Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, July 03, 1858, Image 2

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lIIENJ. P. P4I.OAPI, Y4lt•r.
SLOAN * MOOR.E, Publishers
Democratic State Ticket.
bATI , IiOt
News of the Week.
—Mr Forsyth, the American Minister in Mexico. hes
demanded his passport sad is on his way home Owing i
to the refusal of the American residents to pay the forced
loan Jornanded by Zuloaca, their goods had Is. ea seised.
This loss wee a contribution levied upon all foristoeri
resident in the City of Mexico, under the pretext of estah
Itching a Nationnl Baal, bat really to Meet the present
and pressing necessities of the Zuloegii Atiminittratioa,
and the Americans acted under Mr Foie,4l , advice in
refusing to pay Of course, after the outrage committed
upon Itu countrywen, Mr F. could no 1.12 p- A, remain, ap, , ,t
is on• his way home, and diplomatic relations between t is
country and Mexico have, for the present, ceased. Hers
ikaaother step In manifest destiny The numerous ■et:
of this kind committed is the Mexican government will
bring on reprisals, daltiands for indemnity, negotiation.
for &images, and nattily, either the purchase or conquest
of more territory, or the establishment of a United Slates
Protectorate destined to result in entire annexation Zia
lose& baring i • ommitted this last act of fatuity is now
about to dy from his country It is understood tbat he
wee about to prioved to Tampico, thence to escape to neu
tral ground 'The incoming government, that of Juares,
is understood to be favorable to the United Stales, and
eppoics3 to Cbutels dictation, wit h completely eoutrolled
the I,siny of ZlAloess.
—Uu• ot ouf wofDickg oulOcuptiforlua, says the New York
Herold, gives all the credit u(_-the paciticalion of the Mut
mow to Cul Kane, the volunteer Peace Ambassador to
Brigham Young, gad in this cuunectiun the hardships,
privations, tufierings, - and dangers passed through by the
Intrepid ooloneLare rooted in iery glowing colon But
the pacification of the Mormons a simply due to the army
moves:Boots towards the iireat Sett Lake, set in motion by
Mr. Buchanan: The advance of a DOW corps*( erreutive
sad judicial Territorial officers. uuder the escort ut an
army force of al thousand men, with another thousand
or two to bring up the rear, taken all together, formed au
argument in favor of peace to itrigham, the Prophet, as
strong as the most convincing revelation. In fact, be
never bad received a more infallible revelation trullany
quarter; and hence his quiet surrender of the keys of
Territorial authority. That is all there is about it; and
had Col. Kane'. whist:in been a mission to the Mormons
to behalf of wur instead of pease, the result would have
beet the same. So thinks the Obe:rver
—A party of taival gentlemen, says the New York Poe:,
have boon despatched, to the Pacific to late a ►urvey of
the route between San Francisco and China. It is said
that moose Sr. hundred islets, 'heals, and coral reefs exist
on that route, which have never been indicated on a chart,
and now that our commerce-with China, Japan, and the
tridiau Archipelago is rapidly inerassi rag, it has become
necessary that they should be invsotiguted and delineated,
Lieut. John di. Brooke, the inventor of the deep seasound.,
lag hod. is the commander of the expedition, and is ac ,
oompanied by Lieut. Tborburn, Kern, the artist who
was with the exploring expedition under Commander
Losers to the North Pacific, and several others. They
sailed for California by the Star of the West. After arriv.
tag at San Francisco they will praised in the Fenimore
Cooper, a vessel of 100 tcus, to the field of their daces.
—Twenty•four deaths from run stroke are said to have
occurred la New York and Brooklyn between Saturday
Lad Monday mornings. Recent investigations in this
disease show that sun stroke is a very loose name for it.—
Ia 18.54, in New York, scores of eases oocurred in sugar
Mining houses, engine rooms, and the laundries of hotels
—any place in fact where great beat and moisture were
combined. The rays of the sun are not necessary to the
production of this fearful dimwit.. Post wortinii examtne•
dons show that wily in a limited number of eases is coops•
don of the brain present. The great majority of eases
are due to fainting or exhaustion, identical with that pro
duced by staying too long is a hut vapor bath. The patient
should of coarse be promptly stimulated, not depleted,
and laid with the bead very low so as to favor the Sow of
blood to the brain.
—The "Attacks Blues," a colored military company in
Cincinnati, went on a picnic to tilendale on lir nesday.
On the return by the cars a colored man named Reuben
Jones took a bottle of liquor frc his pocket bibod
and created a distortion , when a man &mad
Brown poised the bottle and throw it out of the wi
La the quarrel which ensued, Jones stabbed N. C Just ,
• well know Cincinnati barber, severing the main artery
of his thigh. He loon bled to death, and Jones was com
mitted for the homicide. It is sopposied that the tall
blow wu not Intooded fur Jackson, as be had taken no
part In the difficulty except as pacificator. .
—A woman about thirty-siz years old, named Carolina
Frederica Katrina Schwartz, has been arrested in Chicago,
us a chary, laid in Buffalo, of poisoning a min with
whom she was living it. wife. She is a woman of good
*ascetics, and appears to poses* • history tinctured with
romasee. She states that her father held the rank of
Bless (lonersl under the Duke a Baden Baden; that for
tsar years she rode by his side, arrayed in this warlike
hobiliments of the otter sex, in which unwomanly chancier
she visited Avinsia, Algiara, aad many other places, and
termiasted her career of soldier by getting married sad
comiag to America some tea years ago.
—Thar* was considerable excitement ■t Ehttschard's
Motel in Broadway, between 12 and 1 o'clock Sunday
1111comisig, at which ume Capt. Denham, an elderly gentle
men boarding at the hotel, was dangerously stabbed by
Edward J. Anderson, a lawyer and a guest of the house.
The wife of Mr. Anderson had taken a ride with Capt.
Dunham and hi, wife, and oar their return at 121 o'clock
in the morning, Anderson, after a few - words with Capt.
Dunham, drew • dagger and stabbed him is the right
breast- Capt. Dunham now lies in • critical state, and
his assailant Du been commuted to Jefferson Market
Prison to await the result of his injuries.
—At the recent casualty to the steamer Pennsylvania,
on the Mississippi, a gentleman and big wife, who occupi
ed a rooa tar Ward of the eabto division, died most !kiwi•
bey, having been%orned alive. Ia the tall of the rubbish
Cllafilki by the explosion, they were caught under a heap
of ruins of the fallen rooms, and a boiler fell oft that.
Me implored the others to extricate them, and offered aH
be was worth. The attempt waa made, but li was impos.
'ibis to sate them, as the boat was thee on lire.
—The Newburgh (N. Y.) New learns that a aims is a
mighboring village, who has some questionable claims to
!mien( to the medical fraternity, was the other day found
to company with a widow under suspicious circumstances.
The twee employed in a factory in the vicinity gave the
pomade doctor a liberal mating of tar, after taking off his
gammon, and a good supply of cotton waste, Lad than
ratio/ his to the highway, with hi. two turned towards
Newburgh, started his on his travels.
