Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, June 12, 1858, Image 1

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saraoro, or withito 3 soootho, 641 f
it t. pay withiu the year, the paper ;rill
.nut left with a proper otl♦cer for 0.1-
0 .6 n. or WIN Maki • egilaill. 413
,u, i 75 Orke squaw 3 mou th. $3 IN
•• I 00 One " 6 660
123 Ow " 9 " 676
~.,, n. 6696616 61 plawure, W.
.11”., •• . 6 630 96 166, $8; 9 month., El 60, j
ly Nuare , --our yrox, $6O ; 6 nacoutlas, $3O ; 3
ok the Balinese Directory at $ per &usuu
user sir„ bud under eight, $
euticee,lo abuts a lime ; but au &Overlie..-
.kg the Special Mutitxls for Les* thee due
others requiting trequeut ehnnwee la their
e, red two pumps, paper, nod eitret, for $l5
the charges will be in proportion, .04 the
idnetcy eoullwed to tha leittituata buatairla
painieat for trawairut ailvertiwinianta requiAid
yearly rilvertlidag will to prowintied Waif
ir Id per coot will Do =ado on all exttpt
-Ira admit' paid in adrancii
V. ADAMS. MI, D. ,
,a,—Rooter it Raw 1 Eurreater s 'so
sad Math Ste., Eras, Pa ass
one la Contra! Moak, over Noni+osevri.
F:utraneo ou State Stnwt
n . I. la I.BILkITH.
~., a c, us 6th 111 . 1.1 h, lignuiy uppl..ttar Me
T. !..11:ikC LA 114
vane , fo sktrart * asird
rt. tottlaT, COorlatr W Stato wad illa SC%
11, Studs, I.lw, Casnyht.a., tlumitig
A ammo, AUKNI. lu Fumy sad Staple Dry 1.),..ats aud
<• Bloet, oppaelte Drown Hotel
,on sbul }lading. Arc , Pad, Rog
gel, & lOckagge OSer, Egg, P.
--Otte mumsvowl 14. C.411.14.f
if • 80. twr litate Street auil tLe t'ut..l.4e
_ott, m ituerasWeie, oppoibitt
on time Yuri, Eli*, Pa
N. E. .1.4 1 131
1.. T, offk , It"trusu Ire • Elkek. north %de of
etri,l ,, Yr.
5,.1 1 , 537 Ott ,
~Jl6-sien to Gold and tAllret . Cmu , Queer
Wit:sots and Certificates of Deposit. Mao,
noctial cities 1-0 (he UOICW, and all parts of
lone., to Flottenewelg's Slott, corner
a: -*MTV A L .
Mi•OLgloh ihoxen••ett's 810.-k,5../uth rude.
the corner, Free, I's Interest allowed
and %telt Ural to, Chetios nod Sist-le, um
Laud lo rrtuouts bought mud *old, l.oller
. lb.- prtnetioul cane* CO the L 1411,1 . talre
• Eorope on lour own nesponstlollt)
L. L. A % 0 M .
. "U.Lauduerf , Monthly ya.(ttalt.e., lheap l'obl..••
Neirippverlt, hold Yen*, Yocke.t l oven , d.
.1 the (teed Howie, LI,.
S•C , tl3•Ol Bar sae •hi un ity i
fl.sp, 11,11.4 .44 kinerteati Hardware .lad CLIO.)
101Ih, Merl, Nu 3 Keed Hour,
J ME?. 1.1
JU, recently octupiri, by -hat.. ay or •
SLre tat S let • !Lt. tierd
.14. Hutt./
JO.Erill 111.4Hk
r, Baal NvtorP, LArrtatlant.-• ,4 Aep , nit, &e.
principal cal. conalaat I y tor wILIF calm
..S.tuare, kn..
-curers of Saab, Lkoara watt bltods , l'..aeb .t ,
euptad by Hugh Jona,
ARK/turd sTuAlwr.
, t,.....-4)fee, at tata reobbruaw, Y ourlb ot nool,
W. old Apalbooaary Hall.
xlriWli 41: RANI( AMID
wefts*, Yrovissoga, Yrn.i , rof lc, .rt., salt,
mute, Nuts. 1.14410, NsAs, 1:14,,,uk5, ra.i., V% 004.F84.
~I se Ware, /iv Terms Cauiti 4•414.-..• 1, • S., 4
+tat.. Strverty 4 door. &buy. U. •4 n,
pw? A lit& & PA Ic
t , ,mxialioa MittsArra, INcaleis
.r Limo awl Haat*, I . 4bite Doek, vast ~I:qator
!E I
WILLIAM H. 1.1..1'1C.
oixts•r,. Ottlce In kteinty'• byock, uortia rule of
r4blte funuerly it Cu
Al. ••,rt • arranterl
tastlitivat J. MOUTON.
umicuteettnt Merchant., Public I.htek, Jealett
Hour awl Fluter.
hola.ll draJrr iis Gem:trete; Yr... wtttats, Slap
/14par '4 are Re , ate., State ••ttert, exte.,
U. K. 1.1.8,11171.1 0 1.
Nbkrt N.. Hughes Block, :ktree.t,
Lhavr mkt] has returual Inas thr
übis ta lut..l4nug the irbatar no. • 'shins bus
tw nuo tt t. outurs Sid 41.1 1 ratkelk sta.
4u, J.A.41, awl Retail Dealer la reel) dr*
welro sad IhnorllLlC Dry thank, Carprtiugs, UII
N.. LI, nit.. /Inert, earlier id Fifth, Paw. l'a.
'utur awl Y.nulteturrr to taut quality Itrady
rualuaing tiothis N u 7, tinia a'
tru, PA
Agrosubsut Bond,. nod ItiffteA
...vunittly and r relully rMk* uo
...I is S Sterrott, liinxer) St..rr Ku«, Pk.
