Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, June 26, 1858, Image 2

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Irt t. `,. , V . .41.11 %N. V. 1111 •et
L.UA W s IdOORE. Publithers
Democratic state Ticket,
News of the Week.
—Harper's Weekir glow an account of Salt Lake City,
ham which we learn that it is four miles letwith by three
is breadth, covering 12 square miles of grosad. The
str"" srlla id out at fight angles, and are sack 122 feet
la width. A city *salaams requires that sack house shall
be set 20 test from the street, and that shad* cross shall b•
planted I. front, Knob block from strict to street is h 0
rods square, aaduigist building lots are allowed lo sack
Mask. The dwellings ses mostly long one story brick
buildings. The oily Imms a Omani appaarenee. The
ever Jordan, uniting Grim Salt Lake and Utah Lakea, is
mold of the city. To the son* for a distance of 25 miles,
Is a plata. Oa the Bast and North teg the slopes of th•
saosotain range. There is a hot spriag near the city, a
stream from which the Mormons hare turned tato thei
bathing booms. A stream of water nurniag dux ugh the
site where the city stand/ hoe been turned by various
breathes into each street, supplying every family with
pore water; those streams enable the tnhabitantoto TA'Se
trees and dowers, which could not have grown in that ell.
mats without Irrigation. The city was founded in thelail
of 11147.
—Oa the 15th of April says the Buffalo Cococvrria/, we
detailed theeircumstances of a hasty marriage at the
GOMM*, House, in this city. its which a bold widower
"met,"woett and won" a Daleinea in the short space of an
aftersooss, and the departure of the couple for the country
resides*, of the rich but uncultivated bridegroom. , Such
matehme are not made in Heaven' lAst week the young
sad dinappointsd bride pretended to make a visit setae die_
tea*,from her home, bat carefully peeked op bet effects
and left her husband forever, having gone west with a re
Maim Ewe is a lesson for anthitions damsels, who fan
cy that wealth is better than "love in a cottage," and we
i t
trait that It will not be at. ,The circumstances of the
leaky wedding, the I law and intense gria seamed-
Mg the ceremony, th e my honeymoon and flight, ail
"point a moral," if the do nor "adorn a tale.'„'
—New York will be in tribulation. The swift, substan
dal and powerful steam triple Niagara--the muter-pirea
of New York ship building—which the New York papyri
hays lauded as without a parallel for grandeur of design
aad sitcallentie of workuaansbip—bas been pronounced a
total failure by English judges. Although roost:rusted at
en enormous expense, and of a tonnage about double that
If an ordinary line of battle ship, she carries but 12 guns,
and is tronsidered to be greatly inferior in capacity for des-
Mustioe to many other vessels of war. The Wabash mod
Minnesota are mock more serviceable Is—aad Dols
think of it, neither of them was built at a New York skip
—During the absencie of Gov. Packer at Philadelphia,
the other day, a lady of that city, who is a very Arm friend
of the Governor, forwarded a beautiful present to him
coaaisting of a fine vase and stand of artificial dowers,
Assigning to surprise him on his return home. The pre- ,
seat woe set op in the Executive Chamber by herself and
• lady who accompanied her, when the donor
returned home, leaving only her card. The p is one
of the handsomest we have ever examined, and will doubt
lea be appreciated with much delight by the Governor
—A totter from Arizona gives a horrible • titterer of
robberies anemurders committed by the Apache Indiana.
The Territory is la a deplorable condition in more way.
than one. The first crops ever raised in this country were
mild on the faith and credit of the ilorernment, and this
has proved, for the first time io twenty years, unreliable,
and the bad reeults have been aggravated by the despotic
and spinet conduot of unprincipled officials engaged in the
administration of the department, using and perverting
their veletal polltion to base and private purposes.
meat oommunication to the Indian Offiee from the
Saperintendent of Indian Affairs at Sao Francisco, reports
a *trance, but ithooklag, custom that prevails &moo( al•
most all the Indians of California. This is that of bury •
tag alive. When a widow dies and leaves young children,
rather than trouble themselves with their support, the oibe
so which All belongs will bury the orphans elite. The
saperiateodent states that he will use all his efforts to put
an *ad to this anal proems*, bat it has bun impossible to
patent it entirely u yet, even on the Government reser-
—Goa. Jim Lane is no longer a candidate for the U. S•
&mato. Ewen the extremists of Kansas would be salmi
of to elevate • murderer t\ seat in our national couocits.
Jenkins, the murdered man, milky hare been a good cilium,
and Ms death a social loss. Bt the tragedy of whiob he
was •the victim has saved the ionise@ from the polluting
presence of an infamous desperado, and therefore, a num
ber of people will not shod tears at the oeeurrence.
—*m.. M. Connolly, reoently sent to jail at Cincinnati
for sonmsaliog a fugitive March baring served oat his toms
of a few days, was mot at the prima on his disaharge on
Priday by a procession of some 3,000 persona sad a bead
of mate, mid escorted through the streets with much
apparent enthusiasm. The "martyr" made a 'pooch to
hts followort
—Tks other day a little ragged buy WY arrested at a
town down east, where blue laws are yet la forte, for trend
liag a hoop on the pavement, and senumoed to "tease
oakum" in a workhouse. It la a dreadfil punlobseet for
se slight an offence, and forms a fearful warning to the
lama's east." What ea agony it would be to the ladies
Nf they were served in the manner the little boy wee! be
'lied kis hair rut of short with a knife and fork, a la prison
trop, and was dressed to resemble mad African zebra
_Robert Harris, of Richmond, Va.„ has received front
the Brattiest Government the-contract for the second me
tie* of the Don Pedro, the woad rsibroad of Bras N—
. amownt of Gm oontrarn may be estimated el four
millions of dollars. Them are about 212 miles of the road
yet to be lot, which, if the contractors earry on the et oond
seetim satisfactorily, it is expected will be placed in the
same hands. This will amount to some $12,000,140.
—lt 18 Marad that lb* lima of railroad from Baltimore
to the lakes will ba completed sometime during the reseal
•etath. Then are now in progrua, and nearly oomplet%
ipa, arrangements for running trains betwein Baltimore,
ZsllMo sad Niagara Palls, under a time schedule which
will not conaume over sixteen hours botween Ma points
Goldse!midi (Jenny Lind) mostly gave binki
triall—OS• of mob pox. Hors we Dar& inotbor
in tiro vobasoo of "Goldinalides Anitastod Mown"
—The 'brie Conference of the K. Z. Church will *ore
sem its next annual seseloa, la Ifeadrille, ea Tboriday
the 18th of July next. •
—The Harriebargli papers state that ez.Goveraor Pen
ter has started his celebrated black "lifersaa" bores to
Tessa, to be prmated to Gen. Bas. Houston, the Hero of
dun 4aelato. The New York newel:waters will tad to
this urea; oorrobonstire *renames that old Ban in about
to awataer a slice of Mexiata territory. What else can
the "!magna" be intended for than the (Moran eharger
spew She battlefield? There eau now be no dock of A.