—Tim toss of lb* Rogliob journals Ripon the proe,td.
lege aft their cruisers in the Gulf I• wide and liberal.—
The mei of the cruisers are entirely, disavowed, and all
the Joann& mine in urging the Government to forward
stab a reply to the Ignited States as will satisfy the people
for the wrong indicted, and allay rho prevaillag excite
ment. It is said that despatches of this character have
Mies reonved by oar governineat
—At micas mure has boos before the Roeboster marts,
to erldeb a mother charged ber son with theft. to obtain
h.a eommittal to the Noose of Ref use, to order to save
Mot from pusisbatest In perste at the heads of Ids father,
of whom enmity the woman Web to kers Mood in mor•
MI tarot. The boy admitted tbe Met, sad was sestoscod
—Tao Assad Jury of intbaoy roomy, N. V., have loud
ea isrdistamat egoism • bay, i.e. than mots, years of eta,
for /birder. Os tae iota of April some boys weal s.y.
bag maititein two of diem bad sore divine abaft amt.,
pas, sad darfs; lb* moles Joseph Calabash, Jr. was
mobbed through the bean by Iliekkikel Norton.
—A man died, a tow (lay" Waco, aged Oa, in (hosioridge,
Mass., w►o had lived fron poorly. and who was not lap
plaid to Mrs any property, tamps tie boat" sod lot is
Ma* ►s livid. HL hilts, however, oa marodilag the pm
WIN, dimovorod spode of variou menories sad dental•
wader to lA* ammo( of 150,000.
—A Sabbath !Wool fiporlateadset in Mimeos minty,
X.T, was rimissUy Arbri by aa essisidssaisal mibassi for
isrpropst onsibact with • yosag widoer. The gout f oga d,
set fano, bat, is dolarosse to public opiates, they
surosestiod bla from um church!
—TM Jury is the OWI of Mrs. Little', os trial at floe
charter for the murder of ber husband, rendered • verdict
of isilky of isansisagbtar is the second degree, sad A*
Owl isorsodistoty rostetiord her to Stag Sing for sans
i nge—tllt; Worst tom. 1:$
A brief biography ef ibb putlassaa, taboo* au* hoe
bees pregeated to the IMPIe . hr ibe Deaseeratis party of
Peausyfygenia, for De= J. of tbss Supreme Court,
will be *led on the of our paper this wool. II
will databases be rsaidoutitit laterest. The body of which
by the alopoiatmeatitteev. PAW, b. is Pow • ta"ab":
bolds lobate rslats with thepeople It is that tri.
Meal white" stands bewails, the people and their 'erotism—
the Legislatur•--wies as: trams/ ad their power* sad
enact laws imillicting with the Constitution. It Is that
tribunal to which we all appeal whoa Ira dims that jus
tice has been denied iss is the Coasts b.ltiw ; mad Immo It
is—because it is a tribunal of last mart—that every llttairi
relatiug to those who thus sit to judges's* has paella hi ,
terest to the people Personally, aor arqoaintssioe with
Jades Poorest is alight ; bat the facts act forth to the to.
°graph, Waded to umlaut as Is myth& a s s If w. had
no Label eridoomi of the wisdoms of his 'elation, that co
man of his pier. in the State po more of the ele
ments that adore the Bosch. Young in pews, hut rip, to
experience ; tried when but a vows youth in that crucible
of temptation, official poaitioo. ha Mae forth Crow th•
deal without a spot or bluitsb on his character, and with
lb. cordial approbation, sot aloe. of his political Moldy
hut of his mitagonists in polities also.
But it was not so touch to call our reader's attention to
the put history of Judge Pontau that we oomilmsooed this
article, a. it was to notice the effort asking hi °torte's
(tauter' to lodges butt to throw aside that dignity which
should always eberacterise the Judiciary, and assume the
rob-, of the Mare politician by pendent:it to the supposed
popular elamor of the opposition As our reader. will
recollect, the cooreutiom which noininated hits posed
strum' resolution• onduning the Kansas policy of the Na
tional Administration. This in itself was proper and
right : but it did lot sett a tees "stirs-beads" le the state,
lead on by tbii chief of "sore heads, "Col. Jolla W. For.
ney ; and they bare ever sines boom clamoring for Judge
Poarza w writ. 1n411411 tort of a letter repudiamag tAot
action of the Coareatitia. We hate reason to kouw that
they will not be gratiliod. Jldge Poirroa will stand or
tall with the Deusuoratic party. 'The Courentios that how•
tired him with a uotnination did not ask his clews ou this
or that particular measure of t..e 'banana! Adadnistretioni
its ineraticni did not thick It proper to do so , they were
seeking a oandidate fur a state Mhos, the datum of which
hare no sort of Collarlatiell with national politics, ur In tact
ul state political action, and hence it was not deemed lin-
portant or uoces‘ary that they thotild know his view. on
the "Immaculate conception" fa . the Loootaptua Coasti to'
two, or the eristioot et/ the policy which deemed the we•
ceptance a that instrument by Coagress the shortest road
to arrive at the solution of the Kansas difficulty. As •
member of the Convention we voted fur ; we Jld w.
not because he agreed with as op that queettoo, for we had
assurance that he did —iodeed, the evidence at the time
tended rather to give the liaprossioa that he did nut—bu t
that fact mad* no differweee with oar opinion of the pro•
priety of his nomination, end we doubt not the came was
the case with a large majority composing the euovaatioa.
We voted for him for the simple reason that, deeming hint
qualleed for the Aloe aid a Democrat, be was the ap
point.* of Gov. Parise to 611 a vaciaity, and his, rejec ,
lion by the Convention would have been considered a con
demnation of the state administration. We thought the
unity of the Democratic party amid best be preserved by
a mutual commission oa the part of the Mirada the State
and nationsl administrations; and, taking for panted that
there is a citviaioa of southwest between them. we think
his election in the same 'Omit of concession will serve to
heal all past divisions mid cement the hoods of uhicia so
inn that neither the union of the piebald opposition, nor
the factious tonne of professional "sorovheads," cite wrest
the slam from as he 1860.
But if this is to be so—if Gor. Focusers appointee,
Mtn having, it a spirit of concession and respect ler the
mats Executive, been endorsed by the Democracy of the
state, is to be endorsed by the people in October, we freak.
ly say that the Governor mast take' early and public
opportuoity of disowning and repudiating the Doom. of at
least one of the members of his Cabinet We of coarse
refer to the Hon. Joan C. Koos., the Attorney General.—
With the Attorney General's °plaices in that dead issue.
Kansas, we hare no fault to find—be has a right to them,
and we are willing to give bits, as we claim for ourself,
the credit of honesty in entertaining them ; but when he
so fer forgets what is doe to the party to which be oust'
his prefect and put positions, 1J to become a coadjutor of
itur in his effort' to detest Jpdge Poaren and the
Democratic party this Fell, it Is about time we think for
every Democrat in the state to rise up and call upon GOO.
