liachaisp. all. 0.. 0
have a local habitation and a name with some
reputable and regular enfployment; another, per•
taps t ehistutibtentira population, who merely
exist from hand to mouth by all sorts of devised
expedients, and occasionally one of this latter
else, is brought on the stand to answer the clues.
tion "what do you do for a living?' and, under
oath, the plain truth comes out sometimes in a
curious way. A man can exist in New York
and, keep up . a respectable appearance, having a
decent wardrobe to start witb, by way of capital,
for the sum of 181 cents per diem for foal and
a like sum for lodging, or, if his personal be
fair, he may try a bolder game. Take a ease in
point; it is only a type or sample of many; we
are acquaintid with a man, of a respectable fain
ity in Providence, H 1 , a man of liberal educa
tion and gentlemanly appearance, who has lived
stylishly on nothing for some years past. This is
the twins operandi• he hires desk room in a
down town store and pretends to be a broker; re
fers all inqirers to sucks a number as his place of
business; be is never there, however, and nobody
knows anything about him; be goes with a wo.
man who passes as his wife, to one of the fash
ionable up town boarding houses, enjoys the beet
rooms with a princely display of liberality Of
of course the poor landlady is too much over'
whelmed by the magnificence of her condescend
ing boarder to think of suggesting pecuniary
considerations to his mind, until the debt becomes
serious in amount when the subject is continually
hinted at acid politely waved aside as a matter of
nu rcessequence When the game of bluff is en
tirety played out the boarder decamps to try the
same game somewhere else; finally a pile of
judgmeuts and executions are issued again-1 him;
he pleads Insolvency, goes into a cotuniksion bu
siness, in which, of course, be cdonut be touched
There seems to be no way known to the law for
punishing rascals of ibis ilk
In a social meeting the other evening, Henry
Ward l3eeeber, speaking of the influence of the
secular press in the late religious revival, gave
an account of the labors of a clergyman in New
York, now long dead, who many years ago intro
duc-d- the innovation of reporting religious news
in theme papers, which had never before been
beard of He went ;o the leading dailies and
hireil a column for two or three months to fill
with items of religious news; finally, the sour-
Ellis found it for their interest to admit such mat
ter gratuitously, and now they pay largely fur it
Mr Beecher said h thought the secular papers
of this city exerted a better influenee than the
professedly religious aoe,,, these latter eugro-sed
all the quarrelling; they were bulls of Bashaw,
which had to be shut up in a pasture by them
selvem This was significant, considering that
gentleman's indirect connection with the Inds ,
As a whole, the "Fourth Estate" of
our country occupies a position of greiter
ence and resposibility than ever before News.
paper investments, at least in this city, are noir
profitable-, And pseoprictors know that they can afs
ford to pay handsomely for anything the people
want to There is probrbly, however, n o
business which 'Deludes a greater amount of vam•
pires, suckers, and sixpeuny black mall men --
Especially are little party organs, which have no
place in the confidence of the people, redus
cod to earning their bred very much as Judas
earned his thirty pieces of silver
People are leaving by every chauee for the ru
ral districts, the mountain tops and tre seashore
The houses of the fashionable will be very soon
closed for the summer, and ab Out' tenth PI
one milli )u of inhabitants will be dist - 66'1u d si
aig the hills and furest,, carrying the latett
fashions and the last trashy summer books
INDIAN WHIsKY.Y.---A eitii.ut of St Paul fut.
Dishes some pretty hard papers on his fellow sin
nets who trade with the Northwestern Indians
He nays a barrel of the "pure Cincinnati,"t?,
even after it has run the gauntlet of raile•eol
‘• • 111Tieieu.t hash upon which to
manufasture one hundred barrei, of "good In
dian liquor !•' He says a small buckktful of the
Cincinnati article is powel into a wash tub al
most full of rain water ; a large quantity of "dog
leg" tobacco and red pepper is then thrown into
the tub ; a bitter species 0. root, common in
"the land of the Dakota," is then out up and ad
ded ; burnt sugar or some such article is used to
restore something like the original color of the
whiskey. The compound has to be kept on hand
a few days before it is fit Tor use It is then ad•
ministered to' the aborigines ad Libitum. He
says all an Indian wants is something that will
"bite !" and it matters not whether it is pepper,
rnm, or tobacco ; that he will give fatty acres of
land for one dose Ile says some of the spe"us
lators, when alley wish to "drive a bargain,"
have only to administer this innocent prepare
tion to the Chippewa and Sion: simultaneously,
and they all start at once for their war-clubs and
tomahawks, and proceed to cleave each other's
brains out.
