Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, June 26, 1858, Image 1

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    tj. kS 100 RE, PUB USHERS.
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'BO B.r*, tc , Eng., Pa
From Harper's
Habits are stubborn things
Awl by the thaw • awl Is tweeted of forty,
Hu ruling peewee's grown so Imes hty
There to no clipping of Its wings
Tilil truth Will hest ho st‘e , wo
by tbmttistr teatimes of Pla • owe
Dick Str•pe
Was a dear friend, and lover of the pip* .
He used to 11 , 1 f, ..oue pipe of Kirlama's bast
Gar. life a .4A:
T. him 'tau meat and drink, sad physic,
Tu see the friendly vapor
Curl round his iniannstit taper,
And theshlack hmse -
Clothe all the room
la clouds u Mirk u mien. melaphyasc
`4O still be smoked and drank, and crackid his juke ,
had he stogie tarried,
lie might have smoked, and still grown bid in smoke
But Blamed married
His inf. Ira. one 46 ho earned
the cleanly t iris,. aluioet to a t II".
She tram Do now ,
Awl. thrice • • eat, above., twh.a,
The bn►.e ea. .•..urod how lop to toe,
AuJ all the door. sate rubbed no bnght
You Jared not rain upngbt,
M or fear of .dJrug
liut,that she ta,.k a prt.le lu
in' .11 thini• eloc, RebeeLA strype
t euld least endure a pipe
:slAt• nulled upon the filthy bear, tuber:en ,
Protestatd Lott the noisome vapor
Had spoiled lief beet ebintr curtatne and the pap. r
And Coat Lrr Mall) • pound In duce„
And then she quote.' oldelKing darner , , who earth
"Toba. en r• the freed'. breath
Wbru wise. weir (urges), husbands as of obey ,
k or 11:1•4 dal)
Dick mourn, d , and tonakett Li. tAvonte tobatco,
And t uraed It. bct ra
leugth the .tae approached bia wile most the
Ituagiue uow the doleful cry
of frunale irteuda,•nd ►uula, and CtillS/Iza,
to to the funeral rawr by dotens
The 1111 , ieetAkert, Use CI mid uluteii,
"to it at the pile in utile snits,
With doleful lioika,
Jun* like so MAW, IlSel.rl , ll' , l 1' 1-.4.
•., tad ame tr. ban•fed r.tand
I I, and drink, and dank and stet,
beet nt►l•e people dr%
But [lick to rousing uotah. re to i.e rouod
Above, below. about
The) searched the lawn.. throughout
Each hall and secret entry,
t4.le from the garr t to the pantry,
In every cupboard, earner, nook, and shelf,
And all concluded be had hung himself
At last they found him—Reader, guess you where
r. its snake von stare
kehetca at Los rest
' 4 ln. king a Kirkman s Lett '
Every One, who has ever read that terribly
milt, "The My-ti rie. it Paris," will probably
remember a scene towards its elm-e, where tiln
escaped galley slave, the Maitre D'Eeole arrives,
blind and helpless, awl lame, and old, at a fares
beyond Part-, nuil asks shelter fur the night
The dog.-spring savagely at him as lie enter's,
and would gt.i , ll) hitu in pieces if they mould,
and he look- ibiwu at the wick.d little Tortillard
l;ut.l.s 11111/, and who-per., "They "melt the
blood The-e are tile 2.41111, clothes I wore the
Clay castlem
killed the castle erchant at hussy "
Ile in—he sits down in the warn kitchen
the farm h01m..., cud takes his evening weal
with the servant. Itut lest he ,41,411.11 be too
eowtortable---lemt "Lit` stray gleam of suomhin-.
•hould fall upon his vith,p'ortillard, who seems
tts have been his evil geniu-, hits upon a plan—
, a diabolical invention worthy of hitu , elf—by
which he cati recall lout from the reverie into
which he -eeins fatiillK, The ritsills he wore as
a galley slave have 1.-It a wound in his leg which
will nevi r heal, and which tr most painful at
times The b.. t sir• directly ”prae.tteAl. him, at
table, Lind with all • the malice of a little fiend,
aitn• now and then a kirk at hum , which huhs the
open Weolrivi, and Itrike• Mitt
ag..11) while at the ?ath , how be exelaitnr, "Mott
pant re papa ' won pauVre papa v. it at. alfee•
tid euoveru which wm. the heart of all around
It is luau, a year Niue. , I read the story, but
as I go ou thr , ugh life, Toriillard seems to meet
me on every side to fa, t, lie may he called a
Rood type of the world Have ion a private
grief or itii.ery concealed, like the wound of the
esca ped co.Aviet, yet always throbbing and ling
Irnt, even iu your most quiet moments ? Be
sure the wovail will find it out, and pierce to the
vet.) 'neuter of it, with a careless blow If we
cut, or in any way maim a limb, it becomes at
once the limb of all others which is most certain
to be hit against the corners of tables and chairs:
it in the limb against wiiich people stumble and
open doors, with accidental recurrences, which
look very much like prided purposes. And so
with sorrows That nerve of our hearts which
can least bear exposure, is always most exposed
—and here a twinge, and there a sudden faints
new, as we turn sharp angles iu the path of life,
show us that it is as sensitive as ever.