Pscits.a for • prompt disavowal of hit c.onduct, if not for
his immediate diseasesl from his Cabinet In the lan
rugs of a utemporery, we are not of those who look for
uniformity of opinion in minor matters, or proscribe a
brother Democrat for entertaining his own notions upon
points of mere expediency. But a man, who :wee his pas
cation past sad present to the Domodivitic organisation
should not be the first to forget that such organises
lion if a wane and not an sad ; • post available, oar, so
indtspeasable means, and, as such, to be preserved and
cherished by all who look to the great end—the success of
Democratic principles. Betas it is that Democrats ca n
and must waive all small differences of opinion, all merely
local or personal feelings and preferences, must bear and
forbear with each other upon all matters not involving the
paramount considerations of principle, and inset and do
cheerfully co-operate to were the euccess of Democratic
measures and of Democratic men. They mopes* and
uphold organization for the sake of securing Democratic
liberty, the crud end aimed at. nst as an agency for coo.
trolling Inc private feelings or wishes of men upon non
essential points, or upon point* c whicn principle is not
involved. Organisation is an tt‘reement freely eaterad
into-1)01 s tyranny Imptmod. It lbws becomes the act if
ovary member of the party, who etiallel to fool that be I.
a party to it, sad that 111 web be Is bound by it la good
faith. He giro, his west to It Weans* he fool& It to be
W. condition without which the roeesu of his prineiples
would be jeopardised, and the weendeoey of the party
adv)eating those principles might be ion. Under this
view of the ease, and le think it is We sorroot one, thew
can be no Melee foe say good Democrat dying of at a
tasgeit upon say calpor or temporary lone. If be afros'
with his party In the main—if be wally think. it tho boo t
party for Akio eowstry—if so, thinking, be has imitated
and*, it, basher, be meat fool bound, both by honor and
enlightened elf-interest. to Welt to its colon, to see that
the., colon are borne aloft, sad neither beaten down by
openly opposing forte, nor betrayed by private/dint/orgies .
soak as actuates thaw ovw whim Judge Ysox presided at
the MICR/boa ditirier in Philadelphia the *lbw day. No
party composed of men ow b. whoa, with the dig e r.
ones in sea's judgments, footings, standards of perfection
and modes of viswiag Wisp, can say party be exported
to adores a Procrastean ratio, traria( all sea down to a
dead uniformity. Now the position of the Democratic
party of this State has been fruity, fairly, and °peaky
taken la full accordance with the recognized prinewles
and usages of the party. The delegates roproseatbig the
Doom:rats of the difoseat counties met is coaveation, re
lamed its priseiples and nominated y Its easdida two
and tried raembero of the party—the Oil. an able jurist
high-toned geatleman. To him has boon eonlidiod the
duty of bearing the Democratic Gag througboat the Stabs
In the present =van. He ie doing his fall duty, col by
panderiag to the clamor of the opposition, bat by calmly
trusting the poople ! Now, we pet It to every Doisotarab
every man who touleellevos that the Demoevatie party
is the but for the country, 'bother be is sot La honor
bound to /vitals Me candidate of his party truly and man.
fully ; whether, by his owa volnatary oat as a Naomi.
Ile is sot ao bound ; wisetbor be does Cot fool that If be
should allow himself to be termed wide by any ootirido,
impreaticable, eloetkiaiseriag hobby, he *wild b. dooortiag
kis colon, disoeganisiag his Witty, sad doing his port for
its overthrow. Aced yet, by his altar disarm speech, and
the promises* polities h. sesassed as the Chairman of
a disoriwaising dieser party, given oecnoibly iC honor of
aa- anti•Lecomptos mealier of Cosines troy California
In phalsdelphis this other Mt ill reality a give Iros• .
xrr an opportunity tr 'or( of a portion of his bile, the
Atwood), Cisseral of Peassybrdals, has dow mow to sow
seeds of discord V dm party than Gov. PACER* will be
able to eradicate area should tie, as he saw aaqwestioa•
ably aegis; to do, disavow thetttll7 of his ductile, Gen.
awl !
HI CAN'? 00111 lif.--Ousros Camssoas was
Varasly_ ~sited by the Keels Notbtor is assisted,
sad a postbot lime/ ostbssiasto wis raised by the Ilea
tsoldass, OS bis arrival at Corbels, Is approval of bis
ammo as trite Lassos esostioo. TI. orators tailtod of as
melkdtatent of ovary body oyposad to Locestytos isto ono
Party, to *import Jabs J. Critioadea far the Presidency.—
The would probably auk Yentsehy weU mufti; bet the
ksow Hoskins elessent the anti oillsslaistrstien party
will hardly be able to control the atiatisstion. Seward
will not testiest to be showed aside this Usse, eve. to *in
the whole Knew Nothias roar, and heass4t. Sweater CrIL
widen say u well baag kis berviiiiiiis the
suet come in I
Q. lisonso, hots Ilissowito, who ling/ the
shoot tors triorrit aspires of the 4tb of karat sort, ewe.
lush ibat la vs. *hostel lay the Ties Presidesr is the
otritriss with Sassier Ittori, who drew rhithall mew The
4 dowersi b moogoly sprawl to Jo atirsisiatostios, asd
book. for Itagosbiloss rotes is the initiators low is no.
otos, to wets* bias fur &fail term of its Jeer , Bony
he will haws 4 ho itapplslad
401 - -
THi ligruskicasis AND THU 810131101110.
Netkieg bee so 'dearly demonstrated the utter want ..t
a estiffed primedvaity( settee as thopart of the Republican ) r ` y uisol ic asi d„„ b."
leaden nif oNWIn del wabb ba r e o ccur- io this city weans ! Slept
red luititege tam dettemseat sad tie rindiegs follower
or depot' Twangs. It k the romffloctioa of all ROTCOSSAD, po
teal ue• of 1m *aka of their platform IM IVA, was an at " ilia " " I Sli t ° IL
*sprees iliettaleatioff of we essiost poligamy le Utah. and --- Th S. r . eaglagmaida Lad.
ever since, or at least sap the Ailministratlon deemed it moo , rows i o t a p or t o s Wildaesday might from a cruise up
BM( called apoa to ettistetW lb. rot... Moms tato:tics vt f t h e b a n d — u s eeri ca d crow e n welt.
Salt Lake,. the lwarlers tad pressed of this party lugs
lit. is their demands that the Administration should
" wipe mit the //orison 'Megan," " Notwithstanding this
plats record, however, do amuse are tie necessary steps
taboo in the directiom indicated, than the Republicans
ehange their tactic*, and become the tympathisere and
spolgists of the rebels In Utah. Tu this end their leader,
add jourgale have pereteteatly made war spec every step
sad immaeste that ovoid possibly elect the purpose. The
great object was to put the Presided' in the wrong, or
what the Oppositioa joernals might pis into the sons
!ileac. of se error; for at all hazards, and in whatever
shape it might ease, capital most, should, and would be
made out of the stubborn difficulties of that question --
When the slow, costly, and bloody process of eitternaios-
Son was pressed by this military class, which would take
to haul( the millloo• and the honors of this otintupleil
Seminole war. the Opposition was horrified at the amount
of the ladispengsble outlay of prepstioui sod 4•11110.1vd
pease measures. When It was a.cortained that the olive
brooch of lorgtvismes bad gone out with the sword, sod
that mere; for the tens of thousands of Ignorant and de.
hided was weighed in the below,* stalest the just punish ,
mein of a score or two of wilful disturbers like Brigham
)(wags and his ot;unmillurs of State, then there was an
outcry ageism dm Raiestire clemency It Las salted the
isometry the hard 110•11/1114 of pouring out minions upon
millions of dollars, and thousands upon thousands of
is • dosser/ guerrilla war with a nation of deluded fano ,
ties. It has let in alma their mistaken ideas the trim
sea light of American Justice; and this act his broken the
sceptre of power in the ham& of their beguiling leaders.