1;OLD Juts, IN VERNIONT —A correspondent
of the Boston Traveller, writing from Nfoutpelier,
June 24th, says that a returned Californian hays
ing discovered gold, tfter careful search, in the
beds of the streams running from a high monns
lain ridge about ten miles north of that place,
quietly went to the land owners, and without their
knowing the fact of the disovery, purchased the
exclusive right of digging for gold in the largest
stream for three years All through the present
season be has been at work there with an ast,is•
taut, and says that he is doing a good business
every day
lie has found a nugget worth thirty dullars,
and ooe worth eight dollars The goldsinith4
pronounce tho gold pure, and worth more per
ounce than- that which is brought from California.
Gold was discovered msny years ago is Plym
outh, Windsor couaty Vt , but in such limited
itintitiei that it has never compensated any une
w gather it Last year gold wits mined -.access
fully in a •tr am running down the nth, r solo of
the mountain ridge above Mentioned
thinks that if we have a war with Englaud, the
ladies will fight, because of late• year, they have
be, a accustomed to tort arms laud are familiar
with the uses of artificial la.,l.titvork, some It
II) should make an iinpre.siou on the editor's
"senuce "
AND THI4 Fsa,t,ol4"roo - lady entered a
dry goods store in town the tither day, and ex
pressed a desire to see wool delaiii4 The pulite
clerk with .eregaut address, ihoweif her a variety
of pieces of tinetexture and choice coloring
After tossing and examining to heart's content,
she remarked:—"The goods arc part cotton, sir "
"My dear madam," replied the clerk, "these
goods are as free from cotton as your breast is"!--
The lady started. "Free from guile, madam, - he
immediately added.
A STRANGE STORY —The Marksville
Central Organ, of the 2l)th uit , has the follow
Some two nights since, a death occurred in a
certain portion of our parish, which was brought
about in a strange manner A gentleman living
unhappily with his wife, some few months since
committed suicide This so afflcted Ler that abe
often of a morning declared that the ghost of the
demised bad haunted her during the night.—
Finally, one day she affirmed the devil had ap•
peered to her, and after upbraiding her, stated
that hereafter when she should attempt to eat or
drink, her food and water would choke her.—
And strange to say, whenever she took any Dour.
isiment or dank anything, she was invariably
choked. This continued for twenty-seven days„
when she died from pure starvation. These facts
we have from a gentleman of undoubted veraci
M. A. boarder at a hotel ia Chicago, missei
$5O. A servant named Abraham, was arrested
on suspicion. The money (we say it without
irreverence,) was found in Abrabam'e bosom.
Army Intelligenet
Otilbeivupp,4l:l ,11 1 , ..•
intend to`upirNt anaria,l. 1
trades: , oflthe 5t,,,. "
ley of Salt Lako, t 6.. 1;,.,, 14 '
ttry, after fall w, I (
War, has issued Ir i r, I r
tion of portions of rhr. i
Thn troops t , i , routaiti it) - w.
Utah, under the ,f lir
be eight eocupsuie, ~f t 1 1 , 4 , 4,
battery of the 4th artillery, 14 1 ,,
of the 34 artillery, and it:r,
try, the sth, 10th, and either ti,.
Six companies of the lit eavloT
on the plains during th.• •ocerio.,
late in the autumn ay tit, -
will permit them t') retort) t
eoworth, aa may bc , r-Rftor 1,,
on the plains they aftll uu
the Indian tribes "rhos,• tri•n!.
been suspected, fur the putt,
upon them the power 1.1 il; I r ,
of confirming them 113
Berry's sad Hunt~ hot.. r,,
ately seat back to Fort
After complettag the w !
battalion of the fith iefau! J •
to Camp Scott,
Dies of eoineer tol lier 4 a4l r
New York
The troops scot from N..* ‘l, l
to Capt Marcy will 1... 1,,
The one years aub.t.t,•,,,
in the contractor's trains. I r
is Utah, as well as for th , • r., u c
ally destined for the gam , ,i• ,
except in a very extreme 3.• 1,,
or diverted from their ./ , 'AMV.,, A ,
sent forward in order to affor
two year's supply for the smaller
tell above, to remain in the &spa!:
The Ist cavalry, this troops in It.