Meat twaters.
—Tim gold feta is raging is Kansas. In the immediate
lisisiry oe, Lawnaoe forty•dre persons hive beams its
violists. Upwards of throe hoadmd hays gone from that
Territory, sad from Arkansas, to the western part of the
Territory, wbar• gold has boa disenvered.
- —The trial at Keokuk of Philip Nash for Me murder of
T. A. Barr/tea. moulted, oa Wodaesday moralist bat, la
the mavietioa of Nash of awarder is the bet dagrw, The
reed* of the jury was rendered about tea delcuot. Oa
its easeumeemoet, ha manifested groat ezeitemeal. Be
said to the jury, "Gestlemett, it is false." Again he told
then it was "a dammed lle." His mussel urged him to
Mt quiet. sad tko sheriff had to employ form to make him
desiit. Os the way hack to prima, ho was is a great raga,
by torus Innis( yelmissintly, sad thou uttering the most
Iddoeus moans.
—Last trlday aftersoon, three glistlotses, who move la
the int decks, cad who are soose tha wealthy poople of
tbe asighlowlsoinis is which they reside, were esjoyiag
titaissalves over s sVal ease, is a liquor shop or Woos
la idgrwerth, Csameetiest, whim they were sot only "fur
pima!" hat eitespletely diailgoitadied by the eaddoo sad
niteipastail estraaes of the wile of - one of lb. pan;. The
lady waslinaimi with s pistol sod heavy nab, /1/1111soseedl
eas/y, la sa aathatitative sad dotomined aisaast, esiatios.
ad sash sae prevent Cot to sanest or interfere with her la
my al bar movements, and, la less rims than is etwaplod
la wdlisi stay, the sod lit dab with so sum* skill
4smoilsb ail the miliplesests . of ski Walk," sad set
WWI all liqsats manias W wens. This work as
ruplidisd, the Isits ileistks ssissma to bee rations&
The-men .peck t•f war 'nth ha. artily dvs•
appeared troll. P.lttteal herb...a We set. aid of the
awarber who believed the liaglieb lioearasuara w abed a
war with the U S..nd the proesposere with whieh her
leading runnier aad Jetsamle hart diselaisoed the re.
Nest we of bet fault Squadron in searching awl devaisi •
kag . American vowels folly shows titers saaeb they appnv •
MB friesdly Mathias with 114 They feel that their
commercial lowest would be hazarded to thit event of a
and are not willing to risk so mock for the mail
amount of glory attached to the bare &banes right of
march, which they know could Daly It. sustained for a
Amities la any event. The promptness of the Presideot.
In mediae a test to protest our Teasels, mat? Mc* ver
sed to open Weir eyes to this fast. They admit the Jost
nem of tine °lsis for udisfactioa for iejaries dose, sad we
may safely tionoetieN the worst la over. Prom a Leading
article la tn. Loadon Tim** we infer that tie. Boom govern
meat leas sot aware of the working of this wore. visa
useless piece of euteitinery," and that it has finished its
mad career by plunging headlong la the Gar of Mellon.
Ragland well knows she can fore. the V. S. to
adopt her policy and is new within to abandon It.
We feasts there is bet one MIS policy. Cubs,• by its
salami position should Woos to the Baited States, and
then our laws which auk • It Piney to Import slaves would
effectually pot a stop to the further imported** o Negro.,
or Coolies to that Id' of bleeds, tied do more for the
cause of Freedom than the combined fleets of the world
can now accomplish. Bet whale Elpaia permits slaves to
he leaded in Cabs the Mimosa trails will sever easets.—
We are aware that amay oppour the homers/go acquisition
of Calm oa the ground of as exteasiottof Slavery. This
however LI s short sighted policy. Wi do not prepofe
that Cuba should be wrested from Spats at say bawd or
eeponse, however desirable the acqubitlos might be, bet
we do soy without hesitatioa thareireumstanose may arise
which would Justify story seatimeskof the Ostend heel•
foam We would not wish to rob Splin of the brightest
of her crown jewels sitirely beeause shot„ l is too weak to
protest it—far from it, hat her iloehneu mirky not be used,
to shelter . a hostile French or English Float to Amboy oar
.00111Mlette. The isaitersal Laws of Datives, and the greeter
law of self defies* asd.r each eirsemestaamie woaNt . net
GeV -justify but imperiously demised its actialeition 'ff t he
recent outrages of British (Takers on the coast of Ceti .
stud in hea t cery ports, afford a antis& Illustrst kat of our
W. believe prepaAt,iou for swil•brating th• coming sae
nisersary of our tuationail latspandmies, an bola( made
throughout th• length astf‘bienadtii of our cJuntry. There
is no country to the world that can claim a national Holi
day with more propriety than *a, and there is nothing so
much oalculated to oismost the iioc7mds of union sod social
good feeling as a popular gathering tin such occasioar.
The earns and anxieties of the world' are forgotten, ud
all political and seetatiaa prefadleas but in the universal
outburst and jubilant eznltstbmts of a boat* of Freemen.
Bring out the big gun. Let its deep thunderinp
berate from bill sod vale, sod let all harts be merry oa
that greatest of national holidays. Ws regret howstriur to
add that our city Pas of the Select Council, parsistantly
refuse to sanction the small appropriation voted by this
Common Council for celebration purposes, an! our citismist
will bare to "go it" on their own hoot or not at all. W•
ars no advocate for wholesale extravagance, but believe
our national &aniv•raary should not be entirely overlooked.
It is due to out pride end dignity, as one of the most
nourishing cities on the Lake, and the appropriation should
hers been made, if for no other purpose than that :dose
.1111 - Tex Zenon is gone this week lied we, ibics.4)
for the ant time, are duly installed in the Editorial chair.
We have co wish to mate a display of our " brief author
ity- or play soy fantastic tricks" for the asticienteat of
our !raiders. We hare selected such matter as w• hope
wilt make a readable sheet. Of course we do not expect
to redeet the entire views of the Editor to one short week,
but are willing to take the responsibility for what we hare
done. If our readers dad anything of paraliar merit,
they will please place it to the credit of the rob !
