Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, June 05, 1858, Image 2

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•ENJ. I. SLOAN, 11411t•r
• 00 Pebbibits and • • •
+ol,llMMlde — Stiltri l idtt --
aOl I tols solguYeDGN4_
' fir4isures a):
riterwps of Liao Week:
.41d ifliPY• IP" 'bear libebenter, - Mr Woodsy in ono
lageViiimitilw)l4ll4lt a Nenebdwasr, 'bottle wife dead.
std Slurried Mims, ales be
had ea altercation *Di hit wife *Wet Ivies to tics la
Rokaellgr. ;411iadald ilieedimils Sight go ids way aid
aM crembigle hen, Wbereipai b• *might op his gun sad
ilsweapemlimt. kiiiing her tikams'iasteetly. The sharp
seised Der rigki tide. De Plmetp started to return the
gala is moms gamma drew whom he bed borrowed it, but
"wham jar. rippoMpsw. told hire that be bad shot Ms
wide. *lr. D. et.osee matted tins, and Deputy, dhoti ,
Yerlp Soak *IA halit DeiPleaty is about forty.ail years
of era vdt moseidered guise isiudensive. Hie wife
was of Prom sod Duman pareetage, add timy ►ad eta
00. 10 Y 7 jesre— the youessat three wombs.
H. .t f«, mr . quarreled with Me wife "ezcspt
tkeiklid y meek Aurae!' as poor folks is extreme seessaity
pm,* lair .*: The murderer is • mast above medians
keigliCait'pf tribt proportioas. He has a long face sad
Allow wiligtietion. $e appears to be rather intelligent,
but le isotnp etiossitid maw. H. speaks fair Raglish.—
mtie kii,il o l lot ksow what made him occnini• ski
44101 'lldi lie does sot appear tc be mach
.Iby W eitsaldosodthoogh he betra*s some maim.
plai t trteitemeat joss now in California to
ref 'I. sew gold discoveries on Fraser's River. It is
vappostli to alter as Immense territory, larger eves than tmeziss mods of California, and hundreds are
alditlderatio for the new. This large gold
total o r4ly within the British possessions, sod
loeß'tl* l 44 old Whig opposition to the effuru of Mr.
Flich e Alidilliallbli#olll to settle zits boundary dispute on
orilibille 'Had the opposition sustained the efforts
of 'ailhdlotrathm—of Buchanan, Warty, Clue,
uhd all the Doteberatie lights of the day
—the *We question of territory might easily have been
HIM INA* plesillei of 54:40, wlikth would have lociod.
ed this post coal golds of Tatteouver's Island, and also,
thi liSitraMlSWllld /Sid guide of Pruner'. River. But
dm mounts of the Dissoerstle party took, is It h not
01111111‘11diribcia 4a do,She *Nish dd. of the gamin,
thotweetho coos*, was deprived of a terra.
Asa all the wealth of all the Indies.
-411416111111111 eta sad - rallgiosa liberty should
.4111111404611411i6lIdipiettims to roll a Convention to revue
14111.41111110011sillintdttioo Of Maryland, was defeated at
thdillsollesihnid is that State as Wodseoday last. It was
wdLdaiewtod that th• lea object of the prime actors to
thammismomilk, aim b bare ilkeirporiltd to the fundasson
tal law of dist Commonwealth a class* ambodytag the
famdim sad ehodahod attwenty.oss yew?' dootrio• of the
liddiellfdling or "Amadoon" party, as against foreigners.
HO 4iikeesdimmote of pstriotimc sad of toleration, eves
to that besighted sod moboerstio Bate, have proved too
moridythlmo opphoki achenten, sad the attempt at • foul
, wpireas boos wuahid is the had.
.418 bamkeewd , of Nana sus--sea so mesa mord=
incuolinayswehisidw. "that you mold take the titUs sad
olie !S deem I. a petal, poach out ths pith
at=L addled in tea thwassad seek posh as k
odedffillatik." 4 fellow lisiag is Gasoavills, Comas.
tisa Hyde. who buried Ids third wife &boat
brut rat is* the asaietery, deg into th• grave,
sad 111*11111 *pea a podia, rifled it of a est of fate teeth,
set oR gold plate, that he might taxa the gold late
wiettift, 4 Agile is,about iffy jean of age, a oup•ater by
tZrodforlahl• eiratissiaacee. aad—• neatber of t h e
wombat should be Swabbed with •
Nat" ti bash thittla through the world. Pass round
hie Rama.
istet iambs On bees easseekable for long
itesChisad mad heavy mink Avery section of the country
11041100,wbfited by thorn. sad Is some hid:MOOS great
Env* bees dew by &be essmasintios et water.
the gillehtsmill Oressaireiel as anoint of a
hisoldik owsniss la that city sod ether portions
.00. 4 espiimag Gs mamba at 11 o'eleek, sad ess•
Ogilliftakt• WPM, diving which time Ive sad a half
ithislellitMlet tell. Lammas damage was dose to the
mikes& sad bridges, and it is thought that the White.
1,10K11.10 irrsparsMy *bared. All the railroads eon
settleti with Olikmsati, as well as the Kentucky roads,
arihtett.iti last lAblttaPtod by the log of bridges, or the
Stoat' ssay of ambaskmenu.
thirty-third State will probably soon be admitted
laic tin mmishanmy. The Oregoa bill has passed the
Basile, sad then is little doubt of a prompt concurrence
by thegoaes The new star will be one of the brightest.
admisipeas commercial position of Oregon—her
Ist eta varied —her noble rivers—her wealthy
llislUess forests, and her fertile valleys—
einstibia to aware the State a magnificent future. The
We% ellalltrallon flowing Into the attractive region is
notlso.lllo4l Y tharwhieb posted into California, bet then
ft is it.Sd7 ad sore reliable. Tbs emigrants are ger ,
oily or a hirdy mid industrious character, who prefer the
seithlalis et the fields to the uncertain search for told.
IS lasiedisit the tmestiltMe is decidedly Democratic. Gen.
Jrssjl! firs , forsally of bulimia, tin long been her lead
--het J. R. 11111 nor, the dazing young American
mresaat, sada another successful balloon ascension from
inismonn la@ Illosisq, la present.* of some ton tbonsami
46Mittlerh' intlbo eords width bound bin car to the
essakit 4 ofektock preelsoly, and in a moment nu sailing
haelliihl/y Aar this sews In a Sosta , Basterly dlroction.
new the We of Lancaster and Lebanon
semair sone mita beyond t3baollbrstown, baring sailed
sifts litollimita as easy mlnioes, and was brought back to
Leknass, kr ids a D. Camay, at about 6 o'clock, being
)111111 &NW hiserestfair aseetokod.
' —The Bref. Dr. •Becriata has been elected Assistant
11111101 poll the Protests.' Pipiecopal Church is the Diocese
of beicieripbraals. Thwbealt! of Bishop Potter is each at
toirsokr Maistaat aseeseary. The ha/toting was pro•
haswiLiketag two goys of ON session of the doe,
the piaci* caadidatee being Dr. Bowman, Dr. Vinton
aadl Merin. Oa this likh ballot, the duo rely vet.
leinsats Beits•wited • wijority of eight over Dr. Violet.
