Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, June 19, 1858, Image 2

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01111.1. if. 01.••111.111141tokt.
SLOAN & OR M, Publshers" and Proprietors.
INAINIK 9 / 1 r
Democratic State Ticket,
ait.r yl:yue.:
Weir" of the Week
--latelligene• has limis received at the Department of
&arm tram Mr. Reed, or ]delete,• at Mac He wul
probably raters boas by the overland route, h. &sem.
her. Life on shipboard wzet•alvely, within sight of land,
sad with a missies to fulfil, is not particularly
sad the delays of Chinem diplomacy do not give eve\
premise of a speedy ablation of the important matters,
which have eery* the attention of throe great nations.
Olt. /heed twelmers actively enlisted la the suppression of
the (footle trade, treating it as involving the UNIDO priaaipte
u the slave trifle. This presents an important enaction
Wogs, 'MA hes yet to be considered by the Ceased, be
fore adopt*, the positive policy of oar able and alliciont
Minister. The Admialeh•tioe is quits swished with the
moaner in which Kr. Reed has represented tbs eon•try,
sod it may rail br, fm , ainotiganr wade diaanstre Corps,
without makiag • single exemption, there is not a assa
rho compared with him in hasher*, grasp, astuteness or
address, for seek a position. This is acknowledged sod
felt cm all,iidee.
—Quits 'a halogen seen occurred in one of th• char
atm of St. Catiartass C. W., a few Sabbaths striae. Outs
of the tangest kind of twain females, after sailing up the
aisle in splendid style, without accident to either herself
or the other wershipers, attnoposd to eater a pow, bow
whs. the inseams was. bad Dna roansod °beat hie
way through, it "stash fast," sod ail the efforts, squirted,
nobs, mynahs and aeotortioa, of nut fair neapent wen
anavallisig to sots the "consarn." The &stop—who is
a colored Isan—and outs or two of the chetah officers, per
ceivtag bee dillealty, humanly resolved to relieve the
distressed enaten, hat it wu to go—abe eoakl neither be
Cot it or old, le Andy was she wedged is. They tagged,
aad palled, and heaved until the avant stood in large drops
ea their for ksada, and vent trickling down their most s in
tabeautifel a want as the oil ran off Aaron's beard, and
whoa the ens appeared too desperate almost to hope for
relied, abort of eathiag away a good many fast of the pew,
the unkind 'oedemas's" fees suddenly brightened op
with as idea. "loses east her, boss—let's not her"' and
tin poor this& degas her expostulations, wu canted
accordingly, mid a uninnual laugh from the congregation,
and dias relined fresher trouble.
—The Wbeimela Legislators did not &divans without
adaptiag meamonms cabstand to prevent the recurrence of
sack 1/01/140141411 as the late bribery of panic
lan by the Prandial of the Itilwankie sad La Crow
Railroad Oompsay. Laser was passed eatitJed, A. sat
to preterit Um people against corrupt and secret Militsnees
in waters of lagislatios," and it fairly bristles with pecu
liar, pesaltios. Ia vac, too, of the fraudulent set of Um
itliwaskis sad Superior Oompaay, cam oaaettaseu won
passed wads/ it paal to publish false itatements of the
emmilttea of railroads, presidia* for the examination of
the looks sad affairs of the Company by mamba's of
stook luilderi, proittigthig &roman and oleerr from being
interested is any ecateso cannoned with Um road, sod
furnishing many other cheeks and guaranties of like
character. We wish Wilson:in all wiesess in repining
as Wearable same.
—When Mr. Filimora became Presidium, his friends in
Now York panted to Mn. Fillmore a splendid carriage
and bona, sikktlt wore nod by him and his Gladly Wit
the expiration et his term s when it becalms a question
what naiad be dam with this &pat istablialusient.—
Mr. riblerin Rehm did sot justify him la living in a
style Waldo is sack an establishment, nor was it comfort
aide to his tastes and staple habits as a private Miss's,
that he oboald do so. Tbo article., too, war* of a perish -
able saute, sad mast soon daappirz; sad ea le &abed to
perpetuate the remenebrasme of so maailleent a bonnierr
ties, it was eimidaded to sell the whole and irspand tit*
proms& fa the pandisair of a set of plate. Tbis was
dime, and the sm. illosolidag of twelve piece, was Kann.
beamed barter, is New Turk and numberwl from one to
—The Ofsdasetl ilefistrer gives an oceoaat of a user.
Anne of We tufty, who meat mat to settle his &aconite,
sad roodred his Warms is gold, soon $16,008 which he
gm. into Mu beak. Oa his way home he took %Tasklap
for la his mate, *ad pat ap at a hotel, leaving his Vault
la his room Here bo by in with a capital good lot of
follows, get as s spree iltich lasted a fortnight, cad whoa
he mime to mime of, foiled that his trunk and gold were
missing. Eistaralag hose a sadder and wits man he pot
up at a hoist is Olaelnuati, sad woe promoted with a bill
from the Iktprom Oompsay for charge. on as old tnualt
tar $lB, which he at ant refused to pay, but on ciamlalng
the trash, be found not only his wardrobe but bis mosey,
ail right. Its is usable to arrive at any satisfactory solo.
floe of the mystery.
marrospoadmit of Om Christian Advocate is answer
able bar the to/lowing rooelpt for destroying bed bogs:
"Thoroughly fumigate 'very room with briaistaise. To
do this, aril stop the foes of the chits:mays, open tita doors
of dimets, tn., and so arrange beds old bedclothes as to
leave all the bedsteads completely aoitovered. Nam, heat
ea old pot or elttllot, so that brimstone will instantly blase
wham dropped Ist* it. Bet the pot thus boated oa the
hearth, or in say oafs place in the room; drop into it three
or tom maces of roll brimstone; loose the room, dose the
door, sad let it stay Mooed at low thrift or four hours.—
The Make at the timing brimstone wilt soon fill t h e
ream sal every crevice la It, aid It will coospliwely ester
%Masi* tee bap."
—Tleo Batik RepoWie states that a disease, similar to
it. shwa to tie .Waohingto• National Natal diaatasa,"
bas holm oat is a lira ohms public loam at Cbleark, the
risme of whisk is sot Jima &rani BoNalosisas are re
ported as saltarars, sea of *boat died- Of the dhow the
Relpaidia says: It reeemblorebohors, and leads into typhoid
fentor--botk of the worst type. The sofferars, Is ovary
imams.% are takes with vomiting, followed by diarrhoea
and rapid gamma proetrstioa. Ose of our clams who
had stepped a few days et the hotel alluded to. lay at the
poist of death for several days is toaroqatace theater,
sad was only saved by the chasm can sad watehfilaset,
sad eolicitads of lie physician sad Meads.
—lt le asislar that out of a list of forty. four measie
that .'leis to Uwe 1114111 aimed by the British war vessels
mapictioa if lain eanneeted with the gave trade, osly
them bake( to poets Beath of New York, two of which
its from Philadeiphis, and atm from Baltlaton Tie
awls retire are from Nair and iiimaseranaetts Wham
it ie amaidend that lismaciumette was the last Butte in
the Usti to submit to as sot for the abolition of the Blame
trade, asmasset spat tho seaters disporitioap keep it up
sew, seam to be eassemeary.