BRIBE. T W • last week published a comparative abetraet
of the Chrittendea Montgomery amendment and Rag Ugh
Bribery Bill which in our estimation ought to silence for
ever the wall of shriekere on that seore. The Leaven
worth Journal. an out sad oat " 131“dtog Kansas" paper,
objects to the adoption of Leeompton because thilinglial
bill doe. not offer land enough. Hear what the Journal
says: snap it hi/or. tA. people asut awe io moth"? eifervd
as in the Ettatas■ hill, but what is paranoid to es by the
Organie Art, under which we seer,. admitted as a Territory
and what other sew States Lace rooelrediat the Awe& of Oom
We Invite a few more shrieks on 'bat "infamous Mad
THE WEATHER.—IfiaI, every one taw something to
say about the weather. be It fair or foul, wet or dry warm
Of cold. The weather is always a topic for conversation
sad servo for an Introduction to may subject er is of it
self a sulhoent theme when we kart nothing else to say.
But really the weather now Is perfectly delightful, and
what is mon, it is just all the farmer could ask to khans
and mature his crops. All of our exehanges an Wed with
compliments to the weather clerk, aid, 'goofing the dam.
age dose by &cods Welt and South, give most &attain(
pro/parts of abundant harvests. We may bore remark that
the damage is lea in many localities than was supposed.
lint. Times in th• West. Th• Lyons City (Iowa)
Advocate of Jao• 19 mambas twenty-1r• sad • half
colawkas of Taz Sales in the County of Clinton 5i0441.
Tills iv tout a fair specimen of what may be found la al
parts of tl• West. Who would not b• a laud spoeuistor ?
Ws. The stausulblp Vaaderbilty Capt. traitors*, from
Barre •ia SoaUsaaaptoo, has made a sitartar W.Nara pas.
age Asa had MIT before bees areamptisbod—also days
sad tbirtoes boon—sad bap vas he laarsts whirl! t►o
Baltie bas wore to trtasspb fur the past seals. years.
Pr' The whole estate of tho Breektorkige Coal Cola
patty, ties: Cloverport, iCsatocky, is to be *old a* auction
as the 2ittls of Jane to pay a akortgage of $350,000.
This, the Memphis Belieie remarks, is as assfortasats
close of the affairs of the ootapsay, whose stook sad pro.
party wen valued a few yawl age at four or Ire mill lea
—Hon. Joh! B. Baskin, M. 0., New York, gives
patios, through the oolongs of tie Prase. that be intends
having James Gorden Bennett, of the New York Herald,
indieted for libel upon him, at 'lures different periods der ,
lag the into session of Congress.
—A pedestaa direct from Pad saw for bemired
Chippeways yeas through y oq Temday, the
Ist, in eager pursuit of th lOU, their mortal enemies
who slow many of their a few days before. Oar is.
lemon says that grim thokratination use visible la that
savage features.
lila. Os Wednesday last two young wee, brothers
named Cobh, Ulnas from Lockport, Pa., were arrested at
the Railroad fitatioa, charged with stealing $34 in money
from an uncle near Cososautville, Pa., with whoa they
had be.. stopping. Oslo of them, OD being deoeted by
the officer, wild the virtue of kis legs Safi Mt his face
westward, bat was overtaken after traveling a few miles.
The other. was pat under lock and key at the Trammel
House, did In • little while he name ep malssiag. He nude
better time thai the brother, and had !raveled scone dm,
mike before our volnateen !maid reach him. la their
light. these groan as, threw away the money which they
had stolen, sad what little cheap they rightfully posses
sod, bat after their arrest accomparried oilean to the spot
and recovered the $35 and diesel .more to pay lacideatel
expenses. After a preliminary Isautostios they were
takes to Crawford County, to answer for lb* oohs, of thoft.
—Comotopof Reporrer.
We are assured by Mr. Davis, Treaserer of Brie Co,
that there is a mistake la the ahem whiohNiva are pleased
to correct. The brother, Cook, of Lockport, the oily ease
of the acme to that vicinity, ars at home, base sot he..
arrested, and are considered highly reapeetable 'dm(
men, and are meek Weed that any iispetatioa of their
eitaraetere 'should have foetid Its way to the Public ender
sack itakiverahl• eirreasatanem. The yosag dittoes were
epetstkig under the aseassed we of Cook, sod foetid it
eenveaiikt to hall from Lockport.
,gam• Ws aatios u soma wont of work is Wag
doss la out stre4ts at this mow time. This is right
Nothing is mots ooPduivs to WIWI aad:porsosal soodott
la • busy mart that abash stroots. Ws hays board it is sag.
gloated that Juba was OYU% to maks capital foe author
ostapaigo, but we look spot solo► fat:tacks as *Wader. If
we aaa't kayo light Ist us hats elsaa straw, asd give
credit whore duo.
Pr' Wo novae to loam that the 140. hlr. Rica. at
Wattabati, atdoisaly toll dead oa the 10'44 la that plias
ua Moeda; last. Appolsay Le striped sr ,tbe ausas.i—
Mr. B. .0 at tbe parted et hie dotal paator at 4 PI IOOO 7.
tarts" Clank to the ”W•lek Bettleserat," about uo lathes
trout Wattaberg. Be was diattagaiallted ter mum et
ellsraeter aad Cbriatiaa seal, sad *eyed the gialdealla
sad regard ota large *trete of tries& sad sterr4lataaral.
"IP th• eosteset tor .amiss the mugl bogies/I leis
aM Nesdvills. via Plant itosd, las bees let to Wiu.tag
Q. Itaaso, (of ti. Amotiesa ittproot Ca g y Bide, N. T.,
at the Me of $l,llOO pot imam, dos outil to ip earned to
tooJorte *flag iroioss—Oosloo.
?MC •OQRTH OF Jlllitt
IVATglii. GA PI.