J. V. D0W311311.1.
in/ Ji %TINS OVTlil PRAWN Will irracUce 114
Mov4 Fake Luuuty, "ad tote prompt &Lid faithful
wimps...atm/n*4l to hi•bazilm, either la AD At
." 4• rir Enipi, MIo I, riiruer ut
. Erie, Y.,
Inroad!, Johnson, 4. L.,
• .41. 01 I.setgn and Ikdorotie Dr N
r uo.u . .trosta, Non York
Cd•kl-in ♦ 6111P1111110,
kkkkk • 55•L , 4•111,21
lik.ALEas to rubel and rttaipir Dry tiouds,
ivtLet, te.. No. 1 ISro•U'•
E. ii. • BULL.
to Wa lion H. Siberfas.,) • rabhc squats, hotelman the !teed Haase and
Ntium Weis tu the bort sty!. of the art sad'
11 E0Wilf 11. CUTLIIIK.
Eno Coast!, Pa entiortinas and
CaA is s‘tti promptness sad dispatch
MiiiiPlll' KENT •
it itt( t An. 1: iteattv's Budding, stretairs, /Eric
Je i" HEAMNI it frO"
lirrcharits, Closter. In et. 461, Flour,
"I i upper Lake :41...,t00rry Public
"tfitit Y MAXIE:
4 . , u+. 1.1 Desiery Lome sod Imported Wloass
Totwv., Fruit, nab, Oil, sad .ILits
'•• : !fiat' MIMI Erie.
w. A‘mun.
kietall Dealer iu Irsocy,
knAiat, e .u 4 fituttig CLAsta . No 4 Kay
_ _
. 14 ME.4 V. MAU/MALI..
En up ataos Taubmsol Hall butWog,
W. UL/OO a 4.10.
Vibobobie ao4 Retail 4o:Irob la W ell arid Cia
"4"r"r Sathfr, the cheaper ao4 1 1 now lo
•.4tb rtn•rt near Yew b, aria, tb.
airr , l[4( .fflor for knailly, tom. or arrehruu
•o• 11effp
r )ff L. Low,
14, ,shie Fhktike.4 Whiskey, in the
411: CU.,
4.. at alrlaulerale rad ktatril, al No 10
.tra.rt ta.,
for Concerts, Lecturer ard Pubbic
414.1., .ftto. hut Ittairlnt at lb@ Saaking
ertor4 R. Ra.el Hoerr, LA*, hi
retail lest,' 46 Mere-ace; Paints, Gila
No 6 keel Humor Itne, Pa
• win.., Cluck., Sliver, abd ftded
Wrta, Yodel and WA, Cutlery Yabey Geod6
6treel Itri• Pr
66,1 4, 660.6 tis Ra.t ladia Goods, Powdor,
w Tobacco, Cigars, 16 - 6,12, 011, 4, he ,No
rt, Ene.
40,,kPH attliicriukuis-
umi Hawes, sad MlZials sad bleu
&atlas;oatbar, Vivo* 644 iaratesa
Lqs aad Splits.Tlused
M. brallik Sic. Plow OW*
HxyznisEY, tic Co.,
Lagumi, &Gm, kill Gaut Afriad"
^Wrote! Cyrk Er* 111.
fjisk you why Pbryna• the Athol. /saws buy.
'Pbrytme foresees • geberafiservis.
dna mach nor* bonnet, to to billed and stand
J Wath aactionanring hammer la tby band:
'Provotang to gars more, and knocking thrwee
Fur the odd itortsekoid stuff., or pacture's price
DITIMPre Jrylo,l
It was a tempestuous night; the winds whis
t led fearfully, and hailstones, whose size threaten
ed to demolish the windows of the houses, rattled
against them with a determined pertinacity as if
to test their strength In the pulor of a fine
old fashioned house, beside rather a comfortless
tire on such a night, were seated the family of
Mr. Sunderland, c..tnsisting of himself, wife,
daughter, and a fuithiful maid servant A heavy
gloom, more of ibirow than auger, rested on
itch brow, nut eeeu excepting that of the maid
servant alluded to, from whose eager glances,
ever and anon cast toward the family group, the
close observer would have noted the deep iuterest
she took in the cause of their grief
The picture was a melancholy one; fur virtue
iu distress has nu light shade to relieve it, all
around and about it is dark and sombre. The
sensitive artist would have thrown aside his
pencil, if the subject had been presented to his
view as we have described it, and his heart would
have reeeived an impression wh'ich could not
have been transferred to the canvas.
" Tu morrow," observed Mr Sunderland, "is
the anniversary of the melauehly death of our
dear liens); to•morrow will be ten years ranee
tile vessel iu which he sailed was lost, a nd all ou
board perished—all, all !"
" ,xclaiweit bas wife, 4.3 War, c. urs
ed their wad doyen her elieels, "to m o rrow will
be ; welauetioly day
" Indeed it will; for to-worrow this house,
which belonged to wy the furniture,
which time has made, as it were, a part of our ,
selves, stud associated with Litany a pleasing
event in our lives, is to be sold; torn from u by
the mildewing hands of creditors; but, thank
Providence, misfortune, not crime, has reduced
us to thin stage of poverty "
" Will
q iey sell everything, pa; can we secure
nothing?" 'asked the daughter
" No' my child, unless with what little money
a friend has generously loaned me, I can secure
a few articles Ellen, my dear, take your pencil
and put them down: first; the sideboard, two
beds, sofa, chairs, and kitchen things. The side
board, it is true, will be to us now a superfluous
piece of furniture, but it belonged to my mother,
and I cannot, will not part part with it !"
" But my piano, pa! must go!"
The wife sighed, the father east his eyes to
ward the flickering fire, and the (laughter was
silent. The fate of the piano was decided upon
A melancholy pause in the conversation plainly
teld how severe was the alternative; for the law
never studies the feelings of its victims when
exacting the penalty of a bond.
Go, Mary," said Mr. Sunderland, eddies
*tug the servant, "go and request the Sheriff's
officer, who is watching the property, to walk
into the parlor; he is only doing his duty. No
donkt it is painful to him, as it is distressing- to
us. Let him have a seat at our fire, and a glass
of wine, for it is a severe night "
" It is indeed a fearful night," observed Mrs
Sunderland, "and we have behaved rude to ibis
" Mother, I made a fire in the room where he
a, but"—
" Speak out, child—it was with the las
"Father, it wan"—
_ Mary returned with the officer, a polite, gentle
manly man; for nigh should be the eharaetir o
men who have to Perform part in the drama o
life, not unlike that of the inquisitors of old,
whose provinoe it was to torture by the rack,
with this difference, however: theirs was& physi
cal torture; ours a mental one, administered with
all _ the nicety and precisioti of /Ertl justice!