There may be trouble yet, for oar soldiers want war, add
may force ea* at last: but to opening a broad and direct
road into their camp of darkness—by showing to the mast
of klartauss that we de sot go to destroy the peaceful
sod law obeiag, that we desire to enlighten sad to heal
rather than destroy —we have torn from their leaders two.
thirds of their power for evil. The energetic military
measure* were by au means useless in forcing the true
state of stairs us the liOrmsons, and it is only so much
'frilled if thissedisnonstrations hat. enabled the messenger
of ausuesty to win a bloodless victory.
But the last reeort of lb. Opposition is a whining affec
tation of pity for tbeilormuns who choose rather to follow
their leaders beyond our limits than remain in peace and
obodiends under our lairs The New York Tribune takes
the lead in this tender concern for the departing rebel.,
bu s t the Tribune has a natural kindliness for whatever is
darkest in skin or morals. It say, dolefully
" Where these unhappy people are to go, or what is to
become of them, doe. not appear. They are ino• tog South,
but, yo far as we know, then are la that direction no in
habitable traoke of nay considerable extent withio seven
husdred sailed of their /ate settlements. The driving of
the Mormons from Omit homes by military terror will
hardly contribute much to the honor of the country, or
the posthumous repatatioo of Mr. Bachanares Presidency "
To which the Mew Tort Son very curtly sod conelusi
sirely replies •
"'Military terror' bad nothing to do with lb. Mormons
first driving the Usited States citadels out of the Terri
tory. It bad nothing to do with the many lieu of violsoce
and crime committed and uphold, in defiance of United
States laws, by Brigham Tomos and his satellites It had
nothing te do with Brighasn's open dela/Dee of our GOV
vonalsoot, sad still nothing to do with the Warning of t he
Government Mina. This first step of open warfare was
voluntarily takes by she Mormons themselves, incited by
no previoas hostile meanie against them.
The nibisks must wait many centuries before the
fame of the Presiding or the country will be very much
blackened by`this much needed crusade against the Mor'
moos And it has been conducted with such ifrarked for
bearance and conciliation, when a severer course would
hare been justified before ail the world, that it descend ,
to posterity a pleasing feature of our country, rather than
the . Search the records of other nations for simi
lar elessitoey to saeli bold traitors, and the comparison
will not be found discreditable to our country."
The British press was excessively anxious that we should
keep their Indies atrocities in countenance by blowing a
few thousand Mora ous from the mouths of cannon, and
issuing a general deer** of plunder, rapine, and confisca
tion; but suck sweeping enmities ere not to the taste of
our people. Clives and Canninp are the natarel growths
of the British system of land piracy, while our Democratic
system of free and prosperous expansion protects the
masses sod produce@ Jeffereona and Jackson'.
Preston, near Brighton, the most extraordinary
marriage which has ever taken place,was i3elebrat.
ed in the parish church, it being no less than that
of the Dowager, Coutes. of Effiogham, to Mr.
Holmes, who has filled the humble position of a
Scripture reader at Brighton, in oonnection with
one of the churches at that oe/ebrated watering
place. The bride is upward of ninety years old,
and the bridegroom about thirty, so that there is
only a disparity of half a century! It is said that,
for a long time past, the Countess has manifested
great interest in the labors of the Scripture read•
er, and made him some valuable presents The
COW/teas is understood to haves princely income,
worthy of her position as the daughter and the
mother of the realm The aristocratic relatives
and connections of the bride are said to be tern•
bly excited by this most unexpected and eccen
tric conduct of this aged and noble lady.—Rrit•
ish Standard.
some people have of the sacredness of the mar.
riage relation, is well illustrated by the follow.
ing from the Cincinnati Enquirer :
"A lady eame to this oily a day or two ago,
sad made application to• a lawyer for divorce,
saying she was from the State of New York, and
had come here for the purpose of effecting a sep
aration, expecting to do so hi about twenty four
hours. She appeared' much disappointed when
told she must be a resident in the State for a
year before she could obtain her wiab, and said
that if she had to wait so long as that, she would
return to her basband again, as the cause of their
quarrel was only about a bonnet which she limb ,
ed to throw away, and he bad urged her to wear
it soother month. Brutal and monstrous as that
circumstance had shown him, she thought she
might endure his presence a little while longer."
have found smother snake in Clermont county.
This time it was not caught in a mill pond, but
in the heart of a tree The Batavia Sun
vouches for it :
Mr. Richey, living on Bull Skin, cut down a
Mu • .rry tree, and split it, and in the heart of
it foil, a black snake. The wood was sound
where t , sake was lying, not room enough for
it to turn nd. From the growth of tho
timber it is that it had been thero
some fifteen years The stake was six feet in
length, blind, and h • no ;se of itself except its
ta ‘l,q.seil
Wm. filinseoet, of Washington, 4
*aptly lost kis wile in the morn In 1 1
by the soostahle at 11 o'eloek-- •
seooad wife before night—and followed 0
mains of big first wife in company with 4
wood, to the pave the day after.
TIME AA Goa &i,.—The Ohio Patriot never
said a truer thing, than when it said; "It is not
the destiny of Democracy to split over Lev:ap
tool The principles of the party are not root'
ed in one tract of Western land; they reach over
the whole broad country; they extend to, and
are for the protection of all sections alike—and
if it so happens that we sometimes differ, about
Kansas policy, when that difference is settled,
we hare thirty-two times as many Stater—aver
aging sore importance, about the government
of which we are all agreed —Seneca Advertiser.
1111 r American groins is receiving substantial
acknowledgment abroad Professor Morse is
eosin home, it is said, with 1180,000 in his
pocket, dm fr uit of his telegraph in Europe In
his own country, he bas been robbed of the fruits
of his invention by piratical pilferiegs of big
patent. He is working mammoth presses for the
London Times. The Queen of Spain is buying
bar war steamers in New York. The Cur has
become a patron of the Novelty Works. limey,
the American horse tamer, is winning golden
opiaisms in England and Frau for his wonder
fal skill, and two Philadelphia's* are building a
railroad for the Iliaparer of boa
—A num named
lanty Pd , re
"as arrested
le ye%
IPal, turd at Vsallno!is.
Rev. Mr. Foitassraa will preach as our deities as
ciiiseos of the Republic toruceormer annuls at lh• Ual.
cereal's' Church. ca Niath gin"
Asp- The pikaplidpllids Deily Wows ssysthses is s Mph.
•• peddloted to bit, sad *dhoti by s eshitiod Isdividuel."
Thur. are four Wok imosbllesa moors is tits city.—
Wideb doe• t►e ?how sheds to ?
Tile Gamed is goiag to adept Ike Catik system
" some day sot far distant" Wbea that " some day lot
far &stout" UAW.., will let oar readers Imam . * follow-
log suit'
- Tbo Cooneaatriib Courior hw aa artiedoo• "Deim--
ocratic Feuds." if the Courier aaaa Will just bold es a
short time ho will hare a chance to try his Modal "Iseide"
nearer home
Gen. Simon Cameron bu been Nominated tot tue .