Platte, and those who are to r.•'•;
enworth, will be vnbsisted f.
(,riginally ordered to be dr ,A L ,
consumption of the reinf rr :L ; , 1 .
to Utah, and from the ! , uip.; t r
now going forward from L
It 14 believed that th. tr
consumed their pre-cot %up1,,1
store?. before those on ilk,. wat
train can reach them. tiri. ! 1,
if practicable, take All 0.• r, ;
wagons now with tI r,
possibly be , pared, • I i%
the principal article , ot
flour, bacon, c.,11.•••,
vinegar, - n.l 01..11 •
kkatch to Brig ,;
'master will alto
of clothing for tr
Of the one thou..m.l t. ti
Utah, some tw fiun in
Brig Gen Harp. y 1.. r
Brig Gen !fatties ,:r •
the provotious of thi.
• 11,
Loui+ and woontic th.
meat of the Wc+l
D (' Buell wtll reuialo
Brig Gen Harney, ari,l
Louis, there to re•utbt• hi.
quarters ut :11,. .1, p
if in hi:, march t th.•
trt., %fa utd re`i,•1...1: %it 141 't,
tl % , outitury
1. ra 4utlk 1. '; ;
Oil •ptr u}. -
U tut* ~ t ur t i
1.. y pirr
ttii r
R4"41 -u '4
,4 - 4 r-
au,l ;al 1,1 ill, to. -I In.
t , . !ill
• t
pal-ILL! retuf , r, m. u'
cnittiniaad of t;H• "
way prefer
It , Lliuu
au 11 , ,Atilitie8 t)f miv-
Washington Terry
strengthen the .r
of infantry, ,
soon as •in -I , ar• t
er ID Utail 1.t.) ,u,.:
I.IIM to
rect its watch u;. u 1 , r• ,
order it by !..uvil nr r .‘1 • -
the l'aelLto Is••• :.•••
puotleat of t be 1'611.1
the following w„1 3 • t, !
to the illu-triuu- -•,t'
head of the State Il l ‘r•
probable -ati,fact3ry
search qtp,tion, Ile ,ay-
" Nor shon: 1 the 0i5`.1 . .1
whatever differences ,I p .
with-ut a just and t, • •
able, r. solute, and patr:,t.
Cass If there be one . 1 :1 -
other, to which he has
efforts, the zeal, the lin
swerving purpurpo-e,
years of his public ea ,
&wilco of his I''4lllll ID • r
and abroad, it tis• ti r
deed, it had •al .a
gree as his pen •
when his •, Ilr
scanned to. ~; 4: 0 %
embarra- Iht pie••, t,
much th • • ,Ityr', •
tlement D I
relat.on• ttu
ruot It
arm, to hri , ;;
This IA a great ,
thing but the m„•t tic--
ship can deny' th h tv
high credit which ith
a generous public
When Daniel
delivering biA tueinor,'
tion of Hunker 11.1
sed forward to turn \
fainting and some!,
iu vain to make tle A' , -
it could not he d i - .
t,) make an app
came forward, -or,
in bi, deep Ntent,lt,i,
back: - "It eatin
"Gentlemen, stmid
change ef vow, !
impossible " Imp •
Hill;” and the ri••
back like a inight.
OttwoN —Ti..• A•
is uo: doubted t.‘ \\ ,- I!
Floyd await to pi
from the Nettie
Indlan4 1113 V etill
meats, and , h )111.1 I • •
enough t) drot. ! •
as they are in the U '
which they are w, II •
slaughter of the p• !"
spongibilit) will r••• , ' 1 •
Senate,beforo wl • ‘,
Indians have b• • u p '
are yet undutpu-ed
oft. A ). , 111.
Chester cu..,
while a4leep, an i
third4t ry wit:'•
below, and
The Rep s q.
hope of her rev. , very
i I. V