The Ater politely accepted the invitation, tast
ed the wine, and endeavored to cheer bis victims
by enumerating many cues of a similar tied,
equally poignant and dietressieg. Thus the
evening passed heavily and cheerlessly away.
On the morn - itg- of the contemplated sale,
there was to be seen a crowd of people biking
to the house of Mr. Sunderland. Some out of
sheer, heartless curiosity, friends of the (tinily,
who came with mockery o 9 their lips—and empty
purses Others with an intent to purchase; but
no one in the crowd showed the least desire to
aid, assist, or sympathise with the distress of the
family This talkie world; we laugh at the imis
fortunes of our fellow creatures, and even quo&
their distresses, by witnessing in alien°e their
sufferings. The auctioneer was now Making his
arrangemente, by flourishing his hammer, roiling
his eyes, and using his tongue. • The motley
crowd gathered around him. The house put up
first; it was accurately described; free from ell
ineumbranose, and subject to but a very email
ground rent. It was started as live thousand
dollars. There were mesuril bidders, ill of whom
seemed anzionelo purchase it. Eleven thousand
fire hundred dollars wee the lag bid, arm which
the auctioneer dwelt fur a moitina. Mr. Bea..
deriund compressed his lip tosellitar, sed matey
ad is thuelt, feu eat my latist Mims &mead
IT JINXT W00D11.11114
This earth la vary toaatiftil .
. I lots Its rippling streams,
Ind 'mid Its cool and ahadsd nooks
I dream soy orsetast deems.
I love to steal aside trona all
Just at the class et day,
When avrolag shadows e,ftly hal.
Aid mutt* the hours •way.
1 Iwr to huger near Ur brook,
As o'er its pebbly bud,
It wanders quietly &Meg,
I dram of theus—the dead '
And es it glidelth wall clear,
In low, not bolstrous
I. an =Ay TULA& In my ear
Seem whispering to no.
I to,. to wander Dear the shads
Where bloom the violets rare ,
They whisper pleasaut tales of one
As tress/Mel at (at r
Fur they are blooming sus *bore
Thy deist grassy bed
Whore has the Asste 01 toy luse
d wool; the pye<vful dead
1 love the tittle hints that etad
Grin .1.1111 rvea-leaviiii tree :
For every aut. they sand t. beacon
♦ll tell of her to toe •
She loved the bircla—tb*little birds—
She loved each vo.dla.d song,
Bat sweeter than bird 11.1411 C our
Greets her in yonder throng
line the previous sunset thou...ft -
nil olm and 'stilly even ,
:qo wed upon thew with issu, efts
Her spirit went to Heaven
♦ tol auw a tido thus I gass
Al twilight's peaceful hour,
`he come• and wits be ins oft,
Yr Itb'• one star—lts flower
Thu earth w very tisuutitul
I love, 1 love II all ,
But patiently rd answer to
The king death-angst s call
For Lben I'd clasp the* uuce , canes luurs
Who to,nay youth wee elven
Oh, yes ' the earth hit, 1 know
lot tearer still is Heaven
dollars." Seven challis/tad five bum ed dollars,
going—once--twice—iiiree times forthe last
time going—"eight thonsand"--rthank you, Air
going. tit eight thousaadonee—cight thou.
sand twice—eight thousaad/(hres times—going
—gone—what name?
"Clifford," was the response, and all eyes
restea on a tall, noblsinoking man, who bad re
mained silent duridg•the rapid bidding of the
speculators, and who, as the whisper went round,
was a total stringer.
It is gowe," whispered Mr Sunderland to
his wife, be pressed her band in silent grief.
"We bays no home now."
"1044, gentlemen," cried the auctioneer,
"we Will sell this sideboard, in regard to which
I WO3 requested by the creditor to say that it is
sit old family piece, and it is the wi.h of the
uwoer to retain it, if possible I merely men
tion this, as it is known to you under what pe.
enlist circumstances the things are sold "
This had the desired effect; no our seemed
willing to bid against the unfortunate man, who
started it at :en dollars Twenty was hid 1,)
Mr. Clifford; twenty five from Mr Sunderland,
fifty from - Mr. Clifford silenced the anxious pareut
and the -fatally-piece of furniture on+ kuoeke•l
down to the new owner of the house. A gentle
man who stood by retuarkt d that the net was a
cold, heartlem one.
"West it?" sarcastically asked Mr-Clifford,
"then, sir, why did you sot buy it for biter
Mr. Sunderlaud was mach affected at thi.4
little incicttnt “lle little knows how much he
has laoerated this heart But I will purelia..e
the piano for my child." Ile stepped up to Mr
Clifford, and told him the desire he hail to pur•
chase the piano for his daughter, and hoped he
would not Ind against him.
" Sir," mid the stranger, "I will not ileeeie
you, as lunch as I respect your f , eliug., a..d the
sympathy of the good company, I callow, flay,
will not, alter the determination load, wh, n I
first entered this house."
" Aud pray, sir, what may that hi ?"
"To purchase everything in it, and by twa‘i•tt
I'll do it, though I pay double price "
Strange," muttered Mr. Sunderland as tie
found hie family in another part of the
The stranger fulfilled his promise, and &email)
bought everything, from the hints, itse•lf down
to the very aze iu the cellar
After the sale wag over, and the company hail
retired, Mt Clifford req•iested the auction. '•r
walk with him into an adjoining room Ali, r
the lapse of a few moments, they both returned
to the parlor, where the family :it'll remaiu.•,l
The auctioneer looked around, gate• a knowing
smile—wished thew all a good day, and, Us lie
left the room, was heard to say, I nev.•r heard of
such a thing— a perry, t romance—ha ' L:►'
"You 113 now," observed Air Sunderland I o
Mr Clifford, "the owner of this hou4e and
furniture—they were olive woe —let that
i" I •m, Hir, for the lime being, your land
ord "
" 1 understand you, sir, but will not I.elig
maiu youeteuant I wan g.nug to bli,crve,
ever, that there are two or three artiel. wli,eli I
am auzious to purchase—that sideboaid, jr., in.
stance—it 19 a family relio—l will give you
the fifty dollars, the price you paid, au.l I feel
assured, upder the eireucustauceq, you will not
r asa. ono d.. LAP YIP
" I cannot take it, sir. —
"Obdurfate—ungniteful man!'