~o* the WO otairsoi the choke. This is
.b) trims& of die 1114, Chareb party.
argliiihioitigss Pram ipsyr "Os &m ay samosa
the 'letdowns* Rwishow. Mud Esc Mow with s toed of
*lode Assittarit
by iiildrdag Otos is the Stash. fiver,
04111111.441011 1 . allow Port Euro& Tile lightslog struck
iiikripli pissed dove, splittiag the mast into
Oven. Ome of an antler% wood John Cods, had boos
wit ii441,440rt tin* Were far Übe wpm, of notes
seV ir=
t **sot omen% Isstastly kLUsd. As be fell,
tbeaksomis, sad kis body long deagilea
40.14 .. raseeed by tbe oilers Rea.
Mott, • Melo borgior, who boo boat ottaviotod
ip6, , *Who ran old. hot. having Wes s &top
AN4OI. law wed titanium loan molt kith
441101 qt jigoos.tilot hcretsee. to Mow epos his older
r*etel, see, hie a wife depesiset es him , while
rin silsitetty to ewe for, Mid ems otataii it ! Go
.. 09 411114(It= hes esseeptel as imitative tam
the Balsa to address them on the ease
-40:74/seieitip-oseesi.Aseivessery of 411106.
Mr. C. MN we et the ea lies Whip
beesssersay le the seenotabir seated of
, t sleep( She ausetAiftesi sod *lowa( eager,
.... a lii,l4lllllolo City hir bora isat.lois B. Mao
egg% Aft cloilars tar rormiag to MIMI this
• .
_ 4 6 1 1 114 1""d Win" irlio ,iwarglS
as cossialooloaar of slooilheas. it
of kit aataralisatioa mats
7 11.tosgts,
- , csra( .. • • : a '• a • mil
..'.. , 610 amp • - ac ..'.
4' • ..
nada" _ doiebtlees , ' lest t devil* the ,
.... last SA thiglrealthying lAwretiee,gaessgig Ce.
tee um . Tisk( fro liwiliseen
in the re otipaollessisods,
loss * 'mimed g, the arialble
, peddle execahmileti it was shown that &boat $ B l. OOO of
its assets bad been expends:4,lu procuring the passage of
ililiffamel ralt MINN eipeerishm ..theLviliary ow weer was
greedy redacted. This fart struck the'whole country with
astonishment. It was known that Lawretice, Stone d. C 0.,/
together with their political Meads la and oat of Massa
ehaetts, composed of such men as Horace Greeley, Thur, 1
lOW Weed, Goy. Gardner, 0, B. Mutton°, J. Watson Webb,
et gernut hoemo, bad beets in time past the very head sod
frame telfehe preleetive- parer. There hi mantel, a
mead buip Host does mot recollect how the N. Y. Triburse,
edited by-iireeley, the alb's, Joaristil, edited by Weed,
mid the N. Y. !tes t er and Ealutrer, edited by Webb,
shrieked themselves hawse ever thievery queattoa of pro.
faction; sod, algae it became whispered about. as it. soon
was, that mob and every nee of these " protective" ad
vocates had Angered his portion of the $67,040, in pay
meat for his influence in securing this essleetitm of the
tariff, there was a g I cry :or 11111101110000, its order
that the hypocrisy of such political charlitaris might be
exposed. Ths people bed not forgot that these were the
very men who told them, when the tariff of,sleetti was he
log pressed. that, to use the language of Joao N Ctsv
son in the Sru•te, " ikssonid put a knit. to . the throat of
every sheep in the country," and hence they wented to
rase what excuse they could now offer for taking the money
of Lumens, Stone & Co , for prmeuring • further rrduc
' ties on wool, Thera rumors having been brought to the
unties of Commas, together with others that tiertew mein•
ben of the House bad participated in the $87,000 spoils,
a committee of levestigation was appointed, the report of
wltiffis has jest made its appearance. Thiiraport shows,
that while a large proportion of the sum named cannot be
*seed beyond the pockets of one J. W. Walcott, of the
'Boston Soaking House of Gamiest, Walcott t Co, •
thraess the portion that can be traced was shared among
the very politicians who have made the loudest professions
in favor protection, and hare denounced with the most
viaiktivettess the redaction of tariff dewily. Not a cent
appears to base bees traced to a Higifsieratie politician;
net a farthing to a Penssylvanias—oo the contrary, pith
tunic New England together with New York most bear the
odium of having origlests.d and profited by this swindle.
The whole thing appears to bare been conducted on the
"close corporation" principle—that is, the 687,1)00 was
raised by black republicans to corrupt black republicans,
and put to that use, and that alone. A. for Instance, in
dismssing how the money could he best used to accomplish
the object in slew, Hon. 0. Blialtison, member of CV
greu from leer York, proposed thet $25,00u should be
placed in the hands of Horses •Greeley, of the Trtbroe, in
order to enable that moral Individual to secure the votes
of some twenty or twenty iflre of his particular friends in
Congress. Whether this hint was taken or not does not
appear ; at least there is no evidence that it was, and
berm the inference is that Horst did not Sager any of
this wool mosey. The fact however, that Mattison pro.
posed that he should shows conclusively that A. at least,
knew his man! &tether poist in the evidence brought to
light by the investigation, Is the fact that Wear, of the
Courier and Esuptirer, "utak a rat," raid thereupon wrote
Lawrence, Stone it, Ora, Ent be had rakes a hones in
Washington for the winter—arid would be happy to serve
them la any way—bet, toad here is tffe point of the joke)
avoid not be expected to do so at his own expense. "Fee,
to, 6, gum, I smell the mosey of Lawrence, Stops d- Co.,
and dead or alive I will bare some," said tien..l. Watson
Webb—bat Lawrence, Stone I Co., did not " bleed," and
hence it, is presumed' that house in Washington had to be
kept up from some other source of supply. Tiscriow
Weed, of the Albany Joereel, appears to have been - afore
animate, for when he held out his hand and cried " give"
they dropped into it the good round some of ssooo—three
thousand of which, he/peers, was to pay him back. for
money expended on " Fr 011191“ and Jesse" in 18.56, and
two thossaad for labor performed in convincing the
farmers that the lower the duty on imported woof, the
better price they would realise for the domestic tinkle. As
Marlow told us quite a different tale a few years since,
we can safely excuse him—" the laborer's worthy of his
-JUNI 6'. IMB.
In conclusion, the Committee my they have no action
to recommend on the part of the House, inasmuch as duty
have elicited no evidence eriatinating any member of the
body. True, the Clerk of the Standing Committee on
Clause had received a lobby the of a thousand dollars; but
having resigned his poet on the heels of the movement for
an investigative, no Milker action was needed in his cue.
Of the $89,000 expended in behalf of the Tariff bill of
1857-001 eommNbe, WWI oil their witnesses and Indust.