pure few yoan sit•o• Mr. Parse pabllibed to the woad
his Woadarfel diaeovers .4 Weir, 011 e. MIA, 'tithed bini
asonma sod fosodly Iroped what woe tree is theory mtght
b. ,lobed to polish:al sad besoleisi molts. Payee
failed ea kla attempt, boat whorl wion Welted to in beyoud
what lot had duo. Wild he had iircompoud water ht
elitewicity wu sot dulthilled, bat eat; la a small way A
sow battery Wu inveatall to .ware the meek, but in tb•
use of Mufti Gelviiiieili, the retie of power boo pot boob
broad to lacrosse With the volume, sod mull that point
guild bit grafted, this plan would be worthless on a large
nolo The prodertio• of Wstu Gas boa bees maim
plated for jean, and rawer imminent, bare boos triad
is Germany, Prone, and Ingisad, sod at differust timer
ollebt adroetror bar* bora mad* toward. a Alma) triampb.,
Zook hsersakte sad saperinteator has plodded oa afoot
mail soros point was palsied, *Weil oily atimalatod others
to try sad airsearroot their -irate—web our rotting elf
some principle Wasik was amoroary to perdu:idle other, sad
remainiag soporstod by tire golf of jargons rivalry, their
*Ecru bays proved failures —We have sow before se a tee
ma able smstant of eridese• that Dr. Lyman P. Taylor
has .wooded is torhosisiag Hydrogen or Water Oas,
with* burns freely and produces a brilliant with* ligb4 le
from, from impurities sad sosioss mixtures than any
I. not as implosive, sad whoa isespiair io a room
le sot too otrosivo or Illientalt to health or re/rotation.—
no sioParlitas Is very simple, ecrosistiop of only three
Pi•ooe of merchlwer7, sad wo are serratod the boat is very
snob Imo for promoting par tbaa by the ordinary
The Oiattiaaatt Mow says oosapiusy witis several
other gerotlesea, we loaf ertslag witaeseed the light et
No. 259 rift► at. Amos; Me ambers were ',semi eminent
chemists, mad all onsalmously afraid that it was the most
perhtet wrtilela/ light they had ever witnessed. It is at
awe white, midi°, sad soft to the aye, sad pot rollects its
rays with gnat pewit and brilliancy.'• A company has
brim farmed la Clasiasati, and over ball a minim) dollars
are pledged to
=The ease of Mrs. Hays, of Chestervllle,Warraneo., N.Y .
presents a wonderful instasee of prolonged existence sod
physical attiring without toed. There are many cases on
record, which may well call la question over belief, but
"oven more trade so than this. Yet w• an willing to vouch
foNts 41Marsay, and would say, as the enklect is a living
viola, and her situation well known to all fur miles
frouati"atui to aay eletitast physicians who have seen
the case, sm• risk nothing in a statement of facts. In
as spring 144 . 8.54, Mrs. Hays, then living with her family
is town oflkorieon, Warren re., N. Y. became unwell.
It 111111 eappowed Viers was no unusual OtrODIDOLtacCi at.
tending her illsateNd for a time nothing was thought of
It more than an ordinthy instance of hassle debility—she
amid bear but little fooauid ball; towards the last of
June, ceased to take any etsept liquids and the juice of
berries, oa which she subsisted until the middle of August,
when the anseles of the throat 'refused to perform thatr
functions, and she was unable to s'itallow, nor has she par.
talent of either food or drink mice hlat tiros—all seers
Lima, articulation, and assentor &atoll- ceased, except at
intervals of violent spume, during which 61r face is drawn
almost between her shoulder blade., and no^ breathing or
Pulastioa can be &tooted. Thai spasms are frequent and
'vary in daratioa, from a few moments to more than an
hour, and are Invariably brought on if any kind of food
or stintalante are brought In the room, a has been (re
quital?. tested, ODD% a small portion of tobacco in a vish
ors pedal will pralines the suss dreadful result. She Ii
not meek *mediated, although there appears to be a corn•
plea vassals is the abdomen, and the spine is easily per
espials to the touch—No pulsation can be felt at the ex,
tremities and onlyll, very slight sensation near the heart.
Mosty theories and coruscates bare been offered, sod ra
tios* aortas Israelis, and ileaude is the stomach here
been put la circulation., but we believe all are in ignorance
of the real oases.
Mr. Have was le iseesesittess eircumeteuees, nod the
Overseers of the poor furnished Aim with aid for several
mouths, whim they deelieed furtheraselstunce, unless the
patient was released to the Poor Howie, when a worthy
gentlemen of Chester, badly offered the •!Dieted • home
until death should relieve ooe,he has so loss and cruelly
made his sport. Chester is some twelve millet from the
bead of Lake George.
lug_ SAD Accinnirr.—A party of German Turners of
this city made as excursion on Sunday last to the Penin
sula. Oa their passage across the harbor on the Want,
one of the belabor, a young man of 22 years of age, named
Loafs hatasth fell into the Water and disappeared from
sight. He had, until witbin a fete days, been %ponder in
the /Art Bier 1111110 OR over Mt. illabenlanb's store, and is
well scoolain of by his acquaiatanoes. Efforts bare been
made to mover his body, but as yet fruitless ones. Ile
Ned a sister residing in this oily, but was singie.—Coest..
MR M 13318 ORA rs CONCRRT.—we call the at -
Wades el oar readers to the announesswent of the Misses
Gray's Coarart, at thss Park Hall, on Monday evening.—
They will be assisted by Prot. 0. 1.. Shultz. do and hear
Pea Tili LOAV AND Flom api.
Oar Republican Meads of every sample/ion of nation.
ality, are maids, c desperate situate for the main chance.
that is, who shall out-peenl his rival, and secure the
party nosaleatlos for county and state °Sass. Pr.= the
alleluias.' manifested, it Le emulate that no stone will be
left watareed, acid some evidently are a Hyde nervous la
setielpatioa of peeked dolorous at the eoliVentioa.
The Genus hat jut read the faithful, a long homily on
the lames.. importunes of Union and harmony, and
striae adherence to forms and wages long since adopted.
which means se sore or less than support the ti °misses'
whatever may be your private judgment, if you wish the
party to sisemed. Well, patleasen, we are cot interested
la your party scramble. It le all the mene to us, whether
you nomluata Disk, John or Harry, bat wi have known
&truce, damp tappet" time eluting an Independent can
didate before sew. Pitch its.
SPLICING Tin CANLI.—If the Agamemnon
sad Niagora left Plymouth on the 9th, or oven
the 10th instant, as they were to do, on their
great Expedition, it is probable that they have
already halted in the mid-ocean, that the tele
graphie cable has been spliced, and that the cen
tral part of the cord that is to unite Europe and
America is down in the bed at the bottom of the
Atlantic, while the two ships are speeding on
their opposite courses. Within the next fort
night the anxious question will doubtless be an_
swered on both sides of the ocean, whether the
greatest undertaking of the present century has
proved a success or a failure. The experimen
tal trip of the two ships appeauto have been sate
isfactory, the insehinery for paying-out the cable
worked well, the splicing of the two ends was
effected with ease, and unless the ships encoun
ter a harder storm than may be expected at this
season of the year, or the Niagara should en
counter an iceberg, which is one of the greatest
dangers to be apprehended, there is a fair chance
that we may hear of the great work being com
pleted before our next national holiday
We cannot ay that we are oonfident of the
enocessful establishment of Ibis telegraphic cow_
muniestion-srith Europe. Every one, of course
wishes for its success—and this eager desire be
gets in many minds a degree of confidence which
the facts will seemly warrant. Even if the
cable shall be safely laid, we do not think the
feasibility of communicatiou through so great a
length of submerged wire has yet been demon
strated. Experimata, in such a case, cannot be
aoaclusive—for the wire upon which they are
made is sot submerged 4-
HAIL &roam is New Your —On the 22d
inst., the vicinity of New York, was visited by
a violent tornado with heavy rain, thunder, light.
