-.not ...1 ._ 1440111104 La llissithibisew/be604110 o $ was left dem; but subsequently recovered, and i movilA r ef i bi , . e.,, ,. :s luk&Mrissi, made his *At is Will a - T r a . lifortne, - daughters were mitstarittztlwrat"..= °nod two y eincieWnised, her brother in Cal. illa t , , ,tuip.mtorpti 4 f ,rroetil together fiti N It tat s ts oi . . jsjbgt#ller no sister are, there fere, the'sole sot:Whirs or a family of nine per •olekutliiiettia brpitapip‘si4 tosohias. . We hoi s t yesterdaj, an lutMiew with them, and de rived motes iaterestiag particulars of their heresy went and subsequent sallerieg. . The girl, Olive„ is near twenty years of age. -She it . igNiiltiepig, intelligent woman, but bon eVnimitly an cred greatly from the hardships she bait been compelledle undergo, during & cap tivity erg: year!. Her chin bears the ”ehiers mark," a spoke ortattooing, set in fine parallel livominolting downwards from the lower lip The serer issubsilishmeat does nut materially 5 / 1 / 1 0010;i14 die personal charms of the lady, but it is an indelible evident* of lb , scene. she ha s undergone - The brother, Lorna() D, is about 21 years of se, ma is.a fair specimen of a Western man The whole family came originally from Illinoi-. soh suffered paips and bruises tuough ' initurahykma, but itasapparaat -ly a largeostock evitality remaining .Ile avers, howevey,tist, he would be very unwilling tis pass again through the horrible WM:lei he bus wit. lc , , of tie ellastsaann oft he Ott mess fun ily ham beets bet imperfectly tot.' in former he I OUUnti TheUfirrlitilid of Oilv...•.captivily am,•tg. 0 0 411111101611. 410* 41,011asee lota not been given. It is but rarely that a tale so full ..f remarkable indilitent lads Halsey into print from the lips of t.his . ipterest ed . The history of the family it trot ; Of 41i, fig : 4 ... ... • ...,: the father, was a native of wit** ex Thrk. Boon after he came of age, • ientoved to the town of Laharpe, in ' "ed the son afterwards joined them In M l ill , . ,IlhotsesirMt married to Miss Mary Amp the, a girl of AS. The young 'couple lite r l l tie years on a farm - near Laharpe, and hae lag aoeutnglateal means removed to a residence in the town, where Mr. Oatman entered into Wei:maws. The crash of 1837 destroy hop= of anemia in that quarter ; the oute [intents be had amassed, disappeared; and a o segoostion of friends, he removed to the Ossa f e 1 Valley in Pennsylvania. His love for the free life of the Western prairies, however, drew him back, and in 1846 the family returned =Mimes' , settling to a log.oabiu, notlar from the village of Fulton. In 1849, an effort was emcee: to chemise a party to emigrate to that por tion of Newllexioo lying between the Colorado and Gila. Mr. Getman oast in his lot with the eorapiny, and in the Spring of 1850 started for hie mew INCAS. Including his own, nine families tionsatited the party. In August; they. bad pro gressed on their journey as far as Council Grove, On iliirilolalkikis Ye toad. At this point, the amt. dimensions broke out among the party.— The difficulties widened, until finally the Oatman atizd themselmser ly alone. Heads% r iberirmied r journey. _AS the e lipij .. to* L Coot . sod. iCarkr route and in brnary, 1851, reached the Pimo sfiliffs. _Ths two families who, had remained with them this far, now resolved to stop. The Opiate reached, unhappily for themselves, to tantinne their route alone, hoping to mob Fort IV* itt California. On the 18th of March OM, remelted a camping ground on the Gila Riv• it, c at spaintabout eighty miles from Fort Yu. On the follow f ilig day, they forded the river. While s till (4• elle= i pkrq of Apiehes visited the - Of friendship, and do siiiiiiiii the pipe of peace. Mr. Oatatan made every . exertion to secure the good will of 1610411141111 ) Allied them food, and gave them the entertaimnent his means afforded. Their - prying and j. , " irtol manner, excited his sue *Ml And :.,„„withdrawal of the party to a _ • • :...,....., . • holding of a council among . , .. _ , . his apprehensions: He • ' • ; his family of their peril, • c-i. . burst upon them, with a ter; , . t "'. 1 -. • . itbout warning of a moment, mu sawed she father, mother, and four of the child see. Lorenzo (one of the survivors) was left ftir deed. ;die two younger girls, Olive and Mary Ann, wereseserved for another fate. With these esptises and Indians departed, after robbing the -:. lc i etit, of the family of all that was val. •;i2: 11111 - ' The lad Lorenzo 'recovered hie senses, after . 1 1 . the departure of the Indiana, only to find a mans of rulu,, amidst which lay the bodies of the,mur dared family. Ho was afterwards met by a par. . ty of friendly Indiana, one of whom he had seen before. He was humanely taken into their pros teeth's. After these Indiana had visited the seeded the massacre, they returned with the repers-that they cceeldonly distinguish the bones of six persons. Olive and Marry Ann were not aMoiNt_them. Subsequently Lorenzo reached Port Yuma, where every kindness was shown the: _llls sisters, however, were now beyond the match of human help: Whither their savage coke= had gone it was impossible to tell;. that aMe worse than death awaited them was cer. tale. , liter five years one of these young girls was isibisetted to all the drudgery of savage life and eedmetkeurferine which language is too feeble to portriy. The younger of the two, Mary Ano, a child of only el '. t ears, died of starvation during the first 7 „, , - their captivity ; while Olive, aged thi .. "1;. 5 . , re, with greater ends. ranee, survived . ' s ' .gs, and lives to give the narrative of the= to the world. In the bee -in • of this tribe, (the Mohavos,) Olive w ...,,%:: 'word ilie Pope, and in the pier 18 l - --• '. of by , Idlaetenant Colonel ,A- i ” ib'eaV — fort t , .r I ot o the t. .i wo• - - • tragiflipirO—lt is buy a beadred years li!kee . an Main, named Jonas llanway, having sMis 4 'trttelritotbeeast" (lbe record 'driillty t *M . plesertod in voluminous quarto follllla. . 44.10114, in IMMO old libranws) albwatisata et Lauda on a rainy day • . . sad sometimes,) with it,. t ~ v ' Lelibil, is thil ' "''' . l' , i vitielniks &led an umbrella. It : ~..1 '7, 7 ,:' ever Pieli sculled in England, probs t :7 1 ' 1 7 iaEuropa. It k ullinuted sash miens , d 'f. )l l .- mat notice, teat the eassatrie Jones was aeon suersuadad by to furious English mob, and was boldly peltstAtit wet sed ether eausenieut nthisilasisfaaWritiptuous audacity in thus sueoptiag to wren Wind and figure from the roily indilawintwenmEn_giishassa from Gate is). 6 4ag + tea t eit tZupott them without ~vivito:kw teem "*. boo an ills mhos to lone I tiSitta onsittower r, P. albi t e - gift of ridie4e, • • ' tea Hy" with tiii4fitialletidArhed led mph of, itagissei,aad as the self - etachibe was 9 "Mb.. .-- MEW MLOM NW P IN 1111111 k FIRST DOOR want OF WEIGHT a: CO's EX- CHANCRE OVVICK, gum r.t MILLER & HENI4 kyle l ofr•wepaired e• floosilak doll& optima. witi. ROOTS AMID 11101111 _mut; "icknwif be Mind I MI MeV DOOTA, VOW KIWIS GA 111E104 DX/DUD TI E..e.... LA DI KW DO Y0VT11 0 94 . 101011%, m I pisIDI• DO ' I.%Dillts sI.IITI. CHILDIREPc !4I 11.* .9nd in fact EVERYTHING scot n by Men, Women or Children ! ler CUSTOM WORK NR.AtY DONE AND WAVIA.INIIICD We keep constantly on hand, S OE FINDING 4-B, di:c C GIVE M 3 A CALL. lorlei ll✓ phirr;-- ,h,r..1 iu lrn,l to • tw u nilermdd h'y to HI/body En., April 3,143 f, iffcCOPIXEY & SHANNON'S 1S THE PLACE TO BIT HEAVY OR SHELF or clrittiOta is , !