" Will you not let pa buy wy ptauo, :•ir?" lotto.
blywksked Ellen; "lie will giv,. pot Ow prix,
wbicb a was sold "
"It Is tvtinful 1.,r me, ouii4 14,1 y, I. 01
even ibis; !will Aell—tpa
:seie in the cellar "
" Cliff . ..4d," exelAiau 1 Vir uu
di•rland, ",ct hay, no furtLer 0.11.10
wy dear Ellen, get you; bonnet
ie•t u. littti till /14,11 AV, wtl,•e e
nut even free flow Insult NVL, re 1,
ato tuae, hir; tbe key a 'Lay truuk
and t mu (arning it *Mt a rope.-
" wy girl, but Lueibiuks I litarriniseLllliiii
arutik, r,s,lly iilnwrve4l tlii• stranger
.• 31r Clifford, I am not so old, but that I rni
reactit an insult; nay, will, if you cirry fits ar
rogaut, aaJ, to We, strange conduct much further
Thai poor girl has been to We and mine the best,
and, I may say, the only friend; she has rctualti
ed with us tu poverty, assisted u 4 in our tlistres ,
sea, nut only with her purse, but her hawk; ,lie
is to MO cot as a :servant, but out, of toy fatuity
For there is, thank Heaven, no such base duo
tinctions io proverty that exists in a ~ tate of
bloated wealth. Here, here, with nothing but
what we have upon our backs, the ma,ter and
servant are equal. She is part of my frailly,
and I. will protect. her from insult. That trunk
is hers, and who dare take it from her! Not ytti,
Mr. Clifford east his oyes upuu Aar),
hat stiorneot.„arusc from the flour; lot a wow. lit
hey gazed upon each other in sileue,.
" And she, you say, has btu to pal a
Indeed she has; a kind, outdo "
" Mr. Sunderland, stay; otte motile 11 ue )
good girl, put dowu that truuk; taki• a
Madame; permit me, Miss, to baud you a ohair,
Mr. Suoderland, will you be s,sted! 1 half,•
something more to say. %Vheu you r. queme.l
me to yield up the wish I had to litirelim.e this
sideboard, I told you that it was my titilla
tion to boy it, and I tell you now, that. I will
sell it "
"This, Mr. Clifford, needs no repot 'Lion."
" Ay, but it does, and when that youug Indy
made the same request for her patio, my aftriWt r
was the same. Stop, sir, bear we out; no maa
would so act without a [notice; no one, part kw
larly a stranger, would court the displeasure ol
a erowded room, and bear up against the frown.
of the many, without'-sat object Now, 1 had
an objeet,and that was—be seated, hi r—Mailame,
your attention —that object was to Guy this house,
and furniture for the sole purpose of restoring
them to you and yours again!"
" Sir, is this out a cruel jest?"
"Is it possible?" exclaimed mother and
Amazement took possession of Mary, end bcr
trunk fell to the floor with a crash, U&USIIH/ her
small stock of clothing to roll out, which she
eagerly gathered up, and thrust back, without
any regard to the manner with which ti was
" The auctioneer," continued Mr. Clifford,
"has my instructions to have the matter arrang
ed by tomorrow. la the meantime; you are at
home; Mr. Sunderland, you are in your own
house, sad I, the intruder."
" Intruder, air! Oh, say not that; I will not
tell you what a relief this knowledge is to me;
but I have yet to learn bow I am to repay you
ill this, and what could have included you, a
total stranger, thns to step forward Ab! a
thought strikel me! Gracious heavens! Can it
be? Look on WO, Mr. Clifford; nay, start not."
The stranger *dually recoiled from the glance of
Banderiand's eye. "Look on we ,
sir, bas that
girl, thatinnoeent girl, who stands trembling
then, any htterest is this generous act of yours?
—speak, air, and let me know at Jac*, that I may
spars your offer undreamt the insult."
" I will so* des r, air, but that she bus "
" 114 ear father! I serer before saw
theo*tiasfi's fade."
" &OM 41Iiss--"
' a fiir—l—T—indeed,
. /$1 50 A YEAR, 11 1 M1 ICE.'
SATURDAY .111 g 12,1858.
itemembamten years beet —oaf( to mind a
lighrlaired boy, whom you
" Bretherl"
"Gracious heaven! Henry--Ay boy!"
," Is here—l am your long lostaen:"
Need we add more? Our metiers can readily
imagine that a more eb-erfal fife blitaid upon
the hearth, and that Mary, the faithful aereaut,
was not forgotten in the Reber's' jay which pre
called on this occasion.
i ASYLUM FOR livEnatATTA.—The State of .
New York has sot her sister &starts good example
in the establishment of an asylum for itiebritte4.
One hundred thousand dollars has been appropri•
sled to put the inalitutier upon a firm basis.—
Several of the New York cities !rive offered sums
vuryiug from 812,000 to $_!..i,000 to be given to
the enterprise for its locition in their vicinity.
We have heretofore referred to this mutter
The coutirrnist inebriate is in an almost hopeless
condition. to lung as he is exposed to the temp
tattoos of the grog shops which line the meats of
our tidies, so long ho is within their power.—
Washinooliisuisin does not • aVe him . Segel
sttutetri , -s, with till their appliances, and, when
their p+t+sittom have gained the strength and leis
petits of years, Ohnstianity itself is hardly able
to protect the victim when thus exposed The
inebriate is afflicted with a disease of the worst
possible ciliaraeMr, inasmuch as it destroys both
soul and body And it is s fact which has beet*
demonstrated, that persons of this class, placed
within the power of proper infin .u. es, proper re
siratut and proper medi ca l to 4imeet,e4u be res..
cued from the power of th. ir intemperate habits
'fliers are but f-w communities in which there
are 001 many men who once were respectable
citizen. and might become so again, and in whose
eases, it there were any substantial Lope, their
fellow citizens would be greatly iutere+treci in
their restoratinti to h. shit and virtue The Asys
lum fir inebriates, properly managed, will un
doubtedly accomplish this end. Surely, it is one
of which our State stands in ueed Ohio Whisky
curses the country. Let our legislators provide,
0 some measure, an antidote to it+ tlea,lly effects
u matter which we desire t.. isonimetil to
the attention of our lawmakers
Faze Taws IN AIONKY —Guy. Packer, of
Pennsylvania, has signed the bill which had pass.