Mu roomettes, are not &hie clearly to account for touch
more than $15,000- The balanee, ($74,000, more or less)
whit* was pot Into the head of the oonfidential tweet of
the Arm, Kr. Wolcott, for lobby purposes, they traced to
the pockets of Wolcott, whore the Investigation stops.—
The believe, however, that he was authorized
to pledge any modal of mousy, however corruptly, to
secant the peat object of the firm; but while they believe
this, they also believe that Wolcott r.pproprteted
the money to his own use, and that it forms
a dart of the cash capital of the new Boston
banking arm of (ex -t orernor) Gardaer, Wolcott d. Co.—
The committee pronounce the evidence of this man Wol
cott as " wilfully and corruptly false," and regret his die
charged on new belt,) for the very satisfactory reason that
this discharge at once frustrated the objects of the inr eetiga.
tion. Among the uoertalned lobby moneys paid out by
the arm of Lawrence, Stone 1 Co., the following items
J. N. Reynold', of New Tort, K. N.
Mr. D. M. Stone, N. y. 3,500
Mr. Corbin, Renee Clerk Committee of Claims 1,000
A Mr. Bliss, of N. Y. 300
A potleman letturingamong the mechanics 2500
A Mr. Hotchkiss, of Penn Yan 100
Geo. Ashman of Mass., es M. C. 4,000
Tbarlow Weed, frost Rent Lincoln 5.000
. Altogether this ItapC4ollllll,o is about 11l complete a pie•
tare of the corruption diaistieg among the leaders of tho
Black Bapabliean party as one could desire : and as ouch
we eommend it to the careful attentios of tb• people who
hare heretofore supposed that when these leaders talked
" proteetion" they meat it.
phia Botterio mays the North Branch Canal has been sold
for $1,500,000, and Governor Packer has signed his op •
prove, The purchasers, who intend tasking it a Staged
and useful work, have organised a company under the
style of She North Breseh Canal Company," and have
elected Mr. Charles F. Wells, Jr., of Athens, President,
and Mr. Gee. Id. liollsobach, of Wilkesharre, Treasurer,
with an eMeient Board of Manners.. The money to rum•
piles the upper division of this Important work has been
raised, and within two weeks, or less, boats are expected
to pals through the entire line. Tbe inhabitants of North •
Sri Pennsylvania aad the lower emoting of New York, are
to be asegratunded !,that User Canal has passed into good
heed* and will, at bast, be made efisient. The Meads of
the Bendsery arid Brie Railroad Compaey mast feel a high
degree et eatisfaetiest at the wale, as wadies to hasten lbw,
no♦pletiee of that great highway firm Philadelphia to the
Lakes. The farocable results of the sale of the Canals are
ties early beginning to show thesseelver, and we are rare
every friend of the trade of Philadelphia, and of the Pan
sitieweelth, eammat bet Gel gratified-at such ea iodisation
tbattise legislature have hit the true policy by their action
oa behalf of the danhery and Nrie Railroad, as well as the
nitwits of the /Rata'
In reprd to the lojunetios against the solo to the per.
ties named above, 'Weed elsewhere, t h e Philadelphia
Price Currait says : "Another Wier was was by John
Ely, Jonathan J. Slocum and ethers, at 112,000,000, but on
enquiry it was ausrmined not to be • bona fide off r. Bev.
met of the parties, whose names were given, stated that it
was done without authority, mid others were found not to
be responsible for the amounts that would have been re.
naked from them. Upon the rejection of this offer prop
osition was made by the monsocessfel competitors to sell
the two divisions of tho canal, so es to give one divisiOn
to soei - Pety. Upon this project a consultatio• win had
with Owasso, ranker is radios to the law regulating the
sale. 11ia ophstow wu decidedly la opposition to soy di.
"Mu, aselim ate was therefore Wrested to the 'parties
Whoa inane an gloss shove.:
/11/I"lbit Oswegolima Slow boo *posed, • encisepos -
dug et; s i
t hosilskagiagllol est IL B•surr, Km; orbit
alifi erst Sis writer nye :
0 .10111.0, issiy sesseeties with oar City 111,4
Natty fiiimiliarty with thew—bt• weillissws
=ii ti fttte l tr it tbs te s=attZ
had s porastr et as sae sad beeossba• i•preseslistiss is
It we wise ides to ilior ony.stivtoi to the *titer of
diesbote, It maid be that It be wished to sekktriewle
for M,. L h Geserteed Cousty, the host be hi. SO soy
admit " our city sad isoesty affairs," Kiln& a billalaift
1/111t there: Ihrhaties It will be for kb eeeeliiiistat Bet,
Ai jo Witt Dig of gee Areentl, the serrerpiekiimes et the
p os asiyAromeemee, tellkoet Omsk me. fee either wide*
sS 5/01.11dP7...:7.
• on 4
. • . - -
---,..-,. 'ltibicA# . It List., 'mod Witb it tit limo.
s , t 1 Air ...,
4 .13 i . irhg'lilt ages. WO* illrlifte•
, i446:661.
.„ 0 , .. r
... A'
' s,
r 1
peirr .142 w . ,_ ataumi.
i ..Fo,_
It la feet to ' ' egroil. : s 411.4,„yrir
Press, t blue ' icon thimatetkOw of '
sin, F asp 'iff Malan; 1414 of . - -
Lisi of a s , nvisztthky 444 MTh° '. II it,
4 11 .
voted ' last the adiefklisiestf tbit - litatikiareuntew
Ybite,southorn daniveratie Senators BAYARD of Delayer*,
Baw.tion of Losisianw Dion" of Mississippi, et
hinksenn e Ctensuatar of Yr/ash. Caeoinea.. Hallos of Mis
souri, tyros of Saudi Carolina, Jonsson of TIRIDOSSOIN
Joassok of AritalleaS, PuLIC of Missouri, StSAITIAII of Al ,
knaves, dutiatt. of Langton". Toonse of Genres, sad Tv ,
Let; of Florida, voted for it. Four or Iris democratic /3011•
stun voted against It; listsolely on the ground of innie•
query of population ; no.rensus had been taken, and they
1•4111 aiipsestieseiee that lb* popetlatiou won insulliatoot to
warrant a representation in Congress Thill uppositioo of
the black republican Senators was not on this ground;
they utade no objection on the soon of inadequacy of pop
ulation i their objection was that the constitution of Ore
goo pitohibited the settlement of negroes In the State. It
also orobibited the !Fettle's's! of Chinese; but this the
bight irepablicana eared nothing about. Their philanthro
py illi not TIM in the direction of the Celestials; it was all
fur thb Ethiopian. They had searched in the constitution
fore bigger and found hit, and he stuck in their tbroats•
They would nut vote for Oregon with a constitution tba:
did ntit proclaim nigger equality It did not matter tha
the ckostitatioil prohibited slavery : this war not enough ,
it must make nigger' citisens—not only those now in Or
egon:but all who should settle there in the futons !
tilo' we see that if it bad depended upon the leading black
repabliemis of the Sonata, the bill for the admistion of free
Oregon would not hare paged that body. Oregon would
hate been rejected, and admonished that she could not
ease in until 'be bad made a con.ritetion to malt the black
repsibliean Setuatots/11 Maine, New Ilampshire, Ohio aid
!Stools It was the democratic Senators of the slave
Status of Delaware, LOSISia.OII. Mississippi. Alabama, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Missouri, Tennessee, ()argil'.
Alabama sod Florida who brought from Oregon la, aided
by the northern tlataueratie &waters , and it was they who
brought lree klint.eauta in, against the opposition of meet
of the black 'repubiiaaae in both harms.
It most be eninciadittii that free Statile are not tlettiffaid•
to black republicanism unless they are abolition Stattie.--
Oregon is offensive to it. because, its champions tell us,
the constitution exelades negro.... Bat the K Tope-
Its constitution excluded negroes, and yet, every Wick re
publican in both houses of the last Congress voted for the
Topelaconetioition. Kansas, however, presented two ab
elition Senator. with her Topeka concern. Oregon will
send two democratic Senators. That is the difference, and
that le what makes the difference with the black republi•
cans. It is not, in fact, l t Oregon excludes ruel', but
that she sends democrat' Senators and Representatives.