■ the CIO, ea Pie. 2, Reed Neese. -- 1,11 - 151 NT, STEEL, NAILS WROUGHT AND CUT S - P T K F. , AT NO. 3, VUD notmit FLINTS, 1111=4, MILL, CROSB CUT. OIRGUIAR AND BUTTING ieI.aCVSTESi, _A? NO. 3, MOW lIMISK _ Carpenters, THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR TOOLS, CHEAP MoOONKEY & SHANNON, Erie, Feb. 20, 1= 1 0 " OdeTeir, wil 9IMP i l. • ' oft Iry Al;&E5: 11 , 1114 VANNT g. ItHODUSI, Drees Maker, muter of Firth end Sonsafrla Stmets, hiving been appointed Afritt for the sale °Mime romehloes In ESP, Invites the public to rsli sad et - mins one operation at her rooms before losestang money to others. These Mathis's operate on La entirety DPW principlo—upint no Shuttle, bat one Needle and two Three s. They hue been bOrOrP the pnblie Mr over eve yeara and hare been unlventaily derided to blithe only Machine adapted to all kinds a VA MI LV KEW. I NO, working equally welt on Cotton, Linen, Silk and Woolen Goods: Returning, Felling, Tucking sod flattiming with a tensity and strength unequalled by any other Machine. Among the undoubted advantages that they poetess over sll others Sr., Ist. Beauty and siroplartty of ennsitruetion, and .none- quest frgeglom from derangement and need of repairs 24. rein tn unplind NAP itnd nitpt4sof openstion. 14. ow. enent. 4th. simietrumi dr" 0.1elli: It net a Chin Stitch, but • frisek s Ore on loth not.: every suites being I. t ett, it CANNOT BE UNRAVELED An examination of thorn Machines and sampler, of their is aolielted. Erie, Feb, 211, New Arrival - 7GAT ftV.CEIVF.PI at \o.:, Herd Holier, /Lk . Iffi a kris stark of Dfil*G.4 and 11E111- rt., mg.._ r CISKA, obit+ are warranted to he of the fist rwolity and which we aro willies to disjoins of at verynow tenon, loft CASH. QpillM. Pipet-We, sslo Morphine, M• POlt CANN. Yr*. Ha.ir ii:stnter .• MI , tyintalesmum, Roadsters Balsamic Cordial, Wood's Hair Restorer Ilembold's Eslrart Beebe, Emerson'. Hair Rasto;er, Thompsoa's Eye Water, Phalen's Hair larbvestor. Boman Eye Water, Mn. White's Hair Restorer, Darlev's Arabian Heave Ftenwdy, Limes Katbartos, ke, fn. Ban)', Trinoplierous, Trask's Magnetic Ointment, Bagle's iferian Vlaid, Osborn's Golden " Climax Salve, MeAllister's Rosen Liverwort Tax, Tanner's " Sherman's Olasonian, Holloway's ' • Agee 's CUM, Pectoral, Sloan's ' Mans's Fluid Extract Borba, &Dna Salve, Rushton's Cod Liver ell, fey' Pato Rafriseter, Skate's Canditioa Powders, Ressedbos Iledirld Disernery, Oddest Den4elion 00111 s, Whitcomb's Asthmaßemedy, FoesteAr's Anodyne Cordial, Mn. Wisalow's Soothing Syron, and other Standard liedieinee whieb we will sell at wholesale as low as any house west of New Tnrb. flin us a call before pair chadosi eLewhers. L I BALDWIN Erie, April 10, ISM. ,1 of the ribs tily, by PROPELLER, WABASH VALLEY. BUfIALO AND GREEN BAY. tApi;7e v a tie opening of navigation. between half- --Ai . Lin and Green Ray. tUgailariTiMopping at I , .rie, _ Cleveland, Detroit, liackinaw and altinterniediste po nix a. - .aping will be announced bare after. GEO.." NORTON, Agent Erle. DAY & THOMAS, Agent/10'41.n Bay Erie. Hoek 2T, 1115 S. = Mil here i ex. ward two WINDOW ==DES. NEW MT7 LYE* Wlstlow Shailaa, alao Curtain 'fixture runts and Now at J C (EII)EN. her Ipany re by F rrn THAT THERE IS ON SALE CHEAP. meaty. by the oa -1 IIIUtIAM-Qoabot, fiesaololod. Powdered I 'Mita road Ye , llkrCollie, New Orleans sod Porto Moo Savo& I' HANSOM'S SYRUPS k 1101.111111/4--Xes Urbino sad 44iroess_101**ffinsuid Aawßowea Symp. ;11.1r, i .C.1.19-MS-VitpinirtlWllllMiftring sad i Ramodeek aadAtetwer si A, ,ffigensrsii .th 64. bet in ingot kw awn as won .pow swo-dres U.. piiit kaii as' bum laid yoo. Per we wry aeweauejk waded ooze week, 1 , 'wortiow% - damn Walt for bat coma ael me, Al . 1 gad witk tie goer*, al the Salta you whl ,to lad to ozelalm, 4 ?b. half hat D o t bo a hat yea." : 4 a 41ORPT VORdapPl i TUN !LAM Erie, l.a. SI, 111141. NO. 3, REED HOUSE. I=l3 Act Morph Chloroform &c Anti-BiMewl Wilton. Ito and l'ireatrirs. primer/int IN A ir Tight Irma* Citroa, Flq, Moat. Valise.) Rowed this (Sty, ota , Isaisr, (*toasted 1 Babbitt'. lisklog miss. Cola., al. bar sa44*Li rrall be 41104, MUNI, armstainottire W. and brow cif are.., poued Caws nr by dohs, FM 'utber hormial - Urn Sksso,: Hyma, 'Teske outpnior PRObssiii P 4 NO LL QEA LED N' to mpg** for the 0 ionl yeti endlSClDUr7anil, TIDIP, Will ¶I wow - at thts a. emu I opidisX - 0 V i thir =ffljrzcp. Ala moll* Orostriu:tios, ye," Dip y ley Its tllatiAralabod 'from ethor buisimea letters. The 41'116041a and Mirka eenbraned In this awes wool are partientarly described to printed erbedules, any tsferhieh will be feeetehe4 2,, arab as desire to otter, ovi application to tbe coo ensulealis s f the nnipectiew yard", or to lbw uworrageot noareid thereto, wad th..or ul oil the 1 , 11/41. tipt.li 41)001110P to thia Lorca. Tble di. talon lulu classes being for the ..rovectietior of dealers in each, soul portions will be funnelled or toe actually required_ fail ratittutittl.at.t.A 4{ i “. agtia .4 each dation will h ard • ropy of lb., oats doles of the allow font,, for tronnination from la LIZ; frobial it way be I tagra %LA, I. it will be dealiablo to apptleattoe for them t Were moat be made for the whole f a clam at any yard upon one of the plaited rieliedu Ira, or La strict confuratily thermal:h. or they WW POI art lowtradirand The eon•nret bmeanied to the lowing baartifek Wider *fro gives proper meow ity fur ita lailiHntent. The Utaltod State' re eetrata the right to repel all the lids fur any etas, if deemed - orbstasit. All uu tkles our be of the very beet quaky. to he &littered is good wear, Yid fm sattablo verria are orchestra. as lb. can MY e, attbe eapetuto sad risk of the oustractac, amid la all tempter sobjoet to the toepeetion. oreatorreureut, rouot, upright. !a. of tiro• seri ti ham ructivirri. &hod to the gigue ealiatitettei of UlO contort - deal thereof. Holders ate referred to the corourtolants of the reepoetleo yards for eatoplet, forroetlooa, or particular riescreiptiar or the artletra; ail other Minis hews equal, prefereuee sin he rhea to sr dries of Americtur menuiseture. V.very offer, am respired by lb* law of 10th of Augyst,llll 6 . most err ipso mpasied by s written fu►rsotre, the farts of tornieb ee berrottb gittqt Those Duly shore odWintusay b beemstol .tit bs notabet, sod tbs sentract will be fors shl..d as soon tberraNtr as Pr,lidlo"l°, . which they will he numireil to 'trent. wlt.bia ten days after its receipt at the post intim or nary agency umbra by them. itory.tuni in the foll amount will be required to sip the eon- Iraq, sod their rominnathility certified by a Vatted States district Judge, Unitod /Males district attorney, collectorour navy gents— A• ..I.fittenal ...curtly, twenty per random will Me withheld from the moonlit of the bids until the contract shall hare been com pleted, and eighty pen mutant of earn bill approved in triplicate by the • tuurtants of the respective riots, will be paid by the navy tweet et the point. delivery • tibia thyrty days after its pregett tattoo to tom It is stipulated in the eontraot that, If Jefsrli be mode by the parties 01 OW first part in &looting all or any a the wadies osentioued tit spy class bld bur U. ,be met, i the quality nod at the time and places above petit Wool. then. and in that meet ttig coetratior and Ms *invite. sill toteleit sod pay to the United "late. aPIIO.I Oi •01 ,, i111a is ICC the amount of each Jess, s Men none be ecoorerod iron, Uwe kW time, according , to toe set oft °ogress In that rase prornistil apprused Marsh 3, lei& t bum.. Nes I, 2, A, 6,7, to be delivered oossfoarth part on or before the 11 , th May, one-berth part on or before the limb Jaly, nue Intirth part by the 'Seth September, and the mumisitler by the Ist Deettailier, MOW. tinniest 3 and 11, the , whole by tha 13th any, Ina 11 fir n mauling clamm. to be *Meerut oessefourth part on or odors the lot reptember bent, no. fourth part en or Wore the let 1...411111 , 64 I.li, our-rioarth part on orb rose the Ist April, sal Ur remainder on or brat..' the Meth June, MIMI, lairs* earlier requir ed s. ith • notice aigrette days, eneopetaingat each deliver,t,a dire proportion of each article and all fallowing, if aylMtiore .1 ytau I its. of any of the article. named therein are desmusord, Mg) a, to be tarnished on lite terms sat coniiillune titan tots to lb. isptration of the dorsi rear, upon miring • near.