ed the Legislature "regulating the rates of inter
es}." We have not seen the bill, but its grand
effect is to make money a commodity—to be
bought Anil sold like any othii commodity lo
thia respect At is an emaneipaalun aet. It eman
eipstes both lender and borrower from disabilities
prejudicial to each It subjects money to the
great laws of demand and supply. Itoubtles the
bill contains some restri,tions which experience
Las show to be wise, but in removing the severe
interdictions which have operated upon capitalists,
it will have broken down the monopoly of money
letting and made extortion disgraceful. Money
under this free system will find its level and
always keep it Where there 19 a demand there
will is• supply, just as there is a supply where
ever there is 3 dellltitld for flour j or potatoes or
beet Pennsylvania, under her "Democratic ads
ministration, has taken an enlightenedstep, which
other Sottes will find it their interest to
th,l will find themselves under the De
,.f following it —D, ti to! Fret Fr. A. 4
• ? I
,duration; we have= frruaie high school., eu ,.
colleges, female medical velnol., and female hear
.ll4 Our girls are reline A, loart.,l and wise:
they eau dance, sing, play piat el y.e, p ain t, t a lk
Frene it and Italian, anti all the soft languages, JJJ
wrve p try, and lov.. like Venn.,"
Te) :ere ready to 1.. , eourteil at ten yearo,kand
t in be 111.411 MA in 0 .6,4 at fae„.• u ,
liiv •re-eeet at cwt toy They make ,
-I, -4-, .41 lerl , lll hturs, cail coquette and flirt. at
the it ‘. P. /tug plat -e„ laud slime like angels al
But Heaven hie kind t.) the poor
wr.lrh that win o•- .ti Oa. fashionable elide.
What are- they at washing floors? Ole! wee forgot
nobody lies , hare floor, now—how vulgar' that
would br! What are they at, making bread and
heeding beef! Why, bow thoughtless we are--
to be stire deb will board or have eery:tuts
What:Are. they at, mending. ld clothes? But there
we are again; tit. , fashions 7,.hange so often that
n0t...1y ha. eeld clothes bur the rag men and pas
per makers, uuw. What, are they at, washing
babies' hume and pinning up their trousers? And
here our intolerable tupidil ; y (Awe tuure—heeree
;ay rhildie>ol b) th. 1,-;s11. WWl:ldg thinks
of having children about her now?—or, if she is
so unfortunate, don't she put them ete wet nurses
be ; .ciii with, and boarding sehtteels afterwards?
We repeat—we have come to a point where young
men hesitate and grow old before they can decide
whether they can marry and afterwards keep
clear of bankruptcy and ertrue. What is the con
. .
-th:L'' , )
are ther.• move leading a virtuous life?; It to
time f.r mothers to know that tho extravagant*
they encourage is destructive of the virtue of
their ctatidreu; that All the f0.d1,11 expeft,litures
Jr. , lest,ad or An•wering that end, t. tistly, t,. des
troy the institution of tnarri4ge altogethr
ma. Country genllemt;p will have their jokes
Judge tillages, of NorthYnapion, careleeely asked
his utiglibor Strung what be would do if Iludge s
turkey should wander Stroug'schiek•
eu, Kill him, uudoubteoty, replied Strong.—
Au evening or two akerwards thu judge ranted
nts neighbors to dinner, or supper, as the rural
editor of the Northampton Courier calls it They
bad roast pig and roast turkey Strong carved
the turkey, and of ouursesaved.for his owa plate
: I liberal share of ate dark meat that lies so
juicily aloug the bones toward the tail. The
repast being over, Judge Bodges rose and made
a brief speech, saying that he bad recently met
with a severe loss Six of hie choicest breed of
chiekeua had been ruthlesaly slain by a tom tart,
key belonging to one of his neighbors, and* lira
wrath he caught up a club and hurled it with
groat fury at the biped; eontary to his intention s
the club took effect and laid the chicken destroys
er prostrate in death The turkey be had cooked,
"awl now, Mr. Strong," said he, "how do you
like him?" Until that moment the proprietor of
the bird had not suspected the truth, awl he ex
pressed himself as not only delighted with the
stuffed turkey, but entirely satisfied with the fate
that had so justly overtaken bin.
ner. are in,rr pcNon, living a .ingle hf
Tux BRAIK-CWOK.7--•Oar brains are Mare Dip
year *locks. The Angel of Life rrindstliesi up
once for all, then closes the ease, andgives the
key into the hand of the Angel of the Resurrec•
Tic-tac! tiettac! go the wheels of thought;
oar will cannot stop theta; they cannot stop
themselves; sleep mason step still; madness only
makes them go faster; death alba* can break in
to the One, and, seising the ever eiritigiug peas
datum, which we call the heart, silences at last
the elickiag of the terrible escapement we have
carried so lung beneath oar wrinkled foreheads.
g o. We Sad it so esebsags poem called
,be "Song of the Fitoier's Boy," beginning
‘lo bottlers, ho!" Notbior molders, be more 4opriste if Os Wiser sticks to his voestioe,.
tilers be timer boys we trot of ;lbw go to
wbess Wog offer s hide while Right
• brads!" fakir .14 in iarip,i
Sat here
An Iguunots Rommvs.—The Ilstebville (Ill.)
of list week Akins the felkellialkiree&
men of Lllinois reassume:
" An elderly potholes had s bestatilial dints*-
ter, one Whom •he loved smelt, in whom ill bit
hopes were omitted: Sons two years or more
ago a young man, a stranger, came to board< wish
bitn‘ IV Silly ,49 Work for Mtn. Ria
. *mod
eharseter,straightforrrsrrdaeaa,peniai &VICO,
amiability and . virtne, soon ingratiated im into
the good greets of the whole family; so this
some eighteen months ego, tie old gentleness,
having some business to be done is Beardstown,
entrusted this young fine to do it for him,
gam him the use 41 1 want, &c. About the
stone time, his daughter having basinem—emee
little shOpping, such as girls always have -- at the
same city, and the father's confidence in the
youth being so great, be allowed ber to aecom•
parry him. At night they returned, safe and
sound, the business and the shopping satisfactori
ly done.