Vs_ itosoiutions directing lice Commissioner to notify
the Erie Gas Company, that the City deems tie contract
with mid Company rescinded by the passage of supplement
to 41111 set *angled "an set relative to lighting the City of
Erie with tias," sad directing the ties Lighters to sense
lighting the Street lamps. Adopted by Common Council
and concurred in by Select.
We clip the above specimen brick from the edifice of
folly which our City Fathers aasetnble once a week to erect.
Under the authority of law, a majority of the owners of
property on various streets of the city, petitioned to the
city authorities to erect gas posts and light the streets to
petitioning—the whole expense of which has been paid
by the owners of the property on the said streets. Now,
however, we are - cooly told that although we have paid for
-our posts, and are willing to pay for the gas, we can't be
aceommodate.i. Was ever boll-headed obstinacy more
apparent among "men dressed in a little brief authority,"
And what is the reason given ? We bare heard but one,
and that was given by one of the "solemn conclave of
twelve" to a friend of ours. When remonstrated with for
this act of tyranny he retorted by charging that octal*
parties had remonstrated to the Legislature last 'rioter
against the passage of the bill increasing our city taxed—
and to punish them for thee daring to have an opinion of
their owe, the whole town is to be deprived of gas I Row
long are we to be ruled by men who have no higher ap•
predation of their position than is indicated by this ?
Now long are the rights of the tax payers to be trampled
on by a few malicious spirits who use their aetideseal po
sition as a means of wreaking their revenge ?
papers record a most melancholy ocpumnee which occur •
red in Hayfield township in 'ars - wford county on Thursday
of last week. It appears that a Mr. Asamanx LaYsysar l
a respectable citizen of Hayfield townaliip, was killed by a
boll, belonging to a butcher in Conneautville, turas, the
following circumstances : A neighbor of Mr. Laruiran's
was in possession of the bull, and kept him in his barn.
On Thursday afternoon he broke down the barnsdoor and
got out, and the man, being sick, sent for Mr. L. to assist
to securing him. Ile came, and while endeavoring to get
him back into the barn, the animal made a pitch at him
and threw him over a fence. Mr. I. got up apparently
uninjured, and approached the fence, but the bull upon hie
re-appearing, made another pitch at him and threw the
fence down upon him, when he horned and mangled him
in a horrid manner. It is raid that it was two hours be•
fore the body could be taken away from the bull, as he
walkod around it, occasionally tossing it up on his horns,
and then tramping it. When rescued at last, it was found
that his bowels were torn out, and that be was otherwise
horribly mangled.
,rsor Bpaniab quarters are no longer taken in this city
for twenty-fire cents—the Bank, Exchange offices, Post
°Mee, and moat of our merchants haring refused on Hon•
day morning to receive them for more than twenty rents
This Is as it should be. For months the towns East and
West of no hare refused to receive them except at this
rate, and the result was that they were bought up by spec
ulators, brought here, and were fast becoming our only.
currency. They will now disappear from circulation.
r• We notice that resolution ties passed one branch
of Cuogrele, appropriating $lO,OOO to Capt. 0171216111 R, of
this city, as a reward for his intention of the life boat,
pirated by Francis! rt. hope it will pass the Senate, for
a more deserting man and rocupetent of6cer G not connect
ed with the PerTiCe.
I.V POR T.—The Steamer Michigan, Commauder LAN.
SAN, came foto port on Saturday eight, trout ber Brit
cratee to the upper Lakee.
%l b. The Gazette states that the Associate Reformed
Church of this City, is now undergoing a remodling pro
cess. It is to he frescoed in fine style, and generally
painted and improved. W are glad to bear this—no
.dikes la town needs it more, while there is not a Congre
gation that is better able to improve their church. The
eangregstion will to the meantime occupy Park Hall for
Sabbath worship.
Why Is It that the stooe for rebuilding the Lead
Light HOllll4 is promared from the "upper Islands" and the
bet,* from blilwankee ' They eould be bad here equal In
quality, and at mach len expense. Oa* of the best skate
qaarrias in the County Is seareely forty rode from the "Light
How;" and as to Briek Manufactures, no point on the
Lakes presents Amager iatlueenients than Erie. The
Government might have saved a handsome "item" by pro
eyries this materials "at home."—Gaulle.
A■ anal our neighbor has "pat his foot in it," in the
shore paragraph. Tire stoic and brick for the work men'
Melted above, la the main, as wear. informed, were all pro
cured here. The eseeptions are simply, that on finishing
a ligh t house on Lase Michigan the Superintendent found
be bad a few brick left which be brought down and used
in this structure. As to the stone, the feet a patent to the
observation t.f every one that the article furnished by the
"quarry ceareeiy forty rods from the Light Moue," as well
as thou of every other quarry in this vicinity, will not
trend the weither. Tbrry are admirable when used for in
side word, bat the moment they are put where the rain
and frost can reach them they seal, and rrumble—here,
it beestaa necessaty to procure, for certain portion. of the
work, a better article than oar "tarries furnish.
PRESS OFFICE IN THIS CIT Y.—We hear that a seri
ous robbery to the amount of upwards of one thousand
dol4irs, occurred on Friday last. Two packages of money
in the charge of the Express Company, and a boy of this
city, named LA WRINCI, were Grand to be missing together.
They were traced to Buffalo, and at the theatre, is the
evening, the Loy was diseovered, and arrested by the Older
of Police. Being taken to the office of the latter and
searched, nearly four hundred dollars In gold, and over
ties hundred in bilbt, were found. The whole amount of
the depredation being $1,040; about one hundred was
missing. This the boy acrobats for, by buying bought
goose new clothes, tome jewelry and a sliver watch. He
WA changed about belt of she paper mosey whirl' be bad
sham tato geld, payleg Ova per mat. therefor So the Iwo.
ham He sbys be the mousey host a woodpile. where
he saw it eoacealed by a man. The boy is very young la
wieltedness, for nose of his movements after the robbery
displayed mob 141. He was a sea of the Nzpress Mos
wager between Ida aid Meadville. No Maine is lastly
allargabla to the elk*. in this oily.--Cowitiaitiea.
j 111 1 ," The N. I'. Atlas, the but Sudsy spit So New
York by a thousand fold, coma to as low printed no •
large double sheet. ranks sasiy of lb. New-Yak week
lies, the Ads* It sot rioted a week to wham" of its dusk
beets foil ef the eibokost oditorislo, tales, eritleisms, akid
ours up to the hoot et pint to press.
Dr. BIAIIIIAND will be •t Bump's &lel, wit awl
wird sy, Jane 12, from 8 to I 1 o'clock A. K.