• of aft..... day s t, .m Mis bateau, the. ointuaittlant a the %aril, or 04%3 agent Form riVier, , 1, r ut ruble State of ---- Lere.- 1,7 agree t., hinuishand deliver, In the reopedico s7_ ! lsrda, all the articles paused au the dames , hereunto anurzed, bly to tin- Inc. Woos of Up. achedulee ther.,for, and to ecinfiihnity with the adiertuiemetit of the Bureau ni Coustrttetloa, Be., of the Mk of day, leSB. Should my offer he accepted, I request to Le ad dre.nreci at-- and the coutract sent to the navy-agent a t t,, for signature and certificate. 1111str Signature A B The schedule which lie bidder encloses moat be parted to hie offer, and each of them slow' by him. Opposite each article to the .liedule the prior must he act, the amount carried out, the aggregate rooted up for each class, and the amount likewise writ ten in words Form , t f Guarantee. , at of EMMI hereby guaranty that in case the foregoing hid of - for any of the dares therein named be accepted, be r they • ill, within ten days aft.; the receipt of the of tne con• ract •t the pool gam named., or nary agent dams rusted, execute he contract for the sane, srliti 'prod and aulleicat sureties and in ease said said, we guaranty to mate good the differentia between the offer of .be said - and that which inay be accepted Siguatures of two guarantors. C D. It F. Date Witness I hereby certify that the above named --rive knows to 10.• . moo tot properthami abie to cake good their guarantee. Daly Signatory te To be mogul by the United Stales district Judge, United States district attorney, collector, or navy-agent. The fettowtag ant the dawn rwinfted at the relepeellee navy y arch KITTERY, MAINE. Chits So. 10. Milt« pine Clear 11. Ash plank. No. 13. Black walnut sod cherry. No. 21. lrost. N. az. S6kcs and nails. No. 4:1. Load, zinc, sod tin. No. :I. Paints, oda, No. XI. Leath er No 33. HOW. No. 37. Pilch, tar, sad n. No. 311. Tal. We, soap, sod oil. CLIA RLESTON, 1A SSA CR yarns. Class No. 1. White-oak logs. No. 3. White oak prmulecodui timber. No. 10. White pins. No. U. Ash and cypress. No. 14. Hickory butts elm timber, and white wood. NO. to. Staves.— Ho. 16. Black nprucs. No. 21. Iron s N 0.122 Splkso sad oath". No 23. 1,,04, zinc, and tin. No. 24. Pig Iron. No. 6. Hardware. No. 27 ?slots, oils, ie. No. Yi. flax mow. No 89. Cotton mosso. No 30 Flax sad cotton twine. No 31 Glass Nu 31 Leather. No 33 Bows No 34 Bruhn. No 31. Bunting Lod dry goods. No 37 Pitch, tar, rosin. No 31$ Tallow, soap, oil. No 29 Ship chandlery. Nu 40 Stationery. No 41 Faro wood. t OOKLYN, NEW YORK. Clam No 1 W logs. No 3 Whits-ask promiscuous Um sr Nu 6 Yell toe plank stock lop, No 10 White pins, No It Ash, cypr ite-oak hoards No P 2 Black walnut, cherry, 4, No i:s 1.. t. No 14 While-ash oars, hickory bare, sod butts No 14 hite-oak stases and beading. No 16 Black spruce M.. 14 lAgnuanvittr. No 21 Iron. No 22 Spikes and nobs No ZS Lead, sloe, sod tin. No 24 Pig Iron. No 25 Hardware. No 27 Paints, oils, he. No 24 Flax rousse. No 29 Cotton COMMA, No 3tl Flax and cotton twine. No 31 Gloms No 32 Loilbor. No 33 Home. No 34 Bruelisit No ais Busting and dry goods. No 37 Pitch, tar, rosin. No 31$ Tallow, soap, 011. No 39 Ship chandlery. No iu tilellorwry. Nod] Fire-wood. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. Class No 1 'White-oak logs. No 2 White oak plank. No 3 White-oak promiscuous timber. No 6 Yellow Ono plank static loge. No 7Yellu•-pia. beanie. No 1J White pine No 11 Ash, ry press, white-oak boards. No 12 Black walnut, cherry. No t 3 Locust Nu 14 W hite-ash nail and hickory bars. No 16 Black spruce. No It Ligunmvitio- No 21 Iron. No Spikes and tau Is. No 23 Lead, row., and tin. No 25 Hardware. No 27 Paints, oils, ke. No 28 Flax mores. No n Cotton canvas. No 30 YU: and cotton twos,. lo 31 Glass. No 32 Leather. No 33 Hose.— No 34 Brudbm. No 36 Bunting and dry iamb. No 47 Pitch, tur, and rosin. No 38 Tallow, soap, oil. No 39 Ship chandlery. No 40 Stationiry. WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Class No 10 White-pine. No 11 Ash, cypress, white-oak bownlii No 16 Black spruce. NO 21 Iron. No =Spikes and nails. No= Le&d, V.., end tin. No 24 Pig iron. No 26 Hardwan. No 27 pai n t. end oils. No 29 Cotton* canvas. No 30 Flay, and cotton twins. Nu 31 taa.. No 1111 Loather. No 37 riteki, tar, No 38 Tallow. map, oil. No MI /561 p chandlery. No 43 Tank and galley iron. No 4.1 Ctutla Intr. No 46 Ingot copper. No 46 Mis cellaneous CIOSPOW4.NURGINLL Class No 1 Whllo oak 10 a. No 6 Yellow-piss plank stock logs. No 10 White-puts. No 11 Ash and cypress. No 12 Black way uut cherry, mahogany butts. No 14 White-sob oars, hickory bars.— No 19 Black spruce. No 14 Lignumrlbr. No 21 Iron. No 22 Spikes and 0.114116. No 23 Lead, Moe, mid tin. No 24 Pig iron. No 2.5 Hardware. No 27 Paints, oils, ke. No :24 Flax caritas. No 29 Cotton 01111,11.. No 30 Flat and motton twins. No 31 Glass. No Si Leather. No 3.1 Hose. No 3-1 Brnahee. No 35 Bunting and dry goods. No 37 Pitch. tar and rosin. No 34 Tallow, soap, and Oki. No 39 Ship chandlery. No 40 Stationery. WA MUNI/TON. IPLORIbA. law, No 1 Wbite-oak kw. No 3 White-ask prowawonna tua b.r. An 4 Wlrsteeoak keel pirana and redder ,locks. No 10 Whore pin.. No 12 Ma,* walnut and cherry. No 13 Locust. No 11 White-a■h oars., Inekory ban end bort& No 10 Lilo:hum, Its, Nu 21 Iron. No Lead, rine, tan. No 23 Hardware. No .17 runts, oils. tr. 11, lkro4 112 Land Rollers. A • FN' an.l totsty artiSle, nom makluit and will anon lo costly at thv _ KRIF. CITY !MIN ll'OftilJ . 3. _ _ _ 1•- IL %S • t --1 - 5 M I Erie County Mutual Insurance Company Incurpm wed in 1 Charfrr Pr•Pertl I moored Again.' Loom by Else for ally Term sot rarer Aloyi he years.. 134.11. I (II KO upon the deposit of Frsmiuni Notes, ot j upon lb. psi meat ol the usual Stork Hates In Money without the Is•ltility of a l•reiniam Note. LOU.. paid • ithout litigation. 1 .. 1 suit only Liss ever hers brought against this Company. Tkia mito•riv free /nail debt. wad .. • ogle .toys 1•••••••1101. ,• •!' LIINCCTO33. • ifrooloal,, C. M. Tibials, Wm F Rindensecht, _' John Zininowly, Jou. 11.3tenett. 8. . hi•umbead. Jacob Hanson, gear& • r Babbitt, Wm. H. Hoye. . iO/FICENB. _ . F. Bann; neat. Jaws Grewisos, Sec Casimir" U. TIPIIALII, Treas. OfflerP, In Uetareatiabison it McCreary's L office, Cheeped& F.rie, Erie, April ISM - • CITY GENERAL MEIVRANCE AGENCY! OFFICE in Empire Rtoek, corner of Stott tad Filth Sttrota, ant door to tb. , right, ill, stairs. J. F. DOWNING, Agent. R F.PRESENTING the Ma es M Minable Companies hairhare stead sier, Orerriered y t 4 stated Pewiteptoease HOWARD FIRE and MARINE Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Franklin Ratildiare, Na. 412. Walnut Street. CAFIT4I., Seollllllllly /1t500,4141111. The Quaker City Insurance Co, OP ELPIIIA. (et, Frastki•ei Buildings, 40$, Molina &raw. Cash C apital erne • • 96364110. 