—lke marepeedeet of an meths paper Wit of the
death of a Mr. About is alhotoi, Co.. lowa, caused by the
breath et a "Idow *sake." Mr. A. belag a use mailer
ssa , d die l o toms* of the raters of the "blow umbe l
sa d a we d see he goeoltioo *sough to strike it, when the
maks midge" raised Welt up *ad blew its wow direct-
dy to db. Am% lira soosiag Ilk. Abdo so Weald Um breath
oe tr. Waal. witieb proved to b• pekoe's, to owe aa
-easeet se to oaf time dealt of Um safoneaate asap la a
nor shirt Mae.
r •Aipoil, Pootesoidor at 'illkton, 14., woe unwed,
NW AMP sr, too sosabis loam ost of 61 wail. A do
wry Wm was swat to &Wilds. eons 114,446 baviss boos
abousestal prides*. The Oessaeossoht says Yr. Amid
N o gas Cl hodspirstlost tortsso sad spotless nhersetor,
asd aid his sobilibees diarrodit So sharp. They se
sompaaisdi bin by bsadrsda to hasktort, sad lust his
bid, ilo lite swank of W 11...
--44111issest idenwai Scott boo boss is osseedeattos
with* kirollogy et Wu se to stay 11101SIMOM6 ill Oat
of tie late oasnissow is Utah, ma onion bsyso .as nos
hy arrow to s large parties et the troopol sow vs the
womb *sews the grialae to Ws is the &sedge Cl varier*
loookiiiiaa asowirist protests,. The fgamoom mospagiosi
of poriplom Mil, tagnotrie. he torwsrdod to Utak, m a egos
gyms* b.l of troops will be kept la Utah tar a Awe
now t ..,
—Tbillisithiest of sloe United States boo inowpar
* eilos
Jllllwe the peovistose id the Stet sadism
of -air `.t sill febowey, 11164 oo is to egad* far lee
to Ose j: Ale balm tilkin 4l l tad aeli NA, Ali*
• pi idiom t. the slake soder sishese PINS
of aim' .
... fooddiog rodeo seder * I Q/ 1 41,
.n alto lit sbk bsbsisist smears.
—Sway UMW Skelos Ayr Yob** to lab* acts
iff 11111061111111 I,SS 160 MS sob; dn. mot *en am
kill Wastiar isbas oar *is, Mom. sill do' sem
eilkiibillositiskar, far Mks eirss at has. • bob
fame w maw ow ot Wee swiss if othrod is brim
deo mom connjaig o o re 141 , co
Mb. rap elbw Inas et mrvireelayasiditices wad per
mit vasliy, ass. Boom Cainsuon, vise aow stpesesou
Ilaysikassas of Passel'teals Is Ow 13esate, has ea
idea *Yet be was tom for Presitlastlal ham% ned *Wit I.
P erk " P°9 0661 1. colaPnbeeieft sad oilier qualities that
are asispaasti is Mesa ilbaissienilsast of that snaked sta.
ties, Is Is it least a head sad sboalders above seeks spilt.
told Spam al Seward, Raab*, Ouse and other "ablate(
BOW se bis party. Believisty this, it is sot to he sap
poood tbas lie is willbig;ta bins his light voider • busied
vim 'bare is suet a capital chases to hid it Attie I. the
111711111111. IS3$.
coldentiel arum The Scat time we thiak we ever saw
the idea sallpeted that Sigma weald play • capital gems
"ertggle:waggle" for tt • Presideues la 1860, wee in the
letter of mut of the Editors of a Illilwaiskio paper, tram
lisertsimarg, its the winter of 1857 —dos said Editor twist
bees salasealeg at oar state Capitol for • few days, sad
of course partabiag of the liberal hospitalitiee which the
General toners so well how to Cresol* at his country tea.
Waukee as the Beaks of the Strequettemsos. The alit time
the 'sago of lifiddietowe" unfolds his prospective glories
to 'tapir eyes, is through lbS columns of a paper of More
preteatioas—so less thou the New York Herold ; and the
ball awe set is mottos is eagerly caught up by the Phila
delphia Bulistio, a paper, by the by, that has bees the
"maid of cal work" lo the Generale political kitchen ever
sloe. its establishment. The propositiou of the Herald
and the Balfslie , however, I. not received with say very
gore) favorrar yet—ledeed. the Evening Jewess, of tba
Passe polities) complexion se the Bullet's, has the ill wan ,
sera to make fan of the matter to the foliowib e e somewhat
aareattie sad bat:soros* style .!
"It is within the aoptratious of evqy American politician
to be a candidate for the presidency. mayors of eittet
have b 4411110411441 by their adulating 'needs as quite eligi.
hie. Borough ouustabios, who display unusual shampoos
in the detection of chicken thieves, will probably be bro't
forward neat as capable of fitting the chair of Washington.
It is seldom eonsidered that not one man I. 4 oolitic* poi •
" 1 "" the @sort!, Sruniess and intellect, to discharge the
diala of the position in a creditable style Parties are el
ready disestagiag the availability of rsodidates for the
great contest of 1860. About fifty are mentioned as elm
lath to he in the Itelsi. The astute, tar sweiag, and genet,
aAy reliable editor of the New York Herald, has lieu spun
• cianolidat• who will 'in, sure to eoncentrate all the vie,
some of oppositiou to Buebanan's administration.' This
emanaandlug charaebor le so oiler than gismos' Cameron,
who has now the distinguished boor of rep leg him.
self in the United States Boasts. Simon's. politics ought
certainly to snit all shades of the opposition, for a more
isompriiktionsive pieta of Yousio eau seartely found in
this load of maspeided politieianc Thep se nature
of a "Domociratie Whig" was wont to_ pntzle me people
yaws ago. Bat a Denimestie-Know-Nothing-Itepubliesin,
snob as C4014t04 boa vaguely avowed hisamlf would stag
ger the popular brain. 81111011 has one maiming qualities ,
tion for • nominee for the presidency. A good inso's
character is ton to plena during the hetes struggle of a
canvass, a bad one olin • most delightful morsel of cars
non to the vultures of party. And if there is any individ
nal In this country whose career won't boar seratiny even
by eandlesdight, that person is the itemises of the Herald.
Oh l' what a banquettiii Domination would furnish to his
earn opponents '"
Soffai, then, this "last earl' does not appear to take;
nevertheless there is plenty of U. between now sad 18-
6e for "Salon to wingle.washile" the Itepablieans tato his
support—in which event would'at it be a fanny sight to
see Colonel John W. Porgy oapportleg Gesterot Simon
esteem for the P»/lawyer } To that oactiplezioe it may
come at kat.
kni. The Crawford Jownsai says the Pittsburg and Brier
Railroad throng* the Westart part of that Cowry "is
graded nearly as fir. as Umatilla Work epos It, how.
ever, is now responded, sad it is not probable the rails
wil be laid this muses." The Jornia/ farther expresses
the opinion that "if ever the Read is liaistisd, the people
will have to do It thernsehres." We hope not. —Gazer..
Why do you *hope sot ?" Weald there be any great
harm in the people finishing It themselves ? We think
not—on On ooatrary, it semis to us that they (met to do
it. That they tail do it is evident. The road will be 6a.