Mug and hail. During the gale 150 feet of one
wiag of the American Flint Glass Company's
Works at Buten Point, were blown down,
burying twentylva operatives in the miss. All,
however, ware rescued alive except two, Bernard
Slane and Thomas Gill. The church of Good
Shepherd, of New York city, Rev. Ralph Bops,
which was awl, completed, was rued to its
foundation, loss about $15,000. The roof of
Stimuli Avenue stage stables was blown el—
°somas was injured by a t o s t ilia us i and an.
otherr at the same place n
was by lightning.
Two men who had takes refuge under a shed in
west 17th et mere ensiled by a falling chimney
sad isagannily Jakinand.
- illo--
w YORK, .41, 1- .6.
We base ‘uothrr of those ru sae •'!
on the taws which stirs op in ligh • •
mows the :dogs of Nem \ Yor iat •
gangs of 1;;;Iitical bullies, gamblers, pimps and
professional scoundrels with . which our city is
peculiarly afflicted I refer to the trial of Cue
ningtiam for the murder Ok McLaughlin. This
trial involves imply the ptfoeipla of the guilt of
murder under any cirmunstsumai for if prof
murder was justified by the detestable character
of the victim it was in this ease, sod them is si)
public sympathy to work against the accused
The murderer, however, cab hardly claim a
dearer record than Lis victim.
Apropos of rogues, your cos respondent enjoyed
this week the felicity of a visit to the "Ilegue's
Gallery' at the Police Commissioners held.
quarters: This interesting gallery consists of
about 150 daguerreotypes of rogues of ill grades
and shades A more repulsive crowd of faces,
as a whole, even a painter could hardly wish to
meet with The larger proportion are very
young{ many were boys, but with countenances
prematurely developed by vicious trickery.—
These pictures are all uutobeod, and exchanged
with similar collections in other cities, so that
when a detective here wishes to a rrest
.i a rogue
who has escaped to another city, he has only to
telegraph his number to a detective in that place,
who examines his daguerreotype and hauls him
up. The trial of Cancemi, the Cicilian bee de
' voloped some queer facts which tend to fasten a
charge of bribery either on the lawyer for the
deftpce or on the chief witness for the promeeut
tion-whicb of the two is not yet known.
Of other local matters there is little which ex
cites interest The central Park is a subject of
much discussion There are two parties in the
affair—one wants to make it a play ground for
the people and their children, something on the
plan of Boston Common—another, a fifth avenue
party, wish to create at an expense of about
thirty millions a pleasure ground to rival any of
the Parks of London or Paris, sod to afford dri-
vings and airings for people who are fortunate
enough to possess "turn outs" which at present
they have no fitting opportunity to exhibit
The proposed expenditure is certainly enormous,
the taxes of New York City are already so heavy
as to drive away vast numbers of people to the
shores of Long _lsland, Staten Island, New Jer.
aey, sod all places within an hour's ride in sail
of the city The newly published Directory
shows a decrease of 4,000 in the number of ten
' ints or householders during the year which indi
elites probably an actual *cline in population of
sixteen or twenty thousand; this however is
partly owing to the financial reverses which have
driven out of the city man (unemployed persons.
The shipping business for instance has been so
depressed as not to give employment to one third
tukK ,,.
of the usual nu ' rof stevedores and the bal
ance have probabl) taken refuge with country
farmers. When buiirie,ss revives there will be a
light supply of labor here which will tend to im•
prove wages.
Most of the houses which stood through the
panic are going through safely ; some have gone
down lately after manfully struggling and others
have taken advantage of the plausible opportu
nities to defraud their creditors, against such,
we hear every day curses not loud but deep
"If the devil don't take that man off," said an
injured creditor the other day, '•what's the use of
having any devil ?" Business of all kinds is
laboring under the usual summerdulness. RA).
ple are getting out the great Saratoga trunk, and
making formidable preparations for a heated
term Menem, the weather philosopher, who
wears a white linen suit in mid winter, now goes
clad in gossamer, and is only restrained by social
considerations from adopting the "buff" costume
and traversing the streets a - la Adam
The religions interest in the city continues
without abatement though with less outward
demonstration. The daily prayer -meetings are
kept up with vigor and are fully 'attended
Chauncey Shaffer, a well known lawyer; who has
been converted this wial k er and has made himself
prominent in these meetings, was caught in a
queer scrape lately. Taking chloroform for a
tooth ache he became temporarily inebriated or
insane and rushing into court threatened the
judge with a revolver, using at the same time
very profane language, "Edge tools," ete.—
Judge Culver's case in Willianisburgh excites
much discussion. ERIE
The Value of Cuba.
Tti4 Detroit Free Press advocates the rescue
of Cuba as a Union measure with signal ability
There is no estimating the mil/funs it will be
worth to the shipping, bread raising, and menu•
(admit% States, who_even now, in her colonial
bondage, buy and sell with her to each a vast
and profitable extent But the Free Prep does
not limit its views to the item of profits It
says, of its political imlibrtance—
ii Cuba would undoubtedly be oue of the
strongest of the Union States—regarding the
Confederacy in the light of internal stability
Regarding it in the light of external strength,
Cabs is the very key of the Gulf
" We apprehend that the day is not distant
when Cuba will be African or American. Spain
has avowed. that it shall be the first rather than
the last. There is but one way for the United
States to meet that avowal; that is, by resolving
that it never shall be African.
" We have one Africanised island among the
West Indies, where the negroes are rapidly re
lapsing into barbarism, sad waging.a war of ex ,
termination spinet the whites. The state of
things there is a feeble picture of what Cuba
would become if our Uovernment should, in the
course of event*, permit it to be handed over to
the blacks."
Braman RUTPIANISII. — Captain Montgoni
ery who held a commission in the Kansas Free
State militia, under act.cral Jim Lane, has late.
ly been committing such inhuman outrages that
his political frien(l4 have tern compelled to de
nounce him. A u.irespoodent of the St. Louis
Democrat, a Republican print, twit( , hitaading
its name, in detailing some of the oi.. Ages perpe
trated by Montgomery and his WI d .f maraud,
era, says they compelled a woman to strip naked
and march back sod forth between their ranks.