Preeldeoey in 18430, by the Huntingdon American. The
Vice President has not yet been balloted tor, bat it is sup
posed that Waggons Iles will be the lucky man.
Netwitistaoding the "lard finer," well wager the
is e cream that Robb:moues hie Whew, which bold:Joni on
Tuesday, will be a perfect jam.' Poopla can always led a
quarter fur a Circus, if they are limed ep.
-- The body yoang Hama. *ls was drowned
wbilat sa a pleasure *inertias on the 20th I. tie harbor,
was teooterea oa &today sorsing„ sad batted in the at
teraoou by the association of Gateman Tarnart, witb their
aaaaai solentaities. bo tap the CosatitatioN.
_ The bit Whether ia crowding the termers. Haying
and hoeing come in a heap, to be followed lakmedlotely by
an early barrow_ These who walk la banger peneeeetons
about the streets of our cities, can And ample employment
and good wages by pushing out among the farmers.
--- Dan Rice's horse "lizealsior," whieb everybody
haves, fell from the stairs, lately, while ia lb. riag, and
broils s leg. Ile bad to be killed. Dan Guy treed a long
time before he can be able to obtain another such split'
Jiti annual.
Air Senator Wuxi', of York, Speaker of the Senate
last winter, has usuiwed the editorial control of the York
Gazette Ho will J0862.1.21e prose a valuable aequisitlon
to the editorial department of that excellent and reliable
—There aro eleven tree and reliable Republicans in
tbu County that want to ler,* the people In the aspaeity
of Sheriff A. they can't all be elected this year, it ta
evident it will lake thirty arra year' to satisfy them
" Wait fur the waggon."
Prof J. H. Steiner, of baloon notoriety, writes to
• Harrisburg paper that he wilt make a trip to &flop* in
a baloon It somebody will advance him $2u,000 to get the
thing up. W ion be Inds a man with that amount to
spare in that way, we hope bell tot us know.
-- The war bottom/1 the New York Central and Now
York and Reid, Railroads "goes brsvoly oa." A meeting
of °farms of usual railroads wu hold atßaNalo the titbit
day for atm purpose of effecting a oocopromiao between the
two roads, but It did not effect any thing. Mr. Moran,
tho President of the hitter, was on band, and Minot fall
of Gght.
to.. A eoull lad, about nine Tear of age, ion of Cat.
vis Ross, of Conneaut, was dr,„wriad in the Creek, just be .
low the Railroad bridge, Tuesday afternoon. In company
with other boys of his age he went to bathe, and stepped
into about tea feet water. The body was recovered an
hour afterwards. So say, the Reposfer.
The Administration at Washington have deter
mined to protect the rights of citizens of the United States
over the Nicaragua transit routs, and are about to nuke
some demonstration to prevent any improper interferenee
from foreign Powers. Glad to hear it as it is only an
other step in the direction of "manifest destiny."
'tn. Ws see It sanottoeed la the papers that Hop.
Crittenden, of Kentucky, has proclaimed hie doteratiaatioa
hereafter "to be less e party man sad more hottest"—
Doebtlees thwalhaorable &stator bag jest &and oat ibid.-
- While the lamp bolds out to bore,
The vilest manor moy return."
sis„. It would appear from the report of the Chief of
Police io Hoven, that ram mills are aueeiently abusdast
to that city. He reports the please whore intoziestioc
liquors are sold, to be 3,500, includiog 245 houses of M
iscue' That is pretty well fur BoKing —• City that prides
itsolf Ula its morality.
—The Cootielot Eqx, , te, says that Capt. Mtrnueow
ray, of Kansa* eelibrity, is a native of Aebtabnla County
Very likely, they have several thousand let of pot
such "shriekers" In that county—all educated by Gid
-- A rorreepon pet of the Go:it'', professing to hail
from Craw ford county, furnishes utt with an item of news
worthy of being recorded —namely, that Elijah Babbitt,
Ex!, the tiowrr's candidate for Centres', " has
taken any active part in the troablee arising from or eon.
fleeted with our railroad interests." We WI that rather
cool with the thensunsetar at 9510 !b. abed..
We regret to learn that Mr. CRAM-1U VollltiltG,
goo of 1 r. Vosburg, of ibis city, was killed on board of
Steamer ii.clipte bear Vicksburg. Miss. on the 14th ult. by
the bursting of the boiler of t►e bo. Mr. V. wis an, ea
gineer, •e believe, by profession, and • young man of
much promise. At the time of the 'iocident be nes mast ,
ter of transportation on the Soother• railroad, and had
been a resident of Mississippi for several years.
From all parts of the country we hare flattering re
ports of a fall crop In our own vicinity wheat never
promised better We hear occasional complaints in re.
gird to the weevil, bat even should that Denary, take a
third, we have the assurance of One who Is posted that the
remainder would prove more than as average crop. Orau
is more than aboadaat Co eve the indications In regard
to potato., while corn, though it bad a very wet road to
travel when It was first planted, bids fair now to prove a
good investment. Oo the whole we think we chant starve
tur a year, at least-
Yea verily, bath the Clerk of the Weather listanedl
to the prayers of the grumblers of a few weeks !WOO, and
sent us hot weather. It Is piping hot. Arid yet, sinners
that we are, no eooser an we ermined thous we 00111111011C0
grumbling that it is too hot- Now do tailors, batters.
shoemakers, and fabricators of bnsady smashes, sherry
cobblers, and claret ices, 'flourish amazingly. Alen rusk to
order thin clothes, hats sad shoes, sad theft attach thus
selves to the *ad of a straw sad sip coolness to overeimse
the heat mimed by the effort. They linger loviagly over
the vivifying draught, brims* a Asters of Inetmtnata, sad
have no thought save of eoctlams. Sad no lamps(' save
Cu. sentence, always stereotyped la their dashed emote
imams, speaking plata'', "Bring se a ootoler, smash, eta"
Now do &mottle sad pains.takiag had. of families gath
er together their respoaribilitios sad seek zoom shady soak
In which to sit sad enjoy the watery brooms, fresh from
Lake Erie, while the younkam roil had usable in the enjoy
ment of illimitable happiness and ham sasidwiehee—straw.
berries and long-tail milk, which Aosta genuine cream.—
There is a world of enjoyment la little thugs, when we
only come to know it. Now do oorpuleat old gentles..
and ladles fret aad fume, and lose temper—become loam
'_- urlcyT
11016 , Red the . hiossaa.freighted brooms bear *way ready.
New do vogreat boys, duck isefers, est dorkies rejoice is
the 'saki heat of tk e saastY side, sad loil elseY tits 11 *•-
100 1 del, with so ears ha the Loma or fool for the
sight, for hater's/ sot the side debitS to sloop os with
se daps*r of freesia& awl &author nu la which to lash
to.rierrow. Tow cooly trim awl indeplisioat philosopher
is Ms paha. AU t h e world is piplog; hot, sad eseetai.
toes are Odle& platy. illosatiae sort tekethhisp as they
ohm, too tor gone to *bet. go astir it be.
The Seporeer, one of tie leseeestic "la.