7szi Manufacturers' Insurance Company, OP PRILADBLPIIIA. afire No. 10, Artrhatuts Kramer. CAPITAL, • • • 12 ." " 1 1134 14 0.114 K AN Ann* I, 11137. Plaile! Piro!! Pixel!! 210 ?O G. A. SIMNIVIStrIreI Itosuntoee Mee, corder of kJ Matt , and Fifth street, Wrght's mock, up it and get your property Insured He repreueuts the %nue log reliable Comps ides ItERCEIANTS' Flit AND MARINI 11011TRANCIS COMPANY orPtilladel la. Aattimited Capital *Me AN. &cutely la , PA IFte L . :410N INSCRAires COIIPANID, Athens, Einid ford Co., 11110111,1.111. Ail paid up and NOCUMIY in vested. Wee ea tow am waartly le taw Inwered will Erie, 13, 1t 4 46._0 G. A. =ENT, A THE DILAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY xxsup„ANps COMPAIf lE. 0 F 'P 11 I L AI) il L•P 111 lA, KKU oow &dug business on fire Mutual pion, giving the in sured a participation In the profits of Gs Company, without ty beyond the pranalutupsid. •apes the Iskisaini aim& imaged en the most lase n ,m. terms. Loosen will lw liberally and promptly adjusted. /are n•k• on toerebandiaabal.ldlnev and other property, In town or country, for a limited termte e , T rutaarutly big OM. Joseph H. Real, Jahseat. ang, Lhoried Almider, fheophllus Paulding, Joha C. Darla H. Jones Brooke, Robert thirtna, Jahn Garrott, Joins B. Pawnee, Hugh Craig, Samuel lidwanis, Dowse Sorrell, Henry lourreure, David 8. Stacey, Voted Dmlltiigtmi, Charts Kelley, !MAC R Davis, J. G. Johnson, Wilitem refuel{, Maim a i r 'am J. North% Dr. It. Thomas, Dr. R. W. Heston, Jobe Teller, Jr. kipareire nelivarre, Wu. Marna, Neel., Rios*eo P. lihmortsb, ter. a l okatims .ss be eras `Bi►.ARU 4 .4 1 4- . . I, 11111114Xia. Agent, Eric • FOR BALE - • --- LtiFl.ll6lll,lll/ Jenny lied, lratai Matra, nneraliftarbrillaid=r Cloth . Batt Front Parlor 111441a1n idle it bap Nand In eszrpd trams, an nag sod to eo iJtaMay 16, Mt At oo d o t o a 111=ilr. NA M (TEL .z. SMITH, 1 14 . 4 / ot • PLAIN AND 'FANCY Book and Shoos of OA Latnatiltyles AT PANIC PRICES! T A DIMS min now obtain 14 Swpnior article of both Plain and IJ Plaq BuitaaailMbonaarttliont baybutte ulna to lbw leraothes. Haring a bill aesorbust of Um Meat Materials, I un prepared to do wort which will Bala* tbe Mari fastidious. & -MUTH. No 5, Itred's Block. Erio, Dec. 12, 1667 1858: THE L.A..FLOVE.Srr AND DOOM PIELECTICD AKDOWT.4 ENT ON PAPER HANGINGS or ERIE, CAN BE FOUND AT neon Gonda are from the HVer VA SrFACTORIN In the bided States and France. and %unlade every variety I St) 1. and rite. and will be offered 4 T any other "INSTIT171()N" lii tit to, April 10. 111541 UI rig REMOVAL. New Store! New Prices ! New Goods ! Nawszutazu. & RAKER have manned their etterodre block of Dry thaida, Clothiag, I[., kr, to their /1... Stony directly appetite Brave'', Hotel, where 'they will be tied to •ee all their old cuatooser• as well as any quantity of new 4.11. , In order to keep up with the amen , they are 130* ADDING DAILY TO THEIR STOcK: Loth la the Iles of ournium and PHI' MiODSI, whol, • of at the lowest CASII RATKII In fact, ther CANNILY!' BE ! by any other stiaidar eatablialialtat is the city IL n.. t t.. YOVND sad OLD, lIARRIED and SINGLE, NOW IS THE TIME TO GET RICH! a. tb. linP sow oßtkrtog greatar Induertoentn„ than et , ..., t.. n il „I, omit to tt•te MONEY Their Custom CA.partmrot is ID chary.% ..1 our of U.r Mot ...rk in the racy • and as !two mottos 1. SMALL PROi'lr.g ANL. Ql'l('A SA I. 11:.N.- Woos in taut of best article for n moult zoom est of mom., , .1., sell to give them a rail Remember the Ohre- R ¢ R A 1 1 / 4 "Clr NEU rt )N Mreelly oppontte brown's Rotel, State , t reel hisreh 20, INStt -43 tf MRS. 0171er18 _ HAS returned from S. Yurk, and ke upesunt: t.iii a nun went of "injury and Fancy Goods, SILK AN') STRAW BONNETS, A grwat raxisty of the neatest styles, ttebtsons, Fluwers. Itu. hr. Caps, Road Dresuwal, 'grass Gimps, lhaass Tnenuunas, I hsoull,.. lace Veils, alwurning Collars. I. much Cossets, Ginveo •nil 11.. Pie he, am, which trill he sold ► al low mars let Cash Milllownl supplied at wholesale, as usual Bonnets Illearbed and Pressed in the vi•r, t....? .ii I, 'rte, April 17, laSts. Jest Pia) Gratis. the 20th Tloussml A YEW WORDS ON THE. HATPIN IL TREAT „Da UENT, ,edieter, uf Spormativrbea ..r Loral Weakneos,Kocturnal EMISISIOTIT,C4toItaI and Heroine IMAM r, Impotency, and Impedimenta b. lismage generally, by R DI LANEY% 11 The important fact that the moan, alaruang complaints, pyielsor ling in the imprudent. and eoli th & of youth. may Ir easily r.• moved WITHOUT MICHICINE, is to this .mull tract, clearly dean onstrated ; and the entirely ors and highly oneceoafni treatment, as adopted by the Author, telly mr.plaused, by awl.. of • bicb everT WM is enabled to more lifleffEilf perfectly and at tbe lomat pooaible root, thereby avoiding all the ad yerti...l ...massy the day. YY. • Sent to any address, (miss and postfere in • .rated envelope. by remitting (poet paid) No estags stamps to Dr. H DE LA NE l', Is Rut Slat street, Nen York City Ene, Ji/lay I , , la the State t 4 -, la the State c 4 _____ ....... _ WANTED. ALL kinds o Gantry Prodoce , for ..bkh tbs. hbeb•st markt., price wtil be 11111,1 by HARR er. Bib/Tile:lt . Ilse. 6 •Hush.. Illiwk _ . lar? odor for row lowettos, opkrodKl forioetioo of BAularo. Mai; Bog*. Trbanings, Are. HARK k liteRF:K WE alPer fur F_Ui_ in our jdrtioo, the largest savortrarnt ..1 u RNMHING CANID ever brought to ibis mar krt, raumating of Wrapper& Drawwatot rl., Collar~, Ar Ar, we .hall av 4 be Illaboraoldlor th• lOW Call and nee for 'our veirtis. BARR er ftlirrrtiV NEW JEWELRY STORE ! FINE GOO AECICEDS! CHEAP li. G A INS ! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE SREKT ERIE, PA. HAVE just rotornod tram the eCuspiro City, whert• they hay selected • fine and rich Meek of .11CW111.1ff, WATfIIKS CLOCKS, tAll.WElt, Plated and 0.1,1 Apertaelea, : 4 1It er, and Plated Wu* Pocket and Table Cutlery, LOOKING GLASSES, 31P.".1WC:r1r 131..400C,D1E11, Ton, be., be. In relation to the clown toniwi time, and paving Caah, .e bought our Gkkods thirty per cent cheaper than they 5r...- have been bought before. Withnevild to ear healli asasifecterinir, the Public Is t /dorm. d that we have sported lathe past aloeyears In this ekty, and supplied all orders In Jewelry and !engraving, with the most conk plate setlegaetkin in every instance. scr DON'T FORGET TUE PLACE:—ANERICAN MAW E. k* J ARICEI Erie, Oct. 24, 1867.-24. New Arrival of Pall and Winter Goode 111111111 p:111;nr. Jim.) .. 4 / 1 1 4: 8 9 .. 0114 Ike) : 41 Ragtime., Metes Overcoats, Boy's uverroata, Ben's Under Coats, Boy's Under Costa, Men's Vests. Boy's Vests, Yen's I'in* Boy's Pants, of Dir,r, km./ an./ klualit, Alma a general assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing enomisting in Wrappers, Drawers, Shirts, rnilang, ete. .4.14 at to A F %IK Erie, Sept. 19.-19. DOUBLE RECTIFIED. WARRANTED PURE. ,IT 8. R. CIIIICHILL's REICH HOtIsR O. m a c:veil .s CIFINILEr EANDY, at CHURCH/LL , Ij. Cherry for medical tuts. at CHURCHILL' s Etrzadiva of all Mods, at I 'HURCIIMI:s Wises of all Matta ak CHURCHILL S Gin of all kinds, at CHURCHILL S Rum, a pure article, at CHURCHILL' s Pure Spirtta also for übe.hclual purpomea, AT PARK ROW BOOK STORK II VASE P ERNS I.V ANIA AIRPORT... Wha anti s rircwient Wharton's Criminal I 1 , 4 i;retary 'a Equity. - Justice. l'urdon's Dtgrekt, Lillrr & Sem...nut's I 1,1 1., Grsyd..a's Forma, Htightl.l Flquot‘ Erie, June 6, 11451 darn Sim CALL and 1M a good CORI Nheller for ONE DOLLAR. Also larger one. gni' a larger Kira at the Kris, Jan. 30, laSit riug (Iry infiN woi:Kc ACKEttlil..