"'Pings went on as Usual, the family and
the youth mutually attached, sad the attachment
constantly growing and strengthening, until, in.
deed, the parents of thegirl began to talk show*
a snatch bootees the young folks, and to °beanie
with phloem the growing intimtacy and apparebt
fondness between them Havingsnch eonfidenee
in both, the old folks retired, as in the country
they generally do, early, leaving the ‘lovers,'.. as
they biped, to mate their own terms, and fix
upon their own arrangements.
" Judge, then, of the father's surprise, when
One night; a couple of weeks ago, be woke up
about 11 o'clecir at night quite sick, and having
occasion to leave his own, caught his young and
beautiful daughter, in her night robes, just in
the act of taking her place upon the , young inaWs
couch'. Of course a scene followed. The old
man wept sod scolded and tore his hair - 11 e
upbraided his daughter and poured the vials of
his wrath upon the ungrateful youth.
" The youth took it coolly--ealmly, indeed,
under the circumstances. So soon as be could
get the old gentleman to listen, he told him that
ho need not make such a fide; that his daughter
had a right to share his couch, to sleep is his
arms, &c , (imagine all the poetry )
" Next morning bright and early, is the lan
hgage 9f a distinguished novelist, 'a solitary
ot...eine° might have been seen' wending his
way towards Beardstown. It was that girl's
father. Crossing the river at the ferry, he hur
ried to the court house, and by the records of the
county clerk, found that the aforesaid young man
and woman bad been legally joined iu marriage
just eighteen months before."
RmtAlt riltst RlGHT.—Solouton never uttered
a more useful truth than when he said, in all his
,glory, "Train up a child in the way he should
go, and when be is old he will not depart from
it " The lamentable and mortifying lack of
good manners which characterises a majority of
the boys of the present day, often call that maxim
to mind, with painful force.
In this matter the parents are to blattie,:—.
Just am the twig is, bent, the tree's inclined."
The young Uottentate, whose pertness makes
thew snob a nuisance to the community, have
not had breeding with their bread, boace the
humiliation of their parents when they grow up
into rudiee A well.bred buy is one whose na
ture has been neither crushed out of all self-res•
pees by harsh treatment and pernicious examples,
Nor petted into impudence Ly mistaken induli
"ideo mean" with v children,itirerG3t
sou If yon would have your boy deserve the
title of "little gentleman," educate him in good
MANNERS as well as good morals—they go tidy
hand in band, and strengthen each other—and
. letirn boys' the indispensable airtime uf tidiness
in their habits and apparel Their self respect is
thus cultivated, and when they respect themselves
they respect others Respectful demeanor always
commands respect, and thus vulgarity of behavior
is pot to route and at a discount. Contrast the appea
ranee of children thus taught with that of those,
who, uccording to some author, "are not brought,
hut dragged up!" They seem like beings from
different worlds, as, very likely, they will go to
different worlds when they the. Think, then,
parents and guardians! on the souls and bodies
entrusted to your care.
York Journal of Commerce of Tuciday evening
says: A report which caused, great excitement
in Poughkeepsie and was circulated on Monday,
that the family of Mr. Joseph Velie, of the
town of la Orange, Dutchess county, were
poisoned on Sunday morning by arsenic being
mixed vith the coffee. Our reporter, who was
iu Poughkeepsie at the time, succeeded iu learn.
ing the follawing facts:
The family consists of Mr. Voile, his niece,
Mrs. Smith, the housekeiper, and her daughter,
a girl of about sixteen years of ago. Mrs
Smith's husband is in California, and some time
Al Deo! he sent her two or three hundred dollars.
This money was stolen from the house. of Mr.
Velie, Ott Saturday last, the Niece was is
Poughkeepsie, and purchased a quamity olgoods,
which were labelled as if coming by express from
Now York, but upon being asked where she got
11.111 etatet that her cousin had given her
A few days since a now was discovered; stag.
the where some of the motley could he found.--
B,..irch was made, and the money found as desig.
Hated. On Sunday morning the family sat
down to breakfast. They all partook of the
coffee, which mad e them sick. Dr. Barns was
called to attend theta, atul found three of them
dangerously ill—two, Mr. Velie sod Mrs. Smith,
so seriJuely that their lives are depuired of.
After breakfast, Miss yelie took the coffee
kettle, threw the contents in the brook, an4in
sed out the vessel. Miss. Velie was not in eke
habit taking coffee, but on Sunday sipped a lit t le,•
sod I the lent injured. Shortly after break,
fast a note wag found on a table, purporting to
be signed by Mrs. Smith and her daughter, and
stming that when it wax found, the persons who
sigood it would be dead. As Mrsi Smith cannot
write, it is impossible that she wu the writer of
the letter. No arrests have yet been made.
GOSSIPING.—If you wish to cultivate algossip-
lig, meddling, eensorions spirit in your eblidren,
be sure, when they, oome b orne from .ehureh, a
visit, or any other place where you do not seeott
romy them, to question, them eousersiag what
everybody mid and did, mid if you And anything
i* t his to censure, alwiya do it in their hearing..
You. may rest assured, if you pursue a course uf
this kind, they will not "return to you ualsoles
with intelligence; and rather than it shOuld be
uninteresting, thy will by 'degrees leant to em
bellish, in snob a manner as shall knot fail Mean
forth remarks and expression from you. -- You
will, by this course, render the spirit of curiosity, -
whih is so early visible in children, and which,
if rightly directed, may be the instrument of
soolebil and enlarging their minds=-a vehicle
of Mischief which will serve only to . narrow
Omni! •
am, The postage awned is Itusia'on amine*
bewapaper from tile Uaitad States is farty-bo
Beals. The American ofleials expos tits spin.
isa that, by the postal Weal" between the two
couittrini, the sin • seats paid on each- paper on
tbia sidawf tlinaidantio is all that obtald but az
, wad. Bows aseNew York paponinao =plan
alga kiwi% la Bai. - .
,' . + i • t'', - -' . ..:, ~..',,, .-_, .-. ;,1/ ; IA ;',.:IL A 1 q,' f -- .
. . °1""16.1"1"1"."1141"""'41"*".1"."1111111414111111 4 4‘ .•-, A, .- 11 '.".
~.,. ~ , ~,,,, . .., . 1
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1.. .. •,- ... .- 4 • .4
,All i , ..: .
1” ' •' 1 .C. i ..• k. , , , i ~
- - i ~ • li - ..i. :., el, Po. ,
4.4 iti '
, •
1 1 I
- , ......