Lilted to West Gresaville—that is a Axed fact, notwith.
standing the oroalriag of the Journal. It will be littisbed,
also, from Snort Valley to New Castle ;. sad the distance
from Wan Grosgrain* to New Coatis is aboat forty muse.
Now, that a country like the Skimmer Valley, aasarpassed
Is orisons/re and Miserals, cannot *obstruct forty mile(
.f road, with the help that will be cheerfully given by
those interested is that already Wit, is simply prepoeter ,
owe. That help can be procured to inieb the road, we are
well assured—but it will not be, and ought not to be Aran
joked until the people along the line come forward and put
their shoulden to the wheel also. The idea of capitalists
Invetting their money in railroads where the people im•
mediately aeoesnaradated by them refuse to help, Is, as it
ought to be, exploded. Help yourself is the motto now in
building railroads as la every thing else; an 4 if the people
of the Whenango Valley act *pea it promptly, the care
will rem from foie to Pittsburg ere a year.
ASP Tbr 04'msaitilwavi k , of, this week, has • Tory sharp
sad petaled article areas MO 01•10111 Joss H. Wstairs,
Esq., to nepabliato aciatisiatios for tio u g res o. It says
UM/ "a the sews of locality the aomiostioa betoogs to
Ms, sad to to far u personal sad political comes Wheats.
thiliontiaanoa, Mr. WALLIS is clearly entitled to tbr
ones." Rastas than stated why aad wherefore the nomi
nation ought to beeves to its favorite, it goes on to pot
the following declaration Oo rroord, which mooed* to us
very mach Kite a threat .
" We bare no desire to disparage the olatuis--admitting
Net any other esodidats has any just claims—of rivals
who aspire to the 01134. We ire more inalined to demand
Mr. W's Domination as a right, than to ask it in arty
as a favor. We are willing to dawbatuver is fur and
koaorable to secure his sonsination sad sileetion, hot, it,
by the tradiatand bicker, of political stock jobbers, the
nrowlnatios is conferred up°e some other man, our ruders
knomus too well to expect that we will pliantly yield our
°peptone to any imagined party expedieoey, or support
for the °Mee say man who may be unworthily sad aufair
ly norniasted. W • are not of those who support party
tight or wrong. tot• osa be more toaloosi is the support
of party whoa we deem its action right sad proper, and
when a Cannot polio, is panned we are just as sealons
la our **linty. It is so part of onr astir* to faun spot
politickse mesh lea to 'yield implicit obsolleiee to their
dietatioia. Whoa we know the &tidos of toeventions to
be fair aid jest we shill abide by them; when wa know
theta to be unfair sad wrong we shall repudiate them, re.
palliest of occuitumencos."
- After reading the above, wl/1 every Democrat its the di,
tract prudes a little on that good old tuna " Wait for the
and it may be that some of us will get a rid.
in October!
CROPS' IN OHIO —A realm visit in the wheat grow•
hag militias of Rockland, Ashland, Knox rad Wayne.
shows as • very promising growth of Wheat, R7B and
Grass, with a "smart ohmic*" of core. Fanners rumored
as they had lever seen a heavier growth of winter grsios ,
or had promise of as earlier harvest. The fruit crop wili.
be short.
The Butler Herald, in speaking of the crops in that
vielaity, says : •'The prospect for as imams* crop of
wheat, rye. oat', Ate., is sr:evilest. no trait Is also look
ing gas, aad was bet little tainted by the frosts. It is
tkaaillOsow there will be an average crop of apples and
Pr A Mr. Pry* porformed t►. difficult feat. la Rla ,
dommelit'l Sall, is Brie, of walkiag from 4 o'clock oa
Friday morsiag to 10 o'clock os Saturday ereolog--tou•
stale' of forty boort.—AU tic popert
This Mr. Pipe attsmapted another "feat" a few alshis
I. he was sot gait, so stwiesusfel—nsiaely,
hippie[ his wife. Oa suss pilaf Ibis "dlelealt feat" our
Mimi Coeur, of the New liaisiaadliotel, whore theeoeple
were stopple[, interfaced wad gate hia a sowed drabblet
K,. Frye evideatlj "jamspeol oat Of the forint pea into
tie (re," whoa he loft his wife sett ~picked op" the heed_
iced of the New Ragland.
Is. Ws have lowa oaalkhi to ere suede ettaatioe to
our pew this week--tadeed, we are tadabted to a Mead
for 'wet of the Baited*" matter of this bomber, sod it i 1
mote them likely that the WIWI .111 be the ease Rest nits
week we bare fah a Dula "eorarttair to do—sot staoag:
thasiste, Auk yea--bat with Judges Darateiteasr;7laaaa'
mad Bowsaw ; sad seat week we art wined to serve the
Uatbid States ia the capacity of a Juror at the U. S. Die:
bug dear*, held is Winteatsport. If Ate is'ot etioase
smog* for say maiestoas this week, or thed limy gem
test, we rempeethdly ram OH grumblers to ow msob..
air What yott orsat to liar tito mows always go to
lbe easstry) smi for proof of it rood:thla frets dm Water.
turd Sapdrer :
"Ira lean NW a mu* of sacks td Plow weee left at
stores or poor p•api. lb NOG. oao algbt last week.-
17paa tae ofroks arm dm loWits "L 0. & IL" sad alma
Um , sans for. Mt a great oyetar7. No dotal"'_dila set of
ebatity was amitoened by tan Independent Wain at tie
floater Matta.
le. A inorooposdAmot of ilia Illosikti/lo .loomal, one ibo
olipatoro of "Crowtos4," mobs oar aoliglaioe of ibo Geattie
sa Mows s .
"Ti. &saw, wit* the Gtribaortsta for days airo also
alaiwdas. Is that mat, la go itillatit goootiwo. Craw
ford will aloha tiot.'ind to wilds to disbar* 'ay writ to
tb• arlimad noes /I3trM. Wog tboy aro *ow oatitlod to
boos M apalaioaxid Issh. Issassolli as thatotats otallabo
ssistolla mss stope 1 1 4451 Masi. go
Imo spas sidas ink*. ."
0, b. 1-elbstikasiik, oar* of dmiliffsbikwa Pont at
aloileb. 9• 0041 0 1 14 1 4 46100 &Wore got
Is say se *AI "Onurforil t. slain Ow" ftrwabraitip.