The correspondent endeavors to mike it appear
that this band have no connection with the poll:
ties of the Territory, and that "Free State" men
have offered to go in pursuit of them. It may
be that the mass of the Kansas Republicans con
demn the infamous conduct of these villains, but
what are we to think of a party that permits its
self to be ruled by lurch mosistere—for there is
no denying that Montgomery-was not long since,
as his friend Jim Lane is now, a leading member
of the freedom shrieking party of Kansas That
party hive been led and governed, from the be.
by the most unprincipled scoundrels in
the Territory, and to this , fact all the Kansas
troubles are attributable.— Glandersburg
The Cry of lidzavagance Refuted.
ft 11Mv the Kis wsissaiss
teak allpoiats qua* of piaci ,
pies, Ike Opos4 form* Non back
upon the le old "try extra , tad hope
tiesE l Conine; th e last of
eh t; &cued This trick
°Mint , a they expect
it will be again. When the commercial revul
sion of n
188 . 9 took;placs . end the Government felt
the Ali - wi Weir - bile country did, then the Op.
position bellowed forth the same notes as they
do now, and misled the people into the Hard.
Cider campaign, which resulted in the election
of Goa, Barron. But what was the result?—
Ma those who talked about retrenchment, prof
testi* sad stem, Got when they came into
power? They did not. On the contrary, they
were the most extravagan t , prodigal and dielioni
eat party that ever the reins of government
in titia country. Their retrenchment consisted
in squandering the public money at a pace un•
known befOre—their protection in raising the
price of articles used and consumed by the poor
man--their reform in attempting to. fasten upon
the wintry a corrupt and dangerous Banking
system, and other measures of like destructive
character. The election of General Taylor was
also consummated by similar devices, and the re-
sult of that experiment was, like the other, a
miserable failure. The basis upon which these
canvasses were conducted was a lie and a cheat,
and of course_the party erected upon it must turn •
ble to pieces when once brought to face the facts
as they were exhibited in the-public records
So far se the allied opposition to James Bu
chanan sad the Democratic party at this time
have developed their plias, it appears certain
that they mean to try the same game in 1860
that they did in 1840 and 1848. They are the
first to deafen the public ear with clamors
against the the extravagant expendatures of Mr
Buchanan's administration, and then follow that
,by the most profuse promises of retrenchment
and reform. This dish is to be spiced with a 1
dash of protection in all those States where such
seasoning will be especially palatable, and the re
past itkready fur the national appetite - . Already
this, pibit is commenced by charges against thel
current appropriations of the recent session iit
Congress, with the intent of showing them to he
unusual in all respects, and thus open the wa d
for a popular onslaught on the party in the n
suing Congressional elections But Ow IVa-1.-
ington Union meets this question fairly a , ill.•
outset, stilettos!, by figures that the appropria
tions are not of such a character as to warriito
the charge of extravagance, which is being mss,.
against them by the allied opposition at this time
The Uxion says:—We do not intend to claim
absolute and complete accuracy in the ap F en , l, d
table of appropriations at the session just e l '
but we are confident we have included thereto
very nearly all, and in the grand total a sum
equal to the gross amount voted this year h
has been our conviction, which we have on sever !
al occasions expressed; Ant the present Coogre..+
was exercising a sincere and vigilant watch over
numerous doubtful elaims, and that the result of
its labors would show considerable diminution to II
the annual appropriations It is then, extremely
gratifying to be able to say that, notwithstanatug
the heavy (ireful upon the Treasury on ave.unt
of the Mormon difficulties, the gross amount app
propriated is considerably less than what set
made test year.
Thus it is, as light breaks in upon the ad Jai ti
istntion of James Buchanan, the wisdom of
policy, the economy of its government, and the
firmoessand integrity of its official carter le cow,.
more and more ataicking and evident
Rerdar appropr;diwooe for file seri art of 4. q,,,
Indian Regular
do Supplemental
do Deficiency
Consular and diplomatic
Military Academy
Sundry cola!
Legislative, executive 6124 judicial.
Yatl Steamer
Post Ofitoo
Collecting rovvuue frum import.
To which acid•
Treasury notes
Massfacture of arias
Expenses investigating
committees IrSe ,i,uau uu
Treaty with Deamark 1458 404.73! 44
ThelWatley ia prawn,
Do. tot the year
Dust dumb mid blind,
D. C.
Expenses investigating
Ciotti to Oregon to Re.
Mater sod Receiver
Running Texas bound
sty line
Incident to dolma"
of 11120,000,000
, Esthnate
Other appropriations, bill. not printed and
rardefistitr, Including all private bill. .1, :5;
This reduces, it will be seen, the regular air
propriations for the service of the year 1'?59 to
something leas than fifty three and a half millions
of dollars—a very atisfactorty exhibit when we
reflect that the opposition are about arranging
for a campaign against the democratic party i.r,
the double ground of its extravagance and
the old maxim of protection
WITHOUT FOOD.—We some time since. r.pokt , of
a man being lost in the woods UM name wa.q
W. H. Clemow, and was connected with a survey.
Log party undel charge of Mr. Savigny, Surveyor
of'this place. He lost himself on the 3d of Jay,
and although every effort was made by Mr Say.
igny to trace him, it proved useless. A reward
was offered to the Indians for seeking lion, but
they failed to do so. Meanwhile poor Cleatow,
with no weapon of defeoc whatever, had to fi tu l
his way by pocket compass to Lake Huron,
where he anticipated seeing a canoe, or stray
Indians, by which he might he saved lie was
sixteen days and nights in reaching the Lake,
and then wandered about, as best be could, for
eight days more, when an Indian fell in with
him, and took him to an Indian village Ile
. was in a most ragged and forlorn conditon when
mind—nearly all his clothes gone; his feet lacer
aced and torn, and his intellect all but gone --
During those twenty four days ho ate nothing
but teaberry, and the wolves and bears pared
him as if not worth their attention --Barr, ))
W.) Advocate.
Ron. C. IL Rackslew
The Look Haven Democrat speaks as full ,w 4
of the appointment of Mr. Hoehnlew:
It is announced that Senator Buckalcw h as
been appointed Minister to Equador by Prebident
Buchanan. Mr. 8.,' though yet a young insu,
is one of the most experienced and able Stait•s
men in tits Commonwealth, and throu f h his
tire career has preserved a reputation-fur itstegtity
and purity of motive whioh but few posaeB9.