. •
tth.; bat the eat Meath ,
Igo irer Akre her seldom lielw•
The robber howl of Death
lir globe thither soweraiw
the *My edam •
le 41* se beeeitibil eel tstr,
let abowrotolly we WM
TM pone tuotalsad that sojourned there
Willi similtity poso le osogp&----..,
To tioi 'mot ermsfror, Wort ft *—
That sopa thalair—aad Mot,
Mil *Mamma it to mom smy
Y. MAW the Nary late
not tied with itmd to ploy.
Lad ideboll MI! mod mob
TM dim, Mingo Mstrolciod to. oo ger
Thee, with his Sager cold,
B• shut the duels. vrimilloirs tee
With Wire of &bop's( roe*
H. 44sinil I. amail puma of H...
Num Moon the meshes Sow
Ho inapt the Sava. of erfaseus bis• ;
Be closed the ivory door,
►.d o'er the porch thri rovy cartahni drew
rie enrol oast i• (OM,
Cpai lb' apoliars dark it* Inns ; '
rho road she joaraoys oa,
Wes& shrrasate. without rohwa.
To rah and &way
/Wry mbar bow awn* tura,
For tb. saa's mirky ray
Cpcni its walls and windows snail sad play
Nur Led its grids roof /a-aroma worn.
There is a gray haired gentleman in Now
York, a retired tuetehaut, whose bland sod hearty
ouuuteuasee may he seem every fair day, in
Broadway, through the window of his carriage,
as be takes his airing. There is nothing cases•
taboos about lus equipage--none of that labored
display, unfortunately characteristic of too many
in New York. He doss not ape the manners of
a foreign aristocracy, by attiring his servants in
liveries ; and his carriage, though evidently of
costly manufacture, ie so barren of tinsel, and of
so unpretending a construction, that the parser
by, as his eye falls in the midst of the ambitious
"turn outs," so numerous in Broadway, would
ever suspect its occupier to be the possessor of
unbounded wealth—capable 8f buying ., up, .body
and soul, nine hundred and ninety( n ice of the
bediuened and bewbiskered aspirants who dash
by him, as be leisurely rumbles along, in their
flashy, gingerbread vehicles.
He is often aeoottpanied by his wife and
daughter, the former preserving, in the wane of
BA, traces of lovelies*, ; the latter in the damm
ing of lustrous beauty. The dress of those ladies
corresponds with the elegant simplioity--that
test of true elevation and real gentility—wbieh
we have remarked upon as distinguishing the
husband sod father. The jewels they wear are
few and tasteful; and, in their Olds and becom•
lag attire, they do not. make their bodies low.
motive milliner's signs, nor tell a tale by extrav
agance of outlaws) of display, the conscious de
ficiency io mental superiority that would make
a parade of the covering alone, for the emptiness
within it.
This gentleman same to the city when a youtig
man, a poor adventurer. Re left his father's
humble _fireside in the country, with a blessing
and a pack of clothes, and with a five dollar note
in his pocket—all that be was worth in the
world—he turned his steps toward New York ;
ignorant of mankind, of the thousand seeking,
like him ~ p ie
eiripoot—ont TUU or ex71122a--m
21 -1,1- 11
fir f t woe illamnt
several days travel, but he did not greatly dimin.
ish his scanty fonds, for the farmer's door, at
which be applied at nightfall, was ever open to
reeeive him ; and a few boon of labor the sue-
ceeding day requitted—for he would have scorn
ed to have accepted of charity—the hospitality
extended to hint. Re sought a mean, cheap
longing house, when at Ihet he trod with eager
foot the streets of the city ; and, aillhough won
daring curiosity was awake, he lost no time, in
idleness, but employed himself seeking occupa
tion. Appearances are deceitful, and it is dan
germs to pet faith in them, bikt, the -merchant
listened co Jacob Flagg's story, and, taking the
honesty ilepiisMd in his facie u an endoraemeat
of its truth, made him his porter, and over bad
reason to regret it.
For four years he was a faithful servant, diili
gent, industrious, honest, frugal. Closing his
duties soon after nightfall, his evenings were his
own ; and, by the light of his lamp, he devoted
them to the improvement of his mind. At the
end of four years, with what he had saved from
his earnings, and some little assistance from his
ewplbyer, be opened a small shop in an obscure
street, wherein he vended a small sick of dry
goods. From the beginning he succeeded ; and
the majority may succeed in precisely the same
way Whatsoever one's income may be, how
ever trifling, let Aim lire within it, and he is
even then prospering ; and, to prover in a great
city, frugality never ands itself at fault. Sub
sis!enee and a home may he procured, pillaging
to any quality of means ; and he who casts pride
out of doors, and indulges rather in that more
'ennobling satisfaction, the conscionsnese that be
is wronging no fellow being by unjust self indul.
genre, is laying a foundation ror prosperity, that
nothing can shake; though the goods of earth
may gather slowly, the soul will be heaping up
treasures. Extravagance is a comparative term,
out be who, with an ineoine of a few bunareds,
exceeds its bounds in his expenditures, is more
reprehensible than the possessor of millions,
whose lavish nand scatters thousands upon thou%
sands from his revenue. JsoohFlags had a tit
tle something left of the first year's pin t and a
yet larger sum at the close of the seoutid—teu.
fold after the third.
' As his condition improved, he cautiously and
advisedly improved his mode of living. He re
moved to a more genteel boarding house—and
then a better still—very careful, however, not to
deceive himself, and run ahead of daty.
The second change was rife with momentous
influences upon his destiny ; for thaw boarded
A the MIN house a widow and her daighter, the
lest an heiress, worth a thous/id dollars I This
widow, named Watkins—not boa real name ' by
the by, for on our veracity we are tilling sbrua
story, sad it might give slum to be toospartim.
ulsr—was not overstocked with it, and prided
herself as much Go her wader *atom sad the
thoutaad dollars Halm wan to poems en her
wedding day,ms thank her hundred. bad bees
thousands, sad her doe's gbausad a sit.
lips a . Hein was west trey asesibls, and re
la a good degree, snippy Thaws.
of atotbar's waaftass vim Soot voiles not
• soaterssat with • barbisii,' do *di Spred-
e s. ' valise of mossy; 1411 Is not imia
Helen, Ain it l l4
.. + 'lrikellile
and Ode t ' - , I o:
at least bet • • - 400* '
' ' iftoi s time, ' toltk .
kis pi heart, a s InliAmiltiOv,
t4A-, go bad s : l 3 ' llolo .s , as boo
SO la lave WA it palm itho
Winton iit woe leo.; olds teeth
by his wife's grata bliag 11114110118 istlat he was
=Nby ben* salidisci ato bat a tow who
im i e him ofirestabag flea his plaolpism,
altboag)i AVM tort !Isla, sad she !mart) Amt. '
ssall dollars.