YORK, M 1, 18/
Tie "twill milks Is ink haw " On
household ballade, rot Ow
pyrdef in an
the war cry of constitatieaal pritm " Mdit eating
lortitutioas. So loop as the onisassee was merely talked
ebeuktarepseekt mid* sight pethert W elsoftwiliwswgior
*tad. we coald endure it, eriaeoling evureelver with the old
vaelleatlas that we Ind iss sows other way, if Pot in tills,
be compelled to enseuraw oar "peek.of dirt." But when
the dispel/dog really of stantptalled cowl sad filthy milk
maids War asiddliy pfd la picture to oar eyed, eel
stomachs roe* is abhorrence, sod we longed with "error&
1 1 1.11 great 4111111 for "pm Oranges. mitt" a phantom
by whose emblem* we bed so often been deluded. Bier
sed is the babe whose milk is °sly diluted with wets!! if
he be hod frees the all pervading itheminatlea of swill.
ladead we mast be a very mussel people: quasi a•
mesh so as those socieis peadtwore whom Taaltus describes ;
fur three mortal weeks we bare bees convulsed shoot swill
milk, sod for soother week onr spirits have been agitated
to discover whether spirits suit in Lager Bier ' Does
Lager Bier Intoxicate is the qusstion which has been
taxing the wits of our medical, chemical and speculative
men. It seems to us that the best way id testing this
question would be, for the city to hire some D p. of re'
parlous stomach, one totally inoooent of er)sitf or strung
drink, to imbibe of the watery Said to the tit of his ab
dominal resettles., and if, alter such trial, the aforesaid
D. D, shoulJte able to maintain an upright position, let
Lager Bier henoeforth sod forever more be declared pow
OASIS to intoxicate ' The:pool:inaction reminds us of a story
lately told of a eeleibrated French actress who i isited this
country come time ago. Walking down Broadway one after
noon with a friend, the was astonished and partied at t he
frequent reeurrenne of the same family name, as she cup.
pose d i t t o b e over almost every ether subterranean shop
on the street, artellaally taming to ber companion in•
quired with ezeirediag simplicity "How does there come to
be on ale street so very alma y woman, of the name of
Lager Bier r
As for ether soy t * unimportant enough Every
other diw vu ka v repeated 11111 oataugo or two on AlSeri*
can ♦easels ; Imo of whisk are ray, enough end °Um'
so absurdly greemdlese as to gies rise to soma burlesques.
Among other* the story was circulated about town that the
general government was about to demand an explanatioe
from Great Britain on account of the breaking of a light
in the cable triode's of a Jersey City Ferry beat by the
concussion of a salute Greif from the British mail steamer
Persia ea ehe left the himbot. Then we have Lad s little
squabble between a couple of actors who could net Le sat
isfied without dragging their household gods into the street
In broad daylight • also an affray between an infuriated
French doctor and the proprietor of the New lock linter
In the way of amusements the last idea is Batoum's in
vention ; he proposes to bring Over by subscription at very
high rates the finest opera troupe which ever performed to
any country. But the public confidence in Barnum ti
BPAtleiji figs on account of the backwardness of the
weather, which ebecket the sale of all reasonable goods and
keeps buyers at bout.. Cotton condoner to advance; wool
will probably be 25 potent lower in Fall than last rear
tome say .50 per eenL There Is no prospect of a rise in
breadstuff', as•the crops look very well on the other side
and the tone of the foreign markets is less Arm. The Fall
trade, It is antleiPabst mall be done in a small and can -
tines way ; next Spring will probably open with a trainee
dons rush, of trade trout the west.
Do you know that one city offielais are getting pious, the
effect perhaps of the reseet revival, or it may be that they
have all at once discovered that there isrone day sot apart
for reit. Whatever it is, they are attempting to prevent
the newsboys from crying their wares on Sunday. Now,
it may be that your correspondent lea the "earth earthy,"
but he cannot help thinking that this "reform" has com
menced In a very poor quarter. There are a multitudo of
Sabbath day abuses in this city which continually cry
aloud for reform, but which are winked at by the very
men who are now persecuting the ragged newsboys. In
deed it is publicly avowed that this war upon newsboys
does not at all contemplate stopping the sale of newspapers
on that day, and does not warrant any iterferenee on the
part of the policemen with man or boys, who prosecute the
newspaper traffic in the streets in a quiet and orderly Man
ner. Neither do they meditate any attempt to shut up the
shop' of the newsmen on Sunday, or the publication offices
of the newspapers, If the proprietors are disposed to keep
them open. This being so, Sunday newspapers wilt be
sold as heretofore, but the boys will not be permitted to
cry them through the stases. The great mass of the read,
en of the Sunday P ros are served by regular earlier, and
newsmen, who keeptatde all over the city. The boys
sell to strangers, and snob citizens as only webs,e occa
sionally, and this they can do just as well in a quiet man
ner, so as not to dletstrb the very muddy' gentlemen of
the "Sabbath Committee," who ride to church, and keep
their coachmen and footmen outside the tabernacle, while
they go in and make long prayers, which, Christ taught
us, are offensive to the threat Father of us ail, who may,
perhaps, give a ragged rlewpboy, who sells Sunday papery,
aa high a seat in his heavenly kingdom as will be award
ed to this Sabbath committee, consistipg of Horace Holden,
Norman White, or Daniel Fanshaw. This last named
gentleman used to work jackasses to drive his printing
presses on Sunday, is direct violation of the command•
ment especially exempting tdat breed of animals from ill
boy on the Sabbath.
The Orthodox Frieeds hell the first of their open Yearly
Meetings yesterday, to the Orchard strut meeting house,
and the attendanee-wu unusually large. The Friends say
that the recent revivals of religion has not been withou t
its good effect in brisling in new unreels to their belief.
though of all Christiaa sects they do least to make prose
lytes to their Leith, believing that its good effects should
be shown rather in their lives than in the mambos that
throng the meeting houses. The Orthodox ate not as nu
morons in this city es the Ilicksites, and the meeting of
yesterday showed that the vanities of this world are ma.
king quite as peat an Inroad into Quarter traditions among
the former as the latter.
The published report of the Tariff Investigating Com
mittee makes a great noise in "corruption circles" here.
It makes certain Black Republicans blacker. than ever, and
occasions • regret that justice has not sent them Li the
Penitentiary, instead of letting them run louse to renew
their swindlings ander cover of "shrieks fur keodom."
Clothing fabrics of home manufacture area looking up in
price, In the book market there is nothing wort!. boars
tog ; • good many good things are held back for better
times. ERIE.
par The proposition which was broached in the Loui
Ilan Legislature, to introdu..e African coolies into that
Butte, has been denonnord by alert, all lb. journals in
the State. Some of the papers assert (het it was the
absurd hoax, that the Louisianians were actsally landing
cargoes of Africans for their plantations, witich Induced
the British cruisers to overhaul every Anionic/in vessel now
a the Gulf. After swallowing Georgia bias, a genuine
John Bell can swallow any merit= absurdity, especi•
ally if It reflects upon the c is ter and standing of the
( se
people and their lestiostions.
Iss,.. The Cliardog pereocrat\ en Tives anaccoacit of the
killing of Tyres Cieleld at A , entirely different
from that which we published a week or two since. It
says that the statement against the characters of the ladles
of the bogs, where he was Wieder, wholly teouted by the
citisebs, and that the universal sentiment of the citizens
of Auburn is that whoever shot Mr. Canfield was fully jus
tified in morals as well as law, if he was shot by any per.
son Inside of the house—of which there is a serious
doubt. ..,
pir Ws see by Ow Ominiiiirios that the people of tii •
rard me Midas belles stays to Itrevide themselves with i
eemetery. A meeting was held oa Saturday last to eon
eider the matter.
OPIIIIIIIO.—A M l f wild extensive usortmeot of Dry
Geode, eelleeted expertely for tbis market, is now opening
to the DOW bending el N. MVRPILY, WI the Dimond, rml
join,sebrattra 111041. The proprirtor, Mr. W.O. Bat.t.,,
jr., has hoes for engsgod in the business to
so adjoialag Count* sue comes among us . vith a well.
swud retetoilos at et bee toes s ISMS and gen': maim. We
welcome Vile as a el. D. sad bespeak fur * Aare of
the pobik permeate..