Utifortunately for him, his health has been quit.
bad for several years, and our re,derti will nu
doubt be surprised to learn that the ablest man
on the Boor of the State Senate, whize speeches
win praise from all for their clearness sod power,
today scarcely (if at all) exceeds a hundred
pounds in weight. Equator is in South America,
and is one of the most healthful climates in the
world. Situated Leer-the Equator, its capital is
about 5000 feet above the level f the Pacific
Ocean, in a beautiful elevated valley, and bur•
rounded by anew capped mountains. The tem
perature of the atmosphere is almost unvarying,
and is one of the mat pleasant that can be im
agined—perpetual Spring with never cra-iing
vegetation. We trust that Mr. Backalew may
return to his native State within a beef period,
with restored health, and with physical equal to
his mental vigor. His appointment will be well
naiad, though all will regret hi. absence from
the Slate -
$76).:,011 un
1, 4 1.4 lUi
412,120 ot,
1.2 04 00
I 11.093 CI
/..I4 hO6 36
1,1,0,mw km
1858 $ . 18,1101.1
1858 380,tatu U.
18:,d 341.1..5v J
-1458 V,704,209
185 d 3,00 Uri
1658 - 12,utiO
1688 7,000 00
I t 59 ,u,ouil uo /
5,000 00 1u,07t5,1. 0 01
64,4 A,.,64 I
6‘.,000A0 0,
---4 1 P---
Abstract of Foreign Mews, by the Vanderbilt
aad Penis.
tin the 10th, in the thlne of Lords, on ino,
lion of Lord Brougham, a bill was read the first
time, the object of which was to render the frsu.
dalent negotiation of bills ot\exchange penal.
The bill abortsbing property qualifications for
members of Parliament was debated and read
the mond time. The bill eatending the fran
chise in counties to oecupyers of £lO tenements,
the same aria boroughs, was brought up for a
second reading. Goverrquent opposed any action
upon the measure at p?rsent, but upon a test
vote there Wu a majority against the Govern
ment of 58, and the bill was read the second
On the Intl in The House of Commons, ra re•
ply to an enquiry, Lord Stanley said Govern
ment had sent a dispatch to India disapproving
of the policy of annexation, and disavowing the
administration of Hair
The India reports were taken up, and after the
rejection of the proposition by Lord John Run.
sell to limit the council to 12 members, it was
resolved that it should consist of not more than
15 or less than 12
The Times has reason to believe that a eircu,
ler has been issued by Lord Derby to his sup
porters, by which it is the intention of the•gov
ernrnent to offer no further opposition to the ad•
mission of the Jews to Parliament
The French ministerial papers declare iu favor
of the Atuericau view of the right of search, and
characterizes ihe• blocks-ling iivadruu as another
failure The Times returns to the question of
the great naval arrangements going on inFrance,
sod says that all/the assurances in the world ,:an-
D oi do sway the imprersions this is likely to pro.
duce •
Mount Vesuvius is iu a dreadful state of etup
Goo, causing the tom of many lives and large
amount of property
The I"rreuch Mediterranean squadron, f,n. eon
centrated in the Adriatic
Affair+ Letareen France and Spaiu ',Kok e .w.
plioated The French atubaag3br had returned
t,, Part. , The reamou 1.4 ,tated
iu.urrection in ILe itOand r,l CM:Kiln Wits
Incr , iu 'strengtb Five "ibcr dioriet4
tip• Mire aglit/S2 ih aillhorifip.
ir Hugh had u,. t He• rebels, and de
b.ct••d thew with great r, uu than
1.111 liatidred liacitig been left dead tin the field
The r. b. wire eulleetin ; !, rapidly at ('alpee,
wEer. ti.) were making au.,th.l: -laud tigaiu.t
I.•ret Sahib Uu, t have
b.c.,ne a anewhat :dart/1 , d 1.. r hr. own .afety,
and art, (opt , d . 41 ityila 1114
r. treat to .•c, r, tat ..ti
.ut 4/der advice. bad been Ti
ceiv(il by telegraph from Malta They embrace,
hclarever, nothing of a startling nature
A de.patch from Pekin direct. the pleuipo.
tentiarie. of the Weitern Power• to return lo
n, a. the new tulle nal l'oinuri.onout r
gatherine. ht. force, to rt I • apture 111.•
t zp, cr , (•) FLI
'I'II Lt VIATII kN -The 14 mdon new pipers
have been silt nt f weeks al. .ut the L. , .
than Looking over the advertising eolumus ~1
a Laadoll journal, we f uud it otriolaily
ed that 11.44+ mammoth steamer lira. In hilt trim,
at Fist—that she iv,i• I 11 . opeu public in-npe. , -
1100 on May '2.9, and that Mr Sams, a fashionabie
London bookseller, was so!c agent f r the sal , st,
tickets She is moored in the Thames, on the
Deptfurd side. Wbut errgo she will take, what
pass,. tigers she t. ao, ha. been rather tl.,obt,
ful, as yet, though it I is lug then kit
her first v lage would be t l'ortlan I caber,
great and even c.,tly preparations were made,
mouths ag , t, h, receive 11.1'
It is antionticed, ar 13-1, that di , 1,.
will be regularly plac,.d.,n th, hue betsr.en E
gland and the United State-, i wining to Port.
land, where such a upie and even costly a. range
mews were made to receive her Etrly next
season she will in ik- her first V.yage To equip
the 141viatti4u f —4, all the capital raised being
exps - Acied—••f which Mr Brunel, the enginetr,
has not rendered the account ho promised, last
March-_-aom/ditionoi sum of $l,lOOO 000 i s t o
be raised, by the issue of 11,00tt annuities to
subscribers of $lOO each There is some r/iwirt
of getting this money from those who have al.
ready become proprietors, and may venture more
in the hope of the speculation paying them, after
all The calculation is that, by seven voyages a
year, she may realize a net profit of 8603,250
per annum Two questions are—what percent ,
age of lividend will this give on the cost, and
where she is to get remunerating passengers and
In all probability, the time occupied in a voy
age by the Leviathan, will be much diminished
It is said that seven, or at the most, eight days
will accomplish the transit from port to-fort
This would he a great gain—time hung money,
independent of abridging the discomfort of a sea
journey Without a very extraordinary increase
of pa.-enget , over the pri. -*int average of all
tti, steamers, we d i not see how the p a ,- ai r,
money can be much lower than by the Vander•
bitt steamers, which eonsidt•rahly less than by
the Cunard line
this head the Cobourg ) Sun favors U 4
with an interesting account of "A Maxwell's
operations among her Nlajeaty,s verdant and
dutiful PO pets Mr Maxwell, who is probably
a friend of "Licut Carter, of West Point,' if not
that individual himself, first landed in Toronto
Ile select"d apartments at a tip top boarding
house, and complacently advised the lady of the
house that , tie was favored with a visit from one
of the elite of the great metropolis of the new
world, the centre of light, heat and civilization
New York lie engaged the best apartments in
informing the enraptured hostess that his family
would arrive in a few days, that he would !fume
diately purchase a piano, harp, melodutn, fic , for
their convonictice Somebody about the house,
however, "smelt a mice," and Mr maxwell suit
duly left Toronto for Yorkville. There he mad ,
the acquaintane:. of a gentleman of large possess ,
ions, and offered to lay out t.:3,000 in town lois
The bargain was soon struck, and they repaired
to a learned limb of the Liw to ratify the contract
Moved by the magnitude of the operations the
young barrister being anxious to secure the,cns
tom of such influential gentry, was most happy
to make a trifling loan of intlit to the American
Millionaire, who expected a remittance of several
thousand its a few days The new comer was pow
the hero of the village Ile was invited to dine
with Mr. A and sup with Mr Ii He boarded
at a flash hotel, and when he condescended to ask
"mine host," to accompany him to the theatre,
Itoniface was most happy to accept his cuupany,
and as a matter of course to furnish the trifling
supply of the needy, The Sun gives the winding
up of Mr. Maxwell's operati .nis as follows:
Among the many fashionable acquaintances
of our hero was Mr C 'Twas tnere spruce Yank.