-7.0 1 s So • Mackerel, M klta, and ne mail, at Dee 13 111‘..10% WO L. (molt Kepi", sale t,y F \ 11F:FtF;F.1 11T - - Feb. 13, I&$. SMOKED PiIIOULDKILS.—,I quantity jug( rt....trim( Ir.in the &oath al 'Ply Mee ininr4 fat Slinuldrra,elmaywr than Pnrli DtEssara rionri. L. ..4 Biding, Lnth.Shinglns, 11..arda., Building Lanabtr, aware no hand and fur Pal.. bv Erie. Jan. au. 1.1D14.1.1 fl EW'fl Fl% k ZBIC PAINT.- A pima sallileen for oar by Atail 11,18. U. T K SINCLAIR Tjl'Y Ca lran Bone sod noes and Kip and Sh• jJ at J. MURK 1 4 : La U it, Jr e Tadies — toots. - LADIES, ipteres low ?nut Gaiters, Slippers., Hornet.° Root., and ""ri ui foe issalkaosib mod cheap, at April IT J. FACIO:NiArB, Jr'. FOR — TIITRTD SORE THROAT ! Upot THE COMPOUPID HILTHACT 2 4 11 A ET WEED Experience hae shown that It strew speedy and rwrination retie. Prepared by CARTER t BROTHER, Erie. Sold by Drug gist" and enmity asilmidalle praWlty Ihroughout the cougar r Erie, April I, 186 . IrT r To Xerehante and Traders in General. ORothers deitirisartrading dope by and from railway einumuni cations—in colleeting accounts, obtaining nrchres for osle of merchandise, or notes traded for property, or any other broonees transacted, In this State Kant or West. The orohorsigneol will and Ids own cooreyarrea, sad coders his version by evalmet or rommis. pion, and will give good sorority for the psrformoiner of rontrarts. Address V Z. Post /trice, Fri. l'n April, 101568.-4 X - - - - CIRRTAIR DRAM guar-41110 Ato follow lb.. lakinit of. 1,1. y moll dose of the PeRE STEITANINE nW by March IA CARTER k BRo. WHOLICSALX and Ri [haler in Oak and Minima Loathpr Trench and Anwrican Calniana, Mnrrneen, I.lnlnxa, BIM Wigs, Yfp and Shp*, Threads, W.na, Cords, Laads, !Adi.," Gal leon*, Haimen, Pinchers, Hann, Tack; egic Aril 170666. J. - 1117111PALAIM, Jr. THs vo-rAirmainur ro exbitia under tilt. firm of STlllt %T`'T A 'T. '"' .11.4.111e4 Uard I.t. by =I T. S. • bab .. • n the basisess at the old otand. I. STF WART. T i *CLAIR. THE ERIE CITY M ILLS, ZIELmIZIZIN'IS 2 Lower than they eau be Bought ON MANHOOD, AND ITS PREMATURE DECIOE No. 7. ftrarnee Mork Erie Po Nnrix.fismiciamrle - . Erie, Nov 1157 LAW BOOKS Yap 30, 101 F. laMlberintr& aninidien'l Boots and Shoro, Gpu al 11111P"111411111 4 RICTrENI.aI R Jr'p. Dissolution. EH.. April 10.1658. =RIIii 3Plit/%7 - INT. HAVERSTICK a CROUCH, P. •1•110.0.11 WIOLZSAIAI AND =TAIL DR A LUIS IN FLOUR, COL CCIRN NSA', RYE, O.lTx, CHOP aDrFF, IMORTS AND BRAN. YLOUWO ell kinds luqlt cwoetantly on bend, which we will roll as linrulbay othordeshm in the city, and &fiver fiWe elr "ewe within the city Halt& AU now warinstod to lo am ispetommod CARII pe.W ber Gran—Wheat, Rye, (Inta,_Corn and Rork - w boat. H. B. RA V RitSTICK. SAN July 21, 1167.-11. 101101 XII. T AUSTIN °Sem an to y one in rant of food innisanleal week Is asaklas new or n*ring any part of clods wanton, preslry or Silver wan, Um Se . Vlll of tent workmen Catt iest wort on watches and jewelry of the tndw is solicited and at Enid tower Woos lbws fermarly charred. All the latest sty Int of dean. trateldriljeareity setts, Port Solana, mad eases mune...inn and Plated Goods, sneer tea and fruit knives, mon, Brisson, and • IMO •if inneythliaram be bought low,. and almost all t oda of money will be remind at pas I all and en. Knits Now. 14, 11151.-11. T. V. AUSTIN, . ' Pampa Suildim C Alla9rUi i. at Deep Stars No. 4,41M8 Siteliatunnx. 1S Use tat In Monies lo boy fludwaso, Croderin Glom 'The% Manse arsi. 1RP 1 N...: Ingo 1 4 / 0 11 0 1 . 4. _ A z111 4 0 1 114 . Mod; rides, , Onmtlan, *Meeks, ; Cotter Oboes, Grub Boos, novels, Forks, Hoe; Air, Au rte- . rib : I m s 2t lllikr 4o4 • Moor Whip • / , ?Pail%•• NO foai. • 1 flerms, 14a and .11 of 1858. liarnescaad Canise &lll4l44 7Tilistatiagt of Asoyat vary isrwree pr.sibi.• tato'. Crockery and Glassware. A Imre smortsotrat which trillbe •010 at very small adeturt Silver Plated Ware. alo• Baskets, Castors, Butter Piano, Canes Sticks, Spootta, Forks, Bowes, :salt Spoons. Muslafd IrarrautPd to be the berti a ta&; untifiettirll4 inthe lied statei. • We rap Minost heat the world 0n Lookla lamp*. It Is ow let.. to talk about competition thin side of. °wk. Hero In the place to hey Lookutg likasass du* We shall spare tw pains Inkeeping up r alment of llotni• to supply the Incwasang demand of our numerous customers Kele, Sept, VI, iso ittl4iENS k Gotta Perdu' Belting• A far superior &Awle to the Italia liuldierltelting for mi. by RO(IEK141 k BIEN la Fit V e - la it Nei 'set rubes' . L. B. WHITE'S PATENT LEVER TREA4 4 entir.ly now artlrl• In the ?rose line, differing rad/ally from any net all onion in I#ie mar* sat is readily the only I todim WV.) tof tbe kind worthy of the Dame A Awl trial of this Truax by there that hare wort; the olds ordinary hind, will Ner p,„— tihe trot h“I thus tenolit. They AM Airy light and veryamall, owl the hail ran Ire readily adapted to It any peraos,and thw ;mimeo re email v afforded to suit the enulronleacy or woman) of the wearer. Those w 110 .r. a.. unforta nate MI 141 MIRIAM lb. aid of alma an Mateo bent will qu themo.lres a favor by examining' this amid., a few al o h,I, are left a ith the autboriaod Agent. in Erie. .1. 'li, la:01. ' eAmr.a Ai 6 It. Aliih:.`4 I OCSTI.IOII/Mll in.4 - eaTatid Hosiery, the Wired fj irtnient in thin Fit r, in ro w tothinKl at napint pricier at k IMOTHEK's, , De e 5. 1•57 - Hugh. Illin t Ye Bootlese Croowd, COMB and Get /If)t)7,S' Yid? ' , BOOT};" A nfl Shoes .for. Beauty Llimurpsissi t , entnw and trail* off all yonrold erothes 11Da1 • rbrovr off tour old 1 , •!bil "turn nut 11..111.0t• • roen•ih...ll year," and penmen... the jel unix with new and ri-Iran elothoeda j L i r7 - I . OME rrtd II u.x '.. Pen'. and wet Soaps and wash Ind I. .I.itt t. B ri"cOmictl • ;7. 7 ...r um k ft Wel Gild Krt. ir r7"ksiti be* rrfonn. to [Lax k Rao' t s Z ifid .1.11 SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HOODS, COMFORTS, &c lii Conte to HARI al BI M'S and theiert your tilolita (rm.. the larre-t aneet tt.‘ek ever broaccht Into Ilk mullet and. appeor r-n- Come and .lo ,notnelvem Jostle...lnd not overytitlnlf tune it. ',tor oagono loaded o tilt every kind of Country nr. net tehangstru itnerehattdinn I onte to your enrrlaires, enure triA"ttr bnifea, , ,,nrWs ot• heron hark, hark, COW. • hr railroad, come on toot to SARK & LOW'S and dror ,our CA.` , H fur gond., .berm' Nu will pet VONT in nary hair* roue. one, roue- oil' am' ran quppll• the minion, nod hke sod kiartan - are Aiwa, •on bond. i wit tarp t Lo )K lIERE EVERY BODY I v -01 tan 1.11r,1 , •r, or Renoly Py , Orncernm at the N•. 111, 1.r."44,‘ Stlin• 1.1 Wm I , Rinklertmeht, nu Slat.. iiltriikitot the .11o.wo tufr r>lo, , %... ()rt.-am Sugar •It ... oentg per pnutul Culler •ug•r. IX fur 11 •• ' X for 11,', •• ' . Cruota...l Sugar for 121, .. ' . Pulretised k Granulatsul 12L. •• •• •;,.,,.t RI.. Cokoe, 12). •'_ •• RP., •• •• 14 •• •• N01a.,.. for 44) . per gallon lieot •• to • • Hrot SNI•11)11, , •Al • I •• • • • "....• 8..% Kal•111 • 1 0 • • per pr.ol 1.0.1 •• 10 • • l'urrsata, 16 •• •• Youn g Hymn Tra. from 31 , to 7f.. eta per all gra.le llgla Sale.tatoli. 6 •• lira pound. Carlo...me Soo)", 10 . • •• taxxlik, 37,14 " •• And orer Ming Moe lu prup•r•rlion Call awl any 110 r.• nott • ....1. Wll. F. RINI/F:11 ''. /I 111' Ile, •20 • 3, i 11.% ~f all .it,•. ♦n,l olunlttle.... al U. Drug Store of • Barb 11. I. ItALDi% • E H.. 11 ,00 1 .1 1, di v .. 