I have thought of this,-1 fancy, [Mite than
most men, because I, myself, have such a 80r
row ; and I tiuil that everything around we—
things which, in themselves, are very deal: to
me—have a power to awaken it f never see a
violet upon a meadow batik ; that I do not re
member a fairer flower that smiled into life and
beauty and faded before my eyes I never see a
star at night without a thought of eyes wore bril
haw I never hear a bird stngiug its happy
heart out iu the summer time, without a sigh for
a voice now hushed forever
I have lived lung, loug ago, iu another land—
in a quiet New England village which nestled
in the heart of the Green Mountains, of that
most beautiful of all States, Vermont That
Village is known to airily as the birth place and
early home of Powers, the great American sculp
tor. The brain and heart that designed the
peerless Greek slave were working beside the
silver flowing Queeeby, some forty or fifty years
ago, in many a prank of boyish mischief, and
the man that carved and chiseled that white
dream of beauty then wielded a ponderous jack•
knife, and whittled out of bite of wood some
faint foreshadowing, perhaps, of that which was
yet to come It was this bad tempted we to se
lest it from all otheis for my summer residence,
during a•year of sickness and distress iwthe city
New York. It bad a pretty English name—
Woodstock—and was, I think, the fairest valley
on'srLieh my eyes ever fell •
River cud !mountain, the bright Queeeby sad
ite king ,4 the bilk Mount Tow, lake and wood,
cod forest--all were there Frow owe suwwit
you looked down a region ut peitoral beauty,
with pretty low eott.igev, wide green meadows
coo grazing from an.•tlier you sew a ler,
tile %alley, with the river winding, hie a serpent,
through it, and mirroring iii us bo,oui the clear
blue P k y A third ailment, cud a rock booed
country, glouwy with lir treem, au! keeping ati
unbroken silents• like that of Siberia, wet your
view ; while high up, upon the very hut/rink of
the great wountatu, a lonely poud was lying, of
which the school uhildren told strange tale 4 It
Gad once stret,ibed over vast acres, cud bears and
wolves had drunk Crow it when the country was
wild cud new, but with the wareb of isitrilisstioh
it had changed. Little by little the earth bad
filled at in, till the visitor could walk fur half a
mile ..surely on what bad once been treacherous
shine But the ground quaked always beneath
R . 1F 7 771 . 41rirM
lhelen • tad*
a step, and the prudent took care sot to vesture
too near the edge. I walked upon it nee my.
self, and thought it very like these hearts of ours,,
in which, though we step evef so Wily, we
ever liable to silk in beyond oar depth, and per'
baps rise no more.
Bit these were not all the attest:looSo of Ihi
place. There were beautiful walks and 604111
there were miniature hikes, upon Which to row
or sail a pleasure boat, and a park which was the
pride of the whole State. It bad grown up with
the town, changing from as oval stir" of ground,
just boarded in and called a etimontiln, to a beau.
tifnl euelosure, hemmed in with maple trees as
straight and luxuriant as trees Wald well be,
decorated with en iron fence and gates, abound.
log with little walks and footpaths, and, in the
spring, decked with grass as green as that of the
gmerald Isle, and speckled and spangled with
those two flowers of childhood, batten:ape and
daises, like a carpet brought from Patryland.—
It was a pretty place I used often to sit and
read cud muse there ; but when the summer
months brought the usual influx of city visitors,
I left the place to them and wandered of in
search of others more lonely.
In one of my mid day -walks, I struck sodden
ly upon a grass grown road, leading of the main
path, at the distance of three miles from the
town. I followed it up a little bill, switching
with tny cline at the peppermint that grew on
each side, or stopping to watch a speckled adder
who glided lazily iq and out from the fragment
thicket, as I drew near to or recede from hie
home An old boas° stood half way up this hill,
which was evidently the homestead of some well
to-do farmer. It - was large and square, and
standing back, with au orchard climbing the
green hills at its rear. Across the road which I
was following, and just opposite the holm, were
three immense barns, whose great doors were
standing open, to admit the carts of bay the oxen
were drawing slowly from the bill pastures.—
Through these doors I caught glimpse of the
river road below, the river itself, the covered
bridge, blue sky Lod the woods beyond. It was
a delicious bit of coloring, done by the band of
the Great Artist himself. At my feet was-a lit.
tie pool of stagnant water, oo which tams white
geese and docks were fntternising, while a brood
of half grown tuikeys, with their moilsacholy
'Quit quit," were making up a foraging party
for an excursion sfter grasshoppers somas the
But the road, with its faint wheel track on
either side, and its broad streak of green in the
middle, stretched on beyond the farm house and
the barns, and I lost sight of them as I descen
ded the other side of the hill It was sore
lovely bere, if such a thing were possible ;
cause, with the same view, and the same houses
standing in the distance, I also found a silence
beneath the blue sky of noon that was delightful.