Ds you beset
—Smell Modred limo at dltoirooo lore loot roottivid
Is Soo FrosoissoOw Mimic ti omit We pi* took to
got It weft tk maim b twos&
MIN. LANK. taut Immo agmtio tualjuia,
AND menuoicasta or VOL. Jsatitara.-
We hare received she #all psrtl•wlars teak sheeklag
word,. sod sally $M oar worst atilawate attlio uweder.
ere character "riled by Ails laM despond* !pi For years
he ►as kept "Ifieedieg same it a state of tarwiesii and
rebeitioa, obich it soy other tiosticsateat than 0111 Off,'
,would bare seat hiss sad his eoafederstes to the Ig/110/0/1
GOWAN or the sestreld. Though his hands stay sod be
red with the blood of other zit:dime. the *taut is as his
soot. his 001116110i0, like an evil genius, hare carried
death sad desolation to the Loathe of amity, sad yet
tent as these feets were, leadtog Divines and Juaraslises
were unbitten, to do hies homage—lb. rotator desecrating
their high calling i• the sight of NOM (MI can ' t say Hear •
en, fur we J•eibt their commiaoies/ to pr sob Sheep's Rifles
ass 1 Kerolzsrs, instead of the Gospel of Pesos, ad the
latter by useful mirreprosentatioas mislead their leaders
for the basest potty porpoises. These worthies here ever
been ready to magnify any stray in Buns to its
extent is the pope of ostinefoeturing •*lsloadiag" capital,
but Ibis real tragedy zurpetreted in cold Wood, l• passed
la sileaee, and poor Jim Lane is not worthy of a tear.—
The N. Y. ?ribose, than which no paper ha* shrieked
louder or shed more Willi cooly prestesee Ows,
usefuluees in K aaaaa is at an end, and that be will seat
►era up io Arizona if the Sheriff should interpose ao ab
*Kiwi* We sincerely hope the gslhaws ee pesiiteatiary
will out be cheated of its dime. Like most other diets,-
tumors in Kazoos, the tragedy grew Out of "a Claim" to •
pities of land to which neither Lane ter Joaklas had any
right. it beiig a ••school section." But Joshing claim
was the oldest. The house in which Lane lives was built
by Jruktos' agent, and Jenkins paid for dialog the well.
The dispute ab.•ot the claim led to nofrisadly feelisgs. and
Laois nailed the gate, locked op the well, ad forbade ac.
care to the water Jenkins disregarded banes throats, old
deemed tfie:wei( he Fed dog his nun, took at *lab amid In
company with three or four of his friends protiowled to
break down the gate, whereupon Lane came VOW with a
gun and deliberately shot /main* in the breast, mad be
fen ott his (see a Corp.,, leafing an adreetioaste wife and
several orphan children to mourn bir aotintedyead. Lane
was shot in his left knee by oas of Jenkins friends, with a
pistol. The wound is not dangerous but will cripple hits
fur hts. Lane has been arrested.
A POOR FELLOW —lty tie Author of "Which? The
Right or Me Left " DICK J PITZGIMALD, 18 Ann Street,
New York. We have just received from the Pablishers
through the politeness of Messrs. Lon . % L Nessus, • copy
of a new Novel which bears the peculiar title of "A Pour
Fellow" A rueful examination of this book proves beyond
a Joabt that its author is sot only a good, but a talented
fellow—nay, a fellow of genius, fur he has evinced the
originality of genius, the polish of the scholar, and the
tact of the man etas world, combined, in them pages.—
We cannot exactly say fur which we are most thankful.
the amusement that this book has afforded us, or the in:
formation we have derived from it. The author pictures a
man who is supreme in his own estimation—whop:maiden
himself a plat of perfection—who thinks be ;embodies
every virtu., every talent, and every eleganas-440 fan.
cies.that he waste nothing that cannot be procured, and
yet wants everything, and who undergoes a series of ups
and downs that are startling, marvellous, and both wrings
and comical. They are, however, examples of what °emus
to thousand, of man in every pert of the civilised world.
This hero dilaters biome!f that everybody esteems him 10
he esteems himself, but his faults (held, we fear, in Isom.
mutt) cease him to be generally considered only "A Poor
Fellow" after at. (let this book, all who wish to be de
lighted. Price $1,25 per copy • Will be:sent to any ad
dress in the U. S. free of Postage.
AV' We publish in another colstath 'the act passed
last winter in relation to gee is this city. We do so at the
saippsetios of the Gas Company, and set by the authority
of the Itrie City.Canneils--tbe members of that remarkable
body having passed • resolution, on motion of their pro
prietor, directieg its pablieation In two papers only. This
was seusible, for the set °lowly proves that the Erie City
Councils have "'pot their foot in it" by trying to snout
the contract of the Oas Company with the city, and haste
the fewer that vosid be node cognisant of the stupidity
of those Who have attempted it, the better for the chooses
ter of the entire body. It will be oven by this set that
"ail contracts heretofore tondo for posts or pas, ors hereby
gait red aidestabiisdai •s folly and to at: ialests and purpos
es " V the *sous Loci been erected wader Cis prooiodoww of this
act." It win puma our City Fathers, ova ifith
help, to get out frost wider that we opposites&
14. We hare a dealer-1n town so sharp that a nasmt 3 7-
lean remitted the otber day, if be toiled with biro throe
oasts wort►, b. got cheated on t of two ciente, either fa tbe
goods or is masking ohators—Coostomarnie anrior.
nay do dig/treat bare. Oar dealer* take smooth Span•
Leh quartet* for twesty.the emits, Crawford Canal slummy
st the fees, and sell their goods " shad at coebt." Come
en here If you want to get bargains.
Air They are goioi to break the Sabbath down at
Coattautrilie, and tot the Grit time we suspect, either.—
The Cow ter says, "should the coming Fourth be a pleas
ant day, it expects to see such a crowd in town as has not
been, on a similar occasion, for many years. The arms
gemeate are nearly all completed, eed are such sa all will
approve. A grand and costly display is not the °Neve,
but sonsethieg sound, substantial, sod productive of tree
patriotism sod good feeling. The °dicers and others have
taken hold of their various parts vitit *levity, sad It eat
safely promise all who participate, • grand old time, that
trill richly repay to the time and mousy spent." The
Almanac lays the Fourth comes of Amin, ! Wou!Cat it
be Well to seed "Beseher end a Sharp's Ride" down
among the Coneasutrille ofiltriekers" on nmisslenary
Vs.. We ire gratified to announce that Capt. Doiat►a
Ortvvoiß, of this oily, boo boon ordered to take Coo.
mend ot• the now It Cutter, JernitioA B. Black now
lying etSoodutky. lilt orders are to Viet the vessel to
We port, end report bieteelf to the Collector for dety.—
It will thus be teen that this port has again been deeignat
od us a Revenue Station.
The Cantu wanu a mooting bold to risidiesto
" the toag established D4l/40Crala poi neiplo which recuglises
the right of the majority to form their own Cosstitutios
and make their own laws " TIN jot* of this Is apparent
whin we consider that the sums paper colloid a sulphur of
meetings in thba to riodicate quite another doetrise—
namely. that the people of a territory, unlike thus, of a
State, !tors o° right to form their own Constitution in tboir
own way. The Fremont platform told as, and the Gamete
endorsed It, that Congress, foot the pimple 'horror had
sovereign power over the tertitorios--tbat it sru lb. right
•lid the duty of Coagregs—not the people—to prohibit the
formation of a Constitution recognising Shivery, eves
though • " majority dogtrod to form their owls Constitu
tion and mate their own Hors Is consisteori for
Jr" The Coostitation rery truly says that many " tales
reports bare hoes circulated by laterested parties who are
in t h e pay of rival comptiaMe la regard to the bridges on
!the Erie I North East Railroad. We have takes pates to
'ascertain from reliable sad competent orglaiten the exact
eoadition of all the bridges, and we are assured that they
base recently undergone a thorough examlnatioa and are
safe. K. Bsowe, than wbom a more eompateat ontaore
and earful litoperiateadeut cannot be fouled la the easatry,
lute neatly given the bridges a rigid scretley, and pro , .
ammo them staeoeh and strong sad capable of doh[
service :Gm a longer time than the Company ealeulate to
use Ulan. *l4l eoatraet for building a new bridge at 20
MU Creek hal been gimps to responsible parties, and the
work is to be completed by the first of October."