11,111, a L•r .1a,.. I all and eel a TK.I.h. t+t•m•t. at the I I, 25, 1‹.7 -II DP St I' FURNITURE Wm. Riblet, Himself Ag ain. a /1111 K out.acrittor would Inform hla friendstha pol l c p.m t I all, that 1,. ham trammed the WEEKLY ARRIVALS at SELDEN'S. The Gnarl Devoe for ribell Hardware. Hardware, Iron and Nails, Saddlery, p_ raters Tools, RUBBER BELTUM Jr PACKING ! (2 Dni.f. RS and It ItNESS Makeratbrottgboct 0 invited to call at SEP MEI 3CA 3EI-2\7'•13 " El-I)EN is now rea.tly to furnish Shiparni CAP.IT NTE 1.71, sth any tool r”quiresi in their line. lIA F. viii Monet, Papern or Bark, to prenerNe XXIV OIL 331711.(4.X...3.31.8, l'orrliaw one ..1 I.tllle'e !mu Safes, mold by SEI.DFN 11- 1 111.311KIRS ymu can bring WATER In your ll.yrna by UP11111: ' a RAM, anti by SELIIEN I TCR the little E111.10E14 :--.`heel traps, tiro and small at , Erie, September i 2U, IRV. lix,,kKi.)(.ll..—Warratited pure, 6.1,4 awl ran, hy the hat,. A ~ r I u lea. quantities. CANTI,R BR" KATE.' SKATES"—IIen nod Roy,. •-zkatte, all nue.. toe male (-hemp at Nor. Lll. J. C. CHURCH!! 2 1t...1 Hon*. ~n Vre.bell ELM= Rill br nettled i; ond CROCKERY STORE. SHELF HARDWARE HARR A BROTIIIR'S STORE On State SCl,rt, tlu pr• Hlo.k I=il CABINET MAKING BUSINESS oN lIIS iI.WSZ 1100 K, ■t the 014 Stand nn the Corner nr From). A: lb ortreeta. Int.•nding to gt•e to a LW. 'bole time and at WO u•u, 411 , 1 .pane no ,•Kurt„ 1. , afford natiortation, he nmpertfolly on,llednP b•rsl %barn or public patnanarm All ktradb , A t work done rhea ' , r • and n•painng promptly done to onler. Erie, Not. In.lr•:.1. Wll.l.liii 111111. KT ml euuenoe nee of. the lures and beat eekaled dock of Fa.l.llery ntl tiatlollere Toara In market. FARM s'Att - : T"E'ol*ert), , , offer, to eel/ //War,. of land 'lt uste.l iii liar -1..rrr,..k, Ent. Co Pa. about 23 , i totle• aouth root of lia-i.or rewl. I wpot, and .4 rode roe, of the liettarotbd Chore'. :-aol farm ha• al.ut 100 mere. under good improvement, g...... 1 tool.ltue•, sell watereat, Ac. it contains some of the ,flaret hand for either renal or train to the country, it w II be Auld low, sod terns it Nerrneot ota.le ea, T . A;htri.ax CIIAt'NCEY r WAl.l(Fit Ant :it, ;SM.-DIU Martial - creek, Erie Co l'a. - Protect _iglu Money and Valuable Papers. A,,Ti ,,, i,cit ii.t - or Lillte. tvielSrateel flee awl florgiar pr.... 1 SM.,. I.ow arriving for ombibition owl rale. These Ara,. are au ...riot to one thing of the hunt emir offered to the public ; l•rtee..ary Lou. $.lO U. PAM. JO! 4.1.,:17 .1 I' SVI [WS • FARMER'S HOTEL, ERIE, PA. J. J. Dvietan, Proprietor. E•tabhahtneot hw just been moot thormlghl. 1.-a0.e41 ItEFITTEI) AND REFvusailtritici). pr, T ri.t.r r.q...etiullyaolielts a tall from hi. I g the trarell tog pobi avuerally, fredieryg aroulvti that W.: tie 1,/ 11•• utnnnt afaCt 4 . llNrlpm moderate. i• 11 , %u.; L, 1.,:0n ... - ----------- ILI 11 OrS.— I: terat I lop. tn Paper. no, 19 l'Akert. !I k BUM Save Your Moneyf I ) oLl..tas ran he Aired by every family in thin eouotv, rierelwrißg their AelletTloll MA PlMVlOlioits for ci.lt at the t heap I &MA More 4.1 WM. F. RINDF.IIMt PIT ' F.1,',/ 13. 15.68 - - - - - Clover and Timothy Seed. 4 utee Orlin lot of Clover and Timothy tror4. 4t r , ti.r.r /IL tl.au el...atter.. at the Nett ilrorery Store. hr !larch YT 1457 Wm. F. ItINDENECAT. LIGH T T ! - LIGHT ! THREE 001111114 Volt ONE CENT KNAPP'S PATENT LAMPS, Fatlurtimma tele variarea IlydrawCarbon, (His, ■scY aa Ileala, Coal, horoefac, ae. rTIFIN ta certairsil the cheapest, swiest, most brtinsot, ateidr and raft portahie Light ever before offered to the public.. This I.waap received • yams. at the Awawai lair of the Aamervais /sat iate, New York: also, a P 1 PLON• at the rentorylranta and vew orl, State l sire for 1967 CERT IFIC'A TE:, We, the undersigned, talre pleasure in certifying that we art now ming and have theroughl♦ tested the bunting and lighting quail ties of Knapp's Prewanne Patna Lamp. The light produce...l by it we believe to be the ekeapest, asset in/haat, steady mud safe porta ble li g ht ever offered to the public. Rev .1 n mum°, M. R. Lowry, A Melt Lyon, Jame. D. Dunlap, 1 11. Darr; P. 4; Finn, E. A Bob nett, 1. Rogers, Q. S. RaaaplL Cell and et:amine theater* at UDDERS li KENNETT' , Erie, Feb. 13, 1858..-403 HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADKLPHIA. A' Brgirroirat /*elitist ion, esiablisised Gy arrcita *Wk., furs, fur doe relief of doe sick awd dietreaord. alkted will Virtuosi and Epidemic ro sit persons; ailiioted with Dectual II•eb MATORRIICEA, MEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, 00NoRIIMEA, 01E17, SYPHILIS. the Tip. (NSAYISL, or SKIS ABUSE, 44 The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the metal destruction haMail ON roused by Selma/ diastsiee, and the dear l dlorve pray t 1.41 up" the notorious victim of much disquiet by Quarks, several year" ago directed their Consii/t/tig Surma., se a CNA FUTAPLE ACT worthy of their name, to o pe n a Diaposiaary far the Oveitineut oh this class at diersiewo, in all thliir foram. *ad to giro MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all who apply by latter, with a drosiiptairo of their coaditices, (furs oesapaiion, limibita of ilk% Sam,) end is ease. of siiill4ollpiroverty,to PIJOILEMI M "[NEIN Ed FREE OF CHARGE, It O seedlevia to add that the Areriation ottoman& the blsibeet Medical "kill of the age, and will furoiab Oar most approved modern treatment. The Direetors„ on a review el the put, feel woad .thst their labors In this sphere of benevolent 'Bert, have bred advent burnt to the afflicted, especially to the yam& mid they haws resolved to devote themselves, with renewed mid, to this very important t o t math despised roue. Just Putothised by the Association, a Report no Spermatorrhom, or Seminal, Wasters*, the tries et °beanie, limetawbation or Self Abuse, and other Diseases of the Seurat Organs, by the Coes& Dag Surgeon, wbleb will be soot by walk fins_sesied letter earelopeo FRU or CHARGR, on receipt of TWO STAMPS (or pottage. Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. OR.ORGR R. cAL.aotiq. CoostitUng Surgeon, Howard Auortisildo, (o. 2 South Moth Phi lasielplal, Fly order of the 1/Irwelma. gzu D. HEARIIIILIA, Avti i*s 11110. FAIRCHILD, Snyder,. Itec. 1214.-313 y. ALAIWIC Stock ei Itheertersa, PlOlip "ilea Jr Sara, in4rail lutes* Prelate, to be sold very low lar Orb at Erie, Wry 4 HARR & lIIKITITEIPR. 11.1.1N01S AND WISCONSIN CURRENtIf r taken a p. la wt 'chaste Ger ilajoileir IP liebtliglE, • I A ••j. Erie, Dec. IS, 147.--.4 ' l ' g. NUT. ULINUNT Portrait sad Plateau Fromm; Gilt thriallik au Ej oral sad Square Illirrare, now opralag at the Piaa BuildiaNtio T. W. A . Eris 1111,0 V LIP nbeyeethdly annotneee be their friends and therstoW T 1 generally, that they have leaved the eatabbtahment Ihrenonly occupied by P. mut*. ok.s.,tort.pt 0ra..l Mt Co.e' kar aaee and have aver qn •1411Priol 49411 WNW, apeartabeat of all Medea" .E.. . 1 CARRIAG ICE, BUGGM, &C. than Ware whir* far etre, aersbnity and ehagarro. of ital.b. are sepatior tb iarthlat heretoftate ollteed la Ws city They employ • number of the blot wafter" to wood and Iron that the country Itroßleeen, na.d from their long experience in the buiti. aem, are eatleild thet. can ogee the b.r .reallur of work. The BEST MA TILKIA of .11 lands OW can be Wen see put lab. all their aro&Regairtag the& ttlehl PAINTING AND done an shaft natter and ftrau•ntiabtaTtareux Persons Peudlil orders may 4 0411 assured of bating thew executed to their entire iuktbdact ion, d. finished la every parties tar am well as If they attended In person Tlowe . telling neat and durable work .111 nod it to llwar telvaniage.l to frITV them a call. k:rie. Mat 10. 