Ds. *M. el/brewed Law wait Tkrooi !qtr.'.
ciao. of litisto, haw Now gesboad, baying otwagios w
visit ;agleam 1• Ws laity lan Walwooday will receive
Nab at Browny Mottop fres 11 to 6 o'clock. Re newer
fade to effect a permaritst can of CAMARO!, dm moult forms
of 77areet a 4.0.111 # .114 Is *shiftily semessfel in Como r e•
woe. Re is the tom Mar of Medicated lohalatlos,!ood big
system bqap the trintmeat of time diseases near or
vita to perfeetioa. Opee ors Wednesday ma, Juno %b.
—A 1 theanaiveriaapretieg of the No re Twig Magdalen
SociiiY. had last treek t etatisties was promised showier
the bightfel iseseses eCosestitatioas is that city. Frost
this it weight appeal that there are, trial* three utiles of
the Cur nail, set Ina s.t tie recognised hoaxes of 111
faces, eciataiater et
~ '4.000 abuiliceted feasalee. The
Pones Wares Apo a whole aasits ,* f profeessdly
diseelite wows la 16 milli& be shati of 26,000.
111111 . 01V1V/114111211GTON.
the Prans.itnulip , :e
WAsifilt N, Silky it .
Ibe olcilifient in re - to the
coutift es web* and is a real
ilbenikpf anart4. T ebate th 9 nate
yesterday, which was participated in by all shades
and factions, shows conclusively the condition,
the beitirross - and swills.- osodisioa, or
character, of the public mind As the debate
shows, it is confined to no party or section The
extreme Southern men and the extreme Northern
men, fur the nonce, stand ou the same platform
—and pledge themselves to stand by the Exce
eutive in every and any emergency, not only so,
but they are willing to clothe the President with
full power to put an end to these insults and
outrages—tbese aggressions upon our rights--
and them whenever our - rights shill be again
violated, let the wrongs be inmantfy avenged on
the spot.
Mr Toombs was for taking the bull—John
Bull—by the borne. He wanted something
more than pledges or securities that belligerent
acts should not be committed in the future—r
satisfaction for what has been done already. If I
these proceedings have taken place under the
-auction of Brite-h authority—and there is no
question in my mind but they have, for Lord
Napier does not deny it—in fact he Amite it—
we should resist them by force, and do it with,
out delay. We should do more; we abouli con
, fer full power and authority upon the Executive
to send a sufficient force there, to seise these
I vessels, and bring them and their crews into the
port of New York. Instead of asking the Go
vernment of Great Britain to apologise, we had
better put ourselves in a position for them to ask
us to apologise, provided they feel aggrieved at
o'ir action Great Britain has kept up these
aggressions upon our commerce for a long series
of years, and it is high time that it should cease
The instructions under which the British vessels
aro acting were given by Palmerston, more theft
eighteen months ago Palmerston at the same
time addressed a letter to Lord Napier upon the
subjeet He asked his Lordship to inquire of
our Government whether we (the U. ft ) were
ready and willing to cooperate with England to
suppress the slave trade—and also what method
or course of policy the United States ebose to
pursue and put a stop to this, as he alleged, in
human traffic' . General Cass informed his LlM
ship, in the recent letter, the exact position the
United States intended pursuing upon this sub
ject But that letter, I understand, did not
satisfy his Lordship, and he has been - grumbling
and growling ever since The recent debate in
the Senate will act as a settler upon the nervnue
ness and squeamishness of my Lord, and lie will
probably "simmer down" or "dry up," upon
this knotty question The next steamer may
bring dispatches which will place this whole
question in a new and different aspect
The President will appoint during the week,
a Treasurer in the Philadelphia Mint, in place
of Itr Sturgeon, who, I understand, ha.: recent
ly resigned The appointment will probably be
taken from the interior of the State
The Director of the Mint will not be'ebanged
at present—Col Snowden, the preleut- incum
bent, has never indicated a desire to rerign
, The Philadelphia appointments will be eon
firmed next week The statement that Governor
Bigler is or has been opposing their confirmation
is a wilful and 'deliberate Week Republican
falsehood He is friendly to Most of the ap
pointees, and will oppose no man that the Presi•
dent nominates from Pennsylvania, however
obnoxious some of them may be to him and lis
Congress and Paraguay
Venn, t 6• N': New..
it will be seen by the dispatches irons Wash,
ington, that the House has promptly passed the
Senate's resolution by the large vote of 115 to
79, authorizing the President to , otope/ Para
guay to 'fake a satisfactory apology fur the in
sults given to the Water Witch This is right,
as far as it goes; hut there are twenty or thirty
just such cages as this, and are also of daily 00
currence in the Gulf, which require the prompt
action of Congress quite as much as this single
case. Because the one was the act of a weak
Government, and the others of a powerful one,
was no reason, we trust, for clothing the Presi•
dent with power to resent-insults to our tisg coign
witted by the Government of Paraguay, sad
withholding from him such power ea-.•
these English outrages!
No more forcible argument than the passage
of this resolution could have been. prey.• cited for
the passage of a Bill similar to that of Senator
Douglas', clothing the liresident with full power
to act in all emergencies or sudden and unellled
for attacks upon our flag, soil or property by any
foreign powers. There is no danger, as some
have suggested, of such a power being abased,
for no Executive would dare to make use of it
unlesathe clearest necessity existed forit; and if a
President can not be intrusted and clothed with
power Which will enable him to protect our na•
tional honor and punish instantly any aggres.
Bien upon our rights, we had better be without
Take the very cue of Paraguay A more
gross insult could tint have been perpetrated
The 'Water Witch was on the peaceful mission of
exploring and surveying the Paraguay River,
when the commander suddenly found hut move
toents obstrUcted and his ship-fired into from ti
battery ou the banks of the river This was two
years ago or more, and Congress has, atter ti t ,.
affair ham nearly passed from the-memory of oar
people, authorized the President to resent the
insult! when had he at the time been clothed
with the flower suggested in the bill before the
Senate he would at once have ordered a vessel to
take summary vengeance on that Government
on refusal to make apology for the insult
And it is just such with wh:ch the Eteetitiee
should be clothed. It is the prompt and sudden
punishment of all-iosulta or aggressions that will
make us respected as well as feared, and this can
only be done by lodging the power in the hands
of some one person, and that one should of course
be the Executive Head of the nation, who would
be held responsible for the manner be performed
the delicate duty intrusted to h is b an d s w,,
should find that the complaints would almost in
variably be that the Preisideut, fora the time be•
ing, had not shown &efficient energy and prompt.
ness in punishing the aggressor, and ti,it that ho
had abused the power by going tiki far or doing
too moll
BAD ErraCT4 or BRANDY,—The Cleveland
Review says that on the Monday .Express train
of the Cleveland & Erie Railroad, bound east.
ward, a passenger made himself very obnoxious
by his attempted familiarity with', the ladies, and
it required great exertion on the part of the Con
dilator and several others to keep him within
bounds. He had with him two bottles of brandy,
and presented every appearance of being injured
by excessive and long °optioned use of liquor
Men were stationed to wateh him, and otiee when
be attempted to leave the car they resisted, and
he commenced drawing from his pocket a pistol.
A blow in the face from one of,the men brought
him into more moderation, tbo pistol was taken
from him and he sat down. He afterwards
moved and sat by a gentleman passenger, and
seemed inclined to be quiet. ; and the Conductor,
thinking the man might be - afraid of him, and
wishing to remove all sources of disquietude, left
the ear. He bad Namely gone, when the men
ran to the-door and jumped off the train, which
was then running at the rate of twenty-five aisles
au hour. This waa near Ashtabula. The train
was immediately stopped, aid the man was seen
running across the fields.- He afterwards found
refuge with some Germans in Ashtabula.