On cue side of thei fallen stone wall a thicket of
blackberries had grown over a heap of ruins,
which marked the !did- of the first church or
meeting house ever erected in the town. On the
other, and across the road, lay a little grave yard,
sloping quietly down to the road and river be
low The gate hid rusted from its hingee and
lay upon the grotind, half bidden b, the long
grass that was growing over it
The tomb bad not been in use for many a
year ; and as I peeped through the cracks of its
do ,, r, I saw something lying on the floor which I
knew saes nothing more nor less than the frag
meets of the hire uu which the coffins had once
been borne uut, but which, just then, I was
pleam.l to magnify into the bones of a skeleton.
The tender blue of an
. kmerican rummer day
was in the sky, sod tbe'sun oh me down bright
ly and hotly NothinWseetnetl to stir, save the
gras.hupper who leaped and chirped among the
graves—a kind of 014: 1 114ortality among the. llr
sect tribe
I followed the path .till farther And now,
tor the first tone, it began to wind beside ouo of
i1i.....e briebt learoug brooks peculiar In America,
and to Sew England most of all. I uutered
al .ng, looking for minnow's in the sun ght, and
wi,hiog I bad nothing more to do tb to spend
ext,tenee in tht• game way, when a *nob, most
clear moil musical, insole me start and look up
The r.... 1 had wound around, so that the lone
ly grave yard upon the bill was shut out from
my ,ight lo its place I beheld before toe a
Imig avenue, or rather grove of maple trees,
clothing the base and top of another bill, far
higher The sparkling brook, with a last gush
of 'dime, leaped into the sunlit recesses of this
forest, and was lost to my sifht. But, on my
right hand, stood a little bird a nest of a white
washed cottage, surrounded on all side, by a field
of waving oats Dow nearly breast high A nar
row footpath led from the ruatio gate up to the
cottage door, which stood open ; and at a well,
close by the house, stood a young girl, apparent ,
ly fishing with a line for something in the water,
while a dark 'eyed sad very beautiful lady stood
on the steps looking at her. A fat brews and
white dog, with broad feet which turned out In.
dierously—as if so other way could they support
the weight of his body—sat on the green sward
in front of the gator, bliskisg sleepily at the sun
shine and the flies. When he at last sew me,
he put up his bead and gave a terrible howl, as
if he felt deeply insulted by my approach—a
sound which alarmed his young mistress, so that
she droppod the line she held, and started back
from the well in dismay. I : then saw that she
had long auburn curls, and that her face was
full of that exquisite life and light and bloom,
which youth and a sunny heart can abed upon
the most irregular features There was nothing
for me but to make my- ezenses for my intrusion
as well as I could ; se after pacifying the dog,
I opened the boarded gate and walked up to
her. It was Lucy, whom I thus met, for the
first time.
It; is strange bow sotto a perfectly mantel
and simple meaner seta one at ease. I had
always been called and bad always thought my
self the shyest of men ; yet, in Bee minutes I
was talking with the little fairy as freely as if I
bad known her all my life. I had been intro.
duped to aunt Swett, who evidently regarded her
yoing niece as the apple of her eye.
I had been reconciled to Tiger, who, after
mach entreaty on the part of kis mistress, eon
dewended to bold oat his fat paw for tee to shake,
showing his,teeth wiekedly all the while, as if
he would like to bite me, if she oily was not
there; and I bad found the way to her heart by
stiooeediog after a lose and patient effort, in res
cuing from the well the line and pail with whirl
she had been trying to draw water before I wig.
ed 'Then, seeing that I looked heated and tired,
she insisted upon my °patios into the cottage to
have 'some of Anat's currant wine, while I rests
ed I was only too glad to see her abode, sod
billowed withoot any Wsitatioo.
I must Owe that I hate tasted better and
sweet it wise thee that which had bees spoiling
for two to-oaths at the damp cellar at Gas Fides,
but I should bate takes ersesio cheerfully, if
bur small hands had milted the draught. I had
seen her oeou or twice before in the park at
Woodstock; bad asked her same, aid heard it
casually; .and had afterwards heard that her snot
had takenthis place toping. her,asd that theywere
living mainly by themselves is their romastie
solitude, • witb the eseeptios of as old tastily
servant who auk with them from the city, and
the uscouth dog, who was the prime put and
favorite of Lacy. IMore thaw this I bad sot
sought to bean - isd Gas ales might hate bees
located in the moos for aught r ksew. Now
that I had stumbled opal it, however, I looked
mead. with ao mall degree of - admiratioa,, .8
Laity did the honors of the two rooms to which
I wu admitted.
It was a little bower of a place, perched upon
the WAN of that same merry brook which bad
so beguiled me, and with its windows facing the
math and wait. I do not know if the sun was
wand into doing double duty there, or not, but
I am sure I never say rooms so full of his golden
light before. Every door and window was al.
ways left epee of a pleasant day; and through
the bop vines and the honeysuckles came the
warm and perfumed air, the song of birds, the
lowing of cattle, and the busy bum of bees, till
the moms seemed all alive with light and s.und.