1101 00 111. 04 111 041 a, leeitY, P 14.. te le be roomy id
N ellelood► to ate wise minty. ribbeac,--tbe bop* of
betteeieg tbe 6,4ltiime et do 14110, Wpieeerely hope
filikwetnitow be testissiiillitt dtret you know 4
"roll* etas* gears be sou" Itrpkiite
Tha Dessosift of ClarioidAssotof held their C.,n
Teatime on Ihs net liTds. ROL amass L. Gillis Was I-c
-ommission' ref Cioaseeem remmetng 1878 Tome, to 403 for
Robert Sotto". Tide is certainty a most etupbatie en
tio loam samosa fiats b /*Ago fitUis to
the Administration. We tins no - doobt the otber rummies
is the district will concur in the nomination, and to onto.
bee re-tilact ►ia b a liaddsoakir isijoriry.
A majority of t ► e Seim Council of our City Gov
erment bering.roleved to moguls* the existence of such
a day es t►e 7mtb July, by toilet down ea appropri-
Woo tot Its etiticae, we nadersteed the Coal Dealers
on the Dock bawl determined that "Young America" shall
he petaled, and Dean wiligir•lllleshlbldop of Oro works
oe the Public Naar* as Monday evening, which times
wbo•roted ageless the appropriation are earnestly iorued
to witless.
GOING 7Y) 8B ELEOTZA—The Democrats of lash
&as county held a meetiag on Monday night last, arid
ananiamuly Dominated Gem Henry D. foster for Coo •
5r...,.. those of Weetmoreknd had previously done
This insures his Domination, although the Armstrong
Densmmate will not take action until moat week. The
Democrats ot the Twentieth District ran, and will elect
Gas. Feeler over any opponent. This will be • Democrat
COAtINO.—Ws eaw a fettar yasarday, from Mr. Moult
MEAD, President of [ha fianhary and Erin road, to a gen
tleman of ibis pate, stating his deteraination to pay our
City • visit 0014 week. R. says he had his carpet sack
In hand ready to start ibis week, with the intention of
spending the 4th with as, but proposiuons were made to
him to panas, the Delaware Division which necessarily
detained him. When that is of his bands, which Kau
intablo him to raise means (or the prosecution i.l the
work, he will not delay his visit a day.
we are Wormed "OW Mik• White, Esq., .ite of
this pisos, ►is Iwo% sppoiated. U. B..)lstshal for %fir
Limptspart, Distriot. lisay foes for yoo(r)
Coasts Jourital.
We were not WISPS that there was a "Williaiuri—nt
Dishier —suping that there were but two Di.trwt. in
this State, the &mans mad Resters, and that 11 Lile ,
part belonged - to the latter.
Yott are right; still if Were was a "W Mimeo y..rt 1.,
trier --sad we wish it were so Carats Bike—wu ab.•uld I
up both hands for di' appointment of MiLcs r 3. Mur
steal. There is out a solitary kink in his hair, i •
though Potter county may wallow in political
till the molt of doom, there never will be.
par Our neighbor of the Corsarairtioa think• It. -
publican party of this County can get along elf bolt .bY
of the aid of sore•beeds, or any body else that d..n't stand
square on the Republican platform-111W I
reads the County Committee a sound lecture f..r
" Republican. sift all opposed to the present N a... nal
Administration" to participate in their tioutinatiogr .nt en
tins en the 3d of August. It says It should n
by what right any but Republicans should parrot
the ilectlon of delegates to that Convention if it If 1., I,e a
RepubliCas Convention, and if It is to be ■ Union C.,nirn.
ties It shoed like to know what business s lt,Tublieln
County Committee bad to put forth sorb a all Erie
county has 3,600 Republican savorily, and at g.•t a1.,0g
without any aid from those whoare unwilling to Its t. d fairly
and squarely on the Republican platform " Al. bough, ths
agar's are a httle steep, yet there is sauna sn.l 'it A ,t,
Use position assumed by the Coisstitar.oa. hut it a 1.,t
avail; pluck and *wise are unknown words iu the r• bit
lasi of those who manage the party in this roomy, ai. I
the ume may be said of the State. Exped,eney," that's
the ticket !
MA. EDITOR. :—Tbe assembly Of the Pre•t , vtorien
Church (0. S.) at its late session in the City of
lease, recommended to all the Churches under ir. car , .
that the hour from 10 to 11 o t elock, A M , on the day ol
our National Anniversary be observed in &rot tot:owl slier •
Mmes. This timely and appropriate tugger two will ix,
adopted and cordially followed by the three hunitc,l
thoussuld members to communion with Ibet body, extend.
lag from Malae so Calltornis. iv will be a natibhal ser
vice for prayer and thanksgiving to our Nation'. i I.)ti, AEI I
every one should be invited to engage in it who be, IL
boort gra4efol to a Merciful Provideo,, , . wh., tar •
visibly and faithfully totalled to us ,ahildreo. the Fri ra,ses
made to our Fathers. A Naito at prefer, a ,h rr
cognisieg and worshipping HIM besides whom there is
noise des—a nation not forgetful In its prt4perity the
wore. of its mercies—a nation, while defending it. h• to.t
abroad—protecting its citizens, who gaze with (rid, .z.d
eonseiciais security upon its floating banner wherever it
waves—offering • home and an asylum to the tionieree•
and oppressed of the whole world—yet tisoll, rn gratitu de
and thankfulness, humbly acknowledging 11, Feuileio e
tapes the King of Nations. Asa fevor I s•t, 3 u wr.•
nouees through your piper, that the doors of P•rlt t'bur h
will be opened at the boar of 11.1 o'clock, A. M nett :"..01
bath is compliance with the suggestion of the
its churches, nod invite our City to unite with the cobicre
gallon worshipping there in those appropriate services
Very respectfully yours,
Kilt? YOUR EY", ON YOUR NEttilltßao: --
Take care of them. Don't IR them stir without
watching. They may do something wrong if
you do. To be sure you never knew them to do
anything very bad, but it may be on your ac
count they have not. Perhaps if it had not ken
for your kind care, they might have disgraeed
themselves and their familys a long time ago - -
Therefore. don't relax any effort to keep them
where they ought to be; never mind your busa.
nevi, that will take care of itself There 4.-4
man passing along—he is looking over the
fence—be suspicious of him, perhaps be eotit, tn•
plates stealing something one of tlicse d.ok
nights; there's no knowing what fancie , he way
have got into his head. It you see any .y • wp
toms of one passing out of the path of duty, tell
every one else that you can see, and bas partteu.
lar to see a great many. It is a good way to cir
inflate such things, and though it will not lieu
fit yourself, orAny one else, particularly, it will
be something important abo ut some one eke
Do keep something going—silence is a dreadful
thing; though it is said there was silence iu hear
en for the space of half an hour, don't let any
snob thing occur on earth, it would be tau much
like heaven for the inhabitants of this mundane
sphere. If, after %II your watchful care, you can't
see anything out of the way in any one, you may
be sure it is not because they have not done any
thing bad; perhaps in an unguarded moment,
you may have lost sight of them—throw out
biota that they are no better than they should
be, that you should not wonder if people found
out what they are after a while, and then they
may not carry their heads so high Keep it
aping, and somebody. will take the hint and be
gin to help yen after awhile, then there will be
music, and everything will work to a charm
London Tinsel says that young milliners and
dress-makers of that city are condemned to six
teen, seventeen or eigh teen hours toil cut ,lf the
twentyi four in each day and night. Their work
is carried on in crowded, unventilated rooms,
where their frames are kept bent at their labor
until their eyes ache and their limbs refuse to
perform their duty. They have short, painful
life and an early grave. In a recent speeeb,
Lord Shaftesbury said that many of these youug
women had been trained gently sod tenderly in
delicate and happy homes, possessing all die air ,
ins; and tenderness that belong to the female
sea, and rendered by those very oheraeteristics
more obedient, more unmurmuring, more sla.
viably subject to the authority and tyranny alt
,those who are put over them His lordship adds
that they have no alternative between submission
and the street done, and then asks, "Is the con
dition of such young women one whit better
than the most wretched slave in the Southern
States of America?"