—A few days ago • eouviet mead Duke pc/wasted Lim.
eel( at Use ladiarta pestiteatiary, wad regueeied atlmittarkee.
Be ta4l.esesped • short time previous, and, liadtuir it es.,
ceedingly outlaying to be ecdopellid to dodge about the
country, Was artijoelk i to serve ~oat Ws time, so that be
might return to Mi, peace. li. boa bat * few
tomtit', more to ewe. An flirt will be e3ade to here
him pardoned by lb* Governor.
The Great garyland Cat gpse. ::
-i-,..., th. WnWagtail on i ~
Sumo few years ago,tatentl nof fyl
conceived the idea that ins fort co
be realized by jibe re gof k for
sake of their a a pri lk tile;
the plan was th lity pi the
male together and preventing them from wander
itjuLf as their activitl, assisted . IlLtir genetrat , _
ng qttairtien of their claws, would enable diem
to defy any enclosuie; and at last, after much
thinking, the idea euggi itself to his mind
that water was the outy barrier that the cats
would not pass. Being in salon ti an island
that appeared to be jut suited I,T the experi
sant, be found all obstaelea to Abe success et his
plan removed, and net about orgaaising the aft
He employed an agent, and put out a cireu'ar,
in which be stated that be would give 30 much a
bead for every black cat that outer; be gut This
advertisement was circu!sted through all the
&matte,' bordering upon the Chesapeake Bay,
and the nrgroes gat hoW of It In a very short
time all the black (AO through theme counties
were stolen by the negriitat, and sold to the agent,
whii bad depots established at different convr:ni
ent points Old lathes missed their favorite cats,
and mourned them as dead—but the negroes, iu
cited by the price offered, :spared none Thu•
one hundred and fifty black cats were collected
and transported to the island; and the agent took
up his abode there, like another Robinson Crusoe,
as t•upt rintendent and guardian of th•• eats The
animals appeard to enjoy themselves vastly when
first put on the island, and spent their time in
either playing with each other, or hunting birds
or ground mice, but at last their game ("tiled
thew, and, having nu other supply of food, they
became hungry' and desperate, and roamed about
the island to large bands, yelling for food Thi y
at last became dangerous, and the agent wrote to
his employer a statement of these farts, aecompa
uisil by a request to know bow he was to feed
them Ile wrote back for the agent t set a couple
of Legroes to work to etch and open oysters fur
the cute, which...order was,carried out. The cats,
having no - alternative but oysters ur starvation
before them very naturally chose the former; but,
not accustomed to such unnatural lots], a
•foie, of cholera broke out atnougst thi_w, and
one halt +bed This calamity drove the SttrYIV
MA, and they either eumtuttted suicide, nor
in of desperation swain to the main laud
iluy rote• they disappeared, and were never
heard of more
I he agaut then wrote again to to hie employer
to acquaint biro with the result r 1 till new treat
meat, which new Wll4 accompanied by a molest
ra c ut•:, t for the payment of hi, wager:— for thni
expel anent occupied the [spare ut upward 4
'a year The latter writs to indignant at the con
duct of both agent and the 0314, that he flatly
refit•od, and the coust gimlet: of his refusal way
a suit brought I.) the ago ut to r.-cover hit wages
This out ba. Lien .let. tided fir sowe two year+,
and durinv it. 1.3%, Lei-ouse nequalut
eel with the f4cts
,‘, f ar s . tlu th,. ) ry the gpe vu l a t i o„ wet
it was a magnificent idea, The skin of the tAaok
cat is worth in Boston fifty cent. The cats, 1
am told, cost the agent Just that sum It was
supposed that they would increase t,'n fold per
annurn 'l'heu tir-t year, nuurber of ea t s ,
1:a); second year, 1,51 W, third y,•ar,
fr o n t whit ti there c.,uld be obtained toms
tot sale, briuging 8'2,300, and leaving 10,000
stock eats remaining, which at the above Fitt.) of
increase, would give the fourth }tar the cuor-
M 0124 sum of 1041,00 cats upon the island, after
which all the surplus over and ahoy,. the last
number, were h, be caught to box trap}, and the
skin sold to Boston furriers 'Phis stock
01141 cats were to produce .ne million per annum,
and the revenue consequently to be dt rived from
the island would he in the tictglibiriessi of Kato,
Doti per annum
THY. ILE-SALK tiF Tilt CAstst.i —Tr, tilde, it
seems, has already commeuved in reference to the
re sale of tlio State canals by the Sunbury a nd
Erie Railroad Company flo Tuesday night last,
it is understood, the Railroad Company sold the
North Branch Division to no assoeiattou ~ f geo
tlemen, some of wheat rends on the Ime of the
canal, and others in this city and at New York,
for one ntahost mot ,1 half dollars.' the payment
being secured, as we ar informed, by a lien ou
the works thernselvis This sale is contested by
another association of capitalists, who•have been
in treaty for the smile works, and who allege that
they offered the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Cum
puny half a million more than the sum for which
they have boeu sold, namely —tiro poi Ilit,ns or
0',511,11-: one hundred thousand dollars in cash,
one hundred thousand dollars annually for five
year., and fourteen hundred thousand dollars se•
cured by a lien on the line of the works The
result of this disappointment by the two million
party, has bean an application to the "Cou r t s f or
restraining any further at two in the premises
until the parties can be heard in open Court nu
the merits of the complaint On the appheatiou
of Wm M Meredith and St George Tucker
Cowbell, Escis , Judges Sherwood and Hare
hove grouted the application, and fixed the 7th of
June next for the argument on the validity of
the alleged sale We have not the law of the
Legislature authorizing the conveyance of the
canals to the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Compa•
ny now before us, but, if we remember rightly,
it stipulates that if a greater sum than 83,504),
Otto is realized by the company for all the canals,
75 per cent, or s00:10 specithol proportion of the
excess, shall go to the State To prevent there
being any excess, eollusion is alleged between
the buyers and sellers, hence this application for
all injunction ---
The pa-sage of tho Paraguay resolution by the
11,w will enable the President to take decided
measures tlr compelling Lopes, the tyrannical
an d e x e ,f um v e dictator of that State, to respect
our right., and probably secure for us important
commercial privileges in that quarter Should
Lopez resi-t the demands of our government a
war will folio*, without further action on the
part of Congress
The spectates upon the suhject J f the lirlash
aggressions by Senators Hammond and Critten
den were of a eonscrvative ebaravi. r; but neith
er will oppose rigorous uteasurev for obtainin g
redrew, after DIY Dallas has been beard from
The Adtninio — ratiou desire the pagsage of Ma
son-'s resolutions, without amendment.