eedom delighttd to while away the evening hour
Mr C. bad a buggy and a fast horse, and Mr t''s
lady had a sister, fast, fair and or er thirty Need
we say who was the companion of our hero's
drives? Don't sigh, reader, 'Tis human to err,
and our hero knew it. But now we approach a
crisis Sharper and Mr. A entered a clothing
store. The man of dry goods knew Mr A. and
of course its ull ri :/ /at. Next they entered &jew
elry store, Yankee purchases, but leaves the
watch, will call again Suddenly a light dawns
on Mr A Ile writes the jeweler that he would
not be responsible Soon as Yankee learns This
he knows the game is up and orders a cab man
to drive to the boat, assures Cabbee, who knows
the elephant, that be is going to meet his family,
asks Cabbee to lend him 53 to pay his friend
Cabbee does so, and drives to the boat, Our he.
ro edits, the curtain falls, but the moral re
Interestin g trc,u,
T hi: :Ica/ York II ,7;
o f Mexico to Juuo •
antic corps on the I , x ,
guilt. The French mite
Bide o f th e G. rnmete, !i,
me t a afau; the new
ties asked time, t., .110 b r
his Government L, I,r
be enforced; but to Mr 1'
credit of . kicking up a due,
ace lo an uproar, and of eat.i
one stroke of 1,014 1 , a'l the
in Mexico. Mr. For.ytli
contribution being levied at
foreigners flocked around the
gation; and if it had been p,
of allegiance to the star—pau
grant protection at the an.
of American citizens there •
ger at the present time T i; ,
gave in, and set EL:.l,lc
three months
here last night, bringity .1.
Cumming, whom he I. ft
Nth May• They Ir< p•
dent of the United S,at.
not officially trune.pire,l, ,
many of the account. Kn 1, A
Intsteen pro-occupiLd, • ,
latcd to deceive the ( ~ un!r,
matters generally T
ted the incuurteuus refu..l:
este with the prey. :•
denied the truth of the t, q
from Boonville intimatto2
move on the arrival of the I.
when, in fact, Cumming 1,1
main where it i. until or 1.
from Washington Coo tra
circulated, Kane do, 3 OM, a,
been any ouch difference.
ming and lien Juliusou a
public interest; he Breaks i
Johnsou, and the high .ta
the latter maintained ~v. r
prai,eworthy uninif , •••
ring the entire winter
The frtetkds t,f th, adui
pleased wlth the inalin .
,tuud to allude to the t•
mg that he. t, dem...l . l'llW ,1
country Tilere wa. v la at
where, that the yr-3r
ty hal t”. , .( 1 I , ,rtte , l, ,tl+l%,
in time to at r , st the mar 01
again:gout touts I,a-t
sun: II t
esp , u-ol the etu• • • 1 0.
in till , re4pvet I._ I
Tiltre Wit. at ,•w• t.o: • - :
before the Lungrati t 4
v‘er th, 1
sl ling
A l'Entirl ":
stream in Shat l \ •
4eabe• lb.. J r 1 .. T . .
Win Ml , ' IT+ W I
of btOrk2 W. r-, :4 1% ,
thing. ,•1 that .or:,
in the eour4 , a Iv ,
process thcir natur,, t• I .1.
[There ur
s. rll ..
to thr 14 , , r, f4:l, I-
•:r,21,11 • !if
vcr2, )
1111112 Ilwro I-
Englund, vit..
nearl , , _•••
bir i• „
bac. ! „
VI Pit I I\ \'l \ I.: \V
Inti.n. , r r , L.
ney, May 1:::11, ,r 11 \I
tuteril..ut ..f 1..
Honey. lAko , g ,n
party left Intlepemien-
The trim wa_s in
lag thirty mils r
sable to r
on the roal ' . •
ing been f A s .
The ?leek
broken •_
lioN t —• •
the Ilth, ,l'v • -
defeuee of thi• .•
letter written
to his leaving .•
tour, at the etp. •
We think it , 1 •1,:- •
about Mr -urtitior
an end , and, if th -
lived in •ur r‘. i: •
bane's [...pia, t i v w
most ridieulou.:
nostril, of the ltivr. :•1 •
ner i , rapidly
latao, who, preceded t
with a trumpet and tin:
Sufferings in tho
wares, for the purr.
purse if th
that trumpet, w L L.
we do demur t •• •
was e art
atorial c it H
tion of '•:i•"f • .
which I •
comp•. r • H •
tic enth , il
c0mp• , 11,. , 1 t—
season and .u• I
these, he wa- S. A
his fellow son c.
Charles r
anti in the tno .,;
was frAishly assal, •
Min ; but \4,T ,"
dir Pt ryi of
utes After the ti
was then eonver-itie
of the caltor4 1 t•,-
Thi4 quackery I. t
opinion i 4 that. it
i 4 a perpetual 41,
have the effect .d A .
election 1.4- a min %%
Senate, and Li ,
to perfortn. ❑t'
ChitUS to inv.. ;• •
greater than :tr.
boys in their
recover by 11,(•
We have no . t u::
Ae C 00 1 .03.9 ‘)OT. k •
atte.rup4 iu It, 11-
pre to vr‘... I. n
Iltt.tNt; I so , iit
ling sheet, • •
unmask the u.)‘
Blaek ltepuh I,•an • •
With ehara,
essence o t th
disgraced all the n .
which they Iwo •
now about to r 1
Lion, and puma: !
been Federal Her: .
Democratic '
a fresh mask wh-'•
Republican " '-'
as old 35 the ll.rt• '
Boys of the Art]
This is the ear 14.
ever name they "
by it. In every ,•
try, they are
VICO]. -