Ir was by no means an uncommon thing to see
a swallow dart through from one window to an•
other, and a frisky little squirrel crept into the
kitchen each morning, and chirped saucily for
his breakfast. Bpand•by he brought his family
with him; and I found Luoy one morning, seat
ed on the floor, scarcely daring to draw her
breath, while the pretty creatures nibbled away,
close beside her, at the crumbs she had scattered
for them Her love for her pets was not her
least charm in my eyes. To be sure, when I
found her one day with a spoon and pitcher,
just Outside the gate, trying to persuade a (reek.
t i
led ri bon snake, who opened his brilliant eyes,
and d played his thread like tongue in scorn, to
drink" the milk she poured for him in little gran.
sy hollows along the road, I did object; but I
tolerated her spiders and flies, and bugs and beet•
lee, and dogs and cats, and even mioe, because
she bad them under her imnatdiste protee,
It was my first day at Gao Eden; but ab! it
was not my last Many • sunshiny afternoon
was spent in the little parlor, with its wreath
trained picture, its flowers of every hue, its vine
shaded windows, and sloping, terraced doorway.
I read to Lucy's aunt, but I looked at Lucy, and
made strange blunders with tiny reading I walk -
et! over the bills, and traced out the spring of
the dancing brook; and the little garden bat was
always by my side, reaching up to my heart and
no further, when its owner stood beside we with
her bands full of flowers and uiosses, chattering
as fast as her tongue could run, about her !real
sures. She treated me much as -be did Tiger;
and I was only too glad to W i llis fellow slave
Yet lam sore the frank o i never dreamed
how dear she was growing to me To her I was
only "James," or "Brother James"—only a
grave and serious man, too old, even then, to be
more than • protector and a confidential frond;
but not, alas for it ! too old to love her, and list
with a strength and tenderness a young with
could never have felt,My staid inauuers wade
Mt seem even older tiau I really was; and b, r
aunt entrusted her to me, in all our excursioo4,
as complacently as if I bad been made of inn.,
instead of bearing about a living, heatiug heart
within my breast.
0, the golden days of that happy summer Av.!
too quickly. Lucy met me oue afternoon at the
gate, with as sad a face as 4 could
"We are going," she sighed "Aunt -ay.
1.4 time to go back to the city, stud so we have
Ggo Rhea to day; apeud a few days so tow n ,
and then return te noisy New York law sure,
if it was not for some we shall Inert, I -tiou
never want to see the placc again "
It would have been well for me if I hal attend
eti more to what she had just said; but the
thought of her goiog from the obly place on
earth that armed tit fur her, swallowed up every
thing else
" I about.] like to visit the old platte4 with poi
to day, Lucy "
" Coma in, then, and we will go while the set •
vaut is packing the furniture '•
The trees had just begun to put on their
glorious autumn •:olors, and banner+ of red, pur
pie, gold, crimson, russet, pale yrliow,
and brown, were dung out ou very "rib., 'l•t,e
Septeusber euusliitte was yet warm in the middle
of he .lay; and the i.well of tL.• Lech. , a n d
the rustle of the dead leaves un d o r leof -- I re
member them alt, ae if were but yesterds)! [tut
when thu light began to bide, and we tweed
tOwarda Lome, I looked back at the
and all was bare and gray, and perfectly d , date
Even so bas my life been, Lucy
It was a hard trial for her to leave the pretty
place. There were so many leave takings of
old familiar spots, so many charges to the (sn
mar who owned the house, to let the oak wreaths
bang as they were till a new truant came in,
and 'Oh to be sure and feed the squirrels every
day of his life;' so many hunts after Tiger, who
was always supposed to have been drowned in
the well or smothered under the luggage, and
so many outbursts of joy at finding him, safe
and sound, and generally fast asleep, that it
was nearly dark before I got her to take the
last look, and let me lead her to the pony car
riage which was waiting at the gate I got her
safely in at last, and saw her drive sway; the
little garden bat always turned towards the
cottage as long as it was in sight Little she
cared about Gan Eden, or all I was, losing with
it. But I coasoled myself with the thJught
that I was inseparably connected with it , iu
Luey's mind. Never could she think of the
flowers, aid the sunshine, and the Imes, without
also giving a thought to the friend who had
watched and loved them with her. I went back
and leaned against the well, where I bail seen
her first; I beat down and kissed the rough
board where her hand hail ufteu rested. If
tear fell now and then, and I..roke the image of
the star which shone so tranquilly in the water
below, it was only known to me, and to that
star, and to Him that made us both.
The few days she had mentioned fled like so
maay momenta, and after that evening of woou
and music, she was to leave us I stood
with her in the parlor of her uncle's house,
about tan minutest before the arrival of the stage.
There weJe curtains of some transparent rose.
colored material at the' windows, and she was
festooning them back with some waxen white
lowers with green leaven—the last clippings of
her sant'. ommervatory—and the warm light
fell 'epos her face as she made a graceful curt,
icy to me.
" There! Ir not that pretty? When you
COW to see us in the fifty this winter, I shall
arrange oar parlors in the same way to make you
remember Woodstock and (ho Edeti "
"1 ass not likely to forget either of the,m," I
said, looking fondly down at her, and in another
moment it 'mad have all been said, if she had
mot laid her hand upon my arm and whisper
" Deu old Jimes, I should so like to tell you
a secret."
" Well?"
"But you must never let my aunt know I
told you, or she would give sue a terrible lecture.