—Tbe Presiding biie •yp(stod Josstns R.. COMMUN.,
of PU64401114, as old Whig piOtieisa, as Misistios is
Naples. TIAla has Ibsen soeformrto pious the Catbolies.
—Colineartt Reporter.
And why shoald'ot the Catholics be pleased as well as
tb. Presbyterians, the Methodists, or liagists. No cno
doubts Mr. CRANDLIIM'S 46/116esalloss, his istergrity or
his patriotism. This beim' so, his being a Catholic Is en.
min), ao Dl:Ostia, to his appointment as Minister le
Naples, or to any other Gerentstest the Pruideet might
°home to accredit blot. Whoa will seetarinaiss ewe to
be used as sa *imam la polities by small minds ?
—A little sou of Mr. Ads* Gregor, of MIMI* towaship,
Carob eland etwety. shed batarears al glad SOMA ,ewer,
wed free hoses, wad was lost la the seastale. ea the alt. Diligent were* was with by the Zither std hie
iteighbors for several days, bat vrithoet ~tress. Oa the
24 last, Weever. some wawa choppen fogad his body la
t h e iliwoetala. about a wile free kis father% ►oaae. The
Hula fellow hid starved to death.
wows HAM ItilliTOSATIVL—Pear. grout. IQ
reamosoi diseorotot et tit• ismaleatia Hate Eastorativa,
atilt aoatiaaao to Wow la What al do alltiatait.
Me IssiNiaas are itairaraally *WNW by A* denims
pew to to taw warwiar la all others for swift tits hair aa
the basil al dotted that Us boas Arend tar may yam,
$5 swag teeth with so amok wive sad lasartampa s has
woof aidi ate• aawattiagoa at pink
'boat NO. i. iatilst that 11 is toe of the ireatast di&
.4•1111100 k easslisal merit tistatas pareasisialy
itay take to its orisiaal wee, as '
l• nabs It ammo a
kwstlht sUki tastemsorhhik her basil soy tlsshahle
sY ges if tu'vera-9e tmaa Naritlat
Bala is Ms bl all tomehrt.
pl. a Dwei
rawrftlosealorof ti. tzfia
Jack Frost preserve
of summer heat, from the fern of a goddess
wbose warmth of pudertettoaas for the length
of her delay. Umbrella* shield us i Boren,
breathe upon us t Seabee reviverts with sherry
oobblers and copious libations of tiger bier!
Aetna'', this weather is no joke. It is hot;
not warm, through it might be more well bred to
use the latter adjective; the heat gets under
one's skin and torments internelly till one yearns
fur Deniers eirpedieet of taking off hir ilesh and
sitting in his home The consequent* of this
fervor is a languor which equally pervades busi
ness and society. The war spirit has died out;
the swillmstilk fever has abated, discussion of all
kinds is abhorrent, promiscuous assemblages are l
very slimly attended.
Politically there is not mud stirring in the
metropolis The federal offices, are disposed of,
sad hence, with the exception of a sore-head ca•
easionaliy, thin is little said on the Democratic
side of the political chess board. Acmes the
Republicans 'strenuous efforts are making
. to
bring all the discordant. elements opposed to the
Democracy together, and thus reconstruct the
party. To this end there is to be a grand eoun •
oil of the faithful as soon as Congress adjourns
—this week it is set down for—when a dinner is
to be given to the New England members of
Congress, who are to be caught here on their
way East. "When the wine. is in, the wit is
out," and the wit, in this instance, is expecte d
to be made of political feelers, as a prelimi
nary to a grand consolidatinn of the "odds and
cods" fur the next Pell campaign. Wilson and
Burglingtme are to be present; eo will Seward,
and about all the other great and small demago
gues in the African camp
In the line of gossip, we have a few items
A Miss Mary Ann McDonald, a good looking
young widow, brought an action against Mr.
George Walsh, to recover $5OOO for a breach of
promise of marriage. The fair plaintiff is a
fashionable boarding house keeper, and has two
marriageable daughters, both of whom were in
Court, with a number of their lady friends, as
witueeses against the faithless George. Defeo
dant is an engineer at the Novelty Works. lie
denies that ho ever promised to wed the widow,
and produces evidence to show that she had told
him she was engaged to marry a gentleman
named Wm. Hunter, whom she expected shortly
from Scotland. The details are rather rich, and
are greedily swallowed by the gossips, mate and
female, with which the hall is thronged.
Again, in the Marine Court, an affair of the
heart is up for adjudication. A young lady,
who cells herself Miss Cunningham, (not of
bogus baby memory) sues one Johnston, a front
street merchant, to recover not only for breach
of promise to marry her, but also for assault,
attempted rape, ke. The particulars of the ease
are hardly fit for publication, out of oertain New
York papers, to which, such things are Godsends.
Defendant puts in a general denial.
If we hid now one Central Park already coot
plated with its arms of deep embowering foliage,
spangled with mercurial fountains, we might take
vast consolation in ita cool retreats. But tbo
equabblee of our emantiasioners delay matters,
and the science) of "How not to do it" is retail , •
log full illustration at their hands.,
As for business, it is stagnant. Half the
world is asking to lend its money, but the very
people who want to borrow are those with whom
lender, do not deem it negotiable. Money at 3
per cent 4 year ! Last year, just four months
later than this time, the street rate was a per
cent a month.
The religions interest is still sustained in this
end the neighboring cities. Immense clambers
have joined the (disrobes of all donotninations
at each appropriate gesso°. Sermons aro getting
to be quite Weal's; in fact, for a new feature, a
Sermon has been advertised to sell a weekly
paper, jest as through it were s novellette.
Mayor Tiernan is still foraging in all directions
against all sorts of swindlers and awaking many
expressions of indignation and many thrests.of
vengeance from those whose business is thus in
terfered with. The result will probably be that
swindling will probably take on some more
refined and specious guise than it hss hitherto
been found necessary to assume. Branch, the
o warm b impel prophat,istrying to support Dani
el by publishing a black mail paper weekly, which
be calls the "Alligator."
The Crystal Palace bas been taken possession
of by the City at last; an aquisitioo about as
useful as the purchase of as elephant to a man
who does not know what to do with it. It
should not be torn down and will propably be
made from this tij a kind of grand Campus
for gatherings like reviews, etc., which would
otherwise take place in open air. Pity it could
not be removed into the Central Park.
Literature still languishes. Some very clever
books are in press, but a great many more are
kept back until a mote convenient season.
Public amnsesteuts are rather poorly sustain
ed. Matilda [termite engagement was unsuccess
fully terminated. The opera is modrately pat.
ronised. Free colieerts at the lager Wei gardens
are again becoming the rage with the million.—
Bowe very fine music is heard at these places.
Murders are plenty but very common Naas
affairs. MITE.
Arran's fir Uran.—The telegraphic accounts
of affairs in Utah are somewhat contradictory.