Diem fox GAXIXO.—A Mr Stofrr, editor
on a voyage
)(rani the straw
=de some ineoey
imed Clark, and
Clark threatened
the guard of the
gambler tenor
to play again shot
tied up with ropes,
{ Currftrpoitinter of R. Erie' . sr.] • .
1 Nsw , c ORK, oe '4, 1666.
We aro enjg t . ' , ay to etc n a conk.
furtable little . 1, a re i tai yof be
ing "Jima br ". . re r I. gel goes
down 44 the rmo .er up; o fanner
in inverse ratio to the latter The tbermouilter
is said to bare reached fabulous degree of
altitude within the hat i
stf hour, but owe -feels
much more comfurtab!e to 1-eve that point with ,
out inquiry, at any rate, Summer is abroad with
all her hoops spread and with sound of harps and
timbals, whereat this part of the world rejoices,
and is seized with Saratoga madness The Spring
season has fatly chised Elustnese is over for a
month, certain, and merchants are toting ac
count of stook ail buying through tickets for all
reputable cool places.
"Moonlight uiusic" prevails immensely these
summer nights. The opera closes this next week;
next Monday we have a grand out door musical
festival by the whole force of German artistes,
who have their op.:nit% performance on Sunday,
justifying the movement on the ground that the
proceeds are to be appropriated to benevolent
purposes This does not go down very well,
however, in the present state of public sentitneut
which is rather stirred up on the Sabbath que:,-
tiuu The Sunday papers have been much ag
grieved by the attempt made to put down the
carrying of newspapers on that day These pa
pers mostly live by black mail, official printing,
puffs of patent medicine, and such other husks
as literary swine are reduced to feed upon
They can be immensely virtuou.4, howl ver, and,
on occasion, blarney about charity and that sort
of thing,when every one who is so uufortanate
as to have any personal acqualutauee with these
editors air proprietors knows that the extent of
their charity would be comprised 111 the offer of ,
a vratuitous drink of "rut•gut - to some similar
villain, in expectation, moreover, (Atha return of
tb, "courtesy " •
It is ton hot weather to murder anybody, so
we Lave nothing very interesting to offer in that
liti , "i'aryeeu"s murderer is bemud for 1 new
trial which must be a refreshing thought to the
pi it tellow Court rooms in this weather are
the neatest approach to purgatory, if that place
C , P11.111, 114 some plilw,opher, think, of an "ag
gregatiou of tile ~crud - .1 mixture of differ
, i 1 i rationalities cause:. 11 c , illlp 1(1nd scent which
is ihticitteky wore detestable than the -eparate sa
i.or ot .actl; just as a uutnhor of mild liquors of
,i or. ri ut kinds will intoxicate, though to) otu). of
11),-))) would if taken alone
Th. principal subjects of eon cer-at ton iu ato I
way is the prospects ot the F a ll trail( ;
11.• 1 .4 .I,itut• difference of opal: ex
p. •itlything more than a fair trade, but some
do, out tuok far that eves. It Iri thought that
iJcw , crop of bread stuffs La. suffered severely
from :he wet weltiv , r But it lb, new crop is
fair au! il•rc '4ll t demand for
bread atufts the erup will move and there will
lie money in the west, and, oansequeutly, trade
iii New Yotk, as the west is very hare of goods
Alooolthe only proipeet, howt.c. ao export
aeuian.: for bread .tutii ilie probability of a
war on the csoOtiw of prance i. vvideutly pre,
pAraig. a arniameut ~tumbotly or
souiei blu e Capit•tlitit. don t build .hip. of thti
line uuti tortific4tkai. its I .lay. merely b.
cause they have no oth. r use for their woricy --
In th, way “f awls' ments :•veryihing almost
an nut-darer silt t pies are in •••a,
also what are (.0.4 straa berry festivals, itedlo r
ihgernou.: iucenti ti Oi tkr adversary by :ALI , I.
3 , .0 aro !wait, d itit.: stiflup.! diurc.ii
r oms to gorge d.preoiated striwberre .i r.
• huhdred per cent advance oti the mark.
besides being oGli t t. d to pay 1.4 the t
eon mi , t i t . 'it a floor winch it I.quit - imp
t eer Of till lour iholiey 14, goo-, ilea
the lair -harper4, hat log heggel s :we shillke2-
tho .HII , I .11 th ,
her •ide Onautry Wen Beware
ual approach of the fourth Ju!) tr k. I.' u
wind by a cootirtusl antieipat..ry rattle
anti and 11110,6 i'r3A ker to tPhn I, imp/hi L .
putt-wit:Au 14 already tove.tiog. (iuckl tw th‘
pyrotechnic. weu, their tun orily come.. sure
year ERI
baiqu Lin Iwk
irtiv,il "I t the .11-t te.l , tr..tu Colituthie ri‘ir
htirig4 t t Step ,e• ham liven al
taAf..l h . ) the • 11.131iDi or) Snake rivvr,
ari a frateil with a 'lke- , filly wen
Tbe rumor way. brought, 3- We are tmlil to V .11
Vancouver, var th, 11*:1.Iiiugton batik of the C
lutubia river, by a lett( r written Yt \calla-Walla,
by Mr Wakcwag, a clwk who otitamed hi+
forwation from ludiau- \\ t. apphcd ye.t,
everting to Cieu Clark, for luforwrtion in regard
to the wetter, but L • has, how. Ile re.., ivi J
litter... 4 by the Live liairkee froin the but
neither Col Wright ill. r, , nor Majir Grier, who
is how ltl ,tiltliAtid at Walla Walla, have writ
ten a word, and v, ry singular . that they
nhould have neglected to write if they credited
the report Cud. Steptoc himself might hay, writ
tell If hi' had had.. a repul.e, but 130 letter f rom
hitll had bora not ire() hero or at Ws urn po.t.