I suppose it is very improper sod all that—but
I should so like to tell you wyself. I want yuu
to come to us oe the astound week of Jsuouy,
sod stay till after the tweaty•fenrth "
" And why till then?"
She bluehed, and looked anywhere and every
where, bat at me
" Beeson, oa the twenty-fourth I am to be
married "
With a strong effort, I mastered myself, and
turning my face from the light, prepared to hear
and answer her next question, which soon
" Are you sugry?"
.4 Not I," I suswerod steadily. "But doer
your suet know this?"
She opened her large eyes with innocent won
"Of course. how stupid yoit are getting,
my dear old James. Why, she made the
A !"
"ltilwaril is scarcely older titan I ato, but his
father wishes him to marry, to make him steady,
1 believe, or some such souseuse--as tf such a
fly about as I am would not unsettle him still
wore: However, we are very food of each
" But how combs it, Lucy, that after all our
famikiar friendship, this is the first time 1 bare
ever beard his name?"
She shook• her-eurls about her fees and laugh
" Ott, I didn't like—l was afraid you would
think it was silly You are so grave and wise,
and indeed I never
have had the courage
now, only that lam going away Bat would
you like to see his pietur-?"
" Yes."
She took a pretty little ease of blue velvet
from her pocket, and, unfastening the golden
clasps, laid it open in my hand. I looked upon
my rival. A dashing, handsome, audacious boy
of twenty, with a midshipman's uniform, a pair
of bright, dark eyes, and an incipient moustache
—that was all ! Ho looked merry and happy
enough, but he seemed more likely to be deeply
in love with himself than with the pretty child
they were going to give him for his wife. She
needed training as well as loving, constancy as
well as fervor I could have been all to her,
husband, father, and friend'
" Hark! there comes the stage!" she erelaim ,
ed, !Snatching the picture from my baud, and
running away to call her aunt Before slie re
turued i k t Use, I was calm, at least outward
" You will be sure and come,and see us Rh. n
you get back to the city, the very you come,"
the pleaded, stauding on the steps, and holding
my cold hand in both hers
" Yes, Lucy "
". And remelt/bar, what L t I,lil you ti a necret,"
,he. added, ilrupplog her vuiee a little -You
uuu,t net eveu speak of it to your letters, fur
aunt will always nee them
" I shall write, then?"
What a question! Why, depciol upon
yuu for all the uews of. Liao Eden, mod all the
gosettp of the town Von must. go up to the old
place now and Oleo, James, Our my sake, sud
ked my poor little squirrels Deur 'old tiara
See lottke4 wistfully up at a 1.., sod h. r t.•ars
began to fall
•• V u h.tve ,o ,hr
murmured ..11h, what shall I do witiholi
God bleqq hot' if they 114 d but left hor with
toe for thorn autuutu mouths, and I bad felt it
not tlithonorable to make the attempt, qbe would
have love,' We, la m %lire
‘Vheia I had Qt•ated ht r iu the coach ht node
her a tut, ,ti leaued from 111, window awl put
tuck her Veil
" .1 miles
turned back when l heard my name, and
went up to her were U./ CU . /AL...4 1.) U
0kr..1 looking on, mine but hoMe. who ku.•w an I
love sla her, and who were iueapmbb• of mi.coustt u
nil outthink her loving heart iumglii wake her
.1.1 A. I •t.tod beanie her, Nile put bur hand
upon my shoulder, and wht•pered in wy ear,
"I).. not forget Lucy"' Something wanner than
the •un•htue, roan thing ~weeicr that' the south
wit 1. something Nuft4•r than time new fallen •now,
and quite a, pure, jolt touched wy check, and
tLe •t mge rAttliA amif.ty and bore imm•r from
put that ttitrid, tau went away withtu
au) heart, snub t.i tu ) room to a bustittig
louked ita for the renhatud.r
.11y \Liu) y.•ar , have come gorp., au t ta)
elieek ha+ "I'lollll pair and thin, bar Luey's last
farewell 11 rvtaembered V 11114117 as in rhor
tir.t hours after I had lost her
VI, ho wilt wonder In hear me say I did noi
keep the promise I bad made' I did write once
or twice, but the letters I got tut return only
wrung my heart; and it srit a relief to tue when
I left Wood•toek, and so could let my Waud,:r
ing• plead as the best excuse fir my 2.111.0i.e.