Despatches, said to be fbre days later than the
Information upon which the President's procla
mation was based, are said to have been received
by Gen. Scott, giving inforatation that the Mor
mons, after lessoling away their woman and chil
dren, had ratarsed, and were fortifying Salt
Lake City. Sow of the Washington eorres.
posdants think the anuounoement of pow, was
premature, Led represent Gov. (Jamming as al.
most a prisoner, and the Ilform , su leaders as be
ing all poncho wi.h the people. The telegraph
from St. Louis °envoys entirely diffen a illifot
mation. It states that Gov. Comm; g has re
turned to Camp likott, after as ineffee 4.41 attempt
to arrest the Mormon hegira to the South. A
few days will probably bring us more authentic,
informatics. We folly agree with the New
York Herald, in its remarks ape this subject,
which tap that whatever may be the purp of
the Mormon, leaders—whether they are sincere
or not is that professions to Gov. Cumming—
the gustily*. has but one seam to pursue.—
The military operations should be puttied br
ward with ss'illnelt decision and rigor u if no
negotiations ware as foot. The army should
premed at mem to Salt Lek* City, sad make 11,.
self muter of it Mama reference to the threats
of Brigham Young or his pretested - def •
to she civil power. It is only in this way that
Fr Übe Wadibiretass
We Any before our readers ship loorPiaS a Ter/
important message from the President of the Uni
ted States. It will be read with groat interest
and satisfaction by the people of the whole Conn
try, for it announces the triumph of the Utah
policy penned by the adainistratioo. The
troublesome problem of Idereioeistu has been
solved by the promptness, decision, and resolute
firmness of Mr. Buchanan. The festering sore,
the esneerona ulcer of fasatilat licentiousness,
bits been subjected to the knife and weal cau
tery. The experiment has prated perfectly suc
cessful. - The dietetic is cured. The country
will bail with intense satisfaction the sews of the
Mormon submission to the laws and officers of
the United States.
So long as the forces sent to Utah were muscle
'gusto to overawe the Mormons, they did not
, scruple to commit any act of rebellion and war.
Indeed, by a unanimous vote of their legislature,
these deluded people adopted an address to Con ,
geese, so treasonable and diaraspectful that it was
treated with the greatest indignity by fist body.
Whilst General Johnston's little command seem.
ed to be beyond the reach of succor or support,
nothing but vengeance was breathed from the
tabernacle of the Mormon Prophet; but no soon
er bad ample preparations been wade to march
a crushing and overwhelming levee to the City of
the Salute than a change was obvious in the de
meanor of the Mormone. Day by day their retie •
lution grew fainter and fainter, until the banners
of our advancing columns had scarcely been fair
ly unfurled to the winds of the prairies, before
Brigham Young and his dupes fairly "cut and
run." The sixty thousand saints snugly enscon
ced in the centre of inaccessible mountains, sad
an almost trackless desert, with their ten thou ,
sand disipliwitd troops, have succumbed to the
majesty of the law, backed by the army, and
enferced by the firm resolution of the President
'f he wisdom of this policy is fatly vindicated, abd
the thorough preparation for enforcing submis
sion has proved a most judicious plan of ;rise
economy: •
rujhe Senate and Home Represeatatices:
I transmit the copy of a despatch from Gov
Cumming to the Secretary of State, dated at
Great Salt City, on the second of May, and re
ceived at the Department of State on yesterday
From this there is reason to beleive that our
difficulties with the Territory of Utah have ter ,
initiated, and the reign of the e.onstitatiou and
the Laws has been restored I congratulate you
ut:k this auspicous event.
I lose no time in communicating this informs.
tion, and in expressing the opinion that, there will
be no occasion to make any appropriations for
the purpose of calling into service the regiments
of two volunteers authorised by the act of Con
gress approved oa the Ith of April last "for the
purpose of quelling disturbances in the Territory
of Ii tab, for the protection of supply and win.
grant trains and the suppression of Indian hos
tilities on the frontier."
I sin wore gratified at this satisfactory
genre from Utah because it will afford some relict j
to the treasury at a time demanding from us the I
strictest economy, and when the question which..
now arises upon every appropriation is, whether
it be of a character so Important and urgent as to
brook no delay, and to justify and require a loan,
and most probably a tax upon the people to rms.,
the money necessary for its payment.
In regard to the regiment of volunteers author ,
iced by the same act of Congress to be called into
service for the defence of the frontier of Texas
against Indian hostilities, I desire to leave this
question to Corigrees,bitserring at the-same time
that, in my opinion, this State can be defended for
the present by the regular troops, which hay.)
not yet bein withdrawn from its limits.
Tua COOLY TRADE.—The Overland Friend
of China of the 30th of March contains the de
tails of a prosecution that was instituted against
a firm that was extensively engaged in the Cooly
trade, who had shipped on board a vessel for
Havana a number of "apprentices" considerably
in excess of the vessel's registy The proof ep
peered lobe conclusive enonglr, and a verdict was
brought in for the prosecution—a mere nonsioal
verdiiet—amounting to but a very-mild censure
of the shippers. The trial is chiefly interesting
to us, however, in so far as it unveils the process
of transferring human Wags into merchandise
for the Cuba market. In the first place, the ship
herself had long been off the register of "le tered"
shipping, and had been begging a purchaser at
Hong Kong for as ioignificant a bum as -7700
but a short time before the contract was entered
on! And yet no less than two hundred and seven.
ty five human beings were. confided to her custo
dy or protection for a ,voy%ge of many thousands
of miles. The shippers alleged on the trial that
they bad agreements with, every cooly on board,
but on being challenged to the proof only siaty•
nine could be found. After leaving Angier the
ship encountered adverse rinds, and had to snob.
or in the straits of Bnada till the 13th of April,
during which period the typhus fever broke out,
and by the time they reached St. Helena, odalbe
28th of June, (one hundred and six days from
Hong Kong,) fifty five coolies had died. After
leaving St Helena another disease came on, and
many of the strongest were taken ill, and died at
a day's notice. The result was that, of two hun
dred atsd seventy five who left Hong Kong the
captain was able to land in Cuba only one hue
died and seventy five alive. Thus, one hundred
of the poor wretches perished by the way. — The
prosecution pictured the cruelties practietsi on
board these cooly transorts• IS so atrocious as to
be almost incredible. The, term of service is
nominally eight years, tett the probability is not
a soul will ever return. •
Cashing, id his late speech at Boston, paid the
following elegant and atriking ,tribntn to the
West :
"Jealous of the South Such wool() not be
my theme, if the demon of sectionalism had so
far possessed itself of me. I should not strive.
todraw the attention of blassaehootts away
froth the only real danger of a sectional nature
which threatens, and to fasten her attention upon
an imaginary one. Nor by the eomparatively
small sectiou of the Union lying between Mason
and Dixon's line and the Gulf of Merle() is the
sceptre of the power ib this Vein° t o b e h e ld
hereafter ; but by those vast regions of the West;
State after State stretched out like star beyond
star in the blue ficpthe of the firmament., far away
to the shores of the Pacific. What is the power
of the old thirteen, North or South, compared
with that of the mighty West ! There is the
seat of empire, sad there is the band of imperial
power. Tell me not of the perils of the slave
power and the encroachments of the South.—
ibutsachusetts and South Carolina will together
be as clay in the Augers of the potter, when the
great West shall stretch forth its arm of power,
as are long it will, to command the destiny of
the Union."
Wastuicrrou ern-, June 16.