1846. NEW FIRM AT TUX ERIE CITY IRON WORES. ,N t 31.4 ..f t„ ay. t •ailwertlrr• I,..tight th e STOCK and Tt oft, . 1 of the aborts Worts from L.J I. 11, Krider k , and •••ormleNl ottrwlyet. in hammy.• ander the nano. of LIDI , ELL ieft•-tIFY k and are n. ,pl.l.lny ti.. want. fen, and •, ,a.l) awl nil.", 1.. do 11111,11 ry 111 o u r !kn. 46 AOLIEV I I II IINT 1101 W 1111.1 V by u• tot "MACHINERY," Plows, Sleigh Shoes, Plow. Points, &c .1, it ta twaposobde to male good Canting ilar.a.nrry •nd Stoats .t the /mum Mao., or« ba‘t , ttsereforr, !ult anew Cu puk. snot 1.....1rt. at.] If ..n 11i....•1. r, mad, to nu that ve u t nn,,t 6e twat ,nllll.O hne Therannr come nn all )4, Chat wain bgetni • Steam Engines, Boilers. Mill Geering, Agri- altniel► Implements, &a, AT A LOW PRICE YOH. RHADY PAY Lumber, isttt. lihtnigivo, all Motto of PmOlues, 014 Imo, Hru., laved, ultra Is.. Imirailore, hot must he broorht mi•n he rrotL ts sklirrreal W A.LTLR J. T. IlDiii.r. F r.r , !an NI, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOE SALE. uousx4 & LOTS iu Erie $.360,00 Eact, 01 HOUMA, Lot k Atm di. 35.74,00 .57 Ruilditg Lots U. Saw t arr....it Lot South of Garrison $4 000 Farm '..70.) arr.* 140 cloared Hour. Barns :'hods Ar k.. I..ur 1.011. , from Vortlb Fait, low pru - e ..1 $1!, pef u. rt. I F arm 6u arms 2,ti cnilva from Erie. sere (Jut Lots City 01 Lacy . . es Wotcursofou LoiaL:ltyof Incroaa do J,(WW) self, 0T rtry doom SUpenor Laud, littthell co low Also, lty 11anufaetartng estatlietbineut on the Canal it. F . ru.t.4tatiog of Warr! ..... beg, large Melt House, Kilns-Doan. a-` The Rubor:rile, haritig detentoued to enrage in the Medan' Flustorm to the Cit) of F.rte, upon the rtptration of his prevent Irnn of Mire AM Prothonotary. begs lea.e to call the attoction of those wanting real estate to the sbOve desirable property The wuunbctor• shore with it. busineta Is an Inducement seldom tf -..t ofh-rea, being one of the safest. enreet and most prolittabte iu •..tuw ute I hAt could b. nu.•l, Thc iber rit• RI lb,. • t sod us tha nut ray..rable I«ruso hu.l to. the 04..r1 plustsabhstilkil-- rsf t purchase au..., IA • 1..1 htlaue, at 4 FAIP ILI &ADO prgy weals. Dec 11., 14:41 WHO RADE YOUR COAT 1 FT VITM MO NEAT AND IT DI A perfect beauty. 1 . Why of rounee PRANK WAGNER, American Block Mat« st Dou'l ou kdo. 1.4 fbr !fast sad moot feat, towable In thisimarkift and hrsicks is the Grist cuff., 411 t..IN II I t you Want •I.lt, fti , er fowl Of sus arti,lr of Thirrit shin Goodie, all of, Warn.r, be will Ara yno ilind Fi.e vo,, fir. Being So. in reeeipt of a superb stork of et.trriis, IL.ALVSI3IKID4 AND V EATINIDEIt an nomination of hie otech will prove profits/4r an well am In lere"t.og flit forget the place, Er.e, A isni 11Z.7.-4V . . ()T !VI EA Yeul , , male al Erie. J u 11„ 1n57. H A NS4iNII4 4.21.K11.11 BPII.LS.—Songlv nail I kpubt..., Igmly and marls 01 pale, In srmat rartety , st r Not Infallible. V ET no other itedietse that we ef or knew all hots fatted •••• 1 ii, m r•quorailvtin. •••••11 or Pro Worm, am tb. tfertn, f erio 1 atelt , prevare.l I .14.14.5° (11)} . FrEE —Th. bead ilra..• ltrr. I .±71... ran Nor loom) In ii. 11 0 ,, 1,.. , Ittrwl sod h.r Aare 1., W V KIN I)VK1 Er I poIRK -lit the itarirt I.i retal tr., aale at ~ a t >p{ WI, A prit:.%. J JMINSTO V A BR(rk 11.01rt/I.l7ll,—Vmpserad Vrear-h sod Raker'. , t1,, , ..).1.•, at Ers”, Juror 27,114/.7. IVANIMIN`N _.. ()LIVE TA IL --:434tT0r.r% r 11 1 . •• Tar utur.4radrlostrri of late an • cure. tr.r airs... of 111. I an,. Nile, June 13. laS7 M 4lll i ftE i f ( 1:1111 VIII %k I). g. MU. 11 , rt A T . 4 . 0; Kt, I.lurcut:urrit, Kttitsy Kis rltArrl i z, Illnetorr kt i a17 . , 14: 1 4 a . 0 T A 1: 11 OTT, - %% to tr r Strom...ll,y Ow barrel or irallou. I Ort 17 CARTtR k BRO HILII.II.IION . 1 11111 t b.. tarn ls of Ow rennin.. article reeetreil 0o aalisigniurnt fro.t t knelnnata, fur male by Ma barnet or re tail. at Erir, May JO, 1'47 11 N4OVB Gmerry Brpnt. 1)0k? M0:411M% xO.l l'u molt, Plated TobActx. Bo an, kilt'« jL q malty%) C• 11 11.114 IXI, of July 25, 1tx07.--11. n J. 1101175. 200,000 FEET HICKORY LOGS. Sabseriber. will pay tha hi b..* market prire In Cash for 1 200,0 W feet o•f Hickory I oc. lelt,or.e.l nt their Tani on :Olt h ~t ,on the (•anal The unite, mast X 0.41, tough awl dean t t bar twfohng Knotty Brae hy thruotatritllinot b• taken Friy. Aa,rnat M, lan' 11. • 4 E1.111 , .?: at ATIIF.FI WIMITK 16,11 my sup,mr zeticle of imp. ft: rtsii, imulight d hte, and euno.Y,l by an yyperlotbeen bawl, no mite Is the halt barrel Isr retail, al kale, June 27, 1857 THE s4lwicrihrr the not Air that he lino rrntortod to the %Land on the corner 1.1 Loiht.h and blest. :+trortn, w herghe Limy br found ot it It urocrelam, restit S and now "datire rim. 1 n PitTooftation of thw.titooqj time remind'—that 11, the unhp n and Fine —ht. to &hoot to rridetwoh tin ohrl•ro with the "Hunt and het t," and atm.:Vl .Iml ••• , 1 hod'.awl rro,y/ lw.d • • e 1411.1," ftte Into a all. Ii BALM% IN Lt.. April t. _ FOR RENT. qiii %TOR It 11100,1 with !Imminent on the dono r of t rfth ,t tad stre44. t1 -41. 14. n, I Iffi r y, cur th• :sr* kirtek Block, koquiro 01 Jay 2.1. 114.6" • _ Planing brill. on whorl nntien, at U I , 'NI if ER Ilinv.l•ntl Valet...l .. I 4 FRIT: CITY IRON WORKS I..rtr, .1 t o ;IC 11•1/1 ?rlll4 not Coittlalt, !oat tv•tv..l and for pate 'llllllr than .•I,unprt• for Condi St Po. no'. Story .1 1,4. It. InSe. W M I . RINDERNECHT. PROVISIONS 1,1,1\T1 Sugar r'.l Itamist to,do Isrle.l 1 1„ . } mon, , stamp, Siorrm.t Corn, %Pry mars •rtiele prepared 1,1 the -.1.‘1..em, Cheese, lan!, Hotter, Flour, Cnna Meal 7% I N. K. —tolling Seine, llntom owl othet Twines.. s s iRU tGF. —Halter Rope, /1,1 Cords, Clothes Lon}, kr . kite. ItIRIt cm:EA. in great rarisi , tared -wed. Cage Glasses stud bath ruCsLea, Cottle 1. tab Bosse, Ms sale. sftlKn FRUIT —Apples, Peaches, Pears., Pusispkos, Blaekberrie:, 1.1 nts, Plums. ,at IZEMEI New Arrangements. T sloe. ILTKII, parchment the raine intermit of tl tl Clark, alt tha Gtr hrm of Clark k Met:art/it, in the ilmtern't and rrovisano tit.. Bailment will hervalter enntinned by him at the aid stand where M. will be reality Mid to wait nu all lb. Old Gaatnemr• all late Arm am! a ill be pietism! to wr an many Dow one. an r Jl fa veor him with a mill Kr., Juno litT, 11357 "%VIM 41101E,1 one of th larg,et ass.rtnwnt orr offer,l to lJ t City, for etwap •t FARMERS. ie the time?„ y K•frhania Ce!Arab •1 17mrrny Jittrinoes and C ' nnaGneti .Wincer and kenpere. ot)tain«.l the Agency 1 eau -01.1.1 v the Farming 11. Community 'Fah llacilekes at Nriltstartora knew set ,hl.4 transportation pie..., rxll %ad exatniti .ample 'lathing. it Round Block, •tat. i:ne, June 27,1457 MEDICAL NOTICE. 9 111 E undersigned ./..0 respertfully tati..rm his Maude and the Public grnerellr, that he hes Resumed the Practice of Ifedicine and Surgery, and azarenno rienerrrter to all mills in the line of Lt . profes .olll Oaks at lus nee Deng :atom "'Wellsburg Nov. .21. 1 1 07.—ti WILLIAMS, IL It fibIeTSPIRITSTPKPENTINEfdr sale by 1.) Jetty U. STRW ART k IaIIaCLAIR eeprrior mirth', at 'c., a Reed Douro I) Drug Store of I. 1 BALD% IN. WHY LIT YOUR HUB. FALL OFF. AIL hamar Dry, harsh sad Frhaly, trlnro 'roil rail pretreat al ILI it naplarniant rattan by proemial' 1.1110 one of the follow in lung tried aori hirria, 0 "roved prtparat Ma Allen's !. Worlds Harr Ranaarrint. 1,60 .10 Zvi., ihahroth, 0041,111. • Reatorrr . rater, I v 4 `l sj c` n, WI , PL I.vat Ru Nobk llornlag" All to t had at th. Akio.* at CA 1 , 1117 R •NR(I gr.'