Bo asiiskil ism- sad oa die Araditag dirb
to bar awes will, the aoudad Ask. .
g i r a p pissed' fa Rages Mae. • Daiwa. ho •
t but far *sir itatial-alvailmsab is la
• , i is ids barimma t aid builadltfati_ fag
give, avid gratly, ; MIS . , ?"44vr
eis t
"It's very strange," *lir
be has all that thousand' ' L
let and have what iviiiip
these 000plaininig
. 1 14 4 4fitir . 9 1. --
when alie badaet her heart 911,
he.refeek4l 40 pirchimp, eke veal , * - .
dirappoiatoest lip f repeamdos; WI 411141114111164111,
the thoweand ,Mbus, whisk, SAO , wit, sew
ought to be at Liberty to week, ' W,Agge r
bar 011113. Flagg was MOW a
restreielog Irkeselt. kindly reasweel ' . ,_
represented to her hew pdiry weimirria
douses" dollars was, end kw kmageiwumbh,"4ll..,,
pi A L
have bees salaamed, had ir, ~,
possessiok, by the pneureseepeol
Irks she had aoliatted. /WI .
her fuse lisseadag with ealwoomil
~. ~
gathered sweet -of -hist es _ _ ~* -
,t, her warped judgment, Ai movitiel ilkitall
was only given to manse himself- flolinsoggw
In a ohm/ time the thossaad 41111111-411=
—and again ; the lest time imaisdlihsir . -
breakfast. Fligg eoukl bear it malieds.4:; glitilit. •
out a rejoinder he suddenly left *rim** :411111 1 ,
wife saw that he wee more thee'
—that his face wore a stertlisg• . Mt
regretful, penitent sad shansW, she eilliaillni
sally ana tearfully for him so - rstasist"itimia — ft
sullen, stormy, wintry, chilly' ditt ► "Ifillift
Wt his home that' morning--it tralkiddV
very climax of those merLamile„f,, '
rich feel poor, and the pour L . . ._,,, ;-- ~c 4 '
lug the storm bravely thus fir, - u — ” ' '
himself that in a few days biA. ' ' 11 '' •
his fortune made forever. Bo*" .._ ' lilitt
sensations as he came doled Betuiders*lllit imi
ing, splubing throlgh the rain I
Helen dearly, and ha knew ibis
Their days were all happinessoeme Awl
~ . '
i t
by this one foible ; sad let cams W 11•1 1.
determined to give her a lemon that,
her the rest of ha life.
. .
He did not caters to dinner._ Bohm wastol
for him, and robbed by her easiety.nimisomente
of her appetite, would Doi go dim
sat all the afternoon, Waking has *ph
into the deserted street, waapis •••istilnli.ln
though her heart would break. Winn
had nearly gone, and she began to Mania imam
to distinguish objeets without, elm dissonlinhift
approaching.. Bhe could not, sbotionhiti . p.dio
meet him ; but when be opened its • sin
could scarce repress a shriek at chi
of his ooentenanee. He ems to Iter
taking her band, said, in a 'ohm hrt
hanstion sad emotion, irk* be. e=
the other head a roll of benk•neteirr
"Helen there me you.. diovilitellOstri
have had ' tail sad aaisiek 2sitpide limo le
get them for yon is time assedfiedegorr; folt I
had resolved, led woad sot be
Take them—de with them our,
will be wholly happy, f6r Yost IMO IaIIINNIPINik
me more." t racitryil,,4l
"No, no,
eharseter thsl
proper °mum.
d iffiniesod t
she had ap
vu plain e►
for d - reos ow
queition bet
posed to Brash'
; am as his prisperiti would satimmt i y,'
Rosie*, this Plea is kite am Mimi& Ai. .
low whom we have 'yokes of eatillhet .
rims in Broadway, amid !that itige-liellkee soft
Helen. That daughter--•oh, lan fasib • witty,
of her ! Ms is to be matrist-aut
young man not worth a pansy, trim . iletwouraid-- ,
cares not a pin for her flares miniewettiliditt•-
n be don it his own suargissi
gentleman took eon to stallietteraitthlllimkinitt ,,
gave his °omen. As to thitt'lloilithersillatilk
it has been aceumnlatiarthie
been added to by the metbetc= 4 , lll
round sum. We have it fromi . vell L EI
least twenty thousand' VIII 'in re i ti ter*
daughter on the marriage day, 'bur
you she will hear the whole story' of ik
and dollars, " and be warned not 10
honest, hig minded, loving man, of nerrly
fin• stoney.
"American Agricultusalist" says hi, 44
various preparations for whits washurt,
and the wails of utiipcoparietisoisitlim ,
found • auy thing tluo - sous mrstiusly
unlit ilia present Spriag AMPP }One'
thing that affords a beautiful, dear, pip* s. , ,
and which minim rubbed off wilt Mb* INK
pewee, is this wise : :
• We procured at a paint moa t 11daBleadi stilt,.
of first quality "Paris Wilite n
-4/111ess11ibilior •
' rents p er ib--sad for tkialomamayaanommilla,
white gine, of the ben* qualiwy f ammillgtmallui.•
Cooper's stint, because. snitpsalii •
C•Oper of blew York. lilotaikprier• •
pound. For one day's worier=.
was put is a tits mkt
water over wight. mutilditild •
fully heated Until- diastdadd,' - ~110411111 1 001011
to 16 lbs. of the'Phrisinlitt,lolPillital.
in a Moderate tromity of laotaiMW •
water was then lidded to
milky coosisteuey, when st
brush laths-ordinary mainuer; -
Parii White and 1 iditiaffillifafigs_ •
callings,' and the *air aml l 44s4,olilartmiabot • -
small Poona ; I t. 141, :to t
r tub,
Lae wbi
oat Om
W i re
with If
of .
kroll l6
I Wil
i ts so
6 W
'XV . *hi!