The Britishion resolutions adopted by
the Senate con:lfirt s hat the recent outrages re
quire, in the judgenent of the Senate, snob noes
quivocal and final disposition of the subject by
the governments of Great Britain and the United
States touching rights- involved, shalt satisfy
the just demands of this government, sad pre
clude hereafter the occurrence of like aggressions.
That the Senate fitly approves of the action of
the Executive is betiding a naval force into the
infested seas with orders to protect all Vessels of
the United States on the high seas from march
or detention by Aka vessels of war of any other
nation, and it blithe opinion of the Senate, that
if it becomes Mamesary L enci additional legate,
tion should be stippliadrin aid Of the itzeoutlire
wer as will make such protection effectual.
Prot iimbigettiThi. 7. . - , 4
"A' t
--. - -....".7.....:
, .
Ethe ;
,i . ,
, 1
W ".. $2lO
Lieut. Richardson hai r ed stf, ll *.
Legation froin the Admiral
.-: - en .1
• t -
Orders hate been *ten- , iost rfit - e
with American ships, aid the Plltyx is recall to
A strong military Soma will los‘idistaMad boat
the troops intended for Utah for Arizona.
Lieut. Mowry, delegate from Arizocia, Mill
shortly return thither, charged with 'important
Government duties, bat will be in Washington
next December, the Senate having made the bill
for the establishment of a territorial government
the special order st !bat time.
The Civil Appropriation act provides about
1809,000 for the present works no the Pacific
Atlantic Gulf and Lake coast;, ineluding 116,440
for the purchase of the best seltrighting life
host at each of the stations on the coast of N J.,
and $lO,OOO for the purchase of the best life
boats to be approved by the Treasury Deartment
for the Long Island coast.
The President suffering from a severe ini
The Treasury department have promptly writ.
ten to the successful bidders for the Treasury
note loan, requesting immediate compliance with
its terms.
The war department lays Gen. Johnston's dent
patches before the Cabinet today.
The President is much perplexed by the con.
tn i dietion these dispatches give to those received
from Gov. Cumming, and expresser his regret at
what he now considers his premature message to
Coogn•s.+ announcing thevitil of the Mormon, re
Gen. will remain here until further des.
patches are received
Lord Napier yesterday had au interview with
Gun Cass Roth gentlimen express the confident
hope that all questions now open between the
United States and England will be amicably set.
tled on a pet eminent kiwis before the next meet •
ing of Congress Lord Napier has information
that instructions have been issued from his gov
ernment which will effectually stop all further of complaint.
The Charleston (:S C ) Courier's Key West cor.
rcttdundent says that Licut Tyne asserts that the
reports of outrages 4)11 American vessels are much
exaggerated, and in many instances false
fti - e seizure of the Cortez, for instance, was th.
briniest rzsggerAtion The Ceptain of that ves
sel, when overhauled, throw his gag into the sea
an d declared' hirn4clf a Spaniard. Thecootta
bAuti articl-s (4110100 imard proved beta slaver
and ,he was a,5 - eerdingly %old for such
.1 ,
Naval Into/ligenoe
June :t, I arrived here safely to
day for c it .it wli ~ u b,r.arl l leave to
morrow for havens, shall had If B.
M steamer Lievit-datiou, which has brought tui
atructions trios Admiral Seymour to the cruisers
upon the coast of Cuba. 11. U M steam gun
boat Jasper, commanded by Lieut. Win. II l'yru,
came into thin harbor this morning in search of
the Styx, to deliver denpatcbe from the Ailtuir,
al i' stated to me that hie instructions
were printed, and were dated, he believed, 1818,
that they were at all events, the instructions he
had acted upon glu the coast of Africa nine years
ago. Ile haul he believed, or rather was sure,
nu new instructions had bees received from the
British government for the guidance of vessels
on the coast of Cuba. Ile said that the Creole
was a stastr, and that soon after tor capture
colors and papers both disappeared—the captain
declaring that he was not entitled to American
pipers or colors.
lie said that in an_itlier else where he bad
sent his quartermaster with a spy glas- to ask
permission - to ascend the want of the outermost
vessel iu the harbor of Matanzis in order to see
whether the Styx was in sight, the capuitu said,
laughingly, afterwards that he had hoaxed •
newspaper writer into the belief that he had
been boarded by British filibusters lie assert
ed that he was sure, upon elimination, be would
be found to have done no wrong to the American
flag lie admitted that in oertain eases he had
tired bear vessels to CU Ike them show their colors,
and asked we if he had beau guilty of any wrung
in so doing. To this 1 had no official opinion,
but that 1 thought not
However the law way he in this case, it is
held, as far as 1 know the usage of the sea set.,
vice (itself a law) tuen.or war to show their
flags to one another; and it is the general opin
ion of naval men that merchant vessels, upon
neglect or refusal to do so, way be compelled to
ii wit:huut touching upon their rights. Lieuten•
ant l'yul seemed surprised at the light in which
the acts of the British cruisiirs are regarded by
the government of the United States.
1 have the honor to be your obedient servant.
JOIIN RODGERS. Commander, U. 8 N
lion. ISAAC TUCCEY, Secretary of the Navy
A Story of Female Heroism
In the course of a recent speech in Congress,
by the lion Joseph Lane, of Oregon, he related
the following incident, which occurred in the In
dist/ war of Oregon.
tVtitle in Oregon List summer, I took occasion
to inquire ot the chief, who was mainly instru
mental in go•tting up this war, to learn the part
ticulars of the fate of some of our people who dis•
appeared iu the war of 1855, and of whom we
:ad been able to learn nothing
When I suggested to the agent, in the council,
that I proposed to inquire into the fate of Mrs.
Wagner, Mrs. Hynes, and others, he was Melia
ed to think it would raise the bitter feelings of
the Indians, but said that we could make the in•
quiry. I told him that I bad passed through the
country where these people bad lived, and that
their friends were very anxious to learn their fate.
We inquired in relation to Mrs. Wagner, who
Was a well educated and handsome woman from
New Yolk, who bad lived in the country, and
yoke the Indian tongue fluently
She kept a public house by the rthtdside, and
the good cheer which she always furnished made
it a place were travellers delighted to stop. The
Indians informed us that on the morning of the
9th of October, they came in sight of the house,
where they met some teamsters and packers, a
portion of whom they murdered, destroying the
wagons and cargoes, as well as the animals, while
abe was standing in the door.
As soon as they had murdered the people out.
side, they came towards the house, which was
strongly built of hewn logs, and a heavy door,
which fastened with erus.bars. When she saw
them running towards the houso she shut the
door and dropped the bars to prevent their coati
lug in. They came to the door and ordered her
to oinne.out, and bring her little girl. She said
ller hushaud was absent—and, by the way,
he was the only wan on the road who escaped.
They said that if she l aid not come out they would
shoot her. She declined, and after some deliber•
&Lion, they determined to eel the house on tire.
The house was directly enveloped in flames; and
the chief, who watched her through a little wine
dos!, told me that he saw her go to the glass and
arrange bet hair, then take a seat iq the middle
of the room, fold her little girl in her arms, and
wait calmly until the roof tell in, and they per.
ished in the flames together. And the statetuZ.
was confirmed by the pc-oplc who found their re.
maims lying together in the middle of the house.
New O*ine Law.