Her quiet fritndsbip was no return fir the love
that pained every fiber of my being, rod I knew
it. wa, Lest to sever every tie that buuud me to
her, at over I wrote the farewell I dared not
tru.t myself to speak, and made it as cold and
calm as even her lover could have wished. Tbeu
I went fpr the last lime to Gan &len, and spent
one whole day in the places we bad lured My
last visit was to the house, which still stood vut•
pty I did out enter by the usual way., but
crossed the brook, from the hill, and went round
to the back of the house. At a low window,
through which Tiger used to• escape when his
mistress had confined him to the house, lest ,fie
should follow us, I stopped, Led raisin the sash,
looked in The oak garlands which she ha]
hung with her own bands, upon the walls, iustl
ed drily as the child wind blew I ft.lW r single
faded rose lying ou the flour She had worn it
io her hair on the evening of her departure, and
I had seen her take it out and throw it aside be
fore site tied uu her hat. I had intended to sot
cure it then, but something had drawn my atten
tion away, and through all these weary weeks it
had been waiting for me, that it mightspeas to
Me of her. .Poor faded thing! I entered the
room, aid put the dead rose carefully in my
breast. My footsteps made a hollow sound upon
the decaying floor, and the squirrel, fst and sleek
as ever, ran from a hiding place behind the door,
and vanished through the window It was a
pleasuree atleast, to think the little fellow had
not fallen into neglectful hands since she bad
gone. I leaped out upon the ground again, took
one long, last look into the dear old room, shut
down the window, nod turned away. From that
hour there wise no Gan Men for me, save in my
I went away to the land of gold. My fortune
was already sufficient for all my suits but I felt
that stirring and striving within me which must
be sileneed, and I knew no better course to take.
I plunged into the wildest speculations, and
bought and sold at sash daring risks that those
who hail known me in my , quiet and steady days,
said 1 hal gone mad. And so I bad—'aod yet I
prospered, because success was nothing to me.—
Like King Midas, everything f touched turned
to gold—till the sight of it became almost bate
ful to we.
Now came the time when I might have filled
Luoy's place, had I wished it. Beautiful women
look kindly on the butterfly, who would have
spurned the caterpillar. But I had grown moody
and reserved, and their smiles and btandishmenis
fell on we like sunshine on granite. If ever I
sat by my lonely fireside and thought of marriage,
the words of the gentle Elia came to Wry "mind.
"The children of Mice call Bertram 'father,"
■nd l'sighed, and stirred fhe- coats, and let my
thoughts wander Dray.
It was a selfish life, as well as a lonely one.—
Bat one day there tame a change. It was trsh•-
ered In by a terrible illnest i and a suffering like
unto death. When it psousid I was another man.
The angel bad "troubled the waterer" a hand
which was not mortal had laid - rdirfti the pool,
my eyes were opened, and my infirmities 'were
healed. I saw that if all' that coulif'mate earth
glad and beautiful, had - blakin taken 'froirake, It
was only that I highness% 10187 I*-treiiisure
in :Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth
corrupt, and thieves cannot breik Ansel nor
steal. I heard the poor crying oat on every side
for succor, and when I was gage, I gave it, for
the sake of Him who held the poor in loving re
membrance. 'lt is the most true that DO good
work, which is done in the name and for the
sake of God, can ever lose its reward. Eves
while I was thus haling the "cup of cold water"
to the parched lips of his little ones, His grass
was filling my bend with a new and living
It was then that I first sough t some tidings of
her. The friend to whom rote gave me a
brief answer. She wu dead! Carried away by
the raging of the great pestilence; and the
young husband had already filled her place with
a second wife
Frain that day I have never written her name
until now; but she baa always lived within my
brart. My affection, are no longer plaoed on
things of this world; they bud and bloom in a
brighter one, and I hope one day to gather their
blossoms there
NNNNN ORY or Juno.—Of all dal months is lb. yar
Jane is among the ploassatost, Utopia It mast tot oottfata
od, tht► year is aoamoorhat of so •sooptios to lb. rale--
Here is as 'lnventory of tbo boat part of the noath •
[lance ountain streams.
(plittering I the brightness.
Of the Imola& Mama.
Scent of apple blossoms
Filling all the air,
Cowslip" to the meadow.
Violeta everywhere ;
I bock of gokloa suaaltioo.
Tralltog robes of green ;
Gayer than the garments
,Jf the proudest queen ,
'ear of crimson clover,
Cholrs of singing birds,
and the blessed charm of
Happy children's word.
Sun, oseliodsous whisperings
In the tasseled tress,
luy ~f tell tale breezes,
Iluut uehooey bees •
Unrestrained resplenden.e.
Cot fermi cheek',
Boost) all C.a. coded
Tell up Jot" is here
J nor of bloom the fairest
Juow .one the rarest
of the rhan,teful year'
_ No one need go into the field of romance te
picture scenes of thrilling import The vast are.'ts
of human life furnishes incidents of every days; •
curreuce, the vividness of which far surpasses
anything recorded on the pages of fiction.