It will be recollected that the l'elouse Indians
lately stole soul , ' Lees e+ froth Fort Walla Walla,'
and Col Steptile weut out with 3:10 wen - to en ,
ti r the lu'ua country, pi•rliaps intending merely
t., r, c.oier the cattle, pet hap. to eltastt,e the
. Ile al,. orders lint w e n to f o ll ow , an d
to stop ou the r.iad at a half way place, so 5+ to
be rtady to advance to Li• asriistauci., if nece,sary
Ile I. a cautious and :tile - officer, and it i+ not
likely that he will either 1.. .urpri.cil or defeat
The P• louse Euliaus, after Jtetiiu ir ; t e beeves,
st•ut Nom') of them to Korn.akin, a noted and io •
fluential ehiet, i believe of the Sez Perce
tribe) supp Ned to h. hostile to air+ Atrierieaus,
but he sent the i4toleu ,tuck bs •k, and refused to
have au) thio,.; to do with it It is presumed,
therefore, that it theietumst ho an Initen war,
not many tribe. 4 will be eugaged iu it —.l/to
ei ail, rt.)/ tali
rtcd d, fat of Cu! Stcptoc i. confirm. d Th,
1 7.4fellocodus Herald of fhd bay,
Mr. Fitzliarri 4 , who brought despatches la.t
vvenitig flit- Fort , i on, itifortus us that a
amore engagetuent took ou Snake rivvr.
do utils from ou the pith
tint , iu which Col Stepto.•,tiith four CAI:1 , 1111 0 S,
chair "1 . dragoOlis and ~Lt• infatitry, ucouutvr ,
d home. 1:00 Spokark and
After a Nrorited oil both t , ldix, Col Stop
to Wa 4 for,. •,1 tv reto•al With tho lug, of fifty
private 3 and thrve utliztirs, l'apt NViuder, I,:eut
Gazi.on, and aiwth. r, who.o imam a I. u t learti
,l t „. jt, 1,4 t two Irnxitzers, Lesides
tici•uty live imNag , mr..goli,z, and all Li, animal:,
extypt vtty h tralh verrei :.!50 mule
TRRHIBLE MuithErt is Miran°As --Mich]
gan ha. been the scene of many terrible murders
lately Only two week 4 ago, two brotherN, mad
dened by ltqunr, murdered their dater, and
%tripping themarlres, bore the corpse to a pond,
in lull view of the -neighboni, and , unk it in the
water The y were raptured afte r a eleadiy ie
siqanee, in which they dangerously wounded
two of their captro--. La-t week, another Urn&
iah tragrel) has courted at Hastitigi, Harty Cu ,
Michigan- A man named John 11111 in having
quarreled with a Mr.. Harding about a f•nee be.
tween their enclu..ure., attacked and slew her,
inflicting sirteen •dabs on her person billin
hal been arrested
MCHENRY --Thi*sadividual, who hay b,p"uip
famous for his protracted imprisonment sad tri
als in Candada, as Townsend, is in the city, suit
proposes giving a !enure, to assist him in provu
ring additional documents and, wittle4vs to es
tablish his 1111106011 CA Of the (+burg() of robbery,
upon which ho has vvogprixi to appear and be
tried, that he may by rutitktil to an indembity
from the Canadian gi,vernment. lkleHonry is a
bald, plucky fellow, and ban served in the Cui
,ted Slates army in Florida and Mexico, with
Walker in Nicargua, tied law Immo an adventu•
rrr tho world attar. He is an intelligent man,
and relates his.adventares with thiesisy and ad
An Exciting Mal
cI.A 11,31 i l; I
reeptt:tiibic tl:lLe I, t, ,•
MU teacher to !ht: puit
tet of al eutur) --I .r tit. ~
catty, ..f
pie viou•ly ,1,.,
ritember of iAht . 1.1
able Wet eatlttl.• lio.41.•• Ili .I
the ISO tu-t Ito koltuz ..
that torte bat] •=e i t —i
and then refu-iiil tA) tumry
to have create.l wt,
room till. tbr , t)g , IN'lt
The defeupte 4,1,644,1 tt,.•
ed that, undur the (In utu
Mu.s l;arvlitie M 11,u
bad beeu , 4educe,l,
the trial The •
She was ucatly (Jr • !
though small Eigur,„.l:
Aftt r reeeir log Lb.!
elevSted chair, ,1111 t 11,
politely, that it would 111
her veil She rdi, d
hid her fa.N , lervai r : 1 I
tug Her 1•10141 i
She WWI very pale. 1 u•
lu reply to Eh, tilleNl..lJ ,
her auswers to
language which pr
education of a lads.
['pun heti:lg aeked 1, )
tier as decorous tim the et
had nut eedueed her, mei
er of her child, h r
bowed over the arm et
filJbbed hitterly ifer
the feeling spread ninon
and everybody We n
weeping in any er.w.1. , .1
this vecaitun, whil.l tb
sobbed together The
The main points of Lie
ced in the remarites
pwittively to the heductu
to warry her, awl hi. -u
ply with hi- , protni4 ,
The prosecution haviu
whogwor , they ha-1
with Miss liar try, - au 1
Stone for money, -he v‘
She tn,unted th.•
, tearing beNelf, stood up
and, 111 a clear, 1 .ul v.
Erie force up 1u tl.. ',f t
Ili relater, 1.1 • ~• 111:/
men have cairn
—[mtAtupiti L ! L r
,t. •
aoy watt en,' l to
about Iltc Lel r thy f,11.,
Here f.'
a hyAerieal ht ~ 1 u.
court fair]: -"'ion, I
the,dratuatie t rr. ~ t
lust her-elf, )11— Ili!: ,
that sh, ttev,•t•
ey lie had pr,
tret.e, and ha 4 tier,
, •12 ht r; u),.!
vkui him 1
r ur
I •
t • t • h
, - 1•
I i L
I ,ti 'to
From T.
{hit t tit...llll'
au •1 ,t :-•
eJg,! .
\.-1.-r , 13) L tu. t, \lt
La, In.l %Jr 1 , . • •
Littor %rt. , •I 4 I
1,-r• •i. • 1
tro•ip, •
3 1 q; •
rtqUattitsig it/ 1 'i! , ,
r turn t th.• t mutt-
LWllaithat the M
elth• prote.t it: .11
It 1,4 1113 lb: .11 - Crt t,
abrogate the , igt
..rder.i .\ c r
pushed I.riA t
act att3l:l , t the 1,0-'1
The Tunes' l•tah •
Peaeo Couaw6,l.)u
June sth for Sal! 1„ . ,
beyoud aqui): :Lc • ,
authority to pr. '
march, but ou t',
to the '
eity to "
ri• , •
The •T
l'eleunh :
op en 11,011 .111
shall ha‘..
For a fi.w , •
cable, tL. u
quiriev couu.T' t u
Li fr,e to the uu
Star Tlie S I, 1,
dangcr of a .I t , , r.
tlse .
tresh, to and oc. ;La-
It says . "lo '
tiouil a. 'low vrt y
of July —at,l '
L luts tut ti tt
average Jut tin;
lice that th \. •
, :}ll.l ' I
really b..gin t
the questt in I
ing Atte tAcztit
that 14 • , ••u , •
-1,.• "
thetr Jl ,
fet4ll, ft 11.igh
—I „ 1,•,,,.,
rt:t ‘,l*‘- lit
r. i v I
witßhtue I
The ,1111.. r
tviii,4 iuIF C.l
of the • ow
iu'•, i 6 ,
gar' 1 Is..
rurti.a• I
ed altw klo
with wts.‘l: I' ''
It ki EL '+,'
to t "
Let iu 1- 1 ".