. Get. 31 1.447 Stalk Cutter. Tl A.pe havg strew hot *tall Cantles...the ad mitt.telbrthe 1 7 pfispow that oationea every torwir lianufarthrwi aad ?old Wat.levale and kotstil, 41UORld pitkotell t C. . dailvators. I I lit MICH* patiret Delproyed Calth Mae ten th. Alan Cultle a - k j t 0,... an wareilent article at the Urfa, Jan. " Ilk. WI ER CITY littlN WORKS NOITSF. 141..04KF.111-100 florae Rlankete, th at will soft in - price and nuallte 1 i' SkI.DEN - 1. . FOR TEAT PARTY. . ExußAet4 or Itaapherre. Primula of Strawberry. Nectarine, " Mae Apple. .. Vawille., Syrup of 1,113011, • Den "Nr ny, .r , ' . Orange; rry, . Hitter Alinnw.le, • rrilarrPiiir Ram - How Superfine Olive Old. 1110110 grillitiro Ganef hr, and many tdher nit neeralariea. CARTER A info. Krie, Dee. la, ISA7.--.12 WI railif." - A very choler article of tineiniiatti tiugar Vexed Can Tared Elairknow opening and for tel. at Ad% Kay 30, nil. .• . , Vr, V 1 Bonnlllllet 8 0104 Ojitimuiti d Su by gar mid hains era Waikiki I led! so hot oak art% Jaws ft. 11167. .1. morale! Amm LL kiwis of cusrom WORK u dam se the sberlest , sad beet sod rest rtylea, at J. EICFMNLAI72, Jr's. MIN as_Owil:o7. J WIN } AIRBALNA F It IYK tt ('I.ITIII 411...A.444F..4 i'~CTFI: S It ib~ I'ARTFH k H/1.1 I IA NS° N'S Grocery U. pot Look Here: =I Ii AN:•ON•S GROCERY PEPOT, 4 lormukkdr, Fn. P. lit.R k BROTHER I - NEW ARRlVALiiiiiiii4 1 PTILLERTe, 147 X 1 1717 Boot and Shoe 21*(1 2, fiCnßiP2' auxic . hOTWITHSTANDINO the 'hard taps still born willsosat tames," and • ney to old ace, there te a neve, t irlig•P iumns AN/inlet/ES. To anbacribre has epened up, at the al. • tone elf the larrea and rheapret town, city• So prove tam he torttess prices and t. stock or ;neat", doable soivd, he Is saltie r for ,from 4. per pet.. , 11,w, e , s•ss r I(ee's 1%11, from 1.1.:10 G. Browsers, from sta.:. UR $1 in greet varststy Kip, from t „ 12.1 3 about or abundant..., qualities at remarketle low pram* I.AI 1..5 . Yin. lad rshoms, Bailers. its. dash of Ladle.' Wear comprisose ars •st, tall Beata, with heels, frets I.: elm! Boat. at 10 sthifflort aft prima cheaper„,than ever before °Simm s Gaiters he wills it the low prkr, 'latest styles with heel* .t • ! 1041 13,,,ete, with hetes hol :s.st,perf, Anew, kr , ke NEVA RUBBER uwrn...4 .t the lowest rate,. ' Hi. stork heeler teen fesopl.l t preraion of the trosimy erariee so When I a,d Ti... lure surely , frspatmtingly Ines , he oilers toshmernent. of Ens aoa , l of the eount, •.011...nt 'share of their trade' .ill ~,,t littabev' Block, titans atm. I Nov It. 1%37.—TT BOOT AND SHOE im - m Wholesal 11i AT NO. 7 BONXELL BLOM, 11, I , ,re Cad,reir. Old Stand, no! . , Pate ()Pee. y y E beg lea..• must respectfully to cell th 1,, ~uf rcry lar d « suJ selected WET .4 DRY (;R( Bought fur t ASH. from ant "Wad% tor Oa it city Wellevluag that • • can ollwr twilwamownt••,, the Trade, we turtle! you ALL to call Them are nutrawrnua artlclow Maatern productioa, r hteh coat" lean h. to that It a ob,t o a• thra that we MD .14104, OW pit. ASSORTED STOCKS OF 6, at lh, pomt, at t.ar pe1t...4 than tlio, ram „),„ eitsoa. 111. mug near home s.AcER tun. 'z teal 4 1 A Irt.4 Intervst and inaunmrw , A A TT: , lessee •14 Imp !ululates, SAI 4.y leakier, • isle TeX/0100N .Istays sml hauneh of riven, r..1/111:1 numerous mbar eoutingeneiss sr Men • run understands: To this enterprise we bring many 1/1•2111 • that as no pEn. Attl•Dt10111.1.11 he mat, I with weetrrux, and .11.psti •.ha thapwr. ij W. JUIN' , /.2, r i - / - ///y..._"/ 4, A W oer AR.o liftll LOCATED AT Bnffalo, B. Y., oar. Maine Albany, N. Y., 446 and 44 Cleveand. 0.. car. Superior Chicago, 111., 48 Clark street. Detroit, Stich., 70 Woodward lows A Picbsearabhp Iran nu• will b. itoul It • •L PIRECTORW. 1i Hon A. N Tracy. n 1.. t W Chilton erplauk •• 1 .4 1...r11 V% es% A find, f . John P. Tilt. It 1. Ili. t.r,Or Ihe I,r .pr t..r. its C•qm,s,sss , I , osrtmocat of Immoless 1 , , ttkskt,..,l;lL tii It” -,; tem. and i klr 111.• 01 U. . t r,.. %.tsifss to.; ,-. l's;11. mg. Prm tits 11. , .• r .. Ismt ;trt Hells.. I ilmslm, .11 at , I; 1 5,,,,,,:, ~,,,,...0. , ;.., • 1,,, I oiler., Mel .9, rl,Ol ss ~ The rli 13,gi Ileperesele flit qperieermn 4 , stem of l'entrlsc;• , ; o „ ml «rusts...fist...rill M. Laugbt. Th. , •mhituito.n ../ tal«nt Ln.ogln t. a==l=!Z=ll the Ilighria onler Are , .11 selected with the grAll (es t .-.r., ma t_ procured. entlrfly tern- , nest and worm wit uuri, Time of ( sionnesfinn. A. then , an n,..rrirstionr, any tune and pr.. , tl• kr WaY.ll,l tthoul rylirr By thug iirriturrior rat . ..ttn ‘.• Liaen •rt 1,1,k • y somOt t Alt.) LECTAILE.f. Will ta• d.ln. ri .1 . • {AI rant ile • o r.t •ni., •1111I1.• r /111Liittg• TO Mk Taarbor, of leaden. a, 1 . num P bt their irsoittotle here ten pials utt, •rmi pri.trlatin TUE ITE OF 11041.111% Tl. , It..inot arr atrs. 01.. z ,r a arnsuonnl lop pursuing every department .4 Y. Fr . For further informat..a pulitiiiheit, tl,irh • I r.. ‘,l•lrenew BR% tNT & At Buffalo, ItCTIII.II4I. I tot b. .l .14% rt L. At. I sep, BOOK BIND EXCELSIOR ES - : THE sule4erioera Sr.. happy take', he place of J. J.l.intp. that t. the beat 10..1.1 and Stock, aa a* • k;11 for shill for rArrying on the And Blank Bonk Slansfact.. In th•nund approved miles of Eant..r, rito and *trice% •• low as MO be sls.sur s • tosu lllnn in.) Affollll, Boob lull nor ;4 . F 41401111 4.t pttnt.4 Bonk. buss us/ , ss eissss, 014, establudinteht le furnisse.: •str• a• ", Implemrntr neeeswarr I'einh.l in bound to lull the Lute...l IS. par•J• • ,r u ne,' !taper ssesrs A • •n: ./1.41.• r, color llartne .oe r t world, they defy cutup. tsts• 114 - 41. • ' • ' nrtjaltw being , d..n• ry over t • i; • r rt. .nrit Wily , •1.1,• It. tthl Krie Mar !. -.121 _ pi I 1141 c ! ocir rkst.. Carter'. tlrlrl , mtt , pleasant to us, -tarp II t• 1., E. rautut; File, March i• CORNICES ANL) CUIZTAI) AL .1111 bel I r• 'A _,•11 Curtain Pin. r o art,•tt .411.11 re. than ever edit in tl.is April 3, IS.IB FOR SALE 50311: minabl e prt pertl for ask at a great lArgain. At, nu. ,:eun+s prop rt tu a /ocatton t. r Gu •-•• t get • torgsto by calling on ••• Enr.llarch 1I %. -4,5 P l. 11.11.1:E x S IF receiving the target t St"cii ,n Erie l'orehnsioil for liolennle or Retail, corr. +poi/ ini (-ha rirea for .6n. tog rar Fn. nty Bondi. lakvii 26. .1 iIeCA MICR '2OO IMAMS 1.1,A D. ••• rt, April IL 1., • Maltt/ittliPlit• f, • • •11.1i , Ln, /Pr esterybruly. • 'II be Rnn.l 111,11 D July 21 1t..31 —1 (111 kILI.I)TI'I3 BIitAINT • ‘••••,' Ths Wlnkpla, Seasuisl, ' , lnters of rhsrli, tl,ntr• 1.••11 I hit Ghat, st Garet o JlBly o 4, Iht,,L I tha 1 ritiJA l 7 . lll A . 14111,1 , 10 1 7 1 ..1 t e i, 7. 7 • 1 , • Erie, Nos 7.1v...7 Oltiblit, fur 1%, 6( NW.," lo• •I 1: C LIO B42RIP if t. It 1;1 V . .1! July IS, 1.457 11 WISID - OW Vt . . pal. and k..tall I. no, Nov 7. 1%.,7 Tixrifyrter.. it." •vv) Hoar, ob..r ri•l, trite, line moo Or •I•taloani at a • Matril II 1 Etta ligESQe ISL r p roil" DEALK9S In On, I r Ink.. 7, One ha'? tulle at •,f •• E.,' •‘t •" 4 .'" parr•l to forntah *lntit •, with ha* rlean n o ral row' MI 'Merl saittrrserd to Br% ~r pramY.t tiv attrn p4r4l to ran Vu." Oihrr at Matto a, tiro!, • 'to- ••torr *ll mak,* will toe prool.tiv Erie, April 10, taz... 9". li111.1,• are) Fria., April I: 11. k li KAUTIYVI. Mor ai , *kr 14 4,4 "P',. km Mega New rsterua, .n.i mror • Nov, la, Loos SE 1. av . feet that I,oll,rion make f t v i lare Wade W rcie, Awl has a lare• Mmagbinhere II r• 1•14,ry. •.t him call and he .ti.kbe 1, It n bum Erie., March jsbir HANSON'S 11 1; Fi t. HE 11.11 The ( ullrglate I ours Tbe I.ectio rrr. The Ladire OrPgrimr.i rn f I • ap-ii 1.1 Is PE 1 BOOK B 111•302 THE ' VERY BEST