Early iu the summer of 1835, I left the enx)k,‘
tai streets of New York, at the solicitation of a par
ticular friend of mine, and started on a trip up
the iludion, with the intention of spending the
summer mouths, and avoiding for a while the
din and hum of city life My friend was one
of those persons who seemed to be enveloped in
a mystery Although I bad been with him for
t.irr,e year+ and a half, I could give no kind of
eimjecture as to the strange secret,that ever prey
,.l wind Sometimes in his soberest
111.1.01 to-, I would cautiously venture some qes, to get ti clue to the channel of his thoughts,
great mdf possessiou would throw off every
took of ”advess and melancholy, and put me at
tu) ea..c with nothing further to say. He was
“ue of those strange beings you would look at
not knowing why, till you would nearly forget
) ourself in the multiplicity of conjectures as to
hi+ probable occupation and calling. He was
nit her above the medium site, al ways dressed in
th.• richest style winch money could furnish,
though a glance would show him to be DO brain
les , top fits hair, usually long, was of raven
blackue:—, and his large, deep, black eyes posses •
.1 a fascination which cannot be desribed More
than once have I listened to his eloquence, till
uucou•seionsly I would be off my seat leaning fors
ward to cateti the faintest whisper. Never shall]
I forget Ins fondling cloqueoce in defence of •
pal,• and emaciated being brought into a criminal
court charged with the crime of murder The
evidence wa+ circumstantial, but BO perfect a
chain did it make, that out of a tbousaed, none
Nupposed but that a verdict of death would be
prouounecd against the unfortunate sufferer.—
My friend, who bad beard the elaborate testimony
awl the plea of the people's counsel, arose and
walked majestically towards the stood. After
speaking a low words with the prisoner, be epos
csi with a defence which threw consternation
and bewilderment into the countenance of every
listcuer The very eyes. which a few minutes
before were frowning scorn and oontempt, were
weeping tears of pity for the unhappy victim.—
At the close of the speech, a universal shout of
•• Not (lutlty,” went forth and the prisoner was
borne away iu triumph by the excited multitude.
Hut l digress—we were going up the Hudaoo
The day was unusually fine The romaotio soene•
ry of the beautiful Hudson, and the vivacity of
the crew formed a subject of happy contempla
tion, and on this occasion every one seemed en
joyiug themselves to their heart's content. We
were promeuading the the deck, with several
young persons, ladies and gentlemen, when all of
a sudden my friend became fearfully agitated,
and a death like paler overepread his features
L glanced around, but could discover nothing un
usual; but a few seconds had made each a ohanke
in his looks, that I became alarmed, and advised
him to go to his room. It was with diem:ally we
managed our way througy the crowd without at.
tracting 'the attention of the passengers. We
reached the berth, but had not more than closed
the door, before
_be uttered in broken aettents,
"I have seen her! I have seen the pale, sad face
I have been seeking for years! Did you not see
her?" he exclaimed, and his eyes glisteded with
a light almost unearthly. In answer to my
ploring entreaties, be finally relatbd the follOw•
tog incidents of his life.
The young lady referred to, had been his cam.
panion in early years, and had accepted his pro
posals of marriage, but the haughty pride of her
old father, tier mother having been dead,) fort
bade her having any intercourse with him, after
he had learned her true feelugi and ejects, and
so zealously did he watch her movesueuts, that
months and even years passed without his ex,
changing a word with her, either by letter or
otherwise. Her declining health began to create
serious apprehensions, and a European tour was
recommended by her physician. Bat a few days
were spent in making the necessary arrangements,
and accompanied by her father and brother, they
started on the voyage across the ocean. Before
going, however, she managed to leave a letter
which fell into his possession. Her last words
breathed a prayer for her lover, and implored hint
to follow her, in the hope of meeting again on
earth. He took passage the nest opporrunity,
l and landed two weeks later than the boat which
bore the only treasure be valued os earth. He
learned no tidings of them, however, and after a
rit's long and painful couch, got sews from
some one who bad made their acquaintance, that
they had sailed for some port in America. With
heavy heart he again dared the raging billows of
the ocean, and after a perilous trip, landed again
in New York.
After another scarab in the southern and west'
ern cities, he reformed nearly dieciouraged and
resolved to taken trip mp the Radios, with a 'new
of seleetia4 sow favorable retreat, sad to reel
his weary hubs. H•i. story was nowsnful l and
told in depth of feeliwg I eanautdoneelbs. And
now some unknown late had brought them to
- , i._._
'ether wherrieset expected. Ho recognized in
her attendant the stern features 9f her cruel
father, yet neither saw him. He talked long and
earnestly, till away past the hour of dinner, and
finally began to be restored to his fouler fel f
poeseesiou. He again sauntered forth, thinking
to get some opportunity of speaking a word, or
making some gesture whteh would avert ber at
tention. But presently the summons was given
for supper We seated ourselves at the table
opposite a couple of reserved seats, and presently
the old man and his daughter came forward and
seated themselves in them My - fried, unlike
himself a few momenta before. was cool and riot
lected. Presently he asked the lady if she would
have some delicacy which bad been saved for a
dainty appetite. She reached her plate, and at
the same time caught a glance of his features
Her hand trembled so violently, she came near
dropping her plate. Another glance fully assured
her of the personage before her She tasted once
or twifbe, and expressed hi no It unwell. She
arose with the help of her father, who little mis
trusted the cause of her 'line's She requested
to be taken on deck where bite eould inhale th e
fresh air. A cushioned' sofa was placed st the