The. last Legislature of oar State pass ea the
following Act for the better preservation of game
and inseetiverons birds. It should be generally
read and remembered.
Stenos 1 Be it Enacted &c., That from
and after the passage of this sot, h shall ndi be
lawful for any person within this oounnonwealti
to shoot, tin, or in any way trap or destroy mil
bine birds, swallow, martin, or other inseetiver.
ono bird, st any season of the year, under the
peesity of tern dollars.
Sao. 2. That from and after the passage of
From the W. 4141844.1 L luau )
ifirs oo poison shall hbnt „,,, t i:"..-
iftetroy soy pbessuf. s•tvr , .. ll th e fi rlt ZiNte
jra usry ai d the first day of Spptemb et '
Zodcock betesien the. first ,l ay „f Janes
late tourtkof July, or aby pien,i g , 7
Olt bettseen tb*s rst day a JahuArjlb4
Jay of October, in the present ar tuis
and every year thereafter, tinder the i slyih
fig. dollen, toe cock sad every offence.
Ste, 3. That no person shall Imy,
to be boagbt, or tarry out o f t hi,, s tate,
purpose of supplying any privat e or p o b l '
or market, any pheasant, patridge, IN;
rabbit, unless the same t.hall hsve beesaken in the proper sett4ou, and providq t
this set; cruder I poetry of fi ve dollar.
and every offence.
Scz 4 That no person shall, it
wilfully destroy the egp or Item s of
mentioned is the different sections of
within this commonwealth, untier y
two Julian; fur each offence
Ste 5. That the possession of any
Ibis commonwealth, of any of the gam e ,
mentioned in the different seettoba of
shot, killed, or otherwise destroyed ow
as aforesaid, shall be prima fipoi et
convict under this act.
Sac. ti That any person offending
any of the provisions of this act, and bel l
fore convicted beforeymy alderman Or
the peace aforesaid, or by the oath br
of one Or more witnesses, sba/1 fur ei
offence, forfeit the fine or floes att ac h e
same, one-half to the use of the informer
the offender shall se to pay th e said ,
he shall be coo s fitted to the jail .4 th e
county, for ere offence, for the spse e d
days, without bail or to tinprize 1',,,,,,,6 4
ever, That such conviction be made yitt u ,
days after the committing of the °fres &
Site 1. That soy acts conflict***
set, and be the same are hereby repealed
Approved April 21st , lftbs
The Land Bribe lientbng.
The "land clause" of the English
Bail i 3 lenouuced by the fusion pread
offered to the people of Kansas in eye
accept the Lecompton Constitutioe
could be more absurd than such a charge
not true in any sense. In the first place ,
ordinance of the Lecouipton Constituurs
fir over 20,000,000 acres of land,
English Bill cats them down to time
and a half: Does that look like a brae'
Furthermore, the Crittenden amer
the Montgomery substitute each gave,
ebiely th &nu- amount of bind a n ,l
tlaiy core offered by the Engtidi I ill'
this matter clear and unquestionable
condensed the three propo h iti ons
them before our readers in order that
may see that the Critteteb
rengement in its original and amen(
voted for by every li;.tek !: , publican
ate and House, was eq;e.l verbatii
English Bill If there ia hrthe mai
fusionists are the originators of it
the three land donating clauses, and t,
actly alike
1 That the section sixteen and Ca
every township shall be gracte.ll.... v l
2. Thar. 72
a Stato UniVerhlty.
3 That ten •Petions nt law!
for 1 Lie Iri lion ~t pv(rutn, [lt I,lii th+4 .
I That all -Id. mpritig%,
with rii s , ctioe, ~f law) 1.),1 In;n:
0,1 State f i .11, h u...
Titat ,p‘r i, 11l Ullf f
In -.ill Stat.. altrr r Itt‘
Paid to -11 l 5..0, to,r,
1, Pry% 1.•-• cbm.
not, to tllO , l. 40.11310 4 ot It , t.t
er.i shall u.. 1 hr t3XeI lovher then
TILE NIONTtioNIERY 11%-.17-7
%. The sections sixteen umith - ;
township shall be granted
se s
2. That severity two •G.u! be
for a State. University
3 That ten seeti..ti
for the ereettou t.f
Jr I 'lull toe
, k , rauPtit building•
4. That all ti.ilt :kpclogs nut cteeedi
with six section , . 4;10.1 A .luiug .LIV,
ed aid :StAte I r •u t
direct -
5 That .1 per ~•tit out of ail given
sales in said S tato aft, r
paid to a.. 14- ate tor mai:it:l4 lateral
meats; acid 11"i3 nrtd , ut land FIT
not be rated higher than rodents
t; Provides that. Pott.d Stavt
property in said State n Letts
1 That .Pet 10014 Si Veep 311‘1 0110 n
township, shall be granted 1. ,
That 7:2 sections shall be
State lintversity
3 That ten sections of land
for the erection of pvernment 1))
4. That all Salt Springs not
with six sections of land adjoicin i
ed to said Stale fesr ruch use as
may direct
5. That 5 per rennin) ”1 all go
sales it said Stan , alter her adrutssi,
paid to said State tor twain; interim
merits, and no fax .ball De iFuroieti on
longing to 11,. I to,l n..a resider
bo taxed high t than residents.
6. Said State .11.3.11 net tax the
property ot tips Unitva Fstzte. ia , ud
Stark Co () 11 n'
A despatch from 1, qi...nworth.
brought by U expre.,,, t ilancilat
two gentlemen, named Malsiot and
arrived last night, in twenty-aioe
Camp Scott They left Fort lint
eight days subsequent to the last
Cumming was still in the city
men report that (ien Johusos tod
sufficient to twit until Jun.. li.tta
bora a request from Cien..lolie.wo
man to bring supplies. They suet
the 221, fifteen miles heyorof
two hundred and fifty ito:e- froal
tile command was
fifty mules in a snow ,corm
ly reported. mob. !Ii;
twenty five wagons loade.l woad
of his columns to the :I,,i,tauet
They met the Pea, , , ,
Bridge, and would ov. rtalz,.. 11, ill
day. They met Col tn,lrew..
thirty•two miles heyothl o-; h ,
sth—all were well ; C 1 31 , ur
miles beyond Big Blue, , 'I/
May in the camp at. llig 11. u..
900, at Neraeba, on ut "
heard of Capt Marv) if,
were in good health 6.9 0 4 ',
wet! of Fort Laramie, A 1
were passed by a Mom n vsl.:
City, cm May 11th, kmil,ll-rt'"
The express party top ‘rl.-1 OP! ''
b% ,1 returned from JY'
with thswelres, Lit ih, lf.r"
the city 'F?i y
everything quilt, :4t1,1
Mormon capital.
DREA UFt' t. unt,En _T„,, F r'
Dyon, brother:, Jiving 111
murdered their Re.ter In 0 )"
Der recently Tho U'r r"Jt
The affair, :is we t.o
scene of the murder. i• cerclitl i s
The to ardererr aet 'I
r tu• 3 Ile
beenproriously knotty , " 10. i f 1
Persctm could thu.
D'ltise, and c,,ipti,kl • , 4'"
tery• They a.Lid they wcre
kill her, beanie .h r
thst ttt
every Sand3y, an d aaser(eti
~ 1 L 4 i I',