Lord Napier has sent a special m••s•cnger to
Halifax, for the immediate• despatch of *govern
went ve.o‘ol thence to Jannsics, with intelligence
of the IletWO of our Senate, and the state of pub
lie feeling in tins country These despatchesare
!lent to Admiral Stewart, as suggestious for his
guidance only till he can hear further front the
English government The Admiral was at for
mutla, in the flag %hip Indus, on the ISth lost
AN INJU:4TICE ItEemato—Tars titer Bout:
SYSTUIt—W bile all good citizens are heartily rejoie
ed that the attempts of Mayor Tieruann, in his task
of purifying our coy from the many nests of varn•
pires, preying upon the credulity of the public,
have been attended with good result', wo !egret
LO learn that a moot resretAble firm has been
somewhat daniaged in their fame, frail an errone
ous implication as to the legality of the distiocts
ive features of its business conduct. We are in
formed that many, who are unacquainted with
the local reputatieu Mes , re Evans & Co., the
booksellers, of 677 Broadway, have unhappily
confounded their establishment more popularly
known as the "Gift Book Store," with the nefa
rious and fraudulent speculators, it was the aim
of our chief magistrate to eradicate. mis
take originated we presume, in some of these bo
gus concerns having adopted the peculiar title,
which, from having been first adopted by Evens
k Co , tied by them popularised during three
years of übpreeedented !peyote, way be regaxded
as their own properly / fr in the light of a trade
- The boainess operations of Frans g Co., have
not oily bean ollaracterited by extreme liberality
to tits public!, but are abundantly seooaded by
the most prominent publishers of this city sod of
Philadeiphia sad of Boston. Fearing that an.
igiper..lool allgis I b,1141.11ert4 nil) 4 ., 4
• r l iiirgrily g• 1„ , . 4.,
Isn, / 1, rby A: is. .41 .Ii•,
Sampsou 4 u'l ' I a., k r:1 :
igi v evrty ••••
n. b
e y, I,ut of the h. e,
t Matti rte me a CIO, ily Ihru,
geminate good and whol, :„.
mut, t
JatLiaog alalaitt . lasso born taw.:
the intention of our Ma) or a nd
than to itsclode t 1, reputable , aud
ed house in their scheme of civic
nil reports, which we av,
have been circulated by invidious 0
rer , pi‘ct to the illt•Aaitty of the 4y , ,,
them employed, are fabrications di.
ev e n from implication. T• meet to,
of thi4 character at t tt eery ODE& tof t
pal prosecution, Evans 4. Co , tourtt:
ination of their affair 4 ss a
promptly declined front appr. ma i ,
known and sterling rharnet4 r NVL,
ing offenders against the swop -sty ti
are too apt to neglect distinetior o
veterate criminals and innoc, at v,
some injury has Lien indicted upon t,
standing of Evans Si. Co., a „ hut i s,
and the public that all impr,
gality or fraudulency of ti:, , r
should be at onee dispelled by m-t
public denial of the slight, -t f
cbarges —A' .Ifer, rs , ti, ,
der Thomas Ap Caisby
States Navy, diel ou Sunday
residenco in Georgetown, D
indicates, Commodore J w s
scent He was a laatit.• v irgait ,
born in the year 17'49 11 , ! entorvcr thi
a midshipman in the year I ` f ):.,•atrt re
eonamission am a Captain in 1821; 11,
bruught prominently into pubh ,
yrar l"14, at the time whet' the
expedition against New Orleans
Borgne Commodore Jones, then ix
had command of a division of five
carrying '22 guns aol 1138 meu
floes Lust he was appointed to inkr,
ed of 40 ur barges or boat, Ludt for
al duty, ea' ryiog 49 guns and pia r
Bred men After a gallant rese.tan e•
Atueilican wa, compelki to
Lieut. done , having been early tioveU,,
His conduct in the affair was noi•
mended That the victory iva=
the British, is proved by the Let li;t ,
as officially reported, was 91— m , v ,- t h an
number of Anierkans enga 4 , (1, asiLi
mast — witnesses of the r, th- 1044
to tiace
been ?An) or 41111
S 1 . 2 COMIU4SiOre .1„u.3 Lad
thr Partfic squadron. and 'in !
buunuonell IL" iI • IT,
,urrender, Which ht. did •!,
of that ytsat
The nl•zt day, c..ttiti)...l.r. ,
that he had Livia etitirdy a
tuati , , , n which be rvecivel . 1/ if J war
that Mexico eontcmplat••.t
to Great Britian
50013 a. IL.. DeSSA Of I
W:l4 recalled and h.O
engaged In active service,
CutualaLld of the l'aeita sytia,l
the indt.etept Litt well mow
)n a tirde f r,
vu.petid.4l from strytee f“r a .tiu , *
10, np m !Ise IL - scrc I L ,r !
N .**Cr d L.•
-1,61 a• ..1 r. lud I w
Li. I.rt tlin r. 141 IL
itrg : N
\ 111,, \i,
cart ...t
tit 'I II t
I , wL n t
011 it rk
t r , 11(, 1 ri,,
(' i,uga au I \l , ll •••
Ara , . aLllairg I he gut , i, .41,1 ithi•-• I,lr,
%%•• d ti..wards the
' wh apponr,d C orr., , , 4 r,
attention paid to Lau. lie
%love Wit() Ital. near him, au I r , • ,, vt , 0-speetahle
speetahle and , '
more . 0 , than tit ir,L •u'r'un(rd ll
lie visited tl. tl.. ,", atal
tool hid Sea: (.. 1;11 - Pt . t
able interest It • ,
od the none,. : r. 11,1 a
whom •••;epi • ,1
not' with bitu Vit Ili 1. .1';
introduet,ous ail •, In 1
13 in .1- id pro-en:to r t r 11l a'
tertal uud ()pp
r )lelicury aottni: '1 1 , a.- .:
the pve%t itec of tb , •
Ii manner 1. co .1 and I
good I w-ttlii u.' 1, -lir e , ,
member oi l'Arliament
I am tol.l, to dine with 111- .
leaves the oity lam ,i-t
could be so lotatuited a , t tat
Townsend, or to attempt ,1, I,'
MoRE llEtalsti Ot TILV.
the following ileliateri, vchi r
AmitNtyroN, June 1, I '
here that reliable infirmato.:, Ii
that a British erui,er had :J r,,
vessel, and that oat. tbatl SCI•
currence is sat I ri tal: n p:are
la. It is furth rn, rc that
States steanwr I
THE i \\iißt
brig Abram, fr int S rt tntila for Na,L
to off Key Wc•t ,ii the .:h uir ,
for it pilot, in r,ler t.i laud
their way t,) New 1: Cis %la 'liar,.
boat elute and t .1. of Ili,
brig stood on her e•
under weigh the Slyt, ipOC
Key West, weigbe2 4taf
the curse taken by 11, i,n r 151
ned thick stream nr aura th'vc l ;
of the int' nuuus of her e,,aitria3 , l'
examine the brig, which
in American water 4, '
no result will known u
brig in New York Sh..nht tbc
Liken and searched th,
otipris,l by the Britt.b
starting trim um!, r Cu°•
[urtrr•ns to •4'arelt au .11n,f1.4u
can waterg Tho 0 run, ii,
understand, rxprk-- t r
Key \Vest, 114
coldoe.,s to him-e't
self by affirming %FL
hie instruction'
per_ Mr Lent ,
ed L'liaryii
rug hours ,if Mr I'
coutiaued th, r t.,; , •
Mr. Fi .41, I .
his father, acid , A hi) ir,, •
mediately afr, r
an, and the 1 i"
the Departini•tic f•
effeet when hi.
is uocierg'oid
are titisirousi..l \l'
ed fur thia a- I : nail. ,
to hi.; faith with `, •
the hientrehj ~ t l u,.
of the Journal II(atl -3,1"
tire friend. ,
%lint put , . or, roar lbell'Ort 13.
tritiou, surf!
give, utal th,, 11, •,' :
fluVor for sir vsto,,! I,P's
In gymnasium. eibL , v
Cannot ewe 1:1 1
beef awl ~ i tt I• • •
the grave by adv. r:...vaea.,
tifiers "