bow of the boat, and the poor girl tell fainting
upon it. The old man was somewhat alarmed at
her sudden illness, and enquired for a physician,
and as that happened to be my vocation, I offered
my services, which were thankfully riceived
Being informed that nothing more than a nery
oils sensation had affected the girl, he seemed to
rest at ease, and leaving her in my charge, went
bank to finish his supper. The opportunity had
come; I beckoned to my friend who had followed
us, and be quickly came forward I arose to leave
them alone, but she uncouseiou.4 uf toy proence,
Sew to meet him, and fell Clotting in his arias
It was too holy a meeting to witness, and I left
them alone and went below, hoping to coo l s( the
old man's attention, and thus gi%e the lovers a
few moments of uniutcrrupted enjoyment I
succeeded in keeping Lou quiet a half an hour or
more, but he finally became uneasy and started
for the deck. He came in sight of them before
I had time to go forward and warn them of his
apProaish The poor girl beard his hurried foot
steps but did not take her bead from her lover's
bosom, beforetke old man bad seen their position
He comprehended the whole is au instant, recog
airing the stranger who oposite him as the
I table as her former lover. Ile became fearfully
enraged. The pale and weeping girl, half dead
with affright, flew from her lover's arms, and ere
he eonceived her intentions, gave a fearful scream
and plunged into the mail, boding miters Quick
as thought, her constant lover sprang over the
railing, and was lust to view The alarm watt
given and the boat stopped, but no earthly ef f ort
was of any avail (Inc motto ntary glimpse of
two struggling firma, and two pure spirits went
in holy communion to the find who gave them
The old man fell overi-oard about an hour after
! wards, and his fate was t; ever known, only to
those who sax him go down, 'bey thinking his
retribution sent (rani heaven
Morin until recently a resilent in this city was
I brutally murdered at Holley Springs, in the
State of Mississippi, on the of June lost ,
by a man named B J Malone and his Son --
The Express gives the following particulars:
A niece of Malone, to wham Mr. Morin was
paying his addresses, had been foully slandered,
and Mr Morin, believing it Lis duty to chastise
the perpetrator, applitd to Malone to act as his
friend :n the transaction. Malone consented,
but begged that the matter might be pat off for
24 bourn, to which Morin consented fa the
meantime, Malone busted himself io circulating
the most aggravating slanders against his own
niece, with a view of exciting, as much as possi
ble, the public indignation against Morio. Be
fore the 24 hours elapsed, Morin determined to
wait no longer, but rolled on Malone to seem.
pauy him, who, still making professions of de ,
voted friendship to his (3loriu's) face, invited
him to his counting room, wher he was set upon
by MaJone and his sou, knocked down with a
crow bar, sod then riddled with pistol bullets
lie died in a few moments. The muderers were
arrested and au examination eommenced, which
was postponed, and the prisoners placed incustody
of the sheriff, who allowed thew to walk at
liberty about the streets, armed and equipped for
more deeds of violence There is no probabili •
ty that they will be punished Mr Morin was
a son of the agent of the Illinois l.ientral Rail,
road at Memphis, and was formerly en express
messenger, and afterwards clerk of a hotel in
this oity At the time of his death, he was pro..
prietor of a hotel in !lolly Springs. He has a
brother still residing in town, and his remains
were expected to arrive here last evening
Mus.Dmizas —Felony is a modern road to
fame. A man achieves distinction now-a-Jays
by going out and murdering somebody. After
a hue sad cry and a sharp ch:w, be is caught
and chained in a dark cell "Poor fellow," say
the public, as they gaze through the bars, "he
does not look so frightful after all." Then they
begin to admire him.. One expatiates on his
talents. Another eulogises hit nerve. A third
suggests that not he, but-bad education lerespon.
aible for the crime. A fourth thinks hug wicked
parents should be hung, lie is "the victim of
circumstances." Then they write him poetry.
They send him dainties They take his daguer
reotype They get his autograph They pub
lish his letters. His religious opinions are quo
ted as if they u.ditained a new revelation. Men
seek his society. Women weep over his perse
cutions. Presently it is rumored that the Judge
regrets his sentence, and the jury their verdict
Petitions fly around. The Governor is denoun
oed if he hesitates to set aside the judgement of
&be Court. All hands•help to dignify Crime and
detest Justice, and the scoundrel walks to the
prison or the affold a Hero and a martyr.
There are hoorah of ragged children in our
streets who will one day be murderers. Bestow
this surplus sympathy on them ?IWO, when it can
reclaim them to virtue and train them to useful
ness—instead of waiting till they are grown up
hardened in crime t. So bestowed it might effect
as much good as in its perverted form, it works
hum.-41bany Journal.
The Washington correspondent of the New
Albany Ledger well says of the acts of the Re.
publican party:
I , A pretty record they are making for them
selves, truly! They have abandoned their Phila
delphia platform of "Congressional sovereignty,"
a nd got astride of the Democratic plank of popu•
lar sovereignty. They have abandoned their
plank of more . alve States," and hare vot
ed to admit Kansas tato the Union under the
Lecompton constitution, if the people should so
determine. They vokd to admit a slave State,
and vote to reject free States They vote to
admit Kansas under a pro-slavery constitution,
and to reject Minnesota and Oregon under free
Stateoonstitutions. When Minnesota is admit
ted over their votes they resort to faction to em
ceed in disfranchising her. And yet ) forsooth,
they are the peculiar friends and champions of
freedom. Who can repose any further oonfit
dense in their avowed principles, their pledges
and promises? They are utterly demoralized
and reckless, and no confidence can be placed in
them. They are mad, and governed more by
the blinding fury of their passions, than by the
dictates of reason or the prompting, of pat.